Arch in the kitchen: choose the shape and material of the arch, instructions on how to make an arch with your own hands, real photos. Interior arches in the interior Interior arch in the interior

Approaching very closely to the issues of apartment renovation, it is necessary to thoroughly comprehend every little thing - starting from the entire thought of the interior and ending with various details, for example, materials for decoration and details of designers' decisions.

We select the door with an arch

Nowadays, a doorway made in arch, is gaining great popularity. This is a rather original solution that allows you to visually divide the room into several zones and at the same time give it originality, charm and image. Performing an opening for a door in the form of an arch, you will be able to give the room lightness and some kind of romance.

What is the benefit?

But the positive qualities of door arches lie not only in beauty and aesthetics, among other things, they are especially hardy and durable. There are different specifications for door openings. Each of them has its own design and external specifics. In the photo you can see different interior solutions in which there are internal arch door.

Lovely doors

What are the variations of arches

  • For example, there are British arches made of wood. They stand out with soft lines and transitions. They are great for rooms with spacious wall surfaces and low ceilings.

  • There is also this type of arches, which are called Slavic. This type of design has a rather romantic look in a configuration with rectangular elements. With the help of such solutions, you can visually divide the room into several zones where you can work comfortably, which have different purposes. A rather excellent solution would be the location of a similar arch when exiting to a balcony or loggia.

  • It is also possible to install portals in the apartment. Similar arches are considered a special variation, they come in both square and square shapes. In order to make the process of installing such an arch in the entrance opening, you do not need to sew up the corners. Similar designs are considered very common, but, after all, it is known that in fact, the image and beauty are hidden in simplicity.

Depending on the finishing materials used, arched internal openings can be made of wood, plastic, concrete or plaster. The material from which they are made determines the area of ​​their use. Very often, arches made of wood, plaster and plastic are used for interior decoration work. You can see them in the photo.

How to choose according to the rules internal arch doors

Picking up internal doors in an arched form, a potential buyer is able to face a lot of questions that will make him suspicious. This can be triggered by a large assortment of similar designs in today's building materials market.

Consumers have the opportunity to choose the door option that would suit them in the range of colors, and would also look perfect in the design of the room. Many decisions of designers are also pleasing to the eye - they can be made in the strict classic style or with modern and techno components.

Speaking about the specifics of the selection of an internal door in arch, it is necessary to emphasize, first of all, the following:

  • they must be made only from dried and spliced ​​solid wood;
  • during their manufacture, only polyurethane-based varnishes of excellent quality should be used, which are able to protect the surface doors from absorbing excess moisture, and also to prevent the intrusion of ultraviolet rays.

It is also considered very important that veneered doors must necessarily have a medium density fiberboard backing - its function is to prevent changes in the dimensions of the leaf and prevent the formation of cracks on the door surfaces. Basically, today's doors have seals in their own configuration, which helps the most tight contact of the frame and door leaf.

If you decide to purchase an arch between rooms, you must not forget that they can be done in a wide variety of options:

  • there is a considerable variety of one- and two-field models;
  • they can be made with different casing - narrow or wide;
  • have a rich palette of colors and variations of cladding.

Internal doors in arch are a wonderful decoration for the opening doors and for the interior in general, they can perfectly fit into various room designs. Moreover, without creating unnecessary obstacles, they will separate the work zones from one another. To be sure of this, you can view the photo.

How to choose interior doors?

Dear readers of this article, we - the company "Arki-All" and personally I, the manager of arches and screens for batteries, - we want to enlighten you about which arches are better to buy and which ones are better to refrain from altogether.

And this article is written by me not because I offer or do not offer this or that product, but because I am tired of hearing from people about their problems.

People who call me and ask if our specialists will install the arch they bought in the store, which I have to refuse all the time. You will ask why?

Our specialists from the very times, when they were just beginning to appear on the sale of arches made of all kinds of paper, shavings and additional components, have received a certain negative experience associated with the installation of such arches in the openings of customers. They tried to install these products, but on the spot they found out that the opening and the arch did not correspond to each other geometrically. In addition, the boxes that are packaging for the arch often lacked the parts that should have been there. It even happened that the dimensions of the width, height and depth of the interior arch in reality differed from those stated on the packaging, according to which, in fact, this arch was bought.

Another feature of ready-made arches, usually bought by citizens in shopping malls, is that they can only be installed using nails or screws. Wooden interior arches, made to order for a specific opening of the customer, were specially designed taking into account that all individual parts of the arch were assembled in such a way that the appearance of the product would not be spoiled by rivets, nails, and so on.

