Thanks for your time. Short accompanying letter, letter to resume without experience, for a lawyer, manager, accountant and bank

We did not decide for a long time to take up this topic - we do not have to write recruiter after the interview. In the West, this common practice and, it seems to us quite not in vain. Follow-up letters are a good opportunity to once again show yourself and thank the recruitment for the time spent. And a good word and a cat nice :)

3 Reasons Write to Recruiter:

  1. The letter will recall you again. If HR talked with a dozen candidates, and the letter came only from you, it will become an extra point in your favor.
  2. It is a chance to get rid of inexpensive, joke or say about what you forgot about.
  3. Politeness is nice. It is easy to thank the person for a pleasant conversation, for a chance. Or maybe you want to get a reverse reaction - which was not the case, why and on what to work.

Keep several templates to start where to start.

// Template # 1.

Good day / evening, [Name],

it was nice to talk with you today, despite my excitement. Thank you for your time, answers to questions and attentiveness.

If you have any questions left for me - I will answer them with pleasure!

I attach to the letter [Portfolio], which you asked to send.

Thank again for the possibility of [visit the company's office and get acquainted with the staff, learn more about the values \u200b\u200bof the team].

Yours faithfully,


+ Contacts

// Template # 2:

Good day / evening, [Name]!

Thank you for the opportunity to discuss the possibilities of working in the company [title] on the position [title].

I hope my skills, professional experience and personal qualities will help me become part of the team and show yourself.

Thank you for the time to give me time - it was nice to look into the office of the company and get acquainted closer with her work.

If you have any questions, I am always in touch and will be ready to answer them.

Yours faithfully,


+ Contacts

// Template # 3:

Good day / evening, [Name],

Thanks for the interview and the opportunity to look at the company's work [title].

After all that I saw even more wanted to become part of the team. I had one question regarding [subject + question].

I will wait for an answer!

Yours faithfully,


+ Contacts

What errors when writing a letter you can allow:

- Excessive politeness

Try to restrict ourselves to a couple of words of gratitude and no more. There is a danger to impress the podhalima.

- flattery

You sincerely write about what you liked on the interview or what company values \u200b\u200bare close to you. Be honest, lie and exaggerate is not worth it.

- Excessive emotionality

A number of exclamation marks, emoticons with hearts, enthusiastic ODDs about the company - Stop.

- A pity

In no case do not give a man on the other side of the screen - it is not necessary to say that this is your last chance or you lack money.

- Confidence that you will take

Confidence and self-confidence - different things. Give the recruitment time to think, do not need to put pressure and appoint the next meeting.

This article discusses a letter to a resume, in other words about the accompanying letter. I will tell you more detailed what the accompanying letter is what it should be! I will point out the general errors of many applicants. By the way, I did the same mistakes once. :-) So far I have not entered the topic, it happened certainly not immediately. Probably, that is why many companies did not even come back to me, although the resume was immediately beautiful and good, intelligent, but still.

To date, almost everything, when sending, in a letter to the summary write some kind of mine. It is not right. What does it look like? For example, you want to send a resume by the employer. In the "To" field, write an email address, in the "Theme" field, write a resume or something like that, then attach the summary and write "Hello," in the message. It looks like this:


Sincerely, Pyri-Valley

So this is not correct. Because such a letter is not respect for the personnel manager. Your resume, along with your hopes, goes into the garbage basket.

It should be

In the body of the letter, when sending a summary there must be a cover text. Options for writing such a text there are many (it can later write options when it is not too lazy or at the request). You can write so to speak the cover letter both in the official style and in the friendly-conversational.)) Even so! The main thing is not to overdo it and comply with certain rules.

Terms of the accompanying letter (important moments):

Specify the title of the vacancy that you are applying for. Why is this done? Everything is very simple. When the personnel manager receives your resume. He does not have to think, guessing the coffee grounds for which vacancy has come your resume or you would like to get it.

Send a summary with a serious address. You must show that you are an adult, an adequate person looking for a job. It is stupid to send from the address type " [Email Protected]», « [Email Protected]" Agree it is very stupid. Get the mailbox to find a job, for example "[email protected]" or even better or (good, dear postal services). The ideal version of the mailbox, as I wrote above, but most likely he is busy, it means something like that:

at worst, it will roll this option:

When accessing the employer, in the letter must specify the name of the manager. So it will be brighter, it seems to be with respect to a person who sends its resume.)) When I was looking for a job, I noticed that almost all vacancies the manager indicates his name. (Cheto very memorized name Olga). Ahhhh ... Yes ... Another trick if the contact person is not specified in the vacancy, you need to call the company and ask how the name of the mysterious personnel manager is. No one will do that, I know from experience, but I offered you this option, it works!

