Battle on Marne - its value for world history. Battle on Marne and its consequences

After the completion of the border battle in France, German troops, the tester of the enemy, turned to a decisive impact. The Germans came up to Verden, took a thrown without a battle of Lille and came out to the best French fortress Mobezh, for whose siege left one building.

There remained a large garrison of 49 thousand people at 450 tools with 450 tools. The Germans began the storming of the fortress on August 29 and operated mainly by the forces of infantry, since there were almost no ammunition for artillery. However, the French, despite the significant garrison and weakness of the enemy artillery fire, has already capitulated on September 7.

Fort Bussua Moby Fortress

German soldiers from captured fortifications

The 4th and 3rd French armies had a strong resistance to the troops of the 4th and 5th German armies on Maas, creating a threat on the right flange of the 4th German army. At the request of the commander of the 4th German army, the 3rd German army, which was previously adjacent to his right wing to the 2nd German army, broke away from the left flank of this army and joined the right flank of the 4th German army. As a result, the right wing of the German army was weakened.

On August 27, 1914, in order to streamline further actions, the German armies Moltke issued Directive: the 1st Army was to step on the Lower Seine, west of Paris; 2nd Army right to Paris; 3rd Army - on Chateau Tierry; 4th - on eperne; 5th, bypassing the fortress Verden from the north and the West and step on Viteter-les-Francois; The 6th Army, strengthened due to the parts of the 7th Army, was supposed to break through the French front south of the vertene and move towards Nekheto. Thus, the German command continued to accomplish the double coverage of the French army from the West and from the East.

Meanwhile, the French command made rearrangement of forces. The English troops were assigned to Cambre and retreated further on r. Somme. The 5th French Army went to the Laon District, the 4th - behind the River En, on the line Gignikur, union, 3rd had to defend on the Verden line. On the Somme River, in the Amiena region, the new grouping began to form, it includes the 7th Army Corps and the 4th Army Corps from the 3rd Army, two reserve divisions and the 45th Algerian division, transferred from Africa. From these troops formed the 6th Army.

However, the attempt of counteroffensive failed. By August 26, the British suffered a new defeat. The headquarters ran faster than his troops. Franch, when from England sent reinforcements, account for their burden, as they need more ships for evacuation. Two British Hayegen and Smith-Dorrien Corses have lost touch with each other, they went out as it turns out. At the same time, the British arranged "Circus". The hull of Heyga came across a minor enemy forces and told the command that the "critical position". English Commander Frenc decided that this wasponed and ordered to retreat. Smith-Dorrien's troops collided with Le-Kato with the main forces of the 1st German army. Here the British decided that the forces were the same and entered into battle. But the Germans were mistaken. The club embarrassed the boldness of the enemy, he decided that in front of him the entire enemy army. The German troops began to maneuver, went into a deep bypass, instead of crushing the enemy in one blow. When to Smith-Dorrien came, in what situation his troops turned out to be, he barely got out of the German ticks, throwing 38 guns as flight. The order for the retreat could not bring to all parts, they died. The losses of the British rose to 15 thousand people. After that, the retreat of the English expeditionary forces was disorderly, many units were lagging behind, mixed with the French.

On August 28-30, not yet fully formed the 6th French army of General Monuri suffered a defeat in the area of \u200b\u200bNelya and Pruvair. The new army, formed from hidden throughout the corps and divisions, could not have serious resistance to the 1st German army. She just dare, broken the French ran to Paris. The 5th French army was not able to organize counterdaddar in the Saint Cantnah area and Giza. The 2nd German army expected the strike of the French troops. The French overturned the squall artillery fire and drove. French troops had to be given in traffic jams on bridges through r. UAZ. The Western Front was on the verge of decay. The English-French troops quickly retreated south.

The French command has developed a new action plan. The French armies got the task to move back the Sena River. The 6th Army received the task to cover Paris from the northeast. The 5th French army should settle between Brare sur-Sen and Arsi-sur-oh, on her left flank there was an English army; 4th Army - behind the rivers of Ornen, salt; The 3rd army is at Bar-le-Duke and north to Verpe. Between the 4th and 5th French armies, a powerful cavalry fist was assembled. From this turn, French troops had to strike to the northwest to break through the German front, cut off the right wing of the German army and destroy it.

