Diseases of the gums and their treatment with folk remedies. Folk remedies for gum disease. Effectiveness: relieves bleeding gums

For the treatment of the oral cavity and gums, medicinal herbs are used, which have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, astringent and strengthening properties.

Herbs for gargling for gum disease.

For inflammation of the gums, herbs that have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects are useful. For example, chamomile, calendula, sage, St. John's wort, string, oak bark, eucalyptus.

  • The infusion for rinsing the gums is prepared according to a simple recipe. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of herbs is brewed with a glass of boiling water. Insist 20 minutes, use after straining.
  • A decoction is prepared from oak bark, 2 tbsp of boiling water is taken into a glass. spoons of bark. Boil for 10 minutes. 1 hour insist. They are filtering.
  • Both infusions and decoctions are prepared from eucalyptus leaves. Take 1 tbsp for a glass of boiling water. a spoonful of dry leaves. Used to rinse the mouth with stomatitis.

Attention! Decoctions of herbs for treating gums and infusions should be warm. Prepare new infusions and decoctions every day, they cannot be stored for a long time.

How else to rinse your mouth with inflammation, which also helps with gum disease

  • Rinse your mouth with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, 1 teaspoon of peroxide in a glass of water.
  • Rinse your mouth with freshly prepared cabbage or carrot juice, diluted one to one with water.
  • Rinse your mouth with baking soda, half a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water.
  • Rinse your mouth with a solution of sea salt, 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of water. You can use regular salt.
  • They ate young twigs to chew, you do not need to swallow.
  • Chew aloe leaves.

Healing herbs to strengthen the gums.

With initial periodontal disease, there are no vivid signs of inflammation, and no significant bleeding is observed. But if nothing is done to strengthen the gums, the disease develops and can cause a serious complication - periodontitis, which leads to the loss of teeth.

Herbs for the treatment of gums with periodontal disease: sage, yarrow, calamus, horsetail, oak bark.

  • Infusions and decoctions of herbs to strengthen the gums are prepared and used according to the recipes given above.
  • They rinse the mouth with infusions, and make trays for the gums - they collect the infusion or broth and keep it in the mouth for 2-3 minutes.
  • Calamus root is crushed and added to the tooth powder. 2-3 times a day this mixture is used to brush your teeth.

Herbs to treat bleeding gums: highlander bird, highlander pochechuy, stinging nettle, badan, cinquefoil.

  • Black berry leaves are crushed. For infusion, take 2 tbsp. spoons of herbs and a glass of boiling water. Insist 4 hours. Take for periodontal disease 3 times a day for 2 tbsp. spoons. Gum baths are made from the herb infusion.
  • Nettle leaves are helpful for bleeding gums. Take 1 tbsp for a glass of boiling water. a spoonful of nettle. Insist half an hour. Drink the infusion 3 times a day after meals for 1/2 cup.
  • 1 teaspoon of Knotweed herb is brewed with a glass of boiling water. Insist 2 hours. Drink before meals 3 times a day for 1/3 cup. From the infusion, lotions are made on the gums and mouth baths.
  • Alcohol tincture of St. John's wort has an astringent, strengthening and anti-inflammatory effect. To wash the gums and oral cavity, add 30-40 drops of tincture to a glass of water.
  • To strengthen the gums at home, use a tincture (extract) of propolis, for rinsing take 1 teaspoon of tincture (extract) in half a glass of water.

Collection of herbs for the gums.

Collecting herbs for treating gums is more effective, since the collection includes herbs with different beneficial properties that enhance each other's action.

Take bird knotweed -2 ​​parts, elecampane, calamus root, a series of 1 part, mix, then 2 tablespoons of the collection are brewed with 0.5 liters of boiling water, put in a water bath for 15 minutes, insist for 30 minutes. Used for mouth rinsing and for baths.

Take agrimony and chamomile - in 2 parts, black currant leaf and licorice root in 1 part. Prepare and use as in recipe 1.

Regular dental and oral care is essential to the health of your gums. Don't forget about it, use it. Be healthy!

Inflammation of the gums is one of the most common oral diseases. In medicine, this condition is called (initial stage of the inflammatory process) or (middle stage inflammation). Sometimes it is asymptomatic, but it is often accompanied by discomfort and bleeding, which manifests itself during meals and hygiene procedures. What is the cause of gum disease and how to get rid of this problem?

Causes of gum disease

The soft tissues of the gums are very sensitive to the effects of negative factors, and when immunity is weakened, they can become inflamed for a variety of reasons. These include:

  • irregular or inadequate oral hygiene (accumulation of plaque and harmful microorganisms);
  • infectious lesions of the mucous membranes;
  • caries or pulpitis;
  • microdamage to tissues and mucous membranes;
  • unhealthy diet low in vitamins and minerals;
  • injuries after dental procedures (such as tooth extraction);
  • diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction;
  • smoking;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • allergic reactions to filling materials and dentures;
  • uncontrolled use of a number of medications that reduce salivation (nasal drops, antidepressants, etc.).

In addition, the wrong choice of toothbrush and toothpaste, frequent contact with chemicals or allergens, as well as hormonal changes that occur in the body during pregnancy can provoke gingivitis.

Why is gum disease dangerous? In addition to the unpleasant symptoms that gingivitis brings with it, it is a constant hotbed of infection and inflammation in the body. One of the most dangerous complications of the disease is periodontitis, characterized by damage and destruction of the deep tissues of the gums. This can cause a number of problems and troubles, ranging from tooth loss and the development of pathological processes in the ligaments and nerves, and ending with septic lesions of the body.

Gingivitis symptoms

The main symptoms of the disease are swelling and redness of the gums (they become red and shiny), and, depending on the stage, the pathological process affects the tissues in the interdental spaces or distant areas. Most of the time, a person does not feel discomfort, but when you press on the gum, while brushing your teeth or eating, pain and bleeding may appear. Subsequently, the tissues begin to bleed even with light touch, they become sensitive, an unpleasant odor appears, as well as necrotic areas that look like a profuse white bloom. If untreated, the disease can turn into a chronic, purulent or hypertrophic form, which are more difficult to treat.

