Heating batteries sizes types. Heating radiators dimensions. Fondital aluminum radiators

Dimensions (edit) radiators define coolant amount that they are able to accommodate.

This determines the power of the heating batteries.

Standard sizes of radiators

V GOST 26645-85 the tolerances are described at nominal intervals.

The radiator has three linear dimensions responsible for the volume of the section.

Width: thin or thick

This is the distance between the outer walls of the battery. Quite variable indicator.

The depth is usually 75-140 mm, depending on material and manufacturer.

In rare cases, larger items are found.


Visually - length. This is the gap from the left to the right side wall. The indicator is taken equal 80 mm when creating order 95% of devices. In other cases, a little more, the maximum is 88 mm. Any other radiators are made to order. This does not apply to cast iron devices: they are wider.

Minimum height

The most variable value, which is the vertical component of the section.

Usually it is 380-420 or 540-580 mm.

There are special types of batteries, the length of which is in the interval from two to three meters.

Such devices are placed in bathrooms.

Important! Axial distance is often mentioned. This is the gap between the connection points of the supply and return pipes. Standard sizes - 350 and 500 mm... But there are also other options, especially among aluminum products.

How to choose the right size of radiator sections

Determination of the dimensions of the sections and their number - the most important step in creating a classic heating system.

With standard layout

The power that they are able to develop depends on the size of the batteries and the material.

The length is almost always the same and is 80 mm. First, determine the height. To do this, choose an installation location, on which the available space depends.

And design also plays a big role. These parameters determine the vertical component. Usually decide between 350 and 500 millimeters.

Depending on the characteristics of the room, you can purchase devices from 200 mm. If a radiator is purchased for a bathroom or a bathroom, a narrow model is recommended that can completely cover the space between the floor and the ceiling. Height devices have different variations from one and a half to three meters.

Having defined two linear characteristics and material, proceed to calculating the depth and number of sections. The number of the latter is usually taken equal to 10 , but there are others. The thickness is found from the volume. The cubic value is divided by the length and the height. The definition of power is also closely related to these indicators: knowing the required, you can find the number of sections.

With the original interior

To create designs, manufacturers often donate technical characteristics.

First of all this applies to cast iron products. Domestic radiators look serious, while they are simply covered paint.

European ones are more elegant, but weaker in heating. In any case, it is necessary to find out from the documentation about the power that they are able to develop, since you need to choose devices for heat transfer.

Reference! There are "retro" style batteries. They are nice looking but expensive.

Aluminum have the same shape, with the exception of custom-made ones, but differ in a variety of colors. In addition, a wide range of sizes helps to fit them into almost any part of the room.

Bimetallic radiators, unlike analogs, are performed not only straight, but also curved. This makes them look good in rooms with smooth corners.

Regardless of the material chosen, before purchasing, you should familiarize yourself with the technical documentation and find out the dimensions of the internal parts of the sections containing the coolant.

This will help determine the batteries, not only by their external features, but also by their ability to heat.

Should remember about the possibility of combinations... So, if a certain device suits the design, but its capacity is not enough, you can install additional heating, hiding it behind the side panel. Or combine radiator heating with underfloor heating.

A good option for guest rooms will become fireplace installation... Although the latter is more often decorative, it is also able to reduce the number or size of sections installed in a room. Sometimes it's better to sacrifice beauty than freezing every winter.

If there is a desire create a special design, the battery manufacturers should be consulted. They will help you complete the calculations. Thanks to this, the finished product will look beautiful and fulfill its direct function.

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What sizes are

There are radiators of the following sizes.

Cast iron

According to the specification, standard dimensions:

  • Width - 93 or 108 mm.
  • Depth from 85 to 140 in steps of 5.
  • Height - 588.

Custom made sections can be of almost any size.

Knowing the length, the dimensions of the assembled device are determined, since a paronite gasket is placed between the parts 1 cm thick.

If installation is carried out at a point with a lack of space, add the size of the flush valve.

Important! The distance between the axles is usually 500 mm. Small batteries with a value 350 are rare.

Each section is capable of delivering from 160 W if the average daily temperature of air and heat carrier differs 70 degrees. Cast iron withstands working pressure up to 9 atm.


Different models have similar internal dimensions. Width make up t 80 or 88 mm. Depth varies in the range 10-90 mm. Height is 50 or 35 cm... Bathroom models achieve three meters long.

