Which antiseptic for lining inside the house is better. We paint lining in the country: types of coatings, interesting ideas, technology. What color to paint the lining

How to process the lining inside the house - this question worries many who use this product to decorate various rooms. Of course, the material can be left in its original form, but then it must be borne in mind that the service life of the coating will be only 5-6 years. This perspective does not seem entirely appropriate.

It is necessary to process the material in order to increase its operational properties and maintain an attractive appearance (enhance the visual impression). It should be noted that work with lining consists of several stages, each of which is important.

So, lining processing is necessary to improve the following characteristics:

  1. Fire resistance. This characteristic allows you to increase the duration of the flame spread over the surface, the ignition time or completely prevent the occurrence of a fire.
  2. Protection of the product from mold and fungi, which lead to destruction. Especially this indicator should be increased in places of high humidity.
  3. Increased resistance to mechanical damage. This property is necessary for those areas that are constantly exposed.
  4. Immunity to ultraviolet. Minimizes fading and drying.

Processing lining allows you to extend the life of the material

Not to mention the decorative factor. It lies in the fact that a substance is applied to the surface of the material, which improves its decorative characteristics. Moreover, the surface can remain the same as it was originally, or completely transformed.

Various types of formulations for processing

The modern market for building and finishing materials offers a wide selection of different compositions that can be used for this type of work. Processing lining inside the house is done independently, without the use of special equipment.

The processing of the lining must be carried out with special compounds

On a note! To get a good result, you need to purchase products that have the necessary certificates, and are also produced by trusted manufacturers. The fact is that there are many fakes on the market that are not only useless, but also harmful to the human body.

Antiseptic solutions

Such substances are used to protect wood from the occurrence of living organisms (mold, fungi, insects and even mice). The material is treated with this preparation before cladding, due to the fact that it must be applied to the entire surface of the product. This procedure is especially indispensable when it is planned to use lining on objects with a high level of humidity.

The application of an antiseptic allows you to protect the wood from mold, microbes and fungus

It should be borne in mind that this solution performs exclusively protective functions. Therefore, it is applied before using decorative components. When choosing antiseptics, pay attention to the place of application. The label must indicate that the product is intended for indoor use.

The work is carried out as follows:

  • Each fragment is processed separately. Surface treatment on only one side will not bring the desired effect.
  • As a tool, a brush and a roller are used.
  • The antiseptic is applied to the entire surface in a thin and even layer. It is advisable to process all areas - notches, corners.
  • Each element is left for a while - until completely dry. It is necessary to avoid that the material is in contact with each other during drying.

Work on processing the lining with an antiseptic must be carried out separately with each element

Thus, wood is obtained that will be resistant to various microorganisms that multiply in a humid environment.

flame retardants

These compounds are necessary in order to reduce the likelihood of fire. Applying this material is quite difficult. Impregnation of lining with flame retardants will be much more effective if it was produced at the enterprise. Although it is impossible to exclude self-application of the substance.

The composition is divided into two groups, which differ in the mode of action:

  1. Flame retardants that prevent combustion by releasing non-flammable gases.
  2. Substances that form a protective film on the surface of the product.

Impregnation with flame retardant reduces the likelihood of ignition of the material

It must be understood that these solutions cannot completely protect against the effects of fire. They only increase the time it takes for the processed elements to ignite.

To know! Now there are solutions that combine the actions of an antiseptic and a fire retardant. This is a combined composition that has a combination of their positive properties.

Priming compositions

The primer is applied before applying decorative substances to the lining. This is necessary in order to increase the adhesion of materials, as well as reduce their consumption.

Before applying varnish or paint, the lining must be treated with a primer

The outer parts of the product are processed. It should be borne in mind that priming can be single-layer and two-layer. It depends on whether the treatment was performed with other compounds, as well as what kind of wood is used.

On a note! Currently combines a lot of positive qualities. It will not only reduce the consumption of subsequent materials, but also serve to protect against fungus and mold.

wood stain

The stain is used as an impregnation if it is planned to use a colorless varnish or wax in the future. It evens out the color of the wood and protects it from changes. Currently, this material has another protective property. It includes the functions of an antiseptic.

Wood stain improves the color of wood, and is also used as an antiseptic.

Before work, it is necessary to decide on the choice of solution, which can be on a different basis (alcohol, water and oil). The composition is available in finished or dry form. But the method of application is completely the same.


The main task of wax is to protect the surface from damage, as well as to eliminate the likelihood of poisonous fumes. The last factor refers to cases when lining is used for lining saunas and baths. That is, it is necessary to prevent the release of toxic substances when exposed to high temperatures.

Waxing should be done with a soft cloth.

A purely decorative effect cannot be ruled out. The treated surface acquires a deep and even color.

The work is carried out according to the following principle:

  • A certain amount of material is applied to the surface.
  • Rub it with a soft cloth until it is completely penetrated.
  • Several layers should be applied.

Some manufacturers specify additional conditions that are necessary for wax application.


Varnish is necessary in order to give the surface a beautiful look and protect it from damage. The inner perimeter of the premises is best treated with water-based acrylic compounds. This solution is transparent and translucent. If required, it can be dyed by adding color.

Lacquering allows you to give the lining a more spectacular look and protect it from damage.

The following application technology looks very nice:

  1. Initially, the first layer is applied - a completely transparent composition.
  2. The second layer is a translucent solution. It forms an interesting shade.

This principle allows you to preserve the natural texture of the tree.

Paints can also be used, but they are rarely used, as they completely hide the natural surface of the material.

When repairing, it is not enough to sheathe walls with clapboard in living quarters, loggias, a bathhouse (steam room and dressing room). A beautiful appearance will not please for long and after a while the wood will darken and begin to collapse. Only a special coating for wood will help to avoid damage by insects, rotting, and the harmful effects of high temperatures.

All compositions are divided into decorative and protective. The first ones include:

  • acrylate paint;
  • oil;
  • alkyd varnish;
  • opaque enamel;
  • decorative glaze;
  • stain;
  • acrylic scuba.

The group of protective agents is limited to impregnations and primers. Their main task is to protect against insects, rotting, pollution, as well as drying, the appearance of fungus. They do not perform other functions, they are completely absorbed, leaving no traces.

Producers of impregnations and varnishes

1. Finncolor offers a matt and semi-gloss lacquer for wooden lining on an acrylate basis (diluted with water). The compositions are used inside dry rooms for covering walls and ceilings, for floors or furniture is not recommended. Slow down the processes of destruction of wood, protect against dirt, mold and fungus. Apply with a brush, spray, can be tinted. Consumption - from 1 liter per 5 m2 to 1 liter per 12 m2, depending on the surface (whether it is being processed for the first time) and the number of layers to be applied. Packing - 9 liters each, cost - about 2000 rubles.

2. Komandor produces varnishes for different tastes of the buyer: matte, semi-matt, glossy and semi-gloss. All of them have similar characteristics: they are safe for use in children's, medical institutions, without a strong odor. After coating, the plane acquires water and dirt-repellent properties. Packing is possible in 0.9, 2.7, 9 liters. Consumption - from 8 to 12 m2 per 1 liter. The price is about 300 rubles.

3. Eurotex-sauna - for a bath, steam room and dressing room. It contains wax, which creates a protective film on the surface of the wood. Withstands exposure to steam, high temperatures, treatment with chemical detergents. Available in containers from 1 to 10 liters. The average cost (for 2.5 liters) is 450 rubles. This amount should be enough for 35 m2.

4. Belinka is known for its paints: thin and colorless Azure. The absence of biocides allows it to be used in the home. The advantages are safety for health, vapor resistance, preservation of protective functions at any temperature. They do not have a shade, they give the lining only a matte sheen. 1 liter is enough when applying 3 layers per 10-12 m2. Packaged in jars of 1, 2.5, 5 and 10 liters. Approximate prices - about 600 rubles. Water azure for saunas or baths is also on sale, the price of which does not exceed 500.

5. Pinotex is known for its wood coating products for outdoors and indoors. The Interior line was created for living rooms, kitchens, baths. Impregnation is a transparent liquid, which is easy to process lining, painted and not previously painted. It has no chemical smell, is resistant to damage, gives a well-groomed appearance. Among the components are lightfast pigments, water and alkyd resins. Produced in cans of 1, 3 and 10 liters. Consumption - from 8 to 16 m2 per 1 liter. The cost is about 600 rubles.

