Begonia room care at home. Care for begonias in winter at home. Should fertilizers be used

Begonia (Begonia) is a genus of plants belonging to the Begonia family. Their homeland is the subtropics of all continents. There are Asian, American and African species. Currently, there are about nine hundred species. In addition to them, hybrids have been artificially bred, of which there are about two thousand. It is hybrids for the most part that are grown as indoor and ornamental plants. All available varieties can be divided into two large groups: flowering and ornamental foliage.
The former are most decorative during flowering. In the latter, the flowers are often inconspicuous, but the leaves have an original shape and color. They are decorative all the time. Beautiful flowering varieties of begonias come in three forms:

Tuberous, with falling leaves;
bushy, which require a period of hibernation;


Begonias should be grown in a well-lit area, but should not be placed in direct sunlight. Flowering forms require diffused light, and decorative leafy - partial shade. To place a flower pot, windows facing east or west are suitable. In winter, the light is not enough, additional artificial lighting is required. It is not very difficult to maintain the optimum temperature for this plant. The most important thing is to avoid sudden changes. In summer, the optimal range is from twenty to twenty-four degrees. In winter, lower air temperatures are needed. It should be between fourteen and eighteen degrees.


Begonia is a moisture-loving plant. Water it with soft water, which must first be defended. After watering, excess water is removed from the pan. At different times of the year and under different temperature conditions, different irrigation regimes are used. In the summer, it is necessary to water at least twice a week, and in extreme heat - every day. In October, they look at the drying of the earthy coma and water it when the surface dries. In winter, the amount of watering is reduced. They require a minimum number.

Around March, the amount of moisture gradually begins to increase. It is necessary to take into account the shape of the begonia. Tuberous plants are dormant. Their tubers are placed in peat, and they stop watering altogether. Humidity is a very important parameter for begonias.

If the air is dry, then the plant may stop blooming, spots appear on the leaves. In order for the begonia not to hurt, it is necessary to effectively moisturize. To do this, the pot can be placed in a tray that is filled with wet peat. Another option is to pour water into the tray and pour pebbles. On a pebble layer and put a flower pot. Evaporation creates the desired humidity in the surrounding air.


Soil for growing begonias requires nutritious. You can take a ready-made soil mixture or make it yourself. To do this, take two parts of leafy soil and one part of peat and black soil. The pot is filled in the following way. A layer of coarse river sand is laid at the bottom. A layer of leafy earth is poured on it, and a layer of a mixture of peat and black soil will be the surface.
Begonias are fed during the period of budding and flowering twice a month. For top dressing use complex mineral fertilizers.

Transplant Features

Begonias are transplanted every two or three years, not more often. Carry out this procedure in early March. The need for a transplant arises when the roots of the plant no longer fit into the old pot. A new container is chosen larger than the old one by two or three centimeters in diameter. When transplanting, the plant is carefully removed from the pot, the roots are cleaned of the old soil, and then dipped in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for about an hour. After this procedure, the root system is checked. It should not be rotting or pests. Rotting areas are trimmed to healthy tissue. Next, the begonia is placed in a new pot with soil covered in layers. From above, the roots are carefully sprinkled with soil.

How to care for a plant?

Begonia has become popular not only due to its attractive appearance and variety of forms. It is easy to care for it and does not require special conditions when planting. Often the plant does not need to be transplanted, the temperature parameters are sufficient average.
Attention should be paid only to the humidity of the air. The tropical plant does not tolerate dryness very well.


Begonia reproduces both vegetatively and by seeds. Vegetative propagation is carried out by dividing the bush and cuttings.

  • 1. Propagation by cuttings
    For growing new plants using cuttings, shoots or leaves are chosen. For the stem cutting, a shoot of sufficient length is required, because. the cutting itself should not be less than seven centimeters. Immediately after cutting the planting material, it is placed in a moistened mixture of sand and peat. One part of peat is taken for three parts of sand.
    A container with cuttings is placed in a dark place. Rooting will take one to two months. To grow begonia from a leaf cutting, take a large and healthy leaf. It must be placed in the ground so that the leaf blade does not touch the soil surface. The container is also removed in a dark place and kept without light until rooting. Cuttings are used in the warm season, i.e. In spring and summer.
  • 2. Propagation by seeds
    In winter, from December to the first days of spring, you can grow begonias from seeds. For sowing, soil is prepared from sand, peat and leafy soil. Begonia seeds are laid out on the surface and pressed down a little. It is not necessary to cover them with soil. The first shoots appear in ten or two weeks. After the seedlings grow up, they need to dive. In separate containers, they are seated together with a root clod of earth. In the middle of summer, fairly strong young plants can already bloom for the first time. In tuberous, a tuber is formed by winter. It needs to be dug up and stored in a mixture of peat and sand. Store tubers at a temperature of about ten degrees Celsius. Plant them out again in the spring.

Begonia diseases

The unpretentiousness of begonia does not mean that it does not require the creation of certain conditions. If the care is wrong, the plant sheds leaves, gets sick and does not bloom. To find the cause, you should carefully examine the plant. If the tips of the begonia leaves turn brown and the leaves themselves fall off, then it is likely that watering is insufficient or the air is too dry. The pallor of the leaves indicates a lack of light. If the plant is watered too abundantly, and the air temperature is low, then a fungus may appear on the plant. Shoots and foliage affected by the fungus are cut off, and unaffected parts and soil are treated with antifungal compounds. It affects begonia and powdery mildew. It can appear in cases where dry air is accompanied by drops
temperatures. Such conditions are ideal for the development of powdery mildew. It looks like a white coating that forms on shoots and leaves. You can get rid of it with the help of colloidal sulfur. The most common pests of this plant are aphids and spider mites. Spider mite appears at high temperature in combination with dry air. They get rid of the tick by spraying the plant with a soapy solution with tobacco infusion, and the aphids are removed with preparations containing pyrethrum.


All varieties and species of these plants are very attractive. It is enough to look at the photos to feel the love for this flower. The most popular are the following types of begonias:

Begonia tuberous - a plant with simple and double flowers. Petals can be monochromatic and two-color, red, yellow and orange, as well as white. In shape, the flowers resemble roses and peonies, and in diameter they reach from five to fifteen centimeters.

Begonia ever flowering - belongs to the group of bushy, grown both at home and in gardens. When grown indoors, it can bloom all year round. The flowers are small, red, pink and white. The leaves are green and red, with a glossy surface.

Begonia royal - a species with decorative foliage. The leaves are large, reach a length of thirty centimeters, their color is heterogeneous, as well as color variations. They come in red, brownish and green hues. Their shape is heart-shaped or similar to a snail shell.

Ampelous begonia - used for vertical gardening. It has hanging shoots, the length of which is from twenty-five to fifty centimeters. After flowering, they are strewn with many small flowers. Flowering continues throughout the growing season.

Begonia elatior is a hybrid of tuberous begonia intended for indoor cultivation. His shoots are thin, requiring support, reddish in color. The flowering period falls on autumn and winter. The flowers are red, orange, yellow and white. The leaves have a round shape, a glossy surface, their diameter is about five centimeters.

Caring for room begonia

Growing room begonia

Flower growers always have special hopes for begonia. Extravaganzas of flowering, well-developed bushes, beautiful decorative leaves are expected from her. For the sake of this, tubers are carefully stored until spring, seedlings are grown, and they are carefully looked after.

If you have not yet decided on a variety, then our article “Types and popular varieties of begonias” will help you choose the right one.

Conditions for home growing


Begonias are photophilous, but cannot stand direct sunlight. In summer, for begonias, you should choose well-lit places, but away from direct sunlight. Best of all, they will feel on the east or west windows. On southern window sills, these plants should be shaded at midday to avoid burns on the leaves.

In winter, on the contrary, it is necessary to provide them with maximum light, and put them in sunny places in the morning. With strong shading, the shoots of the plants are extended and few flowers are formed. In winter, for blooming at this time, hybrids Lorraine and Elatior there is little natural light, it is desirable for them to provide additional lighting.


Begonias prefer high air humidity, since in the wild these flowers grow in tropical forests, in cultural cultivation they also need high air humidity of 60-70%. You can increase it at home by spraying. Humidify the air around the plants, but not the leaves themselves. It is necessary to spray these plants very carefully through the smallest sprayer - drops of water leave ugly spots on the leaves. It is best to place these plants on pallets of wet expanded clay, in a group of plants, or use a humidifier.

If the begonia is kept too dry, the tips of the leaves dry up, the buds fall off, and the plants lose their decorative effect. Also, do not place them near central heating radiators.


Begonias are thermophilic, do not tolerate negative temperatures. They should not be grown on cold windowsills. It is important to observe the temperature balance: in summer the room should be within 20-24°C, in winter - 16-18°C, but not lower than 15°C.

The soil

Light, slightly acidic soil, with good air and water permeability, is suitable for plants. The soil mixture is prepared from 2-3 parts of humus soil, 1 part of high-moor peat, which has an acidic reaction, and 1 part of coarse sand.


Begonia does not tolerate too wet soil. Waterlogging is especially dangerous for tender seedlings, plants "suffocate" from lack of air and can die from root rot. The substrate must be damp, but not wet. Watering with cold water, below 12 ° C, should be avoided so that the death of the roots does not begin. During the flowering period, begonias should not lack moisture, otherwise the leaves will lose their decorative effect, and the buds and flowers will begin to fall off.

These plants have a delicate root system that is sensitive to fertilizer overdose and improper watering. From spring to autumn, begonias are watered abundantly, after the topsoil has dried. Once every 10 days, complex fertilizers are added to the water for irrigation. In autumn and winter, they are transferred to moderate watering, preventing the earthen coma from completely drying out. Excess or lack of moisture leads to the fall of leaves and buds, can cause various diseases and even death of the plant.

top dressing

For normal growth and development, plants need a balanced diet. When top dressing, seasonality, the age of the plant, its features are taken into account. Plants need nitrogen during spring growth. With its lack of begonias lag behind in development, the leaves become pale green. With an excess of nitrogen, plants do not adapt well to adverse conditions.

From mid-summer, flowers are prepared for the autumn-winter period. Fertilizers reduce the amount of nitrogen and increase the proportion of phosphorus and potassium. For top dressing, organic and mineral fertilizers are used. Frequency - 1 time in 10-14 days. Do not feed diseased and dry plants.


