Blocks Door PVC Specifications. GOST on plastic doors - requirements for standards and execution. Dimensions and limit deviations

Today, in the construction products market, PVC doors (from polyvinyl chloride) - exterior, interior and balcony, confidently secured their positions. The production of synthetic materials is presented with durable and resistant to wear of the door, the more their cost is pleasantly surprised against the background of other analogues.

PVC doors are increasingly chosen to fill the door interroom openings in public, industrial and residential premises, such as outdoor, plastic products are somewhat less common.

All enterprises specializing in production and installation of plastic doors are based on their work at a certain GOST 30970 "blocks of door from polyvinyl chloride profiles." It was designed in 2002 as a state standard of the Russian Federation. This GOST regulates the manufacture of doors and door blocks from polyvinyl chloride profiles.

The current GOST 30970 is subordinate to today, the production of DPV and DPN-doors for buildings and premises of various purposes is subject to. It is important to consider that the balcony blocks, as well as blocks with increased operational requirements, can not be made by relying on this GOST.

Thus, plastic doors from PVC profiles are used in sanitary facilities, laboratories, catering enterprises, educational and medical organizations. No less often they are used to fill out the openings of interior partitions of offices and residential premises (for the bathroom and toilet).

Positive features of plastic doors

The PVC doors believe that these products are natural and safe, since only high-quality substances are used in their manufacture. This is especially important for those who plan to install a plastic door in the children's room.

It is worth noting that the PVC product frame is much easier than one-piece designs. And all because under the fine polyvinyl chloride film it is arranged dense flooring of MDF, which sets the form of the structure to give the effect of elasticity and reduce the main load on the doorway.

One of the most attractive properties of plastic products is not only a simplicity of the design, but also a high degree of sound insulation. The canvases and design are generally poorly missed heat and they are moisture-resistant, which leads to stability with respect to high temperatures, and therefore the product is not deformed - does not reduce their dimensions and does not sneeze.

Ease of operation consists in the possibility of frequent processing of the door block with detergent. A wide range of color gamut and the possibility of applying a pattern of a pattern, make the appearance of the product even more attractive.

What are plastic doors?

According to the regulations of GOST 30970-2002, the doors made of polyvinyl chloride profiles are classified according to several main features, namely: appointment, velvet aggregate, constructive solution, finishing types.

Important to remember! Balcony doors and doors in places of increased ignition are not regulated in accordance with GOST 30970-2002, and cannot be classified.

Classification by appointment

By type of destination, plastic blocks are divided into:

  1. Outdoor blocks acting as entrance doors in buildings and structures (especially moisture resistant) and tambourines.
  2. Internal door items that are designed to fill interior openings, for the premises of the bathrooms and other entrance doors used to operate inside the building.

Classification of the type of furniller of the door leaf

Based on the type of aggregate, the blocks can be glazed with a patterned, hardened, multilayer, reinforced, and other glazing inside the canvas, and deaf, which are characterized by a continuous filling of the canvas without the use of transparent materials.

Light door canvases are called in the case of glass and opaque filler. Decorative plastic products are distinguished by the presence of complex architectural patterns on the surface of the product.

Classification of design type

According to a constructive solution, plastic doors are divided into single-section and double, respectively, they can be with the opening of the sash to the right and left, or with different width of the canvas.

The presence or absence of a threshold and fraumug also refers to a sign of a constructive solution.

Classification of finishing

Based on the criterion for the separation of PVC doors by type of finishing, the blocks are:

  • white;
  • colored;
  • laminated (decorative facing film);
  • with paint and varnish coating.

Constructive features

Production and operation of plastic door products is carried out completely according to GOST 30970-2002. The block of the block acts as a frame design, cooked from PVC profiles, which are amplified by steel liners.

For a stronger connection of each profile of the box, the best option is welding. The threshold may, both absent and be in the form of a metal lining.

The current GOST extends to the external and internal doors with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 6 square meters, while the area of \u200b\u200beach canvas, separately opening, should not exceed 2.5 square meters.

A prerequisite for the production of construction is equipped with its functional openings that are serving for drying cavities between the canvas and other elements. Without them, if necessary, to make a removal of water from the design will be extremely difficult. Thus, plastic doors moisture resistant and ventilated.

The most important thing! The facade surface of the web and the product box should be covered with a protective self-adhesive film.

Accessories details

The prepared product includes: profiles, double-glazed, gaskets for sealing, doors.

PVC profiles are made of rigid polyvinyl chloride, resistant to weathering, they are durable, moisture resistant and geometrically unchanged. Double-glazed windows must be mounted from durable and anticider glass that meets all requirements. Sealing gaskets pass throughout the perimeter of the box and firmly adjacent to the prevention of drafts and distortions of the structure.

The elegant and aesthetic look of the doors is able to give a wide selection of fittings. Like the balcony doors, similar loops and shut-off mechanisms are installed on the products according to this standard.


The popularity of plastic products is explained by the availability of prices in combination with the compliance of all necessary requirements according to GOST 30970-2002. Cheap PVC material provides the ability to create a high-quality, reliable and attractive product. This is the perfect combination of price and quality.

03.09.2016 18343

Everyone knows that the theater begins with hangers. It is impossible to argue with the classic, but the first thing that the human look is stumbled upon. Their appearance, strength and quality is best characterized as the room in which you are going to enter and the host itself. In this article, we will talk about what types of products exist what GOST metal-plastic doors are and for what it is created

Reference: GOST is the category of adopted standards, which are presented as regulatory non-law.Become mandatory after registration in the Ministry of Justice. This is an important prescription designed to increase the level of security of citizens and interact with the maximum efficiency of various industries. And, it means, under standard metal plastic doors, the manufacturer can easily find the necessary fittings.

What are the numbers and letters in GOST

Production of products from GOST 30970 2002. Doors made according to the requirements of this GOST are made in compliance with all technical requirements. The marking indicates letters and numbers whose value is important information outlined below.

The combination of DPV means what kind of product is presented: the letter "B" indicates that the block is internal, and the letter "H" (DPN) indicates external metal-plastic doors.

  1. C - the unit is used to equip plumbing rooms.
  2. T - in Tambura, corridors.
  3. M - between rooms.

The following characters indicate how the canvas is filled.

  1. Letter O.
  2. Plastic Deaf Door - G.
  3. Decorative canvas, or clarified - S.

What you see in front of me are clear from these characters.

  1. P - product with threshold.
  2. B - Design without a threshold.
  3. F - indicates.
  4. K - means that the box is closed.

What direction when opening has a one-board door, it will become understandable when reading the labeling "L" or "Pr". And if the product is double, then there you will see the letters "DV". And millimeters will be denoted by subsequent numbers. The labeling of PVC windows on GOST will also occur.

For the convenience of perception, all this is placed in the framework of a particular classification.

  1. Purpose of door blocks.
  2. Designs and solutions.
  3. Type of filling.
  4. Execution of profile systems.
  5. Type of finish.

The last 2 points provide for the number of cameras in the profile block of the block and the painting or lamination of the film.

PVC, metalplastic, plastic - What is the difference?