Turn the 1st German Army to the East of Paris

After the battle at Saint-Kantna and Giza, the 1st and 2nd German armies continued the offensive at an average speed of 25-30 km per day. The Commander of the 1st German Army Alexander Pon Club (Klyuk) decided to bypass the English and 5 French Army. For this, he turned the 1st Army from the southwestern direction to the southern, east of Paris. The German troops forced the Waza River on the site between Nuahone and the Compi. On August 30, the German troops were at the Compière. The Supreme German Command approved this decision.

It should be noted that at this time the operational situation began to change in favor of the Anglo-French troops. The French who have gained bitter experience of defeat in the border battle, now pay great attention to intelligence. The Eiffel Tower in Paris played a big role in this case. With its help, the French intercepted almost all German radiograms, and they quickly deciphered. This made it possible to know the daily location of the German armies, the composition of the German buildings. In addition, airflow began to bring great benefits. All this helped the French to identify that the German troops were rolled to the south and south-east, that there is no enemy to northeast from Paris.

Card source: Klenkovsky A. Maneuverable Period of the First World Imperialist War 1914

In the meantime, the German Supreme Command, having received the information that the French carry out great strength of the forces on their left wing, thought. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe club on the coverage of French troops Eastern Paris was still approved, but French regroupings were forced to think about changing the situation for the worse. On September 2, a concerned Moltke gives an indication of the right wing to continue the covering maneuver, but the 1st Army was supposed to follow the ledge behind the 2nd Army. However, the club decided not to perform this indication. He was ahead of the 2nd army for a whole transition and to fulfill the Moltke's order, it was necessary to stand in place in place, waiting for the approach of the right flank of the 2nd army and exit his forward. In addition, the 2nd Army rested at the front of the enemy, and could not get around him. Therefore, the commander of the 1st Army decided to continue the offensive.

The German airflow found in the Sunlock area, Dammarten, Nantel and Eastern Paris, the significant forces of the enemy, but because of the linings, these important information was not reported to neither the commander of the Populatory 4th reserve corps, nor the command of the 1st Army. As a result, the 6th French army was on the flank of the 1st German army, which became a surprise for the German command. So, the club believed that in the northeast of Paris, only some minor joints of the French are moving. The Germans substituted their right flanks and rear under the blow of the French grouping. And to support the right flank at a dangerous moment turned out to be nothing, since 2 buildings and cavalry division, originally intended to enhance the offensive grouping of the right wing, were transferred to Eastern Prussia, to support the defeat of the 8th German army.

Commander of the 1st Army Aleksandr von Club (Kward)

Position in France. New French Command Plan

The internal situation in France was extremely severe at this time. The defeat of the Belgian army and the fall of those who were considered impregnable Belgian fortresses, failures in the border battle, put the end of the dreams "about the campaign on Berlin", defeats in battles in Somme, in Saint-Cantna and Giza, as well as in Alsace Lorraine, the collapse of the cross-border defensive system caused affected mood in France. The French nation, who believed in a quick victory over Germany and the Napoleonic march in Germany, worried terrible stress. Now people doubted not only the opportunity to stop victorious German buildings from Paris, but in the victory at all. The German corps in just a week of the offensive seized 70 cities and the territory where the sixth part of the population of France lived. German cavalry connectors were in 30 versts from Paris. The first German planes dropped several bombs to the capital.

The German invasion caused a powerful wave of refugees. Frightened rumors about the atrocities of Germanians, people rushed into the depths of the country. Roads scored endless crowds of civil and summons, which moved military units formed with whom. Panic sentiment affected not only significant layers of the urban population, in particular, in Paris, but also the army. The troops began the decline of discipline, desertion, the combat capability of the French army fell. Soldiers have not seen hot food for several days. Bands of deserters robbed village.

In addition, bad news came from the Eastern Front, where in Eastern Prussia suffered the 2nd Russian army. And in Galicia, in the first stage of the battle, the Austro-Hungarian army fastened Russian troops. This strengthened the anxiety of the Anglo-French military-political leadership. The Commander of the English Expeditionary Army Frenc even fell into panic and wrote to London, demanding immediate evacuation from France. His headquarters ran ahead of his parts.

