Financial security at the enterprise. Information support of the financial security of the enterprise

In modern conditions, the management of the system for ensuring the financial security of enterprises is carried out through the mechanism for managing the financial security of the enterprise. The stability of the work of enterprises depends on the effectiveness of mechanisms for ensuring and managing the financial security of business entities. The mechanism for ensuring the financial security of enterprises is part of the management mechanism, and the mechanism for managing the financial security of enterprises is part of the system for ensuring the financial security of enterprises. A number of approaches to covering the financial security of business entities from different angles of economists do not fully determine the mechanism for ensuring the financial security of enterprises, and there is still no systematic understanding of the mechanism for ensuring financial security, taking into account the temporal spatial configuration, can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the mechanism for ensuring financial security of the enterprise with the loss of the aspect of the possibilities for changing the external environment and at the wrong time adapting to its modification. Determination of the mechanism for ensuring the financial security of enterprises is impossible without the use of various methods and approaches to managing the financial security of enterprises. The management of financial and economic security at the state level was studied by I. Ivanova. A. Kirichenko, V. Vernut, A. Sukhorukov.

So, security management at the macro level was dealt with by A.I. Sukhorukov also believed that the problems of economic security are exacerbated in an open economy. The main tasks of the state are to identify threats, measure the level of their danger, implement adequate measures to prevent and eliminate threats, as well as the negative consequences of their influence. To prevent financial risks, it is necessary "to closely monitor traditional problems, as well as to study the problems arising from the intensification of the processes of reforming the national economy, regionalization and globalization of the world economy, and the internationalization of financial flows."

The national security of the state is regulated by the system of law, the laws of political economy and political science, is closely related to the categories of territorial unity and inviolability, aggression and coercion, economic independence and economic sovereignty, and the like. At the same time, the national security of a state can be viewed as a subsystem of international economic security.

The objects of national security of the state are: man and citizen - their constitutional rights and freedoms; society - its spiritual, moral and ethical, cultural, historical, intellectual and material values, informational and natural environment and natural resources; the state - its constitutional order, sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability.

The effectiveness of the legal impact on the management of the financial security system depends on the current system of legal norms: the international economic system; national security of society; state economic and financial security; financial security of the enterprise, (Figure 6.7)

Rice. 6.7. Legal and regulatory framework for financial security in Ukraine.

There are many approaches to the mechanism of ensuring the financial security of an enterprise.

So, N.N. Poida-Nosik believes that the mechanism for ensuring the financial security of an enterprise should cover the issues of diagnostics, the choice of optimal financial levers and methods, as well as mandatory control over the financial activities of the enterprise.

1.1. Bilomistna, V.E. Khorechko believe that the main component of the financial mechanism is control.

T.V. Klimenko proposes to classify elements for building a mechanism for ensuring the financial security of an enterprise: objects, subjects, threats, financial interests, principles, tools (methods, criteria and indicators, financial levers, tools), legal and information support.

According to Yu.B. Lavrova, at the heart of the mechanism for ensuring the financial security of an enterprise is a systemic combination of certain tools, methods, levers and information and analytical support created on the basis of the principles of ensuring financial security, objectively exist as economic patterns, and are also produced by the subjects of management of the economic security of the enterprise to achieve and protect financial interests of the latter.

Today, in conditions of uncertainty, in addition to assessing the financial security of an enterprise, it is also necessary to carry out its management, which should be carried out comprehensively and systematized on the basis of collecting information, processing, generalizing, monitoring, controlling, and implementing a number of preventive measures.

Therefore, a number of domestic scientists consider not only the mechanism for ensuring the financial security of enterprises, but also the mechanism for managing this complex process. A component of the mechanism of providing a mechanism for managing the financial security of enterprises.

A.V. Raevneva considers not only the provision, but also the mechanism for managing the development of the enterprise and believes that it is "a more active part of the management system, provides the possibility of targeted development of the enterprise and is a set of management tools that include tools and levers that meet benchmarks, expected consequences, criteria selection and assessment, the limitations and requirements of the enterprise development process, taking into account a certain stage of its development cycle; organizational and economic management methods, which are methods, techniques and technologies for activating and using controls. "

I. Ivanova puts forward the following financial control strategies: a system of goals, directions, tasks, tools and measures, which, in combination, should ensure the practical implementation of the set goal. It is necessary to create a mechanism to counter external threats. The system of state financial control should be based on internal control and management of the enterprise.

According to Yu.G. Kim, the place of financial security management in the general hierarchical enterprise security management system is as follows: enterprise security management, enterprise economic security management, enterprise financial security management.

The management of financial security as an integral part of the economic security of an enterprise depends on the reasonable use of methods for assessing its level as a base and a control tool and the task of benchmarks for planning and implementing the financial and economic activities of the enterprise.

L.V. Shostak, A.A. Go believe that the mechanisms for managing the financial and economic security of an enterprise should be viewed as protection against various existing threats. The object of the financial security system is the stable financial condition of a business entity in the current and future periods. The specific objects of protection are resources: financial, material, informational, personnel. A.P. Mishchenko believes that financial management of enterprises should be carried out on the basis of absolute and relative values. He emphasizes that indicators of the input information on which the process should be based

strategic management and planning of the financial security system of enterprises.

Under financial and economic security management mechanism you can consider the set of states and processes that make up management to counter hazards, threats and risks. As components of this mechanism, the principles, methods, management functions, the management system and management decision-making should be considered.

The structure of the mechanism for managing the financial security of an enterprise includes the following elements (components): a set of financial interests of the enterprise, functions, principles and methods of management, organizational structure, management personnel, management techniques and technologies, financial instruments, criteria for assessing the level of financial security.

IN AND. Grushko, L.A. Koshembar, S.M. Laptev approach the mechanism for managing the financial security of an enterprise from the point of view of tax optimization, since "the mechanism for improving the system of financial security of business entities, stimulating entrepreneurial activity and investment activity is possible only in the context of determining the main changes in the composition and structure of the country's tax system."

Ο.Λ. Kirichenko believes that the mechanism for managing the financial security of an enterprise is a set of management bodies at all levels of the enterprise, operating on the basis of regulatory documents, technical means of ensuring the management process, organizing formal and informal relationships between internal subjects of management in the process of planning and taking measures to counter internal and external threats.

E.P. Kartuzov believes that the elements of the mechanism for managing the financial security of enterprises are analysis, a system of indicators (indicators of the financial performance of an enterprise), an organizational structure that deals with financial activities, financial instruments and technologies, organizational, economic, socio-psychological and legal management methods.

B. Andrushkiv, Yu. Ya. Wolf, P.D. Dudkin, N.B. Kirich, L. Ya. Malyuta, T.L. Mostenska, A.A. Sorokovsky, I.P. Sivchuk, 1.1. Financial security is not steadfastly distinguished as a separate category, therefore, they approach comprehensively the management of enterprise security from the point of view of the economic security of the enterprise. They believe that "the enterprise security management mechanism is an objective sequence of actions to ensure the economic security of the enterprise. [C, pp. 78-79]

Financial security management is organically included in the overall security management system of the enterprise, representing its most important functional subsystem, which ensures the implementation of management decisions mainly in the financial sphere of its activities.

In fig. 6.8. the place of management of the financial security system in the security management system of the enterprise has been determined.

Rice. 6.8. Place of management of the financial security system in the security management system of the enterprise

The totality of the object and the subject of management in the activities of the economic security services of the enterprise forms a management system, which includes: a management mechanism (goals, functions, tasks, principles and methods); a set of organizational management structures (types of security subjects, types of organizational management structures, management levels, personnel, etc.); processes of ensuring financial security as actions and interaction of elements of the mechanism and management structures using financial security support plans, special solutions for situational, non-standard problems, etc.). The effectiveness of financial security management of an enterprise is ensured by the implementation of a number of principles reflected in Fig. 6.9.

Rice. 6.9. Basic principles of managing the financial security of an enterprise

1. Systematic construction - the principle, which determines that the management of the financial security of an enterprise should be carried out systematically. There should be a clear identification and relationship of goals, objectives of management, objects and subjects, the choice of effective mechanisms for the implementation of management decisions.

2. Integration with the general financial management system - reflects the integration of the financial security management of the enterprise with other systems of management of its financial activities.

3. Focus on the strategic goals of the financial development of the enterprise - the tactical goals of the enterprise should not contradict the strategic goals. The implementation of this principle should be implemented taking into account the financial philosophy of the enterprise, which determines the main strategic parameters of the financial development of the enterprise and the formation of a system for protecting its priority financial interests.

4. The complex nature of management decisions that are formed - the management of the financial security of an enterprise should be considered as an integrated management system that ensures the interdependence of balanced management decisions, each of which contributes to the protection of the financial interests of the enterprise from internal and external threats.

5. High dynamism of management - when managing the financial security of an enterprise, it is necessary to respond quickly to changes in the external and internal environment at each stage of the enterprise's development life cycle. In the process of development of the subject of production and economic activity, the system of its priority financial interests may change.

6. Variability of approaches to the development of individual management decisions - preparation of each management decision in the field of ensuring the financial security of the enterprise should have alternative solutions. The selection of one or another alternative solution in a specific situation of the masses is based on a system of criteria determined by financial philosophy, financial strategy or a specific financial policy to ensure the protection of the financial interests of the enterprise. The system of such criteria is established by the enterprise independently.

7. Adequacy of response to specific threats to financial interests - the system of financial mechanisms that is used by the enterprise to neutralize threats to financial interests is associated with the cost of financial resources. The level of these costs is in direct proportion to the number and scale of use of such mechanisms. Neutralization of threats to the enterprise should take place depending on the real threats and the need to neutralize them.

