Chlamydia is spread through kissing. Is chlamydia transmitted through a kiss: is it possible to get infected. Conventionally, all kisses are divided into types

Chlamydial infections most often occur in an erased form without pronounced clinical manifestations and in some cases remain unnoticed. Since the disturbances caused are minor, the patient does not see the need to see a doctor. This is doubly dangerous - for the health of the person himself, since the consequences of chronic chlamydial lesions can be very serious, and for those around him. In this case, it is the source of infection.

Speaking of chlamydia, they mean a urogenital infection caused by the microorganism Chlamydia trachomatis. According to statistics, about 2% of men and 5% of women are infected with the bacterium, in 30% of cases it is about the urogenital form. However, in addition to this, several more species of bacteria of this genus are isolated, which cause more than 20 different pathological conditions. The modes of transmission for various forms of chlamydia are also not the same.

According to the modern classification, there are about 30 types of chlamydia, but only a few are of clinical importance:

  • Chlamydia trachomatis occurs most often and is the cause of urogenital chlamydia, can also cause conjunctivitis;
  • Chlamydia pneumoniae causes bronchitis and mild pneumonia. Diseases proceed without pronounced clinical manifestations and are prone to chronicity;
  • Chlamydophila felis causes inflammation of the nasal mucosa, pharynx and conjunctiva in domestic animals (cats), and can also affect humans;
  • Chlamydia psittaci causes a wide variety of diseases in birds. In humans, when infected, it causes serious diseases: psittacosis, atypical pneumonia, encephalitis and myocarditis.

The question arises as to why such different microorganisms are assigned to the same family. What do they have in common?

Features of the structure and life cycle of chlamydia

Microbiologists often refer to chlamydia as an intermediate form between bacteria and viruses. Indeed, it, like bacteria, has its own cell membrane, contains DNA and RNA and is able to exist outside a living cell in the form of elementary bodies. At the same time, like viruses, it can only multiply inside a living cell, for this it is transformed into reticular bodies.

Like viruses, chlamydiae penetrate the cell wall by phagocytosis, integrate into the genetic apparatus of the cell and force it to synthesize its own proteins, from which new chlamydiae are built. When the resources of the host cell are depleted, young microorganisms pass into the extracellular form and, destroying the membrane, enter the extracellular environment.

If we talk about the body tissues bordering on the external environment, then only cells of the columnar epithelium, which covers the urethra, the cervical canal, the rectum, the conjunctiva, as well as the nasopharynx and oropharynx, are suitable for the life and reproduction of chlamydia. In order for chlamydia to become infected, the bacterium must get onto just such a mucous membrane, and it is in the form of an elementary body.

Ways of transmission of urogenital infection

Chlamydia trachomatis, which causes damage to the external and internal genital organs, is most often indulged during traditional sexual intercourse or its various variations (perversions). At the same time, the condom protects both partners from infection - regardless of which of them is the source of infection. The possibility of contracting chlamydia through household contact has now also been proven, but the significance of this route of transmission is somewhat exaggerated.

Infection during traditional intercourse

In classical intercourse, discharge from the genital organs of a sick or asymptomatic carrier enters the mucous membrane of the urethra or the cervix of a healthy person and is introduced into the cells. To prevent this from happening, it is enough to put on a condom, and this must be done before the start of intercourse, and not in the process.

Transmission by oral and anal-genital contact

With oral-genital intercourse, a woman is more likely to contract chlamydia. During a blowjob, discharge from the genital tract of a man enters the mucous membrane of the woman's pharynx. If they are infected, she may develop chlamydial pharyngitis. If a woman is sick, the probability of infection is lower, but it is still possible. The easiest way to avoid this is to use a condom, even with oral-genital contact.

During anal-genital contact, as a rule, a woman or a passive partner becomes infected. The scheme is the same as for traditional intercourse. Again, the problem can be solved very easily: put on a condom.

Is it possible to get infected with a kiss

So, as we have already found out, contact of a sufficient number of microorganisms with the mucous membrane of a certain type is necessary for infection. For this to happen when kissing, chlamydia must be contained in the saliva of an infected person, and in a sufficiently high concentration. This happens in very rare cases, with severe forms of generalized chlamydia.

In addition, the stratified epithelium of the oral cavity is of little use for reproduction; relatively acceptable conditions for the fixation of bacteria exist only in the pharynx. It turns out that the partner's infected saliva must be swallowed. At the same time, the bacteria should leave the oral cavity quickly enough, because the own protective factors contained in saliva are able to neutralize them in the shortest possible time. But in the pharynx, you need to stay longer, so as not to slip further into the aggressive acidic environment of the stomach.

It turns out that the probability of infection during a kiss is practically zero, although theoretically it exists.

Species of the Chlamydia family and the transmission routes of diseases caused by them (Table 1)

Extragenital chlamydia: routes of infection

In addition to the external and internal genital organs, chlamydia can affect the mucous membrane of the pharynx, rectum, as well as the conjunctiva and synovial membrane of the joints. For these types of chlamydia, contact-household and airborne transmission is more characteristic.

What forms are transmitted by the household

It is very easy to get chlamydial conjunctivitis, or trachoma, using a towel and linen from a sick person. Chlamydiae live long enough on moist matter, from where they get on the skin of a healthy person. It remains only to rub your eyes with your hands, and the microbe enters the favorite cubic epithelium. For urogenital chlamydia, this route of transmission is less likely, except in childhood. In girls, the vaginal epithelium is immature, therefore it is easily affected by chlamydia.

Chlamydia felis inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye is a type of chlamydia that is spread from cat to person. It occurs through close contact with animals affected by chlamydial conjunctivitis or rhinopharyngitis. When caring for a sick pet, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap or use protective gloves. Children need to be explained that it is impossible to touch stray animals, especially those with an unhealthy appearance, as this can lead to illness.

Airborne method of infection

Chlamydial bronchitis and pneumonia (Chlamydia pneumoniae), as well as psittacosis, atypical pneumonia and other lesions of internal organs by chlamydial psittaci are transmitted by airborne droplets. When coughing and sneezing, bacteria are released into the external environment and deposited on the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, causing their damage.

Prevention measures for chlamydial infection are simple: protected sex, individual underwear and towels, and good personal hygiene.


  1. Dermatovenereology: national guidelines short edition. Yu.S. Butov, Yu.K. Skripkina, Yu.L. Ivanova - 2013.
  2. Dermatovenereology: a textbook for students of higher educational institutions. Chebotarev V.V. and others - 2013.
  3. Urogenital chlamydia. Kokolina V.F. - 2007.

"Is chlamydia transmitted anally and orally?" - you ask. Yes of course. Oral sex, especially rough sex, often causes damage to the mucous membranes of the throat and mouth. Orally, the disease spreads often. During anal sex, bacteria are localized in the rectum. The likelihood of infection during vaginal, oral and anal sex is the same.

With anal or oral infection, bacteria infect the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs, and significantly reduce immunity.

Chlamydia is also transmitted from mother to child during childbirth and in utero, when feeding with breast milk. With intrauterine infection, the fetus sometimes has pathologies, premature birth may begin, the placenta exfoliates, and the likelihood of transmission in this way is high. When infected during childbirth, a child may experience urogenital chlamydia, conjunctivitis, pneumonia, and inflammation of the colon. Chlamydia is also transmitted by airborne droplets with a special form of the disease through coughing and sneezing.

There are also good questions: "Is chlamydia transmitted through the household route?", "Is chlamydia transmitted through a kiss?" and "Is chlamydia transmitted through a condom?" Chlamydia is transmitted in the household by using other people's hygiene products through microtrauma on the skin and mucous membranes.

This disease can be transmitted with clothing, bed linen, towels, napkins, washcloths, tooth and massage brush, razor, sponge.

You can also get infected when visiting public places such as a bathhouse, toilet. These microorganisms remain in the external environment for about two days, and on a damp tissue - up to a week. Through a kiss, they can also be transmitted, although rarely - with microtraumas of the oral cavity, stomatitis, bleeding gums, dental diseases, wounds.

This infection is not transmitted through a condom if it is intact, used correctly and under normal conditions. The pores of the condom are too small for the pathogen. Through other contraceptives, the microorganism passes freely, and the risk of infection increases. Without a condom, the risk of infection from a carrier or a sick person with frequent partner changes is close to 100%. But you can even get infected with a condom.

  • Firstly, if you have become infected not sexually, but through everyday life;
  • Secondly, with the extragenital type of chlamydia - when pathogens have settled not in the genitals, but on the mucous membrane of the eye, in the lungs (chlamydial pneumonia), nasopharynx, joints, hearing organs, vascular walls, heart. But it is rare to get infected with chlamydia transmitted extragenital.

One type of chlamydia occurs in cats. The cat's mucous eyes are affected, first one, then the other: the eyelids swell, discharge appears. In humans, chlamydia from cats, even if transmitted, is easier than feline. Other animals (dogs, rodents, pigs) also have their own forms of the disease, but humans rarely become infected with them.

The incubation period of chlamydia lasts up to a month, which means that an infected person can feel great all this time, only then symptoms appear. Sometimes the disease is asymptomatic. The disease occurs with the same frequency in both women and men, although the former are more susceptible to infection due to the anatomical structure of the body. Chlamydia in women is accompanied by:

  • Yellow, mucopurulent, unpleasant-smelling discharge;
  • Burning sensation when urinating;
  • Itching;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Back pain;
  • Bloody discharge;
  • Nausea;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen and in the small pelvis.

Characterized by:

  • Cutting, burning, or itching in the urethra;
  • Thick and cloudy urine;
  • Presence of blood during ejaculation;
  • The presence of blood in the urine;
  • An increase in temperature;
  • Malaise;
  • Inflammation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe testicles and their appendages;
  • Violation of spermatogenesis;
  • Decreased libido;
  • Sexual dysfunction.

With chlamydial conjunctivitis, redness of the eyes appears, with chlamydial pneumonia - cough and pneumonia, and the usual treatment does not help.

These signs are mild and may suddenly disappear. Usually, the symptoms cease to appear after 10-14 days, which means the transition of the disease to the chronic stage, and this can lead in women to inflammation, the formation of adhesions, clogged tubes, infertility, miscarriages, fetal death during pregnancy, and cervical cancer. And in men, testicular tumors, inflammation, infertility, prostatitis, urethritis.