In the French government, traditional squabbles and disputes walked. The ministers were accused of defeating the commander-in-chief of Joffre. The figure of the patient of General Galling, who was the head of Joffre. President Poincaré to stop disputes, sent the Cabinet of Ministers to resign. Joffra did not change, as a change in command in such a critical situation, threatened with a disaster.

The French command was able to keep the army and the country from the collapse. All measures were taken, including repression to panicers, state propaganda strengthened. Joffre organized military patrols, marauders, deserters and panickers began to shoot in place, without judicial tyslogita. The commander-in-chief for the "loss of combat spirit" was removed from the posts of two commander, 10 corps and 39 divisional generals. They were replaced with those who showed determination and initiative in a difficult moment. The Iron Will of the Commander, repression against panickers and deserters, "Fresh Blood" in generals quite soon brought their positive fruits.

More decisive ministers were appointed: Military - Milleran and Foreign Affairs - Deltas, who acted as a war to a victorious end. London was also interested in the continuation of the war, which was more interested in the elimination of the military-industrial and maritime potential of the German Empire. The French commander-in-chief Joffre received emergency powers for independent operational activities to achieve a strategic fracture at the front. In order for politicians to be disturbed under their feet and because of the threat of the capital, Joffre proposed to the French government to move to Bordeaux. On the night of September 2, September 3, the French ministers left the capital. On September 4, the slogan "War to the victorious end" was announced, which was to mobilize all the forces of France and England in the fight against Germany. About the "fast war" had to forget, the French command began to understand that the war would delay, and will go to exhaustion.

Little role in these events was played by General Joseph Simon Gallium. He began service in the sea case, then served in the colonial troops around the world - in Africa, the Basin of the Caribbean, Indochita. He was the military governor of Madagascar. In the prewar years, the 14th Army Corps was headed and the Lyon Military District, was viewed as a candidate for the post of commander of France's troops. Before the war, being seriously ill, resigned. In the hardest time, on August 26, 1914 returned to the system and received the post of military governor of Paris. He had few troops, since the reserve Paris parts were regularly transmitted to the army at the request of the bet. On September 1, Joffre subjugated the Gallium 6th Army of General Michel Monuri. When the government left Paris, giving gallium the right to unlimited hostilities in the city, the energetic General told the townspeople that the city would defend to the end: "I got the mandate to protect Paris from the invaders. I will fulfill it to the end. " Gallium became one of the organizers of French counteroffensive.

Gallium showed people to protect the capital. Acted vigorously and rigidly. In the city and suburbs, the barricades were erected, rummaged trenches, "Wolf Pits", raised slingshots against cavalry, demolished the buildings that closed the shelling sectors for artillery. Transport was requisitioned for the needs of the army. In case of siege, the cattle was reduced. Morozhaans mobilized for the construction of fortifications, including old people. To stop possible excitements in the case of urban battles, the Parisian police conducted a major cleaning of prisons and the city itself. Bandits, thieves and other representatives of the "bottom" without any special clauses were overlooked to the Ventsensky Forest and shot. Killed both men and women.

Gallium did not believe that the French troops stand on the hay. I predicted that by typing the inertia of the retreat, the army will not be able to gain a foothold on the water border and will be punished further. He planned to die with honor, was convinced that it was better to die the death of brave. Bridges and other important objects in Paris were prepared for an explosion. Paris Dolen was to go to the Germans destroyed. It is a pity that in 1940, France did not find gallium and Joffre, otherwise the Germans were sinking with blood, while Paris ruins were taken.

Military Commander and Organizer of Paris Defense in September 1914 Joseph Simon Gallium

Back in the pre-war time, when developing war plans, it was stated that the troops of the Paris fortified district could have an impact on the flank and the rear of the enemy if the German troops would be east of the capital. On August 27, the former Military Minister Messimi gave instructions to Joffre to send 3 corps to the capital, with the aim of creating the Parisian Army, to ensure the defense of the country's political center. However, Joffre did not fulfill this instruction, then there were other tasks then. Joffre did not attach a special military importance to Paris, in fact, repeating the Kutuzov strategy in the war of 1812. The French commander said: "Yes, what value it has Paris! The loss of Paris does not mean the end of the struggle. " Later, the task of protecting Paris was to fulfill the 6th Army, which was rebuilt into the region of the capital.

