Albert Einstein on the meaning of life. Best quotes by the beacon of science Albert Einstein

My desire is to go through the cremation procedure so that people do not worship bones like an idol.

By fully devoting oneself to the people, one can find the meaning of being, regardless of the dangers and duration of life.

It is blasphemous to boast of achievements and successes when children are starving, freezing and in poverty, surviving on the outskirts of society. - Albert Einstein

Imagination has no boundaries, knowledge is always within the framework. Embrace the whole world with fantasy, dreams, imagining yourself the lord of the universal universe.

The value of society lies in the opportunities that it provides for the development of personality, individuality.

Order and fools can rule. Chaos is ruled by genius.

A. Einstein: Strive not for successes and local victories, but for the semantic component of life.

The secret of all creativity is knowing the sources of inspiration and novelty.

Education is the remnant of knowledge left in the head, which we were once taught.

The uniqueness and originality of creativity depends on the sources of inspiration, which are carefully and scrupulously hidden from prying eyes. Ideas are especially unique when the whole world is impatient for your next discovery.

Read the continuation of the best aphorisms and quotes of Einstein on the following pages:

The life of an individual is meaningful only to the extent that it helps to make the lives of other people more beautiful and noble.

There are only two ways to live your life. The first is as if there were no miracles. The second is as if everything in the world is a miracle.

The strength of the spirit cannot replace the sensitivity of the fingers.

Science is not and never will be a complete book. Every important success brings new questions. Every development reveals in the course of time ever new and deeper difficulties.

There is no space and time, but there is their unity.

Never memorize what you can find in a book.

It is people who cause me seasickness, not the sea. But I'm afraid science has not yet found a cure for this ailment.

It is a big mistake to think that a sense of duty and compulsion can contribute to finding joy in looking and seeking.

The mind, once expanded its boundaries, will never return to the former.

When a young man sits in an embrace with a pretty girl, the whole hour flies by like one minute. But put him on a hot stove, and a minute will seem like an hour to him. This is the theory of relativity.

The laws of mathematics that have anything to do with the real world are unreliable; and reliable mathematical laws have nothing to do with the real world.

Mathematics is the only perfect way to lead yourself by the nose.

If you live as if nothing in this world is a miracle, then you can do whatever you want and you will not have obstacles. If you live as if everything is a miracle, then you can enjoy even the smallest manifestations of beauty in this world. If you live in two ways at the same time, then your life will be happy and productive.

Everyone knows that this is impossible. But here comes an ignoramus who does not know this - it is he who makes the discovery.

No problem can be solved at the same level at which it arose.

Anyone who wants to see the results of his labor immediately should go to shoemakers.

Knowledge of nature is a drama, a drama of ideas.

Marriage is an attempt to create something lasting and lasting from a random episode.

The mind, once expanded its boundaries, will never return to the former.

I never think about the future. It comes on its own soon enough.

The old man had a merciless look; there was no illusion in the world that could lull him - except for belief in his own ideas.

The value of a person should be determined by what he gives, and not by what he is able to achieve. Try to become valuable, not successful.

There is no doubt that there is a significant element of truth in quantum mechanics ... However, I do not think that quantum mechanics is the starting point for the search for a [future theoretical] basis, just as it is impossible from thermodynamics ... to come to the foundations of mechanics.

I don't know what kind of weapon the third world war will be fought with, but the fourth - with sticks and stones. - I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.

Strive not to achieve success, but to ensure that your life has meaning.

If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, you need to start doing business right now. Wanting to start but being afraid of the consequences will get you nowhere. This is true in other areas of life as well: in order to win, you first need to play.

Gravity cannot be responsible for those who are knocked down by love.

Common sense is the sum of prejudices acquired before the age of eighteen.

Everyone knows that this is impossible. But here comes an ignoramus who does not know this - it is he who makes the discovery.

To become a perfect member of the flock of sheep, you must first be a sheep.

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Imagination is more important than knowledge.

If you do not sin against reason, you cannot come to anything at all.

Most people don't try new things out of fear of being wrong. But this should not be feared. Oftentimes, a defeated person learns more about how to win than someone who succeeds immediately.

Only those who make absurd attempts can achieve the impossible.

The mathematician can already do something, but, of course, not what they want to get from him at the moment.

Learn the rules and play the best. Simple, like everything ingenious.

Do you think all that simple? Yes, it's simple. But not at all ...

It is very important not to interrupt the questions. Curiosity has its own right to exist.

Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you anywhere. Logic can lead you from point A to point B, and imagination can take you anywhere ...

