Bulgarian landing hole. What are the discs for the grinder for metal. Grinding and vindria

Among the construction instruments, the Bulgarian is highlighted by its versatility. Changed the nozzle - and the cutting tool turned into a grinding. Under power, any types of work under which it is necessary to use a rotational movement. We will deal with the assortment and appointment of one category of nozzles - grinding circles.

Types of nozzles

The nozzles for the grinder differ in the form, thickness, diameter, manufacturing material and are divided into four groups:

  • cutting;
  • polishing and grinding;
  • for sharpening;
  • wind nozzles.

The most extensive and widely used group are cutting discs. Most often, consumables for woodwork, stone, metal, diamond circles are acquired. The diameter of the tool can be from 115 to 230 mm, thickness 1 - 3.2 mm, the larger the diameter, the thicker. Special abrasives are applied to the cutting surface of the stone tool. Wood and metal discs are desirable to use together with the device for the stationary installation of the Bulgarian, otherwise the work can cost several fingers. It is preferable to work with fine-grained discs.

Diamond cuts any materials, commonly used during styling of porcelain stoneware, tile, reinforced concrete. The edge of the diamond circle can be torn or solid, and the size of diamond particles: larger or smaller.

Grinding and polishing circles

Grinding performs the following types of work:

  • grinding;
  • cleaning;
  • ripping;
  • elimination of rust;
  • polishing.

This is the most numerous group of nozzles that may be:

  • with replaceable circles from the sandpaper;
  • with spongy surface;
  • felt;
  • fabric.

Most often to work on such paste or liquid with small abrasive particles. The primary grinding of the metal is carried out on the circles with a low-grazing surface, clean - on felt, fabric. A variety of surfaces of grinding circles allow you to bring the material being processed to any degree of smoothness be it metal or wood. They are so comfortable that they are used in car service for polishing car body.

  • cup;
  • petal;
  • fiber;
  • cord brush.

Petal nozzles are designed for wood processing, such as the exfoliation of the old coating.

Casual circles are used when working on concrete and stone, less often on metal. The aublinding machine of low power will not cope with such a tool and quickly braid. Therefore, they are installed only on powerful grumpots. In addition, the curved form allows you to get to hard-to-reach areas. Grinding is performed more accurately, as the fixing nut is repeated.

Wrappers for sharpening and rimpable nozzles

  • sharpened abrasive discs;
  • twisted shag;
  • pubridge diamonds.

Sharpened abrasive are used to sharpen the instrument, stripping welding places. They are thick enough (from 5 mm), there is a deepening on the inner surface. An example is fiber discs, clean the places of welding from scale, are well removed by traces of oxidation. Diamond rimproy nozzles work only with stone or concrete.

Twisted shag, they are cord brushes made of metal or wire brushes differ in size and shape, maximum rotation speed. Most often, they are used to remove traces of metal oxidation, tree brimming.

Selecting a grinding circle

When choosing a circle for a grinder, the following points are important:

  • the diameter of the disc must match the maximum permissible for a particular tool. Otherwise, the consumility can be collapsed due to exceeding the maximum permissible rotational speed. Tool power may not be enough to rotate a large circle. When using a large diameter, it is necessary to remove the protective cover, and this is dangerous to the health of the worker;
  • processed material: It is desirable to prefer specialized wheels universal, for example, by wood;
  • linear speed extremely permitted: information about it is applied to the package or side surface of the consumator. The operating mode of the Bulgarian is selected depending on this indicator.

Overview and testing of the grinding disk, making a felt disk with your own hands:

Bulgarian is a very necessary and useful tool. Due to the fact that for her there are a large number of different nozzles, it can be used for cutting, grinding and polishing of a wide variety of materials: metal, stone, wood, etc. In this article, I want to tell what whether there are discs for the grinder so you can have The idea what kind of work can be done by this tool. In addition to discs, we consider various nozzles.

It is worth noting that for the Bulgarians of different sizes, different disks are required. In addition, keep in mind that each circle or nozzle is designed to work only at a certain speed of rotation, so always consider this moment when choosing.

We now turn directly to the topic of the article.

