Audio short stories Intermediate level of English. stories

To maintain interest in learning English, especially for beginners, stories for beginners are simply necessary - simple and short texts with simple grammar and vocabulary. But the simplicity of the texts does not make the stories boring - rather, on the contrary, too complex texts can scare away those who are starting to learn the language.

Stories in English with translation into Russian

The translation of the story sentences is in italics.

hungry wolf(Hungry wolf)

This is a short story about Hungry Wolf.

This short story is about a hungry wolf.

Once, a wolf was very hungry.

Once there lived a very hungry wolf.

It looked for food here and there. But it couldn't get any. At last it found a loaf of bread and a piece of meat in the hole of a tree.

He looked for food here and there. But he didn't find anything. In the end, he found a piece of bread and a piece of meat in the hollow of a tree.

The hungry wolf squeezed into the hole. It ate all the food. It was a woodcutter's lunch. He was on his way back to the tree to have lunch. But he saw there was no food in the hole, instead, a wolf. On seeing the woodcutter, the wolf tried to get out of the hole. But it couldn't. Its tummy was swollen.

The hungry wolf dived into the hollow. He ate all the food. But it was a lumberjack's dinner. He returned to the tree to have lunch. But he saw that there was no food in the hollow, except for a wolf. Before the eyes of the lumberjack, the wolf tried to get out of the hollow. But he couldn't. His stomach was distended.

The woodcutter caught the wolf and gave it nice beatings.

The lumberjack caught the wolf and gave him a good beating.

A Moral Story: The Dog and The Cows

The cows used to eat hay from the manger. One day a herd of cows came to the manger to eat hay. They saw a dog lying on the hay in the manger.

Cows are used to eating hay from a trough. One day a herd of cows came to the feeder to eat hay. They saw a dog lying in a manger in the hay.

One of the cows pleaded, "Please, will you get up!" We are hungry. We have to eat our hay. The dog did not take heed of it.

One of the cows pleaded, “Please, could you stand up! We are hungry. We must eat our hay." The dog didn't pay attention.

Once again another cow pleaded, "Please, let us have our hay." The dog snarled and the cow stepped back.

Another cow pleaded again, "Please let us eat our hay." The dog growled and the cow backed away.

A wise cow ran up to the bull and told him the matter.

The wise cow ran to the bull and told him everything.

The bull came and requested, “Get out, please! Let them have their food." There was no reply. The bull became angry. He bellowed loudly and stamped his legs. The dog got frightened and wounded for his life.

The bull came and demanded, “Go away, please! Let them eat their food." But there was no answer. The bull got angry. He moaned loudly and beat with his hooves. The dog was frightened and ran away aimlessly.

Children are Wisers than Elders

It was rainy season in Russia. In a certain village in Russia the rain water was flowing in streams in a street. It had rained and stopped a little while ago. Two little girls were playing in the street water. It was festival time. They were wearing new frocks. Malasha was the younger of the two little girls. Akulya was the older girl.

It was a rainy season in Russia. In a village in Russia, rainwater flowed in a stream through the streets. It has rained recently. Two little girls were playing in the street water. It was festival time. They were in new clothes. Malasha was younger than two little girls. Shark was an older girl.

Malasha stamped her foot in the water. It was a little muddy. The muddy water splashed. It fell on Akulya's new frock. Akulya was just rubbing out the mud. At that time Akulya's mother was walking that way. She looked at her daughter's dress. She scolded her daughter.

Malasha slammed her foot into the water. She was a little dirty. Dirty water splashed in all directions. She got on Shark's new dress. The shark was covered in mud. At the same time Shark's mother was walking by. She glanced at her daughter's dress. She started screaming at her daughter.

“How can you make your new dress so dirty?” she asked.

"How could you make your new dress so dirty?" she asked.

“Malasha splashed the water on me, mother,” said Akulya.

“Malasha splashed water on me, mother,” Shark said.

Akulya's mother caught Malasha. She gave two or three slaps on the back of Malasha. Malasha started weeping loudly. Malasha's house was close by. Malasha's mother heard her daughter Malasha's weeping. She came out in a hurry.

Shark's mom caught Malasha. She slapped Malasha on the back two or three times. Malasha wept loudly. Malasha's home was close. Malasha's mother heard her daughter cry. She quickly left.

“Why are you weeping?” asked her mother.

"Why are you crying?" her mother asked.

"Akulya's mother beat me on my back," said Malasha.

“Mama Shark hit me on the back,” Malasha said.

Malasha's mother turned to Akulya's mother in an angry mood. Malasha's mother abused Akulya's mother. Soon they started quarrelling loudly. They called each other names. Their shouting continued.

Malasha's mother turned to Shark's mother in an angry mood. Malasha's mother insulted Shark's mother. Soon they started arguing loudly. They called each other different names. Their altercation continued.

Other women joined them soon. Some supported Akulya's mother. Some supported Malasha's mother. The two fighting groups became bigger and bigger. The men also joined in the fighting. The quarrel became never ending.

Other women also joined. Some supported Shark's mother. Some supported Malasha's mother. The two opposing groups grew larger and larger. The man also joined the confrontation. The quarrel became endless.

At that time the grandmother of Akulya came out of the house. She told the men and the women not to fight. “It is festival time. People should not quarrel,” she told them.

At this time, grandmother Akulya left the house. She told the men and women to stop. “Now is festival time. People shouldn't quarrel,” she told them.

No one listened to her. No one cared for her words. In the meantime Malasha and Akulya forgot about their quarrel. They became friends again. They moved away from the fighting crowd. They started letting paper boats in the running water. Now the old woman said to the fighting groups.

Nobody listened to her. Nobody cared about her words. At the same time, Malasha and Shark forgot about the quarrel. They became friends again. They moved away from the opposing crowd. They started making paper boats and launched them on the water. Now the old woman told the opposing groups.

“Look at the children. They have forgotten their quarrel. They have started playing again. They have become friends again. But you men and women still keep quarrelling. Are you not ashamed of your tendency?

“Look at the children. They forgot about their sore. They started playing again. They became friends again. But you men and women are still quarreling. Aren't you ashamed of this?"

The men and the women looked at the little girls. They felt ashamed. They went back to their houses quietly.

The men and women looked at the little girls. They were ashamed. They quietly dispersed to their homes.

Children forget and forgive very easily. The elders learned this lesson from the little girls.

Children forgot and forgave very easily. Adults learned this lesson thanks to little girls.

The Perfect Palace(Ideal Palace)

Thousands of years ago, there lived a King. His people loved him since he looked after their needs well. At the end of every month, he would invite some noble men of his Kingdom to analyze his work and advised him.

Thousands of years ago, there lived a King. His people have loved him since he took care of their needs. At the end of the month, he would invite a male noble from his Kingdom to analyze his work and give him advice.

The King built many things. Every year he would rebuild his palace and every time it looked better that before. Marvelous! Unmatched!!” the courier would praise and the King would feel elated.

The king built many things. Every year he rebuilt his palace and each time it looked better than before. "Wonderful! Unsurpassed! - praised the courtiers and the King was in seventh heaven.

One day the King thought, “This year, I will build the perfect palace, with all comforts. It should be praised not only within my kingdom, but also by the people of the neighboring states.”

One day the King thought, “This year, I will build a perfect palace, with every comfort. He should have been praised not only by my kingdom, but also by the people of neighboring states.”

The next day, the King worked out a perfect design for his perfect palace. After finalizing it, he handed it over to the builders. In about a month, the perfect palace of the King's dream was ready. The King invited noblemen of his kingdom, as well as the neighboring states, to get their opinions about the palace.

The next day, the King made the perfect blueprint for his perfect palace. After he finished it, he handed it over to the builders. It took about a month, the ideal dream palace of the King was ready. The king invited noble people of the kingdom, also from neighboring states, to get an opinion on the palace.

“Unbelievable! Indeed, it is a perfect palace,” cheered the noblemen in unison. But a saint standing in the corner was silent.

“Incredible! Indeed, this is an ideal palace,” the nobles all said in greeting as one. But the saint stood in the corner in complete silence.

The King wondered why the saint was silent, when everyone was praising his palace. He walked up to the saint and said, “Please tell, O Saint, why you are silent. Is not my palace perfect?”

The king wondered why the saint was so quiet when everyone was praising his palace. He approached the saint and said, “Please tell me, O Saint, why are you so silent. Isn't my palace perfect?"

The Saint replied in a calm voice, “Dear King! Your palace is strong and will last forever. It is beautiful but not perfect, since the people living in it are mortals. They are not permanent. Your palace will live forever but not the people in it. That is why I am silent. Man is born with empty hands and so does he die.”

The saint replied in a calm voice, “Dear King! Your palace is powerful and always will be. It is beautiful, but not perfect, from the moment mortals live in it. You are not eternal. Your palace will live forever, but not the people who live in it. That's why I'm so quiet. A man is born empty-handed and that is how he dies.”

The King thanked the saint for his wise words and never tried to build a perfect palace again.

The king thanked the saint for his words of wisdom and never again tried to build a perfect palace again.

At school

Summer is over and it is autumn again, beautiful as ever. Even if you are no artist at all you can see its beauty. It is a season when the trees are simply fantastic - yellow, red, green and brown, not just one brown, but browns of all possible shades: light brown, dark brown, yellowish brown and all of a richness that only an artist can see and describe.

Summer is over and autumn has come again, beautiful as always. Even if you are not an artist at all, you will be able to see its beauty. This is the season when the trees are fantastic - yellows, reds, greens and browns, not just browns, but browns in every possible hue: light brown, dark brown, tan and other decorations that only an artist can see and describe.

Andrey is back in Klinovo. He has just come but his thoughts are still in Saint Petersburg where the autumn is so beautiful.

Andrei returned from Klinovo. He had just arrived, but his thoughts were still in St. Petersburg, where autumn is so beautiful.

This is not his first visit there. He has already been to Saint Petersburg and he has learned its streets, roads, parks, theaters, cinemas and old and new beautiful buildings. He easily recognizes the streets, buildings, buses, parks and the noise. Noise is everywhere.

This is not his first visit here. He has already been to St. Petersburg and he has learned its streets, roads, wig, theaters, cinemas and old and new beautiful buildings. It easily recognizes mustaches, buildings, buses, parks and noise. Noise everywhere.

Now he is with his classmates and the usual talk begins.

FROM now he is with his classmates and ordinary conversations begin.

Hello Andrey!

"Hi Andrew!"

Hello, Ivan.

"Hi Ivan"

“I am very glad to see you again. How is everything?”

“I am very glad to see you again. How are you?"

Thank you fine.

"Thank you, OK".

"Now tell me where have you been all the time? I haven't seen you for ages and you haven't written a word. Did you go anywhere?”

“Now tell me where have you been all this time? I haven't seen you for many years and you haven't written a word. Are you going somewhere?"

"Certainly, I did. I have just come back from Saint Petersburg.”

“Of course I will. I have just returned from Saint Petersburg.”

How did you like it? Is it a good place to go to?”

“How do you like him? Is this a good place to go there?”

"Splendid! You must go there some day, too.”

“Magnificent! You should go there one day too.”

“I certainly shall. And I shall write letters to you as I know you like to get letters.”

“Of course I will go. And I will write you letters, because I know that you love to receive letters.

Igor's working day

You know Igor lives with his family in Oktybrskiy. He is a pupil of the 8th form.

You know, Igor lives with his family in Oktyabrsky. He is an 8th grade student.

Igor is very busy on weekdays. Every morning he goes to school. The school is not so far from Oktyabrskiy. It is on the nearest farm. The boy goes there in a bus. The bus takes boys and girls and carries them to school.

Igor is very busy on weekdays. Every morning he goes to school. The school is not so far from Oktyabrsky. He is near the farm. The boy goes there by bus. The bus picks up boys and girls and transports them to school.

Here is Igor's working day. The alarm clock rings at 7 o'clock and Igor gets up. He does his morning exercises at the open window, washes and dresses. Igor's mother gets up an hour before Igor. She prepares breakfast for the family. After breakfast Igor leaves home. The bus is waiting for the children near the shop. Igor goes to school with his friends. He stays at school till 2 or 3 o'clock. Then he comes home. His mother waits for him. They have dinner. After dinner he rests a little or helps his mother or father.

Here is Igor's working day. The alarm clock rings at 7 o'clock and Igor gets up. He does his morning exercises with the window open, washes and dresses. Igor's mother gets up an hour before Yegor. She is cooking the family tomorrow. After breakfast, Igor leaves the house. The bus is waiting for the children near the store. Igor is going to school with his friends. He is at school from 2 to 3. Then he comes home. His mother is waiting for him. They are having dinner. After dinner, he rests a bit or helps his mom or dad.

Then he does his homework in different subjects: in English, history, mathematics, physics and others.

Then he does his homework in different subjects: in English, history, mathematics, physics and others.

Sometimes Igor stays at school a little longer. There is a good library there. Igor likes to work in the library. He often does his homework there.

Sometimes Igor stays at school a little longer. There is a good library there. Igor likes to work in the library. He often does his homework there.

In the evening Igor likes to stay at home. He watches TV, listens to the radio or reads a book. He sometimes goes for a walk with his friends. On Saturday and Sunday Igor often goes to the club.

In the evening, Igor likes to stay at home. He watches TV, listens to the radio or reads books. Sometimes he walks with friends. On Saturday and Sunday, Igor often goes to the club.

These simple stories you can download and save to your computer or phone or tablet.

Thus, it is very interesting to read small, short stories in English for a change, especially for beginners to learn English, and at the same time combining this direction with listening to audio or video with Russian subtitles.

In this article, we offer you simple texts in English for beginners with sound and translation. If you have already mastered, then it will not be difficult for you to read them.

The lyrics are written by a native English speaker with an Australian accent, the so-called aussie. Listen carefully, follow the text with your eyes, try to catch not only sounds, but intonation, rhythm, stress. Listen several times (the more the better), then start repeating after the speaker, and try to copy exactly all the shades of her speech.

We highly recommend reading an article on the topic, where, in particular, there are some practical useful tips from a very successful young polyglot Luca Lampariello on how to read texts in English correctly for beginners.

1. I am happy - I'm happy

2. Texts in English for beginners on the topic: What is it? - What is it?

I want to tell you a little about my family. My family is quite large. I have a mother, father, sister and brother. There are five of us in our family. My mother is 42 but she looks younger. She is not tall, but slim. Her hair is blonde and curly. Her eyes are grey. She is a doctor. She is very kind. My father is strong and handsome. His hair is dark and straight. His eyes are brown. My father is a programmer. It can also do many different things. He always helps us with our homework. I have an older sister. She is 19 and she is a student. She loves to cook and read. She looks like my father. She has many boyfriends. My little brother is only 12. Sometimes he is noisy, but mostly he is a very friendly boy. I am 16. I like to play football and listen to music. I am like my mother. I also have blond, curly hair and gray eyes. After I finish school I would also like to be a doctor and help people. We have grandparents. They live in the village. They don't work, they are retired. Sometimes they come to visit us and every summer we visit them and spend our holidays with them.

4 Appearance

We have a head, a face, two arms, two hands, a body with two shoulders, chest and belly, two legs, two knees and two feet. We have hair and two ears on our head. We have two eyes, a nose, a mouth on our face. We have 32 teeth and we have our tongue in our mouth. Our hair can be dark or light, straight or curly, long or short. Our eyes can be blue, green, brown, gray or yellow. We can have long or short, strong or weak arms and legs. We can be tall or short, thin or fat. Our skin can be white, yellow, brown or black.

We can be old or young. A man can be good-looking, or handsome. A woman can be very pretty, or beautiful. How would you describe yourself? I am not very tall, not very short. I'm not very old, but my hair is almost grey. I have blue eyes. My nose is straight. My ears are small. My face is a little tanned because I am often outside. What about you? How would you describe yourself?

5. Where are you from - Where are you from?

Where are you from?
I'm from Russia. And you?
I'm from Germany. And you?
I am from Italy. And she?
She is from France. And he?
He is from Spain. And they?
They are from the Czech Republic.

We are from different countries, but we all want to learn English, don't we?
By the way, do you know where English is the native language? It is native to the UK, Ireland, Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Ghana and second national language in India.
English is now the most influential language in the world, spoken by more than a billion people on our planet.

Simple texts in English for beginners - a collection of short stories

"Night. Dead silence. Only the breath of the night shakes the grass on the plain. A lonely fire burns in the night, ”this is how this story begins, which was written back in 1955 by the great dreamer and almost madman Ray Bradbury. Read an online short story in English called The Dragon. The story is adapted for the intermediate level(intermediate). Words are included for study.

The Dragon by Ray Bradbury (part 1, for intermediate)

Words to understand:

  • on the moor- on a plain covered with heather
  • in the wilderness in this wild place
  • strewn hither and thither scattered here and there
  • the birth of Jesus- the birth of Christ

The night fell, the silence was on the moor. It was years since a bird had flown in the dark sky. Two men were sitting by their lonely fire in the wilderness, darkness pumped quietly in their veins and ticked silently in their temples and their wrists .

Firelight gleamed on their wild faces. They listened to each other's faint breathing.

At last, one man poked the fire with his sword.

"Don't do that; you'll give us away! »

"No matter," said the second man. "The dragon can smell us miles off, anyway. How cold it is! I wish I was back at the castle.

"It's death, don't sleep, we're after..."

Why? Why? The dragon never sets foot in the town!"

Quiet fool! He eats men traveling alone from our town to the next!”

"Let them be eaten and let us get home!"

"Wait now; listen!”

The two men sat in silence. They waited for a long time, nothing had happened, nothing was heard, there was only the shake of their horses’ buckles, softly, softly.

Ah. The second man sighed. "What a land of nightmares. Everything happens here. God, listen! This dragon, they say his eyes are fire. His breath is white gas; you can see him go across the dark lands. He runs with thunder and kindles the grass. Sheep panic and die insane. Women deliver forth monsters. The dragon's fury is such that tower walls shake back to dust . His victims, at sunrise, are strewn hither and thither on the hills. How many knights , I ask, have gone for this monster and failed , even as we shall fail? »

Enough of that!

More than enough! Out here I cannot tell what year this is!”

"Nine hundred years since the birth of Jesus«.

"No, no," whispered the second man, eyes shut. "On this moor is no Time, is only Forever. I feel if I ran back on the road the town would be gone, the people yet unborn, things changed; don't ask how I know, the moor knows, and tells me. And here we sit alone in the land of the fire dragon. God save us!"

"What's use? The dragon runs from nowhere; we cannot guess its home. It vanishes in fog, we know not where it goes. Aye, put on our armor, we'll die well-dressed."

The second man turned his head.

The Dragon by Ray Bradbury (part 2, for intermediate)

Words to understand:

  • all the time confused- time is confused
  • the midnight wilderness- midnight desert
  • terrible wailing cry- terrifying piercing howl
  • gave him plenty of whistle- whistling with might and main

Across the dim country the wind blew full of dus t from clocks that used dust for telling time. The burnt leaves were shaken from some autumn tree beyond the horizon. This wind blew, making the blood thicken. It was a thousand souls dying and all the time confused. It was a fog inside of a darkness , and this place was no man's place and there was no year or hour at all, but only these men were standing in the emptiness of the moor. Sudden thunder was heard, then came the lightning. The rain drenched the moor, and the two men were waiting alone, listening to its sound .

"There," whispered the first man. "Oh, there..."

Miles off, rushing with a great roar appeared the dragon.

In silence the men mounted their horses. The midnight wilderness was split by as the dragon roared nearer, nearer. Its yellow glare appeared above a hill and then disappeared into a valley.

They spurred their horses forward to a small hollow.

"This is where it passes!"

They got their swords ready for the battle.

On the instant the dragon rounded a hill. Its monstrous yellow eye flashed on them. With a terrible wailing cry it was going forward.

'Mercy, God!'

The sword struck under the huge yellow eye. The dragon buckled him, threw the man through the air, knocked him down. Passing, the monster smashed the other horse and a rider. The two knights were dead. The roaring dragon, the fire and the smoke all around, disappeared .

Did you see it? cry a voice. "Just like I told you!"

“The Same! The same! A knight in armor , by the Lord, Harry! We hit him!"

Are you going to stop?

Did once; found nothing. Don't like to stop on this moor. I get the willies.

"But we've hit something."

"We gave him plenty of whistle; but he didn't move."

The steam cut the mist aside.

"We'll arrive at Stokely on time. More coal, eh, Fred?”

The night train vanished over cold earth, towards the north, leaving black smoke and steam to dissolve in the air minutes after it had passed and gone forever.

Read more online short stories in english for intermediate level writer Ray Bradbury / Read more short stories by Ray Bradbury in the category —

In this section you can read or download simple, short and easy texts in English for beginners. Materials include short stories, articles, excerpts from well-known works or short stories in English for beginners. These texts will be useful, first of all, to those who are at the initial stage of learning and have a small vocabulary, although they may be of interest to more advanced students. Approximate level of presented stories from beginner to elementary. Simple stories and beginner-level stories will be an excellent source of vocabulary building, especially when reading without a dictionary using semantic guesswork, since most of the words in the text are quite simple and will most likely be familiar to you. Reading light articles and stories will allow you to develop and consolidate the vocabulary of the most frequently used words in everyday speech, the so-called "minilex" consisting of about 400-500 popular words.

