English abbreviations and abbreviations. Abbreviations and their translation How to translate abbreviations into English

The fashion for abbreviations came to us from foreign languages. This was facilitated by numerous foreign companies that have recently begun to open in Russia. Abbreviations are very convenient to use, with the help of several letters you can convey the meaning of a phrase that consists of two or more words. The article will discuss the abbreviation FYI. What does this abbreviation mean? Where did she come from? What does FYI mean in email correspondence? How is this abbreviation deciphered? How and where is it used?

On the Internet, it has become very fashionable to use abbreviations at the present time. Programmers, office workers, gamers, and forum participants use this method of transmitting information.

Scientists divide abbreviations into abbreviations and acronyms:

  • Abbreviations of English words are formed in two ways:
  1. The first is when several letters are removed from the word without losing the meaning. For example, it is very common - “cu” is nothing more than “see you”, that is, “see you soon”. But it would be correct to write - "sy", but in this case there was a reduction, according to the rules of pronunciation of English words, and spelling was not taken into account at all
  2. The second way of abbreviations is when letters are replaced by numbers. For example, b4, which stands for "before" and translates to "before".
  • Acronyms are abbreviations that are formed from the first (capital) letters of the words included in the phrase. They are not pronounced by letters, but by the whole word. For example, TBC, which is derived from "to be confirmed" and translates as "to be approved."

The fashion for cuts has firmly entered the life of young people. Russian words and phrases were also abbreviated. For example, "SPS", which in modern language means "thank you", "pzhl" - "please", "np" - "no problem". There are also intricate forms of abbreviations, for example "pff" - means a way of expressing emotions, and everyone interprets it in their own way.

The article will discuss one of the English acronyms, its meaning, usage and interesting facts. So what does "FYI" mean?

Word pronunciation

The use of such English abbreviations in spoken language is very rare. But if you suddenly had to do this, then it is better to spell the word, that is, “Ef Wai Ai”. And you should not modify and come up with your own "creative" options, such as "Fuyi". But we are more interested not in the rules of pronunciation, but what does FYI mean in a letter, why and for what such a mark is put down.

Interpretation of the abbreviation

So what does FYI mean? In English, this abbreviation is derived from the stable expression "for your information", which means "for your information". There is a version that FYI comes from the expression "for your interest", that is, "you will be interested" or "you will be interested."

This reduction appeared due to the very frequent use of expressions, the desire to save time, to write shorter.

What does FYI mean? This is a mark, it serves to highlight some information that is very important or previously unknown to the reader. That is, FYI has an introductory and informative function in the letter.

Usage examples FYI. What does this word mean in business correspondence

The abbreviation was originally used in e-mails in order to draw the attention of the recipient.

The FYI mark is used both in business correspondence and in informal. It is especially convenient to use it in large texts that are overloaded with information in order to highlight the main points, conclusions and conclusions.

Gradually, the word FYI began to be used everywhere in social networks, blogs, websites and forums. It has become very common, along with Ps, OK, Re.

But most often this abbreviation is used in business correspondence. What does this mean - FYI - and how do I respond to an email marked like that? Usually, employees of the company respond to such letters very succinctly - “OK”, which means “information has been taken into account”. Often this kind of correspondence occurs between remote employees or those who are not in the same office.

The abbreviation came to Russian from Canada and was initially used only in business correspondence. After a while, they began to use it in correspondence in all social networks, including VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. Gamers often use the abbreviation.

English letters are so firmly entrenched in Internet slang that the English artist TroyBoi dedicated a song to them.

Modern fashion abbreviations of English phrases

In general, it should be noted that abbreviations in English and other languages ​​are a very popular phenomenon. The purpose of such abbreviations is to simplify and speed up the process of communication, to draw the attention of the interlocutor to the necessary information. Typically, the abbreviation FYI is used in the subject line of an email.

Here are the most common abbreviations and their meanings:

  • ATN - means "attention", it is understood that the information is very important and must be paid attention to in the first place. Emails marked ATN and FYI must be answered.
  • TY - a letter with this mark means "thank you".
  • YNK - means "you never know". Most often used in informal communication.
  • LOL means "laugh out loud". A very popular abbreviation among young people.
  • BTW means "by the way".
  • OMG - used very often in social networks and forums, means "Oh my God!".
  • SY means "see you" or "see you soon".

