August 5th historical events. National Thanksgiving Day in Croatia


On this day, August 5, 1914, the forerunner of the traffic light first appeared in Cleveland, USA. This event is now honored annually on August 5th.


August 5 is a date with a double meaning for Croatia. This day marks the Day of the Armed Forces of Croatia, as well as the Day of Victory and National Gratitude.


Day of looking at the horizon
It is this line, like the horizon, that allows the mind to imagine the unimaginable. After all, the horizon is a conditional line, beyond which you can get only thanks to the imagination.
day of good intentions
On this holiday, all thoughts should be only good and positive, because such a day is for good thoughts.
Day of the Straightened Corkscrew
Although simple corkscrews have been in use for a long time, they were only patented in England. On this day, wine and champagne are opened to feel the sound of a straightened corkscrew.
Day of the drunk cadet


On this day, the church calendar designates the day of memory of Saints Trofim and Theophilus, and thirty martyrs, who suffered for their faith at the end of the 3rd - beginning of the 4th century under Emperor Diocletian, when Christians were persecuted.
They called insomnia because at that time there was suffering, in which they practically did not sleep because of the large volumes of work.
Name day August 5 with: Andrei, Anna, Apollinaris, Vitaly, Mikhail, Trofim, Fedor, Theophilus.

The church calendar of holidays and memorable dates reminds believers of events important in the development of Christianity and Orthodoxy. Saints and martyrs are venerated daily, icons and special events are glorified - every day is filled with special traditions and superstitions that came to us from the past. What holiday is today, August 5, according to the church calendar - we will tell in our material.

According to the church calendar, August 5 marks several important events at once and remembers the saints and martyrs who laid down their lives in the name of faith. The main one is the veneration of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God.

Secondary ones include:

  • Mchch. Trofim, Theophilus and with them 13 martyrs (284-305).
  • Right. warrior Theodore of Sanaksar (glorification 2001).
  • Mch. Andrew (1938).
  • Shmch. Apollinaria, Ep. Ravenna (c. 75).
  • Icon of the Mother of God, called "Joy of All Who Sorrow" (with pennies) (1888).
  • Right. Anna, mother of the prophet. Samuel.
  • Rescheduled. relics of St. Herman, archbishop Kazansky.
  • 250 Bulgarians killed in the reign of imp. Nikephoros (Greek).
  • 8 mch. Carthaginian (Greek).
  • St. Anna of Constantinople (Greek).
  • Novomch. Nectarios (Terzvinsky), bishop. Yaransky.
  • Assumption of St. John Casian ep. Marseille (435).

Church holiday today, August 5 - Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God

The celebration in honor of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God was established due to the importance of the image in the life of the Orthodox. It heals and helps to solve life's difficulties, helps both from physical and mental ailments, saves from despair and instructs the true path.

It has been stored in the Pochaev Lavra for more than 400 years.

The main miracle happened there in the summer of 1675. During the siege of the monastery by the Turks, the believers, led by spiritual mentors, gathered to pray, because the city was about to fall before the power of the enemy. During the prayer, the Mother of God herself appeared over the Lavra with angels holding swords in their hands. The enemy began to shoot at the "ghost", but the arrows returned and wounded those who fired them.

The Lavra was later occupied by the Uniates, but was eventually liberated and returned to Orthodoxy - there are real legends about the icon, because the sick and suffering, thirsting for healing, still go to worship it. It restores sight to the blind, helps those who have fallen on their knees before life's difficulties to stand on their feet, fills the heart with faith, and the body with the strength to go forward.

Trofim Bessonnik is celebrated on August 5 - what can and cannot be done on this day

On this day, the Church also commemorates Saint Trofim and the 14 martyrs who laid down their heads in the name of faith. They became victims of the persecution of Christians in the 3rd-4th century.

The men were seized and called to make sacrifices to idols, as if in apology for the fact that they dared to believe in the One God. Those refused to renounce their faith, for which they were tortured almost to death. They were beaten and tortured with hot tongs. In the end, all the bones of the martyrs were broken with heavy rods, and the bodies were thrown into the fire. Suddenly, a miracle happened - Trofim and 14 other martyrs emerged from the flame completely safe and sound, on their own feet.