8. Adaptability of the financial security system, which is being formed - the system of financial mechanisms to neutralize threats to the financial interests of the enterprise should provide the necessary level of flexibility in managing its financial security.

9. The effectiveness of the decisions made - Evaluation of the effectiveness of decisions made related to financial security is achieved by comparing the level of achievement of financial interests and the volume of expenditures of financial resources for alternative options for management decisions.

10. The legality of management decisions that are made - the entire system for obtaining the necessary information data, as well as mechanisms for ensuring the protection of financial interests from various threats must be legitimate. The principles are considered as the basis for the organization of the financial security management system of the enterprise.

Table 6.4.

The tasks of managing the financial security of an enterprise, which characterize its priority financial interests

1. Growth in the level of return on equity (level of financial profitability)

1. Financial support for the growth of the amount of net profit of the enterprise

2. Formation of the required volume of financial resources of the enterprise from internal and external sources

3. Ensuring sufficient financial stability and solvency of the enterprise

4. High level of investment activity and investment efficiency

4. Ensuring the required volume and level of investment efficiency

5. Ensuring the reduction of financial risks

6. Ensuring the timely introduction of modern technologies and organizational management systems into the practice of financial activities of the enterprise

7. Fast and effective overcoming of obstacles that arise in financial crisis situations

7. Ensuring a quick and effective way out of the enterprise from the financial crisis

For more effective management of the financial security of an individual economic entity, it is necessary to take into account its individual characteristics, belonging to a specific industry, administrative-territorial unit.

A diagram of the relationship between the financial security of an enterprise and its financial condition is shown in Fig. 6.10.

Rice. 6.10. Diagram of the relationship between the financial security of the enterprise and the financial condition

Within the framework of the financial security system of an enterprise, management objects are specified in the context of individual tasks of this management, ensuring the protection of specific financial interests.

The systematization of the main objects of management of the financial security of the enterprise is presented in Table 6.5.

Table 6.5.

Systematization of financial security management objects of an enterprise in the context of its main tasks

The tasks of managing the financial security of the enterprise

Objects of financial security management of the enterprise

Ensuring the growth of the amount of net profit of the enterprise

enterprise profit

Formation of the required volume of financial resources of the enterprise from internal and external sources

Sources of formation of financial resources of the enterprise; capital structure of an enterprise

Ensuring sufficient financial stability and solvency of the enterprise

Enterprise cash flows

Ensuring the required level of investment efficiency

Real investment of the enterprise; financial investments of an enterprise

Ensuring the reduction of financial risks of the enterprise

Financial risks of the enterprise

Ensuring the timely implementation of innovative technologies and organizational management systems

Enterprise financial innovation

Ensuring a quick and effective way out of the enterprise from the financial crisis

Enterprise financial crisis

The management of the financial security of an enterprise as a management system is characterized by the presence and certainty of the subjects of management.

Table 6.6.

The main functions of managing the financial security of an enterprise

Functions of financial security management of an enterprise as a management system

Financial security management functions enterprise as a specialized management system

1. Formation of effective information systems that provide alternative management solutions

1. Development of a strategy for ensuring the financial security of the enterprise

2. Analysis of the financial security of the enterprise

2. Management of enterprise profitability

3. Planning the financial security of the enterprise

3. Management of the formation of financial resources of the enterprise

4. Development of actions for a system to stimulate the implementation of the adopted management decisions in the field of ensuring the financial security of the enterprise

4. Management of the financial stability of the enterprise

5. Implementation of effective control over the implementation of the adopted management decisions in the field of financial security of the enterprise

5. Management of investment activity.

6. Financial risk management.

7. Management of financial innovations.

8. Anti-crisis financial management.

In the function of managing the financial security of an enterprise as a management system:

1. Formation of effective information systems that provide alternative management solutions. Determination to lose in the volume and content of information, processing of internal and external information, monitoring of information flows of the enterprise.

2. Analysis of the financial security of the enterprise. The analysis of the financial security of the enterprise, its structural divisions and individual business operations is carried out.

3. Planning the financial security of the enterprise. Development of short-term and long-term plans for ensuring the financial security of the enterprise. The basis for planning is strategy development.

4. Development of actions for the system to stimulate the implementation of the adopted management decisions in the field of ensuring the financial security of the enterprise. Formation of a system of incentives and sanctions by financial managers upon completion of tasks to ensure the economic security of the enterprise.

5. Implementation of effective control over the implementation of the adopted management decisions in the field of financial security of the enterprise. Creation of an internal control system at the enterprise, definition of a system of control indicators and control periods.

In the function of managing the financial security of an enterprise as a specialized management system:

1. Development of a strategy for ensuring the financial security of the enterprise. Formation of a system of short-term and long-term goals in the field of protecting the financial interests of the enterprise, the tasks of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise are determined. The strategy of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise is considered as a component of the overall strategy of the enterprise.

2. Management of enterprise profitability. Growth in the amount of net profit per unit of use of equity. The level of profitability of the enterprise is estimated in relation to the average rate of return on capital in the financial market, the identification of reserves for increasing the amount of the company's net profit in the future period.

3. Management of the formation of financial resources of the enterprise. The need of the enterprise for financial resources to ensure its development is determined, the structure of the sources of their formation is concretized.

4. Management of the financial stability of the enterprise. Ensuring the financial stability and solvency of the enterprise in the process of its development, optimization of the capital structure and assets of the enterprise, the balance of certain types of cash flows.

5. Management of investment activity. The level of investment attractiveness of individual projects and financial instruments is assessed, the investment program of the enterprise is formed.

6. Financial risk management. The main financial risks inherent in a particular enterprise are identified, the level of realization of these risks and associated losses is assessed, a system of actions is formed to minimize risks.

7. Management of the formation of financial resources of the enterprise - the need of the enterprise for financial resources to ensure its development is determined, the structure of the sources of their formation is specified.

8. Anti-crisis financial management. The monitoring of the financial state of the enterprise is carried out, in order to timely diagnose the symptoms of the financial crisis, the scale of the crisis state of the enterprise turns out, the forms and methods of using the internal mechanisms of anti-crisis financial management of the enterprise are determined.

Table 6.7.

Systematization of the main internal mechanisms for managing the financial security of an enterprise in the context of its priority financial interests

Priority financial interests of the enterprise

The main internal mechanisms for ensuring the financial security of the enterprise

1. Growth in the rate of return on equity

1. Financial leverage

2. Minimization of the weighted average cost


2. Adequacy of financial resources that are formed at all stages of enterprise development

1. The choice of an effective mechanism for the amortization of assets.

2. Attracting the required amount of loan capital.

3. Financial stability of the enterprise in the process of its development

1. Optimization of the capital structure.

2. Optimization of the asset structure.

4. High level of investment activity

1. Optimization of the real investment program

2. Optimization of the portfolio of financial investments

5. Effective neutralization of financial risks

1. Elimination of risks.

2. Diversification.

3. Hedging

4.Risk allocation

6. High innovative level of financial activity of the enterprise

1. Introduction of modern financial instruments and technologies.

2. Implementation of effective organizational systems

7. Fast and effective overcoming of crisis financial situations at the enterprise

1. Debt restructuring in the course of enterprise reorganization

2. Reorganization of the enterprise

So, mechanism for managing the financial security of an enterprise is a set of the main elements of influence on the process of development and implementation of management decisions to ensure the protection of its financial interests from various threats.

Financial security of the enterprise

The financial security of an enterprise is stable protection of production and financial activities from real and potential external and internal threats in order to ensure its sustainable development in the current period and in the future. Ensuring financial security is possible through the introduction of a controlling system at the enterprise.

Controlling the financial security of an enterprise is a systematic work on the formation of an information base, monitoring financial security, timely identification of threats of its loss and making operational decisions to neutralize them.

Controlling the financial security of an enterprise is carried out on the basis of a previously developed algorithm, which includes the following main sections:

1. Formation of an information database

2. Monitoring financial security

3. Identification of threats of loss of financial security

4. Making operational management decisions to neutralize threats

5. Control over the implementation of the adopted management decisions in the field of financial security.

The step-by-step execution of work for each of the listed sections in the proposed algorithm reflects the procedure for controlling the financial security of the enterprise. Let's characterize each of the above sections.

1. The formation of an information database is the collection and processing of material for subsequent transformation into initial data for calculating the financial security indicators of an enterprise.

2. Monitoring of financial security involves a systematic assessment, analysis and internal control of the values ​​of indicators ("control points") of the financial security of the enterprise and their threshold values.

3. Threats of loss of financial security are identified based on the results of monitoring based on the identification of compliance or inconsistency of the actual values ​​of "control points" for the enterprise with the safe values ​​of indicators.

4. Making operational management decisions to neutralize threats of loss of financial security includes the development of measures to bring the “dangerous” values ​​of the “control points” of the financial security of the enterprise to a “safe” level.

5. Control over the implementation of the adopted management decisions in the field of ensuring the financial security of the enterprise is associated with the assignment of responsibilities and authorities to perform the relevant functions for individual services or financial managers.

The source of information on the basis of which the controlling of financial security is carried out is the accounting (financial) statements (Forms No. 1 "Balance Sheet" and No. 2 "Profit and Loss Statement"). In this regard, this type of controlling must be carried out on a quarterly basis, i.e. for each regular date of preparation of new reports.

Financial security is measured by certain indicators. Of great importance are not only the indicators themselves, but also their threshold values ​​(limit values, non-compliance with which leads to financial "danger").

