Anti-vandal wall decoration in the hallway. Options for wall decoration in the hallway. What is the best use for the walls? Wallpaper - classic in decoration

The options for wall decoration in the hallway are quite different. This is a meeting room. A house, an office, a summer residence begins with it. The operation of the hallway occurs more often than others, because it is beyond it that couriers, workers and other working personnel do not go.

It is this room that feels all the temperature changes, so it is very important to choose finishing materials for the walls in the hallway, not only aesthetic, but also of high quality, taking into account the above factors. In the video in this article and in the photo, you can see ready-made solutions.

Finishing materials for the walls in the hallway must be selected adhering to some principles:

Attention: Materials for decorating the walls in the hallway must meet the above principles, otherwise they will quickly become unusable.

Various types of plaster

The ceiling of the wall in the hallway can be finished with this one material. Any kind of plaster is suitable here.

This is probably one of the few places where imagination can roam for creativity. But it should be borne in mind that any type of decorative cladding requires a carefully prepared and even work surface. An exception to this rule is framed panels.

  • Leveling your work surface is a top priority if you want a good renovation.
  • Painting the walls is a continuation or beginning of the interior of the whole house.
  • Focus on one decor item. For the hallway - floor or door. They can be made in one color to complete the design combination.
  • Accent on the walls. With the help of paint, you can not only increase the space, but also stretch it in height. To do this, draw vertical lines with acrylic paint.

Currently, the variety of finishing materials in hardware stores is amazing. The current plaster, unlike its predecessor, does not need to be kneaded by eye. It is made in ready-made proportions. The instructions for use specify the ratios for dilution with water.

Decorative plasters

For colored screed, craftsmen use various types of decorative plaster in their work. They select it depending on what they want to see on the walls: relief or drawing. Detailed instructions are available on our website for each option.

There are quite different ideas for decorating the walls in the hallway, but they should be chosen taking into account the recommendations of experts:

  • To help in creating a relief or drawing on the walls, craftsmen will need special tools: rollers, combs, trowels. Top-class craftsmen can make relief on ordinary plaster, but this will take more time and labor.
  • Venetian. Mixed decorative plaster. It may contain crumbs of granite or marble, with the help of which a unique screed structure is achieved. There are a lot of options for the relief of decorative plaster, from the straw effect to the wood effect.
  • Microcement plaster is another type of decorative screed. This material is produced from the finest cement with admixtures of polymers. The latter are responsible for the strength and moisture resistance of the finished product.
  • A distinctive feature of these two types of plaster is the component: polymers, gypsum, marble or granite granules, cement. The price of Venetian and micro-cement plaster depends on the basis of the raw material. The higher the price of raw materials, the more the finished material will cost.
  • Only experienced craftsmen can work with these types of plasters. Reading special literature will not be enough here, because it is practical knowledge that is needed.
  • Due to the multilayer structure, the Venetian or micro-cement plaster is applied in a thin layer. To create a texture or pattern, you may need to apply 4, or maybe even 5 layers. Depending on the decorative effect achieved.
  • If the working surface of the wall is finished with micro-cement plaster, then the finishing layers are usually applied with varnish or wax to achieve a gloss. Therefore, the use of this type of plaster is possible in bathrooms.

Wallpaper - classic in decoration

When redecorating a hallway, the first thing that comes to mind is wallpaper (see Choosing wallpaper in the hallway and creating a unique design). Many people think that this is a primitive idea, but we will try to convince you. If you come up with imagination and thoughtful decor, then the idea of ​​gluing wallpaper can become a highlight of the interior.

The walls and ceiling in the hallway can be finished not only in different colors, but also to choose the desired shade. The opportunity to do everything with your own hands also attracts, because the final price will then be much lower.


The walls in the hallway are most susceptible to dirt, so vinyl wallpaper can be an excellent option when choosing a material for pasting walls. Washable non-woven wallpaper is one of the popular options for redecorating the corridor.

