Biological clock online. Calculation of biorhythms, biorhythms online

From the day of birth, a person is in different biological rhythms: physical, emotional, intellectual, intuitive. At the moment of birth, all curves leave the zero point and change throughout life. As a rule, only three cycles are considered (physical, emotional, intellectual). However, it is believed that there is also an intuitive cycle. The physical cycle is 23 days. It determines the energy of a person, his strength, endurance, coordination of movements. The emotional cycle is 28 days and determines the state nervous system and mood. The intellectual cycle (33 days) determines the creative abilities of an individual. The intuitive cycle (37 days) affects the perception of beauty, creative inspiration, unconscious impulses, i.e. intuition itself.

biorhythm interpretation

Phase - characteristic of the sign of the biorhythm sinusoid.

The active phase corresponds to the positive values ​​of the sinusoid, the passive phase corresponds to the negative ones. The specific value of the biorhythm sinusoid is displayed in the "Level" column as a percentage of the maximum (+) or minimum value (-). The critical phase corresponds to the days when the value of the biorhythm sinusoid (level) is close or equal to zero.

Direction - the current direction of the biorhythm change.

Rise - the biorhythm sinusoid is on the rise.

Decline - decay of the biorhythm sinusoid. Peak - the maximum value of the biorhythm sinusoid (the level is close to or equal to 100%). Pit - the minimum value of the biorhythm sinusoid (the level is close to or equal to -100%). After the peak, the decline begins, after the pit - the rise.

Interpretation of biorhythm phases

Any of the cycles consists of two half-periods, positive (active) and negative (passive). It is customary to depict biorhythms as a sinusoid. What is the real shape of the biorhythm curve and how it can be transformed as a result of the action of certain factors, the theory is silent. Therefore, it is generally accepted that the active period corresponds to positive values ​​of the sinusoid, and the passive period corresponds to negative ones.

During the first half of the physical cycle, a person is energetic and achieves the best results in his activities; in the second half of the cycle, energy gives way to laziness.

In the first half of the emotional cycle, a person is cheerful, aggressive, optimistic, overestimates his capabilities, in the second half - irritable, easily excitable, underestimates his capabilities, pessimistic, analyzes everything critically.

The first half of the intellectual cycle is characterized by creative activity, a person is accompanied by good luck and success; in the second half, there is a creative decline.

The moment the sine wave crosses the zero point biorhythm means a critical day: on this day, a person is at risk of emotional, physical, intellectual or intuitive "catastrophe". On a day when all three curves pass through zero, it is best to refrain from working on important projects.

Since only the emotional cycle reaches the "exact" zero value when calculating the sinusoids of biorhythms by day, when calculating the indicators on the website for other biorhythms, two days are considered critical - when the sinusoid of the biorhythm (level) is closest to zero.

Interpretation of the highs and lows of biorhythms

The biorhythm sinusoid in the first days of the cycle increases (rise), reaches a maximum (peak), decreases (decline) down to a minimum (pit) and then increases again (rise).

It is believed that the highs (peaks) give a person the opportunity to realize and realize their abilities and talents. This is a period of hard work. On the contrary, on days when biorhythms reach minimums (holes), a person can make wrong decisions, make mistakes, suffer all kinds of failures.

Physical maximum: the body is full of energy, work does not tire, sexual activity is high. You can go in for sports, go to the sauna or indulge in love pleasures.

Emotional maximum gives a feeling of fullness of life, elation, the desire to act, create, love. Heightened feelings react sharply to disharmony and alienation.

The intellectual maximum allows you to solve the most difficult issues and even create something new. This time is good for making decisions, negotiating, signing contracts.

The physical minimum gives a decrease in physical, sexual activity, fatigue, and the likelihood of illness increases. Physical activity, alcohol consumption should be reduced or eliminated.

The intuitive maximum is the best period for fellowship with God. Intuition works on the verge of clairvoyance, which allows you to make the right decisions. Heaven gives inspiration to man.

Emotional minimum brings a decline in mental strength, desires, lethargy, apathy, irritability. This is especially true for women. The worst day for creative people, when there are not enough feelings and emotions for work. This period is also unfavorable for lovers.

