Do girls 12 years old have thrush? What to do when thrush appears in girls. Prevention is the best treatment

From this article you will learn: what kind of thrush occurs in girls, the main causes and factors contributing to its appearance. Symptoms of thrush in the mouth, skin and nails, genitourinary system, systemic candidiasis. Methods and means for the treatment of thrush in adolescent girls, the prognosis for recovery.

Date of publication of the article: 02.11.2017

Date of updating the article: 28.11.2018

Candidiasis, or thrush, is a fungal disease, it is caused by a conditionally pathogenic microorganism Candida albicans, which, under favorable conditions, becomes active, multiplies rapidly, and affects the skin or mucous membranes.

The fungus that causes the disease enters the body in early infancy (usually after birth, through contact with objects or carriers of candidiasis).

Candida albicans peacefully coexists with beneficial and opportunistic bacteria that make up the microflora of the mucous membranes, and becomes dangerous only when immunity is weakened (antibiotic therapy, colds, hypothermia, hygiene disorders, etc.). Pathology is accompanied by unpleasant, more or less pronounced symptoms - itching, burning, rash, white or yellowish cheesy bloom or discharge.

The fungus is able to provoke not only the well-known thrush of the oral cavity in newborns and preschool children (up to 5-6 years), but also other types of candidiasis:

    Skin and nails.

    Genitourinary system.

    Internal organs (digestive tract, respiration, central nervous system).

Especially often girls (from one to 12 years old) and adolescents (aged 12 to 16 years old) suffer from thrush, the most common form of the disease is a fungal infection of the genitals. This is facilitated by the peculiarities of the anatomical structure (a large area of \u200b\u200bthe outer mucous membranes of the vulva), peculiarities and disadvantages of hygiene, hormonal changes during puberty (from 11 to 16 years).

In girls, such a thrush is a very unpleasant pathology, it can lead to the development of various complications - menstrual irregularities, chronic diseases of the urinary organs (cystitis, urethritis), inflammation of the genital tract (bacterial joins a neglected fungal infection in 50%), adhesive disease (change tissues as a result of the inflammatory process) and infertility.

Thrush can be cured completely, but its peculiarity is that against the background of any immunity disorders, candidiasis can appear again, since the fungus is a constant companion of a person. In small quantities, it is always present on any mucous membranes and skin, enters the body with food, water, and through direct contact with carriers.

For the treatment of thrush in girls, they apply:

  • when localized on the mucous membranes of the genitourinary system - to a pediatric gynecologist;
  • on the skin and nails - to a dermatologist;
  • mucous eyes - to the optometrist;
  • oral cavity - to the dentist, ENT doctor.

Fungal diseases of internal organs are treated by narrow specialists, depending on the localization of the process (for example, pathology of the intestines and stomach - by a gastroenterologist).

The main factors of the onset of the disease in girls and in adult women differ slightly:

  • in children (but not in adolescents), the transmission of thrush by a sexual partner is excluded;
  • in adult women, infection is less likely to be associated with a lack of hygiene habits.

Reasons for the appearance

The main reason why the fungus becomes pathogenic, attaches to mucous membranes and begins to assimilate epidermal cells is the weakening of local and general immunity (due to age, as a result of various diseases, injuries and hormonal maturation).

Common factors that can weaken the immune system and cause thrush in girls of any age can be:

    Acute and chronic pathologies (including oncology).

    Endocrinopathies (diabetes mellitus, thyroid hypofunction).

    Metabolic disorders (lack of trace elements, vitamins, hormonal imbalance).

    Treatment with glucocorticosteroids, antibiotics, cytostatics.

    Congenital immunodeficiency (Bruton's, West's syndrome, HIV infection, etc.).

In young girls between the ages of one and 4-5 years, thrush is most often (in addition to the above factors) associated with:

  • lack of hygiene skills (the habit of scratching, removing underwear, touching mucous membranes with dirty hands, dragging dirty hands, toys, etc. into your mouth);
  • allergy to food (citrus), hygiene and care products (soap, powder, toothpaste);
  • helminthic invasion (enterobiasis) and intestinal dysbiosis;
  • hypothermia;
  • skin damage, diaper rash, mucosal injuries, teething;
  • direct contact with a carrier of the fungus (for example, with a mother with candidiasis).

In older girls (5 to 11 years old), the causes of infection are:

  • chronic diseases of the ENT organs;
  • hypovitaminosis and anemia;
  • hypothermia.

Causes of thrush in adolescent girls aged 12 to 16:

    Hormonal changes in the body (onset of menstruation, puberty).

