Antisocial behavior. Deceived and betrayed I. Antisocial behavior in adult life

It is rightly considered that the social attitude is one of the basic qualities of human nature; the nature of the social attitude is the most important personality trait. The opposition of an outward-oriented, sociable, open personality and a personality, so to speak, closed on oneself, focused on oneself (autistic), closed, is put forward as fundamental.

Jung speaks of extroverts and introverts, Kretschmer - of a cyclothymic and schizotimic character. Within the cyclothymic type, Kretschmer distinguishes another opposition: naive self-confidence with a penchant for grandiose endeavors and modest indecision. Within the schizotimal type, idealistic thinking (at one pole of which we observe a passion for transformation, a desire for systematization and organization, while at the other - stubbornness, a spirit of contradiction, gloomy suspicion and misanthropy) is opposed to rude, openly antisocial behavior.

The social behavior of the mentally ill and psychopaths is not reducible to a single, simple formula. Even with the same form of disorder, different people behave differently. Sometimes a person with a severe schizophrenic process continues to lead a very active social life; on the other hand, a person suffering from psychopathy may stop all contact with other people and vegetate in complete solitude for the rest of their days. But people whom we consider mentally abnormal are mostly abnormal in terms of social behavior. This feature has even been put forward as a criterion for determining the disease. People with mental abnormalities are mostly asocial; but only a few of them are antisocial.

(a) Asocial behavior

Numerous types of asocial behavior are reduced to two typical forms.

1. Insane in the narrow sense of the word - that is, those whom we currently refer to as patients with schizophrenia, as a rule, in one form or another, exclude themselves from human society. Within themselves, they erect a new, special world, in which they mainly live. - although to a superficial observer it may seem that they are in contact with the real world. They have no need to share with others that kingdom of feelings, experiences and delusional ideas. which belongs only to them. They are self-sufficient and gradually alienate themselves from other people, including those who suffer from the same form of mental disorder. It is fairly believed that there is more distance between such patients and us than between us and representatives of primitive cultures. The patient himself, apparently, is not aware of his antisociality and lives in his world as if this world were quite real. Typically, such people withdraw into themselves. without noticing it and without experiencing any suffering in this regard. They form a "socially dead" group. If the disorder is relatively mild, the sick from the lower strata of society become vagabonds, and the sick from the wealthy are destined for a reputation for eccentrics.

2. A completely different type of asociality, sometimes, in the early stages of the process, combined with the one just described, develops as an inability to communicate with others and adapt to situations. Subjectively, this inability is felt as something very painful. Any contact becomes a real torture; therefore, a person tries to stay away from others, prefers to be alone with himself. This causes him tremendous suffering: after all, suppressing social instincts in himself, a person experiences a longing for communication and love. His asociality becomes noticeable to others; he annoys them with his awkwardness. Shyness is interspersed with arrogance in him, all his external manifestations are immoderate, his behavior is contrary to accepted norms. He feels the reaction of others and therefore more and more withdraws into himself. This form of asociality is inherent in a variety of psychologically understandable connections; it depends on a variety of "complexes" and under favorable circumstances may disappear. On the other side. it can lead to absolute self-isolation: a person imprisons himself in a room that he never leaves. This behavior is observed in representatives of the most diverse characterological types - not only in rude and undifferentiated individuals, but also in people of culture and capable of deep feelings; it can be combined with many other defective manifestations of mental life and appear as a passing phase or as one of the aspects of a stable constitution. It can develop spontaneously or represent a distinct reaction to adverse circumstances. In short, this behavior can be an expression of a wide variety of forms of mental illness.

(b) Antisocial behavior

There are many antisocial patients among criminals. Most cases are caused not so much by painful processes as by constitutional anomalies. Antisocial elements are found among patients with schizophrenia - especially in the early stages - as well as among patients with progressive paralysis. Among patients with manic-depressive disorders, they practically do not exist.

