5.19 1 over the carriageway. Signs for special regulations. "No left turn"

Signs 5.19.1 and 5.19.2 "Crosswalk" used to designate places allocated for the passage of pedestrians across the road. Sign 5.19.1 is installed to the right of the road, sign 5.19.2 - to the left. On roads with a dividing strip (stripes) signs 5.19.1 and 5.19.2 are installed on the dividing strip, respectively, to the right or left of each carriageway.

In the absence of markings 1.14 at the crossing, sign 5.19.1 is installed at the near border of the crossing relative to approaching vehicles, sign 5.19.2 - at the far. The width of an unmarked pedestrian crossing between the signs is determined in accordance with 6.2.17. Signs on a marked pedestrian crossing are installed at a distance of no more than 1 m from the border of the crossing. Sign 5.19.2 is allowed to be placed on the reverse side of sign 5.19.1. It is allowed not to install signs at marked pedestrian crossings located at controlled intersections. At unregulated intersections at marked pedestrian crossings, provided that the border of the crossing closest to the center of the intersection coincides with the edge of the carriageway, signs may be installed only at the far border of the crossing.

Signs are made of galvanized metal with a thickness of 0.8-1 mm, with double flanging, which gives additional rigidity to the sign body. Each sign has two "tongue" attachment points. The fastening elements are attached to the body by the bulging method, which does not distort the image of the sign and provides much higher reliability than spot welding or riveting.

Hello dear readers! Today we will dwell a little on temporary road signs and their differences from road signs that are placed on a yellow background ( shields).

We all know from the Rules of the Road that permanent road signs have a white background.

In the picture, stationary (permanent) road signs are installed.

Road signs made on a yellow background are temporary and are used in places where road works are carried out.

The yellow background on signs 1.8, 1.15, 1.16, 1.18 - 1.21, 1.33, 2.6, 3.11 - 3.16, 3.18.1 - 3.25, installed in the places of road works, means that these signs are temporary.

In cases where the meanings of temporary road signs and stationary road signs contradict each other, drivers should be guided by the temporary signs.

The picture shows temporary road signs.

From the definition above, it is important to highlight that if permanent and temporary signs contradict each other, it is necessary to be guided by temporary signs.

To avoid conflicts, the national standard provides that when using temporary signs, during road works, stationary signs of the same group should be covered with covers or dismantled.

GOST R 52289-2004. Technical means of traffic management.

5.1.18 Road signs 1.8, 1.15, 1.16, 1.18-1.21, 1.33, 2.6, 3.11-3.16, 3.18.1-3.25, made on a yellow background, are used in places where road works. In this case, signs 1.8, 1.15, 1.16, 1.18-1.21, 1.33, 2.6, 3.11-3.16, 3.18.1-3.25, made on a white background, are covered with covers or dismantled.

Warning signs, outside settlements, are installed at a distance of 150 - 300 m, in settlements - at a distance of 50 - 100 m before the start of the dangerous section or other distance, which is indicated on the plate 8.1.1. Here, it is important to note that road sign 1.25 "Road works" is installed with some differences from the usual installation of warning signs.

Sign 1.25 when carrying out short-term work on the roadway can be installed without sign 8.1.1 at a distance of 10 - 15 m to the place of work.

Outside settlements, signs 1.1, 1.2, 1.9, 1.10, 1.23 and 1.25 are repeated. The second sign is installed at a distance of at least 50 m before the start of the dangerous section. Signs 1.23 and 1.25 are repeated in settlements directly at the beginning of the dangerous section.

In accordance with GOST R 52289-2004, in the places of work, signs can be installed on portable supports.

5.1.12 In places where work is carried out on the road and during temporary operational changes in the organization of traffic, signs on portable supports may be installed on the carriageway, roadsides and the dividing strip.

Pictured, temporary road signs on a portable stand.

And the last requirement, which is often forgotten, that after the completion of road works, technical means of organizing road traffic ( road sign, markings, traffic light, road fence and guiding device) must be dismantled.

4.5 Technical means of traffic management, the use of which was caused by reasons of a temporary nature (road repair work, seasonal characteristics of road conditions, etc.), after the elimination of these reasons must be dismantled. Signs and traffic lights are allowed to be covered with covers.

With the release of the new order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated 23.08.2017 No. 664, the requirement to prohibit the use of means of automatic recording of violations in places where traffic restrictions are established by temporary road signs has disappeared.

At the end of the review, about the signs placed on the yellow ( yellow-green) background ( shields). It turns out that sometimes there is confusion with the signs installed on the yellow-green billboards, even among experienced drivers.

In the picture, a permanent sign is placed on a yellow (yellow-green) shield.

Some road users are sure that the signs on the yellow billboards are also temporary. In fact, in accordance with GOST R 52289-2004, permanent signs are placed on boards with a yellow-green reflective fluorescent film in order to prevent accidents and attract the attention of drivers.

5.1.17 … Signs 1.22, 1.23, 5.19.1 and 5.19.2 are used on boards with a yellow-green reflective fluorescent film. It is allowed to use other signs on such boards in places where road accidents are concentrated and to prevent their occurrence in hazardous areas.

In the picture, road signs 1.23 "Children", on the left is a standard sign, on the right is placed on a yellow background (shield). The sign on a yellow background attracts more attention.

In the picture, signs 1.23 "Children", "thank you" are responsible for the installation of signs, which left the previous sign for comparison.

Signs placed on boards with reflective fluorescent film ( at pedestrian crossings, in places of children's institutions, etc.) are more noticeable both in daylight and at night and attract the attention of drivers, which is an effective means of preventing road accidents ( Traffic accident).

The picture shows the visibility of the "Pedestrian Crossing" road signs in the dark, near and in the distance.

Everyone, safe road!

Decision from 09 December 2014

In case No. 2-4744 / 2014

Accepted Nevsky District Court (City of Saint Petersburg)

  1. Nevsky District Court of St. Petersburg, consisting of:
  2. Presiding - Judge Lagutinoj AND.The.
  3. With the participation of the prosecutor Tikhanova Yu.A.
  4. with the secretary: V.I. Nikitina
  5. Having considered in open court a civil case at the claim of the Prosecutor of the Kalininsky District in the interests of an indefinite circle of persons against the State Institution "Directorate for Traffic Management of St. Petersburg" on the obligation to perform certain actions
  6. Installed:

