Acrylic wallpaper. Acrylic wallpapers, their advantages and cons Flizelin wallpaper with acrylic coating

The construction market is relatively recently replenished with a new proposal - acrylic wallpaper. This finishing material was able to prove himself from a positive side in a short time. They deserve their popularity due to appearance, practicality, excellent characteristics.

Characteristic of wallpaper

Acrylic wallpapers on a paper basis represent a type of finishing material very similar to vinyl. The only distinguishing feature is that foamed acrylic is applied on the paper basis instead of vinyl. They also differ in the thickness of the second layer. For acrylic wallpaper, it is 2 mm, and for vinyl - 4 mm. These indicators affect the weight, and as a result, on how to glue them. Working with the first kind is much easier.

In structure, acrylic wallpaper have two layers: paper and acrylic. Made a point method. As a result, air permeability is added to the number of positive characteristics.

Pros and cons

The advantages of acrylic wallpaper include:

The lack of acrylic wallpaper is the service life. Compared to others, it is relatively short. The period of useful use directly depends on the thickness of the canvas, and acrylic, as is known, much thinner than vinyl. In addition, wet cleaning should be performed very carefully.

Sticking acrylic wallpaper

Adhesive acrylic wallpaper on a paper basis should be started with the preparation of walls. Before glue, you need to clean them from the old coating. The surface should not contain paint, wallpaper, whitelle, etc.

The next step after complete cleaning is a priming. The application of primer allows to strengthen the surface, which contributes to the best clutch of the wall with wallpaper. In cases where the foundation has cracks, irregularities, put to the rescue. Due to this, it is possible to eliminate flaws, as well as bring the surface in order. To secure the effect, it is recommended to apply primer again.

During the drying period after processing, you can cook special glue. Basically, recommendations for its breeding are contained on the package. The glue manufacturers took care of consumers and prescribed a detailed instruction in order to avoid negative consequences of improper use.

Before sticking, the rolls of acrylic wallpaper must be cut. To decide on the length of the bands, you should measure the height of the wall. Then the resulting digit is noted on the wallpaper and add several centimes to stock. Cut the cloth will be most comfortable on a flat surface. It is advisable to make a slight stock of the bands. This will make it possible not to be distracted by cut after gluing. The presence of several pre-prepared canvases will allow a little to save time on the design of the walls.

Before glue the first strip, you must select the starting point. To do this, take note from the angle of the roll width and draw a vertical line. Perform the so-called drawing helps a plumb or level. Before glueing the cloth, it should be smeared with glue and leave to be soaked for a few minutes. Meanwhile, the glue is also processed by the wall itself. After that, you need to apply the wallpaper, aligning the drawn line. Such manipulation will help in the process of follow-up to prevent disking of the finishing material.

After gluing, the band must be smoothed with a soft cloth and brushes. This action is required to remove air bubbles. Otherwise, such shortcomings will be visible, and the appearance will not be attractive enough. Upon completion of the smoothing, the edges are required and remove excess. They are enough to cut off with a knife or scissors.

The remaining bands are glued in the same way. And so moving gradually from one corner to another, the repair moves to completion. After the room is salabing, acrylic wallpaper must be given time for drying. To create optimal conditions, it is persistently recommended to close windows and doors. It is categorically impossible to air the room, since the material does not tolerate drafts, and the temperature differences can lead to the dug wallpaper. After two days, they will completely dry and the window is allowed to open the window.

Despite the simplicity and lightness of sticking acrylic wallpaper on a paper basis, you can glue them both yourself and with an extreme help. Most more comfortable to make repairs will be together, because one person is hard to cope with all operations on its own. For example, it is very inconvenient to apply and align the cloth relative to the level. The together will be much easier - one holds the bottom, and the other begins to ravite in a guideline, gradually moving along the entire length.

Features of care

When careing acrylic wallpaper on paper, you should not forget about their "tenderness". That is why rough brushes and sponges can harm them very much. The most important rule is to be careful and not overdo it.

