Amiksin: a new milestone in the treatment of herpes. Amiksin for herpes treatment regimen Amiksin and acyclovir complex treatment of herpes

2016-01-03 14:14:46

Elena asks:

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello, Elena! Your situation is completely incomprehensible to me. The lymph nodes in the neck have become enlarged - have you seen an ENT specialist and had your throat checked? Using the ELISA method for the presence of antibodies to Ig G, it is impossible to diagnose the presence of torch infection. The presence of Ig G indicates contact with infections in the past and does not require treatment. The diagnosis of “herpes” is made in the presence of characteristic rashes, from which an analysis is taken for PCR diagnostics. Have you experienced any rashes? In the presence of Ig G to toxoplasma, it is also not correct to diagnose “toxoplasmosis”, especially if there has been no contact with domestic animals. If low-grade fever and enlarged lymph nodes have been observed for a month, then I advise you to additionally contact a hematologist. Without a clear diagnosis it is impossible to talk about treatment.

2010-11-02 04:27:33

Svetlana asks:

The gynecologist diagnosed “chronic cervicitis”, the cause was indicated by the herpes simplex virus, I was tested only by the Ifa method, the result was IgG - 2.7 (positive> 1.1), while other possible causes of the disease were excluded. For three months I took medications according to the regimen, the main ones were Cycloferon, Amixin, Genferon.
Now a month has passed since the end of treatment, I took a second test, the result was not encouraging, Herpes simplex virus type 1/2 IgG-3.5. It turns out that despite the long treatment, the titers have increased and I actually recently had an active stage of the disease? What should I do, do I need to get tested using the PCR method, or perhaps some other method? By the way, for about a year I did not have any rashes on my lips, even during several trips to the sea, although this was usually the norm.

Answers Petrenko Galina Alexandrovna:

Hello Svetlana.
The blood contains antibodies to the herpes virus; an increase in their titer may indicate an exacerbation of the process. Unfortunately, there is no reliable evidence of a complete cure for herpes infection. The virus persists in the nerve ganglia for life, causing rashes on the skin and mucous membranes during periods of exacerbation. The fact that there have been significantly fewer rashes recently is a good prognostic sign.
For a more accurate diagnosis of herpes infection, take a smear to determine the virus using the PCR method and determine the avidity of antibodies.

2010-02-27 20:42:00

Daria asks:

Hello!!! I really need your advice!! I’m 28 years old. My first pregnancy 2.5 years ago ended in a miscarriage at 9 weeks (fading was at 5 weeks) risk of miscarriage, spotting, pain) the doctor reacted by prescribing only duphaston, refused hospitalization.. the doctor didn’t clean it after, he said to inject oxytocin. - everything cleared up on its own without consequences.. the reasons for the miscarriage were not determined.. all tests were taken, everything was normal for me and My husband also had herpes (+)!!!
2 years passed which included visits to doctors, all tests, treatment of herpes... but we couldn’t get pregnant... in November 2009 we were treated at a mud bath sanatorium, diagnosed with secondary infertility, adhesions, cystic degeneration of both ovaries.....hormone analysis on the 5th day of the month, testosterone 13.0 - exceeds the norm.. treatment: ovarium according to the scheme for 2 months, abstinence for 2 months, and duphaston from 16-30 days I have been taking it for 3 months... my last MS was 01/24/2010 (conception was from 1 to 12/02/10 )02/18/10 I got sick with the flu for 7 days:
amiksin, rovamycin, linex, canephron...02/24-test positive!!! ran to the gynecologist because my stomach was a little tight and ached every day, I drank noshpa 1 tab for pain!!
The doctor refused to admit me to hospitalization..she said “don’t be happy”((( period could still come or it’s ectopic, so we immediately went for a vaginal ultrasound..result 0..
The doctors thought it was a deformed egg..but they were unsure..they said come back on March 9, we’ll definitely determine if it’s ectopic or not...she refused to take noshpa for pain, replacing them with suppositories Naklofen for 5 days at night..But they are harmful during pregnancy..especially in mine case when I took so many medications... I have been continuing to take Pregnavit, Vit.s for a month now (temperature every day is 37.2-37.5 even after recovery), folic, duphaston, Linex after taking rovamycin...
Please tell me if I should wait for the next ultrasound on March 9th (to rule out an ectopic) Because I have pulling pains in the lower abdomen on the left and right every day, but infrequently! no discharge!! WHAT TO DO???what are my actions???is hospitalization necessary???..and how will taking medications affect the child during my treatment for the flu???and why, in my case, for pain, the noshpa was replaced with Naklofen??? or what else should I take to prevent the threat of miscarriage? I read magnesium B6?

