English 3 question presses. Questions in Past Simple: General, Special, Question to Past Simple

Greetings to all in the lesson of conversational English! The past time serves to tell about the events of the past: took place, happened, it happened, it was, she walked, said, said, thought. In the English past time, beginners make a lot of mistakes, especially when they ask questions. Therefore, in today's audio lesson, we will consider questions in English in the past time. Special questions in English last time

The main complexity is the verb " dID"- Semantic verb" do." in the past time. Russian speakers do not understand than bad phrase " HE WORKED YESTERDAY?»Accurate copy of the narrative phrase" He worked yesterday. ". Of course you can ask a question like this, and the media will understand you, but the phrase will be built grammatically, and you immediately issue a foreigner in yourself.

English-speaking always ask a question in the last form using the meaning verb "DID", according to the following schemes below:

  • dID + subject + failed: Did She FINISH HER HOMEWORK? - She finished her homework?
  • dID + subject to + semantic verb: DID SHE FINISH? - She finished?

Thus, the question is correctly needed like this: Did He Work Yesterday? - He worked yesterday?

How do you know from the article Ask questions in English correctlyIn English there are special or special issues that begin with question words - What, How, Where, Who, WHEN which last time put before turnover with the verb " dID»: What Color Dress Did You Buy? - What color dress did you buy? or Who Did You Go Wick? - Who did you go? These are these special questions, we have to learn during today's online audio lesson: /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/ruen085.mp3

Listen to the audio lesson you can anywhere and any time when you have free time. Repeat your professional carrier every question to improve your English pronunciation, and listen attentively into the sound of each word so that you do not have misunderstandings with English-speaking interlocutors. Show you a polite and competent member of English society.

Question deals last time

For successful communication in English-speaking society, learn the table of key special issues in English in the past time. Take advantage of the translation of questions into Russian, which is also presented in this convenient table.

For the speed and durability of memorization, use any techniques and methods of studying a new vocabulary - placement of the table in prominent places at work or at home, cards and translation stickers, multiple recording of each question, etc. The main thing is to achieve results by any effective way.

Ask - Past Shape (Questions - Past Tense)
English Russian
How MUCH DID YOU DRINK? How much did you drink?
How MUCH DID YOU WORK? How much did you work out?
How MUCH DID YOU WRITE? How much did you write?
How Did You Sleep? How did you sleep?
How Did You Pass The Exam? How did you pass the exam?
How Did You Find The Way? How did you find the road?
Who Did You Speak To? Who did you talk to?
WHM DID YOU MAKE AN AppOntment? Who did you agree with?
WHOM DID YOU CELEBRATE YOUR BIRTHDAY? Who did you celebrate your birthday with?
Where Were You? Where have you been?
Where Did You Live? Where did you live?
Where Did You Work? Where did you work?
What Did You Suggest? What did you advise?
What Did You Eat? What did you eat?
What Did You Experience? What did you know?
How fast Did You Drive? How quickly did you go?
Howl Long Did You Fly? How long have you been flying?
How High Did You Jump? How high you jumped?

Knowledge of these 18 simple questions in the past time in English is not enough in order that you are free to communicate with native speakers in English. Therefore, our next audio lesson will also be devoted to this topic. In the meantime, repeat one more passed audio lesson from English grammar to communicate -

Greetings, my dear reader.

If you do not know how to ask something in English, you are waiting for big problems ahead! Just kidding, of course. After all, for this there is this blog, and today I want to help you understand the compilation of question proposals, bring comprehensive examples of general issues in English and answers to them. In addition, I will tell you about the rules.

By the way, after studying this topic, do not forget to master its practical part: and.

What is it at all?

This is a structure that only requires an answer. "Yes" or "not". Usually, such a proposal does not require an additional answer. But, if you wish, additional information is possible to give.

Note that the overall question will look completely different in different!

Let's see the first example:

Are You. reading. A Book Now? - YES, I am.

Do you read the book now? - Yes.

The structure of the question supply is usually formed as follows:

  • The offer begins by S. auxiliary verb (are, IS,wAS., wERE, do., does., has., have, hAD., dID, etc.)
  • Then goes subject (actor).
  • After which it follows main verb..
  • The rest of the sentences followed by: supplements, Circumstances, Places etc.

Do. You. believe. in aliens?- YES, I DO.

Do you believe in aliens? - Yes.

The answer always consists of the word "yes" or "no", after which the subject and auxiliary verb is repeated relating to the subject.

Have You. seen Lora Recently? - Yes (answer), I have (auxiliary).