6. Kompozit offers interior varnish. Water-based, odorless, quick-drying, suitable for decorating walls and ceilings, chipboard, fiberboard and MDF. Ready for use, no color, only emphasizes the pattern, tinting is possible. Consumption: from 8 to 12 m2 per 1 liter. You can purchase cans of 1, 3, 10 liters for 250-2000 rubles.

7. Available from Colorex:

  • Panellac is a semi-gloss liquid that is used to treat new wood (as a primer), as well as previously finished eurolining (finishing stage). It is used not only for wall and ceiling panels, but also for covering furniture. Performs the function of protecting against changes in shade, mechanical damage (the tree becomes hard and resistant to the use of chemicals). It is applied by roller, brush, spraying, tinting is possible. Packing - 0.9 l (720 rubles), 2.7 (1800), 9 (5100). Consumption - from 8 to 14 m2 per 1 liter.
  • Supisauna is a colorless water-based acrylic matte varnish, easy to clean. For wet rooms: loggias, dressing rooms, steam rooms. The main goal is that the lining in the bath does not darken and does not rot. Packing and consumption correspond to the previous version. The price is lower - from 600 to 4000 rubles.

Selection Tips

1. Some domestic manufacturers (Finncolor Rapan Parquet, Kompozit Aqua Imperior) produce quality products that can compete with foreign ones. But the cost will be more affordable compared to imported goods.

2. For application inside the house, be sure to choose a product that is odorless and toxic additives. Water-based varnish is best. It is hypoallergenic, environmentally friendly, has a wide spectrum of action with wooden materials, and is easy to work with.

3. For wood in the bath, special compounds are needed. You can not cover the lining with ordinary paint, varnish - they do not allow you to "breathe", which provokes decay.

4. The most affordable is water-based clear varnish. Alkyd will be more expensive, it will be more difficult to work with. Inside the dwelling, it is better to select the first option, and leave the second for surfaces subject to mechanical damage.

5. The most popular paint for wood is a translucent finish. Pros: preservation of texture, the acquisition of a solid color. Disadvantage: persistent smell, so it is better to process in the warm season in order to be able to ventilate the room. The most expensive option will be with wax, it will protect the walls from moisture better than any analogues.

6. For previously painted wood, you need to choose a composition, taking into account its compatibility with the already applied. Impregnations, primers, varnishes can adversely interact with each other, causing harm.

7. For some owners, it doesn’t matter what kind of varnish it is better to cover the lining, because they are satisfied with the tree without processing. After some time, it will darken, so you should choose a semi-matte transparent varnish.

Thanks to the properties of paint, you can change the color by zoning, visually enlarge the room. For small, dark rooms, it is better to use light or transparent tones. The disadvantage of choosing a stain is that the surface must be perfectly flat, without knots.

One of the most popular types of wooden finishing materials is lining. It has a different profile, thanks to which the surface has a different look - from a smooth wall with small grooves, to waves of different sizes. It's just that wooden walls do not fit into all interiors, so it often becomes necessary to paint the lining inside the room - at home or in the country.

You can paint the lining in a different color

How to process lining inside the house

In general, many people think that it is better not to process the lining inside the premises. Maybe so, but not in every climate and room, it will retain its original appearance for a long time. If the level of ventilation is insufficient, the wood may turn blue; if it is in the sun, it becomes dark gray.

Blueing can only be fought with biological means - chlorine or active oxygen, and then unequivocally impregnated with protective compounds, and maybe even painted. With grayed wood, it is a little easier: removing the top layer with the help of grinding, you will again get a beautiful color, but without UV protection, it will also not last long. Therefore, they decide to paint the lining inside the house or cottage.

Another point: not everyone likes wood in the interior. It's just that sometimes people get tired of looking at it. I just want a smooth colored surface. This also happens, and often. In this case, look for opaque paint. Select the characteristic effects as desired.

Opaque paints give an opaque film

They paint the lining inside with opaque paints also because wood in natural color is not compatible with all styles. But sometimes you want to have a high-tech interior in a wooden house, for example. In this case, paint with metallic particles or with mother-of-pearl (for example, Lignovit Platin) is suitable.

All compositions for protecting wood can be fairly roughly divided into six main groups:

This division is conditional: there are many mixed compositions that can be attributed to at least two groups. So there are impregnations that can be tinted, and there are paints with protective properties. The difference is in the effectiveness of protection. Impregnations primarily protect the wood, and giving color is a secondary task. With colors it's the other way around. Their main task is to create a beautiful coating, and protection is like a side effect. If you need both good protection and a high-quality coating right away, take the impregnation without tinting, and after drying, apply paint.

Another example of a mixed composition is oil and wax. These compositions combine the properties of both oils and wax, so that the wood retains its appearance for a longer time.

The question of which group to give preference to, everyone decides for himself. Different tools solve different problems and it is important to choose the right properties that you need in the first place.

How to paint the lining inside: technology

For painting lining in "dry" rooms inside the house, you can use any type of paint. Here you simply determine the requirements for the decorative appearance of the surface. If the lining is dry, you can not impregnate it with protective compounds, or choose paint / varnish / wax with appropriate additives. You can paint it only on one side, leaving the back side unfinished.

Paint each board lining separately

If the lining will be used in damp or unheated rooms, on the balcony, you must first soak it well with protective compounds from all sides, you can - twice. Only after the impregnation has dried can it be painted, varnished, in general, given decorative properties. Another point: when mounting the lining on a wall or ceiling, it has to be cut into pieces. Places of cuts in wet rooms must also be coated with the composition. It is not necessary to wait until it dries, but it is necessary to process.

There is one very important nuance that many amateur decorators overlook. If you want to get a professional-level lining, you need to process each plank separately: sand, paint, dry, and only then collect the surface from the already painted lining. That is, to mount already fully processed planks on the wall or on the ceiling. Only with this approach, from any point, the surface of the lining will have the same color.

It is difficult to paint the entire surface of the wall upholstered with clapboard.

If you paint an already assembled surface, unpainted places remain in the grooves and recesses, it is difficult to grind large areas. You can't get a perfectly flat surface. The quality of the finish in this version is not above average. It is permissible to paint the finished surface if you are updating the painting. This must be done at different intervals - it depends on the operating conditions and the properties of the paintwork material.

Correctly, the painting technology is as follows.

There can be many layers: it depends on the hiding power of the paint and on what effect you want to get. But in any case, the rule remains the same: there should be little composition on the brush. Exception - impregnations or primers. They are applied with a well-moistened brush, but only those that are without pigment. When applying pigmented protective compounds, the rules for paints apply - the minimum required amount of the composition is well shaded.

Sometimes, even with careful rubbing of the paint, spots are clearly visible. This is not a bad paint, but the properties of wood: somewhere the pores absorb better, somewhere worse. In order to achieve an even color in this case, the surface is first primed. You can use any primer on wood or a colorless matte varnish (you can water-based). After drying, the surface is sanded (yeah, again) and then the required number of layers of paint is applied. Only in this case, after the first layer of coatings, grinding is rarely required, and if necessary, then in some places, more often - on a spike or groove.

How to evenly apply azure, oil or wax, see the video.

If furniture quality of painting is needed, there are even more layers: first, a stain is applied, then two layers of primer. After drying, it is polished to a completely dull surface, first with a grain of 280, then 320, after removing the dust, a finishing layer is applied - varnish. An example of such work in the video.

Painting wood while preserving texture

A pronounced woody pattern can be achieved using azure, pigmented oil or wax. These compositions lie quite tightly, almost painting over the structure of wood fibers. Any of the compositions described above can be applied by brush or roller.

When applying paintwork materials, they take quite a bit, first applying fragments along the entire length of the lining. Then, with a brush or roller, the applied strokes are shaded over the entire surface. After leaving them to soak for 5-10 minutes, a soft, lint-free cloth is taken to reveal the texture and most of the oil is removed. As a result, the pattern appears much brighter than in its original state: a greater amount of pigmented agent is retained in the grooves, and almost none of it remains on the protruding parts. The result is a pronounced texture. This technique is also called brushing or texturing the lining. In interiors, wood treated in this way looks very decorative: both on the walls and on the ceiling.

The process can be seen in the video. Three samples were stained: two with the same pigmented oil, one with a colorless one. 5 minutes after painting, one of the pigmented blanks was wiped off to develop the pattern. To preserve the wood after the pigment has dried (24 hours or more, read on the package), the lining is covered with two layers of colorless oil (azure, wax). In places of intensive use, it can also be varnished - matt.