The development of research in the psychology of criminals has gone through three phases, s positions of the present time, these phases look like a series of parallel, reasonably complementary directions. At the beginning studied individual criminals, they were viewed as rare, abnormal, abnormal cases. Classically distinct conjugations of events in mental life were demonstrated, which usually appear in less obvious, undeveloped forms. Then psychologically understandable connections were highlighted, which are quite rare and generally interpreted incorrectly, that is, too "intellectually" (this applies, in particular, to the psychology of poisoners and women who have committed crimes motivated by nostalgia). Finally, the impact of disease processes on individual cases was investigated. In works related to this first phase, psychological understanding is often simplistic, naive in nature, which leaves a feeling of dissatisfaction in the reader. Crimes are often mistakenly attributed to certain drives or passions; they are given overly intellectual interpretations; too much in mental life, in imperceptible conjugations of instincts, symbolic acts and complexes is attributed to conscious thinking.On the other hand, many descriptions indicate that the authors managed to identify extremely valuable and irreplaceable material. An understanding psychological approach has been successfully applied to a number of cases. Attempts were made to generalize the systematization of the entire set of descriptions of criminals. An example of this is Kraus's underrated book.

The second the phase was marked by a transition from an understanding study of individual cases to statistical. methods. Analysis of the causes of crimes and the circumstances that led to them became the basis for deriving long series of correlations. Studies of this kind were usually carried out according to official statistics and focused on the links between crime in general, as well as individual types of crime, with a wide variety of factors: season of the year, age, prices for bread. In particular, it was found that the peak of theft and fraud occurs in the winter, and the peak of crimes associated with increased mental excitability (such as rape, insults in words and actions), in the summer; it was also found that the quantitative increase in cases of theft is partly parallel to the rise in the cost of living. Assessing and explaining these and other similar correlations is usually difficult. There is a tendency towards simplistic explanations; however, critics point to a wide variety of factors and caution against interpreting any parallelisms in terms of causality alone. Regularly repeating relationships may well be due to the dependence of both members of the correlation on a number of unknown factors.

Interpreting the results of statistical studies is difficult because, when counting criminal acts, we do not know anything about the people who commit these acts. The need to get closer to understanding real, deep connections has led to the fact that in third During the research phase, the main attention was again switched to the personality of the offender, to the person as a whole. But this time, in contrast to the first phase, it was no longer about the search for individual, rare, classically distinct cases. The material collected in special institutions and other places was studied in all its integrity. This was done in order to understand the phenomenon average, the usual a criminal since from the point of view of combating crime, it is this phenomenon that is most important. In such works, one has to operate on relatively small numbers; accordingly, it is possible to achieve high accuracy of calculations and study a very wide range of relationships, because the basis for statistics is the study the individual as a whole(here, in contrast to the mass statistics of the previous phase, we are talking about individual statistics). Grude applied this approach to the qualitative and quantitative analysis of already known objective signs. He also tried to make the subject of statistics data on the typology of characters, hereditary predispositions, psychological understanding, the dependence of antisocial behavior on environmental factors or constitution (the so-called personal statistics) ".

The role of the psychiatrist is to identify and communicate facts that are relevant to the fight against crime, the establishment of punishment and the organization of work in places of punishment. Here, the goals are determined by society and the views prevailing in it. Applied psychology must answer the question of how achievable these goals are and what solutions are possible in connection with them.

As a scientist, the psychiatrist must give unbiased reports of facts whenever a situation seems "hopeless." In such cases, a tragic situation arises, from which no acceptable way out can be seen. Wetzel was able to clearly show this by the example of an anomalous personality-querulant ("lawyer") - \ This man fought for justice for ten years, unbearably annoying the authorities, who, in turn, were often wrong towards him. As a psychopath, this man had absolutely no criminal intentions; in the end, he committed suicide, having previously sent a message about his death to the newspapers: “All his life von Hausen dreamed of serving the Motherland. But by the will of cruel fate his life ended in vain. "

Human behavior is influenced by the norms and laws of the society in which he lives. Legal, moral, moral foundations govern the actions, way of thinking and actions of the individual. If a person ignores or deliberately violates generally accepted norms and demonstrates this to others (actively or passively), then his behavior is regarded as asocial, or deviant. It can be manifested by people of all age groups, regardless of gender, material wealth, level of education, professional activity.

Types and manifestations of asocial behavior

Asocial behavior in psychology is divided into 4 types:

  • illegal (violation of legal norms);
  • immoral (non-observance of the norms of morality and ethics);
  • addictive (escape from real life by immersion in one of the types of addiction);
  • criminal (commission of criminally punishable acts).