The main advantages of vinyl wallpaper are:

  • Variety of colors, textures, patterns
  • Easy cleaning: can be washed, which is the main advantage
  • High strength
  • Good density, which allows you to hide the imperfections of the wall
  • Reusable if you choose paintable wallpaper

Vinyl wallpapers are produced in 2 types: paper and non-woven. The quality characteristics of the wallpaper depend on the chosen base. structurally they consist of two layers, the first layer is vinyl, and the second is paper or non-woven fabric.

Due to its density, minor damage is not noticeable on the wallpaper, especially if you choose foamed vinyl. This subtype of wallpaper has a high relief, which makes it possible to imitate even ceramic tiles with this material.

Flat vinyl

This type includes silk-screen wallpaper. The pattern is printed on the top layer. After that, embossing is carried out. Polyplen vinyl consists of paper with a printed layer of polyvinyl chloride.
Hard vinyl

Specially treated environmentally friendly product that can imitate plaster, textiles or painted wall surfaces.

Cork wallpaper

When we talk about cork wallpaper or rolls, we immediately imagine a wall plug.

By purchasing cork wallpaper, you will not only get an interesting design of the hallway of the room, but you will also be able to feel the unique characteristics:

  • Extra warmth
  • Sound insulation
  • Easy wet cleaning
  • Environmental friendliness
  • Heat resistance
  • Antistatic

If the design of your apartment involves the use of natural materials, then you can easily make your choice in favor of cork wallpaper for the hallway.

The liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper is a decorative plaster based on natural cellulose fiber and CMC glue. If you have ledges or niches in the corridor, then liquid wallpaper is the best fit.


  • Easy application
  • Perfectly smooth surface without seams
  • Hide minor wall defects
  • Has good breathability, which prevents mold or greenhouse effect
  • They are easy to clean with a vacuum cleaner, and if a finishing varnish layer is applied, then they are perfectly washed.

Perhaps the only drawback of this wallpaper is the difficult dismantling.


  • You can create an unusual and at the same time practical interior of the hallway if you correctly combine various types of wallpaper.
  • Combining wallpaper with panels is a common option for renovating a hallway. In some design solutions, you can find the same pattern on a stretch ceiling and wallpaper. Thus, there is a continuation of the conceived picture of the designer.
  • Photo wallpapers are the best option for a narrow hallway, as they create the effect of an extended space. The same effect can be obtained by placing a mirrored cabinet in the corridor.
  • Cork covering is suitable for connoisseurs of natural materials.

Cladding with panels

If you do not want to waste your time and effort on wallpapering and plastering walls, then surface cladding with panels is the best option.

Advantages of wall cladding with panels:

  • There is no preliminary preparation of the walls. You will avoid such unpleasant moments as removing paint or wallpaper, leveling the work surface. No special tools are required for installation. All that is needed is wooden blocks, a stapler, nails and panels.
  • They create good sound and heat insulation in the assembled room.
  • Easy to clean.
  • Damaged panel elements are easy to assemble
  • Resistant to damage
  • Long service life

We will tell you about the most popular types of panels.


We are used to the fact that the laminate can only be on the floor, but in reality it is not. There are types of these panels specifically for walls.

Laminate wall panels are connected using the same technique as floor panels, but the installation technique is different. The first row of panels is nailed to the frame, and the next row is glued to the comb and latches. After that, it is fixed.


  • Eco-friendly product. Meets all safety standards.
  • Long lasting. If you follow the maintenance measures, the laminate will last for many years.
  • Inexpensive material. If we use panels of class 21-31.
  • Manifold. The colors and texture of the panels are striking in their variety.
  • Ease of DIY installation. Not only a master, but also an ordinary person can really attach the panels.


  • Susceptibility to moisture. Continuous exposure to moisture may cause the material to swell or crack.
  • Sensitivity to temperature fluctuations. Therefore, you should not make walls from laminate panels in the bathroom or in the kitchen, because the bathroom is a source of humidity, in kitchens there are often high temperature drops.

Finishing panels with laminate is an excellent solution if you skillfully combine various textures and materials. After all, imitation of a wood pattern on a smooth surface will collect a lot of admiring glances.

HPL panels

Made from cellulose fibers, impregnated with resins. The panel is treated with polymers and then pressed under high pressure. As a result of such manipulations, a heat-resistant canvas is obtained.

