Akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker translation into modern. Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker before the Akathist

The miracle worker who defends us / and the chosen servant of Christ, / exuding the whole world / precious peace of mercy / and an inexhaustible sea of ​​\u200b\u200bmiracles! / I praise you with love, St. Nicholas; / you, as having boldness towards the Lord, / free me from all troubles, so that I cry out to you:

Ikos 1

An angel in the form of an earthly nature / - this is how the Creator showed you the whole creation, / for having seen the many-bearing beauty of your soul, blessed Nicholas, / he taught everyone to proclaim to you like this:
Rejoice, cleansed from the mother's womb; / Rejoice, even fully sanctified.
Rejoice, having surprised your parents with the birth; / Rejoice, having shown spiritual strength immediately after Christmas.
Rejoice, branch of the land of promise; / Rejoice, flower of the Divine planting.
Rejoice, virtuous vine of Christ's vineyard; / Rejoice, miraculous tree of the paradise of Jesus.
Rejoice, lily of paradise growth; / Rejoice, peace of Christ's fragrance.
Rejoice, for you drive away sobbing; / rejoice, for you bring joy.

Rejoice, Nicholas, the great miracle worker!

Kondak 2

Seeing the outpouring of your world, God-wise one, / we are enlightened spiritually and bodily, / understanding in you, Nicholas, / a wondrous life-bearing myrrh-bearer: / for with miracles, like waters pouring out by God’s grace, / you will give drink to those who cry out to God with faith: / Hallelujah.

Ikos 2

Comprehending the inaccessible knowledge / the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, / you were in Nicaea with the holy fathers / an advocate of the confession of the Orthodox faith: / for you confessed the Son equal to the Father, / equally eternal and equal in power, / you denounced the fool Arius. / Therefore, the faithful have learned to sing to you:
Rejoice, great pillar of piety; / Rejoice, city of refuge for the faithful.
Rejoice, firm strengthening of Orthodoxy; / Rejoice, precious chariot and praise of the Most Holy Trinity.
Rejoice, proclaiming the Son of God equal in honor to the Father; / Rejoice, Aria, who fell into madness, drove away from the host of saints.
Rejoice, father, glorious beauty of the fathers; / Rejoice, wise splendor of all God-wise ones.
Rejoice, emitting fiery words; / Rejoice, excellent guide to your flock.
Rejoice, for by you faith is affirmed; / Rejoice, for heresy is overthrown by you.
Rejoice, Nicholas, the great miracle worker!

Kondak 3

By the power given to you from above, / you wiped away every tear from the face of the grievously suffering, / God-bearing Father Nicholas: / for you appeared to the hungry as a feeder, / in the abyss of the sea, a skillful helmsman, / with sick healing and in everything you turn out to be an assistant / for all who cry out to God : / Alleluia.

Ikos 3

You should truly, Father Nicholas, / sing a song to you from heaven, and not from the earth; / for how can any of the people / be able to proclaim the greatness of your holiness? / But we, conquered by your love, / cry out to you like this:
Rejoice, image of the lambs and shepherds; / Rejoice, holy cleansing of morals.
Rejoice, receptacle of great virtues; / Rejoice, holy, pure and precious dwelling.
Rejoice, shining lamp for all and beloved by all; / Rejoice, golden and immaculate light.
Rejoice, worthy interlocutor of Angels; / Rejoice, good mentor of people.
Rejoice, rule of pious faith; / Rejoice, image of spiritual meekness.
Rejoice, for by you we are delivered from bodily passions; / rejoice, for by you we are filled with spiritual pleasures.
Rejoice, Nicholas, the great miracle worker!

Kondak 4

A storm of bewilderment confuses my mind: / how worthy to sing of your miracles, blessed Nikolai? / For no one can number them, / even if he had many languages ​​/ and wanted to broadcast them. / But we dare to sing to God, marvelously glorified in you: / Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Heard, wise Nicholas, / near and far about the greatness of your miracles: / usually for you to be the first to rush to help / as if through the air on light wings of grace / to those in trouble, / soon delivering from them / all who call to you like this:
Rejoice, deliverance from sorrow; / Rejoice, giver of grace.
Rejoice, banisher of unexpected evils; / Rejoice, planter of desired blessings.
Rejoice, speedy comforter of those who are in trouble; / Rejoice, terrible avenger of offenders.
Rejoice, abyss of miracles poured out by God; / Rejoice, tablets of the law of Christ, written by God.
Rejoice, strong restoration of those who fall; / Rejoice, right standing affirmation.
Rejoice, for by you every lie is exposed; / rejoice, for by you all truth comes true.
Rejoice, Nicholas, the great miracle worker!

Kondak 5

You appeared as a God-driven star, / once guiding those who sailed in distress on the sea, / to whom death was coming soon, / if you had not appeared calling for help, / you, holy miracle worker Nicholas; / after all, when the demons were no longer hiding, / and tried to sink the ships, / you, having forbidden them, drove them away, / you taught the faithful to cry out through you to the saving God: / Hallelujah.

Ikos 5

The maidens saw, prepared for a shameful marriage / because of poverty, / your great mercy to the poor, / blessed Father Nicholas, / when you were an old man, their parent, / secretly gave three bundles of gold at night, / saving him and his daughters from the fall of sin . / Therefore, you hear from everyone such praises:
Rejoice, treasury of the greatest mercy; / Rejoice, a receptacle for providing for people.
Rejoice, food and comfort to those who come running to you; / Rejoice, inexhaustible bread for the hungry.
Rejoice, wealth given to the poor living on earth by God; / Rejoice, speedy rise of the poor.
Rejoice, quickly hearing the poor; / Rejoice, gracious care of the mourners.
Rejoice, having combined three virgins in an immaculate marriage; / Rejoice, diligent guardian of purity.
Rejoice, hopeless hope; / Rejoice, delight of the whole world.
Rejoice, Nicholas, the great miracle worker!

Kondak 6

The whole world preaches / about you, blessed Nicholas, / as a quick intercessor in troubles, / for many times at the same time / traveling on land and sailing on the sea / being the first to help, / together from evils you save everyone / crying out to God: / Alleluia.

Ikos 6

You shone like the light of life, / bringing deliverance to the governors, / who were to accept an unjust death, / and you, good shepherd Nicholas, who called, / when you, soon appearing in a dream to the king, frightened him, / ordered them to be released unharmed. / Therefore, we, together with them / gratefully cry out to you:
Rejoice, diligently helping those who call on you; / Rejoice, deliverer from unrighteous murder.
Rejoice, preserving from insidious slander; / Rejoice, destroyer of unrighteous advice.
Rejoice, tearing up lies like cobwebs; / Rejoice, gloriously elevating the truth.
Rejoice, liberation of the innocent from bonds; / rejoice, and resurrection of the dead.
Rejoice, revealing the truth; / Rejoice, darkening untruth.
Rejoice, for through you the innocent have been delivered from the sword; / rejoice, for thanks to you they have enjoyed the light.
Rejoice, Nicholas, the great miracle worker!

Kondak 7

Wishing to drive away the blasphemous heretical stench, / with a world truly fragrant, mysterious you appeared, Nikolai: / the people of the Mvr of Lycian past, / and filled the whole world with your grace-filled world. / And drive away the ungodly sinful stench from us, / so that we cry out pleasingly to God: / Alleluia.

Ikos 7

New Noah, the helmsman of the saving ark / we see in you, holy father Nicholas, / dispersing the storm of all fierce troubles with his control, / bringing divine silence to those who cry out like this:
Rejoice, quiet haven carried by the storm; / Rejoice, reliable protection of drowning people.
Rejoice, good helmsman floating among the abysses; / Rejoice, ceasing sea troubles.
Rejoice, guide caught by whirlwinds; / Rejoice, warming those who suffer from frost.
Rejoice, radiance dispersing the darkness of sorrows; / Rejoice, luminary, enlightening all the ends of the earth.
Rejoice, delivering people from the abyss of sin; / Rejoice, casting hellish Satan into the abyss.
Rejoice, for through you we boldly invoke the abyss of God's mercy; / Rejoice, for by you you are delivered from the flood of wrath, we find peace with God.
Rejoice, Nicholas, the great miracle worker!

Kondak 8

An extraordinary miracle is / resorting to you, blessed Nicholas, / your sacred church: / for in it even a small prayer is brought, / we receive great ailments, healing, / if only after God we put hope in you, crying out with faith: / Alleluia.

Ikos 8

You are all truly a helper to everyone, / God-bearing Nicholas, / and gathered together all who resort to you, / as a liberator, feeder and quick doctor to all earthly, / moving everyone to praise, so they cry out to you like this:
Rejoice, source of all healings; / Rejoice, helper of the grievously suffering.
Rejoice, dawn shining in the night of sinful wanderers; / Rejoice, dew from heaven exuding the heat of languishing labors.
Rejoice, giving to the needy what is good; / Rejoice, preparing abundance for those who ask.
Rejoice, many times ahead of our petitions; / Rejoice, renewing strength of old gray hairs.
Rejoice, accuser of many who have strayed from the path of the true; / Rejoice, faithful servant of the mysteries of God.
Rejoice, for with you we trample envy; / rejoice, for thanks to you we correct a good life.
Rejoice, Nicholas, the great miracle worker!

Kondak 9

Alleviate all illnesses, / our great intercessor Nicholas, / preparing blessed medicines, / delighting our souls, / and gladdening the hearts of all, / diligently resorting to your help, / crying out to God: / Hallelujah.

Ikos 9

Vityus of the wicked in vain / we see you put to shame, / God-wise Father Nicholas: / for Arius the blasphemer, dividing the Divinity, / and Sabellius, introducing confusion into the Holy Trinity, / you defeated in a dispute, / strengthened us in Orthodoxy. / Therefore, we call you like this:
Rejoice, shield that protects piety; / Rejoice, sword that destroys wickedness.
Rejoice, teacher of divine decrees; / Rejoice, destroyer of ungodly teachings.
Rejoice, ladder approved by God, along which we ascend to heaven; / Rejoice, roof, created by God, under which many take refuge.
Rejoice, thou who didst make the foolish with thy words; / Rejoice, thou who raised up the lazy with thy manners.
Rejoice, inextinguishable light of the commandments of God; / Rejoice, bright ray of the Lord's statutes.
Rejoice, for with your teaching the heads of heretics are crushed; / rejoice, for by you the faithful are worthy of glory.
Rejoice, Nicholas, the great miracle worker!

Kondak 10

Desiring to save your soul, / you truly subdued your flesh to the spirit, / our Father Nicholas, / for, first of all, in silence and struggle with thoughts / you added thought of God to the deed, / by the mind of God you acquired a perfect mind / and with it boldly talked with God and the Angels, / always crying: / Alleluia.

Ikos 10

You are a wall, blessed, / to those who praise your miracles / and to all who resort to your intercession; / therefore, we, meager in virtue, / from poverty, misfortunes, ailments and various troubles free, / crying out to you with love like this:
Rejoice, deliverer from eternal poverty; / Rejoice, giver of imperishable wealth.
Rejoice, inexhaustible food for those who hunger for truth; / Rejoice, inexhaustible drink for those who thirst for life.
Rejoice, preserving from rebellion and war; / Rejoice, freeing from bonds and captivity.
Rejoice, glorious intercessor in troubles; / Rejoice, greatest defender in adversity.
Rejoice, having uprooted many from death; / Rejoice, having preserved countless unscathed.
Rejoice, for thanks to you, sinners avoid a cruel death; / rejoice, for at your intercessions the penitent receive eternal life.
Rejoice, Nicholas, the great miracle worker!