Another hidden undesirable moment when buying a finished arch in a retail network is that often customers are promised to send a master installer from the store, but in reality people wait for weeks for him, and then their patience runs out and the deluded client starts calling all sorts of companies in order to find an acceptable option for inviting a master to install your arch. After the client finds out that the installation of his arch will cost more than the arch bought in the store, there is a strong desire to deal with those who promised customers to send them a master installer.

According to the information provided to our managers by clients, it turns out that sometimes punctuation between the client and the store lasts for months. Therefore, take the above information into account when deciding whether to purchase these types of arches.

Did you know that from time to time companies engaged in interior arches receive calls from citizens who previously installed "shop" arches made of MDF, fiberboard or chipboard into their openings, and clients ask to dismantle their old arches and install a wooden arch in the opening since the former arch has lost its attractiveness or, for example, has swollen.

One client told me on the phone that there was a leak from the neighbors upstairs after some incident with their washing machine, moreover, there was a lot of water. But, according to the customer, his two arches swelled from the water right before our eyes and completely lost all their attractiveness. In general, it should be noted that customers are special and do not hold on to such cheap ready-made arches purchased at retail outlets, because over time, they begin to understand, looking at them every day, that their color is not quite the one they would like, and their appearance ...

Our arches, made to order from beech or oak, are tinted specially in the color that was previously agreed with the client. As practice has shown, arches made of wood have a very long service life, which is even difficult to define, because arches made of wood are still standing and standing. If we consider products such as screens for radiators, then they differ from arches in that they are exposed to significant temperature effects during the height of the heating season.

When heated, cheap materials emit chemicals hazardous to human health, such as formaldehyde. Therefore, the use of non-wooden screens for heating radiators can be associated with the risk of deteriorating human health. For this reason, the installation of protective screens on radiators made of the aforementioned materials in institutions such as kindergartens, hospitals, etc. sanitary standards FORBIDDEN.

In general, personally from my point of view, the example of arches and screens for radiators shows us all the thesis well-known among the people that it is better to buy an expensive high-quality item once, than to repeatedly change cheap products one after another, which do not cause emotional satisfaction in the souls of the owners and feelings of harmony. However, apparently, mountains of garbage of all possible origins on our planet show that not everyone adheres to the above view.

At least all employees of our company "Arki-Vsem" make every effort to ensure that you do not want to send it to the trash heap soon after the installation of our product. I believe that it is of great importance for everyone when the seller of any kind of product would objectively explain the advantages and features of various product options - then. most likely, high-quality, beautiful and durable things would be more widespread, and customers would be more satisfied with the purchased products.

Moreover, our beloved mother, the Earth, would not groan under innumerable mountains of garbage. Therefore, I urge everyone to listen carefully to their inner voice before buying this or that product and make a really right decision.

I will end with an excerpt from a classic (Omar Khayyam):
To live life wisely, you need to know a lot,
Remember two important rules to start with:
You'd rather starve than eat anything
And it is better to be alone than with just anyone.

Arches between rooms instead of doors are a modern solution to visually expand the space.

This design option is perfect for small apartments.

Arches in the living room are a great solution for zoning living space. They are especially suitable for studios where the kitchen needs to be separated from the living room.

Why are arches needed?

The arch door in the living room is popular in apartments where you need:

  • do not reduce the space, as happens when interior doors are used;
  • not only divide rooms, but also combine the style of interior design;
  • give elegance and originality.

In all these situations, the construction of a designer arch will help you. Moreover, its shape can be whatever.

In order for you to imagine how diverse these designs can be, we suggest that you look at a photo of the arches in the living room.

As you can see, it all depends on your imagination, and it will not be difficult to translate it into reality.

Types of arches

Arches have come to us since ancient times. It has always been beautiful and in demand. They have not lost their relevance at the present time.

And this is not surprising - after all, they fit well with a variety of styles; with their help, you can combine and separate rooms that are completely different in functionality. For example, there is not much in common between the living room and the kitchen, but these rooms look very organic with the arch.

So what types of arches are there? There are only two of them:

  • The classic arch has a flat vault, there are no accents in the form of a picture or carving with an ornament.
  • Curly ones stand out for their unusual shapes and attract attention precisely due to their decoration.

Note! Wardrobes for the living room: TOP-150 photos of new products

Classic arches are a budget option. They are mounted primarily with inexpensive, readily available drywall, plywood or MDF.