The longer you delay your visit to the doctor, the more the likelihood of complications increases.

In the absence of symptoms, a person may not be aware of the presence of the disease and infect their sexual partners. At least half of those infected with chlamydia do not know about it, which leads to the spread of the infection. About 600 million people are affected by the disease. There are many more people infected with chlamydia than we think, because there is no visit to the doctor with mild or unexpressed symptoms.

Women go to the doctor more often than men, so chlamydia is mainly diagnosed in females. Moreover, this ailment is in 60% of cases the cause of infertility, in 85% - miscarriages. In men, the disease is the cause of urethritis in 50% of cases, and infertility - in 30%.

The disease is diagnosed in the laboratory. With a microscopic examination, a scraping is taken from the cervix or from the urethra, the reliability of the results is 70%, therefore the next step is a serological analysis - inoculation on nutrient media. If bacteria are found, an antibiogram is performed. Enzyme immunoassay (detection of antibodies) is now not recommended for use, most often they carry out a polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which allows detecting the genetic material of bacteria, however, in chronic course and complications, this method is inaccurate, due to the absence of chlamydia in the scraping.

Treatment of the disease should be carried out by a doctor, since after the start of treatment, patients stop continuing it due to the cessation of external manifestations. However, chlamydiae in their body remain and acquire immunity to the antibiotic, which makes it very difficult to completely cure.

The basis of treatment is a combination of several antibiotics, before the appointment of which an antibiogram is performed - they find out from which drugs the infection dies. An important factor in treatment is an increase in immunity, because antibiotics do not help without a protective reaction of the body.

For this purpose, immunostimulants, vitamins, nootropics, and dietary supplements are used. Enzyme preparations are also used to achieve a high concentration of antibiotics in infectious foci and assist in the functioning of the liver and kidneys, which allows the body to be freed from toxins and promotes early recovery. After the treatment course, the disease is re-diagnosed to exclude the possibility of chronicity or the presence of bacteria.

To avoid chlamydia, you must:

  • Have a single sexual partner, be faithful to him;
  • Use condoms;
  • Observe intimate hygiene;
  • Visit the dentist regularly and immediately treat diseases of the oral cavity;
  • Maintain immunity;
  • Live a healthy life;
  • Eat properly;
  • With a violent sexual life, it is necessary to undergo an examination in the laboratory a couple of times a year for sexually transmitted diseases;
  • If a disease is detected, one should refrain from intimate relationships until cured;
  • If you suspect this infection, immediately consult a doctor - go through an examination and start treatment.

Chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted disease. After a single sexual intercourse with a sick person, the probability of infection in women is 40%, in men - 32%. If 1 partner of the pair is infected, then both are treated, without testing the second. 75% of sick women do not develop any symptoms.

Infertility and ectopic pregnancy are caused by chlamydia, which can only be contracted through sexual contact, and not in a bath or other place. Chlamydia treatment is possible in 1 minute! (use the drug Sumamed). Chlamydia can be contracted many times. This disease sometimes leads to eye trachoma, which can make a person blind.

Chlamydia is intermediate between viruses and bacteria. You can infect yourself with chlamydia if you touch the eye with dirty hands - the infection will pass from the genitals. Chlamydia (psittacosis) can also be transmitted from birds. The disease is mentioned in the Old Testament, in the ancient medical collections of China and Egypt.

Chlamydia is considered a fairly common infectious disease caused by a microorganism from the genus Chlamydia. This microbe affects the organs of the reproductive system and is diagnosed both among the female half of humanity and among the male. Chlamydiae are unable to continue their activity outside the host's organism. The main routes of transmission of chlamydia are sexual, contact-household, vertical.

How is chlamydia mainly transmitted?

The main routes of transmission are distinguished:

  1. Sexual... This method is considered the most popular. Chlamydia can be infected with unprotected contact.
  2. Vertical... This method is also common. Chlamydia is passed from an infected mother to her baby during childbirth. The intrauterine route of chlamydia infection has not yet been proven.
  3. Contact-household... This transmission route has not yet been documented, however, it occurs quite often.
  4. Airborne... Microorganisms can be transmitted when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

And also the infection is instantly transmitted through kissing after oral sex.

Is chlamydia capable of being transmitted in the household?

The chlamydia bacterium, which is the causative agent of the disease outside the body, retains the ability to become infected for several days. This feature of the bacterium explains the possibility of transmission of chlamydia by contact-household method.

The survival of bacteria in the outside world depends on the following factors:

  1. Temperatures... These microorganisms are very active at 30-38 C. At high or low temperatures, chlamydia quickly passes into a latent form and after a certain time dies.
  2. Effects of chemical elements... These microorganisms are sensitive to the influence of alkalis and acids. For this reason, they are killed by almost any disinfectant.
  3. From sunlight... Chlamydia die in a few hours under the influence of direct sunlight. The high temperature with ultraviolet radiation provokes rapid drying and death of bacteria.
  4. Humidity... Microorganisms survive well in humid conditions for 4-5 days.

Infection through the contact-household way mainly occurs through the use of personal hygiene items and household accessories, for example, bed linen, towels, underwear, sanitary napkins. As a rule, family members become infected among themselves. Less commonly, infection occurs in swimming pools or saunas. After all, bacteria cannot be transmitted through water. You can get infected in such places only by using common washcloths or towels.

The transmission of chlamydia by contact-household method is very rare. To reduce the risk of infection, it is recommended to follow the rules of personal hygiene.

Sexual transmission of chlamydia

The most popular way of transmission of chlamydia is unprotected intercourse. In the female half of humanity, the probability of infection is slightly higher than in the male, since there is more columnar epithelium in the female genital tract. Chlamydia is transmitted through vaginal, oral, and anal intercourse.

Can chlamydia be transmitted to a partner during sexual intercourse through a condom?

A condom is considered a very reliable method of protecting against infection. With the correct use of contraception, it is impossible to become infected with chlamydia during sexual contact. However, there have been cases of infection in people who regularly use condoms.

In these situations, infection is possible for the following reasons:

  1. With extragenital forms of chlamydia: chlamydial pneumonia and chlamydial conjunctivitis.
  2. Infection by contact-household method.
  3. Due to improper use of contraception.

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease, usually sexually transmitted. But chlamydia can continue to function not only on the mucous membrane of the genitourinary system. In some cases, the disease takes on an extragenital form. In these situations, the condom is unable to protect against infection.

And also during intercourse, discharge from the genitals can get on the underwear before putting on the condom. In such situations, contraception is also powerless.

Many men use contraception incorrectly. As a rule, this leads to damage or tear. Using a damaged condom is not able to protect against infection with the disease.

The most common mistakes when using a contraceptive are:

  1. Simultaneous use of 2 condoms. This does not increase protection against transmission of chlamydia. Such use, on the contrary, increases the possibility of the condom slipping or breaking, due to which infection occurs.
  2. Application of a female and male condom together. Such use also increases the potential for damage. To protect against chlamydia, it is recommended to use a male condom, as it securely covers the male penis.
  3. Trapped air in the condom. Almost all condoms have a semen reservoir at the end. If the condom is worn incorrectly, then air can accumulate in this reservoir and the released semen will provoke its rupture.
  4. Later application. Some of the men use contraception not at the very beginning of sexual intercourse, but in the middle of it. Such use of contraception can save you from unwanted pregnancy, not from chlamydia.
  5. Incorrect donning. Men do not completely unwind the condom before putting it on. As a result, the condom may be damaged. Even minimal gaps are enough for an infection to occur.
  6. Damage during unpacking. Any sharp objects used when unpacking the condom can damage it.
  7. The expiration date has passed. Few people know that contraceptives have an expiration date. After a certain time, the latex is damaged and the lubricant dries up. These defects can cause transmission of chlamydia.
  8. Improper storage. The condom must be stored in the correct conditions. It should not be exposed to direct sunlight and should not be heated or cooled. These factors provoke the destruction of latex.

Summing up, it can be argued that the condom is able to reliably protect against chlamydia. The main thing is to use it correctly.

Can you get chlamydia from kissing through your mouth?

According to many studies, it is believed that chlamydia can be transmitted through saliva.

Can partners kiss with chlamydia?

Conventionally, all kisses are divided into types:

  • kisses on the cheek;
  • a passionate kiss;
  • oral-genital kiss.

You can kiss with chlamydia without fear so that there is no contact between the mucous membranes of both partners.

To become infected through a passionate kiss, there must be a sufficient number of pathogenic microorganisms in the saliva. Such situations are extremely rare. In addition, pathogenic microorganisms usually die in the mouth or stomach.

Can chlamydia be transmitted to a partner through a kiss?

Also, an infected person can kiss his partner on any part of the body, except for the lips and genitals, so as not to infect him. The risk of infection from kissing is minimal, however, there is.

Infection requires the presence of a large number of bacteria in the saliva of the infected. Such situations occur only with a severe course of generalized chlamydia.

Is chlamydia transmitted to a partner through saliva?

Medical research has shown that chlamydia can be transmitted through saliva, but this is extremely rare.

For the infection to occur, the following favorable factors are necessary:

  1. The presence of infection in the oral cavity.
  2. The presence of pathogenic microorganisms in saliva in large quantities.

As a rule, chlamydia develops and multiplies on the mucous membranes of the genital organs. The causative agent usually prefers columnar epithelium, and other tissues are rarely affected. The oral epithelium is not considered an ideal place for bacteria to live.

Chlamydia feels better in the throat or throat. They get there only as a result of orogenital contact. However, in such situations, chlamydia can hardly stand out with saliva, since the ducts of the salivary glands are located higher.

A low risk of infection exists with generalized chlamydia. In such situations, chlamydia enters the bloodstream and is carried through the vessels.

Are chlamydia transmitted to a partner through saliva?

For infection with chlamydia, a large concentration is needed. The main route of infection is considered to be unprotected sex. There is a very low concentration of chlamydia in saliva. And also saliva is not considered a favorable place for the normal functioning of these microorganisms.

There are the following reasons why chlamydia is not able to exist in saliva for a long time:

  • saliva contains natural substances with antibacterial effects;
  • in the oral cavity there are many microbes, which are ways to inhibit the development of chlamydia;
  • the mucous membrane of the mouth contains special cells that cleanse saliva.

Based on the above factors, a high concentration of chlamydia in saliva is a very rare case.

