Ac dc short biography. Category Archives: Group Composition. Recent years and recognition

The uncomplicated, but extremely powerful rock and roll practiced by this team, brought it from Australian bars to the world's largest venues and made it a true legend of hard rock. AC/DC's history began in Sydney in November 1973, when brothers Malcolm and Angus Young formed a band featuring vocalist Dave Evans, bassist Larry Van Kreidt, and ex-Masters Apprentices drummer Colin Budgess. In this configuration, the ensemble played only a few concerts, after which endless changes of drummers and bassists began. Be that as it may, the band continued to rehearse and perform, and in February 1974 they recorded the first single "Can I Sit Next To You Girl". At first, the team appeared in public in traditional jeans and T-shirts, but in the spring, Angus, on the advice of his sister Margaret (by the way, she also came up with the name of the group), put on a school uniform, and over time it became a trademark of AC / DC.

In the summer, the group got a contract from "Albert Productions" and went on tour as an opening act for Lou Reed, who had come to Australia. During these tours, it finally became clear that Evans did not pull on the frontman, and they showed him the door. Bon Scott immediately took his place at the microphone, but the leapfrog with the rhythm section stopped only a year later, when Mark Evans (bass) and Phil Rudd (drums) joined the ranks of "AC / DC". With the help of their first two albums (still having some glam influences "High Voltage" and already made in the signature hard style "T.N.T."), which easily went platinum at home, the band laid the Australian continent at their feet and attracted the attention of the rock community of other countries. .

At the end of the sessions of the third disc, "AC / DC" set off to conquer Europe, choosing the glorious city of London as their main residence. In 1976, the band made a deal with Atlantic Records, which in May released the disc "High Voltage", which was, in fact, a compilation of Australian releases. The record sold three million copies worldwide and was followed by two more multi-platinum LPs that spawned such hits as "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap", "Let There Be Rock" and "Whole Lotta Rosie". In the summer of 1977, AC / DC visited America for the first time, and shortly before the start of the tour, Mark, who had quarreled with Angus, was replaced by Cliff Williams. By the time the studio album "Powerage" and the live album "If You Want Blood You" ve Got It "appeared, the Australian musicians had become real superstars, and tickets for their performances were sold out like hot cakes. In 1979, the band collaborated with producer Mutt Lang and produced a real masterpiece "Highway To Hell".

Unfortunately, this work, with which "AC / DC" first cracked the first hundred "Billboard", was the last for Scott. On February 19, 1980, Bon died after a night of hard drinking, leaving the vocalist position vacant. When the shock of the unexpected loss passed a little, his colleagues decided to continue the activities of the group, and Brian Johnson stood up to the microphone. This ex-member of "Geordie" came in very handy, because not only did he have a vocal similar to Scott, but he was also an excellent showman. Released in the summer of 1980, "Back In Black", again directed by Lang, became the group's most commercially successful work. In addition to the title track, "Hells Bells", "Shoot To Thrill", "You Shook Me All Night Long" and "Rock And Roll Ain't Noise Pollution" filled up the treasury of concert favorites, while the disc took first places in many countries of the world, and its total circulation crossed the platinum mark as much as 22 times.

Against the background of his next two works, they looked much more modest, although the sales of Lang's "For Those About To Rock" and the self-produced "Flick Of The Switch" could be envied by many teams. Meanwhile, the internal situation in the team heated up again, and this time Phil, who had a fight with Malcolm, flew out the door. Replacing drummer with Simon Wright, the band released the album "Fly On The Wall" in 1985. It was again produced by the Yangi brothers, who tried to further simplify the sound and thereby aroused critical disapproval. However, in the future, the team's affairs slowly improved, and the records "Who Made Who" (the soundtrack to the Stephen King film "Maximum Overdrive", where only three new songs were presented) and "Blow Up Your Video" supported its chart success. In 1990, with Chris Slade (ex-"Manfred Mann" s Earth Band ") on drums and with Bruce Fairbairn ("Aerosmith", "Bon Jovi") at the production console, the disc "The Razor Edge" was recorded, which brought hits to the team " Thunderstruck" and "Are You Ready", five times platinum and a place in the top ten "Billboard". After its release, the studio activity stalled for a five-year period, but in 1995 AC / DC returned with the forgiven Rudd and the album "Ballbreaker", The multi-platinum work also reached the Top 10 in many countries, fans again had to wait five years for the next feature (although the "Bonfire" box set was released in 1997 to ease their languor). after "Stiff Upper Lip" hit the stores and the tour went off to support it, the band for a long time abandoned work on fresh material and began remastering and reissuing a back catalog.Many already predicted the demise of "AC / DC" about his comeback through the "Black Ice" program. The comeback exceeded all expectations, and the album was the undisputed leader in 29 countries. The people poured into the concerts resumed after a long break, but some of the dates had to be canceled due to Brian's peptic ulcer.