Equations are more important to me because politics is for the present and equations are for eternity.

All ideas in science were born in a dramatic conflict between reality and our attempts to understand it.

The meaning of life has only a life dedicated to others ©

The only thing that my long life has taught me is that all our science in the face of reality looks primitive and childishly naive - and yet this is the most valuable thing we have.

There is an amazing opportunity to master a subject mathematically without understanding the essence of the matter.

It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer. None of this is because I'm so smart. This is all due to the fact that I do not give up for a long time when solving a problem.

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, while imagination encompasses the whole world, stimulating progress, giving rise to evolution.

There are two ways to live: you can live as if miracles do not happen and you can live as if everything in this world is a miracle.

Education is what remains after you forget everything you learned in school.

When you understand how far humanity has advanced since cave times, the power of imagination is felt in full scale. What we have now was achieved with the help of the imagination of our great-grandfathers. What we have in the future will be built with the help of our imaginations.

Marriage is an attempt to create something lasting and lasting from a random episode.

If you look at world famous people, you can see that each of them gave something to this world. You have to give in order to be able to take. When your goal is to increase the value of the world, you will rise to the next level of life.

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the incomprehensible. It serves as the source of genuine art and science.

You need to learn the rules of the game. And then, you need to start playing the best.

I don’t know what kind of weapon they will fight in the third world war, but in the fourth, stones and clubs will be used.

It makes no sense to keep doing the same and wait for different results. - Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

If the theory of relativity is confirmed, then the Germans will say that I am German, and the French - that I am a citizen of the world; but if my theory is refuted, the French will declare me a German and the Germans a Jew.

Everything should be stated as simply as possible, but not simpler.

The science of politics is a much more complex thing than the science of physics.

When I study myself and my way of thinking, I come to the conclusion that the gift of imagination and fantasy meant more to me than any ability to think abstractly.

Smart people always ask questions. Ask yourself and others to find a solution. This will allow you to learn new things and analyze your own growth.

It's very important not to stop asking questions. Curiosity is not accidentally given to a person.

In 30 years, you will definitely forget everything that you had to study in school. The only thing that will be remembered is what you have learned yourself.

A person begins to live only when he manages to surpass himself

Only those who make absurd attempts can achieve the impossible.

The true value of a person is determined by how much he freed himself from selfishness and by what means he achieved this.

Dreaming about everything that you could achieve in life is an important element of a positive life. Let your imagination wander freely and create the world you would like to live in.

The secret to creativity lies in the ability to hide the sources of your inspiration.

Never memorize something that you can look up.

There are only two infinite things: the universe and stupidity. I'm not sure about the universe though.

There are only two infinite things: the universe and stupidity. I'm not quite sure about the universe though.

The process of scientific discovery is, in essence, a continuous flight from miracles.

No end is high enough to justify the unworthy means to attain it.

Our mathematical difficulties do not bother God. It integrates empirically.

Education is what remains after everything we have been taught is forgotten.

Life is sacred; it is, so to speak, the supreme value to which all other values ​​are subordinated

The war has been won, but not the peace.

Theory is when everything is known, but nothing works. Practice is when everything works, but nobody knows why. We combine theory and practice: nothing works ... and no one knows why!

I learned to look at death as an old debt that must be paid sooner or later.

The biggest foolishness is to do the same and hope for a different result.

The only thing that prevents me from studying is the education I received.

The main thing in the life of a person of my kind is what he thinks and how he thinks, and not what he does or experiences.

I never think about the future. It comes quickly enough.

A person can find meaning in life only by dedicating himself to society.

It has often happened in physics that significant success has been achieved by drawing a consistent analogy between phenomena that are not related in appearance.

The question that baffles me is: Am I crazy or everyone around me?

Those who have never made mistakes have never tried something new.

Strength always attracts people of low moral character.

In my imagination, I am free to paint as an artist. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination covers the whole world.

You will never solve a problem if you think in the same way as those who created it.

I cannot believe in God as a being that directly influences the actions of individuals or judges his creatures. I am unable to believe in him, although the mechanical causality of modern science is questioned to a certain extent. My faith consists in humble worship of a spirit that incomparably surpasses us and is revealed to us in the little that we are able to cognize with our weak, perishable mind. Morality is very important, but not for God, but for us.

The person who has never been wrong has never tried something new.

Ever since mathematicians started working on the theory of relativity, I myself no longer understand it.