The intellectual minimum is characterized by a decrease in mental activity, memory impairment. On this day, it is recommended to do simple mechanical work or to rest. You shouldn't negotiate, sign contracts, make important decisions. New thoughts and ideas need to be written down and ... forgotten.

Intuitive minimum: "excommunication from God." Decisions made intuitively can be wrong. Lack of inspiration, especially for creative work.

Interpretation of biorhythm peaks and pits combinations

It is believed that if several minima coincide, "black days" come, and if several maxima (peaks) coincide, "light" bands come when everything succeeds. There are about six days in a year, when the initial phases of the two cycles coincide, these are difficult days. And about once a year, all three cycles are at or very close to zero - this is also a very bad day.

Three minimums. This period can be called "black days" or "losing streak". Nature requires rest: you need to slow down or even go to the bottom. Important matters at this time are not resolved - at best, they are postponed until better times. It is almost impossible to start a business successfully, to seize and keep your chance. True, after a week or two, a band of highs comes and everything falls into place.

Three highs. At this time, it is advisable to take stock of a certain period (six months or a year) or even a whole life. We objectively assess ourselves and the world; we feel the hidden reserves best of all. This makes it possible to define the perspective and draw up strategic plans. Over time, such tasks may seem unrealistic, but they play the role of a beacon in the hectic sea of ​​life. Three highs are considered to be the best time to conceive high quality offspring.

Intellectual maximum and emotional minimum. This situation is stressful for women - the personality seems to split in two: clarity of thought, a clear understanding of certain life phenomena and processes, wonderful plans cannot be realized due to a lack of desire and energy.

Emotional maximum and intellectual minimum. The situation is the opposite of the previous one, critical for men. The emotional maximum pushes a person to active actions, a certain pressure in behavior, but the intellectual minimum does not allow to objectively assess the situation, to make an optimal decision, especially in new, non-standard situations.

Horoscopes for 2017

"Common sense would have prevented many divorces ...
like many marriages. "
from the laws of Murphy's law

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Prince Charles was born on November 14, 1948, and Princess Diana on July 1, 1961. Intellectual rhythm compatibility - 85%
emotional rhythms - 70%
physical rhythms - 17%
The average percentage is 57.

Analysis. A beautiful tale of love with a tragic outcome. Unfortunately, many apparently successful marriages (or love relationships) end in car accidents. The high compatibility of intellectual and emotional rhythms can overwhelm partners with a sea of ​​feelings, intoxicate and lift them to unprecedented heights. But the holiday ends sooner or later, there comes a hangover called "sex". Given the compatibility of physical rhythms, there is no need to talk about harmonious sexual relations. Sooner or later, there are partners (old and not so) who discover new, brighter facets of intimate relationships ...

And Byron is right, noticing gloomily,
That the world owes, as a gift,
To what once was Laura
Didn't marry Petrarch.
I. Guberman

Bill Clinton was born on August 19, 1946, and Hillary was born on October 26, 1948.
Intelligent - 99%
Emotional - 8%
Physical - 30%

Analysis. Marriage of convenience. On this he keeps. There is no need to talk about feelings. Sexual problems. In such a marriage, the woman is especially affected. But without his wife, Clinton would hardly have become president. And without her it will be lost. This family will keep on calculating. It is interesting to check the compatibility of the former president with Monica Lewinsky, born on July 23, 1973:
Intellectual - 22%
Emotional - 50%
Physical - 98%

This compatibility is only suitable for sexual relations: the highest pleasure can be achieved. A good addition to a wife. If the compatibility of emotional rhythms were greater, it is unlikely that Lewinsky talked about her relationship: she would silently love, suffer and seek a meeting.

It is very interesting to consider love triangles from the point of view of biorhythm compatibility. This is my favorite topic. As a rule, biorhythms show very well the problem areas of human relationships. In my life, I have come across only twice with people who had good biorhythm compatibility with both spouse and lover (s).