In 2009, the rarities box set "Backtracks" was released, and the following year, many of the band's hits were featured in the film "Iron Man 2". Unfortunately, age soon began to make itself felt, and on the eve of recording the next album, Malcolm was forced to leave for health reasons. The elder Young's guitar passed to his nephew Stevie, but before one personnel problem was resolved, another arose - Rudd ran into trouble with the law and was charged with threatening murder and possession of marijuana and methamphetamines. And if the first item was soon removed from the agenda, then the drummer had to pay for drugs with house arrest. One way or another, Phil could no longer participate in the recording of the disc, and therefore Chris Slade returned to the drum set. Despite all the ups and downs, the album "Rock Or Bust" turned out to be short, but powerful, which was confirmed by the leading positions in the ratings and platinum sales. Unfortunately, commercial success was overshadowed by further troubles - during the accompanying tour, Johnson began to lose his hearing, and in order to avoid final deafness, doctors ordered him to stop touring.

Last update 24.03.16

There are names in the history of rock music that have paragraphs, pages, or even chapters associated with them. Well, this Australian quintet pulls no less than a whole volume. So, March 31, 1959, Glasgow Hospital (Scotland). “You have a son, Mrs Young, a son! With your third son, Mrs Young! The boy was named Angus... The beginning of 1964, the port of Sydney (Australia). The Young couple with their children, having emigrated, arrive in their new homeland ... Early 70s, Sydney. All their free time from school, two of the brothers - Angius and Malcolm (born in 1953) - spent on rock and roll, performing with their own groups in small clubs ... Angius left school at the age of 15 age. “By the time I finished my studies, Malk was already performing with his group, which I joined. Soon we realized that we were doing something completely wrong (we played pop music). And then we decided not to adapt to the tastes of the majority of our then public, but to play what we ourselves want. And all of us were united by an interest in violent rock and roll. The new music also required new performers... The first stable line-up, at the suggestion of the Young brothers' half-sister, Sandra, received the name AC/DC (Alternating-Direct Current), which, according to the creators, was supposed to mean "high spiritual and creative activity of the team members. By the way, among their countrymen "AC / DC" sounds like "Akkadakka", which in translation, in addition to the already mentioned term, means (in slang) - "bisexual". Another decoding option is also possible - “Antichrist / Death of Christ”.

Simultaneously with the creation of the group, its “image” was also developed - a stage image at rock concerts. It was then that it was "invented", which has now become traditional, the appearance on stage of Angius in short "school" pants. “My sister suggested it first. After school, I began to grow rapidly; my parents did not have time to buy me new clothes, and I already outgrew them. It was then that my sister said that it would be a good idea to go on stage in ... school breeches, since no one has done this yet and is unlikely to ever think of it. And in the hall, many listeners were dressed in exactly the same way. In short, it was a great idea! (At least the parents were enthusiastic about it!). And I agreed." The driver of the van with which the group went on their first tour was one Ronald "Bon" Scott (b. 1946), also a Scot. He used to sing in amateur rhythm and blues bands. He became the lead singer of AC / DC, replacing the eldest of the Evans brothers. “It was especially difficult to find the right “screamer”. We needed not just a singer, but a "screamer". When I met Bon, I had the impression that he did not speak English. His speech consisted of swearing and Australian slang. I remember even sending him home with a dictionary under his arm! But he was great for us."