  1. Violations of personal hygiene (wearing tight, synthetic underwear and clothing, the use of aggressive detergents, scented pads).

    Early sex life.

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Symptoms of thrush in girls of different localization

Symptoms of thrush in girls are no different from manifestations in adult women, depending on the degree of the disease - at first it is almost invisible, with the development of the process, its symptoms become more pronounced, cause significant discomfort and begin to seriously bother the child.

Symptoms of thrush in the mouth

Fungus in the oral cavity often appears in girls after a year to 4–5 years (25%), while the immune defense is being formed, and hygiene habits are insufficiently vaccinated and children often drag dirty hands and objects into their mouths. For adult women, this form of the disease is rare, it can appear if the body is severely weakened, and the oral mucosa is damaged (1-3% of cases).

Thrush in girls in the mouth:

  • a slight whitish coating on the tongue and gums quickly turns into numerous islets, grains and films of curdled milk throughout the mucous membrane;
  • at the beginning of the process, it is easy to remove plaque from the surface with a gauze swab dipped in water, in the future it becomes more difficult to separate it;
  • reddened mucous membrane and bleeding ulcers are found under a dense curdled bloom;
  • at the same time, the tongue (glossitis) and the red border of the lips (cheilitis) are involved in the process.

The brighter the symptoms of thrush, the stronger the burning sensation and pain when sucking (in children under one year old), chewing and swallowing food. Girls become capricious, refuse to eat, and quickly lose weight.

Skin and nail candidiasis

External symptoms of candidiasis of nails and skin of the feet

Usually it appears in girls from one to 5 years old, for older children (from 5 years old), adolescents and adult women - a rare disease, although the symptoms are completely the same:

  • the foci are usually localized in the groin-femoral, intergluteal, axillary folds of the skin, on the skin and nails of the feet and hands;
  • the skin is red, on the surface there are multiple rashes in the form of small vesicles with purulent contents, tubercles, cracks, peeling, necrotic ulcers, sometimes inflammation of the subcutaneous capillaries joins;
  • in the lesions - a shiny, glossy surface, a brownish-gray coating of the fungus is clearly visible;
  • accompanied by itching, burning, soreness of the lesions, deformations and clouding of the nail plates.

Skin candidiasis can spread to the mucous membranes of the eyes (conjunctivitis) and proceeds against a background of redness, itching, lacrimation, swelling of the eyelids.

Thrush of the genitourinary system

A common disease in girls from 2 to 16 years old (25% of cases) and in adult women (80-85% of cases of pathology), there are no characteristic differences in symptoms in children and adults:

    Itching, burning, swelling and redness of the mucous membranes, anus and skin around the genitals.

    Whitish or yellowish bloom, release of cheesy flakes.

    Frequent, painful urination.

The typical onset of thrush in girls is vulvovaginal candidiasis (the mucous membrane of the outer labia and vagina is infected), the transformation of the process into a chronic one entails damage to the urethra (urethritis), bladder (cystitis), impaired renal filtration.

Internal candidiasis

The disease is quite rare for both children and adults (1–4%). This form is a consequence of serious immunity disorders:

  • the fungus progresses and spreads along the digestive and respiratory organs, affects the brain, heart valves, kidneys, liver, etc.;
  • accompanied by symptoms of systemic diseases, for example, with intestinal candidiasis in a child, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite.

The prognosis depends on immunity, but in young children (from one to 5 years), it is usually fatal.

Methods and means of treatment

Thrush in girls can be completely cured.

Features of therapy:

  • in most cases (80%), local and external agents are prescribed;
  • extremely rarely, only in severe forms of candidiasis (systemic disease, several foci), pills or injections and vaginal suppositories are used.

In adult women, any fungal therapy, even in the mildest form, begins with the appointment of tablets, vaginal suppositories, and then other means.

What means are used to treat thrush in girls:

    The mucous membranes and skin are prepared for the application of the drug by processing, rinsing, washing with a soda solution (1 tsp per liter of warm water), chamomile decoction (5 tsp per liter of boiling water), carefully removing the fungus plaque.

    External remedies (applied to clean and dry mucous membranes and skin): Sodium tetraborate, Castellani solution (1: 1 with water), Diamond green, Pimafucin cream, Candide spray, Clotrimazole ointment, Candibene ointment.

    For oral administration: tablets Diflucan, Nystatin, Amphoglucamine, Flucytosine, Amphotericin B. The attending physician calculates the dosage based on the weight of the child or adolescent.