Illegal means committing petty thefts and robberies, hijacking vehicles without the purpose of embezzlement, insult, humiliation of people's dignity, hooliganism, fights, attacks with the aim of scaring. Persons committing such misconduct are not criminally liable, but come to the attention of law enforcement agencies as potentially capable of a crime.

Immoral human behavior does not pose a direct threat to society, but is condemned and condemned by others as unacceptable from the point of view of morality. Asocial immoral behavior includes: promiscuous (promiscuous sexual) relationships, prostitution, homosexuality, transvestism, unwillingness to work, vagrancy, begging.

Addictive behavior is expressed in various types of addiction, with the help of which a person tries to escape from life's difficulties. These include: chemical addiction (alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse), food addiction (anorexia or bulimia), cult (participation in religious sects), other types (game, computer, informational, sexual).

Criminal behavior (delinquent) includes the commission of criminal offenses: burglary, rape, robbery, banditry, robbery, organizing mass riots, fraud, extortion.

Signs in children

In a small child, antisocial behavior is expressed in the inability to build relationships in the children's team, lack of interest in teaching activities, aggressiveness and cruelty towards family members, other people, animals. Such individuals are hysterical, rude, trying to solve conflict situations with shouts, fights, threats. Often, a child with this behavioral disorder steals money from parents, things of peers in kindergarten or school.

Younger students with antisocial behavior immediately receive the definition of difficult children, they are kept on a note by teachers and administration

schools, which aggravates the problem, since it causes a protest in the child, expressed in disobedience, refusal to complete tasks, and cooperate with the team.

The reasons for the manifestation of behavioral disorders of this type can be medical, pedagogical, psychological, social:

  1. 1. Medical factors are divided into congenital (fetal lesions of various etiologies during intrauterine development), hereditary (genetic predisposition to behavioral deviations), acquired (infectious diseases, traumatic brain injury, psychosomatic pathologies).
  2. 2. Pedagogical reasons imply mistakes in the upbringing of a child made in the family. A bad example of parents, excessive guardianship, neglect of parental responsibilities, unreasonable punishment, excessive demands, ignorance of the basic needs of the child leads to the development of various behavioral deviations.
  3. 3. Psychological factors are formed against the background of medical and pedagogical: pathologies of the brain and nervous system in tandem with an inadequate family atmosphere inevitably lead to negative changes in the child's psyche, which is expressed in an increase in the level of aggression, uncontrollability, unwillingness to make contact with adults.
  4. 4. Social reasons imply material and social inequality and related ridicule, bullying, bullying by peers, to which middle-aged children and adolescents react sharply. They also include living in a dysfunctional family with parents who are drug addicts, suffering from alcoholism, and leading a dissolute life.

Left unattended by adults, isolated manifestations of cruelty and aggression in children serve as a source of development of persistent behavioral disorders. In the future, this can develop into a propensity for pathological violence and crime. But until the age of 7-8, psychologists do not use the concept of "deviance", since it implies deliberately directed actions, which is not typical for a preschool child.

Deviant behavior is developed gradually, forming as a result of connivance on the part of adults, ignorance of the problem, or unwillingness to correct the child. By adolescence, individual deviations often develop into delinquent behavior - regular deliberate destructive actions.

Manifestations in adolescents

Asocial behavior is most commonly seen in adolescents. If at the preschool age the child was not corrected accordingly, covered up for his misdeeds, allowed the use of insults and force towards family members and relatives, then by adolescence he will have a clear behavioral line that he will adhere to in life.

Often such adolescents flaunt their antisocial behavior, pride themselves on the impunity of their parents, and try to create and lead rebellious groups. Finding support among peers, they assert their exclusiveness, behave defiantly with adults, are rude, refuse to carry out assignments at school and at home. In the future, the level of aggression grows, a teenager can run away from home, get involved in fights, theft, engage in sexual and homosexual relationships, join criminal gangs.

Adolescents from prosperous families who do not have difficulties with adaptation, academic performance, and behavior can also start behaving antisocial. The reason for such changes is the influence of friends, the strictness of the parents, the romantic perception of the image of the "bad guy" and relationships with him (among girls), family problems. Other factors contributing to adolescent antisocial behavior:

  • degradation of personality against the background of poverty, wrong upbringing, bad example of parents;
  • influence of youth subculture (punks, hippies, goths, emo, etc.)
  • involvement in a religious cult (voodoo, satanism);
  • musical or sports fanaticism, accompanied by a defiant appearance and antisocial behavior;
  • the desire to assert itself, the inability to do this by demonstrating knowledge, skills, talent, material acquisitions;
  • susceptibility to one of the types of psychological dependence;
  • physical problems due to illness.