  7. The prosecutor of the Kalininsky district filed a claim with the court and, having clarified the claims, asks the court to oblige the defendant to add to the address list for 2015 the installation of duplicate road signs 5.19.1, 5.19.2 above the carriageway at the intersection and in St. Petersburg. In support of the stated requirements, it indicates that during the audit of compliance with the legislation in the field of road safety, it was established that there are no duplicate signs 5.19.1, 5.19.2 at the intersection of the intersection and at pedestrian crossings above the carriageway, provided for in Appendix No. RF, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from DD.MM.YYYY No. and p. 5.1.6 GOST R 52289-2004 National standard of the Russian Federation. Technical means of traffic management. Rules for the use of road signs, markings, traffic lights, road barriers and guiding devices, approved. By order of Rostekhregulirovanie from 15.12.2004 No. 120-st, with changes approved. By order of Rosstandart dated 09.12.2013 No. 2221-st, which entered into force on 28.02.2014. According to the information provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in St. Petersburg at the specified intersection in 2014 there were 6 road accidents, as a result of which damage was caused to the property of individuals and legal entities. The absence of duplicate signs at this intersection can lead to a significant increase in the number of accidents, a decrease in road safety, and creates a real danger to the life and health of citizens, as well as entails the threat of damage and destruction of property of individuals and legal entities (case sheets 17-20).
  8. The prosecutor appeared at the hearing, supported the specified claim.
  9. The representative of the defendant appeared at the hearing, objected to the satisfaction of the claim, pointing out that by the Orders of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated 09.12.2013 N 2221-st and N 2218-st in order to ensure the compliance of certain provisions (requirements, rules) national standards GOST R 52289-2004 and GOST R 52766-2007 to the interests of the national economy, the state of the material and technical base and scientific progress, changes No. 3 and No. 1 (including in clause 5.1.6 and clause of the specified standards approved for voluntary use. Accordingly, the installation of road signs 5.19.1, 5.19.2 over the carriageway is not a mandatory requirement. In addition, in accordance with clause 3 of article 4 of the Law "Federal executive authorities have the right to issue acts in the field of technical regulation only of a recommendatory nature, except for the cases established by Articles 5 and 9.1 of the Federal Law". The installation of duplicate signs is not an exceptional case. Also drew the attention of the court to the fact that according to the certificates of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kalinin region, in the period from DD.MM.YYYY there were no injured pedestrians at this intersection.
  10. The representative of the third party of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Kalininsky District did not appear at the hearing, he was duly notified of the hearing.
  11. The representative of the third party of the St. Petersburg Finance Committee did not appear at the hearing, and was duly notified of the hearing.
  12. The court, having examined the materials of the case, after hearing the prosecutor, the representative of the defendant, considers that the claim is subject to rejection.
  13. As follows from the materials of the case, during the inspection of compliance with the legislation in the field of road safety, carried out by the prosecutor's office, it was established that there are no duplicate signs 5.19.1, 5.19.2 at the crossroads and in St. Traffic rules of the Russian Federation, approved by the decree of the government of the Russian Federation of 23.10.1992 No. 1090 and p. 5.1.6 GOST R 52289-2004 National standard of the Russian Federation. Technical means of traffic management. Rules for the use of road signs, markings, traffic lights, road barriers and guiding devices, approved. By order of Rostekhregulirovanie from 15.12.2004 No. 120-st, with changes approved. By order of Rosstandart dated 09.12.2013 No. 2221-st, which entered into force on 28.02.2014 (case file 6).
  14. In accordance with the Federal Law of 10.12.1995 N 196-FZ "On Road Safety" (hereinafter referred to as -), the objectives of this Federal Law are: protection of life, health and property of citizens, protection of their rights and legitimate interests, as well as protection of public interests and the state by preventing road accidents, reducing the severity of their consequences.
  15. Under road safety, the legislator accepts the state of this process, reflecting the degree of protection of its participants from road accidents and their consequences (Article 2 of the Federal Law No. 196).
  16. Due to the requirements of Art. 12 ФЗ N 196 repair and maintenance of roads on the territory of the Russian Federation must ensure road safety. The compliance of the road condition with technical regulations and other regulatory documents related to ensuring road safety is certified by acts of control inspections or road surveys carried out with the participation of the relevant executive authorities.
  17. At the same time, part 2 of the above norm establishes that the obligation to ensure the compliance of the condition of roads during their maintenance with the established technical regulations and other regulatory documents is assigned to the persons carrying out the maintenance of highways.
  18. By virtue of the Federal Law of 08.11.2007 N 257-FZ "On highways and road activities in the Russian Federation and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation", the maintenance of highways is carried out in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations in order to ensure the safety of highways roads, as well as the organization of traffic, including by maintaining the uninterrupted movement of vehicles on highways and the safe conditions of such traffic.
  19. Federal Law of November 08, 2007 N 257-FZ "On highways and road activities in the Russian Federation and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" states that the implementation of road activities in relation to highways of regional or intermunicipal significance is attributed to the powers state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of the use of highways and the implementation of road activities.
  20. The court found, confirmed by the case materials and is not contested by the parties, that there are pedestrian crossings at the intersection and in St. ).
  21. Highways along and along in accordance with the Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg dated March 17, 2011 No. 300 (as amended) "On the criteria for classifying public roads as public roads of regional importance in St. Petersburg and on the List of public highways of regional significance in St. Petersburg "are classified as public highways of regional significance in St. Petersburg.
  22. The person responsible for the maintenance and repair of public roads of regional importance in St. Petersburg is the State Treasury Institution "Directorate for Traffic Management of St. Petersburg".
  23. Opposing the satisfaction of the claim, the defendant indicated that the changes made to clause 5.1.6 of GOST R 52289-2004 “Technical means of organizing road traffic. Rules for the use of road signs, markings, traffic lights, road barriers and guiding devices "according to which, on two-way roads with two or more lanes for traffic in this direction, as well as on one-way roads with three or more lanes, sign 5.19. 1 overlap over the carriageway, are advisory in nature and can be applied on a voluntary basis, are not mandatory for application and implementation. He also pointed out that traffic light regulation was introduced at the intersection (transport and pedestrian traffic lights were installed), signs 5.19 "pedestrian crossing" were installed, there is road marking 1.14 "pedestrian crossing", and therefore, he believed that the safety of pedestrian traffic on the the intersection is properly secured, there is no need to install duplicate signs.
  24. The court agrees with the arguments of the defendant and considers them well-grounded.
  25. According to subparagraph of the National standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 52766-2007 "Motor roads of general use. Elements of arrangement. General requirements" (approved by the Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of 23.10.2007 N 270-st), taking into account the amendments N 1 (approved by the Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated 09.12.2013 N 2218-st) the pedestrian crossing must be equipped with road signs, markings, stationary outdoor lighting (powered by distribution networks or autonomous sources).
  26. In accordance with the National Standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 52289-2004 "Technical means of organizing road traffic. Rules for the use of road signs, markings, traffic lights, road barriers and guiding devices" (approved by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated December 15, 2004 N 120-st), subject to amendments N 3 (approved by the Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated 09.12.2013 N 2221-st): on two-way roads with two or more lanes for traffic in this direction, as well as on roads with one-way traffic with three or more lanes, sign 5.19.1 is duplicated above the carriageway.
  27. As follows from the content of the Orders of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated 09.12.2013 N 2221-st, N 2218-st "On approval of changes to the national standard" in order to ensure the compliance of certain provisions (requirements, rules) of national standards GOST R 52289- 2004, GOST R 52289-2004 to the interests of the national economy, the state of the material and technical base and scientific progress, amendments N 3 GOST R 52289-2004 "Technical means of traffic management. Rules for the use of road signs, markings, traffic lights, road barriers and guiding devices ", N 1 GOST R 52766-2007" Automobile roads for general use. Arrangement elements. General requirements "with the date of entry into force 02/28/2014.
  28. National standards by virtue of par. 2 p. 2 art. 15 of the Federal Law of 27.12.2002 N 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation" shall be applied on a voluntary basis in the same way and equally regardless of the country and (or) place of origin of products, implementation of production processes, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal, performance of work and provision of services, types or features of transactions and (or) persons who are manufacturers, executors, sellers, purchasers, including consumers.
  29. According to clause 5.6.24 of GOST R 52289-2004. National standard of the Russian Federation. Technical means of traffic management. Rules for the use of road signs, markings, traffic lights, road barriers and guiding devices "(approved by the Order of Rostekhregulirovanie from 15.12.2004 N 120-st) (revised from 09.12.2013) Signs 5.19.1 and 5.19.2" Pedestrian crossing "apply to designate the places allocated for the crossing of pedestrians across the road Sign 5.19.1 is installed to the right of the road, sign 5.19.2 - to the left On roads with a dividing strip (stripes) signs 5.19.1 and 5.19.2 are installed on the dividing strip, respectively, to the right or to the left of each carriageway. Sign 5.19.1 is installed at the near border of the crossing relative to approaching vehicles, sign 5.19.2 - at the far. The width of the unmarked pedestrian crossing between the signs is determined according to 6.2.17. distance no more than 1 m from the border of the crossing Sign 5.19.2 may be placed on the reverse side of sign 5.19.1.
  30. According to the certificates of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of St. Petersburg for DD.MM.YYYY, 6 accidents occurred at the crossroads and St. Petersburg, in which only vehicles were involved, there were no injured pedestrians (l.d. 25, 32-43).
  31. In addition, the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" N 184-FZ of the concept of "technical regulation" includes the establishment of mandatory requirements and requirements intended for voluntary application (advisory nature). Mandatory requirements are established in technical regulations, and requirements intended for use on a voluntary basis - in national standards, standards of organizations, as well as acts of a recommendatory nature, which, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 4 of the Law, may be issued by Federal executive authorities.
  32. In accordance with Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ, the goals of standardization are to increase the level of safety of life and health of citizens, property of individuals and legal entities, state and municipal property, facilities, taking into account the risk of natural and man-made emergencies, increasing the level of environmental safety, safety of life and health of animals and plants.
  33. One of the principles for the implementation of standardization is the principle of voluntary application of standards (Art. 12 N 184-FZ, paragraph 1 of Section 4 GOST R 1.0-2012 National standard of the Russian Federation. Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions ").
  34. By virtue of Part 4 of Art. 16.1 N 184-FZ, the application on a voluntary basis of standards and (or) sets of rules included in the list of documents in the field of standardization specified in paragraph 1 is a sufficient condition for compliance with the requirements of the relevant technical regulations. If such standards and (or) sets of rules are applied to comply with the requirements of technical regulations, the assessment of compliance with the requirements of technical regulations may be carried out on the basis of confirmation of their compliance with such standards and (or) sets of rules. Non-application of such standards and (or) sets of rules cannot be assessed as non-compliance with the requirements of technical regulations. In this case, it is allowed to use preliminary national standards, standards of organizations and (or) other documents to assess compliance with the requirements of technical regulations.
  35. Thus, the legal status of standards in the Russian Federation is defined as documents that are not binding and are applied on a voluntary basis, with the exception of mandatory requirements that ensure the achievement of the goals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation.
  36. Since changes No. 3 GOST R 52289-2004 “Technical means of organizing road traffic. The rules for the use of road signs, markings, traffic lights, road barriers and guiding devices "are advisory in nature, evidence of violations of clause 5.1.6 of GOST R 52289-2004, as well as the fact that non-use of duplicate signs 5.19.1, 5.19.2 at the intersection and in itself entails non-compliance with the mandatory requirements of any technical regulations and a decrease in the level of road safety, life and health of citizens, the prosecutor is not represented.
  37. According to the statistical data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg for DD.MM.YYYY, no road accidents at the intersection and with the participation of pedestrians were registered, which gives grounds for the conclusion that the traffic safety at the intersection was properly ensured and that there were no grounds for taking measures to install above pedestrian crossings of duplicate road signs 15.19.1, 15.19.2. The number of road accidents in comparison with other intersections in the area is extremely insignificant (ld 25).
  38. Considering the foregoing, the court finds no grounds for satisfying the prosecutor's demands on the obligation of the St. Petersburg State Public Institution "Directorate for Traffic Management of St. Petersburg" to include in the address list for 2015 the installation of duplicate road signs 5.19.1 above the carriageway at the intersection and in St. Petersburg, 5,19.2
  39. In addition, the position of the court is confirmed by the Appellate ruling 1 from DD.MM.YYYY № (ld.83-90).
  40. Also, when considering the claimed claim, the court takes into account the economic feasibility of spending budget funds to install duplicate signs. According to the documents submitted by the defendant, the estimated cost of installing one duplicate sign at a similar intersection was about 350,000 rubles at DD.MM.YYYY (ld 64-71). If there is a limit on budgetary allocations for road maintenance, installation of road signs, traffic lights, there are clearly more important and mandatory measures in the field of road safety. The spending of budgetary funds, the need for which has not been objectively confirmed, is unacceptable in the interests of the state.
  41. In satisfying the claims of the Prosecutor of the Kalininsky District of St. Petersburg to the Directorate for Traffic Management of St. Petersburg on the obligation to add to the address list on DD.MM.YYYY the installation of duplicate road signs over the carriageway at the intersection and in St. Petersburg 5.19 .1, 5,19.2 refuse.
  42. The decision can be appealed to the St. Petersburg City Court within a month.
  43. Judge:

1. Warning signs

Warning signs inform drivers about approaching a dangerous section of the road, the movement on which requires taking measures appropriate to the situation.

1.1 "Railway crossing with a barrier".

1.2 "Railway crossing without a barrier".

1.3.1 "Single track railway", 1.3.2 "Multi-track railway"... Designation of a railway crossing without a barrier: 1.3.1 - with one track, 1.3.2 - with two or more tracks.

1.4.1 - 1.4.6 "Approaching the railway crossing"... Additional warning about approaching a railway crossing outside of built-up areas.

1.5 "Intersection with a tram line".

1.6 "Intersection of equivalent roads".

1.7 Roundabout Intersection.

1.8 "Traffic light regulation". An intersection, pedestrian crossing or section of the road where traffic is regulated by a traffic light.

1.9 "Drawbridge"... Drawbridge or ferry crossing.

1.10 "Departure to the embankment"... Departure to the embankment or shore.

1.11.1, 1.11.2"Dangerous turn". Rounding off the road with a small radius or with limited visibility: 1.11.1 - to the right, 1.11.2 - to the left.

1.12.1, 1.12.2 - "Dangerous turns". A section of the road with dangerous turns: 1.12.1 - with the first turn to the right, 1.12.2 - with the first turn to the left.

1.13"Steep descent".

1.14 "Steep climb".

1.15 "Slippy road". A section of the road with increased slipperiness of the carriageway.

1.16 "Rough road". A section of the road that has irregularities on the carriageway (undulation, potholes, irregular junctions with bridges, etc.).

1.17 "Artificial unevenness". A section of the road with artificial unevenness (irregularities) for a forced reduction in speed.

1.18 "Ejection of gravel". A section of the road on which it is possible to eject gravel, crushed stone and the like from under the wheels of vehicles.

1.19 "Dangerous roadside". The section of the road on which the exit to the side of the road is dangerous.

1.20.1 - 1.20.3 "Road narrows". Narrowing on both sides - 1.20.1, on the right - 1.20.2, on the left - 1.20.3.

1.21 "Two-way traffic". The beginning of a section of the road (carriageway) with oncoming traffic.

1.22 "Crosswalk". A pedestrian crossing indicated by signs 5.19.1, 5.19.2 and (or) markings 1.14.1 and 1.14.2.

1.23 "Children". A section of the road near a children's institution (school, health camp, etc.), on the roadway of which children may appear.

1.24 "Crossing the bike path".

1.25 "Road works".

1.26 "Cattle drive".

1.27 "Wild animals".

1.28 "Falling stones". A section of the road on which landslides, landslides, falling stones are possible.

1.29 "Side wind".

1.30"Low-flying aircraft".

1.31 "Tunnel". A tunnel without artificial lighting, or a tunnel with limited visibility at the entrance portal.

1.32 "Congestion". The section of the road on which the traffic jam has formed.

1.33 "Other hazards". A section of the road on which there are hazards not covered by other warning signs.

1.34.1, 1.34.2 "Direction of rotation". The direction of travel at a curvature of a small radius road with limited visibility. Bypass direction of the road section being repaired.

1.34.3 "Direction of rotation". Driving directions at a T-junction or fork in the road. Directions bypassing the road section being repaired.

Warning signs 1.1, 1.2, 1.5 - 1.33 outside settlements are installed at a distance of 150 - 300 m, in settlements - at a distance of 50 - 100 m before the start of the dangerous section. If necessary, the signs can be installed at a different distance, which in this case is indicated on plate 8.1.1.

Signs 1.13 and 1.14 can be installed without sign 8.1.1 immediately before the start of the descent or ascent, if the descents and ascents follow each other.

Sign 1.25 when carrying out short-term work on the roadway can be installed without sign 8.1.1 at a distance of 10 - 15 m to the place of work.

Sign 1.32 is used as a temporary one or in signs with a variable image in front of the intersection, from where it is possible to bypass the road section on which the traffic jam has formed.

Outside settlements, signs 1.1, 1.2, 1.9, 1.10, 1.23 and 1.25 are repeated. The second sign is installed at a distance of at least 50 m before the start of the dangerous section. Signs 1.23 and 1.25 are repeated in settlements directly at the beginning of the dangerous section.

2. Signs of priority

Priority signs set the order of passage of intersections, intersections of carriageways or narrow sections of the road.

