Orange tunica - simple and tasty treats from the east. Orange Cork Tsukata

Hi Dear my readers! You know, I am a terrible Crochobor! I'm sorry to throw crumbs from the table. I will certainly give them to the birds - I will pour out onto the terrace, where in the morning there are always "Tusyat" sparrows, knowing my habit from the evening to prepare them breakfast. Neighborgic dogs go to me for "Humanitarian - I leave it in the old bowl of bones, cracker, alkalis and other delicate dogs" Delicatesses ". I never rises my hand to throw in the garbage bundle of the oranges. After all, the zucats from orange crusts are wonderful in cupcats, cottage cheese casserole or just with tea.

It is a pity that in our edges, oranges are categorically not growing. Otherwise, I would constantly eate them and cooked Cork Corks all year round. After all, with the help of this wonderful citrus, even very prosaic dishes and modest baking can be made by "branded output." The chicken baked with oranges is instantly "dried" and begins to imagine itself at least turkey. And the native and close cake with the addition of orange zucats resolutely changes the name on Panton.

It is because of the Italian silence, I saved the orange crusts already cut into the lumps, literally pulling them out of their hands, decided to help me remove from the table after the dessert and fruit. The lady looked frightened on me, but did not solve it. She categorically objected to my belated explanations that sweet is harmful to health.

By the way, the same challenger of healthy nutrition imperceptibly "destroyed" the whole plate of orange candied fruit. This is a regrettable event occurred for playing chess with our common friend. Manding the profound medals by rare phrases with adverse terms like "Mittelspil, Zugtsvang and" Gambit ", players gambling, like seeds, rushing the golden-red sweet stripes. A frightened female view after receiving the mat was not at all on his defeated king, but on an empty container, where half an hour ago, a provocative slide of the zucats. "Well, delicious!", I just said unfortunate chess player, smiling to blame.

I never succeed in collecting a decent "batch" of crusts. All citrus fruits are our roads and we buy them not often. I use every case and cook tunic even if you manage to become the owner of the robes of only one orange. The last time I had a little more than 100 grams. And I was not too lazy to transform them into the fragrant delicacy. Tsukatov turned out not so much - it is enough on a small panettone. If her husband and grandchildren do not destroy them ahead of time, of course.

Zucati from orange crust recipe with step-by-step photos


  • Corks with "thick-skinned" oranges.
  • Sugar.
  • Water.
  • Lemon juice or citric acid.

How to cook

  1. Let me remind you that if you decide to use crusts, then oranges need to be thoroughly washed out with warm water with soap (odorless) and soda.
  2. Soak orange crusts in a large amount of cold water, every hour to change water to fresh. It should be done necessarily - some "raspberries" will go into the water, which manufacturer thoughtfully "stalls" fruits. The more often you will change the water - the better. The process of "bathing" stretch for 8-10 hours, you can and more. Only in this case, the tank with the crusts is better to keep in the refrigerator so that they do not blame.
  3. Weigh the "splashing" crusts. I got 134 grams. That's how much the sugar, we need to take home orange zuchats for cooking.
  4. Now we take three times more water than sugar - in my case it is 405 grams, add sugar, stir and bring syrup to boiling.
  5. We put the crust, cook on low heat at a periodic stirring, 1 hour.
  6. This is how orange crusts look after cooking in syrup. We leave alone for 10-12 hours to be soaked.
  7. The next day, cook once again on low heat. Now it is necessary to interfere with constantly - a little liquid, and it is impossible to allow the burning. I cooked until the moment when the syrup was almost left, at the end I squeezed a little lemon juice (about two "circles" of lemon on such a meager amount).
  8. Now take a large flat plate, tray, dish - what is in the farm. Lubricate the thin layer of cream oil. If the syrup remains a lot, then put the peel on the sieve to the syrup stack.
  9. We lay out the candied on the plate. Drink 2-3 days. I dried 2 days at room temperature.
  10. Calculate the Cucats in Sugar, store before use in the bank in the refrigerator.
  11. These are pretty and tasty candied fruits.