Abrasive discs for cutting metal

These circles are perhaps the most popular to use. After all, most users are used by the Bulgarian just for cutting metals.

Here, when choosing a value, you need to devote the thickness of the disk, as well as to the one who produced it.

Thickness, which varies from 1 to 3 mm, affects the speed of the cut - how it is less, the faster the cut occurs. In addition, sometimes it is necessary that the incision be turned out as thin as possible, so the thick circle does not apply. But it is worth noting that thin circles are consumed faster than their thicker fellow. In this regard, if the speed of the cut is not particularly important to you, you can buy products by 2.5-3 mm.

As for manufacturers, this moment is important due to the unequal quality of products from various firms. If you take a product from such famous brands like Bosch or Makita, then they will be consumed much slower. The price of such discs, however, is quite high. Therefore, for one-time work, you can do and inexpensive option, the most popular of which is the production of the Luga plant.

Abrasive disks for cutting stone

This type is different from the previous composition of the abrasive, so it allows you to cut no metal, but a stone. Otherwise, all moments that have a value for metal discs will also be fair for stone circles.

Abrasive discs for metal grinding

They have the same composition as discs for metal. The difference will be that their thickness will not be 1-3, but 6 mm. Apply them, naturally, no longer for cutting, namely for grinding. For example, they are comfortable to walk along the welds to align the surface.

Regarding manufacturers, here are cases as well as the previous types.

Abrasive disks for grinding stone

Here is a story similar to the previous paragraph, only the composition of the abrasive is already intended for working with a stone.

Diamond disks for cutting stone

Such a snap is most beneficial to cut the stone materials, since, unlike the abrasive, they do not decrease during operation in diameter, and generally serve much longer. Even despite the relatively high price, their use is obtained more profitable.

There are three types of diamond circles for Bulgarians - segmented, turbo and turbo-segment. In the first land has cuts, due to which the circle is divided into segments - hence the name. The second on the edge go notes that attach the type of turbine. Apparently because of this and are called. Third combine in themselves and notches, and cuts.

Cuts and notches are made for better cooling for the exception of overheating. It should be said that diamond discs are smooth, but they require cooling with water, because of which they are used only on stoveturisses, as water can be tested. True, the Chinese began to make smooth diamonds and for Bulgarians - to work in this case with frequent interruptions. Solid manufacturers produce them only for stovetures.

I also note that segment circles cut faster, but the turbo chips on a slice is much smaller, although it saws slower.

As for quality, it will be varied from the manufacturer to the manufacturer. There are products from Bosch solid firms, and there are also inexpensive Chinese options.

Diamond discs (cups) for grinding concrete

Concrete sometimes has not only cut, but also grind. And here the diamond cups are very nauseated. Thanks to them, it turns out quite quickly process large areas, since they have a rather big work surface.

In general, these cups are better used on special electrical grinders. They differ from Bulgarians in that they have a different casing, allowing efficient dust suction with the help of an industrial vacuum cleaner.

However, this tool is quite expensive. For this reason, many are bypass by a grinder, if non-critical that the cloud of dust will be formed.

Petal discs for grinding

These circles are the foundation to which sandpaper petals are attached along the edge of the circle. The stacker here may be different grainability - large for fast and coarse work, small for finishing.

Most often use them for grinding wood, but no one forbids grinding them and surfaces from other materials. Thanks to a small thickness, they manage to bring up in rather bottlenecks.

One of the most common applications of such a circle is the sister of the log cabin or at home.

Washing is relatively slow, so one copy can be treated quite large on the surface area.

Round nozzle with velcro

These nozzles can be attached to the velc of the special circles of sandpaper. With their help, it is possible to quickly poll the flat surfaces of a large area. In contrast to the petal disks, such a nozzle works with the entire surface, and not just the edge. Therefore, the processing speed is higher.

True, it is not very convenient to work, for example, on concave and other non-planar surfaces. They are better to use petal circles.