Chlamydia is a dangerous disease that is usually transmitted through unprotected sexual contact. But there are other ways of infection. To reduce the risk of infection, it is important to know how chlamydia is transmitted.

Chlamydia is one of the sexually transmitted diseases most commonly identified among sexually active people of all ages. It is caused by pathogenic microorganisms of chlamydia, a feature of which is a combination of the characteristic features of viruses and bacteria. This ailment carries a great danger to human health in case of untimely or inadequate treatment. The virus lives on mucous membranes, and the mouth and larynx are no exception. A logical question pops up: is chlamydia transmitted through a kiss?

Kisses and Chlamydia

Long ago, scientists have proven that when kissing, people exchange at least 250 types of bacteria. Through such caresses, you can get herpes, tuberculosis, ARVI, etc. Conventionally, all kisses are divided into:

  • kiss on my cheek;
  • passionate;
  • genital.

The contact of the lips with the cheek completely excludes infection with chlamydia. Likewise, touching the lips of an infected partner to any point on the body of a healthy person, except for the lips and genitals, is completely safe. The epithelial features of the oral cavity are not quite a suitable environment for the reproduction of chlamydia. The oral cavity is the beginning of the digestive system, respectively, it has its own microorganisms that help break down some of the food that enters it, as well as destroy some bacteria and viruses. The most favorable conditions for their existence are in the larynx. When infected saliva enters the mouth, the likelihood of invasion is very small, although it does exist. Pathogenic bacteria die in the healthy microflora of the oral cavity. However, there is a risk of infection if saliva was swallowed immediately and was delayed in the throat or if there is microdamage on the mucosa.

Can I get chlamydia through a passionate kiss?

A passionate kiss implies a very close contact between the lips and languages \u200b\u200bof partners. If a couple kisses immediately after oral sex, then the risk of infection is quite high. In other cases, the probability of invasion is practically zero. The bacteria are localized in the larynx. The mucus that is released practically does not enter the mouth, but due to the salivary glands located above the pharynx, it is swallowed and sent to the stomach.

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If chlamydial bronchitis or pneumonia is identified in a sick partner, then the risks increase significantly, since at these stages the disease is transmitted by airborne droplets. In this case, after a passionate kiss, a healthy person will become infected with a probability of almost one hundred percent.

Reduced immunity or allergic reactions in the healthy side also significantly increase the likelihood of transmission of the disease during a passionate kiss.

Chlamydia can be contracted during a passionate kiss, provided that saliva has a high bacterial content and a reduced protective threshold in a healthy partner.

When infection occurs through saliva

Chlamydia through saliva is extremely rare. Infection occurs only with very prolonged contact of the mucous membranes of a sick and healthy person, and the presence of a large number of bacteria. A high concentration of microorganisms in saliva can only be in an advanced stage. In itself, saliva is intended not only to participate in the digestion process, but also has bactericidal properties, cleansing the oral cavity and protecting teeth from damage.

The human body is characterized by a high degree of protection against pathogenic microorganisms; all organ systems have fluids and their own microflora, the action of which is aimed precisely at destroying foreign bodies. However, if due to any circumstances the immunity is reduced, then people very quickly become infected with various diseases.

The risk of infection through saliva increases if chlamydia has taken a generalized form and spreads through the blood. Such cases are rare, but still the possibility is not excluded.

Oral-genital route of transmission of chlamydia

Most often, infections of sexually transmitted diseases are transmitted sexually and orally-genital. Partners are classified into those who enter and those who receive. The risk of catching an ailment is greater in the one who accepts, that is, for example, a healthy girl will get infected faster from a guy, the same principle is in same-sex relationships.

Contact of the oral cavity with the sexual organ of the partner leads to the defeat of the larynx by bacteria. If there were already sores or microdamages in the mouth, then the risks of infection will be as high as possible. With oral-genital caress, the largest number of pathogenic microorganisms is found in semen during ejaculation, and in a woman in lubrication. A woman giving a blowjob gets a throat infection. The bacteria of the virus have the peculiarity of attaching to the cells of the pharynx and, lingering there, begin to multiply actively, causing pharyngitis in a few days, and then other symptoms.

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You can protect yourself from infection by using a barrier method of contraception. You should not neglect a condom if you are not sure about your sexual partner. And it is even better to reduce such a relationship with a sick person to a minimum, because even a condom cannot give one hundred percent guarantee of protection against re-infestation or primary invasion.

Pathological factors of infection with chlamydia

Chlamydia is an ailment that can be infected in several ways:

  • contact;
  • domestic;
  • through the placenta;
  • when passing through the birth canal.

A healthy person can catch an infection using household items, for example, the same towel: bacteria can live on a damp tissue for a long time. Sitting on the rim of the toilet in public places, at work or at a party, a person is constantly at risk of infection. Animals and birds are often carriers of this disease, and the virus can be transmitted from them. Babies become infected through the placenta or during childbirth. The virus, infecting the eyes during the passage of the baby through the birth canal, causes chlamydial conjunctivitis and can lead to blindness. The bacteria can enter the body during hospital procedures, such as an abortion or the insertion of an intrauterine device. The risk of infection is greatly increased if passionate lip-biting games take place.

It is important to know whether it is possible to contract chlamydia through a kiss, because this disease is quite aggressive towards the human body. Oral-genital kissing is a danger. In other cases, infection requires a number of contributing factors:

  • weakened immunity;
  • high concentration of microorganisms in saliva.

Is chlamydia transmitted through kissing

"Is chlamydia transmitted anally and orally?" - you ask. Yes of course. Oral sex, especially rough sex, often causes damage to the mucous membranes of the throat and mouth. Orally, the disease spreads often. During anal sex, bacteria are localized in the rectum. The likelihood of infection during vaginal, oral and anal sex is the same.

With anal or oral infection, bacteria infect the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs, and significantly reduce immunity.

Chlamydia is also transmitted from mother to child during childbirth and in utero, when feeding with breast milk. With intrauterine infection, the fetus sometimes has pathologies, premature birth may begin, the placenta exfoliates, and the likelihood of transmission in this way is high. When infected during childbirth, a child may experience urogenital chlamydia, conjunctivitis, pneumonia, and inflammation of the colon. Chlamydia is also transmitted by airborne droplets with a special form of the disease through coughing and sneezing.

There are also good questions: "Is chlamydia transmitted through the household route?", "Is chlamydia transmitted through a kiss?" and "Is chlamydia transmitted through a condom?" Chlamydia is transmitted in the household by using other people's hygiene products through microtrauma on the skin and mucous membranes.

This disease can be transmitted with clothing, bed linen, towels, napkins, washcloths, tooth and massage brush, razor, sponge.

You can also get infected when visiting public places such as a bathhouse, toilet. These microorganisms remain in the external environment for about two days, and on a damp tissue - up to a week. Through a kiss, they can also be transmitted, although rarely - with microtraumas of the oral cavity, stomatitis, bleeding gums, dental diseases, wounds.

Through a condom, this infection is not transmitted if it is intact, used correctly and under normal conditions. The pores of the condom are too small for chlamydia trachomatis, the causative agent of the disease. Through other contraceptives, the microorganism passes freely, and the risk of infection increases. Without a condom, the risk of infection from a carrier or a sick person with frequent partner changes is close to 100%. But you can even get infected with a condom.

  • Firstly, if you have become infected not sexually, but through everyday life;
  • Secondly, with the extragenital type of chlamydia - when pathogens have settled not in the genitals, but on the mucous membrane of the eye, in the lungs (chlamydial pneumonia), nasopharynx, joints, hearing organs, vascular walls, heart. But it is rare to get infected with chlamydia transmitted extragenital.

One type of chlamydia occurs in cats. The cat's mucous eyes are affected, first one, then the other: the eyelids swell, discharge appears. In humans, chlamydia from cats, even if transmitted, is easier than feline. Other animals (dogs, rodents, pigs) also have their own forms of the disease, but humans rarely become infected with them.

Signs of chlamydia

The incubation period of chlamydia lasts up to a month, which means that an infected person can feel great all this time, only then symptoms appear. Sometimes the disease is asymptomatic. The disease occurs with the same frequency in both women and men, although the former are more susceptible to infection due to the anatomical structure of the body. Chlamydia in women is accompanied by:

  • Yellow, mucopurulent, unpleasant-smelling discharge;
  • Burning sensation when urinating;
  • Itching;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Back pain;
  • Bloody discharge;
  • Nausea;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen and in the small pelvis.

Chlamydia in men is characterized by:

  • Cutting, burning, or itching in the urethra;
  • Thick and cloudy urine;
  • Presence of blood during ejaculation;
  • The presence of blood in the urine;
  • An increase in temperature;
  • Malaise;
  • Inflammation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe testicles and their appendages;
  • Violation of spermatogenesis;
  • Decreased libido;
  • Sexual dysfunction.

With chlamydial conjunctivitis, redness of the eyes appears, with chlamydial pneumonia - cough and pneumonia, and the usual treatment does not help.

These signs are mild and may suddenly disappear. Usually, the symptoms cease to appear after 10-14 days, which means the transition of the disease to the chronic stage, and this can lead in women to inflammation, the formation of adhesions, clogged tubes, infertility, miscarriages, fetal death during pregnancy, and cervical cancer. And in men, testicular tumors, inflammation, infertility, prostatitis, urethritis.

The longer you delay your visit to the doctor, the more the likelihood of complications increases.

In the absence of symptoms, a person may not be aware of the presence of the disease and infect their sexual partners. At least half of those infected with chlamydia do not know about it, which leads to the spread of the infection. About 600 million people are affected by the disease. There are many more people infected with chlamydia than we think, because there is no visit to the doctor with mild or unexpressed symptoms.

Women go to the doctor more often than men, so chlamydia is mainly diagnosed in females. Moreover, this ailment is in 60% of cases the cause of infertility, in 85% - miscarriages. In men, the disease is the cause of urethritis in 50% of cases, and infertility - in 30%.

The disease is diagnosed in the laboratory. With a microscopic examination, a scraping is taken from the cervix or from the urethra, the reliability of the results is 70%, therefore the next step is a serological analysis - inoculation on nutrient media. If bacteria are found, an antibiogram is performed. Enzyme immunoassay (detection of antibodies) is now not recommended for use, most often they carry out a polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which allows detecting the genetic material of bacteria, however, in chronic course and complications, this method is inaccurate, due to the absence of chlamydia in the scraping.

