Author's design of curtains in Provence style. Provence style curtains: types, materials, curtain design, color, combination, decor. Textile decoration of the kitchen in Provence style

The Provence interior style is named after the province of the same name, located in the southeast of France, right at the foot of the Alps, on the Mediterranean coast. All these factors could not but affect the external design of urban and rural buildings, the interiors of their rooms. Provence is a region famous for its numerous fields of lavender, which has also found its rightful place in this style, and not only in the form of the plants themselves, but also in the use of unique blue-violet shades in the design.

If you have a desire to decorate a Provence-style balcony, then you need to at least go a little deeper into information about its characteristics and history of occurrence. Only in this case, you can really catch the mood that the room for which this direction is chosen should have.

The history of the style

This style originated in the 17th century, simultaneously with urban classicism, but, one might say, rather as an alternative to it, since “Provence” in translation means “province” and reproduces the interior of a provincial house. "Provence" is a kind of desire to dissociate itself from the hustle and bustle of megacities, an expression of an underlying desire to relax in the conditions of rural open spaces, in harmony with nature. It is these moods that imbue this warm and airy provincial style, in which light sunny colors predominate, and such a special art as floristry is a priority decor.

This famous area of ​​France has always attracted artists who have been inspired by the endless lavender fields and the iridescence of their purple hues, the juiciness of the yellow color of the wheat fields and the flashing spots of flaming poppies in them.

We can say that the style, named after this province, was created by practical and hardworking people living in it, who are accustomed to take care of household items made by themselves. They built and decorated their houses, assembled simple furniture, engaged in weaving and embroidery - these items became an integral part in the formation of this style.

In addition, the “Provence” was greatly influenced by the nature surrounding people, in which there is an abundance of air and freedom of space.

It cannot be said that this “rustic” French style arose in one or two years - it was formed over decades, thanks to the scrupulous attitude of local residents to arranging their homes for many generations.

Many of those who fell into the atmosphere of this style fell in love with it forever, taking with them pleasant memories from the trip. And then, already at home, it became quite logical to try to recreate a small corner of France, for example, on your balcony, or to remake the interior of one or several rooms, applying elements of this direction.

Distinctive stylistic features of "Provence"

"Provence", as a design style, has its own individual characteristics that are characteristic only for it, and, one might say, are its "calling card".

First of all, its characteristics were determined by the occupancy of rustic-style interiors. All items used in it, made of natural materials, are of high quality and reliability, designed for a long time of operation.

Conciseness and simplicity of design is manifested in all areas of design - this is the color scheme, calm lines of furniture, as well as their rational arrangement in the room.

In the Provence style, pastel soft shades are used - these are cream, pink, pale purple, blue, light green, creamy and the like. In contrast to them, darker colors are sometimes used, such as juicy purple, dark brown, dark blue and others, however, in no case should they dominate, outweigh the light airy shades that are the main ones for this style.

Flowers are an integral part of this trend in design, and, in fact, they are its main decor.

It should be noted that with the spread of "Provence" to other countries, it certainly made some changes that are typical for other cultures. But still, be that as it may, the main line has always been airiness and naturalness, which continues to attract more and more fans of this style of decorating their homes.

Pay attention to the article, you may also be interested in the balcony design options under consideration.

The main techniques for decorating a balcony in the style of "Provence"

The interior, made in this style, contains, basically, all the items necessary for life, but it is not without decorative elements that enliven the room and give it the appropriate mood.

To understand in more detail the application of this style on the balcony, it is worth considering how the main elements of the room should look like, and what accessories can be used to decorate it.

  • Walls . For finishing vertical surfaces, it is most often used that imitates brush strokes.

However, this is not a dogma at all, and in addition to plaster, the walls can be sheathed with natural boards, with the natural shade of wood preserved, or painted white. A small fragment of open brickwork will also be organic in such an interior.

On plastered surfaces, artistic painting using plant motifs may well be applied.

The presence of modern materials greatly facilitates the finishing process, since today a large assortment of wallpapers is presented in hardware stores that imitate plastered surfaces in their pure form or with flower paintings applied to them. Therefore, there is always the opportunity to choose one or more types of wallpaper that will create the required style mood on the balcony.

A combined finish is also possible, when the panels are made of wooden lining, and the main part of the wall is pasted over with canvases of light and pastel colors with a floral pattern.

It must be said that in the classic "Provence" on the walls, brickwork is often left in its usual form, covered with whitewash or light water-based paint. Therefore, if this finish option attracts, then it is quite possible to purchase ceramic tiles (better - clinker), imitating brickwork.

Cabinet Provence

  • floors . The ideal flooring for this style is a board painted in light colors. Colors like cream, light grey, "baked milk" and similar colors work well.

In addition, the "classic of the genre" is the floor, lined with stone tiles. In the conditions of a balcony, instead of it, you can use stone imitation, for example, by finishing the floor with a ceramic coating or even linoleum with an appropriate pattern. An integral attribute of "Provence" are homespun rugs and paths, as well as woven straw mats, also in light colors. They will look great on the light surfaces of the balcony floor.