Previously, this type of panel was used only for facades, as their distinctive feature is their unusual strength. But the striking look of HPL panels did not leave the designers alone. And then the designers decided to use this material indoors.


  • Fire resistant. They are classified as non-combustible.
  • Do not fade. The color scheme of the panel remains unchanged remains unchanged under the influence of light.
  • Non-toxic
  • Not amenable to mechanical stress. Impossible to scratch or break.

3D panels

The most popular and fashionable way to decorate walls is to use a 3D panel. Due to their versatility, 3D panels will organically fit into any hallway.

Using these panels, you will not only expand the interior, but also make it three-dimensional through realistic illustrations.


  • Environmental friendliness. Thanks to the use of environmentally friendly gypsum mixtures without chemical additives.
  • Refractoriness. The output is an absolutely non-flammable product of the NG class.
  • Strength.
  • Sound and heat insulation properties.

In the creation of 3D panels, a unique structure developed on high-tech equipment is used.

  • They do not require preliminary preparation of the walls.
  • Ease of installation and daily use.

The only drawback of 3D panels is the creation of the lathing for mounting.

Eco panels 3D

If you are not only chasing an exclusive hallway design, but also care about the health of your household, then opt for eco panels. For production, only high-quality natural raw materials are taken: bamboo, straw.

Eco bamboo panels

Installation of eco panels is very easy. Apply a primer to the previously prepared wall surface and fix the panel with glue.

Prepare panel drawings in advance and arrange them in order of gluing. Simplicity and naturalness are the main qualities of these panels.

Stone in the decoration of the hallway

The walls of the hallway, finishing materials are most often used in a combination of several types of different panels or compositions, and here it is the stone that takes pride of place. It can be natural and artificial.

Attention: The most attractive option would be to decorate not just completely the walls, but to highlight the details of the room. There are some recommendations on this topic.

The stone will perfectly accentuate the openings in the room. These can be doors and niches.

Now you can imagine how to decorate the walls in the hallway. And how to decorate the walls in the hallway is up to you. After all, the hallway is a visiting card of any home, so try to make in it not only exclusive repairs, but also practical ones. As you remember, they are greeted by their clothes!

Recently, more and more often you can find room decoration made with MDF panels. Moreover, they decorate not only walls, but also decorate arches, doorways and ceilings. This option is popular for a reason, the variety of types of panels makes it possible to perform any design of the hallway. The sheer variety of panel finishes is simply surprising.

MDF panels consist of environmentally friendly materials, in fact, it is dust obtained from sawdust. Despite such a good natural composition, wall panels are used mainly for finishing the corridor.

The panels on the walls in the corridor have a wide variety in color and texture, thanks to well-chosen color schemes, the room looks gorgeous.

Installation of panels can be done in several ways:

  • Diagonally in a single color or combined in several;
  • Vertically uniform height or in several panels and in different colors;
  • Horizontally with a combination of colors.

Another design solution is the combination of mounting types. The corridor looks very impressive with horizontal and diagonal installation of panels. The panels can imitate wood or tiles, thanks to the special texture, a visual effect is created. Caring for this type of finish is very simple - if necessary, it is enough to wipe it with a damp cloth.

Types of panels in the corridor

As a rule, the walls of the corridor require finishing with materials that can be easily damp cleaned. The modern construction market offers a lot of different materials for finishing with good moisture-resistant qualities.

Types of panels in the corridor:

  • PVC panels are easy to clean and have different colors;
  • MDF panels - ease of maintenance directly depends on the outer coating of the panels;
  • Sandwich panels - plastic sheets, easy to clean with plain water and a napkin;
  • Tamburat slabs - three-layer slabs made of MDF or chipboard with cellular cardboard inside;
  • Fiberboard, chipboard panels are a rather short-lived material that requires a solid foundation of the walls.

When choosing MDF panels as a finishing material, it should be borne in mind that the main difference between the panels is in the variety of coatings. The most impractical and at the same time the cheapest are paper-coated and printed panels. More practical and at the same time expensive can be considered panels with a laminated coating or covered with wood veneer. Eurolyte offers matt, glossy and glossy metallic panels with a thickness of 38 and 50 mm.