Answers Kushniruk Natalya Sergeevna:

Dear Daria,
To conduct a differential diagnosis between a normally developing pregnancy and possible abnormalities, you should take a test to determine the concentration of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the blood serum 2 times with an interval of 48 hours. An increase in hormone concentration by 2 or more times indicates a developing intrauterine pregnancy. A smaller increase requires repeating the test and careful monitoring of the pregnancy (ultrasound monitoring every 4-7 days (depending on the clinic)). With a subsequent drop in the concentration of the hormone, we can talk about a non-developing pregnancy, and with slow growth and the absence of a fertilized egg in the uterine cavity, an ectopic pregnancy should be suspected.
Suspicion of ectopic pregnancy requires immediate hospitalization in a gynecological hospital.
A diagnostically significant fact is the presence of bloody discharge from the genital tract.
Bloody discharge occurs both when there is a threat of miscarriage, and during frozen and ectopic pregnancy. In addition, in your situation, it is necessary to determine the concentration of progesterone in the blood serum. If it decreases, support with progesterone drugs. In your case, continuing to take progesterone (Duphaston) would not be superfluous, because pregnancy occurred against the backdrop of support for an incomplete luteal phase. Naklofen belongs to the group of NSAIDs (namely, the active ingredient is the drug Diclofenac).
You should have an ultrasound scan with a vaginal sensor to determine the localization and progression of pregnancy using a high-quality ultrasound machine, continue taking Duphaston 10 mg 3 times a day, folic acid supplements at the rate of 400 mcg per day, Viburkol suppositories 1 suppository 2 times a day directly intestine (homeopathic medicine) or Papaverine suppositories, 1 suppository in the rectum at night, maintain sexual and physical rest. You can drink Magne B6 1 ampoule 2-3 times a day, after dissolving in 1/2 glass of juice, drink after meals for 7 days. If the drug causes nausea, replace 1 ampoule with 2 tablets. Eat often, exclude chocolate, coffee, black tea, cola, mint, lemon balm, viburnum, fatty, fried, smoked foods from your diet. Drink up to 2.5 liters of liquid without gas per day.
Don’t worry about your temperature up to 37.5C, it is typical for early pregnancy (hyperthermic effects of progesterone).
ARVI in early, as well as in later stages of pregnancy, is not good. The consequences may be different. We just have to wait until we get the results of the hormones and ultrasound.
To calm yourself down a little, take 1 tablet of Valerian (not Persen) 3 times a day, and get ready for good results. Remember that a lot depends on your peace of mind.
In case of a negative result (frozen pregnancy), you will need to karyotype the abortion material (up to 80% of early pregnancy terminations occur due to chromosomal pathology). In case of deviations from the norm, perform karyotyping of both spouses.
It is necessary to examine your immune and hormonal status, to exclude inflammatory processes in the genital organs.