How to paint a lining under bleached oak

Often it is required to paint the tree white, but so that the veins are visible. They also say - to create the effect of bleached oak. There are several ways:

It is difficult to say which composition to choose - you need to try. It is advisable to paint the lining with several compositions and compare the result. The effect is slightly different when using different products, but still depends heavily on the wood. Reviews are also very different - someone whitened with tints, someone with oil. Soils are rarely used for these purposes, but mainly due to the fact that not everyone knows their properties.

Secrets of decorative wood staining: techniques and tricks

Residents of cities want to preserve the natural color of wood to the maximum. For those for whom the wood in the house is a boring everyday life, paint the lining inside the premises in some unusual color. Modern coatings allow you to achieve different effects. For example, textured or brushed lining, but in two colors. This technique is often used in loft-style interiors.

Brushed lining in two colors - an excellent choice for decorating walls

The trick is to apply two layers of different colors. The first layer is applied some dark color, the second - light or brighter. After playing with colors and the order of their application, you can create your own version. Watch the video - how to get a lining brushed in two colors.

Coloring in two colors may not be the same. You can make recesses of a darker color, and the face (front part) is only slightly tinted or everything is done exactly the opposite. It will turn out a striped wall from the lining - the effect of a lath wall.

How to paint lining inside the house: ideas

Painting techniques and methods are great, but how to fit the lining into a modern interior? Just. There are many interesting options. The latest finds of designers - a wall of lining in a room with smooth walls. Looks creative and interesting. And most often such a wall is made using the technique of brushing.

One of the options for using lining in the interior of the bedroom

An interesting effect is obtained by combining inserts of different thicknesses - in the photo, thin boards are inserted between wide boards. And they are painted in different shades of the same color. The combination is interesting and fresh.

Lining is also used to create interiors in a modern style.

Lining is not necessarily just a flat board with small grooves on one side, which is also called eurolining. There are different profiles, including those with waves and troughs. From them you can assemble interesting walls, the relief of which is emphasized by coloring.

Interesting reliefs can be assembled from lining of different profiles. To look more interesting - emphasize the reliefs or whiten

As usual in the interior, a lot depends on the light. A few non-standardly designed lamps - long translucent strips behind which lamps are hidden, installed in the middle of the ceiling - and the interior is completely transformed. In this design, you can decorate rooms for young people, creative living rooms, etc.

Very interesting lighting solution

You can play not only with light, but also with color: in the lighting zone, paint the lining in a lighter color, emphasizing this zone in this way.

The play of light and color reflected in the mirror

If you have good drawing skills, you can paint the lining. Just do not forget to then cover the whole picture with colorless oil or varnish - so that it lasts longer. This technique can be used when decorating a children's room.

Painting on the lining

In the interior of the office, living room, hallway, rigidly defined panels from the lining look great. In the same vein, you can decorate the wall in the dining area in the kitchen. Only its quality and color should be perfect.

The honey shade of the lining is repeated on the ceiling

Deliberately imperfect may be processing for the interior in the style of "rustic". Such rooms with a masculine character.

Rustic style will appeal to men. In this case, painting the lining using the brushing technique is the norm. And the colors are chosen dark

As if in contrast - light walls. The lining is whitewashed, and the beams are painted dark. Despite the traditional materials used for centuries, the look of such a room is modern and stylish.

An excellent combination - light walls with the effect of bleached oak and dark massive beams. It's practically a win-win.

Variation on the same theme

Lining is also used in the decoration of bathrooms. Impregnation here needs to be given maximum attention, but if the ventilation in the bathroom is done at a level, impregnation is protected from moisture, then there should be no problems. And the interior, you see, is very interesting - the warm tones of wood combined with bright marble are a great move.

Lining in the bathroom

Lining is also used for finishing balconies. Only it is necessary to fill it horizontally - this way you can expand a small space. And light colors look better in such a small area, maybe with a dark edging.

Whitewashed lining on the balcony

Ceiling - lining, painted with light stain


Impregnation for lining inside the house: we choose an antiseptic for lining, we study the instructions and the method of applying with our own hands, the price of photos and videos

Antiseptic treatment with a paint brush

The most successful option for cladding the walls of a house (inside and outside) is a lining, which not only does not require any preparatory work for laying, but is also easy to operate. Moreover, no additional facing actions, such as puttying or leveling, are required. There is no need for too careful processing of the walls.

A very important point is the use of a composition such as impregnation for lining inside and outside the house. This is necessary in view of the fact that this facing material is usually made from environmentally friendly raw materials - wood, as a result of which the room receives comfort and a wonderful microclimate. Proper use of impregnation will allow the material not to lose its qualities for a long time.

Types of protective impregnations

So all the same, how to soak the lining inside the house? The modern construction market offers a wide variety of different means for processing wood panels, which in turn will get rid of such unpleasant phenomena as fungus, mold, fire, bugs, mushrooms, etc.

Without proper experience, it is difficult to understand the need for a particular composition.

It is very convenient that the impregnation of the lining with such means is simple in its implementation, each owner of the house will be able to do it with his own hands, without resorting to the help of specialists. Often, such products, in addition to their own main function, make it possible to emphasize the structure of the cladding, due to the formation of a translucent film after application.

Protective equipment for lining are divided into two types

  1. Protective + decorative functions;
  2. Exceptionally protective.

As follows from the definitions, antiseptics of the first group are able to emphasize the structure of the tree, due to the presence of a transparent film, while the second option is completely transparent and is not noticeable after drying.

Antiseptic for lining in the form of a concentrate

Preliminary preparation of lining for applying a protective agent

  • Surface cleaning.
  • Application of a primer layer.
  • Now the antiseptic is directly applied to the lining.
  • Finished with water-based paint or lacquer.

Processing of lining by impregnation should be carried out according to all these stages, only this can serve as a guarantee of long-term operation.

Important to remember! To make further painting of the lining (if it is planned) a pleasant experience that will require the application of only one coat of paint, you should choose an antiseptic with a translucent effect. The paint will turn out very saturated and infinitely bright.

Videos and photos of the work that the masters can provide, as well as a live demonstration of the action of a translucent antiseptic clearly show the effectiveness of translucent impregnation. Moreover, it is able to make the impregnation lighter.

Application of translucent antiseptic

The main types of antiseptics

Do not neglect the application of antiseptic agents to the lining during repair or construction. These tools improve the water-resistant properties, and also reliably protect the wood from such negative effects as insect attacks or fungal infections, which can be detrimental not only to the appearance of the finish, but also to the health of the residents of the house.

Bark beetles can destroy wood finishes very quickly.

As a result of antiseptic treatment, any biological organisms will not be able to take root on the surface of the facing material, and those microorganisms that already existed on the surface will be destroyed without the possibility of further reproduction.

Four main groups of antiseptics

  • Means containing organic solvents. This impregnation is suitable for use not only inside the building, but also outside, it is able to protect any wooden building;
  • Means containing oil products with antiseptic functions. If the wood has a static load, then this option will come in handy. In addition, due to the fact that the composition is not washed out from the surface, continuing to protect in all weather conditions, it should be used in places with harsh climatic conditions;
  • Preventive means based on the function of temporary protection. This solution is water soluble, usually used for wood that comes into contact with water;

Special compositions have been developed for wet rooms

In any case, a representative of each of the groups of impregnations presented above leaves behind a special protective film that is elastic.

Important to remember! Of course, such an indicator as the price of protective impregnation for lining is of a certain importance, however, when choosing a composition, special attention should be paid to its characteristics. The tool must be selected depending on the conditions in which the lining will be located (climate, temperature difference, etc.).

Treatment of the exterior of the house with impregnation

The main properties of antiseptics

As you know, the use of protective impregnation for wood paneling will allow it to retain its original qualities for a long time. Of course, such measures are not required for vinyl lining, but it is mounted on a beam, which should also be impregnated. In addition, a properly selected composition will help to overcome rotting and insect attack.

Two types of protective equipment:

  1. Means that leave behind a protective film;
  2. Means containing solutions of salts, as well as some types of protective substances. They are able to penetrate the structure of the tree without harm and destroy bacteria.

