November 1 is international day. Holidays and events of November. November in history

On this day, November 1, 2019, there will be five holidays that will be celebrated both in Russia and in Ukraine, Belarus and other countries of the world. You can celebrate two state unofficial holidays in Russia, or one religious holiday, as well as two professional and one national holiday! Choose which event you like the most.

Day of the bailiff of the Russian Federation

The professional holiday of bailiffs - people who are trying to ensure the work of courts in the manner prescribed by the laws of the state. In addition, bailiffs monitor the execution of all judicial acts and acts of authorized bodies. The holiday is annually celebrated by thousands of people working in Russia in this position.

Manager's Day

Due to the rapid growth in the number of people in this profession in Russia, the Manager's Day was relatively recently established. This profession requires a person to have certain skills in communicating with people. The manager's holiday is unofficial, it is celebrated by employees of organizations in a free form.

world vegan day

Midsummer Day (Seeing off autumn)

Church holiday, on this day the transfer of the relics of St. John of Rila took place. Traditions say that at first John was a shepherd, and then became a hermit and a monk. John lived in a cave, where he led an ascetic life and prayed constantly. This man had the ability to heal people. In the people this day is also called the Seeing of Autumn or Groom's Day. According to popular beliefs, on Ivanov's day he was in charge of the stables and. Therefore, horses were not harnessed on November 1.

Divination day on coffee grounds

This holiday is dedicated to a certain type of prediction - fortune-telling on coffee grounds. Divination is popular, it originated in the East. On this day, it is also possible and even welcome to try this way to predict the future.

List of holidays and memorable dates for November 12019 on the All Talismans website. State, folk, religious, professional holidays in 2019.

Today, not only church, Orthodox and divine religious among believers are celebrated, but also a number of others, which will be discussed in this article.

November 1, which holiday according to the Orthodox calendar is Christian, for Jews, Catholics, Muslims, Slavs, a day off or not

They honor the memory of the martyr Uar and his 7 disciples, and also remember the transfer of the relics of St. John of Rylsky, called Ivanov's day (Seeing off autumn, meeting winter, Grooms day). According to tradition, they feed the magpie so that it does not anger the brownie, prepare chicken dishes and do not harness horses.

As folk signs say, if it is cold today, then you should not wait for a warm spring, and birds flying high speak of a snowy winter. If there is dirt on the road, then in a month there will be a fierce winter, and the frozen ground speaks of a rich harvest of bread.

Catholics celebrate All Saints' Day, and on the 2nd, All Souls' Day.

Muslims celebrate the beginning of the month of Safar.

The Slavic Halloween, which is called the Veles night, is also interesting. It is believed that according to Slavic customs, this day has great power and allows the dead ancestors to help the living. It is considered a family holiday, so it is celebrated in the family circle. This is a magical time, so it is recommended to use strong spells, as well as guessing, and it is also believed that any village magic will work with a vengeance.

November 1 what holiday is today on this day in the world, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Poland, Kazakhstan, China, Bulgaria, Europe, LPR, USSR, France, Germany

Today is the Melbourne Cup in Australia, which is a unique race. The first of these dates back to 1861, when seventeen horses participated in the event, and a prize of one hundred and seventy pounds sterling + a gold watch was established. Today, this event is considered the most prestigious among the world's two-mile handicaps. The competition takes place in Flemington (Melbourne).

This date is also known as International Vegan Day, which dates back to 1994. The term was coined by Donald Watson, who took the word "vegetarian" as a basis.

National Awakeners Day in Bulgaria is an event that pays attention to the activists of the cultural as well as the national revival of the nineteenth century, which served as the emergence of a new national identity.

The Day of the Militia Worker of the Kyrgyz Republic is also celebrated, which dates back to 1993, when the government decree number 429 was signed and which is timed to November 1, 1924, when the militia was created in the KKAO.

November 1st is All Saints' Day in Poland, while in China attention is paid to the day of the average bachelor. In Soviet times, there was a Fisherman's Day, which was established by the Soviet Supreme Presidium in 1968, but today few people remember this tradition.

