How to treat hormonal thrush. Contraceptive thrush. Thrush and menstruation: what is the relationship

Many women know what unpleasant symptoms are with thrush. Discomfort, itching and burning in the vagina deprive you of rest, bring you to a nervous breakdown. For a while, the disease subsides, but at any moment an exacerbation occurs. Many are perplexed where the fungus comes from and how it can be infected, what are the reasons for the appearance of thrush in women. Anything that contributes to the death of beneficial lactobacilli provokes the formation of pathogenic microflora. Strengthening the immune system is an important measure to prevent the multiplication of infection in the body.


How does thrush arise?

Thrush is called candidal vaginitis - an infectious fungal disease. Fungi of the genus Candida, its pathogens, belong to the representatives of opportunistic microflora. This means that in small quantities they are normal inhabitants of the skin and all mucous membranes of the body, without causing harm until a certain point.

The disease occurs when the fungus begins to multiply uncontrollably. The normal microflora of the vagina contains about 40 species of living microorganisms, and lactic acid bacteria (Dederlein sticks) and bifidobacteria should prevail in it. They prevent the development of pathogenic microbes. Mushrooms begin to multiply uncontrollably if a person's immunity for some reason decreases (after surgery or stress, for example).

The development of fungi is favored by a warm (21 ° -37 °), humid, slightly acidic environment. It is possible to kill fungi only with the help of special antifungal drugs that destroy their structure.

Interestingly, it is impossible to get rid of thrush with the help of probiotics - drugs that increase the content of lactic acid bacteria. An excess of lactobacilli, on the contrary, enhances the growth of the fungus, since the acidic environment kills only its competitors, which need a slightly alkaline environment for life. Mushrooms develop well in an acidic environment.

Fungus infection occurs both through the household (through bed linen, bath towels) and sexually.

Thrush symptoms

The symptoms of thrush are hard to miss. The woman has a characteristic abundant discharge, resembling a curdled mass. They are white and have a sour milk smell. Thanks to these signs, the disease got its unofficial name.

A white bloom is observed on the mucous membranes of the vagina. There is severe itching in the vagina. It intensifies after menstruation, during intercourse. The condition worsens in the evening. Cuts and burning are especially felt in the heat or after a bath.

Video: Reasons for the development of thrush

Causes of thrush

The main causes of thrush in women, giving impetus to the development of fungi in the vagina, are:

  • decreased immune defense;
  • changes in hormonal levels in the body;
  • violation of the composition of the bacterial environment and acidity of the vagina;
  • non-compliance with hygiene rules;
  • eating a large number of sweet and flour products.

Many factors contribute to the occurrence of these reasons.

Weakened immunity

The state of a woman's immune system depends on her health, physical fitness, conditions and lifestyle, the nature of her diet, and the presence of bad habits. A sharp decrease in immunity is facilitated by the occurrence of chronic diseases of various organs (liver, kidneys, heart, intestines). The load on the immune system increases in the presence of inflammatory processes, trauma, after surgery.

A person is more likely to get sick if the body is weakened due to improper nutrition (starvation, lack of proteins and vitamins in food), lack of sleep, depletion of the nervous system, lack of normal sanitary and living conditions. A sedentary lifestyle, lack of hardening lead to the fact that a person often suffers from colds, which take away the strength necessary to protect against infection. Smoking, alcohol addiction, drug addiction also increase the sensitivity to infections, and can cause an exacerbation of thrush.

Hormonal background

The ratio of various hormones is interrelated with the work of the reproductive system. Often, thrush is exacerbated before menstruation, during pregnancy, with menopause. This is due to the influence of hormones on the condition of the genitals, the structure of their mucous membranes, the body's susceptibility to infection.

The reason for hormonal changes can be the use of hormonal medications and contraceptives, endocrine diseases, metabolic disorders. Often the causes of thrush in women are diabetes mellitus, obesity, and a malfunction of the thyroid gland.