A wide range of alternative solutions for decorating a room. Environmentally friendly and versatile wall materials:

MDF panels: corridor in the apartment

The walls in the hallway are most susceptible to various pollution. It is best to decorate the corridor in the apartment with MDF panels. They have all the necessary properties for such a small space. Wall panels allow you to finish as quickly as possible.

The main advantages of MDF panels:

  • The panels are moisture resistant, which allows wet cleaning without fear of spoiling the surface of the material;
  • There are fireproof panels;
  • The surface of the walls is smooth after finishing with panels;
  • Panels increase thermal insulation;
  • The thickness of the panels is up to 16 mm, they minimally conceal the square meters when finishing;
  • They are light enough and do not weigh down the structure.

The undoubted advantage is the variety of color shades that allow you to maximize the implementation of various design ideas in the interior.

The MDF lining has locks along both sides for attaching the panels to each other. There is a rare option where locks are also provided at the ends for splicing along the length. The shape of the panels can be square or rectangular, reminiscent of tiles.

The material on the types and methods of installing a ceiling made of MDF panels will also be useful:

Hallway design with MDF panels

The design of the hallway with MDF panels can be performed by a combination of various options.

In addition to color options, there are different types of plastic panels:

  • Wooden lining is reminiscent of lath panels, their thickness is from 8 to 12 mm, height is 2.5 - 3 meters;
  • Mosaic compositions can be created using tiled panels, their thickness is 7-10 mm, and the length varies from variety to 1000 mm, such panels imitate tile tiles well;
  • The largest panels are sheet, their height is up to 3 meters, width is up to 1.5 meters and thickness is from 3 mm to 12 mm.

In addition, not the entire wall can be sheathed with panels. The corridor in the house looks original, sheathed with MDF panels up to half of the wall. The options can be varied, for example - glue wallpaper on top, and MDF sheathing from below, or MDF wall panels close the upper part, and PVC at the bottom.

PVC wall panel is not much different from MDF, but it is cheaper; for a dirtier area of ​​the wall near the floor, plastic panels are ideal if the design is selected in a certain tone.

MDF panels are available with 3D relief. They look very original in the decoration of the upper part of the wall. Modern technologies have made it possible to diversify MDF panels as much as possible, not only in terms of color and appearance.

This decorative material can be divided into:

  • MDFV;
  • Conventional MDF;
  • Laminated;
  • Cork;
  • Veneered;
  • Fire resistant.

Conventional MDF is not particularly resistant to moisture and damage. These panels are inexpensive and are best used in dry environments. Laminated panels have recently appeared on the market, but have managed to gain popularity due to their resistance to damage. MDFV is a moisture-resistant MDF with a protective layer against moisture, thanks to which the panels can be easily washed with water. the panels are quite expensive, with a thin layer of cork applied to their surface. Veneered panels are classified as clean ecological materials; a cut of natural veneer is applied to their surface.

Combining wallpaper and panels in the hallway

Corridors with high ceilings require special design consideration. A large volume must be filled somehow and the way out is to combine wallpaper and panels in the corridor. This is a popular type of decoration, and you can easily do it yourself, and the methods of combining materials are pleasing with a choice.

In addition, you can always experiment and come up with something completely new:

  • Horizontal combination in stripes;
  • Vertical combination in stripes;
  • Combination of wallpaper inserts in some areas of the panels;
  • Combination with figures;
  • A combination of top-bottom, with the panels can be either top or bottom, although it is more reasonable to define panels down.

With the help of a combined finish, even very daring design ideas can be realized. Using a variety of combination methods, you can create a truly unique hallway interior. Joints when separating wallpaper and panel zones should be decorated with moldings, borders or friezes.

Modern wall decoration in the hallway with MDF panels: photo

MDF panels are often used to decorate not only walls, but also ceilings. This material has gained popularity for its good finishing qualities. The panels are a good substitute for wood and at the same time imitate it very well.

You can often see paneling that is indistinguishable from wood paneling. For a harmonious design of the hallway, the overall interior of the entire apartment should be taken into account.

