Battle on mattresses: spring vs springless. Spring or springless mattress: which is better? The best mattresses with an independent spring block

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You use a mattress every day, so it is very important to choose it correctly.

In the 18th century, spring mattresses replaced the classic wadded mattresses and down feather beds. This fashionable innovation quickly swept Europe, and to this day, box springs for beds do not give up their positions and are always popular.

Spring featherbeds can be roughly divided into two types: with dependent and independent springs. Let's consider them in more detail.

Mattresses with dependent springs

The spring block of such a berth includes about a hundred springs per 1 m². Each of the springs is elastic and stiff. They are interconnected, so if you press on the mattress in one place, it will bend over a larger area. It is believed that the dependent design is economy class and does not have good orthopedic properties.

The spring blocks themselves are referred to as "bonnel". Each element in such a structure is bonded to the neighboring one. Due to this connection, the supporting effect is reduced. That is, the product bends over the entire area of ​​the body, not taking into account its bends. If you study the reviews of Bonnel spring blocks, it becomes clear that buyers are attracted primarily by the relatively low cost of the product. The quality is called “acceptable”.

Pocket springs mattresses

Independent springs in a mattress - what are they, and why are they called pocket springs? First of all, let us note that the number of springs per 1 m² of the product is several times higher than in the “bonnel” block. And, most importantly, they are not bonded together. Each spring independently reacts to the load, that is, every bend of your body will be supported in such a feather bed. A quality product contains at least 1,000 springs per 1 m². And they are called pocket ones because each spring is located in its own case-pocket.

For your information! The mattress with pocket springs takes the shape of the sleeping person's body, does not transmit vibrations to the person lying next to him. So your other half can toss and turn in a dream as much as necessary, it will not bother you in any way.

According to reviews, the advantage of a mattress with independent springs is its noiselessness. In a quality product from 500 springs per 1 m².

Spring mattresses for children and adolescents

Let's make a reservation right away that, in principle, a spring mattress is not the best idea for a child's room. Any orthopedist will tell you about it. But not every family can afford an expensive specialty model. On sale you will find children's duvets with a small number of springs - only about 100 per 1 m². Such models cannot guarantee high-quality support for the child's back. If the choice has fallen on a children's spring mattress, choose a harder model, on a wooden or steel frame.

For a student or teenager, it is better to select a model with pocket springs and a density of 300-400 pieces per 1 m². A lower density is not suitable for a child.

Pros and cons of spring mattresses

In order to find the answer to the question of which mattress is better to buy, consider the advantages and disadvantages of spring products:

The cost of models with dependent springs is relatively low. Almost every family can afford such a sleeping place.Mattresses are highly responsive to instant stress. If your children jumped on the bed, it is possible that one of the springs will hit your side at night.
Mattresses with independent springs support the spine well.
The products are practically silent, which guarantees comfortable sleeping conditions.
High-quality products, selected taking into account the weight of a person, will last a long time.
Spring models are subject to repair. If you have a middle ground, there are craftsmen who, for a small fee, will restore the state of the sleeping place.
For your information! Spring mattresses do not only consist of springs and a cover. There is a filler between the metal block and the shell. The quality of the product largely depends on the filler. Better to choose coconut canvas or latex - these materials will guarantee you a pleasant feeling.

What are mattresses without a spring block

Orthopedists recommend using models without springs. They support the back due to a combination of different fillers and can have three degrees of rigidity. Let us analyze how sleeping places differ with the most popular fillers.


Latex mattresses have appeared in our everyday life relatively recently. Previously, latex was only used as a top coat in spring models. Now he has completely replaced the springs.What's Attractive About Latex? It belongs to the category of hypoallergenic materials, so latex mattresses are indicated for everyone who suffers from constant and seasonal allergies.

It does not emit any toxic substances and provides extraordinary comfort. But all these benefits only apply to high quality natural latex. Cheap counterparts stamped in China may be harmful rather than beneficial.

For your information! High quality latex material does not emit foreign odors. On this basis, it is easy to distinguish a fake.

The firmness of latex mattresses can be different, depending on the wishes of the buyer and manufacturing technology. In reviews of latex models, there are dissatisfied statements that a body imprint remains on the sleeping place, but not only such products suffer from this.

