HIV positive test what to do next. Research error. All about possible mistakes in HIV diagnostics. What does the HIV test result look like?

HIV infection is a disease that requires timely and preferably early diagnosis. For this, patients who come into contact with HIV-positive people are diagnosed with blood to detect the HIV virus. The doctor conducts pre-test counseling, after which a person receives full information about the transmission routes of infection, its manifestation, and possible examination results.

Communication of the test results to the patient is carried out at the post-test consultation. The specialist summarizes the examination and explains the prognosis of the disease. However, a positive HIV test result is not yet a verdict, since errors are possible when conducting such a study.

The most common diagnostic method is enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The analysis determines the presence of antibodies to the immunodeficiency virus in the patient's blood. An additional method is called immunoblotting (immunoblotting). With its help, antibodies to individual HIV antigens are detected.

When decoding the result of the HIV test, the doctor can get 4 answer options:

  1. An HIV-positive test means that a person's blood contains antibodies to HIV infection. If after contact with a person infected with HIV, it took from 14 to 60 days, then the p24 antigen will be determined in the blood. It is the most highly specific of all foreign proteins detected by the test system. Its identification speaks of infection with the immunodeficiency virus.
  2. A negative result of the study suggests that no antibodies or foreign protein elements were found in the blood. This response is not tested if the subject has not had contact with an infected person in the past three months.
  3. A false positive result of an HIV test means that the antibodies synthesized in certain diseases are structurally similar to antibodies to the HIV virus. Analysis shows their presence. Re-examination is recommended.
  4. The result of an HIV test is uncertain or questionable. This conclusion means that the survey may have been in error. With a dubious result, immunoblotting is performed 2 weeks after donating blood, and then after 3 and 6 months. An undetectable response in HIV-positive people can be detected due to medical error.

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing in adult patients is very rare. PCR is used to detect HIV in newborn babies.

Rapid tests are now available to diagnose infection. The advantage of this method is complete anonymity. However, the reliability of such a diagnosis is questioned, since false positive reactions are often detected.

What to do with a positive test result

First, you need to undergo post-test counseling. The doctor should discuss in detail with the patient his condition, comment on all his experiences in this regard.

Each major city has its own AIDS Center. People with a positive test result for the immunodeficiency virus are sent there. At the Center, the examination is repeated using the immunoblotting method. When the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment of HIV infection with antiretrovirals and other drugs is prescribed.

Could the result be false positive after immunodeficiency testing by immunoblot? Although the sensitivity and specificity of such a diagnosis is high, there is a small chance of error. If an error is suspected, the examination is repeated 3 times. Revealing a positive response in at least two studies is the reason for the final diagnosis of HIV infection.

Psychological counseling is provided at the AIDS Centers. Their goal is to change the patient's attitude to his own disease. Psychologists explain that HIV-positive people, like everyone else, can create married couples and have children, live a normal life, provided that all treatment recommendations are followed.

False positive analysis: causes

Are there frequent errors when performing an HIV test? Yes, false positive results sometimes appear when tested by the enzyme immunoassay (ELISA). This fact may be the result of a medical error or depend on the general health of the patient.

To obtain the correct result, preparation for the examination is required. On the eve of sampling the biomaterial, do not eat fried, spicy, salty foods, alcohol, carbonated water. These products can affect the diagnostic result.

A false positive HIV test can have the following reasons:

  • the presence of the investigated infectious diseases (SARS, tuberculosis, hepatitis, herpes, flu, etc.);
  • situations when a large number of immune cells are detected in the blood (autoimmune diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, condition after organ transplant from a donor, increased body temperature);
  • the presence of malignant neoplasms;
  • bleeding disorder caused by genetic diseases;
  • liver disease, accompanied by an increase in the level of bilirubin (especially caused by prolonged alcohol intake);
  • hormonal disruptions in women: menopause or premenstrual syndrome;
  • taking an analysis soon after vaccination;
  • long-term donation of blood components.

A false positive result may occur due to improper storage of biomaterials or sera for examination. The reason for obtaining such a result may be incorrect blood sampling or violations of the rules for its transportation.

If a false positive result is detected during testing for HIV antibodies, the test must be repeated at least 3 months later.

False positive in pregnant women

Examination of pregnant women for the immunodeficiency virus is carried out to exclude possible infection of the fetus from an HIV-infected mother. The risk of transmitting HIV to an unborn child in utero is very high. Infection of the child is possible during childbirth.