We are talking about the same product. Full name (made of polyvinyl chloride) Door blocks. Therefore, GOST metal-plastic doors, GOST plastic doors and GOST polyvinyl chloride doors are expressed by a single adopted position.

Special technical and operational characteristics and requirements

Window blocks must perform the main functions that are expressed by the following characteristics of operation:

  • the strength group from the most durable "A" to weak "B";
  • the durability of the profile is 40 years old, double-glazing 20, and the seal 10 years;
  • low heat transfer with an indicator from 0.8 to 1.2 m²SHS / W;
  • sound isolation should not fall below 26 dBA;
  • air permeability should not exceed 3.5 m³ (CHM²);

GOST on the PVC doors also withstands the main technical requirements:

  • the profile must be connected firmly and hermetically;
  • products are made with mandatory observance and in accordance with the technological documentation;
  • in order to lead moisture from the outdoor side of the blocks, special holes should be placed;
  • in order for the color profile not overheated, holes are also overwear through the outdoor side;
  • all components of the parts, of which the blocks are collected, must be manufactured by GOST installed for them;
  • weight of canvas not exceeding 6m² with an area of \u200b\u200belements that open 2.5m² cannot exceed 80 kg;
  • the use of blocks should be safe, which is necessarily reflected in the project documentation and is confirmed by the presence of an appropriate certificate;
  • compliance is required.

The technical characteristics of the door of GOST 30970 2002 were established in 2002 with minor changes in 2014, the PVC windows GOST 30970 2002 should also meet the specially developed standards corresponding to GOST.

Features of balcony doors

The requirements of GOST balcony are somewhat different. They are detailed in GOST 30673 - 99.

  1. These blocks use various channels, valves that allow you to improve the humidity mode of the apartment or at home.
  2. To enhance sound insulation, special valves are mounted, which absorb noise.
  3. Withstand increased operational loads, for example, strong winds provided for by established standards. Increased attention is paid to resistance to static loads.
  4. In technical notation of the passport of the block, you can see the letter M, which is added when using frost-resistant design.
  5. The design of the balcony blocks is installed with increased attention to fire safety.
  6. To increase heat-protective properties, the balcony windows are filled with special gas.
  7. GOST plastic balcony doors involves gaining product profile with inserts covered with anti-corrosion composition.

What to pay attention to

Each person who sets the doors from PVC profile should take carefully to the following violations:

  • the presence of damage, deformations, scratches;
  • explicit difference in color coating;
  • the need to apply effort when closing and opening the doors;
  • the difference between the size of the finished doors and the stated in the documentation;
  • errors allowed when installing.

All these deviations are talking about violation of the requirements of GOST. If you do not pay attention to them, come across serious problems that your comfort will destroy. Be vigilant when choosing, buying and installing plastic blocks. Require the organization to familiarize the necessary documents that are a business card of security and high quality. The entire package should be available from the seller. After all, for this, there is GOST DOOR PVC.

GOST 30970-2002: blocks of door from polyvinyl chloride profiles. Specifications (replaced at GOST 30970-2014)

Date of introduction 01.03.2003.

GOST 30970-2002.

UDC 692.81: 678 (083.74)

Interstate standard

Polyvinyl chloride door blocks

Technical conditions

Doors of Polyvinylchloride Profiles


OX 91.060.50

date administration 2003 - 03 - 01


1 Developed by the Center for Certification of Window and Door Technology with the participation of LLC "XT Topoplast", ZAO "RUS SVIG" and the NUPC "Interregional Institute of Windows"

Made by Gosstroke Russia

2 Adopted by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Registration and Certification in Construction (MNTKS) on April 24, 2002.

Name of state

Name of the authority of government construction

Republic of Armenia

Ministry of Urban Planning of the Republic of Armenia

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Committee on Construction Affairs of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kyrgyzstan

State Inspectorate for Architecture and Construction under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic

The Republic of Moldova

Ministry of Development of Territories, Construction and Communal Services of the Republic of Moldova

the Russian Federation

Gosstroy Russia

The Republic of Uzbekistan

State Committee for Construction, Architecture and Housing Policy of Uzbekistan

3 introduced for the first time

4 Action has been introduced from March 1, 2003 as the State Standard of the Russian Federation by the Resolution of the Gosstroy of Russia of September 2, 2002 No. 114

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

This standard applies to the door blocks made of polyvinyl chloride profiles with the frames of the framework design and the opening (hereinafter - door blocks or products) for buildings and structures of various purposes.

The standard does not apply to the balcony door blocks, as well as on the door blocks of special purpose in terms of additional requirements for fire safety, resistance to hacking, etc.

The scope of specific product brands are set depending on the operating conditions in accordance with the current building standards and the rules, taking into account the requirements of this standard.

Standard can be applied to product certification purposes.

GOST 111-2001 Glass leafy. Technical conditions

GOST 166-89 caliper. Technical conditions

GOST 427-75 Metal measuring rules. Technical conditions

GOST 538-2001 Locks and hardware products. General technical conditions

GOST 5089- 97 Castles and latches for doors. Technical conditions

GOST 7502-98 Rulets measuring metal. Technical conditions

GOST 8026-92 Torching line. Technical conditions

GOST 9416-83 Building levels. Technical conditions

GOST 10354-82 Polyethylene film. Technical conditions

GOST 22233-2001 Profiles pressed from aluminum alloys for translucent enclosing structures. Technical conditions

GOST 24866-99 Gluckles glued construction purposes. Technical conditions

GOST 26433.0-85 The system for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Terms of measurement rules. General provisions

GOST 26433.1-89 The system for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Terms of measurement rules. Elements of factory manufacture

GOST 26602.1-99 Blocks window and door. Methods for determining heat transfer resistance.

GOST 26602.2-99 Blocks window and door. Methods for determining air and water permeability

GOST 26602.3-99 Window and door blocks. Method for determining sound insulation

GOST 30673-99 Polyvinyl chloride profiles for window and door blocks. Technical conditions

GOST 30698-2000 Glass tempered construction. Technical conditions

GOST 30778-2001 Gaskets sealing from elastomeric materials for window and door blocks. Technical conditions

GOST 30826-2001 Glass multilayer construction purposes. Technical conditions

GOST 30971-2002 Seams mounting units of window blocks to wall openings. General technical conditions

3 Classification and Conditional Designation

3.1 Products are classified according to the following basic features:


type of filling door caved;

variant of a constructive solution;

constructive execution of specialized systems;

the form of finishes.

3.1.1 on purpose Door blocks are divided into:

external (entrance to buildings, structures, as well as tambour);

internal (interroom, for sanitary nodes, input to the apartment and other door blocks intended for operation inside the building).

3.1.2 Intection of the filling of door cauldons Door blocks divided into:

glazed (with filling with double glazed windows or various types of sheet glasses: patterned, hardened, multilayer, reinforced, etc.);

deaf (with panel filling or other opaque materials);

light (with translucent filling of the upper part and a deaf filling of the bottom of the canvase);

decorative (with a complex architectural pattern).