Wall decoration with panels is not appropriate in all rooms, and is more often used for decoration:

  • Corridors of apartments and houses;
  • On the kitchen;
  • On a loggia or balcony;
  • In a dormitory when finishing common areas.

Decorative panels can be partially used in wall decoration in living rooms to highlight some design ideas. It is worth noting that due to environmental friendliness, the material of the panels can still be used for complete wall decoration even in bedrooms, but rarely does anyone create such an office style in a space intended for sleeping.

The better to finish corridors with PVC or MDF panels

The building materials market offers a huge selection of wall panels. It is worth figuring out the best way to trim PVC or MDF corridors with panels. Sometimes the differences between them do not play a big role, but it is still worth knowing them.

PVC panels:

  • Consist of plastic;
  • May be harmful, evaporating when heated;
  • Are inexpensive;
  • Moisture resistant;
  • Perfectly smooth;
  • Resistant to damage;
  • Used for walls and ceilings.

PVC panels have many good qualities, they are well suited for installation in damp rooms and corridors precisely because of the ability to wash the panels if necessary.

MDF panels:

  • Consist of pressed sawdust;
  • Do not harm health;
  • Reasonable price for some types;
  • Not all types are moisture resistant;
  • The surface can be either flat or embossed;
  • Not all species are sufficiently resistant to damage;
  • Used for wall decoration, less often ceilings.

As you can see, panels made of both materials are quite affordable, the surfaces finished with them are smooth. The color palette is also varied, a noticeable difference is the composition of the panels.

For people who prefer naturalness, MDF panels are more suitable for finishing the corridor. MDF panels are less often used for ceilings and for a corridor it is quite possible to combine MDF walls with PVC ceilings.

Decorating the hallway with plastic panels: design and photo

Plastic panels are one of the hallway options. They are widely used in office and residential premises and have a lot of advantages. With the help of plastic panels, you can quickly give surfaces a smooth and decorative look. Installation can be done independently without resorting to the services of specialists.

Decorating the hallway with plastic panels can be combined with other materials:

  • They go well with MDF panels on the walls;
  • A combination of a ceiling made of plastic and walls made of MDF panels is possible;
  • An excellent combination with wallpaper both in half on the walls and the ceiling - plastic, walls - wallpaper.

High-quality plastic panels are harmless to health, have high moisture resistance, are strong enough and durable. The panels fit well into the overall interior of the apartment and are perfectly combined with interior items.

How to panel a corridor

It will not be difficult to decorate the corridor with panels with your own hands. Most often, the panels are attached to a metal or wooden lathing, however, if the surface of the walls is flat, the panels can be fixed without a frame by gluing liquid nails to the glue.

Smooth walls are rare, and you should take a closer look at the basics of frame installation:

  • Frame slats should be at least 20 * 40 mm wide;
  • All frame parts must be installed using a level;
  • The distance between the slats must correspond to the dimensions of the panels.

The wall crate should be securely fixed, and it is better to fasten the panels to the crate with special hooks - clamps.

To frame the joint between the panels and the floor surface, it is necessary to make and fix the floor plinth, and at the ceiling joint, the ceiling plinths.

MDF panels - Sheathing of the corridor (video)

It is quite easy to install MDF panels and installation does not take much time. The finished result will be no different from the work of professionals, if you follow all the technology and do not ignore the rules for fastening the entire structure. The beautiful walls in the corridor will delight for a long time with their external qualities, thanks to good care and durable material.

Design and decoration of the hallway with MDF panels (photo examples)

The hallway is the room that gets the most pollution. As a rule, special materials with certain properties are selected for its decoration. They must have a high level of wear resistance and be easy to clean. Particular attention will need to be paid to the walls. For their lining, it is necessary to choose a strong and durable coating. Modern manufacturers of building materials offer a variety of options for wall decoration in the hallway. Let's consider the most common ones.