My comments

  • Tsukati for this recipe is obtained by elastic, but rather soft. They are not intended for long storage. Use them in the near future after cooking. However, they are always quickly "ran" with homemade and spoil them almost no chance.
  • Given the prices of ready-made citades from orange crusts (we have an average of 300 hryvnia per kg), you should learn to make them at home.
  • I will not go into details, I will only say that the harm of the zucats is excessive sweetness. But we do not eat their kilograms. They can also be harmful if they cook them without pre-washing and many hours of soaking.
  • The undoubted benefits of the candle - they are just tasty, as I said, familiar above in the text. Sunny bright view, taste and aroma are able to raise the mood. In our troubled time, this is no longer enough!
  • If you like the combination of salt and sour sweet, please pay attention to the duck in the oven with orange icing, fried duck breast with cherry sauce, Tiffany salads and tenderness with chicken and prunes. I think these recipes will ask you to taste.

While sat for a few hours and worked on the article, then the back was terribly crushed. Perhaps, I need to purchase a posture corrector. To feel comfortable.

Today, the program is perhaps exhausted. I have long uttered you, my dear readers, a recipe for custard cakes, but soon they will still appear on the pages of my blog. And it will definitely be a panettone cupcake and Easter cakes with these or other candies, since today's will fail to protect.

If today's information was useful to you and interesting, then share it, please, with your friends on social networks. To first find out what is new and interesting on the blog - subscribe, please on the blog update. All happily!

  • zedra from 5 oranges of medium or large size;
  • 2 glasses of sugar sand;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • 1-2 grams of citric acid.
  • Training time: 00:10
  • Time for preparing: 03:10
  • Number of portions: 5
  • Complexity: light


Prepare a delicious dessert from an orange zest can be an express method. But it should be borne in mind that a quick recipe does not guarantee 100% of the elimination of bitterness as a classic cooking method.

  1. Cooking should be started with preliminary preparation of the crust. For this, they are washed, poured with water and put to boil. After they boil the fire, it is reduced and boils the peel for another 10 minutes. After that, it is folded on the colander, washed with plenty of cold water, preferably under the crane.
  2. After washing, the crusts are poured again with water, but now about 1 teaspoon of the cook salt is added to them and put to boil. After boiling, the fire is reduced, and the peel is boiled for another 10 minutes. After that, it is leaning on a colander, they give a track and put to boil the third time with the addition of salt.

    It is very important in the cooking process to add salt. If this does not make in crusts, a sufficiently large amount of bitterness can remain, which will spoil the taste of the finished product.

  3. After the third boiling, the peel is folded on a colander, washed with plenty of cold water and give a track. After complete cooling, it is cut with straw or cubes depending on preferences.
  4. Now it is necessary to prepare a syrup of 1 glasses of water and 2 glasses of sugar sand. For this, the water put on fire and give rise, after which sugar is added to it. After boiling the syrup, sliced \u200b\u200bskins are placed in it. Cook them should be at least 30-40 minutes.

    The indicator of their readiness is the substantial thickening of the syrup.

  5. In the cooking process, the mass must necessarily constantly interfere, it will prevent its burning. Closer to the end of the readiness, pieces become transparent. At this point, you need to add the required amount of citric acid.
  6. After grabbing, the mass is folded down on a colander, where they are left to the complete flow of fluid. Further, depending on preferences, two options are possible. The first is to cut into sugar and slightly graft, decomposing them on parchment paper. The second is to immediately lay out on the baking sheet of paper and put on 1.5-2 hours in the oven heated to 70 ° C. After they should also be sprinkled with a layer of sugar sand.

    Also hot candied can also be decomposed into sterilized banks and roll with covers. In the future, they can be used in the preparation of various confectionery products.

After the New Year holidays, and not only, there are a lot of orange crusts. You should not immediately throw them away into the garbage, you can cook delicious homemade tunica. They are not only tastier and a hundred times more useful than any sweets, but also can be used in the manufacture of a wide variety of confectionery products. There are quite a few use of them in culinary purposes. They are added to various pastries, cottage cheese and dairy desserts and even ice cream.
In the West, for example, they are very popular in chocolate glaze. They find their use not only as dessert, but also as an additive into meat dishes. They give them an exquisite and very pleasant fragrance, as well as a small amount of spicy tartness.