Photo 1. Aluminum radiator of the Indigo 500/100 model with side connection, section power 196 W, manufacturer - "Royal-Thermo", Russia.

The dimensions of bimetallic radiators are an important characteristic that affects heating quality premises.

What sizes are produced batteries for heating?

Do they have standard values or different for each manufacturer?

Dimensions of bimetallic radiators are described as follows main parameters: mounting height, depth and width.

Height and Depth depend on section dimensions, and the width depends on their number.

Battery height depends on the distance between the vertical channels. It has standard values ​​for radiators of all manufacturers - 200, 350 and 500 mm.

Distance between vertical channels- the segment between the centers of the inlet and outlet holes. The final height, as well as the depth and width of the radiators are different (see table. 1).

Center distance for most manufacturers it is indicated in the model name. But the mounting height is different and is indicated in the specification for the radiator.

Radiator width depends on the number of sections. So, for an 8-section radiator, the parameter is 640 mm, for a 10-section radiator - 800 mm and for a 12-section radiator - 960 mm (values ​​for batteries with a section width of 80 mm).

Calculation of the number of radiator sections

Heat output of the radiator section depends on its overall dimensions. With a distance between the vertical axes of 350 mm, the parameter fluctuates in the range of 0.12-0.14 kW, with a distance of 500 mm, in the range of 0.16-0.19 kW. According to the requirements of SNiP for the middle lane per 1 sq. meters of area, a thermal power of at least 0.1 kW is required.

Taking this requirement into account, the formula is used to calculate the number of sections:

where S is the area of ​​the heated room, Q is the thermal power of the 1st section and N is the required number of sections.

For example, indoors with an area of ​​15 m 2 it is planned to install radiators with sections of thermal power of 140 W. Substituting the values ​​into the formula, we get:

N = 15 m 2 * 100/140 W = 10.71.

Rounding carried out in the big direction. Considering the standard shapes, it is necessary to install a bimetallic 12-section radiator.

More accurate calculation obtained by determining the number of sections not per area of ​​the room, but its volume. According to the requirements of SNiP, a heating power of 41 W is required to heat one cubic meter of a room. Taking into account these norms, one obtains:

where V is the volume of the heated room, Q is the thermal power of the 1st section, N is the required number of sections.

For example, the calculation for the room is still the same with an area of ​​15 m 2 and a ceiling height of 2.4 meters. Substituting the values ​​into the formula, we get:

N = 36 m 3 * 41/140 W = 10.54.

Increase again carried out in a big way: a radiator with 12 sections is required.

The choice of the width of a bimetallic radiator for a private house differs from an apartment one. The calculation takes into account thermal conductivity coefficients every material used in the construction of roofs, walls and floors.

When choosing sizes the requirements of SNiP for the installation of batteries should be taken into account:

  • the distance from the upper edge to the window sill must be at least 10 cm;
  • the distance from the bottom edge to the floor should be 8-12 cm.

For high-quality heating of the room, it is necessary to pay attention to the choice of the size of the bimetallic radiators. The dimensions of the batteries of each manufacturer have slight differences, which are taken into account when purchasing. Correct calculation will allow avoid mistakes.

Find out what the correct dimensions of bimetallic heating radiators should be from the video:

Source: holodine.net

Terms used when choosing a radiator

Before considering the types and types of radiators, it is necessary to understand some technical terms and concepts in order to be able to correctly select and calculate heating radiators.

You should know the following terms:

Dimensions of standard radiators

Depending on the material from which the radiators are made, their dimensions also differ. The most common standard sizes of heating devices are considered as the main ones, refer to the center distance of 500 mm and are:

Non-standard sizes of radiators

In addition to standard heating devices, radiators of other standard sizes are widely represented on the market. They are intended for use in atypical buildings or to give a room a special style.

There are the following types and dimensions of radiators

Low or small heating radiators are characterized by high heat transfer per unit surface area; they are quite possible to place them under low-located window sills or in buildings with stained-glass windows. These include all heating devices with a center-to-center distance of less than 400 mm. According to the material of execution, they can be either cast iron or aluminum or bimetallic.

Low horizontal cast iron heating radiators mainly have section sizes (W x D x H) 93 x 140 x 388 mm, their heat transfer is 106 W at an operating pressure of 9 atm.

