11 lunar day birthday characteristic. Eleventh lunar day. The everyday influence of this day

11th lunar day. Time to set your nets for money luck.

The eleventh lunar day is one of the most energetically powerful. Don't miss it! Today, the Kundalini energy is awakening in us, which usually slumbers at the base of the spine and which can only be awakened with the help of special exercises - for this you need to practice for a very long time and persistently. But the 11th lunar day is special, today Kundalini wakes up spontaneously. Such human states as brilliant insight, creativity, high physical and intellectual performance, unusual mental abilities, dizzying success in any field are associated with Kundalini.

And once a month, on the 11th lunar day, each of us is given the opportunity to touch this source of energy. At the same time, the day requires caution. Kundalini is a tremendous force that drives our evolutionary development. It can be likened to atomic energy: as long as it is manageable and controlled, it is safe, and with its help a lot can be achieved, but as soon as it breaks free, trouble happens. Any business carried out on the 11th lunar day can reach the Kundalini level, begin to develop spontaneously and bring completely different results than you expected.

Therefore, today you need to be extremely careful and attentive. It is better not to be overwhelmed and not to do something new, unknown. Do what you know well, avoid risks and adventures, and be sure to complete what you started to the end; you can't leave things unfinished today, otherwise they will end on their own and, perhaps, not the way you would like. We will not miss this day, on the contrary, we will make the most of it.

The gigantic force that wakes up in us today is capable of shaping events for a very long period of life. So let's approach the issue of attracting money globally: we will tune the whole house to receive the energy of abundance - we will set traps for money luck in the apartment, which will attract it constantly, ensuring a continuous and stable flow of money.

Most Monetary Power Objects The most powerful monetary talismans are objects that represent water in motion - waterfalls, fountains, and aquariums. Moving water symbolizes the flow of money and attracts tremendous luck in a career and professional activity. The Chinese Feng Shui teachings recommend keeping these items in the southeastern sector of a room, house or garden - it is this direction that energetically supports wealth. It doesn't matter if you don't have your own house with an adjacent plot to build a pond there, and the apartment in which you live is small, and there is no possibility or desire to acquire an aquarium and a home fountain. The element of water is a broad concept, it includes not only water as such, but also everything that is somehow connected with it, for example, glass and crystal products, shells, figurines of fish and other inhabitants of the aquatic environment.

It is these items that I recommend today to tune in to receive the energy of abundance, and on each subsequent 11th lunar day - to feed with the energy of your money dream. Do-it-yourself bowl of abundance "Chalice of abundance" is a vessel that you yourself fill with various objects-symbols of wealth and the energy of your money dream.

This is one of the most powerful money talismans. The bowl (or vase) itself can be metal, ceramic, crystal or glass. The ideal bowl shape is round and squat, widening downwards, reminiscent of a cut pumpkin. The neck should be wide enough, but not wider than the middle.

It is believed that it is easy for wealth to enter such a bowl, but difficult to get out of it. But this is just a wish, any vessel will do, except for a plastic one. Find something suitable in your home and fill it to the brim with the appropriate filling to keep the bowl overflowing. In it you need to put: 1. A branch of pine. The second option (it is more difficult to implement it, but it is more effective) is to choose the most successful one from your friends, ask him to visit him and ask him to give him a twig of an indoor (or garden, if he lives in his own house) plant or a handful of earth. Just don't take anything without permission! Stolen goods never bring happiness.

Place the twig or soil in a red pouch or paper bag. 2. Money of any denomination, totaling 988, for example, 988 rubles, 988 kopecks. Money also needs to be placed in a red bag. 3. Precious and / or semi-precious stones - the more the better. It can be either individual stones or jewelry with stones. Any stones will do, but try to get citrine, malachite, amber, jade, alexandrite, beryl, jasper, lapis lazuli, topaz or emerald into the vase - these crystals carry the energy of abundance. 4. A product made of gold. You can put all your jewelry in the bowl.

If you don't have enough of them, replace them with "gold bars" - regular pebbles painted golden. 5. Any symbol of the element of water: figurines of fish (there must be an odd number), a figurine of a black turtle, shells (any number), a crystal ball, a crystal of rock crystal or amethyst. 6. Dried herbs or fruits that carry the energy of abundance (in any quantity and proportion): jasmine flowers, linden flowers, basil, marjoram, cinnamon, ginger root, mint, calamus, cinquefoil, verbena, sage, allspice peas, spicy cloves, rosemary, sesame seeds, or nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, cashews).

Sew them up in a red bag with red thread. Charge each of the listed items by holding it in your hands for 3-4 minutes and imagining yourself in the rain of money or surrounded by things that you would like to have. Then lower it in turn into the bowl.

There are three more symbols of wealth, which are not necessary, but it is advisable to put in the bowl:

Nine Chinese coins with a square hole in the middle (sold in all esoteric stores). Tie them with a red ribbon so that you get something like a bead, and also put them in a red bag.

The symbol of the "endless knot" - it personifies endless luck. Sew or glue it with red lace or ribbon.

The symbol of the firmament.

Different peoples portray him in different ways. For example, in the East, the firmament is depicted as a lotus flower. I recommend the dome of the temple as a symbol of the firmament - it is close and understandable to everyone.