Reasons for a false positive HIV test in women during pregnancy:

  1. Two cells are involved in the conception of a child: male and female. The result is the formation of a new cell, which has its own set of DNA. A woman's body can sometimes inadequately respond to the appearance of a foreign protein, so antibodies against the embryo begin to be synthesized in it. This happens especially often with a blood conflict for the Rh factor. These antibodies can be mistakenly identified as antibodies to the immunodeficiency virus, and then the response will be positive.
  2. Infectious diseases or stress of a pregnant woman can create the preconditions for a false positive response.

If a woman tests positive for HIV during pregnancy, don't panic. The doctor will definitely prescribe a re-examination by another method.

HIV infection is one of the most formidable diseases at present. This disease is viral in nature and is transmitted only from person to person. Infection occurs through contaminated blood, semen, and vaginal secretions. Today, a number of laboratory tests are used to diagnose this infection, which can confirm or deny the presence of an infection in the human body. It is no secret that sometimes in laboratory practice there is a false positive result of HIV.

Reliability of HIV results

Possible Causes of a False Positive Test for HIV

There are a number of diseases, pathological conditions and other factors that can potentially give a false positive result:

  • cross-reactions with antibodies to other viral or bacterial infections;
  • pregnancy, especially if the woman does not give birth for the first time;
  • various diseases of the lungs of an infectious nature;
  • infection with viral hepatitis;
  • an acute stage of an influenza condition with a serious mobilization of the immune system in the body;
  • anomalies of the blood coagulation system;
  • conditions after organ and tissue transplantation;
  • separate periods of the menstrual cycle in women with abnormally flowing hormonal changes;
  • an increase in the concentration of certain substances in the blood (for example, bilirubin).

Cross-reactions are one of the most common causes of false positives from the laboratory. The fact is that various allergic diseases are common among the population, including those of an autoimmune nature. At the same time, the body's immune system is constantly on high alert and produces a variety of antibodies in large quantities. During the HIV test, they enter into a chemical reaction with the reagent, and the equipment gives a false reading.

Carriage of a particular viral infection is also a fairly common cause of the error. For example, it could be the hepatitis virus or the herpes virus. Therefore, when a positive result for HIV appears, it is necessary, in addition to conducting additional studies for this infection, to check the person for the carrier of pathogens of other viral diseases. It should be noted that a situation of simultaneous infection with several infections is often encountered.

If the patient underwent an organ or tissue transplant for several months before being tested for HIV, then a false result during the examination is quite common. This is due to the fact that the transplanted organ, for example, the liver, at first and later is gradually rejected. This occurs with the direct involvement of the immune system, which produces a complex of a wide variety of antibodies. These antibodies are produced by the body in response to foreign tissues and react with the reagents of the HIV test systems.

Sensitivity of methods

Important! Before taking an HIV test, if it is not carried out anonymously, the doctor must be warned about the state of pregnancy, recent operations and other medical procedures.

Home HIV testing

Recently, in many developed countries of the world, portable test systems for self-examination for HIV infection at home have been distributed. The reagent used in these systems is capable of detecting the presence of infection in the human body in record time.

There are three types of diagnostic kits designed for home use by anyone:

  1. Saliva test kit for HIV.
  2. Urine test kit for HIV.
  3. Blood test kit for HIV.

Home test

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, the salivary fluid test kit is the easiest to use. This is due to the fact that the sample requires saliva, which is very easy to obtain. The other two are believed to give a slightly more accurate result. But experts say that all three types of home test systems are of equal value. The disadvantage of a kit for analyzing a blood droplet is that you need to damage your own skin and observe the rules of asepsis.

False positive in pregnant women

It is widely known that HIV testing can be incorrect during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that serious hormonal changes take place in the body of a pregnant woman. At the same time, the immune system of the expectant mother is also involved in vigorous activity.

A variety of antibodies are produced. Many of them are very important for the baby's health, as they penetrate the placental barrier and provide the child with immunity in the first months of life. But these antibodies can very easily interact with the reagents of HIV testing systems.

If there was a medical error

If you get a positive result when tested for HIV infection, you should not panic. First, it is imperative to repeat the analysis in another laboratory and, preferably, using a different test system. This recommendation is made by the relevant committee of the World Health Organization, which deals with the prevention and treatment of HIV infection.

