Garden paths in the country with their own hands. How to make a path in the country with your own hands? Budget garden paths made of tires

It's nice when the territory of a country house or dacha is refined. To move around it was convenient, you should make paths and paths. At the same time, it is important that they fit into the landscape design, i.e. performed not only practical, but also decorative functions. There are many things to consider here: material, shape and style. A self-made path in the country house can transform several acres of land.

Types of garden paths

Paths and paths in the summer cottage are made of different materials. Almost all known materials used in construction and decoration can be applied. Let's consider the most popular options.

A natural stone. The main differences are natural beauty and nobility. It is worth noting the high strength, which, of course, is a plus, and the high cost, which cannot but disappoint. Using this material, you can lay out a curved path, since stone elements, located in a chaotic order, easily form smooth bends.

Wood. If the landscape design is made in a rustic Provence or country style, then a tree is also suitable for decoration. To preserve the material, it is recommended to use special impregnations and varnishes.

Brick. Common material for the construction of houses and outbuildings. But it is also suitable for the construction of paths in the suburban area. Ordinary brick has an unattractive appearance, so it is better to give preference to special types that look aesthetically pleasing, are not afraid of moisture and low temperatures.

Paving stones and paving slabs. Due to the large assortment and variety of colors of paving slabs, you can lay out the path according to the scheme in order to get a certain pattern or ornament as a result.

A budget option. If laid correctly, the path will last a long time. Plus, gravel will look good in the back of a garden or near an artificial pond.

Concrete. An original concrete path can be made using special shapes. They are made of plastic and are sold in hardware stores. You can make them yourself, having previously familiarized yourself with the technology.

Combinations of materials and installation techniques are recommended to achieve the style matching of the tracks with the surrounding natural and man-made objects. For example, apply stone and colored gravel, wood and pebbles, brick and concrete.

If you want to use color schemes, you should be careful: the selected drawing should harmoniously fit into the landscape design being created and fit in style.

Features of the location of the paths

After you have decided on the material, you should decide how to arrange the paths taking into account the landscape. To make everything look harmonious, you need to take up paper and pencil to draw up a plan and sketches. The process will be facilitated by a computer program for the design of landscape design. There are applications that are designed to design paths and paths. Tips and tricks will help you find the right and convenient route along which you can quickly get to a certain place. At this stage, you should consider such important points:

  • points determine the main places to which you will need to get, and then they are connected by straight or curved lines;
  • all available objects should also be marked in the plan: a gazebo, a greenhouse, a bathhouse, a vegetable garden, a garden and flower beds;
  • it is not necessary to use the same type of paths: on any section, solid and step-by-step, straight and curved options will be perfectly combined;
  • if it rains often enough in the area, then paths should be planned with a well-thought-out drainage system and drainage of water from the edges.

When drawing up a diagram, indicate the varieties of plants and shrubs that you plan to plant. This approach will allow you to quickly decide on the material for arranging the tracks.

Cement leaf path

The most popular are budget options, which can also be original and attractive, like natural stone. If your garden area has a solid and neatly trimmed green lawn, then you should not separate it with a large number of paths. There is a better option in the form of a kind of small path made of cement leaves. It will not be difficult to make it yourself.

Decorative concrete tiles are taken as a basis, which in shape can be not only in the form of sheets, but also:

  • human footprints;
  • geometric shapes;
  • silhouettes of animals.

The list of required materials and tools is quite simple:

  1. Cement mortar (cement, water and sand).
  2. Form (for our option, large sheets of burdock are suitable).
  3. Capacity for mixing the solution.
  4. Rubber gloves (for ease of use).
  5. Master OK.

  1. In a container in a small amount, according to the instructions, the cement mortar is kneaded. Mix thoroughly so that no lumps or air bubbles remain.
  2. The finished thick mass is applied to a previously washed burdock leaf in a small layer of 2-3 cm.
  3. Leave the mold to dry, preferably in the sun.
  4. After the mixture has completely set, remove the sheet and get decorative tiles.
  5. In the process of laying the finished tiles, it is necessary to remove the top layer of sod so that a small hole is formed. The leaf will be placed in it. We repeat the same actions for subsequent elements.

When working, the moment of mixing the cement mortar is very important. The required consistency should be obtained, since too thick a solution will not fit well, and a liquid solution will not retain its given shape.

Brick or paving slab walkway

A more solid path can be made of simple brick, which remained after construction and is lying around idle in a shed or garage, occupying the required square meters. Regardless of how the landscaping is planned, a brick walkway is a great addition.

The whole process of work is divided into several stages:

  • definition of boundaries and removal of the top layer of the earth;
  • preparation of sand and gravel cushion;
  • laying bricks;
  • filling the joints with sand.

The minimum width of a brick path should be 90 cm. The parameter should be calculated based on the size of the brick and the pattern that is planned to be laid out. Pegs are stuck along the edges of the future path and a construction cord is pulled. In the resulting space, a shallow trench is dug out, and the edges are reinforced with boards so that excess soil does not fall off.

A mixture of sand and gravel is poured into the prepared trench, which is then leveled and tamped. After that, it is necessary to cover everything with sand, which is also compacted. In this case, the base will be of better quality, and the track will last longer.