The executioners, frightened by this turn of events, hastened to cut off the heads of all 15 men.

It is with Trofim that the most important folk beliefs on August 5 are associated with this day. At this time, the most active work in the field falls - that is why the holiday was nicknamed "Insomnia".

According to folklore. Evening fog portends good weather today for a few more weeks. And the bright stars in the sky, which are directly sparkling, speak of imminent rain - a downpour can come in a few days.

Trofim, Fedor, Andrey, Anna, Mikhail, Vitaly

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international traffic light day

In 1910, a device was invented that became the progenitor of the first traffic light. The device was a design of two lights - green and red. When switching, an audible signal was emitted. However, this was not the first model - back in 1868, an apparatus made by Jay Knight was installed near the Houses of Parliament in London, but it exploded, injuring a passing policeman. Almost 50 years after that, no one addressed this topic. And already in 1920, three-color traffic lights were installed on the streets of Detroit, which eventually became popular in all cities of the world. The first traffic light in Russia was installed in 1930 in Leningrad, then in Moscow and Rostov-on-Don.

National Thanksgiving Day in Croatia

On this day, very significant events took place in the self-proclaimed Serbian Republic - Operation Storm, which ended with the victory of the Croatian army, which entered Knin. The operation lasted two days, and became the largest since the end of World War II. For Croats, it symbolizes victory in the war, the liberation of the occupied territories, ethnic cleansing. The United States constantly criticizes ethnic cleansing, but there are rumors that it was American strategists who developed this operation. Charles Boyd, who at that time held the post of deputy commander of troops in NATO, confirmed this more precisely. The Balkan countries have set themselves the goal of joining NATO, but Croatia seems to be the leader in these aspirations, while at the same time trying on the role of a regional leader.

Civic Day Holiday is a civic holiday in Canada

This holiday is conceived only in order to celebrate a free day without any reason. The desire to have another summer day for recreation among Canadians arose as early as the 19th century. In the British Empire, the day was established in 1871. Residents of Canada also received a bank holiday, and at the initiative of Sir John Lubbock (politician, biologist, archaeologist and just a respected person), this day was recommended for organizing a free day holiday. Civil Monday is held every first week of August.

Celebration in honor of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God

The Russian Orthodox Church has some of the most famous and revered icons. The Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God is just that. She is revered not only in Russia, but also abroad, and not only by Orthodox Christians, but also by supporters of other branches. The Pochaev monastery is an ancient stronghold of Orthodoxy. The icon has miraculous properties. Many miracles were recorded from her - the cure of ailments, liberation from captivity, the repentance of sinners and conversion to the true faith.

During the war with the Turks in 1675, only prayers and appeals to the icon helped to survive - the Turks did not dare to storm the Lavra, although the monastery was not guarded by anyone. They were stopped by a vision of the Mother of God with heavenly angels, although the Tatars mistook him for a ghost. But the facts are that the arrows came back and wounded those who fired them. Some Tatars were even taken prisoner - later they converted to the Christian faith and remained in the monastery.

August 5 in the folk calendar

Trofim Bessonnik

This day marks the memory of Trofim and 13 saints who suffered together with Saint Theophilus during the persecution of Christians. At the beginning of the 4th century, under the reign of the emperor Dialectian, a return to pagan idols led to the persecution of martyrs. They were tortured, their members were interrupted and thrown into the fire. But a miracle happened - the saints walked out of the fire on their feet and remained completely unharmed. In desperation, the pagans beheaded them.

Why is this day called insomnia? In the midst of working suffering, there was absolutely no time left for rest, it was necessary to do a lot of things - to pick berries, raspberries or viburnum. Another name for the day: Kalinniki - raspberries. Ancestors valued berries, especially viburnum and raspberries for their great health benefits, taste, and sweetness. They also collected herbs and prepared medicines for the treatment of various diseases.