Begonia royal (Begonia rex)

You can transplant begonias throughout the spring, in extreme cases, until mid-summer, so that the plants have time to get stronger by autumn. This procedure is carried out annually, sometimes twice a year if the bushes and roots have grown quickly and the pot has become cramped. No need to take too much new capacity. The roots of the begonia should fill the entire volume of the pot, so it is better that the new pot is not much larger than the previous one.

Water begonias before transplanting. The soil should not be too wet. In a new pot, a layer of expanded clay is placed on the bottom for drainage, then the flower is transferred along with an earthen clod. If necessary, earth is added to the container and compacted around it. Transplantation can be combined with plant division. An important point when planting tubers is that they should not be buried too deep. This will negatively affect flowering, the bush will be lush, and flowering will be poor.

Features of care in the winter

Wintering conditions for different species have their own characteristics, for some it is a period of relative rest, while others need a good winter rest. Watering and room temperature are important factors for keeping plants in the cold season.

Plants with decorative leaves in winter they can develop in the same way as in summer. But in conditions of short daylight hours and a lack of natural light, the shoots stretch out, become thin and brittle. Plant growth is controlled by watering. In winter, it is reduced, watered when the top layer of the earth dries up. The temperature of the content is also reduced to 16-18°C. You can not put flower pots near heaters and batteries. It is advisable to organize additional illumination for flowers.

At the begonias Elatior year-round cycle of development, with their flowering they can delight all winter. To make it lush, artificial lighting provides 14-hour daylight hours. Watering should not be excessive. Experienced flower growers are still advised to rest Elatior begonias between winter blooms. By pinching the tops of the shoots, you can adjust the timing of flowering.

For tuberous begonias after the end of summer flowering, watering is reduced, the shoots are cut off and the pots are transferred to a cool place - to the basement, glazed loggia, veranda.

Tubers can be stored in another way. At the end of September, after pruning, they are taken out of the ground, cleaned, dried, put in a bag with peat and placed in winter storage. The tubers will remain at rest until the end of winter. Regularly, at least 1-2 times a month, the tubers are checked. When root rot appears, the affected areas are cleaned, then they are treated with sulfur. If the infection has spread to large areas, then the tuber is discarded to save other plants.

It is undesirable to store tubers in the refrigerator, it is too cold for them there. The kidneys will wake up for a long time in the spring.


propagate begonia seeds, leaf and stem cuttings, division of tubers and bush.


The advantages of this method are the preservation of varietal characteristics and the speed of reproduction. The best time is spring. Young shoots with 1-2 internodes are cut from the top of the plant. Flowers, buds, lower leaves are removed, the upper ones are shortened by a third to reduce evaporation.

Cuttings are planted in mini-greenhouses with good drainage. The rooting mixture is prepared from peat, sand and vermiculite. Planted cuttings are regularly sprayed, aired to prevent decay, and protected from the hot sun.

Begonia cuttings can be rooted in water, and plants can also be propagated by leaf cuttings. Not old leaves with petioles 2–3 cm long are suitable for this. They are planted in a pot with a substrate, deepening the leaf to the length of the petiole. Small leaves for cuttings are taken whole, large ones are divided into parts. A leaf fragment should have a piece of petiole and a vein. The transplantation of rooted leaf petioles is started only after the appearance of new young plants. Usually this period is 4-6 weeks. Feeding begins a month after transplantation.

Division of tubers and bush

This method is suitable for tuberous begonias and for plants that form large bushes. Its advantage is that begonias begin to bloom earlier.

At the beginning of spring, the plants, together with the earthy clod, are divided into parts and planted in containers. The tubers are cut into pieces so that each has buds. Then the delenki are slightly dried and planted in light soil. Tubers need air and moisture to form new roots. Waterlogging should not be allowed, the soil should be in a semi-moist state, since at first there is a high risk of rotting tubers.

Reproduction by seeds

propagated by seeds begonia ever flowering, ampelous and tuberous.

In this way, you can get more plants at once than with cuttings or division.

In the middle of winter, shallow containers are filled with an earth mixture consisting of equal parts compost, leafy soil, peat and sand. For disinfection, the surface of the soil is shed with a solution of fundozol. Begonia seeds are small, they are not embedded in the ground, but sown on a compacted surface of the substrate. The containers are covered with transparent glass or a plastic bag and placed in a warm place with a temperature of 21–23 ° C. Seeds germinate within two weeks. Next - the usual care of seedlings: daily airing for 1-2 hours, careful watering from a spray bottle, control over the formation of condensate on the inside of the glass or film. After 12-14 days, the shelter is removed. During this period, the temperature of seedlings is reduced to 17–19 ° C and the plants are protected from direct sun. Seedlings are ready for picking after the formation of 2-3 true leaves.

Pests and diseases


Most often, begonias suffer from powdery mildew and gray mold.

powdery mildew fungal disease. It appears as a white coating on the leaves. Reduces the decorative effect of the plant and can spread to all above-ground parts. The leaves begin to turn brown and dry. Control measures - treatment with fungicides. In the room you need to reduce the humidity of the air, ventilate it more often.

Gray rot appears under wet and cool conditions. Fungi infect leaves, shoots, flowers. They form a gray fluffy coating. Systemic fungicides will help to cope with the disease. In addition, reduce watering, ventilate the room.


Aphid small wingless sucking insect of green or yellowish color. Pests are very prolific, multiplying rapidly, suck the juice from the plant. The leaves turn yellow, the flowers fall off. They destroy pests by spraying plants with soapy water, tobacco infusion, and chemicals.

spider mite, as is the aphid, a sucking little insect. Depletes plants, begonia leaves are deformed, buds fall off. The affected bushes are washed with soapy water, treated with insecticides.

gall nematode microscopic worm that settles on the roots and down on the stems. Outgrowths form on them, in which larvae develop. Plants lag behind in growth, rot. Sick plants are destroyed.

Blooming begonias will decorate the house, plants with colorful leaves of an unusual shape will enliven any interior. Looking at begonias, one cannot but believe that "beauty will save the world."

How to care for begonias? As well as interesting tips from experienced flower growers, you will learn by watching the video.

Indoor begonia flower

Speaking of indoor flowers, one cannot ignore begonias, which amaze with their beauty in bloom and surprise with a variety of deciduous colors. There is an opinion that this beauty is capricious! What conditions are necessary for an indoor begonia flower to settle on your windowsill?

Family: begonias. Bloom: depends on the type. Growing: complex.

Begonia room

The begonia genus belongs to the begonia family of the same name and, according to conservative estimates, contains about one and a half thousand natural species and more than ten thousand hybrids! The appearance of this flower is so variable that even experienced flower growers cannot always identify the next species. At home, about 120 species are bred, not counting derivatives of interspecific hybrids.

It is believed that the plant got its name from the name of the French politician Michel Begon, who in the 17th century was the governor of the Antilles. It was he who initiated the study of the flora of the island of Haiti and called the botanist Charles Plumier to create a classification of plants. A beautiful flowering miracle discovered in these parts was named by the botanist in honor of Begon. The island is still considered the birthplace of the plant.

Begonia flower is grown at home and in garden conditions. In a rich family there are shrubs, herbs, epiphytes, perennial and annual species. The largest specimens grow up to 5 meters in height, and the smallest - up to 5 centimeters. Their habitat is just as wide - from the Asian tropics to the African savannas, from the Indian archipelagos to the European plains. Among begonias, there are individuals that form a caudex (like adenium and nolina). These are inhabitants of the steep cliffs of South Africa, which can climb to a height of up to 4000 meters.

In begonias, species are conditionally divided into flowering and decorative-deciduous. The leaves of some are similar to pelargonium, others are more like grapes, and others are completely like a lotus. The flowers are simple and double, hang down like clusters, or are collected in a rosette, in large-flowered ones they reach 30 cm in diameter, in many-flowered ones they do not exceed 3 cm.

The first group includes ever-flowering begonia. This herbaceous plant reaches 50 cm, has round, slightly wavy and pubescent leaves.

b. ever-blooming

Begonia elatior is another beauty of hybrid origin. It has a wide range of flower colors: yellow, orange, red, pink, raspberry. At home, it grows up to 40 cm.

b. elatior, collection of Tamara Vlasova

Tuberous begonia is usually grown outdoors. Her leaves are unremarkable, but the flowers are amazing. In autumn, the aerial part dies off, and the tubers overwinter in wet sand in a cool and dry room.

The second group includes varieties with an exotic shape and foliage color. This is the royal begonia, which received the funny nickname bear, or pig's "ear". But there are more sophisticated names, for example, "eagle's wing", or "seashell". This species has many hybrids, bush and ampelous. Begonia imperial - bush plant, has large slightly pointed leaves.

b. royal, collection of Valentina Staroverova
b. imperial

Coral begonia grows up to 2 meters in height, differs not only in spectacular leaves, but also in delicate coral flowers. Another tall species is metal begonia, it grows up to one and a half meters.

b. coral
b. metallic

Begonia Bauer is a miniature plant, up to 30 cm tall, with variegated dark green leaves. Manson's begonia is no less popular - a compact bush with a contrasting cruciform pattern.

b. manson and bauer

The tiger begonia is unusual in shape and color, in the coloring of which brown shades prevail. Hogweed begonia forms a lush bush, up to 60 cm in diameter and 40 cm in height.

b. hogweed
b. bluish and tiger

Every two years in mid-August, the central square of Brussels is covered with blooming begonias. They form, perhaps, the largest flower bed in the world in the form of a carpet. Such a large-scale idea requires about 800,000 flowers of different shades. The drawing is always unique, the sketch is created a year before the event.

Care rules

As befits all beauties, begonia is quite capricious. However, even beginners can grow it, if you know the basic requirements of the plant. The site will tell about this.

Temperature and lighting

Scattered light is a prerequisite for full growth and proper flower formation. Without light, it stretches out and loses its decorative effect, and direct rays can burn delicate leaves! To keep your begonia blooming and growing spectacular foliage, place the pot in a southeast window where there is no active sunlight until noon, but enough light all day. Artificial light lamps will help compensate for the lack of lighting.

With regards to the temperature regime, it is also important to observe the golden mean. In the cold, fungal diseases easily develop, the root system weakens. For most species, temperatures below 15 degrees are critical. But the heat also has a bad effect on the appearance of the plant, it is best to keep it in the temperature range of 20-22 degrees, without sudden changes.

Watering and humidity

The begonia flower loves balance in everything, especially in watering. So that the soil does not turn sour and does not dry out, focus on the condition of the top layer of the substrate. If the earth sticks to your fingers, watering should be postponed, if it has dried to a depth of 2-3 cm, then it's time to water the plant. In spring and summer, begosha, as a rule, actively grows and blooms, respectively, requires more water. If growth has stopped, watering is reduced. 8 rules for watering.