Angus and Malcolm were greatly assisted in the formation and formation of the group by their older brother George, who had a great influence on their musical tastes, and their father. “George was once the guitarist for the Easybeats, one of the most famous Australian pop bands of the late 60s. We have learned a lot from him. He was the first to tell me: “Try to be different from others. Find your own way in everything” (we have always followed this advice in the future). It was he who criticized us for performing other people's action films and involuntary imitation, forcing us to write. “At first it won’t work, but then it will definitely work!”, said the bro. Georgie also influenced us a lot as a guitarist and songwriter. He was also a good producer. Many now call themselves producers, but in reality they can only be sound engineers. A producer, in my opinion, should have some understanding of sound, songs and arrangements (knowledge of sound recording equipment is, of course, a must), he must love and understand music, and be a good psychologist. Brother, it seems to me, possessed all these qualities. He knew everything. Few producers can tell you that your guitar is not tuned correctly. Father supported us, as they say, morally and financially as he could. He said: “It’s better to do this business than wander the streets restless!” As always, my mother was in solidarity with him in everything.

However, from the very beginning, the group began to stand out not so much due to the short pants of their lead guitarist, but thanks to his beautiful solos, which many will soon compare with the production of Ritchie Blackmore himself, thanks to Bon Scott's immediately catchy vocals and an extraordinary rhythm section led by Malcolm Young. At first, the group focused on a hard version of blues-rock and rhythm and blues. Heavy metal sounded later, when the solo guitar passages acquired a hurricane speed, and the rhythmic pulsation of the drums became self-sufficient. The first two albums of the group - " high voltage” (“High voltage”) and “ TNT” - received the status of “platinum” in Australia, and in 1976 the group made their debut in the West with the compilation disc “High Voltage”, composed of the best numbers of both Australian records. Already a well-known rock line-up in their homeland, the young musicians visited England in 1976, taking part in the British tour of the American glam rock band Kiss as an "auxiliary force". During one of the concerts, held at London's Hammersmith Odeon, the members of the Sydney Five, by their own admission, said to themselves: “We won’t be until we move to this country and perform independently and triumphantly in this prestigious for any musician hall!" The goal, thus, was set and the group walked towards it slowly but surely.

Upon their return in November, the musicians recorded their third original LP " Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap” (“Evil deeds do not lead to good”), which also had a major commercial success, and in March of the 77th again toured the countries of the Old World. So, AC/DC continued to play shows. In those days when in Europe and America the style of "heavy metal rock" ", gradually softening (Bad Company, Nazareth, Boston, Styx, Foreigner) has already begun to move closer to pop music (Peter Frampton, Fleetwood Mac, Queen, Status Quo), our heroes - forgive me Angus Young - revived it in its original (original) form. And it sounded fresher and more interesting. True, the Australian musicians made some changes, which, however, cannot be called innovations: the musical format of the group was at first something in between Black Sabbath and Rainbow on the one hand, and Crusaders, professing afro-jazz-rock, on the other. In the future, critics will note that one of the "tricks" in the arsenal of AC / DC is the inclusion of elements of funk in the songs, which is why their heavy metal only wins. All this was, as it were, wrapped in a “punk wrapper”. By and large, the group's early production consisted of a fusion of hard rock and boogie-woogie in the manner of Status Quo.

A truly major success was brought to the musicians by the 1977 album "" ("Let the rock sound"). It appeared in July and, being simultaneously published in Australia, Europe and America, became the group's first "platinum" work abroad. In August, "Akkadakka" debuted to the American public. Shortly before this, the bassist jumped off and his place was taken by the Englishman Clifford Williams (born in 1949), selected in London from more than 50 applicants. Both subsequent albums - " Powerage"'78 ("Power") and " If You Want Blood... You Got It'79 ("Want trouble - get it") - took high places in the Australian and European charts. The latter was a concert and was the result of the group's trips.