  • Alla Pugacheva was born on April 15, 1949. Compatibility with Vladimir Kuzmin (May 31, 1955):
    intellectual rhythms - 92%,
    emotional - 80%,
    physical - 29%.
    With Philip Kirkorov (April 30, 1967) a similar situation:
    intellectual - 92%,
    emotional - 99%,
    physical - 0% (zero).
    Maxim Galkin was born on June 18, 1976:
    intellectual - 69%,
    emotional - 16%,
    physical - 71%.
    No comments.
  • Madonna(August 16, 1958) with her first husband Sean Penn (August 17, 1960) had the following compatibility:
    intellectual - 85%,
    emotional - 88%,
    physical - 43%.
    This couple lacked sexual harmony. This is not to say that at all, but I have never been complete either. Their daughter Lourdes should be involved in sports, dancing or aerobics. With Guy Ritchie (September 10, 1968), the situation is more harmonious:
    intellectual - 96%,
    emotional - 57%,
    physical - 71%.
    Of course, compatibility is even higher, but common sense and mutual respect will allow this couple to live in harmony for more than a dozen years.
  • Tom Cruise born July 2, 1962, Mimi Rogers - January 27, 1955:
    intellectual - 68%,
    emotional - 0.5%,
    physical - 17%.
    With Nicole Kidman (June 20, 1967):
    intellectual - 22%,
    emotional - 80%,
    physical - 8%.
    From Katie Holmes (December 18, 1978):
    intellectual - 85%,
    emotional - 25%,
    physical - 43%.
    "And the same rake greets me" V. Vishnevsky. Cruz will have to continue his search.
  • Demmy Moor(November 11, 1962) with Bruce Willis (March 19, 1955) was obviously connected by a strong physical attraction:
    intellectual - 31%,
    emotional - 0.5%,
    physical - 100%.
    With Ashton Kutcher (February 7, 1978), compatibility is much better:
    intellectual - 99%,
    emotional - 68%,
    physical - 98%.
    So it would be right away! But then Kutcher still walked under the table.

You can find many more famous pairs, but I do not see the need for this. You have the opportunity to practice yourself both in calculations and in analysis. If you compare the results of different methods, there may be discrepancies with the Internet program. It includes the average coefficients for the three biorhythms. But the margin of error is only a few percent.

In our Universe and nature there is a continuous movement, everything has its own cycles and rhythms. Man is no exception. He lives in accordance with his inner rhythm, and the cycles of personal biorhythms can be calculated.

Each of us noticed that not only at different major periods of life, but literally during the year, month, week, his physical, intellectual and spiritual tone changes. On some days we can simply move mountains, on others we feel that neither the brain nor the body is under our control, and all our senses are dulled. It seems that all the vital forces have left you, but then, as if some kind of energy wave picks you up and again carries you up. What happens to the person? Is he sick? No, this is natural. And one should not be afraid or annoyed, but study these states, calculate their rhythm and try to use this knowledge to make each period more productive.

Human biorhythms

The rhythms of physiological processes in the body, like any other repetitive phenomena, have an undulating character. The distance between the same positions of two oscillations is called a period, or a cycle of biorhythms.

The existence of biorhythms has been proven by science, but, unfortunately, modern medicine is often too categorical to take them into account to eliminate a number of diseases of the nervous system that have a functional nature (for example, neuroses). There is one simple way to calculate your biological rhythms and find out the days and periods in life when physical, emotional and intellectual forces are at their peak or, conversely, are experiencing a decline. Taking into account your biorhythms, you can maintain health, improve well-being, and prevent some diseases. The calculation of biorhythm cycles allows you to partially predict your state at one time or another, make an optimal plan for work and rest, make important appointments and trips for a positive period of the cycle.

As in astrology, calculations are based on the date of birth. Let's try to calculate biorhythms for a person who was born on January 22, 1963. Place and exact time of birth in this case do not play a role, so they are not taken into account.

First of all, you need to determine the number of days that have passed from the date of birth to the date of interest to us. Let's say we want to chart the three cycles of human biorhythms from our example on July 1, 2000. To do this, you need to count the number of days that have elapsed since his birth until July 1, 2000. We advise you not to rush into calculations and follow the following scheme:

  1. The number of days between January 22, 1963 and December 31, 1963 inclusive: 365 - 22 = 343 days.
  2. The number of days between January 1, 1964 and December 31, 1999, inclusive: from January 1, 1964 to December 31, 1999, a full 36 years have elapsed: 365 × 36 = 13 140 days.