Also for these nozzles there are polishing circles from felt. True, it is not recommended to apply them on the grinder, since they have too high rotation speed. For felt circles there are special polishing machines. They may look like Bulgarian, but are distinguished by the fact that the maximum speed of rotation is about 800 rpm, while Bulgarians even with the speed adjustment, the minimum speed is 3000 rpm.


These are quite popular nozzles that make themselves the foundation with loushes attached to it. Wire can be flushed either twisted. Its thickness can also be varied to give different stiffness.

Forms and sizes of pins are quite a lot. They are used for different purposes, mainly for metal processing. They can be cleaned the surface from old paint or rust. Also, they can also be used as the final finish of the metal product, when the surface after treatment with a pin is no longer processed.

Such is the main discs and nozzles that can be used on the baccakes. Applying them, you can make a completely different job with one tool. I hope this information was useful for you. And the article on this end - to new meetings!

The main spare part of the angular grinding machine (EMS) is a replaceable cutting tool. Abrasive disk rotating at high speed cuts, grinding or polishes materials. For metal processing, the circles are made from abrasive crumb, steel mills are used for wood, for stone - metal discs with diamond spraying. Special nozzles - pins, petal emeratic circles additionally expand the capabilities of your grinder. Next, we will find out which kinds there are discs, how to remove the old and put a new one, as well as consider possible problems arising during the replacement process, and ways to solve them.

Types of discs for the Bulgarian: how to choose a suitable

The industry manufactures grinders and discs for them standard sizes: 115, 125, 150, 180 and 230 mm. USM from 180 mm is used for cutting stone. The most common size of cars for home and cottages is 125 mm, they produce most of all disks and nozzles.

Attention! Always pick up the disk for the size of your grinder. You can install a smaller diameter disk in the ESM. But remove the casing and put a larger diameter disk - extremely dangerous!

We propose to divide discs for the purpose: cutting, grinding, sharpening and outgoing. Consider in detail each view.


Dissect metal

Inexpensive disc on the steel of the Luzhsky plant

Cutting materials is the most common task when repairing and at a construction site, a simple abrasive circle for metal is easily separated by steel bar, roofing iron or plastic. These circles are made of corundum (crystalline alumina) or electrocorundum (synthetic corundum).

Pilim stone

Budget disk on stone Releases Luzhsky factory

For cutting stone, we recommend to take a special disk - another abrasive is applied in them - silicon carbide. It will cope with white silicate brick and slate. But the red brick, tile and the more concrete - it will not be born - you need to take a diamond disk.

Fragment of a tree

Such are available for Bulgarian

Disks, cutting wood, are very similar to the canvas circular saw. Actually, this is a disc for a circular, only the planting diameter of 22.2 mm is suitable for the spindle of the grinder.


As you know, the diamond is very solid mineral, so diamond discs easily cope with red bricks, porcelain stoneware, cafenel. The main material that is cut by diamond disks is concrete.

With diamonds, it is necessary to contact carefully - the disk does not cut steel, it can not be overheated. After two minutes of sawing of the concrete, the disk is greatly heated - take a pause. Drying circles for dry cutting are made of cooling slots.

Release discs for damp cutting ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware. Water cools the disk and washes off dangerous dust.

How to choose the thickness of the cutting disks

Each wizard knows that the thinner the tool is the better. Less material goes into the chips, it is easier to cut, cut out cleaner.

Disks for Bulgarians 115 and 125 mm produced with a thickness of 1.0-2.5 mm. Disks 150 and 200 mm - 1.8-4.0 mm thick. Pressed corundum powder reinforced with synthetic grid.

Attention! The thinnest disk (1.0 mm) when the sawing "walks" and it breaks easily, its pieces fly at high speed in all directions. Do not forget about eye protection and hands.


The following work is the work that the masters are instructed by the Bulgarian - grinding and polishing. Such treatment is applied to metal, wood, plastic and other materials.

Petal circle on wood: Dozens of emery petals quickly cut off chips

The selection of grinding disks is very wide. If you restore the server, a petal circle is suitable for removing the shellack layers. It captures large surfaces and cuts a lot of material in one pass.