Foreign manufacturers also produce more compact models with a center distance of 200 and 350 mm. Bimetallic compact heating devices are produced with a wide range of center distances, the width of such a section starts from 40 mm, the height is in the range of 150-450 mm. The depth compensates for the compactness of the remaining dimensions and is 180 mm. Thermal power varies from 80 to 140 watts at an operating pressure of 25-35 atmospheres.

Aluminum radiators have dimensions similar to bimetallic ones with connecting distances from 150 to 400 mm with a dimension step of 500 mm, thermal power ranges from 50 to 160 W.

The normal working pressure for them is 16 atmospheres, which during pressure testing can be increased to 24 atmospheres. It should be noted that such narrow horizontal bimetallic and aluminum heating radiators do not have a water flow through the middle sections, they warm up only due to thermal conductivity from the collectors, while circulation is provided due to the extreme flow section.

There are high and narrow heating radiators, which are used in cases of a need for a large heat transfer when it is impossible for various reasons to occupy a significant length of the wall. Cast iron high heating radiators are found only among the products of foreign manufacturers, the width of their section is 76 mm. with a possible height in the range of 661-954 mm, the depth of such devices reaches 203 mm. The working pressure is 10 atmospheres, and for the largest ones it cannot exceed 6 atmospheres, while the heat transfer, depending on the size, ranges from 270 to 433 watts.

Narrow bimetallic heating radiators are mainly designer structures with non-standard dimensions and are not intended for central heating systems, they are used in private houses with individual heating. As a rule, these are not sectional, but monolithic structures. If we take a section, then an example of its size can be (W x D xH) 80 x 95 x 880 mm. at an operating pressure of 4 atmospheres. When pressing, it is not recommended to exceed this indicator by more than 6 atm.

For those who want to make the most efficient use of the area of ​​the room, flat heating radiators with a smaller depth are presented on the market. Their choice is not as great as that of the above heating devices. Sold thin heating radiators can only be aluminum. Their depth starts from 52 mm with a heat output of 105 to 161 W. Panel radiators can also be referred to flat radiators, the depth of which is 60 mm.

Calculation of heating radiators

In conclusion, it is necessary to focus on the question of how to calculate the number of heating radiators per room or other room.

The required number of sections can be determined in several ways:

As can be seen from the materials of this article, the choice of radiators of the required size and thermal power is an important measure to ensure a comfortable stay in the house. If you do not pay due attention to this procedure, then later you can forget about the comfort in the room.

Source: SpetsOtoplenie.ru

  • Power and size
  • Watch a video on how to choose a heating radiator:

Types of heating radiators, depending on the material of manufacture.

Aluminum radiators are distinguished by good thermal conductivity and heat transfer. Nice appearance, lightness, ability to withstand high working pressure - these are the pluses. Minus: aluminum, reacting with water, releases hydrogen, which accumulates in the radiator. At first, it is necessary to drain the accumulated gas from the coolants daily, otherwise the heating system will not function.

Cast iron heating radiatorsthe old model is not at all aesthetic. It is inconvenient to paint them, but you can hide them under special protective screens. Now there are more modern models of improved cast iron radiators. A definite plus of cast-iron radiators in their unpretentiousness. They can serve up to 50 years without replacement, they are not afraid of either rusty water or the presence of pollution. The disadvantage of a cast-iron radiator is its low thermal conductivity compared to radiators made of modern materials.

Steel heating radiators are available in two types: panel, sectional and tubular. Panel radiators are inexpensive, unpretentious, their design is one hundred. Tubular radiators have a very high heat transfer and a long service life (up to 25 years). Designers are working on their creation, which allows us to classify this type of steel radiators as premium. Sectional are a structure of several sections connected by spot welding. This significantly increases the service life and allows you to withstand pressure differences.

What do you need to know about the sizes of radiators?

Heating radiators are produced in different sizes, which allows you to choose the optimal place in the room for their installation. Knowing the dimensions of heating radiators, their power and the area of ​​the room where you are going to install them, it is easy to calculate the optimal number of necessary heating devices. The choice of the height of the heating radiator depends on the intended installation location. Often, radiators are installed under the window, therefore, to calculate the height of the heating radiator, it is necessary to measure the distance from the floor to the window sill. Also, all heating devices must be at the same level. In terms of height, heating radiators are divided into three types:

  • Standard height.
  • Low heating radiators.
  • High heating radiators.

