British Olympics British Bulldog. Methodical recommendations for the preparation for the International Gaming Competition "British Bulldog"

Compared to the truth. As it is sometimes great to compete, test your knowledge not only at class, school, but also by the regional, and maybe the republican levels. Children's Olympiads are held not only for children, their results mean a lot for teachers.

One of the most popular Olympiads among schoolchildren can be called a contest in English bulldog (Bulldog). Few people know that the idea itself came from British Institutes, and is carried out in many countries of the world, perhaps under other names. The essence of this competition is that everyone can participate, and not "specially trained". Therefore, everyone can appreciate and overestimate their knowledge. This is probably due to the fact that British Bulldog is carried out on a fee basis, although the price is symbolic - 40 rubles. But here there are their exceptions. For example, children who are brought up in orphanages and are trained in schools in medical institutions are exempt from a cash contribution.

How to take part?

All information must be specified by the administration. The most necessary is a statement and payment. Moreover, it is important to note that not separate applications of students, but a statement from the whole school in which you need to specify:

  1. Address and school number, telephone.
  2. Email address of the school.
  3. FIO of the responsible for holding the competition and its contact details.
  4. Number of participants.

How is the Bulldog Olympiad in English?

All tasks are calculated strictly for the level of complexity. The material is presented fun and interesting, with more adapted for students with the base level. But there are a few tricky questionings that will not be at a strength, but those who are passionate about English. To participate in the competition, you do not need to go for three nine lands. Olympiad Bulldog is held at school, where baby is studying. All tasks are aimed at checking the three basic aspects of the English language: grammar, reading, listening. Each participant receives a personal response form and a task where 60 questions are contained, to cope with which it is necessary for 75 minutes. It is important to note that the tasks are not designed for each class, but for 4 groups:

  • 1st: 3 and 4 classes.
  • 2nd: 5 and 6 classes.
  • 3rd: 7-8 classes.
  • 4th: 9-11 classes.

How to find out the results and get a prize?

All work is sent to the Central Organizing Committee, where they checks the computer. Pupils that showed the best results are awarded with certificates, diplomas and diplomas. All data comes to school, so do not worry, all your progress can be found exactly there.

All for both Olympics in English Bulldog

Those who call various contests "in vain spending time" are absolutely wrong. The main goal of such events is to cause interest, the desire to learn and discover something new in the language, to evaluate your knowledge objectively. If the student did not cope with the task, there should be no censure, nor from the teacher, nor from parents. It must be an incentive to improve.

Remember that participating in the Olympics, you can not only check the knowledge of children. It gives the opportunity to revise the work of the teacher, choose more efficient methods and techniques.

17 Mar 2012.

Within 5 years in Russia, the competition is held on knowledge of English to take part in this competition. All schoolchildren are 3-11 classes of general educational institutions. Participant of the competition can be anyone: the preliminary selection is not carried out.

The organizers of this event hold a competition in order to show all schoolchildren that english is not just a arch of boring rules, bunning and sophisticated exercises, and the way to get acquainted with the new country and culture.This competition helps to understand that learning English is an interesting and fun lesson.

Competition is held by four age groups: 3-4 classes, 5-6 classes, 7-8 classes and 9 11 classes. The results of the competition are summarized separately for each parallel.

Students 511 classes Offered to answer on 60 questionsvarious complexity. Number of tasks for participants from 34 classes reduced to 50.The tasks are divided into blocks (10 issues in each), aimed at various types of language activities (understanding of speech, understanding of the connected text, knowledge of grammar, vocabulary). The tasks of the first block are based on the text to audit. Auditation involves an understanding of speech perceived by ear. Texts for listening are selected for each age group.

The tasks are given to 75 minutes.

In each embodiment, there are quite simple tasks: each participant can give a correct answer to at least a few of them. The tasks themselves require non-mechanical reproduction of rules from the student, and the manifestations of smelling, logical thinking.

The organizers of the competition are the NOU "Institute of Productive Learning" (St. Petersburg) and the Center for Productive Learning LLC (St. Petersburg). The competition is included in the IPO program "Productive training - education for all", approved by the Russian Academy of Education.