Changes in the composition of the vaginal microflora

The reasons for the violation of the bacterial flora can be:

  1. Long-term or uncontrolled use of antibiotics. Killing pathogenic bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci), they simultaneously destroy the beneficial microflora that inhibits the growth of fungi, which leads to their overgrowth in the intestines, from where the fungus can easily enter the vagina.
  2. Frequent douching, the use of alkaline intimate hygiene products. There is a washout of beneficial bacteria, a change in the acidity of the environment, overdrying of the vaginal mucosa.
  3. Misuse of probiotics to treat bacterial vaginosis. They can be used to restore the bacterial environment only in the absence of fungi in the microflora.
  4. Eating a large amount of sweets, yeast dough products. In addition to creating a favorable environment for the development of fungi, there is also an increase in blood sugar, which contributes to the onset of diabetes mellitus.

Addition: Changes in the microflora of the vagina also occur when the sexual partner changes. Thrush is not classified as a sexually transmitted disease, however, infection of a woman during intercourse often occurs. In men, the disease usually proceeds in a latent form, so infection is quite possible with unprotected sexual intercourse.

Violation of hygiene standards

The cause of an exacerbation of thrush can be improper care of the genitals, including during menstruation, a rare change of underwear and sanitary napkins. The growth of the fungus is facilitated by wearing tight synthetic panties, which facilitate the penetration of infection into the vagina from the intestines.

Video: The reasons provoking the appearance of thrush. Preventive measures

Why is thrush dangerous?

This disease is dangerous, first of all, during pregnancy, since during childbirth, infection of the fetus can occur. Congenital thrush in a child provokes the appearance of various inflammatory diseases. Candida fungi begin to develop in the mucous membrane of the mouth, intestines, and lungs of the baby.

A woman infects a man with a thrush, without even knowing it, if the disease becomes chronic and its symptoms disappear for a while. Unpleasant symptoms make it difficult to have sex.

Thrush often becomes the first sign of diabetes, the presence of HIV. It complicates the treatment of other concomitant infectious diseases of the genital organs.

Prevention of thrush

In order to reduce the risk of developing candidiasis, a woman should take care of strengthening the immune system (this is facilitated by hardening, outdoor activities, and combating the lack of vitamins in the body). It is necessary to control body weight and metabolism. To do this, you need to limit the use of sweet and baked products, salt, fatty foods.

An important preventive measure is the timely treatment of endocrine disorders, inflammatory and other diseases of the genital organs.

Warning: Antibiotics and hormonal agents should be used only in the doses prescribed by your doctor.

It is required to maintain normal bowel function (avoid constipation, diarrhea). It is recommended to wear underwear made from natural materials, to minimize the use of panty liners. With thrush, you can not smoke, drink alcohol.

Hormonal thrush

Asks: Alexandra

Gender Female

Age: 15

Chronic diseases: not specified

Hello. I'm 15. I can't cure thrush in any way, though I only gave a smear for flora, but I did not donate sowing, because I am a virgin and in private laboratories they said that they do not take virgins from virgins, and in the state we do not do sowing. And my cousin, who is 26, said she had hormonal thrush. Progesterone was lowered and estrogen increased. As a result, she appeared in the middle of the cycle, during ovulation. And my thrush is the same on all days of the cycle. What could it be. In the smear, except for candida, everything is fine.

1 answer

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Hello! Perhaps you have a lifestyle disorder. Rthe following factors contribute to the development of a yeast infection:

  • weakening of immunity;
  • chronic infections;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • taking birth control pills;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • diabetes. As well as wearing synthetic underwear and violation of hygiene. Among other things, there are nutritional recommendations. Flour, sweet change the acidity of the vaginal environment. Due to improper nutrition, first there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then the intestinal microflora changes, after which there is dysbiosis,and then candidiasis. Accordingly, in addition to treatment, you need to limit the use of sweet, salty and smoked foods and follow a special diet.If thrush occurs and worsensin the second half of the cycle, the cause of candidiasis is most likely hormones. The fact is that at this time justthe concentration of progesterone increases and the general immunity decreases slightly.Candidiasis often worsens after intercourse. In this case, thrush is simply the result of the exchange of microflora. Sometimes men are carriers of the fungus, but they don't even suspect about it (this is if a woman is sexually active). For this reason, a woman can repeatedly treat candidiasis, but if her partner is not treated, the symptoms of thrush come back again and again.The herpes virus, living in our body, is in a passive state most of the time. It is activated when the immune system is weakened. And then there is candidiasis. And if herpes is not treated, then thrush will manifest itself constantly. Analyze everything that I have written to you. Health to you!

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Candidiasis or thrush is a fungal disease that occurs with complex problems in the body. Therefore, the correctly selected treatment of candidiasis itself may not give the desired result and its manifestations will remind of themselves again and again.