These abbreviations are used in emails in the FW or RE box. They carry a semantic load, so it is important to know and correctly understand their meaning.

Abbreviations are usually called words or lexical abbreviations, (1) formed from the initial letters of words or from the initial sounds of the original phrase (initial abbreviations, or acronyms, - NATO, UNESCO); (2) formed from the alphabetic names of the initial letters of the words that form the original phrase (letter abbreviations - KPRF - keperefe, CIS - esenge); (3) combining the names of the initial letters and the initial sounds of the original phrase (letter-sound, or mixed, abbreviations - TsDRA - tsedera, TsDRI - tsedri); (4) formed from the initial sounds of the words of the original phrase (sound abbreviations - SAC - state attestation commission, university - higher educational institution); (5) compound words (komsomol, state farm). Currently, along with the term "abbreviation", "acronym", the term "abbreviation" from the full phrase "lexical abbreviation" is often used.

A distinctive feature of information-communicative (special) texts at the lexical level is their saturation with abbreviations. So, for example, in some cases, text compression as a result of the use of abbreviations can reach 80%. The presence of the abbreviations themselves in the language is explained by the general tendency to save means of expression, to compress speech. Abbreviations of a speech signal arise from the possibility (and necessity) of transmitting the same information contained in multicomponent lexical units (and even in whole sentences and messages) with one compact lexical unit - an abbreviation that provides compression of the amount of transmitted information while maintaining the overall semantic integrity and significance. It is in abbreviations that the requirement of unambiguity and brevity for the term is manifested to a certain extent. So, for example, the term Ultra-High Frequency Tactical Air Navigation Aid (VHF - medium and short-range radio navigation system "Takan") is always replaced by the abbreviation (acronym) TACAN. This acronym has only one specified meaning, and is 6 times shorter than the derived term.

The ultimate text compression resulting from the use of abbreviations can be illustrated by the following example:

Carrier qualification landings are completed. Time of arrival at the Guantanamo bay in Cuba is estimated at 2 p.m. Greenwich Civil Time on the 3d of September. - Tests for the flight personnel for landing aircraft on the deck of an aircraft carrier are completed. Estimated time of arrival at Guantanamo Naval Base, Cuba, September 3 at 1400 GMT.

When compiling a regular radiogram, this text can be reduced by 30%:

Carrier qualification landings completed. Estimated time of arrival at Guantanamo bay Cuba 03 instant 1400 GMT.

Using official abbreviations (CARQUALS - carrier qualification landings, ETA - estimated time of arrival, GTMO - Quantanamo bay Cuba), the original text can be reduced by almost 80%: CARQUALS COMPLETED ETA GTMO 031400Z.

It should be mentioned that the use of abbreviations is sometimes limited to a certain inventory list, and in military translation, abbreviations that differ from those officially accepted and legalized in unified instructions and instructions (for example, AR 320-50 Military Terms, Abbreviations, and Symbols. Authorized abbreviations and brevity Codes, HQ, DA, Washington, DC), not recommended. This is explained by the fact that not only non-regulation abbreviations can make it difficult to understand the text and even make it completely incomprehensible, but also abbreviations used only in one branch of the armed forces will be completely incomprehensible in another. For example, a single abbreviation CINCPACFLT (Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Fleet - Commander of the Pacific Fleet) will be unmistakably understood in all branches of the US armed forces, and the US Navy abbreviation MISER may not only be unknown in other branches of the armed forces, but even understood incorrectly as MISER (Manned Interceptor SAGE Evaluation Routine) - a program for evaluating the Sage system using a manned interceptor fighter, or

MISER - satellite communication system "Maiser".

In the linguistic literature, abbreviations are usually divided, depending on the number and meaning of their constituent components, into one-, two-, three-, four- and five-component ones. For example: single-component - Jy (July - July), two-component - RJ (Road Junction - road junction), three-component - TAC (Tactical Air Command - tactical aviation command), four-component - FIBA ​​(Forward Edge of the Battle Area - front line of defense) , five-component - LACAS (Low Altitude Close Air Support - close air support from low altitudes). More than five-part abbreviations are rare. In American military texts, one-, two-, and three-part abbreviations are most common.