They begin to lay bricks along the boards. Correct the position with a wooden or rubber mallet. To make a border, the outer rows of bricks are laid on the end. The gap between the edges is filled with bricks according to the selected scheme. Constantly check the horizontal position of the bricks using a water or regular level. At the last stage, all the gaps between the bricks are filled with sand. After the track is poured with water and the operation is repeated.

The path of their wooden cuts

Of course, in terms of durability, wood loses to other materials, since it is afraid of moisture, which means that additional processing and protection will be required. However, wood cuts are also popular. With their help, you can fold a decorative path in a rustic style.

When registering, you should adhere to a few tips:

  1. When choosing a tree, you need to pay attention to the diameter of the trunks, it should be from 10 to 20 cm.
  2. Do not discard small branches, as small rounds can perfectly fill the voids between large elements.
  3. You can use flat cuts or hemp.

Arrangement of the path does not take much time and effort. At the marked site, the top layer of sod is removed or a shallow trench is dug. The earth should not be taken far away, as it will be needed to fill the voids.

For the pillow, a 5 cm thick layer of sand will be enough, which is tamped. Prepared stumps are laid out in place, which will allow you to immediately present the final result. The gaps are filled with earth or sand, and fine gravel will also go.

When choosing a tree, you can solve several problems at the same time: decorating the site and getting rid of old sawn trees.

To decide what material to make the paths, walk through the territory. Undoubtedly, you will find old bricks, remnants of cement, and unnecessary trees. Experiment and combine to customize your site.

A photo

The first thing that meets us behind the country gate is the garden path leading to the porch. From it in all directions: to the bathhouse, and to the garden, and to the garage - similar paths and paths run up. It is always more pleasant to walk on a solid, well-groomed surface, especially when the grass is damp from rain or clay soil. Let's forget about designers and try to make garden paths with our own hands, but for this you only need a desire and building material, affordable and inexpensive.

There are no so many classifications - both by material for manufacture, and by location, and by size. We will take a division into views based on the device method.

Garden trails

This is a natural view as the paths appear on their own without special planning. Usually they are trampled by people's feet or rammed by the wheels of garden equipment and serve to connect the most important points of the site - a house, a bathhouse, a vegetable garden, a garden, a gate. The usual unpaved path has disadvantages (mud after rain, puddles, overgrown with grass), so it is possible only as a temporary option. The path, by the way, can also be improved: it is enough to lay out a curb of cobblestones or paving slabs along the edges.

Garden trails are ideal for areas located in dry areas

Backfill paths

They are easy to arrange: a ditch should be dug, approximately 100 mm deep, geotextiles should be laid along the bottom and edges (density not less than 150 g / m²), and the sides should be reinforced with curb tape. It will remain on the finished base to fill in pebbles, crushed stone, marble chips or screenings. If this option seems simple, you can additionally lay stone or concrete slabs on the surface - in an orderly or chaotic manner. For ease of movement, the slabs should be drowned in the backfill so that they are flush with the surface.

Having picked up gravel or crushed stone of different colors, you can decorate the paths or divide them into zones

Solid fill tracks

The durable cover is ideal for heavy loads. Paving of garden paths takes place on a concrete base with further laying on it of decorative elements: tiles, paving stones, natural stone. The use of materials of different colors gives the decor a natural look. It is better if the finished object will rise 50-70 mm above the ground - this will save it from erosion by water and soil sediments.

Slab or stone paths laid on a concrete base are reliable and durable

Use of wood cuts and bars in work

A budgetary and favorite option for summer residents is wooden garden paths. The most popular are two types:

  • using wooden blocks;
  • from wood cuts.

If the climate is dry rather than humid, you can use wooden planks or thick planks, which are easy to obtain at any building supermarket. Better to stay on hardwoods. Equal segments are cut (100 cm long, 30 cm wide and 15-20 cm thick) and placed on a prepared base - gravel or sand.

Each bar should be treated with fuel oil or a special compound that protects against moisture and decay. For the same purpose, liquid asphalt is applied to the underground part of the bar, and sometimes a standard sand cushion is arranged. It is better to lay such combined coatings in the fall, since in the winter the soil subsides, due to which natural compaction occurs.

For paths made of wooden blocks, it is better to use fine gravel or crushed stone

Using cuts of different sizes and colors, you can create unique track variations

Old fallen trees in the country are a real find for craftsmen. By sawing the trunks into pieces, from the resulting elements - cuts - you can make wooden garden paths that look equally good when crossing the lawn or winding among flower beds. Not only trunks will be used, but also thick branches, with cuts from which it is convenient to fill the voids between large elements.

Screening strengthens the individual elements, and the geotextile protects the path from grass germination

In order for wooden products to serve for a long time, they must be treated with hot linseed oil on all sides, it is better to repeat the procedure twice. A piece of geotextile or polyethylene is placed between the saw cut and the ground.

A short master class on laying paving slabs

With the help of pictures and descriptions, you can imagine how to make - noble and durable material.

Irregularly shaped paving slabs look more natural than straight ones

For work you will need:

  • wooden mallet;
  • rubber hammer;
  • stakes;
  • master OK;
  • building level;
  • cord;
  • rake;
  • broom;
  • watering hose;
  • channel;
  • manual ramming.

Materials: paving slabs (50 mm or 60 mm thick), curbstone, crushed stone (fractions 20-50), dry mix for plaster or cement M400 (M500), sand, geotextile.