3.1.3 For design solutions, door blocks are divided into:

one-bed (left and right performance), double (with a shill or an inappropriate entry, including with linen of different widths), with a vertical impost and adjacent deaf or translucent filling of the box;

with framuga (opens or unopened);

with a threshold on mechanical connections, without a threshold, with a closed frame box (a variant in which the lower bar of the box is welded with vertical and has the same profile).

3.1.4 According to the constructive execution of profile systems, door blocks are divided into products with two-, three- and more chamber profiles.

3.1.5 In terms of finishing profiles Door blocks are divided into:

white painted in mass;

colored, painted in mass;

decorative film (laminated);

with coextruded facial coating;

painted with paint and varnish materials.

3.2 For door blocks, the following scheme of structural designation is taken:

Type of product

DPV. - Door unit from PVC profiles internal

DPN - Door unit from PVC profiles outdo

Options for filling the door leaf

G. - deaf

ABOUT - glazed

FROM - Light

D. - decorative

Design options

P - With the threshold

B. - Without threshold

TO - with a closed box

F. - With Framuga

L. - Left one-section

Etc - Right single-section

Dv - Two

Height size, mm

Size by width, mm

Designation of this Standard


1 It is allowed for the designation of the product of the product to additionally enter the lettering designation specifying the purpose of the door blocks: C - for sanitary nodes, M - interroom, to - apartment (for entering the apartment), T - tambour, y - strengthened, etc. (for example, DPVS - Door unit from PVC profiles internal for plumbing nodes).

2 It is allowed in the designation of the sizes to enter the size of the width of the box in millimeters.

Examples of conditional notation:

DPV with b PR 2100-970 GOST 30970-2002 - Door block of PVC profiles internal, light, without a threshold, one-haired right opening, 2,100 mm high, 970 mm wide.

DPNN G P L 2300-970-130 GOST 30970-2002 - The door block from PVC profiles is external reinforced, deaf, with a threshold, one-hearty left opening, 2300 mm high, 970 mm wide, with a width of a box of 130 mm.

When issuing a contract (order) for the manufacture (supply) of individual products, it is recommended to indicate a design version of a constructive solution, including a description of the design of profiles and filling the door leaf; drawing indicating the opening scheme; type of door devices; Requirements for appearance and other requirements for coordinating the manufacturer with the customer.

4 Technical requirements

4.1 General and Design Requirements

4.1.1 Products must comply with the requirements of this Standard and manufactured in design and technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

4.1.2 The door blocks of the door blocks have a frame structure welded from PVC profiles reinforced with steel liners. Corner compounds of the frame of the canvas are additionally strengthened by angular amplifiers. Vertical and upper horizontal box profiles have a welded connection; The lower profile of the box (threshold) can be made of metal alloys or absent (with the booby design of the door block). It is allowed to manufacture closed boxes that are fully cooked from PVC profiles (including the bottom horizontal profile). The imposses are fixed in frame elements using mechanical compounds or welding, and metal thresholds - with mechanical connections.

Examples of architectural patterns and structural solutions of the main nodes of the compounds of the cloths and boxes of door blocks of various designs are shown in Figures 1-7 and in Appendix B.

Figure 1 - Examples of architectural patterns of door blocks

Figure 2 - Examples of architectural patterns of door blocks with decorative filling of door canvases

Figure 3 - Examples of architectural patterns of door blocks with decorative filling of the door tanks of high complexity

but b. in g.

but, in - opening inside; b., g. - Opening outwards

Figure 4 - Examples of nodes of the upper and lower factories of door blocks

but, b. - door systems with outdoor and internal seals; in - Door system with outdoor, middle and internal seals; g. - Door system with outdoor sealing; d. - Door system with medium and internal seals

Figure 5 - Examples of nodes of the anti-various types of seals

but- an exemption; b. - Shlpovaya Pretch; in - Malname of opening and unopened elements

Figure 6 - examples of the nodes of the median fabrics of door canvas

1 , 2 - the canvas and the box of the door block; 3 - connectors; 4 - Box of unopened fraumuga; 5 - fastening element

Figure 7 - Examples of the door block connection node with unchecked framuga

4.1.3 The requirements of this standard are applied to door blocks with an area not exceeding 6 m 2, with a maximum area of \u200b\u200beach open element of 2.5 m 2.

The estimated mass of door canvases should not exceed 80 kg.

The manufacture of door blocks (cloths) with an area and mass exceeds the specified values \u200b\u200bmust be confirmed by the results of laboratory tests or additional strength calculations according to current construction standards.

The greatest size in the height and width of the webs of specific brands of products (taking into account the opening scheme, types of used profiles and door devices, the moment of resistance of amplifying liners and weights of the canvas) are set in the technical documentation.

4.1.4 For the manufacture of door blocks, polyvinyl chloride profiles are used with the wall thickness of class A according to GOST 30673.

In order to increase product resistance to unauthorized effects, the design of products may have an enhanced version option: Class III-IV Class according to GOST 5089, tempered glass according to GOST 30698 and multilayer glass according to GOST 30826 thick up to 10 mm, additional fasteners in angular connections, anti-removal devices, Special door devices and loops.

4.1.5 To enhance welded connections in the corners of the door blocks, more than 600 mm width of the width of more than 600mm should use the welded polyvinyl chloride liners (angle amplifiers), fastened with amplifier metal liners. An example of an angle amplifier installation is shown in Figure 8.

4.1.6 Expostect parts and thresholds are fixed to adjacent PVC profiles of the box (web) with steel or plastic fasteners, screws or screws. Examples of attachment of the imposts and threshmes are shown in Figures 9-10.

Mechanical and welded T-shaped and crucible compounds of imposses should provide the required resistance to operational loads.

4.1.7 Angle and T-shaped compounds of external products profiles must be sealed. Sealing mechanical compounds with weatherproof-resistant elastic gaskets is allowed. Clauses up to 0.5 mm are allowed to be embedded with special sealants that do not deteriorate the appearance of products and ensuring the protection of the compounds from the penetration of moisture.

Figure 8 - Examples of installation of the liner for amplifying angular connections

Figure 9 - Examples of the attachment of the Imposts (mechanical connection)

Figure 10 - Example of mounting the threshold (mechanical connection)

4.1.8 The design of the outer articles should include a system of functional holes for drying up the cavity between the edges of the glass unit (panels) and the folding profiles and the removal of water. Holes should not pass through the walls of the main chambers of profiles and have burrs.

In the lower and upper profiles of the frame frame must be provided for at least two holes for drying. Recommended dimensions of the diameter of the holes are at least 6mm. The location of the holes should not coincide with the places of installation of lining under the windows (panels). In the walls of the opening profile should be shifted relative to each other by no less than 50 mm.

In the case of color profiles, it is recommended to perform holes through the walls of the exterior chambers of the profiles of cloths and boxes to reduce their heating. In products with a closed polyvinyl chloride box, water removal holes should be provided.

The number, dimensions and location of all types of holes are installed in the working documentation.

4.1.9 Products must be safe to operate and maintain. The safety conditions for the use of products of various designs are set in project documentation (for example, door blocks used in children's institutions should be glazed with hardened, multilayer or other types of safe glass or door blocks on evacuation paths, it is recommended to equip with anti-native instruments).