Coatings that create a film on the surface of the lining should preferably be used for external treatments, since the toxicity of such agents is too high. In addition, certain safety conditions must be observed during application - wear a protective suit.

After applying a protective layer of impregnation, it is imperative to carry out further processing, which consists in applying varnish substances or ordinary painting. This is necessary to eliminate direct contact of wood treated with an antiseptic with a person.

It is also worth paying attention to impregnations, which differ in the presence of a fire protection function, which in turn can also be divided into two types:

  1. The composition of the antiseptic contains special salts, they protect the wood upon contact, as they prevent burning;
  2. Fire blocking compounds. Their role is to perform the functions of a fire extinguisher; upon contact with fire, the coating swells up, forming foam on the surface of the lining that prevents combustion.

Application of a special composition that protects wood panels from ignition


Using lining as a room decor allows you to make it cozy and comfortable. Nevertheless, wood, like any other material, requires some care, as the instruction manual for the lining can say. To do this, it is necessary to use special means, antiseptics, which will significantly extend the operational properties of the material.


photos of interiors and balconies, color selection and staining; What is the best paint for lining?

Natural wood is a highly environmentally friendly, safe and popular finishing material in our time. Wooden lining is considered the most convenient and easy to install; balconies, loggias, terraces, living rooms, and kitchens are trimmed with it. Along with its positive qualities, wood is a rather vulnerable material. The tree easily absorbs moisture, from which it can be deformed, the lining can dry out from exposure to high temperatures. The simplest and most reliable protection for wood is the right coating (lacquer, paint). About how to paint the lining inside the house and our conversation will go.

How to paint the lining inside the house and outside, and how, besides paint, can a wooden board be treated?

There are several types of materials for processing and protecting lining:

  • varnishes (create a transparent or translucent film),
  • impregnations (absorbed into wood and practically invisible, often they are varnished or painted on top),
  • paints (create a durable color film on the surface of the wood).

For those who do not like how the painted lining looks in the interior, you can use stain, it emphasizes the texture of the wood and gives it a characteristic color. However, the stain poorly protects the surface from moisture and is often varnished or waxed on top. Also, drying oil is used as an impregnation that enhances the water-repellent properties of the lining. However, over time, drying oil will darken, and at first it exudes a strong characteristic “aroma”. If you are going to process lining with drying oil in a residential area, keep this in mind.

When choosing a material for wood processing, first of all, start from what kind of interior you are creating. If you want to preserve the color and texture of wood, use transparent impregnations and varnishes. The information on the label will help you choose the appropriate type (antiseptic, water repellent, etc.). If you want to introduce any color scheme and have already decided what color to paint the lining, then you will need a special paint for lining inside the house. For outdoor work, special paints are also used, which indicate their purpose. When choosing a paint, do not hesitate to smell the contents of the cans, and if a very strong “ambre” comes from the paint, then it is better to refuse the purchase. A clapboard painted with foul-smelling paint will exude this aroma for a week or more. Remember that maintaining a healthy, environmentally friendly environment in your home is one of the main tasks of renovation.

The tool needed to paint the lining inside the house:

  • brushes, roller,
  • paint tray, bucket,
  • fine-grained sandpaper or special grinding nets (to eliminate small roughness on the surface of the lining),
  • stepladder (for painting the upper part near the ceiling and the ceiling),
  • goggles, gloves.

The scheme of work is quite simple:

  • cleaning surfaces (from dirt, roughness, old paint, if any),
  • primer (for better adhesion of paint to the surface and protection against mold and fungus),
  • painting (paint is applied in two layers, sometimes in three layers).

So that there are no brush marks left on the surface, painting the lining (the photo will clearly show) should be carried out with smooth movements from top to bottom.

Painted lining in the interior: what color to choose for painting the walls in a room or on a balcony?

In order for the painted lining in the interior to look harmonious and beautiful, you need to choose the right color. Warm colors range from light beige, yellow to brown. Cool colors include: blue, blue, gray. Remember about the visual perception of color, white color "expands" the space, black lining will make the room gloomy, dark and small.

You can paint the lining both in one color, and combine several shades, painting the bottom with a darker color (highlighting the lower part as a “panel”), and the top with a lighter shade. For special originality, you can paint over vertical stripes of different colors. Masking tape, small brushes and multi-colored paint, together with your imagination, will help you create a real masterpiece, turning a boring wall into a bright and unique art object.

Features of working with lining

How to paint the lining inside the house?

Wood is an excellent building material widely used in interior decoration of premises for various purposes. Sheathed walls well hide the unevenness of the walls and give them a flat surface. In addition, lining walls have excellent soundproofing qualities, reflecting almost 100% of the sound. The material itself has a beautiful appearance, but over time it may darken. How to paint the lining to extend its life and give it an aesthetic appearance? As a rule, lining is painted with ordinary scuba diving: Panels-Yassya, Panels-Yassya Arctic (with mother-of-pearl), Senezh Akvadecor, Tikkurila, Eurotex. The floors from the lining in the room are covered with alkyd varnishes such as Eurotex or Unica Super.

Features of painting lining on the balcony and loggia

The most economical option for decorating walls on a loggia or balcony is lining it with clapboard. Wooden materials create good heat and sound insulation, give the balcony coziness and comfort, and have the ability to absorb excess moisture. For balcony cladding, pine is most often used, but some design solutions use a narrow block house and imitation timber, which give the structure a noble look. Over time, under the influence of atmospheric phenomena, the material may lose its appearance: darken or, conversely, burn out in the sun, crack, dry out or swell from excess moisture. To increase the service life and maintain a presentable appearance, the products should be varnished or impregnated. A good way to protect is to paint the lining on the balcony. What is the best way to paint a balcony or loggia upholstered in wood? For these purposes, scuba tanks are used, for example: Panels-Yassya Arctic, Unica Super, Eurotex and Senezh Aquadecor.

Why do many designers use clapboard?

Decorating the interior of any room with wood gives it sophistication. This type of decoration is appropriate both in a country cottage and in a panel apartment. The use of lining in the interior, in addition to giving the room a unique comfort, is also a natural insulation and sound insulator. Well dried and impregnated with special means, fitted one to the other, euro lining hides all the cracks and irregularities of the main walls, making the surface smooth and beautiful. In addition, the material has good strength and resistance to mechanical damage, so this type of finish will retain a presentable appearance for many years. Under this coating, you can well hide electrical wiring, heating pipes and plumbing. Thanks to all these qualities, lining is widely used by designers in the design of various interiors of residential and office premises.

Color features

The procedure for painting a wooden lining begins with the removal - "stripping" - of the resin with a solvent and filling of cracks, cracks and traces of knots. The next step is sanding the wooden surface. The better the preliminary work is done, the smoother the paint will lie. On uneven protruding areas, its layer will be thinner, which means it will collapse faster under the influence of atmospheric phenomena. How to paint the lining? For these purposes, water-based dyes are used. Coloring is done only with a brush, so you do not need to buy a roller. The brush must be of good quality. The tone density can be adjusted according to your own preferences. Brush movements with paint should be smooth and uniform, as shown in the photo.

The subtleties of coloring lining in white

White lining in the interior looks elegant and sophisticated, so many designers recommend painting products made from this material white. Painting white is a time-consuming process, and a lot of effort must be made to ensure that the final version satisfies the customer. It is good to paint the lining with acrylic and oil paints, as well as polyurethane or latex. These coating materials are highly resistant and durable. In addition, they have good decorative characteristics. After choosing a paint, you need to carefully prepare the surface: clean it from dust, dirt and old coatings, sand the surface with fine sandpaper and coat it with a special impregnation. Coloring is made in two layers. After the second layer has dried, a final layer of special varnish is applied, which allows you to fix the already applied coating and gives the surface a special shine.

We paint the lining correctly!

Painted lining is more durable, does not dry out and does not darken. In addition, the interior, for example, a children's room or kitchen, involves finishing with a clapboard of any color. How beautiful to paint the lining? Modern designers prefer acrylic scuba tanks of various shades. They are easy to apply, safe for human health and dry quickly. You can achieve the desired shade yourself by adding a solution for tinting a certain color to a colorless acrylic varnish, or you can buy a ready-made tint varnish. In dry rooms, the material is coated with special impregnations, waxes or oils that retain the woody color, emphasizing the natural pattern and maintaining a texture that is pleasant to the touch.

What color to paint the lining?