Find or take a photo of the dome yourself (inside or outside - doesn't matter). Or you can draw the symbol of the firmament yourself - the way you imagine the heavens that guard and protect you, for example, in the form of a separate roof of a house. The Chalice of Plenty is ready. Now sprinkle the cup with holy water or some kind of money infusion (see the 2nd lunar day) with the words: “How many fish are in the water, so much money for me. Moon, grow, grow, and you, cup, give me wealth. "

This must be done three times. Place the bowl in the southeastern part of your room or living room, in a secluded place so that it is not conspicuous, and everyone who comes to visit you does not poke his nose in it or ask questions.

Otherwise, instead of growing, your wealth will be depleted. Once a month, every 11th lunar day, sprinkle the cup again - nourish it with your money dream. Money talisman in three minutes No time to fiddle with a bowl? Rub some money-scented essential oil (patchouli and cinnamon works best for this) on any of the items listed below. If there is no oil, it's okay - prepare some kind of money infusion, at least from one herb, and rub it with it. It is important that during this procedure you fully focus on your money dream and imagine yourself with money. This simple magical act must be repeated every 11th lunar day. Money talismans are installed, like the bowl, in the southeast. Black turtle. The turtle symbolizes stability and good luck in business.

Place the turtle figurine in a crystal or glass bowl of water (it is better to use charged water for this purpose, the charging method is any of this book). Just remember to change the water regularly, at least three times a week, to create a sense of movement. After all, the energy of money is attracted only by moving water, stagnant and musty, on the contrary, creates stagnation in money matters. Three-legged frog. She usually holds one or three coins in her mouth. Sometimes the frog is without coins, but with a slot in the mouth where you can insert a real coin. The best frog is made of yellow shiny metal, reminiscent of gold. The most appropriate "habitat" for her is the living room. But in the bathroom, kitchen and bedroom she has no place.

In the bedroom she will "fall asleep", in the kitchen she is too hot, and in the bathroom she will pick up dirty energy (after all, we use this room for cleansing) and will bring you losses instead of monetary luck. Seashells Seashells carry the living energy of abundance, for this reason, many peoples once used them as money. Shells found on the beach are preferable to purchased ones, because those that are sold are most likely harvested by killing the shellfish.

Purchased shells must be cleaned so that they do not bring negative energy into your home: for this, before charging, keep them in salt water for a couple of hours. You can make a pendant from seashells or lower them into a crystal or glass bowl with water (preferably charged, the charging method is at your discretion). Change the water at least three times a week. Rhinestone and amethyst crystals, crystal ball.

The rule works with these talismans: the larger the size of the crystal or ball, the more monetary energy it captures. The most suitable places for them are the work table (southeast sector of the table) and the southeast of the room. It is desirable that light falls on the crystal. Better yet, hang the crystal in front of the window (especially if it fits into the southeastern sector) on a red ribbon: in this position, it will attract even more abundant energy to you.

Crystal (or glass) bowl or vase. Fill it with water (preferably melted and charged in any way) and throw in fresh or dry jasmine flowers (they also need to be charged beforehand - as we usually charge herbs), pretending to be in the rain of money. It is good if the bowl is green (the color of abundance), blue or blue (the color of water). And it is also very cool to "launch" fish there - not alive, of course - glass, ceramic, plastic. Magic box "Can such a simple object as a box be magic?" - you will be surprised. Yes maybe! Let's remember what the purpose of the box is.

Storage of some things. It is this function of the boxes that is used in magic. In ancient times, ritual accessories and ceremonial clothes were always kept in special boxes, chests. And remember the old custom of keeping talismans for a happy marriage and linen for future life together in a chest along with a dowry.

Surely your grandmother or great-grandmother had such a chest. The box is originally a magic item because it has four corners. Four is the number of natural elements (Water, Air, Fire, Earth) that perform all magical transformations. I will teach you how to create boxes to attract money. How to prepare and charge the box First, prepare the box itself. It should be wooden or cardboard, rectangular, 10-20 cm long, with a tight-fitting lid. Find such a box at home or buy a wooden box, the simplest and cheapest, without decorations. If there are any labels on the box, remove them. There should not be any drawings, inscriptions, images on the money box - this is extraneous, unnecessary information to us.

Then the box must be consecrated. To do this, you need a candle, salt, incense and water (preferably holy or melted). Open the lid of the box and throw in a few grains of salt. Take the box with both hands, lift it up and, turning to the north, say: By the Forces of the Earth ... Light the box with incense, lift it up and, turning to the east, say: By the Forces of Air ... Bring the box to the candle flame, then lift it up, holding it with both hands , turn south and say: With the Forces of Fire ... Sprinkle holy water on the box. Take it again with both hands, lift it up and, turning to the north, say: With the Forces of Water ... ... I fill this box with magical power.

Now this is my tool for raising money. May it be so! The box is ready to use. Setting up the box to attract monetary luck Now you need to put in the box: 5 cinnamon sticks, 5 dry corn kernels, 5 millet grains, 5 coins worth 5 or 50 kopecks, 5 sesame seeds, 5 almonds, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried fern or verbena, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, earth or sand, 4 small polished tiger's eye stones, malachite or alexandrite (optional). You also need a green candle in a candlestick.

1. Take the box in hand and charge it with your money dream: focus on money and imagine yourself with it. Visualize over the box for 3-5 minutes, then say: Energies and forces, merge, reunite! Make my income increase!