If infectious diseases are most often caused by one type of bacteria, then candidiasis is caused by several varieties of a representative of the genus at once Candida (there are more than 150 species). The most common type is considered Candida albicans, therefore, inoculation of the sample reveals precisely their presence. This fungus, like any other conditional pathogen, can be constantly present in the body, but with a "successful" combination of several factors, an increase in their number occurs. This leads to the onset of clinical manifestations of the disease. To finally get rid of this unpleasant disease, it is worth understanding what factors lead to its occurrence.

Causes of the disease

Development requires a combination of several exogenous and endogenous factors at once, which disrupt the bacterial background in the vagina. This leads to a decrease in the population of "beneficial" bacteria that inhibit the growth and development of pathogenic fungi. They, in turn, begin to actively multiply and release various kinds of toxins and irritants, which lead to the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane - vaginitis or colpitis. An interesting fact is that the appearance of this disease does not depend on sexual activity and can occur in girls who do not have sex.


Sweet food and the predominance of flour products in the diet leads to a change in the acidic environment of the vagina. Violation of the regimen and balance of nutrition leads to a change in the bacterial balance of the intestine and the occurrence of dysbiosis, which is the first factor leading to the appearance of candidiasis. Accordingly, the treatment of the underlying disease should be accompanied by a dietary diet that limits the consumption of sweet, salty and smoked foods.

Hormonal background

The second factor in the occurrence of candidiasis is the hormonal background, which changes especially in the second half of the cycle. At this time, the period of ovulation ends, which leads to an increase in progesterone and reduces immune resistance. The same process accompanies pregnancy. Progesterone changes the overall microbiological component of the mucosa, which can lead to an increase in activity Candida.

Another reason for hormonal disruptions can be the use of oral contraceptives or intrauterine devices. These methods of contraception lead to a change in the acidity of the vaginal environment to the alkaline side, which leads to the death of the "good" bacteria. Intrauterine devices, if certain rules are not followed, can cause the growth of their own fungi or add pathogenic microbes from the external environment. Therefore, it is worth choosing the right contraceptive drugs and consulting with a specialist. In the case of absolute health, taking these drugs will not lead to any consequences, but in the presence of certain chronic pathologies, symptoms of candidiasis may occur. Such chronic diseases include diabetes mellitus.

Antibacterial drugs

Taking antibiotics suppresses the activity of not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also the internal normal flora - lactobacilli. This type of bacteria lives on the mucous membranes of the intestines and vagina. They control the Candida population. Accordingly, the decrease in lactobacilli leads to the rapid growth of fungi and the occurrence of thrush.

Decreased immunity

With weak immunity, the fungus Candida becomes more aggressive and the body cannot cope with it. Because of this, the mucous membranes are damaged and inflammatory processes develop.


Another of the main factors leading to the occurrence of candidiasis is a violation of the rules of intimate hygiene. Such violations include the abuse of soap, gels, sprays, creams. With their frequent and uncontrolled use, the normal acidity of the environment is disturbed, and this causes an increase in the population of pathogenic microorganisms.

The second violation is the misuse of sanitary napkins. Normally, it is better to use pads without fragrances and change them at least 3 times a day.

It is also worth using plain toilet paper without dyes and fragrances for hygienic care, since these additions can cause an inflammatory process in the distal vagina.

Choice of contraception

Sometimes contraceptives lead to the development of candidiasis. This happens when contraceptives change the vaginal environment or kill beneficial lactobacilli in the mucous membrane. Also, the fungus often develops due to the long use of the intrauterine device.

Incorrect treatment

Very often, candidiasis occurs after sex. In this case, it is just the result of the exchange of bacteria and fungi between partners. Very often men are carriers of candidal fungus and do not know about it. Therefore, repeated treatment of candidiasis by a woman and its reoccurrence after intercourse will not give the desired result. When treating thrush by a woman, her regular partner must also undergo preventive treatment.

Candidiasis or - a fungal disease that affects the mucous epithelium of the woman's vagina. There are many reasons for its appearance, most of which boil down to a weakening of a woman's immunity or temporary hormonal disruptions.