Now we will consider all the stages of the work. The first step is planning. It includes creating a drawing, choosing a stacking scheme and shape of curly elements, choosing a color (or several colors). At the same time, they calculate the number of tiles (including spare ones) and the consumption of the rest of the material.

There are many schemes for laying paving slabs based on the alternation of products of different colors.

Next, we do the markup. Precision of action is one of the conditions for correct styling. A tape measure, pegs and a cord will help define the boundaries of the work. Sometimes it is necessary to walk along the proposed path in order to understand how it is more convenient to lay it.

For the device of a path from paving slabs, the accuracy of marking and the sequence of work are important

After marking, it is necessary to prepare the base. First you need to cut the top layer - sod to a depth of 20 cm. If the soil is clay, drainage will help. Then you should create a sand or gravel cushion and cement (concrete) screed.

A multi-layer base under the tiles is necessary so that the track is strong, does not settle and does not wash out with water

Geotextiles can be laid between layers of sand and gravel, making the structure more durable. The top layer is a dry mix purchased from a store, or a self-prepared mixture of sand and cement. A layer of mixture (3-4 cm) should be leveled using a rake and a channel.

An even distribution of the cement mixture is carried out using a conventional garden rake.

The channel for leveling the surface can be replaced with a regular wooden beam

Now we are laying the tiles. Laying direction - away from you, so as not to spoil the base. Products should fit tightly, but with a gap of 1-2 mm. Each tile must be tamped with a wooden mallet. Finally, check with a level and trim with a rubber mallet. First, the whole elements are laid, and only at the end the paving slabs are cut and the missing pieces are laid.

For high-quality laying of paving slabs, simple tools are needed - a rubber hammer and a wooden mallet

For ease of laying, first of all, whole products are placed, leaving voids at the edges

The voids along the curb are filled with pieces of tiles of the required size

A border is laid out along the edges, fixed with M100 solution and covered with sand. The seams between the individual elements are covered with a sand-cement mixture, which is then moistened with water from a hose. Add the mixture to the places where it has subsided and repeat the watering. After 2-3 days, the track will be finally ready.

DIY cement paths

7-part video instruction for working with ready-made forms

Natural stone paths: durability for centuries

Spectacular garden paths made of stone can be made from material left over from the construction of a house or home decor, for example, an alpine slide. The picturesque paths are created by the uneven shape and different sizes of stones.

Stones of different sizes and colors are suitable to create a beautiful path.

The first step is to calculate the number of large stones. To do this, they can be laid along the future path. The basis for laying is a cushion of sand poured into a shallow ditch directly on the ground.

It may be necessary to process the stones to join them. A grinder or a more serious tool will help. There are two ways to arrange the finished material: in the form of a pattern (relief, mosaic) or in a chaotic manner, alternating large stones with smaller ones. If you do not hammer the joints between the stones with a cement mixture, after a while they will be overgrown with grass. This option is also possible, it looks more natural.

The diagram shows the approximate thickness of each layer, which should be adhered to during installation.

A combination of different types of stones and plants - an example of a path suitable for a Mediterranean-style site

Stone paths and paths are appropriate when creating a landscape painting of any style.

A modern touch - the use of plastic modules

If there is no time to build a solid stone or tiled covering, but there is a desire to quickly install paths in the garden with your own hands, you can use a temporary option - garden plastic paths. Ready-made modules, most often the same size and color, are sold in the store.

The color of the plastic modules is chosen depending on the area on which they will be laid. Most often these are green or black products.

In addition to the low cost, plastic tracks have other advantages:

  • keep their shape and appearance for a long time, wear out slowly;
  • have holes so that water does not accumulate and go into the ground, that is, they do not form puddles and do not create a smell;
  • plastic is practically not rotting;
  • do not require constant care and attention, they are well cleaned and washed with water from a hose;
  • resistant to chemical attack;
  • quickly assembled and assembled according to the principle of a constructor;
  • they are equally easy to fit on any base - sand, turf, clay.

At the end of the summer cottage, plastic modules are dismantled, washed, dried and stacked in a utility room until next year.

Plastic paths are a good option for creating temporary paths on lawns

Paths at the summer cottage are created not only for practical use, but also for decorating the territory

In addition to the listed options, there are other types of garden paths - brick, from parquet boards, from concrete blocks, as well as all kinds of combined options. The basic rule for choosing material for the track: it should be combined in texture and color with the house and other buildings.

Provides for the creation of tracks. Moreover, the requirements for them are quite serious: they must be reliable, comfortable, functional, beautiful and, very desirable, inexpensive. We will talk about how to make garden paths with your own hands at low cost in this article.

What to make tracks from

Track coverage can be hard or loose. The following materials are used to create a hard coating:

  • Concrete... Concrete walkways are more than just plain gray tape. In addition to the fact that there are dyes and, if desired, you can decorate it. There are also molds for pouring in place. It turns out homemade paving slabs. Another option is to pour small concrete slabs of the required size on your own, then put them on a bedding. See the photo for examples of design.