To select a system of indicators for monitoring the financial security of an enterprise, the methodology for analyzing the financial condition of organizations and the "golden economic rule" of enterprise development are used:

Profit growth rate> Sales growth rate> asset growth rate> 100%.

For each indicator, its safe and dangerous values ​​have been identified.

The threat of loss of financial security is a real or potential possibility of the manifestation of the impact of various factors on the financial development of an enterprise, leading to certain economic damage. Among the main threats to the financial security of an enterprise are:

The threat of loss of liquidity of the enterprise, monitored using the current liquidity ratio;

The threat of loss of financial independence of the enterprise, reflected by the coefficient of autonomy and the value of the leverage of financial leverage;

The threat of reducing the efficiency of the enterprise, the loss of its profitability and the ability to self-sufficiency and development. To prevent it, it is proposed to use indicators of return on assets and return on equity;

The threat of aging of fixed assets due to the "consumption" of the depreciation fund. It can be tracked by the level of investment depreciation;

The threat of unsustainable development of the enterprise as a result of non-compliance with the "golden economic rule" controlled by comparing the relationship between growth in profit, revenue and assets;

The threat of a build-up of debts due to a slowdown in the collection of receivables, monitored by the indicator of its turnover;

The threat of using ineffective credit policy in terms of receivables and payables, when existing overdue obligations of buyers entail an increase in the company's debts to creditors. Such a threat is identified using the ratio of the turnover of accounts payable and receivable;

The threat of insolvency of the enterprise is reflected by the indicator of the sufficiency of funds. This indicator is used instead of the current solvency ratio as the most effective in ensuring financial security;

The threat of reducing the profitability and market value of the enterprise - opens when determining the indicator of the weighted average cost of capital in comparison with the return on assets of the enterprise;

The threat of destruction of the value of the enterprise - monitored by the indicator of economic value added.

Thus, the "control points" of the financial security of an enterprise are the limiting values ​​of the following indicators: current liquidity ratio, autonomy ratio, financial leverage, return on assets, return on equity, enterprise development rate, profit growth rate, revenue growth rate, asset growth rate, accounts receivable turnover, accounts payable turnover, adequacy of funds in accounts, weighted average cost of capital, economic value added. The methodology for calculating these indicators and their safe values ​​are presented in table. 1.1.

Table 1.1. Control points of the financial security of the enterprise

"Checkpoint" of the financial security of the enterprise

Safe value

Methods for calculating the indicator

Current liquidity ratio of the liability

Working capital / Short-term liabilities

Autonomy ratio

Equity / Balance Currency

Leverage of financial leverage

Borrowed capital / Equity capital

Return on assets

More inflation index

Net profit / Balance sheet currencyPh100

Return on equity

More return on assets

Net profit / Equity P100

Depreciation investment level

Gross investment / Depreciation charge

Profit growth rate

Higher revenue growth rate

Net profit at the end of the period / Net profit at the beginning of the period

Revenue growth rate

Higher asset growth rate

Revenue at the end of the period / Revenue at the beginning of the period

Asset growth rate

Assets at the end of the period / Assets at the beginning of the period /

Accounts receivable turnover

Revenue (net) / Average annual receivables

Accounts payable turnover

More accounts receivable turnover

Cost of goods sold / Average annual accounts payable

Adequacy of funds in accounts

Actual availability of funds in accounts / (Annual payroll with deductions Ch30 / 360)

Weighted average cost of capital (WACC)

Less return on assets

Cost of ownership of capital P Share of equity + cost of borrowed capital P Share of borrowed capital P (1-Income tax rate)

Economic Value Added (EVA)

Net operating income after taxes for the period - Net assets at the beginning of the period H WACC

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The success of the company directly depends on the degree of protection of the company's finances. Local and global financial crises, hostile takeovers, unscrupulous partners - all this can undermine the activities of the company. Management of financial resources, cash flows of the company is one of the key elements of the entire system of modern management, which is of particular priority for the current conditions of the Russian economy. For this, it is necessary that entrepreneurs and managers of various levels know the theory of financial security, its structure, objects of financial security, main dangers and threats, quantitative and qualitative indicators for assessing the level of financial security, methods of factor analysis and, which is especially important, the main directions of ensuring security, and also knew how to translate into practice theoretical provisions. Financial security is understood as the ability of the economic system (business entity) to develop in a planned manner, while maintaining its financial and economic stability, liquidity and ability to expanded reproduction. financial security threat enterprise

Relevance of the topic: ensuring sustainable growth of the enterprise's economy, stability of the results of its activities, achieving goals that meet the interests of owners and society as a whole are impossible without developing and implementing an independent enterprise strategy, which in a modern economy is determined by the presence of a reliable system of its financial stability and security. The effectiveness of the activities of economic entities in a market economy is largely determined by the state of its finances, which leads to the need to consider the problems of ensuring the financial stability and security of an enterprise.

Even with a high profitability of the business, insufficient attention to the problems of financial stability and security of the enterprise can lead to the fact that the company becomes the object of a hostile takeover. On the other hand, the growth of business rates causes a higher dependence of the enterprise on external sources of financing and, possibly, a loss of stability and independence in making managerial decisions.

Thus, the relevance of the study is caused, firstly, by the need for a comprehensive scientific analysis and development of a system of indicators of the financial security of an enterprise, identifying factors (threats and dangers) that lead to the loss of financial security in order to select and justify measures that counteract this trend, and, in -second, to determine the optimal financial strategy of the enterprise, aimed at achieving its sustainability in the short and long term.

The purpose of this work is a theoretical substantiation of the financial security system of an enterprise and accounting and control of the provision of a financial enterprise in the short and long term.

The subject of the research was the methods of achieving financial security by the enterprise in order to form the optimal financial strategy of the enterprise, the object of the research was LLC "TRIO", the main product was the medicinal-table water "Chazhemto".


Financial security is a complex, multi-level functional system in which the interaction and confrontation of the vital interests of the individual, social groups, society, and the state, opposing both internal and external threats to these interests, continuously occur. In this system, at least six levels should be distinguished:

a) the individual and his family;

b) the total employee of the enterprise (organization) and the relevant industry;

c) the subject of the Russian Federation, its population and its life support system;

d) the country as a whole;

e) international (large) region;

f) the world economic and financial system.

In accordance with the content of financial security, it can be argued that its provision in modern conditions is aimed at achieving such priority goals as: maintaining and improving the financial, budgetary, tax, monetary and banking systems; on their basis - the entire economy, the preservation of independence and the prevention of the seizure of the economic sphere by foreign capital.

When determining the criteria for financial security, one can first of all single out a system of indicators characterizing the macroeconomic state of society:

Measuring the results of the economic activity of the state - GDP;

Indicator of employee income and gross profit of the economy - GNI;

Inflation rate;

State debt;

The state of gold and foreign exchange reserves and the stabilization fund;

The indicator of the cost of living of the population is the consumer price index;

Characteristics of the state of the economy - the scale of reproduction;

The indicator of the health of the economy is the size of the shadow business;

Employment of the population - unemployment rate;

The state of the state budget in terms of revenues and expenditures;

The state of the material base of production - depreciation of fixed capital;

Characteristics of the potential possibilities of the national economy - the rate of growth of production,

Investment dynamics, etc.

The financial and economic interests of any society are not a simple sum of the corresponding interests of its subjects, but their internally differentiated unity, which determines the satisfaction of the needs of society as such and its existence. Although such common interests are often not recognized, they are objective in nature, taking various forms of manifestation: either society is developing, or with an erroneous awareness of common interests, it slows down its development to the point where it disintegrates.

Therefore, the national public interest has its own content, not reducible to the interests of individual social groups and subjects of a given society. Its implementation is exclusively the prerogative of the state. But such an understanding of financial and economic interests as national would be incomplete, due to the fact that it does not reflect the interests of the subjects of a given society. The interests in question are closely related to property relations, which determine their specificity and nature of manifestation. In the conditions of private property, the interests of the subjects of society are largely isolated, but due to their mutual dependence, they interact with each other and the above-mentioned special interests. This is due to the fact that here the aspect of interests comes to the fore, which is associated with the preservation of the life of society, with the maintenance of a dynamic balance of its interests. The progressive development of society is associated with the existence and activity of social groups, strata or classes that play a leading role in social production. Thus, their interests are included in the system of national financial and economic interests.

The realization of the entire wealth of the content of national interests is associated with the development of their subjects, to the limit to the level of the whole society, and the formation of public interests. In the modern world, this happens within the framework of mixed social systems. The condition for this is the process in which "social-class criteria are blurred and replaced by relations between strata and groups of people that are formed on the basis of a plurality of social criteria and factors and therefore partially intersect, integrate, and have high social dynamics."

Revealing the content of national financial and economic interests in the modern economy, it can be stated that they correspond to the conditions of a mixed society and a multi-structured national economy. National interests include, along with the financial and economic interests of society as a whole, the interests of different social groups and represent a certain unity.

So, financial security is a concept that includes a set of measures, methods and means to protect the economic interests of the state at the macro level, corporate structures, financial activities of business entities at the micro level. At the macro level, financial security is the ability of the state in peacetime and in emergency situations to adequately respond to internal and external negative financial impacts. Financial security reflects the state and readiness of the financial system of the state for timely and reliable financial support of economic needs in amounts sufficient to maintain the required level of economic and military security of the country. Financial security is achieved by activities in the financial sector and in related areas: monetary, economic, social, international financial, etc. Therefore, the concept and strategy of financial security should be reflected in the concept and state strategy of economic security, in economic, budgetary and monetary policy, etc. The financial security strategy must also ensure that the main national security objectives are achieved.