Often, a teenager directs aggression at himself, inflicting wounds, scratches, burns, cuts on various parts of the body. Experiencing physical pain, he tries to drown out emotional suffering, therefore, having noticed characteristic injuries on the child's body, it is necessary to come to his aid in time. The extreme manifestation of autoaggression is suicidal tendencies.

Deviant behavior of a teenager is often provoked by the actions of another person. Various types of violence (sexual, physical, emotional) lead to the desire for revenge, which is not only projected onto the offender, but also directed against the society or the system as a whole. Physical punishment in the family forms the type of an angry, insecure, intimidated and aggressive personality, and the emotional alienation of parents - a notorious person with an immature psyche.

A child of any age who has suffered sexual abuse, in most cases, remains prone to depression, personality disorders, and increased sensitivity to stress.

Asocial adults

Asocial behavior in older people is either a continuation of habits rooted in childhood, or is provoked by mental illness, brain damage from chemicals due to the use of narcotic, psychotropic drugs and alcohol. Such individuals do not take into account the norms of society, do not have a sense of shame, and are liberated.

They do not see the need to work, obey the laws of the country, fulfill parental responsibilities, maintain marital fidelity, treat people with respect, follow the rules of society and communication. Often, such individuals find themselves on the street, becoming vagabonds and beggars. Alcohol, drugs, casual sex, petty crimes - this is their life, for which they are not ashamed.

Another group of people with antisocial behavior are individuals with a high material status, leading a life that is not typical for other people, earning money in ways that cause condemnation of the majority. This group includes expensive prostitutes, porn site creators, homosexual men, transvestites, brothel keepers, drug dealers, scammers, extortionists and other criminals.

However, not all deviations are negative. There is a separate group of people - geniuses, whose behavior is significantly different from the rest, but it cannot be called antisocial. The lifestyle of some gifted individuals can cause confusion among others, since many of them spend time alone, refuse coziness and comfort, are too capricious, picky, shocking. Classic examples of such deviations are Albert Einstein, Salvador Dali.


Treat antisocial behavioral abnormalities only when they are caused by a physical or mental illness. The main way to correct deviations is their prevention, which must be carried out from early childhood. Its guarantee is the correct upbringing, a positive example of parents, care for the satisfaction of the child's material and emotional needs.

Psychologists give several tips to help children form an adequate attitude towards themselves and those around them:

  1. 1. Deserved praise. Children need to be encouraged, but only when they really deserve it. If the praise addressed to the child sounds constantly without a reason, then selfishness and narcissism develop, which in the future entails problems with adaptation and deviations in behavior.
  2. 2. Correction. Negative character traits, bad habits, unseemly actions should not be ignored by adults. It is necessary to consistently and calmly explain to children what behavior is unacceptable and why.
  3. 3. Open communication. The child must be sure that the family will always understand and support him. Fear of punishment makes him deceitful, quirky, withdrawn, so the problems of a son or daughter need to be discussed and resolved calmly, then they will learn to trust their parents.
  4. 4. Joint activities. Children of any age value the time spent with their families, so even a busy father and mother should plan family vacations, entertainment, and holidays.
  5. 5. A positive example of parents. A friendly atmosphere, mutual respect, understanding, love between spouses form a healthy self-esteem in a child, which affects his behavior and adaptation in society.

To prevent behavioral disorders, schools conduct various educational programs aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle, talk about the dangers of alcohol and drugs. Teachers encourage schoolchildren to realize themselves in sports, music, creativity, intellectual competitions, games, team competitions.

The joint efforts of children's institutions and families help many children find themselves in life and embark on the path of correction.


UDC 371.01: 151.8 BBK 74.200.44: 88.5

O.S. Amosova

asocial behavior of young people: factors, causes, methods of prevention

and corrections

The article is devoted to the problem of asocial behavior of young people - one of the most serious problems of modern society. The article reveals the etiology, genealogy and ontogeny of the studied phenomenon, reveals the factors and causes of the sought definition, and argues the ways and methods of prevention and correction of the studied phenomenon.