Theoretical physicist, one of the founders of modern theoretical physics, Nobel Prize laureate in physics in 1921, public figure-humanist. He lived in Germany, Switzerland and the USA. Honorary Doctor of about 20 leading universities in the world, a member of many Academies of Sciences, including a foreign honorary member of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Special theory of relativity (1905).
Within its framework - the law of interrelation of mass and energy: (E = mc2) .
General theory of relativity (1907-1916).
Quantum theory of the photoelectric effect.
Quantum theory of heat capacity.
Bose - Einstein quantum statistics.
The statistical theory of Brownian motion, which laid the foundations for the theory of fluctuations.
The theory of induced radiation.
Theory of light scattering by thermodynamic fluctuations in a medium.

He also predicted gravitational waves and "quantum teleportation" and predicted and measured the Einstein-de Haas gyromagnetic effect. Since 1933 he worked on problems of cosmology and unified field theory. He actively opposed war, against the use of nuclear weapons, for humanism, respect for human rights, and mutual understanding between peoples.

Quotes, aphorisms and sayings

Those who have never made mistakes have never tried something new.

There are only two infinite things: the universe and stupidity. I'm not sure about the universe though.

Everyone knows that this is impossible. But here comes an ignoramus who does not know this - it is he who makes the discovery.

The mind, once expanded its boundaries, will never return to the former.

I do not know what kind of weapons the third world war will be fought with, but the fourth - with sticks and stones.

If a mess on a table means a mess in your head, then what does an empty table mean?

There are only two ways to live life. The first is that miracles do not exist. The second - as if there were only miracles around.

The world is dangerous, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.

When you sit next to a pretty girl, an hour seems like a minute, and when you sit down on a hot frying pan, a minute seems like an hour.

If you want to lead a happy life, you must be attached to a goal, not to people or things.

Logic will take you from point A to point B. Imagination will take you anywhere.

The world is dangerous not because some people do evil, but because some people see it and do nothing.

We are all geniuses. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life, considering itself a fool.

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.

I survived two wars, two wives and Hitler.

It is better to believe than not to believe, because with faith everything becomes possible.

I'm too crazy not to be a genius.

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, while imagination encompasses the whole world, stimulating progress, giving rise to evolution.

Theory is when everything is known, but nothing works. Practice is when everything works, but nobody knows why. We combine theory and practice: nothing works ... and no one knows why!

The goal of the school should always be to educate a harmonious personality, not a specialist.

If the theory of relativity is confirmed, then the Germans will say that I am German, and the French - that I am a citizen of the world; but if my theory is refuted, the French will declare me a German and the Germans a Jew.

Only those who make absurd attempts can achieve the impossible.

The only thing that prevents me from studying is the education I received.

Strive not to achieve success, but to ensure that your life has meaning.

Education is what remains after everything learned in school is forgotten.

The question that baffles me is: Am I crazy or everyone around me?

Anyone who wants to see the results of his labor immediately should go to shoemakers.

Through coincidences, God maintains anonymity.

Only a fool needs order, genius rules over chaos.

Do you think all that simple? Yes, it's simple. But not at all ...

To win, you first need to play.

Imagination is the most important thing, it is a reflection of what we attract into our life.

Ever since mathematicians started working on the theory of relativity, I myself no longer understand it.

To break through the wall with your forehead, you need either a big run or a lot of foreheads.

I never think about the future. It comes on its own soon enough.

A person begins to live only when he manages to surpass himself.

The war has been won, but not the peace.

Learn from yesterday, live today, hope for tomorrow. The main thing is not to stop asking questions ... Never lose your sacred curiosity.

Today, the name of Albert Einstein is primarily associated with the image of the great scientist who created the theory of relativity. But he was not always so successful, on the contrary, at school the boy often skipped classes, did not study well and did not even receive a certificate of education.

He preferred playing the violin to boring university lectures. In the future, this musical instrument helped the scientist to solve difficult problems: as soon as he doubted something, he immediately began to play, and clear thoughts visited his head.

From the very beginning of his scientific career, Einstein was confident that he would receive the Nobel Prize. And he was absolutely right - in 1921 he became its owner. The genius was the author of about 300 works on physics and about 150 scientific works on philosophy.

In relations with the opposite sex, he was distinguished by Don Juan and inconstancy. A serious man in science was frivolous in his personal life.

Albert Einstein quotes about life and being

There are only two infinite things: the universe and stupidity. I'm not sure about the universe though.

Theory is when everything is known, but nothing works. Practice is when everything works, but nobody knows why. We combine theory and practice: nothing works ... and no one knows why!