Tasks from the contest "British Bulldog 2011 "

I propose to pay attention to some options for tasks from the competition 2011 ". Right answers are allocated in bold

3-4 classes

I Live in the North of England. My Favorite Season Is Summer. In June, July and August The Days Are Very Long. WHEN I COME ... (1) from School, I ... (2) My homework and ... (3) Go to Play with My Friends in the back yard. We usually play ... (4). In Summer I Also Like Going Out ... (5) Long Walks in The Country with My Parents and My Dog.

1.A) home; B) to home; C) to house.

2. a) take; B) make; C) DO.

3. a) than; B) Then.; C) they.

4.A) Football;B) The Football; C) in Football.

5. a) ON; B) of; C) for.

Choose The Correct Answer

6. My Mother Wasn't ... This Morning.

A) at the home; B) in home; C) at home.

7. ... Lumps of Sugar Do You Want in Your Tea?

A) How Many; B) How Much; C) Any.


A) do you;B) you; C) Does You.

9. He ... Early in the Morning.

A) Get Up; B) Gets Up;C) GOTS Up.

10. Tom ... Television Every Evening.

A) Looks; B) SEES; C) Watches.

5-6 classes


Susan Kente IS A "Dog-Sitter". She Looks After People'S Dogs from Monday to Friday. She Wakes Up AT 5.15 A.M. And 15 Minutes Later She Gets Up. She Has A SHOWER, SHE

drinks a Glass of Orange Juice and She Sometimes Has Toast and Butter. The Garden And Gives The Dogs Their Breakfast, The Slowest Eats First. Then The All Get Into Susan's Car. IT'S VERY DIRTY! Susan Takes The Dogs to the Park and they Run about. She Always Takes Some Water and Biscuits for Them. They Go Back to the CAR AT 11.00 A.M. And then the go back home. At about 5.00 p.m. The Dogs' Owners Come to Collect Their Dogs. Some People Say It's Boring to Look After The Dogs, But Susan Doesn't Agree.

1. Susan Takes Care of the Dogs ... a Week.

A) Two Days; B) Five Days;C) Seven Days.

2. SHE GETS UP AT ... Five.

A) a Quarter To; B) Half Past;C) a Quarter Past.


A) Bath; B) Bathroom; C) Shower.

Choose The Correct Variant

4. My Book Is Dull, ... Is Very Interesting.

A) You; B) you; C) Yours.

5. The Pupils Played ... After School.

A) hockey; B) The Hockey; C) in hockey.

6. She is fond of listening ....

A) Music; B) to music;C) by Music.

Find The Word Which Has The Closest Meaning To the Given Word

A) often; B) Always; C) Rarely.

A) intelligent; B) Stupid; C) dull.

A) nice; B) Up-to-Date; C) beautiful.

Choose The Best Reply

10. Hello! How Are you you?

A) I'm an ENGineer.

B) Pleased to Meet You.

C) Fine, Thanks. And you?

11. Would You Like Some Crisps?

A) no, please. B) No, Thanks.C) no, okay.

12. What Does She DO? She ...

A) Does Secretary;

B) is a secretary;


13. London stands on the river ...

A) thames; B) Clyde; C) Avon.


A) Buckingham Palace;

C) Westminster abbey.

15. IT IS One of the Oldest Buildings in London.

A) Whitehall; B) The Tower; C) Big Ben.

7-8 classes


1.A) by; B) ON; C) in.

2. a) a; B) The;C) no article.

3. a) a; B) The;C) no article.

4. a) seat; B) habitat; C) House.

5. a) WILD; B) wildlife; C) Naturalistic.

6. A) for; B) as; C) with.

Which Variant Is Correct?

7. Look At The Sky, I Think It ... Soon.

A) Will Rains; B) Rains; C) IS GOING TO RAIN.

8. Why don't you ... a Picture of US?

A) take;B) have; C) DO.

9. I WAS Suddenly Asked To ... A Speech.

A) take; B) make; C) DO.

One of the Underlined Words is unnecessary. Which One?

10. I WANT TO GET by a Good Result in My Exam.

A) to; B) by; C) a.

11. You can't Miss My House; IT'S Opposite of the Market.

A) my; B) it's; C) Of.

