There was a false positive test for HIV. For what reasons can an HIV test result be false? HIV positive test: causes, actions of doctors and patients

Some people get false positives for HIV, and the reasons for this can vary. First of all, this may be due to the fact that the analysis was carried out at home. Mistakes can be made by medical personnel when the test is performed in a specialized clinic. In addition, many diseases and pathological changes in the state of human health can affect the fact that the data obtained as a result of the study will be incorrect.

Reasons for a false positive HIV test at home

The developed methods, which make it possible to detect the presence or absence of the human immunodeficiency virus in the body, give 100% results. However, in some cases, the data may be distorted, so they need to be rechecked. Nowadays, very often the survey is carried out at home, which allows a person to keep the data anonymous. This research will remain confidential. However, it is in such conditions that errors appear in the conduct of the study, due to which the test becomes of poor quality. To avoid such situations, it is better to conduct this study in a clinic, and then get the results from the laboratory. In this case, the risk that the data will be distorted is only 0.01%. In addition, home tests can give a completely different answer.

Reasons leading to a false positive result for HIV

Cross-reactions can lead to similar consequences. Some diseases cause such reactions. For example, a person may have an allergic reaction. In this case, antigens of a certain type are produced, which will be incomprehensible to the body. In this case, the immune system recognizes them as foreign. Such antigens can lead to false positive data.

In addition, during pregnancy, the hormonal background in a woman's body changes, which is the reason for obtaining false positive data. The same applies to the period of menstruation.

If the patient is found to have normal type ribonucleoproteins, the test result will be changed. In addition, hepatitis and influenza viruses cause a positive type, so you must first treat these diseases, only then donate blood for analysis. The same applies to vaccinations that have been made recently. They will interfere with the blood test. Better to donate blood later. Such reactions can be caused by vaccinations against tetanus, influenza and hepatitis B. The same applies to the tuberculosis virus. It changes the research score in a positive way. The herpes virus works in much the same way. Therefore, it is better to cure all diseases that are caused by a similar virus, wait for the rehabilitation period and only then donate blood for analysis.

If you have poor clotting, you should also not donate blood, since the indicator will be false positive. If the patient, on the contrary, has very thick blood, this will affect the result. If a person very often donates blood as a donor, then it is better to wait until the amount of blood in the body is restored. Otherwise, the test will give a false positive result. Various types of sclerosis and disturbances in the work of small blood vessels lead to incorrect research.

If there are problems with the respiratory system (infectious diseases), then the parameter may change. With fever, changes also appear that distort the conduct of the study.

If the amount of antibodies in the blood rises or the level of bilirubin changes, then the reaction during the analysis may be positive, but this will be false data. In addition, sclerosis leads to the same results. Another disease that causes a positive indicator is cancer, therefore, with the presence of malignant tumors and other cancers, it is quite difficult to determine HIV in the body.

When organ transplants are performed, the test may give a false positive result, but this may not be true.

If a person develops autoimmune liver disease, the result will be distorted. Autoimmune diseases occur when the body's immune system begins to act against its own organs in the body, attacking them and blocking their work. In general, if the regulatory processes of the immune system are disturbed, the result will be distorted, but positive. In addition, drinking alcohol can cause liver disease, which can lead to incorrect blood test results for HIV. Plus, arthritis will work the same way.

Medical errors that cause the test results to be incorrect

Quite often, there are situations when a person gets a positive result for HIV due to the mistakes of the medical staff themselves, although the study was carried out in a specialized institution.

A false result can be obtained due to the wrong blood sampling. In addition, if the blood was improperly stored at the medical facility before the post-draw test was required, the data will be corrupted. Such results can also be caused by the transportation of blood to the laboratory, which was not performed according to the rules. Another reason that leads to a false positive result is the use of low-quality serum for analysis.

All of these factors are only due to the fact that the medical staff was negligent in their work. His incompetence can lead to receiving corrupted data.

Of course, not all medical centers make such mistakes, the risk of this is very small. However, it is better to check the data and retest for HIV. At this stage in the development of medical technologies, many clinics are equipped with special state-of-the-art equipment that eliminates the risk of false results.

How not to get a false positive test for HIV?

In order for the data obtained during the study to be as accurate as possible, it is necessary to adhere to some rules. Before donating blood for analysis, you must warn the doctor that a disease may develop. In addition, it is necessary to mention all the drugs that are currently used.

The analysis should be carried out only 1.5-3 months after the suspicious contact was made.

It is better to use diet food temporarily, quit smoking, and also not drink alcoholic beverages. In addition, you need to give up sexual activity 3 weeks before the tests.

Does alcohol affect the blood test

Laboratory examination of blood and urine is one of the main methods for diagnosing diseases. General clinical, biochemical and other analyzes allow to establish the degree of metabolic disorders in the body, the presence of inflammatory, infectious diseases. Tests for hemoglobin, cholesterol, potassium, calcium, magnesium are used in the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. Antibody tests play an important role in determining infectious, allergic, and oncological diseases. Alcohol affects the functioning of all organs. After its use, there is a change in the consistency and composition of the blood.

One of the main conditions for passing tests and obtaining reliable results for hemoglobin, platelets, cholesterol and other indicators is abstinence from alcohol. How much time should elapse between drinking alcohol and the procedure for passing tests (1 or 3 days), the patient should clarify in advance.

The effect of alcohol on test results

To establish diagnoses of various diseases and monitor the condition of patients after surgery, it is necessary to donate blood for the following studies:

  • General analysis for hemoglobin (iron), erythrocyte content and ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), leukocytes, platelets. Thanks to such analyzes, it is possible to establish the presence of anemia and the danger of thrombosis, the development of purulent processes;
  • Biochemical research is especially important for studying the work of organs (liver, kidneys, pancreas), as it shows how much protein, fat, sugar, cholesterol, uric acid, and various enzymes are contained in tissues after food enters the stomach. In addition, with the help of this study, it is possible to establish the content of iron, calcium, phosphorus and other elements necessary for the functioning of all body systems;
  • Immunological research can be used to determine the nature of infectious diseases, to establish the nature of a viral infection, the degree of weakening of immunity (immunodeficiency). The diagnosis is established after taking tests for antibodies to various infections (among them: hepatitis, syphilis, rubella, measles, herpes and others);
  • Allergic reaction tests;
  • Research for hormones (for the diagnosis of diseases of the organs of the endocrine, reproductive system, fetal developmental disorders during pregnancy) and others.
  • In addition to these analyzes, urine analysis is of great importance. For example, according to the content of protein and leukocytes, one can assess the state of the kidneys, according to the content of bilirubin, conclusions are drawn about the work of the liver and pancreas. Detection of sugar content on urine examination indicates the presence of diabetes mellitus. If you drink alcohol before taking the test, your glucose level will inevitably rise. The stress on the liver disrupts its normal functioning. In this case, a urine test can show the presence of protein.

    How alcohol affects the complete blood count

    Ethyl alcohol, which is part of alcoholic beverages, dissolves the fatty membrane of erythrocytes, disrupts their structure. Erythrocytes stick together, blood clotting increases, due to this, it thickens, the risk of blood clots increases. As a result of the action of alcohol, the level of erythrocytes decreases markedly, hemoglobin falls. An increase in viscosity, a decrease in the level of hemoglobin and erythrocytes may indicate the development of megaloblastic anemia (a deadly disease). A change in the index of erythrocytes also affects other indicators, can distort data on the composition of blood and complicate the diagnosis of diseases, the appointment of treatment after examination. Since alcohol is a toxic substance, according to the results of a general study of blood urine, carried out in a state of a hangover, it is possible to draw an incorrect conclusion about poisoning if you do not know about the true cause of the violations.

    The effect of alcohol on blood biochemical parameters

    Drinking is the most influential in this study. First of all, the glucose content changes. Alcohol inhibits the formation of glucose in the liver, so its level is significantly reduced. This can be dangerous to humans. Drinking alcohol is not recommended for people with diabetes mellitus. A healthy person, after a temporary decrease in glucose levels, will be misdiagnosed as having diabetes.

    Alcohol increases the lactic acid content. This usually happens with heart failure and other circulatory disorders, as well as with a large blood loss. Internal bleeding can be mistakenly assumed.

    Alcohol affects uric acid levels. By this indicator, you can detect the accumulation of nitrogen, which happens with the development of gout, arthritis and other joint lesions.

    Alcohol intake causes an increase in fat content, which may indicate the development in the body of diseases such as atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, viral liver diseases, renal failure, blockage of cerebral vessels, thyroid disease.

    How alcohol affects immunoassay (ELISA) data

    If you drink alcohol before the examination, then the mode of operation of all organs changes. Alcohol acts on the production of hormones, changing their ratio. Due to this, false positive or false negative results can be obtained in the diagnosis of serious diseases of the liver, kidneys, thyroid gland and other organs. Ethyl alcohol reduces the production of antibodies in the body. The ELISA method is based on diagnosing diseases and assessing the body's defenses by the presence or absence of antibodies of a certain type. Distorted results after drinking alcohol and passing tests for markers can lead to incorrect conclusions, will not allow diagnosing such serious diseases as hepatitis (A, B, C, D), malignant tumors, genetic abnormalities, allergies.