Treatment of the disease should be carried out by a doctor, since after the start of treatment, patients stop continuing it due to the cessation of external manifestations. However, chlamydiae in their body remain and acquire immunity to the antibiotic, which makes it very difficult to completely cure.

The basis of treatment is a combination of several antibiotics, before the appointment of which an antibiogram is performed - they find out from which drugs the infection dies. An important factor in treatment is an increase in immunity, because antibiotics do not help without a protective reaction of the body.

For this purpose, immunostimulants, vitamins, nootropics, and dietary supplements are used. Enzyme preparations are also used to achieve a high concentration of antibiotics in infectious foci and assist in the functioning of the liver and kidneys, which allows the body to be freed from toxins and promotes early recovery. After the treatment course, the disease is re-diagnosed to exclude the possibility of chronicity or the presence of bacteria.

To avoid chlamydia, you must:

  • Have a single sexual partner, be faithful to him;
  • Use condoms;
  • Observe intimate hygiene;
  • Visit the dentist regularly and immediately treat diseases of the oral cavity;
  • Maintain immunity;
  • Live a healthy life;
  • Eat properly;
  • With a violent sexual life, it is necessary to undergo an examination in the laboratory a couple of times a year for sexually transmitted diseases;
  • If a disease is detected, one should refrain from intimate relationships until cured;
  • If you suspect this infection, immediately consult a doctor - go through an examination and start treatment.

What it is?

Chlamydia is an infection caused by Chlamidia trachomatis. When infection occurs, damage to the organs of the genitourinary system occurs in both women and men.

An infectious disease is one of the common ones that are transmitted through sexual intercourse.


The development of the disease is phased:

  • Infection.
  • Clinical manifestations.
  • The emergence of complications.

Infection or infection begins with direct transmission of the pathogen. Most often occurs with unprotected sexual intercourse.

The next stage is the onset of clinical manifestations, which gradually increase. Symptoms of chlamydia in a woman:

  • inflammation of the mucous tissue of the external genital organs;
  • vaginal discharge;
  • slight itching;
  • irritation.

In some cases, they are not very pronounced and the woman does not pay attention to them.

Complications of chlamydia are as follows:

  • Cervicitis. An inflammatory process that affects the cervix. It manifests itself in the form of pain in the lower abdomen, spotting in the middle of the cycle, discomfort during intercourse.
  • Urethritis. Inflammatory process of the urethra. A woman cannot normally go to the toilet due to pain and cuts.
  • Pharyngitis. Sore throat causes swelling of the pharynx, pain when swallowing. Often the surface of the mucosa is covered with purulent discharge.
  • Proctitis. Inflammation of the anus. Severe pain occurs during bowel movements. In some cases, purulent, mucous discharge comes out of the rectum.

How is chlamydia spread?

How does the pathogen enter the body? The most common way is unprotected intercourse.

The probability of infection in women is about 50 percent, in the male part of the population - about 70. Explicit signs of the disease appear in 25 percent of those infected, others are latent.

In addition to sexual contact, there are the following routes of infection:

  • From mother to baby during childbirth. In the presence of chlamydia during pregnancy, there is a high risk of infection of the newborn when it passes through the birth canal. In an infant, the infection can take the form of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, nasopharynx, and lungs.
  • Household way. Infection in this way is possible when using common household items - towels, bed and underwear, washcloths and sponges.
  • Airborne. The causative agent of the disease is able to pass through the air from a patient with angina, bronchitis, pneumonia. However, in the presence of good immunity, the likelihood of infection in this way is low.
  • Pets. Cats very often carry the infection, which they transmit to their owner.

There are more than 15 known types of chlamydia that cause the development of the disease in humans. Very often, with dangerous sexual contact, chlamydia infection occurs in parallel with other infections transmitted in the same way.

With vaginal and oral sex

Vaginal unprotected intercourse with an infected person is the main cause of infection. There is a lesion of the genitourinary system in a woman.

With oral sex, chlamydia affects the mucous membranes of the throat. With the anal variant, infection of the esophagus is possible.

If the disease is diagnosed, any sexual contact should be excluded during treatment. Orally, vaginally, anal - the causative agent of the disease is transmitted in all cases.

Through kisses and condoms

Whether chlamydia is transmitted through a kiss is unambiguously difficult to answer.

The probability of transmission of the pathogen by airborne droplets or through saliva is present, but there must be conditions:

  • low immune defense;
  • the inflammatory process in the sick partner is in the oral cavity;
  • high concentration of the pathogen in salivary fluid.

And what about a condom, is it a protection against infection?

It is impossible to get chlamydia through a condom if it is used correctly and the product is of high quality. Another question is if the contraceptive is torn or the partners do not follow the rules of personal hygiene. Here, the probability of infection is the same as with an unprotected connection.

What are the symptoms of chlamydia in women? Read in the article about the causes of the disease and its manifestations in women, the danger during pregnancy, diagnosis and treatment methods.

Why is there a profuse white discharge before menstruation? Details here.

To prevent infection is possible only by observing the following preventive measures:

  • one sexual partner;
  • the use of barrier contraceptives in case of casual relationships (condom);
  • do not use other people's things;
  • ironing underwear well with an iron;
  • 2 times a year to be examined by a gynecologist (even if nothing bothers) and once a year to be tested for genital infections.

On the video about the disease

Ways and methods of human damage to chlamydia

Outside the human body, the chlamydial type of infection cannot be viable for a long time, therefore, in the usual household way, infection occurs in exceptional cases. However, it is worth noting that in everyday life, bathing utensils, especially towels and washcloths, are a convenient habitat for chlamydia. If they were used by an infected person, then on warm and damp things, chlamydia remain viable for 3-4 days.

Other types of transmission include:

  • from a pregnant woman to a future baby;
  • through animals and birds, including domestic ones;
  • non-observance of personal hygiene (dirty hands, unwashed fruits);
  • airborne droplets.

The latter is noted as a rare mode of transmission.

Oral-genital transmission of the disease

The risk of infection through kissing a partner's genitals is very high, especially if the person kissing in the mouth has small wounds or other damage to the mucous tissue.

It must be remembered that with oral-genital caress, the largest volume of pathogenic microorganisms is noted in the semen of a man, and in a woman in the released lubricant. The partner who accepts it is more likely to get chlamydia. For example, a healthy woman will pick up an infection from a sick partner much faster. Especially if she gives a blowjob to an infected man, followed by swallowing semen. Microorganisms easily penetrate a woman's throat, become fixed in her tissues, and after 2-3 days the woman feels the symptoms of an inflammatory process in the throat, and then other signs of infection.

With oral-genital and anal-genital sexual contacts without the use of barrier contraceptives, the risk of infection is very high.

The mechanism of chlamydia infection through saliva

Passionate kisses with the contact of the lips and tongue immediately after genital kisses are a direct cause of Chlamydia infection. Doctors emphasize that it is theoretically possible to transmit the infection through a simple kiss, but only if one of the partners has an advanced and severe form of the disease. In order for the transmission of chlamydia through a kiss to take place, the following conditions must coincide:

  1. An infected person should have a focus of the virus in the oral cavity, and the concentration of pathogenic microorganisms in it should be maximum.
  2. The sexual partner of a sick person who theoretically can take the infection should have damage to the oral mucosa and weakened immunity. Healthy partner allergies also increase the risk of infection from passionate kissing.

But even if these conditions coincide, the risk of injury through saliva has a minimum percentage of probability. After all, the oral mucosa is not a characteristic place for fixing and reproduction of microorganisms. A more favorable habitat for them is the tissues of the larynx. After entering the nasopharynx, they often descend into the bronchi or lungs. Therefore, if a patient is diagnosed with chlamydial pneumonia or bronchitis, then the risk of affecting the second partner is significantly increased. In such cases, you can even catch an infection by airborne droplets, and after a passionate kiss, the probability of infection is about 90%.

But getting sick with kisses, where there is no contact between the mucous tissues of the two partners, is impossible, for example, chlamydia is not transmitted through a kiss on the cheek or other part of the body.

Causes of saliva infection

To develop infection, chlamydia must get into the tissues of the nasopharynx and larynx. Saliva in the human mouth acts either as a protective barrier and does not pass viruses into the throat, or as a conductor, especially if it so happened that the concentration of chlamydia in it was very high. This happens in advanced cases of the disease. With good immunity, human saliva, in addition to participating in the digestion process, has high protective bactericidal properties - it successfully protects the oral mucosa and teeth from various infections that a person receives during communication and with food. Oral multilayer epithelium, which is able to destroy chlamydia and other microbes, also helps prevent infection. However, if its integrity is violated, the risk of infection increases manifold.

Let us consider for what reasons the defeat through saliva still occurs. The most common cause of infection is a high concentration of chlamydia in the mouth. Against the background of stress, physical and psychological stress, exacerbation of diseases of the throat and nose, with damage to the gums and tongue, a person infected through saliva very quickly manifests symptoms of oral chlamydia infection. Depending on the immunity, the localization of microorganisms in the oral cavity is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • the nasal cavity is constantly blocked by sticky and thick secretions with a characteristic odor, the usual treatments for the common cold and the use of nasal drops do not bring relief;
  • a white coating is visible in the throat and on the mucous membrane of the tongue;
  • there is thick sputum in the throat and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe root of the tongue;
  • the tonsils become swollen, inflammation, pain and discomfort are felt in the nasopharynx.

Reduced immunity

The human body, in particular, strong immunity, is able to suppress all pathogenic organisms that enter it from the outside. Among these microorganisms are chlamydia. Due to the diagnosed chronic ailments, as well as transferred infectious and viral diseases, human immunity is significantly reduced. After infectious-viral lesions, at least 1 month is required to restore immunity. It is at such moments that the possibility of contracting chlamydia increases by 2-3 times.

The insignificant amount of infection received with a kiss dies under the influence of saliva and oral epithelium, and the presence of a high concentration of infection, coupled with a weakened immune system, leads to infection.

Other possible pathological factors

To provoke a large concentration of chlamydia in a person's mouth, which is sufficient for infection through a kiss, can cause the following diseases:

  • chlamydial lesions of the bronchi and lungs;
  • sore throat and other inflammation of the nasopharynx caused by chlamydia.