When re-obtaining a positive test for antibodies, reliable confirmation of the presence of the virus in the blood by another method is necessary. It can also be repeated in another laboratory. Only then can we talk about the presence of HIV infection in the human body. Also, do not forget about the above reasons when the test gives an incorrect result.

Important! When performed correctly, the method for determining the viral particles themselves in the blood rarely gives an incorrect result. Although such cases are not excluded.

If the results of previous incorrect diagnostics were caused by the mistakes of medical workers, then any citizen has the right to apply to the judicial authorities to receive appropriate compensation for moral damage. But this right is rarely used by anyone, because a person is afraid of being discriminated against and stigmatized.

How to take the test yourself

To carry out self-examination for HIV infection at home, you must have a special kit designed for the study of a particular biological fluid. The secret under investigation (a drop of blood, saliva or a small amount of urine) is placed in a special container or jar with a reagent. After that, you need to wait 15-20 minutes.

Modern test systems give three options for results: positive, negative and doubtful.

If a questionable result is obtained, it is recommended to repeat the study after a while. According to experts, modern test systems for home use are quite accurate. The accuracy of determination according to some authors of scientific articles reaches 99%.

Nevertheless, to make a final diagnosis, it is necessary to be examined in a modern medical laboratory, which has a full range of modern methods for diagnosing HIV infection. The appointment of treatment with a confirmed diagnosis is carried out only in a medical institution by qualified specialists.

HIV test positive. How to live with it and what to do first?

Your HIV test is positive. What does this mean for you? What can you do?

HIV infection is a disease. In order to control it, you need to follow certain rules.

But you can still work, study, meet friends, have fun, fall in love, enjoy life. And your life will not change until you yourself want it.

Live.Remember, HIV is not a death sentence, and if you start treatment on time and cooperate with doctors, you will live a full and healthy life for many more years.

Live long. Many people who became HIV positive twenty or even twenty-five years ago are still alive. Scientists, in collaboration with doctors, are constantly improving the methods of HIV and AIDS therapy. Therefore, every year you have more and more chances for a long, fulfilling life. During this time, you will have time to get an education, make a career, give birth to healthy children and, perhaps, wait until the moment when medicine can completely rid your body of the virus.

Live an ordinary life. HIV can be brought under control and not allowed to harm your body. Millions of people live with diseases that also require control, such as bronchial asthma, hypertension, diabetes.

You have not become helpless.And only you can strengthen your health, give up bad habits, carefully follow the rules of treatment and thereby help your immune system to fight HIV. It depends on you how long and how fully you will live. Your life is still in your hands.

Don't make hasty decisions.Try to think it over calmly. Better yet, talk to someone you trust, whose opinion is important to you, and who will keep the content of your conversation private. If you do not know who to talk to, call the HIV helpline. You will not be asked unnecessary questions, reproached, or given useless advice.

Learn as much as you can about HIV.Information about the characteristics of this virus, the methods of treatment, the places where it is carried out, and how to maintain health makes you a master of the situation, not a victim of circumstances. Get information from reliable sources, analyze it. Do not wait for help being offered, but ask for it yourself.

Do not leave. Do not isolate yourself from society. You are still not alone. You have family, loved ones and friends who love you and need you. There are doctors you can turn to for help. And there are support groups and communities of people living with HIV where you will find friendly help.

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. A specialist consultation is required!

Anonymous asks:

I was tested for infections obtained by sex (no symptoms, I wanted confidence in a relationship with a woman). The HIV test was positive. An ultrasound scan showed a tumor on the kidney, removed (turned out to be malignant).
I read the book by Sazonova I.M., it says that a malignant tumor can give a positive HIV test result.
Could it be so, or there is nothing to hope for?

You need to have an HIV follow-up test. If the first HIV test was detected by ELISA, then the result may be false positive. Its reliability can be checked by a more sensitive diagnostic method - PCR (polymerase chain reaction), which determines the DNA of the virus in the blood.

margarita asks:

help!!! 16.12.10g ELISA (+) IB (+) then from 23.03.11 to 19.05.11 nine negative ELISA (-) and quantitative PCR. will not be determined. in 2002 during pregnancy ELISA then (+) then (-) but IB always (-). from 2004 to 2008 I took 2 times a year IFA (-). but on 30.04.08 ifa (+) and IB-undefined. then again every 2 months I took ELISA always (-). and since December 2010 it has been written above. At the same time, I have never injected, my husband always has an IFA (-). cd4 980 cells. and even blood for syphilis from 29.04 gave 3 +++. and then three times. negative every 10 days. all hepatitis (-). did someone like that ??? thank.