Kondak 11

Singing to the Most Holy Trinity / you brought more than others, blessed Nicholas, / in mind, word and deed; / for with great accuracy he explained the dogmas of the right faith, / by faith, hope and love instructing us / in the Trinity to the One God to sing: / Alleluia.

Ikos 11

An inextinguishable ray of light / dwelling in the darkness of life / we see you, Father Nicholas, chosen by God: / for with immaterial angelic lights / you talk about the uncreated Trinity Light / and enlighten the souls of the faithful, / crying out to you like this:
Rejoice, illumination of the Three Sun Light; / Rejoice, morning star of the non-setting Sun.
Rejoice, candle lit by the divine flame; / rejoice, for you have extinguished the demonic flame of wickedness.
Rejoice, clear orthodoxy sermon; / Rejoice, beautiful light of the Gospel radiance.
Rejoice, lightning, burning heresy; / Rejoice, thunder, frightening seducers.
Rejoice, teacher of true knowledge; / Rejoice, elucidator of the mysterious mind.
Rejoice, for you trampled down the worship of the creature; / rejoice, for from you we have learned to worship the Creator in the Trinity.
Rejoice, Nicholas, the great miracle worker!

Kondak 12

Knowing the grace given to you from God, / we celebrate your memory with joy, as it should, / glorious Father Nicholas, / and resort to your wonderful intercession with all our soul; / your glorious deeds, / we cannot count like the sand of the sea and the multitude of stars, / and, embraced by bewilderment, we cry out to God: / Hallelujah.

Ikos 12

Singing your miracles, / we praise you, all-mighty Nicholas: / for in you God, glorified in the Trinity, marvelously glorified; / but even if we bring you many psalms and songs composed from the heart, O holy miracle worker, / we do nothing equal to the gift of your miracles; / wondering at them, we appeal to you like this:
Rejoice, servant of the King of kings and the Lord of lords; / Rejoice, servants of His heavenly cohabitant.
Rejoice, help to faithful people; / Rejoice, kind of Christian exaltation.
Rejoice, name of victory; / Rejoice, famous crown-bearer.
Rejoice, mirror of all virtues; / Rejoice, strong wall to all who come running to you.
Rejoice, after God and the Mother of God all our hope; / Rejoice, health of our bodies and salvation of our souls.
Rejoice, for at your intercessions we are freed from eternal death; / rejoice, for thanks to you we are worthy of endless life.
Rejoice, Nicholas, the great miracle worker!

Kondak 13

O most holy and wonderful Father Nicholas, / consolation to all who mourn! / Accept our current offering / and beseech the Lord to deliver us from Gehenna / with your charitable intercession, / so that we can sing with you: / Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1st and kontakion 1st


Prayer one

Oh, the all-praised and revered bishop, the great wonderworker, the saint of Christ, Father Nicholas, the man of God and the faithful servant, the husband of desires, the chosen vessel, the strong pillar of the Church, the brightest lamp, the star illuminating and illuminating the entire universe! You are a righteous one, blossoming like a palm tree, planted in the courts of your Lord; who lived in the world, you filled the world with the fragrance of the world and exude the peace of the inexhaustible grace of God. By your procession, Holy Father, the sea was sanctified, when your many miraculous relics marched to the city of Bari, so that the name of the Lord would be praised from east to west. Oh, skilful and wonderful miracle worker, quick helper, ardent intercessor, good shepherd, saving the verbal flock from all sorts of troubles! We glorify you and magnify you as the hope of all Christians, the source of miracles, the protector of the faithful, the wise teacher, the hungry feeder, weeping joy, naked robes, sick doctors, helmsmen floating on the sea, captives of the liberator, widows and orphans of the feeder and intercessor, chastity guardian, the meek educator's infants, the old strengthening, the mentor's fasting, the workers' repose, the poor and the wretched abundant wealth. Hear us praying to you and running under your roof, manifest your intercession for us to the Almighty and intercede with your charitable prayers for everything that is useful for the salvation of our souls and bodies; save this holy monastery [or this temple], every city and village, and every Christian country and people living in it from every disaster with your help; for we know, we know how much the prayer of the righteous can do, contributing to good; but you, the righteous, after the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, we have as an intercessor to the All-Merciful God, and we humbly resort to your, most good father, fervent intercession and intercession; save us, like a cheerful and good shepherd, from all enemies, pestilence, earthquake, hail, famine, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners, and in all our troubles and sorrows, give us a helping hand, and open the doors of God's mercy to us; because we are unworthy to look at the height of heaven from the multitude of our iniquities, we are bound by the bonds of sins, and we have never done the will of our Creator and have not observed His commands. Therefore, we bow the knee of our contrite and humble heart before our Creator, and we ask for your fatherly intercession before Him: help us, servant of God, so that we do not perish with our iniquities, deliver us from every evil and from every hostile deed, direct our mind and strengthen our heart ours in the right faith, in which, according to your intercession and intercession, let us not be shaken by wounds, or threats, or pestilence, or by any anger of our Creator, but here we will live peacefully and be able to see the blessings on the land of the living, glorifying the Father and the Son , and the Holy Spirit, the One in the Trinity of the glorified and worshiped God, now and always, and forever and ever, amen.

Prayer two

O all-holy Nicholas, glorious servant of the Lord, our ardent intercessor, and everywhere in sorrows a quick helper! Help me, a sinner and despondent: in this life, beg the Lord God to grant me the remission of all my sins, how much I have sinned from my youth throughout my life in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the departure of my soul, help me, the unfortunate one, implore the Lord God, the entire creation of the Creator, to save me from air ordeals and eternal torment, so that I constantly glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and always and in forever and ever, amen.

Prayer three

O all-good Father Nicholas, shepherd and teacher of all who with faith resort to your intercession and call on you in fervent prayer! Hurry soon and deliver the flock of Christ from the wolves that are destroying it, and protect every Christian country and save with your holy prayers from worldly rebellion, earthquake, invasion of foreigners and internecine war, from hunger, flood, fire, sword and from sudden death. And as you had mercy on three men who were sitting in prison, and delivered them from royal wrath and beheading with a sword, so have mercy on me, mind, word and deed in the darkness of sins, and deliver me from the wrath of God and eternal punishment, but by your intercession and help, by His mercy and grace, Christ God will give me a quiet and sinless life to live in this age and deliver me from the fate of those standing on the left, and will make me stand on the right with all the saints, amen.

*Translated into Russian by Hieromonk Ambrose (Timroth).

Nicholas the Wonderworker acquired the status of a saint during his lifetime, having become famous for his philanthropy and mercy to all those who suffer. This saint of God helped people in solving all sorts of life issues and earned their greatest respect, love and trust. He is not only a healer, but also a pacifier of the warring, the patron of travelers, the defender of the innocently condemned, the deliverer from vain death.

Akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker - a laudatory song to the saint, an appeal to him with pressing problems with a firm belief in their resolution. Reading an akathist changes the fate of a person for the better, saves the worshiper from a series of failures, as well as from ill-wishers, evil spirits and witchcraft forces. Akathist to God's saint Nicholas is a kind of psychoenergetic "barrier" from a curse, evil eye, damage. It is noted that a 40-day reading of this akathist gives the believer deliverance from the misfortunes that tormented him.

Nicholas the Pleasant is considered by Orthodox believers to be one of the strongest and most powerful saints, whose name is invoked in case of illness, difficult financial situation, failure, despondency, etc. It is advisable to pronounce the words of the akathist while standing near the icon of the miracle worker in the church.

How does the akathist help Nicholas the Wonderworker?

This question interests many people who are looking for a way out of difficult life situations. Saint Nicholas helps in a variety of problems, so it is impossible to single out a special area of ​​​​his patronage. He can be considered the simplest and "accessible" saint, to whom all human suffering and needs are close.

  • successful return home from a long journey;
  • successful marriage and family building;
  • protection and reconciliation with enemies;
  • justification of the unjustly condemned;
  • healing from serious illnesses;
  • deliverance from troubles and protection from evil forces.

Since 2004, all Orthodox Christians have celebrated the birth of St. Nicholas on August 11, and the day of his death is commemorated on December 19.

From the life of Nicholas Ugodnik (brief information)

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker lived in the 3rd century and from a young age was distinguished by an insatiable desire to serve the Lord. As a clergyman, he became a vivid example for his parishioners, showing the people of Lycia the true path to salvation. After several years of service in the church, he was appointed Bishop of the World of Lycia.

An interesting fact from the biography of St. Nicholas is his miraculous birth. The future miracle worker was born in the city of Patara in a Christian family, which for a long time could not have children. Feofan and Nonna (that was the name of his parents) earnestly prayed to God for a child, having vowed to dedicate the newborn to the service of the Lord, and their prayer was miraculously heard.

At the dawn of his youth, Nicholas showed numerous talents: he observed fasting, studied the Holy Scriptures with great zeal, and impressed those around him with deep wisdom. During his lifetime, he performed many miracles and healings, which made him famous among believers. Having destroyed paganism, the priest brought peace and goodness to the people, showing Christians the true path of salvation through repentance and love for one's neighbor.

The asceticism of Nicholas the Wonderworker was carried out during the time of persecution of Christians, and the bishop was imprisoned. However, he not only courageously endured torture and hardship, but also supported the rest of those imprisoned by the power of his faith.

Galerius (successor of the Roman emperor Diocletian) abolished the persecution of Christians. Coming out of the dungeon, Saint Nicholas again occupied the Myrlikian see. By the grace of God, he lived to a ripe old age and died peacefully on December 6, 342. Now His relics, exuding a fragrant and miraculous myrrh, are kept in the Italian city of Bari.

With his prayers, the saint could pacify the elements, save entire cities from hunger and drought, reconcile enemies, and heal the seriously ill. He was not just a bishop of the World of Lycia, but a great ascetic who loved people and supported them in every possible way.

40 days of reading an akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker - a condition for a miraculous result

Akathist to St. It is customary for Nicholas to read for 40 days, regardless of the time of day. Many believers order an akathist in the monastery, submitting notes with the names of relatives and friends, for whose health they should pray. It is important to plan the result in advance, focus it on a specific outcome (healing from an illness, removing damage, getting things done, arranging your personal life, etc.). The saint must know exactly what the believer wants in order to help him.

It is especially necessary to pronounce the text of the akathist in hours of despondency, despair, depression, in order to prevent the destructive effect of these sins on the human soul. The more clearly the request is formulated, the faster the result will come from reading the akathist. You should not advertise your spiritual life and tell other people about reading an akathist. This action should remain secret, because it symbolizes the dialogue between the believer and the saint.

Akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker online can be found on various Orthodox sites. It is desirable that the stresses in the words be put in the text. So the prayer will not make mistakes when reading, which is important for achieving a positive result.

A believer needs to read an akathist with pure thoughts and a contrite heart. Only deep faith can bear fruit, and prayer can become miraculous. It is impossible to attribute magical power to the akathist. The assertion that a simple reading of an akathist can radically change the fate of a person and create a miracle for anyone is a manifestation of paganism.