Products should be designed for operational loads in accordance with current building standards.

4.1.10 Products (or polymeric materials for their manufacture and components) should have the conclusions of sanitary security provided for by the current legislation and decorated in the prescribed manner.

4.1.11 Installation of products should be made based on the requirements of GOST 30971. General requirements for the installation of products are given in Appendix V.

4.2 Dimensions and requirements for limit deviations

4.2.1 Overall dimensions and architectural patterns of door blocks are installed in project work documentation (ordering, contract). The nominal sizes of products, cross sections of profiles, amplifying liners, profile combinations are set in technical documentation for their manufacture.

4.2.2 Limit deviations of the nominal dimensions of products should not exceed mm.

4.2.3 Limit deviations of the nominal sizes of products, gaps and under the outlook, the size of the location of the door instruments and the loops should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bset in Table 1.

Table 1

In millimeters


1 The values \u200b\u200bof the limit deviations are set for the temperature range of measurement (16-24) ° C.

2 The values \u200b\u200bof the limit deviations of the size of the gaps in the coarse and under the outlook are shown for closed canvases with installed sealing gaskets.

The difference of the lengths of the diagonals of rectangular cloths with an area of \u200b\u200b1.5 m 2 and less should not exceed 2.0mm, over 1.5 m 2 - 3.0 mm.

4.2.4 Purpose of facial surfaces (s) in welded connections of adjacent boxes of boxes and cloths, the installation of which is provided in the same plane, should not exceed 0.7 mm, with a mechanical connection of imposses with profiles of boxes, as well as among themselves - no more than 1, 0 mm.

4.2.5 In the event that the weld processing includes a selection of the groove, the size of the groove on the front surfaces should not exceed 6 mm wide, the depth of the groove must be within (0.3-1.0) mm, and the magnitude of the exterior corner of the weld The seam should not exceed 4 mm on a welded seam.

4.2.6 Schedules Pisels in the assembled product for the design of the door blocks with the threshold should not exceed 1.5 mm per 1 m width.

4.2.7 Deviation of the nominal size of the distance between the nodes of adjacent closed shells (PSW and Framug) should not exceed 1.0 mm per 1 m length of the construct.

4.2.8 Deviations from straightness of the edges of parts of the frame elements should not exceed 1.0 mm per 1 m length.

Curvolinear (curved) profiles should not have deviations from a given form (warping, waviness) exceeding the width and height of the profile ± 1.5 mm.

4.3 Characteristics

4.3.1 The main operational characteristics of the deaf outdoor and input door blocks are shown in Table 2.

table 2

Name of the indicator

The value of the indicator

The resistance of the heat transfer of the door blocks, m 2 × ° C / W, with filling with three-layer panels with insulation thickness:

16 mm, not less

20 mm, not less

24 mm, not less

Soundproofing, dBA, not less

Air permeability with D. R 0 \u003d 10 Pa, m 3 / (h × m 2), no more

Requesting, opening cycles - closing, not less

Durability, conditional years of operation, not less:

PVC profiles

glass accessories

sealing pads


1 The values \u200b\u200bof the resistance of heat transfer - reference. In the necessary cases, this indicator is confirmed by calculations or laboratory tests.

2 For external products, an indicator of water permeability can be set - the waterproof limit according to GOST 26602.2.

4.3.2 Door blocks are divided into strength groups by static loads according to the requirements of Table 3.

Table 3.

Table 3 shows the values \u200b\u200bof the strength of angular welded connections when testing according to the diagram A figure 12.

When testing according to the B Figure 12 scheme 12, the angular compounds must withstand the operation of the load, doubled.

4.3.3 Door blocks are divided into strength groups with operational dynamic loads (when opening and closing the door web) according to the requirements of table 4.

Table 4.

4.3.5 Operating performance of the door blocks of a particular purpose is recommended to be installed in the design work documentation for the construction (reconstruction, repair) and confirm the results of tests in test centers accredited to the right of them.

Door blocks of the strength group A at the request of the consumer (customer) can be tested for resistance to hacking.

4.3.6 The force applied to the door leaf when closed to the desired compression of sealing pads should not exceed 120 H, the force required to open the door web should not exceed 75 H (ergonomic requirements).

4.3.7 Exterior Products: Color, gloss, permissible defects of the surface of PVC profiles (risks, scratches, shrinkage sinks, etc.) must comply with reference samples approved by the manufacturer of the manufacturer.

The color difference, gloss and surface defects are distinguished by the naked eye from the distance (0.6-0.8) m when illumination of at least 300 LCs are not allowed.

Welded seams should not have arson, unburned sections, cracks. The change in the color of PVC profiles in the places of welds after their stripping is not allowed.

4.3.8 The facial surfaces of the profiles of the frames of cloths and boxes of products (except curved) must be protected by self-adhesive film.

4.3.9 General requirements for component details

Materials and components used for the manufacture of door blocks must comply with the requirements of standards, technical conditions, technical evidence approved in the prescribed manner.

The main components of product details: PVC profiles, double-glazed windows, sealing gaskets, door devices should be tested for durability (reliability) in test centers accredited for the right to conduct such tests.

4.4 Requirements for PVC profiles and amplifier inserts

4.4.1 Requirements for PVC profiles

Polyvinyl chloride profiles are made of a rigid non-controlled, modified on high shock viscosity and resistance to climatic influences of polyvinyl chloride in accordance with the requirements of GOST 30673.

Outdoor products are recommended to be made from PVC white profiles painted in mass. In terms of consumer coordination and manufacturer, the manufacture of external products from PVC profiles of other colors and types of finishing facial surfaces is allowed. The use of colored profiles painted in the mass without a protective decorative coating on surfaces exposed to ultraviolet rays is not allowed.

4.4.2 Requirements for metallic amplifier inserts

The main PVC products profiles are enhanced by metal liners. In the manufacture of outdoor and input in the apartment door blocks, steel liners with an anti-corrosion coating with a thickness of the walls of at least 2.0 mm should be applied. For internal door blocks, the use of steel amplifying liners with a thickness of 1,5mm walls is allowed, as well as inserts from aluminum alloys with mechanical indicators that meet the requirements of GOST 22233.

The shape, the thickness of the walls and the moments of the inertia of the amplifying liners are established in the technical documentation for the manufacture of products with the conditions of operation.

The distance from the liner to the angle (end) enhanced parts of the profiles is taken (10 ± 5) mm. In the case of the use of angular amplifiers, as well as with mechanical attachment of the Imposses, the sizes of connections are set in the work drawings.

Docking or gap of the amplifying liners in length within one PVC profile is not allowed (including when performing holes for door devices and locks).

Each amplifying liner is attached to the non-personal side of the PVC profile at least two self-tapping screws (screws) on the regulatory documentation. The distance from the inner corner (weld) to the near installation site of the self-tapping screw should not exceed 100 mm. The fastening step should be no more than 400 mm, and for external, reinforced door blocks, as well as products from non-ferrous profiles - 300 mm.

4.4.3 Amplifying liners should enter into internal PVC profile cameras tightly, by hand, without the help of special devices.