Bailiff's Day

He was appointed by the Russian president by decree of 2009 under the number 1019. Concerts, thematic meetings and awards are held on this professional holiday for those who have distinguished themselves in the service of the FSSP of Russia.

Today, November 1, in many countries of the world 2 holidays are celebrated - World Men's Day and All Saints' Day. In Russia today they celebrate the Day of the Bailiff, and in Turkmenistan - the Day of Health. On this day, vegetarians celebrate Vegetarian Day. On November 1, 2 unusual holidays can be celebrated - Fortune Telling Day and Generation Change Day.

World Men's Day (international holiday)

Today is a holiday - World Men's Day, which means that if you are a woman, you have every right to remind your men that in addition to February 23, there is another men's holiday, which was established with the light hand of Mikhail Gorbachev.
Since then, the initiative of the former president of the USSR has been supported by the world community, celebrating this holiday every year on the first Saturday of November.

All Saints' Day (international holiday)

This holiday has pagan roots, it consists of 2 days. The first holiday is celebrated on November 1 - All Saints' Day, and the second holiday on November 2 - All Souls' Day.
The Celtic tribes just on these days, about two thousand years ago, celebrated the onset of the New Year. This time they considered the most magical and mystical, because according to their beliefs, neutral or even hostile creatures come to our world of people, and people at this time can go to the other world.
The holiday of Saints' Day has merged with the church holiday and is still celebrated on November 1 by the Catholic Church as "Halloween" or "Allholwes's Eve".

Bailiff's Day in Russia

November 1 marks the Day of the creation of the bailiff service, which was established on September 8, 2009 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. For the first time, a bailiff in Russia was mentioned during the feudal system of fragmented Russia. Bailiffs then had very great powers and used the police and military units in their work. For refusal to execute the court decision, they were punished with hard labor.
The modern service of bailiffs in Russia is a federal executive body that performs the functions of observing the activities of courts of the established order and the execution of judicial acts.

Health Day in Turkmenistan

This holiday was established by the decree of Saparmurat Niyazov, the President of Turkmenistan in 2000, and since then the whole country has been celebrated every year on a wide scale on the first Saturday of November. The program of this holiday unites thousands of people around the idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle. On this day, various actions, cultural and sports events and competitions in various sports are held in the country. For residents of the capital of Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, Health Day is associated with climbing a 36-kilometer staircase into the mountains along the Leader's Health Path, built in the foothills of the Kopetdag by order of Niyazov.

Vegetarian Day (vegan holiday)

Vegans are essentially vegetarians, and veganism (vegetarianism) is a lifestyle of those who eat plant products, completely excluding animal components, and also do not use any products that have been tested on animals, do not wear clothing made from wool, leather or fur. The main reason for this refusal is the unwillingness to be involved in the cruel treatment and killing of animals.
This holiday appeared on November 1, 1994 on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Vegan Society, and the very concept of vegan from the letters of the English word “vegetarian” (“vegetarian”) was created in London on the day of the creation of the Vegetarian Society (November 1, 1944) by Donald Watson.

Divination day on coffee grounds

You can guess on coffee grounds on any day of the year, if you only had time and brewed coffee. This method of divination, like coffee itself, was borrowed from other Eastern cultures. The main material for the divination process is coffee grounds, and everything else - creating an atmosphere in the room, meditation, and of course, fantasy - is the work of a master.

Generation Change Day

Today, November 1, is an unusual holiday - Generation Change Day.
Boiling devastation pestilence,
And a generation grows up
And life flourishes
To my own surprise...

Religious holiday

Dimitrievskaya (Dmitrievskaya) parental Saturday

This year, on November 1, a church holiday fell - Dimitrievskaya (Dmitrievskaya) parental Saturday. On this day, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of the Holy Great Martyr Dmitry of Thessalonica. Before the day of memory of Dmitry Thessalonica, on the coming Saturday, a commemoration of all the dead is performed. According to a Russian folk proverb: The dead lead Dmitriev's day to Russia - they watch the living.