When choosing a shade for painting the lining, you need to focus on the style of the interior and the general idea of ​​​​the designer. The color should not contrast with the floor, ceiling and furniture, unless this is implied by the project. If you don’t know how to paint the lining, you can’t choose a shade, then perhaps a few simple tips will help you. In the interior of the kitchen, a touch of warm colors looks great: pink, orange, yellow. But shades of gray and blue give a feeling of dampness and cold. Cold shades will be appropriate for the office, and the natural color of the wood is well suited for the bedroom. A grayish, “aged” lining will perfectly emphasize for an interior in the style of “country”. White color is very effective and suitable for any style, but such surfaces are quite easily soiled and quickly dirty. In the nursery, you can use various combination methods - the painted lining is painted in different colors.

How to choose paint for lining?

Professionals choose lining paint based on their goals. In general, a variety of materials are used to treat a wooden surface: glazing, coating antiseptics, acrylic, oil paints, alkyd and scuba paints. Each of these materials gives the lining certain qualities. For example, oil paints and varnishes are well absorbed and do not let moisture through. But such a surface dries slowly, and eventually loses color and fades in the sun. Acrylate paints retain color well, allow the surface to breathe and do not crack, but they are more expensive than oil paints. Acrylic scuba shoes are usually used indoors. These substances are environmentally friendly and do not cause allergies. Alkyd varnishes are suitable for flooring because they are hard. That is, you should choose a paint for lining based on your goals, the interior of the room, material capabilities and your own preferences.


How to paint the lining white and what kind of white paint for lining is preferable: instructions from the master with video and photos

For a long time, lining has become one of the most common and sought-after finishing materials. Quality, appearance and ease of installation - all these factors influenced the popularity of this finishing material. Today we will consider the topic - coloring the lining in white.

White lining in the interior - light and warm

Painting panels has a positive effect on both the appearance of the material and its durability. It is the coating with paints and varnishes that protects the panels from negative effects on them. If it is supposed to finish inside the building, it is better to use pine products.

We prepare the basis

Before you paint the lining white, you have to start preparing it. If you miss an important step in this process, the result will be below average, the paint may lie unevenly, the boards may soon begin to rot, etc. A step-by-step review of the process will help you understand the nuances of this work and find out all the technical points for finishing the clapboard.

Cleaning the panels

First of all, you need to start by cleaning the surface of the panels from various kinds of contaminants. You can use emery paper in this process. You should walk in a circular motion over the entire surface, and from all sides. All irregularities and small deformations will be removed in this way.

Panel surface treatment

Today, the painting process is not difficult, because there are special bleaching agents that will help you quickly and easily paint the lining with your own hands.

In the event that there is already a layer of paint on the surface, then you should check how well it holds. If there are any deformations or if the paint has just begun to peel off, it is better to completely remove its layer from the panels.

Tip: If the paint holds well enough, simply wash the surface with a soda solution (2%).

Apply surface protection

  1. If the process of processing the lining is completed, we proceed to the application of protective compounds on it. First you need to putty the surface, the instructions will help you with this;

Important! For wooden lining, it is better to use a plastic spatula so that the surface remains intact during processing.

  1. After puttying, we process the panels with drying oil. It will protect the material from the negative effects of the chemical type. To maximize the result, you can also add minium to it;
  2. After complete drying of the material, proceed to the primer. This process will fix the putty and protect the material from changes in temperature in the room. The correct application of the primer layer can be viewed on the video.

Advice! When choosing a primer, check the possibility of using the composition for painting.

Lining primer

The antiseptic composition is applied to the surface only after the primer layer has completely dried. Antiseptic substances help protect the lining from mold, moisture, and the appearance of fungus on their surface over time.

Choosing a paint

When the time comes to choose a paint, a number of questions arise, how and with what to paint, and the complexity of choosing a composition for coating the surface. The variety of types and types of paints is misleading for anyone who is faced with such a choice for the first time.

To choose the right paint, you need to know some of the features of each of them:

  • White paint for oil-type lining dries quickly enough, which is its advantage over other analogues. Agree, this criterion is very important if the process of painting panels is carried out right in the house, and not on the street;

Advice! If you decide to paint the ceiling, then the best option for this would be scuba diving.

  • Acrylic paint does not spread, which is very convenient when painting lining. The disadvantage of this type of paint is the low resistance to peeling;
  • Water-based paints are in demand more than others, because the price for them is much less than for all other analogues, although such paint does not have particularly positive characteristics.

Photo of a translucent white lining

The advantage of translucent paints is that they allow the natural pattern to remain visible. If you want to create a natural interior and preserve the texture of the panels, then this paint is for you.

In general, if you like a natural pattern - translucent paint is right for you, but if you want a bright style - paints of any colors and shades of your choice.

Painting process

The lining is painted using a special technology. It lies in the fact that it is necessary to guide the brush or roller without interruption from top to bottom, so you get a uniformly painted surface without streaks and streaks.

It is also worth noting that the pressure on the brush or roller throughout their entire length should be the same.

Applying a second coat of white paint to the lining

It is impossible to carry out several times with a brush with paint in one place, because this will lead to uneven coloring of the lining surface. The brush should be only half in the paint, maximum, and no more. You need to paint a thin layer and several times.

Important! The application of the second layer is possible only after the first layer has completely dried.

In order to evenly and accurately paint the entire surface of the lining, you need to purchase several types of brushes in order to paint over hard-to-reach places well. The door trim is the most difficult to paint over, so special attention must be paid to this area. To properly paint hard-to-reach places, it is better to watch the whole process on the training video.

If the lining is adjacent to glass or panels, it is necessary to paste over the surface near them with masking tape. After painting - just remove it from the surface. The whole painting process requires care and accuracy. If this is not about you, then you turn to the masters for help, who will quickly and efficiently paint the lining.

Accurate and thorough painting of the panels leads to the desired result.

In conclusion

If you follow all the rules and follow the recommendations described above, you will get high-quality painting and a wonderful interior that will delight you and your family.


We paint lining in the country: types of coatings, ideas, technology

The interior decoration of a country house should be durable, safe and durable. And if in winter it is empty and not heated, then it is also moisture resistant, since the risk of condensation in this case is very high. Not every material will cope with such tasks, however, if properly processed and decorated with natural wood lining, it will last for decades.

Depending on how to paint the lining inside the house in the country, it will have a different appearance: it will retain its natural pattern and shade or acquire a new one. And protective compositions for wood impregnation improve its performance.

Lining in the design of a country house

Why process and paint lining

Any material made of wood must be coated with protective compounds. Without them, the finish will quickly lose its appearance and become unusable. Paints, varnishes and impregnations perform several functions:

  • Improve the appearance of the front surface of the lining;
  • Prevent natural darkening of wood;
  • Protect against mold, fungus and rot;
  • Reduce the release of resin from conifers;
  • Improve water repellency, thereby preventing swelling and deformation;
  • Reduce the ability to ignite and spread fire.

Coatings of different types solve one or more problems. Therefore, for the best protection, you have to choose several compositions at once. How to paint the lining inside the house depends on exactly what functions are assigned to the coating and what kind of finish you would like to get in the end.

Types of compositions for lining

All means for wood processing are conditionally divided into protective and decorative. Some of them need to be combined, others can be used on their own. Ideally, primary processing should be carried out before the installation of wooden lining, so the products will be protected from adverse factors from all sides. If the skin is already installed and coated, it will need to be removed or sanded.

Note! Eurolining, if it is made according to the standard, is already covered with protective or protective and decorative compositions.

protective equipment

The primary tasks of these compositions are to protect the tree from pests, mold, fungus, moisture, temperature changes and extend the life of the lining and finish coating.

Covering the lining with a protective compound before installation

Common means for processing wooden surfaces:

  1. Primer. A popular decorative base. It improves adhesion, prevents the absorption of moisture and the release of resin, fills the pores and hides small irregularities. Compositions with an antiseptic additive are produced, they protect the tree from damage by mold and fungus.
  2. Oil-wax. Creates a dense film surface that perfectly repels water. This treatment is necessary for rooms with high humidity.
  3. Linseed oil. Deeply impregnates wood, hardens over time. Protects from moisture and gives the lining a pronounced structure.
  4. Drying oil. A once popular processing tool. Today, it is being replaced by more advanced formulations. Improves the hydrophobicity of wood, but the coating quickly changes color and sticks.
  5. Bleach. The material is more often used locally, where there are defects such as blue spots, natural darkening.
  6. Antiseptics. Protect the surface from pests, fungus and mold. They are already used on the affected areas of the finish.
  7. Flame retardants. Reduce the ability of wood to ignite and spread fire.