How are sore gums treated?

When the first signs of gum inflammation appear, you should immediately contact your dentist, carry out a complete sanitation of the oral cavity, and, if necessary, dental treatment. If there is a suspicion of a disease of the internal organs, the patient undergoes a comprehensive examination, after which the appropriate therapy is prescribed. Self-medication for gum disease is strongly discouraged, since this can lead to unpleasant consequences, but you can alleviate the condition before visiting a specialist with the help of pharmacy drugs or home remedies.

Video: Treatment and symptoms of gingivitis

Medication treatment

For the treatment of inflamed gums, solutions, gels and ointments are used that have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, promote the healing of microtraumas and protect tissues.

Table. Preparations for rinsing the mouth.

NameDescriptionMode of application
Antibacterial agent designed to eliminate the symptoms of dental diseasesRinse your mouth twice a day after hygiene procedures, do not dilute with water
A concentrated solution of medicinal herbs, which includes extracts of various plants and other componentsDilute 10 ml of the drug in half a glass of water, apply 3-4 times a day
An effective antiseptic that cleans mucous membranes well and fights inflammationUse to rinse your mouth every time you eat
A drug with a pronounced antibacterial effect, effective against most microorganisms that cause inflammation of the gumsRinse your mouth 3-4 times a day or wipe the affected area with a cotton swab dipped in a solution
A product with a local anti-inflammatory effect, promotes tissue regeneration and reduces bleedingDissolve the drug (a teaspoon) in 250 ml of warm boiled water, use 2-3 times a day, the course of treatment is 2-5 days
Homeopathic remedy with antimicrobial and decongestant actionTake 10 drops of the solution in a glass of warm water, rinse daily for a week
Mouthwash with tea tree oil, aloe and coniferous extractUse every time after a meal until the unpleasant manifestations disappear (can be used for prophylaxis)

Table. Healing gels and ointments.

NameDescriptionMode of application
Dental gel containing extracts of sage, mint, clove, oregano and other anti-inflammatory and disinfecting componentsLubricate the gums 2-3 times a day for no more than 10 days in a row
A drug that contains hyaluronic acid. It is used to eliminate the manifestations of gum inflammation, tissue regeneration and eliminate harmful microorganismsApply to inflamed tissues 3-4 times a day until symptoms are completely eliminated
Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial gel with instant analgesic effectRub into the affected area 2-3 times a day for 5-7 days
Balm with propolis, which promotes tissue regeneration and eliminates bleedingApply 2-3 times a day for a course of 7-14 days
Local anesthetic with fast action and regenerating effectApply to the surface of the gums 3-4 times a day for no more than 7 days in a row

It should be noted that most dental solutions, gels and ointments have a number of contraindications - in particular, they are not used during pregnancy, a tendency to allergic reactions, and also for the treatment of diseases in children.

In advanced cases (with deep damage to the gums), patients need antibiotic treatment, but the decision on their appointment can only be made by a doctor. Most often, for dental diseases, antimicrobial drugs of a wide spectrum of action ("Lincomycin", "Glycosamide") are used, which do not cause side effects and are well tolerated by the body.

It is better to clean the teeth with gum disease with special pastes that have an anti-inflammatory and protective effect - "Paradontax", "President", "Lakalut". You can use such pastes for a month, after which you need to take a break.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine eliminates the symptoms of gum disease no less effectively than pharmaceutical drugs, but they should also be used with caution, as they can cause allergies and other unpleasant manifestations.

The easiest and most affordable recipe for treating sore gums is soda-salt baths. Stir a tablespoon of soda in a glass of warm water, add 0.5 teaspoon of salt and rinse your mouth thoroughly with the resulting product several times a day. For home treatment, you can take a solution of hydrogen peroxide (a tablespoon per 250 ml of water), iodine (10 drops per 250 ml), as well as furacilin tablets (1 tablet per glass of water). Decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants - chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, calendula, oak bark, plantain, as well as alcoholic tinctures and essential oils (to prepare the product, dissolve a few drops of the product in warm water) have a good effect.

Video: How to treat gum disease

How to improve gum health?

Even if inflammation, bleeding and other unpleasant symptoms were eliminated, the disease can return under the influence of negative factors. To avoid relapse, simple rules should be followed:

Medicines and folk remedies for gum disease fight unpleasant symptoms of the disease, but are not able to eliminate its cause. To do this, you need to visit a dentist, perform professional teeth cleaning, and, if necessary, undergo a comprehensive examination of the body.

Gum disease treatment with folk remedies

With the deterioration of the environmental situation, the violation of proper nutrition, people increasingly began to turn to doctors with the problem of gum disease. In order to avoid the occurrence of these diseases, it is worthwhile to study in detail what gum diseases exist, their causes, symptoms and what measures to take for treatment at home

Causes of gum disease
Periodontal disease
Desquamative gingivitis
Periodontitis in adults
Localized juvenile periodontitis
Herpetic gingivostomatitis
Gum disease in children
Home treatment
Treatment with folk remedies
Apple vinegar

The gums are the most vulnerable part of the mouth. They can be affected by diseases in both young people and the elderly. Signs of their dysfunctional state are bleeding, a changed color and structure, as well as an unpleasant odor.

Gum disease often begins with gingivitis, a form of inflammation. This can lead to more serious problems, causing inflammation of the gums around the tooth and leading to bone destruction and even tooth loss. The susceptibility to this increases if you eat a lot of sugar, as well as in the presence of diabetes and other diseases such as AIDS.

If adequate measures have not been taken to eliminate it, then gingivitis can cause the development of periodontitis, a serious disease in which the gum located directly next to the tooth suffers.

The next stage of gum disease is periodontal disease. During this period, the bone structure is affected, it becomes in the form of cells. The roots are exposed, but loosening does not occur.