2.1 "The main road"... The road on which the right of priority to pass through unregulated intersections is granted.

2.2 "End of the main road".

2.3.1 "Intersection with a minor road. "

2.3.2 - 2.3.7 "Side road junction". The junction on the right - 2.3.2, 2.3.4, 2.3.6, on the left - 2.3.3, 2.3.5, 2.3.7.

2.4 Give way. The driver must give way to vehicles moving on the crossed road, and if there is a sign 8.13 - on the main one.

2.5 "Driving without stopping is prohibited." It is prohibited to move without stopping in front of the stop line, and if it does not exist - in front of the edge of the intersected carriageway. The driver must give way to vehicles moving along the intersected road, and if there is a sign 8.13, along the main road.

Sign 2.5 can be installed in front of a railway crossing or quarantine post. In these cases, the driver must stop in front of the stop line, and in its absence - in front of the sign.

2.6 "Advantage of oncoming traffic". It is prohibited to enter a narrow section of the road if this can impede oncoming traffic. The driver must give way to oncoming vehicles located in a narrow section or the opposite approach to it.

2.7"Advantage over oncoming traffic". A narrow section of the road, when driving on which the driver takes advantage of oncoming vehicles.

Prohibitory signs introduce or remove certain traffic restrictions.

3.1 "No entry". Entry of all vehicles in this direction is prohibited.

3.2 "Movement Prohibition". All vehicles are prohibited.

3.3 "The movement of motor vehicles is prohibited."

3.4 "The movement of trucks is prohibited." It is prohibited to move trucks and vehicles with a permissible maximum mass of more than 3.5 tons (if the mass is not indicated on the sign) or with a permissible maximum mass exceeding that indicated on the sign, as well as tractors and self-propelled vehicles.

3.5 "The movement of motorcycles is prohibited."

3.6 "Tractor traffic is prohibited." The movement of tractors and self-propelled machines is prohibited.

3.7"Traffic with a trailer is prohibited." The movement of trucks and tractors with trailers of any type, as well as towing of power-driven vehicles, is prohibited.

3.8 "The movement of horse-drawn carts is prohibited." The movement of horse-drawn carts (sledges), riding and pack animals, as well as driving livestock is prohibited.

3.9"Bicycles are prohibited." The movement of bicycles and mopeds is prohibited.

3.10 "No Pedestrians".

3.11 "Weight limitation". The movement of vehicles, including vehicles, the total actual mass of which is greater than that indicated on the sign is prohibited.

3.12"Restriction of the mass per axle of the vehicle". It is prohibited to drive vehicles for which the actual mass on any axle exceeds that indicated on the sign.

3.13 "Height limitation". The movement of vehicles, the overall height of which (with or without cargo) is greater than that indicated on the sign, is prohibited.

3.14 "Limiting the width". The movement of vehicles, the overall width of which (with or without cargo) is greater than that indicated on the sign, is prohibited.

3.15 "Length limitation". The movement of vehicles (sets of vehicles), the overall length of which (with or without cargo) is greater than that indicated on the sign, is prohibited.

3.16 "Minimum distance limitation". The movement of vehicles with a distance between them less than indicated on the sign is prohibited.

3.17.1 "Customs". It is prohibited to travel without stopping at the customs (checkpoint).

3.17.2 "Danger". Further movement of all vehicles, without exception, is prohibited in connection with a traffic accident, accident, fire or other danger.

3.17.3 "Control". It is forbidden to pass without stopping through checkpoints.

3.18.1 "No right turn".

"No left turn".

3.19 "Reversal prohibited".

3.20"Overtaking prohibited". Overtaking of all vehicles is prohibited.

3.21 "End of no overtaking zone".

3.22 "Overtaking by trucks is prohibited." It is prohibited for trucks with a permissible maximum mass of more than 3.5 tons to overtake all vehicles.

3.23 "End of no overtaking zone for trucks."

3.24"Limiting the maximum speed"... It is prohibited to drive at a speed (km / h) exceeding that indicated on the sign.

3.25 "End of maximum speed limit zone".

3.26"Sound signaling is prohibited". Do not use sound signals, except when the signal is given to prevent a traffic accident.

3.27 Stopping prohibited. Stopping and parking of vehicles is prohibited.

3.28 "No parking". Parking of vehicles is prohibited.

3.29 "Parking is prohibited on odd days of the month."

3.30 "Parking is prohibited on even days of the month." With the simultaneous use of signs 3.29 and 3.30 on opposite sides of the carriageway, parking is allowed on both sides of the carriageway from 19:00 to 21:00 (changeover time).

3.31 "End of the zone of all restrictions." Designation of the end of the coverage area of ​​several signs at the same time from the following: 3.16, 3.20, 3.22, 3.24, 3.26 - 3.30.

3.32 "The movement of vehicles with dangerous goods is prohibited." The movement of vehicles equipped with identification signs (information plates) "Dangerous goods" is prohibited.

3.33 "The movement of vehicles with explosive and flammable cargo is prohibited." The movement of vehicles carrying explosives and products, as well as other dangerous goods subject to marking as flammable, is prohibited, except for cases of transportation of these dangerous substances and products in limited quantities, determined in accordance with the procedure established by special transportation rules.

Signs 3.2 - 3.9, 3.32 and 3.33 prohibit the movement of the respective types of vehicles in both directions.

The validity of the signs does not apply:

3.1 - 3.3, 3.18.1, 3.18.2, 3.19, 3.27 - for route vehicles;

3.2 - 3.8 - for vehicles of federal postal organizations that have a white diagonal stripe on the side surface on a blue background, and vehicles that serve enterprises located in the designated area, as well as serve citizens or belong to citizens living or working in the designated area ... In these cases, vehicles must enter and exit the designated area at the intersection closest to the destination;

3.28 - 3.30 - for vehicles of federal postal organizations with a white diagonal stripe on the side surface on a blue background, as well as for a taxi with a taximeter turned on;

3.2, 3.3, 3.28 - 3.30 - for vehicles driven by disabled people of I and II groups or transporting such disabled people.

The action of signs 3.18.1, 3.18.2 applies to the intersection of carriageways in front of which the sign is installed.

The coverage area of ​​signs 3.16, 3.20, 3.22, 3.24, 3.26 - 3.30 extends from the place of installation of the sign to the nearest intersection behind it, and in settlements in the absence of an intersection - to the end of the settlement. The action of the signs is not interrupted at the points of exit from the territories adjacent to the road and at the points of intersection (abutment) with field, forest and other secondary roads, in front of which the corresponding signs are not installed.

The action of the sign 3.24, installed in front of the settlement, indicated by the sign 5.23.1 or 5.23.2, extends to this sign.

The coverage area of ​​the signs can be reduced:

For signs 3.16 and 3.26, use plate 8.2.1;

For signs 3.20, 3.22, 3.24, by installing signs 3.21, 3.23, 3.25 at the end of their zone of action, respectively, or by using plate 8.2.1. The area of ​​effect of sign 3.24 can be reduced by installing sign 3.24 with a different value of the maximum speed of movement;

For signs 3.27 - 3.30, installation of repeated signs 3.27 - 3.30 at the end of their zone of action with plate 8.2.3 or using plate 8.2.2. Sign 3.27 can be used in conjunction with markings 1.4, and sign 3.28 - with markings 1.10, while the coverage area of ​​the signs is determined by the length of the marking line.

Signs 3.10, 3.27 - 3.30 apply only to the side of the road on which they are installed.

4. Mandatory signs

4.1.1 "Go straight ahead", 4.1.2 "Move to the right", 4.1.3 "Move to the left", 4.1.4 "Go straight or right", 4.1.5 "Driving straight ahead or to the left", 4.1.6"Move right or left"... Driving is permitted only in the directions indicated by the arrows on the signs. Signs allowing a left turn also allow a U-turn (signs 4.1.1 - 4.1.6 can be used with the configuration of arrows corresponding to the required directions of movement at a particular intersection).

Signs 4.1.1 - 4.1.6 do not apply to route vehicles.