Oil-wax and linseed oil do not require additional processing, as they give the surface a pronounced pattern, and the color can be tinted. It is also permissible not to paint drying oil, but it will have to be updated often. Primer and antiseptics are used as a base for finishing.

Lining covered with drying oil

Decorative coatings

It is necessary to select these compositions taking into account the state of the finish. There are products that preserve and emphasize the natural look of wood, make annual rings more pronounced, give a shade. Others, on the contrary, hide the pattern under a dense colored layer. The former should be used if the lining has no defects (Extra, A and AB varieties) and old paint. The second, for products with numerous damages (grade B and C) and coatings that cannot be removed.

Transparent compositions for finishing wooden lining: varnishes, stain, some paints. Opaque: acrylic and oil paint, water-based.


Acrylic, alkyd and water-based varnishes are most suitable for interior work. Completely preserve the natural appearance of wood. Pigment can be added to the composition, which will give the lining a shade. The varnished surface has a glossy or matte texture. Additionally protect the finish from moisture, discoloration and minor mechanical damage. May contain antiseptic additives.

Lacquer coating for lining

Decorative azure

Gives wood a pronounced structure and any color. It does not form a film on the surface, but penetrates deep into. The material is transparent, so the lining under it should be without significant defects. In addition to being decorative, it also has a protective function.

Variants of shades of decorative azure

wood stain

It has almost the same effect as decorative azure. Paints wood in saturated brown color of different shades. Stain is often used for artificial aging of lining. It is important to consider that it does not sufficiently protect against moisture.

Stain shades

Acrylic water-based translucent paint

Forms a thin layer on the surface of the wood, through which the texture and natural shade of wood are visible. Such paints hide minor defects in the finish.

Translucent paint on lining

Oil paint

Thick opaque finish. Forms a film on the surface. May have any shade. Keeps color and integrity for a long time. This lining paint needs to be renewed approximately every 5 years. Has a pungent odor.

Covering lining with oil paint

acrylic paint

More durable opaque finish than oil paint. Virtually odorless, dries in a short time. Can create a matte and glossy finish. Its only drawback is its high cost.

Matte acrylic paint

water emulsion

The colors are odorless and dry quickly. Form a matte or semi-matte texture. Suitable for dry rooms only.

Water-based paint for decorating a country house

The video shows an example of a competent combination of protective and decorative coatings for wall paneling, applied at home, without the use of special tools.

Tips for choosing a finish coating and interesting ideas

A wide selection of coatings allows you to choose absolutely any color and texture for lining. In the conditions of a country house, it is better to give preference to the most persistent and unpretentious compositions that do not have to be updated frequently.

If the panels have many defects or an old coating, then dense, opaque paint is indispensable. It is possible to improve the appearance of the base surface by removing the top layer of wood, but this is too laborious and time consuming.

An unusual combination of shades of paint for lining

The colors and shades of lining can be combined in the decoration of one room. This technique allows you to divide a spacious room into zones. Decorate or diversify the design, place accents.

Color accents in clapboard trim

Due to the color of the finish, you can achieve some visual effects. Light shades expand the space, dark ones, on the contrary, make it smaller. A white ceiling looks taller than a brown one.

The color solution for lining can match the palette of shades used in the interior or contrast.

Harmonious combination of color palette of textiles and walls

Lining processing technology

Protection and painting of lining is carried out in several stages. The first one is preparation. If the finish is new, then before covering the lining, it is enough to clean its surface from dust with a solution of 5 liters of water and 150 gr. soda. After drying, the first layer can be applied.

In the presence of old coatings, grinding with pumice or sandpaper will be required. It is better to do it with a grinder. The task of this procedure is to create a rough texture that will easily adhere to the coatings.

Cleaning walls from old paint with a grinder

If dense paints are applied to the lining, then they can be cleaned off mechanically (with a building hair dryer and a spatula, grinder) or with special chemical solutions. Neither method guarantees perfect results, but it's worth a try. This option is better than painting the lining inside the house right on top of the old finish.

The coating can not be removed, but then it should be degreased. Without fail, remove areas with crumbling paint, air cavities and clean to smoothness.

In the presence of serious defects, such as fallen knots, it is necessary to putty the hole and clean it to smoothness.

Applying protection

If the coating could not be applied to an uninstalled lining, then the joints should be carefully coated in order to treat as large an area as possible. The composition must be applied in a thin and even layer. To do this, you can use both a brush and a roller, as well as mechanical tools. If the protection is applied in several layers, then it is important to dry each of them thoroughly before painting the lining with the next composition.


The method of applying the finish coat depends on its type. General rules for work:

  • Use two brushes (wide for the main part, narrow for joints) or an airbrush;
  • Painting starts from the top so that accidental drops do not spoil the finished surface;
  • Pass one section once, in a continuous line;
  • Some varnishes and paints are applied in two or three layers, each of which must dry naturally for several days;
  • It is better to make several thin layers than one thick layer;
  • Only painted finishes should not be exposed to UV rays and extreme temperature changes.

In hard-to-reach places, a foam rubber sponge can be used for staining. It is best to apply the composition over the entire area in a short time. If you want to take a break, then the joint must be located in an inconspicuous area.

Applying paint with a spray gun

For the interior decoration of a country house, lining is one of the best options. It does not require complex maintenance, and it is enough to restore the surface once every 7-10 years (depending on the type of coating). If you process it according to all the rules and taking into account the features of operation, the material will last at least 25 years.


Protective impregnation for lining on the balcony: types and properties of products

Many people try to turn their balcony into a small and cozy room. For this, double-glazed windows are installed, insulation is carried out. Then, to give an aesthetic appearance, the internal walls on the balcony are finished with some material. Quite often, lining is used as such. This material does not require high costs and any subsequent processing. It is environmentally friendly and creates comfort and a pleasant microclimate in the room.

In order for the wall decoration on the balcony to retain its attractive appearance longer, impregnation for lining and special protective equipment are used. Processing with these substances allows the material not to lose its qualities for a long time. Let's figure out how and how to process wood finishing material. What means for its protection can the modern construction industry offer? The most common means of lining protection today are substances that form a film on the surface. Also use a special impregnation for wood.

Antiseptic impregnation

To protect the material, impregnation for lining is used. It is a solution of salts with the addition of protective substances. Such impregnation penetrates deep into the wood structure and destroys all harmful bacteria, fungal spores and mold. In the future, it protects the lining from various influences. After the lining has been impregnated with an antiseptic, you need to cover it with varnish or paint. This is necessary to avoid evaporation and direct contact of the treated wood with human skin. All of these can be harmful to health.

Before impregnating the lining that you want to install on the balcony, it should be prepared. Using sandpaper, thoroughly clean the entire surface on both sides. The tree itself must be well dried. This is necessary for better impregnation of wood. The processing itself should also be carried out from all sides. Particular attention should be paid to various grooves and recesses. Impregnation can be applied with a roller or brush.

After impregnation, it is necessary to let the lining dry, and this process lasts at least two days. All this time, the lining should be in a well-ventilated area. If the impregnation is of high quality, then the color of the lining will not change after processing. Only after drying, the material can be mounted on the balcony. To protect against fire, impregnation for lining with special additives can be used. They prevent wood burning. Of course, these funds are more expensive, but they are worth it. With their help, you can not be afraid of a fire on your balcony.

The use of protective equipment for lining

In order for the interior decoration on the balcony to retain its appearance for a long time, it must be treated with special means. The modern construction industry can offer a large number of funds for these purposes. Such substances are able to protect the lining from exposure to the sun, moisture, fire. Also, protective equipment will prevent damage to the finishing material as a result of exposure to mold, fungi and various insects that feed on wood.

The protective coating can be applied to the lining on your own, there is nothing complicated about it. As a result of the work done, a transparent or translucent film is formed on the surface. It is she who protects the lining from various influences and pests. The film itself can emphasize the texture of the tree, which will give the walls on the balcony even more beauty.

All protective equipment can be divided into two groups: substances that have only a protective effect, and those that, in addition to protection, improve the appearance. The first is completely transparent. The created film will not be visible after drying. The latter, on the contrary, create a visible film - it emphasizes the beauty of the tree.