Humidity is an important indicator, but you can spray the air around, avoiding droplets on the flowers. From this, dark spots may appear on the petals! In winter, place the plants away from the heaters and closer to other representatives of the room flora with large leaves, they evaporate more moisture. Next to the pots, you can put containers with water, and cover the battery with a damp towel.

b. bauer, photo by the author

Fertilizers and top dressings

During growth and flowering, begonia consumes a lot of energy! So that the soil is not depleted, it is necessary to make mineral top dressing. For flowering species, a mixture with a predominance of potassium is preferable (it contributes to the formation of buds), and nitrogen fertilizers are suitable for deciduous species (nitrogen improves the decorative effect of green mass). Microelements for plants.

Not bad indoor begonia belongs to organics. Organics for flowers. It is best to alternate organic and mineral fertilizers. And yet keep in mind that the salinization of the substrate is even more dangerous than the deficiency of elements in the soil! Therefore, it is enough to pamper the flower only once a week. As soon as growth stops, feeding is stopped.

Reproduction and transplant

The begonia flower prefers shallow, but wide containers with an obligatory hole at the bottom. How to choose a pot? When planting, it is important to provide good drainage with expanded clay, crushed brick, or pebbles. Light slightly acidic mixtures of peat, leafy soil and sand (or other baking powder) are preferable. Primer for flowers: do it yourself.

Any variety can be grown from cuttings or seeds. Tuberous begonias suggest reproduction by dividing the tuber, in bush begonias they use only the aerial part. Tubers are grown in a sandy substrate in a cool room, maintaining moderate moisture in the upper layer. Sprouts may appear on the surface after a few weeks. Sowing of seeds is carried out in March in containers with a light peat moistened substrate. The seeds are very small, so they are only lightly sprinkled on top. On a shaded windowsill under a film, seedlings appear after 7-10 days. After the second pair of leaves, they dive.

Cuttings and leaves for rooting are cut in the spring. The stalk with a leaf must be at least 5 cm: the larger the “material”, the higher the chances that it will give roots! You can root in water, after drying the cut and dipping it in Kornevin, or immediately in the ground. Only the stalk is dug in, the leaves should not come into contact with the ground. A sign that the life processes are running is the appearance of the rudiments of new leaves.

Growing problems?

Indoor begonia is beautiful in all its variety of species. However, not everyone succeeds in finding a common language with this obstinate beauty. What could be the main problems?

  • If the begonia does not bloom ...

As mentioned above, there are deciduous and flowering species. Perhaps your copy belongs to the first? Then you should not wait for flowering, some variegated species may not bloom at all.

For the appearance of buds, light, moderate watering and a stable temperature regime are needed. In the presence of all components, flowering is possible even in winter. But the begonia flower is sensitive to any changes! The reason for the lack of buds can be a transplant, a change of location, a change in temperature, an excess of salts in the soil, and especially overflow. If your ward stubbornly refuses to bloom, you should experiment with the location.

  • If the begonia buds fall ...

Do not forget that stability in care is important for the plant! Any change can cause the buds to fall. After their appearance, the flower pot can no longer be moved. It is necessary to feed it from the moment it begins to grow, but it is important not to overfeed it so that the salt balance is not disturbed. Often the fall of the buds is preceded by an overflow, or a change of place, often pests contribute to this (diagnosis of pests). Examine the leaves and buds, exclude negative factors.

  • If the begonia leaves turn yellow ...

As the plant grows, it sheds old foliage. However, massive yellowing of the leaves can give out the presence of pests. In addition, indoor begonia can shed foliage from waterlogging (if the soil is damp all the time), from prolonged drought, nutrient deficiency in the soil (in this case, the plant is depleted), from lack of light (along with the lack of color, or flowering), or too dry air (especially in winter).

  • If there are spots on begonia leaves ...

It is important to determine the nature of the spots: brown “streaks” along the edge are usually triggered by waterlogging, pale spots may be due to excess fertilizer in the soil, the cause of yellow crumbling tips is dry air, dry single spots and holes may remain from sunburn. Fungal and bacterial diseases are most often characterized by "wet" spots, whitish bloom, necrosis, accompanied by deformation of leaves and flowers. Diagnosis of plant diseases.

Indoor begonia flower is one of the most popular plants. Now you can enjoy its beauty!

Indoor begonia - care and cultivation

The beautiful begonia is loved by many who are engaged in breeding indoor plants. Well, for those who decide to get to know this flower better and supplement their home collection with it, you should know that although the plant does not require specific care, its cultivation will be most successful if conditions are created that correspond to its growth in the usual environment.

How to care for begonias

How to do it right at home will be discussed below.

Begonia is native to the tropics and subtropics. But do not be afraid of this, since even a novice gardener can create suitable conditions for its growth at home. To do this, it does not take much time to take care of the plant at home, moreover, in specialized stores they sell mainly a hybrid adapted for breeding at home.

Those who are familiar with begonia know a little better that there are many species of this plant (more than 900), but in general, home care for any of the species grown at home is the same, so beginner gardeners should not focus on this variety.

In general, the indoor flower reveals itself in all its glory, if you take care of it correctly, observing the following conditions for care:

The plant is quite thermophilic. The optimum temperature in the room in summer, where the flower is grown, is 21-240C. However, in winter, the container with the plant must be placed in a cooler room, for example, on a loggia or a glazed balcony, where the air temperature does not rise above 14-180C.

Begonia, even at home, loves bright light. But, you should not place the plant on the south side: direct sunlight, especially in spring and summer, can burn delicate leaves. The best option for placing begonias will be windows on the east or west side, where it is light enough, but the light is diffused.

In order for the indoor bush to form evenly, it is necessary to ensure that there is enough light for all the leaves of the flower, for this care should include regularly turning the begonia pot towards the light in different directions.

Begonia, even at home, loves bright light

  • Watering

In summer, watering home-grown begonias is quite plentiful once a day or every other day. However, before the next watering, you should carefully examine the soil and the pan, you should not allow water to stagnate either in the pot or in the pan, since the roots of the plant begin to rot from excessive moisture and the flower may die as a result, regardless of any care. In winter, the number of waterings should be reduced to 1-2 times a week, watering only when 15mm of the topsoil in the begonia pot is dry. Watering should be carried out only with settled water at room temperature.

Like many other ornamental plants native to the subtropics-tropics, begonia loves high humidity. However, in this case, with direct spraying of the plant to increase humidity, one must be careful. The fact is that even though begonia is moisture-loving, but droplets of water falling on the leaves lead to the appearance of gray spots, which does not benefit the flower. This requires special care.

Experienced gardeners are advised to do the following: take two pallets of different capacities. Turn the smaller pallet upside down. Put a pot of begonia on top of it. Place the whole structure in a larger pallet. In the free space of a large pallet, it is necessary to evenly distribute expanded clay, which is regularly moistened with water. Water, evaporating, creates the moisture necessary for the plant, but at the same time does not have a negative effect on the leaves of the plant.

For those who do not want to bother with such a design, you can simply put the plant pot in a tray in which the bottom is lined with moss or peat, which need to be moistened regularly. Humidification in this case is similar to the first method: regularly evaporated water creates a higher humidity for the flower.

It is necessary to feed the plant 1 time in 2 weeks, starting from the moment it blooms.

  • top dressing

For better growth and flowering at home, begonias, such as indoor flowers such as gloxinia, need regular feeding. You can buy a suitable fertilizer in a specialized store. But be careful, nitrogenous fertilizers should be used only when growing deciduous begonias, since nitrogen has a beneficial effect on leaf growth, but inhibits flowering and bud development. It is necessary to feed the plant 1 time in 2 weeks, starting from the moment it blooms.

Begonia transplant

In addition to basic care, begonias need to be replanted annually. Experienced florists recommend doing this in the spring, and not postponing until May, but doing the necessary work in March - early April. If the transplant is carried out less often or if it is completely abandoned, then the leaves of the plant will turn pale and lose their original bright color, the flower will look less decorative and beautiful.

Caring for home-grown begonias will be easier if you choose the right container when transplanting the plant. So if you took a plastic pot, then before filling it with soil, you need to put expanded clay on the bottom of the pot, which, absorbing excess moisture, will avoid stagnant water.

Caring for home-grown begonias will be easier if you choose the right container when transplanting the plant.

Ceramic container perfectly passes air and absorbs excess moisture. But when choosing a ceramic pot, you should be aware that the root system of the flower gradually develops and after a while the roots will occupy all possible space and begin to grow to the walls of the pot. At the next transplant, the roots will need to be torn off the walls, from which they are severely damaged.

In addition, when choosing a pot, keep in mind that the new container should not be too large. Experienced gardeners advise, when caring for begonias, to choose a new pot that will be no more than 2-2.5 cm wider than the old one in diameter.

As for the ground, begonia is not particularly picky and will grow well in nutritious, slightly acidic soil. The soil mixture can be purchased at specialized points of sale or you can prepare it yourself. If you chose the second option, then you need to take peat, leaf and sod turf, sand, coniferous soil and mix all the components well. If it is not possible to add coniferous land, then the proportion of sand should be increased, but only slightly.

Caring for a transplanted plant

When transplanting, the plant is very carefully removed from the previous pot, the earth is carefully removed from it and placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 15-20 minutes. After that, the roots of the plant must be inspected and removed rotten, confused. The cut points must be processed, sprinkled with charcoal.

The transplanted plant must be pruned so that it grows again. In addition, the transplanted begonia must be left in a dark, cool place for several days, which favors the restoration of the flower and its survival in a new pot. After the plant returns to its usual location, it must be regularly watered and monitored for its condition.

Indoor begonia: features of home care

One of the most popular and wonderful indoor plants is the begonia, which requires a lot of time and attention to care for at home. Currently, there are many different types of this beautiful plant. For decorative purposes, begonia began to be used about 200 years ago and continues to this day.

It decorates gardens, parks, squares and window sills. There are two varieties of begonias: decorative-flowering and decorative-deciduous.

Tuberous begonia is considered common, which boasts of its beautiful and large flowers.

flower care

Caring for this species is quite simple. To date, there are many varieties of this plant. They differ in shape, size, color.

One of the reasons why this houseplant is so loved is the ability to bloom not only in summer, but also in winter. The flowerpot during the flowering period is distinguished by its chic large flowers and abundant landscaping.