The band then had a new production manager, Robert John "Matt" Lange, a studio professional with some amazing flair for preparing records designed for great success. “Several people ran for the position of our producer. John has worked with many hard rock bands in the past: his clients included Thin Lizzy, Boomtown Rats, Graham Parker's band and others (he later collaborated with Foreigner and Def Leppard- approx. auth.). Being a man of experience, Lange reoriented us somewhat, making the initially rather harsh sound of the group more commercial and thus opening the way for us on the radio, where we are still frequent guests. In August 1989, they gave birth to a new brainchild - the album " Highway To Hell” (“Road to Hell”), which became the starting point for the success of AC / DC with a capital letter. He "opened" them to the whole world, made them a sensation on both sides of the Atlantic. However, unexpectedly, the band's career was in jeopardy: during one of the tours in 1980, Bon Scott died!!! As difficult as it was, it was necessary to look for a replacement. At first, Australian Alan Fryer was brought in, but then, at the suggestion of Malk, Brian Johnson was taken from the semi-legendary hard rock line-up of Geordie. The next giant disc back in black"(Return in Mourning") was released in June 80 and was dedicated to the memory of a deceased friend (many famous bands and performers did not ignore this tragic event, reflecting it in their works - Trust, Journey, Ozzy Osbourne and etc.).

On the eve of this, in August, AC / DC, having successfully performed at Donington Castle, secured a high international rating. In the future, the group will become a regular at this popular and prestigious English rock festival, which often turns into an international one. The appearance on such forums, gathering huge masses of fans, contributed to the growth of popularity of Australian musicians abroad. By the way, by that time AC / DC were already purely nominally considered an Australian group; its members firmly settled in England (the line-up had already performed several times in the Hammersmith Odeon hall), acquiring headquarters in Surrey and Suffolk, and more came to their homeland part only on tour or to see relatives and friends. As you can see, the musicians have achieved their goal! Yes, the debut of Brian Johnson, who sings very close in style to his late predecessor, was extremely successful. “This is our biggest selling album in America,” says Angus, “but in Europe our fans still prefer the band's older albums. In many places of “Return in Black” (the second possible translation of the title - author's note), in my opinion, there are melodies that can often be heard on the radio now. I think they are very good." And here is the opinion of Gene Simmons from Kiss: “AC / DC music is energetic, brilliant. Their best work is “Return...”: this is a super album! His best thing is "Hell's Bells": it's a super hit!

1979-1981 - the period of undoubted triumph of AC / DC. Not a single self-respecting magazine could not write about the group during this period. The last two super albums - "Road" and "Return" - have become synonymous with success around the world. They also aroused interest in the previous works of the ensemble. “Thirty million records sold all over the world! Not bad, right?! asked Angus rhetorically in a 1985 interview with Joe Lzlane. “It makes me want to scream: ‘Long live the similarity that we are constantly accused of!’”

In 1981, the LP " For Those About That Rock"(" For those who love rock "), which became the first work of the group, which led the American hit parade (that is, the Billboard lists). The 1983 album " Flick Of The Switch” (“Electric shock”). The year 1984 passed in constant traveling. August 17 at the next Donington forum, where Van Halen, Ozzy Osbourne, Y And T, Gary Moor, Motley Crue And accept, the quintet appeared in an updated form: Phil Rudd, who left in the summer of 1983 as a result of a personal conflict with the Young brothers, was replaced by the 20-year-old drummer of the ensembles Toga! Toga! and Titan Simon Wright (b. 1963). Soon they wrote about him: “Simon Wright officially joined AC / DC at the very end of August 1983 and quickly became an equal member of the team. His skill was the best fit for the quintet of the Young brothers. This is a highly skilled rock musician. In AC/DC, he fought his way through the tight ranks of 200 contenders for a spot behind their drum kit."

On July 1, 1985, a new collective album " Fly On The Wall"("Fly on the wall"). By inertia, the record climbed to the top steps of the hit parades. Nevertheless, this did not prevent a number of specialists from again accusing the band of compiling and self-plagiarism: “AC/DC's music is not distinguished by either rhythmic or particular melodic diversity. All recordings after 1980 seem to have frozen in the "original" form once found. This provides the band with stable popularity in a stable circle of fans, although recently their commercial success has noticeably declined. But nothing could force the musicians to stop touring. Nothing, not even the sudden departure of Malcolm Young. In his place, another Young was recruited - Stevie's nephew, who had previously cut into Star Fighter. In an interview following his departure, the 34-year-old guitarist said that he had always considered playing AC/DC as entertainment and the band's music as very unprofessional. Angus made a very blunt comment on his brother's statement. Unfortunately, this was not the last reshuffle in the ranks of AC / DC: in 1990, drummer Simon Wright gave up everything and moved to Dio. True, the next longplay - " Blow Up Your Video» ('88) - was done with Malk Young.