Key words: antisocial behavior, deviant behavior, delinquent behavior, addictive behavior, prevention, correction.

antisocial behavior by young people: factors, causes, methods of prevention and correction

The article is devoted to the problem of antisocial behavior of young people being one of the most significant challenges of the modern society. The authors reveal etiology, genealogy, and ontogeny of the phenomenon under study, define factors and reasons of the definition sought, and argue ways and means to prevent and correct of the phenomenon.

Key words: antisocial behavior, deviant behavior, delinquent behavior, prevention, correction.

The problem of asocial behavior of adolescents and young people has been and remains the most acute problem of modern Russian society and state. Recently, statistical data have recorded a stable growth in the indicators of youth brought to justice, which indicates the criminalization of the youth environment. Compared to the 1930s, the number of asocial youth in Russia has more than tripled. It is this ever-increasing social maladjustment among young people that leads to the growth of such phenomena as drug addiction, alcoholism, and sectarianism.

Human behavior is his way of life, his actions in relation to

society, people, from the point of view of morality and law. It is axiomatic that all behavior is socially conditioned, all of it is social, but it can also be asocial. Asocial is considered behavior that violates social norms, such as: criminal, administrative, family. Asocial behavior is unacceptable for individuals and society as a whole, since it contradicts the foundations of human life, his activities, customs, traditions, and moral norms. Closest to the concept of "asocial behavior" is the term "deviant". Deviant is defined as abnormal behavior that deviates from the social norm. According to A.A. Krylov, you can

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look at antisocial behavior in terms of adaptation / maladjustment. Then social behavior is adaptive, and asocial - maladaptive.

Close to antisocial behavior and the term "criminal", "criminal" behavior, and immoral behavior. Asocial behavior is a type of aggressive behavior that is expressed in destructive actions with the ultimate goal of harming a person. Aggression in people is expressed physically or verbally, actively or passively, directly or indirectly. Young people whose behavior deviates from the rules accepted in society is called difficult, difficult to educate, with deviant, deviant, asocial behavior.

Theories based on the achievements of various disciplines can explain the asocial behavior of young people. Mofitt's psychopathological developmental model identifies two types of asocial youth: with a permanent lifestyle and a limited lifestyle. A person with a limited lifestyle in childhood behaves normally, but is prone to crimes such as vandalism, dromomania. Young people with a constant lifestyle from childhood are characterized by behavioral disturbances, and in adolescence they take part in more serious crimes. The public health model emphasizes the influence of the environment and other external factors. The priority of this model is preventive strategies, and violence is seen as subject to systematic, scientifically sound, continuous intervention. The third model examines the antisocial behavior of a person inside and outside the family. According to this theory, child abuse, child abuse, childhood abuse, abuse and violence during adolescence all make a person ultimately antisocial and lead to violent crime, delinquency, suicide, or premature death. Topics

however, none of these theories provide a complete explanation for the emergence of asocial behavior.

There are several clinical signs of antisocial behavior that you need to be able to recognize and take the necessary measures to correct them. Most often, aggressive behavior in adolescents is associated with such pathologies as mental retardation, moderately severe speech disorders, mental disorders (attention deficit, hyperactivity, depression, anxiety, character anomalies). Conduct disorder and opposition defiant behavior are psychiatric diagnoses caused by asocial behavior. These diagnoses are characterized by attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, increased propensity to criminality, drug abuse, and criminal behavior.

The reasons for the asocial behavior of young people are seen in the peculiarities of the relationship of a person with the environment, social environment, himself and are the result of individual circumstances of the birth and socialization of a person. Numerous researchers of antisocial behavior, such as: P.G. Velsky, L.S. Vygotsky, A.S. Makarenko, D.I. Feldstein, A.V. Mudrik, S.A. Zavrazhnov, L.K. Fortova and others, among the reasons for this behavior, heredity, social environment, education, upbringing and social activity of the person himself are distinguished. All of these factors affect the individual directly or indirectly, but there is no direct relationship between negative consequences and the nature of a person's behavior. That is why researchers such as T.R. Alimkhanova, Yu.A. Kleyberg, A.V. Misko distinguishes only three main factors: biological, psychological and social. The biological factor lies in the physiological characteristics of the individual, the psychological factor - in the characteristics of temperament, character accentuation, the social factor - reflects the interaction