Signs 4.1.1 - 4.1.6 apply to the intersection of carriageways in front of which the sign is installed.

Sign 4.1.1, installed at the beginning of the road section, applies to the nearest intersection. The sign does not prohibit turning to the right into courtyards and

Other areas adjacent to the road.

4.2.1 "Avoiding obstacles on the right", 4.2.2 "Avoid Obstacle to the Left"... A detour is allowed only from the side indicated by the arrow.

4.2.3 "Avoiding an obstacle to the right or left"... A detour is allowed from either side.

4.3 "Circular motion". Driving in the direction indicated by the arrows is permitted.

Paragraphs eight through nine are excluded. - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 12/14/2005 N 767.

4.4 "Bicycle lane". Only bicycles and mopeds are allowed. Pedestrians can also move along the cycle path (if there is no sidewalk or footpath).

4.5 "Footpath". Only pedestrians are allowed to move.

4.6 "Minimum speed limitation". Driving is allowed only with the specified or higher speed (km / h).

4.7 "End of minimum speed limit zone".

4.8.1 - 4.8.3"Direction of movement of vehicles with dangerous goods". The movement of vehicles equipped with identification signs (information tables) "Dangerous goods" is allowed only in the direction indicated on the sign: 4.8.1 - straight ahead, 4.8.2 - to the right, 4.8.3 - to the left.

5. Signs of special regulations

Signs of special instructions introduce or cancel certain modes of movement.

5.1 "Motorway". The road on which the requirements of the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation are in force, establishing the order of movement on highways.

5.2 "End of the motorway".

5.3"Road for cars". A road intended for the movement of cars, buses and motorcycles only.

5.4 "The end of the road for cars."

5.5 "One-way road". A road or carriageway on which vehicles move across its entire width in one direction.

5.6 "End of a one-way road".

5.7.1, 5.7.2 "Exit to a one-way road". Exit to a one-way road or carriageway.

5.8 "Reverse motion". The beginning of a road section on which, in one or several lanes, the direction of movement can be reversed.

5.9"End of reverse movement".

5.10 "Exit to the road with reverse traffic".

5.11 "A road with a lane for route vehicles". The road along which the movement of route vehicles is carried out in a specially designated lane towards the general flow of vehicles.

5.12"The end of the road with a lane for route vehicles."

5.13.1, 5.13.2"Exit to the road with a lane for route vehicles".

5.14 "Lane for route vehicles". A lane designed for the movement of only route vehicles moving along the way with the general flow of vehicles.

The sign applies to the strip above which it is located. The action of the sign installed to the right of the road applies to the right lane.

"Directions of movement along the lanes". The number of lanes and the permitted directions of movement in each of them.

5.15.2"Directions of movement along the lane". Permitted directions of movement along the lane.

Signs 5.15.1 and 5.15.2, permitting a left turn from the extreme left lane, also permit a U-turn from this lane.

Signs 5.15.1 and 5.15.2 do not apply to route vehicles.

The effect of signs 5.15.1 and 5.15.2 installed in front of the intersection applies to the entire intersection, unless other signs 5.15.1 and 5.15.2 installed on it give other instructions.

5.15.3 "Beginning of the strip". Start of an additional hill or deceleration lane.

If the sign installed in front of the additional lane shows the sign (s) 4.6 "Minimum speed limit", then the driver of the vehicle who cannot continue driving in the main lane at the indicated or higher speed must change to the lane located to the right of him.

5.15.4 "Beginning of the strip". The beginning of a section of the middle lane of a three-lane road intended for movement in this direction. If sign 5.15.4 shows a sign prohibiting the movement of any vehicles, then the movement of these vehicles in the corresponding lane is prohibited.

5.15.5 "End of the strip". The end of the additional lane on the rise or acceleration lane.

5.15.6 "End of the strip". The end of the section of the middle lane on a three-lane road intended for movement in this direction.

5.15.7 "Direction of movement along the lanes".

If sign 5.15.7 shows a sign prohibiting the movement of any vehicles, then the movement of these vehicles in the corresponding lane is prohibited.

Signs 5.15.7 with an appropriate number of arrows can be used on roads with four or more lanes.

5.15.8"Number of stripes". Indicates the number of lanes and lane modes. The driver is obliged to comply with the requirements of the signs on the arrows.

5.16 "Bus and (or) trolleybus stopping place".

5.17 "Tram stop place".

5.18 "Parking place for passenger taxis".

5.19.1, 5.19.2 "Crosswalk".

If there are no markings 1.14.1 or 1.14.2 at the crossing, sign 5.19.1 is installed to the right of the road at the near border of the crossing relative to the approaching vehicles, and sign 5.19.2 - to the left of the road at the far border of the crossing.

5.20"Artificial unevenness". Indicates the boundaries of artificial unevenness.

The sign is installed at the nearest border of an artificial unevenness in relation to the approaching vehicles.

5.21"Living sector". The territory on which the requirements of the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation are in force, establishing the order of movement in a residential area.

5.22 "End of the living area".

5.23.1, 5.23.2 "Beginning of the settlement". Beginning of the settlement in which the requirements of the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation are in effect, establishing the order of movement in settlements.

5.24.1, 5.24.2 "End of the settlement". The place from which on this road the requirements of the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation, establishing the order of movement in settlements, become invalid.

5.25 "Beginning of the settlement". Beginning of a settlement in which the requirements of the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation do not apply on this road, establishing the order of movement in settlements.

5.26 "End of the settlement". The end of the settlement indicated by sign 5.25.

5.27Restricted Parking Zone. The place from which the territory (section of the road) begins, where parking is prohibited.

5.28 "End of restricted parking zone".

5.29 "Regulated parking area". The place from which the territory (section of the road) begins, where parking is permitted and regulated by means of signs and markings.

5.30 "End of controlled parking zone".

5.31 "Zone with maximum speed limitation". The place from which the territory (section of the road) begins, where the maximum speed of movement is limited.

5.32"End of zone with maximum speed limitation".

5.33 "Pedestrian zone". The place from which the territory (section of the road) begins, where only pedestrians are allowed to move.

5.34 "End of the pedestrian zone".

6. Information signs

6.1 "General maximum speed limits"... General speed limits established by the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation.

6.2 "Recommended speed". The speed with which it is recommended to travel on this section of the road. The coverage area of ​​the sign extends to the nearest intersection, and when sign 6.2 is used together with a warning sign, it is determined by the length of the dangerous section.

6.3.1 "Place for a U-turn". Turning to the left is prohibited.

6.3.2 "U-turn area". The length of the reversal zone. Turning to the left is prohibited.

6.4 "Parking place".

6.5 "Emergency stop lane". Emergency stop lane on a steep descent.

6.6 "Underground pedestrian crossing".

6.7 "Overhead pedestrian crossing".

6.8.1 - 6.8.3 "Dead end". A road that does not have a through passage.

6.9.1 "Advance direction sign", 6.9.2 "Advance direction indicator". Directions of movement to the settlements and other objects indicated on the sign. Signs may include images of sign 6.14.1, highway, airport and other pictograms. On the sign 6.9.1, images of other signs may be applied, informing about the peculiarities of the movement. In the lower part of sign 6.9.1, the distance from the place of installation of the sign to the intersection or the beginning of the deceleration lane is indicated.

Sign 6.9.1 is also used to indicate bypassing road sections on which one of the prohibition signs 3.11 - 3.15 is installed.

6.9.3 "Traffic scheme". The route of movement when certain maneuvers are prohibited at an intersection or permitted directions of movement at a complex intersection.

6.10.1 "Direction indicator", 6.10.2 "Direction indicator". Driving directions to route points. The signs may indicate the distance (km) to the objects indicated on them, symbols of the highway, airport and other pictograms.

6.11 "Object name". The name of an object other than a settlement (river, lake, pass, landmark, etc.).

6.12 Distance Pointer... Distance (km) to settlements located along the route.

6.13 "Kilometer mark". Distance (km) to the beginning or end of the road.