Angius realized that he needed to urgently fuss, otherwise there would be trouble. First, having reconciled with his brother, he returned him to the group. Secondly, he recruited the famous hard rock drummer Chris Slade. Thirdly, he devoted considerable time to studio work. Fourthly, he sat on his favorite skate - went on a new world tour (where is his wife looking?!). The result of all this was the emergence of quality work " The Razor Edge» ('90), performance at several major rock festivals. Speaking at a press conference dedicated to the completion of the world tour, in which the partners of our heroes were Metallica, Motley Crue, Queensryche, The Black Crowes, Pantera et al. Angus Young said: “I hope we have everything ahead of us. Enough strength for this!

Based on the materials of the newspaper "Zarraza", No. 10

Australian drummer. Known for his work with the AC / DC group from 1975 to 1983, and then from 1994 to the present. After bassist Mark Evans left AC/DC in 1977, Phil remained the only Australian in the band. In the list of the 50 best rock drummers according to Classic Rock magazine, he is ranked 27th.

Vocalist Bon Scott died in 1980. The band, with new vocalist Brian Johnson, recorded their most successful album, Back in Black. Phil Rudd took Scott's death badly, but continued to play with AC/DC until he left the band during the recording of the Flick of the Switch album in 1983. He finished contributing to the album, and although session drummer BJ Wilson was brought in to to help finish the recording, Wilson's drum parts ended up not being used.

Phil was replaced by drummer Simon Wright from Manchester.

After being fired from AC/DC, Phil moved to New Zealand where he bought a helicopter company. AC/DC fans started coming regularly and trying to find his whereabouts.

Phil Rudd returned to AC/DC in 1995. During The Razor's Edge 1991 world tour in New Zealand, AC/DC approached Phil to work with them again. Rudd decided to accept their offer and was eventually rehired.

In 2003, Phil was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame along with other members of AC/DC. In 2005, he was included in the list of the 50 best rock drummers according to Classic Rock magazine. Phil Rudd plays Sonor drums, and a personalized snare and Phil Rudd Special Edition Drum Set.

English bassist known as a member of the Australian hard rock band AC/DC since June 1977, inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2003 along with other members of AC/DC.

He moved with his family to Liverpool when he was nine years old, where he spent the first two working years of his life as an engineer before joining his first band.

In 1970, Cliff Williams began performing with his first band, Home: vocalist Mick Stubbs, guitarist Laurie Weesefield, keyboardist Clive John and drummer Mick Cook.

When the band broke up, Cliff wants to give up music, but his friend convinces him to audition for AC/DC, who were looking for a bassist to replace Mark Evans, who was fired shortly after the recording of Let There Be Rock. Cliff went to the audition and was accepted, but had trouble getting permission to enter Australia. After first performing with AC/DC during the Let There Be Rock tour, Cliff contributed to the studio album Powerage in 1978. He became known for playing steady bass lines.

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Rock musician and poet, former lead singer of Geordie and current member of the Australian rock band AC/DC

Brian was born October 5, 1947 in Dunston (England), in a small dirty house next to the railway. His father was a military man, during the Second World War he fought in Africa and Italy. Mother is Italian.

As a child, Johnson sang in the church choir, where he had good vocal abilities, for some time he even performed on a popular show. At the age of 15, Brian left school to become a turner, two months after entering college, he already had his own successful group - The Gobi Desert Canoe Club.

At the age of 17, Brian is drafted into the army, he serves in Germany for two years, after which he works as a draftsman for 3 months.

Brian got into AC / DC by accident: after the death of Bon Scott, an unknown AC / DC fan sent Brian's candidacy to the band's manager Peter Menchi. Brian learned about his enrollment one of the last - on April 1, 1980. Prior to that, the musician was listed as part of the Geordie group.