12. My Teacher Who Has Been Helping Me to Prepare for My Exam.

A) WHO; B) been; C) for.

Choose The Most Suitable Article

13. Trafalgar Square.

A) a; B) The; C) no article.

14. Tower Of London

A) a; B) The; C) no article.


A) a; B) The;C) no article.

Do You Know Great Britain?

16. Which Country Is Not A Part of the UK?

A) scotland; B) WA LES; C) Iceland.

17. William The Conqueror Invaded The British Isles

in The ... Century.

A) Eighth; B) eleventh; C) Fifteenth.

18. The Battle Of Trafalgar Took Place During ....

A) WWII; B) The Civil War; C) The War Against Napoleon.

9-11 classes


1. a) when; B) WHERE; C) What.

2. a) hay; B) grass; C) tatched.

3. A) busy; B) quiet; C) Small.

4. A) Round; B) AT; C) Through.

Which Variant Is Correct?


A) HAS; B) have; C) HAS HAD.

6. IT Annoys Me That He ....

A) Always smile; B) Will smiled; C) is always smiling.

7. Shortly After Our Arrival ... Turkey, She FELL ILL.

A) in;B) to; C) at.

Which Variant Is Wrong?

8. He ... Have Done IT.



A) HAD SEEN; B) Would SEE; C) See.

10. I Saw Her ... The Window.

A) Open; B) Opening; C) Opened.

SELECT THE WORD, Which Best Completes Each Sentence


A) Read; B) SKIM;C) Study.


A) yield; B) urge; C) Help.

13. He Asked That They ... From Smoking In The Room.

A) refrain; B) STOP; C) Refuse.

Do You Know Great Britain and Its Culture?

14. The Great Fire of London Was In ...

A) 1600; B) 1660; C) 1666.

15. The Battle of Trafalgar Took Place in ...

A) 1805;B) 1812; C) 1814.

16. The Prime Minister Of Great Britain During WWII WAS ....


B) Margaret Thatcher;

C) David Cameron.

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British Bulldog - Gaming Competition in English. In Russia, this competition is held for the first time, under the auspices of the Institute of Productive Learning RAO and British Institutes.

auditting to task number 1 of all options:
(Dropping: 8293)

Tasks 5-6 classes (with answers)
(Dropping: 24997)

Tasks 7-8 classes (with answers)
(Dropping: 16269)

Tasks 9-11 classes (with answers)
(Dropping: 11445)

2008-2009 Academy

British Bulldog - Gaming Competition in English. In Russia, this competition is held under the auspices of the Institute of Productive Training RAO and British Institutes.

The competitive task consists of 60 questions. For each of them you must choose one of the three proposed response options. For the correct answer, 3 points are accrued, for incorrect - 0 points. The question left unanswered is estimated as wrong.

download 5-11 classes (with answers + audio recording to task number 1)

Tasks 5-6 classes

Tasks 7-8 classes(with answers + audio recording to task number 1)
(Dropping: 9248)

Tasks 9-11 classes(with answers + audio recording to task number 1)

2009-2010 Uch.G.

The competitive task consists of 60 questions. For each question you need to take one of the three proposed response options. Tasks are divided into 6 Blocks are 10 questions, each of which corresponds to the type of language activity (listening, reading and understanding texts, performing tasks for the ownership of grammar, etc.). The first 10 questions are auditing. Tasks are performed in the class, 75 minutes are displayed on the answers.
This year, for the first time in British Bulldog, students of grades 3-4 participated.
Participants and winners received as prizes: certificates, flyers, handles, magnets with a symbols of the competition, wheels with the rules in English, APSHTEIN G. book, Kazanskaya N. "The Magic of Saint-Petersburg", visual dictionaries.
The number of participants is 475,558 students.

download 3-11 classes (with answers + audio recording to task number 1)

(Dropping: 1850)

Tasks 7-8 classes(with answers + audio recording to task number 1)
(Dropping: 1321)

Tasks 9-11 classes(with answers + audio recording to task number 1)
(Dropping: 888)

2010-2011 Uch.G.