Abbreviations, depending on the type of communication and their implementation in speech, are usually divided into graphic and lexical. Graphic abbreviations, as the name implies, are used only in written speech, in oral speech they are realized in the full form of those units that they represent in the text, for example: FA - Field Artillery (field artillery).

TO lexical abbreviations include: truncation(for example, sub - submarine - submarine), "(telescopic" words(for example, radome = radar + dome - radar radome) and actual abbreviations. Abbreviations are divided into sound-letter And acronyms(see/cf. above). Sound-letter abbreviations are lexical units and are implemented in speech by the alphabetic name of letters, for example: MG ["em" dzi:] - machine gun (machine gun); MP ["em" pi: ] - military police (military police). Acronyms are lexical units that are implemented in speech in accordance with the pronunciation standard adopted for ordinary words, for example: FEBA - Forward Edge of the Battle Area. Practice shows that the greatest difficulties for translation are sound-letter abbreviations and acronyms.

Difficulties in translating abbreviations are also due to the fact that almost all parts of speech are subject to abbreviations, for example: nouns (company - Co - company), adjectives (prima‑ry - prim), verbs (attach - atch - attach), adverbs (SW - southwest) , prepositions (w / o - without), etc., as well as the fact that there is a lot of discrepancy in writing abbreviations: they are written in uppercase and lowercase letters, with and without dots, together and separately, with a fraction sign or with ligature (&) and without them. The writing of abbreviations, however, is regulated by the relevant instructions and instructions, however, in the documents of the US Army, published by lower authorities, the "official" rules are very often not followed.

Significantly complicates the translation and the fact that abbreviations can act in a sentence in various syntactic functions, while receiving the appropriate morphological design, that is, they take on the plural ending (Bns - battalions), the form of the possessive case (Co "s - company), forms present and past tenses (atcks - attacks - attacks, attacks; atcked - attacked), are made out by the article (the Cdr - commander - commander, commander, chief).

It is especially important that the meanings of abbreviations often do not coincide with the meanings of their hollow forms, undergoing certain semantic shifts. For example, the terms Military Police - military police, Women "s Army Corps - women's auxiliary service of the ground forces are the names of certain organizations, and abbreviations from these terms denote a member of this organization: a MP is a military police officer, and WAC is a member of the female auxiliary service of the ground forces ; the terms radio detection and ranging - detection and determination of distances using radio signals, light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation - light amplification by induced radiation - denote the process, and their abbreviations - devices that use this process: radar - radar installation, laser - laser, optical generator.

Another difficulty in translating abbreviations is that some of them may have dozens of registered meanings. For example, the abbreviation "A" in English has more than 60 different meanings, "B" - more than 40, "CA" - more than 20, etc. In addition, there are unregistered and informal meanings of these abbreviations.

I have a student who is engaged in science. And in science, without abbreviations, nowhere. Yes, and in ordinary writing, including fiction, not to mention specialized, abbreviations like e.g., i.e. or everyone knows etc. dark darkness. Some of them come from Latin, but most are just abbreviations of English words. I offer you a list of the most commonly used abbreviations (in places with examples and notes):

A.D.(anno Domini) - AD year
B.C.(Before Christ) - BC
Please note that AD is placed before the date (AD64), BC - after (300BC); when specifying the century, both come after the numeral (second century AD, fourth century BC)

approx.(approximately / approximate)

avg.(average) - average, on average

ca.(circa - /?s3?k?/) - approximately, approximately: e.g. "People first came to the area ca 1700."

cent.(century, centuries) - century, centuries

cf.(confer, compare) - see also, cf., reference often found in books

co.(column) - column

cont(d).(continued) - continuation. This abbreviation may have a different meaning depending on the context, for example, contained, contents, contraction, continent etc.

ctr.(center) - center, central d. (died, died in) - died: e.g. "The dean of the university at that time was Sir James Stone (d. 1965)."

ed.(edited, edition) - ed., edition, published

e.g.(exempli gratia - for example) - for example. Please note that this abbreviation is read exactly as "for example"! No unauthorized "and ji": e.g. "You can use different adjectives to describe it, e.g. wonderful, beautiful, amazing or splendid."

esp.(especially) - especially: e.g. "I like ice-cream, esp. pistachio-flavoured ice-cream."