4.5 Requirements for filling door canvases and sealing gaskets

4.5.1 Opaque filling of door blocks (fililenies) Therapy (fililenies) is recommended to be made from three-layer panels consisting of plastic or aluminum facing sheets with filling with insulation or single-layer panels from foamed rigid PVC. As panels, caulials intended for interior door blocks are allowed to use leaf or facing materials. Examples of types of filling door cloths are given in Appendix B.

4.5.2 Constructive solutions of nodes fastening parts for filling the canvas locking doors should exclude the possibility of dismantling them from the outside.

4.5.3 As a translucent plant filling, we are recommended to use strengthened types of glasses: tempered glass according to GOST 30698, multilayer glass according to GOST 30826, reinforced glass and glass with anti-skil films on ND. It is allowed to use double-glazed windows according to GOST 24866, glass according to GOST 111, as well as on the regulatory documentation for specific types of glasses (patterned, tinted, etc.).

The type of glasses used should be installed in the construction documentation for construction (reconstruction, repair). The use of unoppage glasses with dimensions more: in height - 1250 mm, in width - 650 mm and a thickness of less than 4 mm is not allowed.

4.5.4 To increase the architectural expressiveness and hardening of the design in the frame of the canvas, hill can be installed (hill bindings). It is allowed to use double-glazed windows with an inner decorative frame or an installation on the glue of decorative layouts along the outer surfaces of filling door canvases.

4.5.5 The depth of pinching the double-glazing (glass) or panels in the folding profiles, as well as the depth of pinching by the strokes is recommended within 14-18 mm.

4.5.6 Double-glazed windows (glasses) are installed in the folds of the sash or boxes on lining, eliminating the touch of the edges of the glass pump (glass) of the internal surfaces of the PVC profiles.

Depending on the functional, the lining is divided into basic, support and remote.

To ensure optimal weighing conditions of the glass unit on the design of the product, support linings are used, and to ensure the nominal size of the gap between the edge of the glass package and the folding flaps are remote lining.

Basic linings are used to align the folds of the fold and are installed under supporting and remote linings. The width of the basic linings should be equal to the width of the fold, and the length is not less than the length of the support and remote linings. Support and remote lining can combine basic functions.

The length of the support and remote linings should be from 80 to 100 mm, the width of the lining must be at least 2 mm more than the thickness of the glass package.

The distance from the lines to the glazing corners should usually be 50-80 mm.

Requirements for the installation of opaque filling of the canvases (fillets) are installed in the manufacturer's technical documentation, taking into account its mass and product design.

4.5.7 Lining is made of rigid weatherproof polymer materials. The recommended value of the hardness of the support lining is 75-90 units. By Shore A.

4.5.8 Methods for installation and / or lining designs should exclude the possibility of their displacement during the transportation and operation of products.

4.5.9 The lining design should not prevent air circulation over the inner surface of the glazing fold.

4.5.10 Basic schemes for the location of reference and remote linings when installing double-glazed windows, depending on the type of opening of the door blocks, are shown in Figure 11. On any side of the glass package, it is recommended to install no more than two support linings. The blocking of lining during installation is not allowed. In products with enhanced locking devices, the installation of additional remote linings in location places is recommended.

4.5.11 Sealing the fabrics of cloths and the installation of facilities of the canvas is made using elastic polymer sealing pads according to GOST 30778 or other ND. It is allowed to use strokes with coeduated seal.

4.5.12 Sealing gaskets for external products should be resistant to climatic and atmospheric influences.

4.5.13 The adjacent of sealing pads should be dense.

4.5.14 The number of contours of sealing pads in the products of products and the requirements for their installation around the perimeter of the GRUTE are installed in the manufacturer's technical documentation, depending on the purpose and design of the door blocks.

Angle beggars and welded joints of sealing gaskets for double-glazed windows (glass) should not have protrusions (discovered), causing focused loads on double-glazed windows (glass).

4.6 Door Devices Requirements

4.6.1 In the manufacture of products, door devices and loops are used, specially intended for use in the door systems from PVC profiles.

Support lining

Remote lining

Door hinge

Figure 11 - Schemes for the arrangement of support and remote linings when mounting double-glazed windows and possible location of the loop

Type, number, location and method for fastening locking devices and loops are installed in the working documentation, based on the size and weight of the opening items of the product, as well as the operating conditions of the door blocks. The canvas of the external and entrance in the apartment of the door blocks must be hung on three loops. Exterior door blocks are recommended to equip multi-dealer locks with a locking at least three points.

4.6.2 Outdoor and entrance to the apartment door blocks are recommended to complete locks not lower than III class according to GOST 5089. Castles must comply with the requirements of GOST 538 and GOST 5089.

Depending on the purpose of the door blocks in the project documentation, as well as when placing orders, it is necessary to provide a complete set of products with door closers (closers), opening angle limiters (stops), eyes, etc.

4.6.3 Fastening the loops to the canvas and boxes are produced in amplifying liners. For interior door blocks with a mass of cloths less than 60 kg, the loop mount is allowed to produce through two PVC walls of the profile with a total thickness of at least 4 mm. The fastening of the loops on the boxes and canvases is produced, as a rule, self-tapping screws (screws). If you need to drill holes for the screws, their diameter should be equal to the diameter of the central rod screw.

4.6.4 In the exterior and input, the door blocks are recommended to use hinges adjustable in three planes.

4.6.5 Locking devices should ensure reliable locking of opening items of products. Opening and closing must occur easily, smoothly, without jamming.

4.6.6 The designs of locking devices and loops should provide a dense and uniform crimping of gaskets throughout the seal contour in the rifles.

4.6.7 Door instruments, loops and fasteners must meet the requirements of GOST 538 and have a protective-decorative (or protective) coating on ND.

4.7 Completeness and marking

4.7.1 Complete set of products When delivering them, the consumer must comply with the requirements set in the order.

The product set may include good, connecting and other profiles for various purposes according to GOST 30673, as well as locks, latches, closers (closing regulators) and other door instruments. Complete profiles that protruding the plane of the product of the locking devices are allowed to be delivered unmamotable, complete with products. In coordination of the manufacturer with the consumer, separate transportation of double-glazed windows (glass) is allowed.

Complete factory readiness products must have installed devices, double-glazed windows, filling panels, sealing gaskets and protective film on the front surfaces of the main profiles.

4.7.2 The package must include a quality document (passport) and instructions for the operation of products, including installation recommendations.

4.7.3 Each product is labeled on the nymberry side by a waterproof marker or a label indicating the name of the manufacturer, the product brand, the date of its manufacture and / or the order numbers, the sign (stamp) confirming the acceptance of the product by technical control. In coordination of the manufacturer with the consumer, it is allowed to label the product on the protective film.

4.7.4 Included Products Main Profiles, Door Devices, Locks and Double-glazed windows must be labeled in accordance with ND on this product.

5 Rules acceptance

5.1 Products should be accepted by the technical control of the manufacturer for compliance with the requirements of this Standard, as well as conditions defined in the contract for the manufacture and supply of products.

Products take parties. When accepting products at the manufacturer's enterprise, the batch takes the number of products made within one shift and decorated with one quality document.