Residents of the southern regions will feel a significant lack of latex. Indeed, sleeping on latex in hot weather or simply in an apartment that is too warm is not very pleasant. Modern manufacturers have taken this fact into account, and now it is easy to find models with self-ventilation on sale. Another disadvantage of latex is its weight. These models are very heavy and difficult to move alone. All of these disadvantages are more than offset by the advantages of natural material. It relieves the accumulated tension from the muscles of the back, shoulders and hips, relieves pain in the spine and joints.

The durability of the product should also be noted. The quality guarantee is a decade and a half. All this time, the latex mattress will delight you with its comfort.

For your information! Latex mattresses do not transmit vibrations on double models.

Polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam products attract buyers with their price. Indeed, the cost of foam rubber models is low, and the quality of modern material fully meets the strict requirements of hygiene. These products, thanks to the manufacturing technology, contain 90% air. Why are there more expensive and cheaper polyurethane foam mattresses? It all depends on the structure of the product.

Food for Thought: Fierce opponents of PUF argue that this material can be harmful to health due to its petroleum hydrocarbon content. Indeed, when ignited, these substances release toxic compounds, but in the natural state, a high-quality material is stable and safe.

Which mattress is best for a child's room: spring mattress or polyurethane foam? Keep in mind that polyurethane foam is not the best material for a baby bed. It does not provide adequate support for the spine.

Foam products are very elastic and resilient, they can support heavy people without visible consequences. If people with different weights sleep on a double polyurethane foam mattress, this will not affect its condition in any way. Polyurethane foam retains its shape for a long time - this is another argument in its favor. It is lightweight and breathable. The disadvantage of this product is its ability to absorb moisture and odors.

Coconut fiber

The internet is replete with negative reviews of coconut filler. It is believed that the fibers of this fruit vaporize formaldehyde compounds and can lead to serious health problems, especially in children. Do not rush to believe everything that is written. In fact, the natural material does not emit any toxins.

But the latex glue that holds these fibers together can actually release formaldehyde. Responsible manufacturers are moving away from this filler formation method. They do not hold the fibers together with artificial latex, but press them and pierce them with special needles. Such fillers are completely safe, but, unfortunately, less durable.

Advice! You can be sure of the safety of the selected product by demanding a quality certificate from the seller.

Mattresses with coconut filling, coir, are recommended for people with spinal diseases. Dikul, a well-known healer in our country, advises using just such products. The service life of such a bed is up to 20 years.

Lice and bugs do not settle in coconut fiber, the material does not rot. The softness of the mattress depends on the thickness of the coconut layer.

Other types of fillers

For flooring on top of the springs, thick woolen felt or cotton wool is used. Sheep wool is valued for its special thermal insulation qualities. In addition to the listed natural materials, manufacturers use holofiber for filling feather beds - a soft polyester fiber material that is resistant to moisture and odors. In order to summarize all the positive qualities of different fillers, manufacturers of mattresses use multilayer products that include natural latex, coir and polyurethane foam.

Pros and cons of springless mattresses

Filled mattresses have some disadvantages and even more advantages. Consider them:

Products with a hard filling have good orthopedic properties.The price of quality springless mattresses is quite high, especially if combined layers are used.
Latex products are suitable for those who prefer a soft bed.Such products have a limitation on the weight of a person - up to 140 kilograms. Under greater load, they quickly deform.
Springless models are silent and do not transmit vibrations to a person sleeping next to them.
Such products can be transported by rolling.Some types of products have an impressive weight.
In featherbeds with synthetic filling insects do not start, they do not absorb odors.

If you really choose the type of filler - give preference to hypoallergenic natural materials.

Ease of use: which mattress is better - spring or springless

But if you think about which mattress is better and more comfortable - with or without springs, then it turns out that there is a direct connection in sensations from different types of berths and a person's age. For young people, it is better to choose rigid products that keep their shape well. Mattresses for people with back pain are selected according to the same principle. So models with pocket springs or coconut filler are more suitable for them.

Orthopedic properties: what to choose

Do not forget that the sleeping place must correspond to the height and weight of the person. It should be at least 20 cm higher than the height and be no more than 80 cm. But as for the orthopedic qualities, a lot depends on the preferences and state of health of the owner. Children need good orthopedic support - it can be models with pocket springs, coconut filling or high-quality mattresses with combined layers. Adults should prefer models with a large number of springs. In this regard, latex and polyurethane foam are inferior to other options.