est(d).(established / estimated) - based; estimated, estimate: e.g. "He worked in TD McGuire est. 1987"; "He received est. $10mln."

et al.(et alii) - and others (in the bibliography "with co-authors")

incl.(including) - including: e.g. "They put everything in one box, including books on Chaucer."

hr(hours) - hour, hours: e.g. "This car can travel 230 km/hr."

max., min.(maximum, minimum) - maximum, minimum

misc.(miscellaneous) - other: e.g. "The shelf was full of misc. objects."

n.a.: 1) not applicable - not applicable to this case, does not apply: e.g. "This formula shows the general law (n.a. in acid environment)";
2) not available, non available - not available, no data

NB(nota bene - note particularly) - note bene, mark "notice well, take note"

no.(number) - number: e.g. "I gave him a mug with the text "I am Dad No.1.""

prev.(previous) - previous: e.g. "See preview page for more information."

pt.(part) - part: e.g. "You can look it up in Quantum Physics pt. II."

qt.(quantity / quart) - quantity; quart

resp.(respectively) - respectively: e.g. "Basic earnings increased 40% and 39 % to $0.55 and $0.54 resp."

std.(standard) - standard, standard

vs.(versus) - against: e.g. "We went to see Alien vs. Predator"

w/(with) - with: e.g. "Add sugar w/ cinnamon to the batter."

w/o(without) - without: e.g. "There you can order sandwiches w/o mayo."


Chapter 1. Translation of abbreviations and abbreviations as an object of linguistic research

1.1. Abbreviation and the problem of sound connection

1.2. Word-building models of English abbreviations and abbreviations

1.3. Phonetic and graphic features of the translation of abbreviations and abbreviations in English

1.4. Semantic analysis of the features of the translation of English abbreviations and abbreviations into Russian

Conclusions on the first chapter

Chapter 2

2.1. Method of deciphering English abbreviations in Russian

2.2. Transmission of foreign abbreviations in Russian

2.3. Examples of translation of abbreviations and abbreviations on the example of a scientific and technical text.

Conclusions on the second chapter





Translation is a complex and multifaceted type of human activity. Although it is common to speak of translation "from one language to another", in reality, the process of translation does not simply replace one language with another. Different cultures, different personalities, different ways of thinking, different literatures, different eras, different levels of development, different traditions and attitudes collide in translation. Culturologists, ethnographers, psychologists, historians, literary critics are interested in translation, and different aspects of translation activity can be the object of study within the framework of the relevant sciences.

Abbreviations and abbreviations reveal a number of grammatical features. In scientific and technical literature, a special place is occupied by texts that are focused not so much on native speakers of a certain language, but on representatives of a certain professional group with certain extralinguistic knowledge.

Despite the fact that there are quite numerous, albeit fragmentary, studies devoted to the problems of abbreviation in modern languages, abbreviated lexical units remain in many respects a mystery in linguistic terms, since in relation to them one has to consider such fundamental problems as the problem of structure from a specific angle. words and their meanings, the problem of morphemes, etc. This complexity explains the contradictory opinions, and sometimes the contradictory approach to abbreviated lexical units. Translation of abbreviations and abbreviations has always been a hot topic for study, but in the last decade it has received special attention.

The problems of abbreviated lexical units as a specific linguistic phenomenon in modern languages ​​have attracted the attention of many researchers. These problems are considered in numerous articles and individual works by Russian and foreign authors. Among the most detailed works on these issues are the works of D.I. Alekseeva, E.P. Voloshin, V.G. Pavlova, T. Piles, M.M. Segalya, L.A. Shelyakhovsky, R. Wales, O. Jespersen and others.

Research hypothesis: we can assume the presence of semantic features of the translation of English abbreviations and abbreviations into Russian, formed under the influence of extralinguistic factors.

The purpose of the work is to give a general description of abbreviated lexical units and determine the main methods and features of their translation.

The subject of study in this work is the translation of abbreviated lexical units.

To achieve the goal of the study, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Make an analytical review of the linguistic literature on this topic;

2. Analyze the existing classifications of abbreviations and abbreviations;

3. Define the functions of abbreviated lexical units;

4. Describe the methods of translation.

5. To identify and analyze the semantic features of the translation of abbreviations and abbreviations on the basis of technical literature.