In the meantime, the situation on the left French flank was finally clarified. Aviation Intelligence September 4 finally confirmed the fact of movement of the 1st German army east of Paris. The four German buildings were already on the margin between the URD River and Chateau-Thierry, and one building was walking from Sanlock to r. URR. It became obvious that the German army has small forces west of R. URR and is transferred to the southern bank of MARNA, substituting under the flank strike from the Paris Stregradon. The decision suggested itself, it is necessary to apply a flank strike in the German army from Paris.

On September 4, Joffre issued a directive about the exit of the 6th Monuriage Army on the line of R. URR between Liza and May-An-Mültien to strike towards Chateau-Thierry. The English army received the task of occupying the front of Shangii, Komutye, and then step in the general direction to Montmiray. The 5th French army was supposed to apply counterdad in the northern direction. In the center of the 9th Army under the beginning of Fosh (it was organized on September 4 from the Army Group) received the task of protecting the southern outlets from Saint-Gonda marshes and retain Cezanne. On the right flank, the 3rd and 4th French armies had to lead attacking actions in the Western direction, towards Reviny. Thus, the decision on the departure on the line of the Seine was canceled. The French had to defeat the enemy on the Marna River.

The French commander Joffre had big doubts about the successful training of French armies to counteroffensive. He especially worried about the British, who continued to dive, and did not obey him. Franch ordered to keep "at a considerable distance from the enemy" and throw ammunition from the sumports and items that are not absolutely necessary. It was hard to achieve that the British troops retreat not to the north-west, to the nearest ports, and south, together with the French. The English command said that it will come, in another case, he refused his words. Therefore, Joffre not only asked in a formal manner through the Minister of Foreign Affairs to put pressure on the Commander of the English Army of Franch, but he himself went to him and in fairly gross expressions insisted that the British army would take part in the offensive. He was able to organize and offensive, previously battered, 5th and 6th French armies.

Thus, the French command, despite the failure of the campaign, was able to preserve the presence of the Spirit, to move away to untouched bases, to regroup forces, stop the retreat of the French and English troops and prepare for decisive conferr.

Change of the initial German master plan

At the same time, the German commander-in-chief Moltke continued to receive information that the French lead significant rearrangement from the east to the west. It became obvious that the right flank of the 1st German army, with further movement of East of Paris, is dangerous to strike from the French capital, without having support on the flank.

Therefore, Moltke decided to intervene (the commanders of the armies had greater independence in decision-making) and published on 4 September a new directive. Two armies -1-me and the 2nd armies were deployed against Paris Stregrayon, who received the task of conducting tough defense. The 1st German army was supposed to stand up between the UAZ and the marma left flank at Chateau-Thierry; The 2nd Army is between Marnaya and Seine, placing the right flank also at Chateau Tierry. In the center of the 3rd, the army received a task to step on south, in the general direction to Troy and Vanderevr. The 3rd army, in terms of the situation, could help the right flank (1st and 2nd armies) or the left flank (4th and 5th armies). The 4th and 5th army should have come to the southwest and south, so that together with the 6th Army to enter the Maas area and surround the Verden grouping of the French army.

Thus, Schlöffney plan finally collapsed. Operation on the widespread coverage of the left French flank, with the capture of Paris from the West and the surroundings of the whole or most of the French army failed. The right flank of the German army received the task to defend. And now they tried to surround only one Verden grouping.

Poor intelligence and lack of information about the adversary played a bad thing with a mytkeeper and a club. Constantly advancing, the German command did not have complete data on the rearrangement of the enemy forces. The lack of a single command in the strike German group (1st, 2nd and 3rd Army) played his negative role. The upper command was too relevant to the experience of their commanders of the armies. This led to the fact that the Commander of the 1st Army of the club became interested in the persecution of the enemy and the plans for the destruction of all the live strength of the French army, giving the secondary importance to the Paris fortified district and the possible danger on his part. And the command of the 3rd army adopted an independent decision on accession to the left flank of the 4th Army. The right flank of the German front remained without support. The commanders of the armies did not know the entire situation and made decisions on the basis and prioritize the interests of their compound.