Did you see Laura recently? - Yes, I saw.

How to ask about the present time

We use general questions most often, and in any time. In grade 2, a description of current actions is most used. They usually begin with do., does., iS., are, has. or have.

Do. You. have ANY INTERESTING BOOKS TO READ?- YES, I DO. I Bough Several Last Week.

Do you have any interesting books to read? - Yes, I have. On thelastweekiboughtsome.

Does. she. go.to this school? - No, She Doesn't.

Does she go to this school? - Not.

Are you free Tomorrow Morning? - No, I am not. I am Going to Visit My Doctor.

Are you free tomorrow morning? - No, I'm not free. I'm going to go to my doctor.

IS. He. going.to College This Year? - YES, HE IS.

Is he going to college this year? - Yes, he is going.

Have You. visitedtHE EXHIBITION ALREADY? - NO, I Haven't. But I am Going to Do it Next Week.

Have you already been at the exhibition? - No. I was not. But I'm going to go next week.

Has. he. done The Task Yet? - No, He Hasn't. IT WASN'T VERY SIMPLE.

He already made the task? - No, I did not. It was not very simple.

How to ask about the past time

In 3 and 4 grade, students begin to use the descriptions of the past. Questions usually begin with dID, wAS., Wer.e. or hAD. .

DID You. do.what i asked you to?- YES, I DID. I Called Them As Soon AS You Asked Me To.

Did you do what I asked about? - Yes I did. I called them as soon as you asked.

WAS. sHE AT HOME WHEN YOU CALLED? -NO, SHE WASN'T. She Went Out with Her Sister.

She was at home when you called? - No, it was not. She went to walk with her sister.


They were on vacation in July? - Yes. They went on vacation to Spain.

HAD. you. taken. The Key, Before You Set Off to School? - No, I Hadn't. I REMEMBERED, THAT I HAD FORGOTTEN THEM.

Did you take the keys before going to school? - No, I did not take. I remembered that I forgot them.

How to ask about the future

But in the 5th grade already with the future you can somehow cope. Therefore, in the future, all questions begin mainly with wILL .

WILL you. meet. ME AT THE STATION ON FRIDAY?- YES, I WILL. I Will Be There On Time.

Will you meet me at the station on Friday? - Yes, meeting. I will be there on time.

Sometimes the question can begin at all with auxiliary verb, but, for example, from modal verb cAN, could., may. etc.

- Could. you. pass me. salt. and. pepper., please.?

- You could not give me salt and pepper, please.

Well, are you now confident in your knowledge? The formation of questions in English is the basis that you will need to further study the language. And I am ready to help you with this. Subscribe to the newsletter of my blog and regularly replenish your knowledge of useful information.

To new meetings, my dear.

Past Simple Question deals as question deals in simple last (Past Simple or Past Indefinite)? If you have already met with Past Simple time

  • found out that there are;
  • learned to define PAST Simple software;
  • you know in a simple last time.

you have a question: and how to build question deals last time? Consider when the offer is the main verb. Eat, Make, Do, and others who bear the meaning (meaning verb) walk, wash, eat, do, drink, sleep, etc. If the verb is not -

There are several rules:

  • We will need auxiliary verb. We know, in the present time - Present Simple - we had a verb "Do", and in the past time it remains. But since the verbs we had in the form of the past time (Stay eD, Went) then we are the ending -ed we will take the verbs and give the auxiliary verb DO. DO + ED \u003d DID
  • Auxiliary verb in an interviewal sentence is at the beginning of the offer. We do not translate the auxiliary verb. DID Who BUY SOME BREAD? - Did you buy bread?
  • After auxiliary verb goes subject to (Who). It is usually pronounced by pronoun (I, you, we, they, etc.) or nouns (subject acting) - Brother, Anna, My Friends, etc. Those. this is any word that answers the question WHODID your Brother. Go to Moscow? - Your brother Traveled to Moscow?
  • After a sense verb subject to be worth it.This is a verb that shows what action the subject (person) was committed in the past. He jumped, ran, drove the car, spent money, and so on. -Where Did He. meet. HIS Wife? - Where is he met His wife?
  • The semantic verb is in the infinitive without a particle to. All endings are cleaned or transferred to auxiliary verb. If the verb is incorrect - the initial form of this verb will be inserted. Take verbs say.and play.. (talk and play). Say is the wrong verb, and his form Past Simple - Said - spoke. Play - the right verb and its last time form - Played - played. Let's build affirmative offers:
  1. He. Said. That He Was Ill - he said he was sick. Question offer: what did he say? (Special Question) - What Did He Say.? - put the initial form - say.
  2. He. played. Football Yesterday. - He played football yesterday. Question Proposal: He played football yesterday? (General question) - DID HE play. Football Yesterday? Time is worth the DID, then the initial form should stand - play.