Kondak 1

“The Chosen Miracle Worker and a fair servant of Christ, exude a valuable world of mercy to the whole world, and an inexhaustible sea of ​​\u200b\u200bmiracles, I praise you with love, Saint Nicholas: you seem to have boldness to the Lord, free me from all troubles, but I call you: Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Miracle Worker.

Ikos 1

“An angel in the form of an earthly being by nature, show you the Creator of all creatures; having seen the fruitful kindness of your soul, most blessed Nicholas, teach everyone to cry out to you: Rejoice, cleansed from the womb; rejoice, even sanctified to the end. Rejoice, surprising you with the birth of your parents; Rejoice, revealing the strength of the soul Abie at Christmas. Rejoice, garden of the land of promise; Rejoice, flower of the Divine planting. Rejoice, virtuous vine of Christ's grapes; Rejoice, miraculous tree of the paradise of Jesus. Rejoice, krine of heavenly vegetation; Rejoice, peace of Christ's fragrance. Rejoice, for you will drive away sobbing; rejoice, for you bring joy. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

Kondak 2

“Seeing your world an outpouring, God-wise, we are enlightened by souls and bodies, the wonderful myrrh-bearer is life-giving, Nicholas, understanding: miracles are like waters pouring out by the grace of God, solder those who faithfully cry out to God: Alleluia.”

Ikos 2

“Unreasonable mind, admonishing about the Holy Trinity, you were in Nicaea with the holy fathers the champion of the confession of the Orthodox faith: you were equal to the Father of the Son, you confessed, coexistent and co-throne, Aria denounced the insane. For the sake of faith, I learned to sing to you: Rejoice, great pillar of piety; Rejoice, city of the faithful refuge. Rejoice, solid strengthening of Orthodoxy; Rejoice, the honest of the Most Holy Trinity also bore praise. Rejoice, thou who preachest the Son is equal to the Father; Rejoice, Aria, who was enraged, drove away from the Cathedral of Saints. Rejoice, father, glorious beauty of the fathers; Rejoice, wise kindness of all God-wise. Rejoice, emitting fiery words; Rejoice, instruct your flock well. Rejoice, as your faith is affirmed; Rejoice, for by you heresy is overthrown. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

Kondak 3

“By the power given to you from above, you took away every tear from the face of the afflicted, God-bearing Father Nicholas: the hungry appeared to be the feeder, in the abyss of wrinkle there was a fair ruler, ailing healing, and every helper appeared to everyone, crying out to God: Hallelujah.”

Ikos 3

“Having truly, Father Nicholas, from heaven a song is sung to you to be, and not from the earth: how can anyone from a man be able to preach your holy greatness? But we, overcome by your love, cry out to you: Rejoice, in the form of lambs and shepherds; Rejoice, holy purifier of morals. Rejoice, receptacle of great virtues; Rejoice, holy and pure dwelling. Rejoice, all-bright and all-loving lamp; Rejoice, golden and immaculate light. Rejoice, worthy interlocutor of Angels; Rejoice, good teacher of men. Rejoice, rule of pious faith; Rejoice, the image of spiritual meekness. Rejoice, for by you we are getting rid of bodily passions; rejoice, for we are filled with spiritual sweetness by you. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

Kondak 4

“A storm of bewilderment confuses my mind, how worthy it is to sing your miracles, blessed Nicholas; no one else can I vanish, if only I had many languages ​​​​and wanted to speak; but marvelously to God, who is glorified in you, we dare to sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

“Hearing, God-wise Nicholas, the near and far greatness of your miracles, as if through the air with light, grace-filled wings, you learned to anticipate those who are in trouble, soon delivering from those who cry out to you like this: Rejoice, deliverance from sorrow; rejoice, almsgiving of grace. Rejoice, banisher of unforeseen evils; Rejoice, desired planter of the good. Rejoice, speedy comforter of those in distress; Rejoice, terrible punisher of offenders. Rejoice, abyss of miracles, poured out by God; Rejoice, the law of Christ is the tablets of God written. Rejoice, strong falling erection; Rejoice, right standing affirmation. Rejoice, for by you all flattery is exposed; rejoice, for through you all truth comes true. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

Kondak 5

“The divine star appeared to you, instructing the floating lute on the sea, even death is coming soon sometimes, if not you would appear calling you for help, Miracle-worker Saint Nicholas; it’s already shameful for the flying demon and forbidding those who want to sink the ships, you drove them away, but the faithful taught you to cry out to the God who saves you: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

“When you see the damsels, for the marriage of nasty poverty for the sake of prepared, your great mercy to the poor, most blessed Father Nicholas, always gave three gold knots to the elder of their parent at night, hiding three gold, saving yourself with your daughters from the fall of sinful. For this reason, hear from all this: Rejoice, great treasure of mercy; Rejoice, friend of thought about people. Rejoice, food and joy to those who resort to you; Rejoice, uneaten bread of the hungry. Rejoice, wealth given to the poor living on earth by God; Rejoice, quick exaltation of the poor. Rejoice, swift hearing of the poor; Rejoice, pleasant care of those who mourn. Rejoice, undefiled three virgins; Rejoice, zealous guardian of purity. Rejoice, unreliable hope; Rejoice, delight of the whole world. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

Kondak 6

“The whole world preaches to you, blessed Nicholas, a quick intercessor in troubles, as if many times in one hour traveling on earth and sailing on the sea, anticipating, helping, saving everyone from the evil, crying out to God: Alleluia.”

Ikos 6

“Thou hast shone the light of the animal, bringing deliverance to the governors, accepting unjust death to those who have, to you, good shepherd Nicholas, calling, when soon the king appeared in a dream, frightened him, and commanded those unharmed to be released. For this sake, it’s a lot with them, and we thankfully cry out to you: Rejoice, helping those who call on you diligently; Rejoice, delivering from the unrighteous murder. Rejoice, save slander from flattering; Rejoice, unrighteous destroy advice. Rejoice, tear the lie like a spider; rejoice, gloriously exalt the truth. Rejoice, resolution of the innocent from the bonds; rejoice, and resurrection of the dead. Rejoice, revealer of the truth; Rejoice, destroyer of unrighteousness. Rejoice, for by your disobedience deliverance from the sword; rejoice, for you have enjoyed the light. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

Kondak 7

“Although drive away the blasphemous heretical malice, the truly fragrant, mysterious world appeared to you, Nicholas: the people of the world were saved by you and the whole world filled you with your blessed peace. And from us, the ungodly sinful malice of otzheniye, yes, it is favorable to God with a cry: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

“We understand the new Noah, the mentor of the ark of salvation, Father Saint Nicholas, who disperses the storm of all the fierce with his direction, but brings divine silence to those who cry out like this: Rejoice, overwhelmed quiet haven; Rejoice, drowning well-known repository. Rejoice, good helmsman floating in the middle of the abyss; Rejoice, disturbing sea tiring. Rejoice, leading those who exist in whirlwinds; Rejoice, warming those who are in scum. Rejoice, radiance dispersing mournful darkness; Rejoice, luminary, enlightening the whole ends of the earth. Rejoice, delivering sinful people from the abyss; Rejoice, cast Satan into the abyss of hell. Rejoice, for by you boldly we invoke the abyss of God's mercy; rejoice, as if you were delivered from the flood of anger, we find peace with God. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

Kondak 8

“A strange miracle is flowing to you, blessed Nicholas, your sacred church: in it it brings even a small prayer, healing is acceptable for great ailments, if only according to Bose we put our hope in you, truly crying: Alleluia.”

Ikos 8

“You are all truly a helper to everyone, God-bearing Nicholas, and you gathered together all those who resort to you, like a liberator, feeder and quick doctor to all the earthly, to the praise of all, crying out to you: Rejoice, source of all healings; Rejoice, fierce helper to the suffering. Rejoice, dawn, shining in the night of sinful wandering; Rejoice, dew is not flowing in the heat of labors. Rejoice, give well-being to those who require it; rejoice, prepare abundance for those who ask. Rejoice, foreseeing petition many times; Rejoice, renew the strength of old gray hairs. Rejoice, accuser of many who have erred from the path of the true; Rejoice, faithful servant of the mysteries of God. Rejoice, for by you we trample envy; rejoice, for we are correcting a good life with you. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

Kondak 9

“All kinds of quench the disease, our great intercessor Nicholas, dissolving the grace of healing, delighting our souls, but gladdening the hearts of all who diligently flow to your help, crying out to God: Hallelujah.”

Ikos 9

“We see the vetias of the wise wicked, we see you put to shame, the God-wise Father Nicholas: Aria is a blasphemer, dividing the Godhead, and Sabellius, mixing the Holy Trinity, rebuked, but strengthened us in Orthodoxy. For this sake, we cry out to you: Rejoice, shield, defend piety; rejoice, sword, sow wickedness. Rejoice, teacher of divine decrees; Rejoice, destroyer of ungodly teachings. Rejoice, ladder approved by God, by which we ascend to heaven; Rejoice, cover, created by God, by which many are covered. Rejoice, unwise wiser with your words; Rejoice, thou who instigated the lazy with thy manners. Rejoice, inextinguishable lightness of the commandments of God; Rejoice, most bright ray of the Lord's justifications. Rejoice, for heretical chapters are broken by your teaching; rejoice, for by you the faithful are worthy of glory. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

Kondak 10

“Save at least your soul, your flesh and spirit, you truly subdued, our Father Nicholas, be silent before and fight with thoughts, you applied the thought of God to the deed, you acquired the mind with the mind of God, you boldly spoke with God and the Angels, always crying out: Hallelujah” .

Ikos 10

“You are a wall to those who praise, most blessed, your miracles and all who resort to your intercession; the same for us, in the virtues of the poor, from poverty, adversity, ailments and the needs of various liberates, crying out to you with love like this: Rejoice, remove from eternal misery; Rejoice, granting imperishable wealth. Rejoice, indestructible to those who hunger for truth; Rejoice, inexhaustible drink for those who thirst for life. Rejoice, observe from rebellion and strife; Rejoice, freeing from bonds and captivity. Rejoice, glorious intercessor in troubles; Rejoice, great protector in adversity. Rejoice, thou who didst steal many from destruction; Rejoice, undamagedly preserving countless. Rejoice, for by you sinners avoid the cruel death; rejoice, for through you those who repent receive eternal life. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

Kondak 11

“You brought the singing of the Most Holy Trinity more than others, most blessed Nicholas, in mind, word and deed: with many trials, the orthodox commandment clarified you, by faith, hope and love instructing us in the Trinity to the One God to sing: Alleluia.”

Ikos 11

“The luminous ray in the darkness of life is inextinguishable, we see you, Father Nicholas, chosen by God: with immaterial angelic lights you talk about the uncreated Trinity Light, but enlighten the faithful souls, crying out like this: Rejoice, illumination of the Three Sun Light; Rejoice, morning day of the never-setting Sun. Rejoice, candle, kindled by the Divine flame; Rejoice, for you have quenched the demonic flame of wickedness. Rejoice, bright orthodoxy preaching; Rejoice, translucent light of the gospel radiance. Rejoice, lightning, burning heresy; Rejoice, thunder, frightening seducer. Rejoice, true teacher of the mind; Rejoice, mysterious revealer of the mind. Rejoice, as if you trampled down the worship of the creature; rejoice, for we will learn to worship the Creator in the Trinity. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

Kondak 12

“The grace given to you from God, knowledgeable, rejoicing in your memory, we celebrate in due course, glorious Father Nicholas, and we wholeheartedly flow to your wonderful intercession; but your glorious deeds, like the sand of the sea and the multitude of stars, cannot be counted, bewildered to embrace the former, we cry to God: Hallelujah.

