Astrological forecast for Gemini for December. Money, material prospects. Health and Wellness

A full description on the topic: "the love horoscope of the twin of a woman (girl) for the month of December 2018" from the best astrologers.

The fickle Gemini finally decided to opt for a serious relationship. The choice is great, and the stubbornness of the representatives of the sign requires the immediate execution of the plan.

The beginning of the month promises to be emotionally favorable for the representatives of the sign. But the general pleasant atmosphere will be disturbed by petty quarrels with lovers who will not have serious grounds. But already by the middle of the month, colossal changes will begin to occur, which will bring many unexpected surprises to the life of Gemini.

During this period, the representatives of the sign will be able to prioritize, and finally understand whether the person next to them deserves the trust they give him. December will be a time of drastic changes for you, which are unlikely to please your significant other.

The time will come for lonely representatives of the sign to defend their love and the right to personal happiness, only by making every effort, they will be able to achieve mutual feelings from their chosen ones. Despite the fact that the planets promise patronage to the representatives of the sign, they still need to make every effort and wisely prioritize. Decisiveness will be the main condition for the fulfillment of desires.

Gemini Woman: Love horoscope for December 2018

Representatives of the sign will obviously be lucky in December of the outgoing year. Time will fly for them, and events will take place in bright colors, which will undoubtedly please the sensual representatives of the sign. Many interesting acquaintances have prepared the stars for you, one of which will certainly end in a wedding celebration.

Not far off is the moment that all women are waiting for with anticipation - the meeting of the very one, the only person who can satisfy all expectations.

Another chance will be presented to lonely and yearning women, they will be able to return their beloved, who for one reason or another broke off relations with them.

Representatives of the sign will be surprised to find that fate itself gives them the opportunity to fulfill their wildest dreams. Everything happens like in a fairy tale, winged representatives of the sign flutter as if on wings.

The sexual side of the life of the representatives of the sign will be just a surge of emotions and the most unforgettable pleasures. In the last days of the month, you will get such an unforgettable sexual experience, which you will remember for a long time.

Gemini man: Love horoscope for December 2018

December is marked by calmer colors. Stars promise bright scandals to those representatives of the sign who are going to marry or woo their beloved woman. After the trap closes over the twin man, his chosen one will become irritated and quick-tempered, which will entail a series of unpleasant scandals.

Against this background, there will be a desire to break off relations, but strong feelings that bind the two halves will keep them from taking a decisive step to the last. The stars recommend that you wait with the final decision. Instead of parting, you need to make an effort to reconcile, in extreme cases, take a time out in the relationship and rethink your feelings.

Astrologers advise married representatives of the sign to pay more attention to the hearth, spend as much time as possible with the family, and the fruits of these efforts will not be wasted - the love they receive will bring much happiness in their hearts in return.

For Gemini men who divorced in the recent past, the stars do not bode well. There will be no change in the status of "lonely".

Your personal compatibility horoscope!

New, more complete and deeper compatibility horoscope. Analysis of relationship expectations, degree of fit, and a detailed description of compatibility. The horoscope is built for compatibility in personal relationships.

In 2018, not everything will go smoothly for a paired sign. Either the winged Cupid will get lost somewhere along the road with his bow and arrows, then the second half will become capricious, requiring attention, then spiteful critics will set in motion, envious of a rich personal life. The main thing at such moments is to remember: no matter what cloud appears on your horizon, sooner or later it will surely be carried away, and the sun will shine again over the tops of the heavenly twins. To be more sure, check out the Gemini love horoscope for 2018.


The year is not going to start off without a hitch. Some of the Gemini who are in a relationship already in January will have shoals of quarrels, omissions and minor disagreements that can completely destroy not too strong attachments. However, this situation can also be regarded as a gift of fate: the Gemini, who finds himself in the epicenter of a showdown, will either realize that next to him is not the person he was looking for at all, and will tell his partner “sorry, goodbye,” or will gather his strength and do everything to fix situation.