2. Set the box aside.

Now you need to energize the future contents of the box. Place them in bowls or plates in front of you (cinnamon separately, corn separately, coins separately, etc.), but do not mix yet. The herbs and items that you will have to put in the box are not charged all at once, but in turn. Touch each ingredient with the fingertips of your right hand (if you are left-handed, then your left), visualize your goal and say: I am energizing you to help me attract money.

Immediately transfer the charged herb or object to the box.

3. When all the ingredients are in the box, stretch out your hands over it, imagine your monetary goal again, feel your need for money and say something like this: Herbal energies and ... (name the items that are in your box), merge and reunite! Make my income increase!

4. Take a green candle and hold it in your hands for a couple of minutes, thinking about money. Then insert the candle into the candlestick, close the lid of the box, light the candle and let it burn in front of the box for half an hour. The box must not be touched during the day.

5. Late the next night, light the same candle. Open the box slightly or remove the lid from it and say: Energy, fly, fly away! Give me a lot of money! This is my will! Let it be so! Imagine how the energy you put into the box flies out of it and goes to the realization of your money dream. The candle should burn in front of the box for half an hour.

6. The next evening, do the same: open the box, recite the above spell and light a candle for half an hour. Do this every day until the candle burns out completely.

7. Bury the contents of the box in the ground near your house. Do not throw away the box itself. It is now your magic tool and can be used over and over again. The witch's bottle The witch's bottle is essentially a kind of box. The only difference between the two Power Items is that the same bottle is never reused. When the purpose for which it was created is achieved, the bottle, along with its contents, is buried in the ground.

Originally, witch bottles served to break evil spells. They were ceramic or glass vessels filled with hair, nails, and even the urine of a victim of witchcraft. Sometimes the bottle was walled up in the house to protect it from evil forces. Of course, times have changed, and no one makes such bottles now, but their essence remains the same. A modern witch's bottle is a glass or tin container filled with objects that represent the purpose of the one who makes it. In our case, this goal will be to raise money.

You will need: a glass bottle with a cork, 5 coins of 1 kopeck, 5 coins of 5 kopecks, 5 coins of 50 kopecks, 5 dry corn kernels, 5 wheat kernels, 5 sesame seeds, 5 sticks of cinnamon, 5 sticks of cloves, 5 balls of fragrant pepper, 5 almonds, large cup or bowl (not metal)

1. Rinse the coins and bottle with running water to remove unnecessary energy.

2. Put all the ingredients on the table without mixing with each other, place a bowl next to it.

3. Charge the ingredients with your energy, just not all at once, but in turn. Touch everyone with the fingertips of your right hand (if you are left-handed, then your left), visualize your money dream and say: I energize you so that you can help me attract money. Then put the charged ingredient in a bowl.

4. When all the ingredients are in the bowl, stir them with your right hand (if you are left-handed, then with your left) clockwise. You need to stir for 5-7 minutes and accompany your actions with visualization.

5. Fill the bottle with the charged mixture and close the stopper.

6. Take the bottle with both hands and shake for about 5 minutes, saying: Herbs and silver, copper and cereals, help me. Make my income increase.

7. Place the bottle in a prominent place in the house. Whenever you come home, put your wallet, wallet or bank card next to it. 8. Every month on that lunar day when you made the bottle, repeat the actions indicated in paragraph 6. Ribbons of the five elements Wind has always been a symbol of power. "Wind, wind, you are mighty, you drive flocks of clouds ..." Remember? And the old healer's book says: “Anyone who can control the wind will live without knowing grief. If you want happiness, ask the wind about it. " Yes, the wind is powerful. It brings us clear weather and rain clouds that saturate the earth with life-giving moisture, and in winter it quietly whirls snowflakes, then, turning into a blizzard, howls menacingly outside the window. And not only the weather brings us the wind, but also good luck. So, the spring wind brings good changes in fate. Therefore, in the old days in Russia, as soon as the snow began to melt, the windows were wide open in the houses so that freshness and good luck would penetrate into the house along with the wind. And everything came true! In the lives of those whose windows were open, a series of joyful events soon began. Unfortunately, this tradition is a thing of the past.

Now in March - April you rarely see open windows. People have become materialistic, comfort is more important to them, few people believe that the wind can change their lives. Meanwhile, the energy of abundance travels precisely on the wings of the wind! In the old days, people intuitively felt this, hence the custom arose to open windows in early spring.

And yet there is one way to catch the particle of abundance that the wind carries, keeping the house warm.

To do this, you need five colored ribbons:

Green (green is the color of wealth, abundance and growth),

Red (red is the color of strength, success and health),

White (white is the color of protection, peace and hope),

Brown (color of stability) or yellow (color of intelligence),

Black (the color of wisdom) or blue (the color of health).

Together, these ribbons represent the five natural elements: Fire, Water, Wood, Metal and Earth. How to turn them into a money talisman?

1. Charge each ribbon: touch it with your fingertips and, imagining your money dream, say: I energize you to help me attract money.

2. Continuing to visualize, tie the ends of the ribbons or braid them. The lower ends of the ribbons should hang freely and be long enough to flap with the wind.

3. Attach the ribbons outside the window or near the vents so that the wind gets on them.

4. Blow on the ribbons with all your might and say: “O mighty wind! Fly from distant lands to my house, bring me an abundance of money! ”Do this simple procedure every month on the 11th lunar day. So, the 11th lunar day - the day of awakening of the Kundalini energy - we devote to talismans - bringing them into the house and tuning into the energy of abundance. Charge them, find a suitable place for them in the house. Kundalini will make sure that the necessary energy gets into your home, and talismans will keep it for a long time. So wait, luck will be knocking at your door soon! ...