Protection for lining requires preliminary preparation. Before starting work, it is necessary to carefully clean the surface, and then walk with a primer. Only then can protective equipment be applied. If in the future you plan to cover the lining on the balcony with paint or varnish, then it is better to use translucent impregnation, then after painting the color will become brighter and more saturated, and re-painting may not be required.

Types of protective equipment

Covering the lining with an antiseptic is an important job. If it is not done, then over time the walls on the balcony will begin to deteriorate, both the sun and moisture will affect them. In addition, without treatment, the tree becomes an excellent breeding ground for various fungi, molds and insects.

All antiseptics are divided into four types:

  • Means based on organic solvents. Such protection for lining works equally effectively both for internal and external use.
  • Protective substances with an oily base. This antiseptic is recommended for use when impregnating wood in places where the climate is very difficult. Such a tool is not washed out of the wood for a long time, and the duration of its action is much longer.
  • Antiseptics on a water-soluble basis. Such funds are used as temporary measures. They are able to protect wood that comes into contact with water for a short time.
  • Combined protective equipment. This antiseptic can be used everywhere - on the balcony or in other rooms, and even on the street. This is a pretty versatile tool.

The principle of operation of all these protective equipment is the same. After application, antiseptics form a protective film. It is she who protects the finish on the balcony from all adverse effects. When choosing an impregnation, you should not pay attention only to the price. Remember that the miser pays twice. It is worth carefully reading the scope of this or that antiseptic. Choose products depending on the climatic conditions of your area and the characteristics of the conditions on your balcony. If there is any doubt, it is better to contact a consultant in the store.

Using lining to decorate the walls on the balcony will give them comfort and beauty. But the tree needs good care, otherwise it will lose its attractiveness, and you will need to redo the repair. In order to maintain comfort on the balcony for a long time, it is necessary to do some work with the lining. First of all is the use of impregnation. It will help get rid of bacteria and fungal spores that have fallen into the wood, and will also protect the material from harmful effects in the future. To improve the protection effect, it is better to additionally coat the material with a protective agent. The resulting film will reliably protect the lining on the balcony from environmental influences and harmful organisms.


How to process lining indoors (at home, baths): various impregnations

How to process the lining inside the house - this question worries many who use this product to decorate various rooms. Of course, the material can be left in its original form, but then it must be borne in mind that the service life of the coating will be only 5-6 years. This perspective does not seem entirely appropriate.

Why is this needed?

It is necessary to process the material in order to increase its operational properties and maintain an attractive appearance (enhance the visual impression). It should be noted that work with lining consists of several stages, each of which is important.

So, lining processing is necessary to improve the following characteristics:

  1. Fire resistance. This characteristic allows you to increase the duration of the flame spread over the surface, the ignition time or completely prevent the occurrence of a fire.
  2. Protection of the product from mold and fungi, which lead to destruction. Especially this indicator should be increased in places of high humidity.
  3. Increased resistance to mechanical damage. This property is necessary for those areas that are constantly exposed.
  4. Immunity to ultraviolet. Minimizes fading and drying.

Processing lining allows you to extend the life of the material

Not to mention the decorative factor. It lies in the fact that a substance is applied to the surface of the material, which improves its decorative characteristics. Moreover, the surface can remain the same as it was originally, or completely transformed.

Various types of formulations for processing

The modern market for building and finishing materials offers a wide selection of different compositions that can be used for this type of work. Processing lining inside the house is done independently, without the use of special equipment.

The processing of the lining must be carried out with special compounds

On a note! To get a good result, you need to purchase products that have the necessary certificates, and are also produced by trusted manufacturers. The fact is that there are many fakes on the market that are not only useless, but also harmful to the human body.

Antiseptic solutions

Such substances are used to protect wood from the occurrence of living organisms (mold, fungi, insects and even mice). The material is treated with this preparation before cladding, due to the fact that it must be applied to the entire surface of the product. This procedure is especially indispensable when it is planned to use lining on objects with a high level of humidity.

The application of an antiseptic allows you to protect the wood from mold, microbes and fungus

It should be borne in mind that this solution performs exclusively protective functions. Therefore, it is applied before using decorative components. When choosing antiseptics, pay attention to the place of application. The label must indicate that the product is intended for indoor use.

The work is carried out as follows:

  • Each fragment is processed separately. Surface treatment on only one side will not bring the desired effect.
  • As a tool, a brush and a roller are used.
  • The antiseptic is applied to the entire surface in a thin and even layer. It is advisable to process all areas - notches, corners.
  • Each element is left for a while - until completely dry. It is necessary to avoid that the material is in contact with each other during drying.

Work on processing the lining with an antiseptic must be carried out separately with each element

Thus, wood is obtained that will be resistant to various microorganisms that multiply in a humid environment.

flame retardants

These compounds are necessary in order to reduce the likelihood of fire. Applying this material is quite difficult. Impregnation of lining with flame retardants will be much more effective if it was produced at the enterprise. Although it is impossible to exclude self-application of the substance.

The composition is divided into two groups, which differ in the mode of action:

  1. Flame retardants that prevent combustion by releasing non-flammable gases.
  2. Substances that form a protective film on the surface of the product.

Impregnation with flame retardant reduces the likelihood of ignition of the material

It must be understood that these solutions cannot completely protect against the effects of fire. They only increase the time it takes for the processed elements to ignite.

To know! Now there are solutions that combine the actions of an antiseptic and a fire retardant. This is a combined composition that has a combination of their positive properties.

Priming compositions

The primer is applied before applying decorative substances to the lining. This is necessary in order to increase the adhesion of materials, as well as reduce their consumption.

Before applying varnish or paint, the lining must be treated with a primer

The outer parts of the product are processed. It should be borne in mind that priming can be single-layer and two-layer. It depends on whether the treatment was performed with other compounds, as well as what kind of wood is used.

On a note! Currently, primers combine a lot of positive qualities. They not only reduce the consumption of subsequent materials, but also serve to protect against fungus and mold.

wood stain

The stain is used as an impregnation if it is planned to use a colorless varnish or wax in the future. It evens out the color of the wood and protects it from changes. Currently, this material has another protective property. It includes the functions of an antiseptic.

Wood stain improves the color of wood, and is also used as an antiseptic.

Before work, it is necessary to decide on the choice of solution, which can be on a different basis (alcohol, water and oil). The composition is available in finished or dry form. But the method of application is completely the same.


The main task of wax is to protect the surface from damage, as well as to eliminate the likelihood of poisonous fumes. The last factor refers to cases when lining is used for lining saunas and baths. That is, it is necessary to prevent the release of toxic substances when exposed to high temperatures.

Waxing should be done with a soft cloth.

A purely decorative effect cannot be ruled out. The treated surface acquires a deep and even color.

The work is carried out according to the following principle:

  • A certain amount of material is applied to the surface.
  • Rub it with a soft cloth until it is completely penetrated.
  • Several layers should be applied.

Some manufacturers specify additional conditions that are necessary for wax application.


Varnish is necessary in order to give the surface a beautiful look and protect it from damage. The inner perimeter of the premises is best treated with water-based acrylic compounds. This solution is transparent and translucent. If required, it can be dyed by adding color.

Lacquering allows you to give the lining a more spectacular look and protect it from damage.

The following application technology looks very nice:

  1. Initially, the first layer is applied - a completely transparent composition.
  2. The second layer is a translucent solution. It forms an interesting shade.

This principle allows you to preserve the natural texture of the tree.

Paints can also be used, but they are rarely used, as they completely hide the natural surface of the material.

In modern construction, lining is the most popular material for exterior and interior decoration.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows that it must be processed before use.

If this is not done, then it is likely that due to temperature changes and precipitation, a number of problems will overtake the wooden coating: Due to moisture getting on the untreated surface, the lining can swell, become moldy, burn out in the sun, and even rot. In addition, it happens that some tree species produce resin, which can lead to burns on the wooden surface or even to spontaneous combustion.

Lining needs pre-treatment

Therefore, we must not forget that before installation, wooden panels must be carefully treated in order to provide them with additional protection. This will avoid serious consequences.

But often during repairs, people wonder how and how to process the lining so that it lasts a long time and does not undergo deformation due to the negative impact of natural factors: sunlight, precipitation, insects?

Algorithm for working with wood coatings

Processing lining should take place in several stages.