    And everyone on the farm has molds for such a path - cut water bottles into cylinders, place them as needed and fill them with a solution: nice and cheap
    And this is a concrete track with expansion joints. If you look closely, you can see that stripes are applied across. This is so that the wet surface is non-slip

  • Flagstone. This is a natural stone that has been cut into plates. It is laid on a prepared base (more on this later), the gaps are filled with backfill. It turns out beautifully, reliably, non-slip. It is not for nothing that it is the limestone paths that landscape designers love so much.

    Backfill is one of the important elements that shape the appearance

  • Brick. Ordinary ceramic bricks are a beautiful material, but not for paths. It absorbs moisture, if it then freezes wet, it breaks apart. If you are going to make a path from broken brick, then you can walk along it more or less normally for only a couple of years. Then you have to redo it. The resulting cracks will need to be covered with coarse sand or fine gravel. Clinker bricks will serve much longer on the path, but this option cannot be called low-cost: the cost of one piece is from several tens of rubles.

    These are two types of bricks - ceramic and chipped from granite Clinker brick walkway - beautiful, you won’t say anything ... but maybe too beautiful for a garden?

  • Wood... Such a seemingly unsuitable material, but with proper processing, it can serve for a long time. Moreover, many do-it-yourself wood paths can be classified as low-cost. For example, they came up with the idea of \u200b\u200busing hemp and tree cuts as curbs or coverings. They also make the flooring from well-processed boards - better terraced, but if not, it will work from the old floor.

    The combination with pebbles is comfortable to walk And this is how to make a path from boards

  • Plastic.There are tiles for garden paths made of plastic - polyethylene or polypropylene. It has a square shape and a system of locks, which is attached to one another. It can be laid directly on top of the lawn or on previously trodden paths in the country or on a section of paths. This option is fast and cheap. It can definitely be called "Low Cost". It is better, of course, to make a dump of crushed stone and sand according to the rules, and put plastic elements on top. It's already a little longer and more expensive. There is also an immodest, but very beautiful version of plastic tiles for paths. There is also "garden parquet". These are boards or boards made of wood-polymer composite - WPC (they are in the photo, they look exactly like parquet). This material appeared relatively recently. It looks and feels like wood, but is essentially a mixture of wood flour and polymer. These are very beautiful coatings, but their cost is not modest. Although not fabulous.

    This is garden parquet. Gorgeous, but immodest

  • Pebbles. These are rounded natural stones that can be found on the banks of rivers or lakes. Flatter stones are more suitable for making paths. There are different shades of gray, black, white, sometimes you can find burgundy. From these stones, laid close to one another, mosaic paths of amazing beauty are obtained. But this is an occupation for the diligent and persistent. Those who lack patience may find large flat boulders or large pebbles and place them in the sand. It is not that luxurious, but no less reliable. You can do the same with granite or other similar stones. It is important that at least one face is relatively flat. Put this flat part up, bury the rest. The work is not easy, but it will be possible not only to walk, but also to ride along the path.
  • Materials at hand. Country paths are made from old tires and bottles.

There are also tracks with a poured surface: gravel or crushed stone. Their peculiarity is that with a small layer of 2-3 cm and with sufficient compaction, it is convenient to walk on them. If the layer is slightly larger, bumps are formed when walking, and such walking is tiring. Therefore, as you have seen in many photographs, gravel and crushed stone are used as backfill in which rigid elements from other materials are laid. If done correctly, this is convenient: gravel conducts water well and puddles do not form. Those who do not like gray can be advised to paint it: many designers do this when organizing rockeries.

How to make garden paths with your own hands

It is not enough to know what you can make garden paths with your own hands. You also need to know how to make them right so that she will serve more than one season or two. Laying different materials may differ slightly, but there are several rules and procedures that are repeated in any technology.

First rule: when laying or shaping the pavement, the track is made with a slight slope. If the material allows, a slope of several centimeters is made on both sides of the center. If, for example, a concrete path is poured, then the slope is formed in one direction - from the house, if it is nearby. The slope is made towards the lower part of the site if the track is located on a slope.

Second rule: any coating requires preparation of the base. If you put stones (for example) directly into clay or loam, it will be useful, of course - it will be definitely more convenient to walk, but the stones will "silt" after a while. They will simply be trampled into the clay. With a bedding device, this will take much longer. And if you also make a drainage pillow and a side, water drainage will be even more efficient, and everything will look even more beautiful.

Third rule: The pavement level should be a couple of centimeters higher than the adjacent area. Then the water will quickly drain, it will be more convenient to clean, and cleaning will be required less often: the washed out earth will not flow either during rains or during watering, which is often done along the paths.

Step-by-step instruction

When making garden paths with your own hands, start with the markings. In theory, the dimensions and shape should be plotted on the site plan, and the marking should take place according to the project. But most often everything is done in place. To make the future track more clearly visible, its contours can first be covered with white sand or something similar. If the shape suits you, you can drive in the pegs and pull the twine between them, but you can also work on dumping.

A flower garden or flower bed can be placed along a beautiful path. Read how to do them.

Do-it-yourself beautiful pebble path

If with flagstone, paving stone, brick, everything is more or less clear - everyone has already seen and more than once how this is done, then it is not clear how to lay pebbles with patterns.

Below is a photo report on the process of making a pebble track. The main techniques are visible on it: lines are applied to the leveled sand, along which pebbles will be laid out. If these are arcs, they are made with a thread and two sticks / nails.

Picking up stones, they are laid out on the edge close to each other, slightly sinking them into the sand.