There are only two ways to live life. The first is that miracles do not exist. The second - as if there were only miracles around.

If you want to lead a happy life, you must be attached to a goal, not to people or things.

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must move

Strive not to achieve success, but to ensure that your life has meaning.

Pure information is not knowledge. The real source of knowledge is experience.

Observe nature closely, and you will understand everything much better.

Aphorisms about man

The value of a person should be determined by what he gives, and not by what he is able to achieve. Try to become valuable, not successful.

The person who has never been wrong has never tried something new.

To become a perfect member of the flock of sheep, you must first be a sheep.

A person begins to live only when he manages to surpass himself.

You need to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to start playing the best

A person who has never made mistakes has never tried anything new.

All people lie, but it's not scary, no one listens to each other.

We are all geniuses. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life, considering itself a fool.

Do you know? Albert Einstein always said "I" and did not allow anyone to say "we". The meaning of this pronoun simply did not reach the scientist. His close friend only once saw the imperturbable Einstein in a rage when his wife uttered the forbidden "we".

About faith and about God

Almighty God cannot judge humanity.

I do not believe in a god of theology who rewards good and punishes evil.

God is cunning, but not malicious.

God doesn't play dice.

Observing the harmony of the cosmos, I, with my limited human mind, are able to recognize that there are still people who say that there is no God. But what really pisses me off is that they back up such a claim with my quote.

Our mathematical difficulties do not bother God. He integrates empirically.

Did God have a choice when He created the universe?

Before God, we are all equally smart, or rather, equally stupid.

Human ethical behavior should be based on empathy, education, and social connections. No religious basis is required for this.

Religion, art and science are branches of the same tree.

Science without religion is lame, and religion without science is blind.

Through coincidences, God maintains anonymity.

Wise sayings of a genius

The search for truth is more important than the possession of the truth.

Education is what remains after you forget everything you learned in school.

It's very important not to stop asking questions. Curiosity is not accidentally given to a person.

Only those who make absurd attempts can achieve the impossible.

The mind, once expanded its boundaries, will never return to the former.

I do not know what kind of weapons the third world war will be fought with, but the fourth - with sticks and stones.

In my imagination, I am free to paint as an artist. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination covers the whole world

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, while imagination encompasses the whole world, stimulating progress, giving rise to evolution.

It makes no sense to keep doing the same and wait for different results.

You will never solve a problem if you think the same way as those who created it.

Anyone who wants to see the results of his labor immediately should go to shoemakers.

So that's it!Scientists who examined Einstein's brain proved that the gray matter was different from the norm. Scientific studies have shown that the areas of the brain responsible for speech and language are reduced, while the areas responsible for processing numerical and spatial information are enlarged.

Everyone knows that this is impossible. But here comes an ignoramus who does not know this - it is he who makes the discovery.

Even scientists from different countries behave as if their brains were amputated.

The only thing that prevents me from studying is the education I received.

The question that baffles me is: Am I crazy or everyone around me?

I never think about the future. It comes on its own soon enough

The most incomprehensible thing in this world is that it is comprehensible.

If you cannot explain something to a six-year-old child, you yourself do not understand it.

Logic can lead you from point A to point B, and imagination can take you anywhere ...

To win, you first need to play.

Never memorize what you can find in a book.

Not everyone is able to understand the theory of relativity. Albert Einstein admitted that he himself did not fully comprehend it. This greatest physicist and mathematician of our time is interesting to most people primarily as an outstanding personality and a person capable of thinking in non-standard categories.

Perhaps, as a philosopher, he deserves no less recognition than as a scientist. His reflections on life, freedom, the role of intelligence, wealth and the importance of a spiritual relationship to the world around them will induce someone to change their own views on many things that seem very important today.

The dates of some of the aphorisms and quotations of the scientist are especially interesting. They should be correlated with the events taking place in the world. These thoughts have not lost their relevance today, many decades later.

It is also likely that these 22 quotes will help you learn more about Albert Einstein and understand him to some extent.

1. About life

“People are like bicycles. They can only maintain balance by moving on. ”(From a letter February 5, 1930)

2. About imagination

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, while the imagination spans the entire world, stimulating progress and giving rise to evolution ”(1931).

3. About thinking

"Anyone who reads too much and uses little of their own brain tends to think lazily."

4. About the price

5. About the world

6. About happiness

"If you want to live happily, associate life with purpose, not with people or objects."