The main goals and objectives of ensuring the financial security of both the state and the company: determination of factors affecting financial and production activities, their formalization; building a system of restrictions to eliminate unintentional and deliberate impact. The creation of a financial security system is a heuristic process that consists in solving multi-criteria tasks that require the participation of highly professional specialists in various fields. For companies, the development of a financial security strategy is part of a development strategy through which its leaders solve two of the most important tasks that constitute a trade secret:

1) development of new and (or) modernization of existing methods of promoting products and services in the commodity and financial markets, allowing it to optimize the flow and distribution of cash and equivalent funds, taking into account the balanced distribution of various kinds of risks and methods of covering them, the search for an optimal corporate capital structure ;

2) building financial management in a market environment characterized by a high degree of uncertainty and increased risk.

The most important aspect in solving the problem of ensuring the financial security of a company is building an optimal structure of its capital based on generally accepted ratios, which allows optimizing the company's debt management and methods of attracting additional funds in the financial market.

1.1 Financial security tools

The main problem in the implementation of the concept of financial security of a company is the lack of approved and standardized methods of covering various kinds of risks, as well as the formalization and description of the structure of the risks themselves. As a system of financial security, it also includes a set of tasks to eliminate the conflict of interest between the subjects of the financial market infrastructure at the state level and company divisions at the corporation level. Among the approved methods and means of eliminating conflicts of interest - a clear construction of document flow and control over its observance; strict distribution of access rights of various subjects and departments to information; hierarchy of powers, as well as the establishment of conditional barriers, the so-called "Chinese walls", with the help of which employees of various economic entities and their divisions with a potential conflict of interest are separated in time and space. Separately, the problem of security is solved when transferring data over local, distributed or global networks from accidental or deliberate change, destruction, disclosure, as well as unauthorized use. The system of measures taken should be transparent - the introduction of security mechanisms should not disrupt the normal operation of the entire system; delays in the data transfer process introduced by software and hardware security tools should be minimal; transmission reliability should not be reduced either. At the same time, the security means themselves must be protected from unauthorized access. Means and technology for protecting computer networks (protective screens, echeloned defense, etc.) have been developed. In order to protect databases, the following are used: backup, which protects data and programs from errors, damage and deletion during failures and various kinds of failures that occur in the system or network; ensuring confidentiality through the use of various technical and mathematical methods, in particular, cryptography, which ensures the secrecy of programs and data that are stored in systems or transmitted over a network; registration of subscribers (users) who have the right to access certain programs and data, which makes it possible to authenticate them. The process of ensuring the safety, integrity and reliability of data processing and storage is understood as a single data protection process. A number of highly developed countries are developing specialized standards designed to protect data. For example, the United States has approved a "private enhanced mail" standard used to encrypt information for both commercial and non-commercial purposes and to make documents look unrecognizable. In order to provide a legal basis, a number of countries have adopted relevant laws.

So, in the United States since 1974, the Law on Secrecy has been in effect, which defines the rules for storing data. Subsequently, in addition to it, the following were adopted: the Law on the Secrecy of Financial Transactions (1978), which restricts access to banking transactions, incl. and for government organizations; The Retention of Information Act (1978), requiring users to be notified when a third party gains access to their records; Electronic Communications Act (1986), which prohibits the interception of data transmitted over a communications network. The National Computer Security Center, NCSC (National Center for Computer Security) is engaged in the development of the concept of data security, where the main work on standards in this area is concentrated. The development of such standards in the Russian Federation is entrusted to the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation (FAPSI) and other authorized bodies. The State Technical Commission of Russia has issued a guideline document "Protection against unauthorized access to information."

The financial security of an enterprise is a complex concept that reflects a state of finances in which the enterprise is able to develop steadily, while maintaining its financial security in the face of an additional level of risk. The conditions for the financial security of an enterprise are: the availability of financial resources for development and solvency, which means the ability of the enterprise to timely repay its obligations and is a consequence of liquidity, profitable activities of the enterprise and effective cash flow management, which allows synchronizing cash receipts and payment of financial obligations.

The system of indicators of financial stability includes ratios calculated on the basis of cash flows, which allows you to identify reserves for increasing the efficiency of using the company's financial resources when developing the financial strategy of the enterprise.

1.2 External and internal threats

The main external threats and threats affecting the loss of financial security of enterprises are as follows:

Purchase of shares, debts of the enterprise by undesirable partners;

The presence of significant financial obligations of the enterprise (both a large amount of borrowed funds and large debts to the enterprise);

Underdeveloped capital markets and their infrastructure;

Insufficiently developed legal system for protecting investors' rights and enforcing legislation;

The crisis of the monetary and financial-credit systems;

Instability of the economy;

The imperfection of the mechanisms for the formation of the economic policy of the state.

Internal dangers and threats affecting financial security include deliberate or accidental management mistakes in the field of financial management of an enterprise associated with the choice of its strategy; management and optimization of assets and liabilities of the enterprise (development, implementation and control of management of accounts receivable and payable, selection of investment projects and sources of their financing, optimization of depreciation and tax policy).

The indicators of the financial security of an enterprise are the limit values ​​of the following indicators: coverage ratio, autonomy ratio, level of financial leverage, interest payable ratio, return on assets, return on equity, weighted average cost of capital, indicator of company development, time structure of loans, indicators of diversification, growth rates profit, sales volume, assets, the ratio of accounts receivable and payable turnover.

In order to create an effective model of financial management of an enterprise, it is advisable to monitor its financial security, which includes the following indicators:

1) the internal (fundamental) value of the equity capital of the enterprise;

2) the market value of the enterprise;

3) the rate of growth of the intrinsic value and market value of the enterprise;

4) comparison of the intrinsic value and market value of the enterprise;

5) comparison of the growth rates of the market value of the enterprise and the stock index.

1.3 Objectives of the financial security system of the enterprise

The objectives of financial security at the enterprise are as follows:

Ensure sustainable development of the enterprise;

Ensure the stability of monetary settlements and basic financial and economic parameters;

Neutralize the negative impact of financial and banking crises and deliberate actions of competitors, shadow structures on the development of the enterprise;

Prevent agency conflicts between shareholders, managers and creditors over the distribution, use and control of the company's cash flows;

It is most optimal for an enterprise to attract and use various sources of financing;

Prevent crimes and administrative offenses in financial legal relations.

These tasks should be solved by the shareholders and managers of the enterprise in order to ensure the safe and effective functioning of not only the elements of the financial system of the enterprise, but also all the elements of enterprise management interconnected with it.

The financial security of an enterprise is determined by:

The level of the deficit of the necessary funds to finance investment projects,

The stability and sustainability of the financial condition of the enterprise,

Normalization of financial flows and settlement relations,

The stability of relations with financial partners (investors, banks, etc.),

The degree of protection of the interests of shareholders,

Providing financial conditions for enhancing investment and innovation activities of the enterprise.

The essential characteristics of the financial security of an enterprise can be presented as follows:

1. Financial security is one of the main elements of the economic security of an enterprise.

2. Financial security can be characterized using a system of quantitative and qualitative indicators.

3. Indicators of financial security should have threshold values, which can be used to judge the financial stability of the enterprise.

4. The financial security of the enterprise must ensure its development and stability.

An indicator of the development of an enterprise is the growth of its theoretical value, and an indicator of sustainability is the financial equilibrium of the enterprise, both in the long term and in the short term.

5. Financial security ensures the protection of the financial interests of the enterprise.

1.4 Financial security objectives

The need for constant observance of financial security is predetermined for each business entity by the task of ensuring the stability of functioning and achieving the main goals of its activities. The level of security of an enterprise depends on how effectively its management and specialists will be able to avoid possible threats and eliminate the harmful consequences of certain negative components of the external and internal environment.

The main goal of the financial security of the enterprise is to guarantee its stable and efficient operation in the given period and high development potential in the future.

The main functional objectives of financial security include:

* ensuring high financial efficiency of work, financial stability and independence of the enterprise;

* ensuring technological independence and achieving high competitiveness of the technical potential of the enterprise;

* Achievement of high efficiency of management, optimal and efficient organizational structure of enterprise management;

* achievement of a high level of qualifications of personnel and their intellectual potential;

* minimization of the destructive impact of the results of production and economic activities on the environment;

* legal protection of all aspects of the enterprise;

* ensuring the protection of information, trade secrets and achieving the required level of information support for the work of all subsections of the enterprise;

* effective organization of the safety of the personnel of the enterprise, its capital and property, as well as commercial interests.

Financial security management functions in a stable existence of an enterprise include the following components:

1. Formation of effective information systems that provide substantiation of alternative options for management decisions.

2. Analysis of the state of the financial security of the enterprise.

3. Development of a system for planning the financial security of the enterprise.

4. Creation of a system of internal control of the financial security of the enterprise.


The strategy for managing the financial and economic security of an enterprise in an unstable existence should include the following components:

Diagnostics of crisis situations;

Separation of objective and subjective negative impacts;

Determination of the list of measures to prevent threats to economic security;

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the planned measures in terms of neutralizing negative impacts;

Estimation of the cost of the proposed measures to eliminate threats to economic security.

The main content of the process of anti-crisis financial management of an enterprise is the preparation, adoption and implementation of management decisions to prevent financial crises, overcome them and minimize negative consequences. A feature of such management is that, due to crisis conditions, management decisions are often made in an environment of declining enterprise manageability. To carry out anti-crisis financial management at the enterprise, a special group of highly qualified managers with special powers is often created.