Please clarify whether you have undergone RIBT (treponema immobilization reaction), if so, what are the results of this study.

margarita asks:

no, no one offered me such an analysis. but what will it show? I hope you understand that I was talking about HIV tests. thank. have there been similar cases in your practice? By the way, about IB in 2008 was undefined. there was p24 / 25 protein. in 2010 IB (+) proteins gp160.41.120 p24.17.31. then when ifa was again 3 times (-) sent to IB on April 4. the result came positive, but proteins gp 120 and 41. the rest are crossed out with red paste and at the bottom with red IB REPEAT !!! but PCR from the same number is denied. after April 4, I passed ELISA already 4 times denied. everything in the AIDS center, including antigen and antibody. Now I'm waiting for a second IB and high-quality PCR. these are the things ... I AM VERY TIRED OF THINKING AND WAITING ... I HOPE for the BEST !!! THANK. waiting for an answer VERY !!!

If you ask any question, please try next time, to formulate it more specifically, with a specification of the diagnosis. RIBT is used to confirm the diagnosis of syphilis. For an accurate diagnosis of HIV infection, the determination of antibodies to HIV in the blood is carried out using the ELISA method and the immunoblot method. The diagnosis is confirmed only if both of these results are positive.

margarita asks:

sorry that I formulated the question inaccurately .... I wrote that in December IFA and Imunoblot came to HIV positive. but since March ifa is HIV negative 9 times. if they put me on record in the AIDS center, does this in principle happen ??? HIV will either always be positive or negative. and how, if the result of an ELISA for HIV is denied, can an immunoblot be put down? then everything is denied ifa needs to be checked for imunoblot, so what happens? in our speed center they can't answer me anything. so I turned to you. thank.

Unfortunately, both ELISA and immunoblot can give false positive results. That is why, the diagnosis of HIV is considered final, only with the simultaneous detection of HIV using ELISA and the immunoblot method.

margarita asks:

hello. Today I received the results of PCR for HIV, a high-quality virus was not detected and the repeated immunoblot for HIV, the result is indeterminate due to protein 41. The AIDS CENTER said that most likely there is no HIV, but in my body there are bodies similar in structure to HIV. and what do you think, considering my questions from June 15 and 16 (see above) is HIV or not ????? THANK.

In this case, the diagnosis of HIV infection is doubtful.

margarita asks:

you write that only with the simultaneous detection of HIV using IFA and immunoblot, the diagnosis of HIV is considered final. but how then in my case to be? After all, all PCR denies. and blot and ifa are jumping all the time. for 9 years. tell me, if the virus was in my blood, then its rna and dna for so many years could be accurately determined ??? and can the incubation or window period last as many years? Are there any false negatives of PCR results for HIV given such a period of time? Yes, I forgot to say that the rapid tests for HIV that I take in KVD are always negative. Or you can't rely on them too? thank.

In this case, PCR diagnostics is not the main method for identifying the dynamics of the process - serological methods are more informative. In this case, there is a high probability of false negative results. rapid tests for HIV have a high threshold of sensitivity, therefore they can also give a false negative result.

margarita asks:

sorry. I definitely wrote not there. Please answer in the topic HIV or not HIV. thank.

In the event that a notification of receipt of an answer has not been received by your mail, you can view the answer to your question at this address http: //site/news/answers/vich-ili-ne-vich-.html

Anonymous asks:

Hello! Can you please tell me to register with the LCD (now 10 weeks of pregnancy) passed tests for HIV, a couple of days ago called the doctor and said that preliminary tests for HIV were positive (the first was done in Kirovograd, but there is still no official result from Kiev ), on the same day, in our city laboratory, two express tests of the company "Farmasco" CITO TEST HIV 1/2 were done, both results are negative, the laboratory assistant said that these tests are reliable and I can not worry, because this happens during pregnancy, and those analyzes could simply be confused. The doctor told me to donate blood again and I donated my blood twice more for analysis in different hospitals (none of the three results are still present). I am very worried, I am not a drug addict, there have been no dubious sexual intercourse, if I get sick it is very rare, other tests are normal. Can You Trust Rapid Tests? Does this really happen during pregnancy? The doctor scared me painfully. thank

First of all, you need to calm down and not think about bad things. Sometimes during pregnancy, there are false positive results. It is necessary to repeat blood tests for HIV and wait for the test results.

maxim asks:

hello! the fact is that 2 months ago I had sexual intercourse with a girl (we are still dating). after 1.5 weeks the temperature rose to 37.4. soon slept. to be sure, we passed the ifa test after 2 weeks and again after 1.5 months. both have negative answers. but my temperature and cough are still with variable improvement. Can you please tell me if the risk is possible? besides, I worked for a long time without days off and a week ago I was on sick leave (ORVI). blood and lung tests are in order. thank.