You can read your favorite stories in English at an entry level on our website, print materials directly from the browser "Ctrl + P" or save to your computer using the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + S" for further work with the text.

The more you read, the faster your vocabulary builds up, as reading is the most natural, efficient and enjoyable way to build up your vocabulary. At the initial stage, short and easy texts for reading in English are suitable, as well as specially adapted books of 1-3 difficulty levels (starter, beginner, elementary).
You just read the story, trying to guess the meaning of all unfamiliar words. If the level of the work is chosen correctly, then there will not be too many such words, and you will be able to fully understand the meaning of what you read. good option for reading there will also be easy texts in English for beginners with translation into Russian. The advantage of this option is that there is no need to consult a dictionary. But in this case, one should not abuse the translation and mainly use a semantic guess, and only then watch the Russian version.

This section presents mainly fiction for reading. And if you did not find what you were looking for, then perhaps you need to refer to the section of the site where are presented, as well as essays in English. Or a collection of topics for reading and memorizing to your computer.
The collection includes simple texts in English for beginners on various topics and will be a great helper for language learners. Only 400 topics from stories about yourself, family and your hobbies, to biographies of prominent people in the history of mankind and the traditions of the inhabitants of English-speaking countries.
If easy texts for beginners in English seem too simple to you, that is, when reading there will be no unfamiliar words or there will be too few of them, then you can safely move on to stories and stories of an average level of complexity or adapted books of an intermediate level.

Download and read short easy stories in English :

English legend

Friends, you already know that learning English is divided into levels: elementary, basic, intermediate, professional, etc. Each of these levels gives a person certain knowledge of the English language, corresponding to this level of education. Therefore, each level has its own requirements and its own degree of difficulty in learning the language.

Today we will pay attention to reading in English at the Intermediate stage or the average, intermediate level. What books, what texts are suitable for those who study English at the level of Pre Intermediate, Intermediate Upper Intermediate, what can you read to improve your knowledge of English and enrich your vocabulary?

Reading skills at pre-threshold, intermediate and advanced levels have significant advantages over previous levels. At these stages of training, you have a good understanding of the literature of these levels. You are able to read and understand articles on the Internet, in newspapers and magazines. You can start reading simple literature in the original, understand the meaning and main idea of ​​the material read.

Let's start with reading at the Pre-Intermediate level. Since this is a pre-threshold level, that is, a stage up to the intermediate level, here texts and books almost do not differ from reading at a basic level. What can be read at the Pre level? Pay attention to the following authors and their works:

  • David A. Hill How I Met Myself?
  • Isaac Asimov "I, Robot"
  • Jack London "Call of the Wild"
  • Stephen Colbourn "Robin Hood"
  • David Morrison

Since the Intermediate level is an average, intermediate level of language learning, texts and books in English should be of medium complexity. This means that the reader must capture the main meaning, the essence of the story or the book as a whole, despite the fact that he still encounters unfamiliar words.

Short stories and short stories are perfect for reading at an intermediate level. If you want your reading to be not only useful, but also exciting, then we bring to your attention:

  • Humorous stories O'Henry (O "Henry)
  • Ray Bradbury stories
  • Detective stories by Sara Paretsky
  • The famous stories of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson by Arthur Conan Doyle

And finally, books in English at the Upper level. This stage of learning is more difficult than the previous one, therefore, the reading will be the same:

  • Herman Melville "Moby Dick"
  • Peter Abrahams Mine Boy
  • Alan Maley "A Tangled Web"
  • Margaret Johnson Jungle Love
  • John Stainbeck "Of Mice and Men"
  • Margaret Johnson

These three levels are somewhat similar, but they also have significant differences. The Pre stage prepares us to learn English at an intermediate level; the intermediate level itself equips us with the base for the Upper level, and so on. Accordingly, the reading goes in ascending order.

How to read with benefit?

  • Get a notebook or notebook in which you will write down all the words you do not know.
  • Pay attention to the context in which a particular word is used.
  • Translate the words in writing.
  • Make up phrases, sentences, a short story with them.
  • Use new words in short dialogues.
  • Make a written outline of the passage you read.
  • Retell the passage aloud in English.
  • Work in this order with each chapter or passage you read.

Thus, your reading will be productive, and very soon you will achieve good results in working with English vocabulary.