Often, thrush occurs systematically, with relapses at the same time of the monthly cycle, without manifesting itself in any way on the rest of the month. With the rapid development of candidiasis, in many cases there is a delay in menstruation. It is not very difficult to figure out what causes this and what such failures depend on if you know the causes and consequences of the imbalance of the intravaginal microflora.

Women often turn to gynecologists with complaints that the onset of candidiasis delays the onset of menstruation.

The international classification of diseases ICD-10 assigned the code B37 to candidiasis, and vulvar or vaginal candidiasis - B37.3.

The fact that the cause of the delay is precisely vaginal dysbiosis is evidenced by the following signs:

  • burning and;
  • profuse vaginal discharge, resembling cottage cheese;
  • swelling of the external genital organs;
  • pain during the outflow of urine;
  • discomfort during sex;
  • sour smell of discharge.

Typically, all of these symptoms can worsen at night or after taking a bath.

Candidiasis is not classified as a sexually transmitted disease, but after having sexual intercourse with a partner suffering from thrush, the likelihood of its occurrence increases significantly.

The main feature of genital candidiasis is that the causative fungus belongs to conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. This means that in a normal state of the immune system, it is in a suppressed state in the body. But if the defenses are reduced or some fungi that normally inhabit the epithelium of the genital organs decrease their presence, then candida multiplies rapidly and causes the onset of the disease.

The most common causes of candidiasis are:

  • antibiotic therapy;
  • taking cytostatic drugs;
  • hormonal contraception or hormone replacement therapy;
  • chronic diseases;
  • menopause;
  • obesity or overweight;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • dysbiosis of the gastrointestinal tract.

The possibility of the onset of the disease increases with hypothermia or poor hygiene of the genitals, with the use of synthetic underwear and scented panty liners.

Assessing the effect of thrush on delays and disruptions of the menstrual cycle, experts believe that this largely depends on the nature of the disease and on what episode the patient has encountered: primary or repeated.

Delay in the first exacerbation of thrush

Candidiasis is a local infection that, when it first appears, does not affect other organs in any way. And since the onset of menstruation is due to the production of certain hormones, a sudden thrush cannot be the cause of dysmenorrhea.

On the contrary, the factors that caused the delay are very important for the development of pathogenic fungi, therefore, a sharp increase in the number of microbes is not a cause, but a consequence of the disorders that have appeared in the body.

Such failures can be provoked:

  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • severe stress or periods of emotional overload;
  • physical stress;
  • strict diets and limited diets;
  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • acute hypovitaminosis.

In addition, hypothermia and severe overheating of the body, especially the legs, feet and pelvis, can be a common cause of delay and dysbiosis.

Malfunctions of menstruation in chronic candidiasis

With prolonged chronic course and the absence of therapy, candida aggravates the pathogenic effect on the body. Such a course should be discussed if relapses occur more often than 3-4 times a year.

Due to the constant development of fungal microflora, after a while, the infection begins to climb along the urinary tract. Pathogenic processes can spread to the inner epithelial layer of the uterus, ovaries or their appendages, causing serious inflammation.

Such an inflammatory process, in turn, can cause hormonal disorders, and already such failures will cause thrush as a secondary disorder. Often, with a chronic course, amenorrhea occurs, which has an extremely negative effect on the function of the reproductive system and the general condition of a person.

Improvement and adjustment of the monthly cycle is observed already at the stage of treatment, and after complete healing, it is finally restored.

Systematic renewal of thrush before menstruation

Often there is a picture when a woman suffers from thrush at the same time every month, shortly before the onset of critical days.

During and after ovulation, the level of hormones changes dramatically. Despite the fact that such processes are quite natural and physiological, they can dramatically reduce the protective mechanisms that protect the mucous membranes from pathogenic microflora. In addition, hormonal fluctuations dramatically alter the acidity of the vaginal environment.

These factors contribute to the growth of harmful fungi, causing significant discomfort, burning and itching of the vulva and vagina. Once hormone levels return to normal, irritation goes away on its own. But sometimes the process is so aggravated that it takes on a chronic course. In any case, with periodic bursts of unpleasant symptoms, it is worth seeking help from a gynecologist, who will give recommendations to help avoid dangerous consequences.