Ikos 12

“Singing your miracles, we praise you, all-glorious Nicholas: in you, God, glorified in the Trinity, marvelously glorified. But if and more and more psalms and songs composed from the heart, we bring thee, Holy Miracle Worker, we do nothing equal to the gift of your miracles, even wondering, we cry out to you like this: Rejoice, King of kings and Lord of lords to the servant; Rejoice, servants of His heavenly companion. Rejoice, help to the faithful people; Rejoice, kind of Christian exaltation. Rejoice, namesake of victory; rejoice, crowned arrogant. Rejoice, mirror of all virtues; Rejoice, for all those who come to you have a strong visor. Rejoice, according to Bose and the Mother of God, all our hope; Rejoice, health of our bodies and salvation of our souls. Rejoice, for through you we are freed from eternal death; rejoice, for we are worthy of you endless life. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

Dear brothers and sisters! Join the DAILY reading of the akathist to St. Nicholas without reference to time. DURING THE MARCH, APRIL, MAY, JUNE MONTHS.
If you want to join the reading, write the names in the comments.
I ask all participants, if possible, to be noted in the comments after reading. Before reading the Akathist, please check if your names are entered. If there are no names, please send me a message.
God, be merciful to me a sinner (bow).

God, cleanse me a sinner and have mercy on me (bow).

Created me, Lord, have mercy on me (bow).

I have sinned without number, Lord, forgive me (bow).

My mistress, Most Holy Theotokos, save me a sinner (bow).

My holy Guardian Angel, save me from all evil (bow).

Holy Father, Nicholas, pray to God for me (bow).

Through the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us. Amen.

Holy God, Holy Strong, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us (three times, with the sign of the cross and bows from the waist).

Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, cleanse our sins. Lord, forgive our iniquities. Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Your name's sake.

Lord, have mercy (three times).
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Our Father, Who art in heaven. May your name be hallowed. May your kingdom come. May Thy will be done, as in Heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us. Amen.

Lord have mercy (12 times).
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
Come, let us bow to the King of our God (bow).
Come, let us bow down and fall down to Christ the King of our God (bow).
Come, let us bow down and fall down before Christ Himself, the Tsar and our God (bow).

Psalm 50
Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy great mercy, and according to the multitude of Thy mercies, cleanse my iniquity. Wash me most of all from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. As I know my iniquity, and my sin before me is taken out. I have sinned against You alone, and I have done evil before You, as if You were justified in Your words and won, when You judge. Behold, I was conceived in iniquity, and in sins give birth to me, my mother. Behold, thou hast loved the truth, Thy obscure and secret wisdom revealed to me. Sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shall be cleansed; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Give joy and gladness to my ears, the bones of the humble will rejoice. Turn Your face away from my sins, and cleanse all my iniquities. Create a pure heart in me, O God, and renew a right spirit in my womb. Cast me not away from Thy presence, and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. Give me the joy of Your salvation, and confirm me with the Sovereign Spirit. I will teach the wicked in Your way, and the wicked will turn to You. Deliver me from the blood, O God, God of my salvation, my tongue will rejoice in Your righteousness. Lord, open my mouth, and my mouth will proclaim your praise. As if you would have desired sacrifices, you would have given them, you would not favor burnt offerings. Sacrifice to God, the spirit is broken, the heart is contrite and humble, God will not despise. Please, O Lord, with Thy favor Zion, and let the walls of Jerusalem be built. Then be pleased with the sacrifice of righteousness, an offering and a burnt offering, then they will offer calves on Your altar.

Symbol of faith
I believe in the One God the Father, the Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible. And in the One Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, Who was born from the Father before all ages; Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, uncreated, consubstantial with the Father, Whom all was. For us for the sake of man and for our sake of salvation, he descended from heaven and became incarnate from the Holy Spirit and Mary the Virgin and became human. Crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered, and was buried. And resurrected on the third day according to the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father. And the packs of the future with glory to judge the living and the dead, His Kingdom will have no end. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Life-Giving One, who proceeds from the Father, Who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, who spoke the prophets. Into one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins. I look forward to the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the age to come. Amen.
Akathist to Saint Nicholas
Archbishop of Myra the Wonderworker.

Seeing your world as an outpouring, God-wise, we are enlightened by souls and bodies, the wonderful myrrh-bearer is life-giving, Nicholas, understanding: miracles are like waters pouring out by the grace of God, solder those who faithfully cry out to God: Alleluia.

Unreasonable mind, admonishing about the Holy Trinity, you were in Nicaea with the holy fathers the champion of the confession of the Orthodox faith: you were equal to the Father of the Son, you confessed, coexistent and co-throne, Aria denounced the insane. For the sake of faith, I learned to sing to you: Rejoice, great pillar of piety; Rejoice, city of the faithful refuge. Rejoice, firm Orthodoxy strengthened; leniya; Rejoice, the honest of the Most Holy Trinity also bore praise. Rejoice, thou who preachest the Son is equal to the Father; Rejoice, Aria, who was enraged, drove away from the Cathedral of Saints. Rejoice, father, glorious beauty of the fathers; Rejoice, wise kindness of all God-wise. Rejoice, emitting fiery words; Rejoice, instruct your flock well. Rejoice, as your faith is affirmed; Rejoice, for by you heresy is overthrown. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

With the power given to you from above, you took away every tear from the face of the suffering, God-bearing Father Nicholas: the hungry appeared to be the feeder, in the torch of the wrinkle existing a fair ruler, ailing healing, and every helper appeared to everyone, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Having truly, Father Nicholas, from Heaven a song is sung to you to be, and not from the earth: how can anyone from a person be able to preach your holy greatness? But we, overcome by your love, cry out to you: Rejoice, in the form of lambs and shepherds; Rejoice, holy purifier of morals. Rejoice, receptacle of great virtues; Rejoice, holy and pure dwelling. Rejoice, all-luminous lamp and all; favourite; Rejoice, golden and immaculate light. Rejoice, worthy interlocutor of Angels; Rejoice, good teacher of men. Rejoice, rule of pious faith; Rejoice, the image of spiritual meekness. Rejoice, for by you we are getting rid of bodily passions; rejoice, for we are filled with spiritual sweetness by you. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

A storm of bewilderment confuses my mind, how worthy it is to sing your miracles, blessed Nicholas; no one else can I vanish, if only I had many languages ​​​​and wanted to speak; but marvelously to God, who is glorified in you, we dare to sing: Alleluia.

Hearing, God-wise Nicholas, the near and far greatness of your miracles, as if through the air with light, grace-filled wings, you learned to anticipate those who are in trouble, soon delivering from those who cry out to you like this: Rejoice, deliverance from sorrow; rejoice, almsgiving of grace. Rejoice, banisher of unforeseen evils; Rejoice, desired planter of the good. Rejoice, speedy comforter of those in distress; Rejoice, terrible punisher of offenders. Rejoice, abyss of miracles, poured out by God; Rejoice, tablet of the law of Christ, God-written. Rejoice, strong falling erection; Rejoice, right standing affirmation. Rejoice, for by you all flattery is exposed; rejoice, for through you all truth comes true. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

The godly star appeared to you, instructing the floating lute on the sea, even death is coming soon sometimes, if not you would appear calling you for help, the Wonderworker Saint Nicholas; it’s already shameful for a flying demon and forbidding those who want to sink ships, you drove them away, but the faithful taught you to cry out to God who saves you: Alleluia.

Seeing the damsels, for the marriage of nasty poverty for the sake of prepared, your great mercy to the poor, most blessed Father Nicholas, always gave three gold knots to the elder parent of their night hiding three gold, saving yourself with your daughters from the fall of sinful. For this sake, hear from everyone: Rejoice, great treasure of mercy; Rejoice, friend of thought about people. Rejoice, food and joy to those who resort to you; Rejoice, uneaten bread of the hungry. Rejoice, wealth given to the poor living on earth by God; Rejoice, quick exaltation of the poor. Rejoice, swift hearing of the poor; Rejoice, pleasant care of those who mourn. Rejoice, undefiled three virgins; Rejoice, zealous guardian of purity. Rejoice, unreliable hope; Rejoice, delight of the whole world. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

The whole world preaches to you, Blessed Nicholas, a quick intercessor in troubles, as if many times in one hour traveling on earth and sailing on the sea, anticipating, helping, saving everyone from the evil, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Thou hast shone the light of the animal, bringing deliverance to the governors, accepting unjust death to those who have, to you, good shepherd Nicholas, calling, when soon the king appeared in a dream, frightened him, and commanded the unharmed to let them go. For this sake, it’s a lot with them and we thankfully cry out to you: Rejoice, diligently calling on you for help; guyai; Rejoice, delivering from the unrighteous murder. Rejoice, save slander from flattering; Rejoice, unrighteous destroy advice. Rejoice, tear the lie like a spider; rejoice, gloriously exalt the truth. Rejoice, resolution of the innocent from the bonds; rejoice, and resurrection of the dead. Rejoice, revealer of the truth; Rejoice, destroyer of unrighteousness. Rejoice, for by you the disobedient have been delivered from the sword; rejoice, for you have enjoyed the light. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

Although the blasphemous heretical drive away malice, the myrrh is truly fragrant, the mysterious appeared thou, Nicholas; Thou hast saved the people of Mirei, and Thou hast filled the whole world with His grace-filled peace. And from us, the godless sinful malice of otzheniye, yes, favorably to God, we cry out: Alleluia.

We understand the new Noah, the mentor of the ark of salvation, Father Saint Nicholas, dispersing the storm of all the fierce ones with his direction, but bringing divine silence to those crying out like this: Rejoice, overwhelmed quiet haven; Rejoice, drowning well-known repository. Rejoice, good helmsman floating in the middle of the abyss; Rejoice, disturbing sea tiring. Rejoice, leading those who exist in whirlwinds; Rejoice, warming those who are in scum. Rejoice, radiance dispersing mournful darkness; Rejoice, luminary, enlightening the whole ends of the earth. Rejoice, delivering sinful people from the abyss; Rejoice, cast Satan into the abyss of hell. Rejoice, for by you boldly we invoke the abyss of God's mercy; rejoice, as if you were delivered from the flood of anger, we find peace with God. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

A strange miracle is flowing to you, blessed Nicholas, your sacred church: in it you bring even a small prayer, healing is acceptable for great ailments, if only according to Bose we put our hope in you, truly crying: Alleluia.

You are all truly a helper to everyone, God-bearing Nicholas, and you gathered together all those who resort to you, like a liberator, a feeder and a quick doctor to all earthly people, for the praise of all, urging you to cry out to you: Rejoice, source of all healings; Rejoice, fierce helper to the suffering. Rejoice, dawn, shining in the night of sinful wanderers; Rejoice, dew is not flowing in the heat of labors. Rejoice, give well-being to those who require it; rejoice, prepare abundance for those who ask. Rejoice, foreseeing petition many times; Rejoice, renew the strength of old gray hairs. Rejoice, accuser of many who have erred from the path of the true; Rejoice, faithful servant of the mysteries of God. Rejoice, for by you we trample envy; rejoice, for we are correcting a good life with you. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

All quench the disease, our great intercessor Nicholas, dissolving the grace of healing, delighting our souls, but gladdening the hearts of all who diligently flow to your help, crying out to God: Alleluia.