  • Ceiling in this style should be made of boards that are covered with whitewash or water-based paint. Moreover, this is just the case when there is no need to achieve evenness of color - if relief stains from the pile of the paint brush remain on the lining, then such tinted ones, on the contrary, will be as close as possible to the canonical one.

Quite often, to accentuate the style, massive beams with a rough finish are fixed on a light plank ceiling. They can have a dark brown or light pastel color, which will differ from the background of the ceiling by several tones. In the conditions of a balcony, plastic versions of the beams can also be fixed to the ceiling, authentically imitating natural ones - such finishing details can also be found in hardware stores.

Instead of boards, on a modern balcony or loggia, plastic is often used to finish the ceiling, which can be an excellent imitation of natural wood.

  • Window. In the canonical "Provence" windows have many lintels, and the frames are almost always painted white. Window openings are not covered with curtains - many of them are closed with wooden lattice shutters.

On the balcony, the shutters can be replaced with blinds or colored curtains, since it is quite difficult to do without them in this room, especially if the windows face the south side of the building.

In some cases, in order to match the style, plastic false lintels are even glued to the glass of metal-plastic balcony windows, imitating the natural separation of the frame. If it is possible to order and install shutters, then this will be a significant plus - they will not only be able to support the Provence style, but also excellent.

  • Furniture. The color of the furniture can be light or dark, but it must be painted with a brush, the pile of which leaves characteristic traces on its surfaces.

Any piece of furniture used in the interior is always functional and has a simple, concise form. Often cabinets and chairs are equipped with legs with a slight bend and simple carving - it is mainly made along the edge of one of the elements.

Massif Provence

In addition, often on the surface of chests of drawers or cabinets in the style of "Provence" you can see the painting, the theme for it is always plants. Furniture facades are decorated with forged corners, handles and gratings, which are not only decorative details, but are also designed to keep the item from chipping and damage for the maximum possible time.

Chairs, sofas, armchairs and tables can be made using the weaving technique. Entire suites are often made up of them - they harmonize well with homespun rugs, elegant shutters or with the same wicker curtains on the windows. Together, all these elements emphasize the belonging of the interior to a certain style.

Since household items in provincial cities and towns were traditionally kept and saved for a very long time, and passed down from generation to generation, this could not but affect the style. To maintain the general mood of "Provence", the surfaces of furniture are often artificially aged, and they are given the effect of wear. This process is carried out deliberately with the help of special techniques, as well as the method of removing individual small fragments of paint or the formation of cracks on the surface of objects. Pastel colors used to decorate furniture, when combined correctly, will look as if they have faded over the long life of the items to their owners.

To decorate a balcony in the Provence style, a large amount of furniture is not required - a pair of armchairs or chairs will be enough, elegant, and if the area allows, then it is also permissible to put a sofa.

The cabinets used in the Provence interior can be open, like a bookcase, or closed. The former are most often intended for flowerpots and books. Well, if doors are installed on them, then they are sheathed horizontally or vertically with clapboard, which is painted in a light shade.

If lattice shutters are installed on the windows, then it is desirable to make cabinet doors using the same technique.

A good addition to the "Provence" will be simple but elegant shelves

They should also be designed in the same style as massive pieces of furniture. If you want to hang on the balcony wall, we recommend that you look at the special article of our portal, which presents many interesting options.

  • Balcony lighting

The classic "Provence" involves simple lamps, without complex intricate decor, decorated in soothing, natural colors, such as olive, lavender, beige, milky, blue and the like, which will serve as a backdrop for various murals that convey the mood of this style.

Lamps should be made of natural materials - porcelain, wood, textiles, metal and a combination of them. If the lighting device is metal, then usually it is decorated with unobtrusive elements of artistic forging. To maintain the spirit of the era, sometimes the coating is aged, brightened, and it is also processed using special compounds, after which cracks and chips appear on the paint.

To keep the style, do not make the lighting too bright. The best option would be subdued light, which can be created by table lamps, floor lamps, small wall or ceiling lamps with lampshades made of different materials.

It is calm, dim lighting that is necessary to create a stylistic Provence mood on summer evenings when the coolness descends. And it's time to rest and relax.

  • Textile. Upholstered furniture or pillows for wicker chairs and sofas should be sheathed with natural materials with simple patterns, since Provence is still a “rustic” style. The color scheme of fabrics can be different, but always calm and discreet. Often a fabric with a multi-colored stripe, a small or large floral pattern, as well as a medium-sized two-color cage is used.

For pillows, pillowcases are sewn in a patchwork style with ruffles and buttons. Curtains can also be trimmed with various decorative braids, frills and cords. In addition, to give textiles a “homely rustic” design, it is usually embroidered with floral elements, but this decoration should also be designed in soft pastel colors.

If chairs are used in the interior, it is desirable that they be covered with covers specially sewn for them. For such sheathing, a light natural fabric with a floral or floral pattern is used - it can be cotton, calico or linen, which have coarse weaves of threads.

It should be noted that in our time, some designers for the expressiveness of the interior, made in soft colors, sometimes add bright fabric accents, which are chosen for one of the accessories. However, in this case, the color used should be in good harmony with the rest of the items in the room.