Church holiday according to the folk calendar

The day of Ivan

On this day, the transfer of the relics of St. John of Rylsky, the patron saint of the Bulgarian people, who was born at the end of the 9th century in the village of Skrino, into a family of pious villagers, is celebrated.
John, when he lost his parents early in childhood, went to work as a shepherd. Later he became a novice in one of the monasteries, where he studied theological books for most of his life. Before his death, John, having chosen his successor, retired to a cave, where he lived alone for the last five years.
The holiday of Ivanov's Day in Russia was, in essence, a farewell to autumn and a meeting of winter. On this day, real frosts began in Russia.
There was a belief among the people that on Ivan's Day horses should be given a rest, because on this day the stable brownie walks around the stables and makes trouble, raising stallions, and ruffles the manes of mares.
Name day November 1 with: Dmitry, Ivan, Leonid, Mikhail, Nikolai, Pavel, Peter, Sergey, Felix

November 1st in history

1955 - Abortions are allowed again in the USSR.
1955 - Dale Carnegie (born 1888), American educator, psychologist, writer, dies
1959 - The first Wedding Palace in the USSR was opened in Leningrad in the Derviz mansion on the English Embankment.
1974 - The Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces issued a decree on the introduction of new distinctive signs for army generals: the "Marshal's Star" and a new model of shoulder straps with one large star and a combined arms emblem.
1977 - The first flight of the supersonic aircraft TU-144 with passengers on board took place on the route Moscow - Alma-Ata.
1984 - Stalin's daughters Svetlana Alliluyeva returned Soviet citizenship.
1990 - The commercial exchange rate of the ruble was introduced (1 ruble 80 kopecks for 1 US dollar) and discount rates for ruble deposits were increased.
1991 - President Dzhokhar Dudayev declared the sovereignty of Chechnya.
1993 - The European Union is founded.
1994 - The North Caucasian Military District provides the military opposition in Chechnya with 40 tanks.
1996 - Al-Jazeera is launched, the first independent news channel in Qatar, broadcasting to the countries of the Persian Gulf, the Middle East, North Africa and Europe.
1998 - The European Court of Human Rights is founded.
1998 - The Kultura TV channel began broadcasting.
2000 - The American firm Summun offers to everyone after death the mummification of their mortal flesh. Such a service will cost only 60 thousand dollars.
2005 - The Russian section of Wikinews was opened.

Bailiff's Day

November 1 is the Day of the Bailiff in Russia, the holiday was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 2009. For a long time, there were significant gaps in the legislation of the Soviet Union and Russia related to the activities of bailiffs. Only in 1997 were the Federal Laws “On Bailiffs” and “On Enforcement Proceedings” adopted. In the period from 1917 to the second half of the 1990s, there was practically no regulatory framework governing the strict observance of court decisions. The history of the structure of bailiffs dates back more than one century, for the first time in documentary sources, information about people of this profession is found back in the days of feudal Russia. In past centuries, bailiffs had a wide range of powers, they could use the help of police officers or the military. Responsibility for disobedience to the decision of the court was very severe, up to arrest and hard labor.

world vegan day

On November 1, 1944, the Vegan Society was formed in the British capital, whose members categorically did not recognize animal fats, ate only plant products and did not wear clothes made from fur, silk or wool. The main idea of ​​veganism was not to harm the representatives of the animal world. World Vegan Day was established 60 years after the founding of the English Society, led by Donald Watson. Since 1994, November 1 has become a holiday celebrated by vegans around the world. Despite the fact that in translation into Russian the term “vegan” means nothing more than vegetarianism, putting an equal sign between them would be too bold a decision. Vegans are very strict vegetarians, they exclude from their diet not only meat and fish, but also all products that are of animal origin, such as milk, eggs and natural honey.

All Saints' Day

On November 1, Catholics around the world celebrate All Saints' Day. The holiday has a long tradition and is rooted in the past. Several millennia ago, it was customary for Celtic tribes to celebrate the onset of the New Year during this period. From time immemorial, the end of October - the beginning of November was considered a borderline time when representatives of the other world could return to earth and visit their ancestors. Such an opportunity forced living people to prepare for the holiday and cook sacrificial food for their ancestors. People who have a connection with the other world and have psychic abilities claim that on November 1, any living person can make a “journey” to the world of the dead and return back, because on this day the gates dissolve, allowing you to open the veil of innermost secrets.