11 lunar day

Symbol of the day- fiery sword, crown, ridge.

Innermost symbol- a labyrinth where a person must defeat the Minotaur in himself.

In astrology, the 11th lunar day is considered the energy peak of the entire lunar month. The concentration of energy at this time is so high that any action performed is endowed with crushing power.

For many people, the 11th day can be very dangerous: if a person does not find the strength and ability to control such a powerful flow, then the flow itself will begin to control the person. In this case, no one can guarantee that everything will end without injury or injury.

The fact is that at this moment the ancient forces of the Earth, the forces of animal nature merge with the lunar energy, and all this "cocktail" requires an exit. As the song says: "The earth and the sky flare up suddenly" - they become so energetically charged that sparks appear between them. And the entire flow of this seething energy passes through a person who is a kind of mediator between heaven and earth. For the strong in spirit, it will become a cleansing fiery font, and for the weak - a hellish flame.

On the 11th lunar day, a person, as a rule, feels strength in himself, he is confident, full of enthusiasm and thirsts for action. But if, having begun to do something, he is at least not. the moment he doubts his actions, an inevitable collapse will follow.

To go through the fiery font of these lunar days, you need to be brave, courageous, believe in your victory. You can't slow down the pace even for a second! Everything on this day must be brought to a positive conclusion. You need to believe in your luck and surrender to the will of the moving element. The same should be done during this period. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better not to undertake serious undertakings.
The most important thing now is the utmost concentration on the spiritual realm. Anyone who focuses exclusively on material values ​​will be swept away by the flood.

On this day, it is good to start a political career. Figuratively speaking, you will be able to enter political life on the crest of a wave. This is a great time to start building, but only the desire must be such to bring it to completion. If you know in advance that for some reason you will have to "freeze" the construction for a while, then it is better not to start: you will hardly be able to complete it - there will be something in the way all the time.

Remember that any business started during this period is connected to the unlimited reservoir of cosmic energy. If you interrupt it even for a moment, the Cosmos can perceive this stop as a refusal of energy assistance and "de-energize" your event.

In a word, on the 11th lunar day, you can only start things that require the full commitment of physical and mental strength. And the actions should be brought to their logical conclusion, otherwise they will simply lose their meaning. The energy of this day is not just active, it is, in a sense, aggressive.

Ancient court astrologers advised the kings to start a war during this lunar period. And so in ordinary life on this day you need to be very careful with knives, forks and other piercing and cutting objects.

In general, during this period, it is best to constantly think about how not to do stupid things. It is not at all necessary to undertake risky ventures.

Watch your surroundings carefully, look around, do not get involved in scandals, disputes, not to mention fights.

It's hard to remain passive on this day. Channel your energy into creative, practical activities. Astrologers recommend spending the awakened energy on love for loved ones. Show the best feelings for your family members, help them both in word and deed.

Windsurfing can be a good way of the eleventh lunar day. Gliding on the board on the crest of a wave, you cannot lose balance and doubt, you need to believe in your luck and surrender to the will of the moving element. The same should be done during this period. Be situational and courageous.

And the most important thing now is the utmost concentration on the spiritual realm. Anyone who focuses exclusively on material values ​​will be swept away by the flood.

Due to such an energetic charge, it is good to start a political career on this day. You can, figuratively speaking, enter political life on the crest of a wave.

In addition, the eleventh lunar day is the best suited for the start of construction, which must continue at all costs until it is completely finished. If, for any reason, you have to “freeze” it for a while, postpone it, then it will hardly be possible to complete the construction - all the time there will be something in the way, it will not go well.

The fact is that any business started during this period is connected to an unlimited reservoir of cosmic energy, but the interruption of it at least for a moment Cosmos, figuratively speaking, perceives as a refusal of energy assistance and therefore the event is "de-energized", life "leaves it ”And it dies.

So, you need to remember: on the eleventh lunar day, you can only start things that require the full commitment of not only physical, but also mental strength and bring them to their logical conclusion at any cost, otherwise all your actions will lose their meaning.
The energy of this day is not only active, it is, in a sense, even aggressive. The ancient court astrologers even advised the kings to start a war during this lunar period.

Care must be taken on this day with knives and forks and other piercing and cutting objects.

Social influence

Not very favorable, sharp surges in the power of the mind and body. Do not engage in unfamiliar activities.

Household influence

Not starting big business is a loss. Bad for trade, activities associated with injury hazards. Good for traveling, moving, as well as for finishing any business.

Mystical influence

A day of uncontrollable power. Beginners are not advised to do anything or practice. You can exercise your body - walking, doing exercises to increase flexibility and strength. Handle insects with care on this day.

A day on which caution and attentiveness are needed in the performance of any business. You can practice some cleansing procedures, in particular, the cleansing of the astral, prayer and magical actions, but everything requires careful preparation.

If a person does not know, or is not cleansed, then let him not do anything serious that day. People who do not have constant practice should not be overloaded, not pick up cutting tools, not even cut bread on this day. You cannot quit what you started, everything must be brought to the end.
Falling knives, forks warn of danger. Contact with insects is not recommended (you cannot kill them).

Medical influence

Too unpredictable. Many miracles. For increased exposure to the patient is very bad. The onset of the disease is dangerous mainly for women.