Indoor begonia loves bright light. This condition is especially important for a flowering plant. In summer, it is necessary to darken the flower, avoid direct sunlight. If this is not done, then brown spots will appear on the leaves sooner or later. Non-flowering plants need diffused light. It is better to place a flower on the east or west side of the apartment.

Temperature and humidity

Indoor flower requires 21-23 ° C in summer and 15-18 ° C in winter. Home care also implies a sufficiently high humidity, so necessary for the plant. This is due to the fact that initially begonia grew in a tropical climate. Begonias should not be sprayed, because as a result of sunlight falling on drops of water that remain on the leaves, sunburn will form on them.


Houseplants need to be watered abundantly, especially in hot weather. In this case, water in the pan should not accumulate. Watering is carried out with settled water when the earth dries out by about 1-1.5 cm. In winter, watering is significantly reduced, especially if the apartment is cold enough. If the begonia is tuberous, then do not forget that in winter it sleeps. The plant must be placed in peat and stop completely watering.

top dressing

Home care requires special vitamin nutrition for plants, as over time the earth is depleted. Feed the flower should be 1 time in 14 days, as soon as it bloomed. Nitrogen fertilizer is suitable for deciduous varieties. Such additives slow down the flowering process, but improve leaf growth.

In order to keep a plant in the house, you need to follow these simple rules. Begonia will delight with an abundance of flowers and leaves only with proper care. As you can see, growing such a flower is quite troublesome, but its beauty is worth it.

Transplant and reproduction

So, growing a flower implies not only proper care, but also a transplant, which is periodically necessary for the plant. Perform this procedure when the flower has already grown enough and a larger pot is required, or when the earth is completely depleted and the flower needs new soil.

There are no special requirements for the soil. You can buy land at a gardening store or make your own. In order to create good soil for a plant, you need to follow a few rules:

  • the pot is half filled with leafy soil;
  • peat and black earth are added in equal proportions;
  • sand is placed at the bottom of the pot.

If you properly prepare the soil, the plant will quickly and correctly grow and delight with its flowering.

It is necessary to ensure that the roots fit freely in the pot. As soon as they become crowded, the flower requires an immediate transplant. The best time for this is early spring. In order to make a transplant, you need:

  • get the plant out of the old pot;
  • clean the roots of old peat;
  • place the flower in water with potassium permanganate;
  • cut off the rotten parts of the roots.

It is important not to pour a full pot of earth. It is necessary to wait until the roots are completely dry and add the right amount of soil. A newly transplanted plant requires regular watering. You do not need to put the flower on the sunny side, as after the transplant it is in a state of stress. He needs to give time to get used to the new habitat. Transplanted begonia care at home requires more painstaking. As a rule, adaptation takes up to 1 month.

When the flower has grown enough, we can talk about its reproduction. This process can be done in 3 ways:

  1. Leaf cuttings;
  2. stems;
  3. The division of the bush.

Each species has its own characteristics. If you neglect these rules, then the begonia will not only not bloom, it simply will not live. Tuberous plants reproduce by seeds or tubers.

  • get tubers from the ground, this should be done in the autumn;
  • cut leaves;
  • clean the roots
  • place peeled tubers in peat;
  • keep the plant at a temperature not higher than 11 ° C.

To germinate the first shoots, the plant needs to be transplanted into a pot with sandy soil. Further, moderate watering is needed.

This begonia grows very slowly. Therefore, it is necessary to wait for the roots and the first shoots.

If everything is done correctly, then sooner or later the flower will begin to grow, bloom and multiply. Do not forget that this is a living organism and you also need to monitor it.

Features of flowering

Most often, flower growers have red begonia. She earned this name due to her beautiful bright red flowers. These luxurious flowers will not go unnoticed and are sure to delight.

Begonia is able to bring the atmosphere of the holiday, even if it is placed in the darkest corner. It is a constantly flowering plant. So, it will decorate the garden from June to September, and the apartment from April-May to October.

If the begonia does not bloom, then most likely the problem lies in the wrong content: poorly selected temperature conditions, too frequent watering, oversaturation with fertilizers, has not been transplanted for a long time. As soon as the conditions are right, the begonia will bloom again.

Often the plant is not pleasing to the eye due to disease. So, fungus is considered the most common disease. This ailment occurs if the plant suffers from excessive moisture. It is necessary to carefully monitor its central part and lower leaves. It is in these places that the first signs of the disease first appear. If such a problem is taken by surprise, it is necessary to reduce the number of waterings and remove the injured areas.

A red spider mite may appear on begonias. A special solution will help get rid of it. After processing, the flower is placed in a bag.

Begonia is a beautiful plant that pleases with its lush flowers of various shades. Pastel colors often predominate, but there are also bright colors, such as red or pink. With proper care, begonia will delight the eye and will become an indispensable decoration of an apartment or garden. Growing such a flower is quite troublesome, but the result is worth it.

Photo gallery

Below you can see in detail the photo varieties of magnificent begonias.

Dec 24 2019

Begonia - home care

In this article, we will tell you in detail how to care for different types of begonias at home. We assure you that it is not difficult. Despite the tropical origin and exotic appearance, begonia is a very unpretentious indoor plant. In the wild, these flowers easily adapt to any conditions, choosing slightly shaded areas with medium humidity and temperature that are comfortable for existence.

Begonia (Begonia) got its name in honor of Begon Michel, philanthropist, governor of Haiti (1638-1710), who in 1687 organized and sponsored an expedition to collect plants in the Antilles in the West Indies. A friend of the governor, the famous French botanist, monk Charles Plumier, took part in this expedition. It is to him that the glory of discovering new plant species belongs, which he named after his friend begonia.

Begonia came to Russia from Holland at the very beginning of the 18th century, during the reign of Emperor Peter I, along with a dozen other tropical plants. Intensified selection and hybridization of species began only in the second half of the 19th century, after the discovery in 1864-1866 in the Andes, Peru and Bolivia of large-flowered tuberous begonias, from which breeders later bred the largest number of now popular hybrids in Belgium. Currently, huge collections of begonias adorn the largest botanical gardens in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities. Each grower, if desired, will find for himself the variety that he likes, which will become an integral part of the interior of his apartment or office in the office.


Domestic begonias belong to the genus Begonia, in which there are more than one thousand natural species, and there are much more varieties and hybrids. It is believed that the birthplace of begonia is West Africa, where it was first met in the tropical and subtropical regions of the Amazon Basin in Brazil, in central Africa, as well as in the countries of Southeast Asia and Indochina. The Begoniaceae genus combines herbaceous plants, lianas, shrubs, shrubs, as well as epiphytes growing on trees. In nature, the flower grows in places with diffused lighting, high humidity, on loose slightly acidic soils. It easily withstands high temperatures, but does not tolerate excessive soil moisture.

Begonias are both annuals and perennials. Shrubs often have erect stems, less often climbing ones. Subshrubs occur with a thickened tuberous rhizome, with a creeping rhizome or with a tuber. By the way, tuberous species can be grown in the garden, and the rest - only indoors. Begonia leaves are usually asymmetrical. A thick vein, usually well defined, divides the leaf surface into two unequal parts. But this asymmetry only emphasizes the originality of texture and hue. The leaves are matte or waxy, satin or velvet, very beautiful (especially in hybrids). In shades, sometimes there are silvery, bronze and even golden notes.

The flowers of the plant are irregular, mostly unisexual, monoecious. The brightly colored tepals are unequal, and the fruit is a capsule.


Due to the great variety of begonia species, flower growers have not yet come to a unified classification system for this colorful plant genus. We will introduce you to the most popular types of classifications.

  • According to the method of application in floriculture:
    • garden;
    • room.
  • By type of root system:
    • rhizomatous;
    • tuberous;
    • fibrous.
  • According to the nature of growth and characteristics of shoots:
    • bushy - upright shoots;
    • bamboo-like;
    • cane;
    • lodging - thick shoots;
    • rhizomatous;
    • lying on the ground;
    • drooping - shoots are thin, flexible, creeping.
  • Popular classification of Professor V.V. Vorontsov, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences:
    • tuberous;
    • shrubby;
    • decorative - blooming (with large bright flowers);
    • decorative - deciduous (with bright variegated foliage).
  • According to the type and presence of the stem:
    • tuberous;
    • bush.
  • According to the method of reproduction:
    • leafy - reproduction by roots;
    • bush - reproduction by seeds and apical shoots;
    • tuberous - reproduction by tubers.
  • European classification system (according to the method of reproduction and biological characteristics):
    • cane begonias;
    • royal (rex);
    • ever-flowering;
    • tuberous or tuberose (caudex);
    • ampel-climbing.

We did not delve into the complex scheme of all these classifications and divided conditionally indoor begonias into two groups: on and, which are described in detail in the relevant articles. Care for them is almost the same, but when there is a difference, we point it out.

Lighting and location of the flower

The bulk of begonias are shade-tolerant. Many species and varieties prefer bright but diffused light. They like to bask in the sun only in the morning (from 8 to 11) and evening (from 18 to 22) hours. More demanding on the amount of sunlight are decorative leafy varieties of begonias with large leaves of variegated colors. Pots with such flowers can be settled on the south side of your house. Only at midday on summer days should they be shaded with light curtains or blinds.

We do not recommend growing flowering species of begonias on the southern windows. They are best placed on windowsills or next to them on flower stands of eastern or western directions, as the direct rays of the sun will surely burn the delicate leaves.

Tuberous species in summer, at the end of May - June, can be planted in open ground. The main thing is that by this time the soil is well warmed up. Until this time, they should be germinated, like seedlings, in boxes with a substrate, in the shade. In the flower bed, place the plants at a distance of 30-35 cm from each other.

Recall that the total lighting time for decorative leafy and ever-flowering begonias should be at least 12 hours a day.

In the autumn-winter period, the lack of natural light will help to compensate for phytolamps or fluorescent lamps of artificial lighting.

Begonias do not like crowding, it is advisable to maintain free space between them and the crowns of neighboring bushes, focusing on the widest part of the plant.


Begonias do not like sudden changes in temperature and drafts. The optimum temperature for growing begonias in summer should be about 20-23 degrees, and in winter, during dormancy, about 14-18 degrees. A temperature of 4 degrees is considered critical, below which the plant can lose both flowers and leaves, i.e. will simply die. Subtropical types of begonias, for example, "Yellow Terry", prefer a temperature of 13-18 degrees, and tropical ones (imperial, spotted, royal and others) grow better at 18-23 degrees. heat.