You need to show that you are interested in the company. Read on their website than they do, read about the company that it is generally for the company and what it does or produces. Maybe you do not need to go there, I spend in vain time. Show interest in the employer. If you are unemployed, then you have a lot of time.

It is also not worth writing a Bedian type - "Well, take me please", "Take me," stupidly "Hello." Well, it is beautifully necessary to finish such a letter. I usually finish always "Thank you for your attention!", "Thank you for your given time." Well, leave at the end of the phone number or email address, for emergency communication.

Let's sum up (example):

All my accompanying letters consist of paragraphs. The first paragraph, it is always a brief, usually two or three sentences, that is, write to which position you want, write as you learned about it and so on. You must interest the employer in reading your resume.

Dear Mr (FF or Name)!

As an experienced specialist in (a particular area), currently completing (such such a school), I want to request information about possible vacancies in your company. I am interested in work, (write here also well). In an accompanying summary, it is indicated that I have extensive work experience and is always glad to show yourself new opportunities.

Next, a couple of paragraphs. In them, you already specifically describe your qualifications for a job on which you are trying to get. If you do not know what to write choose information from the summary, and describe it detailed. In general, the employer is interested.

For me, practical experience in combination with academic knowledge gained. I am proud of the fact that we independently pay for your education, working as specialty. The received professional experience helped better explore the area of \u200b\u200bmy specialization, well, well in such a spirit.

Time goes by very quickly. It is easy to think that tomorrow will be easier to make certain things that will improve our lives. So, we present that in the future we will have more money, relationships will become more harmonious and strong, and we will have enough time to stay and enjoy the moment. However, if we simply expect similar events, without taking anything today, then nothing will come out of this. We suggest you to learn about what you should start to give time now. In the future you will see how these things will make your life more interesting, happier and more successful.

Better care about yourself

Start with trifles. Go to the hairdresser a little earlier than you really need to make a new haircut. Do not stay late in front of the TV to spend more time to sleep. Start eating more vegetables, drink more water and eat every day at least one fruit for breakfast. Enter new habits should be gradually, then it will not seem difficult to you.

Pay time to your hobbies and hobbies.

Do what you love. And you can even just view the website regarding the topic you are interested in. During a lunch break or on the way from work, you can go to a specialized store and look at yourself, for example, good sneakers, if you plan to run.

Initiate long sincere conversations with your loved ones.

Instead of expecting a suitable moment, start talking to souls with your loved one. Even if at this time you just sit and drink tea in the kitchen. Do not wait for a person close to you myself initiate a conversation.

Listen to others carefully and without condemnation

This requires not so much time as focusing. So, the next time you want to condemn your interlocutor or express your opinion to him, hold on and just listen carefully.

Read Great Books

It may seem that you will have to pay less time to see the latest gossip in the women's magazine or on the site. But you will be surprised how easy you can say goodbye to this pastime in favor of reading classical literature. Start with one book. And soon you will not be able to stop.

Write something from hand

Instead of sending an electronic message to a colleague, a boss, a child or friend, write it manually. It does not take much time, but take pleasure both to you and the addressee.


Thoughts do not leave a person while driving, walking, doing homework, etc. However, the increase in voice in the process of singing will help to relax, freeing from foreign pondays. This occupation will bring you joy and charges energy.

Train somewhere on the train

If you get every day to work on a subway or train, then skip this item. If not, then keep in mind that a small train on the train is able to render a relaxing and soothing effect that it is necessary for a modern person. For more fun to spend time, take a partner, friend or children with me.


Stay and arrange holiday! The reason for this may be not only a birthday or new year. Find a reason to buy balloons and cake and invite several friends.

Just sit and listen to music

Do not use music as a background to some lesson. Just sit comfortably and turn on your favorite compositions. You can also try the music you have not been interested before, it is possible that you will discover new horizons.

Hold your health time

For some unknown reason, we often find out too busy in order to pay attention to this important point. However, you should not postpone care for your own health for later.


Hold the time to this beautiful feeling. Often we perceive people next to us as due. Think about it and show them that you love them.

Communicate with animals

Get yourself a pet. If you can't do this, then visit the zoo, shelter for animals or a friend who has domestic loves. Communication with the brothers by our smaller gives the feeling of calm, which is impossible to get somewhere else.