Influence on the born

They carry within themselves the secret of human occult power, often to their misfortune. They do not enjoy the love of animals, but insects are always nearby. Not deprived of talents.
People born on this day are very strong, almost unpredictable, and disasters often happen to them. Such people are often bitten by dogs, wasps and even cows. On the eleventh lunar day, it's good to start starving.

Influence on conception

Best for conceiving a boy. The child will have unusual natural powers. Active fighter. Will have the ability of a magician.

Stones- fire opal, hematite, carnelian.

Meditations: Fire. Internal processes of the body.

11th MOON DAY - a day of energy flow and interaction with the forces of Nature.
The impact of the moon on this day is considered the most powerful in the lunar cycle. Be careful and attentive. Direct the awakening power to creation. Complete all the things you started on this day. A passive (sedentary) lifestyle is not recommended, as it contradicts the vibrations of the surrounding reality. However, you should not overload yourself with work either. Everything is good in moderation.

Improve your body, pay attention to it. It's good to have a massage today, take a scented bath.

Thank your body for serving you. If an illness arises, it is a signal that you do not love your body enough. Listen to him, talk to him, talk to each organ, and they will surely respond with health, vigor, energy and joy of life!
People born on this day are very strong, courageous, but their actions are almost unpredictable. They are smart, have many friends and admirers, with whom they do not part for the rest of their lives. The only thing that can darken their existence is their ability to fall into the maelstrom of events and even catastrophes.

BUSINESS - 11th lunar day

This is a good period for financial transactions, for active business activities. If you dared to solve any difficult problem once and for all, then the eleventh lunar day is the most appropriate time. Show assertiveness, perseverance, and you will succeed in the best possible way.

It is good today to conclude contracts, sign contracts, in a word, to perform any actions that imply a positive conclusion. But as mentioned above - no doubt, otherwise nothing will come of it. Moreover, this is a very favorable time to take up a new position.

Be active, give all your best. Figuratively speaking, on the eleventh lunar day, you need to follow the principle: "Pan or disappear!" Don't be afraid to take risks, but when taking risks, be sure to believe in your luck.

MARRIAGE - 11th lunar day

Only those who are one hundred percent confident in the feelings of their partner, who have really thoroughly discussed their future life together and who trust their beloved (beloved) in everything, should marry. But if you are not sure of the strength of your heart's feelings, if there is a shadow of doubt about the correctness of your choice, be careful not to tie yourself up with family ties, it is better to refuse the wedding on this day, otherwise you will really be disappointed. The eleventh lunar day is the time to marry couples who, as they say, live in perfect harmony, have the same interests, the same outlook on life and strive for the same thing.

With regard to weddings, astrologers warn: an abundance of alcohol in the very fun can lead to tragedies, which, as a rule, end not only in fights and fights, but often in injury, and sometimes death. Therefore, it is recommended to celebrate a wedding during this period only for those families where they do not drink alcohol at all.

HEALTH - 11th lunar day

A period of active physical exercise. It is useful to make long walks, run marathons, swim in kayaks, swim across stakes and lakes, ride a bike, and so on.

It is very good now to practice martial arts, but only without the use of edged weapons. In training, you can increase the load, master new movements and exercises. The ideal time for sports, festivals, health and fitness days.

On the eleventh lunar day, it is good to move to a new level in those health programs that were started at the beginning of the lunar month.

If you spend this time lying on the couch, indulging in laziness and melancholy, then your body will not really rest, but, on the contrary, will not receive the new energy it needs. Anyone who spends the eleventh lunar day in passivity has exacerbated chronic diseases.

A good day to start treatment, to clear the upper respiratory tract and lungs. It is useful to swim on this day. Try to eat less rough food, drink more water and juices. Good day for fasting.

SEX - 11th lunar day

On the eleventh lunar day, a person has increased sexuality. You should not restrain it - make love wherever it overtakes you! This is a time of extravagant, unrestrained and unbridled sex, but only on condition of mutual desire.

But sex during this period should have a spiritual basis, love, and not remain at the level of animal lust. Otherwise, back pain or headaches may occur.

The eleventh lunar day is the time of a mutually active sexual role. Both partners should take the initiative in love joys. No passive relationship - only an active position, in a sense, even aggressive.

The more good sex the better. Do it even all day long - on this lunar day it will not hurt, since powerful energy flows pass through a person, and sex allows them to be transformed into vital energy.

Symbols of the day: fire sword, crown, ridge, labyrinth of Minotavr

Stones of the day: bloodstone, carnelian, selenite, fire opal

Description of the day

Day of astral battles, which is considered the most powerful in the entire lunar zodiac. This is a day for strictness and purity. It is considered a difficult time to cleanse the astral body. It is imperative to pray today. However, for all its severity, the 11th lunar day is one of the most successful days of the lunar month. It allows us to see how what was conceived or outlined at the beginning of the month is being implemented, especially on its good days. All the bad things that influenced you in previous periods go away. Thanks to this, what you have conceived can be successfully implemented.

Please note that whatever you do on this day, you need the most thorough preparation. This is a sine qua non for a successful business outcome. Only in this case will you and your undertakings be provided with help from above.

By the way, it was on this day in ancient times that astrologers advised the rulers, after a long preparation, to start a war.