There were other factors that worsened the combat capability of the German armies on the eve of a decisive battle for France. The German generals overestimated the victory in the border battle, considered that the enemy was finally broken and running, the victory was close. The impact group was weakened: 2 corps with cavalry were sent to the Eastern Front, 2 housings remained in Belgium for the siege of Antwerp (Pal 8-9 October) and maintaining order in the country, 1 Corps deposited Mobezh, several parts are a fortress of alive. Yes, and in battles, German troops suffered serious losses. Their fighting orders and shock power weakened. The troops took place 25-35 km per day and were terribly tired. What beautifully looked on the maps and the exercises, in life was at the limit of human opportunities.

Communication has worsened. The French have destroyed the railways with a waste, spool telegraph and telephone lines. It was impossible to quickly restore the telephone connection at long distances, and radio communication was still unreliable and the radio was intercepted by the French. The army lost the connection between themselves, the rate did not know about the state of affairs in a particular army for 1-2 days. The blown bridges were formed by traffic jams, visits, the kitchens lagged behind. Soldiers went halfland. I had to be interrupted by the foot feed, the fruits were broken, the vegetables were selected by the road. Heavy artillery lagged behind, interruptions began with ammunition. In some way, the soldiers began to throw away the Shant tool. Why drag if the war has already been won?

The ratio of forces before the battle

In the band Verden - Paris of the Power of the Parties numbered: 1,082,000 soldiers and officers, 2816 lungs and 184 heavy guns in the English-French troops against 900,000 people, 2928 lungs and 436 heavy guns at the Germans. The Germans had an advantage in artillery, especially heavy. However, in the direction of the main impact of the allies, almost doubled the German troops in a vibrant.

The left wing of the French army consisted of the 6th MONURIA army - 9 infantry divisions, British expedition forces - 5 infantry divisions and 1 1/2 of the cavalry divisions, the 5th Army - 15 infantry and 3 cavalry divisions. Here was the 9th Army - 8 Infantry and 1 Cavalry Division. Against the 9th French Army operated the 2nd German army. In addition, the 9th Army provided the right flank of the 5th French Army. Thus, the left wing of the French army had - 37 infantry and more than 5 cavalry divisions. In addition, the French command could quickly transfer the cavalry of the sore.

The right wing of the German army consisted of the 1st and 2nd armies: in the 1st army there were 10 infantry and 3 cavalry divisions, in the 2nd army - 8 infantry and 2 cavalry divisions. Total 18 infantry and 5 cavalry divisions. In addition, the right flank could increase the 3rd German army if necessary - 6 infantry divisions. However, this required time. Yes, and with the participation of the 3rd army, the French had a great superiority.

In the center of the French had the 4th Army (10 infantry divisions) and the 3rd Army (9 infantry divisions), that is, only 19 divisions. Hermann: 3rd army (6 divisions), 4th army (8 infantry divisions) and the 5th army (12 infantry divisions), that is, there are only 26 infantry divisions. Thus, the Germans did not have decisive superiority even if the 3rd army was transferred. Without the 3rd army, the strength was about equal.

To be continued…

On the margin, which occurred in 1914, became one of the most bloody battles in the history of wars. The valleys of this river left the random number of lives. The fate of humanity was solved here. The battle on Marne 1914 is briefly described in each history textbook.

Battle on the Marne River: Background

In 1914, the First World War began.

This year was remembered by the most fierce battles. Mannews took place almost every week. In one day, the front could change by 50 kilometers. Initially, none of the countries planned a protracted war. Directives of general headquarters assumed rapid offensive operations. She planned to complete the war for several months and establish a new world order in which she would take a key place.

France was not considered a serious opponent. Her occupation was supposed to take no more than a month. The Germans were expected to rapidly seize the country before the parish of the British to help. With the beginning of hostilities, Germanists quickly invaded the territory of Belgium and took it. The French army did not have time to create serious defensive structures. Therefore, by the beginning of the fall, the Germans have already come close to Paris.