When growing on insulated loggias, it should be checked that the temperature of the earthen coma in the pot does not differ much from the temperature of the leaves. If the pot is on a cold windowsill, and the leaves are blown with hot air from the batteries, the leaves of the begonia will dry out, and the flower, as a rule, dies.

Significant excesses of temperature norms, even for a short time, are not desirable, they will also lead to the fact that the plant begins to dry out.


Begonias are moisture-loving, but the air of city apartments will suit them if the humidity is above 50%. The plant cannot be grown in the immediate vicinity of batteries and other heating devices, as well as near gas stoves and convectors, which, in addition to drying the surrounding air, also emit combustion products into it, which are detrimental to tender begonias.

If the humidity in the room is insufficient, it is necessary to spray water from a spray bottle around the plant, while trying not to get on the leaves and flowers of the begonia. And better - install an automatic humidifier nearby - this device will become a savior for begonias in hot, dry weather. If you do not have such a device, we can advise you to purchase a special pallet with a grate at the bottom, in which there will always be wet expanded clay. The flower pot will stand on the grate, the moisture from the expanded clay from under the grate will evaporate and create a comfortable humidity around the flower.


Most varieties of begonias calmly endure a short-term drought, and excessive moisture most often leads to some kind of disease, and even to the death of a flower. Decorative leafy varieties of begonias with fibrous rhizomes should be watered regularly and plentifully in the spring and summer period of their growth. But tuberous species should be watered moderately, not earlier than half the soil in the pot dries out after the previous watering. To do this, use only soft water (boiled, filtered or settled for a day) to eliminate harmful impurities.

In the winter season, watering is significantly reduced, immediately drain the water from the pan. Tuberous species do not water at all.

top dressing

Begonia responds well to fertilizing with mineral fertilizers and vitamins. We recommend feeding it regularly from early spring to mid-autumn once every two weeks. Use special fertilizers for begonias in liquid form for top dressing. They can be purchased at flower shops. Such fertilizers contain a water-soluble complex of substances useful for the plant, without which begonia bushes will not be so healthy and beautiful.

We especially draw your attention to large-flowered species. You should start feeding them only after the budding time has come. Every two weeks after the next watering, feed the begonia with liquid complex fertilizers for flowering. During the formation of the ovaries, feed the begonia with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers such as Ovary, Bud or Pollen. Fertilizers containing nitrogen, use in top dressing of decorative leafy species and varieties of begonias.

From November to March, it is not necessary to feed. At this time, plants should rest, even ever-flowering specimens.


We recommend buying a wide and low ceramic pot for begonias. However, you should be guided by the size of the root system of the bush and its crown. Content in a wide and shallow pot (with a thick layer of drainage and wide drainage holes in the bottom) will favorably affect the development of the begonia root system, in which it will not overcool and rot. If you have a deep drip tray complete with a grate, place your pot on that grate and water the begonia through the pan.

The soil

Begonias love loose, light, water and moisture permeable soil, with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. We recommend buying it from the store. Look for a special mixture for Begonievs. If you are a fan of self-preparation of substrates for plants, prepare a mixture of the following composition for begonias: leafy soil 3 hours, peat, humus and coarse sand 1 hour each. Drainage (expanded clay, pebbles with coarse sand or perlite) lay a layer in a third of the pot. Add small pieces of charcoal there (for the prevention of fungal diseases) with a layer of 2-3 cm. Now you can pour part of the prepared substrate. We remind you that self-prepared soil should be disinfected before use (steam, freeze or spill with hot potassium permanganate).

Transplantation of bush species

Transplantation of begonias should be carried out annually, in the second half of March, when the level of illumination and the duration of daylight hours become suitable for its active growth. At the same time, you will see that the roots of the plant begin to show from the drainage holes in the pot.

Before transplanting, we recommend watering the soil well so that it is easier to remove the bush from the pot and free its roots from the old substrate. The roots should be washed well in warm water, cut too long and damaged (rotten), then left for a few minutes in a weak solution of manganese. Dry, sprinkle the wounds with crushed coal and start planting in a pot prepared in advance. Cover all roots with soil up to the top root collar. Water.

Keep in mind that young, up to three years old, bushes are easy to transplant and adapt to a new pot. But older plants, which have many fragile shoots and overgrown leaf plates, can suffer during transplantation and get sick for a long time after it. We recommend that during the next transplant, such bushes be divided into several parts and used for breeding begonias.

Planting tuberous species

If the tuber overwintered in a pot, transplant it in the same way as bush species. And if the tuber wintered in a box with sand in a cool place, then before planting in a pot or in open ground, it should be germinated as seedlings.

Clean the tuber from dead roots. Then treat it with some kind of fungicide, or at least soak it for 30 minutes in a weak manganese solution to prevent infections. Transfer it to another box with the substrate, without deepening it, and place it in a well-lit place with a temperature of about 18-20 degrees. and a humidity level of 60-70% for germination. When the roots of the tuber wake up and grow a little, it can be planted in a pot.

Prepare a pot of such a size that its third is occupied by the drainage layer, then a couple of cm - soil, then - the tuber itself, and 3-4 cm should still remain to the upper edge. Place the tuber carefully on the substrate, growth points (buds) up. Cover the edges of the pot with the substrate, do not tamp. Do not fill up the upper part of the tuber with growth points. Later, when the young stems reach a size of 4-5 cm, you will need to pour a little soil into the pot to slightly cover the tuber.

For the next month, make sure that the transplanted begonia is in partial shade and is constantly, but moderately moistened.


Sometimes, flower growers, in order to extend the flowering period, remove small flowers (female) from large-flowered begonia species that grow near large (male) ones. Faded flowers should also be removed. This can be omitted only if the begonia belongs to a variety with small flowers.

rest period

By the end of autumn, begonias have a dormant period. In different species, this is from 6 to 10 weeks.


Decorative and deciduous varieties (bush and ever-flowering) have a mild dormant period. At this time, they should be placed in a place where the temperature is maintained within 16-22 gr. Natural and artificial lighting (with the help of phyto and fluorescent lamps) should be at least 12 hours a day in total. And most importantly - the high humidity of the surrounding air. Usually at this time, hot batteries are turned on in the apartments, which dry up the air. But, if you cover them with a thick layer of damp rags (wet sheets or terry towels), then this will raise the humidity and significantly improve the microclimate. Even better, if you have a household humidifier turned on at this time, if you have one.

Feeding should be reduced to once a month. Leave watering moderate. Continue spraying the air around the plant, just do not get water on the crown of the begonia. At this time, you should regularly sanitize the bush, remove dried leaves, and make sure not to miss the appearance of any insects.


But tuberous types of begonias need a fairly long rest time. From about mid-October, these begonias begin to prepare themselves for rest. Their leaf blades dry out and die. At this time, reduce watering and stop feeding. After the complete death of the ground part of the plant, cover the pot with a tuber with a film and move it to a darkened room with a temperature of about 10 degrees, for example, in a cellar or in a bathroom. Sometimes a tuberous begonia is not going to sleep. Then you will have to force it, because without winter rest, the begonia will not bloom next summer. To do this, first significantly reduce watering, and then stop watering the flower altogether. Cut off the top of the stem near the surface of the soil.

If you planted your specimens for the summer in the garden or in the country, then in mid-October they should be dug up and brought into the house. Cut the stem so that a 3 cm stump remains. Dry the tuber for two weeks in the air, and then put it in a wooden box in the sand and send it to a cellar or other place with a temperature of 6-10 degrees for storage. heat.

How to choose a tuber in a store

If you saw a tuber of the variety you like in the store, pay attention to its appearance, feel it - it should be dense, not overdried, smooth, without damage or suspicious growths or spots (dots). Figure out where the tuber has top and bottom. The top of the tuber should be more concave or flat, while the bottom should be convex. And on the top there should be growth points in the form of tubercles. If the tuber is large and has many growth points, this is good. At home, you can divide it with a knife into several parts so that each part has at least three points of growth. If there is any doubt, do not buy such a copy.

How long does flowering begonia live?

The usual lifespan of tuberous begonia is 2-3 years, however, under favorable conditions, some varieties live for five years. Tuberous begonias sold in flower shops are second-year plants.

Reproduction of begonia

Begonia can be propagated in many ways: using seeds, stem and leaf cuttings, dividing a bush, rhizome or tuber. All methods are easy to implement and used at home. Any grower, even a beginner, will cope with this interesting activity - the reproduction of a favorite plant. Let's consider each method in turn.

Growing from seed

This is the most time-consuming and time-consuming way to grow new begonias. Moreover, plants grown from seeds do not always retain the features of the mother bush.

Begonias have very small seeds, in 1 gr. There are about several thousand of them. Therefore, for planting, use a mixture of seeds with sand, starch or flour to forcefully reduce the concentration of seeds. As a substrate, use a light mixture of peat, sand and leafy earth in equal amounts, treated for infections (fry, steam, spill with potassium permanganate and dry).

In late February or early March, you can start sowing begonia seeds. Sow them on the surface of moist soil in containers with a lid or other greenhouses. Under favorable conditions, the first sprouts will appear quickly, in a week, the rest will appear within two to three weeks. Favorable conditions are when the temperature before germination is about 18 degrees, bright diffused lighting, humidity from 50% to 70% and good air circulation. To do this, find a suitable place in the apartment. Moisturize the substrate with a small spray gun with warm settled water, ventilate the greenhouse and remove the accumulated condensate. After germination, move the container to a warmer place where the temperature will be 20-23 degrees, continue to water and ventilate the crops.

When the bushes grow a little and they have three or four true leaves, transplant them into independent small (up to 9 cm) pots in suitable soil. Young begonias will bloom in the first year if you organize additional lighting for them in the fall.

Division of the rhizome in deciduous species

To do this, in early spring, remove the bush from the pot, slightly shake off the soil, inspect the roots, figure out how many pots you need and which ones. It is necessary to divide the rhizome so that each part has its own roots and at least one bud or shoot. Perform the procedure with a clean, sharp instrument. Treat the incision sites immediately with crushed wood or activated charcoal. Then plant each part in its own pot according to all the planting rules.


This is the easiest way to reproduce. Take cuttings from the mother bush, from the upper or middle part of the stem. They should be about 8-12 cm long and have at least two or three buds. Remove the leaves, you can leave only one or two. After that, put the stalk in a glass of soft water (about 20 g) with the addition of Kornevin (root formation stimulator) in a bright place until roots appear at the cut point (three to four weeks later). Add water as it evaporates. When the roots grow, transplant the cutting into a suitable pot with begonia soil.