The competitive task consists of 60 questions. For each question you need to choose one of the three proposed response options. To perform tasks, 75 minutes is given. The tasks are divided into 6 blocks of 10 questions, each of which corresponds to the type of language activity (listening, reading and understanding texts, performing tasks for possession of the basics of grammar, etc.). The tasks are compiled for the four age groups: 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 and 9-11 classes (the participation of 2 classes is allowed if desired).

download 3-11 classes (with answers + audio recording to task number 1)

Tasks 3-4 classes (with answers + audio recording to task number 1)

Tasks 5-6 classes (with answers + audio recording to task number 1)
(Dropping: 1560)

Tasks 7-8 classes(with answers + audio recording to task number 1)
(Dropping: 1007)

Tasks 9-11 classes(with answers + audio recording to task number 1)

2011-2012 Uch.G.

The tasks were prepared for students of the four age groups: 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 and 9-11 classes (the participation of students of 2 classes is allowed if desired). Traditionally, competitive issues are grouped into blocks, each of which corresponds to the type of language activity (for example, an understanding of oral speech, reading and understanding of texts, ownership of grammar rules, etc.).

This academic year is the anniversary for this project: "British Bulldog" is held for the fifth time! In this regard, in the tasks for each age group there are simple issues related to the history and culture of the UK.
Forced participation in the competition is prohibited.

download 3-11 classes (with answers + audio recording to task number 1)

Tasks 3-4 classes (with answers + audio recording to task number 1)

Tasks 5-6 classes (with answers + audio recording to task number 1)
(Dropping: 1696)

Tasks 7-8 classes(with answers + audio recording to task number 1)
(Dropping: 1146)

Tasks 9-11 classes(with answers + audio recording to task number 1)

2012-2013 uch.g.

On December 18, 2012, the sixth Gaming Competition in the English language "British Bulldog" took place.

Competitive tasks are prepared for 4 age groups: 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 and 9-11 classes. Participants were invited to respond to 60 questions (50 questions for grades 3-4) of various degrees of difficulty in 75 minutes. The tasks are divided into blocks (10 questions in each), aimed at various types of language activities (knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, understanding of the connected text, understanding speech). The first 10 questions are auditing.

download 3-11 classes (with answers + audio recording to task number 1)

Tasks 3-4 classes (with answers + audio recording to task number 1)

Tasks 5-6 classes (with answers + audio recording to task number 1)
(Dropping: 4646)

Tasks 7-8 classes(with answers + audio recording to task number 1)
(Dropping: 2988)

Tasks 9-11 classes(with answers + audio recording to task number 1)

2013-2014 uch.g.

On December 17, 2013, the Seventh Gaming Competition in the English language "British Bulldog" took place.

Competitive tasks are prepared for 4 age groups: 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 and 9-11 classes. Participants were invited to answer 60 questions (50 questions for grades 3-4) of various degrees of 75 minutes, choosing one of them from the four proposed response options for each of them. The tasks are divided into blocks (10 questions in each), aimed at various types of language activities (knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, understanding of the connected text, understanding speech). The first 10 questions are auditing.

download 3-11 classes (with answers + audio recording to task number 1)

Tasks 3-4 classes (with answers + audio recording to task number 1)

Tasks 9-11 classes(with answers + audio recording to task number 1)

2014-2015 Uch.G.

On December 16, 2014, the Eighth Gaming Competition in the English language "British Bulldog" took place.

The competition is part of the program "Productive Game Contests", which is part of the coordination plan of the Innovative Institute for Productive Training of the North-West Branch of the Russian Academy of Education.

Competitive tasks are prepared for 4 age groups: 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 and 9-11 classes. Participants were invited to answer 60 questions of various degrees of difficulty in 75 minutes by choosing one of them from the four proposed response options for each of them. The tasks are divided into blocks (10 questions in each), aimed at various types of language activities (knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, understanding of the connected text, understanding speech). The first 10 questions are auditing.

download 3-11 classes (with answers + audio recording to task number 1)

Tasks 3-4 classes (with answers + audio recording to task number 1)

Tasks 9-11 classes(with answers + audio recording to task number 1)

    British Bulldog. Or British Bulldog is a Gaming Competition in English, in which students of different age groups participate: 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-11 classes.