Grinding nozzle is a plastic circle to which the sandpaper is attached on the velcro

Another nozzle is screwed to the spindle of the Bulgarian. On the "Velcro" (Velcro) the sandpaper flies. For coarse processing - P60 or P80, for more thin - P120 or P180. With a decrease in grain size, grinding smoothly goes into polishing.

Polishing disc made of alpaca wool

Especially for polishing there are nozzles in the form of pillows, felt or tissue disks. Before working on them, polishing paste is applied, for example, goy.

Sharpening Circles

In fact, for sharpening the tool, special machines exist - sharpened. Nevertheless, the rotating disc of the Bulgarian is able to adjust the fastening ax or column, a knife or braid. Given the wishes of the masters, the industry releases for Bulgarians 115 and 125 mm sharpened discs.

Sharpened discs turn the grinder into sharpened

The discs are made of coarse abrasive compressable in a thick plate (more than 5 mm) with bulging in the center. If you install such a disk on the spindle, the flange hides in the recess and does not protrude above the disc plane. Coarse sharpening discs are also used to strip welded seams.

Purgation brushes and discs

Masters, repairing houses of the middle of the last century, are faced with the removal of oil paint from the walls. Wire pins are suitable for such work.

No paint will not stand against such a steel cup

The cruciform is a cup, in the circumference of which steel or brass harnesses are located. They are distinguished by the thickness and rigidity of the wire - for coarse and fine sprinkles. The brush is screwed at the M14 thread spindle.

Stone grinding disc Rivne cuts old cement

After removing the oil paint, the concrete wall curve must be pasted. Only Bulgarian can cope with such a task. The working surface of the diamond verge of disk is perpendicular to the axis of rotation. Synthetic diamonds are cut and smoothed concrete as sandpaper wood paper.

How to replace

Such a disc cut is already inconvenient

The discs for the grinder are consumable, when cutting, they are quite quickly erased. Washing disk must be replaced. Let's see how to do this on the example of our Ishm "Internskol-115".

Attention! Before working, check that the machine is disabled from the electrical network!

Step-by-step instruction

The disk is attached to the spindle of the Bulgarian clamping flange with M14 thread. To unscrew the flange, the horn key is included in the grinder. His pins cling to the holes of the flange.

The horn key will unscrew the flange

To unscrew the flange, the spindle must be fixed. To do this, on the opposite part side of the case make a retainer. When you click on the button, the pin is included in the hole of the driven gearbox and does not give the spindle to rotate.

Button fixes spindle

Insert the horn key into the flange openings. With the right hand, click on the button of the retainer, at the same time the left turn the key counterclockwise and we warn the flange from the place.

The horn key is inserted into the holes of the flange

Our Bulgarian rotates clockwise. If you have another destination, remember - unscrew the disk rotation.

If the flange succumbed, unscrew it with your hand, remove and deposit to the side.

Removed upper flange

Remove the old disk. It is no longer needed for us, you can throw it.

Old disc is removed

Remove the bottom flange.

Lower flange shot

With an intensive sawing from the inside of the casing, a lamb is formed from the burnt particles of metal and abrasive. We use the steel brush to clean the casing.

Brush cleans the casing

We set the lower flange on the spindle, following the flange on the flange match with the grooves on the spindle. Put on top of the gasket.

Nizhny flange and gasket

If the gaskets are not attached to your grinder, such a washer can be cut out of cardboard or fuster.

We put the disk on the place, close the second gasket.

New disk installed

Thanks to the gaskets, if the disk runs in the material and breaks, you will still easily unscrew the flange.

From the hand we twist the top flange against the direction of rotation of the circle (in our case clockwise), holding the abrasive disk. With the right hand, clamp the button of the retainer and tighten with your hand until you feel resistance. Insert the horn key and twist a little more, no more than a quarter of the turnover. It is not necessary to delay the flange too much, the disk is swinging.

The disk is replaced, the ushm is ready to work

This disk replacement is finished, you can continue sawing. Sometimes when changing the disk on the path of the wizard, obstacles arise. What to do in such situations - Consider further.

Video: how to remove the old and install a new disk

Possible difficulties in the process

What to do if there is no key

The horn key to the grinder is not attached and may well be lost. How to unscrew the flange in this case?