5.2 Product quality requirements established in this Standard confirm:

input control of materials and components;

operational production control;

acceptable control of finished products;

control output tests of the batch of products conducted by the manufacturer's quality quality service;

periodic tests of products in independent test centers;

qualifying and certification tests.

5.3 The procedure for conducting input quality control of products and parts is established in the technical documentation, taking into account the requirements of ND on these products (parts).

The order of operational quality control in the workplace is established in the technological documentation in accordance with the requirements of this Standard.

In case the manufacturer's enterprise completes door blocks with component parts of their own manufacture, then they must be accepted and tested in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory documentation for these products.

5.4 Acceptance control of the quality of finished products is carried out individually, using solid control. The list of controlled indicators is shown in Table 6.

Table 6.

Name of the indicator

Point number of requirements

Type of testing *


Appearance (including color)

For the type of tests I - continuous control.

For the type of testing II - once in shift

Deviation of the size of the gaps under the outlook

Schedules are cavers and the deviation of the size between the naploins

Availability and location of holes

Work loops and locking devices

Presence of protective film

Requirements for marking

Deviation of controlled nominal sizes ** and straightness of the edges

4.2.1-4.2.5; 4.2.8

Requirements for installation of linings for windows, amplifying liners and sealing pads

4.4.2; 4.5.10; 4.5.12; 4.5.11-4.5.14

The strength of angular connections

For the type of testing II - once a week.

For the type of testing III - once a year

Once every two years


Once every two years

Compliance with ergonomic requirements

Resistance heat transfer

Once every five years

Air permeability



* Type of test I - receiving tests for acceptance control; Type of testing II - receiving tests conducted by the manufacturer's quality service; Test Test III - Periodic Tests held in Independent Test Centers

** Controlled nominal sizes for test type II are set in technological documentation.

Finished products that have passed acceptance control are labeled. Products that have not passed acceptable control at least one indicator are branded.

5.5 Each batch of products is conducted by control receiving tests conducted by the manufacturer's quality control service. The list of controlled indicators and the frequency of control are shown in Table 6.

For testing from a batch of products by random selection, select the samples of door blocks in the amount of 3% of the batch volume, but not less than 3 pcs.

In the case of a negative test result, at least one indicator, at least one specimen, the quality of the products on the double count of samples in the indicator that had a negative test result was carried out.

When re-detecting the indicator's inconsistency with the established requirements, at least one sample, the control and subsequent batch of products are subjected to solid control (disorder). With a positive result, continuous control is returned to the established procedure for receiving tests. In the event of a negative result of the tests in terms of the strength of the angular compounds, repeated tests on the tweaking number of samples are carried out. In the unsatisfactory result of repeated tests, the batch is married, and the production of products stop until the cause of marriage is eliminated.

5.6 Periodic tests for operational indicators specified in 4.3.1-4.3.4, are carried out when making changes to the design of products or manufacturing technology, but at least once in the period set in Table 6, as well as in product certification (in part indicators provided for in certification techniques).

Qualification tests of products are carried out in all indicators when setting products for production. Justified cases are allowed to combine qualification and certification tests.

Tests are carried out in test centers accredited for the right of them.

5.7 The consumer has the right to conduct a control check of the quality of products, while observing the order of sampling and test methods specified in this standard.

When accepting products by consumer party, the number of products shipped to a specific order, but not over 500 pcs, designed by one quality document.

Table 7.

Note - Significant and critical defects include: defects leading to the loss of operational characteristics, unreasonable without replacing the product part of the product (breakage of the profile or door instruments, cracked double-glazed windows, etc.), exceeding the limit deviations of the size of more than 1.5 times from ND, Room Complexity of products.

Unconscious defects include disposable defects: minor surface damage, non-regulated door appliances and hinges, extinguity of the limit deviations of the size of less than 1.5 times from the ND installed.

By agreement of the parties, the acceptance of products by the consumer can be carried out at the manufacturer's warehouse, in the consumer warehouse or in another, specified in the contract for the supply, place.

5.9 Each batch of products must be accompanied by a quality document (passport). An example of filling the product passport is given in Appendix A.

5.10 Acceptance of products by the consumer does not exempt the manufacturer from responsibility when discovering hidden defects that led to violation of the performance characteristics during the warranty period.

6 Monitoring methods

6.1 Methods of input and production operational quality control are installed in the manufacturer's technical documentation.

6.2 Methods of quality control of products for acceptance control and receiving tests

6.2.1 The geometric dimensions of products, as well as the straightness of the edges, are determined using the methods installed in GOST 26433.0 and GOST 26433.1.

Limit deviations from the nominal sizes of product elements, the difference of lengths of diagonals and other dimensions are determined using a metal measuring roulette according to GOST 7502, a caliper of GOST 166, probe on ND.

The limit deviations from straightness of the edges are determined by the application of the calibration line according to GOST 8026 or the construction level with a flatness admission of at least 9th degree of accuracy according to GOST 9416 to the parts under test and measurement of the greatest gap using probe on ND.

Measurements of linear dimensions should be made at air temperature and surface of products (20 ± 4) ° C. If there is no need for measurements at other temperatures (external door blocks), the temperature change of linear profiles should be taken into account.

6.2.2 Limit deviations from the nominal size of gaps under the outlook are tested using a set of a probe or metal line according to GOST 427.

6.2.3 Proving in the conjugation of adjacent parts is determined by a dipstick as a distance from the rib of the metal line according to GOST 427 applied to the upper mate surface, to the bottom surface.

6.2.4 The appearance and color of the products is estimated to be visually by comparing with samples - standards approved in the prescribed manner, when illuminated at least 300 LCs.

6.2.5 The density of adjustment and correct installation of sealing pads, the presence and location of linings, functional holes, door devices, fasteners and other parts, color and absence of cracks in welded connections, the presence of a protective film, marking and packaging are visually checked.

To determine the density of adjacent sealing gaskets, the size of the gaps in the coarse and the degree of compression of the gaskets, which should be at least 1/5 height of an elaborate gasket. Measures produce a caliper.

The density of the fitting of sealing pads with closed canvases is allowed to be determined by the presence of a continuous trail left by the coloring agent (for example, color chalk), pre-applied to the surface of the gaskets and easily removed after the control.

6.2.6 Determination of the strength (bearing capacity) of angular welded joints.

To test the strength of the angular welds, the load application schemes shown in Figure 12 are used.

Procedure for testing - according to GOST 30673 with the following additions. Welded seams are cleaned according to the adopted technology of manufacturing door blocks.

Samples are tested with amplifying liners inserted into them.

The magnitude of the loads take 4.3.2, the control method is non-destructive, exposure under load - at least 5 minutes.

The test result is recognized as satisfactory if each sample has stood up the load without the destruction and formation of cracks.

6.2.7 The work of the door instruments check the five-time opening-closure of the material elements of the product. In case of detection of deviations in the operation of door instruments, they produce their setup and re-test.