Couples who have safely passed the dangerous period will do well to arrange a romantic surprise for each other in February: a dinner for two, a trip to a country holiday home or a sleigh ride. This will allow you to smooth out the unpleasant impressions of past disagreements and recharge yourself with positive emotions for March. Moreover, at the end of winter, the Gemini will not be up to love hugs; all their attention will be absorbed by the work. FROM you should hurry up and take the opportunity to give your partner a little warmth.

February, the month of lovers, is ideal for reminding each other of your feelings.

Lonely representatives of the double sign in January-February will be able to flirt and start a couple of light romances. But you should not count on something more substantial, your time has not come yet.

December will bring with it drastic changes. Some of the Gemini will try to revive the old relationship, someone will start building new ones - most likely with a colleague - and someone will try on a wedding ring on their finger. Moreover, a marriage based on sincere feelings, but backed by mutual benefit, promises to be very successful.


March will be an eventful but hectic month. Family Gemini will not have tender feelings: they will be involved in a conflict involving older family members or will begin to restore lost contact with children. Couples who have not formalized the relationship will begin to think about marriage. And the lonely will come to grips with their careers, although fate will not stop giving them opportunities to meet interesting representatives of the opposite sex. The most promising meetings will take place in crowded places, so those who are tired of languishing alone should go to exhibitions, festivals or theaters more often. Well, students and Geminis working on advanced training will be able to face their fate right in the classroom.

Gemini students have another reason not to skip lectures

April will pass in approximately the same vein, marked, perhaps, by an outbreak of jealousy on the part of the second halves of the Gemini. But the May holidays will open a new Era of love. Those who did not have time to get a couple will finally be overtaken by the truant Cupid and, as an apology, will arrange a passionate romance for the patient Twins, sparks from which will fly in all directions. And the related twins will remember how good they were with their loved ones before, and plan a second honeymoon. By the way, more than successful.


However, summer will give the Gemini union another test of strength. May will not have time to really end, as some couples begin to feverish again and representatives of the double sign for the second time will face a choice: continue to save a collapsing relationship or meet the summer in a free search. Make a decision thoughtfully, relying on the arguments of reason and intuition. The stars here are not your advisers: according to the calculations of astrologers, the situation can end with an equal degree of probability both in a complete break and in reconciliation.

Couples who decide to fight for their union will need a lot of patience and love, but in July, fate will reward them with a new surge of romantic experiences. Noisy thunderstorms will make lovers appreciate each other even more, a summer vacation spent traveling will stir up former passion, therefore family Gemini will meet August completely satisfied, happy and rested.

Shared vacation will bring you even closer

In order for the achieved idyll to remain with the stellar twins for as long as possible, it is important for Gemini not to listen to gossip that will spread “goodwill” about their soul mates. Let them scratch their tongues, you know for sure that you have chosen the best person on earth as your life partner.

Lonely Gemini can experience the disappointment of a stormy romance that ended in an empty “puff”. Don't get upset! The person with whom you will be happy has already appeared next to you, just be patient and let events take their course. Everything will happen by itself.


After a stormy summer, September will be a period of rest and peace for many. Successful couples will calm down and will calmly walk side by side through life, feeling the reliable shoulder of their companion nearby, and singles will temporarily leave worries about their personal lives and just enjoy it.

In October, family Gemini risk going too far in their desire to control the life of the second half - she can rebel and make a huge scandal. He probably won’t destroy couples with many years of experience, but those who are just starting to live together and get used to each other can easily run away, so keep your jealousy under control.

Well, November, apparently, will get a bag of Santa Claus somewhere ahead of time and will begin to scatter gifts to the right and left. Passionate love for those who by the end of the year were left without a partner; a magnificent wedding ceremony for the Gemini who have not yet had time to exchange wedding rings and a visit from a stork for everyone. More than a happy end to a difficult year!