Artem asks:

Hello. Here is the deal- More than a year ago, there was unprotected sexual contact with a walking girl. She assured me that she was not sick with anything, but I cannot believe her 100 percent. She also assured that she had passed a medical examination before getting a job (she worked as a salesman) and everything was fine. 7 months after the contact, I still passed the test for HIV in the citylab laboratory - the result was negative. But lately I often began to get sick - for 3 weeks now, I have a red sore throat and I cannot cure it ... Again I began to be afraid, but what if I caught it then? Tell me, is it possible, and is it worth trusting the analysis from citylab? I'm afraid to give up again, my nerves won't stand it ..

If the result is negative, then most likely you are not sick or infected with HIV / AIDS. However, to clarify the diagnosis, it is recommended to re-take the analysis in specialized laboratories at state institutions, this examination is carried out anonymously. In the event that self-treatment does not bring the desired result, it is recommended to consult with an otolaryngologist to conduct an adequate examination and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Read more about HIV testing in a series of articles by clicking on the link: HIV.

Artem comments:

Tell me, can you give any characteristics of the citylab laboratory? All the same, it is not always possible to pass the analysis at a state institution. And what is the percentage probability for a man to become infected through unprotected contact?

Unfortunately, we do not provide a comparative assessment of laboratories and private medical institutions. In the event that you doubt the reliability of the results, conduct an examination at another center and first ask for a license to provide these medical services, whether this center has the right to conduct this examination and whether everything complies with accepted standards. The risk of infection is the same for both sexes with unprotected intercourse. Read more about HIV testing in a series of articles by clicking on the link: HIV.

Dmitry asks:

Good day! The child is 8 months old, was tested for HIV by ELISA, gp160 + and p25 + were found in the blood, the rest is all minus, the conclusion of IB is doubtful. Judging by these analyzes, it turns out that the child is +? gp160 + gp110 / 120 - p68 - p55 - p52 - gp41 - p34 - p25 + p18 -

Unfortunately, based on the data obtained, it is impossible to make a diagnosis with a 100 percent probability, since a false positive result is not excluded. To make an accurate diagnosis, you will need to undergo a number of examinations, including repeating this analysis by the ELISA method, as well as passing the analysis by the PCR method. After that, you should contact a specialized medical institution, where the infectious disease doctor will be able to evaluate the results obtained in a complex. You can learn more about the manifestations of HIV infection in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the link: HIV

Dmitry comments:

Can it show a false positive result in case of acute respiratory infections or more acute infectious diseases? Somewhere I read that with 58 diseases or even higher it can show "+", including the vaccination against hepatitis B, if the kidneys are affected, etc.?

There is a likelihood of a false positive result, so I recommend that you do the following: do the analysis again - by ELISA and PCR, and then visit the infectious disease doctor again. You can learn more about the diagnosis of HIV infection in the thematic section: HIV

Ivan asks:

Good day! Immunoblot is undefined due to p25 protein. What is the likelihood of HIV?

In this situation, it is necessary to carefully study the research protocols in combination with other indicators, since it is not possible to make an assumption based on these data. Presumably, the result can be considered doubtful and a re-examination is required after 3 months. Read more in the section of our website: HIV

Anna asks:

Good day.
Can you comment on the ELISA for HIV
1 serum +3.559 k \u003d 13.3
+2.121 k \u003d 4.9
p 24 neg
2 serum +3.696 k \u003d 13.9
+2.477 k \u003d 5.7

In this case, a false positive result is not excluded, given that the ELISA method is indirect, therefore I recommend that you pass the analysis using another, more sensitive method - immune blotting. You can find out more detailed information on this issue in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: HIV

Margarita asks:

Good afternoon, tell me what to tune in to? A year ago, when planning a child, my husband and I underwent all tests, including for HIV (they took it very seriously and correctly), I was examined in the Kyrgyz Republic. My husband in Kiev, he had a negative answer, I was told that some reagent had not worked, it is necessary to pass it again at the Center AIDS in Kiev. Having passed the analysis at the Center, the answer came negative for me too. Now I am in the 14 week position i.e. I get registered, I go through all the tests and again the answer came the analysis for HIV is undefined, I passed it again in the clinic and passed in Dovir an express test to calm down, but did not calm down the express test showed a positive result (the second strip was less pronounced), right after all this procedures, I wasted no time turning to the AIDS Center, I also passed the analysis, I expect the result. (I can't calm down) Please tell me how much you can trust express analyzes and why there is no answer to HIV analysis the first time? (my husband and I lead a healthy lifestyle and love each other). Thank.

Do not panic ahead of time - express diagnostics is not a basis for making an HIV diagnosis, it allows you to identify groups of patients who need more in-depth research. In such situations, it is recommended to conduct an immune blotting and personally consult an infectious disease doctor. You can find out more detailed information on this issue in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: HIV. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Laboratory diagnostics

Ilya 1983 asks:

Hello, I was in the infectious diseases clinic, just today they were discharged when leaving, the doctor called me and explained that I had a positive ifa, at first when I was admitted to the hospital, it was negative, then when I retried it became positive, they sent research to the imunoblot on the falconers mountain they said it would be ready the next week, was in the hospital with a sore throat and parainfluenza viruses, I arrive in a state of shock, I still don't understand how to interpret this, an extract for my clinic was also drawn up indicating that ifa was found and below that the imunoblot is in operation if tomorrow I check out my clinic, then in this statement everything will be indicated how likely HIV is present? can it be that due to the fact that I was treated for a sore throat of the parainfluenza virus, show positive results on ifa?

The likelihood of a false positive is very high. The presence of one positive result does not yet give grounds for a diagnosis of HIV, therefore, we recommend that you wait for the result of immunoblotting, and then personally consult with an infectious disease doctor regarding further examination and observation. Angina, parainfluenza and other colds do not significantly affect the analysis results.

Ilya 1983 comments:

i want to believe it, but at the end of August I got sick, the temperature rose, 37.5-38 was liquid stool for about 4 days, it was on vacation where there were many discos, I drank tap water, as in general, many others, because that it was very expensive a glass of water cost 300r, I associated liquid stool with such a temperature with some kind of intestinal infection caught in the water, I can't remember exactly, but there was also a small rash in the upper body, when I flew home with a temperature I called a doctor, she wrote rotavirus infection, after 5 days of being sick, I volunteered to leave him and go to work where I fell ill after a few days with sinusitis, (at that time, I had to be outside for my work), I connected this that a large temperature drop from vacation and poisoning deprived my immunity and therefore caught a cold again with sinusitis, in total it is sick again, at the direction of Laura, I drank klacid cp 500 within 10 days, passed, went back to work after 3 weeks was on a business trip to the train station arch country for 3 days. the air conditioners in transport and the hotel were merciless and upon returning home, on the plane I already had a temperature of 39.5. here I am at home with a temperature of 40, called the doctor at home, wrote ARVI and said my throat is very red, I have chronic tonsillitis and said this to the ENT, she wrote to drink the antibiotic Levolet R. called an ambulance because the fever was 40 and did not decrease, hospitalization was not offered, the next day the same story - the ambulance gave an antipyretic injection and left. for the third time I insisted on hospitalization, they barely took me away to the infectious diseases hospital, where they diagnosed a mixed parainfluenza infection and adenovirus infection, but upon discharge, the doctor at the department said that I had HIV ifa positive and that they did it twice, I am shocked, I don’t know what to do I can’t eat or drink .she said that I had a pronounced acute HIV infection and to check them they sent a blood test for immunoblot to the AIDS center,
now drawing an analogy of events that happened to me in the last time, as well as 3 sick leaves in a row, I tried all the symptoms on myself and I am horrified that maybe, after being discharged on the same day, I went to take the analysis in invitro anonymously and the next day, the result for ifa was the same +
I apologize for such detailed information, but I am swept away and killed, I drink strong sedatives and I have no appetite and I practically do not eat, I have lost a lot of weight
I still have such a question that the doctor with the discharge from the hospital indicated the result of HIV for ifa was found and below that the immunoblot is at work, but how I close the bl in my clinic at the place w, everything will be written there ... how should I be? this is no longer will be confidential ... I asked the doctor's doctor not to write this analysis in the statement to which she refused me, to what extent are my rights about non-distribution of information being respected here ...?