Scheme A Scheme B

1 - support; 2 - emphasis (for the B - carriage scheme); 3 - sample; 4 - point of application load; 5 - Removable fastening clamps

Figure 12 - Load application schemes when determining the strength

corner welded connections

6.3 Monitoring methods for periodic tests

6.3.1 The strength (carrying capacity) of angular welded compounds is determined by 6.2.6.

When conducting tests, the use of other load schemes and test equipment is allowed. In this case, testing techniques, including results processing, should be correlated with the test method of 6.2.6 and GOST 30673.

6.3.2 The reduced heat transfer resistance is determined according to GOST 26602.1.

6.3.3 Air -, water permeability is determined according to GOST 26602.2.

6.3.4 Soundproofing is determined according to GOST 26602.3.

6.3.5 Resistance to static, dynamic, shock loads, as well as resistance to cracking is determined by nd and methods approved in the prescribed manner.

Tests for resistance to dynamic loads mimic three types of loads arising from a sharp opening or closing of the door leaf:

subject to the foreign object in the lower focus (items must withstand a collision with an extraneous object caused by the impact of a dynamic load of 4.3.3 applied at the place of the arrangement of the handle and directed towards the closing of the web);

under the condition of a sharp contact of the door leaf with a slope of the doorway, for example, under the draft (products must withstand a collision with a slope caused by the exposure to the dynamic load of 4.3.3 applied at the place of the arrangement of the handle and directed towards the opening of the web);

under the condition of a sharp contact of the door leaf with the opening angle limiter (the product must withstand a collision with an opening angle limiter caused by the exposure to the dynamic load of 4.3.3 applied at the place of the arrangement of the handle and directed towards the opening of the web).

The impact testing test is carried out by a three-time impact of an inelastic soft body (for example, a pear) with a diameter of the lower part (300 ± 5) mm and a mass (30 ± 0.5) kg from a height of 4.3.4 in the central zone of the sample.

6.3.6 Reliability indicators, as well as compliance with ergonomic requirements, are determined by regulatory documents and methods approved in the prescribed manner.

7 Packaging, Transportation and Storage

7.1 Packaging of products should ensure their safety during storage, loading and unloading operations and transportation.

7.2 Uninstalled devices or parts of the instruments should be packed in a polyethylene film according to GOST 10354 or in another packing material that ensures their safety is firmly tied and set complete with products.

7.3 Opening fabrics of products before packaging and transportation should be closed on all locking devices.

7.4 Products are transported by all types of transport in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods acting in this type of transport.

7.5 When storing and transporting products, their protection against mechanical damage, impact of atmospheric precipitation, significant temperature fluctuations and direct sunlights should be ensured.

7.6 When storing and transporting products, it is not allowed to put them on each other, between the products it is recommended to install gaskets from elastic materials.

7.7 products are stored in a vertical position at an angle of 10 ° - 15 ° to vertical on wooden lining, pallets, or in special containers in indoor rooms without direct contact with heating devices.

7.8 In the case of a separate transportation of double-glazed windows, the requirements for their packaging and transportation are installed according to GOST 24866.

7.9 Warranty period for storing products - one year from the date of product shipment by the manufacturer.

8 Manufacturer's guarantees

8.1 The manufacturer's enterprise guarantees the compliance of the products to the requirements of this standard, subject to the consumer compliance with the rules for transportation, storage, installation, operation, as well as the scope of application established in the regulatory and project documentation.

8.2 The warranty period of products is established in the contract for the supply, but at least three years from the date of product shipment by the manufacturer.

Example of filling the passport of the door block

(Name of the manufacturer)


(address, phone, fax manufacturer)

Passport (document on quality)

outdoor door block from PVC profiles, GOST 30970- 2002

a) view of the door block - the outer door is tambourous;

b) type of filling of the door leaf - deaf;

c) the design of the box - with the threshold;

d) view of the opening and the number of cloths - left, single-pole;

e) overall dimensions - height 2300 mm, width 970 mm, Box profile width 70 mm

Conditional designation of DPN GPL 2300-970-70 GOST 30970-2002

Certificate of conformity ______________________________


a) the structure of the filling of the canvas is a three-layer panel with a heater with a thickness of 16mm;

b) door loops - three overhead loops;

c) locking devices - a multi-dealer lock with five locking points;

d) the number of contours of sealing pads - 2 contours;

e) additional information. Product Supplies include: Falyss lock handle (2 pcs.), Door eye, closer (door closilet), opening angle limiter, instruction manual

Basic technical specifications confirmed by testing

The reduced heat transfer resistance is 0.62 m 2 × ° C / W

Air permeability with D. R 0 \u003d 10 Pa - 3.0 m 3 / (h × m 2)

Requesting, opening-closing cycles - 100000

Warranty period - 3 years

Party number - .........

Order number / position in order - .......

Receiver SLE __________ Production date "___" __________ 200__


Examples of the types of filling of door canvases

but - glazed with double-glazed windows; b. - light, with filling the top of the canvas with a double-glazed line and the bottom - three-layer panel; in - glazed multilayer glass;

g. - Light, with filling the top of the canvas with a double-glazed line and the bottom - a single-layer panel (foamed polyvinyl chloride)

BUT, B. - height, width of the combination of profiles; BUT 1 , B. 1 - height, width profile of the frame frame; BUT 2 , B. 2 - Height, Box Profile Width; but 1 - the size of the falzloufta (clearance in the focus); but 2 - the size of the bottom under the opposition; but 3 - the height of the fold (quarter) for filling the canvas;

b. 1 - the size of the gap under the outlook; b. 2 - the thickness of the facilitation of the canvas

Figure B.1.

General requirements for installation of products

B.1 Requirements for the installation of products are established in the design work documentation for construction facilities (reconstruction, repair), taking into account the design options adopted in the project of the progress of the progress of products to the walls calculated on the specified climatic, operational and other loads. Outdoor products are recommended to be installed based on the requirements of GOST 30971.

B.2 Installation of products should be carried out by specialized construction firms. The end of the installation work must be confirmed by an act of acceptance, which includes the warranty obligations of the manufacturer of work.

B.3 At the request of the consumer (Customer), the manufacturer (supplier) of products should provide him with a typical instruction on the installation of door blocks from PVC profiles, approved by the manufacturer of the manufacturer and containing:

drawings (schemes) of typical mounting nodes of adjoining;

a list of materials used (taking into account their compatibility and temperature modes of application);

the sequence of technological operations on the installation of door blocks.

V.4 When designing and executing adjoining nodes, the following conditions must be met:

sealing the mounting gaps between the outer articles and the slopes of the opening of wall structures should be throughout the perimeter of the door block dense, hermetic, designed to withstand climatic loads outside and operating conditions indoors;

the design of nodes of the adjoining of outer articles (including the location of the door unit in the depth of the opening) should prevent the formation of cold bridges (thermal bridges), leading to the formation of condensate on the inner surfaces of the doorways;

the operational characteristics of the designs of adjoining nodes must meet the requirements established in the building standards.

The options for performing the mounting nodes of the door blocks with the threshold are shown in Figure B.1.

but - An example of an aluminum alloy threshold design and structural polyamide for external door blocks

Figure B.1 - Example of the lower version of the mounting nodes of the door block

When the installation of mounting gaps should be selected, the temperature changes of the overall dimensions of products should be taken into account.