For cleaning use conventional water. If on the wallpaper appeared spot additionally you can use the detergent. It should be considered carefully for his choice. It is possible to find a good and high quality tool in supermarkets.

Cleaning the contaminated area is performed by applying detergent to the rag and its subsequent rubbing. After that, the problem area is wiped with a washcloth moistened in clean water.

Attention! Do not use abrasive drugs to clean acrylic wallpaper. They can damage the surface of the products.

Using one or another finishing material, people are wondering, is it safe? Acrylic wallpaper on a paper basis is a product that fully meets the requirements of GOST, which means their use does not threaten. That is why they are perfectly suitable for both the living room, the working office and for the children's room.

Repair in the house is the need for creating a clean, cozy and attractive corner. Beautiful Wallpaper will help not just decorate the room, but it is stylish. Acrylic wallpaper is an excellent option that meets modern trends. Despite the large variety of finishing materials, they became fairly popular and in demand, due to their excellent properties and characteristics, because with the ability to "breathe" the air in the room will always be clean and not contain harmful substances.

How to glue wallpaper on a paper basis, you can find the video below:

Not so long ago, acrylic wallpapers appeared on the construction market, which quickly gained widespread among consumers. This is explained by their attractive view, practicality and some other advantages. Next, we will consider in detail what their features are concluded, as well as how to glim them with the walls and care for them.


First of all, consider what acrylic wallpaper is. So, this material is the analogue of vinyl. It only differs in the fact that instead of foamed vinyl, foamed acrylic is applied to the base.

Like vinyl, the wallpaper from acrylic consists of two layers - a paper base and, actually foamed acrylic. One of the main features of acrylic wallpaper is that they are applied by a point method, as a result of which the coating is distinguished by air permeability.

In addition, the difference from vinyl wallpaper lies in the fact that the foamed layer is 2 mm, and not 4, i.e. They are twice thin. This, of course, affects the weight of the wallpaper, as a result of which they are easier to stick with their own hands than the vinyl canvas.

Among other advantages, the following points can be distinguished:

  • High performance qualities, including good wear resistance.
  • The price is lower than the vinyl counterpart.
  • Ecology, since the polymer coating does not release toxic substances. In addition, the coating "breathes". Thus, the harm for acrylic wallpaper is absent, so that they can be used even for. In addition, they do not create favorable conditions for the development of all sorts of bacteria and microorganisms.
  • Possess water resistance, however, not as good as vinyl wallpaper. Therefore, you should not use them in the premises, where direct contact with water is meant.
  • Due to the wide range of colors presented in the market and unique relief pattern, wallpaper can be used in completely different interior styles.
  • Due to good resistance to mechanical damage, the material can be used in the rooms where there are small children.

As for minuses, you can note a shorter operating time than vinyl wallpaper. This is due to the fact that the canvas have a smaller thickness. In addition, wet cleaning must be performed very carefully due to the above.

Stowing wallpaper

Preparation of the foundation

Now consider how to glue acrylic wallpaper so that the coating is reliable and durable.

For this, it is necessary first to prepare the basis as follows:

  • First you need, wallpapers, etc. Often, homemade masters are interested - is it possible to glue the wallpaper for acrylic paint? At the expense of this opinion, experts diverge, so it's better not to risk.

However, if you decide to save time, then you need to make sure that the paint reliably holds on the wall. After that, it is desirable to cover an arc.

  • Then the surface should be coated with a layer of soil composition.
  • If necessary, the base must be aligned with putty.
  • Before sticking, the primer must apply again.

In the photo - Wall Split


After the foundation is prepared, you need to prepare special glue, which is recommended by the material manufacturer. The adhesive preparation recipe is applied to the packaging.

After that, it is necessary to cut wallpaper on the canvas of the required length. It is advisable to perform this procedure on a flat surface.