Video: Love horoscope for 2018 for Gemini men and women

The personal life of the Gemini in 2018 will be like a rollercoaster: a sharp rise into the sky - a rapid fall to the ground - a rise again ... Some will like it, others will get tired of it. But everyone will get their chance to find personal happiness. Remember, the Dog vehemently stands for family values ​​and harmonious alliances. She will do everything so that no one is left deprived.

My name is Svetlana Rozhenko. 35 years old, psychologist by education

In the first month of winter, Gemini will be in a romantic mood, but there are so many conflicting events waiting for them that sometimes there will be no time for romance. You should not start romances in December with colleagues of higher rank. Gemini should beware of casual dating until the end of the year. Both can completely destroy the already complicated personal life of Gemini.

December 2018 love horoscope for Gemini

Cold December 2018 will be marked for Gemini by a month of dramatic changes in their personal lives. It will be a whole whirlpool of events, chance meetings, intrigues, temptations. It is unlikely that prudence will allow Gemini to make a reasonable choice in December, although a chance to draw a lucky ticket is not ruled out.
But even mistakes in actions and relationships are reasonable Gemini will turn in their direction. Maybe already in December the cherished dream of Gemini will come true - to meet your soul mate. Of all the signs of the zodiac, it is Gemini who will be either lucky in December or losers in their personal lives. There is no third.

Lonely Gemini will be forced to assert their right to happiness. In December of this year, they will have to fight for the love of their chosen one. The horoscope promises them the full cooperation of the patron planet. But above all, Gemini should rely on their own wisdom and determination.

Love horoscope for Gemini women for December 2018

The astrological forecast for girls born under the sign of Gemini is encouraging. December will be bright and eventful for them. For lonely young women, a romantic horoscope has prepared very piquant meetings. Probably, for many Gemini in December, a long-awaited event will happen in the form of a meeting with the only one to whom girlish dreams were dedicated.

Gemini girls who consider themselves unlucky will get a chance to get their lover back. In December this year, women born under this sign will be surprised how quickly the wildest dreams can come true. All month long, the love horoscope will not tire of delighting them with wonderful meetings and very interesting dates.

An accurate love horoscope promises girls a meeting with an ideal partner in December. However, the dual nature of the Gemini can repel a partner, cause distrust in him. Until the end of the month, it is worth trying to correct the situation by proving by deed true feelings and a desire to build a serious relationship.

For family Gemini women, the love horoscope advises to pay more attention to their husbands, and not just work. In the second half of December, events will occur that will further unite the spouses.

Love horoscope for Gemini men for December 2018

The love horoscope promises Gemini men to experience a lot of the most vivid emotions. It will be exciting, intriguing, dangerous. But do not get too carried away with girls, younger in age. There may be such problems with young girls in December that they simply cannot be solved. Especially if the girls are of an earth sign.

Family Gemini men will be fascinated by their wives, as they will again understand how lucky they are in life. The love horoscope advises pampering your wives in December with attention, gifts and compliments. This will strengthen family relationships. And quarrels in December are best avoided. And if they arise, then the first to go to reconciliation.

December is also a month that opens the veil of secrets. Perhaps you will hear a lot of new things about yourself or your soulmate in December. Be a man and find a wise decision. The love horoscope advises Gemini not to accumulate resentment, to sort things out right away. Until the end of December, there should not be a single forbidden topic, no understatement. If a girl is offended by the Gemini, then this is the fault of the Gemini.

And it's worth taking care of long-term relationships. If during the year everything was fine, then you need to stay together, even after a quarrel and losses. We'll restore everything.

Love horoscope for Gemini for other months of 2018

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(December 2018)

The last month of the outgoing year will be marked for you by new interesting discoveries and joyful events. Many surprises await you, including pleasant ones, which will bring changes in your personal life. Especially if you dream of romance, but there is not enough time to properly relax.