2.1 The Crisis Financial Management Process

The process of anti-crisis financing of management is proposed to be built according to the following main stages:

1. Conducting continuous monitoring of the financial condition of the enterprise for the purpose of early diagnosis of the financial crisis.

There are many methods that assess the financial condition of an enterprise in order to identify threats of bankruptcy. A problem such as forecasting bankruptcy arose in the advanced capitalist countries after the Second World War due to the growth of bankrupt enterprises. An attempt to create a universal methodology that would fit different areas of the economy seems questionable due to the fact that enterprises operate in different economic conditions.

The choice of indicators of the crisis development of the enterprise

To diagnose crisis situations of an enterprise, constant monitoring of factors causing external and internal threats to economic security is required. For this purpose, in the course of strategic planning at the stage of analyzing the current state and forecasting development, it is necessary to determine the most likely threats to economic security in the future, the nature and direction of their action.

Diagnostics is performed using a number of indicators. The entire system of financial security indicators is ranked by importance on several levels. The first level may include the following indicators of the financial solvency of economic entities:

1. Efficiency of management / profitability of activities /.

2. Solvency and financial stability / liquidity /.

3. Business activity / turnover of funds /.

4. Efficiency of property use / market stability /.

5. Investment attractiveness.

Then a system of priorities of the second level is formed, the indicators of which specify the indicators of the first level. When forming a system of priorities, it should be taken into account that they can be of a different nature for certain areas of ensuring the financial security of an enterprise, for various aspects of the development of financial activities, for certain types of responsibility centers.

Experience shows that the most successful in the business world are those firms that are the fastest in collecting, processing, analyzing information and making decisions based on this. These firms make full use of modern information technology. An increasing number of managers understand that an effective automated system is a complex system that covers all interrelated business processes. An analysis of the available literary sources showed that the vast majority of authors rely on a very large arsenal of economic indicators used in financial analysis to characterize, assess, control and manage the financial security of enterprises. A significant proportion of them were developed and revised in the working order in connection with the implementation of bankruptcy laws. Some authors make additions, clarifications and amendments related to the development of standards and comparison criteria for available indicators. However, it should be noted that such criteria most often have some average statistical values ​​that cannot be used in relation to any particular enterprise due to the many individual qualitative and quantitative characteristics of such an enterprise. It is also useless to use all the available indicators for evaluation.

At this stage, the existing indicators should be more clearly ranked by groups in terms of their importance for assessing financial security.

The first limitation of the selection of indicators is the use of not absolute, but relative indicators that correspond to the comparison rules. They are sometimes called indicators. They have general rules of construction and logic, but for specific use they must correspond to the real characteristics of the object under study, and also be convenient for diagnosing and analyzing the financial security of an enterprise.

In today's economic conditions, most enterprises are characterized by a “reactive” form of activity management, i.e. making management decisions as a reaction to current problems. This form of management gives rise to a number of contradictions between the interests of the enterprise and the fiscal interests of the state, the profitability of equity capital and the profitability of financial markets. One of the tasks of reforming an enterprise is the transition to the management of financial and economic activities based on an analysis of the economic situation, taking into account the setting of strategic goals of activity.

Determination of the size of deviations of the actual values ​​of indicators from the foreseen, normative, planned ones.

At the same time, to identify threats to the financial security of an enterprise, it is insufficient to monitor changes in the above indicators by year for the reporting or forecast period or in comparison with similar enterprises.

Such monitoring does not give a clear answer to how critical the situation is, what is the level of threat to the enterprise. Conclusions are in terms of "better", "worse". It is necessary to compare the actual and forecast data with the normative values ​​that clearly define the parameters of the crisis situation.

The list of threshold values ​​of financial security should be much narrower than the list of indicators used to monitor factors that cause threats of crisis situations in the operation of an enterprise. This list should be necessary and sufficient to reflect the main areas of the enterprise, to identify the most serious threats to financial security.

This list of financial security thresholds and their quantitative parameters may vary depending on the industry sector of the enterprise. Each facility should have its own set of thresholds.

Analysis of the identified deviations, the reasons that caused them, as well as the possible impact of such deviations on the final results of financial activities.

In the course of the analysis, the degree of deviations, which caused them, are established, as well as the possible impact of such deviations on the final results of financial activities. In the process of analysis, the "normal", "pre-crisis" or "crisis" financial condition of the enterprise is ascertained.

In the process of carrying out such an analysis as a whole for the enterprise, the corresponding sections of the control reports of the performers are used. Management personnel must take into account risk and other factors that determine the choice of a particular management decision.

Determination of the list of measures to prevent threats to financial security.

Assessment of the potential capabilities of the enterprise to overcome the threat of the financial crisis (anti-crisis financial strategy of the enterprise) with the analysis:

1) the effectiveness of the system for diagnosing the symptoms of a crisis in the financial development of an enterprise;

2) assessing the internal potential of the enterprise to overcome financial crisis situations;

3) assessment of the possibilities of external financial support of the enterprise in the process of its recovery from crisis financial situations.

2.2 Development of a list of measures aimed at neutralizing the threat of the financial crisis

Depending on the results of the assessment, the directions of action and the possible period of the enterprise's financial crisis are differentiated. A set of measures can be aimed at preventing a financial crisis or mitigating the conditions for its future course, if, due to the active influence of external financial environment factors, it is not possible to prevent a financial crisis. The comprehensive action plan to prevent threats to financial security contains the following main sections:

List of anti-crisis measures;

The amount of financial resources allocated for their implementation;

Terms of implementation of certain anti-crisis measures;

Expected results of financial stabilization.

The main measures aimed at neutralizing the threat of the financial crisis are:

Insurance of financial risks of the enterprise;

Realization of surplus or unused assets of the enterprise;

Taking measures to collect receivables;

Reducing the volume of financial transactions in the most risky areas of the company's financial activities;

Saving investment resources by suspending the implementation of certain real investment projects;

Saving current costs associated with the economic activities of the enterprise;

Assessment of the utilization of production facilities;

Conservation of expensive environmental protection measures;

Transfer of non-production facilities to the balance of city authorities and reducing the cost of their maintenance, etc.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the planned measures in terms of neutralizing negative impacts.

The choice of measures should be aimed at the step-by-step solution of the following tasks:

Elimination of insolvency in order to prevent the occurrence of bankruptcy proceedings;

Restoring financial stability, which will eliminate the threat of a resumption of the financial crisis, not only in a short, but also in a longer period of time;

Ensuring financial balance in the long run.

Implementation of a comprehensive program for the withdrawal of the enterprise from the financial crisis.

Amendments should be made to the law "On bankruptcy", since the amount of debt of 100,000 rubles to start the bankruptcy procedure clearly does not correspond to the present time due to inflation. This will enable enterprises to find ways out of the crisis on their own.

Recently, trends have emerged that negatively affect the economic security of enterprises: takeover of enterprises, violent bankruptcy, the use of law enforcement agencies in resolving corporate conflicts, destabilization of the enterprise management system with the aim of seizing control over enterprises, and others. The beginning of the takeover of enterprises in Russia dates back to the mid-90s of the 20th century, when large banks used the takeover of enterprises in various sectors of the economy in order to resell them. At the same time, violent bankruptcy of enterprises was practiced, which continues to this day. Especially small business becomes the main target for raiders, since small companies simply do not have sufficient resources to protect their interests.

Often, an efficiently functioning enterprise is subject to bankruptcy proceedings, external management, which may result in a change of ownership. A law on the settlement of corporate disputes should be adopted at the legislative level.

Large enterprises often get rid of their unprofitable divisions, selling them to small entrepreneurs or finding the necessary partners among existing business entities and concluding long-term cooperation agreements with them on a mutually beneficial basis.

The proposed methodology for managing the financial security of an enterprise can find real application in the conditions of the formation of a civilized market.

2.3 Indicators of financial security of the enterprise

The key factor for the successful development of the enterprise is competent and professional management, and the main risk factor is the incompetence and dishonesty of employees. In such conditions, the problem of financial stability and security of enterprises becomes extremely urgent and strategic.

The company's financial security strategy should include:

Determination of criteria and parameters (quantitative and qualitative threshold values) of the financial system of the enterprise that meet the requirements of its financial security;

Development of mechanisms and measures to identify threats to the financial security of an enterprise and their carriers;

Characteristics of the areas of their manifestation (areas of localization of threats);

Establishment of the main subjects of threats, mechanisms of their functioning, criteria for their impact on the economic (including financial) system of the enterprise;

Development of a methodology for forecasting, identifying and preventing the occurrence of factors that determine the emergence of threats to financial security, conducting research to identify trends and opportunities for the development of such threats;

Organization of an adequate system for ensuring the financial security of the enterprise;

Formation of mechanisms and measures of financial and economic policy that neutralize or mitigate the impact of negative factors;

Determination of objects, items, parameters of control over ensuring the financial security of the enterprise.

For financial security, it is not the indicators themselves that matter, but their threshold values. Threshold values ​​are limiting values, non-observance of the values ​​of which leads to financial instability, prevents the normal course of development of various elements of reproduction, leads to the formation of negative, destructive tendencies. The system of indicators-indicators, which have received a quantitative expression, allows you to signal in advance about an impending danger and take measures to prevent it. It is important to emphasize that the highest degree of safety is achieved under the condition that the entire complex of indicators is within the permissible limits of their threshold values, and the threshold values ​​of one indicator are achieved without prejudice to others. Therefore, we can conclude that outside the threshold values, the enterprise loses its ability to sustainability, dynamic self-development, competitiveness in foreign and domestic markets, and becomes an object of hostile takeover.