A board is laid on the folded pattern, a rubber mallet is taken and knocked on the board, hammering pebbles into the sand. So the whole drawing is deepened, making sure that the edges of the pebbles are at the same height.

Stones "sink" into the sand

Take a mixture of sand and cement (sand 2 parts, cement 1 part) and fill in the gaps, leveling the layer with a brush.

A fragment of a pebble path is carefully watered so that the backfill does not blur. Wait several hours for the cement to set a little, then remove the excess with a soft brush.

It is important not to miss the moment: the solution should not get dirty, but also become a stone. If you pick it up with your finger, it should crumble. It's time to clean off the excess.

A path of wooden hemp and gravel: video

Old logs or trees can be turned into a beautiful path. From sawn into blocks of the required length, the front cut is polished, all the wood is first treated with a bio-protection composition (you can soak it with used oil). After drying, it is dipped in Kuzbass lacquer and dried again. Then the front parts of the hemp are covered with paint of the desired color - which will protrude outward. They dry it again and only then put it in the sand.

The process is described in detail in the video. It explains step by step how to make garden paths from hemp or logs with your own hands.

We make a concrete path ourselves

The process is generally similar to the one described at the beginning. There are some differences, which we'll talk about.

After the trench has been dug and the bottom is leveled, formwork is installed along it on both sides. These are boards from 25 mm thick (thicker is possible, thinner is undesirable, you can use plywood with a thickness of 16-18 mm). Their height is the height of the track. If you are molding a slope, the boards should be aligned with it - one side a little higher, the other a little lower.

The formwork is set to a level - concrete will be leveled along it

To make the formwork, pegs are driven into the ground with a step of no more than 60 cm. Boards are nailed to them. It is better to smear the inner surface of the formwork with waste or other oil: so that it can be removed easily. Further, crushed stone is poured onto the bottom and rammed. But it is necessary to ram carefully: if you walk along the bottom, there should be no traces.

Further, in order to prevent the path from cracking, a metal reinforcing mesh is laid on the crushed stone. Bar thickness - 4-6 mm, step 5-10 cm. It is sold in pieces, they must be tied together with steel wire.

Then, to compensate for the expansion in the winter, you need to put wooden planks 1.5-2 cm thick. They are placed across the path, set so that the height of the planks is level with the formwork boards. Compensation strips are set at least every 2 meters. More often you can, less often - no. Why do it more often? For beauty. Squares look better than long rectangles.

A concrete solution of a grade not lower than M-250 () is poured into the finished frame. For him, take 1 part of cement, 3 parts of sand, 4 - crushed stone. Everything is mixed into a solution of medium fluidity (thick sour cream) and poured into the formwork. When pouring, make sure that no air bubbles remain. To remove them, the solution is pierced with a pin, shaking it slightly - bayonet. Ideal if there is a surface concrete vibrator - it quickly compacts the mortar, creating a perfectly flat surface. If it is not there, you will have to level it with the rule, using the edges of the formwork as beacons.

After a few hours, after the concrete has set, the surface can be processed. It can be left as it is, you can brush it over it with a stiff brush, making transverse strips, you can finally put pebbles, stones, flagstone, etc. into a not completely hardened solution. It is not very economical, but reliable. After a couple of days, the formwork can be removed, and you can already walk along the path.

Budget tire track

What is not done from car tires: swings, and ... tracks. It's simple: you need to cut off the sidewalls of an old tire, leaving only the tread. How can you cut it off? Grinder. Someone contrives with a knife, but this is only if the cord is not metal.

The projector is cut across to form a path. Then cuts are made on the sides of 15 centimeters - depending on the diameter of the tire. They will make it possible to unfold the rubber.

Make cuts at the bent edges - the surface is still non-linear

In this form, it can already be laid on the beds. Will serve for many years. This one is like a low-cost garden path.

Such a coating will withstand many years of active use.

As you understand, there are a lot of options for how to make garden paths with your own hands. It is impossible to tell and describe about all of them, but we try ...

Neat paths, gracefully winding between green spaces and landscaping, are an essential attribute of any garden. So, if you want your site to be truly well-groomed and complete, in no case should you neglect the paths. Fortunately, for their arrangement, you do not need to spend fabulous sums and attract professional designers - you can make beautiful paths with your own hands, seriously saving both on materials and at work. How? There are many answers to this question, because there are a huge number of types of garden paths that can be laid at low cost. Next, we offer you instructions for the most popular options with accompanying photos and videos - after reading them, you will definitely be able to effectively refine your site.

Original path from wood cuts

Wooden round timber is a very simple but original material for garden paths. Raw materials for them can be found at every site - for sure there are old trees everywhere, which it would be time to replace with new seedlings. It is advisable to use larch or oak - they are the most resistant to external influences, which means they can boast of a long service life. The cuts path is made according to the following scheme:

Council. In order to protect the track from moisture and increase its durability, equip the simplest drainage - pour a layer of fine gravel between the sand cushion and the cuts.