Day of People's Awakeners

The Day of Folk Awakeners is a national Bulgarian holiday, when it is customary to remember the outstanding cultural figures who contributed to the revival of the country in the 19th century, when the state was under the yoke of the Ottoman Empire. The main merit of the awakeners was that they managed to ignite the desire for self-consciousness and self-consciousness in the souls of the Bulgarians, contributed to the activation of the national liberation movement. Thanks to such figures, a theater appeared in the country, the Bulgarian Exarchy was established, regional centers and reading rooms were opened. The Day of People's Awakeners became a state holiday in 1921, but in 1945, due to historical upheavals, it was canceled and revived only in 1992. On the Day of Folk Awakeners, educational institutions in Bulgaria do not have traditional classes, but events are held during which the names of outstanding ascetics-awakeners are glorified.

Ivanov's day, Seeing off autumn

November 1 in the folk calendar of Russia is Ivan's Day, during this period it was customary to see off autumn and meet winter. After November 1, severe frosts began, it is not surprising that the peasants noted: "Whoever does not feel chilly in November will not freeze even in the Epiphany cold." People's weather forecasters noticed that if it snows on Ivan's Day, the spring will be late and rather cool, if there is a thaw, expect an early sunny spring. It was customary to celebrate the farewell of autumn in a big way, on November 1, chickens were slaughtered and delicious dishes were prepared from them - kurniki, noodles in broth, chickens were fried and greased.

Name day November 1

Dmitry in childhood, he gets sick quite a lot, but with age, ailments leave the boy, especially if sports come first. A man named Dmitry is very capricious and demanding of the people who are next to him, you will have to come to terms with this quality. Mother for Dima is an authoritative person, he will listen to her advice even when he gets his own family. Among the advantages of Dmitry, one can note such as sociability, decency, caring, lack of a strong craving for alcoholic beverages.

Ivan- the boy is quite unusual, he can be quiet and calm, or vice versa, an impossible fidget: it all depends on the time of year when the baby was born. Life with Ivan cannot be called calm, he loves noisy companies and a large number of guests in the house. A person whose parents gave the name Ivan always has many friends, he is a sociable person and is ready to pay attention to everyone who appears on his life path. If the main advantage of Ivan is his responsiveness, then the main drawback that often annoys loved ones is unpredictability.

Leonid- a very scrupulous person, this manifests itself even in childhood, because a boy with that name will not fail to run home for a vial of brilliant green or iodine if he injures his leg while playing on the street. Due to their scrupulousness and accuracy, people with the name Leonid often achieve success and life. Leonid is a very sociable person, he wonderfully adapts to any situation and knows how to smooth out conflict situations. Women should know that you can win over Leonid by preparing him a wonderful lunch or dinner.

Michael- a logician by nature, a person with that name can become an excellent teacher, military man, scientist or lawyer, with a certain amount of talent, he will succeed in the creative field. If you offended Michael, you should not be afraid of a retaliatory strike from him, people with that name are not at all vindictive and not prone to revenge. Mikhail is often in the center of attention, in the company of unfamiliar people he feels quite relaxed and can win over those around him.

Nicholas- a person with this name is an excellent student in almost everything, he manages to quickly cope with tasks at school, but if difficulties still arise sometimes, he prefers to solve them on his own, without involving the help of his parents. As an adult, Nikolai becomes even more independent and self-confident, it is not surprising that he succeeds a lot. In the role of a leader, a person named Nikolai is rather tough, but sincerely believes that this is necessary so that there is discipline in the team, the common cause develops successfully. Nikolai cannot imagine his life without the fair sex, falls in love instantly and is able to propose already on the second day of his acquaintance.

Also today, people with the names Pavel, Peter, Sergey and Felix celebrate their name day.

Born November 1st

Antonio Canova(1758) - Italian sculptor, representative of European academic sculpture of the 19th century, his work is rightfully called a model of classicism. The works of Antonio Canova are exhibited in the Louvre and the Hermitage, among the most famous are the statues of Cupid and Psyche, Eurydice and Orpheus, the portrait of Paolina Borghese as Venus.