Classic recipe

Classic preparation recipe takes at least 5 days. The first three days the peel is soaked in cold water. It is necessary to change it at least 2 times a day. After the end of the soaking process, it is drunk in a slightly salted water for 10-15 minutes and is thoroughly washed.
After that, the zest is boiled in syrup prepared from two sugar glasses and one glass of water. At the end of the cooking, some lemon acid add and turn off. After 12 hours or a day, the container again put on fire and bring to a boil. After that, the zest is again allowed to cool and breed. After the third boiling, it is leaving for a colander or sieve and leave until the fluid flows.
Now the zest is laid out on a flat dish, sprinkled with a small amount of sugar. The resulting mass is mixed and left for a breakage of 8-10 hours. The finished dessert is shifted into the glass jar and is removed into a dry cool place.

For preparation, you can also use a mix of peel of various citrus satellites, but the most delicious dessert is obtained from orange and lime peel.

Recipe with spices

Prepare candied fruits from orange zest and with adding spices.

For this, the following ingredients will be needed:

  • cedra from 7-8 oranges, weighing about 500 grams;
  • 600 grams of sugar sand;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 4 st l lemon juice;
  • podkkaya vanilla;
  • 1 star Badyan;
  • pepper polka dot 3 pcs.


  1. Before the start of cooking, the peel is thoroughly clean. It is then poured with 3 liters of water and is brought to a boil. After that, it takes it for another 5-7 minutes, to throw back the colander, which is then placed under the stream of cold water from under the tap.
  2. All of the above actions are repeated twice.
  3. After that, syrup from 600 grams of sugar is prepared, two glasses of water with the addition of lemon juice and spices. At the same time, black pepper peas before use should be crushed. The resulting syrup must be boiled within 5 minutes.
  4. After boiling into it, they put the crusts and again bring it to a boil. Cook them after boiling should be on a very weak heat for 1.5 hours. After complete cooling, the syrup on 10-12 hours is placed in the refrigerator.
  5. Further, depending on preferences, the dessert can be left in syrup and use when preparing confectionery products or lean on a colander, give a track of syrup and cut into a straw, which is then tired in the oven and cut into sugar.

    An ordinary dryer for vegetables and fruits is also very well suited for taking.

It is possible to prepare a delicious dessert from a mixture of various citrus cakes. For example, a good combination is obtained using orange, lemon and grapefruit zest. Also interesting taste is obtained when adding Lyme peel. Due to the large amount of bitterness, the grapefruit peel before use must be soaked within 2-3 days. If this is not done, they will give a ready-made dessert a rather strong mustard.

Benefit and harm

Cuccats from orange crusts are easy to prepare and very tasty dessert. In essence, it is welded in sugar syrup and slightly rolling crusts. Depending on the method of cooking, they can resemble strips or cubes. The taste of their sweet, with a saturated citrus aroma and small tart notes.
The benefits of this product lies in the benefits of the orange zest, from which they were and manufactured.

  • There are quite a large amount of vitamin C and trace elements in their composition.
    But their special value lies in the essential oils present in them. It is they who possess strong antibacterial properties and therefore helping in the struggle and prevention of various colds.

    To improve health and significantly strengthen the immune system per day enough to use all the only sugared stripes.

  • They also have the ability to significantly reduce blood cholesterol.
  • In addition, the substances contained in this tasty dessert are very strong antidepressants and contribute to improved mood and removal of stresses of various origin.
    Harm from the use of candied messenger.
  • First of all, it is associated with allergic reactions to the substances contained in the peel. In general, the zest of any citrus crops is a rather strong allergen. Therefore, with extreme caution, they should be used by children, pregnant women and people with individual intolerance.
  • Increased sugar content and high caloric content also limits their use for diabetes mellitus and excess weight people.
  • Tsukati from orange peel, cooked at home Tasty and useful dessert. But to eliminate the manifestation of unwanted consequences, if they are necessary to comply with moderation. Also with caution, they should be used to persons with various chronic diseases of the digestive system.

If you want from such a throwing goods like orange peels, make an expensive delicacy, then take advantage of these proven recipe. You have amazing tuts from orange crusts, without the slightest mustard, with a rivet, characteristic of the candle-tuning consistency. The recipe with the photo step-by-step removed specifically so that you do not get confused, because the cooking process takes a few days. No, the cooking tsukate itself - the process is short, time goes on the impregnation, when orange crusts stand calmly in a saucepan, filling with sweet syrup. The result personally caused admiration. Tsukata - sodium! Redhead, transparent, with a thin citrus aroma. If you want to save them longer, prepare a glass jar with a tight adjacent lid.