Be careful, for the accuracy of the calculations, you should take into account the number of leap years. So, we need to find out how many leap years have passed between January 1, 1964 and December 31, 1999, because in a leap year in February there are not 28 days, as usual, but 29.

Referring to the ephemeris table, we will see that 1964 was a leap year, each subsequent fourth year was also a leap year. You need to calculate the number of leap years between 1964 and 1999: 1964, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984.1988, 1992 and 1996, which is only 9 years. Thus, the exact number of days that elapsed between the birthday of the person from our example and December 31, 1999 inclusive: 13 140 + 9 = 13 149 days.

Ephemeris table

It remains to count the number of days between January 1, 2000 and July 1, 2000, that is:
31 (January) + 29 (February) + 31 (March) + 30 (April) + 31 (May) + 30 (June) = 182 days.
Add these 182 days to 13,149 days and get the number of days that this person lived from the moment of his birth to midnight on June 30, 2000:

  • 13,149 + 182 = 13,331 days.
  • So, on July 1, 2000, this person lived 13,331 days.


There are three biorhythm cycles:

  • The so-called physical cycle related to life energy;
  • Mental, concerning feelings, emotions, mood;
  • Mental, associated with intellectual ability.


This cycle always lasts 23 days. To find out at what stage of the physical cycle the person from our example is on July 1, 2000, it is enough to divide the number of days lived by 23, that is: 13331: 23 = 579, there are 14. This figure means that on July 1, 2000 this the person was on the 15th day of his physical cycle.


We should act according to the same scheme, but this time we should divide the number of days lived by 28 (this is how many days the psychic cycle lasts), that is: 13 331: 28 = 476, there are 3. So, we know that on On July 1, 2000, this person was on the 4th day of his psychic cycle.


We again act according to the same scheme, but in this case, the number of days lived must be divided by 33, because this is how long this cycle lasts:

  • 13 331: 33 = 403, 32 remains.

This means that the person from our example on July 1, 2000 is on the 33rd and last day of his mental cycle.

Let us compare the obtained data with the standard biorhythm diagrams presented in the table. Now you know exactly at what stage of the physical, mental and mental cycle a person is, whose date of birth we took as an example.

Enter your date of birth for calculation biorhythms:

Human biorhythms for today:

Notes (edit)
1. Biorhythms - periodically repeating changes in the course of biological processes. Everything biorhythms begin to work at the same time at the moment of birth. Full cycle of physical biorhythm repeats (approximately) every 23 days, emotional - after 28 days, and the period of intellectual biorhythm has 33 days.

3.Physical biorhythm determines the energy of a person, his strength. Emotional biorhythm determines the state of the nervous system and mood. Intelligent biorhythm determines the creative ability of a person.

4.The diagram shows human biorhythms.0% - corresponds to the normal state of a person.

5. There will be about six days in the year when the initial phases of the two cycles coincide - these are hard days. And about once a year, all three cycles are at zero - this is also a very bad day.

6. Akme- the time of the highest prosperity of the individual. In the year of Akme, a person is lucky, dreams come true. In men, akme manifests itself after 2 years (the count should start at 15 years; thus, the years of akme will be 18, 21, 24, 27 years, etc.), in women - in a year (17, 19, 21 years, etc.) etc.).

7. This pattern allows plan the sex of the unborn child... For example, a boy can be conceived if the current year for both the man and the woman is the second after the year of akme; or if a woman has a year of akme, and a man has a second year after akme. In the year following the year of Akme (both men and women) there will be a girl is conceived.

There are several options for biorhythmic programs:

- seven-year life cycles, while each cell of the human body is completely renewed in seven years, that is, after seven years, each atom of the human body is replaced by another atom. We can say that every seven years each of us turns into a completely different person. The life graph by date of birth clearly shows in what years you can move mountains, and when you need to reduce your vital activity.

- medium-term cycles that take place every month. For women, the monthly reproductive cycle is a good example.