Sturdy stone paths

One of the most durable garden paths is natural stone. Here you can use cobblestone or rubble - they are equally durable. The path is laid as follows:

  1. Mark the garden path.
  2. Remove the top layer of the drain from the area where the path is planned to be laid. The depth of this layer should be 7-10 cm deeper than the height of the largest stone prepared for the path.
  3. Fill the resulting trench with a 10 cm layer of sand, carefully level it and tamp it.
  4. Place stones alternately on the sand cushion, pressing them firmly into the base. The distance between small stones should be no more than 2-3 cm, and between large ones - up to 8-10 cm.
  5. Carefully fill the remaining gaps with cement mortar. When the walkway grabs, backfill the seams with earth or fine sand to make them look more natural.

Classic concrete paths in the country

Concrete is a traditional material for laying paths, which is always popular due to its cheapness and ease of use. Everyone can definitely make a cast track:

  1. Mark the boundaries of the path - hammer in the pegs along its contour and pull the wire between them.
  2. Within the indicated contours, dig a small trench - up to 30 cm deep.
  3. Place a 5 cm layer of gravel and an equal layer of sand on the bottom of the base. Tighten the resulting pillow.
  4. Cover the base with a chain-link or any other thin metal mesh.
  5. Install lumber formwork along the perimeter of the future walkway.
  6. Prepare a grout: 1 part dry cement, 1.5 parts sand, 2 parts gravel and 1 part water.
  7. Pour in a cent and evenly, with vibrating movements, use a spatula to spread the composition over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe track. During installation, pierce the mixture with a twig to eliminate voids.
  8. Using the rule, finish the path and cover it with plastic.

In 3-4 days the track will be ready. All the while, do not forget to gently wet it with water to protect the concrete from cracking and give it maximum strength.

Council. To make the path more interesting, even before the concrete mix is \u200b\u200bfinally set, "drown" various decorative stones, glass or shells in it.

Budget garden paths made of tires

Transport tires have long been widely used in the dacha economy: they make flower beds, ponds, swings, and now also garden paths. This trend is not surprising, given the operational characteristics of the material: tires are resistant to moisture and temperature extremes, easy to clean, slip-resistant and durable. You can equip a garden path from them as follows:

  1. Use a knife to divide the tires into two parts: rolling tracks and sidewalls. To make the knife easier to enter the rubber, lubricate it regularly with oil or soap.
  2. Cut ribbons from the resulting rings. Adjust them to length and trim the edges.
  3. Take wide wooden planks and carefully nail the rubber bands on them so that they completely cover the wood - there should be no empty gaps between the elements.
  4. Remove the top layer of soil no more than 5 cm deep along the entire length of the future path and press the wooden boards into the base. If desired, the rubber can be painted.

Country paths made of brick

Another traditional material for garden paths is brick. It is recommended to use clinker products, as they are characterized by high resistance to all kinds of chemical and mechanical influences. It is important that the bricks are intact and without chips, otherwise the path will turn out to be not only unaesthetic, but also unsafe.

The track is laid in this way:

  1. Mark the path: drive a peg around the perimeter and pull a rope between them.
  2. Dig a trench along the marked contour - up to 25-35 cm in depth.
  3. Place block or plank restraints along the trench.
  4. Cover the space between the stops, that is, the "body" of the path, with a 10 cm layer of gravel and compact it thoroughly. Lay a layer of sand no more than 5 cm high on top.
  5. Remove the restraints and make curbs in their place: on both sides of the path, lay one row of bricks in the "on the edges" position.
  6. Form the inner space of the walkway out of bricks: lay them in their usual position, gently tapping them with a wooden spatula or rubber mallet so that they sit down.

Council. The bricks do not need to be stacked close to each other - to give the track a more original look, leave small gaps and fill them with pebbles. In addition, you don't even need to close the gaps - after a while grass will sprout in them and decorate the path.

Multi-format wooden paths

Wood is one of the most fertile materials for making garden paths, as it can be used in completely different forms. Consider two common options: plank tracks and bark tracks.

Site preparation in both cases looks the same:

  • mark the path and remove the top soil - about 20 cm;
  • lay geotextiles on the resulting trench;
  • pour a 10 cm layer of gravel on top.

Further, technologies diverge. So, if you are making a path from boards, prepare the constituent elements: adjust them in length and width and treat them with an antiseptic. If you want, you can give them a sinuous shape. Further along the edges and in the center of the trench along its entire length, install plank supports and fix them with cement mortar. The final stage is to nail the already prepared planks to the props.

If you want to build a path from bark, make sure that the material is strong - it should not crumble. Be sure to treat the bark with an antiseptic. Before fixing the material in the trench, lay a sand cushion on its base, and then drown the bark in it.

Garden paths from tiles

Although tiles cannot be called a very cheap material, they are still used very often for the manufacture of garden paths. There are several reasons for this: aesthetic appearance, good performance and ease of working with the material. In the latter, you will be convinced by the technology of laying the tile track:

Now you know many interesting ways to make a garden path with your own hands at low cost. Following simple instructions, you can implement any of the above options on your site, so feel free to get to work and discover new possibilities for improving your garden area.

Garden paths in the country: video

DIY garden paths: photo

Walking barefoot on asphalt is less enjoyable than walking on seashells, polished cobblestones, or sun-warmed logs. The road surface, without which the metropolis is unthinkable, is inappropriate in a country estate. Almost every day, the owners walk around its territory without shoes, and the kids generally crawl on all fours.