Candidiasis during menstruation

Critical days cannot cause illness, but their onset is quite capable of accelerating the reproduction of the fungus already in the body for the following reasons:

  • The first day after the appearance of bloody discharge in the vagina, the most suitable environment for the development of mycotic organisms is formed (humidity, temperature and nutrient medium stimulate the growth and reproduction of Candida colonies).
  • There are drastic changes associated with the hormonal background. A decline in the level of progesterone and estrogen and a sharp increase in the concentration of prostaglandins can cause pathological changes in the vaginal microflora.
  • The use of tampons, pads, special cosmetics to eliminate odor, and frequent hygiene procedures can also change the acidity of the mucous membranes inside the vagina, and this leads to the acute onset of candidiasis symptoms.

In addition, the body can be weakened by heavy bleeding and developing anemia, sometimes there is a response to the use of pain medications. During this period, other chronic diseases and inflammatory processes are often exacerbated. All of these factors often serve as a trigger for the onset of thrush.

In this case, the active development of the fungus can periodically increase the discharge, and sometimes temporarily stop and resume them again.

Thrush after menstruation

A common cause of women's complaints is an exacerbation of candidal infection after menstruation. For the most part, this picture is observed in those representatives of the fair sex, in whom the discharge is especially abundant and prolonged. Lactobacilli, which prevent the growth of pathogenic microbes, are carried out along with the flow of secretions and do not have time to recover, since their potential is significantly inferior to the rate of reproduction of harmful fungi.

After an imbalance, microbes capture the liberated territory on the mucous membranes of the genitals. This type is characterized by a particularly rapid release of cheesy masses and a sharp itching in the groin area.

Delay and development of candidiasis due to pregnancy

When first contacting a doctor with complaints of a delay in the development of thrush, any specialist first of all tries to find out if such indications are caused by the onset of pregnancy.

Since pregnancy can be the result of not only unprotected intercourse, but also sex using a variety of contraceptives, the first doctor's recommendation will be to purchase a pregnancy test that can dispel doubts. Before this point is clarified, complex therapy is not prescribed, since some medications can not be used so as not to harm the developing baby.

Unfortunately, most expectant mothers face similar problems, since immunity decreases with the onset of pregnancy, and even those women who have never suffered from such disorders may experience vaginal dysbiosis.

For pregnant women, therapy should be selected only by a gynecologist who monitors the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus. Sometimes everything can be limited to symptomatic measures, and in some cases, complex treatment is necessary.

Thrush during menopause

With the onset of menopause, hormonal imbalances and a decrease in ovarian function can cause candidiasis. The balance of hormones of the genital area changes dramatically, which is reflected in the form of dysmenorrhea (delay and irregularity of the cycle). In 90% of cases, this process is accompanied by inhibition of beneficial intestinal microflora, local immunity inevitably decreases, and susceptibility to infections increases inversely.

At this stage, the risk of candidiasis increases several times. This likelihood increases with stress, diets with a limited diet, or taking hormonal drugs.

For these reasons, when patients over 45 years of age contact with complaints of symptoms of candidal infection, gynecologists do not forget about the relationship of this phenomenon with the possible approach of menopause.


Run and leave the disease unattended should not be, as the disease quickly becomes chronic. To prescribe an effective treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since it will not be possible to manage only with antimycotic drugs: with this approach, a relapse will inevitably occur in a couple of months.

One of the main requirements in therapy is proper genital hygiene.

Frequent use of soap for intimate hygiene is unacceptable, as it can dry out the delicate skin of the genitals and cause changes in the bacterial background of the epithelium.

A special diet is also important, which implies a sufficient saturation of dairy products and a decrease in the consumption of sweets. For the period of therapy, it is necessary to abandon synthetic panties and use only cotton underwear.

Medicines can be both systemic (tablets) and local (suppositories, ointments, gels). Some are used to reduce local symptoms (baths, douching), while others are designed to completely get rid of the infection (antimycotics). In addition, therapy differs depending on the period of the cycle in which symptoms appeared.

Before your period

In the event that the woman knows the estimated timing of the onset of symptoms, then during this period you can start using pills to reduce the development of the disease to a minimum.

Antifungal drugs, such as Miconazole, Fluconazole, Nystatin, Diflucan, etc., are most often prescribed as tablets.

The disadvantage of systemic drugs is that they can cause side effects when passed through the body. In this case, it is worth using suppositories: Clotrimazole, Pimafucin, etc.

The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor depending on the selected means and the clinical picture. In some cases, one tablet is enough, and sometimes a weekly course using suppositories should be taken.