    Vaginal suppositories: Nystatin, Terzhinan, Pimafucin.

On average, the treatment of thrush in girls takes 12-15 days, in exceptional cases it can drag on for a year (in the treatment of severe, chronic forms).

Treatment of systemic candidiasis is carried out in an infectious or specialized hospital (for example, in oncology), under the supervision of a physician. The main methods of therapy are the introduction of antifungal drugs by drip and intravenous (Amphotericin B).


The prognosis for recovery from thrush in girls from one year to 16 years is very good, the disease is faster and easier to be completely cured in 99%, chronic forms are much less common (in contrast to adults).

Acute thrush in girls is treated for 12-15 days, sometimes longer (from 4 months to a year), if the process has become chronic and often repeated.

The systemic process is a rare form of candidiasis. It develops against the background of severe pathologies and disorders (oncopathology, transplantation, HIV infection), its prognosis completely depends on the state of immunity (ends in death in 1–2% of seriously ill children from one to 5 years old).

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Thrush (candidiasis) is a fungal infection of the genital organs that occurs due to fungi of the genus Candida. She belongs to the most common diseases of the female genital area. Does thrush occur in girls or does the disease only develop in adult women?

Candidiasis in childhood is not uncommon or uncommon. The causative agent of the disease can be found on the mucous membranes of almost every person, but only certain factors can provoke the growth and development of the fungus. Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs in children occur at any age. They are the most common reason for visiting a pediatric gynecologist.

Causes of the disease at different ages

In newborns and children under one year old

A mother can infect her unborn child with candidiasis during pregnancy. At this age, thrush often occurs in the oral cavity. The provoking factors can be the prematurity of the baby, the period of teething, the stay of the baby on artificial feeding, rickets, anemia.

The baby is observed:

  • cheesy plaque on the tongue, tonsils, gums;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • the presence of "sticks" in the corners of the lips;
  • poor sleep, loss of appetite, constant crying;
  • frequent regurgitation;
  • loose stools, bloating.

The manifestation of symptoms of the disease in the groin area (itching, curdled discharge from the vagina), the appearance of a rash on the skin, especially in the buttocks, is possible.

Girls at 2-3 years old

Are at risk of illness due to insufficient intimate hygiene or food allergens. At the age of 5 and older, the causes may be:


The period when the girl turns 10-12 years old is the time of the onset of puberty, which is characterized by hormonal changes in the whole body. The changes also affect the microflora of the vagina, thereby causing an increased risk of candidiasis. In most girls at the age of 12-13, who, with weakened immunity, can also become a provoking push.

Among the reasons for the development of thrush in adolescent girls are:

  • endocrine disorders (eg diabetes mellitus);
  • use of pads with aromatic inserts;
  • deficiency of minerals (zinc, iron, magnesium);
  • disturbances in the work of the hematopoietic system;
  • period after antibiotics;
  • wearing tight synthetic underwear;
  • early onset of sexual activity.

The most at risk are children with disorders of carbohydrate metabolism (diabetes, obesity). The intensity of the development of the disease can be provoked by the intake of not only antibiotics, but also cytostatics, corticosteroids and some other groups of drugs.

Thrush in adolescent girls proceeds in about the same way as. Her symptoms:

  • itching and burning in the vaginal area;
  • strong discharge of a cheesy character with an unpleasant odor;
  • swelling of the labia;
  • pain when urinating.

If untreated, Candida mushrooms can infect internal organs. Subsequently, this threatens the emergence of adhesions that lead to infertility. Manifestations also have a negative impact on the psychological state of the girl, causing her fears for her health.

Other negative consequences include:

  • inflammation of the ovaries, kidneys and bladder;
  • increased risk of developing malignant neoplasms of the genital organs.

The main routes of infection with thrush are household (through dishes, towels, household items) and food (unwashed vegetables, fruits). Newborns can become infected during childbirth by passing through an infected birth canal.

In adolescent girls, thrush should be distinguished from sexually transmitted diseases, which have similar symptoms. Candida fungi can also be sexually transmitted, but this infection is not the main one.


If you suspect candidiasis, you need to immediately show your daughter to a pediatric gynecologist. It is necessary to prepare the child for the first trip to the gynecologist and explain the importance of examination to get rid of the problem.

For diagnosis, a gynecological examination and taking a smear for analysis are performed to determine the pathogen and exclude the presence of other infections. An ultrasound of the pelvic organs is possible.

How to treat candidiasis in girls?