6.14.1, 6.14.2 "Route number". 6.14.1 - the number assigned to the road (route); 6.14.2 - number and direction of the road (route).

6.16 Stop line. The place where vehicles stop at a prohibitive traffic light (traffic controller).

6.17 "Detour scheme". A bypass route for a section of the road temporarily closed for traffic.

6.18.1 - 6.18.3 Bypass direction. The direction of bypassing the road section temporarily closed for traffic.

6.19.1, 6.19.2 "Advance indicator of a lane change to another carriageway". The direction of bypassing a section of the carriageway closed to traffic on a road with a dividing strip or the direction of movement to return to the right carriageway.

On signs 6.9.1, 6.9.2, 6.10.1 and 6.10.2, installed outside a settlement, a green or blue background means that movement to the indicated settlement or object will be carried out, respectively, along a motorway or other road. On signs 6.9.1, 6.9.2, 6.10.1 and 6.10.2, installed in a settlement, inserts with a green or blue background mean that movement to the indicated settlement or object after leaving this settlement will be carried out, respectively motorway or other road; the white background of the sign means that the indicated object is located in the given locality.

7. Service marks

Service signs inform about the location of the corresponding objects.

"Pool or Beach".

8.2.1 "Zone of action". Indicates the length of the dangerous section of the road indicated by warning signs, or the coverage area of ​​prohibition signs, as well as signs 5.16, 6.2 and 6.4.

8.2.2 - 8.2.6 "Zone of action". 8.2.2 indicates the coverage area of ​​prohibition signs 3.27 - 3.30; 8.2.3 indicates the end of the zone of validity of signs 3.27 - 3.30; 8.2.4 informs drivers about their presence in the area of ​​action of signs 3.27 - 3.30; 8.2.5, 8.2.6 indicate the direction and area of ​​action of signs 3.27 - 3.30 when stopping or parking is prohibited along one side of the square, the facade of the building, and the like.

8.3.1 - 8.3.3 "Directions of action". Indicate the direction of action of the signs installed in front of the intersection, or the direction of movement to the designated objects located directly by the road.

8.4.1 - 8.4.8 "Vehicle type". Indicate the type of vehicle to which the sign applies.

Plate 8.4.1 extends the validity of the sign to trucks, including those with a trailer, with an authorized maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons, plate 8.4.3 - to passenger cars, as well as trucks with an authorized maximum weight of up to 3.5 tons, plate 8.4.8 - for vehicles equipped with identification signs (information plates) "Dangerous goods".

8.5.1 "Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays", 8.5.2 "Working days", 8.5.3 "Days of the week"... Indicate the days of the week during which the sign is valid.

8.5.4 "Time of action". Indicates the time of day during which the sign is valid.

8.5.5 - 8.5.7 "Time of action". Indicate the days of the week and the time of day during which the sign is valid.

8.6.1 - 8.6.9 "Method of parking a vehicle". 8.6.1 indicates that all vehicles must be parked on the carriageway along the sidewalk; 8.6.2 - 8.6.9 indicate the way cars and motorcycles are parked in the sidewalk parking lot.

8.7 "Parking lot with the engine inoperative." Indicates that in the parking lot marked with sign 6.4, it is allowed to park vehicles only with the engine off.

8.8 "Paid services". Indicates that services are provided for cash only.

8.9 "Limiting the duration of parking". Indicates the maximum duration of the vehicle's stay in the parking lot indicated by sign 6.4.

8.10 "A place for inspecting cars." Indicates that there is an overpass or observation ditch at the site marked with sign 6.4 or 7.11.

8.11 "Restriction of the permitted maximum weight". Indicates that the sign applies only to vehicles with a permissible maximum mass in excess of the maximum mass indicated on the plate.

8.12 "Dangerous roadside". Warns that the exit to the side of the road is dangerous due to the repair work on it. Used with sign 1.25.

8.13 "Main road direction". Indicates the direction of the main road at the intersection.

8.14"Lane". Indicates the lane covered by the sign or traffic light.

8.15 "Blind pedestrians". Indicates that the blind are using the pedestrian crossing. Applied with signs 1.22, 5.19.1, 5.19.2 and traffic lights.

8.16 "Wet coating". Indicates that the sign is valid for the period of time when the road surface is wet.

8.17 "Disabled". Indicates that the effect of sign 6.4 applies only to motorized carriages and cars on which the identification sign "Disabled" is installed.

8.18 "Except for the disabled." Indicates that the effect of the sign does not apply to motorized carriages and cars on which the identification sign "Disabled" is installed.

8.19 "Class of dangerous goods". Indicates the number of the class (classes) of dangerous goods in accordance with GOST 19433-88.

8.20.1, 8.20.2 "Vehicle bogie type". They are used with the sign 3.12. Indicate the number of contiguous axles of the vehicle, for each of which the mass indicated on the sign is the maximum permissible.

8.21.1 - 8.21.3 "Type of route vehicle". Applied with sign 6.4. Designate a parking place for vehicles at metro stations, bus (trolleybus) or tram stops, where it is possible to change to the appropriate mode of transport.

8.22.1 - 8.22.3 "Let". Indicate the obstacle and the direction of its detour. Applied with signs 4.2.1 - 4.2.3.

Plates are placed directly under the sign with which they are applied. Plates 8.2.2 - 8.2.4, 8.13 when signs are located above the carriageway, shoulder or sidewalk are placed on the side of the sign.

In cases where the meanings of temporary road signs (on a portable stand) and stationary signs contradict each other, drivers should be guided by temporary signs.

Note. Signs in accordance with GOST 10807-78, which are in operation, are valid until they are replaced in accordance with the established procedure with signs in accordance with GOST R 52290-2004.


  1. Does the traffic organization of the pedestrian crossing in question in the field of road signs and road markings comply with the current regulatory documents governing road safety?
  2. Indicate the rules for the use of road sign 1.23 "Children".


On the first question:

1. According to clause 5.1.4 of GOST R 52289-2004 “Technical means of traffic management. Rules for the use of road signs, markings, traffic lights, road barriers and guiding devices ”, the visibility distance of the sign must be at least 100 m.

In the course of the study of the specified intersection, carried out on May 14, 2014, specialists found that at a distance of 100 to 150 m the road sign 5.19.1 "Pedestrian crossing" is hardly distinguishable, which does not correspond to clause 5.1.4 of GOST R 52289-2004 (see. photo 1).


In the course of the study of the intersection in question, carried out on May 14, 2014, specialists found that clause 5.1.5 of GOST R 52289-2004 was fulfilled (see photo 2).

Photo 1. Visibility of the road sign 5.19.1 "Pedestrian crossing" from a distance of 100 to 150 meters

Photo 2. Installation of a road sign 5.19.1 "Pedestrian crossing" to the right of the carriageway, off the side of the road and at a specified distance

3. According to clause 5.1.6 of Amendment No. 3 to GOST R 52289-2004 “Technical means of organizing road traffic. Rules for the use of road signs, markings, traffic lights, road barriers and guiding devices ":

On roads with two-way traffic with two or more lanes for traffic in this direction, as well as on roads with one-way traffic with three or more lanes, sign 5.19.1 is duplicated above the carriageway (see photo 3).

Photo 3. An example of the installation of a duplicated road sign 5.19.1 "Pedestrian crossing" over the carriageway with two-way traffic with two or more lanes for traffic in this direction (1st Krasnoarmeyskaya St. Petersburg)

In the course of the study carried out on May 14, 2014, it was found that the duplicate sign 5.19.1 "Pedestrian crossing", which should be installed above the carriageway, is absent (see photo 1), which contradicts clause 5.1.6 of Amendment No. 3 to GOST R 52289-2004.


In the course of the study carried out on May 14, 2014, it was found that the distance from the edge of the roadbed to the nearest edge of the sign 5.19.1 "Pedestrian crossing" is within the established GOST limits, namely from 0.5 to 2.0 m (see. photo 2).


Photo 4, made by experts on 05/14/2014, shows the distance (installation height) from the lower edge of the road sign 5.19.2 "Pedestrian crossing" to the road surface, which is 2.0 m and ranges from 2.0 to 4.0 m established by clause 5.1.8 of GOST R 52289-2004.