2009-07-29 15:38:38

Asks Oksana, 41 years old. :

My throat has been hurting for 2 weeks now. I took 2 antibiotics. Before that, I underwent computer diagnostics. The doctor discovered streptococci... I underwent treatment on the computer. But the sore throat remained, and no streptococci were found during repeated testing. Enlarged lymph nodes. Epstein-Barr herpes virus was detected. The doctor prescribed the drug AMIXIN. I have no strength, my throat hurts. What can you do? Since rinsing (with Myramistim, Propolus, Chrolophyllipt) does not really help, the pain wanders, then goes away, and the next day the throat begins to hurt again, but the lesions in the throat change, sometimes more on the left, sometimes on the right. I constantly feel a spasm in my throat. They also discovered a virus in the sciatic nerve (my leg goes numb). How long does this disease last? How can I cure this infection with minimal cost? In the family, the children felt like a cold, the daughter just felt a sore throat, the son suffered from an acute respiratory viral infection. Tell me. what is the best thing to do in my case and how to relieve the severe pain in my throat since it hurts to speak. Not to mention what to swallow. All the best. I'm waiting for some kind of recommendation.

Answers Baby Olga Vladimirovna:

Dear Oksana! It’s bad that you don’t write which tests for the Epstein-Barr virus are positive, is it an acute infection or an exacerbation of a chronic one, where was the virus identified? by what method? How to treat it depends on this. Amiksin is a good, proven drug, but if the infection is active and really affects the nervous system (neuritis), then it may not be enough. Be sure to continue rinsing and local medications (but which do not dry out the mucous membranes), be sure to dissolve Lisobakt 1t 4 times a day in the oral cavity, there is little information for specific recommendations on antiviral therapy.
The course of the disease has many options, as well as its duration and consequences, all this very much depends on the state of the immune system, which can also be checked with special tests

Herpes on the lips, genitals, cytomegalovirus and other viral infections are treated with antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs. One of these medications is Amiksin - instructions for use will help you learn about the correct use of tablets to treat and prevent the development of herpetic infections, as well as colds, bronchitis, sore throat, hepatitis and HIV.

Release form and composition of Amiksin

The drug is available exclusively in tablet form.

  1. Amiksin (125 mg). Produced in blister packs (No. 6, No. 10) and polymer jars (No. 6, No. 10).
  2. Amiksin (60 mg). Produced in blister packs (No. 6, No. 10) and polymer jars (No. 10).
  3. Amiksin IC. Available in packs of 3 and 9 pieces (60 and 125 mg).

The active ingredient of the drug is tilorone. In addition, the composition includes potato starch, povidone, cellulose, calcium stearate and primellose.

Price and analogues

The cost of the drug in the pharmacy depends on the dosage, form of release of the drug, as well as on the pharmaceutical point and its location.

  1. Price for Amiksin 125 mg: No. 6 – 611 rubles; No. 10 – 970 rub.
  2. Price for Amiksin 60 mg: No. 10 – 585 rub.
  3. Price for Amiksin IC: average cost 339 rubles.

The international nonproprietary name (INN) of the antiviral and immunomodulatory agent is tilorone.

Alternative to tablets by structure:

  • Lavomax - average cost 435 rubles;
  • Tiloram - average cost 670 rubles.

List of drug substitutes by mechanism of action:

  • Tylaxin – 450 rubles;
  • Anaferon – 220 rubles;
  • Ingavirin – 350 rubles;
  • Arbidol – 220 rubles;
  • Kagocel – 250 rubles;
  • Ergoferon – 319 rubles;
  • Cycloferon – 165 rub.

pharmachologic effect

An immunomodulator drug designed to fight viruses. The use of Amiksin has a beneficial effect on the activation of interferons (α, β, γ) in the human body.

Interferon - recognizes the infectious agent, prevents the development, reproduction of the virus and the release of viral particles.

After taking the drug orally, interferon penetrates the blood within 4 hours to a day.

What does Amiksin help with:

  • colds and flu;
  • hepatitis A, B and C;
  • herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 (HSV – 1, –2);
  • cytomegalovirus;

The drug is effective for the treatment of allergic and viral encephalomyelitis, urogenital and respiratory chlamydia, pulmonary tuberculosis in combination with other medications. For the purpose of immunocorrection, the medicine is used for HIV and immunodeficiency.