V.5 As the fasteners for the installation of products, apply:

construction dowels;

mounting screws;

special mounting systems (for example, with adjustable mounting supports).

It is not allowed to use for fastening products of sealants, adhesives, foampelters, as well as construction nails.

V.6 Door blocks should be installed in terms of level and plumb. The deviation from the vertical and horizontally profiles of the boxes of mounted products should not exceed 1.5mm per 1 m length, but not more than 3 mm on the height of the product. At the same time, if the opposite profiles are rejected in different directions ("twisting" of the box), their total deviation from normal should not exceed 3 mm (Figure B.2).

The door unit is installed in the prepared doorway symmetrically relative to the central vertical of the opening. The wall of the opening, intended for fastening the profile of the box with loops, is basic when installing the door frame.

The upper and side mounting gaps take, as a rule, within 8-12 mm (for interior doors). The gaps in the lower node of the adjoining are taken depending on the presence (or absence) of the threshold and purpose of the door block.

B.7 The distance between the fasteners during installation of external and reinforced products should not exceed 500 mm, and in other cases no more than 700 mm (Figure B.3).

V.8 To fill mounting gaps (seams) of products, silicone sealants are used, pre-compressed sealing ribbons (compression tapes), insulating polyurethane foam cords, foampelters, mineral wool and other materials having a hygienic conclusion and ensuring the required operational indicators of the seams. Penoyepletellers should not have bitumenting additives and increase their volume after the completion of the installation work.

Figure B.2 - Determination of the deviations of the door frame

Mounting point to the wall

Figure B.3 - Example of the location of fasteners when mounting the door block with a closed box

Appendix G.


Information about the developers of the standard

This standard was developed by the Working Group of Specialists in the composition:

Swedes N.V., Gosstroy Russia, head;

Kubareva G.S., ZAO "Rus Svig";

Smirnova I.G., ZAO "Rus Svig";

Putz X., LLC "XT Toplast";

Duke G., LLC "XT Topoplast";

Kalabin V.A., LLC "XT Topoplast";

Tarasov V.A., CJSC "Kve - Window Technologies";

Swedes D.N., Certification Center for Window and Door Technology;

Kurenkova A.Yu., NUPC "Interregional Institute of Windows";

Savich B.C., FSUE CNS Gosstroy Russia

Keywords: door blocks, web frame, PVC profile, scribbled, beefing, amplifying liner, sealing gaskets

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

3 Classification and Conditional Designation

4 Technical requirements

4.1 General and Design Requirements

4.2 Dimensions and requirements for limit deviations

4.3 Characteristics

4.4 Requirements for PVC profiles and amplifier inserts

4.5 Requirements for filling door canvases and sealing gaskets

4.6 Door Devices Requirements

4.7 Completeness and marking

5 Rules acceptance

6 Monitoring methods

7 Packaging, Transportation and Storage

8 Manufacturer's guarantees

Appendixa and an example of filling the passport of the door block

Appendix B Examples of types of filling of door canvases

Appendix in general requirements for installation of products

Appendix M Information about the Standard Developers

To date, there is no person who would not hear about PVC doors, called more metal-plastic or simply plastic. Using them in everyday life, how often we wondered what it was?

Typically, such doors of polyvinyl chloride material (PVC) reinforced with aluminum structures are manufactured. Hence the name - metalplastic. PVC is difficult to burn and self-fastened material that is not amenable to atmospheric influences, as well as the destructive action of alkalis and acids, not subjected to rapid wear. It is these characteristics that make it possible to use it for the manufacture of door frames. Also, the door from PVC is much cheaper and often beautiful, as they say buyers.

Anyone, when buying PVC doors, should know that the ability to choose a really high-quality product is settled by law. Since 2002, a state standard for metal-plastic doors is involved. It is called "blocks of door from polyvinyl chloride profiles" (GOST 30970-2002).

This standard describes the main types of metal-plastic doors and their technical characteristics that require production. GOST obliges manufacturers to adhere to all the quality standards described in it. Therefore, acquiring a metal-plastic door to blindly do not trust the seller, it is important to understand the basic concepts of the GOST.

Typology of PVC doors according to GOST

Conforming GOST 30970-2002, metal-plastic doors divide:

  1. Regarding destination, the door can be outdoor, and internal. The inner door may be interroom, entrance to the apartment or for the bathroom;
  2. Regarding the type of filling of the door frame:
  • glazed PVC door, in the frame of which the double glazed glass is inserted or transparent glass, of any kind;
  • deaf door, door leaf which is an opaque view. It can also be: light (when the lower part of the door is not transparent, and the upper skipping light) and decorative (when the PVC door canvas is equipped with an architectural pattern);
  1. Regarding its design, the metal plastic door can be:
  • with one web (right or left) and with two canvases (identical or different widths);
  • with a fixed sash or with the one that opens;
  • with or without a threshold, with the presence or absence of a frame box;
  • relative to the type of PVC profile.

Here the classification occurs by the number of chambers of the profile system, from which the door is made. Profiles are with two three or more cameras;

  1. Regarding an option for finishing the profile, the PVC door can be white or other color coated with a laminating film or with a coextruded facial coating.

Technical requirements for PVC doors according to GOST 30970-2002

The state standard is rather tightly regulates the parameters that can afford the production of plastic doors - these are dimensions, filling the web, permissible deviations in the manufacture. Accordingly, the requirements are put forward in relation to fittings. Also in this document, measures are prescribed to control the quality of products, the standards of their packaging, transportation and storage.

Plastic door operation characteristics

In order for you the door you satisfy your needs and kept the necessary microclimate in the house, when you choose, you need to pay attention to its main characteristics:

  • The heat transfer resistance may depend on the thickness of the insulating material, but should not go beyond 0.8-1.2 m²x / W.
  • Air permeability is not more than 3.5 m³ / (CHM2).
  • Isolation from sound waves no less than 26 dBA
  • The state standard also found that the number of years of use for the PVC profile should be at least 40, for the glass package - not less than 20, for the sealer - at least 10. The amount of opening-closing during this period can be at least 500,000 times.

Group of strength of metal-plastic doors

When purchasing also an important indicator for the door is a strength group. There are only three of them: a, b, V. The most durable, according to this classification of GOST are the doors of Group A. About this you can also find out by reading customer reviews.

What deviations can be considered a marriage of PVC doors

Production with violation of the requirements of the State Standard, occurs in cases when:

  1. There is a difference in the size of the finished product and sizes that are specified in the project documentation. The difference should not be more than 2 mm and less than 1mm. The difference in the diagonal length for PVC doors should not exceed 2 mm for the door leaf of 1.5 sq. M and 3 mm for larger doors.
  2. On the doorway, scratches, chips and other deformations are found on the doorway, as well as the difference in color or gloss that is visible not by an armed look.
  3. The door opens and closes with Natage and the use of force.
  4. There are deviations of the technical characteristics, from the one that is declared in the documentation.
  5. Deviations from the requirements of GOST when installing.

When buying a PVC door, do not forget that you have the right to demand the fulfillment of the requirements of the State Standard from any company working in the Russian Federation.