    In 2016, this event will be held December 14th At the tenth time. Results, according to the regulations, will be summarized and announced by the Organizing Committee until March 19, 2017. Accordingly, all the answers, tasks and solutions will be published not early. They can be viewed on the official website. There you can see the tasks of past contests.

    British Bulldog - This is a contest among students of grades of grades 3-11 for knowledge of English. Pupils of these classes can test their knowledge in the field of English responding to the tasks of the competition, which are compiled in a game form.

    Competition itself in 2016 will be held on December 14th. On the official website of M Izno find the tasks of the competition.

    Results will be known until March 19 of the following year. You can learn about them on the specified site.

    British Bulldog is a contest that allows you to test your strength with numerous schoolchildren of the Russian Federation. Participation is voluntary, enough to make a symbolic amount to the organizers. Tasks are issued on December 14, it is then that the English language contest starts. Results, as well as results, including previous years, can be assessed on the site - link (information is given for informational purposes).

    This is a wonderful chance to assess the level of knowledge, learn in which discipline your kind of knowledge is not touched by knowledge. It can be reading, grammar, translation or perception of material for rumor.

    In the future, you can tighten your level and next year try good luck again.

    Practically for each subject, students can check the level of their knowledge.

    Competition (Olympiad) British Bulldog It will help to evaluate your knowledge of English.

    In 2016, he passed on December 14th. The results will be summed up after 3 months. That is, the results of the participants will be able to learn no earlier than in mid-March. It is then that the tasks, solutions and responses of the Competition British Bulldog.

    And now you can find out only those tasks, solutions and answers that were in the contests of past years.

    Nowadays, many competitions are held for schoolchildren in which children can try their strength, is no exception and competition British Bulldog, dedicated to English. You can see the tasks and find out the answers on the site dedicated to the competition. Decisions for 2016 will be laid out after summing up the competition.

    Already today in many schools of the Russian Federation, a competition starts with an unusual name British Bulldog. Students from 3 to 11 classes can try their strength in English. The tasks are made in the game form and divided for different age groups. The older the schoolchildren, the tasks complicate respectively. The results of the competition will only be considered in the spring of next year, as a rule it is in March, here on this site. On it, all tasks. The competition is held for the first time, and since 2007.

    Most recently passed the competition in the Russian language Russian Bear Cuot; In November of this year, and now today, name-December 14, another competition is held on knowledge of English British Bulldog. It can take part in schoolchildren from grade 3 and ending with 11th. All tasks will be posted on this site, but the results only in 2017, in March, too, on the same source. Participation in this Olympiad in English is paid, but the contribution is small.

  • British Bulldog 2016.

    Competition British Bulldog in its essence is the Olympiad for knowledge of English. Any schoolboy can take part in such an Olympiad, for this you need a desire, as well as you need to apply and pay for a symbolic organizational fee. Participation in the Olympics is a good way to find out your strengths and weaknesses.

    You can find out the tasks and answers, as well as the winners of the past years, you can on the official website of the contest on this link

  • Annual various Olympiads in our time are held in all schools.

    Such a mini exam or test helps students evaluate their capabilities, show knowledge in a certain area.

    British Bulldog is an English Olympiad, in which everyone who wants schoolchildren can take part.

    You can get acquainted with the tasks, answers and results British Bulldog 2016 on this site, but not earlier summing up (March 2017).

    Over the previous years, all information is already posted on the site.

    On December 14, 2016, another international competition-game was held in English for schoolchildren 3-11 Classes British Bulldog.

    Competition participants in 2016-2017 are divided into 4 age groups, for each of which 4 tasks were prepared, each contained 60 questions.

    Time to perform the task is set as 75 minutes.

    The tasks are designed to check the knowledge of participants on the understanding of the English text, knowledge of grammar, the ownership of the vocabulary.

    To download the responses of the competition of 2016, go to this site.

    International Competition British Bulldog is an English Olympics. This is just a wonderful performance to check the level of knowledge of the schoolchild in English. It takes such an Olympiad among all the wishing schoolchildren who learn in 3-11 classes. Tasks and answers from the competition you can find on the official website of the competition, but not earlier than March 2017.