Curly ones are usually built in large rooms, made of natural wood. Finished with glass, backlighting.

Modern design of arches in the living room

Approximately a third of clients opt for the classic arch look.

  • First, it is relatively inexpensive.
  • Secondly, this option goes well with any renovation. And most importantly, not everyone knows about other species or they are afraid to experiment.

The rectangular arch does not need much rework. It is wide, comfortable, and goes well with most styles.

Wave-like - on the contrary, suitable only for modern, retro or pop art. With these styles, the arch in the living room interior will be in harmony with the rest of the design best of all.

A trapezoidal arch will perfectly match the Gothic style.

The ellipsoidal arched passage will be a decoration, an accent in sophistication and luxury. And if such an arch is made of natural wood, it will become a real gem of your living room.

Can you make an arch yourself?

We boldly answer: "Yes, you can!" This is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. But, if you adhere to some rules, then this is a completely feasible task for any person who knows how to work with tools and has a well-developed imagination.

So how to make an arch in the living room? First you need to decide on the choice of the type of construction.

If we are talking about dividing the living room and the kitchen, then the arch cannot be narrow, but at the same time it must clearly divide the space into zones.

This space is, as it were, one, but with an emphasis on the fact that there is an area for relaxation and another for cooking. The materials from which you are going to mount the arch must first of all be safe.

It is important to know that the arch can be not only from a finished structure, but also, for example, from drywall, which bends very easily, turning the opening into an exquisite creation and this can be used in different variations.

By the way, from this material, the arch will look great not only between the living room and the kitchen, but also the corridor, the bedroom.

Drywall is attached to the finished frame. After that, the surface needs to be putty and painted. And then - again your fantasy. It all depends on how your rooms are decorated, which should be separated by an arch.

Finished wooden arches will be able to delight you with their smell, view. This will give you a sense of coziness and comfort.

In addition, there are now a lot of options on the market that will satisfy any, even the most sophisticated, taste of the buyer.

The work of installing such arches is much less than that of drywall. Having installed the finished arch, you just have to cover up the seams between the wall and the arch. The joint can be closed with a wooden platband.

The combination with the interior of the apartment is the main condition when choosing the shape of the arch and the material from which you are going to construct it. There are plenty to choose from.

And you can do it yourself - the main thing is to be able to work with tools and understand what exactly you want.

If you do not have such skills, then you just need to do it with the help of specialists. In any case, we are sure that this option for zoning an apartment will become comfortable for you.

Photo of the design of the arch in the living room

Today, many have appreciated the advantages of an open-space interior, because arches are no longer a rarity in modern houses. An arch is not just a beautiful architectural element based on precise engineering calculations, but also an important interior detail with its own shape and specific task. Getting rid of the doors and equipping the arch provides a valuable opportunity to view the entire space of the apartment.

In the old days, arches adorned palaces, ancient temples, houses of wealthy people. Today, the arch can be arranged in any apartment or house. With soft, flowing, intricate curves or crisp geometric lines, the interior design of modern living spaces is transformed.

Interior arches are often performed during redevelopment, major repairs. If you strive for open space, and the doors are considered an unnecessary detail, then the arch is the right solution for you. This structure can be reproduced in any style, which will make the interior of your home exquisite, unique, different from the generally accepted decoration options.

Arches in apartments, as a rule, replace classic doorways. The arched opening very delicately divides the space, without creating a feeling of isolation in it. The arch transforms the apartment beyond recognition. This decorative detail of the interior is able to add lightness, airiness and light to even the most modest in size, narrow and non-standard rooms. With the help of an arch, you can combine or delimit space. The arch can be decorated in any style - from classic to modern, as well as in architecture inherent in any time.

How to choose the right arch?

If you are determined to decorate and transform the interior design of your apartment with an arch, then you need to do it right. First you need to decide on the design of the arch. These small architectural forms are divided into:

  • active;
  • passive.

Each type of arch has its own functional load. Passive arches are fairly simple structures; they are often found in living quarters for interior design, which involves a simple connection of the transition from room to room. Active arches are structures of a more complex shape, they are more massive, often unusual, interesting, and complexly decorated.

Active arches can be of a wide variety of configurations. The shape of passive arches is simple and uncomplicated, most often they are standard oval, semicircular, rectangular structures. But such arches can be made with built-in shelves or a transition to the wall.

The arch must necessarily be combined with the general interior of the dwelling, this should be remembered during its construction. In order for the arch to harmoniously fit into the interior, you need to decorate it, adhering to the direction of a certain style.