Posted in. Noted

Rock musician best known as the founding member and rhythm guitarist of the Australian rock band AC/DC.

Malcolm Mitchell Young was born into a large family. When Malcolm was 10 years old, the Young family moved to Australia. Like his older brother George, Malcolm was a talented football player and was about to make a career in sports.

Malcolm's parents, William and Margaret, emigrated from Glasgow, Scotland to Sydney, Australia in 1963 with their children George, Margaret, Malcolm and Angus, leaving eldest son Alex in the UK. They eventually settled in Burwood, a suburb of Sydney.

Malcolm and Angus formed AC/DC in November 1973 when Malcolm was 20 and Angus 18. Their first national tour was in 1974 with original vocalist Dave Evans.

AC/DC moved to the UK in 1976 and began an intense international touring and recording schedule. After the death of Bon Scott in 1980, they recorded their best-selling album, Back in Black, with third vocalist Brian Johnson.

Influenced by rock and roll and blues rock in the 1960s and 1970s, Malcolm Young was considered a prominent exponent of "rock" rhythm guitar.

A song (and album) by Australian punk rock band Frenzal Rhomb was written about Young: "Forever Malcolm Young".

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AC/DC is a famous Australian rock band that is a pioneer of heavy metal and hard rock, whose songs have been on the top of the charts for several decades, and also spawned hundreds of imitative bands and has millions of fans.

By 2010, over 200 million copies of the band's albums had been sold worldwide, and the most popular of the albums, Back in Black, sold 64 million copies.

The founders of the group were two brothers - Angus Young(March 31, 1955) and Malcolm Young(January 6, 1953), who were born in Scotland, but immigrated to Sydney with their parents as children. Their older brother George was the guitarist of a very famous band in Australia - The Easybeats This fact greatly influenced their entire future life.

The name of the team is a common abbreviation for alternating current / direct current, which in Russian means “alternating / direct current”. It was suggested by the older sister of the Young brothers - Margaret, who read it on ... the back cover of her own sewing machine.

In 1973 Malcolm And angus decide to form their own band and start looking for musicians to join it. At the end of the same year, the debut of the band took place at the New Year's party in the Chequers bar in Sydney. AC/DC composed of: Young brothers, Dave Evans(vocals) Larry Van Kriedt(bass guitar) and Colin Burges(drums).

However, in this line-up the group did not last long, over the next year a new vocalist appeared in the group. Bon Scott(July 9, 1946, Kirrimer, Scotland), and also changed several drummers. By this time, the musicians had recorded three songs: Can I Sit Next to You Girl», « Rockin' in the Parlour" And " Show business”, which had to be re-released with new vocals.

The path to success for the team began with participation in the popular Australian TV show called " Countdown”, dedicated to alternative music. In the next few years, the group became very popular in their country and managed to sign an international contract with Atlantic Records and began touring Europe and England (by the way, soon the group was banned from appearing on British concert venues due to the scandalous behavior on stage of one of the band's founders - Angus Young). By 1976, the group already had three albums, among the songs included in them there is a real rock and roll anthem called " It's a Long Way to the Top».

In 1979, the group released a new album " Highway to Hell", produced by Matt Lang. This album took the top of the world charts of rock music, and the main track is the most famous song in the history of rock music.

In the winter of 1980, the band tragically loses its vocalist Bon Scott, which is replaced by Brian Johnson, with which the group's new album " back in black", which was also produced by Lang. « back in black"becomes the group's best-selling album for almost 4 decades of its existence, and the song" You Shook Me All Night Long”, written in memory of the deceased Bon Scott, is considered one of the best hard rock songs.

The following year, 1981, the group released a new album " For those about to rock(We Salute You) ”, which was also appreciated by fans and critics, and the composition of the same name as the album title becomes the final one at most concerts AC/DC.

In 1985, the band changed their drummer to Simon Wright and recording a new album Fly on the Wall”, produced by the Yangi brothers themselves. Unfortunately, he did not have much success, but the group did not stop and the next year the song “ Who Made Who” from their new (of the same name to this composition) album reaches the top in the charts.