  1. We make a horn key from the nail. We take the nail "weaving", bend in the form of the letter "P" so that the distance between vertical racks is equal between the holes in the flange. Cut with a hacksaw edge and head. I stick the resulting "key" into the holes of the flange and turn the fastening, without forgetting to fix the spindle. If the nut is tightly tightened and the strength of the fingers is missing, insert one more nail between the vertical segments - the lever will be greater.
  2. Use the gas key. Take a large pipe key, it is also called "Gas". Such a plumbing tool is steep pipes. We divor the key so that it grabbed the flange entirely. We try to move the nut from the place, fixing the spindle. The gas key has a huge shoulder. If an effort is attached, the spindle lock will break.
  3. Pouch nut. Take a metal rod or a thin chisel. Fix the spindle. Knock on the edge of the hole in the flange in the direction of rotation of the disk. So you can stronger the nut from the place. This method is not the safest: the tool damages the flange and breaks the holes for the key.

Disk broke, flange jam

Imagine that the wizard makes an anvil from steel rail, drinks the grinding edge. The disk shifted in the material and jammed. The motor continues to work and fastenly pulls the flange. All work got up. How to change the disc if it is not unscrewed?

  1. We disassemble the gearbox. We unscrew the mount and remove the gearbox. The gas key or pliers kept the shaft of the spindle, a horn or another gas key grinding flange. The disk is not affected by the method, you can remove the normal, good disk. The method works, even if the spindle lock is broken.
  2. Use two gas keys. The method does not require the breakdown parsing. Gently take out the remnants of the disc to get to the bottom flange. Press the top flange of the first gas key, the second key - we engage the bottom. Courling in opposite sides.
  3. Gray nut burner. Sex nut heating the portable gas burner. Nut from heating will expand and it can be easily removed.
  4. Split flange with a hacksaw. Some masters prefer to cut the stuck flange with a handwheel for metal. Barbaric method - you have to buy a new nut.
  5. Grease the thread with penetrating lubrication. Hiding the seed nut with liquid WD-40. It penetrates narrow slits and threaded connections. After a five-minute break, try to shift the nut with the key.
  6. Cut the remnants of the disk with hacksaw. I break the plate with pliers, while it is possible. We remove the protective casing, insert the hacksaw of the metal into the slot and cut the remnants of the abrasive circle. Delicate and reliable method. Does not require the parsing of the grinder and hard impacts on the tool. The master must have patience, as the way will take up to an hour. Abrasive quickly erases hacksaw blades, they will need several pieces. Dignity - Preservation of the Warranty on the USM, there is no risk of breakage.

What to do if the nut is jammed on the grinder

Video: How to change the disc of the grinder if the key is lost

What do you need cardboard pads

It is very simple and very important. To make the flange always easily unscrewed, it is necessary to pave between the abrasive disc and the flange laying. Or two - on each side of the disk.

These circles ensure that the flange will not get stuck

Such discs can go bundled with a grinder or you can cut them yourself.

For spindles of angular grinding machines, factory produce thin and thick abrasive discs, metal cutting circles, nylon brushes. All these spare parts turn a grinder into a universal tool and disclose its capabilities from an unexpected side. For example, Bulgarian turns into sharpened. The disk is easy to change, but the master should be aware of some features of the process, not to fall into a difficult position.

Bulgarian is a universal corner-glare machine (EMS), replacing outdated types of manual tools. Universality gives it a replaceable working body - discs or nozzles. There are a large number of types of discs manufactured by different manufacturers: for low-power (domestic), medium-sized capacity and high power of professional USM. Discs (nozzles) cut, grind, polished, clean the blanks. They are treated with steel and cast iron, non-ferrous metals and wood, stone, concrete and other materials. How to choose a disc for the grinder in accordance with the objectives of use, as well as how to remove and install discs, read in our article.

Types of disc drives

USM is widely used in construction and repair technological operations. The bladler disks differ in each other:

  • sizes of outer diameter and thickness;
  • material and method of manufacture;
  • the purpose and maximum speed of rotation.