Only over time does this become the reason for the loss of teeth. In advanced cases, a fistula may occur on the gum, its treatment is determined by a periodontist.

Causes of gum disease

Drugs prescribed to treat cancer and some other conditions can worsen gum health.

Their inflammation can increase the risk of developing heart disease.

Women with problematic gums are more likely to have babies with low birth weight prematurely.

Factors contributing to the onset of disease include:

insufficient oral hygiene;

poor nutrition;

age-related changes in the body;

genetic predisposition;

hormonal changes;

taking certain medications;

stressful situations;

viral infections and fungal diseases;



Bacteria accumulate on the lower part of the tooth in the form of stones, which should be removed in a timely manner in dental offices, otherwise it can provoke a disease.

If you do not treat the appeared small inflammatory process, then this can develop into periodontitis.


75% of the adult population has gum problems.

The presence of diseases is usually indicated by pain syndrome.

However, with gingivitis, there is practically no discomfort in the initial phase.

Therefore, you should be guided by other symptoms:
1) swollen or red gums that bleed frequently;
2) increased sensitivity of the teeth;
3) bad breath.

It is important to always take care of your health. The oral cavity should be looked after daily, and the dentist should check the condition of the teeth and soft tissues to identify any changes that could cause concern.

Periodontal disease

It is a disease of the tissue that supports the teeth. If left untreated, it leads to the destruction of soft tissues, the alveolar ridge (the part of the jaw where the tooth begins to grow) and the outer layer of the tooth root. As a rule, periodontal disease is a chronic disease.

Acute periodontal tissue infection may occur, but this is extremely rare.

The main area involved in periodontal disease is the gingival sulcus and the pocket between the teeth and gums. Several forms of periodontal disease are known.

These are gingivitis, acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, adult periodontitis and localized periodontitis.

Although periodontal disease is considered common, severe cases do not always occur.

For example, gingivitis is one of the earliest signs of leukemia in some children.

This is an inflammation of the outer soft tissue of the gums. They turn red, lose their normal shape and often bleed. Gingivitis can remain a chronic disease without affecting the periodontal tissue.

Chronic gingivitis can lead to a deepening of the gingival sulcus.

Acute gingivitis, accompanied by necrotic ulcers, occurs mainly in young adults.

This form is characterized by painful, bleeding gums, erosions and necrotic processes between the teeth.

Stress, malnutrition, fatigue and poor oral hygiene are thought to be the causes of this disease.

Desquamative gingivitis
It occurs mainly in postmenopausal women. The causes of the disease have not yet been clarified. The outer layers of the gum flake off, exposing tissue and exposing the nerves

Periodontitis in adults

This is the most severe form of periodontal disease. It spreads to the gum, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone. A deep periodontal pocket forms between the teeth, and tartar forms.

Food, falling into pockets, aggravates the disease. Without treatment, the periodontal ligaments can be destroyed and resorption of the alveolar bone occurs. This will allow the teeth to loosen and cause them to fall out.

Localized juvenile periodontitis
This is a less common form of periodontal disease. It manifests itself in young people. It affects molars and incisors. Among the differences that characterize this form of periodontitis are mild inflammation, the minimum amount of plaque on the teeth.

Herpetic gingivostomatitis

This is an infection of the gums and other parts of the mouth. It is often accompanied by other periodontal diseases. The inflamed areas turn red with white herpetic lesions. Herpetic gingivostomatitis is caused by viruses, not bacteria. The patient is contagious to other people who come into contact with him.


Such an inflammatory process is found in children during the growth of molar teeth. Especially the lower molars. As a tooth grows, a portion of the gum still covers the tooth, which causes bacteria and food debris to build up, which can lead to inflammation. If at this point the upper tooth has already erupted, then it can injure the lower gum during chewing, which causes irritation and infection. In severe cases, the infection can spread to the neck and cheeks.


This is a consequence of the course of gingivitis, when the inflammation reaches the tooth and bone structure. Plaque and loosening of the tooth form large pockets between the gums and teeth. Pus may be discharged. During this time, anaerobic bacteria multiply in these pockets. As a result, the bone holding the tooth is damaged, and over time this leads to the loss of the tooth.

Several medical conditions have been identified that increase the likelihood of developing periodontitis. These include diabetes mellitus, Down syndrome, Cohn's disease, AIDS, and other diseases that reduce the number of white blood cells over a long period of time.


Many factors affect the appearance of a tumor on the gums. The cause of its occurrence can be determined by the doctor during examination.

For example, a painful and bleeding swelling that appears over a swollen gum indicates periodontitis or gingivitis.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed as medications, as well as the removal of stones and plaque, which is a source of infection. The attention of the patient is drawn to the observance of careful oral hygiene in order to avoid relapse.

Swelling can occur when the gums are injured. She is treated with wound-healing drugs. If, when pressing on it, a throbbing pain is felt, with spreading into the ear, then this indicates the progression of the inflammation process and additional treatment is required in the form of opening a festering tumor to remove pus.

Particular attention should be paid to swelling that has spread to the cheek (flux). Her treatment is often prompt. The reason for this pathology may be incompletely treated dental caries, which has spread to the periosteum.


This can be the cause of the development of gingivitis or periodontitis, the consequences of injury from a filling or crown, or a signal of the onset of periodontitis.

This inflammation occurs due to poor oral hygiene. Hard deposits and soft plaque build up on the teeth. Pathogenic microorganisms that release toxins trigger long-term inflammatory reactions. At the first stage, swelling, redness occurs. Then the mobility of the teeth joins them, pockets appear and purulent discharge appears.

Inflammation in trauma is localized only near this place, covering 1-2 teeth. The overhanging part of the filling, which may be the cause of inflammation, must be cut off, and if this is not possible, then completely replaced.

A crown that injures the gums should be replaced, since treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs can only give a short-term effect.

Gum disease in children

Children are also prone to developing gum disease. You should be careful, as this can cause other diseases of the child's body.