If thrush causes a delay in the onset of menstruation, it is necessary to eliminate the main factors, such as endocrine diseases, inflammation of a gynecological nature, stress.

In addition, the course can be supplemented with immunostimulants to strengthen the body's defenses.

If during the treatment menstruation began, then you should not interrupt the course, you need to bring it to the end so that the fungi do not develop resistance to the prescribed drugs.

During menstruation

The treatment of thrush during menstruation has its own specifics. Often the development of fungi increases the intensity of pain during this period, but the profusion and appearance of the discharge, as a rule, remain unchanged.

In this case, treatment with tablets is preferable, since the use of intravaginal suppositories is difficult. If the tablets cause sharp side effects, and treatment cannot be postponed, then local remedies can be used, adhering to the following recommendations:

  • it is best to enter them at night or at least lie down for half an hour after the introduction;
  • do not use tampons, but use only pads without fragrance;
  • do not douching.

In addition to suppositories, creams, gels or ointments Livarol, Pimafucin, Clotrimazole, etc. are used as local remedies.

After menstruation

At this point, there are no restrictions on the means and methods of treatment: both oral and local medicines can be used. In addition, symptomatic agents are used to relieve discomfort. As such measures, sedentary soda baths are used, which perfectly relieve itching and burning, rinsing with infusions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula).

Syringing has an antimycotic effect with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or soda, but they should not be carried out too often, since, on the contrary, it can provoke deterioration.

In any case, from the very beginning of treatment, there is a rapid relief of all symptoms, and at the end of the course, the monthly cycle is restored.

More details about thrush are described in this video.

Thrush and hormones

“At one time, I was very difficult to recover from thrush, which I associate with taking hormonal drugs. Recently, the doctor recommended me to use hormone replacement therapy. How can I avoid exacerbating an old problem? "

Galina, 45 years old.

The answer is Tatyana Viktorovna Chebotnikova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, a gynecologist-endocrinologist of the Federal State Institution "Endocrinological Research Center of Rosmedtechnologies" in the capital.

Unknown reasons

The reasons for the development of thrush are still unknown. There are a number of hypotheses and assumptions, but there are no convincing arguments and evidence in defense of this or that opinion.

However, it has been noticed that most often young women and expectant mothers encounter thrush. Perhaps hormonal changes can cause the growth of fungi of the genus Candida.

Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to cope with thrush on your own. This disease must be treated, and it is mandatory under the supervision of a specialist. Self-medication can only bring temporary relief. Meanwhile, the problem will remain unresolved and then remind of itself again. Perhaps this was the case in your case.

Life-saving hormones

Fears about the negative impact of hormone replacement therapy are also groundless. Unlike other hormonal drugs.

Quite the opposite is true. Female hormones have an extremely positive effect on the vaginal microflora.

With age, the amount of estrogen decreases, which leads to a thinning of the inner surface of the vagina and causes a feeling of dryness and discomfort. In addition, women over 50 often complain of thrush. To eliminate all these problems, it is enough to compensate for the deficiency of female sex hormones.

For this purpose, hormone replacement therapy preparations containing natural estrogens are optimally suited. Currently, those are used that are completely identical to those synthesized in a woman's body. Hence the minimum side effects.

The effect of natural estrogens does not depend on the route of administration of the drugs. They can be used in the form of suppositories and gels, as well as in the form of tablets and patches. The desired effect lasts for the entire duration of the treatment. I know of many cases when women on the background of HRT got rid of their long-standing problems with thrush. So you shouldn't be afraid.

However, all this applies only to hormone replacement therapy. Those drugs that are used for contraception have the exact opposite effect.

In 2-3% of women, with prolonged use of hormonal contraceptives containing synthetic estrogens, the growth of Candida fungi is activated, that is, thrush appears. By the way, too young women often have the same trouble.

The fundamental difference between those and other hormonal drugs - in their composition.

Since the purpose of taking contraceptives is to suppress ovulation, synthetic estrogens are needed for this. Moreover, in much larger quantities than is usually formed in a woman's body. They, under the right circumstances, can provoke thrush.

Hormone replacement therapy uses only low doses of natural estrogens. They allow you to successfully cope with the manifestations of menopause. In this case, they do not cause a feeling of dryness, discomfort and, importantly, are a kind of guarantee of protection against some urogenital infections.