The length of the radiator depends on the number of sections.

Dimensions of cast iron heating radiators

  • Standard dimensions of cast iron heating radiators: section length 93 mm, depth - 140 mm, height 588 mm.
  • Low heating radiators dimensions: height 388 mm, other parameters are the same.
  • High cast-iron radiators: height from 661 to 954 mm, section length 76 mm, depth - 203 mm.

Dimensions of aluminum radiators

  • Standard dimensions of aluminum heating radiators: height 575-585 mm, section length - 80 mm, depth - 80-100 mm.
  • Low: height from 200 to 400 mm, section length from 40 mm, depth up to 180 mm.
  • High: height 590 mm, depth 95 mm, section length 80 mm.
  • Standard dimensions of bimetallic heating radiators: height 550 - 580 mm, section length 80-82 mm, depth 75-100 mm.
  • Low: height 30 -500 mm, section length 80 mm, depth - 95 mm.
  • High: height 880 mm, section length 80 mm, depth - 95 mm.

Dimensions of steel radiators

  • Standard dimensions of sectional tubular radiators: height 600 mm, radiator length 400-3000 mm.
  • Low: height 400-500 mm, radiator length 400- 3000 mm
  • High: height 700 - 900 mm, the same length.

Power and size

Its power depends on the size of the heater. The average heating power of the standard height section of the cast iron radiator is 160 W, while the power of the section of aluminum and bimetallic heating radiators is 200 watts. Therefore, for high-quality heating of the room, the size of the acquired cast-iron radiator must be larger than the size of the radiators made of aluminum and bimetallic corresponding in parameters. You can calculate the power of a heating radiator for your room as follows. First you need to find out the volume of the room. To do this, we multiply the width by the length and by the height. Length - 5m, width - 3m, height - 2.5m. 5 * 3 * 2.5 = 37.5 cubic meters For heating 1 cubic meter in a standard building, 41 W of heat power is consumed. To heat a room with a volume of 37.5 cubic meters, 37.5 * 41 = 1537.5 W will be required, i.e. approximately 1600 watts. In case of extreme cold weather, when calculating the power received, it is better to increase by 15-20%. 1600 + 20% = 1920W = 1.92 kW Knowing the power of the heater, we calculate the number of standard-sized radiator sections. The power of the cast-iron radiator section is 160 W. 1920: 160 = 11.25 i.e. 12 sections. Aluminum radiator section power 180W 1920: 180 = 10.6 i.e. 11 sections. Bimetallic radiator section power 200 W 1920: 200 = 9.6 i.e. 10 sections. Steel radiator section power 140 W 1800: 140 = 13.7 i.e. about 14 sections. These are approximate data, a lot depends on the radiator model, its height, heat transfer. In principle, every self-respecting manufacturer indicates on the packaging what the power of one section of the radiator is. Knowing it, you can calculate the exact number of sections required to heat your room.

The choice of dimensions of heating batteries

The dimensions of heating radiators are chosen based on the heat output they generate. If heating radiators are placed, as recommended, under windows, the following features should be taken into account:

  • the distance from the window sill to the top of the radiator should not be less than 100 mm;
  • the distance from the floor to the radiator is at least 60 mm.


When choosing the size of radiators for your home, remember that the calculation of thermal power should be made not based on the volume of the room as a whole, but taking into account the volume of each room separately. So, if you have several rooms, calculate the volume of each of them, and calculate how many radiators are required to heat the bedroom, how many for the kitchen, how many for the hall, for the bathroom, separately focusing on the size of the heating radiators. It should be borne in mind that when using a screen for a radiator or a decorative grille, the power of the radiator must be recalculated upwards.
It is allowed to install additional radiators along blank walls in corner rooms, which prevents the walls from freezing and protects against dampness. Make preliminary calculations of power, estimate the required dimensions of heating devices. In this case, you will not only purchase those heating devices that best meet your needs, but you can also save a lot of money.

Source: prootoplenie.com


Each type of radiator has its own advantages. The cast iron radiator is durable, retains heat for a long time, but does not look very attractive. Aluminum looks aesthetically pleasing, has a high level of heat transfer, but is short-lived. The steel battery is durable, but retains heat no worse than previous models and requires additional decor if used in a residential area.