Sofa Provence

  • Decor. The interior of the Provence style contains not only functional items, but also those that serve to decorate or accent it - these are paintings or vases, forged candlesticks or figurines, flowerpots with indoor flowers or bunches of dried plants.

A fireplace will fit perfectly into this style, but it is impossible to install it on the balcony, therefore, if desired, you can reproduce its imitation, for example, a wardrobe made in the form of a fireplace. This piece of furniture should have a look that matches the overall design of the room.

If the Provence style is chosen for a balcony or loggia, then you can’t do without living plants in flowerpots.

For landscaping the premises, climbing plants can be used, which are fixed on the wall with a decorative lattice, creating a kind of "hedge". You can do it in another way by building special wooden "ladders" or stands in the form of a bedside table with drawers extended.

Of the climbing plants, ivy is perfect for a balcony - it is unpretentious, able to withstand winter frosts down to -20 degrees, therefore, with proper care, it can wrap around the entire wall over time. If the balcony is heated, then the plant will feel quite comfortable all year round.

It is good to plant lavender and heather in flowerpots, which, when flowering, will fill the balcony with a tart aroma. They will have to be brought indoors for the winter, and this is not difficult at all, since their bushes do not grow too large.

Tall plants planted in tubs, such as ficus or cypress, would also be an excellent choice. However, they are also afraid of the cold, so for the winter period they must be brought into heat.

In addition to fresh flowers in flowerpots, bunches of dried lavender are sometimes hung on the walls, which can saturate not only the room with its aroma, but also all the textiles on it.

The walls are often decorated with embroidery or paintings installed in, but they should not be of significant size - the most optimal would be 250 ÷ 300 mm on the larger side.

In modern Provence interiors, many include other elements that are suitable in color, pattern and shape. For example, more modern lamps or furniture made of artificial materials.

Recently, quite often, "Provence" is combined with another similar style of "shabby chic", which differs from the first in an abundance of rich decor. I must say that this combination is most often successful. However, we keep in mind that such a “symbiosis” is no longer the rustic style of small French houses, but luxurious interiors, replete with soft sofas and chic wrought-iron chandeliers, which require rooms with large areas. It is hardly reasonable to conduct such an “experiment” on the balcony - it will obviously turn out to be some kind of nonsense.

Balcony interiors in Provence style

In order to decide on the choice of design for a Provence-style balcony, it is recommended that you definitely consider several ready-made options.

First option

Most standard balconies in modern apartments do not differ in their spaciousness, so in order to make the room as functional as possible, you have to choose compact furniture and use every centimeter of space.

For a small balcony, the classic Provence style is perfect, as it does not require large halls. In this project, the designer made the most of each of the walls of the room, equipping them with cabinets and niches. For example, the fence of the loggia, which many homeowners do not take into account at all, leaving it without functional "loads", is fully involved in this case.

Near the window frame there is a wide window sill, which is an excellent stand for flower vases, which are indispensable in Provence. Shallow cabinets are placed under the windowsill - their doors are designed to match the paneling. In addition, a folding semicircular table is mounted under the window, which, as unnecessary, can be removed into a niche prepared for it. Its tabletop is made of narrow boards left unpainted, which corresponds to the Provence style, since earlier, in order to preserve it for the longest possible time, wood was not only painted with paint, but also covered with natural beeswax, which is an excellent protection for wooden surfaces. .

The wicker lampshade used in the interior will make the light soft and subdued, which will contribute to a relaxing rest. The curtains on the windows and the upholstery of the chairs are decorated with a floral pattern - this is exactly what Provence-style textiles should be like.

The chairs are small and light, so if necessary, empty the balcony completely, they can simply be brought into the apartment. Folding chairs are also perfect for this interior - they are easy to make on your own, as the inhabitants of provincial Provence did.

Try making your own chairs!

If there is a desire to make furniture for the balcony with your own hands and save quite a decent amount on this, then everything is in your hands! We advise you to refer to the article, which presents several options for these pieces of furniture, suitable for various styles of interior design.

Second option

This balcony is designed to create a small work area, where it is convenient to do, for example, needlework or painting. In the presented interior, the walls of the room are sheathed with a traditional Provence wooden clapboard made of light wood, or it can be painted in a calm pastel color. These tones were not chosen by chance, as they rest the eye, and they contribute to efficiency during creative activities.

A lamp with a light shade is installed on the work table. The seat of the chair is equipped with a cushion of the same color, but there are no curtains on the windows - all these points are fully consistent with the French style. A flowerpot with a climbing plant is also installed on the balcony, which is designed to enliven the interior, bringing it closer to the chosen design direction. The wall above the table is most often decorated with framed embroidery or family photographs. Both one and the other option are organic for the chosen style.

In total, such an interior may well be called "Provence" with the use of a modern element, without which, probably, not a single high-quality insulated balcony can do today - this is a metal-plastic window. However, this addition does not spoil the design idea at all.

Third option

This summer design in the Provence style is ideal for those who are fond of growing indoor plants, since such a balcony has all the necessary conditions for such an activity. An appropriately decorated room invites you to relax in solitude with a good book or knitting, and for this a comfortable place is provided from which you can admire the indoor flowers placed on the shelves and window sills.