In order not to miss the onset of the disease, you need to periodically examine the baby's oral cavity. If the gum is healthy, then it has a pink color and is sufficiently hydrated, and the cause for excitement should be reddened, causing pain. You should also be alert if a child has bad breath, profuse salivation and bleeding gums.

Inflammatory reactions can be caused by teething, the habit of eating too hot food or dry foods that scratch the gums.

The most common diseases that a child can develop are:

When the gums are swollen, they begin to bleed.

Attention! Do not self-medicate inflammatory processes in children. See your dentist for help.

Home treatment

Taking care of oral hygiene is the main rule in treating gums at home. As therapeutic agents, gels and ointments with anti-inflammatory properties can be used.

The gel is smoother to apply to damaged areas and lasts longer to make an impact.

The ointment, due to its oily structure, is absorbed more slowly and therefore the result from its use is lower.

Such drugs are effective - "Cholisal", "Metrogyl Denta", "Kamistad".

When applied, the pain stops after a couple of minutes. They also have anti-inflammatory properties. After their application, the bleeding of the gums stops, the treatment can be continued on the recommendation of a doctor.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine can help relieve gum inflammation, especially in the early stages.

Plants that eliminate bleeding:
1) chamomile;
2) oak bark;
3) sage;
4) water pepper;
5) nettle.
From each of these plants, you can prepare a decoction or infusion, and then rinse your mouth with it until complete recovery.

Note! Alcoholic tinctures can cause burns to the inflamed gums, so it is not advisable to use them.

Apple vinegar

Salt, hydrogen peroxide, horseradish have a similar effect on sore gums.

Medicinal toothpastes have a positive effect: "Lakalut", "Paradontex", etc.


Diseases are easier to prevent. To do this, you should take care of oral hygiene.

Brush your teeth regularly with toothpaste twice a day.

It is imperative to maintain a healthy lifestyle and consume adequate amounts of protein, minerals and vitamins.

Certainly, the food should contain meat and dairy products, eggs and fish. They contain a large amount of protein, which is necessary for the normal functioning of teeth and gums.

The presence of vitamin C in food affects the condition of the soft tissues of the oral cavity.

With a sufficient amount, the tissue does not become inflamed or bleed. In some cases, this vitamin can be injected directly into the gums.

The above methods to get rid of the painful condition of the gums will help to remove the manifestation of the disease, but in order to completely cure it, it is better to consult a dentist or periodontist. They will prescribe the necessary medications and monitor the progress of the treatment.

The unique formula combines natural plant extracts and minerals to protect the oral cavity from tooth decay on a daily basis. Lotus leaf and flower extracts have been renowned in Chinese medicine for their soothing and cooling properties. A toothpaste with a pleasant mint, floral taste.

Mild balm to strengthen the gums. Sage and chamomile extracts reduce swelling, irritation and inflammation of the gums; ratania root strengthens the gums and prevents them from bleeding. The balm supports the health and regeneration processes of the oral cavity. Suitable for people wearing dentures.

After each brushing of your teeth, gently rub the balm into the gums for 1-2 minutes with your finger or with a soft toothbrush. For optimal effect: Do not rinse and refrain from eating or drinking for 15 minutes.

BioRepair ® Concentrated mouthwash for mouth, teeth and gums regenerates enamel, freshens breath and penetrates hard-to-reach areas. It contains 15% of the active substance microrepair, which allows you to restore tooth enamel. BIOREPAIR mouthwash does not contain Chlorhexidine (which makes teeth turn yellow), no alcohol, no parabens, no dyes, no preservatives. The main component is nano-sized zinc hydroxyapatite. Forms on the teeth a thin film of Zinc hydroxyapatite, which is identical to dental tissue and has an antimicrobial effect.

The most effective home remedy for strengthening gums.
You will see the result quickly - the inflammation and bleeding of the gums disappear, the tooth enamel becomes stronger, the gums become strong, the teeth stop loose. If you start using this recipe in the early stages of periodontitis, you can keep strong teeth until old age.

In 2 liters of 30% alcohol, add fist-sized propolis and 100 g of dry calamus roots, a little mint. Insist in a dark place for 1 month. After each meal and brushing your teeth, rinse your mouth with this tincture. (HLS 2000, No. 21, pp. 20-21)
Here is a similar recipe with a tincture of propolis and calamus, but in precise and smaller doses: pour half a glass of calamus roots with 0.5 liters of vodka, 20 g of propolis also pour 0.5 liters in another bowl. vodka, leave for 21 days, shaking daily. Before going to bed, pour 1 tsp into a stack. tincture of propolis and 1 tbsp. l. calamus tinctures. Keep this mixture in your mouth for 1 minute (check by the hour), and even better for 2-3 minutes. It will burn very much and burn in the mouth, but you have to endure. The course of gum treatment is 1 month.
This is a very effective folk remedy, often found in clinics and gives a guaranteed result (HLS 2010, No. 18, p. 9)

Folk remedies for the treatment of bleeding and inflammation of the gums with periodontitis.
1. Thoroughly brush your teeth after each meal for at least three minutes
2. Massage the gums: clasping the gums with thumb and forefinger on both sides, massage it with vertical movements 8-10 times at each place. Simply massage with clean fingers or use Parodontol toothpaste or fine salt with vegetable oil as a massage cream.
3. Brush your teeth with salt or greasy clay without admixture of sand or a mixture of tooth powder and powder from calamus root.
4. Rub honey mixed with salt (1: 2) into the gums. Rub the gums with yarrow juice, plantain, a clove of garlic.
5. Make mouthwash with chamomile, sage, calendula, oak, propolis tincture.
6. Inside use infusions of nettle, oak bark, horsetail, pine needles, rose hips, Icelandic moss. (HLS 2003 No. 6, p. 7)

How to treat gum disease at home with green tea.
The man's gums were often swollen and bleeding. I tried to treat them with different means, rinsed with herbal infusions, used homeopathy, but it hardly helped. For the past three years, I have begun to regularly drink green tea - at least two cups a day. Since then, the problem with the gums has disappeared - they have strengthened and stopped hurting. (HLS 2006 No. 23, p. 33)

There are three main ways to treat gum disease at home:

How to relieve gum disease with massage.