Time without twenty 11. In the oven, the tenth apple pie has already been in the oven, and on the plate boils orange candied. A mixture of smells is completely wool. Zucati from solar red orange crusts I also do not first. I will write down the memory recipe - it will be useful to the next game (the crusts are already closed). Cooking tutati is unprecedented. In total takes almost five days. This effort and time to actually prepare requires quite a bit.

The prescription of the zucats from orange crusts is extremely simple:

  • 500 g orange crust
  • 600 g Sahara
  • 400 g of water

In fact, it is not so easy to assemble exactly sheltered crust. They are always or more, or less. Calculate the remaining ingredients, you can use the calculator:

How to cook Cucats

Put your crusts into a large bowl, pour with water, and on top. Put the cover or a plate to be completely immersed in water.

You need to change the water every 6-8 hours, otherwise the crusts can score or even start to wander. I just in case, with each change of water, I wash your crust under running water. In total, orange peels are soaked for three days.

After soaking the crust, not only cease to be patched, but also become soft enough, so they are easy and even pleasant to cut.

Cut orange crusts for candied fruits as you like. For example, small cubes or in the form of leaves. I'm just cut straw.

Fold everything in a saucepan, pour with water.

When boils, reduce the fire and cook for 15 minutes. Drain the water.

Now we prepare syrup. Mix sugar and water, bring to a boil. And interfere until sugar is dissolved (it takes 1-2 minutes). Put in a crust syrup, remove the saucepan from the stove. Leave for 12 hours.

Put a saucepan with candied fruit. After boiling, cook for 10 minutes. Leave 12 hours to be soaked in syrup.

Swariate Cuccats for the second time. Bring the boil again and boil 10 minutes. And again leave for 12 hours.

Swariate Cucatage for the third time. But now no longer need to leave them anymore. Put ready-made zucats in sieve and let stand a couple of hours so that the syrup is fully stack.

Now it remains only to cut the chunks from orange crusts in a mixture of sugar and sugar. I do it right in the sieve, shaking the candies - so they are evenly covered with sugar. Then I pour everything on the bastard and leave to dry. After 6 hours you can already eat.

Store Cuccata is best in tightly closed banks, otherwise they dry.

Cucats - sweetness that came to us from the East and won great popularity among professional culinary culinary and hostesses who loving their seven useful and delicious delicious treats.

We are accustomed to, if necessary, to acquire sweets along the way home in the nearest stores, and after all, to prepare the candied fruits from the oranges of the house much easier than it seems at first glance.

Try making orange candied on your own at least once and you yourself make sure.

Oranges Cougates - General Preparation Principles

There is nothing complicated in the preparation of chunks from orange. The main thing is to choose fresh fruit, carefully rinse them and boil several times to clean the bitterness inherent in citrus fruits. The same process should be observed by using citades from lemons, grapefruits, a switter, Lyme, Mandarins.

In addition to directly fruits, only sugar and water will be needed, as desired, you can use additional ingredients to decorate the citades: sugar, chocolate and others.

Although the pulp, even though the orange is breeding in sugar syrup with the addition of spices, then get cold and dried in the oven.

Cut the orange should be small, but not too small pieces. It can be cubes, lumps, mugs, strips, asterisks - depending on flavoring and aesthetic preferences.

Store tuts from oranges in hermetically closing not transparent packaging no more than 6 months.

Finished candies can eat instead of sweets, adds to baking, decorate with tarts and cakes, cakes and other desserts. In addition, citrus candies are an excellent tonic additive for black and green tea, giving a drink special freshness and taste.

1. Cuts from oranges


1.2-1.3 kg of oranges;

Two glasses of sugar;

Half of lemon (2 g of citric acid can be replaced);

At the request of Spice: Vanilla, Cinnamon;

For decorating sugar powder.

Cooking method:

1. We wash oranges with special care, after which we blow them with boiling water.

2. Cut the prepared fruit brooms with a thickness of no more than half centimeters.

3. We lay out the sliced \u200b\u200blumps into the saucepan of suitable size, pour cold water so that it covers the orange completely. Cook after boiling about five minutes. Remove the saucepan from the fire, rinse the bars in the cold water, re-put on fire. We repeat the procedure with cooking 3-4 times - it will remove the bitterness inherent in the orange crust.