Historical Events August 5

The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 18th century lost its power, obtained after unification with the Principality of Lithuania two centuries earlier. On August 5, 1772, Poland was divided. This happened at the signing of a convention between Austria, Russia and Prussia. The territory of the Commonwealth decreased: the lands of the Southern Baltic went to Prussia, the lands of Eastern Belarus were given to Russia, Austria received large territories of Galicia, and several more principalities. The Sejm submitted to this section, no measures could help. The Poles were unable to offer any resistance.

The southern front of the Red Army was under great threat as early as August 1941. German and Romanian troops advanced deep into the USSR and the borders of Odessa were opened. An order was given by the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief to defend the city to the last strength. Odessa was completely blocked from the land, the number of troops defending it was only 4 divisions against 14 enemy divisions. Marshal G. Zhukov commanded the Soviet troops. The city survived at the cost of incredible efforts.

The album was called The Piper at the Gates of Dawn and consisted of 11 songs, mostly written by Syd Barrett. He immediately took the 6th place in the British hit parade. The group has existed for more than 30 years, and still retains its admirers and fans. The main direction is art rock, another name is psychedelic art rock. The texts of compositions dedicated to the complex problems of humanity - madness, fear, alienation and loneliness have also become noticeable.

The newly elected president of the country was supposed to receive symbols of power in his hands - the Flag of the President of Russia, the official publication of the test of the country's Constitution. The flag (Standard) is a square panel consisting of three stripes, in accordance with the color of the national flag. There is a golden fringe along the edges, and the State Emblem of the Russian Federation is depicted in the center. The badge of the President is similar to the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st class - a cross with expanding ends, the words "Benefit, Honor and Glory" are written along the edge of the round medallion. These symbols are transferred to the subsequent president immediately after taking the oath.

Born August 5

Guy De Maupassant(1850 - 1893) - French realist writer of the 19th century. The basis of his work is the study of the essence of social relations. "Dumpling" is the most famous novel with an anti-bourgeois orientation. (Other works - "Life", "Dear friend", "Strong as death", many erotic poems).

Vasily Lebedev-Kumach(1898 - 1949) - Soviet poet - songwriter.
His creative heritage is a lot of songs for the comedies "Children of Captain Grant", "Merry Fellows", "Volga-Volga", "Circus", etc., as well as a well-known song that became a kind of anthem of the Great Patriotic War - "Holy War" .

Ilya Repin(1844-1930) - Russian artist, painter.
His most famous works are “Barge haulers on the Volga”, “Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan”, “Job and his friends”. In the homeland of the artist, (now Repino) a memorial museum was opened, in Moscow a monument was opened on Bolotnaya Square.

Nahum Gabo(1890 - 1977) - painter, great experimenter in the direction of the avant-garde, creator of constructivist sculptures. He worked as a designer for the ballet troupe of Sergei Diaghilev, taught at the university.

Name day August 5

Name days are celebrated on this day: Andrey, Anna, Vitaly, Trofim, Fedor

The list of holidays in Russia on August 5, 2018 will acquaint you with state, professional, international, folk, church, unusual holidays that are celebrated in the country on this day. You can choose an event of interest and learn its history, traditions and rituals.

Holidays August 5

Railroad Day

The railway is one of the most important transport systems of the state. It connects different cities and towns, provides communication with other countries. In order for this structure to work without interruption, it is necessary to involve the labor of a huge number of people. Machinists, engineers, repairmen, conductors, station workers - you can list for a long time. All these people deservedly celebrate the Day of the railwayman. It always falls on the first Sunday in August.

history of the holiday

Railway Day, celebrated annually on the first Sunday of August in a number of countries - the former republics of the Soviet Union, dates back to the 19th century. Railways always play a special role in the life of every country. They were and remain the main transport artery linking the cities together.

In 1896 (June 28), a decree was signed in Russia stating that all workers associated with trains and their movement from now on have their own holiday. Nicholas I, who was rightly considered the founder of the railway line, is directly related to this story.

It was in honor of his birthday that the date of the celebration was chosen. This day was made an official holiday. But when Soviet power came, the tradition was liquidated, as happened with many things. And they returned it only in 1936. July 30 was taken immediately before the holiday, but in 1940 the rules were changed again, so the time of the celebration became flexible.

international traffic light day

Modern motorway life is inconceivable without this three-eyed device. Even children know that red light means "stop", yellow means "attention", green means the way is free. And all this is clear, without unnecessary fuss, already at the level of automatic consciousness.