7. About fate

"The supreme destiny of man is to serve, not to rule" (1939)

8. About work ethics

“The state of mind that allows a person to do this kind of work ... is akin to the mindset of a religious adept or lover. The need for daily effort does not come from deliberate intent or a programmed program, but directly from the heart "(1918)

9. About politics

"I was born a Jew, Swiss by citizenship, and a human being in appearance. I am only a human being, without any particular attachment to any state or national organization."

10. About ambitions

“Nothing really valuable comes from ambition or a sense of duty. Rather, it is connected with love and devotion towards people and objective facts ”(July 30, 1947).

11. About knowledge

"Experience is the only source of knowledge."

12. About stupidity

“Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. I'm not quite sure about the universe ... "

13. About common sense

"Common sense is nothing more than a collection of prejudices learned before the age of eighteen."

14. About social conditioning

“Few people are capable of expressing an impartial opinion that is different from the prejudices prevailing in their social environment. Most are not even able to articulate such an opinion clearly ”.

15. About opposition to the crowd

“Great-minded people always experience opposition from mediocre minds. A mediocre mind cannot understand a person who refuses to submit to the blindness of ordinary prejudices and expresses his opinion with courage and honesty. (from a letter March 19, 1940)

16. About intelligence

“We should not deify the intellect. In him, of course, there is strength, but there is no personality. "

17. About wealth

“I am absolutely convinced that no wealth in the world can help humanity, even if it ends up in the hands of the most devoted servant for the common good. The example of great and pure people is the only thing that can lead us to noble thoughts and actions. Money only leads to selfishness ... Can you imagine Moses, Jesus or Gandhi with a bag of money? "

18. About talent

19. About skill

"Only the one who puts all his strength and soul into his work can be a true master. For this reason, everyone must become masters" (from a letter, July 1947).

20. About freedom

"Everything truly outstanding and inspiring is created only by the person who can work freely" (1938).

21. About loneliness

“I am truly a 'lonely wanderer' and have never belonged to my country, my home, my friends and even my family with all my heart. I have never lost the need for the necessary distance and privacy. "

22. About humility

"The true value of a person is determined primarily by the measure in which he achieved liberation from himself."

“Communication with Einstein was extremely satisfying. Despite his genius and fame, he behaved absolutely simply, without the slightest claim to superiority ... He was not only a great scientist, but also a great man. " © Bertrand Russell

"He always had a kind of magical purity, both childish and infinitely stubborn." © Robert Oppenheimer

Albert Einstein, one of the founders of modern theoretical physics, Nobel Prize laureate, humanist public figure, actively opposed war, against the use of nuclear weapons, for humanism, respect for human rights, and mutual understanding between peoples.

Einstein had an excellent sense of humor. When asked where his laboratory was, he showed his fountain pen, smiling. The scientist played the violin well, read a lot, spoke with admiration about the prose of Leo Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Dickens. He was surprisingly unpretentious, in old age he invariably appeared in his favorite warm sweater.

Einstein's attending physician said that he hated posing for the artist, but as soon as he admitted that he expects to get out of want thanks to his portrait, Einstein immediately agreed to patiently sit in front of him for long hours.

We have collected 20 of the most famous aphorisms of the scientist, in the genius of which everyone could already be convinced more than once:

  1. There are only two infinite things: the universe and stupidity. I'm not sure about the universe though.
  2. Only a fool needs order - genius dominates chaos.
  3. Theory is when everything is known, but nothing works. Practice is when everything works, but nobody knows why. We combine theory and practice: nothing works ... and no one knows why!
  4. There are only two ways to live life. The first is that miracles do not exist. The second - as if there are only miracles around.
  5. Education is what remains after everything learned in school is forgotten.
  6. I do not know what kind of weapons the third world war will be fought with, but the fourth - with sticks and stones.
  7. It's just crazy to do the same and wait for different results.
  8. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, while imagination encompasses the whole world.
  9. You will never solve a problem if you think in the same way as those who created it.
  10. Anyone who wants to see the results of his labor immediately should go to shoemakers.
  11. Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must move.
  12. Everyone knows that this is impossible. But here comes an ignoramus who does not know this - it is he who makes the discovery.
  13. The mind, once expanded its boundaries, will never return to the former.
  14. If you want to lead a happy life, you must be attached to a goal, not to people or things.
  15. Strive not to achieve success, but to ensure that your life has meaning.
  16. Through coincidences, God maintains anonymity.
  17. The only thing that prevents me from studying is the education I received.
  18. A person who has never made mistakes has never tried anything new.
  19. All people lie, but it's not scary, no one listens to each other.
  20. If you cannot explain this to your grandmother, you yourself do not understand it.