Treatment of thrush in girls involves the appointment of the following groups of drugs:

  • local treatment (anti-candidiasis ointments and creams);
  • systemic drugs, more often prescribed to girls with severe symptoms or re-infection;
  • means for correcting the natural microflora of the vagina;
  • drugs to strengthen the immune system.

Local therapy involves the use of antifungal and antiseptic agents. Let's consider using some of them.


The drug with the active substance of the same name is produced in the form of tablets, creams and a liquid solution. The cream is used externally, applying it to the affected skin. Vaginal application is possible, in this case I use an applicator. The solution is irrigated with the skin (for example, inside the oral cavity).

The tablets of the drug are injected into the vagina, after moistening them with water. Long-term use of the product can cause allergic reactions, such as itching, redness and burning of the skin, so it is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the active ingredients of the product.


This cream can be recommended for the treatment of candidiasis for girls at any age, including newborns. Its main active ingredient is natamycin. It effectively eliminates the main symptoms of the disease - itching, swelling, burning sensation in the genital area, as well as pain and discomfort when urinating.

Pimafucin is well tolerated and very rarely causes side effects. He has no contraindications, except for individual sensitivity to the active substance.

Candles Geksikon D

How acceptable is it for girls to use candles for thrush? Specially for little patients, Geksikon D suppositories were developed. The use of the drug has a number of advantages:

  • the presence of chlorhexidine in the composition, which effectively eliminates pathogenic bacteria;
  • preservation of useful microflora;
  • the optimal candle size, taking into account the peculiarities of children's anatomy;
  • lack of antibiotics in the composition;
  • fast action in the lesion focus.

The use of chlorhexedine allows you to overcome the burning sensation and pain, eliminate unpleasant discharge. Many parents are afraid to introduce candles to very young girls. However, these fears are unfounded, since the size of the candle is smaller than the diameter of the hymen. Before the introduction, a certain psychological preparation of the patient is required.

It is necessary to insert the candle while lying down, the girl's legs should be slightly bent at the knees. To make the candle more flexible and easier to insert, before the procedure, you need to keep it indoors at room temperature.

The drug is well tolerated, does not cause discomfort and pain when administered.

Systemic drugs

These medicines in tablet form are quick and effective. Their use allows you to block the growth and division of fungal cells. The most famous agents include Diflucan, Flucostat, Mikoflucan, Diflazon.

The usual dosage is 100-150 ml per day and is taken once. In parallel, you can use candles and ointments. The drugs can cause some side effects, namely:

  • nausea, vomiting, bloating;
  • defecation disorders;
  • headache and dizziness attacks;
  • skin rashes;
  • decreased appetite.

Despite the effectiveness of the drugs, they can be used only after agreement with the doctor, who will determine the duration of treatment and select the optimal dosage. In this case, the weight of the girl and her age are taken into account.


These drugs have not only a healing effect, but also provide the body with living bacteria, the balance of which can be disturbed by pathogenic fungi. These funds are prescribed in complex therapy. The most popular are:

  • Acylact - acidophilic lactobacilli;
  • Florin Forte - can be used at any age, including infants;
  • Bifikol - bifidobacteria, indicated for children from 2 years old;
  • Linex is prescribed for chronic forms of the disease during the period of remission.

Throughout the entire period of treatment, immunomodulating agents are used to enhance the body's defenses.

Healing baths

The use of sitz baths is an auxiliary treatment. They are especially useful when available. Soda, chamomile decoction, essential oils are added to the prepared water. The bath time is 15-20 minutes with the constant addition of warm water. Baths are taken twice a day for 10 days.


The organization of proper nutrition is regarded as a necessary condition for getting rid of the disease. Fungal infection occurs not only with reduced immunity, but also with errors in the diet. Compliance with a special diet is necessary not only during treatment, but also for several weeks after its completion.

The menu should include foods that inhibit the development of Candida mushrooms:

  • lean meat and fish;
  • natural fermented milk products;
  • porridge;
  • sauerkraut and seaweed;
  • lingonberry, cranberry, currant berries;
  • teas based on herbal decoctions, rose hips, rowan berries.

Nuts, mushroom dishes, moldy cheeses, hot spices and sauces, marinades, pickles, smoked foods, strong coffee and tea should be excluded from the diet. The main product that should not be in the diet for the period of treatment for thrush is baked goods made from yeast dough. Kvass and sweet carbonated drinks are harmful.