Wall panels MDF

This option is the most popular and is in great demand among consumers. This is mainly due to its qualities such as moisture resistance, practicality, strength. The cost is quite acceptable in comparison with natural materials. Moreover, on its surface, you can plausibly imitate a pattern of wood or stone. Options for wall decoration in the hallway with MDF panels are often used in different styles: classic, high-tech, provence, country. The color scheme can vary from light to dark tones, and can also be both natural shades and bright artificial ones. The applied drawings are varied: zigzags, waves, floral motifs, abstract figures and many others. It should be noted that the wall panels are easy to install. You can cope with such work on your own, while this process does not require special preparatory work such as plastering, filling or priming. MDF is considered an environmentally friendly material, easy to clean from dirt and resistant to mechanical damage. It can be used both in and in large, giving the space a prestige and organic nature.

Decorative plaster - microcement

A relatively new finishing material - microcement, which has a characteristic texture and a variety of colors. It contains cement with polymer substances that give elasticity to the solution; its palette changes thanks to special dyes. It is ideal for tiling walls in the hallway. Finishing options with such material allow you to give the room a natural look and bring it closer to nature. It can be applied to any surface: wood, concrete, iron and even ceramic. It is almost impossible to deform or damage it. If necessary, the walls can acquire both a smooth surface and a rough, glossy or matte surface. This will depend on the specific application technology. Options for wall decoration in the hallway (photo can be seen in the article) using microcement fully reveal the entire depth of the space, filling it with natural colors. Such an ambient atmosphere in the room evokes in a person. In comparison with others, this material is quite easy to apply to the wall surface, without requiring certain knowledge and skill. Subject to the technology, you can create a pattern of panels or brickwork. Its indisputable advantage is its cost, it is quite acceptable for families with an average income.

Glass-fiber finishing

Options for wall decoration in the hallway with fiberglass are quite relevant at the present time and can satisfy various design preferences. Among other materials, this one is considered the most economical. However, a low price is not an indicator of poor quality. Such wallpapers most often cover the coating itself is sufficiently strong and reliable, such that even the claws of animals cannot damage it. At the same time, it is completely harmless to health tolerates numerous paints, the surface of the wallpaper can be treated with solvents. It is this stability that can significantly increase the service life of the material. Ornaments or patterns can be applied to the surface of the glass wallpaper using special stencils that will decorate the walls in the hallway. Finishing options with this material are so diverse that they allow you to harmoniously and as softly fit the room into the overall interior, made in various stylistic directions.

Decorative plaster for interior use

There are several types of such coverage. Depending on the size of the grains that make up the solution, the surface texture changes. They are also responsible for the palette: the color of the wall is given thanks to marble, quartz and other chips. By structure, plaster can be divided into several types: lamb, wave, fur coat, bark beetle. It is applied using special tools, observing the technology. Such a coating is capable of bridging small defects and surface irregularities. It has such qualities as strength, moisture resistance, reliability, resistance to mechanical damage, easy to clean and environmentally friendly. The options for decorating the walls in the hallway with decorative plaster amaze with their varied designs. The interiors are natural, beautiful and complete. With the help of such material, you can create volumetric patterns that will become the highlight of the space, giving it originality and sophistication.

The use of decorative stone in the hallway

Artificial stone is a worthy replacement for a natural prototype. Its cost is low, but its appearance mimics natural as much as possible. The weight of such a material is small, thanks to this, the scope of its application is significantly expanded. It is strong enough to create a durable surface that does not deform over time. The options for decorating the walls in the hallway with decorative stone allow you to apply a variety of design effects. For example, you can highlight the bottom of a wall or focus on a specific subject. Due to its ease of installation and flat shape, it can be used on any surface. However, there are some limitations. Designers highly discourage the use of this type of decoration in small rooms, since the stone can significantly narrow the space and give it a feeling of heaviness.

Flexible stone

Flexible stone wall options in the hallway can be found in the portfolio of many contemporary designers. It has not yet found widespread use, since it appeared relatively recently. Flexible stone belongs to the category of natural materials, suitable for both interior and exterior cladding. It is strong enough, resistant to temperature extremes, and easily tolerates high humidity. Due to its sufficient flexibility, such a stone is suitable for finishing architectural structures, such as arches, columns. It is produced in the form of wallpaper or slabs of different sizes, which greatly simplifies installation. These surfaces do not need some maintenance, as they have antistatic properties. The entrance hall, lined with flexible stone, will amaze with its magnificence and originality and can become a worthy decoration of any home.