4. After the fourth cooking, we learn orange lumps on a colander, leaving the liquid completely drain.

5. Pour three glasses of water into a clean pan, sugar and citric acid smear, add spices to taste.

6. We bring a mixture to a boil, lay out the resulting syrup prepared orange.

7. We cover the saucepan with a lid, we reduce the fire. Timy Tsukati from oranges 1.5 hours. This time is enough for the candied with sugar syrup and become transparent.

8. When the time for cooking will expire, do not rush to remove the candied scenes from the pan, let them cool in the syrup, after we fold on the colander, let's succeed a little.

9. Calculate ready-made candied candies in the sugar powder, lay out gently on a baking sheet, covered with parchment.

10. Drinking for 40 minutes in a heated to 90 degrees oven.

2. Zucati from orange peel


A half cup of sugar sand;

Crusts from five to seven oranges;

2 g of citric acid.

Cooking method:

1. Remove the peel from oranges, put it in a saucepan.

2. To remove bitterness, fill the peel with water, boil for 5 minutes, we drain the water. We repeat the boiling procedure 3-5 times.

3. After repeated boiling, when the crusts are ready directly to the preparation of the candies, we learn them on the colander, feeding the water.

4. Finished peels cut into small pieces: pavers, squares, figures.

5. Pour in a saucepan of a glass of water, we smear sugar, cook syrup.

6. As soon as sugar sand is completely dissolved, we spite the prepared orange crusts. Relieve for 45-50 minutes.

7. 5-8 minutes before readiness, lemon acid and mix.

8. We shift at the end of cooking Cucats in a colander, and after the surplus of the syrup of the glasses lay them on the parchment on the counter.

9. We ship for 40 minutes in the oven, setting a temperature of 100 degrees.

3. Cuccats from oranges in chocolate


Three non-large oranges;

350 grams of sugar;

300 ml of water;

50 grams of cocoa;

2 tbsp. l. powdered sugar;

30 ml of cream.

Cooking method:

1. Thoroughly washed oranges flooded for 10 minutes with boiling water, rinse, fill again. We learn on the colander.

2. As soon as the oranges are used, cut them with thin circles with a thickness of 3-5 mm.

3. We spread the circles of oranges in a saucepan, pour them with boiling syrup prepared from water and sugar.

4. Tomis oranges on slow fire for about an hour.

5. Transparent golden citrus tsukata shift to the oven grill, we dry for 15 minutes by 100-120 degrees.

6. In the meantime, the candies reach full readiness, cook from cocoa, cream and sugar chocolate: thoroughly mix all the ingredients, bring to boiling, tom, stirring all the time, 5 minutes.

7. Focus orange mugs into cold chocolate, lay out onto bakery paper and send for 30-40 minutes to the refrigerator.

4. Aromatic mannicon with zucats from oranges


A glass of milk;

Glass of mankey;

1 \\ 2 glasses of vegetable oil;

A glass of flour;

Two eggs;

Hawked by vinegar soda;


Tsukati from oranges - the amount of taste.

Cooking method:

1. Sweep the semolina in a bowl, fill with a ram with warm milk. Mix thoroughly, we leave for 30 minutes, giving the mannets to swell.

2. While the cereal reaches the condition you need, separate proteins from yolks.

3. Whip proteins, pouring sugar to them, before the formation of a stable foam.

4. I smell into the resulting protein mass of flour, here it is gasimized by a vinegar soda, gently stir up to homogeneity.

5. In another container, we beat the oil with yolks, after which we combine both mixes in one big bowl.

6. We add to the mixture a wake-up semolina, mix so that the mass is obtained without a single lump.

7. Lubricate a special form for baking margarine, sprinkle with a semal.

8. Pour the dough into the mold.

9. Put the zucats from oranges over in chaotic order, slightly blend them with a fork in the test.

10. We bake a mannik for 30 minutes by turning on the oven for 180 degrees.

11. Let's get baking after it completely cools.

5. Curd Pie with Cutton Cuts from Oranges


100-120 grams of orange zucats;

500 grams of cottage cheese;

Two eggs;

0.5 cup of sugar sand;

1.5 cups of flour;

Teaspoon teas;

Vanilla sugar, sugar powder - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Whip proteins separated from yolks to a white foam state.