Scheme is simple: General question: DID + who + verb in the beginning. f. + Everything else. +? Did you go to the zoo yesterday? - Did you go to the zoo yesterday?

Special question: question word (What, Where, When Many, How Much, How, Who, Whom, Why) + Did + Who + Verb to Nach. f. + Everything else. +? Why Did Your Brother Choose That Book? - Why did your brother chose this book?

Separated question: Approval + comma + Didn't + Who? His Mother Gave You This Book, Didn't She? - His mother gave you this book, isn't it? (After all, this is his mother gave you this book?) Denial + comma + DID + who? You Didn't Invite Mary, Did You? "You didn't invite Mary, right?"

We use a simple past time when we say:

1. On events or actions that have occurred in the past and the time of which has expired. That is, the action or event is finished.
(he bought a car last year, they went to relax last month, the meeting was last week)

2. About events or actions in the past, which repeated regularly, but now do not occur.
(She was engaged in dancing at school, we went to the gym last year)

3. About events in the past, which took place one after another.
(they met, walked around the park, went to the movies)

Bonus! Difficulties with English times? In Moscow and find out how easy it is to master times and start talking in English for 1 month!

How is the apprusual form of Past Simple?

When forming Past Simple, we always look at the verb, as it will change. There are two types of verbs in English: right and wrong.

Depending on the verb, the past time is formed as follows:

  • if the verb is correct, we add ending -ed (Cook - Cooked);
  • if the verb is incorrect, we put it in second form (SEE - SAW).

There is no rule by which you can define the correct or incorrect verb in front of us. You can only learn this in the dictionary or remembering.

The same with the forms of wrong verbs. They must be remembered or look in the dictionary. Past Simple formation diagram:

The one comes about + the correct verb with the end of the ED or the 2nd form of an incorrect verb.

We. worked
They slept.
She. went.

for example

I. went. To The Cinema Yesterday.
I went to the movies yesterday.

She. moved. Last Year.
She moved last year.

They married Three Years Ago.
They got married three years ago.

Ending verbs -ed in Past Simple

There are several nuances when adding the end -ed to the correct verbs.

  • If the verb ends on -E., then the verb is added only -D:

chang. e. - Chang. eD - change;
clos. e. - Clos. eD - Close.

  • If the verb ends on consonantin front of which stands percussion vowel, the consonant doubles:

sto p. - sto pPED - stop;
bA. n. - BA. nned. - To prohibit.

Exceptions: verbs ending with -x and -w.:

fi x. - FI xed. - fix;
flo. w. - Flo. wED - flow.

Note:in british EnglishWhen the verb ends on -l, it doubles, regardless of where the stress falls:

trave. l. - Trave. lled. - travel.

American version:

trave. l. - Trave. led. - travel.

  • If the verb ends on -yand in front of it there is a consonant letter, then y. Changing on i +.eD:

cR y. - CR iED - cry;
tr y. - TR iED - try.

Important: if a before-it is a vowelthen the end is added without change Letters:

sTA. y. - STA. yed. - stay;
pLA y. - PLA yed. - play.

Satellite Satellites Past Simple

These are words and prompts that help determine that we are simple last time:

  • yesterday
  • last Week / Month / Year,
  • in 1989 (2000, 2012, etc.) YEAR,
  • two (Three, Four, etc.) Days / Month / Years Ago.


I Saw Him five Days Ago..
I saw him five days ago.

She watched this film yesterday.

They Lived in England in 1999 year.
They lived in England in 1999.

Negative offers in Past Simple

Denial is formed using auxiliary verb DID (This is auxiliary verb DO, but last form) and particles not.. In this case, the semantic verb is used in the initial form.

The combination of DID + NOT and will be our particle " not". For example, he did not participate in the exhibition, they did not go to the club yesterday.

Negative Proposal Construction Scheme in Past Simple Such:

The one comes about + DID + NOT + verb in the initial form.

We. work
They dID not. sleep.
She. go.

Important moment:
Auxiliary verb DID already shows that the proposal in the past time, so verb in the sentence (run / jump / work) We do not put in the past time, and we use the initial form. That is, we do not put it in the 2nd form and do not add the end of the ED.

Why do you need to show 2 times, what is the past time?