Photo 4. The distance (installation height) from the lower edge of the road sign 5.19.2 "Pedestrian crossing" to the road surface is 2.0 m.


with a yellow-green film signs 1.22, 1.23 apply, 5.19.1 and 5.19.2 ... It is allowed to use other signs on such boards in places where road accidents are concentrated and to prevent their occurrence in hazardous areas. "

In photos 2, 4 and 5, made by specialists on 05/14/2014, it can be seen that installed on the Korchaga-Gorshechnoye highway in the village of Korchaga-Gorshechnoye Sergievka of the Gubkinsky district of the Belgorod region in the area of ​​132 at the intersection with st. Belgorodskaya road signs 5.19.1 and 5.19.2 "Pedestrian crossing" on boards with a yellow-orange reflective fluorescent film, which contradicts clause 5.1.17 of Amendment No. 3 to GOST R 52289-2004.

An example of a road sign 5.19.1 "Pedestrian crossing" on a billboard with a reflective fluorescent film of yellow-green color (at the intersection of 8 Krasnoarmeyskaya St. and Izmailovsky Ave., St. Petersburg), made in accordance with clause 5.1.17 Amendments No. 3 to GOST R 52289-2004 is shown in photo 6.

Photo 5. Road signs 5.19.1 and 5.19.2 "Pedestrian crossing" on boards with reflective fluorescent film yellow-orange color

Photo 6. An example of a road sign 5.19.1 "Pedestrian crossing" on a billboard with a yellow-green reflective fluorescent film

7. According to clause 5.6.24 of GOST R 52289-2004, signs 5.19.1 and 5.19.2 "Pedestrian crossing" are used to designate places allocated for pedestrians to cross the road.

... On roads with a dividing strip (stripes) signs 5.19.1 and 5.19.2 are installed on the dividing strip, respectively, to the right or left of each carriageway.

Signs on a marked pedestrian crossing are installed at a distance of no more than 1 m from the border of the crossing.

During the study of traffic management in terms of the installation of road signs at the pedestrian crossing under consideration on the dividing strip, signs 5.19.1 and 5.19.2 are absent, which contradicts clause 5.6.24 of GOST R 52289-2004 (see photos 1, 5).

Also, in the course of the road examination, namely the study of the plan of the accident that occurred, it can be concluded that the road signs 5.19.1 and 5.19.2 "Pedestrian crossing" at the marked pedestrian crossing are installed at a distance of more than 1 m from the border of the crossing, and exactly at a distance of about 4.0 m ((12.8-4.4) / 2≈4.2m), (see photo 7).

Photo 7. Road accident plan

8. According to clause 6.2.17. GOST R 52289-2004 markings 1.14.1 and 1.14.2 are used to indicate the places allocated for crossing the carriageway by pedestrians. The width of the marked pedestrian crossing is determined by the intensity of pedestrian traffic at the rate of 1 m for every 500 foot / h, but not less than 4 m. Marking 1.14.1 is used on pedestrian crossings, the width of which does not exceed 6 m.When the width of the pedestrian crossing is more than 6 m use markup 1.14.2. Marking lines 1.14.1 and 1.14.2 are drawn parallel to the axis of the carriageway.

Based on the provided photos 7 and 8 dated 05/07/2014, it was established that road markings 1.14.1 were made in accordance with clause 6.2.17 of GOST R 52289-2004.

9. According to clause 4.2.2 GOST R 50597-93 “Highways and streets. Requirements for the operational state, permissible under the conditions of ensuring road safety ", road markings during operation must be clearly visible at any time of the day (provided there is no snow on the surface).

After examining the provided photo 8, taken on 05/07/2014, it was found that the road markings 1.14.1 contradict clause 4.2.2 of GOST R 50597-93.

Photo 8. Road markings 1.14.1 "Zebra" at the considered pedestrian crossing on 05/07/2014.

10. According to clause 4.2.3 of GOST R 50597-93, road markings must be restored if during operation:

Wear over the area (for longitudinal marking is measured on a section with a length of 50 m) is more than 50% when it is painted with paint and more than 25% - with thermoplastic materials ...

Road markings 1.14.1 "Zebra" as of 05/07/2014 had wear of more than 50% and was not restored, which does not correspond to paragraph 4.2.3 of GOST R 50597-93 (see photo 8).

11. According to clause 5.5. GOST R 51256-2011 “Technical means of traffic management. Road markings. Classification. Technical Requirements "after applying a new marking, the traces of the old marking should not protrude beyond the boundaries of the new marking by more than 0.05 m along the length of the strokes and breaks of the marking lines and 0.01 m - according to the rest of the geometric parameters.

When carrying out a road examination on May 14, 2014, it was found that after applying a new marking, the traces of the old marking protrude beyond the boundaries of the new marking by more than 0.05 m along the length of the strokes and breaks of the marking lines and 0.01 m - according to the rest of the geometric parameters (see . photo 9).

Photo 9. Applying new markings to the old

12. According to clause 6.2.27 of GOST R 52289-2004 Marking 1.24.1 is allowed to be used to duplicate road signs:

1.24.1 - to duplicate warning signs.

Marking 1.24.1 is applied 20-30 m after the installation site of the corresponding sign ...

On multi-lane roads, the markings 1.24.1 are applied on each lane intended for movement in this direction, with the exception of the images of signs 3.27-3.30, which are applied on the extreme right lane.

According to clause 6.2.27 of Amendment No. 3 to GOST R 52289-2004:

Marking 1.24.1, duplicating road sign 1.23 is used in childcare facilities. At the same time, it is allowed to put the inscriptions "Children" or "School" on the carriageway between the repeated road sign 1.23 and the beginning of a dangerous section or a pedestrian crossing.

In the course of the study carried out on May 14, 2014, it was found that the road markings 1.24.1, which are intended to duplicate the sign 1.23 "Children", are completely absent from the children's institution, therefore, clause 6.2.27 of GOST R 52289-2004 and clause 6.2 .27 Changes No. 3 to GOST R 52289-2004 have not been implemented.

On the second question:

1. According to clause 5.1.5 of GOST R 52289-2004 Signs are installed to the right of the carriageway, off the side of the road (if any), except for the cases specified in this standard, as well as to the right of the cycle or pedestrian path or above them.

In the course of the study of the intersection in question, carried out on May 14, 2014 by specialists, it was established that clause 5.1.5 of GOST R 52289-2004 regarding the installation of the road sign 1.23 "Children" was fulfilled (see photo 10).

2. According to clause 5.1.7 of GOST R 52289-2004, the distance from the edge of the carriageway (if there is a curb, from the edge of the roadbed) to the nearest edge of the sign installed on the side of the carriageway should be 0.5-2.0 m ...

In the course of the study carried out on May 14, 2014, it was found that the distance from the edge of the roadbed to the nearest edge of the sign 1.23 "Children" is within the established GOST limits, namely from 0.5 to 2.0 m (see photo 10) ...

3. According to clause 5.1.8 of GOST R 52289-2004, the distance from the bottom edge of the sign to the surface of the road surface (installation height), except for the cases specifically stipulated by this standard, must be:

From 2.0 to 4.0 m - when installed to the side of the carriageway in settlements ...

Photo 11, taken by specialists on May 14, 2014, shows the distance (installation height) from the lower edge of the road sign 1.23 "Children" to the road surface, which is 2.2 m and ranges from 2.0 to 4.0 m, established by clause 5.1.8 of GOST R 52289-2004. However, the distance (installation height) from the lower edge of the repeated road sign 1.23 "Children" with plate 8.2.1 "Coverage of 250 m" to the road surface is about 1.94 m, which contradicts the requirements of clause 5.1.8 of GOST R 52289- 2004 (see photo 11).