The choice of discs for the Bulgarian implies knowledge and accounting of the characteristics of not only processed billets, but also the possibilities of the tool itself.


The most used circles for the ESM are also called abrasive. They are classified in different signs. There are discs for working with metal, stone, wood. There is also a diamond disc, which serves to work with the most durable and solid materials (reinforced concrete, porcelain stoneware, cafeter, marble, granite and other natural and artificial stones).

Let's give a brief description to each type.

A general feature for all cutting discs is a classification of outer diameter and thickness. Outer diameter happens:

  • 115 mm for small household bulgaria;
  • 125 and 150 mm for medium in power and weight of the ESM;
  • 180 and 230 mm for a powerful professional tool.

Disk thickness varies in the range from 1 to 3.2 mm. It depends on the size of the nozzle: discs with a large diameter have a greater thickness; Medium and small wheels - any. The choice of disk thickness affects:

  • the speed of rotation of the working body of the grinder;

Cutting (abrasive) circles for metal

These circles are used to work with leaf body steel (disc thickness from 1 to 1.6 mm) and varietal steel rolled products: reinforcement, rounded, channel, corner and other types (disc thickness of 2.5 to 3.6 mm). There are special nozzles for working with stainless steel, aluminum, cast iron and other metals.

Cutting Disk for Metal for Bulgarian

Data on this is on the surface of the disk in the form of an applied labeling and a colored strip. Abrasive discs are several layers of fiberglass mesh, which, under high pressure on both sides, pressed the bakelite abrasive material (silicon carbide, corundum, electrocorundum). Then the reinforced abrasive discs to gain strength are placed in the oven for heat treatment. The predetermined heating temperature is 200 degrees. There the mass socks and becomes durable and resistant to destruction into fragments.

Stone abrasive discs

They are absolutely identical to the disks for metal and differ only by abrasives.

Circle for stone

For wood

They are made of high strength steel and are equipped with outer diameter with sharp teeth. These nozzles are working on the principle of circular and quite dangerous in the work. It is recommended to fix the grinder to fixed with a special device.

Cutting Disk on the Tree for Bulgarian


They are used for cutting high-strength materials from natural and artificial stone.

Diamond disk on a stone for Bulgarian

There are different types of diamond discs for concrete, reinforced concrete, stone. Among themselves, they differ in the fractionality of diamond spraying and the type of cutting edge - solid, with large or small slots, notches. It is important to know that the diamond disk is not used to work with metal blanks.In appearance to understand the purpose of diamond discs is difficult. The best option - before buying consult yourself from the seller-consultant or carefully examine the application to package.

Some diamond disk manufacturers are painted paint, depending on the material for which they are intended:

  • green - for granite;
  • yellow - for plaster and tile;
  • blue - for marble and concrete;
  • gray - for borderers and tiles;
  • orange - for bricks.

Diamond disk with segmented cutting blade is used for cutting stones with a dry way. Circles with a solid cutting edge require water cooling. Turbodi with slots in the circle body operate with a higher speed of rotation than wheels with a segmented blade.

Grinding and vindria

Grinding wheels are divided into four types:

  • Special wire circles eliminate rust and resistant contaminants are removed.
  • Diamond modifications in the form of a bowl are polished with products from stone.
  • Metal surfaces are polished with plastic or rubber disks. On the plates you can fix replaceable discs with sandpaper, felt, sponge, cloth.

Most grinding discs operate with special pastes or liquids, including the abrasives of the finest grinding. The surfaces of any materials, including automotive body parts in car services, are grouped by these nozzles.

How to choose a circle for a grinder

When choosing the desired nozzle for the Bulgarian, you need to pay attention to the following points:

How to change the disk: step by step instructions

  1. Disable the bulgar from the electrical network and the special jam shaft with a disk.
  2. Unscrew the lock nut with a special key with two protrusions. If the nut dragged down as a result of the discsion of the disc, then it can be: try to unscrew it with a gas key, heat the cutter and sharply cool (it will help 100%, but you need to be very neat), cut the remnants of the disk using the cutting of the metal. Flexible nuts are a rather complex device that is unscrewed and twisted by hand with a folding handle.
  3. Remove the old disk.
  4. Put a new disk on the landing flange.
  5. Wrap and secure the key locking nut.
  6. Replacement completed.