a person with society (family, educational institution, environment). In general, according to statistical data, among the most common causes of antisocial behavior, the following can be distinguished: 1) most often, antisocial behavior occurs in adolescents whose families have mental disorders, other diseases, the consequences of illness; 2) if young people have an addiction to drugs, alcohol and antisocial behavior in society; 3) if the relationship between parents in the family is based on misunderstanding, disrespect for each other, and such parents show hostility to children. The factor that influences the asocial behavior of a teenager is the system of punishments and rewards practiced in the family. Both parental abuse and excessive love are equally dangerous in the upbringing of a teenager; 4) there is no parental upbringing; 5) the family is dominated by an authoritarian way of upbringing, or excessive guardianship in relation to a teenager. Authoritarianism, cruelty and excessive dominance of the mother are especially dangerous. And if a child has a weak type of nervous system, this can lead to neuropsychiatric diseases, and, ultimately, irreparable defects in the emotional sphere, lack of empathy, aggressiveness and the commission of delinquency.

Asocial behavior can be expressed in the following forms: 1. Deviant behavior - manifests itself in violation of social norms, established rules of behavior in the family and educational institution. Most often, deviant behavior manifests itself in the form of aggression, unwillingness to learn, demonstration of their negative attitude towards their environment. This behavior can be expressed in leaving home, vagrancy and even suicide, alcoholism, and taking drugs. 2. Delinquent behavior is expressed in the established stable behavior of young people, entailing violations of public order. Most often, this behavior manifests itself in the form of insults, beatings,

zhogah, extortion, petty theft. 3. Addictive behavior is characterized by flight from oneself, from one's problems. Such flight may be accompanied by the following deviations: bulimia, anorexia, workaholism, constant playing computer games, religious deviations, drugs and suicide.

Today, serious changes are taking place in the Russian state, which are leading to a restructuring of the psychology of a person (especially a young person), his views, habits, beliefs, moral values ​​and social roles. Not all of them can adapt to these changes and transformations in their lives. Young people are the stratum of the population most sensitive to social and psychological stress. It is among young people that there is a sharp increase in conflict, undisciplined people who do not know how to control themselves. It is in this group that the origins of alcoholism, drug addiction, moral degradation, delinquency and crime lie. According to modern statistics for the country, the asocial behavior of young people is growing exponentially. Over the past five years, the most widespread problems have become: alcoholism - 20%, drug addiction - 90-100%, sexual relations (homosexuality) - 15%, dromomania -50%, criminal (criminally punishable) behavior of young people -50%.

Based on the statistics, we can conclude that the main task of solving the problem of asocial behavior of young people is preventive measures to prevent deviations in behavior, prophylaxis and psychological and pedagogical correction (if necessary). Since the formation of any personality takes place in the environment, this is of decisive importance for the upbringing of a person. The main role in the formation belongs to small groups: family, educational institutions, informal communication groups. Difficulties in the formation of an individual's behavior, as a rule, are due to

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they are characterized by the peculiarities of the group in which the person is. In our opinion, the most important role in the process of socialization and prevention of asocial behavior of young people belongs to educational institutions, as the main official institutions of upbringing, which are designed to instill in a young person the norms, rules, and moral values ​​accepted in society. In addition, in an educational institution, young people spend most of their time and learn many norms of behavior in society. The professional team of the educational institution is not only a specialist in the field of certain subjects, but also in the field of education and personal development.

Correction of asocial behavior is a socio-pedagogical and psychological complex of procedures aimed at setting the value behavior of a person, capable of correcting personal qualities that characterize attitudes towards social actions and deeds. Back in the 30s. XX century by the famous scientist V.K. Kashchenko, a classification of correction methods was developed. They were asked to combine these methods into two groups: pedagogical and psychotherapeutic. The pedagogical methods included methods of social influence (correction of active-volitional defects, correction of fears, the method of ignoring, correction of obsessive thoughts and actions, correction of vagrancy, self-correction), special or private pedagogical methods (correction of behavioral deficiencies or nervous nature), correction method through labor ... The psychotherapeutic methods included: suggestion and self-hypnosis, hypnosis, persuasion method, psychoanalysis.