When doing gardening, it is important to pay attention not only to high-quality care of fruit plantations, but also to remember about the general arrangement and appearance of the garden. Hand-made garden paths not only create the convenience of moving around the household, but are also a special part of the overall design. In this article we will talk about arranging the tracks with our own hands.

Garden paths - how to combine beauty and convenience

A summer cottage, a private house, a cottage require not only the arrangement of the interior, exterior, but also embellishment of the area around. Often the owners want to combine practicality and aesthetics in one project. The idea can be realized by laying garden paths.

What you need to know and take into account during construction

Any design begins with an idea, a thorough study of the area and a plan. The first step is to determine the directions, length, width of future tracks, to present their shape, decoration. Next, you need to analyze the bearing capacity of the soil in order to choose the right type of building material and only then plan.

It is necessary to draw up a drawing on paper, it will be possible to correct, alter, supplement. There are several important factors to pay attention to:

  • Component parts must be resistant to the aggressiveness of the environment - high humidity, fungi, corrosion.
  • It is good to tolerate temperature fluctuations in different seasons.
  • Provide for possible increased loads (car, loaded wheelbarrow).
  • The optimal angle of inclination of the web to avoid the accumulation of water from precipitation.

Advice from a landscape designer - in compact areas it is better to lay not straight garden paths, but with undulating bends, turns. This visually expands the space, deepens the niches for plants.

From what to build a track, each owner decides independently, based on financial capabilities, needs and fantasies. Every cover needs a base. The ideal option would be a tamped earth mound or crushed stone pillow.

The most popular materials for do-it-yourself garden paths:

  1. A natural stone. It looks noble, aesthetically pleasing even with non-smoothed corners.
  2. Artificial substitute. The grace of nature, cut by man.
  3. Clinker bricks will add bright colors to the garden.
  4. Gravel or coarse polished pebbles will provide originality.
  5. Wood is an affordable, simple, but short-lived look. Looks impressive separately and in the composition.
  6. Decking - plastic garden parquet. New material, resistant to UV, water, mildew, rot.

The decorativeness of the structure largely depends on the way the blanks are laid. The canvas can be solid, even, or consist of separately located elements of different geometric shapes. Having laid out a path of large "leaves", "butterflies", "flowers", it is easy to get pleasure from comfort and pleasant walk.

Varieties of garden paths

Everyone who has a dacha and even a small but own personal plot will think more than once about ways to decorate and transform it. There is not always enough finance to implement ideas and fantasies. Many will ask: "What then to do?" The answer is quite simple: if you want to ennoble the garden paths, but there are no funds for a landscape designer and expensive components, then you should pay attention to the available and more affordable materials.

For arranging garden paths with your own hands, various types of stones, boards, wood cuts, river pebbles and even plastic bottle caps are useful. Now a little about each of the options.

Natural stone paths

They fit into any site design. They look natural, and with proper styling they can last forever.

These tracks look very impressive. If there are stones left after the nearest construction, you can use them. Or those that remain after laying the alpine slide will do. They have irregular shapes making them ideal for scenic trails.

Natural stone path

Initially, you need to calculate the number of stones. One of the methods is a rough layout of stones. This way you can estimate if the amount of material you have is enough.

Sprinkle the place for the path with sand and tamp it well. It turned out to be a kind of "pillow" for pebbles. They need to be processed, adjusted in shape, made more uniform. For good docking and grinding, you can use a grinder or other not too powerful types of tools. Having prepared the stones, they are laid in a mosaic composition.

Since all stones are different in size, they are adjusted to each other using a rubber mallet. At least one of the sides of the stone must be flat for the path to work.

When the mosaic is ready, you need to start sealing the joints between the stones. Otherwise, they will start to overgrow. Although some may prefer another option, the most natural one: cement-sand mortar is used for grouting.

Concrete paths

They are very similar to stone ones. First, make a bed, the depth of which is approximately 10 cm. Then pour sand on the bottom and tamp. Pour on top with a mixture of concrete and sand, install formwork around the edges. While the solution has not frozen, pour pebbles into it. Lay out the intended pattern from it. A drainage system must be installed next to such a path.

Sometimes a concrete path is made using a ready-made form. It is not difficult to buy it at a hardware store. And then just pour a mixture of concrete into the mold in the place you need, level it with a trowel, remove the excess and remove the mold. This is a very easy and quick way, in addition, you can lay out such a shape in at least several rows.

How to make concrete paths with your own hands using ready-made forms

Wooden walkways

Wood paths will last long enough, but at the beginning they require maintenance. You can lay them out from sawn boards or timber, using what is left from the construction of the house.

Wooden walkways

Prepare boards and blocks, the latter can be replaced with steel corners or pipes. Treat them with protective impregnations or bitumen mastic. After absorbing, nail the boards to the blocks. Mount the track from above using different caliber hemp. Paint them one or more colors.

But in domestic climatic conditions, the most modern impregnations will not protect the boards from deformation, rotting and corrosion, therefore, imitation of wood is often used as a material for paths - tiles with a corresponding pattern.

It will be possible to pick up such perfect samples that no one will detect the difference at a distance. It is felt only after tactile contact. The tiles reliably depict the natural texture of pine, beech, oak and other species in section - as a result, the ersatz is indistinguishable from the original.

DIY gravel garden paths

Gravel is a simple material that has good flowability, moisture permeability, and is relatively cheap. Paths of any width and length can be poured from it, it is even possible to give them different shapes. This path looks neat, harmoniously fits into any landscape. Doing it yourself will not be difficult.