NE DID NOT. swim Yesterday.
He did not swim yesterday.

NOT: HE DID NOT. sWAM Yesterday.

for example

They did Not. Work Last Summer.
They did not work last summer.

She. did Not. Run Yesterday.
She did not run yesterday.

What reduction can be used?

We can reduce the negative particle not as follows.

DID + NOT \u003d DIDNT

We. dIDN "T. Win This Battle.
We did not won this battle.

Interior offers in Past Simple

Building questions in Past Simple is the same as in other times of this group (Simple). To ask a question, you need an auxiliary verb DID to put in the first place in the sentence. The semantic verb, as well as in denial, is not raised in the past time, but its initial form is used. End of it is not necessary to add.

DID + the one that comes about + the initial form of the verb.

They work?
DID we. sleep?
He. gO?


He called me last week.

They bought a new car.


Did he call you last week?

Did they buy a new car?

Short positive answer Contains an auxiliary verb DID, which replaces the action itself.

Yes, he called.

Yes, they dID.
Yes, they bought.

Full positive answer Constructed as an affirmative offer.

Yes, he called me last week.

Yes, they bought a new car.

Short negative answer Contains an auxiliary verb DID and negative notot particle.

No, He. did Not..
No, he did not call.

No, They did Not..
No, they did not bought.

Full negative answer Constructed as a negative offer.

No, He. did Not. Call Me Last Week.
No, he did not call me last week.

No, They did Not. BUY A NEW CAR.
No, they did not bought a new car.

Special questions in Past Simple

When we ask a question with the following question words:

  • what,
  • wHEN,
  • wHERE
  • which

Question word + DID + one, about whom is a speech + verb in the initial form?

When. you.
Where they work?
What dID we. mEET?
Why. she. bUY?

Let's consider examples.

Why Did. You steal this Thing?
Why did you stole this thing?

When did she sell her phone?

What have they bought?

So, we disassembled a simple past time, which is not really so simple. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments under the article.

Also, if you have not done it yet, i advise you to read about other SIMPLE group times:

And now let's go to practice.

Exercise for fixing PAST SIMPLE

Translate the following offers into English:

1. He built his home in 1997.
2. They went to the concert last month.
3. Did you give her a gift yesterday? Yes, I gave her a gift yesterday.
4. We have not seen every last week.
5. My girlfriend broke his phone last year.
6. Children did not go to the camp last summer.
7. Why did he move?
8. Have you walked on the past weekend? No, we did not go.

Write your answers in the comments, and I will definitely check them.

In matters and negligents of the past time, we use the auxiliary verb DID. It forms a design with the main verb in infinitive form.

Infinitive Statement Negation Question
did Not.
dID I.

Table: Past Simple in questions and negatives (Questions and Negatives)

do / does. (Present) → dID (past time):

I don't go to the Cinema Very Often. I Didn't Go To The Cinema Yesterday. I do not very often go to the movies. I did not go to the movies yesterday.
Does He Often Travel? Did He Travel Last Year? Does he often travel? Did he traveled last year?


Remember that after the form of the DID / DIDN't always follows the infinitives of the semantic verb. Do not use it in the form of PAST SIMPLE! Compare:

I Watched → I Didn't Watch ( Wrong: I Didn't Watched)
He Had → He Didn't Have
You Did → Did You Do?

I HAD BREAKFAST YESTERDAY BUT I DIDN'T HAVE LUNCH. Yesterday I had breakfast, but not lunch.
Did You BUY GROCERIES? No, i Didn't Have Time. Did you buy products? No, I did not have time.
We Wateched A Movie On TV Last Night But We Didn't Enjoy It. Last night, we watched the movie on TV, but we did not like it.


In English, you must adhere to a certain order of words. Interior offers in Past Simple have the following structure:

Table: Past Simple and word order in question deals


Brief replies in the past time are formed by pronouncing and form DID / DIDNT. The main verb is descended.

Statement Negation
Yes I / WE / YOU / THEY / HE / SHE / IT dID No I / WE / YOU / THEY / HE / SHE / IT didn't

Table: Past Simple and brief replies

Did You See Nick on Saturday? No, i Didn't. Have you seen Nick on Saturday? No, I have not seen.
Did It Rain Yesterday? YES, IT DID. It was raining yesterday? Yes, she walked.
Did Lucy Come to the Party? No, She Didn't. Lucy came to a party? No, it did not come.
Did Your Friends Have A Good Time? Yes, They Did. Your friends have a good time? Yes OK.