International Traffic Light Day has chosen a hot day on August 5 and celebrates its individual holiday with a cheerful tricolor wink.

Birth story

Exactly one hundred years have passed - and the traffic light has become an important, vital attribute of highways.

It all started in America, in 1914: on August 5, the first progenitor of the modern apparatus appeared in the city of Cleveland.

He was clumsy, antediluvian, had only two eyes - red and green. When the light switched, the device made a sound, and the device was controlled by a policeman in a glass box. It is this day that is taken as a starting point in the life of this invention.

In fact, the roots of this unusual device are much deeper. Back in the 19th century, the Englishman Jay Knight invented the apparatus, which was installed in 1868 in London.

They controlled it manually, and when it got dark, they turned on a gas lamp for illumination. A year later, one "eye" exploded, and the policeman who operated the device received "combat" wounds. After this incident, the traffic light was forgotten for half a century.

In 1910, the first automatic traffic light was invented and patented.

The familiar device with three signal lights appeared only in 1920. It was installed in Detroit, and then gradually spread to the cities of America and Europe.

He came to Russia in 10 years. The first device was installed in Leningrad, a little later - in Moscow. In Ukraine, a three-eyed friend of pedestrians and drivers appeared in 1936, in the city of Kharkov.

The task of a traffic light is to regulate traffic. And without this important device they can no longer do even in small towns.

Interesting facts about traffic lights

Traffic lights are solid and quite expensive devices. On average, these electronic guards cost from 30 to 80 thousand dollars. It all depends on the trick and the steepness.

Most often, residents of large cities communicate with them. On average, in their lifetime, waiting for the green light, the humanity of megacities is idle at the crossing for about six months.

Trofim Bessonnik

In the church calendar, this day is dedicated to the memory of Saint Trofim and 14 other martyrs who fell victim to the persecution of Christians at the end of the 3rd - beginning of the 4th centuries.

When the men were asked at the trial to renounce their faith and offer sacrifices to pagan idols, they refused. After long and painful tortures, which did not change their decision, the unfortunate shins were broken and thrown into the fire. But the steadfast men emerged from the flames on their own and without the slightest injury. Having lost all hope of breaking the will of the Christians, the pagans cut off their heads.

Traditions and rituals

Trofim Bessonnik has the hardest work in the fields. The zealous owner has no time for rest - he needs to mow, reap and clean the bread. Hence the name "Insomnia", that is, there is no time to rest.

And by this time, the viburnum and raspberries just keep up, and the housewives begin to bake pies with berries and stock up for the winter - jam, jam, compotes and wine. Therefore, this holiday is also called "Kalinki-Malinki".

“This kind is driven out only by prayer and fasting”() . If this kind is expelled by the prayer and fasting of another person, then all the more it cannot enter into one who has his own fasting and prayer. Here is the fence! Although the abyss of demons and the whole air is filled with them, they cannot do anything to someone who is protected by prayer and fasting. Fasting is a comprehensive abstinence, prayer is a comprehensive communion with God; the former defends from the outside, while the latter from within directs the whole armor of fire at the enemies.

The fasting and prayer book are sensed by demons from afar and run away from him so as not to receive a painful blow. Is it possible to think that where there is no fasting and prayer, there is already a demon? Can. Demons, possessing a person, do not always reveal their presence, but lurk, stealthily teaching their master every evil and rejecting every good; so that he is sure that he does everything himself, but meanwhile he only does the will of his enemy. Take up only prayer and fasting - and the enemy will immediately leave and on the side will wait for an opportunity to return again, and really returns as soon as prayer and fasting are abandoned.

Many Corinthians in Christianity remained proud and boastful, especially after they discovered an amazing abundance of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, such as, for example, the gift of miracles, the gift of tongues and prophecy. Under such circumstances, they considered themselves both powerful, and glorious, and the wisest people in the world. They completely forgot the main requirements of Christianity to be humble...