We see the Vetias of the wisest wicked, put to shame by you, God-wise Father Nicholas: Aria is a blasphemer, dividing the Divinity, and Savellia, mixing the Holy Trinity, rebuked, but you strengthened us in Orthodoxy. For this sake, we cry out to you: Rejoice, shield, defend piety; Rejoice, sword, cut down wickedness. Rejoice, teacher of divine decrees; Rejoice, destroyer of ungodly teachings. Rejoice, ladder approved by God, by which we ascend to heaven; Rejoice, cover, created by God, by which many are covered. Rejoice, unwise wiser with your words; Rejoice, thou who instigated the lazy with thy manners. Rejoice, inextinguishable lightness of the commandments of God; Rejoice, most bright ray of the Lord's justifications. Rejoice, for heretical chapters are broken by your teaching; rejoice, for by you the faithful are worthy of glory. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

Thou hast truly conquered your soul, your flesh and spirits, our Father Nicholas: be silent before and struggle with thoughts, you applied the thought of God to the deed, you acquired the mind with the thought of God, you boldly spoke with God and the Angels, always crying out: Alleluia.

Thou wall to those who praise, most blessed, your miracles and all who resort to your intercession; tamezhe and us, in virtue ubo; free from poverty, misfortune, ailments and various needs, crying out to you with love like this: Rejoice, remove from eternal squalor; Rejoice, granting imperishable wealth. Rejoice, indestructible to those who hunger for truth; Rejoice, inexhaustible drink for those who thirst for life. Rejoice, observe from rebellion and strife; Rejoice, freeing from bonds and captivity. Rejoice, glorious intercessor in troubles; Rejoice, great protector in adversity. Rejoice, thou who didst steal many from destruction; Rejoice, undamagedly preserving countless. Rejoice, for by you sinners avoid the cruel death; Rejoice, for by you the penitent receive Eternal Life. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

You brought the singing of the Most Holy Trinity more than others, Blessed Nicholas, in mind, word and deed: with many trials, the orthodox commands were clarified by you, by faith, hope and love, instructing us in the Trinity to the One God to sing: Alleluia.

We see the luminous ray in the darkness of life, unquenchable, by God, the choice of Father Nicholas: with immaterial angelic lights you talk about the uncreated Trinity light, enlightening the faithful souls, crying out like this: Rejoice, illumination of the Three-Sunshine Light; Rejoice, morning day of the never-setting sun. Rejoice, candle, kindled by the Divine flame; Rejoice, for you have quenched the demonic flame of wickedness. Rejoice, bright orthodoxy preaching; Rejoice, translucent light of the gospel radiance. Rejoice, lightning, burning heresy; Rejoice, thunder, frightening seducer. Rejoice, true teacher of the mind; Rejoice, mysterious revealer of the mind. Rejoice, as if you trampled down the worship of the creature; rejoice, for we will learn to worship the Creator in the Trinity. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

The grace given to you from God, knowledgeable, rejoicing in your memory, we celebrate in debt, glorious Father Nicholas, and to the wonderful for; we wholeheartedly flow to your steps; your glorious deeds, like the sand of the sea and the multitude of stars, cannot be counted, bewildered to embrace the former, we cry to God: Hallelujah.

Singing your miracles, we praise thee, all-praise Nicholas: in you, God, glorified in the Trinity, marvelously glorified. But if and more and more psalms and songs composed from the heart, we bring thee, Holy Miracle Worker, we do nothing equal to the gift of your miracles, even wondering, we cry out to you like this: Rejoice, King of kings and Lord of lords to the servant; Rejoice, servants of His heavenly companion. Rejoice, help to the faithful people; Rejoice, kind of Christian exaltation. Rejoice, namesake of victory; rejoice, deliberately married. Rejoice, mirror of all virtues; Rejoice, for all those who come to you have a strong visor. Rejoice, according to Bose and the Mother of God, all our hope; Rejoice, health of our bodies and salvation of our souls. Rejoice, for through you we are freed from eternal death; rejoice, for we are worthy of you endless life. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

O most holy and wonderful Father Nicholas, the consolation of all those who grieve, accept our present offering and deliver us from Gehenna, pray to the Lord with your God-pleasing intercession, and with you we sing: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

An angel in the form of an earthly being by nature, show you the Creator of all creatures; having seen the fruitful kindness of your soul, most blessed Nicholas, teach everyone to cry out to you: Rejoice, cleansed from the womb; rejoice, even sanctified to the end. Rejoice, surprising you with the birth of your parents; Rejoice, revealing the strength of the soul Abie at Christmas. Rejoice, garden of the land of promise; Rejoice, flower of the Divine planting. Rejoice, virtuous vine of Christ's grapes; Rejoice, miraculous tree of the paradise of Jesus. Rejoice, krine of heavenly vegetation; Rejoice, peace of Christ's fragrance. Rejoice, for you will drive away sobbing; rejoice, for you bring joy. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

Kondak 1
Chosen Miracle Worker and a fair servant of Christ, exude to the whole world the precious mercy of the world and the inexhaustible sea of ​​​​miracles, I praise you with love, St. Nicholas; but you, as if you had boldness to the Lord, free me from all troubles, but I call you: Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker.

Prayer to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker.
O great intercessor, the bishop of God, blessed Nicholas, who shines miracles on the sunflower, who calls upon you as a quick hearer, you always anticipate and save, and deliver, and save from all kinds of troubles, miracles and gifts of grace from God given to you! Hear me unworthy, calling you with faith and bringing prayer to you singing; I offer you an intercessor for supplication to Christ. O notorious in miracles, high saint! as if you have boldness, soon stand before the Lord, and reverence your hands in prayer to Him, stretch out for me a sinner, and from Him give bounties of goodness, and accept me as your intercession, and deliver me from all troubles and evils, from the invasion of enemies visible and invisible freeing, and destroying all those slanders and malice, and reflecting those who fight me in my whole life; ask for forgiveness by my transgression, and present me to Christ and save the Kingdom of Heaven for the multitude of That philanthropy, He deserves all glory, honor and worship, with His Beginningless Father, and with the Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and forever and forever centuries. Amen.
Prayer for agreement
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, You said with Your pure lips: “Truly, I say to you that if two of you agree on earth to ask for any matter, then whatever they ask, it will be for them from My Father in Heaven, for where there are two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them.” Thy words are immutable, O Lord, Thy mercy is without application, and Thy love for mankind has no end. For this sake, we pray to you: grant me, and all those who offer conciliar prayer with us, the names of you, the Lord, know Himself, who agreed to ask You for any successful resolution of issues (in the field of finance, housing, employment) and for the health of Your servants:

Patriarch Kirill,
Elena, Catherine, Melania, Artemia
Love with kindred.
Andrew, Olga
Irina, Dimitri
Olga, Konstantin, Nicky
Eugenia Leo Lyudmila Evgenia father Xenia Sergius Maria t.b. Maxim b. Alexy Valentina Anna and all relatives in the flesh
Stanislav, Lyudmila, Antonina, Valery with children, Elena
Vasily, Eugene, Dionysius, Zacharias, Plato, Patapius, Nikita, Antonina, Galina, Tatiana, Elena, Catherine, Catherine, Nicky
Natalia, Olga, Artemia

the requests of which you, Lord, know yourself, the fulfillment of our petition.
Help me sinfully (mu) and unworthy (mu) (r.b. name) in the successful resolution of the issue (we state our request)
Hear us, Merciful Lord, through the prayers of St. Nicholas Archbishop Peace of Lycia and reward everyone who prays according to Your inexpressible Grace, Generosity, Love and Grace to the Glory of Your Holy Name!
But both not as we want, but as You. May Your will be done forever. Amen.
It is worthy to eat, as truly bless Theotokos, Blessed and Immaculate and Mother of Our God.
The most honest Cherubim and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, without the corruption of God the Word, who gave birth to the real Mother of God, we magnify Thee.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
Lord, have mercy (three times). bless.
Through the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen.

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Akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker read

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The name of God's saint Nicholas was glorified by a miraculous list, which is endowed with inexhaustible power. The saint during his lifetime always helped people cope with their troubles. Now it is simply impossible to list all the miracles, amazing healings or deliverances that have occurred thanks to the Saint. If you read an akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker every day, then you can solve many earthly problems that cannot be solved by ordinary earthly methods.

Akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker - history

The meaning of the prayer words to the Saint and the very icon of St. Nicholas for the believer has been very great since ancient times. After all, Nicholas was always the first assistant to the Mother of God and constantly appeared with her and other saints in earthly life, when a person turned in tearful prayer.

In Russia, immediately after the Baptism of the country by the prince, strong veneration of the saint by the Russian people began and developed. In honor of the Pleasant, the Orthodox Church established a holiday.

Since then, probably, in every Christian home, the image of Nicholas has been kept. After all, they resort to it in a variety of cases. If you want to read an akathist, it is better to do it in the temple in front of the miraculous list. There are such lists in every Russian church.

Akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker - read 40 days in a row

But it is worth remembering that reading an akathist to Nikolai Ugodnik is not a magical ritual, but a prayerful appeal to the Lord through a saint. This is a pious occupation, which should be accompanied by true faith, humility and respect.

  • with severe mental pain;
  • to look for a new job;
  • for healing from diseases;
  • when solving housing issues;
  • in a bad financial situation;
  • at the loss of a loved one;
  • to find a family or a soul mate.

Practice shows that the result of such a prayer appeal is not long in coming. It is important only to follow the rule of 40 days and sincerely believe in divine power.

Akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker listen:

The text of the akathist to God's Pleasure:

“Seeing your world an outpouring, God-wise, we are enlightened by souls and bodies, the wonderful myrrh-bearer is life-giving, Nicholas, understanding: miracles are like waters pouring out by the grace of God, solder those who faithfully cry out to God: Alleluia.”

“Unreasonable mind, admonishing about the Holy Trinity, you were in Nicaea with the holy fathers the champion of the confession of the Orthodox faith: you were equal to the Father of the Son, you confessed, coexistent and co-throne, Aria denounced the insane. For the sake of faith, I learned to sing to you: Rejoice, great pillar of piety; Rejoice, city of the faithful refuge. Rejoice, solid strengthening of Orthodoxy; Rejoice, the honest of the Most Holy Trinity also bore praise. Rejoice, thou who preachest the Son is equal to the Father; Rejoice, Aria, who was enraged, drove away from the Cathedral of Saints. Rejoice, father, glorious beauty of the fathers; Rejoice, wise kindness of all God-wise. Rejoice, emitting fiery words; Rejoice, instruct your flock well. Rejoice, as your faith is affirmed; Rejoice, for by you heresy is overthrown. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

“By the power given to you from above, you took away every tear from the face of the afflicted, God-bearing Father Nicholas: the hungry appeared to be the feeder, in the abyss of wrinkle there was a fair ruler, ailing healing, and every helper appeared to everyone, crying out to God: Hallelujah.”