Quartz wallpaper for the hallway

Quartz wallpaper is a modern and up-to-date type of interior decoration with a specific purpose. Due to its distinctive qualities, such material is quite common and in demand, especially in the hallway, where a lot of dirt and dust are constantly generated. This room needs frequent cleaning, and quartz wallpaper can be washed, vacuumed and even rubbed with a brush. They are based on a non-woven or paper layer. Quartz sand is applied to it with the help of modern technologies. Its layer is quite thin, so there is no need to be afraid that it will crumble or spalling spots will appear. This material has a fairly high level of fire resistance, a long shelf life and is considered environmentally friendly. The options for decorating the walls in the hallway with such wallpaper allow you to decorate the space in different ways, combining materials. For example, the original composition is obtained by combining brickwork with quartz wallpaper. The space turns out to be elegant, but at the same time quite effective. The particular advantage of this material lies in the ease with which the appearance can be changed. For this, it is not necessary to make repairs, you can simply paint the walls a different color using latex paint. This will give the hallway freshness and novelty.

Modern finish - decorative brick

Options for wall decoration in the hallway with decorative bricks are often found both in apartments and in private houses. This design technique can be used in various directions: classic, high-tech, avant-garde, modern, baroque, minimalism. In the manufacture of decorative bricks, a number of specific works are carried out. Even in production, it is subjected to special processing, after which it is dyed and aged. The shape, size and texture of the material are varied, which allows you to create unique compositions. It is very often used for finishing curbs, doorways and corners.

Metallic wallpaper

Modern options for decorating the walls in the hallway provide for all the unwanted nuances that can make the main surfaces of this room unusable. Metallic wallpapers can be a good solution. Thanks to a special foil applied to the base, they are quite strong and reliable, easy to clean and have a high level of sound insulation. The appearance of such a coating is majestic and expensive, with predominantly silver and gold shades. The disadvantages include the complexity of installation. They are glued only to a perfectly flat surface, while not treated with special primers. A "breathable" wall is necessary to be able to completely absorb, as the metal layer will not allow it to evaporate.

The modern market amazes with the available assortment of materials. Now it is not a problem to choose the most suitable option for finishing the hallway, which will fully meet all the requirements.

A hallway is a room that is primarily exposed to a large accumulation of dust, dirt and moisture that is brought from the street. Dirty shoes, elements of outerwear, bags that are placed on the floor can ruin the view of the corridor. It is for this reason that the choice of finishing materials must be treated with special care. And the finished hallway must be treated with a delicate approach and use.

The decoration of the hallway should be beautiful and suitable for the interior of the entire apartment or for the corridor in the house.

Laminate wall decoration has become particularly popular over the past few years. This can be explained by the fact that the finishing materials market has a large selection not only in color, but also in quality. It will not be difficult to choose such panels that will imitate natural material and will suit exactly the required interior. Before organizing such a decoration, you should look at the photos of the options that the Internet offers. Tamburat can be a good substitute for laminate.

Undoubtedly, laminate finishing is a profitable option, but it can take a lot of time and effort.

Choosing a laminate will help hide all uneven surfaces, for this you should level the walls with a putty before laying. This is the long-term work. The other side relies on simplicity. The laminate is fastened with special hooks, which not only simplify the work, but also shorten it.

Laminate is installed in several ways:

  1. Kleev. When choosing this method, the walls must be pre-treated with plaster so that all uneven surfaces are no more than 2 mm;
  2. Wireframe. Such fastening is carried out using a rack or metal frame.

Thermal insulation is often added in the spaces between materials and walls. In this case, special fasteners are used, and the joints are glued with a sealant.

Corridor from MDF panels: photos and results

Practical finishing material, attractive appearance, all this can be said about MDF panels. Like laminate flooring, its use is popular.

MDF panels provide a long service life and a guarantee that they are resistant to external factors and high strength. All this thanks to the production of pressed wood and processing at high temperatures. Due to its strength, MDF is often compared to clapboard.

MDF panels are resistant to moisture and do not deteriorate from chemicals used for cleaning.

An integral positive side of MDF panels is considered to be their practicality. Their installation is simple, and it will be easy for even the most inexperienced repairman to make it.