Video Instructions: How to remove the old and put a new circle on the Bulgarian

Summarize. As the king makes a retinue, so the grinder is an indispensable tool make interchangeable discs. They expand the scope of the Bulgarian, dramatically increase the performance of labor-intensive operations, increase the quality of the work performed.

In unwarly hands, a corner car is dangerous: discs can be swamped in the body of the workpiece, break into parts and operate in different directions. Minimize the danger can high quality manufacturer, the right choice and reliable mounting of the circle on the leading shaft of the grinder.

With the competent use of an angular grinding machine, this device becomes a universal tool that is amenable to processing any material. In this case, the main factor is to correctly pick up the nozzles for the Bulgarian.

With the help of a grinder, you can perform many different operations using different discs and nozzles: rip off, point, polish, as well as perform other types of work, where you can use the rotational movement of the tool.

Types of nozzles

There are many different devices and nozzles used when working with an angular grinding machine. Consider their main species, features of the design and application.

Cutting discs

These are the most common nozzles that are produced many species. With the help of them, you can handle any material. Metal discs were popular from them, stone, wood.

  • Metal cutting discs differ in diameter and thickness. By diameter in the trading network, you can find discs with a diameter of 115 - 230 mm. Disk thickness ranges from 1 to 3.2 mm, depending on the diameter. These sizes also depend on the speed of rotation and the load attached to them.
  • Stone Treatment Discs They differ from other species only by abrasive materials from which they are manufactured. The remaining parameters are similar.
  • Wooden discs.The use of such disks is very dangerous if it is inactious, then you can get injured. Such discs are essentially saws. It is forbidden to remove the protective casing with the grinder. It is better to apply a disk for sawing wood with a small tooth, and not to use a greater supply. The optimal use of such nozzles for the Bulgarian is the use of special devices for stationary fixation of the grinder.

  • Diamond Disc It is universal, since they can cut off any material. Such nozzles were greatly popular in the work on cutting tiles, stone, concrete and granite. For each material you can choose your disk type. Some models have a cutting edge with slots, and other solid, and also they are with small or large diamond spraying, depending on the destination. For example, discovers for cutting stone solid, and for cutting concrete with transverse slots and small spraying.

In appearance it is difficult to determine what the disk is designed for, so when you purchase, you must familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the disk designated on the package.

Polishing and grinding

There are many types of such circles. They can be plants, spongy, felt and with a removable grinding.

To work with them it is necessary to apply special pastes with small abrasive, as well as various liquids. For stripping and coarse grinding, finely abrasive circles are used. The use of disks for grinding makes it possible to bring the surface of any material to the desired roughness. Such nozzles for grinder are used to polish the body of the car.

Purgation and sharpened nozzles for the Bulgarian
These discs can be divided into the following types:
  • Twisted Sharochki Apply for ripping stone and metal surfaces when removing the old cement solution or dried paint. The shag consists of two steel cups. On their perimeter there are steel wire brushes. Depending on the type of wire processing, a different diameter may have.

  • Sharpening discs serve for sharpening a cutting tool, stripping welds. Most often, such nozzles are used on low-power grinders, as they are more convenient to work with such discs. Sharpening discs differ from cutting models in shape and thickness. In the middle of the disk there is a deepening, which allows you to sharpen the flat surface of the disk. Its thickness is usually at least 5 mm.

  • Wind diamond discs According to the design similar to the sharpening circles. The difference lies in the fact that the diamond disk works only by its peripheral part, on which there are cutting edges. And the diamond ridge disc is not suitable for metal processing. It serves to sprinkle stone, concrete and other similar materials. For sprinkling frozen cement mortar, the diamond disk is suitable as it is impossible.

The nozzles for the grinder are much increased by the functionality of the grinding machine. Bulgarians are widely used in construction and many other areas. And together with various nozzles, they become universal equipment.