In this work, the following methods and techniques of research are used: the method of studying dictionary definitions, component analysis, the method of contextual analysis.

Chapter 1. Translation of abbreviations and abbreviations as an object of linguistic research

1.1. Abbreviation and the problem of the connection between sound and meaning

The unity of form and content, i.e. the connection between sound and meaning plays an important role in solving the problem of abbreviation. The main one is the provision on the connection of abbreviations with the phenomena of reality through the corresponding full names. This was pointed out by V.P. Voloshin. This connection is manifested in the fact that the meaning of the original phrase is assigned not only to the abbreviation as a whole, but also to each of its components - the sound or sound combination that is distinguished as part of the abbreviation. The corresponding components of the original phrase are referred to as "decoding". As a result, the abbreviation can only be understood by "deciphering", except in special cases. On this occasion, we find the following conclusion by K.A. Levkovskaya, who points out that the connection between sound and meaning in complex abbreviated words is of a completely different nature than in ordinary words of the language: it is carried out not directly, but through an appropriate decoding.

True, with the widespread use of a compound abbreviated word and its more or less long-term existence in the language, a direct connection between sound and meaning can gradually be established, and the abbreviation begins to be understood without deciphering.

The twofold nature of the connection between sound and meaning is implied: firstly, a complex abbreviated word does not have an independent meaning and, therefore, is not realized outside the form and meaning of the original phrase, which is its decoding; secondly, this refers to the correlation not of two units - an abbreviation and a phrase - as such, but of their elements, from which it follows that each component of the abbreviation has the meaning of the corresponding word in the original phrase.

Thus, a direct connection between sound and meaning can exist, but two conditions are necessary for this: the breadth of distribution and the duration of the existence of the abbreviation.

This question was investigated by R.I. Mogilevsky. Considering the "inner form" as a linguistic category, he compares it with an ordinary word and an abbreviation. At the same time, R.I. Mogilevsky correctly cites the differences that exist between the morphological and semantic structure of an ordinary word, which has a traditional form, and an abbreviation.

The very specificity of abbreviations tends to eliminate the "inner form". It is known that abbreviations do not have a root, affixes, i.e. such grammatical elements that characterize the word as a special kind of linguistic unit. Therefore, the abbreviation from the formal side is not an ordinary word. Further, the author concludes that in abbreviations behind each sound-letter lies the meaning of the whole word, while in an ordinary word each sound does not have such semantic independence, and only a certain meaning is assigned in the word only to the sum of all the sounds of the verbal complex.

The problem of the connection between sound and meaning is solved by scientists in different ways for different types of abbreviations, but it is the most controversial when studying abbreviations.

The problem of the connection between the sound and meaning of abbreviations is one of the central, most complex and controversial problems in the theory of abbreviations. Either the recognition of abbreviations as full-fledged words, or their assignment to “lexico-semantic variants” of full forms, which do not have their own meaning and cannot be considered words in the full sense, depends on its decision.

There are two diametrically opposed concepts regarding the connection between the sound and meaning of abbreviations.

According to the first concept, the meaning is associated not with the abbreviation as a whole, but with its individual elements: sounds or letters, and it is believed that each element has some semantic connection with the corresponding component of the full name. This concept is defended in his works by K.A. Levkovskaya. Obviously, such a concept is inconceivable without the assumption that the meanings of the abbreviation and the original form always coincide, which is refuted by numerous facts of discrepancy and shifts in the meaning of abbreviations.

The second point of view expressed by M.D. Stepanova and E.P. Voloshin, lies in the approach to abbreviations as "a special type of monomorphemic words". Considering the question of the fundamental difference between an abbreviation and a phrase, E.P. Voloshin notes that acronyms and sound-letter abbreviations are not compound words as a structural-semantic variety of compound words, but are monemes, i.e. simple, monomorphemic words that do not allow decomposition of their morphological composition in terms of the usual analysis for such cases without involving extralinguistic data, which should include the use of the original phrase for the indicated purposes. Although E.P. Voloshin does not speak directly about the nature of the connection between the sound and meaning of abbreviations; from the very fact of recognizing them as monemes, we can conclude that this connection has the same character in them as in simple, one-morphemic words. Rights V.V. Borisov, pointing out that at the same time it is not clear why the comparison of the abbreviation with the original phrase is characterized by E.P. Voloshin as "involving extralinguistic data", since it is clear that the comparison of various lexical units is one of the methods of linguistic analysis.