The cutting can be immediately placed in a mixture of peat, leafy soil and sand for rooting in a pot.

Pre-treat the cut with activated charcoal, dry it. Only then plant shallowly in the substrate, pour warm water. Cover with a jar. Choose a well-lit (but not sunny), warm (20-22 gr.) Place for rooting. As soon as the soil in the pot dries to a depth of 2 cm, water again.


If your begonia has sufficiently large dense leaf plates, then both the whole leaf and its parts can be used for reproduction. If you decide to use a single sheet, first cut the main veins on its wrong side. Then lay it with the notched side on the surface of moistened sand (which should have been calcined beforehand), and fix it in this position. Watering is carried out carefully, preferably through a pallet. It will take about two months when the roots appear in the places of the incisions. After some time, young begonia bushes will begin to grow. When they get stronger, you separate them and plant them in separate pots for further cultivation.


Tuberous varieties of begonias are dug out of the soil for the winter and stored in cool conditions in the sand. Therefore, you will have to divide the tuber into parts before planting the tuber in a pot in early spring. This procedure should be performed with a sharp, clean instrument. It can be divided into two or more parts if the tuber is large enough and has many buds. It is better to wait until the buds on the tuber wake up and shoots appear. Until they reach 3-5 cm in length, the tuber can be cut without harming the plant. Just make sure that each part of the tuber has several of these buds.

Treat all parts of the cut tuber with a weak solution of manganese, and then dry in a cool place for a day so that the cuts are slightly tightened. Before planting, powder them with crushed activated charcoal. Plant each part of the tuber in a separate pot and grow according to all the rules described above.


If you follow the rules for caring for begonias, then there will be no problems. The plant has good immunity, it is drought tolerant, shade tolerant. Improper maintenance can cause health problems and encounter pests. First, consider the possible diseases of the flower.

The leaf plates and stems were covered with voluminous white spots, as if flour had been sprinkled on the flower.

Cause: powdery mildew disease. It develops with a lack of lighting, in a poorly ventilated room with high humidity and with excessive watering. This is a fungal disease.

What to do? Start treatment immediately. To do this, remove all affected leaves, stems, buds from the plant. Cut off also the lower leaves and branches, even healthy-looking ones, if they are in contact with the ground. Replace the top soil with fresh soil. Wash the tray with soap. Then use chemicals - fungicides, for example, topaz, fundazol, vitaros and others according to the instructions for use as many times as indicated. The effect can be fixed with biological products (phytosporin, alirin, gamair and others). And for the prevention of diseases, use folk remedies (soap and ash, soap and blue vitriol, mustard). When working with diseased plants, wear rubber gloves and wash your hands often with soap and water so as not to become a carrier of infection throughout the flower collection.

On some parts of the stem and leaves, brown spots of a small size appeared at first, covered with a light gray coating.

Cause: on a weakened plant at a high level of humidity and with sharp fluctuations in air temperature, a fungal disease actively develops - botrytis - gray rot (gray mold). If you do not start treatment, the spots will grow, darken, their color will change to ash gray, and the plaque will become fluffy and look like powdery mildew. Buds and flowers will wither and fall off. The stem will be covered with blurry annular straw-colored stripes. Necrosis of flower tissues begins, the normal movement of moisture and nutrients stops, the vessels are damaged.

What to do? Start treatment by isolating the diseased plant from healthy flowers. Treat with suitable fungicides, of which there are plenty in the store (Topsin, Euparen, Fundazol and others). In the initial stage, you can handle the treatment with Bordeaux liquid (1% solution) or an aqueous mixture of laundry soap (20 gr.) And blue vitriol (2 gr.) per 1 liter. water. Keep in mind that advanced forms of the disease are difficult to treat, sometimes the flower dies.

Stopping growth, wilting of leaves and stem.

Cause: root rot, black rot.

What to do? Check the root system of the flower. Take the flower out of the pot. Remove the soil, wash the roots in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Remove rotten and damaged roots. Spray them with a rot preparation, such as Benomyl. Transplant the begonia to another pot with fresh soil. Follow the rules for watering.

Spots and yellow rings on the leaves first, and then the deformation of the leaf plate.

Cause: a disease caused by the cucumber mosaic virus.

What to do? Eliminate a diseased plant as quickly as possible so as not to infect others. Not amenable to treatment.

The leaves are covered with white spots that are soft to the touch.

Cause: This disease is called pernosporosis (downy mildew). The spores of this fungus live in the soil and are activated with an excess of moisture in the soil and air. The disease spreads instantly and leads to the death of foliage.

What to do? Treatment is the same as for powdery mildew (see above).

The consequences of negligent attitude to the flower

On the bush appeared sluggish and dry leaves.

Cause: you overdry the soil, and there is not enough moisture in the air.

What to do? Water regularly.

Begonia leaves curl up and dry out.

Cause: a severe moisture deficit in the soil and in the surrounding air,

What to do? Water the soil in the pot immediately and remove the begonia from the bright sun, as direct sunlight is contraindicated for it.

Transparent spots on the leaves.

Cause: the flower was placed in places open to the sun - on the southern windowsill or balcony, so burns inevitably appeared on the leaves.

What to do? Move the pot out of direct sun, or protect it from the sun's rays with a curtain or blinds.

The leaves began to turn yellow, droop and fall off.

Cause: keeping begonias in a cold room at a temperature below comfortable.

What to do? Urgently move the plant to a warmer room, otherwise problems with flowering will begin.

New leaves on begonias grow smaller than expected about.

Cause in an acute shortage of minerals and other nutrients in the soil. For the same reason, the number of buds and flowers on begonias will decrease.

What to do? Remember to feed your begonia every two to three weeks with a liquid flowering begonia fertilizer. If they are not available, use fertilizer for indoor flowering plants, also liquid. There is a well-chosen composition of mineral water-soluble substances.

Falling leaves in winter.

Cause: drafts or cold plant content.

What to do? Remove the pot during ventilation away from cold air currents, maintain the temperature in the room within normal limits.

Rotting of the lower part of the trunk and root system.

Cause: stagnant water in a pot or pan.

What to do? Do not violate the rules of watering the plant. Check if the pot is properly sized, if it has drainage and drainage holes. Drain excess water from the pan in time. Watering should be done with soft water at room temperature. Avoid over-wetting.

With excessive watering and low temperatures, areas with rot appear on the stems and their tops.

Cause: excess moisture.

What to do? Temporarily stop watering the flower. Place it in a more lit and warm place, follow the rules of watering, do not overmoisten the soil.

Rot affects the leaves, flowers and buds of the plant.

Cause: frequent spraying of the plant.

What to do? Refrain from any spraying. Excessive moisture for leaves and, especially, begonia flowers is contraindicated. If there is a need to increase the humidity in the room, spray the air around the plant without getting on the leaves and flowers.

Major pests

Begonia leaves contain phytoncides, which effectively fight pathogenic microbes (staphylococci) in the air surrounding the flower. Thus, several plants planted in one room are able to purify, humidify and improve the air in the room. In addition, they purify the air from dust, toxic compounds and electromagnetic radiation.

And further. It is noticed that this flower has a positive effect on the mental activity of a person, increases his efficiency, relieves fatigue and improves immunity. Scientists, journalists and writers love this plant very much - it is believed that flowering begonia contributes to the birth of new ideas. That is why potted begonias are often grown not only in apartments, but also in various institutions and offices.


Begonia can be found in almost all government institutions: kindergartens, schools, clinics and offices. Among amateur flower growers, begonia adorns not only verandas, loggias and balconies, but also looks out of windows from window sills with its bright leaves and multi-colored inflorescences of yellow, pink, orange or white shades. But the plant will not please with its beauty if you are negligent in caring for it. We hope our article will help you learn how to properly care for one of the most common and sought-after indoor plants.

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indoor begonias have a wide variety of types and shapes.

Tuberous are considered the most beautiful, as bright luxurious flowers bloom on them. Deciduous varieties do not bloom, but they have decorative foliage that enlivens any room.

In wildlife, most begonias live in the tropics and subtropics, preferring damp shady areas. Some species grow on rocky areas, mountain slopes or arid lands.

    Begonia: care and cultivation at home during the growing season

    How to care for begonia at home? Grow indoor begonia flowers at all not difficult, because these plants are completely non-capricious and quite resilient. However, by creating the most optimal conditions for their development, you contribute to their fullest flowering.


    How to water begonia at home? How often to do it?

    Moderation and caution- the main principles of watering begonias. Dry soil and a constant lack of moisture are no less detrimental than the enduring dampness of the soil.

    Therefore, you need to water the plants only after the earth dries out 1-1.5 centimeters deep. Be sure to need good drainage in the pot, preventing stagnation of water in the container.

    You can pour water only under the root, trying not to splash the leaves and flowers. Otherwise, they will be covered with ugly brown specks.

    Air humidity.

    Can begonias be sprayed with water? Guest from the tropics loves humid air. However, spraying it is not recommended.

    Therefore, other methods of increasing humidity should be used.

    pot of begonia can be wrapped in a layer of wet moss or placed on a stand filled with wet stones such as pebbles and expanded clay.

    Around the plant many put an open bowl of water or use special humidifiers. In extreme cases, you can simply spray the air around the flower without getting on the leaves.

    top dressing

    This plant is completely not against additional nutrition, but you should not overdo it. Fertilizers for begonias are applied every 12-15 days.

    For flowering species you can use mineral complexes with a reduced amount of nitrogen. For lush, they require, first of all, potassium and phosphorus.

    decorative leafy begonias, on the other hand, need nitrogen, which helps develop beautiful foliage. Such varieties are suitable for alternating organic matter with mineral supplements.

    Temperature regime

    A tropical resident feels great in warmth, easily tolerates heat. Optimum temperature— 23-26°.

    Light mode

    A very important factor the full development of begonias is the right lighting.

    If there is too much light- green parts and flowers will become covered with necrotic areas due to sunburn.

    With a lack of sun the leaves will lose their brightness and color saturation, and you can not wait for flowering at all.

    ideal begonia. should be located on the windowsill of the east or west window. Here the flower will be protected from the aggressive rays of the daytime sun.

    When placing the pot on the south side, you should put it at some distance from the window or cover it with a curtain at noon.


    The lifespan largely depends on the proper cultivation of the plant.