Wood grinding nozzles

The grinding machine can be used for grinding a wooden surface, cutting trees. This use special types of nozzles for certain types of work. Before starting surface treatment, it must be placed.

After grinding on the surface there are circles from the disk. This is noticeable after coating the surface with varnish or paint. This is the peculiarity of the work of the grinder. Therefore, it is additionally necessary to walk along the surface with a grinding skin manually. It is necessary to work on a tree with a bargank, without making great efforts, do not use thin circles, correctly perform their mount.

Fixtures for rough processing
The disc-shutting can completely replace the handbank.

To perform coarse processing logs during the construction of the house, processing pillars for the fence, such a nozzle will be an indispensable assistant.

The features of its use is:
  • It is allowed to use only with a grinding machine equipped with a second additional handle. For security purposes, the Bulgarian must be kept only with two hands.
  • It is allowed to remove the protective casing, since the housing of the clannolite nozzle, and the probability of its destruction is very small. However, protection from flying chips is required: Mittens, glasses, clothes.

The riding disk is designed to remove the bark of the tree and coarse processing of the workpiece.

In the presence of certain skills in the tree array, this disk can be sampled. When erecting a log of logs, a grinding machine with a relief nozzle is a good alternative to an ordinary ax.

You can also cut the board with a relief disk, but the width of the cut will be big, and more sawdust is formed.

Milling nozzles

There are two types of such nozzles: discs and cutters.

Discs are produced different versions. Their difference is the size of the grain of abrasive material.

Such abrasive discs are similar to the structure of the surface of the manual rashpil, with honors in the speed of processing. If there are snarling and acquired skills, such discs are used for finishing wood.

Wood cutters are available in a large assortment. They differ in size, location and shape of the teeth.

Cutters are designed for:
  • Samples of various grooves.
  • Cutting bowls.
  • Rough edge alignment.
  • The sawing of small wood blanks.
Features of using cutters:
  • Do not remove the protective casing when working with a cutter.
  • It is allowed to use milling mills only for the work specified in the instructions for it, with the recommended speed of rotation, and other instructions.
Sanding for grinding

The main purpose of the Bulgarian is initially grinding, which is indicated by its correct name - the angular grinding machine. Therefore, the grinding of wood, as an operation, for the grinder is suitable as it is impossible. Consider the main nozzles for the grinder, with which the grinding of the tree is performed.

Cord brushes Used mainly for the primary grinding of the tree when it is necessary to compose the surface irregularities.

Name end disks Speaks about their appointment. They proceed ends of wooden parts. End discs are particularly suitable for processing angular saws.

Petal nozzles Used in a certain sequence of processing operations. Therefore, they must have several pieces, a separate nozzle for each operation. Grinding starts a rude disk, then the size of the abrasive decreases, and install nozzles with smaller abrasive grain.

Grinding circles are a universal device to the grinding machine. One circle is enough to perform all stages of grinding. Such a circle is made of a metal base, on which circles with different abrasive grainies are recorded. Circles as wearing can be easily changed to others, they are consumables. The basis of the nozzle can work for a long time.

  • Stripping the surface in front of the color.
  • Processing of ends and edges.
  • Parquet floors.
  • Grinding wooden surfaces.
Tree Polishing Nozzles

Circles, discs and brushes are used to polish wood. Their working parts are made from fine grinding skins, felt, sponges and other materials.

  • It is forbidden to use discs from a circular saw with a grinder when fitting parts before grinding, as Bulgarian is a high-speed tool. In this mode of operation of the teeth, the saws cannot withstand long-term operation and destroy, flying around at high speed. This violates safety.
  • Some of the circular saws have a large size, so the wizards remove the protective casing, which is also very dangerous.
  • Frequent modes change facilitate the overheating of the electric motor of the grinding machine, so interruptions should be taken to cool it.
  • Due to the loose tree structure, the saw disk can jam. Therefore, there is a possibility that Bulgarian will break out of the hands, which can lead to human injuries.

Wood treatment with a grinder is carried out only in the form of coarse processing, grinding, and other surface work. And for cutting and cutting sheet materials, it is better to apply specially designed to do the nozzle for the grinder.