Haircut that day

Today, a haircut is very favorable - it will help you save vitality and save you from a stupid waste of energy on resentment and disappointment. Hair coloring with natural dyes will also help in work and business. It is recommended to do your hairstyle as carefully and efficiently as possible - this will improve your energy exchange with space.

Gardening this day

The life force of the plants continues to spread through the stems and leaves, facilitating the maturation of the seeds. They reach their peak of activity.

Most astrological schools consider the 11th lunar day as the time of the energetic peak of the entire lunar month. And in fact, the concentration of energy is very high. What you do during this period has a truly inimitable power that can move mountains. So you have to use this power with caution: after all, a person is not always able to control the weapon in his hands. If you cannot cope with power, cannot control it, then it begins to dispose of you by itself. And the result will be the same as with inept handling of weapons. Why it happens?

Features of the day

On the 11th lunar day, the forces of the earth combine with lunar energy. Therefore, it doubles and requires an exit. If you want to better understand what is happening on this lunar day, imagine the two ends of the wire being brought close to each other. Electrical discharges pass between them. This is roughly the same thing happening between the earth and the sky.

But who is between these two poles? That's right, man. He becomes a conductor of enhanced energy, which is concentrated in him. Because of this, on the 11th lunar day, people often feel great enthusiasm, the richest potential, unshakable confidence. On such a wave, it is necessary to commit serious deeds. The main thing is to complete what you started, otherwise you will never be able to do it later. If only not to lose this confidence: the smallest moment of doubt will dispel the forces without a trace. Therefore, personally for yourself, consider the 11th lunar day favorable for beginnings only if you are absolutely 200% sure that you can complete what you started, do not stop halfway, you will always be brave and decisive, never give up.

And one more very important point: do not forget about spirituality. If all your efforts are aimed only at achieving material wealth, if thoughts and mental impulses are riveted to them, you are unlikely to achieve success.

The soul is in the first place today, and spiritual values ​​are the main priorities.

What else can support you today? On the 11th lunar day, people literally radiate charm. It is not a sin to take advantage of this for personal gain.

On the 11th lunar day, you need to carefully handle knives, forks and other piercing and cutting objects. The sign of this day says: if you dropped a fork or knife today, this sign warns you of a possible danger in the near future.

The day is also favorable for travelers to start the journey. It's good to move to a new place today.

The main symbols of the 11th lunar day- Crown and Labyrinth, where a person must defeat the Minotaur in himself. Additional - fiery sword, fiery snake and ridge.

Stones of the 11th lunar day: fire opal, carnelian and hematite.

Colors of the 11th lunar day:
green, colors of malachite and emerald.

Organ- the ridge (spine).

The important symbols of the 11th lunar day are the crown and the labyrinth. The crown represents power, as well as strength and energy. And the labyrinth has many meanings at once, which unite movement and a path full of life trials.

Those who have managed to walk this path with dignity will eventually find the truth, and the rest will wander forever. Passing through this labyrinth means renewal and new birth for a person.

Together, this leaves its mark on the 11th lunar day, making it one of the most unpredictable and at the same time highly energetically charged days.

Main characteristics of the 11th lunar day

On this day, the concentration of energy is so high that it gives crushing powers to any actions you take. So it is not for nothing that in astrology the 11th lunar day is considered the energy peak of the whole month. The main danger of the day lies in the ability to control this flow of energy: those who cannot do this will be controlled by the flow itself. Then everything can end even with injuries and injuries.

Today, the forces of the Earth and animal nature merge with the energy of the Moon, creating an explosive "cocktail" that requires an exit. For a strong-minded person, this flow of energy will become a way to cleanse, but the weak will not be lucky.

The impact of the moon on this day will be so strong that it is one of the most powerful in the entire lunar cycle. Today it is worth exercising maximum caution and attentiveness, and directing the available energy to creativity and good deeds.

Everything that you plan to start on the 11th lunar day will need to be completed. Moreover, you have enough strength and enthusiasm for this. Almost everyone today will feel a thirst for activity and confidence in themselves and their capabilities. If, starting to do something, you even for a moment doubt the fidelity of your actions, expect failure and inevitable collapse. So believe in your luck and surrender to the will of the moving elements.

But passivity and laziness should not be shown on this day, they will contradict the vibrations of the surrounding world. But the stars are also not advised to overload themselves with work.

The 11th lunar day is perfect for those who wish to start their political career. Starting today you will find yourself at the best moment for this.
It is also worth starting construction now if you are sure that you can bring it to the end. If you know that the construction site will have to be “frozen” for a while, then it’s better not to start it.

In general, on the 11th lunar day, you can do any business that requires your full commitment of strength and energy, which you are ready to bring to its logical conclusion, otherwise it will simply lose all meaning.

Health on the 11th lunar day

Healing: lithotherapy is useful - treatment with stones. A good day to start fasting and cleanse the body of toxins. And it is better to approach the rest of the procedures with caution and complete them on the same day.

Diseases: an unpredictable day in terms of health and the possible appearance of diseases that were not expected. Do not allow emotional and mental stress on the 11th lunar day.

On the 11th lunar day, from a medical point of view, the spine will be especially vulnerable. It is better not to prescribe surgical operations for today, postpone them for another time. Diseases that arise on this day are usually difficult, but there is a high probability of unexpected healing. Treatment or prevention of the upper respiratory tract and lungs will lead to more tangible results if started on that day.

Nutrition: it is contraindicated to eat today meat, grains and legumes. Try to take in less coarse fiber, but it is good to drink plenty of fluids and fast.