Among the different types of batteries, bimetallic radiators have incomparable advantages. They are made of steel and aluminum. From steel they received strength and reliability, from aluminum - an attractive appearance. Due to the harmonious combination of the qualities of both metals, a bimetallic battery can retain heat for a long time.

Design features

Water contains a large amount of impurities. They are corrosive when in contact with aluminum. Over several years of use, these processes will lead to the leakage of the device.

The design feature of these radiators is the presence of an internal stainless steel core, which is surrounded by an aluminum alloy on the outside. Thus, water does not come into contact with aluminum, which significantly extends the service life of the system.

There are two manufacturing options:

  1. Pseudo bimetal. In this case, the steel core is located only inside the vertical channels. So aluminum is not fully protected, but only in the weakest places. These models are cheaper, with a typical lifespan of up to 10 years when used in systems with high water pressure (for example, in city apartments).
  2. Bimetal. It has a one-piece steel inner casing, which is molded with an aluminum alloy on top under pressure. Here the aluminum is protected from all sides. These are more expensive models and their service life under similar operating conditions is up to 30 years.

The device of the bimetallic battery The manufacturing method directly affects the volume of water in the section of the bimetallic radiator. If we compare it with any other battery, then the volume of one section here will be significantly lower. The disadvantage is compensated by the presence of two alloys. As a result, the inner steel core does not allow the aluminum jacket to cool quickly.

There are different ways to combine two metals. It is preferable if the aluminum is cast over the steel under pressure. This battery model will last longer. There is an option when the metals are joined together by welding.

According to the technical type of design, radiators can be:

  • Collapsible. This means that using a radiator wrench, you can unscrew any number of sections and screw them to another radiator. This type is more often installed in private houses with an autonomous heating system, where there is no high water pressure.
  • Unbreakable. The radiator is monolithic, it cannot be untwisted, cut, attached to another. Perfect for use in a city apartment, where there is always a high level of pressure.

Dimensions (edit)

The size of the bimetallic radiator sections is determined by the distance from the middle of the inlet to the middle of the outlet. Today, batteries are made with the distance between the indicated holes.:

  • 200 mm;
  • 350 mm;
  • 500 mm.

Dimensions of bimetallic heating batteries

Before choosing the required dimensions of heating batteries, it should be remembered that from the floor to the bottom of the radiator should be at least 12 cm, and from its top to the protruding part of the window sill - at least 10 cm.Otherwise, there will be insufficient air circulation, which will reduce the heat transfer efficiency of the device.

Section width ranges from 80 to 90 mm. Thickness - from 80 to 120 mm. Height, width and thickness affect the power output of the battery.

Section capacity

The specific design of the radiators leads to their rather low capacity. This is both good and bad.

A small container does not require a large amount of heat carrier (hot water), which means it saves water and fuel to heat it up. But the less coolant, the faster the radiator cools down. Here, rapid cooling does not occur, since there is still a steel shell between the water and the aluminum surface, which does not cool down for a long time.

The combination of two metals

A small capacity contributes to rapid pollution, clogging of channels when using low-quality water. To solve this problem, a cleaning system is installed in a private house. The minimum requirement is the installation of two filters: fine and coarse.

The volume of one section depends on its size:

  • with a distance between the inlet and outlet openings of 500 mm, the capacity of the section will be 0.2–0.3 liters;
  • with a distance of 350 mm, the capacity will be 0.15–0.2 liters;
  • a distance of 200 mm guarantees a volume of 0.1–0.16 liters.

Calculating the number of sections

The volume and number of sections determines the heat output of one radiator. Before making a purchase, it is important to calculate this power in order to find the number of sections required for the premises. For this, either of the two formulas is used:

  1. General. When the calculation of sections is made based on the area of ​​the room. On average, 10 m 2 requires at least 1 kW of energy. For the calculation, the formula N = S × 100 / Q is used. Where N is the number of sections for the room, S is the area of ​​the room in square meters, Q is the energy capacity of the section. The energy capacity is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging or on accompanying documents.
  2. Let's try to calculate the number of sections for a room of 25 m 2, with an energy power of a section of 180 W. It turns out: 25 × 100/180 = 13.88. After rounding, we get 14 sections (rounding must be done upwards). With a width of 8 centimeters, the overall width of the radiator will be 112 centimeters. In this case, you can install 2 radiators each with 7 sections.