Massage with a toothbrush.
To relieve inflammation and strengthen the gums, you need to massage them with a brush without paste. After each meal, rinse your mouth with salt water - the gums come back in order. (HLS 2000, No. 23, p. 5)

Massage the gums with salt.

Review # 1 on the treatment of gum inflammation and bleeding at home.
In 1970, the man's gums began to ache, he was bleeding, his teeth fell out one after another, treatment at the dentists did not help. By 1995, only 4 teeth remained, on which the dentures were held. Finally they got sick too. He did not go to the doctors, he decided to use salt for strengthening the gums - he rubbed all the gums well with a toothbrush with "Extra" salt, then with clean hands he made a massage, as if giving it away, so that the gum would come out of the gums. Then he rinsed out his mouth with hydrogen peroxide solution. Three days later, there were no signs of illness, the teeth stopped hurting, and the gums stopped bleeding. It has been 10 years, when signs of pain in the teeth and gums appear, the man uses this folk remedy for the treatment of gums. And all four of his teeth are still in place. (HLS 2004, No. 17, p. 15)
Review # 2 on salt treatment.
The woman managed to cure periodontal disease using the same recipe - she brushed her teeth and gums with fine salt "Extra" or sea salt several times a day. The pain was hellish, but endured. (2011 No. 16, p. 9)

How to relieve gum inflammation with sea buckthorn oil.
Massage the gums twice a day for 3-5 minutes with the index finger dipped in sea buckthorn oil or rosehip oil. Do not be afraid of profuse bleeding from the gums. The course of treatment is 2 weeks, two weeks off and a new course. During the year, you need to carry out 5 courses to strengthen the gums. (HLS 2006 No. 16, p. 12)

Fir oil treatment.
Add 3-5 drops of fir oil to 100 g of water - rinse your mouth or moisten cotton swabs with this solution and put them on the gums (HLS 2010 No. 1, p. 8,)
Another woman managed to cure periodontal disease with this oil: she moistened cotton wool with fir oil and rubbed her gums and teeth for two weeks. I forgot about periodontal disease. (2011 No. 24, p. 30)

Treatment of gum disease with folk remedies: soda, lemon and peroxide.
Take 0.5 tsp. soda, drip a few drops of lemon juice and 10-20 drops of hydrogen peroxide. Stir and brush your teeth with this composition and massage the gums, after which do not eat or drink anything for 15 minutes, do not rinse your mouth. This remedy will relieve gum bleeding and toothache, and the tooth enamel will be strengthened. (HLS 2010 № 6, p. 16) Gradually the teeth will become white, and the gums will stop bleeding and inflamed. (HLS 2004, No. 5, p. 16)

Strengthening the gums and teeth with bitumen for periodontal disease.
If there are no weak fillings in the teeth, then an excellent method to strengthen the teeth is to chew bitumen three times a week for an hour. This resin is safe for health, and if you start using this recipe for prevention, your teeth and gums will always be strong, and caries will never begin. (HLS 2004, No. 4, p. 21 - from conversations with Dr. Kopylov)

Indian toothpaste.
Toothache the Indians will help relieve inflammation and bleeding of the gums. Grind sea salt and dried banana peels into a powder. 2 tsp banana peel powder mix with 3 tbsp. l. salt and dilute with olive oil until thick sour cream. Rub this paste into the gums 2 times a day. Keep the released saliva in your mouth for 10 minutes, then spit it out, do not rinse your mouth. In summer, chew plantain leaves and keep the resulting gruel near the gums. (HLS 2003 No. 9, p. 28) (2002 No. 17, p. 18)

Honey comb to strengthen and heal the gums.
A woman treated sinusitis with a backing bar (wax caps from honeycombs) chewed once a day for 15-30 minutes for 9 months. Together with sinusitis, she also had periodontitis, which she had for many years. (HLS 2003 No. 9, p. 27)

Salt, baking soda and ash to strengthen the gums in case of periodontal disease.
Mix equal parts salt, baking soda and wood ash, mix and brush your teeth. Salt heals gums, ash heals and whitens teeth, soda restores enamel. The woman's teeth were loose, her gums hurt, the doctor advised to remove her teeth. The woman used this folk remedy and kept all her teeth. 8 years have passed - not a single tooth has been lost since then. (HLS 2002, No. 16, p. 19)

How to relieve gum disease at home with compresses.

Strengthening the gums with lingonberry juice for periodontal disease.
The woman's gums became inflamed, bleeding, and moved away from her teeth. The treatment was unsuccessful and she lost many teeth. I suffered for many years, but was cured in three days - I soaked cotton wool with lingonberry juice and applied it to the gums. The inflammation passed, the gums began to adhere tightly to the teeth, the teeth stopped loosening. (HLS 2007 No. 22 p. 33)

How to treat beetroot gum disease.
Grate the beets (sugar can be used) and put between the gums and lips overnight. Soon, the gums are in order. (2002, No. 22, p. 20)

Aloe is an effective folk remedy for periodontitis.
The woman's teeth did not stay in her gums at all, medications did not help, she decided to treat aloe periodontitis. Every evening, at night, she applied a cut aloe leaf to her gums. After three months, she was able to strengthen her gums with this folk remedy, her teeth stopped loosening. (2000, No. 15, Art. 17). Instead of aloe, you can also use a Kalanchoe leaf (HLS 2011, No. 1, p. 28, 10)

How to rinse your mouth with gum disease at home.

Rinsing the mouth with periodontitis is the simplest folk remedy for gum inflammation, it is easy to use at home, and the result of treatment is visible quickly.
Here are some things you can use to rinse your mouth to help strengthen your gums and teeth.