Instructions for use

Amiksin should be taken after meals. The dosage regimen depends on the disease that the treatment is aimed at eliminating.

How to take Amiksin for herpes and cytomegalovirus

Treatment regimen for labial, genital herpes and cytomegalovirus:

  1. I day. 250 mg (2 pieces of 125 mg each).
  2. II day. 250 mg (2 pieces of 125 mg each).
  3. III day. Not to accept.
  4. IV day. 250 mg (2 pieces of 125 mg each).
  5. V day. Not to accept.
  6. VI day. 250 mg (2 pieces of 125 mg each).
  7. VII day. Not to accept
  8. ... continue the “every other day” scheme until the end of the course.

The course of treatment is 18 days, taking into account the interval.

Method of use for other diseases

Treatment of children with Amiksin is allowed exclusively from the age of 7 for acute respiratory viral infections and influenza.

Name of the disease Directions for use 125 mg Directions for use 60 mg For prevention
For ARVI and influenza Adults: Day I – 1 tablet, Day II – 1 tablet, then continue to take 1 tablet every other day. The duration of therapy is 10 days, taking into account intervals. 3 doses of 1 tablet on days I, II and IV. In case of complications, add 1 more dose on day VI. 1 tablet every week, duration of preventive measures is 6 weeks.
For bronchitis If the cause of bronchitis is ARVI, and not a bacterial infection, then the treatment regimen is similar to that for flu and colds.
For hepatitis A, B, C Hepatitis A: Day 1 – 2 tablets, every 48 hours another 1 tablet, per course – 10 tablets.

Acute hepatitis B: Day 1 – 2 tablets, every 48 hours another 1 tablet, per course – 10 tablets.

Acute hepatitis C: Days I and II, 250 mg, the remaining 16 days, take the same dosage every other day.

Chronic hepatitis B and C: Days I and II 250 mg, then 125 mg every 48 hours. First course – 2.5 g – 14 days, including intervals between doses. Immediately start the second course of 125 mg per week - you need to drink another 2.5 g. The general course is 5 g.

For HIV, immunodeficiency 125-250 mg is taken every week for 2 months. If necessary, a repeat course is prescribed a month later.

Possible side effects and overdose

No cases of drug overdose have been recorded.

Side effects may include:

  • pain in the upper abdomen;
  • nausea;
  • heartburn;
  • feeling of fullness in the stomach;
  • bloating;
  • allergy;
  • chills.

Amiksin contraindications

Each drug is accompanied by instructions in which you can familiarize yourself with contraindications.

  • with increased sensitivity to the constituent components;
  • children under 7 years of age;
  • during pregnancy;
  • during lactation.

Amiksin compatibility

Compatibility of the drug with alcohol. Alcohol passes through the liver, as do medications. When taking an antiviral drug and alcohol in parallel, one of the two substances will enter the body without having time to be processed, since the liver cannot cope with such a load. As a result, a number of side effects can occur: intoxication, allergic reactions and dysfunction of the digestive system.

Treatment with Amiksin and alcohol consumption are incompatible. The possibility of drinking alcohol-containing drinks begins 48 hours after the course has been completed.

Compatible with antibiotics. The immunomodulator and antiviral agent can be taken in combination with other medications and antibiotics.

What's better?

Comparative analysis of Amiksin with its analogues.

Amiksin or Lavomax

Medicines with the same functions and active ingredients have similar indications and side effects. Even their prices are not much different. But Lavomax is inferior in dosage, since it is available in only 0.125 g, and it is allowed to be taken only upon reaching 18 years of age. Additional components of medicines also differ. Lavomax contains sucrose and beeswax, which excludes its use for some patients, for example, patients with diabetes.

Amiksin or Ingavirin

Both drugs are used to treat colds and flu, but their composition and effect differ. The main feature of antiviral drugs is their additional properties: Ingavirin has anti-inflammatory properties, Amiksin has immunomodulatory properties. The range of diseases for which Amkisin is used is wider.