Further instructions on the walls of the walls look like this:

  • First you need to measure the width of the web and draw a vertical line using a plunder or level.
  • Then glue is applied to the canvas and left for several minutes.. During this time, it is necessary to be treated with glue wall.
  • Next to the wall is applied with a canvas and aligns on the laid line. The coating should be sprinkled along the wall with a soft cloth or brush so that there are no bubbles with air under it.
  • The remnants of the canvas are cut from below.
  • In the same way, the rest of the walls is covered.
  • After completing the work, it is necessary to ensure normal conditions for drying wallpaper. To do this, it is necessary to close all windows and doors, since the material does not tolerate the temperature differences. It is possible to ventilate the room after two days after sticking.

Tip! Performed adhering to wallpaper. In this case, one person applies wallpaper on top, and the second bottom.

Care of wallpaper

The main rule when caring for this coating is not overdoing. This is due to the fact that the wallpaper with acrylic spraying is enough "delicate" and can be spoiled with rude brushes or sponges.

It is best to clean the usual water. However, if a stain appeared that water is not erased, the detergents need to be carefully selected. In some supermarkets, you can find special formulations designed to clean detergents.

After the detergent is chosen, it is necessary to apply it in small quantities on the cloth and carefully rub along the contaminated area. Then the surface is wiping with a damp sponge or a cloth moistened in clean water.

Note! This coating does not tolerate abrasive tools, as they can forever spoil the coating.


Acrylic wallpapers are excellent modern. Many of their properties, they surpass more expensive wallpaper species, however, as any other building material are not deprived of some flaws. Therefore, when choosing, not only its advantages should be taken into account, but also cons.

Additional information on this topic can be obtained from the video in this article.

Acrylic wallpaper can be glued as universal glue and special. If you have chosen only the wallpaper from acrylic, it is better to use special glue, which takes into account weight, material and the necessary composition. As a rule, wallpaper manufacturers write which components must be contained in the glue for the best hitch.

Wallpapers of this species do not like moisture, in order to avoid mold and fungus, the starch and antimicrobial additives should be included in the glue chosen by you.

Choosing special wallpapers, the buyer receives a number of advantages:

The glue is easy to breed in water, the formation of lumps, long-term storage in a divided form (more than 10 days) is excluded;

Thanks to the sliding layer when applied, the wallpaper is well docked and aligned;

Such glue is absolutely not visible under the wallpaper;

It is environmentally friendly and safe for people's health, since it does not distinguish harmful substances;

A sufficiently large shelf life (can be stored in packaging for more than three years).

Acrylic wallpapers do not like wet premises, and whatever glue is used, staying in the kitchen, in the bathroom or other rooms with high humidity will not be.

Stowing wallpaper

The technology of sticking acrylic wallpaper is not much different from the technologies for other types of wallpaper.

The first step is to prepare the surface. Walls need to be cleaned from old paint, plaster, wallpaper. Cleaning walls from dust and dirt is performed, then the surface is degreased. For alignment, a putty is used, after the wall, you must be covered with primer.

The second stage is the preparation of glue. To calculate the amount of glue for all walls, it is enough to study the packaging on which the flow rate is indicated.

To dissolve glue, follow the instructions: add a dry mixture gradually and stirring, then the resulting mass is homogeneous.

The next step is the segment of the wallpaper canvas. To the measured length, add approximately 5 centimeters for better fit. The canvas plays on the horizontal solid surface, is processed with glue, in such a state it is necessary to leave the wallpaper for a few minutes so that the glue has a slightly absorbed.

Acrylic wallpaper can be glued using the "On-Scint" and "Vangest" method. Smoothed them from the center to the edges. Do not carry out the room to complete wallpaper drying, acrylics do not withstand temperature drops.

With the right choice of glue and compliance with wallpaper sticking technology, your walls will withstand large tests and will delight the eyes for a long time.

Acrylic wallpapers for home - advantages and disadvantages, application.

Acrylic wallpaper is an analogue of vinyl wallpaper of foam type, only in this case the vinyl is replaced with acrylic spraying. This decorative material is widespread in Russian stores, and, at the expense of his beauty, hotly love our citizens. What exactly represents such wallpapers, I will tell in this article.