Pomegranate peel and prevention of periodontal disease.
Boil the peel of 1 pomegranate in a glass of water for 3 minutes, insist. This broth is an excellent folk remedy for the prevention of gum disease. Rinse the mouth with broth several times a day, this broth can be added to tea or jelly to saturate the body with trace elements and vitamins, especially in case of indigestion, since the broth has a strengthening effect. (HLS 2012 No. 9, p. 33)

You can rinse your mouth with badan infusion.
Badan root is sold in sachets at the pharmacy. It is necessary to brew it like tea and rinse your mouth. Bleeding and inflammation of the gums quickly subside. (HLS 2010 No. 18, p. 40)

Rinsing the mouth with St. John's wort.
This folk remedy will save gums from bleeding and strengthen teeth. Every day rinse your mouth with St. John's wort infusion - 1 pinch of dry herb in a glass of boiling water. This advice for periodontitis was given by a dentist (2004, No. 8, p. 28)

Strengthening the gums with celandine with periodontitis.
The man's gums were bleeding and sore, and almost all of his teeth were loose. He began to rinse his mouth with celandine tincture (1 teaspoon per glass of water). After 10 days I felt an improvement, after 4 months my teeth stopped loosening. I made a tincture of celandine as follows: 1 part of celandine juice to 1 part of alcohol. (2002, No. 16, p. 20)

To reduce the formation of tartar, it is necessary to consume more radish, garlic, onion, dill, parsley, seaweed, birch sap or infusion of birch buds or leaves. Birch infusion treats gum disease. Bearberry leaves have the same effect.
Hypericum, chamomile, and calendula infusions will help to strengthen the gums.
With bleeding gums, decoctions of oak or cinquefoil bark will help. In the treatment of bleeding gums, a solution of hydrogen peroxide helps (1 tsp for 500 g of water)
In folk remedies, garlic has always been used to grind 2 cloves, add 1-2 tsp. curdled milk. Keep the mixture in your mouth, trying to apply it with your tongue to the affected gums. Do it 3 times a day (2009 No. 10, p. 16)

Periodontal disease is a lesion of the gums, due to which the gum tissue gradually decreases, exposing the root of the tooth. Unlike periodontitis, periodontal disease is not inflammatory in nature and is much less common.

Before treating periodontal disease of teeth with folk remedies, you need to eliminate the causes of the disease. This will help save your teeth.

The main cause of periodontal disease Is poor oral care. If the plaque is not cleaned, tartar will form, leading to periodontal disease. Plaque and tartar contain a huge number of bacteria that destroy bone tissue.
For the prevention of periodontal disease of the gums it is necessary to chew solid food, especially raw fruits and vegetables, to massage the gums, to insert the lost teeth in time so as not to overload the remaining ones. A prerequisite for the prevention of periodontal disease is to brush or rinse your teeth after eating.

Treatment of periodontal disease with folk remedies can stop this disease and save teeth.

There are the following folk remedies for the treatment of gum inflammation and bleeding:

Aloe - The easiest and most affordable folk method for treating periodontal disease at home

Apply half of the aloe cut along the leaf to the teeth at night. The procedure is carried out 7-10 times in a row

How to treat gum disease with salt water is a simple folk remedy.

If the gums are bleeding, dilute 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of water, dip a toothbrush in this solution after each meal and brush your teeth and gums. Salt water strengthens the gums, inflammation and bleeding disappears, bacteria that destroy dental tissue die. It is even better to take sea food salt - due to the high iodine content, the process of strengthening the teeth and gums will go faster. In addition, for treatment, it is good to rub sea salt into the gums with your finger, at least once a day.

Celandine will help save teeth.

Fill a liter jar with finely chopped celandine herb, fill it with 40 ° alcohol, leave for 2 weeks. Rinse the gums with the prepared tincture every time after meals for 10 minutes. Before use, dilute the tincture in half with water, so as not to injure your mouth with alcohol. Bleeding and inflammation of the gums disappear in 10 days, but it is advisable to use it continuously or 10-day courses once a month.

Cranberries in folk remedies for the treatment of bleeding gums.

Massaging 2-3 times a day after eating bleeding gums with crushed cranberries will relieve periodontal disease

How to treat periodontal disease with horseradish.

The recipe is as follows: take 1 glass of grated horseradish, put it in a half-liter tank, pour boiling water to the top and close with a tight sealed lid. When the infusion has cooled down, you can use it. Swallow the infusion and keep it in your mouth as long as possible, rinsing your mouth, then swallow it. This is a very effective folk remedy for the treatment of periodontal disease: it strengthens the gums, cleans the oral cavity from bacteria, and the swallowed infusion cleanses the blood vessels.

Sorrel to strengthen the gums.

With bleeding gums, loose teeth, rinsing the mouth with fresh sorrel juice diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2 helps.

How to treat gum disease with plantain

Treatment of periodontal disease with herbs in the summer is widespread. Plantain should be chewed at least three times a day. When the mass becomes tasteless, spit it out. In some cases, teeth stop loosening and bleed gums after three days. Rubbing the gums with plantain juice or rinsing the mouth with plantain infusion also strengthens the teeth. In winter, the infusion can be prepared from dry leaves in winter.

Treatment of periodontal disease at home with herbal infusion.

If the gums bleed, in folk medicine, infusions of the following herbs are used: chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula. Oak bark infusion strengthens the gums well

Strengthening and treating gums with folk remedies - how to treat gums from inflammation and bleeding - how to strengthen gums and teeth - healthy lifestyle recipes

These folk remedies helped to strengthen and heal the gums and preserve the teeth.

