Blade & Soul. Assassin class in the game (guide). Best online games Bns guide blue endless invisibility

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Today we have a review of a class in the game Blade and Soul, which many opponents not only fear, but also hate.

This is a shadow master with a rather impressive arsenal, invisibility, many stuns and a huge DPS.

If you want to choose this character, then you need to learn how to play him and, in general, what he can do. A complete guide to the master of shadows will help you figure it all out.

The character is quite interesting and different versatility. Having learned how to manage it, you will begin to terrify all opponents.

From this article you will learn:

Detailed description of the shadow master

So, what does the ax master have in his arsenal? These are unique abilities that bleed enemies or poison them, and the strongest solo-target damage.

The character can be safely called an assassin, a silent killer. This class is perfect for you if you prefer dynamic, pinpoint, fast-paced battles.

The hero has huge DPS damage, fourteen skills, each of which can be pumped, however, the class is very dependent on ping.

With the master of shadows, you can get new combinations in battles and modify tactics. I must say right away that there is no one ideal strategy, there are only recommendations with which you can succeed.

With this character, efficiency depends directly on the player's skills. Let's take a closer look at the skills of the shadow master. There are a lot of them, so we read the following online review.

What skills does a shadow master have?

  1. Cleave - Replenishes Qi on attacks, deals damage, acts as lifesteal after pumping, and inflicts blood flow.
  2. Backstab - the skill can be used after infiza "stuns", knocks back targets and breaks through protection.
  3. Stab in the heart - able to enter into a state of invisibility, good damage.
  4. Mina - the skill of laying a mine. When it is activated again, very tangible damage is inflicted. After pumping, the skill can be converted to throw a mine or a light bomb.
  5. Leaf Whirl - Swaps the target and character in places.
  6. Shadow step - will help in rapprochement with a target located with its back to the master of shadows.
  7. Shadow Block – Performs a counterattack for 1.5 seconds. During this time, Qi is restored and invisibility appears.
  8. Poison Cloud - The skill applies stacks of poison, dealing spray damage. When pumping the second branch of this skill, you will be able to block the defensive skills of opponents in the future.
  9. Shade Cleave - also imposes a stack of poison, but in one amount, you can pump up to five hits.
  10. Invisibility - the skill removes the character from the states of capture, stun, capsize, and also blinds opponents.
  11. Mist Break - Reduces Chi consumption on a critical hit.
  12. Decapitation - greatly weakens the target, causing significant damage.
  13. Shuriken - useful for replenishing Qi, poisons enemies when pumping.
  14. Wind - restores Chi and is the main auto-attack.

How to play?

Although all of the above is impressive, it can be safely argued that invisibility and poison remain an adequate build here. Relative to everything else, it looks rather inefficient and unconvincing. I will give an affordable way to infinite invisibility for the master of shadows.

  1. Take three starting skills, they are quite enough for effective PVE.
  2. From the equipment, select the weapon of the main morph, in which you can activate the "spirit of awakening".
  3. Carry out the tactics of the battle in this way: protect yourself with an inviz and keep five stacks of poison on the enemy.
  4. The lack of Chi will be provided by the “spirit of awakening”.
  5. When the effect of the poison begins to be limited, use the "stab in the back." This is enough time to restore Chi and reset the timer.
  6. The more such combinations are carried out, the more chances of winning noticeably increase.

Stones for the shadow master

Four types of stones are suitable for this character, which I arranged as they increased.

  1. Amethyst is the most budget-friendly of the damage-adding options.
  2. Amethyst - will increase the chances of dodging.
  3. Ruby - with a small degree of probability gives chances for additional damage.
  4. Beryl is the perfect option for the Shadow Master, increasing the chance of critical strikes while dodging and granting immunity to debuffs for half a minute.

Advantages of shadow master

  1. Removes all controls with the main skill.
  2. Differs among other classes in the highest HP value.
  3. It has a good balance of both single and mass skills.
  4. Has a lot of control.

Of the minuses, I note that the character does not have a skill that gives ignoring biases.

In conclusion, I will mention the main weapon used by this class. These are bombs, poison, a dagger. When choosing them, consider the attacking plan, evaluate how much better it is than yours.

If you choose the right battle tactics, then the master of shadows will inflict accurate critical hits and dodge enemy attacks in time.

I hope my guide was useful to you, and now you can decide for yourself whether to choose a shadow master or not.

Together more interesting and exciting! Play and get the most out of it. See you soon!

Complexity: 5/5;
Race(s): Sheng;
Type of weapon: Dagger.

Overview per class

The Shadow Master (Assassin or Assassin) is a mobile class in the game that is capable of dealing massive amounts at close range. Despite this, it is very fragile, which, of course, greatly increases the complexity of managing it.

Syn is ideal for experienced players and in their hands will fully reveal its potential in both PvE and PvP. Still, he is more tuned for battles in the Arena, as he has a huge number of abilities for evasion, invisibility, and more.