Consequences of the disease

Treating oral chlamydia, which is transmitted through saliva, helps to avoid major health problems and complications. Oral and other types of chlamydia cause inflammation of the tonsils in the nasopharynx, conjunctivitis, damage to the bronchial and lung tissues. Other complications after infection are problems with swallowing and chopping food, swelling and plaque in the mouth become painful. Also, the mucous tissues of the tongue and throat will become fragile and sensitive to food and drinks. A negligent attitude to one’s own health, refusal to be examined at a medical institution and failure to follow the doctor’s recommendations for the treatment of chlamydia will lead to serious problems - it will be necessary to treat a sexual infection and the pathologies that the infection will cause.


In order not to risk your own health, as well as the well-being of relatives, it is necessary to follow appropriate safety measures from the outset. The main point is that you should exclude sexual relations with unfamiliar people and not lead a promiscuous sex life. Be sure to use barrier contraceptive protection if such contacts cannot be avoided. Also, do not forget to regularly undergo preventive examinations with a doctor and take appropriate tests. Loving and kissing is a natural state of a person, so do not overshadow close contacts with loved ones for fear of contracting chlamydia.

What is chlamydia

Chlamydia is a disease that is transmitted by oral, household, sexually. The causative agent is the bacterium chlamydia.

In addition to the genitals, the eyes, mouth, lungs, urethra and rectum are affected.

Doctors refer to genital chlamydia as a venereal disease. The spread of infection is more common, like gonorrhea.

On average, about 8 percent of the world's population is infected.

About half of this percentage of people have parallel infections: ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginosis.

The insidiousness of these bacteria lies in various species forms.

Chlamydiae differ from each other by various attachments to human cells. Therefore, they are designated: A / B / Ba / D-K / I-3. Each designation describes the type of disease.

Chlamydia provokes the bacterium trachomatis D-K, which is able to actively multiply and exist in the human body. It is resistant to environmental conditions.

Caution! Women who have sex with an infected companion infect not only themselves, but also the unborn baby. Because chlamydia is very easily transmitted to a child during pregnancy.

Ways of transmission of urogenital infection

The bacterium that causes urogenital chlamydia easily affects a healthy person with optimal immunity protection only the mucous membrane of certain organs. Only the mucous membranes are affected, which have a columnar epithelium.

For infection to occur, the infection must penetrate the mucous membrane of the rectum or urethra of a man, or in a woman, the epithelium of the rectum, urethra or cervix.

How does this happen? During sexual intercourse.

Infection of the genitals can occur in everyday life, when one bath with an infected person is used, toilet accessories. More often using the infected towel or his bed.

With improper hygiene, a person can infect himself with ocular chlamydia.

With oral sex during sex, infection also occurs, because chlamydia is rare, but can be transmitted through kissing. Not only the healthy partner will suffer, but also the infected one.

Urogenital chlamydia is dangerous for babies. Infection of the baby occurs at the time of delivery by contact with the affected mucous membranes.

Boys may develop eye disease and girls may develop eye and genital tract infections.

Who is more likely to be infected

Young people, in particular couples, are infected.

Can I get chlamydia through my mouth? Of course, if the saliva of an infected person quickly falls into the throat of a healthy person. Anyone who has sex is also at risk.

People who do not follow personal hygiene rules are likely to get infected.

In particular, infants are at greater risk of chlamydia. These are the main populations in which chlamydia bacteria are most commonly found.

How to prevent infection from entering the body

To avoid infection, you must follow simple rules.

  • Choosing a sexual partner should be taken very seriously.
  • Avoid casual sex and use condoms.

There are popular measures to prevent infection. This is the washing of the genitals from the outside with water, the use of syringes and antiseptics that have chlorine in their composition. It is necessary to visit a doctor - gynecologist or urologist for prevention and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Features of infection through a kiss

To find out the answer to the question - is chlamydia transmitted through a kiss, you need to deal with the symptoms. Oral chlamydia is a common occurrence. Bacteria can be present in a person’s mouth for a very long time. Begin to be active when suitable conditions occur.

The main signs of a mouth infection are:

  • The formation of mucous plaque on the palate and tongue.
  • Manifestations of erosions and ulcers on the mucous membranes.

Chlamydia in the mouth causes symptoms similar to those of many other diseases. To determine the exact environment, you need to contact a specialist.

The epithelium of the oral cavity consists of many layers and is almost not suitable for the reproduction of bacteria. Favorable conditions for the life of chlamydia are in the throat.

In order for an invasion to occur, it is necessary to swallow the infected saliva in a short time. And the infection must be delayed so as not to get into the digestive tract.

So, the answer to the question is whether the disease is transmitted with a kiss: an infection is transmitted with a kiss, but is immediately destroyed by the protection of the oral cavity.

Only in rare cases does bacteria enter the pharynx and multiply.

For the treatment of chlamydia of the oral cavity, antibacterial drugs of the fluoroquinol, tetracycline and macrolide types are prescribed.

Medicines are prescribed by a specialist after receiving the test results.

To summarize

The defeat of the oral cavity with chlamydia is possible in several ways. The most common is the oral type. Therefore, you need to know that chlamydia is transmitted through a kiss.

With unprotected intercourse, there is also a high probability of invasion.

This method is ranked second in terms of the likelihood of bacteria entering the body.

The third method of infection is considered to be household. This is the transmission of the disease through dirty hands, non-washed clothes or other people's hygiene products.

It is considered the rarest method of infection, because bacteria cannot exist for a long time outside the mucous tissue of the body.

Based on the above information, we can conclude: diseases can be avoided by observing the rules of personal hygiene and careful selection of a partner.

Do chlamydia live in the mouth? They live and breed in favorable conditions. If you have a disease, you must contact a medical institution for the appointment of appropriate treatment.

Chlamydia, whether transmitted through kissing or saliva

One of the most common STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) is chlamydia, which can lead to serious complications without proper treatment. Chlamydia is caused by a bacterium called chlamydia trachomatis, which is found in high concentration in semen and vaginal fluid. Chlamydia affects both men and women.

Despite the fact that most cases of transmission of chlamydia occurs during intercourse, cases of transmission from a pregnant woman to her baby during childbirth are not excluded. If a woman is not treated for chlamydia, it can also lead to serious consequences for her fertility, such as an increased risk of an ectopic pregnancy or damage to her reproductive system, which leads to infertility.

With all the dangers surrounding chlamydia, many people may wonder: is chlamydia transmitted through saliva or a kiss?

Fortunately, there are no clinically confirmed cases of someone getting chlamydia through kissing or saliva. This does not mean that it is impossible, but it is highly unlikely. The chlamydia bacterium needs very specific conditions in order to grow and multiply; saliva and the oral cavity are not the most favorable places for bacteria.

How is chlamydia transmitted?

Chlamydia can only enter your body if you have had sexual contact with an infected person. Chlamydia can be transmitted regardless of sexual contact, whether it is unprotected vaginal, oral or anal sex. Chlamydia can also enter through sex devices (toys), which means that the bacteria remains on things and objects for a while after they leave the body.

A common misconception is that a person infected with chlamydia must ejaculate in order to infect their partner. This is not true - unprotected sex without ejaculation can lead to chlamydia infection.

Remember that you cannot catch chlamydia using the same towel or bathroom as an infected person. Contact with fluid, semen or vaginal secretions is the only route of infection.

How to prevent chlamydia infection

The only way to avoid any sexually transmitted disease is to avoid sex. Young people who are sexually active have a higher chance of contracting chlamydia. Chlamydia can spread through vaginal sex in heterosexual couples, but it can also spread through anal or oral sex, which also jeopardizes homosexual and bisexual couples.

If you are wondering: can I get chlamydia through a kiss, then there is no answer, however, kissing in addition to sexual activity can lead to seminal fluid in the mouth, and this can lead to infection.

There are two ways to reduce the risk of chlamydia infection:

  • If you are in a long-term relationship and only have sex with your partner, make sure you both get tested and the result is negative.
  • If you are not in a monogamous relationship or have sex with more than one person, be sure to use a condom every time you have sex, so you can avoid up to 90% of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV.

What if chlamydia is suspected?

Sometimes chlamydia causes no symptoms at all, but it can lead to serious problems.

  • For women, the most common symptoms of infection are: burning sensation during urination and abnormal vaginal discharge.
  • For men, symptoms include burning when urinating, discharge from the penis, and rarely, swelling or pain in the testicles. If chlamydia is present in the rectum, it can cause bleeding, pain, and discharge from the anus.

If you think you may have chlamydia, see your gynecologist or urologist. Talk about your suspicions and symptoms, and take some simple tests including a urine sample and a swab sample - using a cotton swab to collect vaginal or penile discharge.

If you have chlamydia, your doctor may prescribe antibiotic treatment. You will have to avoid sex at all, until your treatment is completed, during treatment, you should avoid sex, even in a condom. The infection must be completely cleared from your body and that of your partner before you return to a full sexual life.

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Does Chlamydia Indulge Through Kiss and Saliva

When a person finds out that a partner is infected with an infection, the causative agent of which is chlamydia, the question arises, is chlamydia transmitted through a kiss? The question is relevant, since statistics show that the disease affects people who have not had sexual contact with the carrier of the disease. Chlamydia has unique morphological features, it combines the characteristics of bacteria and viruses. It can multiply rapidly in the body, has an increased sensitivity to certain groups of antibiotics.

Common transmission routes

The factors that cause the development of the disease include numerous factors. Most often, doctors note the sexual transmission of infection. It is the most common and dangerous, since the risk of infection is possible even with the use of contraceptive methods.

The carriers of the disease can be both women and men. With intimacy, the risk of infection for both sexes is different. In women, it is 50%, in men - 70%.