Alternative treatment of periodontal disease of the gums at home with a mixture of salt and soda

A 15-year-old woman could not cope with gum disease, she lost all molars, her gums were constantly bleeding. Treatment with folk remedies did not help, although she tried many recipes. But one recipe, read in HLS No. 5 for 2011, helped her - in two days the bleeding stopped, the remaining teeth were saved, they stopped loose. Here's the recipe:
To strengthen the gums, whiten teeth and remove plaque from them, mix 1 tsp. salt, 2 tsp. baking soda and 3 tbsp. l. birch ash from birch bark without a thick yellow layer. This tool should be used to brush your teeth in 1-2 days. As a result, the gums will become stronger, the teeth will stop loosening, the tartar will dissolve, and the teeth will turn white. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2011, No. 20, p. 34)

How to treat periodontal disease of the gums with pine needles.

This folk remedy is similar to the treatment of periodontal disease with plantain. The woman took 25-30 pine needles 2 times a day and chewed them for several minutes, until they lost their taste, and spit out the cake. The gums stopped bleeding (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2011, No. 10, p. 30)

How to strengthen teeth with peroxide at home

A woman often found advice in the healthy lifestyle newspaper to rinse her mouth and massage her gums with hydrogen peroxide. She adopted this folk recipe for periodontal disease. Massaged (rubbed with fingers, preferably with soap) for 2-3 minutes in the morning and evening. Peroxide took 20-30 drops per 50 ml of water. Gradually, the loose gums became elastic, although the dentist told her that she could not cope with the disease. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2011, No. 10, p. 30)

Treatment of dental periodontal disease at home with a golden mustache

For the woman, doctors have already refused to treat periodontal disease - a too neglected case, and before that they used many means, but nothing helped. The patient managed to heal his gums and save his teeth in a month with the help of a golden mustache. After brushing her teeth, every evening she put a piece of golden mustache on her gums, slightly incised so that the juice would stand out. A month later, the disease receded. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2011, No. 10, p. 30)

How to treat inflammation of the gums with resin

Pour the pine or spruce resin with alcohol so that the resin is covered. As the resin dissolves, add new portions to make a concentrated infusion. Lubricate the gums with this infusion. This tincture of sap also heals wounds, scratches and stomach ulcers well - 1 tsp. on an empty stomach. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2010, No. 5, p. 32)

Folk remedies for periodontal disease of teeth.

At the age of 80, a woman began to lose her teeth - they staggered and fell out of the gums. I began to look for funds to preserve the remaining teeth. The following recipes helped to strengthen the teeth:
1.1 tbsp. l. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over hazel leaves. Insist 10 minutes, drink 3/4 cup 3 times a day.
2. Chew a few thin oak twigs, then massage the gums with them. Do this massage at least once a week. Looseness and bleeding disappear ..
3. Pour a handful of strawberry leaves with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 5 minutes. Rinse your mouth - you can quickly cure gum disease. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2010, No. 20, p. 39)

How to treat gums and save teeth with periodontal disease

In 2 liters of 30% alcohol, add fist-sized propolis and 100 g of dry calamus roots, a little mint. Insist in a dark place for 1 month. After each meal and brushing your teeth, rinse your mouth with this tincture. After 2-3 weeks of treatment with this folk remedy, bleeding gums, pain will disappear, tooth enamel will strengthen. Using this tool constantly, you can keep strong teeth until old age (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2000, No. 21, p. 20-21)
Here is a similar recipe with a tincture of propolis and calamus, but in precise and smaller doses: pour half a glass of calamus roots with 0.5 liters of vodka, 20 g of propolis also pour 0.5 liters in another bowl. vodka. Insist 21 days, shaking daily. Before going to bed, pour 1 tsp into the hill. tincture of propolis and 1 tbsp. l. calamus tinctures. Keep this mixture in your mouth for 1 minute (check by the hour), and even better for 2-3 minutes. It will burn very much and burn in the mouth, but you have to endure. The course of gum treatment is 1 month.
This is a very effective folk remedy, often found in clinics and gives a guaranteed result (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2010, No. 18, p. 9)

Treating gums for inflammation and bleeding with salt

To cure periodontal disease and strengthen the gums, it is necessary to massage the gums with a brush without paste. After each meal, rinse your mouth with salt water - inflammation and bleeding of the gums disappears (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2000, No. 23, p. 5)
In 1970, the man's gums began to ache, bleed, his teeth fell out one after another, treatment at the dentists did not help. By 1995, only 4 teeth remained, on which the dentures were held. Finally they got sick too. He did not go to the doctors, he decided to use salt for strengthening the gums - he rubbed all the gums well with a toothbrush with "Extra" salt, then with clean hands he made a massage, as if giving it away, so that the gum would come out of the gums. Then he rinsed out his mouth with hydrogen peroxide solution. Three days later, there were no signs of illness, the teeth stopped hurting, and the gums stopped bleeding. It has been 10 years, when signs of pain in the teeth and gums appear, the man uses this folk remedy for the treatment of gums. And all four of his teeth are still in place. (Review from the Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2004, No. 17, p. 15) The woman managed to cure periodontal disease using the same recipe - she brushed her teeth and gums with fine salt "Extra" or sea salt. The pain was hellish, but endured (review from the Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2011, No. 16, p. 9)

How to treat bleeding gums with green tea

The gums were swollen and bleeding, rinsing with medicinal herbs did not help. The man switched entirely to green tea. Three years later, the problem with the gums disappeared - they strengthened and stopped hurting. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2006, No. 23, p. 33)

Treatment of gums at home with sea buckthorn oil

If the gums are bleeding, massage the gums twice a day for 3-5 minutes with the index finger dipped in sea buckthorn oil or rosehip oil. Do not be afraid of profuse bleeding from the gums. The course of treatment is 2 weeks, two weeks off and a new course. During the year, you need to carry out 5 courses to strengthen the gums. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2006, No. 16, p. 12)

How to treat gum disease with fir oil

Add 3-5 drops of fir oil to 100 g of water - rinse your mouth or moisten cotton swabs with this solution and put them on the gums (HLS 2010 No. 1, p. 8,)
Another woman managed to cure periodontal disease with this oil: she moistened cotton wool with fir oil and rubbed her gums and teeth for two weeks. I forgot about periodontal disease. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2011, No. 24, p. 30)