“Having truly, Father Nicholas, from heaven a song is sung to you to be, and not from the earth: how can anyone from a man be able to preach your holy greatness? But we, overcome by your love, cry out to you: Rejoice, in the form of lambs and shepherds; Rejoice, holy purifier of morals. Rejoice, receptacle of great virtues; Rejoice, holy and pure dwelling. Rejoice, all-bright and all-loving lamp; Rejoice, golden and immaculate light. Rejoice, worthy interlocutor of Angels; Rejoice, good teacher of men. Rejoice, rule of pious faith; Rejoice, the image of spiritual meekness. Rejoice, for by you we are getting rid of bodily passions; rejoice, for we are filled with spiritual sweetness by you. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

“A storm of bewilderment confuses my mind, how worthy it is to sing your miracles, blessed Nicholas; no one else can I vanish, if only I had many languages ​​​​and wanted to speak; but marvelously to God, who is glorified in you, we dare to sing: Alleluia.

“Hearing, God-wise Nicholas, the near and far greatness of your miracles, as if through the air with light, grace-filled wings, you learned to anticipate those who are in trouble, soon delivering from those who cry out to you like this: Rejoice, deliverance from sorrow; rejoice, almsgiving of grace. Rejoice, banisher of unforeseen evils; Rejoice, desired planter of the good. Rejoice, speedy comforter of those in distress; Rejoice, terrible punisher of offenders. Rejoice, abyss of miracles, poured out by God; Rejoice, the law of Christ is the tablets of God written. Rejoice, strong falling erection; Rejoice, right standing affirmation. Rejoice, for by you all flattery is exposed; rejoice, for through you all truth comes true. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

“The divine star appeared to you, instructing the floating lute on the sea, even death is coming soon sometimes, if not you would appear calling you for help, Miracle-worker Saint Nicholas; it’s already shameful for the flying demon and forbidding those who want to sink the ships, you drove them away, but the faithful taught you to cry out to the God who saves you: Alleluia.

“When you see the damsels, for the marriage of nasty poverty for the sake of prepared, your great mercy to the poor, most blessed Father Nicholas, always gave three gold knots to the elder of their parent at night, hiding three gold, saving yourself with your daughters from the fall of sinful. For this reason, hear from all this: Rejoice, great treasure of mercy; Rejoice, friend of thought about people. Rejoice, food and joy to those who resort to you; Rejoice, uneaten bread of the hungry. Rejoice, wealth given to the poor living on earth by God; Rejoice, quick exaltation of the poor. Rejoice, swift hearing of the poor; Rejoice, pleasant care of those who mourn. Rejoice, undefiled three virgins; Rejoice, zealous guardian of purity. Rejoice, unreliable hope; Rejoice, delight of the whole world. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

“The whole world preaches to you, blessed Nicholas, a quick intercessor in troubles, as if many times in one hour traveling on earth and sailing on the sea, anticipating, helping, saving everyone from the evil, crying out to God: Alleluia.”

“Thou hast shone the light of the animal, bringing deliverance to the governors, accepting unjust death to those who have, to you, good shepherd Nicholas, calling, when soon the king appeared in a dream, frightened him, and commanded those unharmed to be released. For this sake, it’s a lot with them, and we thankfully cry out to you: Rejoice, helping those who call on you diligently; Rejoice, delivering from the unrighteous murder. Rejoice, save slander from flattering; Rejoice, unrighteous destroy advice. Rejoice, tear the lie like a spider; rejoice, gloriously exalt the truth. Rejoice, resolution of the innocent from the bonds; rejoice, and resurrection of the dead. Rejoice, revealer of the truth; Rejoice, destroyer of unrighteousness. Rejoice, for by your disobedience deliverance from the sword; rejoice, for you have enjoyed the light. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

“Although drive away the blasphemous heretical malice, the truly fragrant, mysterious world appeared to you, Nicholas: the people of the world were saved by you and the whole world filled you with your blessed peace. And from us, the ungodly sinful malice of otzheniye, yes, it is favorable to God with a cry: Alleluia.

“We understand the new Noah, the mentor of the ark of salvation, Father Saint Nicholas, who disperses the storm of all the fierce with his direction, but brings divine silence to those who cry out like this: Rejoice, overwhelmed quiet haven; Rejoice, drowning well-known repository. Rejoice, good helmsman floating in the middle of the abyss; Rejoice, disturbing sea tiring. Rejoice, leading those who exist in whirlwinds; Rejoice, warming those who are in scum. Rejoice, radiance dispersing mournful darkness; Rejoice, luminary, enlightening the whole ends of the earth. Rejoice, delivering sinful people from the abyss; Rejoice, cast Satan into the abyss of hell. Rejoice, for by you boldly we invoke the abyss of God's mercy; rejoice, as if you were delivered from the flood of anger, we find peace with God. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

“A strange miracle is flowing to you, blessed Nicholas, your sacred church: in it it brings even a small prayer, healing is acceptable for great ailments, if only according to Bose we put our hope in you, truly crying: Alleluia.”

“You are all truly a helper to everyone, God-bearing Nicholas, and you gathered together all those who resort to you, like a liberator, feeder and quick doctor to all the earthly, to the praise of all, crying out to you: Rejoice, source of all healings; Rejoice, fierce helper to the suffering. Rejoice, dawn, shining in the night of sinful wandering; Rejoice, dew is not flowing in the heat of labors. Rejoice, give well-being to those who require it; rejoice, prepare abundance for those who ask. Rejoice, foreseeing petition many times; Rejoice, renew the strength of old gray hairs. Rejoice, accuser of many who have erred from the path of the true; Rejoice, faithful servant of the mysteries of God. Rejoice, for by you we trample envy; rejoice, for we are correcting a good life with you. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

“All kinds of quench the disease, our great intercessor Nicholas, dissolving the grace of healing, delighting our souls, but gladdening the hearts of all who diligently flow to your help, crying out to God: Hallelujah.”

“We see the vetias of the wise wicked, we see you put to shame, the God-wise Father Nicholas: Aria is a blasphemer, dividing the Godhead, and Sabellius, mixing the Holy Trinity, rebuked, but strengthened us in Orthodoxy. For this sake, we cry out to you: Rejoice, shield, defend piety; rejoice, sword, sow wickedness. Rejoice, teacher of divine decrees; Rejoice, destroyer of ungodly teachings. Rejoice, ladder approved by God, by which we ascend to heaven; Rejoice, cover, created by God, by which many are covered. Rejoice, unwise wiser with your words; Rejoice, thou who instigated the lazy with thy manners. Rejoice, inextinguishable lightness of the commandments of God; Rejoice, most bright ray of the Lord's justifications. Rejoice, for heretical chapters are broken by your teaching; rejoice, for by you the faithful are worthy of glory. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

“Save at least your soul, your flesh and spirit, you truly subdued, our Father Nicholas, be silent before and fight with thoughts, you applied the thought of God to the deed, you acquired the mind with the mind of God, you boldly spoke with God and the Angels, always crying out: Hallelujah” .

“You are a wall to those who praise, most blessed, your miracles and all who resort to your intercession; the same for us, in the virtues of the poor, from poverty, adversity, ailments and the needs of various liberates, crying out to you with love like this: Rejoice, remove from eternal misery; Rejoice, granting imperishable wealth. Rejoice, indestructible to those who hunger for truth; Rejoice, inexhaustible drink for those who thirst for life. Rejoice, observe from rebellion and strife; Rejoice, freeing from bonds and captivity. Rejoice, glorious intercessor in troubles; Rejoice, great protector in adversity. Rejoice, thou who didst steal many from destruction; Rejoice, undamagedly preserving countless. Rejoice, for by you sinners avoid the cruel death; rejoice, for through you those who repent receive eternal life. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

“You brought the singing of the Most Holy Trinity more than others, most blessed Nicholas, in mind, word and deed: with many trials, the orthodox commandment clarified you, by faith, hope and love instructing us in the Trinity to the One God to sing: Alleluia.”

“The luminous ray in the darkness of life is inextinguishable, we see you, Father Nicholas, chosen by God: with immaterial angelic lights you talk about the uncreated Trinity Light, but enlighten the faithful souls, crying out like this: Rejoice, illumination of the Three Sun Light; Rejoice, morning day of the never-setting Sun. Rejoice, candle, kindled by the Divine flame; Rejoice, for you have quenched the demonic flame of wickedness. Rejoice, bright orthodoxy preaching; Rejoice, translucent light of the gospel radiance. Rejoice, lightning, burning heresy; Rejoice, thunder, frightening seducer. Rejoice, true teacher of the mind; Rejoice, mysterious revealer of the mind. Rejoice, as if you trampled down the worship of the creature; rejoice, for we will learn to worship the Creator in the Trinity. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

“The grace given to you from God, knowledgeable, rejoicing in your memory, we celebrate in due course, glorious Father Nicholas, and we wholeheartedly flow to your wonderful intercession; but your glorious deeds, like the sand of the sea and the multitude of stars, cannot be counted, bewildered to embrace the former, we cry to God: Hallelujah.

“Singing your miracles, we praise you, all-glorious Nicholas: in you, God, glorified in the Trinity, marvelously glorified. But if and more and more psalms and songs composed from the heart, we bring thee, Holy Miracle Worker, we do nothing equal to the gift of your miracles, even wondering, we cry out to you like this: Rejoice, King of kings and Lord of lords to the servant; Rejoice, servants of His heavenly companion. Rejoice, help to the faithful people; Rejoice, kind of Christian exaltation. Rejoice, namesake of victory; rejoice, crowned arrogant. Rejoice, mirror of all virtues; Rejoice, for all those who come to you have a strong visor. Rejoice, according to Bose and the Mother of God, all our hope; Rejoice, health of our bodies and salvation of our souls. Rejoice, for through you we are freed from eternal death; rejoice, for we are worthy of you endless life. Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

“O most holy and wonderful Father Nicholas, the consolation of all who mourn, accept our present offering and deliver us from Gehenna, pray to the Lord with your God-pleasing intercession, and with you we sing: Alleluia.”

(This kontakion is read three times)

“An angel in the form of an earthly being by nature, show you the Creator of all creatures; having seen the fruitful kindness of your soul, most blessed Nicholas, teach everyone to cry out to you: Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker.

“The Chosen Miracle Worker and a fair servant of Christ, exude a valuable world of mercy to the whole world, and an inexhaustible sea of ​​\u200b\u200bmiracles, I praise you with love, Saint Nicholas: you seem to have boldness to the Lord, free me from all troubles, but I call you: Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Miracle Worker.

Akathist to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

Akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

M hello to you, dear visitors of the Orthodox website “Family and Faith”!

D This page is devoted to the reading of the home magpie - an akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

They pray to St. Nicholas the Pleasant in all difficult life circumstances, and this great saint - like lightning, flies to where he is called for help! He helps everyone, and especially those who pray to him for a long time.

D For a 40-day reading of the akathist, you need to take a blessing from the spiritual father of our site, Priest Dimitry Sinyavin, in the comments below.

M with the olives of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, help us, Lord, in our petitions!


C Heavenly Arya, Comforter, Soul of Truth, Who is everywhere and fills everything, Treasury of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Blessed, our souls.

WITH Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (Read three times, with the sign of the cross and a bow from the waist.)

Prayer to the Holy Trinity

P holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Lord, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Your name's sake.

Lord have mercy. (Three times).