In 1988, the group decides to work with old producers - Harry Vandom And George Young and releases an album Blow Up Your Video". The best song from it called " heatseeker". hit the British top 20.

In 2003, AC/DC was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in New York.

AC/DC won the 2010 Grammy Award for Best Hard Rock Performance for "War Machine".

AC/DC at #4 on VH1's 100 Greatest Artists of Hard Rock and #7 on MTV's Greatest Heavy Metal Band Of All Time.

In 1990 - new changes in the team, leaves Wright, instead of which joins the group Chris Slade. With him AC/DC and releases a new multi-platinum album " The Razor's Edge". hits from which - " Thunderstruck" And " money talks” are in the top ten of the hit parade.

September 29, 1991 the first concert took place AC/DC in the USSR at the Tushino airfield - just a couple of weeks after the putsch that changed power in the country. This concert was called "a holiday of democracy and freedom", as the group was included in the anti-Soviet group banned from listening. The concert was attended by about 500,000 people, and the performance itself was ... free.

In 1994, another rotation takes place in the group - Phil Rudd returns, Chris Slade leaves. In 1995, with the old line-up of AC / DC, he recorded the album “ Ballbreaker", and in 2000 -" Stiff Upper Lip” and signed a long-term contract with Sony BMG, so their next albums are released under the Epic Records label. In August 2008, a new single " Rock'n'Roll Train", and in October 2008 - the album" Black Ice", just a week after the official release, it hit the first places of the charts in 29 countries of the world.

Creativity of the group AC/DC influenced many performers and bands of various genres: punk and hard rock, grunge and alternative, there are hundreds of covers of the songs of this band.



High Voltage (LP; February 1975)

T.N.T. (LP; December 1975)

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (LP; September 1976)

Let There Be Rock (LP; March 1977)

Powerage (LP; June 1978)

If You Want Blood You've Got It (LP; November 1978)

Highway to Hell (LP; November 1979)

Back in Black (LP; August 1980)

Fly on the Wall (LP; June 1985)

Who Made Who (LP; June 1986)

Blow Up Your Video (LP; January 1988)

The Razor's Edge (LP; September 1990)

Live (LP, live; October 1992)

Live: 2 CD Collector's Edition (2 LP live; November 1992)

AC/DC Volume 1 (6 LP compilation; November 1995) - 6 disc set

AC/DC Volume 2 (5 LP compilation; November 1995) - 5 disc set

Bonfire (4 LP compilation; November 1997) - 4 disc set

Boom Box (15 LP compilation; February 1999) - 15 disc set

Stiff Upper Lip - Australian Tour Edition (2 LP, live; January 2001) - 2 CD set

AC/DC Box Set (17 LP compilation; January 2001) - 17 disc set

Black Ice (2008)

Europe and USA

High Voltage (LP; May 1976)

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (LP; December 1976) (European release)

Let There Be Rock (LP; October 1977)

Powerage (LP; May 1978)

If You Want Blood You've Got It (LP; October 1978)

Highway to Hell (LP; August 1979)

Back in Black (LP; July 1980)

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (LP; April 1981) (US edition)

For Those About to Rock (We Salute You) (LP; November 1981)

Flick of the Switch (LP; August 1983)

'74 Jailbreak (LP; August 1984) - Five tracks from the Australian edition of "High Voltage" and one track from "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap"

Fly on the Wall (LP; July 1985)

Who Made Who (LP; May 1986) - soundtrack of the adaptation of Stephen King's novel Maximum Overdrive

Blow Up Your Video (LP; February 1988)

The Razor's Edge (LP; October 1990)

Live (LP, live; October 1992) (released as both a double and single album)

Live: Collector's Edition (2 LP, live; 1992)

Ballbreaker (LP; September 1995)

Bonfire (LP; December 1997) (compilation dedicated to the late works of Bon Scott)

Stiff Upper Lip (LP; February 2000)

Black Ice (2008)

The current line-up of the group

Brian Johnson (1980-present): Vocals

Angus Young (1973-present): guitar

Malcolm Young (1973-present): guitar

Cliff Williams (1977-present): bass guitar

Phil Rudd (1975–1983, 1994–present): drums and drums (percussion)