Sport: exercises that develop strength and flexibility are recommended. Physically fit people should try yoga. The main thing is to monitor your own load and not succumb to the feeling that you are omnipotent. It is also useful to make walks in the fresh air on the 11th lunar day, if there is an opportunity to wander through the forest.

Love and the 11th lunar day

Do not spare time today for your family and friends and give them your attention and care. Give them gifts for absolutely no reason, your generosity will pay off handsomely.

The 11th lunar day will pass for many completely without conflict: do not quarrel with the other halves and do not reproach your relatives.

Today it is worth getting married, especially if you are very confident in yourself and in your loved one. Remember that all doubts that have arisen on the 11th lunar day will turn against you, so do not rush to get married or get married if you are thinking. The wedding, if you do decide on it, is best done calmly and with a minimum of alcohol.

Work and creativity on the 11th lunar day

Complete all current tasks before taking on new cases and projects today. Attempts to improve their financial situation can, on the contrary, lead to debts and losses, therefore it is not recommended to engage in investing money, as well as in real estate transactions on the 11th lunar day.

It is better to conduct business negotiations that will end in your favor, you just have to turn on a little of your charm for this.

All signs of the Zodiac are waiting for an excellent chance to move to a qualitatively better life, the main thing is not to miss it by your own oversight.

On the 11th lunar day, the stars favor everyone planning to do science and creativity.

To those who were born on the 11th lunar day

Those born on the 11th lunar day become the most powerful magicians possessing the secret of Kunadlini, which they carry within themselves from birth. If they correctly use the Kundalini energy given to them, then they are strong in everything, whatever they do, and can achieve everything in life, provided, of course, that they will not be scattered.

Children from birth have a very strong energy. Parents need to keep their ears open and channel energy into a peaceful channel. It is useful to send such children to sports clubs or use energy for creativity. It is advisable that the child himself chooses what he wants to do.

Those born on the 11th lunar day in deeds committed from a pure heart are guaranteed success and full realization. If you do not your own business, then it will ultimately have a detrimental effect on their health and on their emotional state.

Usually those born on these lunar days have very good health and, thanks to this, live to a ripe old age.

Signs of the 11th lunar day

Look for signs warning you of an impending danger in the form of falling cutlery.

Magic rites of the 11th lunar day

Working with stones, litomancy. A day of long-prepared magical rites. Contemplation of the inner "I", living one's own inner problems, working with information from the subconscious, exercises for awakening the creative fiery energies of one's microcosm.

Special care on the 11th lunar day

The problem of the day is not to get confused in priorities and life values.
The killing of any living creature on this day is contraindicated.

Dreams and dreams on the 11th lunar day

On the eleventh lunar day, energy is strongly connected with our subconscious, which is why it is so difficult for us to manage it. And as you know, all the subconscious usually manifests itself in our dreams. Therefore, the dreams of this lunar day are directly related to our psyche and show what position you take on your path.

If you have a very dynamic and pleasant dream, this may mean that your energy is at the proper level. That is, in life you take an active position and things are going well for you. If in a dream you are passive and gloomy, then in life you are going with the flow, limply taking the blows of fate. In this case, it is recommended to reconsider your position and improve something in your life, so as not to be a weak-willed puppet of life's circumstances.

If you had a very active, but dark dream, in which you yourself are the source of unpleasantness, this means that in reality you have become very dependent on material things and have completely forgotten about your soul. The recommendations here boil down to the fact that it is desirable for you to change your priorities, pay more attention to self-improvement, and strive for spiritual purity.

11th day mantra

I am in a harmonious relationship with all people by the power of my thinking
I know what I want in life and I feel that it is mine by right
My heart perfectly knows the path to happiness and success, I trust its wisdom
My destiny is unique and I accept it with gratitude.
People around me help me succeed
I bring people energy, optimism and friendliness
I am happy to lead an active lifestyle
I can stand up for myself and my principles
My body is in harmony with the earth and with the universe
My life purpose is growth, progress, and all-round development

People born on the eleventh lunar day have excellent mental abilities, extraordinary thinking. They are quite strong and unpredictable; you can expect the most unexpected actions and bold judgments from these people. People who were born on this lunar day can be called powerful magicians who have tremendous strength and know how to control their strength. Whether they are not always able to realize all this in themselves, they do not know how to deal with this very force, and it often happens that they are scattered on all sorts of trifles, while wasting their energy senselessly.

in the 11th
lunar day

Born on this day will be one of the happiest people on Earth, if he does not ruin his naturally-given high mental abilities and talents. This person will live a long, fruitful life and reach a ripe old age. Such people are witty, spiritually enriched. In them, nature lays occult power, and if a person learns about it and uses it incorrectly, he will bring trouble upon himself. Such people are often bitten by insects and animals, but without risk to life.

The potential given by nature, born on the 11th lunar day

  • endowed with powerful mental abilities
  • long, happy, fruitful life to a ripe old age
  • strength, talent, wit

These people have excellent mental abilities, extraordinary thinking. They are very strong and practically unpredictable, you can expect bold judgments and unexpected actions from them.

Do any business with full dedication. Concentration is the key to success.

Those born on the 11th lunar day will live a happy, fruitful life and live to a ripe old age. They are very strong, talented, witty, almost unpredictable. They need a mentor or teacher, this should be a person who will give them the right direction, and also be able to teach them to use the energy given to them for good.