    On average, it is 1.7-2.5 years. After that, begonia is recommended to rejuvenate.

    Growth rate

    young plants develop for a very long time. Seeds germinate in about 13-17 days.

    From the moment of germination to the appearance of the first flower, at least 3 months pass. After that, growth accelerates, the begonia begins to branch, forming more and more new shoots.

    Features of care in the winter

    Begonia flowers: in the fall, what are the features of caring for her at room conditions, how to save and what to do with the plant before wintering?

    All types of plants divided into 3 groups according to behavior in winter:

  1. All leaves and stems fall off, new ones are formed in the spring. This rhythm is characteristic of tuberous begonias.
  2. Plants go dormant. They keep the foliage intact, but during the rest they stop developing.
  3. Evergreen and constantly growing bushes that are indifferent to the change of seasons.

Care depends on which group the indoor begonia belongs to. evergreens need the same intensive care as in summer. They don't need to change their lifestyle.

Tuberous species drop leaves and need complete rest for 90-100 days. Tubers must be placed in slightly damp peat or river sand. The container is removed to a dark, cold place where the temperature is kept within 11-14 °. So that the tubers do not dry out, they are occasionally watered with cool water (about once every 3-4 weeks).

The second group of begonias is the most troublesome. It is she who deserves special attention.

Watering begonias in winter

The number of procedures should be greatly reduced break between them 6-8 days.

Begonia red is considered one of the most amazing flowers, which can not only decorate squares and parks, but also transform the home interior. The plant is simple and undemanding to care for, so it will appeal to both experienced growers and beginners. Find out what are the features of the described flower and how to propagate it in apartment conditions.

Description and characteristics of the plant

Begonia red is a perennial decorative-flowering tuberous plant of the Begoniev family, a feature of which is considered to be beautiful, large flowers of a rich red color. The flowers of the culture, about 10 cm in diameter, consist of very delicate, slightly corrugated petals. Their aroma is soft and sweet.

Did you know? The asteroid (943) Begonia, discovered in 1920, is named after the begonia plant.

Under home conditions, begonia can reach a height of 20–40 cm. The leaves of a houseplant are fragile, patterned, dark green in color, harmoniously combined with large, voluminous flowers. The flowering of the culture lasts for several months, starting from May and ending in October, while the flowering of each peduncle is 2-3 weeks. The root system is presented in the form of medium-sized tubers and thin root processes extending from them.

Landing features

Despite its delicate and fragile appearance, red begonia has a high vitality and can be reborn even from a small particle of a leaf. Landing technology is not particularly difficult, but requires accuracy and adherence to some subtleties.

Optimal time of year

Planting a plant without fail should be carried out in such cases:

  1. After purchase in store. Experienced flower growers advise moving the plant to a new container with new soil immediately after buying it from a flower market. The fact is that in store conditions the flower is grown in special soils that are not suitable for home cultivation of begonias.
  2. With a strong growth of the root system. When the root roots begin to stick out of the container, the culture should be transplanted into a new, more spacious pot, otherwise it will slow down in growth and drop flowers.

Planting begonias is best done in the spring, after it has completely faded.

Important! A flower transplant after its purchase can be carried out at any time, regardless of seasonality.

Pot selection and soil preparation

When planting begonias, it is extremely important to take care of choosing the right pot. Since the root system of the flower does not differ in strong and powerful development, experts advise choosing a container that is not very deep and wide. So that the roots of the culture do not rot, and moisture does not stagnate in the container, you need to take a small container, approximately 14 cm in diameter. When transplanting a flower, you should choose a pot 1-2 cm larger than the old one. The material of the container does not matter much, but it is better to give preference to containers made of ceramics, glass or plastic.

As for the potting mix, loose, fibrous soils are ideal for begonias, which can be purchased at flower shops or made by yourself.

For the last option, you need to mix:

  • leaf ground - 2 parts;
  • peat - 1 part;
  • chernozem - 1 part;
  • rotted manure - 10%.

Immediately before planting the crop, the soil must be disinfected by calcining it for 25–30 minutes in an oven at a temperature of + 180 ° C or spilling it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Optimal conditions

Red begonia prefers good, bright, but diffused lighting, and can also thrive in a small penumbra. Direct sunlight is detrimental to the flower, the impact of which can lead to burns on the foliage.

The optimal temperature indicators for begonias are considered to be + 21 ... + 23 ° С during the day and about + 18 ° С at night. In winter, it is allowed to decrease the temperature indicators to the level of +15…+18°С.

Due to its tropical origin, the plant loves high humidity, but has a negative attitude to surface spraying. When moisture gets on the foliage, brown spots are formed, which are subsequently converted into putrefactive areas. If the humidity level is insufficient, it is recommended to place the container with the flower in a pan with water or install additional sources of moisture near the flower: indoor fountains, air humidifiers, fish tanks, etc.

Landing technology

Planting a begonia is a fairly simple process and is based on the following steps:

  1. Before planting in the ground, a thorough visual inspection of the root system is carried out. All rotten, dry, damaged areas are removed, the roots are soaked for 20–40 minutes in any solution of a fungicidal preparation.
  2. At the bottom of the prepared container, a small layer of drainage is poured, which is suitable for expanded clay, small pebbles. The drainage layer should occupy no more than 10% of the volume of the entire pot.
  3. Loose soil is poured onto the drainage layer, on which a tuber is planted “on the shoulders”. It is very important not to deepen the tuber too much when planting.
  4. The plant is sprinkled with soil, watered.

Important! Until the begonia takes root, it should be watered along the edge of the pot. It is also impossible during the adaptation period of the plant, approximately 1 month, to expose it to the sun.

Home care

Decorative flowering begonias are undemanding, but, nevertheless, beginner growers should familiarize themselves with the basic rules and subtleties of winter and summer flower care.

top dressing

Of particular importance for begonias are regular feeding, which she urgently needs during the period of active flowering - from April to September. During this period, it is recommended that at each watering, approximately 1 time in 10–14 days, apply liquid fertilizers specially designed for indoor decorative flowering crops. The plant responds well to mineral products or organic mixtures, such as bird droppings or rotted manure. For the described variety of flower, it is better not to abuse nitrogen-containing fertilizers, since they inhibit the development of flowers and activate the growth of greenery.

During the dormant period, which lasts from October to March, it is not worth fertilizing.


Begonia prefers moderate watering, the need for which is determined by the drying of the topsoil - approximately once a week. When watering the plant, do not allow excessive soil moisture, as this can provoke rotting of the root system. At the same time, it is not recommended to allow prolonged drought, as the plant may drop flowers.

In winter, when the flower is at rest, the frequency of irrigation should be reduced to once every two weeks.


It is impossible to grow a profusely flowering, aesthetically attractive plant without a mandatory procedure - pruning, which is required for:

  • formation of a lush crown and aesthetic form;
  • shrub rejuvenation;
  • flowering improvement.

If this stage is ignored, the plant loses its decorative appeal, takes on an untidy appearance, the flowers become smaller, and the shoots become thinner.

The formation of the crown must be taken care of even at the stage of a young plant. When the begonia reaches a height of 6-7 cm, the top should be cut off, which will activate the development of lateral shoots. As soon as the lateral processes grow to 10 cm, it is also necessary to trim their tops. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the processes are shortened above the kidney, directed to the outside.

Tuberous types of begonias require mandatory pruning for the winter.

Events to be held in October:

  1. A few weeks before circumcision, reduce the number of moisture.
  2. After the leaves and flowers dry out, cut off the aerial part of the culture, leaving 1-2 cm on the surface.
  3. The plant after pruning is placed in a dry, cool room with stable temperature indicators not higher than + 15 ° C.
In order to prevent the complete drying of the flower, during the dormant period it is moistened several times a month.


With the growth of the root system of a begonia, it is recommended to transplant it into a new pot, the diameter of which is 2-3 cm larger than the previous one.

Important! Transplantation of a young plant, up to three years old, must be done every year, in the spring. An adult flower older than 3-4 years is transplanted once every 3-4 years.

The process of transplanting a plant is similar to the process of planting it. The flower must be carefully removed from the old container, the root processes must be thoroughly cleaned of soil residues, the roots must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or any fungicidal preparation. The prepared culture must be planted in a new pot and provided with the proper conditions: temperature, lighting, watering.

Begonia propagation methods

In apartment conditions, several simple methods are used for breeding begonias: tubers, seeds, cuttings, or dividing the bush. All of them have their own characteristics.

Reproduction by tubers

Breeding a flower with tubers is the simplest and most affordable. The culture tuber must be divided into two parts so that each of them receives at least one kidney.

The resulting pieces of tubers should be placed in moist peat and ensure that the soil always remains slightly moist during the rooting process. Sprouts are recommended to organize a temperature regime within + 9 ... + 11 ° С.

It should be noted that tuberous begonia germinates rather slowly. To make it adapt faster, planting work should be carried out between February and May.

seed propagation

Getting a new flower from begonia seeds is quite simple and fast if you follow the following instructions:

When the first sprouts appear, the shelter is removed. As soon as 3-4 full leaves are formed on the seedlings, they are planted in separate containers. After two months, young sprouts are allowed to be transplanted into permanent pots.

Important! Begonias obtained from seeds are able to bloom in the first year, but for this they need to organize additional lighting.

Division of bushes or rhizomes

Reproduction by division of bushes or rhizomes is practiced for deciduous varieties of begonias.

Flower breeding activities in this case are carried out in the spring:

  1. The plant is taken out of the container, the remains of the soil are removed from the rhizome.
  2. The rhizome is cut with a sharpened disinfected knife into a couple of parts so that each has root processes and at least one shoot or bud.
  3. All places of cuts are treated with crushed charcoal.
  4. The resulting parts of the rhizome are planted in separate containers filled with peat and sand.
  5. The container is covered with plastic wrap, the seedlings are provided with regular ventilation and moistening.


One of the most popular methods of propagation is cuttings, which is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. One strong, powerful stem is chosen on the flower, on which there are 1-2 buds.
  2. Sections are made under the lower and upper kidney at a distance of 50 mm.
  3. If there are leaves on the handle, cut them in half.
  4. The cuttings are inserted into the peat-sand substrate.
  5. The container is covered with plastic wrap or a plastic bottle.
  6. Cuttings are aired every 2-3 days.

Rooting cuttings, as a rule, takes from two weeks to one month. At the same time, in cuttings of the same plant, the rooting rate can be completely different.

Video: Propagation of begonias by cuttings


The described method is suitable in cases where it is required to obtain a large amount of material for planting.