For example, an arch with glass or plastic elements as a decoration is suitable for a high-tech room. Such an arched structure has every chance to blend harmoniously with the interior of the room. If the interior of the apartment corresponds to the Art Nouveau style, then it is better to decorate the arch with wood. The classic interior allows you to use fabrics for draping arches, with the help of which, if necessary, you can isolate rooms by covering the opening with them.

You can come up with your own solution in the design of the arch, and not choose from existing options. Decorate this architectural element with imagination, because a simple, ordinary arch is boring and monotonous. The rich design will not go unnoticed and will bring a positive atmosphere to the living space.

How does the interior of a child's room affect the development of a child?

Master of Architecture, graduated from the Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. 11 years of experience in design and construction.

In an effort to move away from generally accepted standards and give the interior elegance, the owners of apartments and country houses change their usual doors to arches. This is not new, but to this day a popular design highlight. The arch in the doorway is bought ready-made or made by hand. It comes in a variety of configurations, so it allows you to implement any idea.

Forms of arched openings

Interior door arches are selected not only based on taste preferences, but also depending on certain parameters: ceiling height, etc. Structures are made of plasterboard, wood, MDF, PVC. Plasterboard is easiest to work with as it is the most flexible material.

Currently, there are a large number of different types of arches, which differ in shape. The most common are:

Arched openings also have various designs and, on the basis of this, are divided into several varieties:

Having looked closely at your interior and having chosen the desired arch model, you can start the phased implementation of the work.

Step-by-step instructions for self-production

In order not to spend extra money on finished products, you can do the decoration of the arched opening yourself. To do this, you need to follow a clearly established scheme.

Taking the necessary measurements

Any construction process requires precision, which is achieved by first taking measurements. You need to start from the opening itself, so measure the width and height of it first. The size of the span between the walls of the opening is equal to the width of the arch. In order to make a semicircle as accurately as possible, this indicator must be divided by two.

Before making an arch, you need to decide on its future configuration. If you are going to perform it in a classic style, then pre-align the walls. Otherwise, the design will look ugly. You can remove all defects from a vertical surface with putty or plaster using beacons.

Structural framing

To make the installation of the frame, you should perform a number of sequential steps:

  1. A contour of a metal profile is screwed along the lines of the opening with dowels. The vertical guides are installed with an offset from the surface of the interior wall. The size of the indent is equal to the thickness of the drywall sheet and the plaster layer (about 0.2 cm).
  2. We install two such profiles parallel to each other on each side.

    For the frame device, two profiles are installed in parallel

  3. Having finished working with the profiles, we take up the installation of the first sheet of drywall. If its thickness is 1.25 cm, then it is recommended to fasten it with 3.5x35 self-tapping screws. If the thickness of the gypsum board is not more than 0.95 cm, use smaller screws.

    Drywall is fixed with self-tapping screws

  4. Sheathe the other side of the frame with drywall.

  5. Make an arc-shaped metal profile. To do this, cut the side walls of the profile with special scissors every 7 centimeters. As a result of these actions, it is easier for him to give the required form. For an arched structure, you will need two such blanks.

    An arched arc is made from the profile

  6. Install and fasten the arched profiles to the main frame.

    The arcuate profile is attached to the main part of the frame

  7. In order for the arcs to be securely fixed, they are attached with hangers to a straight rail located on top. The number of suspensions depends on the width of the opening. Usually three pairs are sufficient.

  8. In increments of 0.4-0.6 m, attach reinforcing crossbars around the frame perimeter, fixing them on the guides of two contours.
  9. As a result of the above actions, a reliable metal structure emerges in the form of an arch from the profile. In the future, it will be sheathed with plasterboard or plywood.

If it is assumed that the columns of the arches will not be too large in thickness, then 2 arcs can be changed to a wide profile. Cutting and folding is done in the same way. Only in this case, the installation of cross members is not required.

Sometimes, instead of a metal profile, wooden slats are used. At the same time, the frame installation technology does not change significantly.

Plasterboard bending

After installing the frame, they are taken for bending the gypsum board. Experts recommend using drywall, designed specifically for arched structures. It easily takes the desired shape if the material is rinsed in the longitudinal direction.

If you decide to use regular drywall, then you have to tinker with it. The setting piece is cut to the desired size in the form of a rectangle. It is folded in two ways: wet and dry.