Condition of Party

Parts under the command of Alexander, the background of the Key stretched out on a rather long section of the front. The command of the German units developed a plan for the surrounding of most French forces. From the initial plan for the capture of Paris, the Germans forced suddenly the rapid arrival of the British.

In accordance with the plan, the Germans had to pass the west of Paris, without entering the battle with focused there for the defense of the city of parts. After that, the "wedges" of the fronts would have closed in a deep rear, fully taking the French in a giant boiler. But the initial strategy has undergone a lot of significant changes, because, a fear of the enemy defense, the German parts exhaled and could not quickly regroup for a powerful blow.

The exhausted German army lost reserves, because bloody battles began in Prussia. Therefore, the commander of the clock is made a proposal to turn not to the West, but east of Paris to break the French army on a narrower area. In early September, the English parts were rapidly fled to the Marna River. Crouching through it, they continued to retreat east.

The Germans who pursued them were able to enter the gap between the English and French armies, thus stretching and opening the flank. The battle on Marne was supposed to start from day to day, all the attention of the headquarters turned out to be riveted precisely to this site.

Start of battle

The Germans continued to progress in the eastern direction. At this time, the French command after long disputes decided to start counteroffensive. The 1st left without cover, so the British and the French hit them to the flank, at the same time the 6th Army of Monturi spoke out of Paris. At the rear of the rear, the clock sends significant forces from the mouth of the river.

Crucial moment

The battle on the Marne River (1914) adopted the most fierce course on September 6. In all parts of the front began fierce collisions. At the mouth of Marne, the British with the French struck on a narrow plot two German armies. In a swampy terrain of the 2nd and 3rd German army opposed the 9th Army allies. The battles continued almost all day. Artillery beat on the enemy immediately before the attack, which was fraught with fire in his own. The defensive structures served natural protrusions, there was simply no tranche tranches. The bayonet attacks were replaced by fast maneuvers.

To the outcome of the day, the Germans managed to break resistance. The French trembled and were almost completely demoralized. Monuri understood the danger of the situation and the need for urgent introduction of reserves. The Moroccan Division was a rescue circle for the French. She arrived in the capital 2 days after the start of the battle. She was immediately sent to the front. In confusion, the railway was used to translate one part. Another arrived to the river is quite an unusual way. For her transit, civil taxi was used. 600 cars later received the name "Marn taxi".

The battle on Marne did not promise anything good allies. But the sudden arrival of the Moroccan Division was able to stop the German attack. To finally break the resistance of the French, the background of the clock challenged with marks a few more parts. On the River, the rear of German connections remained without protection. This immediately used the British and inflicted a serious blow. German connections were discarded and retreated. The battle on Marne (1914) is briefly described in the memoirs of the Bulbov background. After 4 years, he will fall a chance to be bought for defeat.

The effects of battle on the margin

The battle on Marne ended on September 12. Under Paris, the Germans caused a serious blow and took the left flank of the French into a dense ring. But the success of the allies on Marne forced the background of Bühlov to start digging. Such maneuvers, among other things, had an important psychological factor. German soldiers were extremely exhausted and could no longer have serious resistance. Numerous evidence argue that the allies found the German military personnel with fallency.

The battle on Marne took more than 150 thousand lives and changed the course of the Perov World War. The plans of the Germans for a rapid offensive crash. The exhausting phase of the positional permanent war began, at which the mobilization of all resources involved in the participating parties was required.

Second battle on Marne: First World War

In the summer of 1918, 4 years after the first battle, fierce battles were fierced on Marne. The Germans planned to start the offensive on this front site to break the British Expeditionary Corps. On July 15, the German units under the command of the same Bulov hit the French Eastern Reims in the French. Their attack was reflected until the end of the day. American and Italian parts arrived at the help and began to close the Germans to the north.

The defeat of the German troops marked the beginning of a series of major allies operations, as a result of which the first world war was completed. The second battle on Marne claimed about 160 thousand soldiers. Fritz von Bühlevoy never managed to master the river.

So, created by September 4 on the river. Marna The situation led to the collision of the main masses of both opponents. This was clearly confirmed by both parties, but the French major command was still slowed down by the choice of the most advantageous moment for the counterdard. On the night of September 3-14, a number of information was accumulated at the Gallium headquarters that the 1st German army passes by Paris. At 10 o'clock. The 4th Gallium appealed to Joffwra with a proposal to move the Money Army to strike to the Grandsev's flank, reaching Paris in the southeast direction. Expressing the fundamental approval of this proposal, Joffre wished to accurately indicate the direction of Monturi's attack earlier to figure out how best to combine this attack with the attack of the British and the 5th French Army. At first, it was decided to appoint a transition to the overall offensive on September 7, and the 6th Army was pre-translate to the left bank of the river. MARNA. But then, when Joffre received the report of General Franchude, "Espre, a new commander of the 5th Army instead of the General Lancaris, on the readiness of the army to battle and Franch, consent to participate in the battle of the British Army, was finally appointed to the day of the overall offensive September 6.

"You should use the risky provision of the 1st German army in order to focus against it the strength of the Allied Levoflang Army.

All forces of the 6th Army, located to the northeast of MO, be ready to cross the river. URR between Lizi and Mei-An-Mültien and attack towards Chateau-Veli.

The General Monturi General will be given parts of the Cavalry Corps of General Sorda, located nearby.

The English army, unfolding the front to the east, on the line of Shangi - Kuluye, attack in the general direction to MONMIAY.

  • The 5th Army, having shown to his left flank and turning on the Kurtakon line - Esterman - the season, attack in the general direction to the north; Rank The case (General Horse) must establish the link of the 5th Army with English.
  • The 9th Army cover the right flank of the 5th, holding the exits from Saint-Gonda swamps and having a part of his forces on the plateau to the north of the season.

Malflaw armies received instructions on September 5: the 4th Army should stop the retreat and stop the enemy, converting his movements from the 3rd army, and the last, hiding back to the northeast, - to step in the west direction, from the north of Reviny, to attack The left flank of the enemy who coming to the west of Argonne. At the same time, the decision of the Commander of this army of General Sarreileystrinate to the preservation of communication with the Verden fortified region was approved.

The plan of the French occurrence marked two attacks: the main - group of the 6th, English and 5th armies against the 1st and 2nd German armies in the PP area. B. and M. Mauren, and auxiliary - 3rd army west of Verden. The center of the 9th Army of General Fosha and the 4th Army of General Langle de Kari was intended to combine both attacks in a solid operation of coverage from two sides of the Germans who deployed from the bottom marginal to argon, with the prevailing desire against their right flank and rear .

At that moment, when a certain decision was made in the French main apartment, the German major command had a number of signs about the transfer of French troops from the east to the West to Paris - and about the preparing kontrudar from there. On the evening of September 4, it refused to push out the left flank of the French armies from Paris and decided to take its 1st and 2nd armies to take the defensive position by the front to Paris.

The corresponding Moltke directive indicated:

"The enemy declined from the bypass movement of the 1st and 2nd armies and part of his forces entered into contact with Paris. Various information indicate that he moves to the West their troops from the line Tul - Verden, and also removes part of the forces in front of the front 3, 4 and 5th armies. In view of this, the poverty of all the enemy forces in the south-east direction to the Swiss border is no longer possible. At the same time, it seems likely to focus the enemy of large strength and education of new compounds in the vicinity of Paris for the purpose of defense of the capital and the threat to our right flank. This forces it to leave the 1st and 2nd armies before the eastern front of Paris with the task of actively reflecting the enemy performances from the Parisian district, mutually supporting each other; The 4th and 5th Army still come into contact with a strong opponent and should strive to discard him away to the southeast, which will facilitate the 6th Army transition through r. Moselle between Tul and Epinal. The closer task of the 6th Army remains - to be opposed to the place of the opponent in front of it, but as soon as it turns out to be possible, it is necessary to force the p. Moselle between Tul and Epina, Covered to the side of these fortresses. The 3rd Army will take the direction to Troua-Vanderevr, being ready or supported due to the 1st and 2nd Army in the Western Seine, or take part in the fighting of our left-east army in the southern or southeast direction. "

According to these general instructions, the German armies of the same directive received the following tasks:

  • 1st Army of CO. Case - to become a front to Paris between PP. UAZ and MARNA, left flank - West Shato-vitary.
  • The 2nd Army with the Icav, the case - to become a front to Paris between PP. Marne and Sena, providing overwhelming over river. Sena on the scabbard - Mary. The main forces of both armies should be in sufficient distance from Paris to preserve the freedom of maneuver in their actions.

On GIKAV The housing was pending the northern front of Paris between PP. Marne and lower hay and exploration between PP. Somma and lower hay to the sea coast. Far reconnaissance for Lille - Amien to the coast was carried out by the 1st Army Aviation. On icav. The housing has been observed for the southern front of Paris between PP. Marne and Sayna below Paris and intelligence in the directions on Kan, Alançon, Le Mans, Tour and Bourges.

  • The 3rd Army - to come on True and Vanderevr; The army is given 1 division from Ikav. Corps for intelligence on the line of the Nevers - le-creszo.
  • The 4th and 5th armies, in order to alleviate the 6th Army and the remaining parts of the 7th Army, entering the left bank of the river. Moselle, - to come to the south, and the 4th Army - the right flank on the Twister-les-Francois and Montensande, the 5th Army - the right flank on Reviny, Stanville, Morlu. In addition, the 5th Army to the left flank to ensure the specified offensive on the part of the Maasque fortifications in mastering Forts Troyon, Parosh and S.-Miel. The 5th Army remains giving an IVKA. The enclosure body before the front of the 4th and 5th armies on the Dijon line - Besancon - Belfort.
  • The 6th and 7th armies remained the previous task, i.e. to step up to the Sharmous passage for the breakthrough of the French Moselle Fortresses.

The essence of the directive directive was communicated by the commanding armies first on the radio on the night from 4 to 5 September and then confirmed in the morning of the 5th, and at about noon the 5th directive was completely sent with officers on cars and was obtained in the location late in the evening of the same day.

Thus, the German main command abandoned the idea of \u200b\u200breaching the left French flank, but at the same time it did not want to suspend the offensive of the entire front for the necessary rearrangements of his forces. Therefore, it turned out the splitness of the operational plan, which brought to the breakthrough of the enemy center, but not enough forces. This breakthrough having little chance of exercising by the 4th and 5th German armies due to the significance of the resistance of the enemy, based on the fortified district of Verden. Rather, the breakthrough could be able to at the site of the 3rd German army, but here a tactical success could not be paid to the strategic due to the lack of any reserves.

In the latter, it is impossible not to see the result of the erroneous opinion of the Moltke during the persecution of the Anglo-French to the river. Marne that the enemy at the end is upset and shake him is not much difficult. Mytke recognized it possible to start the transfer of the part of the forces to the Eastern Theater. To do this, first 6 buildings and 1 camps were first appointed. Division, but finally August 26 were allocated to send to East 1 building from the 2nd and 3rd army and KAV. Division from the 6th Army. Late events showed that these troops could have an important service in the battle on the river. MARNA. The main reason for the failure of the Germans was buried in the delay of the implementation of the newly adopted plan. The French have already captured the initiative of actions. From the position of the anvil, they were going to go to the position of the hammer.

In addition, as the prosecution develops after the border battle, the Center of the German strike was moved from the right flank to the general center of the German front. At the same time, there is a sharp drop in the saturation density by the gentlemen. By the end of the persecution period, the German right wing was significantly discharged: from 10,000 people per 1 km, which had a club and bulls at the beginning of the operation, only 3000-5000 remained. The distribution of the forces was becoming equal on the entire German front. At the front of the 4th and 5th German armies, the density was 4,000 per 1 km. At the same time, the density of the French armies increased.

During September 5, the army of both parties continued to move and had collisions by the inertia of the preceding operational impulses, and the German forces remained much more in the power of these impulses, since the last orders of the chief command were not perceived by them. The German troops on this day continued the persecution of the French, while the latter already knew about the breakfast of events and clearly realized the eve of the upcoming battle.