The window overlooking the apartment is framed with climbing plants, and looking through it at the balcony, it seems that it opens into a blooming garden, which is so lacking for the residents of concrete high-rise buildings, especially those who do not have a country house or summer cottage.

The furniture made for the presented interior is practically all functional. So, under a small sofa, located along the end wall of the balcony, there are sliding wardrobes, painted in traditional white and equipped with metal handles. All wall shelves, plus those installed along the walls, as well as the chair, are painted in light colors, which, together with flowering plants, create a summer mood on the “French veranda”. Purple covers on the sofa cushions stand out as a bright spot that adds expression to the pastel shades of the interior. They seem to dilute the calm mood, and at the same time echo in their shade with some flowers of plants.

Fourth option

The lavender-colored balcony shown in the illustration below is not saturated with a lot of colors, and does not have light paneling on the walls. However, despite this, "Provence" is visible not only in its color scheme, but also in the selected decorative elements. The walls, although not lined with clapboard, as is customary in this style, are pasted over with wallpaper that imitates a plank finish, painted in traditional colors for the style.

Textiles for sofa cushions are in perfect harmony with all other accessories placed on the balcony, and also support the direction chosen by the designer.

The floors are covered with plank, painted in a color close to the finish of the vertical surfaces.

The interior is also decorated with forged elements - a wall shelf, a cornice above the window and an improvised hanging stand for a lamp were made using this technique. The frames of the sofa and the low table are also made of metal.

The windows are covered with shutters reminiscent of French wooden lattice shutters. The “Provencal” design of the room is complemented by a bush blooming with lilac flowers, reminiscent of French lavender.

Fifth option

This balcony design can be called "modernized Provence", using new materials. However, despite their use, in all elements of the interior one can see the designer's desire to bring it to this summer and light style.

First of all, the general color of the room is traditional for the chosen direction. Large windows with frequent lintels and a white-painted grille are very reminiscent of the glazed veranda of the house overlooking the sea. Wicker furniture of the same shade is equipped with pastel-colored cushions, with bright orange stripes, also reminiscent of the sun and summer.

Open shallow, as an indispensable piece of Provence furniture, it is quite roomy, which means it is functional. Nevertheless, it fits compactly against the wall, against the backdrop of white-painted brickwork.

And, of course, a houseplant that is obligatory for this design direction, which makes the interior more lively and close to nature.

This balcony is designed only for relaxation. It is good to retire on it with an interesting book or just sit, looking out the window, moving away from daytime worries, as the whole atmosphere is conducive to relaxation.

The simplicity of the Provence style discussed in the article, which has long become popular around the world, makes it easy to reproduce it in any of the rooms, including on a balcony or loggia. Arrangement of the premises will not require special costs in excess of those required for any high-quality repair. Moreover, you can cheat and use modern materials that imitate natural ones well.

Well, at the end of the publication, for the most meticulous readers who love to understand all the intricacies, we offer an interesting film about the secrets of this wonderful interior style - "Provence".

Video: what lies behind the intriguing name of the Provence style

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The characteristic features of French Provence can be used both for decorating the bedroom as a whole, and for selecting curtains, furniture, and some other elements, combining them with a different style. The beauty and tenderness of Provence textiles fit especially well into private houses and cottages overlooking natural landscapes.

Differences and characteristics of Provence style

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The characteristic features of the style are centered around naturalness, modesty, restraint, and comfort. When arranging the room, wood, paper wallpapers, embossed plaster, whitewash are used. Combining together, it creates an unusual charm.

Features that distinguish Provence:

  • warm tones, the rejection of bright colors, muted dark patterns;
  • lightness, weightlessness, tenderness in every element;
  • floral ornament, colored printed decor;
  • white, blue, muted red, gentle tones - the main palette;
  • delicate embroidery.

Also in the Provence style, a cell is often used, warm basic shades with a small print. All colors are successfully combined with white, combined with each other, but along with this, there should not be an excessive color load. Three shades for the wall, curtains, decoration is enough.

Features of Provence curtains

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Simplicity and elegance are the main features that can be noted when evaluating Provence-style curtains designed for use in the bedroom. And it can be both a children's room and an adult. Provence is associated with youth, youth, wonderful years of life.

Curtains for the bedroom are as follows:

  • A clear hint of modesty. There should not be bright elements, elaborate patterns, large and massive drawings in the design. Inscriptions are a taboo for Provence.
  • Curtains always consist of one cloth. Several layers, the use of curtains - excesses. Pelmet is allowed if it is made of the main fabric and does not differ in color.
  • You can trace many similarities between Provence and country. Curtains both there and here are very similar.
  • Attrition, slight negligence, simplicity are interesting features that can hide some of the flaws in the fabric and walls.
  • Warmth and romance should not be compared with poverty. Neat design and expensive materials are successfully combined.
  • In order for curtains with a simple print to look prestigious, the curtain fastening mechanism must be selected with high quality. Plastic and chrome brackets are undesirable. It is recommended to stop on a tree, well processed, possibly carved, covered with a layer of varnish.
  • If there is a persistent desire to use curtains, instead of them, you can dilute the design of the curtains with a plain fabric, which will be slightly visible at the edges.

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If you do not plan to involve a designer in the design of the bedroom, so as not to miscalculate with combinations, you can use one tone as the base one. For example, white plaid or printed curtains will look great with white wallpaper. By the same principle, light beige walls are well combined with beige printed curtains.

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Curtains in the bedroom in Provence style can be made from the following materials:

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    • Batiste. Symbolizes aristocracy, tenderness. This material needs special care, wash it carefully, do not subject it to stress. Plain-dyed cambric is very resistant to sunlight, it does not fade, so it is well suited for curtains. Printed is made with embroidery, decorated with patterns.

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    • Linen. Linen curtains - a real storehouse of comfort, warmth, tranquility. This is an eco-friendly material that looks natural, elegant, can be decorated with buboes, wide belts, and other decorative elements. Does not electrify, does not absorb dirt, is not subject to rapid deterioration from the influence of sunlight. The main advantage of linen curtains is that they act as a natural air conditioner - they provide coolness in summer and warmth in winter.

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    • Cotton. Soft, fluffy, warm, gives a lasting feeling of comfort. With proper processing, it practically does not wrinkle and looks good as curtains. Different patterns are applied to cotton, the fabric can be obtained wear-resistant, dense. True, this material gradually shrinks, it can wrinkle during assembly, it is hard to iron after washing, and it fades in the sun over the years.

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    • Chintz. It is inexpensive, the patterns on it look clear, it is a pleasant-looking fabric. However, over time, it can tear, shrink after washing, and fade. Suitable for families who like to change curtains periodically.

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  • Organza. A very thin, albeit durable fabric is used for the production of curtains, but can also be used instead of curtains. It will give a feeling of lightness, tenderness. A Provence-style print should be small, uniform, the elements are repeated at a short distance. The main advantages are a huge variety of textures, colors, types of patterns.

Thicker fabrics with appropriate design are also suitable. It is better to build on the structure of the threads, the density of the curtains, their color characteristics.

Pure white cotton - a universal classic

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In a Provence-style room, you can use original white curtains. They are decorated with tiebacks, which are not installed in the form of ties that secure the entire layer of the collected fabric, but only a few folds. This allows you to give the design tenderness, notes of romance.

The cornice for white curtains is selected discreetly, possibly from wood. The minimum thickness and the absence of a lambrequin will not make the window too simple and boring, but will give a special tenderness to the interior.

This design is suitable for those who like to use a variety of accessories, beautiful paraphernalia, stylized furniture. Carved old beds, exquisite chair legs, stunning linens - all this can be too much if you use multi-colored curtains in parallel. Therefore, for decoration in the image of Provence, white cotton canvases are very suitable.

It is better to immediately take into account that cotton is slightly translucent. This fabric is not designed to cover from the sun, to protect from active direct rays, but it gives a feeling of freedom and lightness.

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White cotton fabric can be decorated with soft embroidery. Handmade will not stand out, but it will be appropriate in a Provence interior. It is good if both the patterns on the curtains and the patterns on the tablecloth are embroidered with the same threads, for example, if it is planned to install a table in the bedroom.

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The Provence style is characterized by different colors, mostly light. Bright colors will not be appropriate here. Burnt, darkened, brightened - yes. They can be combined together by applying three colors per canvas.

Curtains must be uniform. If a print is printed at the top, then the same pattern will be located in the middle, bottom and at other points. There should be no drops, gradient, intricate textures.

Taboos and restrictions on the choice of colors:

  • Refusal to drape. The gaps on the curtains are generally difficult to combine with other elements, and in the Provence style they are simply unnecessary, add pretentiousness, violate the tenderness of the image.
  • Fringe is not used. Provence is characterized by clear geometric shapes, the integrity of the canvases, and lightness. The fringe makes the design heavier, making it pretentious against the background of other delicate structures.
  • Volumetric folds should not be. Therefore, you do not need to buy too much fabric to create curtains - a slight waviness will be quite sufficient.
  • You need to be careful with the choice of lambrequin. The only acceptable form is when the fabric of the curtains and the fabric of the lambrequin match in color, appearance and texture. And in the rest, it is better to refuse this design element if possible.

Provence is one of the most authentic styles. It accurately conveys the atmosphere of the south of France with its sun-drenched lavender fields and rustic gingerbread houses.

Provence-style curtains should bring an atmosphere of warmth, rustic simplicity into the interior, should not interfere with the penetration of light, but only slightly muffle and diffuse it.

Characteristic features of Provence curtains

Outwardly, seemingly simple details of the Provence style, in fact, must obey the strict laws of style. So, when sewing curtains, you must follow the following rules:

  • The cut is the simplest, without flounces, draperies, ruffles. Simplicity in this case is synonymous with elegance.
  • Fabrics are light, translucent, pastel colors.
  • Taboo synthetic fabrics.
  • Typical patterns are a vertical stripe, a cage, floral motifs: roses, lavender flowers, poppies, field daisies and cornflowers.
  • Characteristic shades are white, beige, lilac, green, muted red.