  3. Detailed. This formula takes into account the volume of the room in cubic meters (m 3). On average, 41 watts of energy are needed per 1 cubic meter of space. Next, use the formula N = S × 41 / Q, where N is the number of sections for the room, V is the volume of the room in cubic meters, Q is the energy capacity of the section.

Radiator sizes

Let's calculate the number of sections for heating a room with the following parameters: length 5 meters, width 3 meters, ceiling height 2.5 meters. First you need to find the area of ​​the room. The length is multiplied by the width and we get 15 m 2. The resulting indicator is multiplied by the height of the ceilings - we get 37.5 m 3. We take 180 W for the power of one section, then 37.5 × 41/180 = 8.54. Round up and get 9 sections.

When the apartment is located on the first or last floors, in a corner apartment, in a room with large windows or in a house with walls no more than 25 centimeters thick, it is necessary to add 10% to the resulting parameter.

Let's summarize. To make the right choice, you need to pay attention to all the specified characteristics:

  • Design. For a city apartment, a monolithic, fully bimetallic battery is suitable, which is capable of withstanding pressure up to 15 atmospheres or more (usually in apartments, a pressure of around 12 atmospheres is used, while in a private house it is recommended to set the pressure to only one atmosphere). Cheaper models are suitable for autonomous heating systems, since they do not have high pressure.
  • The size. If the distance between the floor and the window sill is at least 80 centimeters, choose the highest model. Otherwise, you will have to take a smaller radiator, so that the floor is at least 12 cm, and at least 10 cm to the windowsill.
  • Capacity. One of the main features is rather narrow passages. If possible, ensure that the quality of the water supplied to the heating system is good.
  • Section calculation. Before buying, read the model description for the power rating. It is better to calculate the number of sections using the second (detailed) formula, where the required amount of heat is determined based on the volume of the room. Do not forget to add 10% in case of significant heat loss due to external factors.

Heating radiators are different. For different categories of heating systems, different types of heating devices are also used. For example, in multi-storey and apartment buildings and in private one-story buildings, completely different types of batteries are used.

What types of heating radiators are there?

In our modern world, with modern technology, there is a wide variety of radiators, but they are all divided into categories.

  • cast iron;
  • aluminum;
  • bimetallic radiators.

Cast iron heating radiators

Cast iron batteries are the strongest and most durable, but they also have their drawbacks. They rather thick in width, and therefore, they warm up longer, respectively, they need a larger amount of a thermal unit to heat up.

Aluminum heating radiators

Aluminum - they warm up rather quickly, but such radiators are impractical. These batteries do not hold pressure drops and can simply burst with strong drops. Their not used in high-rise buildings, but they are perfect for heating low-rise cottages or private houses.

Well, bimetallic, these are universal radiators. Such radiators are suitable for both low-rise buildings with an autonomous heating system and multi-storey buildings.

Dimensions of heating radiators

Such a characteristic of heating devices as their size is very important when choosing an installation. Often the temperature in the heated rooms depends on the size. Dimensions also play a role in the choice of design and in the selection of the power of the heater.

The main indicators of the size of heating radiators are the following indicators:

  • thickness;
  • width;
  • the height of the radiators.

Standard indicators are thickness from 8.5 to 9 centimeters, width from 35 to 40 centimeters and height of three types - 76 centimeters, 94 centimeters and 112 centimeters. But in practice, it is these indicators that are rarely used. They mainly depend on the design of heating systems, their shape and the material used in the manufacture of batteries.


This indicator depends on the shape of the radiator and the material used in the manufacture of the battery. The thinnest heating devices are considered to be panel heaters; for aluminum and steel appliances, the thickness is usually no more than one centimeter. Cast iron systems generally have fairly thick walls, which affects when they are heated. And bimetallic ones have a double layer of metal, which also has its effect.


The width of the battery ranges from twenty centimeters to one and a half meters. It is quite convenient and practical when planning a room and decorating a design. Especially if there are restrictions on the area of ​​the room.

The main criterion for installing a heater with this indicator is the preservation of the desired heat balance. If you need to reduce the width of the heating element, then you need to proportionally increase its height.