To develop a system of threshold values ​​for the financial security of an enterprise, it is necessary to determine indicators characterizing security and identify their quantitative values.

The state of the financial security of an enterprise can be assessed using a system of indicators. These include:

1. Financial ratios.

2. Condition of accounts receivable and payable.

3. Growth rates of profits, sales of products, assets (table 2).

Table 1. Indicators of financial security of the enterprise


Threshold value


Coverage ratio (current assets / short-term liabilities)

Autonomy ratio (Equity / balance sheet currency)

The value of the indicator must be at least the threshold

Financial leverage level (Long-term liabilities / equity)

The value of the indicator must be at least the threshold

Interest payable security ratio (Profit before interest and taxes / interest payable)

The value of the indicator must be at least the threshold

Return on assets (Net income / balance sheet currency)

The value of the indicator must be at least the threshold (i inf. - inflation index)

Return on Equity (Net Income / Equity)

The value of the indicator must be at least the threshold

Weighted average cost of capital (WACC)

Return on investment

The value of the indicator must be at least the threshold

Company development indicator (Ratio of gross investment to depreciation charges)

The value of the indicator must be at least the threshold

Term structure of loans

Loans for up to 1 year< 30%; Кредиты, сроком свыше 1 года < 70%

The value of the indicator must be at least the threshold

Diversification indicators: - diversification of buyers (share in the revenue of one buyer); - diversification of suppliers (share in the revenue of one supplier)

The value of the indicator must be at least the threshold

Growth rates of profits, sales of products, assets

Profit growth rate> product sales growth rate> asset growth rate

The ratio of the turnover of receivables and payables

Accounts receivable turnover period> accounts payable turnover period

The relationship between various financial characteristics of an enterprise (financial stability, security, flexibility, stability, balance), described by the corresponding sets of indicators, has been investigated. For an integral assessment of the achievement of the strategic financial goals of the corporation, monitoring indicators are required that characterize the financial strategy in unity with the overall strategy for achieving the main goal of the company's business. For financial monitoring, a system of indicators of the corporation value is proposed, which include:

Internal (fundamental) cost of a corporation's equity capital.

Market capitalization of the corporation.

The rate of increase in the intrinsic value and market capitalization of a corporation.

Comparison of intrinsic value and market capitalization of a corporation.

Comparison of the growth rate of the market capitalization of a corporation and a stock index.

The growth of the listed indicators of the value of the corporation will indicate an increase in the financial security of the enterprise. It is important to compare the indicators of the intrinsic value of the equity capital of the corporation and its market capitalization. A significant difference between these indicators indicates that the company's shares are undervalued or overvalued. In the first case, this can lead to the fact that the company becomes attractive for takeover, or this state is caused by ineffective work of managers, due to which the corporation cannot be provided with sufficient investment resources or they are attracted on unfavorable terms for the company. In the second case, the revaluation of shares can hide the financial difficulties of the company, which is a threat to financial security and can lead to bankruptcy of the company.


Ensuring the financial security of an enterprise is the process of implementing the functional components of financial security in order to prevent possible damage and achieve the maximum level of economic security now and in the future.

Let's consider the practical functioning of this financial security scheme. Based on the goals of creating a business, as well as the peculiarities of the national mentality and natural temperament of the top managers of the enterprise, the industry specification of the business and the general economic situation in the markets of this enterprise, the philosophy of the enterprise is formed.

To achieve the goals of this business, on the basis of the established philosophy of the enterprise, its management calculates the needs of the business in various resources and forms a set of corporate resources of the enterprise, due to which it achieves the goals of its business.

The most important stage in ensuring financial security is strategic planning and forecasting its financial security. This stage includes the development of a strategic plan for ensuring financial security. In this document, it is necessary to set qualitative parameters for the use of corporate resources of the enterprise in combination with its organizational and functional structure and the interrelationships of structural units, as well as some quantitative guidelines for ensuring functional components and financial security in general.

After the development of strategic plans for the enterprise, it is necessary to conduct an operational assessment of the level of security and current tactical planning of financial security. The analysis of the level of financial security is carried out on the basis of evaluating the effectiveness of measures to prevent damage and calculating functional and aggregate criteria for financial security.

The current planning of financial security is carried out on the basis of the development of several alternative scenarios for the development of the situation and the calculation of the values ​​of the aggregate criterion of financial security for each of them. After choosing the best option based on the results of calculations and analyzing the rest, operational recommendations are developed for the current planning of the enterprise's activities. These recommendations do not bear, unlike strategic long-term ones, and not only set qualitative guidelines for the current activities of the enterprise, but also contain quantitative targets.

LLC "TRIO" - the company belongs to the field of medium and small business.

The purpose of the business of this company is to make a profit on behalf of and under the legal responsibility of a legal entity. Property liability is determined by the organizational and legal form of the enterprise - a limited liability company. The company makes a profit from the wholesale and small-scale wholesale trade in mineral waters, the main product is “Chazhemto” medicinal-table water.

In the near future, the company's management plans to expand the sales market through monopoly sales of these products. To do this, the firm must oust all competitors from the market.

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, TRIO LLC builds its economic and economic activities based on the possibilities:

acquire in whole or in part the property of state-owned enterprises and enterprises based on other forms of ownership;

to participate in the activities of other economic entities with their property, obtained legally;

use by agreement the property of legal entities and citizens; to hire and fire employees on the terms of contracts established by law;

independently establish the forms, systems and amounts of remuneration and other types of income of persons working for hire;

independently form a program of economic activities, choose suppliers and consumers, set prices and tariffs; open accounts with banks;

carry out all types of settlement, credit and cash transactions;

freely dispose of the profit (income) from entrepreneurial activity remaining after taxes and other mandatory payments;

use the state system of social security and insurance in accordance with the established procedure; to appeal in accordance with the established procedure the actions of state and other bodies that infringe on his rights and interests;

to act as a participant in foreign economic relations in the manner prescribed by law.

Currently, TRIO LLC has the necessary resources to achieve the goals set within its capabilities, determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In order to assess the dynamics of implementation and analyze the sustainability of the enterprise, we will calculate the following indicators:

absolute deviation of sales volumes by years in comparable prices Дyi (chain):

Дyi = yi - yi-1, (1.1)

where yi is the sales volume of the current year;

yi-1 - sales volume of the previous year;

growth rate of sales volumes by years Tr (chain):

Tr = (yi / yi-1) H 100; (1.2)

growth rate of sales volumes by years Тпр (chain):

Tpr = (yi / yi-1) H 100 - 100.

Table Figures 2 and 3 show data for two types of products of TRIO LLC

Table 2. Medical-table water "Morozovskaya" in bottles with a capacity of 0.5 liters

Table 3. Medical-table water "Morozovskaya" in bottles with a capacity of 0.5 l

The obtained indicators of economic security indicate a stable financial position of the company, since there is a steady growth rate of sales volumes over the years.

The analysis of the use of working time revealed the workload of the staff. If the staff is 100% loaded, then the load factor is 1.

From table. 3 it can be seen that in order to achieve the immediate financial goals of the business (and this is the expansion of the sales market), it is not required to increase the number of employees of the company. It is worth noting that for this period the staff is poorly loaded, which indicates problems in the management system: a professional manager should strive to optimize the organization of labor in his company. That means:

striving for 100% workload of personnel;

improving the use of manpower, in particular the rationalization of the use of time by the most highly qualified and highly paid personnel. Such personnel should not waste their time on tasks that can be performed by their not so highly paid subordinates (colleagues).

As a positive factor, one can consider the significant work experience of the management personnel in the field of activity related to the company TRIO LLC.

The resource of rights of the company TRIO LLC is provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The existing legal framework is quite sufficient for this type of business. Also, this company already has practical experience, and the management does not consider it necessary in the near future to fundamentally change the type and area of ​​entrepreneurial activity.

The available resources of information, technology, technology and equipment meet the needs of the company "TRIO" in the course of financial and economic activities. If the company is able to expand the sales market, then these resources can be supplemented, since they are not specific and exclusive. It should be noted that the expansion of the sales market for the company "TRIO" is possible not only in the case of an increase in market share, but also in a situation of growth of this market in Moscow, with the same market share of the company in question.


The success of the company directly depends on the degree of protection of the company's finances. Local and global financial crises, hostile takeovers, unscrupulous partners - all this can undermine the activities of the company.

Management of financial resources, cash flows of the company is one of the key elements of the entire system of modern management, which is of particular priority for the current conditions of the Russian economy. For this, it is necessary that entrepreneurs and managers of various levels know the theory of financial security, its structure, objects of financial security, main dangers and threats, quantitative and qualitative indicators for assessing the level of financial security, methods of factor analysis and, which is especially important, the main directions of ensuring security, and also knew how to translate into practice theoretical provisions. Financial security is understood as the ability of the economic system (business entity) to develop in a planned manner, while maintaining its financial and economic stability, liquidity and ability to expanded reproduction.

The main principle of maintaining financial security is control and balancing of income and expenses of the economic system. The following factors have a significant impact on maintaining financial security.

1. Internal:

Qualification of accounting and financial and economic personnel;

Qualifications and skills of the top management of the enterprise;

Legal support and examination of contracts and contacts of the company;

The effectiveness of the internal control system;

Cash, tax and payment discipline;

Sales and marketing strategy of the enterprise (organization).

2. External:

Legislative and regulatory framework governing economic activities;

Debtors' solvency;

Activity (counteraction) of state bodies and local self-government bodies;

The activity of creditors in collecting debts;

Effective business relations with the financial and banking system (the ability or ability to attract credit resources at the lowest possible price);

Reliability of partners and contractors.