At the beginning of the month, Gemini can completely immerse themselves in work or in social life. In this situation, for some time you will not be in love, but the feelings themselves will remind you of themselves by some episode and a combination of circumstances. Free representatives of the sign will be able to make several acquaintances or find out about people of the opposite sex who feel sympathy for them or something more than a friendly disposition.

Try to be in society as often as possible, flirt to feel self-confidence, even if you do not plan to change anything in your life. Increased attention from the opposite sex will not only add newness to your life, but will also contribute to productive work.

Family Gemini will want freedom, to escape from the captivity of fuss, in order to devote more time and energy to a loved one. This will be facilitated by the New Year's atmosphere, which will allow Gemini to brightly and emotionally meet the approaching holiday. Try to get out into the world more often: you will not only learn a lot of new and interesting things about each other, but also try on new roles.

Love horoscope for Gemini Women: December 2018

Representatives of the sign will not be up to love in the first half of the month. Despite an acute reluctance to work, you will spend a lot of time with friends and like-minded people, celebrating the New Year in the weeks before it appears. However, women who are actively looking for new acquaintances can find an interesting and bright person who will give you a lot of positive emotions. You are unlikely to decide to deepen your relationship with him, since it will be more important for you to show your emotions and talents to other people, to seduce and receive compliments, than to give preference to someone alone.

Luck will smile at the representatives of the sign in love only if they can unobtrusively show their artistic qualities or take part in a common cause. And those who decide to part with their soulmate will be able to do this painlessly and without consequences in early December.

Family women will have to step back from worries for a while. You will be so busy preparing for the New Year that you are unlikely to be able to devote enough time to your family responsibilities. A chill may appear in your relationship, but it will not affect the relationship in any way. You will be able to find a common language and feel happiness together. The main thing that will bring you together is common goals and a desire to spend the New Year holidays together in order to support each other in the most difficult situations throughout the year.

Love horoscope for Gemini Men: December 2018

Free men will be able to be again in the center of female attention. Real passions will rage around you, especially if you do not yet know who has tender feelings for you and fights for your location. A meeting with a woman from the past is possible, which, to your surprise, will be pleasant and very gentle. And even if your relationship does not get better after her, she will leave pleasant memories in your heart. Therefore, try to be in society as often as possible and not ignore those who once met you, unless circumstances prevent you from doing so.

Family representatives of the sign will go through a series of misunderstandings and conflicts. And, although this is unlikely to come to big quarrels, you will be unhappy with the situation. However, if you dream of love and understanding, everything will be exactly the way you want. Try to build relationships yourself or make pleasant and unexpected gifts to your woman more often. Then luck will be on your side, and you will be able to feel real happiness in the midst of the New Year.

Other horoscopes for Gemini for December 2018

Love horoscope for December 2018 for all signs

Not exactly an easy month in financial terms is expected for Gemini. They will not be able to correctly build their actions in relation to cash waste. And this will lead to hard time saving.

In December, a fatal confluence of circumstances can occur when the Twins at one point face unexpected expenses in several different directions at once. Money will be needed both for the needs of the family, and in assisting close relatives, and to cover losses incurred at work.

To prepare for such a period, the stars advise Gemini to listen to their intuition. But towards the end of the month, the representatives of the sign will be able to relax a bit. A benefactor will appear next to them, who will offer to take on part of the financial problems.

Gemini Woman: Financial Horoscope for December 2019

In early December, the representative of the sign will begin to thoughtlessly spend the savings that she has managed to accumulate by this time. Moreover, all expenses will be associated with entertainment and recreation, thereby forming a real hole in the budget.

However, the stars strongly advise you to try to pull yourself together and start spending money wisely. To do this, you can draw up a table of upcoming and planned expenses on paper and independently analyze which ones you can definitely refuse. This approach will help protect against a financial hole, the risk of which is very high in December.