Cycloferon or Amiksin

Drugs that have a general immunomodulatory antiviral effect have different active ingredients and auxiliary components. The indications for the medications are identical, but the list of side effects and contraindications for Cycloferon is longer. When choosing a medication, you should pay attention to the age and individual characteristics of the body.

Arbidol or Amiksin

These are not structural analogues; their active components are different. Amiksin, unlike Arbidol, has a larger list of indications. The advantages of Arbidol tablets, capsules and syrup are the variety of release forms and age restrictions - the drug is approved from 3 years.

Ergoferon or Amiksin

The mechanism of action of the drugs is different, as is their proven effectiveness: Amiksin has passed clinical testing, Ergoferon has not.

Kagocel or Amiksin

Medicines of the same pharmacological group and with a similar mechanism of action have different effects. Interferon penetrates into the blood after taking Kagocel after 48 hours, Amiksin - after 24 hours. In the case of treating children, Kagocel can be given to children from 3 years of age. Amiksin is more relevant for the prevention of ARVI and influenza.

The drug "Amiksin" against herpes has been used recently, but is very effective. The virus cannot be completely removed from the body, so the effect of the drug is primarily aimed at stopping it, eliminating unpleasant symptoms, as well as preventing further spread and complications. Before using the medicine, you should consult a doctor, since it is not suitable for all categories of people and sometimes causes side effects.

Composition and release form

Without timely treatment, the herpes virus severely suppresses the immune system, which, in turn, causes pathologies of a physiological, psychosomatic and even reproductive nature.

An indicator of the effectiveness of a drug is its ability to increase the period of remission, thereby protecting not only the patient, but also those around him, since in the active phase the herpes virus is contagious. "Amiksin" is one of the most successful antiviral drugs that meet these parameters, which promotes the intensive production of endogenous interferon, thereby strengthening the immune system.

"Amiksin" is a synthetic low-molecular immunomodulator, which is produced in the form of round tablets for children and adults. Accordingly, it is produced in 2 dosages - “Amiksin” 60 mg and 125 mg, and is packaged in 6 or 10 pieces per package. The active ingredient of the drug is tilorone. In addition to it, the tablets contain various components:

  • Vaseline oil;
  • polyvinylpyrrolidone;
  • magnesium carbonate;
  • sugar;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • Aerosil;
  • beeswax;
  • talc;
  • calcium stearate;
  • gelatin.

What is Amiksin prescribed for?

During therapy, taking this drug every day is not necessary.

The drug is used to relieve herpes viruses independently and as part of complex therapy, including with antibiotics. The medicine is characterized by extensive action. It is aimed at combating various bacterial and viral infections. The effect of the medicine provokes the activation of the body’s own immune reserves and is prolonged. The drug is used for the prevention and treatment of various pathologies, such as:

  • labile and genital herpes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • flu;
  • secondary immunodeficiency;
  • meningitis;
  • hepatitis types A, C and B;
  • chlamydia;
  • acute respiratory viral infection;
  • encephalitis.

The drug is also prescribed after immunosuppressive procedures:

  • chemotherapy;
  • surgical intervention;
  • irradiation.

Instructions for use, dosage of "Amiksin" for herpes

The course of treatment, dosage and method of administration depend on the type of herpes. Features of treatment in adult patients are indicated in the table:

"Amiksin" can be purchased at the pharmacy yourself, and immediately before use it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

In case of relapse of genital herpes, a multi-stage scheme is used:

  • 1st stage. For the first 2 days, the medicine should be taken at 0.25 g, followed by 0.125 g every 24 hours for 2 weeks.
  • 2nd stage. 1 time every seven days, 0.125 g. Course 2 months.
  • 3rd stage. It begins 2 months after the complete disappearance of symptoms. It does not include taking pills, but consists of 5 injections of a polyvalent herpes vaccine, 0.2 ml every 3-4 days, then every 10 days.
  • 4th stage. Tablets must be taken once every 7 days, 0.125 g, for two months, along with antiherpetic injections.