- short-term (daily) cycles. These are cycles of digestion, sleep, requiring daily work of the nervous, hormonal and other systems, distributed over time.

Why count them?

If you know the formula by which you can calculate the beginning of the cycle, the end, the points of its minimum and maximum, then conscious interaction with your resources will expand your possibilities:

  1. Like horoscopes, biorhythm counting allows you to think about planning your life for the near term or longer. All major projects in life need to be planned, and then, according to long-term plans, make up short-term ones.
  2. The ability to decipher the meanings of biorhythms will allow you to become as collected and productive as possible on days when the biorhythmic schedule is favorable, to catch all the available chances without fear of coping and not being in time.
  3. If the day is "at zero", clear awareness of this will allow you to help yourself in time: reallocate your time, leaving only urgent matters, take a walk, meditate, opening the chakras, switch to activities that charge you with energy.

When drawing up a schedule, three types of biorhythms are superimposed on the calendar: physical, emotional and intellectual. Each has its own duration (23 days, 28 and 33 days, respectively) and two phases. In the first phase, the resources of physical strength, emotionality and intelligence grow, in the middle of the cycle they reach a peak, then they begin to decrease and pass the lower point of the minimum activity of the resource.

There is a version that each resource is associated with the activity of its own part of the human hormonal system:

- physical strength is associated with the activity of the adrenal glands, adrenaline. The state of this resource must be monitored when planning your physical activity, sports events. It is especially important to pay close attention to physical health for people who already have diseases: in this case, the lack of load on the body leads to its faster failure. And at the same time, there is a danger of overloading yourself on days when it would be worth resting. This is where it is worth calculating, but it is easier to calculate online a personal training schedule, taking into account the phase of the cycle.

- the resource of emotional intelligence is linked to sex hormones.

But the impact of hormones is not limited to relationships with the opposite sex, family and sexual spheres, emotionality affects the integration of a person into society, this is the ability to read the reactions of other people, understand their real hierarchy and relationships, and correctly build their own relationships in the team and in life.

- intelligence is regulated by the thyroid gland. The resource of intelligence is the ability to think logically, to move from the level of problems to the level of generalizations, conclusions and abstract solutions; it depends on the state of neural connections in the brain. Neural circuits are accumulated throughout life, the processes of remembering and forgetting are also associated with them. They will also function differently on different days.

How to use the calculation results?

In order to draw up a personal biorhythm schedule, it is enough to enter your date of birth online into the free service.

- physical condition in the positive phase is characterized by good sleep, appetite, clear coordination of muscles and brain, consistently good health. In the negative phase, all reactions and metabolism slow down, and chronic diseases are exacerbated. In peak phases, there is risk both at the high peak and at the bottom of the chart. At the peak of health, oddly enough, the risks are also high, because a person slightly overestimates his physical capabilities, being under the influence of increased adrenaline. There is a risk of not keeping balance and slipping, getting into an accident while driving dangerous.

- an emotional state in the growth phase means enthusiasm, pleasure, emotional involvement in the processes taking place in your life. At the peak, which lasts up to two days, a person is prone to emotional swings (spontaneous purchases, rash actions). Understanding that this is only a period and you just need to endure it can save you from stupid things (for example, calling your ex, or an extra piece of cake). In the phase of extinction, there will be emotional detachment, isolation, possibly with elements of depression at the bottom point.

- the intellectual state is assessed according to the criteria of attention, perception, thinking and memory. As the graph rises, these indicators improve, and after passing the peak it becomes more difficult to concentrate, perception (visual, olfactory, auditory, tactile) dulls, thinking loses speed, memorization and recollection deteriorate.

Services for calculating biorhythms

  1. Calculator in percentage of each parameter to date with a brief interpretation of the result:
  2. A service that calculates biorhythms online for one person or for partners, there is a partner compatibility calculation:
  3. A graph with an additional negative scale (intuitive and more visual than the scale from zero up): There is also a calculation of critical days for the year ahead.

A conscious attitude to your life, planning, helping your body, mind and taking into account your emotional needs is the only way to be a truly happy person. The biorhythm chart is a good helper in this matter.