Possible negative qualities of those born on the 11th lunar day

  • waste their energy is absolutely pointless if they do not understand the vector of development
  • if the surplus of energy is not channeled into a peaceful channel, then the consequences will be dire

People on the 11th lunar day can control their power, but they do not always realize this in themselves or do not know how to deal with this power, they are scattered into trifles. They need a mentor who will give directions and teach them how to use their energy for good. They maintain good health and a clear mind to a ripe old age. They can become professional athletes. You need to take care of the spine. If you often find yourself in unforeseen situations, this is an indicator that you should change your lifestyle and become more attentive to yourself and the environment.

In the lunar cycle, every day is unique in its characteristics. There are passive, neutral and active. The latter includes the 11th lunar day, when the forces of nature reach their peak. Knowing how to properly use the influence of the moon during this period, you can mobilize your inner reserves and achieve maximum success. Conversely, careless handling of huge energy potential is fraught with unpleasant results. Therefore, it is very important to correctly distribute energy on this day.

General characteristics of the lunar day

  • Moon in a sign: Cancer.
  • Symbol: maze, crown, fiery sword.
  • Stones: selenite, fire opal, carnelian, hematite.
  • Body: ridge.
  • Action: skill.
  • The strength of the moon: strong, waxing moon.
  • Visibility (luminosity, brightness): 83,7%.

The onset of the 11th lunar day is symbolized by a fiery sword. Such a powerful weapon will be perfectly used by self-confident people with pronounced leadership qualities. However, you should not get excited with a fiery symbol. If you do not think that the business started on this day guarantees a 100% positive result, it is better to postpone the project for later.

The happy color of the 11 lunar day is green and its various shades. A great time to plant flowers and trees, everything related to creation. It is strongly discouraged to destroy anything, including intangible ones. The damage caused will be very difficult to repair. The magic stones of the 11th lunar day will also help your success: fire opal, hematite and carnelian.

Health and family

Concerned about health on the 11th lunar day, pay close attention to the spine. This is especially true for women - chronic diseases of the back or cervical spine may worsen. Having succumbed to the energy of the Moon, take this circumstance into account and do not overload yourself with lifting weights. For men, the risk of feeling unwell and injuries during this period is negligible.

This day will bring wonderful results to harmonious family relationships. It is recommended to talk to each other about love, please your loved ones with attention and arrange a romantic dinner in the evening. Children conceived on the 11th lunar day grow up to be smart, strong, talented individuals and live a long bright life.

This day is well suited for a wedding. But it's important to remember that the relationship must be perfect. If there is even the slightest doubt about the future spouse, it is recommended to postpone the marriage. The powerful Moon plus a feast with alcohol can destroy what is already there.


It is recommended for people of creative professions to finish projects that have been started long ago on the 11th lunar day. The success of the work on this day is guaranteed. But the implementation of new ideas will not be the best option. There are other negative working forecasts:

  1. Business and entrepreneurial solutions to complex financial issues should not be dealt with. Real estate deals and wholesale are unlikely to be successful.
  2. Are fraught with disastrous consequences of clarification of relations with the authorities and legal proceedings.
  3. It is better for students to postpone the exam that has dropped out on that day. If this is not possible, thoroughly learn the subject in advance and be confident in your abilities.
  4. Politicians should not be planning a debate with an opponent. Any disputes, everything related to the intensity of passions and possible negative emotions is unacceptable.

A noticeable surge of energy can be used well for housework. You can start cleaning, fix broken things and take out unnecessary trash. If you have pets, keep in mind that they feel the powerful power of the 11th lunar day and these sensations cause them a sense of anxiety. Therefore, furry pets can be scared and even aggressive.

Who will be lucky today?

The day is good for creativity and cleaning. Unsuccessful for students and politicians.

Born on the 11 lunar day

Boys born at this time grow up physically strong and smart. Girls born on the 11th lunar day are often talented, but unpredictable. Babies born under a strong Moon have the ability to comprehend the mystical secrets of the universe. Animals feel their special energy and often bite.


On the eleventh lunar day, according to the Tibetan calendar, it strengthens the senses. Makes the mind discerning.

Hair cutting on the 11th lunar day is recommended for those who have long been tormented by feelings of resentment. So if you can't forgive someone in any way, go to the hairdresser and get rid of negative energy. A visit to a fashion salon on this day can also develop intuition.

Signs and dreams

The fall of sharp and cutting objects is considered a bad omen. Therefore, when doing cooking in the kitchen, it is better to put knives and forks away from the edge of the table. Anything that does not have to be cut is wiser to cut with your hands or cook it whole.

It is very bad to kill even annoying insects on this day. If a visit by exterminators or exterminators is planned, it is better to postpone the destruction of rodents and cockroaches to another time. Moreover, in any case, do not have fun with hunting or fishing.

Dreams on the 11th lunar day are often significant. Having memorized and analyzed the dream, a person can understand how correctly he behaves in society and whether in peace with himself. If in a dream there is not enough strength to run, a feeling of anxiety, nightmares - it means that real life is too passive and you need to reconsider this or that position.

A good illustration of the 11th lunar day is rafting on a flimsy kayak on a mountain river. A powerful stream picked up the fragile boat and is rapidly carrying it along the rapids and turns. One has only to get angry, confused or overestimate your strength - you will find yourself in icy water. By showing attention and kindness to your teammates, you will achieve success.