Photo 10. Installation of a road sign 1.23 "Children" and a repeated sign 1.23 "Children" with a sign 8.2.1 "Coverage of 250 m" to the right of the carriageway, off the side of the road

4. According to clause 5.1.17 of Amendment No. 3 to GOST R 52289-2004:

On boards with reflective fluorescent with a yellow-green film signs 1.22 apply, 1.23 , 5.19.1 and 5.19.2. It is allowed to use other signs on such boards in places where road accidents are concentrated and to prevent their occurrence in hazardous areas. "

In photo 12, made by specialists on 05/14/2014, it can be seen that installed on the Korchaga-Gorshechnoye highway in the village. Sergievka of the Gubkinsky district of the Belgorod region in the area of ​​132 at the intersection with st. Belgorod road signs 1.23 "Children" on billboards without a yellow-green reflective fluorescent film, which contradicts clause 5.1.17 of Amendment No. 3 to GOST R 52289-2004.

An example of a road sign 1.23 "Children" on a billboard with a yellow-green reflective fluorescent film (on 8 Krasnoarmeyskaya St. Petersburg), made in accordance with clause 5.1.17 of Amendment No. 3 to GOST R 52289-2004 shown in photo 13.

5. According to clause 5.2.25, Sign 1.23 "Children" is installed in front of road sections that run along the territory of children's institutions or are often crossed by children, regardless of the presence of pedestrian crossings. A repeated sign is installed with plate 8.2.1, which indicates the length of the road section that runs along the territory of the children's institution or is often crossed by children. In settlements, the main sign 1.23 is installed at a distance of 90-100 m, a repeated one at a distance of no more than 50 m from the beginning of the dangerous section.

During the road examination on May 14, 2014, it was established that the road sign 1.23 "Children" was installed at a distance of 90-100 m, and the repeated sign 1.23 "Children" with the plate 8.2.1 "Coverage" at a distance of no more than 50 m from the beginning of the dangerous section on the Korchaga-Gorshechnoye highway in the village. Sergievka, Gubkinsky district, Belgorod region (see photos 10, 12, 14).

Photo 11. The distance (installation height) from the lower edge of the road sign 1.23 "Children" to the surface of the road surface is about 2.2 m. The distance (installation height) from the lower edge of the repeated road sign 1.23 "Children" with the plate 8.2.1 "Zone action of 250 m "to the surface of the road surface is about 1.94 m

Photo 12. Traffic sign 1.23 "Children" and repeated sign 1.23 "Children" with a sign 8.2.1 "Coverage of 250 m" on boards without a yellow-green fluorescent reflective film

Photo 13. An example of a road sign 1.23 "Children", as well as a repeated sign 1.23 "Children" with a plate 8.2.1 "Coverage of 400 m" on a board with a yellow-green fluorescent reflective film

Photo 14. An example of a repeated road sign 1.23 "Children" with a sign 8.2.1 "Area of ​​action"

It should be noted that in the Russian Federation, the Federal Law on Technical Regulation No. 184-FZ dated December 27, 2002 years, the concepts of "technical regulation" and "standard" are separated, in this connection, all GOSTs lose their mandatory character and are applied voluntarily. But in the transitional period (before the adoption of the relevant technical regulations), the law provides for the mandatory fulfillment of the requirements of the standards in the part corresponding to the goals of protecting the life or health of citizens, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property; protection of the environment, life or health of animals and plants; prevention of actions that mislead buyers.

Consequently, all the requirements of the above paragraphs of the corresponding GOST are mandatory, since they are directly related to ensuring the safety of life and health of all road users.


On the first question:

  1. At a distance of 100 to 150 m, the road sign 5.19.1 "Pedestrian crossing" is hardly distinguishable, which does not correspond to paragraph 5.1.4 of GOST R 52289-2004 (see photo 1).
  2. In the course of the study of the intersection in question, carried out on May 14, 2014, specialists found that clause 5.1.5 of GOST R 52289-2004 was fulfilled (see photo 2).
  3. Duplicate sign 5.19.1 "Pedestrian crossing", which should be installed above the carriageway, is absent (see photo 1), which contradicts clause 5.1.6 of Amendment No. 3 to GOST R 52289-2004.
  4. The distance from the edge of the roadbed to the nearest edge of sign 5.19.1 "Pedestrian crossing" is within the established GOST limits, namely from 0.5 to 2.0 m (see photo 2).
  5. The distance (installation height) from the lower edge of the road sign 5.19.2 "Pedestrian crossing" to the surface of the road surface is 2.0 m and is in the range from 2.0 to 4.0 m, established by clause 5.1.8 of GOST R 52289 -2004 (see photo 4).
  6. Installed on a / d Korchaga-Gorshechnoye in the village. Sergievka of the Gubkinsky district of the Belgorod region in the area of ​​132 at the intersection with st. Belgorodskaya road signs 5.19.1 and 5.19.2 "Pedestrian crossing" on boards with a yellow-orange reflective fluorescent film, which contradicts clause 5.1.17 of Amendment No. 3 to GOST R 52289-2004 (see photos 2, 4, 5 ).
  7. At the considered pedestrian crossing on the dividing strip, signs 5.19.1 and 5.19.2 are absent, which contradicts clause 5.6.24 of GOST R 52289-2004 (see photos 1, 5). Also, based on the plan diagram of the accident, it can be concluded that road signs 5.19.1 and 5.19.2 "Pedestrian crossing" at the marked pedestrian crossing are installed at a distance of more than 1 m from the border of the crossing, namely at a distance of about 4 , 0 m (see photo 7).
  8. Road markings 1.14.1 are made in accordance with clause 6.2.17 of GOST R 52289-2004 (see photos 7, 8).
  9. Road markings 1.14.1 contradict clause 4.2.2 of GOST R 50597-93 (see photo 8).
  10. Road markings 1.14.1 "Zebra" as of 05/07/2014 had wear of more than 50% and was not restored, which does not correspond to paragraph 4.2.3 of GOST R 50597-93 (see photo 8).
  11. After applying the new marking, the traces of the old marking protrude beyond the boundaries of the new marking by more than 0.05 m along the length of the strokes and breaks of the marking lines and 0.01 m - according to the rest of the geometric parameters (see photo 9).
  12. In the course of the study carried out on May 14, 2014, it was found that the road markings 1.24.1, which are intended to duplicate the sign 1.23 "Children", are completely absent from the children's institution, therefore, clause 6.2.27 of GOST R 52289-2004 and clause 6.2 .27 Changes No. 3 to GOST R 52289-2004 have not been implemented.

On the second question:

  1. In the course of the study of the intersection in question, carried out on May 14, 2014 by specialists, it was established that clause 5.1.5 of GOST R 52289-2004 regarding the installation of the road sign 1.23 "Children" was fulfilled (see photo 10).
  2. The distance from the edge of the roadbed to the edge of the sign 1.23 "Children" nearest to it is within the established GOST limits, namely from 0.5 to 2.0 m (see photo 10).
  3. The distance (installation height) from the lower edge of the road sign 1.23 "Children" to the road surface is 2.2 m and is in the range from 2.0 to 4.0 m, established by clause 5.1.8 of GOST R 52289-2004. However, the distance (installation height) from the lower edge of the repeated road sign 1.23 "Children" with plate 8.2.1 "Coverage of 250 m" to the road surface is about 1.94 m, which contradicts the requirements of clause 5.1.8 of GOST R 52289- 2004 (see photo 11).
  4. Installed on a / d Korchaga-Gorshechnoye in the village. Sergievka of the Gubkinsky district of the Belgorod region in the area of ​​132 at the intersection with st. Belgorod road signs 1.23 "Children" on billboards without a yellow-green reflective fluorescent film, which contradicts clause 5.1.17 of Amendment No. 3 to GOST R 52289-2004 (see photo 12).
  5. Road sign 1.23 "Children" is installed at a distance of 90-100 m, and a repeated sign 1.23 "Children" with a plate 8.2.1 "Coverage" at a distance of no more than 50 m from the start of the dangerous section on the Korchaga-Gorshechnoye road in the village. Sergievka of the Gubkinsky district of the Belgorod region have been established (see photos 10, 12, 14).

OOO "Kit Appraisal" (c)