Toward the end of the month, women with hobbies and needlework can try to earn extra money on their hobby. It can really bring profit, and subsequently become the main source of income. The main thing is to try and slowly things will go in the right direction.

In December, you should not apply to the bank for loans. The subsequent jump in interest will drive you into debt for a long time. It is better, if you urgently need money, to borrow from one of the relatives.

Gemini Man: Financial Horoscope for December 2019

Their financial situation in December will depend on the internal state and diligence of the twin men. The month itself is expected to be quite unstable. There will be a lot of expenses, running costs will also rise, and in order to cope with all this and not end up with an empty wallet, you must make a huge effort. And for this there will be all conditions.

At work, they may offer to earn extra money or replace a colleague with a small supplement to wages. The main thing is not to run immediately to the store, but gradually cover essential expenses. This will help to maintain a stable financial situation until the end of the month.

Those representatives of the sign who are offered to take on a major project should carefully evaluate their strengths. Taking on its implementation, and failing to complete it, the company will suffer losses, which will then be recovered from the contractor. It is better to think it over several times or enlist the support of colleagues in order to increase your chances of success.

“Listen to the advice of astrologers, and your day will pass easily and productively!”

The life of people born under the Gemini zodiac sign will be filled with numerous prospects in December 2018. A huge number of tempting offers can confuse every sane person, and Gemini even more so. The thing is that one will be better and more profitable than the other, you will want everything at once, but the choice is inevitable. You shouldn't be upset about this. You just need to decide on your goals, desires and dreams by the beginning of December, draw up a specific step-by-step action plan that will lead to the desired result. Continue to live, observing every prescribed point of your plan even a millimeter, without deviating to the side. Those offers that fall on you will make the path to success softer and easier, thus you will save yourself from mental anguish and possible mistakes. In December, you can afford to relax and enjoy all the delights of life without thinking or comparing anything. You have everything thought out and decided for a long time, you just have nothing to worry about. Be more attentive both to offers and to those who make them.

Horoscope for the 1st decade of December for Gemini

In the first decade of December 2018, perhaps something will alert you or not satisfy you, immediately filter out such options so as not to clog your thoughts with all sorts of nonsense. During this period, you will be incredibly lucky in all your affairs and undertakings, luck will go hand in hand with you. It will keep you from making the wrong choice. Everything that concerns risk, you can safely challenge and test your luck and luck. Do not forget to listen to your inner voice, sometimes intuition is much more expensive than wise advice. Don't do anything that you don't like or that goes against your beliefs. All actions must be consistent with conscience. If you have been nurturing and cherishing an idea for a long time, then now is the time to try it and see what happens.

Horoscope for the 2nd decade of December for Gemini

In the second decade of December 2018, the stars promise that the result of Gemini's work will pleasantly surprise and inspire you to new rationalization projects. It is possible that everything will not work out the first time. Do not despair, but now you know exactly what not to do. And do not give up trying to achieve the desired result. You will surely succeed. The main thing is to believe in it with all your heart and imagine yourself at the pinnacle of success as often as possible. In the middle of the month of Gemini, nostalgic thoughts and a melancholic mood will visit. But do not confuse this condition with depression. You just need to quit your business for a few days and change the environment. Go visit friends or visit your parents. You are just tired and the level of remaining energy is practically zero. You need to unwind, relax, have fun, completely forget about everyday worries and restore spent energy. Mid-December, under the influence of Pluto, will be a wonderful and successful period in the life of careerists. After all, by the end of 2018, they will not only be financially rewarded for their hard work, but also an offer of a new position. In the middle of the last month of the year, entrepreneurs will succeed in expanding their business, attracting new clients, improving production and service, attracting potential investors and partners. Therefore, you can safely work in this direction. The stars promise great success in this area. And it is not at all necessary that to attract clients you will need a whole department of managers, and to attract partners and investors a lot of business negotiations and official meetings.

Horoscope for the 3rd decade of December for Gemini

In the third decade of December 2018, all the working issues of the Gemini will be resolved by themselves, and in a relaxed atmosphere. Perhaps you will be invited to the opening of some museum or beauty salon. And communication with the right and influential people will bring not only pleasure and delight, but also benefit for the cause. To expand the sales market, you do not need to go headlong into inventing a new catchy slogan or a new original packaging. You can just do some charity event within your ability that will benefit people and advertise you in the best way. Be creative and catch luck by the tail. In the final period of December, the love of the representatives of your zodiac sign will make the happiest and most devoted people on the planet. Many Gemini will put everything in its place. Some will want to legitimize the relationship, while others will fall in love and break the existing ones. But in one case or another, everything will be right and true. Your relationship will become an inexhaustible source of positive emotions, inspiration, determination and confidence. It is thanks to a relationship with a loved one that Gemini will be able to move mountains without much effort. Your chosen ones will become a real muse. Gemini, most likely, at the end of December will not have enough thrills, a sense of drive. And some of you will try to make up for this deficit by not quite correct methods. Try to do something useful, go beyond your usual boundaries. Even when you give money to a homeless person for a loaf of bread, which you have not done before, it will already be unusual and pleasant for you.

The Sun and Jupiter opposite the Gemini zodiac zone until the third week of December 2018 will force you to experience a difficult period, you will be forced to be more tolerant of others and adapt to the coming circumstances. In the emotional realm, there will be important benefits, but you will have to overcome some difficulties and put your disagreements on hold with your partner. Starting from the second week, with the transit of Mercury also in opposition, new difficulties will be added to those you already have. At the end of the year, the waters will calm down and you will restore harmony.

The emotional side of life is quite complicated, and you will have to use all your sex appeal and charm to try to overcome conflicts with your partner. Similarity, common interests, and diversification of interests will be an important factor in improving your relationship. Your family needs more emotional fidelity. Stop thinking only about yourself and pay attention to the questions you need to answer in order to avoid further complaints. Someone will try to manipulate your couple, it is better not to pay attention to the rumors and gossip of people who intend to sow doubts and distrust in your heart. If you are single and interested in someone in particular, it is very likely that this person will soon show their interest.

Too much activity can cause you anxiety disorders and some stress. Don't do too much work during December 2018 and try to take some time off to avoid emotional overwhelm. Headaches and sudden allergies can cause serious distress. Take care of the quality of the food you eat. Practicing any physical activity will benefit your body and stimulate your mood to improve.

During this period, your area of ​​work is full of powerful energies, which will significantly affect the business. There are good opportunities to increase cash income. It's time to establish agreements with third parties that deal with material matters. Everything you undertake now will require great effort, but you will certainly be rewarded with good luck. In any case, don't let yourself get carried away by appearances, but do a good job of analyzing everything before you start working with companies, and read the contracts and documents that you have to sign.

Lucky days for twins in December 2018:

  • Saturday, December 1: You will spend this day intensely and happily, with very positive feelings.
  • Tuesday, December 18: Today you will get extra energy and the maximum dose of enthusiasm that will make you succeed in any action that you undertake.
  • Monday, December 24: Today is a special day to spend time with family, it will be an unforgettable moment

December horoscope for zodiac signs:


As the horoscope for December 2018 portends, Gemini will face events that will cause representatives of this sign to seriously think about further development. During this period, spiritual insights are possible, and intuition will give clues for the realization of inner potential. In December, you will have to deal with your further actions in all areas of life.

Auspicious days: 2, 4, 9, 11, 19, 20, 24, 28.

Unfavorable days: 3, 6, 12.15, 16, 22, 26, 30.


Gemini, December 2018 predicts a period when serious illnesses may develop. It is necessary to refrain from hypothermia, they will cause the rapid development of diseases. At the end of the month there will be the most successful period for visiting the dentist and carrying out cosmetic manipulations.

For body care, you need to choose only proven products that really suit Gemini. Pay attention to your skin, especially on your hands and feet. Any water procedures will act as a tonic, help you relax and rejuvenate.


The Gemini horoscope for December 2018 indicates a period full of communication. Business partners will be active, they will try to interest Gemini with their ideas, which are also quite practical. However, the current work takes a lot of energy, so new proposals may lack energy. Representatives of this sign will have to choose, since it will not work to combine two jobs.

Entrepreneurship twins also have to face a serious choice - to find a new team or work on an old project. In this case, astrologers recommend combining the two options. Try to explain your thoughts to current partners and involve them in a new project. However, it will be necessary to reconsider professional priorities and make adjustments to current actions.

A special success in December awaits the Gemini, who are able to concentrate on the goal and move towards it, despite the obstacles. Representatives of this sign will have to work hard, and a friendly atmosphere with notes of competition will reign in the team. The energy expended will be justified - at the end of the year, the desired career growth is foreseen. This month, Gemini is extremely fast-paced, so any complications will be quickly resolved, helping to achieve a high position in society.


The financial sector will be quite stable in December. Possible returns can be expected in the middle and end of the month. In the last days of December, the return of debts is possible, which will allow the Gemini to make a gift to the family in the form of a trip.

It is better to plan holiday shopping for the first half of the month. In the second half of December, financial losses are possible, so be careful. Make it easier for your loved ones, hint them what gift you want - this will not be a surprise, but it will be welcome.


As the December 2018 love horoscope predicts, Gemini may be preparing for some major changes. This month, Gemini can find new friends, fans, and also fall in love themselves. The horoscope indicates two possible developments - a new relationship or the restoration of the old.

Particular attention should be paid to colleagues of the opposite sex - it is highly likely that true love is among them. In December, you will have the opportunity to fully realize your spiritual potential. Representatives of this sign will do everything to attract attention. Natural sociability contributes to the easy establishment of relationships. New acquaintances will be valuable, as they will allow you to exchange views.

Perhaps in December, the Gemini will be bored with one fan, so they will look for relationships on the side. This will prove to be a good solution for single Gemini, but will negatively affect those who are already in a relationship. Therefore, before making a decision, you need to think carefully. New romance may have a future, in the form of marriage.

Representatives of the Gemini sign will be attracted to people who inspire confidence, represent reliability, optimism. If the current relationship has already passed the test, you should not hesitate to tie yourself up in marriage. When planning a wedding, you can seek advice from a personal astrologer who will help you choose the perfect date for the ceremony.

This month, you can not let everyday problems interfere with the establishment of personal happiness. If quarrels regularly arise in a relationship, you need to find the reason that provokes them. Gemini's fantasy will help find and eliminate it.

If Gemini puts in the effort, the last week of December will be unforgettably romantic. To strengthen relationships with children, you need to involve them in everything that happens. Engage in joint preparation for the holiday, go shopping together, share an important secret with your child.

Man - Gemini

As the horoscope for December 2018 says, Gemini - a man will find a new hobby in the form of extreme recreation. In search of new sensations, a representative of this sign may look for love on the side. However, you need to exercise maximum caution - rash actions will negatively affect later life.

The end of the month may, due to pre-holiday troubles, be accompanied by the thought of moving. There is a high probability of making a successful transaction during the acquisition of a new apartment. Astrologers recommend that you exercise maximum caution, since there is a high probability of being deceived.

Woman - Gemini

As the horoscope for December 2018 predicts, Gemini - a woman will try to surround herself with home comfort. A woman will devote almost the entire month to this particular idea, and perhaps there will be people in her inner circle who will selflessly help her.

Despite serious fatigue, the Gemini woman will grab every opportunity to improve her position and carefully prepare for the New Year holidays. Such determination will help to solve any problem.

Having studied the astrological forecast for December, Gemini will be able to correctly prioritize. This month will be quite stressful, but determination will help you deal with all the obstacles.