Bending fabrication scheme

The wet method is time consuming and cannot be rushed. To prevent the material from cracking when bent, it is moistened with water and punctures are made. In this form, the drywall sheet is left to lie for a while, and then it is folded onto a template of the desired configuration.

The dry method means the application of cuts parallel to each other on the seamy side of the gypsum board. The cut goes deep into the sheet, affecting the outer cardboard layer and gypsum. The cardboard layer on the front side remains intact.

With the dry method, the bending of the positioning element takes the correct shape. At the same time, it is important to know that it is better to cut the gypsum board with a jigsaw, and not with a hacksaw. Then the edges will not be torn.

Rough frame cladding

If the bending was carried out with the wet method, then first of all it is necessary to wait until the drywall sheet is completely dry. The fixation of the material is carried out first with adhesive tape, and then with self-tapping screws. The minimum step between them should be from 5 to 6 centimeters.

Perforated corner prevents edge chipping

After fastening the sheathing, the edges of the plasterboard sheet are cleaned. And in order to prevent chipping of the curved edge, a perforated plastic corner is installed on it.

Leveling with putty

To make the surface even, you need to finish the arched structure. First, a primer is applied, and after it dries, a putty. Fiberglass mesh is used to reinforce the second layer and strengthen the corners..

Fiberglass mesh reinforces the corners of the arch

The last third layer of putty is applied to the mesh. After about 10 hours, it dries up, after which you can start cleaning the irregularities with sandpaper. With a well-done work, the surface will be without roughness, irregularities, the caps of the self-tapping screws will not be visible in it.

Methods for finishing arches

Those wishing to decorate the arches on their own will have to work hard, cutting out each detail separately. However, many do not look for difficulties and choose the simple way - they acquire factory structures from prefabricated elements.

Prefabricated and prefabricated pads

Factory-made overlay is of two types: wood and foam.

Styrofoam elements

Foam arches are often preferred as an alternative to plaster products. The advantages of such designs are as follows:

  1. Fast installation. Installation speed is much higher than arched structures made of plywood or gypsum board.
  2. Low price.
  3. Easy transportation. Polyfoam is a fairly light material, so you do not need to hire movers to deliver the product to your home.
  4. Low weight. Arches of this type can be installed even on very weak structures.
  5. Various forms.

Foam arches are recruited from ready-made elements and trimmed in place to fit the size of the opening

The disadvantages of an arched structure made of polystyrene are: fragility, toxicity, rapid flammability.

Wood elements

Wooden arched structures do not require advertising. They look rich and rarely do not match any interior style. However, it should be understood that the word "wooden" does not mean that all components are made of pine, oak or other solid wood.

The arch can be made of natural wood, MDF, chipboard or plywood

Arched elements are also made from inexpensive MDF, laminated chipboard, veneer-faced plywood. The desired option is selected individually based on the taste and thickness of the wallet.

Wooden elements are ordered according to the catalog, and then cut to length before installation.

The installation of timber structures is simple. In hardware stores, arches are sold both assembled and disassembled. The first option is considered more reliable, since the work was performed by a specialist.

Decoration with finishing materials

Currently, there are many ways to beautifully and neatly. The decor is selected so that it is in harmony in color, texture, material with the home environment. The most popular options are recognized:

  1. Simple staining... The arch will look elegant and complete if it is simply painted white, brown or the tone of the walls. Such a finish is often complemented with decorative elements, lighting.

    Monochrome painting looks great in combination with backlighting

  2. Wallpapering... It is the fastest, most affordable and easy process. For these purposes, vinyl or non-woven options are best suited.

    Wallpaper highlighted slopes - a very stylish design move

  3. Finishing with wooden, plastic clapboard. The method guarantees not only an excellent aesthetic appearance, but also ensures the durability of the structure, its protection from moisture and mechanical damage.

    The clapboard option is great for interiors with wall decoration from the same material

  4. Decorative plaster... The surface of the arch is beautiful, embossed and durable. True, this finish sometimes needs to be restored, and it requires some maintenance.

    This method looks especially advantageous in deep arches.

  5. Stone... An arch in a house made of natural or artificial stone is installed only with the help of a professional. The decoration captivates the eye and makes the interior unusual.

    The ragged edges of the arch can become a highlight of any interior.

  6. Cork- it is quite expensive, but environmentally friendly material. It is easily damaged by mechanical damage, therefore, to extend its service life, it is recommended to cover the cork with wax.

    Cork finishing brings a sense of environmental friendliness and comfort to the interior