2. Remaining yolks mix with a gripped fork of cottage cheese, sugar sand, vanilla sugar.

3. Put in the yolks of the candle, mix, after which add protein foam.

4. Mix the flour and baking powder.

5. Introduce in small portions the flour mixture into the curd mass, mix.

6. Lubricate the silicone form for baking with oil, lay out curd dough into it with zucats from oranges.

7. We are preparing for 200 degrees about 45 minutes.

8. Sprinkle ready-made powder cake.

6. Muffins with zucats from oranges


80 grams sour cream;

Glass of sugar sand;

Two eggs;

A half cup of flour;

100 grams of margarine;

Soda, hated by vinegar.

Cooking method:

1. Melt any convenient way, be it a microwave or water bath, margarine. Enjoy it.

2. Whip eggs with sugar, add sour cream and haired soda to the mass. Mix.

3. We indulge in the egg mass stunned margarine, smeared the flour and smear well.

4. Suck the candle. Once again, we are thoroughly mixed, the number of citades determine to your taste.

5. lay out the dough into silicone shapes, filling them in height by 2/3.

6. We set up the shapes on a dry baking sheet, we are preparing the Muffins with the zucats from oranges in the oven heated to 200 degrees.

Small oranges with thick peel are excellent for cooking.

If the citades are cooked correct, then they should not stick to the hands, they must be dry, but at the same time juicy, not hard.

You can not merge the syrup into the sink, but to pour it into sterile dishes and use for the preparation of various desserts: biscuits, sauces and others.

You can also use the remaining syrup to prepare the next center of the candle.

Do not use confused fruits for the preparation of delicacy, they will spoil not only the appearance of the candies, but also their taste.

The longer you will withstand the orange after cooking in the syrup, the sweeter will turn out.

When cooking a zukatov, you can use various spices to give sweets special taste notes: carnation, badyan, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom. Just be careful with the number of spices used, the surplus of the spice is simply overwhelming the taste of the orange, making the candied with the lowest.

The finished zucats from oranges can be cut in melted chocolate, in sugar powder, sugar sand, coconut chips, crushed almond or walnut nuts.

Orange chunks belong to the eastern sweets and are known for a long time in the culinary medium. For their preparation, no exotic ingredients are needed. It is enough just to buy fruit, stock sugar and highlight a small amount of time.

The zucats from oranges are the most popular, but you can make them from lemons, grapefruits and limes, and the taste can be adjusted by adding various spicy spices. The calorieness of the Kushan region is about 300 kcal per 100 g. It also contains many minerals, vitamins and vegetable fibers.

Consider with a photo of step by step, how to make orange candied for several recipes.

Delicious oranges tsukata

The recipe for orange zucats at home is very simple and does not require any special skills. Even a beginner hostess will cope with him.


  • Sugar sand - two glasses;
  • Fresh oranges - 5-6 pieces;
  • Powdered sugar;
  • Citric acid - 1-2 g (or 1/2 lemon juice);
  • Spices: Badyan, Cinnamon, Vanilla - optional.

Supplement scheme is such:

  1. Prepare oranges. Choose citrus sizes, with thick crust. First, they need to be frozen well, then you need to immerse them in boiling water and quickly pull out. Mix the oranges on the half of the half of the half-meter thickness, with a layer of pulp on a crust not more than 1-1.5 cm. If you have oranges with a tangerine size, cut them simply by semicircles 0.5-0.7 cm thick;
  2. To remove bithery from crusts, negotiate them several times in boiling water: fold into deep containers, pour with water and put it on the flame. When they boil and have 5-7 minutes, remove them from the fire, rinse with cold water and put it on gas again. This process is repeated 3-4 times. It is necessary to rinse the products after boiling and pour cold water - it must be warm up to boiling on the flame. You can not stir the mixture, bitterness from oranges will be released evenly, and the flesh of an orange slice will not be abandoned;
  3. After digesting the bitterness, let off the oranges on the colander, let the water drain and slightly dry out the slices;
  4. Cooking in syrup. Pour the saucepan 2-3 glasses of water, plug sugar, citric acid and spices (Badyan and cinnamon will give tartness and spice, and vanilla - tender sweetness). Bring everything to a boil and lay out pieces of future candied in boiling syrup;
  5. It is necessary that the syrup barely covered the slices laid down with a dense layer. Close the lid, reduce the flame to the minimum and leave tomorrow for 1-1.5 hours. Products in the process of cooking will be almost transparent and homogeneous. When they boil, leave them in the syrup to cool for several hours and then drop it on a colander to get rid of excess fluid. This syrup can be useful as a sweet sauce to dessert or as impregnation to the biscuit;
  6. Drying and decoration. While the citades are slightly wet, cut them in sugar powder or sugar, lay out separate slices on baking paper on a baking sheet and put in the oven, hot to 100 degrees, to "drying" for 30-40 minutes;
  7. Syrup Syrup Orange (small part) Leave directly in the syrup and close the jars as a citrus jam.