According to this indicator, the run-up of the range is even greater, from fifteen centimeters to three meters. The following are distinguished by height:

Lower models have slightly more heat transfer. This is explained by the fact that there is very minimal contact between the warm air and the upper part of the battery, as well as because of the large heat flux from the upper surface of the fins of the batteries.

Dimensions of both aluminum and any other batteries are selected in accordance with the magnitude of the heat power generated by these heating devices.

If the batteries are in the standard location under the windows, then the following should be considered:

  • devices should overlap the width of the window opening from 50 to 75%;
  • from the very top of the battery to the window sill, at least 10 centimeters should remain;
  • from the very bottom of the heater to the floor, at least 6 centimeters must remain.

If you have design developments in the room where you are going to install aluminum or any other batteries, then you can use both bottom and top, cross or even side connection when connecting heating devices.

When choosing aluminum or other heating devices, it is also necessary to take into account that different devices, having the same size, have different heat output. Also aluminum or other heating devices with the same size have different power, and in everyday life and different convenience when servicing radiators.

You need to know that aluminum and bimetallic devices heat up faster, but also cool down faster than cast iron ones. And also for aluminum batteries much less coolant volume is required than for cast iron or bimetallic. This gives its advantage, since there is a high speed of water movement and savings on the operation of boilers that heat the system. And the highest heat transfer is given not by a cast-iron device and not even an aluminum one, but by bimetallic batteries.

And in conclusion, it must be added that with the correct selection of the sizes of heating systems, both the comfort in the room and the desired temperature will depend. Dimensions of aluminum radiators and other batteries you need to choose wisely and according to the accepted design. Using these tips and tricks, you can make the right choice and enjoy the warmth and comfort, despite the cold and snow outside the window.

A heating radiator is a heating device, popularly commonly referred to as a "battery". Heating devices transfer heat delivered to them through pipes to rooms that need heating. Heating radiators are made of different materials, as a result of which they have different thermal conductivity and the ability to withstand internal pressure.

Types of heating radiators, depending on the material of manufacture.

Aluminum radiators are distinguished by good thermal conductivity and heat transfer. Nice appearance, lightness, ability to withstand high working pressure - these are the pluses. Minus: aluminum, reacting with water, releases hydrogen, which accumulates in the radiator. At first, it is necessary to drain the accumulated gas from the coolants daily, otherwise the heating system will not function.

Aluminum radiator

Bimetallic radiator is a modification of an aluminum radiator. They are as beautiful and ergonomic as aluminum ones. They are distinguished by the presence of internal steel elements. They are able to withstand pressure up to forty atmospheres, have a greater margin of safety. Unpretentious to the environment.

Cast iron heating radiatorsthe old model is not at all aesthetic. It is inconvenient to paint them, but you can hide them under special protective screens. Now there are more modern models of improved cast iron radiators. A definite plus of cast-iron radiators in their unpretentiousness. They can serve up to 50 years without replacement, they are not afraid of either rusty water or the presence of pollution. The disadvantage of a cast-iron radiator is its low thermal conductivity compared to radiators made of modern materials.

Cast iron radiator

Steel heating radiators are available in two types: panel, sectional and tubular. Panel radiators are inexpensive, unpretentious, their design is one hundred. Tubular radiators have a very high heat transfer and a long service life (up to 25 years). Designers are working on their creation, which allows us to classify this type of steel radiators as premium. Sectional are a structure of several sections connected by spot welding. This significantly increases the service life and allows you to withstand pressure differences.

Steel panel radiator

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What do you need to know about the sizes of radiators?

Heating radiators are produced in different sizes, which allows you to choose the optimal place in the room for their installation.

An error in choosing the size of heating radiators will lead to an excessively low or, conversely, high temperature in the heated room.

Knowing the dimensions of heating radiators, their power and the area of ​​the room where you are going to install them, it is easy to calculate the optimal number of necessary heating devices. The choice of the height of the heating radiator depends on the intended installation location. Often, radiators are installed under the window, therefore, to calculate the height of the heating radiator, it is necessary to measure the distance from the floor to the window sill. Also, all heating devices must be at the same level. In terms of height, heating radiators are divided into three types:

  • Standard height.
  • Low heating radiators.
  • High heating radiators.

The length of the radiator depends on the number of sections.