DIY gravel garden paths

The order of execution of a gravel path

  • First you need to mark the track along the site. The marking is carried out with pre-prepared wooden pegs. You can pull a string between the pegs if you find it difficult to determine the direction "by eye".
  • Further, the bed is prepared according to the markings. To do this, dig a trench in the ground. The depth of the trench can be about 14 - 17 cm.
  • Gravel is prepared. It is advisable, if possible, to view it and remove unwanted impurities (broken glass, sharp large stones, etc.). Busting the gravel should be done with tight gloves.
  • Gravel is backfilled to the depth of the trench. You can level it with a rake or with your hands (also use gloves).
  • Next, the laid gravel is rammed.
  • At the end, a curbstone can be placed along the edge of the walkway. This will give an even more effective and finished look. The stone is fixed with a cement foundation. It can be laid both flush with the canvas, and slightly above it.

This algorithm is also suitable for the construction of a garden path made of sand. Accordingly, gravel is replaced by sand, and then all work is carried out according to the same scheme.

DIY brick garden paths

It is a very fragile material. Before laying, check for strength. First, mark the path with string and pegs.

Remove the soil (25 cm), put a drain underneath. In this case, it will be simple, but the main thing is that the water does not penetrate. Crushed stone must be poured onto the drainage system from above. Boards are laid sideways along the edges. Then the brick is laid. You can come up with many different brick designs.

Clinker brick path

The garden path, lined with brick chips, looks great. It is permissible to pour it onto a concrete track. A beautiful mosaic is laid out of broken bricks. If the bricks are of different colors, beautiful patterns are laid out of them. You can leave space between them to fill it with small pebbles, pebbles or soil, so that later there was a green island.

Homemade brick and stone path

Sandstone path

They are made dry or use cement grout. This method is similar to laying a stone path, and the first is more natural and original.

Dig a trench by removing some of the soil. Pour sand there and tamp. The middle section should be higher than the edges. It is necessary to walk a little to the slope. This is such a dehumidification system. This is followed by the processing of pebbles.

Sandstone can be of very different sizes and shapes. Try on each stone before finishing.

Level the stones, making the gaps as small as possible. The processed stones are laid out as you like. For a classic track, you need a bucket of sand and the same amount of mixture with cement. Under each pebble, you must first put the first, then the second. Moreover, the cement should protrude slightly. You need to press the stone tightly. The made path must be washed so as not to spoil the aesthetics with cement residues. Seams are filled with soil or sand.

Saw cut path

Such a path will look very beautiful and attractive.

Saw cut path

Cuts must be taken of different sizes, laying them so that there is no free space between them. Before laying, round timber must be treated with an antiseptic composition.

Garden path saw cuts

Another option is to use round timber in the form of curbs, and fill a layer of gravel between them.

Staying at the dacha, you want to move away from city life, because all around, if not a forest, then a garden, some lucky people even have a lake or a river. In a word, whatever the surrounding landscape may be, it encourages closer proximity to nature.

An interesting idea is a forest trail. It represents fragments of ordinary tree stumps. Round plates of different sizes are laid along the edge of the pond and concreted.

The side of an artificial reservoir is also made of them. It is pleasant to sit on such stumps in order to sunbathe, the contact of the feet with them also gives rise to positive sensations.

Plastic garden paths

Such country paths are sold as ready-made modules. Their installation does not require preparation and surface treatment. They are very simple and quick to attach, very economical, are characterized by strength and long service life. They can be laid out on any site, in the form of any composition. They are environmentally friendly and aesthetic.

River pebble paths

Working with these stones will be difficult, time consuming and will not end quickly. They are laid in a pre-limited space in wet sand and compacted to the desired depth. The process takes several days.

River pebble paths

It happens that the design of suburban buildings is based on imitating the styles of bygone times - the antique era, British classicism, etc. Then you should choose slabs decorated in accordance with the general concept of the site and the residential building. They may have impressions of Mediterranean pebbles, ancient bricks, etc.

Tracks from plastic bottle caps

The most original and interesting way is to lay out the path or part of it with plastic bottle caps. Due to the fact that the covers have a variety of colors, it is possible to make patterns and mosaics, even coming up with whole pictures.

The only drawback of this improvised material is its collection, because a lot of covers will be needed.

Reinforced concrete tile garden path

Stages of work:

DIY finished garden path made of reinforced concrete tiles
Veneered mosaic type ceramic tiles
Paving stones, stone path
The slabs were laid on a layer of sand, lawn grass was sown in between. Mowing is done with a conventional electric lawnmower. Photo taken 3 years after installation.

These are just the basic materials from which you can make suburban paths with your own hands. A person's fantasy is limitless, so they will probably come up with something else by the next summer season. Paths for summer cottages are made by hand from any, sometimes unexpected material. For example, from glass bottles. You can create combinations of different types of material in one composition.

Remember that such paths carry not only convenience and benefit, but also beauty, joy for the eyes, harmony. Imagine, invent, create.

The independent choice of materials for garden paths and the driveway to the cottage sometimes makes it difficult. Then you just need to allocate time for a scrupulous study of catalogs or funds for consultation with specialists. The result will justify all these costs.

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