History acryla

Under the term "acrylic" means the conversational name of a special polymer used in the production of high-tech finishing and building materials (paints, sealants, etc.). Also, acrylic can be used to create plumbing, kitchen countertops and other things. Acrylic was invented in Germany in the 1930s of the last century. True, in those days it was an organic glass without special additives, which had worse characteristics than modern acrylic. Over time, the organic glass was actively used to create various polymers combined into a group called "Acryl".

What is acrylic wallpaper?

Speaking about the wallpaper acrylic type, they mean wallpaper paper with acrylic spraying. That is, the canvas has a paper base on which the foam acrylic layer is applied on top. The applied layer forms a relief pattern on the surface. I note that the application is carried out not with a solid film, but by a special point method. This allows paperwork with acrylic coating to obtain such an important characteristic as breathability. Good ventilation guarantees the normalization of the microclimate of the room, as a result of which you can easily buy them for the walls of the residential premises.

Pros and Cons Wallpaper with acrylic spraying

In principle, if you know about all the disadvantages and advantages of vinyl wallpaper, then in the pros and cons of acryl, there are no problems. But there are still differences.


First, acrylic wallpapers have less wear resistance and moisture resistance, which imposes a print on their durability and the difficulty of care. Secondly, with regard to decorative qualities, they are more restricted in our artwork under consideration. As a result, when purchasing them, it is necessary to focus on the harmony of the combination of such wallpapers with the rest of the interior. Fortunately, you can find the desired wallpapers in a photo without leaving home. Thirdly, the thickness of the foam layer in acrylic wallpaper is 1.5-2 millimeters, while vinyl wallpapers this layer reaches 3-4 millimeters. And if you take the wallpaper from acrylic under painting, the number of possible staining will be dramatically limited.


First, vinyl wallpapers have a higher price, which indicates their less accessibility, in comparison with wallpaper from acrylic. Secondly, the wallpaper with acrylic spraying is distinguished by strength and practicality, which allows them to be used in any room, in all conditions, regardless of the level of humidity. Thirdly, the wallpaper from acrylics can often wash, without any particular difficulties and concerns for their safety. Fourthly, wallpaper is protected from mechanical damage, as a result of which they can be used in pet homes or small children. Finally, fifth, the wallpaper with acrylic spraying is absolutely safe for health. The question is "harmful if" is not raised by experts in general, so you can not worry about harm.

How to clean the wallpaper from acrylic?

Cleaning acrylic wallpaper has its own characteristics, but if you do everything right, then you will not experience any difficulties in the process. As practice shows, one cleaning is enough for quite a long time. Remember that using abrasive care substances is prohibited because they are able to spoil the cloth without the possibility of its subsequent recovery. Clean the best soft damp cloth, without detergent. Clean water for wallpaper will be quite enough, and for detergents, more precisely, for their composition, you will not be able to answer. Neat cleaning leads to the fact that the acrylic wallpaper is becoming an ideal appearance.

Aesthetics Wallpaper with acrylic spraying

On the surface of the wallpaper, brightly pronounced embossed elements can be detected. The drawing is more reminiscent of smears with a wide tassel or convex points. The canvas, by the way, may not contain any drawing. It is also permissible. As for the aesthetics of the canvas, it is unlikely to affect its cost, with the exception of any wallpapers from the collections of famous designers. Therefore, select the appearance at your own discretion. In the classic interior it is better to take the wallpaper for a color gamut room, with the corresponding pattern. And if your room is decorated in a modern style, acrylic wallpapers of a bright contrasting shade, not containing pattern, or liquid wallpaper are suitable. In other words, wallpaper from acrylic will be suitable not only to innovators, but also to conservatives.

Stowing wallpapers with acrylic spraying

With regard to how to glue the wallpaper from acrylic, then recommendations are similar to the sticking of vinyl wallpaper. Prepare the wall, go through it with a primer, hiding large and small cracks and irregularities. And only after that, proceed to the process. At the end of the blending, you can use paint for aesthetics or varnish to increase durability.

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