A simple cut does not provide for monotony. It can be Roman curtains, English, classic. Curtains that are attached to the cornice with eyelets, wide loops or ribbons look good. The most difficult thing that can be is a light pleated that does not weigh down the curtain. A photo of curtains in the Provence style gives a better idea of ​​​​all their options.

More about fabrics

The colors have already been mentioned above: solid pastel shades or fabrics with a small floral pattern, check, stripe. Subject decor is allowed - scenes from village life, Provencal landscapes, still lifes of vegetables, fruits and flowers.

As a decor, you can use a curtain strap, crocheted from thin cotton threads, or sew homemade lace on the bottom.

To convey the authenticity of the style, you can not use synthetic fabrics for curtains in the Provence style. It allows only natural fabrics: cotton, linen, moreover, rough processing.

More about color options

Light shades of Provencal pastels complement bright, but calm tones. The basis is to take milky white, cream, light beige, light gray. But it is better not to use white at all, as it will stand out from the general palette of warm colors.

As bright spots, shades of purple and pink are used, which have a common name - lavender, light green, delicate yellow, orange, blue. These are the only cool colors that won't spoil the show.

How to choose curtains for different rooms

When choosing curtains in the Provence style, they take into account which room they will be intended for.

Living room. Provencal style does not provide for pomp and pomp. Prostate and elegance are her highlight. And thicker curtains of golden or olive and weightless tulle will help to create it. As an addition, lavender and terracotta are suitable.

The bedroom is a room where an atmosphere of calm and relaxation should reign. And milky white, light cream, very light salad and pale blue will help to create it.

Children's. Provence is more suitable for a girl's room, but for a boy it is too gentle. All variants of floral motifs are welcome in this case, as is the lace trim on the bottom hem.

Kitchen. It is for interior design of kitchens that Provence is most often used. Here you can hang the simplest curtains, reminiscent of those that hung in the village houses of our grandmothers. They were very fond of the "merry sitchik." Such cheerful motifs will be a cage and a strip or a fruit and flower still life.

The hallway often needs bright light. Because dark curtains do not belong here. And soft green or olive shades are perfect.

Curtains in the Provence style bathroom can be aqua, turquoise or light beige. The most appropriate cut of Roman blinds.

Choice of cornices

Cornices should be ideally combined with the curtains themselves. They should also emphasize the provincial style. It can be a forged cornice, but without a cold metallic sheen.

It can be painted in Provence style tones: sky blue, beige. A great option is a wooden cylindrical cornice to match the wooden floor. It can be decorated with sidewalls made in the technique of woodcarving.

If you want something original, then a tree branch can be used instead of a cornice. Of course, processed and ennobled.

So, Provence-style curtains should bring lightness, elegance to the interior, but not interfere with the penetration of sunlight.

Photo of a beautiful design of curtains in the Provence style

But to fully match the style, you need to pay due attention to the design of the windows. In our review, you will find out what Provence-style curtains are, and for sure look at a couple of options for your kitchen in the proposed photos.

In addition to examples of beautiful curtains, you are expected to:

  • advice on choosing a model, color, design and fabric for window decor;
  • accessories and little things important for creating a southern French atmosphere.

The village houses of Provence are not large in size, so the style of the same name is perfect for decorating small kitchens. So if you haven't decided on an interior design yet, consider this style.

By combining the common features of the chosen direction, modern ideas and design techniques, you will fill the kitchen with harmony, convenience and spaciousness. Let's look at how to achieve this with curtains. Let's start with the classics.


Curtains to or just above the floor are traditional window treatments and are common to many styles. But Provence, like the specifics of the kitchen, imposes some restrictions, which, however, slightly narrows the choice of curtains.

For example, heavy and dense curtains in this style are out of place. Curtains should be as light as possible, and fabrics should be thin and natural. On the other hand, not every material can withstand the pressure of everything that happens in the kitchen and retain its original appearance for a long time.

The best fabric for curtains is linen or cotton with special impregnations that increase their wear resistance. If you intend to limit yourself to tulle, then organza is more suitable for the kitchen. The combination of curtains with tulle is acceptable, but such window decoration is suitable for spacious rooms where layering and a wide cornice will not eat up space.

Long curtains for the Provence style kitchen are:

  • white, blue, beige or pastel curtains with tulle or solo;
  • curtains with floral, checkered or striped prints;
  • double curtains - combinations of plain and colored canvases;
  • monotonous curtains with colored lambrequin, tiebacks or frills.

Examples are waiting for you in the photo below.

Plain curtains merging in color with the walls will make window decoration unobtrusive and inconspicuous. This will give you the opportunity to focus on other elements. The color of the curtains will be in harmony with the sofa, kitchen set or apron, tablecloth, chair mats. But what additions are used for curtains with a pattern.

Plain fabrics will complement a variety of accessories - ruffles, lace, bows, embroidery, appliqués, frills. And although the amount of decor for curtains, according to the advice of designers, is directly proportional to the volume of the room, Provence is just the style where the abundance of such elements is only welcome. Perhaps it will really be inappropriate for small kitchens. But why not, if you like it that way?

