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Poorly healing wounds are a serious problem. They may indicate the presence of a pathological ...
Drugs for the treatment of cytomegalovirus infection
Cytomegalovirus is a type of herpes virus. This disease has the property of spreading easily, ...
The relationship of birth control pills and depression
Side effects - the flip side of the medal of any drug. Birth control pills ...
Candidiasis in children: causes, treatment and prevention
Most often, candidiasis in children manifests itself during lactation, because at this time the baby's body does not yet ...
HIV and lymphoma successful cure
One of the extranoidal (progressing in non-lymphatic organs) species of the group ...
Lymphoma is a tumor that originates from lymphoid tissue. This is, in fact, a malignant blood disease, ...
The first signs of syphilis in a girl
- This is a sexually transmitted disease that has a long undulating course and affects all organs. Clinic...
Thrush from contraceptives
Many women know what unpleasant symptoms are with thrush. Discomfort, itching and burning in the vagina ...
Symptoms, signs of syphilis in women and men
A rash with syphilis is one of the main symptoms. The disease is caused by treponema pale. Pathogen ...
Amiksin and Cycloferon are immunostimulating drugs. They have a number of differences, but have a similar effect ...
Gonorrhea in pregnant women: treatment, symptoms, consequences
For the first time, they started talking about the disease back in 1879, but to this day it is capable of horrifying, especially ...
How is chronic chlamydia manifested in women?
In modern times, chronic chlamydia is one of the most common infections that ...
Pregnancy is a crucial moment in a woman’s life. It is during this period that any infections can ...
Is chlamydia transmitted through a kiss: is it possible to get infected
Chlamydial infections most often occur in an erased form without pronounced clinical manifestations and ...
Pcr dna hi quality readiness time
Why is HIV and AIDS so terrible, what diagnostic methods exist. In-depth information about ...
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