Made fragrant sweets can be added sliced \u200b\u200bin jelly or baking, decorate with cakes or cakes, serve to tea or useful and deliciously snack at work.

Corks from crusts of orange

Appetizing zucats from orange crusts will delight lovers of sweets with their citrus aroma.

Grocery list:

  • Sugar - 1-1.5 glasses;
  • Peel oranges from 5-7 fruit;
  • Citric acid - 1-2 g (or hollow juice of lemon);
  • Salt is a small spoon;
  • Powdered sugar.

The recipe for the zucats from orange crusts:

  1. Pre-prepare orange peels for 2-3 days to derive bitterness: Soak them in cold water, change it 3 times a day and after a few days start cooking in syrup;
  2. You can apply a quick cooking method: bitterness from citrus items. Orange crusts fill with cold water, place on gas and bring to a boil. Boil 5-10 minutes, turn off the flame, drain the water;
  3. In the tank with crusts, pour cold water again, add salt (1/2 of a small spoon) and, bringing to a boil, sake 5-10 minutes. Again, drain hot water, fill the billets from citrus salted cold water and boil 5-10 minutes. Cooling and boiling in salted water Spend 3-4 times, while the products will soften, the bitter citrus flavor will stop feeling, and they will be prepared for cooking in syrup;
  4. Orange peels After numerous boiling, lean on a colander, rinse another time in a cold water, let it drain her. Cut the billets on the half of the thickness of the half themeter. Smooth large crusts can be cut in the form of an asterisk, this dish will be elegant and more beautiful. Pieces should not be very large;
  5. In the dishes, pour sugar sand and add a little cloth (1-1.5 glasses). Bring to a boil, stir up sugar dissolved. In the syrup, pour into the cut crusts of oranges and boil, constantly stirring up to full boiling 30-50 minutes;
  6. In the syrup at the end of the cooking, plunge citric acid or the juice of half of the lemon, mix thoroughly. The liquid must fully evaporate and absorb citrus, and the crusts will become golden and transparent;
  7. Cooked zuchatika put into the colander, let the sipmac. After that, lay out them individually on baking paper on a baking sheet, sprinkle with sugar powder and let dry at room temperature mode for several hours. To speed up the process, place a baking tray with dried billets in the oven, preheated to 60 degrees for 1-1.5 hours.

The resulting delicacy is stored in a tightly closing box or in a can of half a year, and at the same time does not lose its fragrance and does not dry out. And on a festive table, you can submit a delicacy in melted chocolate as an exquisite real sweetness.

Recipe for Multivarka

Thanks to the smart device, it is possible to prepare your favorite delicacy, and the slab will not have to stand for a long time.

How to make candied orange crusts in a slow cooker? Everything is very simple. The instruction is as follows:

  1. 300 g crusts from oranges cut apart arbitrarily as you like, put in the container and fill the water. It is necessary to withstand them in the refrigerator for three days and at least once a day to change the liquid;
  2. Prepared products Download the multicooker into the bowl, pize a little liquid and activate the cooking program for a couple of 20 minutes;
  3. After this time, move the billers to the colander, and the multicooker bowl is quite good;
  4. Put the components into the device again, pour 450 g of sugar, pour 300 ml of water, housing;
  5. We start the "Pilaf" or "Cook-Espress" mode and prepare the dish to the beep;
  6. After that, the zuchatic needs to be decomposed on a flat smooth surface, wait a couple of hours and generously cutting them into the sugar powder.

This preparation is completed. Thanks to the smart gadget, you can quickly enjoy your favorite sweet delicacy.

Video: Recipe set of orange crusts