Which mattress will last longer

The duration of the operation of the berth depends not only on the quality of the material. It is clear that cheap models made of materials that do not meet high quality standards will not last long. If the manufacturer saved on the number of springs or used a low-quality coil, the product will quickly fail. But the operating conditions are no less important.

If moisture periodically gets on the feather bed, the springs in it will quickly rust and collapse. On average, it is believed that a bed with a spring device should retain its characteristics for 10 years. Springless models can not be changed for 15 years.

Matching the mattress and the person's weight

How important is this factor? If a person's weight is within the average, that is, does not exceed 110 kg, he can choose any model, not paying much attention to the technical characteristics, but trusting only his own preferences. People weighing over 110 kg need to pay attention to springless products. They evenly distribute the load and support all body curves well.

Rating of manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses

The rating of the best products is made by the buyers themselves. Before purchasing a mattress, read user reviews. Stores respecting their customers do not hide negative feedback. And they can give you a complete picture of the quality and usability of the mattress. We have already noted that there is no definite answer to the question of which mattress is better - spring or springless. It all depends on your requirements, preferences and financial capabilities. But on the other hand, you can find the answer to the question of which company is better to buy a mattress. We analyzed the rating of products for you according to Yandex.Market data, and this is what happened:

5th place - "Comfort Line"

The "Comfort Line Roll Classic" company got into the rating of the best manufacturers for the high appraisal of the springless models. They are comfortable and have a long service life. The manufacturer uses different types of fillers. The only nuance that users note is the smell that is present in the first months after buying a mattress.

4th place - "Ormatek"

The domestic manufacturer Ormatek uses the most advanced technologies borrowed from developers in the USA and Europe. Factories "Ormatek" produce spring and springless products. Particular attention is paid to the possibility of air exchange and the hygiene of the mattresses.

3rd place - "Beautyson"

Combined products made of latex and pocket springs became the leaders of this manufacturer. The absence of toxic glue and the high quality of the material make Beautyson mattresses very popular in our market. There are many positive reviews about the products of this company from people with a lot of weight.

2nd place - "Ascona"

This brand is heard by almost everyone. Ascona offers a wide selection of not only spring beds, but also orthopedic pillows. Many users ask which mattresses are better - "Ascona" or "Ormatek"? Both of these manufacturers guarantee high quality products, but perhaps Ascona stands out for its special patented anti-deformation system, which keeps the bed in its original condition for a long time.

1st place - "Magniflex"

Magniflex won this rating in a difficult fight with Ascona, but it was this manufacturer that voted for the majority of Yandex Market visitors. The most comfortable mattresses are produced in Italy. They are distinguished by a special "memory" system - the surface of the berth fixes a position convenient for you. All mattresses have two working sides - for the cool and hot seasons, it is very convenient. The price for such models is rather big, but believe me, they are worth it.

Price table for the top rated models

So that you have an idea of ​​the cost of products from the listed manufacturers, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the prices for children's and double models:

PhotoModelManufacturerCost, rub.
Comfort Line Baby Eco-Hard TFK (children)Comfort Line4025

Comfort Line Baby Eco-Hard TFK (children)

Comfort Line Eco Slim TFKComfort Line7396

Comfort Line Eco Slim TFK

Magniflex MerinoMagniflex36500

Magniflex Merino

Magniflex Merino


The first spring mattresses appeared many decades ago. For a long time, they remained the most popular and most common mattresses, sharing a place in the sun with wadded models and with feather beds. Today, the classic spring models have lost ground. Spring or springless mattress - which is better? We will answer this question in the framework of this review.

In our article we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of spring and springless mattresses, talk about the stuffing of springless mattresses, discuss the orthopedic properties of various mattresses, and in conclusion, draw final conclusions.

Compare spring and springless mattresses

Spring mattresses are of two types - with conventional springs and with independent spring blocks. Therefore, we will consider three types of mattresses at once.