When choosing a color, one should not forget about the functionality, which is indispensable in the apartment, and even more so in the kitchen. For example, white and other light-colored curtains are beautiful and tend to increase the volume of the room. But before decorating the kitchen windows with them, think carefully about whether you are ready for a frequent change of curtains. And if they are regularly pushed apart and shifted, then will it upset you to contemplate your own fingerprints on the fabric?

Checkered or printed curtains will be more practical, on which any stains will not be so noticeable. Salvation will be checkered ruffles around the perimeter of a plain canvas (for grip) or fixing the curtains in a fixed position.

For all its beauty, long curtains are out of place in tiny, especially narrow kitchens, where every centimeter counts.


Shortened models are universal, suitable for rooms of any size, and look more than comfortable. We would even call them the most popular today.

If there is furniture near the window or you need regular access to the cabinets under the windowsill, you won’t find a better option. Plus, short curtains will not interfere with cleaning and will not end up in breakfast from an awkward movement or draft.

As you understand, Provence is characterized by a simple cut of curtains and the design of curtains, which are offset by colorful floral patterns. The canvases are decorated with red, blue, lilac, blue, peach flowers with or without green foliage.

One caveat - the smaller the kitchen, the less catchy and large the pattern should be. If a floral print is already present on other kitchen textiles, giving it a large part of the window may be too much.

A composition of short plain curtains with a lambrequin and tiebacks of the desired color looks harmonious. Flowers, bows, a Vichy cage, angels, butterflies or stripes can flaunt on the fabric.

The shape of the curtains is square, rectangular or arched, and the density of the material depends on the desired level of blackout and other home textiles.
The described long and short models refer to sliding curtains that are attached to a regular cornice-beam or to a sliding version. The latter will be appropriate if there are non-functional sections of the wall around the window.

The cornice can end with fanciful spirals, arrows, cones and other intricate knobs, claiming the title of "retro". This is not required, but it is desirable. Those who are not ready to part with their old and reliable cornice cannot do without a lambrequin that will hide it.

We would recommend the same trick if you have time to appreciate the convenience of curtains on the grommets. This type of fastening is characteristic of modern styles, but it makes it easier to push the curtains apart compared to other methods. But since curtains on rings, ties, drawstrings or loops are more suitable for Provence, fashionable eyelets can be hidden, for example, with a rectangular draped lambrequin.

Cafe Curtains

Symmetrical curtains in the style of a cafe will decorate double-leaf windows, or rather, their lower part. They are attached directly to the window using a string or telescopic cornice. On wooden windows, you can hang them yourself using nails and fishing line.

This model of curtains can be seen in a cafe, for which it got its name. Here, its use is fully justified, because it hides those sitting at the table, without preventing the penetration of light.

Cafe curtains are combined with pelmets, curtains or complemented by twins at the top of a large window. The advantage of such curtains is that you can open the window wide open without even touching them, and they suit rooms of any size.

Fabric with decorative holes (seam), hemstitch, checkered pattern, stripes and, of course, a floral print will look beautiful.

stained glass

Stained glass curtains are similar to the previous ones, but are fixed on two cornices - upper and lower, and occupy almost the entire plane of the window. And - no, they are not sewn from scraps, as one might think. These are hourglass-shaped curtains, fixed exactly in the middle with a pickup or clip.

Just like cafe curtains, they look very cozy and allow you to freely open the window. This decor will be ideal for decorating bay windows and tiny windows anywhere.


  • small kitchen;
  • small or narrow windows;
  • need an open window sill;
  • you just got tired of sliding curtain models,

check out the roman blinds. Rising to one level or another, they form a drapery of the width you need. If the lifting mechanism does not match the simplicity of the country style, in your opinion, adjust the length manually with the help of tapes.

Roman blinds can be decorated with contrasting or colorful ribbons, bows, ruffles, ruffles or boutonnieres. You can hang them on a standard or more modernized cornice, which is attached directly to the window, if the purity of style is not important for you.


Fabric roller blinds differ from Roman blinds only in the absence of drapery, which makes them an excellent backdrop for brighter details in the interior. Tightly adhering to the window, they will save you from excess sun, so they often decorate the windows of balconies, loggias and bay windows.

As a decor for roller blinds, the same details are used as for Roman blinds. Both models are combined with lambrequins, which will perform an aesthetic role and complement the kitchen set, apron, tablecloth and chair pads.


Do you like lush, semicircular drapery falling down? Or do you want to easily turn long curtains into short ones? Then French curtains are exactly what you need! Lush scallops made of translucent fabric will not burden the interior even in small kitchens.

These curtains look elegant without any additions and contrasts, which does not forbid you to decorate them with braid, frills, ruffles or combine with other models.


For some reason, we did not mention that you can do without curtains, which is also typical of the Mediterranean style. But, so that the window does not look completely empty, its upper part can be decorated with a rectangular draped pelmet, which someone will call just a short curtain.

This method of window decoration will be appropriate if you are not threatened by the curiosity of your neighbors, or when the window sill is occupied by lush vegetation. By the way, the abundance of indoor flowers and flowerpots in Provence is very welcome.