Unfortunately, the results of the studies carried out in the hospital fit into the statement, since the attending local doctor must have information about your health condition in full. In this situation, we are not talking about the disclosure of information, since it is only transmitted to another attending physician, who will then observe you.

Andrey asks:

Hello! I passed the tests for HIV because I needed a certificate for the FMS, they did not give the tests for a couple of weeks, then I was invited to the head and gave them a positive result, they took a bunch of receipts and sent them to the regional AIDS center for further examination, so it is written on the certificate ... I want to take it in another clinic and then go to the regional or there is no point in retaking? I just don’t understand why they didn’t give them away for so long. Well, the doctor said that they allegedly did some kind of analysis and I should still have 4t rubles for them, because if only they did it, then, in addition to the certificate of dalib, detailed information about the disease?

In this situation, one should not panic ahead of time - obtaining one positive result does not yet allow us to judge reliably about a possible infection, since false positive results are not excluded. We recommend that you take the test again, and if you have a positive result, you will need to undergo another test - immunoblotting. As a rule, the laboratory does not provide detailed information on the results, which is normal and common practice. All questions that arise can be answered by the attending physician after the examination at a personal consultation.

ilya 1983 asks:

i forgot to add that from the beginning of June until mid-September I was doing myself a course of anabolic steroids, namely Sustanon250 is a mixture of testosterones and stanozolol with primabolan, I wanted to prepare myself for summer and vacation, could they bring down my immunity and everything that happened to me. ..

Immunity disorders, as well as the presence of autoimmune diseases, can give false positive HIV test results. That is why, in the case of obtaining 2 positive results by the ELISA method, it is recommended to carry out immunoblotting, which will allow you to accurately answer the question of whether there is an infection or not.

When diagnosing HIV infection, a typical mistake is often encountered when the diagnosis of HIV is made on the basis of some kind of laboratory test, in which the doctor, for one reason or another, has too strong confidence.

Diagnosis of HIV infection includes two stages: establishing the actual fact of HIV infection and determining the stage of the disease. Determination of the stage is inseparably followed by the clarification of the nature of the course of the disease, and then the formation of a prognosis in a given person, as well as the choice of treatment tactics.

As you know, the diagnosis of any infectious disease is based on a comparison of epidemiological, clinical and laboratory data, and an exaggeration of the value of one of the groups of these data can lead to diagnostic errors.

From the very beginning, the reader should be warned that when diagnosing HIV infection, a typical mistake is often encountered, when the diagnosis is made on the basis of some laboratory test, in which the doctor, for one reason or another, has too strong confidence. Some laboratory workers even take the liberty of diagnosing HIV infection themselves without ever seeing the patient.

Sometimes clinicians also unconditionally trust the results of laboratory tests, which can only serve as individual witnesses in the detection of HIV infection. Over the thirteen years that we have been observing HIV infection in Russia, we have seen dozens, if not hundreds, of cases of errors associated with the fanatical trust of some doctors in laboratory analysis. We can not dwell on the quite often encountered "ordinary" errors that arise when the sera are mixed up, the documentation is incorrectly filled in, etc. The clinician is simply obliged to know the "diagnostic value" of this or that method.

We know of a case when in St. Petersburg, as a result of the inept use of some "new" method, one "scientist" gave a diagnosis of "HIV infection" to a perfectly healthy and uninfected person (whom, by the way, he had never seen), as a result which the latter committed suicide. Another, no less "outstanding scientist", for several years led the leadership of one former Soviet republic by the nose, proving that the population of this country was "affected by the AIDS epidemic", since the "supersensitive" research method developed by him "reveals HIV infection in infected people much earlier, than all other known techniques. " In both cases, of course, it was about the false reactions that their "latest methods" gave.

As we have already noted, new diagnostic methods should be confirmed by old ones, and not vice versa. Therefore, our general recommendation for clinicians and epidemiologists is to be skeptical about all the “newest” techniques until they become “outdated,” that is, until all their advantages and disadvantages become known. In the current situation, this directly applies to diagnostics based on polymerase chain reaction - PCR (PCR) and other "genetic diagnostic methods", with the help of which some researchers have already "discovered AIDS in Egyptian mummies" and "have already begun to detect it in rats." Recent advances only show that it will take several more years to fully adapt these techniques for the needs of medicine.