Other modes of transmission include the following:

  1. Chlamydia can be transmitted during pregnancy or childbirth. If the expectant mother is infected, then the risk that the future baby will inherit the pathology is high, and is about 65%. Infection can occur in two ways, either during pregnancy or during labor, when the baby passes through the birth canal. Every risk of transmission is dangerous for the baby. During the perinatal period, early miscarriage, abnormalities in the prenatal development, or premature pregnancy can occur. Such children are born with pathologies of the respiratory system, eye diseases. Among the most common diseases is pneumonia, inflammation of the nasopharynx, lungs or trachoma.
  2. They get infected through household contact. Although the risk is minimal at only 10%, it exists and should not be overlooked. It is possible to get a diagnosis of chlamydia if you minimize contact with a sick person, use his personal hygiene products at home, which may include a towel, cutlery, washcloth, toothbrush. It is believed that bacteria and viruses are present on the mucous membranes, so chlamydia can be transmitted through saliva, but, as a rule, with a sharp decline in the immune system in a healthy person.
  3. Can chlamydia get infected through contact with pets or outdoor animals? Experts say that the infection can be transmitted from smaller brothers and especially cats. They are the most common carriers of urogenital infections.
  4. There is a minimal risk of infection through the airborne droplet, it is about 3-5% and is quite rare. Doctors made a pattern that most often chlamydia is transmitted with a parallel catarrhal disease, that is, when the immunity of a healthy person is undermined by other viruses.

Since household contact is one of the pathways of infection, the issue of transmission during kissing is relevant and natural.

Oral infection

If chlamydia is transmitted through saliva, then it is quite possible to get an infection as a result of a kiss with the source of the disease. Although today there is no exact answer to this question from scientific medicine.

The opinions of experts are divided, and each of them is based on certain facts:

  • It is believed that the most common habitat for viruses and bacteria is the mucous membrane. When it comes to genital infection, it means the mucous membrane of the genitourinary tract. However, some doctors are confident that the throat and oral cavity are a favorite location of bacteria for development. Therefore, chlamydia can be present not only in the intimate organs, but also in the oral mucosa. Do not forget about oral sex, which can cause the development of chlamydia in the mouth. An infected partner is able to become a carrier of infection during subsequent contacts and even a kiss.
  • Other scientists believe that bacterial viruses cannot exist and multiply in saliva for a long time. There are good reasons for this: saliva has a large amount of antibacterial components that will not allow pathogens to attack the oral cavity; in the oral mucosa there are specific cells that are able to cleanse saliva. Based on these properties, infection with a kiss is impossible.
  • There is a third opinion, which, as a rule, is adhered to by practicing specialists who face similar phenomena and diseases every day. They believe that the risk of transmission exists, but it is minimal and is accompanied by several stimulating factors. One of them and the most common is a weakened immune system in the recipient, that is, a person who may be exposed to the disease. If the body's defenses are working optimally, then they will not allow the transmission of infection through saliva and, accordingly, a kiss.

Thus, the opinions of scientists and practitioners are divided, but it can be said with certainty that the risk of infection through oral contact exists, at least in theory. Therefore, in order to prevent it, it is necessary to take a blood test and a smear annually to detect sexually transmitted diseases. Moreover, when it comes to chlamydia, which may not manifest itself for years.

Conventionally, all kisses can be divided into several types, each of which is characterized by an individual risk of contracting a partner with chlamydia:

  • kisses on the cheek;
  • passionate contacts characterized by the contact of the lips of both partners;
  • oral-genital kisses, characterized by the contact of the lips of a healthy person with the genitals of an infected partner.

The risk of infection with chlamydia when touching the lips with the cheek is completely eliminated, since in this case there is no contact between the mucous membranes of both partners.

Also, an infected person can kiss his partner anywhere on the body except for the mouth and genitals without harm to his health. When carrying out other kisses, there is a risk of contracting pathology.

Possibility of infection: passionate kiss

Doctors say that the likelihood of contracting chlamydia through a kiss is too small. However, in theory it exists. This is due to the fact that infection requires the presence of a large number of pathogenic microorganisms in the saliva of a sick person. This concentration of chlamydia is observed exclusively in severe forms of pathology of the generalized type.

The transmission of pathology with a kiss is also reduced due to the fact that the multilayer epithelium is lined with the oral cavity, which creates an unfavorable environment for the reproduction of microorganisms.

Bacteria are capable of actively multiplying only in the pharyngeal region, therefore, in order to become infected with chlamydia, infected salivary fluid must be swallowed. However, this must be done very quickly, otherwise the protective functions of saliva quickly and completely neutralize pathogenic microorganisms. If microorganisms quickly enter the pharynx for the development of the disease, microorganisms must stay in it, since the acidic environment of the stomach is unsuitable for their habitation.

Conditions for saliva infection

There are several conditions under which infection through a kiss is possible. Among them, the following factors are distinguished:

  • the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity;
  • high concentration of pathogens in saliva;
  • impaired immunity in a healthy partner.

Chlamydia infection with a kiss is possible only in cases where all 3 conditions are met.

Localization of chlamydia in the mouth

The oral cavity is an uncharacteristic place for the vital activity of chlamydia. The most favorable environment for them is the larynx. The salivary glands are located above the larynx, so saliva that enters the pharynx and becomes infected is simply swallowed by the sick person.

Chlamydia through saliva is transmitted to another person only upon its transition to a generalized form, which is characterized by the spread of infection through blood vessels throughout the body. However, according to statistics, cases of such infection are minimal.

High concentration of chlamydia

Chlamydia infection occurs exclusively with prolonged contact of mucous membranes, as well as in the presence of a high concentration of pathogenic microorganisms. Conditions of high concentration in saliva are rarely achieved because:

  • saliva contains a large amount of antibacterial substances;
  • other bacteria are present in the salivary fluid that inhibit the activity of microorganisms;
  • saliva is a liquid that is a natural diluent that reduces the concentration of pathogenic bacteria.

Therefore, chlamydia can be transmitted by the oral route only when it goes into a severe advanced form.

Reduced immunity

The human immune system is characterized by a high ability to suppress pathogenic microorganisms, which include chlamydia. However, with a weakening of the immune system, the possibility of contracting chlamydia with a kiss increases.

In this case, to defeat a healthy person, a reduced concentration of infection is required, which can be transmitted from the throat of a sick partner. It is worth considering that for the formation of an optimal environment for chlamydial life in the oral cavity, immunity can be significantly weakened due to any infectious-viral pathology.

Pathways of infection with the urogenital form

Chlamydia, which causes urogenital infection, completely affects the human reproductive system. It is transmitted in two ways:

  • During intercourse or during its variations;
  • Contact-household way. The possibility of transmission of the microorganism is only 10%.

During intercourse, a microorganism from the mucous membrane of a sick person enters the cervix or into the urinary canal of a healthy partner. Chlamydia quickly penetrates into the cell and develops. You can prevent infection with a condom. It is only necessary to put it on before the start of intercourse. If a condom is worn during sexual intercourse, then microorganisms have time to move to a healthy person. It must be understood that a condom not only protects against unwanted pregnancy, but also helps prevent chlamydia infection.

Oral and anal contact

With oral contact, a woman is more likely to become infected. If a man is sick with chlamydia, then microorganisms are excreted from the urinary canal and enter the woman's oral cavity. The bacterium settles in the nasopharyngeal mucosa, and causes chlamydial pharyngitis in a woman.

If a woman is the sick partner during oral contact, then the man is less likely to become infected. A condom, which should be used before the penis contacts the woman's mouth, will help prevent infection during oral caresses.

During anal sex, infection of both partners is possible. But to a greater extent, a passive partner falls into the risk group. During contact, chlamyd from the urinary canal of the active partner enter the passive rectum and settle there.

Only a condom can prevent infection.

Mouth contact

Oral contact

Chlamydia is transmitted through kissing only in one case, if the pharyngeal mucosa contains a sufficient number of microorganisms. The chlamyd in the saliva of a sick person should be enough so that they can settle in the mucosa of a healthy partner. During a kiss, part of the saliva of one partner enters the oral cavity of another, but microorganisms are swallowed and enter the stomach. In the digestive tract, chlamyds die under the influence of hydrochloric acid.

Oral-genital transmission of the disease

The risk of infection through kissing a partner's genitals is very high, especially if the person kissing in the mouth has small wounds or other damage to the mucous tissue.

It must be remembered that with oral-genital caress, the largest volume of pathogenic microorganisms is noted in the semen of a man, and in a woman in the released lubricant. The partner who accepts it is more likely to get chlamydia. For example, a healthy woman will pick up an infection from a sick partner much faster. Especially if she gives a blowjob to an infected man, followed by swallowing semen. Microorganisms easily penetrate a woman's throat, become fixed in her tissues, and after 2-3 days the woman feels the symptoms of an inflammatory process in the throat, and then other signs of infection.

With oral-genital and anal-genital sexual contacts without the use of barrier contraceptives, the risk of infection is very high.


How can you get infected with chlamydia, what are the routes of entry and modes of transmission? To get on the mucous membranes of a person, chlamydia must be transmitted through:

  • contact of unprotected genital organs from one partner to another;
  • oral contact with a partner;
  • anal-genital contact;
  • partner's kiss;
  • use of personal hygiene products partner.

Infection through traditional sexual intercourse

Chlamydia can easily be infected during heterosexual intercourse: they are transmitted both from women to men, and vice versa. Ways to protect against infection - the use of condoms. These funds protect regardless of which of the partners is infected with chlamydia.

With heterogenital contact, microorganisms penetrate the cervix of women and the urethra of men. An elementary mechanical protective measure will protect both from a dangerous infection.

Oral and anal-genital contacts

The routes of infection through oral-genital contact are very common. During such a contact, chlamydia fall directly on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity of women. You can protect yourself only by using a condom. If contact is made in an unprotected way, the likelihood of penetration of microorganisms is very high: they are in the secretions of the male organ.

The same applies to anal-genital contacts. If contact is made in an unprotected manner, the likelihood of infection is unpredictable. Unprotected contact alone is enough to catch chlamydia through a kiss, oral-genital act or anal-genital act.

Are kisses dangerous?

Is kissing an infected partner dangerous and how can you avoid infection? The likelihood of infection through saliva when kissing is extremely low. In order for microorganisms to enter the partner's mucosa, a large concentration in saliva is necessary. Such a clinical picture is possible only with an advanced form of generalized chlamydia.

Further, in order for the pathogenic microorganism to become fixed in the oral cavity, the partner's saliva must be swallowed, which is unlikely during contact. To gain a foothold on the oral mucosa, chlamydia must be agile: get into the throat and pass the aggressive acidic environment of the stomach, which practically does not happen. Therefore, in theory, it is possible to become infected orally, but practically this does not happen.

Important! It is unlikely to become infected with chlamydia while kissing, but this possibility should not be ruled out.