No need to paint the walls in the room or become a new Picasso. Just buy in the shop tastes and paints and try to portray something on canvas. Drawing helps to relax and have a great time.

Write down video

Take advantage of the phone, computer or camera to make a video in which you will argue about your life. Years later, you will be glad that they did it.


Spend time to move. And it is not necessary to start fully training. Just turn on the music and move with your hands, legs, head.

Write a list of your life goals

If you have not moved to paper what you would like to do in life, do not postpone it. The items from the written list are much easier.

Breathe deeply

Every day you give this lesson a little time. It is enough to make just a few deep breaths. This will make it possible to fill the lungs with oxygen and relax.

Every day, stop in front of the mirror for three seconds, look into your eyes and say: "I love you." It will give you energy.

Spend part of time without gadgets and other electronics

At least one hour each day should be done without a telephone, television, computer and other techniques. This will allow you to clean your mind and give him rest.

Come on nature

All the great creative people talk about how it is very important for them to be in nature every day even for a short period of time. Therefore, no matter what the weather outside the window leaves regularly on fresh air and enjoy the beauty of the surrounding world.

We have not decided to take a long time to take up this topic - we somehow have not taken particularly to write HR "After you have come down on an interview. In the West, this common practice and, as it seems, not just like that.

It's like a zone of the clutch when you need to hide and wait for the verdict. But in fact it is a good opportunity and sometimes even +1 chance to show yourself. It seems to us that the tradition of the Follow-Up writing is really good because Human. And the beading recruiting is not viable at all, so that we are for the people to speak each other "Thank you." Even if it is one-sided gratitude. Here are our arguments "For":

First, the letter allows you to recall yourself again. If HR talked to a dozen candidates, and the letter came from you, then it's just an additional "bell". Believe me, all 10 will definitely not write!

Secondly, it is a chance to get rid of inexpensive, joke or just say about what you have forgotten or failed.

Thirdly, it's just politely - thank the person for a pleasant conversation, for the chance. Or maybe you were really nice to communicate and you want to get a reverse reaction - which was not the case, why and on what to work. Then, of course, it is worth it to give time and send it in a few days.

// Here are templates. Let's start with # 1.
Good day / evening, [Name],

It was very nice to talk with you today, despite my excitement. I want to thank you in the time you paid me, for answers to questions and attentiveness.
If you still have any questions to me - I will answer them with pleasure!
I attach to the letter [Portfolio], which you asked to send.
Thank you again for the possibility of [visit the company's office and get acquainted with the staff, learn more about the values \u200b\u200bof the team].

Yours faithfully,
+ Contacts

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And template # 2:
Good day / evening, [Name]!

I want to thank you for the opportunity to discuss the specifics of the company [title] on the position [title].
I sincerely believe that my skills, professional experience and personal qualities will help me become part of the team and express yourself.
In any case, thank you for paying time to me - it was nice to look into the office of the company and get to knowing it closer with her work.
If you have any other questions, I am always in touch and I will be ready to answer them.

Yours faithfully,
+ Contacts

And still template # 3:
Good day / evening, [Name],

I have a hurry thank you for the interview and the opportunity to look at the company's work [title].
In addition, after all that seemed even more wanted to become part of the company.
Thank you for your attentive time, your time and conversation. I will be glad (a) hear you again.
I had one question regarding [subject + question].
I will wait for an answer!

Yours faithfully,
+ Contacts

// What errors when writing a letter you can allow:

- Excessive politeness / try to limit at least two thanks (thanks) and no more, but it will look silly /

Flattery / do not bring to madness, do not pick up the company and HR "A, it is inappropriate /

Excessive emotionality / It is not worth talking about how much you want to work there and right in one place now Shilo now - they said that they are generally inspired by this idea and enough (it should be honest, and after six months it will get bored :)) /

The desire to say everything that did not have time (a) / this is not always a good idea, since the essence of such a letter is gratitude, but if you really want to designate something important or send something that you have discussed at the interview - Forward /

Pity / in no case do not put on a person on the other side of the screen - it is not necessary to say that this is your last chance or that you just break in the lepier for the sake of work, it is better to be more modest to /

Confidence that you will be taken / "Very wait for the continuation" - everyone understands that you do not just hang out, but you want to be offered a position, but if this does not happen - you still have to be grateful for the time, the ability to practice the skills of passing the interview and etc/