If we open a standard innerspring mattress, we find there are many interconnected metal springs. By squeezing one spring, we will notice how the rest will be pulled after it. If you sit on such a mattress, then a huge number of springs will be sold. When two people lie down or sit next to each other, the deflection of the mattress will begin to lean people towards each other. On some side this is very good, but at the same time this behavior of the mattress indicates a lack of orthopedic properties.
Let's point out all the advantages and disadvantages of spring mattresses.


  • Affordable cost - these are really inexpensive mattresses available to all segments of the population;
  • Resistance to loads - the spring mattress can be jumped on with a running start, children can play on it, it can survive a lot.


  • Creaks - over time, springs connected to each other will begin to creak like hell;
  • Lack of orthopedic properties - spring mattresses are harmful to human health;
  • Dust accumulation - the void inside the mattress works like a huge vacuum cleaner, sucking in dust and linen mites.

Thus, there is nothing useful in these mattresses. It is also generally accepted that they accumulate a huge amount of static electricity, which has a negative impact on human health. But the most important disadvantage of classic spring mattresses is the lack of orthopedic properties.

Mattresses with independent spring units

And what is generally meant by orthopedic properties? Here we are talking about the ability of the mattress surface to take the shape of the human body. In this case, adjacent sections must remain motionless. These properties are possessed by spring mattresses with independent spring blocks.... Their design is quite simple - inside there are many independent springs, dressed in a kind of covers made of soft fabric. The individual springs are not connected to each other here.

When choosing a mattress, remember that another name for blocks of independent springs is Pocket Spring.

What happens if you sit or lie on the mattress with independent spring blocks? Those blocks that are subjected to the pressure of the human body will immediately be squeezed out, while the adjacent blocks will remain practically in the same state. It is safe to say that mattresses with independent spring units have orthopedic properties.

Such mattresses take the shape of the body, support the spine well, and also create excellent conditions for a comfortable sleep. They are often made on a composite basis, with spring blocks located inside, and the upper and lower parts are covered with polyurethane foam and other padding. The result is a reliable and durable orthopedic mattress with independent spring blocks.

Let's now understand the advantages and disadvantages of mattresses with independent springs.


  • Availability of orthopedic properties - we can always count on back support and quality sleep;
  • No squeaks - the springs do not rub against each other, so the occurrence of squeaks is practically excluded.


  • Reduced reliability (compared to classic spring mattresses) - on such a mattress you will not jump and rage(we follow the children);
  • High cost - yes, the prices for mattresses with independent spring units are higher compared to classic mattresses.

Mattresses with independent springs are not without certain disadvantages. But they are practically absent from springless mattresses.

Springless mattresses

The category of springless mattresses includes a huge number of models made from a wide variety of padding materials. The most common of them are polyurethane foam, coconut fiber, natural or artificial latex, struttofiber.

Springless mattresses are completely devoid of springs, and body support is provided exclusively by padding... By the way, wadded and foam mattresses are also springless, but we do not take them into account, since they are unhealthy - their surface is too soft, and wadded mattresses tend to become bumpy and uncomfortable.

As for the springless mattresses with the above-mentioned padding, they boast excellent orthopedic properties. Some of their models are recommended for purchase by people suffering from spinal diseases. These mattresses are usually made from coconut coir soaked in natural latex. Their surface is quite hard, but elastic - ideal mattresses for a sore back... Similar mattresses are used for sleeping babies and children up to three years old.

Mattresses made of foamed natural latex have good qualities. This material adapts well to the shape of the human body, creating a comfortable environment for sleeping and resting. Artificial latex mattresses are stiffer, but equally comfortable. Composite mattresses, for example, made of latex and coconut fiber, are also in great demand.

Such mattresses can be of three types:

  • Coconut fiber on top, and latex inside (this is how high hardness mattresses are made);
  • Latex on top, and coconut coir inside - mattresses of medium hardness are obtained;
  • Latex on one side and coir on the other - you can adjust the firmness by turning it over (typical children's mattresses for different ages).

Many other springless orthopedic mattresses with combined padding are also produced approximately.

What can you say about the advantages and disadvantages of springless mattresses?


  • Long service life - there is practically nothing to break here, therefore such mattresses serve up to 15 years(the exception is coconut mattresses, which are not recommended to jump on - they do not like loads);
  • Complete noiselessness - there is simply nothing to creak;
  • Excellent orthopedic properties - no comments here.


  • Some packings cause allergies - hypoallergenic packings should be preferred;
  • High cost - this disadvantage is really typical for many springless mattresses. For example, coconut and latex mattresses are expensive.

Having analyzed the advantages and disadvantages, we can easily figure out which mattress is better to choose - spring or springless? Spring mattresses are suitable for people with low weight and an ideal spine. Only they can afford to lie on a soft bed and enjoy a pleasantly springy mattress. But still, it is better to take care of yourself and purchase a mattress with independent spring blocks.

And here for persons with a large weight, springless mattresses are recommended, since an overweight body will push the spring mattress, forcing a person to sleep in a fantastically uncomfortable position - aches in all muscles and a bad mood in the morning are guaranteed.

Springless mattresses with orthopedic properties will be useful for everyone, both adults and children. The main thing is to choose the right softness, focusing on your body weight - the less weight, the softer the mattress.

Do you have diseases of the spine or nervous system? Then you are advised to consult an orthopedist - he will help you choose the most suitable mattress. It is also useful to visit an orthopedist for healthy people who decide to purchase an orthopedic mattress for a more comfortable sleep (the whole point is that health is a relative thing).

Drawing conclusions

Our final conclusion is that when choosing a latex or spring mattress, you should give your preference to the first option. The thing is that springless mattresses have orthopedic properties and have a beneficial effect on the human body. As for the spring models, they are considered unsafe. Also, when choosing a mattress, pay attention to the brand, buy models only from trusted companies, for example

Spring and springless mattresses are single and double-sided - this unites them. And they differ only in one thing. If we take into account the accepted division of mattresses into very soft, soft, medium, hard and very hard, then the latter does not exist among spring mattresses.

From what? Due to the design. Both the types of mattresses themselves and the models inside each of them differ precisely in the structure of the sleeping block. How significant are these differences and what are they?

Springless mattresses

There are two types: monolithic - from one solid layer of filler, and composite - from several layers of materials of different properties. Moreover, among both those and others there are orthopedic options with zonal density fillers: this is when the padding layer has different rigidity in the area of ​​the head, shoulders, pelvis and legs.

And since there is no spring block in such mattresses, then when choosing it, you need to focus solely on the properties of the stuffing.

Soft mattresses. Here they are in the lead as fillers - they are the most pliable, elastic materials. In addition, latex is the record holder in terms of service life among natural materials: manufacturers claim that it retains its properties for up to fifteen years.

It is believed that on soft mattresses, only those whose weight is less than 90 kilograms and whose age is over 25 years old will sleep healthy and comfortable. Especially by the way, they will come in handy for people over fifty years old. And also for those who suffer from problems with the lower back, joints, blood vessels or like to sleep on their side. And pregnant women, of course.

Average. Monoblocks are made more often. Composites - from them with layers of natural fillers: soft latex and hard coir, sisal or others.

Composite springless mattress made of polyurethane foam and memorif

Medium firm springless mattress made of holcon monolithic block

Composite springless mattress: ergolatex and natural latex

Soft and almost incredible in its properties, it works effectively in tandem with memorif. For example, a two-layer Piacere mattress from TECHNOGEL SLEEPING, having an average firmness and height of 20 centimeters, withstands a load of 160 kilograms per bed and gives the sleeper complete relaxation, improving blood circulation in problem areas.

Moderately soft and moderately firm mattresses are comfortable and versatile: they are suitable for most people. In addition, many of them have an orthopedic or anatomical effect.

Hard. Their sandwich designs use more layers. The upper sides of the mattress are usually made of them. This guarantees a pleasant stiffness. Well, interlayers of soft material inside give it flexibility and elasticity.

Those who weigh more than 90 kilograms, such mattresses are especially needed, as they provide comfortable back support when the sleeper is heavy. They are also suitable for those who like to sleep on their stomachs and almost everyone who is not yet 25 years old.

Very tough. To create increased rigidity, the same coir is taken - a monolith or a multilayer without soft fillers with interlayers of protective material. Mattresses made of it perfectly hold a lot of weight, strengthen the Spartan spirit in the owners and serve them for a long time.

Layered coconut coir mattresses provide excellent back support

But they are not suitable for those who have problems with joints and blood circulation, as well as people over 50 - their spine needs a comfortable environment for rest, and the bed should be soft. So if you want a super hard mattress, it is better to consult an orthopedist before buying it.

Pluses of springless mattresses: pronounced orthopedic properties, long service life and low weight. In addition, many models are so flexible that they can be stored rolled up.

Cons of springless mattresses: most models have a small thickness - usually 15-20 centimeters. And it is believed that the higher the mattress, the more comfortable it is, the better in terms of anatomical qualities and the longer it lasts.

Spring mattresses

Such mattresses also come in different degrees of hardness and softness, depending on the fillers of the upper layers. But their middle part always consists of a block with dependent or independent springs. And this springy "filling" does not allow the mattresses to be particularly hard. And what is she herself?

Bonnel blocks. Essentially the technology of yesterday. They first appeared in the 19th century. These are large springs connected to each other in a mesh with a rigid edging around the perimeter.

Springs in the "Bonnel" block are connected to a common mesh

The friction of its metal parts against each other often causes a creak, and the dependence of each spring on the neighboring ones leads to the pressing of the surface - the effect of a hammock. After a couple of years, pits form in the mattress, it becomes uncomfortable. Even filler inserts do not save. So there is no question of any anatomical qualities.

However, in 1925, SIMMONS patented an independent spring unit (Pocket Spring): no squeak, no pits - a complete victory over the problems of its predecessor.

In it, all the springs are dressed in covers made of durable fabric: the parts do not touch and, when loaded on one spring, the neighboring ones are not pressed. Today there are several types of such blocks.

Standard independent blocks. They consist of six-coil springs with a diameter of 6 cm, in a mattress they are usually 220-300 pieces per square meter.

From below and from above, they are covered with one or more layers of filler: coir, latex, polyurethane foam or others - a classic inexpensive option.

Multipocket. By reducing the diameter of the springs, their density is increased to 1000 pieces per square meter. A mattress with such blocks is considered anatomical: by capturing and repeating the features of the body, it optimally distributes the load between its parts and reacts to the change in the sleeping position - making him sleep serene and comfortable. The cost of such mattresses is quite high.

Pay attention to the one and a half mattress of the Sonberry sensation series with a block of independent springs Multi Pocket 550, which is presented in the store.

Dual Spring... In this system, the external spring operates at a low mass pressure, and the internal spring if the load increases. A mattress made of such blocks allows people of different weights to sleep side by side equally comfortably. Judging by the reviews, the idea is really good, but the price spoils everything.

Smart Spring Blocks, developed by the Ormatek company, consist of springs of different elasticity. Noticing their colorful clothes in the photo or in store samples, you can immediately understand: these are orthopedic zone blocks. In the mattress, they are distributed according to the anatomical parameters of a person: in the pelvic area - the toughest springs, in the foot area - the softest.

Zone blocks of independent springs Smart Spring

In total, there are from three to fifteen zones with different loads. Sleeping on such a mattress is very comfortable: the body takes a natural position for it.

Advantages of spring mattresses: a serious service life - up to 10 years, an affordable price (not for all models, of course), an excellent level of comfort and anatomical effect. But none of this applies to the Bonnel block platform.

Cons of spring mattresses: there is an opinion that since they are hollow, dust accumulates inside, and where there is dust, there are dust mites. And getting inside moisture, too, as a rule, ends in failure: it evaporates for a long time - the springs begin to rust, and the fabric on the inside can become moldy.

Comparison according to the main selection criteria

Of course, without testing models from different manufacturers, choosing a mattress is risky. However, as well as to give estimates. And yet we need to summarize our battle of mattresses: compare the merits, demerits and score points.

Security. Both types of mattresses are beyond doubt. Springs in modern blocks, with the exception of Bonnel, are protected by a dense fabric - they are unlikely to be able to break through it. But even so, there is insulating material above and below and usually more than one layer of filler - nothing threatens the sleeper. Here the score is equally divided.

Hygiene, hypoallergenic. The variability of models with hygienically advanced fillers without allergens for springless people and their competitors is the same: they have the same materials. Therefore, the risks of earning an allergy are also equal. Moreover, many are mistaken, believing that artificial filler causes it more often - expert statistics say just the opposite.

A person spends about a third of his life in a dream, so it is very important to choose the right mattress. Only in this case a person will be able to fully rest, and in the morning he will be full of strength and vitality.

Modern ones are divided into two main types - spring and springless, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. We will consider their features and try to figure out which product is better to buy: spring or springless.

Spring loaded

Classic products appeared about 150 years ago and are still in demand due to the fact that their design is constantly being improved. They are divided into dependent and independent springs.


The classic addict "Bonnel" is the most common in the world. It consists of a five-turn steel wire in the shape of an hourglass, in the amount of 100-150 pieces per square meter, fastened to each other by spiral weaving and united by a common frame.


  • The main disadvantage of addicts is lack of orthopedic properties... When a person lies down, under his weight, not only those who are experiencing a load, but also those adjacent to it, are compressed. As a result, the product is not able to repeat the shape of the body.
  • If two people sleep on a mattress with dependent springs, then they roll to the middle. And as soon as a person moves, his movement according to the principle of a wave is transmitted throughout the product, creating "Hammock effect", which also does not contribute to a comfortable sleep.
  • Creak... With each movement of a sleeping person, fillers touch each other and creak, disrupting sleep.
  • Short service life... Dependents have a not too long period of operation, and after a few years the springs can "sink and dents".

Due to their characteristics, addicts are often used as an inexpensive option for summer cottages or for guests.


Each wire is placed in a separate fabric cover and works independently of the others, pressing one of them does not affect the rest in any way. They have a smaller diameter and, accordingly, a larger number per square meter. compared to addicted. In a quality product, each square meter must contain at least 250 independent springs. The more there are, the more pronounced the orthopedic effect you will feel.

Dignity independent springs:

  • Due to the fact that each wire works independently of the others, the mattress has high orthopedic characteristics, it easily adjusts to the contours of the sleeper's body. Thanks to this, the human spine retains its natural curves, blood circulation in the muscle tissues is not disturbed and the quality of sleep improves.
  • Independent springs are separated from each other by covers, so they do not rub against each other and do not creak.
  • Safe spring block design: Even if any of the springs breaks, the cover in which it is inserted will not allow it to penetrate the product and injure the sleeping person.
  • Life time higher on an independent spring block than on the classic Bonnel block.


  • Mattresses on independent springs: it is absolutely forbidden to jump on them or fall sharply on them.
  • Manufacturing is a long and complex process, so their the cost is much higher than on the dependent unit, but pays off with the quality and durability of the structure.

Springless mattresses

In them no spring block, and body support is carried out exclusively through fillers, which are used as: polyurethane foam, coconut fiber, natural or artificial latex, struttofiber.

  • Natural latex is a plant material. Differs in softness, elasticity and durability, it adapts well to the shape of the human body, creating comfortable conditions for sleep and rest.
  • Artificial latex is an inexpensive alternative to natural latex.
  • Very often latex layers are combined with coconut coir layers to provide the necessary elasticity and rigidity of the sleeping place. Coconut coir is a natural filler made from coconut fiber. Differs in rigidity and strength, evaporates moisture and "breathes" well. It is often used for the production of children's mattresses.
  • Polyurethane foam (PPU) has high elasticity and elasticity, repeats the anatomical contours of the human body and provides the spine with proper support.
  • Structofiber is a synthetic filler made of polyester fiber. The vertically oriented fibers act like springs.
  • Orthopedic foam with "memory effect" Memory foam is a modern artificial material of a new generation. The filler “remembers” the anatomical contours of the body when exposed to heat. The foam material guarantees an orthopedic effect.

The best solution would be to buy a springless one that combines several materials with different properties. The combination of fillers of different levels of rigidity will provide the necessary elasticity and orthopedic effect. A universal option will be a choice with sides of different rigidity.

Advantages of springless:

  • Long service life as there is no spring block to break.
  • The absence of springs guarantees noiselessness mattress.
  • Excellent orthopedic qualities.


  • A high quality springless mattress, especially made from natural latex, will cost expensive spring analogue with the same orthopedic properties.

We hope that our advice will help you decide which mattress is better to choose: spring or springless. First of all, you need to pay attention to the quality and convenience for you personally. The best criterion is on-site inspection prior to purchase. Moreover, all sellers provide an opportunity to lie down on them in order to evaluate its properties.