By virtue of the tradition that has developed in Russia, millions of people are tested for antibodies to HIV without specific indications, and in most cases the doctor first receives the test data (positive reaction to HIV antibodies), and only then sees the patient himself and can interview him.

In this state of affairs, it is quickly forgotten that laboratory research serves only to confirm the clinical. In the same cases, when the doctor already knows that the patient being examined has antibodies to HIV, he can easily make a mistake, following a piece of paper with a corresponding entry.

Of practical interest are cases when a patient is in the stage of incubation or the stage of primary manifestations of HIV and the amount of antibodies in his blood is still too small to be detected. However, with sufficient experience, infectious disease specialists recognize these cases fairly quickly.

Among the most studied and common is the method for detecting antibodies to HIV. Since HIV infection in most cases lasts for life, the very fact of detecting antibodies is sufficient for diagnosis. In HIV infection, unlike other infections, in most cases there is no need to use paired, that is, taken after a certain time interval, sera.

Antibody detection can, in principle, detect over 99% of HIV-infected individuals. Some difficulties are associated with the fact that antibodies to HIV are absent in the first weeks after infection, and their number may decrease markedly in the terminal period of the disease. There is information about individual, but rather rare cases of HIV infection, when antibodies are not detected for a long time or disappear for a relatively long time.

All known test systems have some limitations in their ability to detect all sera containing antibodies to HIV (in terms of sensitivity), if only because the amount of these antibodies can be very small, especially in the initial and final periods of the disease. However, in model experiments with previously known positive sera ("diagnostic panel of sera"), the sensitivity of some test systems can reach 100% - that is, they reveal all known positive sera used in this experiment. In this case, of course, one should not forget that the persons conducting the tests may accidentally or deliberately select sera with certain characteristics, which affects the test result.

At the same time, false positive reactions are inherent in almost all test systems. This is due to the fact that the test materials may contain antibodies to antigens similar to HIV antigens, or impurities to the antigen. So, with the classical method of obtaining HIV antigen from the lysate of cell cultures of the virus, fragments of lymphocytes are found in the final product, antibodies to which can give false reactions (5), etc. It is noted that as the sensitivity of the test increases, there is a tendency to an increase in the number of false positive reactions.

In practice, this is also supplemented with false negative and false positive results arising from personnel errors, deterioration in the quality of systems due to transportation and storage under improper conditions, due to a decrease in the quality of test systems due to long-term storage. Therefore, along with the specificity and sensitivity determined in laboratory conditions, these parameters are sometimes determined in the "field" conditions, that is, as they are given to practical health care. As a rule, "field" characteristics, due to the above reasons, are lower than laboratory ones. The results of using test systems can be influenced even by such factors as the quality of the water used for washing dishes, etc.

Most often, antibodies to HIV are detected by enzyme immunoassay. There are no fundamental differences in numerous commercial test systems for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, although they may differ significantly in sensitivity and specificity. It is quite often observed that the same sera give different results when using different test systems. Hence, of course, it is recognized that "positive" test results in one test system cannot be considered unconditionally "true-positive" result.

In this regard, a number of methods have been proposed and used to test the specificity of the results of antibody detection. Among these methods, the most commonly used reaction is "immune blotting" or "immunoblot" in the modification of Western Blot. (In this beautiful scientific name "blot" is most likely translated as "blot", and "western" - as "western" reflects the direction of propagation of this "blot" on paper from left to right, that is, on a geographic map, this corresponds to the direction from west to east . "). The essence of the "immune blot" method is that the enzyme-linked immunosorbent reaction is carried out not with a mixture of antigens, but with HIV antigens, previously distributed by immunophoresis into fractions located according to the molecular weight over the surface of the nitrocellulose membrane. As a result, the main proteins of HIV, carriers of antigenic determinants, are distributed over the surface in the form of separate bands, which are manifested during the enzyme immunoassay.
The method that theoretically simplifies the diagnosis is the method for detecting antibodies to HIV in saliva, which is currently approaching in sensitivity to detecting antibodies in blood, but is still significantly inferior in specificity, that is, it gives a greater number of false positive results.

In addition to enzyme immunoassays, other methods of detecting antibodies in blood are successfully developing: agglutination, immunofluorescent, radio-immunoprecipitation and others.