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    thesis, added 11/25/2017

    The essence of the country's financial security. State strategy of economic security of Russia. Regulation and analysis of the results of control activities of the Accounts Chamber. Determination of the maximum amount of expenses for servicing municipal debt.

Protection of financial information. New information technologies in financial management based on modern PCs, on the one hand, ensure a high quality of work performed, and on the other, they create many threats that lead to unpredictable and even catastrophic consequences. These threats include the penetration of unauthorized persons into accounting and financial databases, the widespread spread of computer viruses, erroneous input of financial data, errors in the design and implementation of economic systems, etc. You can resist the possible implementation of threats by taking measures to secure financial information.
The protection of financial information means the state of protection of information and its supporting infrastructure (computers, communication lines, power supply systems, etc.) from accidental or deliberate influences of a natural or artificial nature, fraught with damage to the owners or users of this information.
Information security of financial data in the narrow sense of the word includes: reliability of the computer; the safety of valuable credentials; protection of accounting information from making changes to it by unauthorized persons; preservation of documented accounting information in electronic communication.
The scale of threats to society from theft and distortion of information is enormous and grows from year to year. The damage from virus attacks alone, based on the materials of Computer Economics, has grown almost 30 times in recent years, reaching $ 14.2 billion.
Among the companies surveyed, 313 showed a total damage of $ 52 million from information security breaches. The results obtained can be approximated for the entire US industry: about 140 million employees with an average loss of $ 50 from information security breaches result in $ 7 billion in losses for the United States.
The loss of only 20% of information constituting a trade secret, in 60 cases out of 100 leads to the bankruptcy of the company, and losses as a result of the actions of unscrupulous competitors account for about 30% of all economic damage in the world - this formula was derived by experts from the World Bank, and, unfortunately, it almost always works.
The problem is not limited only to theft of information, as damage can also be caused by unauthorized changes or deletion of information for personal gain, for example, distortion of financial information, etc.
The objects of information security in financial management include: information resources containing information classified as a commercial secret and confidential information presented in the form of financial databases; means and systems of informatization - technical means used in information processes (means of computing and organizational technology, informative and physical fields of computers, system-wide and applied software, in general, automated systems of accounting and financial data of enterprises).
The threat to information security of financial management consists in a potentially possible action that, by influencing the components of the financial management system, can lead to harm to the owners of information resources or users of the system.
All the set of potential threats in financial management by the nature of their occurrence can be divided into two classes: natural (objective) and artificial.
Natural threats are caused by objective reasons, as a rule, beyond the control of the accountant and financier, leading to the complete or partial destruction of the accounting department along with its components. Such natural phenomena include earthquakes, lightning strikes, fires, etc.
Man-made threats are associated with human activities. They can be divided into unintentional (unintentional) ones, caused by the ability of employees to make any mistakes due to inattention, fatigue, sickness, etc. For example, an accountant, when entering information into a computer, may press the wrong key, make unintentional errors in the program, introduce a virus, or accidentally disclose passwords.
Intentional (intentional) threats are associated with the selfish aspirations of people - malefactors, deliberately creating inaccurate documents.
From the point of view of their focus, security threats can be divided into the following groups: the threat of penetration and reading of data from credential databases and computer programs for their processing; threat to the safety of credentials, leading either to their destruction or to change, including falsification of payment documents (payment requests, orders, etc.); data availability threat that occurs when a user cannot access credentials; the threat of refusal to perform operations, when one user sends a message to another, and then does not confirm the transmitted data.
Depending on the source of threats, they can be divided into internal and external.
The source of internal threats is the activities of the organization's personnel. External threats come from outside from employees of other organizations, from hackers and others.
External threats can be subdivided into: local ones due to an intruder entering the organization's territory and gaining access to a separate computer or local network; remote, typical for systems connected to global networks (the Internet, the system of international bank settlements SWIFT, etc.).
Such dangers most often arise in the electronic payment system during settlements between suppliers and buyers, using the Internet in settlements. The sources of such information attacks can be thousands of kilometers away. In this case, not only computers are affected, but also accounting information.
Intentional and unintentional errors in accounting, leading to an increase in financial risk, are the following: errors in the recording of accounting data; incorrect codes; unauthorized accounting transactions; violation of control limits; missed accounts; errors in processing or outputting data; errors in the formation or correction of reference books; incomplete accounts; incorrect assignment of records by periods; falsification of data; violation of the requirements of regulatory enactments; violation of accounting policies; inadequacy of the quality of services to the needs of users. Insecure credentials and financial data lead to
serious shortcomings in the enterprise management system: many undocumented episodes of management; the lack of a holistic picture of the management of what is happening at the enterprise in individual structural divisions; delay in obtaining information that is relevant at the time of making a decision; disagreements between structural divisions and individual performers who jointly perform work, resulting from poor mutual awareness of the state of business processes; complaints of employees of all levels about information overload; unacceptable deadlines for the development and distribution of business documents; long terms for obtaining retrospective information accumulated at the enterprise; difficulties in obtaining information about the current state of a document or business process; unwanted leakage of information due to the disordered storage of large volumes of documents.
A particular danger is presented by information constituting a commercial secret and related to financial information (data on partners, customers, banks, analytical information on market activity). In order for this and similar information to be protected, it is necessary to draw up contracts with employees of the accounting department, financial services and other economic units, indicating a list of information that is not subject to publicity.
In the process of analyzing the financial management security system, it is necessary to determine: what exactly is important for the company (key resources and business processes); what could threaten her; What are the business consequences of the implementation of each threat (reduced income, legal consequences, operational activities, customer and investor confidence, etc.); what are the main risks of the company and what is their assessment in value or quality terms.
The legal regime of information resources is determined by the norms that establish: the procedure for documenting information; ownership of individual documents and individual arrays of documents, documents and arrays of documents in financial management information systems; category of information by the level of access to it; procedure for legal protection of information.
The main principle violated in the implementation of an information threat in financial management is the principle of documenting information. A document received from an automated accounting information system acquires legal force after it is signed by an official in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Information protection in automated accounting and financial systems is based on the following basic principles. Ensuring the physical separation of areas intended for processing classified and unclassified information. Providing cryptographic protection of information. Providing authentication of subscribers and subscriber installations. Providing differentiation of access of subjects and their processes to information. Ensuring the establishment of the authenticity and integrity of documentary messages during their transmission over communication channels. Providing protection against disclaimers and content of electronic documents. Ensuring the protection of equipment and technical means of the system, the premises where they are located, from leakage of confidential information through technical channels. Ensuring the protection of encryption technology, equipment, hardware and software from information leakage through hardware and software tabs. Ensuring control over the integrity of the software and information parts of the automated system. Using only domestic developments as protection mechanisms. Providing organizational and regime protection measures. It is advisable to use and additional measures to ensure the security of communication in the system. Organization of protection of information about the intensity, duration and traffic of information exchange. The use of channels and methods for the transmission and processing of information that impede interception.
Protection of information from unauthorized access is aimed at forming three main properties of the protected information: confidentiality (classified information should be available only to the person to whom it is intended); integrity (information on the basis of which important decisions are made must be reliable, accurate and completely protected from possible unintentional and malicious distortions); readiness (information and related information services should be available, ready to serve stakeholders whenever the need arises).
To ensure the protection of accounting information, obstacles, access control, disguise, regulation, coercion, inducement are used.
Obstacle is a method of physically blocking the path of an attacker to the protected accounting information. This method is implemented by the access system of the enterprise, including the presence of security at the entrance to it, blocking the path of unauthorized persons to the accounting department, cash desk, etc.
Access control is a method of protecting accounting and reporting information, implemented by: identifying users of the information system. (Each user gets their own personal identifier); authentication - establishing the authenticity of an object or subject according to the identifier presented by him (carried out by comparing the entered identifier with the one stored in the computer's memory); authorization checks - checking the compliance of the requested resources and the operations performed on the allocated resources and permitted procedures; registration of calls to protected resources; informing and responding to attempts at unauthorized actions.
Disguise is a method of cryptographic protection of information in an automated information system of an enterprise.
Coercion is a method of protecting information due to the threat of material, administrative or criminal liability. The latter is implemented by three articles of the Criminal Code: “Illegal access to computer information” (Art. 272); "Creation, use and distribution of malicious programs for computers" (Art. 273); Violation of the rules for the operation of computers, computer systems or their networks ”(Article 274).
Motivation is a method of protecting information by observing the established moral and ethical standards in the enterprise team. In the United States, for example, moral and ethical means include, in particular, the code of professional conduct for members of an association of computer users.
The legal force of a document stored, processed and transmitted using automated and telecommunication systems can be confirmed by an electronic digital signature.
When transferring documents (payment orders, contracts, orders) over computer networks, it is necessary to prove the truth that the document was actually created and sent by the author, and not falsified or modified by the recipient or any third party. In addition, there is a threat of denial of authorship by the sender in order to relieve himself of responsibility for the transfer of the document. To protect against such threats in the practice of exchanging financial documents, message authentication methods are used when the parties do not trust each other. The document (message) is supplemented with a digital signature and a secret cryptographic key. Forgery of a signature without knowledge of the key by unauthorized persons is excluded and irrefutably testifies to authorship.
The accountant (user) signs documents with an electronic digital signature using a private key known only to him, transfers them in accordance with the document flow scheme, and the hardware-software system checks the signature. Confidential documents can be encrypted using individual keys and are not available to intruders. The system is based on Russian standards and norms of office work, the practice of organizing the accounting of documents and monitoring the actions of executors in structures of any form of ownership (state and non-state).
The security of financial data makes it possible to: provide identification / authentication of the user; define functional rights for each user - the rights to perform certain system functions (in particular, to access certain document logs); determine the level of confidentiality for each document, and for each user - the rights of access to documents of various levels of confidentiality; confirm the authorship of the user using the electronic signature mechanism; ensure the confidentiality of documents by encrypting them, as well as encrypting all information transmitted through open communication channels (for example, by e-mail); encryption is performed using certified cryptographic tools; log all user actions in audit logs (in the logon and logoff audit log, the log of performed operations).
Forgery of a signature without knowledge of the key by intruders is excluded. When protecting accounting information, the following principle must be observed: if you value information at 100 rubles, then you should not spend 150 on protecting it.
Controls in automated financial systems are placed at points where possible risk can turn into losses.
Such points are called risk points, or control points. These are the points where control will be most effective and at the same time most economical. But no matter how effective the controls are, they cannot provide a 100% guarantee, in particular due to unintentional errors.
Evaluating the effectiveness of investments in information security. The realities of modern business are such that in a market environment, almost any company is focused on maintaining its competitiveness - not only products and services, but the company as a whole.
In these conditions, the quality and efficiency of the information system affect the final financial indicators indirectly, through the quality of business processes. The losers are those companies where information security financing is carried out on a leftover basis.
How to treat investments in information security - as a cost or as an investment? If, in terms of costs, then reducing these costs is an important problem for the company. However, this will significantly alienate the company from solving the strategic task associated with increasing its adaptability to the market, where security in general and information security in particular plays an important role. Therefore, if a company has a long-term development strategy, it usually considers these investments as investments. The difference is that costs are primarily a necessity, investment is the prospect of a payback. And in this case, a careful assessment of the effectiveness of such investments and an economic justification of the planned costs are required.
Investments in information security are necessary and justified, since it is an integral part of the overall security of the organization, which also includes the economic security of business. How to assess the required level of costs for building an effective information security management system (ISMS) and how to minimize risks?
To conduct business in modern conditions requires a balanced assessment when making a decision. Every day every company is exposed to financial, operational or other risks. Its success and stability lies in the ability to withstand potential risks, correctly and timely assess them. To increase the capitalization of the business, the value and significance of the company in the market, serious and constant investments are required, therefore, in the process of the company's activity, investing in assets with subsequent profit plays a key role, i.e. investing is becoming one of the main areas of financial risks.
The main economic effect that the company strives for by creating an information security system (ISS) is a significant reduction in material damage due to the implementation of existing information security threats. The return on such investments in the development of the company should be quite predictable.
Most methods for assessing the effectiveness of investments in information security are based on comparing the costs required to create an information security system and the damage that can be caused to a company due to the absence of this system.
When deciding on investments, the obtained value is compared with the industry average, or the project with the best return on investment (ROI, the percentage of profit (or economic effect) from the project to the investment required to implement this project) is selected from the available options. Despite the extensive experience in using this indicator, to date, no reliable methods for calculating the return on investment have appeared, and attempts to determine it by analyzing the performance indicators of companies that have implemented certain information technologies have led to the emergence of the TCO indicator proposed by the Gartner Group.
The general model for calculating the total cost of ownership is based on the division of all costs into direct and indirect. Indirect costs, as a rule, are understood as hidden costs that arise during the operation of the information security system. These unplanned costs can significantly exceed the cost of the protection system itself. According to the Gartner Group, direct costs account for 15-21% of the total cost of using information technology.
One of the key advantages of the TCO indicator is that it allows you to draw conclusions about the feasibility of implementing an information security project based on an assessment of costs alone. Moreover, in the case of information protection, a situation often arises when the economic effect of the introduction of information security information cannot be estimated, but there is an objective need for its creation.
Another advantage of this indicator is that the model for calculating TCO includes an assessment of not only the initial costs of creating an information security system, but also the costs that may occur at various stages of the entire life cycle of the system. But, despite this, the TCO indicator, however, like the ROI, is static, reflecting a certain time slice, not taking into account the change in the situation over time. Over time, information systems are constantly changing, new threats and vulnerabilities appear. Thus, ensuring information security is a process that must be considered precisely in time. Therefore, to analyze the effectiveness of investments in information security, it is proposed to consider the possibility of using a system of dynamic indicators based on the method of discounted cash flows.
The purpose of any investment is to increase the flow of funds (in this case, to reduce the amount of damage as a result of the implementation of threats to information security) in comparison with the existing one. When evaluating an investment project, it is necessary to consider all the cash flows associated with the implementation of this project. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the dependence of the cash flow on time. Therefore, future cash flows (damage reduction) should be discounted, i.e. reduced to present value. For this, a discount rate is used, the size of which reflects the risks associated with the depreciation of money due to inflation and the possibility of failure of the investment project, which may not bring the expected effect. In other words, the higher the risks associated with the project, the greater the value of the discount rate. This rate also reflects the overall cost of the loan for investment.
Often, the discount rate is determined by the weighted average cost of capital. This is the average rate of return on capital invested that has to be paid for its use. Usually this indicator is considered as the minimum rate of return that must be provided by an investment project.
Directly to assess the effectiveness of investments, the "net present value" indicator, discussed earlier, is used. When the value of this indicator is greater than or equal to zero, it is considered that capital investment is effective. When comparing several projects, the one that has a greater value of this indicator is accepted, if only it is positive.
Obviously, to assess the effectiveness of investments in the creation of a system for protecting financial information, it is not enough just to determine the indicators. It is also necessary to take into account the risks associated with the implementation of a project. These can be risks associated with specific security vendors, or risks associated with the competence and experience of the implementation team.
In addition, it is useful to analyze the sensitivity of the obtained indicators.
Not all damage from the implementation of information security threats can be unequivocally expressed in monetary terms. For example, inflicting damage on a company's intellectual property can lead to consequences such as loss of market position, loss of permanent and temporary competitive advantage, or loss of brand value. Therefore, quite often, even in the presence of the considered indicators, the decision to create an information protection system is made on the basis of a qualitative assessment of the possible effects.
Any method for assessing the effectiveness of investments in information security is just a set of mathematical formulas and logical calculations, the correctness of the application of which is only a matter of justification. Therefore, the quality of the information required to make a decision on the feasibility of investments will primarily depend on the initial data on the basis of which the calculations were made. A vulnerability in any calculation method is precisely the collection and processing of primary data, their quality and reliability.
In addition, a clear understanding of the goals for which the SZFI is created, and the direct participation of the setter of these goals in the decision-making process is also a guarantee of high quality and accuracy in assessing the effectiveness of investments in information security. This approach guarantees that the information security system will not be an artificial addition to the already implemented management system, but was originally designed as an essential element that supports the main business processes of the company.