Adherents of ecological materials can also choose MDF panels, since they are made exclusively from environmentally friendly materials and provide good sound insulation.

Wall panels for the corridor: 8 main materials

The main rule that must be observed when choosing panels is the correct choice of material and its composition. Therefore, before buying, you should familiarize yourself with all the features of the selected material.

Materials that are most popular with buyers:

  1. Plastic;
  2. Wood;
  3. Chipboard or PVC;
  4. Cork;
  5. Mineral wool;
  6. Mirror polystyrene;
  7. Fake diamond

Each of the above materials has its own peculiarity, they differ not only in appearance, but also in technical characteristics.

So, for example, MDF material is highly durable and helps to improve sound insulation, but it should be remembered that under the influence of high temperature, it quickly loses its appearance.

Sheathing with plastic panels also helps to improve the situation with sound insulation, in addition, it can be chosen with a ready-made necessary pattern, it does not deteriorate from chemicals and temperature. If you need the Eurolight style, then plastic is what you need. The only drawback he possesses is the unnaturalness of his material.

The leader among the materials for cladding the hallway is wood. This choice gives the corridor sophistication and a rich look. Wood requires not a simple installation, but unity with the interior of the entire apartment or house. In addition, in terms of pricing, this is a rather expensive material.

But materials such as chipboard or PVC, on the contrary, are budgetary and are suitable in cases where you need to create an unobtrusive interior. It should be noted that such materials are not durable and deteriorate quickly.

A material that has all the positive qualities and is able to create a cozy atmosphere like no other is cork. Cork is able to increase sound insulation, in addition to provide a hallway or any other room with warmth.

As for mineral wool, this material is rarely seen in hallways. So basically, cotton wool is used in rooms where certain acoustic conditions are required. But if you treat cotton wool with a special coating or cover the bottom and top with another material, it can be used in ordinary corridors. In such cases, mineral wool is called a sandwich panel.

Mirror polystyrene has an attractive design. This is a great solution for small hallways. The material is flexible and is mostly used for non-standard niches or columns.

What can be said about such a finishing material as artificial stone, it is quite expensive. It is for this reason that finishing with this material is not found on all panels, but only partially. Before purchasing a stone, you need to think carefully about which of the types is better to give your preference to. These can be gypsum or created stones based on colored concrete. Most often, gypsum is preferred, since they are not only cheaper, but also lighter, their fastening will not create big problems. In any case, in order for the stone to stick well, the work surface should be finished and primed.

How to make wallpaper panels in the hallway

Wallpaper is another common finish. This is a budget option that can be used not only in an apartment, but also in a dormitory. In addition, they are easy to use if you choose washable wallpaper. The right choice will also help to hide defects on the walls. It is recommended to use paper-backed vinyl wallpaper.

Cork wallpaper will be an alternative to paper wallpaper. However, if you have pets, it is better to avoid such a choice, since cats love to tear them up.

There is such an option as liquid wallpaper. It will be convenient for those owners who have uneven walls in the hallway and it is inconvenient to use ordinary wallpaper. Glueing liquid wallpaper is very simple and anyone can cope with this task. The only drawback of liquid wallpaper is the difficulty in removing. Therefore, this option is suitable for those who plan to make repairs for more than one year.

Hallway wall panels: surface preparation

Before you start fixing the finishing material, the walls of the hallway must be prepared. The first important step will be to remove old material, wallpaper and plaster. The next step will be the alignment of all uneven surfaces of the walls, this should only be done if not lining or laminate is used.

There is an important detail to consider. If the hallway is small, then it is better to abandon the frame installation, as this will significantly reduce the size of the corridor.

If the choice fell on finishing with wallpaper, stone or decorative plaster, then make sure in advance that all the walls are perfectly even. After the work done, we sheathe the walls of the hallway.

How to sheathe a hallway (video)

In conclusion, we can say that the paneling of the hallway will help significantly change the interior. Correctly selected material and its properties will help ensure long-term operation, comfort and a unique appearance of any hallway. The assortment of the presented models is huge and can make it possible to form not only a budget option, but also a rich, luxurious look in your interior.