Soda, lemon and peroxide

Take 0.5 tsp. soda, drip a few drops of lemon juice and 10-20 drops of hydrogen peroxide. Stir and brush your teeth with this composition, after which do not eat or drink anything for 15 minutes, do not rinse your mouth. This remedy will relieve gum bleeding and toothache, and the tooth enamel will be strengthened. (HLS 2010 № 6, p. 16) Gradually the teeth will become white, and the gums will stop bleeding and inflamed. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2004, No. 5, p. 16)

To reduce the formation of tartar, it is necessary to consume more radish, garlic, onion, dill, parsley, seaweed, birch sap or infusion of birch buds or leaves. Birch infusion treats gum disease. Bearberry leaves have the same effect.
Hypericum, chamomile, and calendula infusions will help to strengthen the gums.
With bleeding gums, decoctions of oak or cinquefoil bark will help. Hydrogen peroxide solution (1 tsp for 500 g of water) helps to strengthen teeth
In folk remedies, garlic has always been used to grind 2 cloves, add 1-2 tsp. curdled milk. Keep the mixture in your mouth, trying to apply it with your tongue to the affected gums. Do 3 times a day (HLS Bulletin 009, No. 10, p. 16)

Strengthening the gums with lingonberry juice for periodontal disease

The woman's gums became inflamed, bleeding, and moved away from her teeth. The treatment was unsuccessful and she lost many teeth. I suffered for many years, but was cured in three days - I soaked cotton wool with lingonberry juice and applied it to the gums. The inflammation passed, the gums began to adhere tightly to the teeth, the teeth stopped loosening. (Review from the Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2007, No. 22 p. 33)

Treatment of bleeding gums at home St. John's wort

Every day rinse your mouth with St. John's wort infusion - 1 pinch of dry herb in a glass of boiling water. This advice was given by a dentist (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2004, No. 8, p. 28)

Strengthening teeth with bitumen

If there are no weak fillings in the teeth, then an excellent method to strengthen the teeth is to chew bitumen three times a week for an hour. This resin is safe for health, and if you start using this recipe for prevention, your teeth and gums will always be strong, and caries will never begin. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2004, No. 4, p. 21 - from conversations with Dr. Kopylov)

Folk remedies for the treatment of bleeding and inflammation of the gums with periodontal disease.

1. Thoroughly brush your teeth after eating for at least three minutes
2. Massage the gums: clasping the gums with thumb and forefinger on both sides, massage it with vertical movements 8-10 times at each place. Simply massage with clean fingers or use Parodontol toothpaste or fine salt with vegetable oil as a massage cream.
3. Brush your teeth with salt or greasy clay without admixture of sand or a mixture of tooth powder and powder from calamus root.
4. Rub honey mixed with salt (1: 2) into the gums. rub the gums with yarrow juice, plantain, a clove of garlic.
5. Make mouthwash with chamomile, sage, calendula, oak, propolis tincture.
6. Inside use infusions of nettle, oak bark, horsetail, pine needles, rose hips, Icelandic moss. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2003, No. 6, p. 7)

Indian toothpaste will help save teeth with periodontal disease

To cure the inflammation and bleeding of the gums, the tooth of the Indians will help. Grind sea salt and dried banana peels into a powder. 2 tsp banana peel powder mix with 3 tbsp. l. salt and dilute with olive oil until thick sour cream. Rub this paste into the gums 2 times a day. Keep the released saliva in your mouth for 10 minutes, then spit it out, do not rinse your mouth. In summer, chew plantain leaves and keep the resulting gruel near the gums. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2003, No. 9, p. 28) (2002, No. 17, p. 18)

Honey comb to strengthen teeth

A woman treated sinusitis with a backing bar (wax caps from honeycombs) chewed once a day for 15-30 minutes for 9 months. Together with sinusitis, she also had periodontitis, which she had for many years, and her teeth stopped loosening. (Review from the Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2003, No. 9, p. 27)

Salt, soda and ash to strengthen teeth and gums with periodontal disease

Mix equal parts salt, baking soda and wood ash, mix and brush your teeth. Salt heals gums, ash heals and whitens teeth, soda restores enamel. The woman's teeth were loose, her gums hurt, the doctor advised to remove her teeth. The woman used this folk remedy and kept all her teeth. 8 years have passed - not a single tooth has been lost since then. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2002, No. 16, p. 19)

How to treat gum disease with celandine.

The man's gums were bleeding and sore, and almost all of his teeth were loose. He began to rinse his mouth with celandine tincture (1 teaspoon per glass of water). After 10 days I felt an improvement, after 4 months my teeth stopped loosening. I made a tincture of celandine as follows: 1 part of celandine juice to 1 part of alcohol. (Review from the Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2002, No. 16, p. 20)

Strengthening and healing the gums with beets

Grate the beets (sugar can be used) and put between the gums and lips overnight. Soon the bleeding of the gums disappears (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2002, No. 22, p. 20)

Alternative gum treatment with aloe leaf

The woman's teeth did not stay in her gums at all, medications did not help, she decided to treat her gums with aloe. Every evening, at night, she applied a cut aloe leaf to her gums. After three months, she was able to strengthen her gums with this folk remedy, her teeth stopped loose. (2000, No. 15, Art. 17). Instead of aloe, you can also use a Kalanchoe leaf (review from the Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2011, No. 1, Art. 28, 10)

Pomegranate peel and prevention of periodontal disease.

Boil the peel of 1 pomegranate in a glass of water for 3 minutes, insist. This broth is an excellent folk remedy for the prevention of gum disease. The broth can be added to tea or jelly to saturate the body with trace elements and vitamins, especially for an upset stomach, since the broth has a strengthening effect. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2012, No. 9, p. 33)

If gums bleed, badan will help

Badan root is sold in sachets at the pharmacy. It is necessary to brew it like tea and rinse your mouth. The bleeding passes quickly. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2010, No. 18, p. 40)