Anatoly Kubatsky(1908) - the famous Soviet actor, known to film lovers for his roles in fairy tales and feature films. He worked on the stage of the Moscow Drama Theater under the direction of Gorchakov, played in the films “It was in Penkovo”, “At a quiet pier”, “The Thieving Magpie”, his roles in the fairy tales “Mary the Artisan” (Water), “The Kingdom of Curves mirrors" (King Yagupop). Inimitably Kurbatsky played in the fairy tales "The New Adventures of Puss in Boots", "Morozko", "Fire, Water and ... Copper Pipes", "Barbara Beauty, Long Braid", "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka" and others.

Historical events November 1

November 1, 1520- the famous Strait of Magellan was discovered, which separates South America and Tierra del Fuego. The width of the strait is quite small - only 2 kilometers 200 meters, and many of its parts are quite dangerous for sailors. Given the fact that the length of the Strait of Magellan is more than 575 kilometers, its passage often causes difficulties, especially in those places where the depth is not more than 20 meters.
A great discovery was made during a trip around the world, often this waterway "strait of all Saints."

November 1, 1811- not far from St. Petersburg, the Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was founded, in which the best minds of Russia of the 19th century were trained and educated, including the outstanding writer, classic of world literature Alexander Pushkin.

November 1, 1993- the date of foundation of the European Union, an economic and political association, which currently includes 27 states located on the European continent.

The first two days of November are dedicated to the memory of dead people. And November 1 is All Saints Day. This holiday has its roots in paganism. Approximately 2000 years ago, the Celts celebrated the New Year at this time, and before it, the Samhain holiday. It was believed that this period is borderline, marks the transition from autumn to winter. And it was believed that this time is filled with mysticism.

Tales were spread about the seeds - magical creatures that can be hostile towards people. Seeds come to the world of people, and people themselves can also visit the outside world. It was also believed that on this day the souls of the dead people returned to their homes for a short time, and living people should be offered sacrificial food to them.

By the way, the Romans at this very time celebrated two main holidays - Feralia and Pomona, respectively dedicated to the memory of the dead and the goddess of tree fruits. The coincidence of holidays on dates in every possible way contributed to the preservation of ancient traditions of commemoration of the dead even after the spread of Christianity, despite their pagan roots. The holiday has grown together with religion, and was called the Day of All Saints, which is actively celebrated in the Catholic Church to this day. Pagan tales about the Seeds, in turn, turned into ideas about spirits and evil spirits.

Initially, the holiday was celebrated on May 13, and it was on this day that Pope Boniface IV consecrated the Roman rotunda, which was dedicated to the great martyrs of the church and the Mother of God. At the beginning of the 11th century, Pope Gregory III moved this holiday to November 1st.

The celebration of International Vegan Day appeared relatively recently - November 1, 1994. It was then that the Vegan Community celebrated its 60th anniversary. I must say veganism or veganism is a way of life that involves adherence to a system of strict vegetarianism. Vegans are followers of veganism and eat only plant products, excluding animal components. Thus, vegans do not eat meat, eggs, dairy products, etc. The word vegan was originally coined by Donald Watson and the Vegan Society began to be used in the Vegan Society founded in November 1944.

It is worth saying that vegans belong to the category of strict vegetarians, excluding meat, milk, honey from the diet. But everything is not limited to nutrition - representatives of this trend do not wear fur, silk, leather items, do not use products that have been tested on animals. The reasons why people go vegan are varied. But it is very important to properly compose a diet in order to understand how to eat in accordance with new habits and not harm your health.

In Panama, the attitude towards children is special. And the holiday, which is celebrated on November 1, confirms this fact. On Children's Day, every child can feel like an adult. So, for example, on a holiday, children can conduct lessons instead of teachers or even become part of the country's government system. Yes, for one day, but it is difficult to overestimate the importance of this, at first glance, simple entertainment, because children learn responsibility and understand that it is not worth rushing to grow up - you need to enjoy childhood.

November 1, 1578 was born a Russian military and statesman, national hero of Russia and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky

November 1, 1815 was born the American physician Crawford Long, who was the first to use ethers in medical practice.