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

O Tche ours, Who art thou in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

V Chosen by the Wonderworker and a fair servant of Christ, exude to the whole world the precious mercy of the world and the inexhaustible sea of ​​​​miracles, I praise you with love, St. Nicholas; but you, as if you had boldness to the Lord, free me from all troubles, but I call you:


Rejoice, purified from the womb; rejoice, even sanctified to the end. Rejoice, surprising you with the birth of your parents; Rejoice, revealing the strength of the soul Abie at Christmas. Rejoice, garden of the land of promise; Rejoice, flower of the Divine planting. Rejoice, virtuous vine of Christ's grapes; Rejoice, miraculous tree of the paradise of Jesus. Rejoice, krine of heavenly vegetation; Rejoice, peace of Christ's fragrance. Rejoice, for you will drive away sobbing; rejoice, for you bring joy.

Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

V going out of your world, an outpouring, God-wise, we are enlightened by souls and bodies, the wonderful life-bearing myrrh-bearer, Nicholas, understanding: miracles are like waters pouring out by the grace of God, solder those who faithfully cry out to God: Alleluia.

R unreasonable mind, admonishing about the Holy Trinity, you were in Nicaea with the holy fathers the champion of the confession of the Orthodox faith: you were equal to the Father of the Son, you confessed, coexistent and co-throne, Aria denounced the insane. For the sake of faith, I learned to sing to you:

Rejoice, great pillar of piety; Rejoice, city of the faithful refuge. Rejoice, solid strengthening of Orthodoxy; Rejoice, the honest of the Most Holy Trinity also bore praise. Rejoice, thou who preachest the Son is equal to the Father; Rejoice, Aria, who was enraged, drove away from the Cathedral of Saints. Rejoice, father, glorious beauty of the fathers; Rejoice, wise kindness of all God-wise. Rejoice, emitting fiery words; Rejoice, instruct your flock well. Rejoice, as your faith is affirmed; Rejoice, for by you heresy is overthrown.

Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

WITH with the silt given to you from above, you took away every tear from the face of the suffering, God-bearing Father Nicholas: the hungry appeared to be the feeder, in the abyss of wrinkle existing a fair ruler, ailing healing, and every helper appeared to everyone, crying out to God: Alleluia.

AND Meyashi truly, Father Nicholas, from Heaven the song is sung to you to be, and not from the earth: how can anyone from a man be able to preach your holy greatness? But we, overcome by your love, cry out to you:

Rejoice, in the form of lambs and shepherds; Rejoice, holy purifier of morals. Rejoice, receptacle of great virtues; Rejoice, holy and pure dwelling. Rejoice, all-bright and all-loving lamp; Rejoice, golden and immaculate light. Rejoice, worthy interlocutor of Angels; Rejoice, good teacher of men. Rejoice, rule of pious faith; Rejoice, the image of spiritual meekness. Rejoice, for by you we are getting rid of bodily passions; rejoice, for we are filled with spiritual sweetness by you.

Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

B the urya of bewilderment confuses my mind, how worthy it is to sing your miracles, blessed Nicholas; no one else can I vanish, if only I had many languages ​​​​and wanted to speak; but marvelously to God, who is glorified in you, we dare to sing: Alleluia.

WITH lyshasha, God-wise Nicholas, the near and far greatness of your miracles, as if through the air with light, grace-filled wings, you learned to anticipate those who are in trouble, soon delivering from those all crying out to you like this:

Rejoice, deliverance from sorrow; rejoice, almsgiving of grace. Rejoice, banisher of unforeseen evils; Rejoice, desired planter of the good. Rejoice, speedy comforter of those in distress; Rejoice, terrible punisher of offenders. Rejoice, abyss of miracles, poured out by God; Rejoice, tablet of the law of Christ, God-written. Rejoice, strong falling erection; Rejoice, right standing affirmation. Rejoice, for by you all flattery is exposed; rejoice, for through you all truth comes true.

Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

B the gothic star appeared to you, instructing the floating lute on the sea, even death is coming soon sometimes, if you had not appeared to those calling you for help, the Wonderworker Saint Nicholas; it’s already shameful for a flying demon and forbidding those who want to sink ships, you drove them away, but the faithful taught you to cry out to God who saves you: Alleluia.

V going to the damsels, to a marriage of nasty poverty for the sake of prepared, your great mercy to the poor, most blessed Father Nicholas, always gave three gold to the elder parent of their nightly knots hiding three gold, saving yourself with your daughters from the fall of sinful. For this reason, hear from all sitse:

Rejoice, treasure of great mercy; Rejoice, friend of thought about people. Rejoice, food and joy to those who resort to you; Rejoice, uneaten bread of the hungry. Rejoice, wealth given to the poor living on earth by God; Rejoice, quick exaltation of the poor. Rejoice, swift hearing of the poor; Rejoice, pleasant care of those who mourn. Rejoice, undefiled three virgins; Rejoice, zealous guardian of purity. Rejoice, unreliable hope; Rejoice, delight of the whole world.

Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

P the whole world preaches to you, blessed Nicholas, a quick intercessor in troubles, as if many times in one hour traveling on earth and sailing on the sea, anticipating, helping, saving everyone from the evil, crying out to God: Alleluia.

V Thou hast shone the light of the animal, bringing deliverance to the governors, accepting unjust death to those who have, to you, good shepherd Nicholas, calling, when soon the king appeared in a dream, frightened him, and commanded the unharmed to let them go. For this sake, we are together with them and we gratefully cry out to you:

Rejoice, diligently helping those who call on you; Rejoice, delivering from the unrighteous murder. Rejoice, save slander from flattering; Rejoice, unrighteous destroy advice. Rejoice, tear the lie like a spider; rejoice, gloriously exalt the truth. Rejoice, resolution of the innocent from the bonds; rejoice, and resurrection of the dead. Rejoice, revealer of the truth; Rejoice, destroyer of unrighteousness. Rejoice, for by you the disobedient have been delivered from the sword; rejoice, for you have enjoyed the light.

Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

X despite the blasphemous heretical drive away malice, the world is truly fragrant, mysterious, you appeared, Nicholas; Thou hast saved the people of Mirei, and Thou hast filled the whole world with His grace-filled peace. And from us, the godless sinful malice of otzheniye, yes, favorably to God, we cry out: Alleluia.

H We understand Noah, the teacher of the ark of salvation, Father Saint Nicholas, who disperses the storm of all the fierce ones with his direction, but brings divine silence to those who cry out like this:

Rejoice, quiet haven of the overwhelmed; Rejoice, drowning well-known repository. Rejoice, good helmsman floating in the middle of the abyss; Rejoice, disturbing sea tiring. Rejoice, leading those who exist in whirlwinds; Rejoice, warming those who are in scum. Rejoice, radiance dispersing mournful darkness; Rejoice, luminary, enlightening the whole ends of the earth. Rejoice, delivering sinful people from the abyss; Rejoice, cast Satan into the abyss of hell. Rejoice, for by you boldly we invoke the abyss of God's mercy; rejoice, as if you were delivered from the flood of anger, we find peace with God.

Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

WITH a strange miracle is flowing to you, blessed Nicholas, your sacred church: in it you bring even a small prayer, we accept healing from great ailments, if only according to Bose we put our hope in you, truly crying: Alleluia.

V Thou art truly a helper to all, God-bearing Nicholas, and Thou hast gathered together all those who resort to you, like a liberator, feeder and quick doctor to all earthly, to the praise of all, inciting to cry out to you:

Rejoice, source of all healings; Rejoice, fierce helper to the suffering. Rejoice, dawn, shining in the night of sinful wanderers; Rejoice, dew is not flowing in the heat of labors. Rejoice, give well-being to those who require it; rejoice, prepare abundance for those who ask. Rejoice, foreseeing petition many times; Rejoice, renew the strength of old gray hairs. Rejoice, accuser of many who have erred from the path of the true; Rejoice, faithful servant of the mysteries of God. Rejoice, for by you we trample envy; rejoice, for we are correcting a good life with you.

Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

V soothe the sickness, our great intercessor Nicholas, dissolving the grace of healing, delighting our souls, but gladdening the hearts of all who diligently flow to your help, crying out to God: Alleluia.

V We see the children of the wisest wicked, put to shame by you, God-wise Father Nicholas: Aria is a blasphemer, dividing the Divinity, and Savellia, mixing the Holy Trinity, rebuked, but strengthened us in Orthodoxy. For this sake, we cry out to you:

Rejoice, shield, protect piety; Rejoice, sword, cut down wickedness. Rejoice, teacher of divine decrees; Rejoice, destroyer of ungodly teachings. Rejoice, ladder approved by God, by which we ascend to heaven; Rejoice, cover, created by God, by which many are covered. Rejoice, unwise wiser with your words; Rejoice, thou who instigated the lazy with thy manners. Rejoice, inextinguishable lightness of the commandments of God; Rejoice, most bright ray of the Lord's justifications. Rejoice, for heretical chapters are broken by your teaching; rejoice, for by you the faithful are worthy of glory.

Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

WITH Thou hast truly subdued your soul, your flesh, spirit, our Father Nicholas: be silent before and fight with thoughts, you have applied the thought of God to the deed, and you have acquired perfect mind with the thought of God, and you boldly spoke with God and the Angels, always crying out: Alleluia.

WITH Thou art the shadow of those who praise, most blessed, your miracles and all who resort to your intercession; the same for us, in the virtues of the poor, from poverty, misfortune, ailments and needs of various liberate, crying out to you with love like this:

Rejoice, remove from eternal squalor; Rejoice, granting imperishable wealth. Rejoice, indestructible to those who hunger for truth; Rejoice, inexhaustible drink for those who thirst for life. Rejoice, observe from rebellion and strife; Rejoice, freeing from bonds and captivity. Rejoice, glorious intercessor in troubles; Rejoice, great protector in adversity. Rejoice, thou who didst steal many from destruction; Rejoice, undamagedly preserving countless. Rejoice, for by you sinners avoid the cruel death; Rejoice, for by you the penitent receive Eternal Life.

Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

P Thou didst bring the blessing of the Most Holy Trinity more than others, most blessed Nicholas, in mind, word and deed: with many trials, the faithful commandment clarified Thou, by faith, hope and love, instructing us in the Trinity to the One God to sing: Alleluia.

WITH we see the vetozarny ray in the darkness of life, inextinguishable, we see you, Father Nicholas, chosen by God: with immaterial angelic lights you talk about the uncreated Trinity light, but you enlighten the faithful souls, crying out like this:

Rejoice, illumination of the Three Sun Light; Rejoice, morning day of the never-setting Sun. Rejoice, candle, kindled by the Divine flame; Rejoice, for you have quenched the demonic flame of wickedness. Rejoice, bright orthodoxy preaching; Rejoice, translucent Light of the gospel radiance. Rejoice, lightning, burning heresy; Rejoice, thunder, frightening seducer. Rejoice, true teacher of the mind; Rejoice, mysterious revealer of the mind. Rejoice, as if you trampled down the worship of the creature; rejoice, for we will learn to worship the Creator in the Trinity.

Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

B we celebrate the grace given to you from God, knowingly, rejoicing in your memory, we celebrate in due course, glorious Father Nicholas, and we wholeheartedly flow to your wonderful intercession; your glorious deeds, like the sand of the sea and the multitude of stars, cannot be counted, bewildered to embrace the former, we cry to God: Hallelujah.