Household contacts

Is it possible to catch an infection in the household - oral or genital? Pathways of infection become highly probable if you use a personal towel or underwear of infected women / men. How can it be? Chlamydiae retain their active life form in a humid environment for a sufficient time, so they easily fall on the surface of the skin of another person (for example, hands). If you touch your eyes or genitals with infected hands, you can put chlamydia on the mucous membrane.

Since pathogenic microorganisms function in a humid environment, caution should be exercised when visiting saunas / baths, public pools. Do not use someone else’s washcloths and wipe them with a damp alien towel. Microorganisms are stored on other people's personal hygiene items, so use only your own personal items. In public places, it is possible to catch the conjunctival form of chlamydia.

Talk infection

Is it possible to catch an infection during a conversation with an infected person (not orally, and not genital)? Yes, during a conversation it is possible to get chlamydial pneumonia or bronchitis. How can it be? Let's say when an infected person coughs / sneezes. Microorganisms distributed in the air enter the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx of a healthy person and remain there. To protect yourself from infection, during influenza epidemics, you should protect the nasal mucosa with simple oxolinic ointment and do not breathe through your mouth.

Intrauterine disease

A newborn baby can get chlamydia. There are two ways of infection:

  • the fetus of infected women is at risk;
  • while passing through the birth canal of infected women.

The fetus can become infected through the placenta during its development, as well as during the ingestion of amniotic fluid. In pregnant women, the infection is localized in the cavity structures of the uterus and begins to develop. The risk of fetal infection in pregnant women can lead to miscarriage, premature birth, or even death of the baby. Often the fetus of infected women suffers from various developmental defects.

The risk of infection during passage through the birth canal remains one of the most common. The fetus is in close contact with the infected mucous membranes of the mother and becomes infected with chlamydia. Such infection with sexually transmitted infections in infants of sick women is widespread. The consequences of infection are:

  • pneumonia;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • proctitis;
  • inflammation of the genitals.

Important! During pregnancy, you should pass tests and exclude promiscuous sex.

Is chlamydia transmitted through saliva or through oral sex

Due to the very small size, even by the standards of bacteria, chlamydiae have extremely high virulence. Therefore, infection with them can occur in any conceivable way (at least when it comes to sexual contact, blowjob here is no safer than the classics). Most importantly, chlamydia does not often give pronounced symptoms, so infection can go unnoticed. The patient may well not suspect the presence of the disease for years. However, the asymptomatic course of the disease does not interfere with infecting others: the disease is transmitted to sexual partners, regardless of the degree of manifestation of its symptoms in the infected person. The consequences of chlamydia not cured in time can be quite serious - up to infertility and provoking an ectopic pregnancy.

According to modern statistical studies, up to 80% of chlamydia cases are asymptomatic. Moreover, about half of all men and according to various estimates, from 30 to 60% of women suffer from this disease (or are asymptomatic carriers).

Is chlamydia transmitted through saliva

In the past, it was believed that the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the genital organs, nasopharynx, etc., has a completely different structure, and therefore, for chlamydia, which causes a venereal disease, the cells of the oral cavity are not suitable. However, this opinion has now been revised. Rather, the fact that the mucous membrane can be arranged in different ways is absolutely true, but, unfortunately, just the mucous membrane of the genitals and nasopharynx are of the same type. So infection with chlamydia with oral sex is no less likely than with genital or anal sex.

The likelihood of infection with a single sexual contact with a sick partner (or with an asymptomatic carrier of chlamydia) is about 60%.

When infected through oral sex, the course of the disease changes. With oral chlamydia, the throat is first affected. Pharyngitis occurs, after which the disease spreads in accordance with the blood flow and, first of all, with the flow of lymph. The respiratory tract is affected, up to the development of mild pneumonia, joints, and liver. Sometimes eye diseases occur. Due to the particular difficulty in diagnosing chlamydia, the percentage of patients in whom the disease is detected by an ophthalmologist when dealing with complaints of itching and pain in the eyes is quite large. Ultimately, a disease that begins with the throat will reach the genitourinary system.

Using a condom significantly reduces the likelihood of infection, but not to zero.

Condom effectiveness in this regard is only about 87%. Of course, microbes, even those small ones, will not pass through the rubber. However, for the complete exclusion of infection, most people do not have enough control over themselves. It is enough during a love foreplay to once touch the partner’s mucosa with your hand, and then put on a condom with the same hand and the probability of infection will no longer be zero.

Sexual way

Unprotected sex is the most common cause of chlamydia. Moreover, the probability of infection in women is higher than in men. This is because the area of \u200b\u200bthe cylindrical epithelium, which Chlamydia loves so much, is larger in the female genitourinary system.

Compared with other sexually transmitted diseases, the risk of contracting chlamydia with unprotected sexual intercourse is not so high. It ranges from 25 to 65%. But even in countries with well-developed medicine, the number of carriers of urogenital chlamydia obtained through sexual contact is 10-15%.

Infection can be transmitted not only through classic sexual intercourse, but also orally. Infection also occurs during anal sex. An infectious disease is not transmitted through a condom, but this method does not give a full guarantee. You must be able to use it correctly and pay special attention to the quality of the rubber product.

The main way to combat the spread of chlamydia sexually is to educate the population competently using television, the press, and electronic media. For the purpose of early diagnosis of the disease, it is necessary to organize preventive examinations of people.

The main protection against urogenital infections during intercourse is a condom. But the best way to prevent sexually transmitted diseases is to find a reliable sexual partner for a long time. This is most preferable not only from a hygienic point of view, but also from a psychological point of view.

The spread of various forms of the microorganism

Different forms of microorganisms have their own characteristics of transmission. the table can be considered the causative agents, which diseases are different forms of chlamydia, and how the bacteria is transmitted:

What is the danger of ureaplasmosis for men and women

Consequences of the disease

Treating oral chlamydia, which is transmitted through saliva, helps to avoid major health problems and complications. Oral and other types of chlamydia cause inflammation of the tonsils in the nasopharynx, conjunctivitis, damage to the bronchial and lung tissues. Other complications after infection are problems with swallowing and chopping food, swelling and plaque in the mouth become painful. Also, the mucous tissues of the tongue and throat will become fragile and sensitive to food and drinks. A negligent attitude to one’s own health, refusal to be examined at a medical institution and failure to follow the doctor’s recommendations for the treatment of chlamydia will lead to serious problems - it will be necessary to treat a sexual infection and the pathologies that the infection will cause.

Chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted disease. After a single sexual intercourse with a sick person, the probability of contracting infection in women is 40%, in men - 32%. If 1 partner of the pair is infected, then both are treated, without testing the second partner. 75% of sick women do not develop any symptoms.

Infertility and ectopic pregnancy are caused by chlamydia, which can only be contracted through sexual contact, and not in a bath or other place. Chlamydia can be treated in 1 minute! (Use the drug sumamed). Chlamydia can be ill many times. This disease, sometimes, leads to trachoma of the eyes, which makes a person blind.

Chlamydia is intermediate between viruses and bacteria. You can infect yourself with chlamydia, if you touch your eye with dirty hands - chlamydia will pass from the genitals. Chlamydia (psittacosis) can also be transmitted from birds. The disease is mentioned in the Old Testament, in the ancient medical collections of China and Egypt.

How can you get chlamydia

Knowing the answer to the question: "How can I get chlamydia", you are warned. There are many ways to transmit the infection. Therefore, it is better to think a hundred times before entering into intimacy or using someone else's personal hygiene items.

The factors that determine the mode of infection include:

  • the state of the immune system;
  • type of pathogen;
  • microorganism resistance in the environment.

To know how you can get chlamydia, you need to know about the possible ways of infection.

Infection with unprotected sexual intercourse.The number of infected even in the most developed countries is twenty percent. Quite often, the ailment proceeds in a chronic form. In this case, a person, not knowing about the presence of pathology, continues to transmit the disease to all his partners.

The way to combat this prevalence of the disease is to inform the population. Infection by contact and household. Infection can occur through the use of household items. Of course, this method of infection is rare, but nonetheless. Towels, washcloths, bed and underwear, napkins - through all these items, infection with chlamydia can occur.

Infection through household items is possible due to the stability of pathogens in the external environment. As a rule, bacteria live outside the host’s body for no more than two days, but they remain on wet towels and washcloths for up to a week. Infection by airborne droplets. It is very rare.

A patient, for example, chlamydial pneumonia can produce bacteria during sneezing or coughing. But, as a rule, in order for infection to occur, this is not enough. Moreover, the disease itself is very rare.

How can an antenatal infection with chlamydia occur? This is, in fact, intrauterine infection. The disease can be transmitted through the placenta or amniotic fluid. This can happen when the infection passes into the uterine cavity during pregnancy. This method is very dangerous, because it can provoke premature labor, severe malformations and even the death of an unborn baby.

As for the intranatal route of transmission, it is considered classic for most sexually transmitted diseases. During labor, during the passage of the fetus through the infected mucous membranes, infection is possible.

The risk of such infection is more than 50%. The intranatal route of transmission of chlamydia can cause the development of: chlamydial conjunctivitis, proctitis, chlamydial pneumonia, urogenital chlamydia.

Before starting the treatment of the disease, the doctor prescribes the following:

  • serological testing;
  • cytological examination of smears;
  • microbiological research;
  • enzyme immunoassay;
  • rapid tests.

Only after a thorough examination is the appointment prescribed: antibacterial drugs, immunomodulatory drugs, vitamins. The use of tetracyclines, macrolides, fluoroquinolones is prescribed.

In order to prevent the development of chlamydia, it is necessary:

  • reduce the number of partners;
  • use a condom;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • eat properly.

When infection occurs through saliva

Chlamydia through saliva is extremely rare. Infection occurs only with very prolonged contact of the mucous membranes of a sick and healthy person, and the presence of a large number of bacteria. A high concentration of microorganisms in saliva can only be in an advanced stage. In itself, saliva is intended not only to participate in the digestion process, but also has bactericidal properties, cleansing the oral cavity and protecting teeth from damage.

The human body is characterized by a high degree of protection against pathogenic microorganisms; all organ systems have fluids and their own microflora, the action of which is aimed precisely at destroying foreign bodies. However, if due to any circumstances the immunity is reduced, then people very quickly become infected with various diseases.

The risk of infection through saliva increases if chlamydia has taken a generalized form and spreads through the blood. Such cases are rare, but still the possibility is not excluded.