Reproduction by leaves is carried out according to the following scheme:

After three weeks, the shelter must be removed for 30 minutes and the sprouts aired. Every day, the ventilation time should be increased. Shelter is allowed to be removed and not returned after the leaves are completely rooted.

Potential Growing Problems

When growing red begonia, it is very important to provide it with competent care before and after planting. Otherwise, the plant may become a victim of pests or various ailments.

Did you know? In 1988, in honor of the friendship between Japan and the People's Republic of Korea, a new variety of begonia "Kimcheniriya" was bred, the author of which was a famous Japanese biologist. A feature of the plant is that it blooms annually on February 16, the birthday of leader Kim Jong Il.


Failure to comply with the regime of watering and fertilizing, lack of lighting or humidity can provoke the development of various diseases in begonias.

Most often, culture is subject to:

Begonia reacts negatively to any violation of the rules of care:
  • with a lack of moisture and dry air, it sheds leaves and flowers;
  • with a lack of lighting - the leaves lose their bright color, become faded;
  • at low temperatures, it undergoes gray rot.


Red begonia is considered one of the most unusual and beautiful varieties of this ornamental culture. Lush, voluminous bright red flowers will appeal to even those who have little interest in indoor plants. And, despite some nuances in care, beginner flower growers will be able to grow the described culture on their windowsill without any problems.

Begonia is a tropical plant, quite widespread in indoor floriculture. Caring for him is quite simple, as well as for similar flowers from tropical latitudes, and when flowering, Begonia bushes invariably adorn any flower beds, window sills, home and public greenhouses.

First of all, the variety of species of this plant is striking, which in skillful hands allows you to create colorful and unique flower arrangements, giving preference to only one type of plant.

Begonia has been known to man for a long time. That is why she has an interesting history of discovery, and many legends and beliefs of different nationalities are associated with this flower. It is far from being used everywhere as an ornament, and was often used as a medicine, or even mystical qualities were attributed to it.

Botanical description

Begonias are annual and perennial plants that are very widespread in home floriculture. A variety of species can refer to herbs, shrubs (sometimes climbing), semi-shrubs. The root system is most often branched, but in some varieties it is tuberous.

Basically, the leaves are the main feature for which Begonia is loved. They often have a beautiful and unique color, are asymmetrically located on the stem.

Flowers are formed unisexual, plants are monoecious. The ripening fruit is a box with small cracks on the sides.

What family does it belong to?

Begonia belongs to the Begoniev family.. To date, about 1,600 different species of this flower are known (in some sources, more than 2,000 wild varieties are called).

In indoor floriculture, Begonia hybrids are mainly used. More than 2000 of them have been bred. As a rule, hybrids are characterized by better tolerance of a temperate climate, sudden changes in temperature and less humidity (than in their natural habitat - the tropics).

plant structure


The variety of Begonia species suggests that even in the structure of the root there can be serious differences. So, it is customary to divide Begonias with the formation of a tuber and the usual branching of the root.

In the first case, plants are better adapted to the lack of moisture, as they are able to store enough nutrients and water in the tuber. In the second, the flower will be more whimsical. But most of the flowering varieties have a branched root, which ensures better absorption of all nutrients from the soil and, as a result, much more attractive flowering.

Interesting! It is known that the roots of Begonias love loose soil, as they need air for normal growth. That is why experienced gardeners at least once a year prefer to loosen the topsoil 1-2 cm deep, even in pots and planters.


On Begonias, as a rule, large and fleshy leaves with a large number of veins are formed.. They are arranged asymmetrically on the stem. Due to their relatively large size, they give the impression of a dense, bushy structure in the whole flower.

Leaf blades can differ significantly from one species to another. Some have straight leaves. On others - with a jagged border pattern. Some varieties form uneven twisted plates.

The color of the leaves of Begonia can also be completely different. There are varieties with the usual green color. There are species with purple, red patterns. Variegated multi-color leaf blades (with two or more colors) are considered especially exquisite. They have found wide application in ornamental cultivation.


Begonia inflorescences are complex panicles consisting of several flowers.. Male flowers are often more brightly colored, but less lush. The female ones have more petals, but most often they are shorter in length.

Naturally, the great variety of Begonia species is reflected in the great variation in color. Varieties with large flowers or panicles have been bred from a large number of small flowers. The differences relate to the structure of the petals (terry, smooth) and, of course, their color.

Note! In tuberous Begonias, predominantly of all species, a large flower is formed with a diameter of 6 to 20 cm. And varieties that bloom all year round form a large number of flowers 1-3 cm in diameter, but during the flowering period they are literally completely strewn with them.


In temperate climates, Begonias are grown for flowering. It is very difficult to achieve fruitfulness.. To do this, you need to withstand high temperatures for almost the entire flowering period and sufficiently moisten the plant.

Begonia fruits are a small box with three nests and barely visible cracks on the sides. They contain many small seeds, which, as they ripen, increase in size until the box bursts and the seeds fall into the soil.

The natural habitat of most Begonia species is humid and hot tropical forests. Therefore, in the wild, a flower can be found in the equatorial belt of Africa, Asia, and South America.

However, today some species are also known that grow in mountainous areas, on plains and in savannahs.

It is believed that the name of Begonia was given by a traveling monk, who thus decided to perpetuate the name of one of the governors of that time (Michel Begon from the island of Tahiti), who paid for the entire expedition.

The open plant at that moment was called the royal flower. Apparently, the defining role in this name was played by such characteristics as the rich diversity of the discovered species and amazing livability in different conditions.

It was this good survival that played a role later, when Begonia began to be massively bred in indoor floriculture. It is known that most domesticated varieties of this flower are derived from those species that grow in the Antilles.

Many types of Begonia are well suited for growing in Russia, not only indoors, but also in outdoor gardens and greenhouses. Despite this, there are specially bred varieties that are particularly resistant to cold and dry air.

Legends about the flower and interesting facts

Begonia is a very common flowering plant in the world. It has been known to man for a long time and is widely used not only as a decoration of houses and gardens, but also as a medicine or seasoning.

  • In the Himalayas, among small peoples, the secrets of cooking seasonings from Begonia for food are passed down from generation to generation. It is also used to treat migraines.
  • In China, they believe that Begonia appears on earth in the place where the tears of a woman in love fall.
  • In Belgium, Begonia is used in flower festivals. Whole living pictures are grown from bushes: castles, fairy tales, etc.

Evidence that Begonia has been common in Russia since the beginning of the 19th century is the fact that another name for this flower has taken root among the people - “Napoleon's ear”.

Most likely, the sharp-tongued people called Begonia so because of the inner side of the leaves of some varieties of the flower, which resemble a frostbitten ear with a red tint and wrinkling.

Types and varieties of flower

It is known that Begonia has up to 1600 different species in the wild, which sometimes have significant differences from each other in flowering, the form of shoots, roots.

For example, it is customary to distinguish between tuberous Begonias and with a creeping root, with thick or woody shoots, bush varieties.

Not all species found in the wild are used in home breeding. For Russia, their own varieties are developed, which are sometimes distinguished by particularly strong immunity and resistance to low temperatures or sudden changes in humidity.

tuberous begonia

This variety is preferred quite often. The reason is large double flowers of amazing beauty, very reminiscent of noble roses in shape and color.

The tuberous structure of the root provides the bush with a supply of necessary substances, and also forms resistance to adverse environmental conditions.

A bushy type of Begonia that, when grown indoors, can bloom all year round. It is obvious that it is for this quality that such varieties are chosen.

The flowers of this species are not the most attractive: they are small, but frequent. But the leaves, as a rule, cause genuine interest. Very often they are variegated, two-color, with a unique pattern on the outer plate.

Begonia Elatior

A special variety that blooms in the cold season - often deep autumn, less often - in December and January. Actually, this variety is valued for this quality - very few flowers bloom calmly in winter.

Therefore, the Elatior variety is forgiven a lot. For example, it forms very frail shoots that need to be further strengthened and fixed. Often, Begonia Elatior requires additional illumination with artificial light and additional humidification of the air in the room for the entire flowering period.

Plant care and necessary growing conditions

In general, all Begonia care should be reduced to maintaining high humidity (even more than normal) and normal lighting, but without direct sun exposure to leaves and flowers. That is, you need to take care of these flowers in the same way as any other from the tropical zone of the planet.

All Begonias are usually divided into flowering varieties (they form beautiful flowers) and decorative leafy varieties (they bloom unremarkably, but they differ in leaves that are unique in shape and color). Accordingly, all these species require slightly different care.


Light is loved by all Begonias. But in all cases it must be scattered. Of course, especially resistant varieties have already been bred today, which are able to withstand direct exposure to even too hot sun. But, for the most part, many varieties in the sun will wither quickly.

Therefore, it is important to remember that flowering species should be well lit, but be sure to close from direct sun. And decorative and deciduous - in general should be in partial shade.


Begonias love warmth, and this is the main idea that should be followed when choosing a permanent place for this flower.

In summer, + 24-25 ° C is considered the optimal temperature background, but it can be higher. The main thing is to sufficiently moisten the air and the surface of the plant if very hot weather has set in.

In winter, during the “hibernation” of Begonia, it is not worth lowering the temperature around much. Recommended range: +14-18C about. If it is colder, then the flower can quickly die.

Watering and moisturizing

Maintaining moisture is the most important aspect of caring for Begonias. It is important to use settled water and always at room temperature.

In summer, the flower can be watered daily. During intense heat, frequent spraying from the sprayer of the entire aerial part is added (up to 1-2 times a day). But it is important to remember that falling drops should be removed from all flowers, otherwise the petals can quickly fall off.

In winter, Begonias are watered moderately and spraying is completely excluded. It is enough to moisten the soil 1-2 times a week.


The soil for Begonias should be nutritious, rich in micro and macro elements. A purchased mixture for decorative foliage, begonias is suitable.

When preparing yourself, you need to take in equal parts sod land, peat and black soil. And do not forget about good drainage at the bottom of the pot - the soil should easily pass air and excess moisture.


Begonias have become so widespread in indoor floriculture for a reason. Despite its toxicity (plant sap is considered dangerous), many gardeners invariably prefer this unusual and surprisingly beautiful flower.

Perhaps the unpretentiousness of the plant attracts most of all. Begonias really endure many adverse factors. Alternatively, the plant has spread widely due to the huge variety of species. In capable hands, a home greenhouse made up of only Begonias but of different varieties is sure to impress any guest.