Pros and Cons of Assassin


  • A huge number of evasion skills, rebounds and more;
  • Can remove all existing controls with one skill;
  • Has a huge amount of control skills.


  • The need for a high response;
  • The importance of having experience in PvP and PvE.

Sin skills in BNS

Among all the skills there is a huge number of skills for knocking over, weakening and resisting the enemy.

Resistance will allow you to be virtually invulnerable, which can make life difficult for your enemy.

PvE builds for dungeons


Dark blue is the most popular among players.

PvP Arena Builds


For battles in the Arena, a lightning build is used, it is considered the most effective for all classes.

PvP combo attacks

The Assassin is the strongest class in PvP, but it takes a lot of practice to master. Its distinguishing features are the presence of invisibility, which in competent hands will allow you to easily defeat many opponents.

We suggest you stop at the most basic and dangerous combos that will allow you to get to know the class better and master it.


For a solo game, this class is more than good. However, it should be borne in mind that only experienced users who know the class inside and out will be able to enjoy a single player game to the fullest.

An important distinguishing feature is the presence of invis (invisibility). In order to use it correctly, you need to learn the skills correctly:

Should you play Assassin in Blade and Soul?

The Shadow Master in Blade and Soul is only suitable for experienced players who have already dealt with similar classes in other games. It will take an impressive amount of time to get used to the speed of the Shin's movements and the reaction and knowledge required for the game.

In exchange for the complexity and time, Shadow Master will give you a beautiful and dynamic game. His skills will be essential in the party to complete any dungeon.

Assassin in Blade & Soul is a class that everyone hates, the reason for this is invisibility, huge damage per second. The assassin's arsenal also includes poisons, throwing weapons, traps and many other surprises for the enemy. As a weapon, the assassin traditionally uses daggers.


First, let's take a look at the builds. The developers claim that there are only three builds for the assassin that can be successfully used. This is blatant nonsense! According to all these developers, the killer in Aion needs to focus on evasion, and not on attack or crit. So, we do not get tired of repeating that the build in Blade & Soul is a unique and individual thing. Do not listen to anyone, try to create something of your own, combine different skills and talents. Analyze your opponents, because usually players imitate someone and create characters similar in their skills to one successful player. Look at how these or those classes work and try to figure out how to counter them.

We can tell beginners one of the ways to develop an assassin in the game Blade & Soul. This does not mean that you need to download it that way, we just give food for thought. So, first of all, you need to pump the assassin inviz - this is understandable, because the character's survival depends on it, for a start we advise you to pump this skill up to 2. Next, you should study the shuriken branch at least to the poisoned one. It’s good to study three branches of mines, they are needed to control the enemy, air combination of blows and do good damage to the enemy at a distance. Next, pay attention to those blows that will stun the enemy, for example, a stab in the back. Poison cloud works well against mages. In short, it all depends on how you play, on your style. Feel free to experiment.


The first step is to choose a weapon. The choice, of course, should fall on daggers. The right dagger has a lot of attack and the more the better. You should also pay attention to the number of slots for stones. There should also be more of them, the more there are, the more stones you can insert, and, therefore, add an attack to the weapon or some other useful properties. The jewelry should also have attack, critical damage and crit. They are not the same, crit increases the chance of a critical hit, and critical damage increases the damage of a critical attack. It would also be nice if the jewelry had such an indicator as additional damage.

Now it’s worth figuring out which stones to insert the assassin into weapons and clothes. For an assassin in the game Blade & Soul, only four types of stones are suitable. Let's arrange them in descending order.

Beryl is the best option for an assassin. But also the most expensive. This gem increases the chance of landing a critical hit while dodging. And gives immunity to negative effects for 30 seconds.

Ruby - Has a small chance to stun the target and deal additional damage. Pretty good stone and reasonable price.

Diamond - does not give any damage, just increases the chance of dodging.

Amethyst - This stone does not provide any additional effects other than damage. The cheapest stone for an assassin. So to say, a budget option.

This Blade & Soul class is very interesting and in the right hands can cause a lot of trouble to enemies. Try, experiment. In conclusion, I would like to give one more piece of advice, in PVP, focus on attack and critical hit. In PvE, you should focus on NP and attack. Good luck!

Shadow Master (Assassin) This is a unique class in the game for fans of passing in stealth mode with exciting gameplay in PvP and PvE battles.

Shadow Master in Blade and Soul detailed class guide

Consider the main advantages of this character. In general, he is a silent killer, an assassin, considered an ideal class for those who love accurate fast fights. The hero has the skill of invisibility, colossal DPS damage, and an incredible arsenal of weapons, which included a dagger, poison, small bombs, shurikens.

The described class belongs to the Shen race, and the Shadow Master itself is interesting for PvP, it is extremely difficult to deal with him in solo PvE. Exactly like other assassins, the character is focused on inflicting lightning damage in the back, although he is not ready to stand face to face with the enemy for a long time, even taking into account the presence of control skills.

How to counter enemies while controlling Shadow Master?