    When a person has to visit a doctor and be tested for erythrocytes, hemoglobin, infectious or oncological markers, then alcoholic beverages should not be drunk at least 2 days before the examination. Alcohol so distorts the test results that specialists will not be able to recognize the true picture of serious (sometimes fatal) diseases. For blood and urine tests, the time is usually appointed in advance, so a person should ask the doctor about the rules for taking, and also clarify how long it takes to take various tests if you drink alcohol. If, nevertheless, on the eve of the tests, the patient drank alcohol, then this must be reported. The time of the survey will be changed.

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    • Final diagnosis. When does an HIV test get a false result?

      The accuracy of HIV testing is influenced by diet, hormones and infections.

      December 1 is World AIDS Day. On the eve of this date, the Ministry of Health of Russia cited frightening statistics, according to which the number of cases in just 15 years will increase by 2.5 times. HIV prevention is now one of the main areas of modern medicine, aimed at stopping the spread of the virus. And, first of all, you need to start with analyzes. found out where you can get tested for HIV and how to do it correctly so as not to get a false result.

      There are two main types of tests for HIV / AIDS: enzyme immunoassay and PCR diagnostics. Both are informative and accurate.

      The enzyme immunoassay is the most common today. It is based on the detection of antibodies to HIV in the patient's blood serum. In most patients, they appear approximately 4-6 weeks after infection, in 10% - after 3-6 months, and in 5% - later. Therefore, ideally, this test should be taken three times every 3 months.

      PCR diagnostics is a study using the polymerase chain reaction, which can test blood serum, antiviral-RNA or DNA, quantitative assessment of CD-4 lymphocytes. At the same time, PCR analysis is often called by doctors the only possible early diagnosis of HIV infection, which is carried out, including in babies of the first year of life. The advantage of this research method is the fact that it can detect the virus in the incubation and early clinical period, when there are no antibodies in the blood. This helps to start treatment earlier and reduce the negative impact of the disease.

      You need to prepare for an HIV / AIDS test. Blood should be donated on an empty stomach, while the last meal should take place no later than 8 hours in advance. Naturally, it is recommended to maintain a kind of diet, refusing a few days before donating blood from alcohol and "harmful" dishes - fatty, fried, smoked meats, marinades and other refined products.

      It should be borne in mind that if you are not feeling well, even with any viral or infectious disease, it is better not to donate blood or come back for analysis 35-40 days after recovery. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting a false positive result.

      The HIV / AIDS test goes through several stages of testing. Therefore, it is prepared for 2-10 days.

      The result can be positive, negative or questionable. In the latter case, it is worth retaking the analysis a little later.

      Doctors say that with a positive result, it is impossible to immediately declare that a person has HIV or AIDS. Indeed, in some cases, the indicators may be overestimated for other reasons. In this situation, it is necessary to retake the analysis again - everyone who has a result with a "+" sign goes through this procedure.

      Where does the "false signal" come from? Due to certain diseases and conditions that can cause cross reactions. For example, due to allergies in the blood, antigens incomprehensible to the body can be produced, which it recognizes as foreign.

      Also, a similar reaction can occur due to a sharp change in the composition of the blood - for example, due to a jump in cholesterol (with excessive consumption of fatty foods, fried foods, seeds), hormonal imbalance (in particular, during menstruation in women), infections (respiratory diseases, presence of hepatitis and influenza viruses, recent vaccinations, tuberculosis), excessive blood density, arthritis, oncology. Fungi, viruses, and bacteria can also contribute to bad data. In addition, a false-positive result may appear due to medical errors: in violation of the rules for taking and transporting blood, using low-quality serum and improper storage of the material.

      If you wish, you can get tested for the immunodeficiency virus at any time. However, there are a number of provisions when it is recommended to do this. So, it is worth donating blood when planning pregnancy, before a planned operation, after carrying out questionable injections, unprotected sexual contact with an unfamiliar person, with a sharp deterioration in health.

      You can get tested in any clinic, private clinics and diagnostic centers, as well as specialized AIDS centers. Moreover, in state medical institutions, this procedure will be completely free. Any citizen of the country can take tests at the AIDS Center, regardless of where he lives.

      There are 2 types of testing: confidential and anonymous. In the first case, a person gives his name to laboratory assistants. In the second case, he is assigned an identification number. All results are issued exclusively to the patient's hands, and even with a positive result, the laboratory cannot report anywhere - this will be regarded as a violation of medical confidentiality. In paid clinics, the principle of taking tests is no different, only in this case the service is provided for money. Cost - from 400 to 3400 rubles, depending on the complexity and options for verification.

      Proper preparation for an HIV test is the key to obtaining a reliable result

      All people are worried before being tested for HIV, even if there is no risk of infection. Since this disease is incurable and today is the "plague" of the century, everyone is afraid of being infected.

      Proper preparation for an HIV test can guarantee an accurate result. All the nuances can be found in the laboratory, where the patient is going to take biological material. For all studies related to infection with this virus, specialists take blood from a vein. In order to avoid a false result, you must adhere to some rules and restrictions.

      How to Prepare for HIV Testing?

      The most reliable result can be obtained by donating blood in the morning. During the night, metabolic and cleansing processes take place in the organs, which by the morning "bring the body in order."

      Blood counts return to normal only if there was no influence of extraneous factors. Before being tested for HIV, you cannot do much of what has become a habit of most people.

      What can affect the result:

    • Smoking;
    • Alcoholic drinks;
    • Physical exercise;
    • Stressful situations;
    • Chronic depression;
    • Food.
    • Proper preparation for an HIV test will not give results if the patient carries any viral infection. In this case, experts recommend waiting about a month. For example, the flu or SARS distorts the result of the immune status and viral load.

      Before testing for HIV, you can eat 8-12 hours in advance - another reason why blood sampling is carried out in the morning. Skipping breakfast is much easier than skipping lunch and going hungry all day. It is recommended to drink sweet tea and have a snack immediately after the biological material is handed over.

      What can affect HIV testing in women is the menstrual cycle. During "critical days" the result is distorted, especially if the study is carried out by the polymerase chain reaction method. This is due to a significant jump in hormone levels.

      Experts know that the test system, with the help of which the study is carried out, also affects the HIV analysis. To obtain the most reliable results, it is advisable to donate blood to the same laboratory each time. This is more true for people who are in regular contact with patients, often forced to check.

      Testing for HIV, AIDS - can you eat before taking?

      Blood is taken on an empty stomach, that is, between the last meal and the intake of biological fluid, you need to wait at least 8 hours. Also, eating food will not affect the result 6 hours before delivery.

      Whether it is possible to eat before testing for HIV - the doctor must warn, prescribing a referral according to indications. If the study is carried out anonymously, without first visiting a specialist, the nurse should ask about the food intake the day before taking blood.

      As for the drinking regime, it is allowed to use only non-carbonated plain water. Sugar-containing drinks and any others are very rare, but can still affect the result.

      Some doctors argue that you can eat absolutely all food before getting tested for HIV, but the facts speak for themselves. There were cases when, when eating fatty foods (fried chicken, jellied meat) the day before, the test gave a false positive result.

      Does alcohol affect HIV testing?

    • Do not drink alcoholic beverages 2-3 days before donating blood from a vein;
    • If alcohol was consumed a day or two before the appointed date of the study, it is better to postpone the visit to the doctor for several days.
    • Alcohol and HIV testing are two incompatible concepts. Since ethanol affects blood biochemical parameters and hormones, it is undesirable to use it in large quantities for everyone, especially infected people.

      Alcohol is a solvent, so it destroys the walls of red blood cells, as a result of which they stick together, forming blood clots and thickening blood. If alcohol damages the walls of red blood cells, then in the same way it can affect the amount of antibodies produced by the immune system to defend against the virus.

      Since there are so few antibodies in the blood immediately after the pathogen enters the body, they may become even smaller, as a result of which it will be impossible to detect them.

      In order to be properly examined and diagnosed infection on time, you need to visit a doctor, get a referral and find out if you can eat and drink before being tested for HIV, as well as other nuances. The more the patient is informed, the higher the likelihood of timely diagnosis and selection of effective treatment tactics (if a virus is detected).

      Blood test for AIDS and HIV

      It is scary to get tested for HIV, but it can be treated and it is important to get tested if you suspect you have become infected. If the test is positive, early detection and monitoring of HIV development will help the doctor determine if the disease is progressing and when to start treatment.

    • Discuss fears associated with analysis
    • Learn how to reduce your risk of infection if your test is negative
    • Learn how not to infect other people if the result is positive
    • Think about personal issues, such as how the illness will affect your social, emotional, professional and financial aspects of life
    • Learn what steps to take to stay healthy as long as possible
    • Feel free to get tested for AIDS

      Why is an AIDS test important - what you need to know before passing it

      “Gee, I have to take care of you, I never imagined before that I would do this. Not even for myself "

      Justin rolled up the sleeve of his gray sports shirt and squeezed his hand as Becky watched. As their friendship grew, Justin talked about a turbulent past, including drug use and promiscuity. As their relationship developed into a romantic one, Becky delivered an ultimatum: No sex without an AIDS test.

      They were tested together. And together they came for the results, worrying, as the laboratory assistant handed them plain white envelopes. They opened them on a flight of stairs outside the clinic. When Justin saw the results — both negative — he fell to one knee and immediately proposed to Becky.

      “He was very serious,” says Becky. “He felt that the gods were smiling at him. It was like cleansing from sins "

      Two years later, they have not yet pronounced their wedding vows on the altar, but they happily live together in the mountains above Asheville. The test results are pinned up on a booth at their home, as a reminder of the day that accelerated their relationship.

      “It really strengthened our friendship,” says Becky. “And it helped me realize the emotional support we can give each other.”

      "Justin" and "Becky" were asked not to reveal their real names to protect privacy.

      According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, each of the three people infected with HIV in the United States does not know about it. Many of them, without realizing it, infect loved ones with this disease.

      If you are sexually active and have not been tested for HIV, you need to know the following:

    • HIV is no longer a death sentence. Thanks to new drug therapy, many people with HIV are able to live normal lives without developing the disease.
    • In many institutions, you can do the analysis anonymously so that no one - not a parent, close family member, friend, or teacher - will know about the analysis. Thanks to the new techniques, you won't even feel the needle insertion.
    • This article will help you prepare for your analysis. It tells you when and where you can do the analysis, what it is and what to expect when you get the results.

      When to get tested for AIDS

      “In principle, anyone with more than one sexual partner should get tested,” says John Flaherty, MD, director of the HIV Treatment Center at Northwest Memorial Hospital in Chicago. "If you have new partners from year to year, you need to be tested for AIDS on a routine basis, even if you are using contraception."

      A large number of people are admitted to Dr. Flaherty's hospital only when HIV infection progresses to AIDS with a full clinical picture, in other words, it is too late to be treated. If they had been tested and started treatment earlier, they could have lived to old age.

      Some people think there is no point in getting tested because AIDS is an incurable disease that can lead to death, says Chris Hubbard of the Whitman-Walker AIDS Clinic in Washington. They don't know that drug therapy makes life with AIDS manageable.

      Other people fear they will not be able to provide treatment if the test is positive, Hubbard says. But even the poorest patients can receive treatment through medical programs such as Medicaid, he says.

      Many young people do not do the analysis, therefore they feel absolutely healthy. But often, over the years, the HIV virus develops into the first signs of AIDS, says Amneris Luke, M.D., director of the AIDS clinic at Pivot Memorial Hospital in Rochester, New York.

      There is one important exception, Luke says. In about half of cases, he says, a person will get an acute infection a few days after they become infected with HIV. The tragedy is that doctors may confuse this infection with the flu or mononucleosis. People may not know about the real reason for years.

      If you develop flu symptoms soon after unsafe sex, such as unprotected sex or a drug-related incident such as sharing needles, you should get tested for AIDS, Luke says.

      You also need to be aware of the "window period". After infection with the human immunodeficiency virus, it can take up to 3 months before HIV antibodies, which can be detected by testing, develop. If you have had dangerous contact, you may decide to wait 3 months before getting tested (unless there are signs of a viral infection). In rare cases, it can take up to six months before antibodies develop.

      Where to get tested for AIDS

      You can do the analysis in a variety of locations, including doctors' offices, clinics, hospitals, family planning centers, and laboratory research centers located in shopping malls. In some of them you will need to make an appointment in advance, in others without an appointment.

      Most of these institutions will ask you about your sex and drug history, either in person or using a questionnaire. The testing procedure itself is the same in most institutions, but may differ in some important methods:

    • Blood test or oral test... These days, you don't need to insert a needle to test for AIDS. In some institutions, it is sufficient to take blood from a finger. In other institutions, your saliva is enough.
    • Fast or slow results... Some institutions will ask you to wait a few days for results to be obtained. In others, you can get results even after 20 minutes. With the express method, you can immediately find out if the result is negative. However, if the result is positive, you may have to wait a few days for a second test to be performed to confirm the first. In the institution where you will not be provided with the test results immediately, but after a few days, the second test will already be performed when you come for the results.
    • Anonymous or confidential analysis... It is not the same. results confidential analysis will be entered into the medical record. Your health care provider and insurance company may know about your results. If someone else pays your insurance bill (for example, your parents), he can at least find out information that you did an AIDS test. In contrast, the results anonymous analysis is known only to you. In many areas, anonymous (and free) analysis can be submitted through the city's health department. Use the Yellow Pages or the Internet to find the health department in your area.
    • If you are truly concerned with privacy, you can do the analysis at home. The FDA has approved one test, called Home Access, sold in drug stores. The test kit states that you must mail the blood sample to the Home Access laboratory. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns that "quick" home tests purchased online may not produce reliable results.

      In one episode of the television series Sex and the City, Samantha received the results of her first AIDS test. As she was awaiting the results at the clinic, the doctor took her to a separate room to discuss them. Of course, this was a signal that the results were positive, she became discouraged as she approached the door. But in reality, the results were negative, and the doctor just wanted to explain the importance of safe sex.

      When it comes time to notify you of the results, different agencies do it differently. Some of them will notify you by phone in case of a negative result, but will ask you to come if the results are positive. Other agencies will ask to come back anyway (Home Access kits include pre- and post-test telephone counseling).

      Unsurprisingly, people who test positive are stressed. Remember that AIDS testing facilities or clinics can provide more detailed advice than, say, a general laboratory research center or your local doctor.

      If the test results are positive, “I emphasize that it is possible to control the disease, treat it, and you can live a fulfilling long life,” says Stacy Vlahakis, MD, AIDS Center at Mayo Hospital in Rochester, Minnesota.

      In fact, many patients can manage their disease once with one day of therapy. But Vlahakis skips discussing treatment options, follow-up testing, and social support for follow-up visits. “They usually don't remember anything after the first visit,” he adds.

      If the results are negative, “I inform the patients that they are negative. at the moment", Says Vlahakis. “This does not mean that it can always be so. Continue to use condoms with any partner or any type of sex, and never share needles or blood products with another person. ”

      This means taking precautions when visiting tattoo parlors where there is the possibility of contracting diseases such as AIDS or hepatitis through dirty needles or equipment, Vlahakis says.

      A human viral immunodeficiency (HIV) test detects HIV antibodies or genetic material (DNA or RNA) in blood or another type of sample. This determines whether HIV infection is present (positive result). HIV infects white blood cells called CD4 cells, which are part of the body's immune system that helps fight infections. HIV can progress to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

      After the initial infection, it will take from 2 weeks to 6 months before HIV antibodies appear in the blood. This period between infection and the moment when antibodies are detected in the blood is called seroconversion or "window" period. During its course, a person infected with HIV can be a carrier of the disease, even if the test did not detect any antibodies in the blood.

      Some tests can detect antibodies or genetic material (RNA) for HIV. These include:

    • Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). This test is usually the first one used to determine HIV. If antibodies are present in the blood (positive), the test is usually repeated to confirm the diagnosis. If the result is negative, as a rule, additional research is not needed. The chance of a false positive with this test is very small in the first few weeks after infection.
    • Western blotting... This test is more difficult than ELISA test, but it is necessary to confirm the results of two positive ELISA tests.
    • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This test detects either HIV RNA or HIV DNA in white blood cells infected with the virus. PCR analysis is not performed as often as antibody testing because it requires technical skills and expensive equipment. It can be done days or weeks after exposure to the virus. The genetic pool can be found even if other tests are negative. It can also be useful for detecting recent infection, determining the presence of HIV infection if antibody test results were unclear, and blood and organ tests for HIV prior to donation.
    • Tests are usually done 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months after exposure to see if a person is infected.

      What is the analysis for

      Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing is performed for:

    • Detection of HIV infection. Usually done for people at risk for HIV infection and people who have symptoms.
    • Tests on blood, blood products and donor organs to prevent HIV infection.
    • HIV testing in pregnant women. The US Task Force on Prevention recommends this test for all pregnant women. HIV-infected pregnant women who are undergoing treatment are less likely to infect their children than women who are not receiving treatment.
    • Finding out if a new baby is infected in a woman who tests positive for HIV. In this case, a PCR test is often done, since it is likely that the child has received antibodies to HIV from the mother, but is not yet infected.
    • The Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) recommends HIV testing as part of routine blood tests. You and your healthcare provider can decide if you need to do this.

      This test is not done to detect AIDS. A diagnosis of AIDS means that the HIV test results are positive and there are other problems.

      There is no need to do anything beforehand before analysis.

      An HIV test cannot be done without your consent. Many doctors recommend pre- and post-test counseling to discuss:

    • How the analysis is done, what the results mean, and what additional research can be done.
    • How an HIV diagnosis can affect your social, emotional, professional and financial side of life
    • Benefits of early diagnosis and treatment.
    • Before the analysis, it is very important to tell the doctor how to contact you when the results are ready. If your doctor hasn’t contacted you within 1–2 weeks of the test, call yourself for the results.

      How is the analysis done

      The healthcare professional who draws the blood will:

    • Squeeze the upper arm with an elastic band to stop blood flow. This enlarges the veins below the band, making it easier to insert the needle.
    • Wipe the injection site with ethyl alcohol
    • Connect a blood collection syringe to the needle
    • Apply a gauze compress or cotton swab over the needle when removing it.
    • Press down on the needle insertion site and then apply a bandage.
    • From the moment the needle is inserted, you may not feel anything, or you may feel a slight prick or pinch when the needle pierces the skin. Some people experience severe pain when the needle is inserted into a vein. But most people do not feel this (or only mild discomfort) when the needle is inserted into a vein. The degree of pain depends on the professionalism of the healthcare provider who draws the blood, vein disease, or your sensitivity to pain.

      There are small risks of complications when drawing blood from a vein.

    • You may develop a small hematoma at the injection site. You can reduce your risk of developing it by continuing to put pressure on the injection site for several minutes after removing the needle.
    • In rare cases, the vein may become inflamed after taking blood. This condition is called phlebitis and is usually treated with a warm compress applied several times a day.
    • Continued bleeding can be a problem for people with clotting disorders. Aspirin, warfarin (Coumadin), and other blood thinning medications can also contribute to bleeding. If you have clotting or bleeding problems, or are taking blood-thinning medications, tell your healthcare professional before drawing blood.
    • The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) test determines the antibodies to HIV or the gene pool (DNA or RNA) in the blood or other type of sample. This helps to identify the presence of HIV infection (HIV-positive result). ELISA test results are usually available in 2-4 days. Results from other tests such as Western blotting or ELISA will be available in 1-2 weeks.

      No HIV antibodies detected. Normal results are generally referred to as negative results.

      If an antibody test is performed during the seroconversion period and the results are negative, a second test will be required. Many people develop antibodies to HIV within 6 months of infection. If a retest after 6 months is negative, the person is not infected.

      PCR analysis of genetic material does not detect HIV RNA or DNA.

      The test results do not clearly indicate whether a person has HIV infection. This is commonly referred to as an indeterminate outcome. This can happen before HIV antibodies develop or when the result is influenced by other antibodies. If this happens, PCR analysis can be performed to determine the RNA or DNA of HIV and to detect the presence of infection.

      A person who still has an indeterminate result after 6 months or longer is called "persistently indeterminate" and is not considered infected with HIV.

      HIV antibodies detected. Such results are called positive.

      A positive ELISA test result is repeated using the same blood samples. If two or more ELISA results are positive, they should be confirmed by Western blotting or ELISA analysis.

      As a result of PCR studies, genetic materials (RNA or DNA) of HIV were found.

      What influences the analysis

      Reasons why analysis should not be done, or why analysis would not be useful, include:

    • Corticosteroid use
    • Analysis during seroconversion
    • Having an autoimmune disease, leukemia, or syphilis
    • Drinking a lot of alcohol
    • What to think about

    • After the first test, it is imperative that your physician contact you regarding the results. Be sure to tell your doctor where and how to find you. If he has not contacted you within 1 or 2 weeks after the analysis, call yourself and ask about the results.
    • ELISA is a good test because it usually gives positive results if there is HIV infection. But ELISA results can reveal the presence of HIV infection if it is not present (false positive results). Thus, only one ELISA test cannot be performed to make a definite diagnosis of HIV infection. None of the results are considered HIV positive unless they are confirmed by positive Western blot, ELISA, or PCR tests.
    • It is difficult to detect HIV infection in newborns. Until the age of 18 months, even an uninfected baby can have antibodies from his or her HIV-positive mother. A PCR test may be done to detect the presence of a gene pool (RNA or DNA) in a child.
    • To be sure that there is no HIV infection, a person must have negative test results within 6 months after the alleged infection. Tests are usually done 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months later to check for infection.
    • Home blood test kits for HIV testing can be purchased over-the-counter at pharmacies or by mail order. The kits contain instructions and materials for collecting a blood sample, which is then sent to the laboratory for analysis. The results can be found by phone using an anonymous code. It is also possible to consult by phone regarding the use of the kit. In addition, there are kits for quick detection of infection, and it is possible to get results in half an hour as opposed to waiting for 1-2 weeks when performing a traditional test. Rapid HIV detection should be confirmed by Western blot testing.
    • An HIV screening test can also be done by examining urine or saliva. Oral tests detect HIV antibodies. Urine tests for HIV are rarely done.
    • Oral test kits that detect HIV-1 and HIV-2 in saliva are approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. Test results are available on the same day. Positive results must be confirmed by Western blot analysis.
    • In many states, healthcare professionals, clinics and hospitals are required to submit information on confirmed HIV cases to the health department. Some states allow anonymous reporting (where the patient's name and identifying information is not provided). Other states require confidential reporting (identifying patient information is available only to authorized health officials). All states are required to report AIDS cases without names or identifying information to the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC).
    • If your test results are positive, tell your sexual partner. He may also want to get tested. To do this, use the help of your local health authority.
    • After HIV infection is detected, other tests are conducted to determine the treatment method and its effectiveness. These tests include determining the number of CD4 cells and viral load.
    • 2 types of HIV are detected
      • HIV-1 causes almost all AIDS cases worldwide
      • HIV-2 is found primarily in West Africa.
    • Measuring viral load

      A viral load test detects the concentration of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the blood. The first time viral load is measured is when HIV infection is diagnosed. This initial measurement serves as the master data and subsequent measurements will be compared against it. Since viral load can change from day to day, change over time is used to determine if an infection is worsening. If your viral load continues to rise after taking multiple measurements, it means that the infection is negatively developing. If the load decreases, it means that the infection is suppressed.

      Viral load is measured using 3 different types of tests:

    • Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)
    • Branched DNA Hybridization (rDNA)
    • Nucleic acid sequence-based amplification (NASBA)
    • These tests measure the genetic material (RNA) of HIV in your blood. But they give results in different ways, so it is important to use the same assay over time.

      Why is this done

      Viral load measurements are performed for:

    • Control of changes in the development of HIV infection
    • Choosing a treatment method
    • Monitoring the effectiveness of treatment
    • You and your healthcare provider may schedule different examinations, but the most common schedule is:

    • If you are not on highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), your viral load should be measured every 3-4 months
    • If you are undergoing this therapy, then:
      • Viral load measurements are taken before starting treatment. This dimension is fundamental.
      • Other measurements are taken 4 to 8 weeks after starting treatment to determine your response to medications. Some reduction in viral load is expected when starting treatment or when changing drugs.
      • If your viral load drops as expected and your CD4 cell count remains stable, your viral load will be measured every 3-6 months. Your CD4 cell count reflects how well your immune system is working.
      • Your doctor may use your viral load and CD4 counts to decide whether to start antiretroviral therapy.

        How to prepare

        You do not need to do anything before doing the research.

        The healthcare professional who will draw blood for analysis will:

        • Insert the needle into the vein. More than one needle may be required.
        • Remove tape from hand when sufficient blood has been obtained.
        • What can you feel

          From the moment the needle is inserted, you may not feel anything, or you may feel a slight prick or pinch when the needle pierces the skin. Some people experience severe pain when the needle is inserted into a vein. But most people do not feel this (or mild discomfort) after placing the needle in a vein. The degree of pain depends on the professionalism of the healthcare provider who draws the blood, vein disease, or your sensitivity to pain.

        • In rare cases, a vein may become inflamed after taking blood. This condition is called phlebitis and is usually treated with a warm compress applied several times a day.

        Viral load testing detects the concentration of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the blood. The analysis result will be ready within 2 weeks.

        The normal values \u200b\u200blisted below, called the normal range, are just a guideline. These ranges of values \u200b\u200bmay vary depending on the laboratory and the test method used (RT-PCR, rDNA, NASBA). Your laboratory may have a different range of values \u200b\u200bthat is considered normal. The results report should provide information on the values \u200b\u200bused in your laboratory. Also, your doctor will evaluate the results based on your health and other factors. This means that a reading outside the normal range listed in this article may be normal for you or your laboratory.

        Viral load test results are expressed in the number of HIV copies in (copies / ml) milliliter of blood. Each virus is called a "copy" because HIV multiplies by making copies of itself (replicating).

    Site names the reasons for the false positive results of HIV testing. The information given gives rise to complete distrust of these tests.

    "False positive results for immunodeficiency virus are quite common, literally throwing into shock the person donating blood. The point is that there are many diseases that can provoke a false positive result ...

    The reasons why the result can become false positive, and it does not matter if it is anonymous or not, are violations of the rules for donating blood. Ordinary seeds or previously eaten spicy, sour, fried foods, and even carbonated mineral water, especially alkaline water - for example, Borjomi, can provoke a dubious result, no matter how many are eaten - a lot or a little ...

    Conditions that can provoke a false positive result:

    cross reactions;

    period of pregnancy (risk group - women who have given birth several times);

    the presence of normal ribonucleoproteins;

    multiple donation of blood by donors;

    infectious lesions of the respiratory system;

    influenza and hepatitis virus;

    recently received vaccinations (tetanus, hepatitis B, flu);

    very thick blood;

    primary autoimmune liver disease;


    herpes virus;

    poor clotting;


    liver disease caused by alcohol;


    violation of immunoregulatory processes;

    damage to small vessels of the body;

    oncological diseases;

    different types of sclerosis;

    organ transplant;

    increased bilirubin;

    increased levels of antibodies;

    critical days.

    Some diseases can cause cross-reactions. For example, due to allergies in the blood, antigens incomprehensible to the body can be produced, which it recognizes as foreign. These antigens can cause false positives.

    During pregnancy, a woman experiences a hormonal imbalance, therefore, in some cases, there may be a false positive result on the test. It is not recommended to donate blood for the immunodeficiency virus during the menstrual cycle.

    Any infectious, fungal and viral diseases almost always give a positive result for the presence of the immunodeficiency virus.For this reason, doctors advise to undergo treatment for the disease, and only after 25-30 days undergo an examination.

    Diseases, oncology, increased bilirubin, vaccinations - all these factors affect the result.If a non-standard set of enzymes is present in the blood, then the anonymous test will be false positive.

    For these reasons, doctors do not inform people that they have already been diagnosed with a viral immunodeficiency infection. And having heard that the analysis is positive, a person first of all should think about what could provoke a positive result.

    False positive test results for human immunodeficiency virus after organ transplantation are very common, especially during the period when the organ is engrafted. In this case, unknown antibodies are produced, which, when tested, are encoded as antigens of the immunodeficiency virus.

    Before taking an anonymous test for HIV or AIDS, it is imperative to notify the doctor about whether the disease is present and how long it lasts. This must be done in order to exclude a false positive analysis ...

    Even if the test is positive, there is no need to panic, it may be false positive ... "

    Such an impressive list of the reasons for false positive reactions of HIV tests, published on the site, already generates complete distrust of these tests. And it is worth paying attention to who and how often turns out to be HIV-positive.

    But first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the HIV / AIDS theory itself was initially built on the unproven hypothesis that it is the HIV virus that supposedly causes immunodeficiency that is, accordingly, the root cause of the development of AIDS-associated diseases in HIV-positive people. Therefore, if a patient develops such a disease, and when tested for HIV, he turns out to be HIV-positive, then in accordance with this theory and with the instructions, speedologists simply automatically diagnose such a patient with HIV infection, and already in the AIDS stage, that is, the development of AIDS associated disease.

    And if a patient has symptoms or diseases from the following list, then for speedologists they are not a signal that, if they are present, an HIV test may turn out to be false positive - quite the opposite! - for them they are just a direct and legalized reason for testing such a patient for HIV, and one of the "proofs" of his "infection".



    1. Patients according to clinical indications:

    Fever for more than 1 month;

    Having an increase in lymph nodes in two or more groups for more than 1 month;

    With diarrhea lasting more than 1 month;

    With an unexplained weight loss of 10 percent or more;

    With protracted and recurrent pneumonia or pneumonia that does not respond to conventional therapy;

    With subacute encephalitis and dementia in previously healthy individuals;

    With fleecy leukoplakia of the tongue;

    With recurrent pyoderma;

    Women with chronic inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system of unknown etiology;

    2. Patients with suspected or confirmed diagnosis:

    Drug addiction (with parenteral drug administration);

    Sexually transmitted diseases;

    Kaposi's sarcomas;

    Brain lymphomas;

    T-cell leukemia;

    Pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis;

    Hepatitis B, HBs-antigen-carrier (at diagnosis and after 6 months);

    Diseases caused by cytomegalovirus;

    Generalized or chronic forms of herpes simplex virus infection;

    Recurrent shingles in people younger than 60 years old;

    Mononucleosis (3 months after the onset of the disease);

    Pneumocystosis (pneumonia);

    Toxoplasmosis (central nervous system);

    Cryptococcosis (extrapulmonary);





    Candidiasis of the esophagus, bronchi, trachea, or lungs;

    Deep mycoses;

    Atypical microbacteriosis;

    Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy;

    Anemia of various genesis.

    Compare the list of causes of false positive reactions with the list of clinical indications for HIV testing (in fact, AIDS-associated diseases and symptoms attributed to HIV infection), and you will find that some items are the same, such as fever, tuberculosis, herpes, hepatitis, and other infections and oncological diseases.

    Thus, it turns out that, on the one hand, according to the HIV / AIDS theory, the development of all these diseases and symptoms in HIV-positive people is explained by the progression of HIV infection, as if it is their root cause, and if they are present, one can literally diagnose HIV / AIDS automatically, and on the other hand, almost exactly the opposite is stated - all these factors in themselves can be the cause of a false positive reaction when testing for HIV, and therefore, if they are available, this testing cannot be considered reliable.

    The contradiction between these approaches, as you can see, is fundamental, and one can say insoluble in the sense that the HIV / AIDS theory itself was originally built on the fact that HIV leads to the development of AIDS-associated diseases, in particular infectious ones, since they are accompanied by a decrease immunity, and within the framework of this theory, the very discussion that the presence of such diseases in itself can be the cause of a positive reaction to HIV tests is, to put it mildly, unacceptable, since it completely contradicts this theory and puts it in great doubt.

    Judge for yourself: if the diagnosis of HIV infection itself is made, among other things, by the presence of clinical signs, that is, the presence of AIDS-associated diseases and symptoms, and this is enshrined in theory and practice, then abandon all this, and actually stop testing for HIV for clinical indications - for the AIDS industry, this can be said to be an act of suicide, admitting the complete failure of the HIV / AIDS theory. After all, it will immediately lose all meaning if HIV testing is canceled for clinical indications, recognizing these very indications as nothing more than the reasons causing false positive results of HIV tests.

    And where did we come to?

    Whether HIV causes AIDS-associated diseases and symptoms, or whether these diseases and symptoms themselves are the cause of a positive reaction of HIV tests - this is a question that has long required research and resolution in the form of an unambiguous answer.

    AIDS orthodox people, of course, adhere to their position - HIV tests are quite reliable, and by definition they reveal nothing more than antibodies to HIV (ELISA and IB tests), or its gene material (with PCR testing). And in principle they never admit that all these tests can give a false positive result for some other reason.

    Judge for yourself: if they would admit it, it would again mean that HIV tests are in fact completely unreliable and unsuitable, and then what about the millions of previously diagnosed HIV infections? For the AIDS industry, any step towards discussing the fallacy of HIV tests is tantamount to suicide.

    But if we proceed from an alternative point of view, or HIV denial, then the picture with these tests turns out to be just such that they work positively, of course, not for the mythical HIV virus, but are deliberately and by definition unreliable, fake, and all their positive results - everything! - are false positive.

    And in the light of this opinion, the list of reasons for these false positive reactions is quite relevant and worthy of attention, research and proper objective assessment.

    Do HIV tests really work for the reasons stated in it? Why not? If, on the basis of these tests, a diagnosis of HIV infection is made to certain categories of tested people, with quite certain diseases, symptoms, conditions, then it is very logical and reasonable to assume, and even assert that the positive results of these tests are directly and directly related to these causes and factors.

    Let's take one example for clarity. The most common AIDS-associated disease in Russia is tuberculosis. And almost all patients are tested for HIV. Of these, about 10% are HIV-positive. Official medicine does not even talk about the fact that a positive reaction of HIV tests was caused by tuberculosis. HIV + tuberculosis is immediately diagnosed, and it remains only to sympathize with such patients if, in addition to anti-tuberculosis treatment, they are prescribed antiretroviral therapy, since their chances of recovery are greatly reduced, but the chances of replenishing the sad statistics of AIDS deaths increase.

    And what is in this connection is very remarkable and curious. According to the HIV / AIDS theory, HIV-positive people develop AIDS within 10-20 years from the moment of "infection". That is, if a patient has already developed tuberculosis, and as HIV-positive it was revealed precisely during testing on clinical grounds, then speedologists without batting an eye assert that this patient has been living with HIV for a long time, it is just that he was not previously identified, and he knows himself did not know that he was infected.

    And mind you, there is no question that tuberculosis can be the cause of a positive HIV test, again, there is no, and it is, in principle, impossible and unacceptable within the framework of HIV / AIDS theory.

    But after all, this very statement that they say the patient has been infected for a long time, it was simply not previously identified, and he himself did not know anything - this statement is absolutely unfounded and unprovable. After all, it is absolutely impossible to go back in time in a time machine, and take blood from this patient for analysis before he developed the disease, and check whether he was HIV-positive or not.

    Moreover, the very formulation "yes, he was infected for a long time, he just did not know it, and he realized late"provokes asking a simple question: why is it that such cases turn out to be the rule, and not the exception? Why does every patient learn about HIV-positive status only when they are admitted to the hospital? Is there any statistics on such patients, whose HIV-positive status was known for a long time, and they developed AIDS-associated diseases within 10-20 years?

    There are simply no such statistics. There is only absolutely unfounded formulation of speedologists "they've been infected for a long time, they just didn't know about it."And go check them out, and prove that it was not HIV that led to the disease, but the disease itself is the reason for the positive reaction of HIV tests.

    I hope that the essence of the fundamental contradiction between the unproven HIV / AIDS hypothesis and the statement that HIV tests work positively for a number of reasons, among which it is worth highlighting specifically AIDS-associated diseases, or clinical signs of HIV infection, is quite understandable.

    The first point of view dogmatically asserts that HIV tests are infallible, and if the patient is HIV-positive and has an AIDS-indicator disease, then there is no doubt about it - he is HIV-infected, and for a long time, even if he just learned about HIV status.

    The second point of view is almost exactly the opposite: can't test patients for HIV for a variety of reasons that are likely can cause false positives , and in particular you cannot test patients for HIV just for all the notorious clinical signs of HIV infection.

    A compromise between these approaches is in no way possible, since any step in its direction will lead to the complete collapse of the AIDS system ...

    Who and how often is diagnosed with HIV in Russia?

    Some statistics.

    In 2013, 28 327 314 people were tested for antibodies to HIV in Russia.

    A positive result in ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) was obtained in 271 408 of all examined.

    A positive result in IB (immune blotting) was obtained in 103 168 of the previous ones.

    Only in 38% of cases a positive result in ELISA is confirmed by a positive result in IB. That is, in the remaining 62% of cases, a positive ELISA result is false positive. And there were 168,240 such false-positive results in ELISA in 2013.

    What does this mean? And this suggests that ELISA tests for HIV are absolutely nonspecific due to the fact that in almost 2/3 of cases they give a positive result by mistake. And it goes without saying that the sensitivity of 99% and higher indicated in the description of these tests is nothing more than an impudent deception on the part of their manufacturers. And the most surprising thing is that this fact of impudent deception has long been self-evident on the basis of the known statistical data, and nevertheless no one pays attention to it at all, and still all doctors, like zombified ones, blissfully believe that the specificity of ELISA is tests for antibodies to HIV is 99%.

    And you might think that all the cases of erroneous, false positive results listed above in the article cited above are only 1%. But in fact, they make up 62% !!! ELISA tests for antibodies to HIV are completely non-specific and unreliable!

    On the part of their manufacturers, this is a blatant fraud, and on the part of consumers, either complicity in this fraud, or complete ignorance about the complete unsuitability of these tests, and the waste of billions of money is not just wasted, but also to the detriment of those who become victims of this completely unreliable and erroneous testing ...

    And here we theoretically took IB as a standard and a gold standard, and in comparison with it, ELISA turned out to be an absolutely unusable test. But we are talking about the unsuitability of all HIV tests in general, including IB. But in essence, these are similar tests, they have the same principle, and of course the disadvantages are the same ...

    According to data for 2013, a positive result for anti-HIV antibodies in IB was obtained in 0.364% of all 28 million examined. This is essentially the average value of the positive reaction in the IB based on these data.

    Examined in a planned manner (medical examination) 3,837,983 people. Of these, 1288 received a positive IB result. This is 0.034%. 10 times less than the average.

    Donors were examined 3 382 246 people. Positive IB was obtained from 1111 of them. This is 0.033%. Almost as among the surveyed planned, that is, relatively few.

    455 737 people working with HIV-positive or contaminated materials were examined. Of these, a positive result in IB was obtained in 177. This is 0.039%. Slightly more than among the surveyed planned and donors. That is, it is also relatively small.

    Patients with drug addiction were examined 238 885. Of these, 11 337 received a positive result in IB. This is 4.75%. 13 times more often than the average. 140 times more often than those surveyed planned and donors. The difference is enormous. How is it explained? Is it really the HIV virus? Of course no.

    886 168 patients with STDs were examined for anti-HIV antibodies. Of these, a positive result in IB was obtained in 4 798. This is 0.54%. One and a half times more often than the average.

    In places of deprivation of liberty, 398,807 people were examined. 10 791 of them had a positive IB result. This is 2.7%. 7 times more than the average. 2 times less than for drug addicts. The prison is not a sanatorium. Anyway ...

    5,914,421 people were examined for clinical indications. The list of these indications includes all AIDS-associated diseases and symptoms attributed to HIV infection, as well as drug addiction and pregnancy. But here it is important to just understand that in this case this category is made up of patients with diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, toxoplasmosis, cytomegaly, Kaposi's sarcoma and everything else from the list of AIDS-associated diseases.

    Immediately, notice that in 2013 alone, almost 6 million people in Russia actually had clinical signs of HIV infection, and therefore they were tested for HIV. And of them, a positive result in IB was obtained in 27,229 people. This is 0.46%. Just 1.26 times more than the average. The category is quite numerous, so this is not surprising. But what is very, very surprising and remarkable is precisely the fact that clinical signs of HIV infection are found annually in almost 6 million Russians, and less than 0.5% of them are HIV-positive. If we check the statistics of HIV diagnoses made in the current year, then even less, and significantly.

    And what does it mean? This means that for every HIV-positive patient who shows clinical signs of HIV infection, there are at least 200 patients with the same clinical signs of HIV infection, but when tested for HIV, they all turn out to be HIV-negative. And from here a self-evident medical fact follows directly: it is absolutely impossible to diagnose HIV infection by the presence of these notorious clinical signs, because they are found 200 times more often in HIV-negative people.

    Not only are the HIV tests themselves profanity and fraud, but in addition to this, the notorious clinical signs of HIV can be attributed to millions of HIV-negative patients. And this means that these signs absolutely do not have any diagnostic reliability of the presence of HIV infection.

    Examined pregnant women, including cases of termination of pregnancy, 5,223,644 people. Of these, a positive result in ELISA was obtained in 8 136. This is 0.16%. Half the average. But 5 times more than among the surveyed planned and donors.

    In the category Other, 10 147 879 people were examined. A positive result in IB was obtained in 26,363 of them. This is 0.26%. Less than average, but nevertheless it is a quarter of all positive IB results. These include servicemen entering military service and military educational institutions, as well as those examined at their own request. The latter are the most "gifted", to put it mildly, they are still idiots.

    During epidemiological investigations, 176,092 people were tested. A positive result in IB was obtained in 10,549 of them. This is 6%. At first glance, this category has a record number of HIV-positive people, although it is the smallest of those already listed. But the fact of the matter is that during the epidemiological investigation for HIV, so-called contact persons are tested, that is, children of HIV-positive mothers, sexual partners of HIV-positive, participants in the sharing of equipment for injecting drug use. That is, this category should not only be the leading one in terms of the percentage of positive results in information security, but it should be a very high percentage. In this case, it is only 6%.

    What does this mean? I explain clearly.

    According to the test results, 100 people have already turned out to be HIV-positive.

    In the course of the epidemiological investigation, their sexual partners are tested for HIV.

    And now, among all surveyed sexual partners of these 100 HIV-positive, only 6 HIV-positive were found, and in the remaining 94 cases, all partners turned out to be HIV-negative. The source of infection was not found. That is, epidemiological research in the overwhelming majority of cases suffers a complete fiasco, and is a pointless waste of energy, resources and time. And so it turns out that among sex couples with HIV, the overwhelming majority are those in which only one of the partners has this diagnosis. And this fact alone shatters the myth of the sexual transmission of HIV and the HIV virus in general!

    Let's give the obtained figures again. A positive IB for antibodies to HIV received

    during epidemiological investigations - in 6% of cases (shamefully low percentage for HIV / AIDS theory!);

    among drug addicts - in 4.75% of cases;

    among prisoners - 2.7%;

    in patients with STDs - in 0.54%;

    in patients with clinical signs of HIV infection - in 0.46% (shamefully low percentage for HIV / AIDS theory!);

    in pregnant women - 0.16%;

    among those examined routinely and donors - 0.033-0.034%.

    And these are actually all the main and mass categories, that is, almost all those tested for HIV. It is these categories that are tested for HIV, and, accordingly, they constitute the lion's share of all cases of HIV diagnosis, namely drug addicts, prisoners with clinical signs of HIV infection, pregnant women, STD patients, and another quarter of all cases are examined in the Other category.

    On the one hand, all this can really be regarded as direct evidence that HIV tests give false positive results when using drugs, during pregnancy, with a number of different diseases, and much less often (10 or more times) generally give a positive result when tested quite healthy people, the same donors, health workers undergoing preventive medical examinations.

    On the other hand, given the fact that even in such categories as drug addicts, as having clinical signs of HIV infection, as pregnant women, the percentage of HIV-positive among all surveyed is approximately 5%, 0.5%, 0.16%, respectively. , that is, very small, then it is absolutely impossible to categorically assert that HIV tests give a false-positive result precisely in these categories of subjects, precisely in connection with diseases or other indicated reasons. Millions of such people are examined, and a fraction of a percent of them turn out to be HIV-positive, several people out of a thousand tested. Therefore, it is in no way possible to assert, for example, that "any infectious, fungal and viral diseases almost always give a positive result for the presence of the immunodeficiency virus."Yes, they do not give it almost always, and if they do, it is quite rare.

    Well, of course, the HIV / AIDS scam could not be so cleverly introduced into life, and the false HIV / AIDS theory into official science and into the consciousness of the population, if its false premises were self-evident from the beginning. For example, if HIV tests would give a positive result in almost all drug addicts, or in all patients with AIDS-associated diseases, or in a relatively large number of pregnant women. But this is not the case. Even among these categories, the number of HIV-positive is very low, the figures are shown above.

    And year after year, as a result of HIV testing, tens of thousands of people in Russia alone are diagnosed with HIV infection, and the overall picture of the epidemic seems to be quite plausible, at least for complete laymen in this problem.

    But. If not only HIV deniers say that HIV tests respond positively to antibodies that have nothing to do with the HIV virus, but doctors who adhere to the orthodox theory of HIV / AIDS also report this, then we need to think of a question mark over HIV testing is getting bigger and fatter, and perhaps HIV testing itself will soon cause more doubt and mistrust than blind faith in it and in the HIV virus itself.

    After all, it has always been stated before: HIV tests are absolutely reliable, there can be no errors, there are errors, but they are completely excluded by additional double-checks, etc. Now it seems that it is recognized that a positive result can still be caused by a number of known reasons, and therefore they should be taken into account and excluded when diagnosing HIV infection.

    But in this case, let me ask right away: are all the reasons for a false-positive reaction of HIV tests known and voiced? Maybe there are some more that are still unknown, and which are just the most significant? Who can responsibly assert that the existence of such reasons is completely excluded?

    PS:Personally, I share the opinion of HIV deniers, the essence of which is that HIV is pure commercial and political fiction, on which big money is made and which cynically exterminates the "extra" population. And today it turns out that the secret of HIV tests is gradually ceasing to be a secret, and is beginning to be revealed. And if yesterday they were officially considered absolutely reliable, and today they are considered to have serious flaws, then perhaps tomorrow they will finally be recognized as completely unusable and false, which they obviously are.

    It remains only to find out for certain the real reasons for their positive reaction, and then over them there will no longer be a bold question mark, but a bold cross. And it is possible that the answer has been known for a long time and has been voiced many times, and lies in the fact that these tests give a positive result with a general increased level of antibodies in the blood sample under study. That is, to be HIV positive, it is not enough to use drugs, or have some kind of illness, or be pregnant, or get vaccinated, or for some other reason. As we just saw, all these reasons are associated with HIV-positive status in almost isolated cases. In particular, out of 200 patients with clinical signs of HIV infection, only one is HIV-positive. Why? How is his case so different and different?

    Moreover, HIV infection is often diagnosed in perfectly healthy people, and such people have been living with this diagnosis for 30 years without any treatment. Think about those who receive a diagnosis of HIV infection during medical examinations, donation, entering the military, through their own stupidity.

    And how are these people different from the rest? What is so special about them?

    Maybe the whole point is really just that HIV tests respond positively to a given threshold of the total level of antibodies in the blood? And if their concentration exceeds this threshold, then the person is declared HIV-positive?

    And then, in accordance with the theory, just sit and test for HIV drug addicts, patients with AIDS-associated diseases and STDs, as well as everyone who can be fearlessly declared HIV-infected - and among those tested, of course, there will be those who have knowingly fake, programmed for a known result tests will give a positive result.

    And you don't even need to prove anything. An addict? Is the HIV test positive? Everything is clear, HIV-infected. The epidemic ...

    In general, it can be argued with good reason that the biggest efforts and investments in the promotion of the HIV / AIDS scam were worth exactly its promotion in the mass disinformation media. The very same stirring up of AIDS hysteria, fear and panic in front of mortal danger and extinction of humanity, a new plague and the end of the world.

    Well, and, accordingly, sucking out of the thumb of all the "discoveries" associated with HIV / AIDS, and their introduction into official science and practical medicine, and, by necessity, into the empty heads of billions of naive humanoid bipedal bioorganisms. That was the most difficult and costly thing.

    And then everything went like a knurled track. And here is the day of the fight against AIDS, and the day of remembrance of those who died from AIDS, and all kinds of actions and months, and the fooled population is now so mired in this deception and self-deception that the very idea that the whole fight against AIDS is only a deception , many are simply horrified, and they are simply unable to accept the truth. And even if they themselves become victims of the AIDS industry, and it would seem that their eyes should open - even then their brain is not able to turn on and earn money, and find the truth and make an independent decision. They still follow the lead of the speedologists, and thoughtlessly and doomedly follow their recommendations, in particular the chemotherapy prescribed for them against HIV, which, of course, does not bring them the slightest benefit, but on the contrary only cripples and kills the naive imaginary HIV-infected who take it ...

    So what are the real reasons behind positive HIV test results?

    You know that?

    Or do you innocently believe everything that swindlers from science and medicine for their own financial gain were hanging on you like noodles?

    Until you find the most complete and comprehensive answer to this question, I would very strongly advise you to refuse HIV testing. For you are as profane in it as I am, and perhaps even 10 times more ignorant and naive.

    P.PS .:But the long-known ...

    List of reasons causing false positivehIV antibody test results

    And the research fund for managing civilization processes brings to the attention of the entire medical community that studies conducted by a number of foreign scientists have convincingly demonstrated absolute unreliability of HIV testing.

    Reading that HIV testing has tragic consequences for people who, for one reason or another (see the list of reasons), the test is positive, scientists call on doctors around the world to stop this testing as scientifically unfounded.

    List of Causes of Erroneous Positive HIV Antibody Test Results (Continuum Journal)

    1) healthy people from obscure cross-reactions

    2.Pregnancy (especially in a woman who has given birth many times)

    3. Normal human ribonucleoproteins

    4. Blood transfusion, especially multiple blood transfusions

    5. Upper respiratory tract infection (colds, acute respiratory infections)

    6. Influenza

    7. Recent viral infection or viral vaccination

    8. Other retroviruses

    9. Influenza vaccination

    10. Vaccination against hepatitis B

    11. Tetanus vaccination

    12. "Sticky" blood (in Africans)

    13. Hepatitis

    14. Primary sclerosing cholangitis

    15. Primary biliary cirrhosis

    16. Tuberculosis

    17. Herpes

    18. Hemophilia

    19. Stevens / Johnson syndrome (inflammatory febrile disease of the skin and mucous membranes)

    20.Q fever with concomitant hepatitis

    21. Alcoholic hepatitis (alcoholic liver diseases)

    22. Malaria

    23. Rheumatoid arthritis

    24. Systemic lupus erythematosus

    25. Scleroderma

    26. Dermatomyositis

    27. Connective tissue disease

    28. Malignant tumors

    29. Lymphoma

    30. Multiple myeloma

    31. Multiple sclerosis

    32. Renal failure

    33. Alpha-interferon therapy in hemodialysis

    34. Organ transplantation

    35. Kidney transplant

    36. Leprosy

    37. Hyperbilirubinemia (high levels of bilirubin in the blood)

    38. Lipemic serum (blood high in fat or lipids)

    39. Hemolyzed serum (blood in which hemoglobin is separated from red cells)

    40. Naturally occurring antibodies

    41. Anti-carbohydrate antibodies

    42. Anti-lymphocyte antibodies

    43. HLA antibodies (to antigens of leukocytes of class 1 and 2)

    44. High level of circulating immune complexes

    45. Samples subjected to high temperature treatment

    46. \u200b\u200bAnti-collagen antibodies (found in homosexual men, hemophiliacs, Africans of both sexes and people with leprosy)

    47. Serum Rheumatoid Factor Positivity, Antinuclear Antibody (both found in rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases)

    48. Hypergammaglobulinemia (high antibody levels)

    49. Falsely positive response to another test, including the RPR (Rapid Plasma Reagent) test for syphilis

    50. Anti-smooth muscle antibodies

    51. Anti-parietal cell antibodies (parietal cells of the gastric glands)

    52. Anti-hepatitis A immunoglobulin M (antibody)

    53. Anti-Hbc immunoglobulin M

    54. Antimitochondrial antibodies

    55. Antinuclear antibodies

    56. Antimicrosomal antibodies

    57. Antibodies to antigens of T-cell leukocytes

    58. Antibodies with high similarity to polystyrene used in test systems

    59. Proteins on filter paper

    60. Visceral leishmaniasis

    61. Epstein-Barr virus

    62. Receptive anal sex

    (September, 1996, Zengers, CA)

    Such a huge number of conditions that give a positive reaction to a supposedly specific test indicates its absolute unreliability and the impossibility of using it for diagnostic purposes.

    Every doctor who prescribes HIV testing should be aware of their responsibility for causing irreparable moral damage (leading to serious consequences) to people who test positive.

    Chair of the Biomedical Section
    research fund problems
    management of civilization processes
    Sazonova I.M.

    Moscow, August 2004

    It is stressful for any person to do research for infection with the immunodeficiency virus. And all people who receive a transcript of negative HIV test results breathe a sigh of relief. However, such a result is not always reliable, and, quite often, the absence of a positive answer does not mean that a person is completely healthy.

    Let's consider what the result of HIV testing is negative, and what errors may arise during the research.

    The annual increase in the number of HIV infections raises an urgent need for reliable diagnosis of the HIV virus. For this, any large city has the Centers for the Prevention and Control of AIDS, in which the analysis for this infection is done absolutely free and anonymously. The examination can be transcribed in 5-10 days.

    The results of blood testing for this ailment are commonly called:

    • positive - HIV is detected;
    • negative - no immunodeficiency virus;
    • questionable or undetectable.

    What does HIV-negative reaction mean in different types of blood tests:

    1. Initial diagnosis of virus infection is carried out. An enzyme immunoassay detects the presence of antibodies in a patient. A negative test result indicates that human biomaterials do not contain specific response cells produced by the human immune system when it is infected.
    2. The most reliable and expensive method to use is immunoblotting. It is not used routinely to diagnose HIV, but it is prescribed when ELISA results are in doubt. The percentage probability of getting a reliable answer is 98%. The remaining 2% accounted for errors caused by disruptions in the work of medical personnel.
    3. rarely performed in adults. Usually it is used to diagnose HIV infection in a newborn baby directly during childbirth or during intrauterine stay. PCR can show the presence of HIV DNA and RNA immediately after infection. After conducting a study by the method of polymerase chain reaction, a person receives a result, which will indicate the number of detected RNA strands of the virus. This factor is called viral load. If the amount of RNA is less than 20, then the result can be considered reliably negative.
    4. They have recently appeared on the shelves of pharmacies. They are test strips coated with a diagnostic serum. The accuracy of such a study is only 80%. Therefore, in case of a negative response from the home test system and after contact with an infected person with this infection, it is necessary in any case to contact the Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS for more accurate examination methods - enzyme immunoassay or immune blotting.

    If there is no doubt about the negative answer, but there was contact with the infected person or the contact continues, then it would be advisable to contact the AIDS Center for advice on this matter. It consists in taking antiretroviral drugs to exclude possible infection.

    Are diagnostic errors possible?

    There is such a thing as the development of an infection. This is the time period when the body is just beginning to fight the infection that has got into it, and the concentration of antibodies in the blood is still negligible. This period lasts on average 14 to 60 days after infection. If you take a blood test for HIV during this period, it will be negative. For some people, it may take only a few months to begin, in which case it is called the "window period" and can last up to a year and a half.

    Reasons why AIDS testing can be false negative:

    1. An atypical immune response that can occur in the presence of other inflammatory diseases in a person.
    2. Conditions after organ transplant. After transplantation, a person is prescribed strong immunosuppressive (immunosuppressive) drugs that block the formation of antibodies to the virus.
    3. Seronegative variant of the course of this viral infection. In this case, there is a long incubation period after the moment of infection, and antibodies to the virus begin to be produced much later than average. The infection may not be detected in the blood for several months.
    4. With the latter (or terminal). At the same time, the state of the immune system is so strongly depressed that it no longer has the strength to develop a response to the presence of infection.
    5. Violations of the collection of biomaterial, its transportation and storage. It also includes violations in the use of diagnostic sera by medical personnel.

    If the test response to HIV is negative and no antibodies to infection are found, then you still need to consult your doctor about this. If a specialist has doubts when studying the results of the examination, then the diagnosis of blood for HIV can be repeated after 3 months.

    The following factors speak for the reliability of the research results:

    • all the terms of the diagnosis have been met
    • the collection, transportation and the process of researching the biomaterial itself are performed correctly;
    • the person did not drink alcohol, carbonated drinks, fried, fatty, spicy or salty foods.

    If all the rules are followed, and the doctor did not suspect even the slightest signs of infection with the immunodeficiency virus, then the received negative response can be considered 100% reliable.

    HIV infection is a disease that requires timely and preferably early diagnosis. For this, patients who come into contact with HIV-positive people are diagnosed with blood to detect the HIV virus. The doctor conducts pre-test counseling, after which a person receives full information about the transmission routes of infection, its manifestation, and possible examination results.

    Communication to the patient of the test results is carried out at the post-test consultation. The specialist summarizes the examination and explains the prognosis of the disease. However, a positive HIV test result is not yet a verdict, since errors are possible during such a study.

    The most common diagnostic method is enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The analysis determines the presence of antibodies to the immunodeficiency virus in the patient's blood. An additional method is called immunoblotting (immunoblotting). With its help, antibodies to individual HIV antigens are detected.

    When decoding the result of the HIV test, the doctor can get 4 answer options:

    1. An HIV-positive test means that a person's blood contains antibodies to HIV infection. If after contact with a person infected with HIV, it took from 14 to 60 days, then the p24 antigen will be determined in the blood. It is the most highly specific of all foreign proteins detected by the test system. Its identification speaks of infection with the immunodeficiency virus.
    2. A negative result of the study suggests that no antibodies or foreign protein elements were found in the blood. This response is not tested if the subject has not had contact with an infected person in the past three months.
    3. A false positive result of an HIV test means that the antibodies synthesized in certain diseases are structurally similar to antibodies to the HIV virus. Analysis shows their presence. Re-examination is recommended.
    4. The result of an HIV test can be uncertain or questionable. This conclusion means that the survey may have been in error. With a dubious result, immunoblotting is performed 2 weeks after donating blood, and then after 3 and 6 months. An undetectable response in HIV-positive people can be detected due to medical error.

    Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing in adult patients is very rare. PCR is used to detect HIV in newborn babies.

    Rapid tests are now available to diagnose infection. The advantage of this method is complete anonymity. However, the reliability of such a diagnosis is questioned, since false positive reactions are often detected.

    What to do with a positive test result

    First, you need to undergo post-test counseling. The doctor should discuss in detail with the patient his condition, comment on all his experiences in this regard.

    Each major city has its own AIDS Center. People with a positive test result for the immunodeficiency virus are sent there. At the Center, the examination is repeated using the immunoblotting method. When the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment of HIV infection with antiretrovirals and other drugs is prescribed.

    Could the result be false positive after immunodeficiency testing by immunoblot? Although the sensitivity and specificity of such a diagnosis is high, there is a small chance of error. If an error is suspected, the examination is repeated 3 times. Revealing a positive response in at least two studies is the reason for the final diagnosis of HIV infection.

    Psychological counseling is provided at the AIDS Centers. Their goal is to change the patient's attitude to his own disease. Psychologists explain that HIV-positive people, like everyone else, can create married couples and have children, live a normal life, provided that all treatment recommendations are followed.

    False positive analysis: causes

    Are there frequent errors when performing an HIV test? Yes, false positive results sometimes appear when tested by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). This fact may be the result of a medical error or depend on the general health of the patient.

    To obtain the correct result, preparation for the examination is required. On the eve of sampling the biomaterial, do not eat fried, spicy, salty foods, alcohol, carbonated water. These products can affect the diagnostic result.

    A false positive HIV test can have the following reasons:

    • the presence of the investigated infectious diseases (SARS, tuberculosis, hepatitis, herpes, flu, etc.);
    • situations when a large number of immune cells are detected in the blood (autoimmune diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, condition after organ transplant from a donor, increased body temperature);
    • the presence of malignant neoplasms;
    • bleeding disorder caused by genetic diseases;
    • liver disease, accompanied by an increase in the level of bilirubin (especially caused by prolonged alcohol intake);
    • hormonal disruptions in women: menopause or premenstrual syndrome;
    • taking an analysis soon after vaccination;
    • long-term donation of blood components.

    A false positive result may occur due to improper storage of biomaterials or sera for examination. The reason for obtaining such a result may be incorrect blood sampling or violations of the rules for its transportation.

    If a false positive result is detected during testing for HIV antibodies, the test must be repeated at least 3 months later.

    False positive in pregnant women

    Examination of pregnant women for the immunodeficiency virus is carried out to exclude possible infection of the fetus from an HIV-infected mother. The risk of transmitting HIV to an unborn child in utero is very high. Infection of the child is possible during childbirth.

    Reasons for a false positive HIV test in women during pregnancy:

    1. Two cells are involved in the conception of a child: male and female. The result is the formation of a new cell with its own set of DNA. A woman's body can sometimes inadequately respond to the appearance of a foreign protein, so antibodies against the embryo begin to be synthesized in it. This happens especially often with a blood conflict for the Rh factor. These antibodies can be mistakenly identified as antibodies to the immunodeficiency virus, and then the response will be positive.
    2. Infectious diseases or stress of a pregnant woman can create the preconditions for a false positive response.

    If a woman tests positive for HIV during pregnancy, don't panic. The doctor will definitely prescribe a re-examination by another method.

    Testing for HIV positive - however, sounds like a death sentence for many. The presence of this epic disease speaks of a viral attack that kills cells, but not the presence of AIDS.

    The question of what to do if an HIV test is positive is of concern to many. But, firstly, a doctor's prescription to take an analysis or an immunodeficiency test does not mean that the subject will have a positive result. Second, by following the healing therapy, life can continue in the same colors as before. The main thing is to detect in time an infection that affects the cells of the human body.

    HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is an infectious disease that destroys the body's immunity. The presence of a virus in human blood means that a process has been launched in the body that kills healthy cells that are responsible for immunity and well-being.

    In other words, the virus absorbs the body's ability to fight all sorts of diseases and infections, even in the smallest concentration, turning a simple cold into a real war for life.

    The immunodeficiency virus is often identified with AIDS. The status of HIV positive in its advanced form may well lead to AIDS. AIDS, as you know, is the result of the development of the last stage of severe immunodeficiency. In fact, if a person is a carrier of the virus, this does not mean that he is sick with a disease such as AIDS, which is a much broader concept.

    Connivance in the form of a neglected form of the immunodeficiency virus can be fatal for a person. Do not do this - ignore the risks, because not a single drug has yet been invented in the world to cure AIDS. So this is just one thing - you need to do an infection test on time if you have the slightest suspicion of infection, because it can be wrong.

    HIV - ways of infection and symptoms

    The immunodeficiency virus is transmitted mainly through sexual contact with an infected person. Other routes of infection are known as through:

    • with blood transfusion in laboratory conditions (donated blood is always checked for infections, but small concentrations of the virus can pass by);
    • during the contact of the mother with the child (during gestation, feeding or during childbirth);
    • there may be infection through injections (needles), non-sterile devices and instruments (manicure supplies), and so on.

    Symptoms of the primary manifestation of HIV infection are manifested as follows after just 6 weeks:

    • sore throat (aching, when swallowing even outside of meals);
    • chills;
    • muscle pain (not to be confused with exercise);
    • if the sores in the mouth do not heal for a long time;
    • there may be increased sweating during sleep;
    • partial memory loss;
    • a constant state of fatigue, but not as a result of overwork;
    • inflammation of the lymph nodes in the body;
    • pneumonia.