P oh your miracles, we praise you, all-mighty Nicholas: in you, God, glorified in the Trinity, marvelously glorified. But if and more and more psalms and songs composed from the heart, we bring thee, Holy Miracle-Worker, we do nothing equal to the gift of your miracles, even astonished, we cry out to you like this:

Rejoice, servant of the King of kings and the Lord of lords; Rejoice, servants of His heavenly companion. Rejoice, help to the faithful people; Rejoice, kind of Christian exaltation. Rejoice, namesake of victory; rejoice, deliberately married. Rejoice, mirror of all virtues; Rejoice, for all those who come to you have a strong visor. Rejoice, according to Bose and the Mother of God, all our hope; Rejoice, health of our bodies and salvation of our souls. Rejoice, for through you we are freed from eternal death; rejoice, for we are worthy of you endless life.

Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

O most holy and wonderful Father Nicholas, the consolation of all who mourn, accept our present offering and deliver us from Gehenna, pray to the Lord with your God-pleasing intercession, and with you we sing: Alleluia.

A ngel image, earthly being by nature, show you all creatures the Creator; having seen the fruitful kindness of your soul, most blessed Nicholas, teach everyone to cry out to you:

Rejoice, purified from the womb; rejoice, even sanctified to the end. Rejoice, surprising you with the birth of your parents; Rejoice, revealing the strength of the soul Abie at Christmas. Rejoice, garden of the land of promise; Rejoice, flower of the Divine planting. Rejoice, virtuous vine of Christ's grapes; Rejoice, miraculous tree of the paradise of Jesus. Rejoice, krine of heavenly vegetation; Rejoice, peace of Christ's fragrance. Rejoice, for you will drive away sobbing; rejoice, for you bring joy.

Rejoice, Nicholas, the great Wonderworker.

(also read again)

V Chosen by the Wonderworker and a fair servant of Christ, exude to the whole world the precious mercy of the world and the inexhaustible sea of ​​​​miracles, I praise you with love, St. Nicholas; but you, as if you had boldness to the Lord, free me from all troubles, but I call you: Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker.

Prayer to Saint Nicholas

O all-holy Nicholas, the most beautiful saint of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, a sinner and a dull one, in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me the remission of all my sins, having sinned from my youth, in all my life, deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me, the damned one, implore the Lord God, all creatures of the Creator, to deliver me from air ordeals and eternal torment, may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and your merciful intercession, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

D it is worthy to eat as truly blessed Thee, the Mother of God, the Blessed and Immaculate and Mother of our God. The most honorable Cherubim and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, without the corruption of God the Word, who gave birth to the real Mother of God, we magnify Thee.


O Father Demetrius daily serves prayers with the reading of prayers to the Lord, the Most Holy Theotokos and the saints of Christ, including St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. You can submit your names and the names of those you are praying for. Father Demetrius will offer special priestly prayers for the names you have given.

P a donation for a Moleben with the reading of a prayer to St. Nicholas for 40 days is 250 rubles for 1 name.

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May the Lord fulfill your petition with the prayers and intercession of the great saint and Wonderworker Nicholas!

1,074 comments were left for the entry “Akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker”.

Hello Father Demetrius!

I ask for your blessing for reading the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

God bless you!

Good afternoon, Father Dmitry, I ask for your Blessing for the 40-day reading of the Akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker,

so that obstacles and troubles go away, so that the problem is resolved in the most painless way for us, with a favorable result for us, so that we receive approval, consent and assistance for the sale of our kiosk

Thank you and may God bless you with health and happiness

Peace and God bless you!

Good afternoon, father Dmitry! I ask for your blessing for the 40-day reading of the akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker. So that the troubles and problems are gone.

I bless you for the forty-day reading of the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Peace and God bless you!

Hello Father Demetrius! I ask for your blessing for reading the 40-day akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Bless you, please read.

Peace and God bless you!

Hello, father Dmitry. I ask you to bless Nikolai the Wonderworker for 40 days of reading. So that troubles and problems go away. So that life gets better.

I bless you for the forty-day reading of the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Peace and God bless you!

Good morning, father Dmitry! I ask for your blessing for the reading of the Akathist to St. Nicholas and the Blessed Matrona. Thanks!

I bless you for your chosen prayer rule.

Peace and God bless you!

Hello Father Demetrius! I ask for your blessing for the 40-day reading of the akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker. Thanks to.

I bless you for the forty-day reading of the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Peace and God bless you!

I bless you for the forty-day reading of the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Peace and God bless you!

Hello Father Demetrius! I ask you to bless me for reading the 40-day akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and prayers to him. Thanks in advance!

I bless you for the forty-day reading of the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Peace and God bless you!

Father, bless the reading of the 40-day akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker!

I bless you for the forty-day reading of the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Peace and God bless you!

Hello Father Dmitry! Bless for a forty-day reading of the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for my husband, son, sister and niece. Father Dmitry tell me to read the akathist for each member of my family, or after reading the akathist, can I just list everyone by name? Thank you for everything.

I bless you. After reading the akathist, you can list the names of relatives.

Peace and God bless you!

Hello Father Demetrius! I ask for your blessing for reading the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for resolving the problems of his son. God bless you!

Bless you, please read.

Peace and God bless you!

Hello father Dmitry! Bless the reading of the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for the family. Thank you for everything.

I bless you to read the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Peace and God bless you!

02.12.2017/ lena Father Dimitri, please tell me the akathists are read before the icon or without the icon. And I want to ask for blessings for three more akathists.

It is possible without the icon.

I have already blessed you with three akathists: Daniil of Moscow, Seraphim of Sarov and Xenia of Petersburg.

Hello Father Demetrius! I ask for your blessing for reading the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. God bless you!

I bless you to read the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Peace and God bless you!

29.11.2017 Lena. Father Demetrius, I want to ask how akathists are read aloud or you can read to yourself. And I also ask for blessings for the three akathists of Daniel of Moscow and for Seraphim of Sarov and for Xenia of Piterburskaya.

Peace and God bless you!

Hello, father Dmitry. I ask for your blessing for the forty-day reading of the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, so that everything will work out in life ...

I bless you for the forty-day reading of the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Peace and God bless you!

Hello, father Dmitry. I ask for your blessing for the forty-day reading of the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

I bless you for the forty-day reading of the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Peace and God bless you!

Good day, Father Dmitry, I humbly ask for your blessing for the reading of the Akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker.

I bless you to read the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Peace and God bless you!

I bless you for the forty-day reading of the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Peace and God bless you!

Good afternoon, father Dmitry! I ask for your blessing for the 40-day reading of the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

I bless you for the forty-day reading of the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Peace and God bless you!

Good health, Father! Bless me to read the home magpie to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

I bless you for the forty-day reading of the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Peace and God bless you!

Good afternoon, father Dmitry! I ask for your blessing for the 40-day reading of the akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker.

I bless you for the forty-day reading of the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Peace and God bless you!

God bless you!

I bless you for the forty-day reading of the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Peace and God bless you!

good day. I ask for a blessing for reading the Akathist for 40 days to Nicholas the Wonderworker in everyday matters and about personal housing.

I bless you for the forty-day reading of the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Peace and God bless you!

Hello Father Demetrius. I ask for your blessing for the 40-day reading of the Akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker.

I bless you for the forty-day reading of the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Peace and God bless you!

Good afternoon, father Dmitry! I ask for your blessing for the 40-day reading of the akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker. I hope it will help bring my husband back to the family!

God bless you!

I bless you for the forty-day reading of the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Peace and God bless you!

Good afternoon, father Dmitry. I ask you to bless me for reading ... ... God bless you.

I bless you to read the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Peace and God bless you!

Good afternoon, father Dmitry! I ask for your blessing for the 40-day reading of the akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker.

God bless you!

I bless you for the forty-day reading of the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Peace and God bless you!

The right to decide exactly when to turn to the holy protector with a prayer is given to every person. According to the clergy, this must be done at the call of the heart. Many believers are interested how to read akathists at home, are there any prohibitions to do this during fasting. There are strict guidelines for this. With the blessing of the priest, it is quite permissible to address the saints not only within the walls of the temple, but also at home.

Akathists in Orthodoxy

First of all, it is necessary to understand what an akathist is and when it is read. In the tradition of Orthodox Christian worship, there are several varieties of prayer sequences. The most ancient and traditional of them are the canons. In the 19th - 20th centuries, other types of glorifying chants - akathists - also became widespread.

It is customary to call an akathist a special poetic form, a laudatory chant in honor of Jesus, the Mother of God or saints. In their form and essence, these chants are very close to the more ancient kontakia.

Each akathist includes 25 songs: the main kontakion, followed by 12 kontaks are arranged in series(praise songs), alternating with 12 ikos (lengthy songs). All songs are arranged in order of letters in the Greek alphabet. The first kontakion and all ikos end with the refrain "Rejoice!", and all kontakia end with the refrain "Alleluia". Traditionally, the last kontakion is addressed to the one to whom the entire hymn is dedicated, and is read three times in a row.

The word "akathist" in translation from ancient Greek means "non-sedal singing." This solemn chant can only be performed while standing.

When to read

These solemn hymns do not belong to the category of obligatory liturgical rites. The only exception is the Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos "The Chosen Governor ..."

You can turn to the Mother of God and the saints of God, calling for help in the following situations:

  1. To pronounce a laudatory ode should be in those moments when it is very hard on the soul. This sacred song will help fill the soul with joy and harmony.
  2. Can you pray trusting in the help of the saints in worldly affairs.
  3. If doubts creep into the soul, and there is no way to consult with the cleric, you can read the laudatory song on your own. This will help cast aside doubts and gain confidence in yourself and in God's help.
  4. By reading an akathist, you can heal physical and mental ailments. It is very important at the same time to firmly believe in the help of Heaven.

Reading at home

Often women ask questions whether it is possible to read akathists during critical days. There are no prohibitions on this topic, and you can no doubt turn to Heaven if a spiritual need arises.

Reading order

During home reading, the beginning and end of prayers is normal. You can read an akathist or canon after the morning or evening rules or before the prayer “It is worthy to eat ...”.

When reading separately from the morning or evening prayer, a certain sequence of prayers is first pronounced, then Psalm 50 and the Creed are read.

Reading the akathist happens in a certain sequence. Kontakion 13 is repeated three times in a row, immediately followed by Ikos 1, followed by Kontakion 1.

At the end of the reading, certain prayers are offered. You can find their texts and sequence in any prayer book.

When reading, you may come across some abbreviations generally accepted in Orthodox literature:

  1. If it says "Glory:" or "Trinity:", you should say "Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."
  2. Instead of the words “And now” or “Theotokos”, the words “And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".
  3. The abbreviation "Glory, and now:" is usually understood as a consistent combination of these two exclamations.

What chants to choose in everyday needs

In every worldly need (for every need) you can resort to the help of certain Saints or the Icon of the Mother of God.

Appeals to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Akathists to various saints

There is a list of prayerful glorifying chants that allow you to turn to the saints in every need and worldly sorrow:

In the Orthodox tradition, it is customary Akathist to the Guardian Angel read on Mondays. Why this day was chosen is not known to everyone. In the Church, the first day of the week is considered the day of the Angel. Turning to your guardian angel on this particular day will help you live safely all week.

This is not a complete list of solemn church hymns. If on a holiday the canon and akathist are read to the same holiday or icon, the reading of the akathist should begin after the sixth ode of the canon instead of the kontakion and ikos given there.