I would like to talk about the most popular skill builds focused on bosses, but such an assembly will not justify itself for the mass extermination of mobs. When all skills are localized for Russia, there is no information, so it’s easier to navigate by pictures. Ghost Slash rationally upgrade to the third level in order to get enough damage, a small rollback and, as a bonus, the imposition of poison on the enemy.

Useful skill for Shadow Master in blade and soul naturally, Prick in the heart, is worked out with the right mouse button, it is also worth using instant use from invis.

Of course, it is important to pump shuriken up to level 2, explore smoke screen, she is able to hide from ranged attacks, and also restores 10% of life over 10 seconds. Naturally, you will need a skill that will help to impose a poison effect on an opponent. Shouldn't be ignored ghost dance, which allows you to quickly close the distance with the opponent and deal damage. Backstab is also useful, it stuns the enemy and restores rage.

Shadowmaster Equipment Blade and Soul

Studying the features of the equipment for the Assassin, it should be noted that a dagger must be present, and the more damage it has, the better.

Naturally, it is worth focusing on the number of slots in weapons. A sufficient number of holes helps to use a lot of stones that bring bonuses. Due to the fact that the assassin is a class that does not directly interact with the enemy, and usually hits in the back, it makes absolutely no sense to focus on defense. It is better to work out the force of impact, crit and even the chance of a crit, that is, jewelry should receive certain indicators. Alternatively, it is available to take additional damage.

Using a set of stones for the Master of Shadows

4 types of stones are suitable for the shadow master, among them:

  • beryl, ideal for the class, but really expensive. Such a stone increases the chances of landing a critical hit during evasion, provides immunity to negative attacks for half a minute;
  • the ruby ​​increases the stun and deals additional damage;
  • diamond helps to dodge faster;
  • Amethyst is a stone that adds damage.

Considering our guide on Shadow-Sin Master, it will be clear that the character has 14 skills that are available to actively pump, periodically changing battle tactics and getting new combinations.

!Important! You should immediately focus on the fact that there is simply no single correct strategy, there are only recommendations that allow you to achieve success, since efficiency depends on the skills of the game.

Always adhere to certain battle tactics, the main thing is to monitor how the level of rage is filled. First, it’s enough to fly into the boss using Ghostly Dance, but this is not necessary, since the opponent has not a small CD, so even Poison breath. Then Prick of the heart introduces the hero into invisibility, you need to spam RMB while there is rage, it is usually enough for 4 hits, suddenly you didn’t take the otzher.

There are situations when the Rage Set is applied repeatedly, it is the Poison Shuriken that makes it possible to renew the supply. As soon as the stamina ends, you should exit the invisibility due to the left mouse button, thus, 3 units of rage will appear. Then, in between attacks, you need to throw shurikens, after a few seconds you will find yourself invisible and use Stab in the Heart.

Video guide Shadow Master Blade and Soul

Today we bring to your attention a large and detailed description of the game class of the game Blade and Soul - Shadow Master. He is known as the Assassin, and in gaming slang, simply syn.

This class is considered the most potential in the game, but unloved. The straightness of the hands makes this class the most powerful opponent for both mobs and other classes, especially magical ones.

Master of Shadow in the vastness of Blade and Soul swings very simply. But, as with all classes, there are small difficulties. If you collect several mobs on yourself, then the Shadow Master will have a hard time. And one by one, the Assassin deals with them rather quickly and without much effort. Although after reaching lvl 28 you will have access to an aoe skill, which greatly facilitates mass battles and decides the outcome of the battle.

Very lucky those players who play as the Shadow Master for the reason that he has an infinite invisibility (invisibility). That is, you can attack and hit from invis at the same time be in it more or less constantly. In many games, such classes, while in invisibility, and attacking, automatically exit it. They try to do this after they light up. In Blade and Soul, the Shadow Master was given the cheat ability to deal damage without leaving the shadows. Pressing one button is not enough. A lot depends on straightness.

If you are already a top player, then for your Shadow Master character, a ping of more than 30 units is not acceptable. This causes extremely unpleasant difficulties in the game, but even with a large ping you can achieve good success, since the results of your achievements depend not only on ping.

Many argue that playing as a shadow master is very boring. You can argue with them. Most of the inhabitants of the virtual world simply hate the Shadow Master for his invisibility and a large number of skills that will become an enemy.

In battle, the master of the shadow blade and soul pvp guide can easily use daggers against an opponent, release blood, send poison or bombs, since he has a decent combat arsenal. It is very important to keep an eye on the rage indicator in battle. For many players, the Shadow Master is the most hated class because of the ability to backstab.

In total, the skill tree has fourteen skills that are pumped and thereby change the method of combat, developing new combo techniques. There is no single tactics and strategy for the Master of the Shadow.

Your success depends on practice in the game. For fans of the game blade and soul, the master of the shadow pve guide says that he is not only an excellent player in group battles, but single mobs do not present any difficulty for him.

We bring to your attention to watch a video review of the guide to the Shadow Master game class in Blade and Soul: