Book readers with e ink pearl screens review. The best e-book reader models are the selection rules. Internet connection

It used to be said that a book is the best gift. Today, when high technologies have firmly entered the life of each of us, it is possible to make a small clarification in a well-known phrase. Now the e-book is the best gift. It's hard to find a more versatile gadget. Pupils, students, mature people, and retirees read. They read at home, on public transport and on the beach. It's cool when you can take a lightweight compact e-book with you on the road or on a trip, in memory of which an entire library can fit! Another question is which e-book to choose so that it meets all the requirements, because the assortment in the stores is impressive. Let's try to figure this out and highlight the best e-books of 2018.

We will not waste your time with a long and boring description of technologies, their differences and other technical subtleties. We have prepared for you express guide to choosing an e-book so that you know how two similar models differ and understand which one is better.

So, when choosing and comparing, consider the following parameters:

  • screen type... A real e-book is a book with E-Ink screen... This is an electronic ink technology that makes it possible to replicate an ordinary paper sheet as accurately as possible. Such screens do not strain your eyes, they remain well readable in the bright sun (like a regular book), they consume energy economically, so you will rarely charge the gadget. Today, some manufacturers are still trying to pass off a gadget disguised as an e-book with TFT-display... This is not a reader - this is a weak tablet. Yes, such a screen will convey the entire palette of colors well (unlike E-Ink), but your eyes will get tired just like reading from a tablet or phone. The TFT display uses more power, so get ready to charge the device every couple of days. The only plus is the lower price, but it does not justify this technology either. Fortunately, such "e-books" are a thing of the past, so we will not consider it;
  • color or black and white screen... For an e-book, a black and white screen will suffice. The technology of color e-ink is still underdeveloped and has frozen on the display of about 4,000 shades. A dull image comes out. There are almost no color books on electronic ink now - rare samples are represented by models that came out several years ago;
  • backlight... The cheapest books are sold without built-in illumination. You will have to read under a lamp or purchase a flashlight-clothespin - everything, just like with a real paper book. If such reading is not entirely comfortable, you can take a book with a backlit. The light source is not located behind the screen (as in TFT screens), but along the edge of the display. It turns out that the rays fall on the screen from above, imitating sunlight. This means that the strain on the eyes will be minimal;
  • sensor or buttons... Finding a reader where control is carried out only by buttons is no longer easy. Most models today are equipped with a touchscreen display. Managing such a book is simple, quick and convenient, however, you will have to take care of the screen more carefully, because a fragile display is a weak point of all readers. The cheapest models are equipped with push-button controls, and it will be enough if your main task is to read. Using the buttons, you can easily select a book from the list and flip through the pages. If you plan to go online with the help of the reader or use a dictionary, then it is better to take a sensory model - you will save your nerves and time;
  • screen diagonal. The most popular format is 6 inches. Such a compact gadget can easily fit into a bag, not to mention a backpack, and it is also convenient to hold it in your hands. There are also larger models, 8 "and even 10". This is a solution for those who look through technical documentation, scans of A4 sheets or electronic versions of magazines;
  • Memory... As a rule, in most books, the built-in memory is about 4-8 GB, and this is enough to fill your books, if not for the rest of your life, then for a very long time. The average book weight is 1.5-2 MB, which means that 4 GB is enough for more than 2000 files. If this does not seem enough, and you plan to store graphic files as well, then look towards books that support memory cards - there are a lot of them today;
  • readable formats... In short: the more formats a book supports, the better. On the other hand, with the help of numerous converters, you can always convert a file from one format to another. It takes a little time. Many modern books, in addition to popular text formats (pdf, fb2, doc, mobi, djvu), also read image and audio files;
  • Internet access most modern books have. Access is via Wi-Fi, 3G support is extremely rare. It is convenient that at any time you can download the necessary book or view the information of interest on the network;
  • Battery capacity usually 1500-3000 mAh, which is enough for 5000-15000 swipes. In any case, you will not have to charge the e-book often.

The technology for creating E-Ink was evolving before our eyes. Modern readers use displays of different generations:

Additional functions such as voice recorder, alarm clock, calculator, radio and player, - this is at your discretion. They increase the cost of the model, but are not always necessary.

As for manufacturers, then the clear leader is Amazon... This is Apple in the world of e-books. Makes high quality, but not cheap products. Readers from PocketBook, budget models from Gmini and perfectly balanced in terms of price / quality ONYX BOOX... Well, now let's move on to the most interesting - the rating of the best e-books. We tried to select models with a different set of functions and in different price categories. Go!

Best eBooks 2018

ONYX BOOX Darwin 4

The main attention in readers is always riveted to the screen. The comfort of reading depends on its quality. In this case, we are dealing with a contrast display, which differs highest resolution (pixel density - 300ppi) , backlight and touch controls. You can turn pages using ordinary buttons - this will reduce the load on the display. The book reads a lot of formats, so there will be a minimum of hassle associated with converting. In the pluses, we also include the record autonomy and the presence of an operating system Android- the functionality of the reader can be expanded with additional applications. The model turned out to be compact, can be charged from the mains, has a good amount of memory and the possibility of its expansion. Includes a case... All this allows us to call the model one of the best e-books on the market.

The manufacturer recently released a new book ONYX BOOX Robinson Crusoe 2... The parameters are the same, but water resistance has been added. The model costs about $ 215.

PocketBook 626 Plus Touch Lux 3

PocketBook, a well-known manufacturer of readers, in one of the latest models used the most modern screen with good resolution, equipped it with backlight and touch controls. You can also flip through the pages with special physical buttons - that's more convenient for many. The battery is enough for 8000 pages - not bad, but not a record parameter. The book, like most modern readers, can be charged not only through the USB port, but also from the mains. Model sold with a set of useful pre-installed applications. The dictaphone and radio are not provided in the model. There are no complaints about the quality of execution, special thanks for supporting a huge number of formats. This is a great modern reader that is totally worth the money.

Model PocketBook 631 Touch HD has similar characteristics, but in stock it has 8 GB of memory and a screen with a resolution of 1448 * 1072 (300 ppi). The model costs about $ 220.

Amazon Kindle 8

Many books from Amazon (yes, most of them!) Are obscenely expensive. We will touch on them later, but for now we will consider a budget reader from a reputable company. For a relatively small amount you get a high-quality compact e-reader in which there is nothing superfluous. The manufacturer dispensed with the backlight in the hope that the user would have a lamp or flashlight. There is no memory card slot, but native 4 GB is enough to download thousands of books. Read - do not reread! The number of supported formats is small, but after conversion you can view HTML, DOCX, GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP files. The model received modulesWiFi and bluetooth, holds a charge for a long time, quickly responds to pressing, looks solid, fits well in the hand. In general, if you need a reliable device to read books, then you can safely take the Amazon Kindle 8. The model remains one of the best e-books on the market, despite the fact that it was released in 2016.

PocketBook 614 Plus

PocketBook, a major competitor to Amazon, also offers products with different feature sets and price points. This model is a great try find a balance between price and quality. The manufacturer installed a screen made according to the most modern and perfect technology in a fairly inexpensive device, equipped the model with the possibility of expanding memory and gave it a real multi-format - the book supports more than a dozen different text and graphic formats, so nothing needs to be converted. To save money, I had to abandon the built-in backlight and Wi-Fi module, use a low resolution. Control is carried out using both the touch screen and physical paging buttons. As a result, we got a convenient inexpensive reader, which has collected a lot of positive user reviews.

PocketBook 641 Aqua 2

This model will become a godsend for those who like to read in the bathroom, by the pool or on the beach where water splashes and dust particles are not uncommon. The book received dust and moisture protection as standardIP57. This means that the gadget is completely dustproof and can withstand short-term immersion to a depth of 1 m.However, you will have to pay extra for such bonuses - devices with a similar set of parameters, but without protection, are cheaper. We will attribute to the advantages of the reader modern screen, backlight, moduleWiFiand support for 18 different formats- you don't have to bother with the conversion. Also, users note a decent autonomy and speed of work. For the sake of moisture protection, I had to abandon the card slot for memory cards, but 8 GB should be enough for my head. There is nothing to scold the gadget for. Perhaps for the price, but it is also the lowest among protected e-books.

ONYX BOOX James Cook

This is one of the best inexpensive e-books, an excellent competitor to the Amazon Kindle 8. The model received contrast screen, a good amount of memory, reads 17 formats and holds a charge perfectly. With daily reading, the battery will last for 3 weeks. However, a low price is always a compromise. Model cost without Wi-Fi, backlight and touch input, the resolution is also not the highest here. If you need a reliable read-only e-book, a kind of workhorse, then the existing capabilities should be enough. We hope that most of those who like to read will agree with us. The main thing is that everything works smartly, the eyes do not get tired, and the battery does not discharge for a long time - what else do you need from the reader? And Internet access and other bells and whistles are available today on any smartphone.

Gmini MagicBook S62LHD

One more a good solution in the budget segment... The compact and lightweight book is equipped with a backlight, a slot for memory cards, can read 18 formats, works smartly, and is assembled with high quality. An option for those whose main task is to read. If you need the ability to access the Internet and other bells and whistles, you will have to pay 1.5-2 times more.

Amazon Kindle Oasis 2017

Amazon has been thinking for a long time how it is possible to surprise users, because there have not been any revolutionary solutions in the field of E-Ink and, most likely, there will not be any more. All that remains is to play with the design and additional features. A similar strategy was chosen by the company. Kindle Oasis 2017 (aka Kindle Oasis 2 and Oasis 9 gen) is niche device for those who value image along with great functionality. Frankly, with similar characteristics, you can find a gadget a couple of times cheaper, but there is still a demand for an expensive novelty. Among its advantages, a 7-inch screen (still compact, but more text fits), stylish metal body, waterproof as standardIP X8 - the gadget can lie under water for 30 minutes at a depth of 1 m. Also here there is a dictaphone and paging buttons.

There is no memory card slot, but users are offered a 32 GB version so that they certainly fit everything they need. Difficulties may arise with the purchase. There are two options: buy on Amazon and think about delivery, or go to a regular store, but in Russia a book costs a record $ 550 - prohibitively expensive. In neighboring Ukraine, the model is sold for $ 340.

Another expensive toy from the company - Amazon Kindle Oasis 3G... This is one of the few e-books with 3G support. She has a 6-inch screen, resolution 1448 * 1072, price from $ 300.

PocketBook 740

A great option for those who need large e-book... The 7.8-inch display fits more text for easy viewing of spreadsheets and documents. On the other hand, such a book is still compact and easily fits even in a bag. The manufacturer equipped the model modern high-resolution screen, achieving a pixel density of 300ppi... Everything that may be required from a modern reader is here: backlight, Internet access, touch control, excellent storage capacity, good autonomy, support for a large number of formats. For added convenience, there are paging buttons. It looks like the new product will be a success.


If on duty you constantly have to work with electronic documents, view tables, scans and other files that are more convenient to work with on a large screen, you can pay attention to ONYX BOOX Chronos. The model claims to be the best e-book among models with a large diagonal. For their money, the user gets a modern device with OSAndroid, Bluetooth, adjustable backlight, metal case and cover included... The battery and support for a huge number of formats are undeniable advantages. Great for reading technical literature.

If 9.7 inches is not enough for you, then pay attention to another model of the company ONYX BOOX MAX Carta. The reader received 13.3-inch touch screen(2200 * 1650, no backlight), support for 18 formats, including MP3 and XLS, built-in voice recorder, speaker, an email client, a lot of dictionaries and a stylus. The set includes a cover. The 4100 mAh battery is enough for 20,000 pages, and 16 GB of memory is enough for a lot of useful literature and documents (there is a slot for memory cards). The device is, of course, niche and expensive - it costs about $ 1040. Which e-book is better to buy, Chronos or MAX Carta, depends on the purpose of use and budget.

In stores, you can also find readers released in 2016 and 2015. If you are satisfied with the screen, then you can safely take them. It is difficult to find color models on sale: those few devices in which there was a color screen have already been discontinued, and new ones are not being produced - the technology is expensive and is not in demand.

Our country is considered one of the most readable in the world, and it is not surprising that with the advent of new technologies in our life, devices for reading e-books (e-books, e-readers, e-book readers, e-bookreader) are becoming one of the most popular gadgets and are rapidly replacing paper media. There are many reasons for this, and here are the main ones:

  • dimensions: the e-book is very compact and lighter than a regular book;
  • internal memory of the e-reader allows you to store a large number of e-books;
  • customization options: the user can change the size and format of the text font, etc .;
  • the price of e-books, as a rule, is much less than that of printed books, and there is also an opportunity to download books on the Internet for free;
  • caring for the environment: preserving forests that are cut down to make paper for ordinary books.

In this review, we want to help those who want to buy a reader, but cannot decide on the variety of e-books with the manufacturer and model of the device. Therefore, we will tell you what e-books are, how they differ from each other, and most importantly - which one to choose.

E-book reader (e-book, e-reader, e-book reader) Is a device designed to display text information in electronic form, such as e-books. These devices differ from tablet computers in limited functionality, but significantly longer battery life. The latter is achieved through the use of a special display technology, the so-called "electronic paper" or "electronic ink" (E-Ink, less often SiPix). Such a display simulates a paper sheet, usually displays up to 16 shades of gray, but at the same time consumes energy only when turning the page. In the recent past, models of cheaper e-books with TFT displays were popular, which would be more correct to call not e-books, but multimedia players, and now budget tablets are an alternative to an e-reader.

E-ink or TFT?

What type of screen should you choose: E-Ink or TFT?

E-Ink Technology

E-ink displays are currently considered the best for e-books... Such displays have both a number of advantages and disadvantages, but if you want to buy a device specifically for reading e-books, then e-readers with an E-Ink display are the best choice. reading from such devices is least harmful to your eyesight. Moreover, due to the rapid development of this technology and the emergence of new generations of electronic paper E-Ink Pearl and E-Ink Carta, reading is becoming more comfortable and safer for the eyes. Let's weigh the pros and cons of E-Ink display readers:


  • an image that mimics a paper page as much as possible;
  • human perception of the image on the E-Ink display is similar to paper text, which makes e-books safe for eyesight;
  • long battery life (up to 10,000 pages);
  • large viewing angle (180 degrees) and lack of glare in the sun.


  • high manufacturing cost;
  • lack of the ability to view video and color images (color books on "electronic paper" are already appearing, but the image quality is far from ideal);
  • the lack of display backlighting in budget models, and the presence of backlighting increases the cost of the book up to 1.5 times, while it is not always uniform;
  • page flipping may be accompanied by delay and flickering.


This type of display is widely known: it is used in smartphones and tablets. Therefore, we will not torment you with long stories about this type of displays, but we will immediately start listing its advantages and disadvantages.


  • color image;
  • the ability to read in low light conditions without external illumination;
  • the ability to view photos and videos;
  • low cost.


  • high power consumption, as a result of which much less autonomy of the device with such a display than devices with an E-Ink display;
  • eye strain, fatigue after a long reading;
  • glare of the screen in the sun.

Thus, we can conclude that if you read a lot and you need an e-book just for reading, then you should choose an e-reader with an E-Ink display. And if you read from time to time, like to watch movies on the road or surf the Internet, then a tablet is more suitable for you.

Book reader manufacturers - who is cooler?

There are a great many brands on the market now e-books, however, most of them simply order their production in China and put up their nameplates, not putting much effort into developing and updating the software. Among the most popular e-book makers that focus on build quality, software, and user support are world-renowned companies such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Kobo, as well as Pocketbook and Onyx BOOX.

For a long time, due to the high quality, Sony e-books were very popular, but, unfortunately, in 2014 the company abandoned this direction and curtailed the production of e-books.

Amazon Is one of the world's largest online retailers, as well as e-book manufacturers, it is rightfully considered a leader in this area. Amazon Kindle eBooks are the most popular readers in the world, but they are not officially supplied to Russia, primarily due to the reluctance of the majority of Russian users to buy content, which is what Amazon earns in the first place. However, this does not prevent Amazon devices from gaining more and more popularity in our country due to their high quality, advanced technologies and relatively low cost.

Barnes & noble

Barnes & noble Is the largest book selling company in the USA with almost 100 years of history. Barnes & Noble, like Amazon, launched eBooks more as a tool for users to buy content than a standalone reader to make money from. It is precisely with this that Barnes & Noble Nook e-books are not officially supplied to Russia, which, however, for a long time did not prevent Nook readers from competing with Amazon readers in our market. Unfortunately, the latest models of this manufacturer are not very successful in our opinion, therefore, at the time of this writing, these books were absent in our assortment. We hope the new Nook models will return their popularity in Russia.


Canadian-Japanese company RakutenKobo Inc.- one of the world leaders in the sale of book content. The company also manufactures a range of reading devices e-books Kobo, distinguished by high quality workmanship. They are also not officially supplied to Russia and do not have a Russian-language interface, but they find their consumer in our country due to their high quality and competitive price.


PocketBook company, founded in 2007, specializes in the production of e-book readers. For several years now, e-readers under the PocketBook brand have been the most popular in Russia - they account for about 40% of the entire Russian e-reader market. PocketBook readers are the most adapted for the Russian market, they are of high quality, functionality and versatility.


Onyx BOOX e-books–Also one of the most popular in our country. The Onyx BOOX company is widely focused on the Russian market, its products are distinguished by high quality and advanced technologies (Onyx Boox were one of the first devices in Russia with E-ink Perl displays), as well as a convenient and beautifully designed user interface. Onyx BOOX readers have repeatedly received Product of the Year prizes for high quality and excellent product design and are rightfully popular with Russian consumers. Onyx BOOX book readers are omnivorous: they support almost all known e-book formats, including FB2. All the latest models run on the Android OS, which gives the user additional options.

All OnyxBOOX e-books belong to one or another series. At the time of this writing, the current series were The Great Travelers, The Egyptian Series, The Author's Series, The Antique Series, and the MobiDick Series.

Twenty years ago, it was believed that a book was the best gift. The fast pace of life, the development of technology imperceptibly pushed paper media to insignificant roles. Books weigh a lot, and you can't take your entire library of several hundred copies on the road.

An e-reader is the best companion of a reading person, and electronic copies are several times cheaper than their counterparts in a bookstore. Surely, more than once, when packing for vacation, you had a choice: put in your suitcase a few of your favorite books or additional things that you cannot do without.

Top 10 e-books by buyers.

This top includes only the best of the best, according to buyers, models. E-books vary in size, usability, and quality. An important factor is also the capacity of the battery, especially if you often take the device on a trip, and it is not always possible to recharge it.

Our TOP includes models from the following manufacturers:

  • Digma;
  • PocketBook;
  • Amazon;
  • Gmini.

A good yet inexpensive e-book reader with a 6-inch E-Ink screen. Supports many formats, including not only text, but also graphic, so there is no need to convert from one type to another.

8 GB of internal memory is enough to store even a large library of your favorite works, according to the manufacturer's assurances there will be enough space for 5000 books. In case of shortage, the volume can always be expanded using a memory card.

According to the owners, the device has a quick response, does not freeze and generally works well. The charge is enough for several days of reading. Reliable and lightweight model with the latest generation display with Carta matrix.

  • Supports all required file types.
  • The charge lasts for a long time.
  • Nice to hold in your hands, all buttons are in place.
  • High speed of work.
  • The catalog is not sorted alphabetically.

A small-sized e-book reader that comes in black and white. The anti-glare screen spares the eyes, thanks to which the eyes do not get tired or overstrained. Recognizes 17 common e-book formats and 4 graphic. It is possible to download books through the DropBox application. Built-in dictionaries will help you translate foreign literature.

The 1300 mAh battery is capable of using the device for up to 1 month. Built-in memory 8 GB, expandable up to 32 GB using a standard memory card. By default, 500 works have already been downloaded in 10 different languages, 290 of them in Russian.

  • Reliable.
  • The charge lasts for a long time.
  • Nice looking screen.
  • Large amount of memory.
  • Good performance.
  • The buttons are a bit tight.

A simple e-book is suitable for those who need it only for reading and do not pursue additional functions. A large amount of memory (8 GB) makes it possible to store an entire library in one pocket, if necessary, you can purchase additional memory in the form of a microSD card.

The soft, adjustable backlight of the MOON Light display is gentle on the eyes without causing fatigue. Opens electronic copies of books of all common formats. You can change the font size and set bookmarks. Has built-in Russian-English and English-Russian dictionaries, which allows you to translate words with just one touch of your finger.

  • There is a backlight that does not strain your eyes.
  • Convenient buttons.
  • Good battery capacity 3000mAh.
  • Android OS.
  • Cover missing.
  • Inconvenient transition to the desired page.

A popular e-reader with a touchscreen display and backlight. A high-quality E-ink HD Carta screen does not strain the eyes and does not cause fatigue after several hours of reading. Electronic ink with good drawing and contrast creates the effect of reading a real paper book.

Supports various forms of texts and images. The memory capacity is not as large as that of its predecessors - 4 GB, but it can be expanded up to 32 GB with a memory card. Of the features, it is worth noting the presence of built-in games, which can be very useful on a long trip, if you suddenly get bored with reading books.

  • Low price for such functionality.
  • Support for many formats.
  • High resolution display.
  • A large number of shades of gray.
  • Lightweight and compact.
  • Little memory.

New among the e-books of 2019. Stylish design of the case made of matte black plastic. Equipped with a touch screen, no mechanical control buttons. The latest generation E-Ink Carta display with a resolution of 1080 × 1440 makes text a pleasure to read.

Convenient file sorting of the library by collections, authors, etc., which can be edited as you need. There is Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, but there is no memory card slot, so you will have to be content with the built-in 8 GB, which, however, will be quite enough for almost any library.

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite Book

  • Excellent quality display with high contrast.
  • "Smart" lighting.
  • Long duration of work.
  • Convenient interface.
  • Built-in dictionaries.
  • There are no control keys for scrolling.
  • Doesn't recognize fb2 format.
  • Doesn't support memory cards.

An excellent model of an e-book for Android with a 6-inch touch screen. Newly developed display simulating paper surface. The built-in browser and Wi-fi will allow you to view pages of sites and even use social networks.

Recognizes common text and image formats. Large selection of font style and size settings. Thanks to the presence of 512 MB of RAM and a 1000 MHz processor, it works quickly and without freezes. Thanks to the 3000 mAh battery, it does not require frequent recharging. The kit includes a "smart" cover, when closed, the device goes into sleep mode.

  • Battery life.
  • Convenient touch control.
  • Intuitive interface.
  • Cover included.
  • Slightly uneven illumination from below.

A miniature and lightweight e-book reader, one of the latest innovations from the company. The case with rounded corners is made of high quality matte plastic. Easily fits even in a trouser or jacket pocket. In addition to the touch screen, it is equipped with additional control buttons. Comes with a convenient case.

Works on the Android operating system, it is possible to connect headphones and listen to audiobooks when traveling, for example, on the subway, when your hands are busy. Responsible for the performance is the Rockchip RK3026 Dual Core 2-core processor and 512 MB of RAM, which allows you to use the "gadget" not only for reading books, but surfing the Internet.

  • Duplicate control - sensor and buttons.
  • Android OS with the ability to install applications.
  • Nice cover.
  • Audio jack.
  • Long battery life.
  • Not found.

One of the best e-readers with a touch screen, adjustable backlight and the ability to access the Internet via Wi-fi. The control buttons are duplicated - you can use touch control, or you can use the buttons as usual. Supports major book and file formats. It is possible to synchronize your library with your phone via the cloud service.

Has ample opportunity to customize text: fonts, size, alignment, colors, etc. There is also additional functionality: games, calculator, browser for Internet access.

  • Wide screen.
  • Fast response.
  • The backlight can be adjusted for comfortable reading.
  • Synchronization capability.
  • Long battery life.
  • High price.

The best owner-reviewed e-book with almost no downsides. The body is made of matte plastic, which is pleasant to touch. There is only one color available at purchase - brown. In addition to touch control, you can flip through the pages using the buttons. Which is undoubtedly convenient for those who are used to push-button control.

The display size is a record one among the entire model line of the manufacturer - 7.8 inches, the resolution is 1872 × 1404. The screen supports the ability to rotate text 90 0. The backlight is color-controlled. The font size is adjustable, you can customize the style of the text.

The RAM of 1024 MB guarantees fast operation of the device. And 8 GB of built-in will be enough to store your favorite collection of works.

  • Big screen.
  • Good performance.
  • Recognizes all text formats.
  • Low weight.
  • 3 years warranty.
  • The case is not included.

The flagship model of the reader, which did not receive such popularity as the previous model, primarily due to the high price. The screen size is the largest among all e-books in our rating - 10.3 inches. The resolution is 1872 × 1404 px.

It runs on the Android 6.0 operating system, has a Wi-Fi module for Internet access. Performance is ensured by a 4-core 1600 MHz processor and 2 GB of RAM. The built-in memory is even 32 GB, which will not be so easy to fill with books.

Dual touch control makes it possible, in addition to reading, to leave notes in the margins with the stylus, sketch out sketches, in order to then process them in a graphic editor already on the computer. Recognizes all kinds of text files.

The display does not flicker, the image is formed according to the principle of "electronic ink", which does not cause such eye fatigue as when reading from a smartphone or a regular tablet.

  • Stylus included.
  • Long battery life.
  • Great screen with great quality.
  • Excellent working speed.
  • Multifunctionality.
  • Price.

Comparison table and prices

ModelScreen diagonal, inchesRAM / built-in, MBBattery capacity, mAhBacklightPrice, rub
6 n / a / 40961500 No4799-5050
6 256/8192 1300 No6400-6999
6 512/8196 3000 There is5590-6990
6 n / a / 40961500 There is6350-7218
6 n / a / 8192n / aThere is12590-13990
6 512/8192 3000 There is7190-8990
6 512/8000 2800 There is5800-10809
6 512/8000 1500 There is9470-10990
7 1024/8196 1900 There is14990-155990
10 2048/32000 4100 There is38780-39990

How to choose the best one?

With the variety that stores provide us, it is not difficult for an inexperienced buyer to get confused. When choosing the right travel companion, consider several parameters:

Screen. The modern reader is equipped with an E-Ink screen, using "electronic ink" technology, which makes the displayed text as close as possible to the paper counterpart. When reading this tapa from the screen, the eyes do not get tired. Saves battery power.

Those models that are sold with TFT screens are just a tablet version and in reality have nothing in common with high-quality e-books. And these "reading rooms" are much cheaper.

Black and white or color? Black and white gamut and shades of gray are quite enough to read comfortably. Colored ones are almost never found on the market today. Basically, these are the tablets with a TFT screen described above.

Backlight. Mid-range models are sold without backlighting. Lighting is produced along the contour of the screen, eliminating heavy eye strain. If you do not read in the dark, then you have absolutely nothing to do with it.

Touch control or push-button control? If the book is purchased for the purpose of reading only, then there is no point in purchasing a fancy model with an Internet connection function. With the help of buttons it is very easy and convenient to scroll through pages, manage lists and catalogs. If you intend to browse sites, then it is better to purchase a reader with touch control.

Display size. The most common devices are with a 6 '' screen diagonal. It is convenient to carry it in a small purse, outerwear pocket or in the back pocket of your trousers.

Memory. Usually, most models have 4GB of built-in memory as standard, which is enough for 1-2 thousand books. If necessary, you can purchase a memory card if you need more space.

Recognizable formats. Read carefully how many formats are supported, the more the better. The most common is fb2.

For more details about all the intricacies of choosing a good reader, see the video:

Where can I buy?

Every major city has electronics stores, which are usually located in large shopping malls. Or go to the site and order home delivery by choosing the desired reader model, without having to go to the other end of the city.

If you live in a small town, you can arrange delivery in the suppliers' online stores (or on the manufacturer's official website). Some devices do not go on sale in Russia, then you will have to order the desired model over the Internet through well-known sites (Amazon, etc.).

Almost everyone, even avid lovers of "live" reading, no, no, and read from different devices - electronic readers, tablets, computers or smartphones. But only one gadget is directly intended for long-term reading - an e-book. What is its difference from other devices suitable for reading, and how to choose the right electronic reader, we will figure it out in this article.

It's all about the screen

The key difference between readers and all other "readable" gadgets is screens based on the so-called "electronic ink" (E-Ink). The principle is based on the operation of microcapsules filled with black and white particles with opposite charges. Under the influence of an electric field generated inside the reader, the microcapsule turns black, white or gray.

Of course, the lack of color variety prevents the E-Ink book from displaying colorful photographs. But on the other hand, the image quality of the text is very close to a paper page with ordinary printed characters. When you read a good e-book for many hours, you will not feel any discomfort in your eyes.

E-Ink technology dates back to the early 90s and has undergone significant changes since then. Manufacturers are constantly upgrading and improving characteristics, offering users more and more new varieties of E-Ink displays. Here are the most relevant types of such screens in terms of the increase in the quality and clarity (contrast) of the image:

  • E-ink pearl with a contrast ratio of 10: 1 and a resolution of 800 x 600 pixels;
  • E-Ink Pearl HD has a contrast ratio of 12: 1 and a resolution of 1024 x 758 pixels;
  • E-Ink Carta- displays with a contrast ratio of 15: 1 and higher and a resolution from 800 x 600 to 1448 x 1072 pixels.

The higher the contrast, the better the text is perceived. And the higher the resolution, the clearer the picture is displayed by the reader. Together, these two parameters provide high image quality and reading comfort.

All leading manufacturers of e-readers use the above-mentioned E-Ink displays of the latest generation. For example, the main supplier of readers to the Russian market, PocketBook, uses only the latest generation screens in production - Pearl, Pearl HD and Carta.

The E-Ink Carta display is used both in middle-class e-books like PocketBook 625 Basic Touch 2 and in PocketBook 631 Touch HD, a novelty of 2016. This reader came out quite recently, in September of this year, but has already managed to interest all reading lovers without exception. So far, this is the best representative of the family of e-books from all existing ones.

Liquid crystal displays, which are equipped with tablets, smartphones, laptops and computer monitors, display the picture using an integrated backlight. That is why the screen flickers, although our eyes usually do not notice it. On the other hand, the illumination has an extremely negative effect on vision - with frequent long-term reading, myopia is ensured.

Another advantage of such readers is that you can read comfortably on the street on a sunny day - the screen does not glare at all... In addition, unlike tablets and smartphones, E-Ink screens provide a wide viewing angle.

Also among the most important features of the E-Ink technology is the very economical consumption of battery power. The same iPad is discharged for 8-10 hours of continuous reading, the iPhone lasts for 5-6 hours. And the average electronic the reader only needs to be charged once a month, because the charge is "eaten" only when turning pages. When displaying a static picture, the charge is not consumed.

How Do I Pick a Good Ebook?

The main question when choosing an e-book is which of the models on the market will be better in terms of quality and price? The main criterion, which we have already mentioned above, is the presence of an E-Ink screen, desirable for the latest generation. It is equally important for the Russian reader, who often downloads reading materials from the Internet, - how many e-book formats supports the selected reader.

PocketBook products support 18 formats, that is, they are practically "omnivorous". For comparison, the famous American Amazon Kindle readers recognize only 3 or 4 e-book formats. For American and European users who can easily buy literature in the built-in store application in Kindle readers, 3-4 formats are enough. Our user, who uses a wide variety of sources to obtain content, needs the widest possible range of supported formats so as not to waste time and nerves converting books using special programs.

An important feature that often makes people choose a tablet instead of an e-book is the presence of a backlight. Now the display backlight is even in relatively inexpensive reader models like PocketBook 615 for 8,999 rubles.

Lovers of audio books should choose a reader that can play MP3 files. You can listen to your favorite literary work, for example, in PocketBook 840 Ink Pad 2 and PocketBook 631 Touch HD.

Pay attention to support too. wireless Wi-Fi... This allows you to update the firmware of devices and, of course, load new content into the reader's memory using the built-in browser, library application or Dropbox. The current PocketBook line includes several models with Internet support: PocketBook 631 Touch HD, PocketBook 840 Ink Pad 2, PocketBook 625 Basic Touch 2.

How many books can fit in your e-book depends on the amount of memory. Files of the most common formats ePub and FB2 have an average size of 5-10 MB, respectively, even a budget model with a 4 GB drive can accommodate several hundred books.

The most common e-reader myths

The backlight of the e-book screen negatively affects vision.

No. In the e-book reader, the backlight is passive, that is, it performs, roughly speaking, the role of a light bulb - it illuminates the text on the screen. Such lighting does not tire the eyes at all when reading. Unlike active backlighting on tablets, laptops and smartphones, which is the main tool for creating a picture and is located behind the screen.

All readers have the same diagonal 6”.

This is partly true. Basically, readers are produced with a 6-inch diagonal, as it is convenient to carry in a pocket and for a long hold in the hand. But for reading complex technical and scientific literature with diagrams, formulas and tables, a larger screen is much more suitable. Therefore, in the fall of 2016, PocketBook 840-2 Ink Pad 2 with an 8-inch screen was released.

E-Ink screens are very fragile.

It is not true. To break such a screen, you have to try. Sure, the first e-ink books were easy to break, but modern displays are much stronger. For additional protection of the device, you can purchase a cover, which is not so expensive - from 500 rubles. Or buy a reader complete with a cover, such as PocketBook 614 Limited Edition.

When turning the page, traces of the text from the previous sheet remain on the E-Ink screens.

This is not the case in modern models. Users have complained about "artifacts" left over from page refresh in their 2007-2009 eBook reviews. Modern screens made using E-Ink technology do not have such problems.

Pocketbooks are too expensive and only serve one function.

Pocketbook is a device specially designed for long-term reading, comfortable and safe for sight. For the highest quality performance of this single function, manufacturers have provided e-readers with an E-Ink screen, which costs significantly more than LCD screens of a similar diagonal installed in smartphones, tablets and laptops. Naturally, this affects the cost. But, for example, the price of a PocketBook 615 reader, a middle-class model, is 8,999 rubles - tablets with a good quality color screen are more expensive.


Long-term reading from liquid crystal displays of tablets, laptops and smartphones has a negative impact on vision. The image on the E-Ink screen of the reader is as close as possible to paper books. Therefore, reading from the reader for a long time is much more comfortable and harmless to the eyes. You can now choose a reader for any wallet, in the line of the market leader PocketBook company there are devices priced from 8,499 to 19,999 rubles.

Lovers of reading in the modern world can refuse to visit libraries and purchase expensive books, for which there is not enough space in the apartment. Today everything is much simpler. The best option for book lovers will be.

It is this gadget that will be able to accommodate a whole collection of your favorite books that you can always carry with you. In addition, you can find any publication on the Internet, and you no longer have to travel to all the bookstores in the city in search of a rare copy.

All this is undoubtedly wonderful. But if you are not an expert, but just an amateur, how do you choose a good e-book from a huge variety of models and functions?

First, let's take a look at what e-books attract consumers and why they so quickly replaced paper media (reference books, novels and other books), and then we'll talk about how to choose an e-book and what you need to pay special attention to.

Pros of e-books.

  1. The size... Thanks to its compact size, this device can be carried with you at all times, enjoying reading at any time.
  2. The ability to store a large amount of information... An entire library can fit in a small enough gadget. You can always have important information, documents, books, encyclopedias and so on with you.
  3. The weight... In addition to its small size, the e-book is quite lightweight. If you find it uncomfortable and difficult to carry books with you, then this reader is ideal.
  4. Practicality... For ease of reading, you can always choose the font, the scale of the images. That is, each person can customize any book for himself.

