A quick call to the master of locks. Urgent on-site iPhone repair At home order a visit of the master

AppsGrade offers a professional service anywhere in Moscow. Experienced service center specialists with at least 5 years of experience will quickly come to the customer's address and repair the iPhone on-site, with a documentary quality guarantee for 6 months and a receipt for the services performed. The updated device will serve without any complaints for a long time.

We work with all models, we eliminate faults of different types and levels of complexity of breakdowns. We offer a European service, you can order an on-site iPhone repair at home for prompt troubleshooting, do not waste time traveling to the office, it is convenient and profitable!

By contacting the company, you get a guaranteed effective result at a reasonable price. Innovative technologies and solid experience allow craftsmen to repair an iPhone without using stationary tools.

  • Convenient when troubleshooting is urgently needed.
  • The breakdown belongs to the class of typical.
  • The iPhone owner does not have the opportunity to personally visit a specialized service.

Why is it worth ordering an iPhone repair with the visit of a master

The service has been serving Apple equipment for over 10 years. Each master has a high level of professionalism and undergoes monthly recertification.

  • We issue bonus cards, the system of discounts allows you to save significant amounts for complex services.
  • The use of high-quality analogs and originals gives the client the choice to calculate the total cost of the repair with variations based on budgets and capabilities.
  • Prompt arrival in Moscow, with field service, from the moment of application to the arrival of the master takes from 40 minutes.
  • An important bonus is that the company gives a gift at the exit request. By ordering even an insignificant service, for example, cleaning the speaker, the engineer will install armored glass for free on the front side of the phone.
  • When ordering through the site form, customers can count on a 5% discount on the cost of on-site service, an affordable price for all services, attractive discounts for new, regular and corporate clients of the service center.
  • We have an effective approach to solving any problem, our engineers are trained in modern recovery techniques, provided with all the necessary portable equipment for troubleshooting faults of varying degrees of complexity.
  • Convenient payment options if you need field service for Apple iPhone, we accept electronic money of various systems, cash, bank transfer, payment by plastic cards of all banks.
  • When ordering, customers receive a guarantee for the work performed and the installed components.

Example of work, photo before and after:

Improved iPhone onsite repair logistics

Over the years of successful work of the company, we have improved the logistics system, calls are recorded in a single GPS monitoring system. This optimizes the loss of time and allows you to urgently, without delay, carry out repairs with the departure of the master at a convenient address for you. The service is available to owners of Apple technology daily from 9 am to 11 pm.

The proposed approach to field services, together with a reduction in the time spent on repairing the device, has made it possible to significantly reduce the prices for the service, while the quality remains at a high level.

You can get professional advice from an experienced expert at any time, we are available around the clock. You can order an on-site repair of an iPhone at home by leaving an application online or by contacting the specialists at the specified phones.

I'll tell you my story. Somehow I started waking up at night because of the feeling that someone was crawling over me, got up, saw black bugs, thought cockroaches, since I never had anything to do with bedbugs, and did not kill them, but when I killed one I felt the smell bedbug, she said to her husband, but he seriously did not believe me, after a week of violence, my husband was biting and crawling on him, he began to have terrible paranoia, every night he looked out for them in the cravat, ruining their dreams, then I did not sleep at all. A couple of days later I got mad and lay down on the floor, because I couldn't sleep with my husband who shines a fan in my eyes all night and pokes in bed, in the end I said goodbye at five in the morning, you imagine at five in the morning because my husband was taking apart the bed, Well, as he took it apart, he broke it and threw it away, taking into account the fact that our son is 4 years old. We slept on the floor, afraid to buy new furniture until we completely burned them out, in the summer they were not visible and we decided that all our torment was over, but then autumn and they appeared again, my husband said I can handle it myself, they hounded them, but there was no sense. As a result, I left to give birth to a second one, I entrusted my mother-in-law with this business, I found this company myself, gave her a phone, he controlled everything, about a month passed, I only find corpses, paranoia has not yet passed, I constantly check everything before going to bed, but honestly, this is the best thing happened in my life, those who have not encountered this problem will not understand, but we live and sleep peacefully like babies, thank you very much)

Good evening! My story. All this horror for me began in the summer of 2017. I can’t convey my emotions when the knot about this trouble - KLOPPS !!! I could not even imagine that this could be with us. I tried to poison it with my strengths, but only I poisoned myself and the children got it. The insects did not suffer much. Having learned everything about these creatures, I did not know only how to exterminate them for sure. During her existence with bloodsuckers, she was almost on the verge of insanity. At night she slept with light and woke up all the time from any sensation of the presence of something. In general, on the verge of hysteria, I turned to these guys. Stanislav accepted the order, a miracle hero arrived and carried out a desensitization. I must say that I consider my case difficult. Let's go back to today. More than a year has passed. I sleep well! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! Whoever has such a problem, contact these guys! They do well, give recommendations. GOOD MEN !!! Thanks again!!!

Until March of this year, I thought that the bugs were some kind of microscopic insects, it turned out that they were quite tangible CREATURES, on which I also had an allergy. It got to the point that I tried to stay at work so as not to be gnawed at night. Two days passed after the specialist arrived with a balloon of poison. There was a great feeling that all the insects in the apartment died (judging by the corpses of some huge beetles in the corridor and spiders in the bathroom). The downside is a strong smell and the desire to wash every thing in the apartment. BUT NO KLOPOV !!! Thanks for the help!!!

Well, I can say for sure that after a week, they are gone! I hope it won't. The first 2-3 days were still crawling, very shallow, but now, after a complete check of the apartment, I did not find even such. Thank!

Good evening! I can say that the third week has gone, I find only the corpses of these bugs. The living are invisible, it is only strange where the dead come from. In the room in which there were bedbugs, both the wallpaper and furniture had to be changed, but for the sake of a restful sleep they agree to everything. Vladimir said that within three weeks they will disappear Forever, we hope ...

The breakdown of household or sanitary equipment causes a lot of inconvenience. But it is not recommended to fix the problem yourself. Order the visit of a specialist who will diagnose and professionally fix the malfunction on the Yudu website.

Ordering a home visit to Yuda

Private Yudu contractors, who visit for diagnostics and work, make high-quality repairs:

On the Yuda website, you will find both a wide-profile master and a narrow specialist. To order an urgent departure of the performer to Yuda, leave an application on the website, indicating in it:

  • device to be repaired
  • detailed description of the problem
  • your address

Specialists will offer their services within twenty minutes after the request is published. Before ordering a home visit, contact the contractor to clarify the repair time and price.

Managers will help you to order an urgent visit of a specialist to Yuda - just call the specified phone number.

The navigation on the site is very simple - you will immediately find the application form and the managers' phone number.

Performers Yuda guarantee:

  • prompt departure
  • diagnostics
  • availability of the necessary spare parts and tools
  • repair of any household appliance or plumbing

All Yudu performers have their data checked - a performer with unverified data cannot fulfill orders and carry out the visit of a home master; you can be sure of the safety of devices during repairs and the quality of work. All performers strive to carry out repairs with high quality, because the better the reviews, the more customers they will have.

How much does a home visit and its services cost for Yuda?

The price for the work of the master is set by the customer himself, based on the amount of work. The specialist will inform you the exact price after the diagnosis. You can also agree with the price offered by the contractor - home repairs of household appliances and their diagnostics are cheap. Departure of the master is free.