Correctional work in youth groups consists of the following stages: 1. Identification of social, pedagogical and psychological problems. 2. Determination of the causes of antisocial behavior. 3. Diagnostics. 4. Determination of methods and technologies of correction and their use. 5. Development, implementation

implementation and control of the effectiveness of the correction program.

Today, most scientists are of the opinion that the asocial behavior of young people is due to destructive socio-political processes taking place in society (mistakes in the implementation of socio-economic reforms, a decline in the living standards of citizens, a crisis of the traditional value system). Therefore, in the first place in addressing issues of prevention of asocial behavior of young people are put forward economic measures to reform social relations, the need to improve the material level and social protection of citizens. Research into the problem of asocial behavior of young people shows that the material wealth and high social status of parents are not a guarantee that young people will comply with social norms. Therefore, it is necessary to note among the reasons for the growth of asocial behavior the disadvantages of educational work with adolescents and young people. The best prevention of asocial behavior among young people is a clear, purposefully organized educational impact. It is important to note that preventive education is more effective than other means, because legal prevention measures begin, as a rule, to act when the act has already been committed. Using a targeted educational impact on young people, it is necessary to include in the consciousness of a teenager legal measures of prevention, which should become part of his convictions and experience. The asocial behavioral attitudes of young people can be destroyed by applying methods of mutual trust and respect to them. The surrounding social microsphere, the psychological climate in the family, the conditions of upbringing, relationships with parents and teachers - all this affects young people and should become a determining factor in upbringing.

Bibliographic list

1. Belicheva, S.A. Fundamentals of Preventive Psychology [Text] / S.А. Belichev. - M .: Editorial and Publishing Center of the Consortium "Social Health of Russia", 1994. - 236 p.

2. Gillenbrand, K. Correctional pedagogy. Teaching Difficult Schoolchildren [Text] / K. Gil-Lenbrand. - M .: Academia, 2007 .-- 237 p.

3. Zmanovskaya, E.V. Deviantology: psychology of deviant behavior [Text] / E.V. Zma-novskaya. - M .: Academy, 2008 .-- 288 p.

4. Kashchenko, V.P. Pedagogical correction: correction of character defects in children and adolescents [Text]: a guide for students. wednesday and higher. ped. study. institutions / V.P. Kashchenko. - M .: Academy, 2000 .-- 304 p.

5. Krylov, A.A. Psychology [Text]: textbook for universities / А.А. Krylov. - M .: TC Sphere, 2009 .-- 191 p.

1. Belicheva S.A. Fundamentals of preventive psychology. M .: Redaktsionno-izdatelskiy tsentr Konsortsiuma "Sotsialnoye zdorovye Rossii", 1994. P. 236..

2. Hillenbrand K. Correctional pedagogy. Teaching difficult students. M .: Akademiya, 2007. P. 237..

3. Zmanovskaya E.V. Deviantology: psychology of deviant behavior. M .: Akademiya, 2008. P. 288..

4. Kashchenko V.P. Pedagogical correction: Correction of character flaws in children and adolescents: textbook. M .: Akademiya, 2000. P. 304.

5. Krylov A.A. Psychology: textbook. M .: TC Sfera, 2009. P. 191..

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines of the Faculty of Law, Vladimir Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Vladimir, Russian Federation. KtaI: [email protected]

Information about the authors: Amosova Oksana Sergeevna,

Candidate of Sciences (Law), Senior Lecturer Department of State and Law Disciplines, Vladimir Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Vladimir, Russia. Email: [email protected]

Nobody wants to have neighbors like here.

Extremely antisocial types, to put it mildly. ...

Lock, money and two barrels

You will still be responsible for your antisocial experiences, bully!

"Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession"

Antisociality as a personality trait - the tendency to lead a life hostile to society, directed against its interests; violate the norms of generally accepted morality, and often criminal law.

A drug addict, drunk and fagot are sitting in the cell. And something bothered them to sit, they wanted to be free. Here the drunkard says: - Let's brew a fragrant chifirk, the guard will reach for the smell, then we twist it, take the keys and dump it from here. The addict replies: - Hardly. He has a lot of vodka at will, why does he need our chifir. - Then I will seduce him, he will give us the keys himself - says the fagot. - It will not work either, he has a lot of women at will, why does he need your ass - the addict answers. - What do you suggest? - ask the addict drunk and fagot. The addict takes a weed out of his pocket and says: - Shcha, guys. Pa-ku-u-urim, and we will take time off in an amicable way.