What should you pay attention to?

To choose an e-book for reading your favorite works, you should pay attention to several important points.

  • Screen type- there are two types of screens: electronic ink and LCD monitor. The first screen view is the closest to paper. Thanks to the use of innovative electronic ink and paper, the effect of reading a regular book is achieved. It should be noted that this type does not spoil vision at all and is very convenient to use. An LCD monitor is a liquid crystal display. It is most commonly found on the market. Although they do not look like paper media, they are nevertheless equally popular. They are cheaper, have a color and bright display.
  • Charger... When choosing a device for reading, you should pay attention to how long the battery charge holds. In e-ink readers, the charge lasts much longer, in contrast to the LCD display.
  • Internet... One of the important indicators of the quality of e-books is the availability of Internet access. Almost all readers have this function, but not all of them can be conveniently used, and many devices are not designed for downloading books from the network. Therefore, such moments should always be checked with sellers.
  • Dimensions of gadgets... Standardly, in any store you can find e-books of such sizes: 5 inches (considered a "pocket" reader, it is convenient to take with you, but not intended for long-term reading), 6 inches (the most common format of books), from 7 to 10 inches ("home "Books, since it is not very convenient to carry them with you. But if there is a need to view the drawings, then this format is ideal), 13 inches (this format of e-books has not yet gone on sale, but their models can be seen on the Internet).
  • Control... Initially, all books were equipped with the usual buttons for turning on and turning pages. Now you can find sensory generations. The choice of device should be made based on personal priorities and usability.
  • Playable file format... The main reader formats are EPUB, TXT, HTML, CHM, PDF, FB2, DOC, RTF. If the downloaded file is of a different format and the book does not see it, then you should download and install additional software or look for an e-book with advanced functions.
  • Memory... Any e-book is equipped with built-in memory that can reach 8 GB. In principle, this is enough for your own mini-library. If this indicator is not enough, then you can always purchase an additional memory card.

Best e-book models

If you still do not know which company to choose an e-book, you are lost in the range and characteristics of these devices, then below is a brief overview of the main and fairly popular models of e-readers for all occasions.

After examining these brands, everyone will be able to have an idea of ​​how to choose the right gadget.

Top 10 best e-books:

  1. Reader Book 1.
  2. Reader Book 2.
  3. Amazon Kindle Paperwhite 2015.
  4. Tesla Crypto TFL6.0.
  5. PocketBook 631 Touch HD.
  6. Amazon Kindle Voyage.

This is one of the simplest types of e-books. The resolution allows you to clearly draw any fonts. The device works on the basis of electronic ink, so reading will be convenient and as close to paper as possible.

The buttons are located at the bottom, they are convenient for turning pages and selecting the necessary files. The e-book does not have an Internet connection. This is not necessary, since the built-in memory makes it possible to load the required amount of information.

Pros of the device:

  • clear electronic ink does not spoil vision;
  • built-in memory;
  • the battery holds a charge for a long time.


  • no backlight;
  • no wireless connection.

Customer reviews are good. For example, some write: “I liked the book, it turns pages very quickly and holds the battery for a long time. The price corresponds to the quality. "

Still wondering how to choose an e-book on your pocket and so that the quality does not let you down? The Korean company Ritmix brings to your attention a budget version of the RBK-615.

This device also works on the basis of e-ink, has 4 GB of its own memory and a slot for additional, if that seems a little small.

The device supports all major file formats, and its hardware buttons quickly respond to scrolling and selecting information.

If you need backlighting, then you need to pay attention to the more advanced model RBK-675FL. It has customizable backlighting, and all other features are similar to the first. The price range varies from 4.5 to 5.5 thousand rubles.

The only drawback of this model is that there is no wireless communication. But this is not important, because the memory of the reader allows you to store all the necessary information.

The Reader Book 1 and Reader Book 2 models are the brainchilds of PocketBook, which are famous for their quality characteristics and good customer reviews. The first model is a bit simpler: equipped with electronic ink, built-in memory and a good battery; does not have backlighting and wireless communications.

These disadvantages are insignificant and do not affect the quality of the goods. The second model has become an innovative solution, since it has a touch screen, an additional memory card and is equipped with a Wi-Fi module, which allows you to access the Internet and download files directly from there.

From disadvantages should be highlighted as follows:

  • plastic cover of the screen;
  • little contrast;
  • the plastic of the case is hard and not very comfortable.

The e-book is like all other models. The only difference is the infrared sensor.

This allows you to get rid of any distortion and additional layers on the screen.

Nevertheless, the opinion of buyers differs about this device, since it has its own peculiarities and disadvantages: there is no slot for a memory card, does not support the fb2 format, the built-in programs are not convenient to use.

Amazon Kindle e-reader

It is one of the best touch screen reader of its kind. Equipped with a touch screen, backlight, aluminum casing that protects it from dust and moisture.

Unfortunately, the device does not support memory cards, it is limited to the built-in one, and only reads two file formats. Therefore, the rest of the formats will have to be converted.