Dimensions of cast iron heating radiators

  • Standard dimensions of cast iron heating radiators: section length 93 mm, depth - 140 mm, height 588 mm.
  • Low heating radiators dimensions: height 388 mm, other parameters are the same.
  • High cast-iron radiators: height from 661 to 954 mm, section length 76 mm, depth - 203 mm.

Cast iron heating radiators can serve up to 50 years without replacement

Dimensions of aluminum radiators

  • Standard dimensions of aluminum heating radiators: height 575-585 mm, section length - 80 mm, depth - 80-100 mm.
  • Low: height from 200 to 400 mm, section length from 40 mm, depth up to 180 mm.
  • High: height 590 mm, depth 95 mm, section length 80 mm.

Aluminum radiators have good heat dissipation

Dimensions of bimetallic heating radiators

  • Standard dimensions of bimetallic heating radiators: height 550 - 580 mm, section length 80-82 mm, depth 75-100 mm.
  • Low: height 30 -500 mm, section length 80 mm, depth - 95 mm.
  • High: height 880 mm, section length 80 mm, depth - 95 mm.

Bimetallic radiators have collected all the best qualities of steel and aluminum radiators

Dimensions of steel radiators

  • Standard dimensions of sectional tubular radiators: height 600 mm, radiator length 400-3000 mm.
  • Low: height 400-500 mm, radiator length 400- 3000 mm
  • High: height 700 - 900 mm, the same length.

Steel radiators are most often used in individual heating systems

Power and size

Its power depends on the size of the heater. The average heating power of the standard height section of the cast iron radiator is 160 W, while the power of the section of aluminum and bimetallic heating radiators is 200 watts. Therefore, for high-quality heating of the room, the size of the acquired cast-iron radiator must be larger than the size of the radiators made of aluminum and bimetallic corresponding in parameters. You can calculate the power of a heating radiator for your room as follows. First you need to find out the volume of the room. To do this, we multiply the width by the length and by the height. Length - 5m, width - 3m, height - 2.5m. 5 * 3 * 2.5 = 37.5 cubic meters For heating 1 cubic meter in a standard building, 41 W of heat power is consumed. To heat a room with a volume of 37.5 cubic meters, 37.5 * 41 = 1537.5 W will be required, i.e. approximately 1600 watts. In case of extreme cold weather, when calculating the power received, it is better to increase by 15-20%. 1600 + 20% = 1920W = 1.92 kW Knowing the power of the heater, we calculate the number of standard-sized radiator sections. The power of the cast-iron radiator section is 160 W. 1920: 160 = 11.25 i.e. 12 sections. Aluminum radiator section power 180W 1920: 180 = 10.6 i.e. 11 sections. Bimetallic radiator section power 200 W 1920: 200 = 9.6 i.e. 10 sections. Steel radiator section power 140 W 1800: 140 = 13.7 i.e. about 14 sections.

The power should always be rounded up in a large direction, it must not be underestimated!

These are approximate data, a lot depends on the radiator model, its height, heat transfer. In principle, every self-respecting manufacturer indicates on the packaging what the power of one section of the radiator is. Knowing it, you can calculate the exact number of sections required to heat your room.

The choice of dimensions of heating batteries

The dimensions of heating radiators are chosen based on the heat output they generate. If heating radiators are placed, as recommended, under windows, the following features should be taken into account:

  • the distance from the window sill to the top of the radiator should not be less than 100 mm;
  • the distance from the floor to the radiator is at least 60 mm.

How to save on heating will be described in the article "Heating with solar panels: price, convenience, installation". We read

We learn all about electric horizontal flat storage water heaters by the link:


When choosing the size of radiators for your home, remember that the calculation of thermal power should be made not based on the volume of the room as a whole, but taking into account the volume of each room separately. So, if you have several rooms, calculate the volume of each of them, and calculate how many radiators are required to heat the bedroom, how many for the kitchen, how many for the hall, for the bathroom, separately focusing on the size of the heating radiators. It should be borne in mind that when using a screen for a radiator or a decorative grille, the power of the radiator must be recalculated upwards.
It is allowed to install additional radiators along blank walls in corner rooms, which prevents the walls from freezing and protects against dampness.

When buying radiators, do not rely on sellers for everything.

Make preliminary calculations of power, estimate the required dimensions of heating devices. In this case, you will not only purchase those heating devices that best meet your needs, but you can also save a lot of money.

The presented video will help you when choosing a heating radiator