Primer surface treatment

So why do you need to prime the lining? This is necessary to fill the pores on the wooden surface and, thereby, increase the level of exploitation of the material. Over time, treated wood will not deform and will be easier to further sand.

In any case, if you are having difficulty choosing a particular remedy, it is better to seek help from professionals. After all, a properly selected tool for processing wooden panels is a guarantee of increasing the level of its operation and preventing damage to the coating.

The interior decoration of a country house should be durable, safe and durable. And if in winter it is empty and not heated, then it is also moisture resistant, since the risk of condensation in this case is very high. Not every material will cope with such tasks, however, if properly processed and decorated with natural wood lining, it will last for decades.

Depending on how to paint the lining inside the house in the country, it will have a different appearance: it will retain its natural pattern and shade or acquire a new one. And protective compositions for wood impregnation improve its performance.

Lining in the design of a country house

Any material made of wood must be coated with protective compounds. Without them, the finish will quickly lose its appearance and become unusable. Paints, varnishes and impregnations perform several functions:

  • Improve the appearance of the front surface of the lining;
  • Prevent natural darkening of wood;
  • Protect against mold, fungus and rot;
  • Reduce the release of resin from conifers;
  • Improve water repellency, thereby preventing swelling and deformation;
  • Reduce the ability to ignite and spread fire.

Coatings of different types solve one or more problems. Therefore, for the best protection, you have to choose several compositions at once. How to paint the lining inside the house depends on exactly what functions are assigned to the coating and what kind of finish you would like to get in the end.

Types of compositions for lining

All means for wood processing are conditionally divided into protective and decorative. Some of them need to be combined, others can be used on their own. Ideally, primary processing should be carried out before the installation of wooden lining, so the products will be protected from adverse factors from all sides. If the skin is already installed and coated, it will need to be removed or sanded.

Note! Eurolining, if it is made according to the standard, is already covered with protective or protective and decorative compositions.

protective equipment

The primary tasks of these compositions are to protect the tree from pests, mold, fungus, moisture, temperature changes and extend the life of the lining and finish coating.

Covering the lining with a protective compound before installation

Common means for processing wooden surfaces:

  1. Primer. A popular decorative base. It improves adhesion, prevents the absorption of moisture and the release of resin, fills the pores and hides small irregularities. Compositions with an antiseptic additive are produced, they protect the tree from damage by mold and fungus.
  2. Oil-wax. Creates a dense film surface that perfectly repels water. This treatment is necessary for rooms with high humidity.
  3. Linseed oil. Deeply impregnates wood, hardens over time. Protects from moisture and gives the lining a pronounced structure.
  4. Drying oil. A once popular processing tool. Today, it is being replaced by more advanced formulations. Improves the hydrophobicity of wood, but the coating quickly changes color and sticks.
  5. Bleach. The material is more often used locally, where there are defects such as blue spots, natural darkening.
  6. Antiseptics. Protect the surface from pests, fungus and mold. They are already used on the affected areas of the finish.
  7. Flame retardants. Reduce the ability of wood to ignite and spread fire.

Oil-wax and linseed oil do not require additional processing, as they give the surface a pronounced pattern, and the color can be tinted. It is also permissible not to paint drying oil, but it will have to be updated often. Primer and antiseptics are used as a base for finishing.

Lining covered with drying oil

Decorative coatings

It is necessary to select these compositions taking into account the state of the finish. There are products that preserve and emphasize the natural look of wood, make annual rings more pronounced, give a shade. Others, on the contrary, hide the pattern under a dense colored layer. The former should be used if the lining has no defects (Extra, A and AB varieties) and old paint. The second, for products with numerous damages (grade B and C) and coatings that cannot be removed.

Transparent compositions for finishing wooden lining: varnishes, stain, some paints. Opaque: acrylic and oil paint, water-based.


Acrylic, alkyd and water-based varnishes are most suitable for interior work. Completely preserve the natural appearance of wood. Pigment can be added to the composition, which will give the lining a shade. The varnished surface has a glossy or matte texture. Additionally protect the finish from moisture, discoloration and minor mechanical damage. May contain antiseptic additives.

Lacquer coating for lining

Decorative azure

Gives wood a pronounced structure and any color. It does not form a film on the surface, but penetrates deep into. The material is transparent, so the lining under it should be without significant defects. In addition to being decorative, it also has a protective function.

Variants of shades of decorative azure

wood stain

It has almost the same effect as decorative azure. Paints wood in saturated brown color of different shades. Stain is often used for artificial aging of lining. It is important to consider that it does not sufficiently protect against moisture.

Stain shades

Acrylic water-based translucent paint

Forms a thin layer on the surface of the wood, through which the texture and natural shade of wood are visible. Such paints hide minor defects in the finish.

Translucent paint on lining

Oil paint

Thick opaque finish. Forms a film on the surface. May have any shade. Keeps color and integrity for a long time. This lining paint needs to be renewed approximately every 5 years. Has a pungent odor.

Covering lining with oil paint

acrylic paint

More durable opaque finish than oil paint. Virtually odorless, dries in a short time. Can create a matte and glossy finish. Its only drawback is its high cost.

Matte acrylic paint

water emulsion

The colors are odorless and dry quickly. Form a matte or semi-matte texture. Suitable for dry rooms only.

Water-based paint for decorating a country house

The video shows an example of a competent combination of protective and decorative coatings for wall paneling, applied at home, without the use of special tools.

Tips for choosing a finish coating and interesting ideas

A wide selection of coatings allows you to choose absolutely any color and texture for lining. In the conditions of a country house, it is better to give preference to the most persistent and unpretentious compositions that do not have to be updated frequently.

If the panels have many defects or an old coating, then dense, opaque paint is indispensable. It is possible to improve the appearance of the base surface by removing the top layer of wood, but this is too laborious and time consuming.

An unusual combination of shades of paint for lining

The colors and shades of lining can be combined in the decoration of one room. This technique allows you to divide a spacious room into zones. Decorate or diversify the design, place accents.

Color accents in clapboard trim

Due to the color of the finish, you can achieve some visual effects. Light shades expand the space, dark ones, on the contrary, make it smaller. A white ceiling looks taller than a brown one.

The color solution for lining can match the palette of shades used in the interior or contrast.

Harmonious combination of color palette of textiles and walls

Lining processing technology

Protection and painting of lining is carried out in several stages. The first one is preparation. If the finish is new, then before covering the lining, it is enough to clean its surface from dust with a solution of 5 liters of water and 150 gr. soda. After drying, the first layer can be applied.

In the presence of old coatings, grinding with pumice or sandpaper will be required. It is better to do it with a grinder. The task of this procedure is to create a rough texture that will easily adhere to the coatings.

Cleaning walls from old paint with a grinder

If dense paints are applied to the lining, then they can be cleaned off mechanically (with a building hair dryer and a spatula, grinder) or with special chemical solutions. Neither method guarantees perfect results, but it's worth a try. This option is better than painting the lining inside the house right on top of the old finish.

The coating can not be removed, but then it should be degreased. Without fail, remove areas with crumbling paint, air cavities and clean to smoothness.

In the presence of serious defects, such as fallen knots, it is necessary to putty the hole and clean it to smoothness.

Applying protection

If the coating could not be applied to an uninstalled lining, then the joints should be carefully coated in order to treat as large an area as possible. The composition must be applied in a thin and even layer. To do this, you can use both a brush and a roller, as well as mechanical tools. If the protection is applied in several layers, then it is important to dry each of them thoroughly before painting the lining with the next composition.


The method of applying the finish coat depends on its type. General rules for work:

  • Use two brushes (wide for the main part, narrow for joints) or an airbrush;
  • Painting starts from the top so that accidental drops do not spoil the finished surface;
  • Pass one section once, in a continuous line;
  • Some varnishes and paints are applied in two or three layers, each of which must dry naturally for several days;
  • It is better to make several thin layers than one thick layer;
  • Only painted finishes should not be exposed to UV rays and extreme temperature changes.

In hard-to-reach places, a foam rubber sponge can be used for staining. It is best to apply the composition over the entire area in a short time. If you want to take a break, then the joint must be located in an inconspicuous area.

Applying paint with a spray gun

For the interior decoration of a country house, lining is one of the best options. It does not require complex maintenance, and it is enough to restore the surface once every 7-10 years (depending on the type of coating). If you process it according to all the rules and taking into account the features of operation, the material will last at least 25 years.