At the moment, Amiksin is considered the most powerful stimulator of endogenous interferon production.

For the treatment of children over 7 years of age, tablets containing 0.06 g of active substance are used. Amiksin therapy is individual in each case and depends on the characteristics of the child, as well as the specific course of the disease. The instructions for use of the drug indicate that it can be used exclusively for prophylactic purposes, as well as for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza viruses. In all other cases, similar medications are used to treat infectious diseases in children.

There are quite a few medications used to treat herpes.

One of them is Amiksin.

You should find out in what cases you can use this drug and how to do it correctly.

Composition, release form

This medicine is effective in treating viral diseases (e.g. Its active ingredient is tilorone. You can find a drug on sale that contains either 125 mg.

In addition to the main component, the medicine includes:

  • potato starch;
  • calcium stearate;
  • croscarmellose sodium;
  • povidone;
  • cellulose;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • macrogol;
  • hypromellose, etc.

It is produced in the form of tablets, which are placed in polymer jars or blister packs. A pack may contain 6, 10 or 20 tablets. This form of the drug, such as injections, is not produced.

Mechanism of action

The drug Amiksin is used to suppress the activity of viruses. It prevents the progression of the disease and also activates the production of interferon.

This substance blocks further reproduction of the virus, due to which the symptoms of the disease gradually fade away. This drug is also used as. When taken, the body's resistance increases, due to which the disease passes faster, and the achieved results are consolidated.

Due to this feature, the use of the medicine is a good prevention of influenza and other viral diseases. During a period when there is a high probability of infection due to an epidemic, this remedy can help in preventing diseases. But before using it - as a treatment or prevention, you need to consult a doctor.

How to use for herpes?

Sometimes people use this medicine to treat herpes. But it is worth finding out whether it can be used for this disease.

You are allowed to take this drug. Since the disease is of viral origin, the use of Amiksin is an effective method of treating it. This especially applies to cases when the drug is used in combination with other antiviral agents in the form of ointments and gels.

You just need to understand that the principle of treatment is determined by the individual characteristics of the body and the type of herpes (or genital). You can find out what treatment plan you need to follow from your doctor.


Labial herpes is when they begin to form in the mouth area. For this form of the disease, the following treatment regimen is most often used. In the first two days, take 2 tablets with a dosage of 125 mg.


It also affects the external genitalia. For this disease, the drug Amiksin is often used together with to avoid the development of additional pathologies.

Typically, in the first 2 days of treatment, 250 mg of the drug is taken, and then therapy is continued using a portion of 125 mg daily. Reception is carried out over 3-4 weeks. Sometimes the treatment schedule may be changed.

In the case of step-by-step exposure is used.

It is as follows:

  1. During this period, treatment is carried out according to the usual scheme for genital herpes. The only difference is the duration of therapy – it is 2 weeks.
  2. This stage can be called preventive. Within its framework, Amiksin is taken 125 mg once a week for 2 months.
  3. There is no need to take pills at this time. The patient is given injections of the herpes vaccine. Number of injections – 5 pcs. They are performed once every 3-4 days.
  4. At this stage of treatment, antiherpetic injections are made. At the same time, Amiksin should be taken 125 mg per week for 2 months.

Sometimes the doctor can change the principle of influence if this is necessary due to the individual characteristics of the patient or the clinical picture.

Use for children

The drug Amiksin is not used for elimination. It can be used to treat influenza and ARVI starting from the age of 7 years.

A drug containing 60 mg of active ingredient is suitable for children.

Tablets with a dosage of 125 mg are not used in children. They are allowed to be taken only from 18 years of age.

Contraindications and side effects

Treatment with Amiksin for any disease should be carried out on the recommendation of a specialist. This remedy is not dangerous or toxic, but it has contraindications, due to which the patient’s body may react unpredictably. Therefore, it is imperative to make sure that they are absent.