It should be emphasized that two forms do not always exist in a language: the original, i.e. full name and abbreviated, i.e. abbreviation. Sometimes, along with the abbreviation, there is no full form, since in some cases the lexical abbreviation can eventually become an independent word, i.e. main way of expressing this concept.

It should be emphasized that the system of abbreviations and abbreviations in any language is an integral part of its lexical-semantic system and therefore the systems of abbreviations in different languages ​​have significant differences. The frequency of use of specific groups of abbreviations or abbreviations varies greatly, in particular in English e.g. (exempli gratia), while in Russian use "for example" in similar cases. From this example, it can be seen that one should not always strive to convey foreign abbreviations in Russian as an abbreviation. Possessing an almost exclusively naming function, the abbreviation, as a rule, is translated by its equivalent - the name of the same referent in TL, and in the absence of the same - often the name of a close concept (cf. Russian registry office, English Registry office). Thus, this can only be called a translation conditionally, since the abbreviation, as a rule, does not have its own meaning, but is a reduced reflection of the value of the original unit - a ratio that should also be preserved in the translation into Russian as an abbreviation.

Dictionaries, including medical ones, pay very little attention to this area. Existing dictionaries of medical abbreviations, both bilingual (D. Drozdov, English-Russian Dictionary of Medical Abbreviations, Infoart, 1997) and monolingual (The Hutchinson Dictionary of abbreviations, Helicon, 2006), are often useless. This is especially true for articles on highly specialized areas of medicine. Internet search engines are of great help in translating abbreviations.

In any case, a translator or a person who is faced with the translation of abbreviations and abbreviations needs to know the main ways of translating them into Russian. These ways are:

  • 1. Transfer of a foreign abbreviation with an equivalent Russian abbreviation. Assumes the presence of an abbreviation or abbreviation in the TL. It is best when this unit is already established in the language. In PJ, the abbreviation can be built according to the same model: the USSR in English. USSR.; English UNO corresponds to Russian. UN. When using this method, you need to know the equivalent Russian abbreviation for sure, in case of doubt, check its spelling in the appropriate reference books or dictionaries.
  • 2. Descriptive translation. Applicable in cases where there is no equivalent abbreviation in the TL. The original unit is being translated: English. TV (TV), which is widespread in English-speaking countries, will have to transmit a deployed "television"; Russian editorial board - English, editorial board; English ICPA (International Commission for the Prevention of Alcoholism) - International Commission on Alcoholism; Russian TSUM - English. Central Department Store, etc. A long-form translation is a translation of the original unit and should be as accurate as possible. As a rule, abbreviations of academic degrees and titles are also translated, in particular those that do not have equivalent names in the TL. For example, V. A. (S.) -Bachelor of Arts (Science) will be translated into Russian - Bachelor of Arts (natural) sciences.
  • 3. Transfer of the alphabetic composition of a foreign abbreviation in Russian letters (transliteration). With this method, the abbreviated names of military blocs, political parties and other political organizations, industrial firms, various communities, etc. are usually transmitted. Transliteration of abbreviations is typical for proper names indicated by abbreviations, for example - English. UNESCO-UNESCO; INTERPOL - INTERPOL.
  • 4. Transmission of the phonetic form of a foreign abbreviation in Russian letters (transcription). Transcription of the original form is permissible in cases where it is an abbreviated name of an enterprise, society, company, etc., which do not have a correlative form in the TL. Yes, am. AR (Associated Press) is transmitted by Russian. AL, but often the Associated Press; English BOAC (British Overseas Airways Company), an aviation company, in Russian referred to as British Overseas Airways Company, BBC - the pronunciation of the English abbreviation Air Force.
  • 5. Creation of a new Russian abbreviation. This method consists in translating the correlate of a foreign abbreviation and creating a new abbreviation in Russian on the basis of the translation in accordance with the laws of the Russian abbreviation. Using this method, for example, the CIA and NSA abbreviations were formed (CIA - Central Intelligence Agency - Central Intelligence Agency; NSA National Security Agency - National Security Agency).