Enterprise financial security management system

Ensuring the financial security of an enterprise is based on the concept of a systemic combination of control, planning, feedback and information support functions.

When developing and creating a financial security management subsystem, it is advisable to comply with the following requirements: it must operate continuously; must be well planned; within the institution, not only the functional independence of this subsystem should be ensured, but also its integration into the general system of enterprise management.

The subsystem of controlling the financial security of the enterprise must solve the following tasks: control over the performance of its functions by other systems of the financial security of the enterprise; determination of the causes and extent of the crisis, as well as the results to be achieved in the framework of the implementation of anti-crisis measures; comparison of the achieved results with the expected indicators; determination of the degree of deviation of the actual financial results from the planned; control over the development of operational solutions to normalize the financial activities of the enterprise; assessment of the effectiveness of measures to neutralize the crisis; monitoring the progress of implementation of financial management tasks; ensuring the exchange of information flows between the key subsystems of financial security management of the enterprise.

The planning process for ensuring financial security includes: an assessment of threats to economic security of a political and legal nature; assessment of the current level of financial security; assessment of the effectiveness of preventing possible damage from negative impacts; planning a set of measures to ensure financial security and developing recommendations for its implementation; budget planning for the practical implementation of the proposed set of measures; corporate resource planning; operational implementation of the planned actions in the process of the enterprise's financial and economic activities.

The main purpose of the financial security analysis subsystem is to promptly inform about possible problem areas in the work of the enterprise, as well as assess the degree of their threat. In general, we propose to form the main tasks of the enterprise financial security management subsystems as follows:

  1. Determination of the priority financial interests of the enterprise and ensuring their adjustment, if necessary.
  2. Creation of an effective mechanism for ensuring the financial security of an enterprise, conditions for a prompt response to threats, and their timely detection.
  3. Forecasting trends leading to disruption of the normal functioning of the financial system of an enterprise and its development.
  4. Establishment of the causes and conditions causing financial damage and threaten the realization of the financial interests of the enterprise, disruption of the normal functioning of its financial system.
  5. Timely identification and elimination of threats to the financial security of the enterprise, reduction of risks in its financial activities.
  6. Ensuring the interest of management and personnel in the effective financial activities of the enterprise.
  7. Ensuring the compliance of a certain mission and financial strategy of the enterprise with a set of its priority interests.
  8. Balancing the financial interests of individual departments and personnel with the priority financial interests of the enterprise as a whole.
  9. Creation of conditions for the maximum possible compensation or localization of damage caused by illegal actions of legal entities or individuals.
  10. Carrying out a set of measures to check the business partners of the enterprise.

So, in our opinion, the financial security management system of an enterprise should be a complex of interrelated balanced solutions both in the field of ensuring the protection of the financial interests of the enterprise and in the management of its financial activities. The management system must take into account alternative ways of ensuring the security of the enterprise, and the choice of a specific project must correspond to the financial strategy and the specific financial policy of the enterprise.