The main contraindications include:

  • age less than 7 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • natural feeding;
  • intolerance to the constituent ingredients.

Any of these features serves as a reason to ban this drug.

The occurrence of side effects when taking Amiksin is a rare occurrence. They usually do not cause significant discomfort, so it is not necessary to stop treatment.

The most common side effects are:

  • symptoms of dyspepsia;
  • short-term chills;
  • redness;

If these reactions are severe, you should talk to your doctor - usually in such situations the medicine is discontinued. Special actions to neutralize adverse symptoms are not provided, since these phenomena are eliminated after the end of treatment.

Dr. Komarovsky’s opinion on antiviral drugs:

Drug analogues

If adverse reactions occur or there are contraindications, it becomes necessary to select a replacement medication. There are quite a lot of such funds. There are drugs with the same composition, but there are products created on the basis of other substances, but with a similar effect. A specialist will help you choose a medicine.

Among the main ones we can mention:

  1. . This medicine is effective for influenza, chlamydia, herpes,. Has an antiviral effect. It is characterized by the same contraindications as Amiksin. Its use is not recommended for patients under the age of majority.
  2. Ergoferon. The product has an antiviral effect. It also has an antihistamine effect. It can be used to treat herpes and intestinal infections. Suitable for even young patients (from 6 months).
  3. Arbidol. It is very often prescribed to children from 6 years of age to cure herpes. It is also effective in eliminating influenza and pneumonia. Contraindications include kidney and liver diseases, heart problems.
  4. Kagocel. Its use is permitted from 3 years of age. The drug is suitable for combating herpes, chlamydia, and influenza. Pregnant women and nursing mothers are prohibited from using it.

You should not replace one remedy with another on your own, since without special knowledge it is difficult to take into account contraindications, as well as determine on what principle to carry out treatment.

Amiksin tablets for herpes are prescribed to eliminate the symptoms of the disease with various forms of the virus and to develop antiviral immunity. The medicine is an immunomodulator that helps speed up the healing process, and is also used to prevent and treat infections caused by various types of viruses.

Indications for use

The use of Amiksin is indicated in the presence of rashes of labial or genital herpes (in chronic form or during exacerbation). The medicine is used for symptomatic treatment of the disease, stimulating the production of endogenous interferon and reducing immunosuppression due to the formation of antibodies and restoring the balance of T-suppressors and T-helpers.

Directions for use and doses

Amiksin for the herpes virus is prescribed according to the following regimen: 1 tablet once a day in the first two days of the disease, and then 125 mg every 48 hours for 2-3 weeks, depending on the extent of the infection. The total amount of the drug during the course of administration is from 1.25 to 2 g. The tablets should be taken whole after meals with a small amount of water.
After ingestion, the medicine begins to act, entering the intestines, and then penetrating the liver and blood. The substance is excreted from the body naturally along with urine and feces. The half-life is two days.

Side effects

Before using Amiksin, you should carefully read the instructions and consult with your doctor about possible side effects of the drug and contraindications.
It should be taken into account that in some cases, adverse reactions from the digestive system (dyspepsia) or allergic manifestations (short-term chills, itching, urticaria) may occur.


Amiksin has a minimal number of contraindications, but when using the drug, it should be taken into account that its use is allowed only from 7 years of age. It is not recommended to use the medicine for pregnant and lactating women, as well as in cases of individual intolerance to the components included in the product.

Interaction with other drugs

There have been no cases of negative interactions between Amiksin and other drugs.
The medicine is not compatible with alcohol, since drinking alcohol reduces its effectiveness due to immune suppression.
The medicine does not affect driving.


There are no data on cases of drug overdose.

Storage conditions

The drug is stored at room temperature in a dry place, protected from light and out of reach of children.

Best before date

The medicine remains effective for 3 years from the date of manufacture.