Causes of saliva infection

To develop infection, chlamydia must get into the tissues of the nasopharynx and larynx. Saliva in the human mouth acts either as a protective barrier and does not pass viruses into the throat, or as a conductor, especially if it so happened that the concentration of chlamydia in it was very high. This happens in advanced cases of the disease. With good immunity, human saliva, in addition to participating in the digestion process, has high protective bactericidal properties - it successfully protects the oral mucosa and teeth from various infections that a person receives during communication and with food. Oral multilayer epithelium, which is able to destroy chlamydia and other microbes, also helps prevent infection. However, if its integrity is violated, the risk of infection increases manifold.

Let us consider for what reasons the defeat through saliva still occurs. The most common cause of infection is a high concentration of chlamydia in the mouth. Against the background of stress, physical and psychological stress, exacerbation of diseases of the throat and nose, with damage to the gums and tongue, a person infected through saliva very quickly manifests symptoms of oral chlamydia infection. Depending on the immunity, the localization of microorganisms in the oral cavity is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • the nasal cavity is constantly blocked by sticky and thick secretions with a characteristic odor, the usual treatments for the common cold and the use of nasal drops do not bring relief;
  • a white coating is visible in the throat and on the mucous membrane of the tongue;
  • there is thick sputum in the throat and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe root of the tongue;
  • the tonsils become swollen, inflammation, pain and discomfort are felt in the nasopharynx.

Reduced immunity

The human body, in particular, strong immunity, is able to suppress all pathogenic organisms that enter it from the outside. Among these microorganisms are chlamydia. Due to the diagnosed chronic ailments, as well as transferred infectious and viral diseases, human immunity is significantly reduced. After infectious-viral lesions, at least 1 month is required to restore immunity. It is at such moments that the possibility of contracting chlamydia increases by 2-3 times.

The insignificant amount of infection received with a kiss dies under the influence of saliva and oral epithelium, and the presence of a high concentration of infection, coupled with a weakened immune system, leads to infection.

Other possible pathological factors

To provoke a large concentration of chlamydia in a person's mouth, which is sufficient for infection through a kiss, can cause the following diseases:

  • chlamydial lesions of the bronchi and lungs;
  • sore throat and other inflammation of the nasopharynx caused by chlamydia.

Saliva infection

Diseases such as chlamydia are rarely transmitted through saliva. This is possible only if the patient has an advanced stage of the disease. It is worth remembering that the main function of saliva is to provide a bactericidal effect. It protects internal organs from infection.

The risk of transmitted diseases increases at a time when the disease has a generalized form and spreads throughout the body through the blood.

Most often, sexually transmitted diseases are those who have sexual and oral-genital contact with the patient.

When a couple in love kiss, the risk of infection is minimal. But contact of the oral cavity with the genitals can already lead to a laryngeal infection of the larynx. Moreover, microbes will linger there if there are ulcers, microtrauma and scratches on the mucous membrane. A large concentration of pathogens is found in semen in men and lubricant in women.

The mechanism of chlamydia infection through saliva

Passionate kisses with the contact of the lips and tongue immediately after genital kisses are a direct cause of Chlamydia infection. Doctors emphasize that it is theoretically possible to transmit the infection through a simple kiss, but only if one of the partners has an advanced and severe form of the disease. In order for the transmission of chlamydia through a kiss to take place, the following conditions must coincide:

  1. An infected person should have a focus of the virus in the oral cavity, and the concentration of pathogenic microorganisms in it should be maximum.
  2. The sexual partner of a sick person who theoretically can take the infection should have damage to the oral mucosa and weakened immunity. Healthy partner allergies also increase the risk of infection from passionate kissing.

But even if these conditions coincide, the risk of injury through saliva has a minimum percentage of probability. After all, the oral mucosa is not a characteristic place for fixing and reproduction of microorganisms. A more favorable habitat for them is the tissues of the larynx. After entering the nasopharynx, they often descend into the bronchi or lungs. Therefore, if a patient is diagnosed with chlamydial pneumonia or bronchitis, then the risk of affecting the second partner is significantly increased. In such cases, you can even catch an infection by airborne droplets, and after a passionate kiss, the probability of infection is about 90%.

But getting sick with kisses, where there is no contact between the mucous tissues of the two partners, is impossible, for example, chlamydia is not transmitted through a kiss on the cheek or other part of the body.

Contact-household way

Can I get chlamydia in a pool, sauna or bath? This is not excluded, although such cases are not widespread. The fact is that heat and moisture are a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. For example, in a wet towel, chlamydia can exist for up to 4–5 days.

The guarantee of safety in this case is the use of your own footwear, clothing and hygiene items. It is almost impossible to get infected through the water in the pool, since this requires a large concentration of chlamydia. It is not recommended to wear someone else's robe, bathing cap or slippers, even if offered by the establishment. Soap, washcloth and towel should be your own.

This applies even more to household items, because family members are at risk here. A person infected with chlamydia should use personal dishes, bedding, razors, and a towel. Fruits, vegetables, poultry and animal meat must be washed thoroughly.

The risk of infection through the household is low. For prevention, it is enough to observe basic hygiene standards. After contact with objects that a large number of people touch, you should not rub your eyes and touch the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth. Very rarely, chlamydia is transmitted through a handshake.

Signs of chlamydia

The incubation period of the disease lasts up to a month, which means that an infected person can feel great for a whole month, only then symptoms appear, but sometimes the disease is asymptomatic. The disease occurs with the same frequency in both women and men, although women are more susceptible to infection due to the anatomical structure of the body. Chlamydia in women:

  • Yellow, mucopurulent, unpleasant-smelling discharge;
  • Burning sensation when urinating;
  • Itching;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Back pain;
  • Bloody discharge;
  • Nausea;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen and in the small pelvis.

Chlamydia in men:

  • Cutting, burning, or itching in the urethra;
  • Thick and cloudy urine
  • Blood on ejaculation;
  • Blood in the urine;
  • Temperature rise;
  • Ailments;
  • Inflammation in the testicles and their appendages;
  • Spermatogenesis disorders;
  • Decreased libido;
  • Sexual dysfunction.

With chlamydial conjunctivitis, redness of the eyes appears, with chlamydial pneumonia - cough and pneumonia, and the usual treatment does not help.

These signs are mild and may suddenly disappear. Usually, the symptoms cease to appear after 10-14 days, which means the transition of the disease to the chronic stage, and this can lead in women to inflammation, the formation of adhesions, clogged tubes, infertility, miscarriages, fetal death during pregnancy, and cervical cancer. And in men, testicular tumors, inflammation, infertility, prostatitis, urethritis.

The longer you put off your visit to the doctor, the greater the likelihood of complications.

In the absence of symptoms, a person may be unaware of the presence of the disease and infect their sexual partners. At least half of those infected with chlamydia do not know about this, which leads to the spread of infection. About 600 million people suffer from this disease. There are many more people infected with chlamydia than we think, because there is no visit to the doctor with mild or unexpressed symptoms.

Women go to the doctor more often than men, so chlamydia is more often detected in females. Moreover, this ailment is in 60% of cases the cause of infertility, in 85% - miscarriages. In men, the disease causes urethritis in 50% of cases, and infertility in 30%.

Diagnose the disease in the laboratory. During microscopic examination, a scraping is taken from the cervix or from the urethra, the reliability of the study is 70%, therefore, the next step is a serological analysis - culture on culture media, if bacteria are found - an antibiogram is performed. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (detection of antibodies) is now not recommended, most often a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is carried out, which allows you to detect the genetic material of bacteria, but with a chronic course and complications this method is inaccurate due to the absence of chlamydia in the scraping.

Treatment of the disease should be carried out by a doctor, since after the start of treatment, patients stop continuing it due to the cessation of external manifestations. However, chlamydiae in their body remain and acquire immunity to the antibiotic, which makes it very difficult to completely cure.

The basis of treatment is a combination of several antibiotics, before the appointment of which an antibioticogram is carried out - find out from which antibiotics the infection dies. An important factor in treatment is to increase immunity, because antibiotics do not help without the body's immune response to the damage to the body.

For this purpose, immunostimulants, vitamins, nootropic agents, and dietary supplements are used. Enzyme preparations are also used in order to achieve a high concentration of antibiotics in infectious foci, in addition, enzymes help the liver and kidneys to function, which allows the body to be freed from toxins and promotes early recovery. After the treatment course, a repeated diagnosis of the disease is carried out in order to exclude the possibility of chronicity or the presence of bacteria.

To avoid chlamydia, you must:

  • Have a single sexual partner, be faithful to him;
  • Use condoms;
  • Observe intimate hygiene;
  • Visit the dentist regularly and immediately treat diseases of the oral cavity;
  • Maintain immunity;
  • Live a healthy life;
  • Eat properly;
  • If a person is sexually active, he needs to be examined in a laboratory a couple of times a year for sexually transmitted diseases;
  • If a disease is detected, one should refrain from intimate relationships until cured;
  • If you suspect this infection, immediately consult a doctor - go through an examination and start treatment.

Fetal infection

If the mother is diagnosed with chlamydia, ways of infection of the child include infection during pregnancy or during childbirth:

  1. In the first case, harmful bacteria are transmitted through the placenta and amniotic fluid. This happens when an infection enters the uterus. The embryo becomes infected in case of contact with mucous membranes or swallowing amniotic fluid. Such a development of events is very dangerous and can lead to serious complications. The likelihood of premature birth is high. A child can be born with significant deviations from the norm. Lethal outcome is not excluded.
  2. Another option involves the infection of the child while passing through the birth canal. This is a classic way to infect a fetus with sexually transmitted diseases. At birth, it is in close contact with the mucous membranes of the mother, which is the reason for the transmission of pathogenic bacteria. The probability of such an outcome is very high (up to 70%).

A newborn baby may be born with pathologies such as:

  • chlamydial conjunctivitis;
  • urogenital chlamydia;
  • chlamydial pneumonia.

When the rectal mucosa is infected, they speak of chlamydial proctitis.

It is necessary to mention the airborne route of infection with chlamydia. A patient with chlamydial pneumonia releases some harmful bacteria when coughing. However, their concentration in the air is low, and in practice such cases of infection are extremely rare.

The best prevention of chlamydia is a consistent sexual partner and condom use.

Checks for sexually transmitted infections should be done as often as possible. In everyday life, you need to wash your hands thoroughly and observe basic hygiene rules.