Crochet, knitting or wicker (macramé) curtains will perfectly fit into the mood of the style. And it will be great if you make them yourself, which is just typical of village housewives. As the saying goes, if you want something done right, do it yourself.

But purchased models can be no worse and satisfy even the most demanding tastes. This decor looks, you see, original and at ease. White, blue, cocoa, lilac, with or without a contrasting pattern - knitted curtains, like hand-made in general, will never go out of fashion.

Wooden blinds

It would seem that blinds are an exclusively office attribute, and if not, then they are clearly not a match for Provence. But take a look at these photos and you will immediately change your mind. Breathable and cozy material will fill the kitchen with warmth, in harmony with furniture and other interior details.

Wooden blinds are available in many shades, so choosing the right one is not difficult. Plus, they are very functional, which is important for the kitchen - they take up little space and let in just as much light as you want.

True, there are a couple of "buts":

  • the tree is sensitive to the level of humidity, and its indicator in the kitchen is usually higher;
  • you may be impressed by the price of the product.

A kind of bonus to our list will be combined curtains. For a harmonious color scheme or the distribution of practical and aesthetic functions, they combine cafe curtains, Roman curtains and curtains, roll and French models, hang short curtains over long ones ... Let's stop, because this list seems endless.

And the last thing we would like to say. When choosing curtains for a Provence-style kitchen, try to find a balance between beauty and practicality. After all, an elegant, but uncomfortable thing in the kitchen will be simply useless. We wish you the pristine beauty and freshness of the Mediterranean!

Provence style curtains are a wonderful window decoration that can create coziness in a room of any purpose and bring the serenity of the French province into the atmosphere.

Such curtains will fit into the interior space of the living room, bedroom, kitchen.

They will bring a note of peace to urban housing and emphasize the originality of a country cottage.

Appearance Features

Despite the simplicity of style, window decoration with Provence curtains requires compliance with certain rules, namely:

  • The use of exclusively natural materials;
  • Simplicity and sophistication of the cut;
  • Calm range of colors;
  • It is possible to use materials with an ornament of flowers. The style allows small checks in white and red or white and blue color combinations, as well as a vertical stripe.

There are no special requirements for the design of Provence curtains. It can be either classical models, or English, or Roman versions.

Curtains on hinges, grommets are perfect. To give ergonomics, the parallel use of pleated window decorations or roll-type products is allowed.

The main thing is the absence of rough drapery, the airiness of the structure.

In order to obtain an original space, Provence curtains in the interior are often decorated with exclusive decor: ruffles, bows, lambrequins, frills. Often, decoration elements are made in a catchy palette of shades.

The highlight will be jewelry created by oneself.


Window decorations require a scrupulous choice of material. You can give preference to options of a single-color type or fabrics with patterns. Curtains with drawings of rural themes look interesting.

Floral ornaments are suitable for the bedroom, and berry and fruit compositions are suitable for the kitchen space.

Fabric for Provence curtains is used exclusively natural: cotton, linen, chintz. Often, embroidered fabrics or crocheted lace are used in the interior, which can give the composition maximum comfort and completeness.


To create a harmonious interior space, a competent choice of shades of window decor is important. This style involves the use of light colors in conjunction with catchy and at the same time calm colors.

Such a combination will bring originality to the rural setting, allowing you to focus directly on the curtains.

The main shades are cream, beige, and also milky. They will be an excellent basis for bright colors. It is not recommended to use pure white color, as it is cold, therefore it will spoil the originality of the composition.

Choosing curtains for different rooms

When choosing shades of window decor, it is important to consider the purpose of the room for which it is intended. The photos of Provence-style curtains offered on the site and the recommendations that will be discussed below will help you.

For the bedroom, options for neutral cream, milky shades are suitable, however, pale green, blue tones are also acceptable. Uniformity will be diluted with small flowers.

Curtains created in the style of Provence for the living room should be sophisticated, but at the same time restrained. Curtains of olive or golden color and transparent tulle are suitable for this room.

The kitchen space is the perfect space to bring this style to life. Beige or striped curtains are suitable here. Lovers of experiments fit bright colors. The main thing is not to get too carried away with orange for those who do not want to gain excess weight, as psychologists say that this shade makes you want to eat.

A children's room for a girl is a real field for creativity. In the interior of this room, it is necessary to harmonize the requirements of style and children's wishes. Here it is preferable to choose window decor with flower motifs, frills and ruffles are also appropriate here.

For a successful design of the bathroom, it is better to give preference to stylish Roman or roller blinds in beige shades, complementing them with extraordinary tieback ribbons.


When decorating windows with curtains in this style, great attention must be paid to the eaves. Forged models look original, as well as products painted in light shades with sloppy strokes.

To give the cornices exclusivity, they are artificially aged.

Also a great choice would be natural solid wood cornices, matched to match the floor. To create an unusual interior space for the cornice, elements of rural life, plant branches are used.

Remember, you should not choose massive models, because they are not able to emphasize the attractiveness of window decor.


Curtains created in the Provence style reflect rustic simplicity, are distinguished by exquisite simplicity, are the true embodiment of home comfort and coziness.

Photo design curtains in the style of Provence