Antisociality is a public enemy who plays without rules. About twenty percent of the population persistently strives to poison the lives of other people. Antisociality is a systemic personality trait. This is a terrible amoralism, and disrespect for people, and immorality, in a word, a long series of vices that push a person into a swamp of ignorance and degradation. The antisocial personality, it must be remembered, is always under the influence of the energy of ignorance. This circumstance determines how to deal with it. Since a person is indifferent to the rights of others, since he is not able to follow social norms, respect law-abiding models of behavior, he constantly lies and is prone to fraud, then he must be led accordingly.

True, one important point must be taken into account. If society itself degrades, it rapes the individual, forcing him to do what is contrary to God's commandments, conscience. Conscience in this case becomes a system of antisocial reflexes. A person breaks the law, looks antisocial, but does not go against his conscience. This antisociality is to be welcomed. A society that pulls a person away from conscience and God's commandments is by its very nature ignorant and antisocial.

Ron Hubbart described the characteristics of the antisocial personality:

1. He or she speaks only in very broad generalizations."They say ...", "Everyone thinks ...", "Everyone knows ..." and similar expressions are used constantly, especially when transmitting rumors. If you ask, "Who are they all?", Then usually it all comes down to one source, and from this source the antisocial personality has created what he or she presents as a single opinion of the whole society. This is natural for such people, since for them the whole society is a large enemy camp, which, in particular, opposes them.

2. Such a person usually engages in bad news., critical or spiteful remarks, devaluation and general suppression. These are called "gossipers", "bad messengers" or "rumor-mongers". It is noteworthy that such a person does not convey good news or approving remarks.

3. By transmitting news or messages, the antisocial personality changes their content for the worse. Good news is delayed, only bad news, often flavored with fiction, are skipped. Such a person also pretends to broadcast "bad news" that is actually made up.

4. The characteristic and annoying feature of the antisocial personality is that it does not respond to treatment or re-education.

5. It is found that such a person is surrounded by intimidated or sick family and friends. who, although not truly driven to insanity, still behave in a flawed manner in life, suffer defeats and do not achieve success. Such personalities cause trouble for others. People who are close to the antisocial personality do not show stable results in treatment or study, but, being under its suppressive influence, they quickly fall ill again or lose the advantages that the acquired knowledge gives them. Such loved ones feel worse during physical treatment and do not respond well to rehabilitation. These people are completely useless to heal, teach or help them as long as they remain under the influence of the antisocial personality. The vast majority of the mentally ill are insane precisely because of these connections with antisocial personalities, and for the same reason they find it difficult to recover. Unfairly, it is rare to find an antisocial personality among patients in psychiatric hospitals. There are only her "friends" and family members.

6. The antisocial personality has a habit of choosing the wrong goal. If a tire is punctured by a nail hit, the antisocial personality blames their companion or non-existent source of concern. If the neighbors' radio is too loud, he or she kicks the cat. If A is the clear cause, then the antisocial personality always blames B or C or D.

7. Antisocial personality is unable to complete the cycle of action... Any action is performed in a specific sequence: it begins, continues as long as required, and ends as planned. The antisocial personality is surrounded by unfinished business.

8. Many antisocial personalities will freely confess to committing the worst crimes if they are forced to do this, but they will not feel the slightest responsibility for what they did. Their actions have little or no relation to their own choices or decisions. Everything "just happened." They do not feel the connection between cause and effect, in particular, they are unable to feel their remorse or shame.

9. The antisocial personality only supports destructive groups., and towards constructive or improving groups gets angry and attacks them.

10. This personality type only approves of destructive actions. and fights against constructive or helpful actions or activities. It is often found that a person in a creative profession is especially attractive to people with an antisocial disposition of character, who view his art as something to be destroyed, and secretly, under the guise of "friends", try to do it.

11. Activities aimed at helping other people drive the antisocial personality into a rage... However, activities that destroy under the guise of providing assistance receive strong support.

12. Antisocial personality has a poor sense of ownership., she considers the idea that someone can own something to be a pretense, an invention for tricking people. Nothing can ever be someone's property.

Petr Kovalev 2015