The disease responds well to treatment, but may return from time to time. In order to prevent secondary infection, preventive measures must be followed. These include:

  1. Careful observance of the rules of general and intimate hygiene with daily shower.
  2. Limiting food high in fat and carbohydrates.
  3. Daily change of underwear with a preference for products made from natural fabrics.
  4. Timely detection and treatment of infectious and viral diseases, prevention of their transition to a chronic form.
  5. Correct and tactful sex education for adolescents, including the provision of information about the dangers of early sexual intercourse and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.
  6. Compliance with the daily routine, hardening procedures, sports.

Specific preventive measures for girls in infants include limiting the child's stay in diapers. In warm weather, it is better to do without them. After the child learns to sit, he needs to be gradually potty trained.

A girl who has already established it needs to be taught the correct choice and use of sanitary pads and tampons.

The consequences of the destructive effect in the body of the candida fungus can be very serious, which is why it is so important to start the treatment of thrush in girls in a timely manner. Although it is scary for young girls to go to a gynecologist and tell their intimate problems, it is impossible to choose the drugs themselves or hope for a cure for a yeast infection only by folk methods. It is necessary to have a mandatory examination by a doctor, competent diagnostics, after which it will be established how to treat thrush in girls.

Treatment of candidiasis in girls with antifungal drugs

It is best to start treating thrush in girls as soon as the first signs of the disease are noticed. If the girl is still small, the pediatrician prescribes the course of therapy, if it is necessary to decide how to treat thrush in virgins, the gynecologist will deal with the treatment. Any specialist will not start prescribing medications to fight the fungus until they receive test results. The final diagnosis of the patient is made only after the results of the study of vaginal discharge are obtained.

For the treatment of candidiasis in girls, there are a number of topical medicines. These are creams, gels, candles, ointments. These products are convenient to use and have their own advantages for the treatment of children and adolescents:

  • Quickly act on fungus
  • They practically do not spread throughout the body, because they act only on the focus of infection
  • The effectiveness of treatment is high, since the concentration of the substance is quite high at the site of application of the drug to the areas affected by the fungus

Candida is considered the best drug against fungus. It can be used to treat patients of any age. Candid ointment has no side effects. Other topical antifungal agents include clotrimazole and miconazole.

Pills are considered effective in the treatment of advanced candidiasis in girls. They are used only as directed by the gynecologist. Diflucan, natamycin, nystatin and fluconazole tablets act through the blood. They are not excreted from the body for several days, so the concentration of the drug can be high enough, which helps to quickly get rid of severe forms of yeast infection.

It is more difficult to determine how to cure thrush in girls if it has become chronic. It is important not only to remove the symptoms of the disease in a timely manner, but also to eliminate the cause that contributes to the growth of the fungus. Most often, girls suffer from hormonal changes in the body, although it is possible that the impetus for the disease is the intake of antibiotics or the onset of early sexual activity using contraception.

Traditional methods of treating candidiasis in virgins and girls

Along with the medicines prescribed by the doctor, many use folk recipes that tell how to treat thrush in girls. In no case should these tips stop taking medication or become an alternative to treatment with antifungal drugs, but they can be used in addition. It is impossible to say in advance which remedy will be the best, so you can try different ways to fight yeast infection.

Almost all adults, at the first signs of candidiasis, use a soda solution to treat the genitals and mucous membranes. The same method is recommended for virgins who have suffered from the fungus. A tablespoon of soda is taken per liter of warm water. The medicine is ready to use immediately. It can be used 2 to 3 times a day until the discharge disappears. An alkaline environment has a detrimental effect on microorganisms. Their growth stops.

Candidiasis, or thrush, occurs at any age in people of different sexes. Candida fungi are dormant in half of the world's population. As a result of the influence of negative factors, they are activated, provoking the development of candidiasis. It is generally accepted that this pathology is observed in adult women, but in medicine it has been established that thrush often develops in girls and adolescent girls. There is no particular difference in the manifestation of the disease between women and girls. Pathology often develops due to a decrease in immunity, hormonal changes in the body and frequent infectious diseases.

Description of the problem

Thrush in a girl is a fungal infection caused by Candida fungi, which are present in a healthy body in a passive state. When the immune system is disturbed, they begin to multiply, release toxins that damage the epithelium, organs and tissues, resulting in an infectious process. In girls, the development of candidiasis is observed in 30% of cases. Most often, thrush develops in young girls aged three to seven years, it is observed in the form of urogenital candidiasis. Often this is facilitated by the features of the anatomical structure of the child's genitals:

  • Undeveloped folding of the epithelium;
  • Slower regeneration process in epithelial cells;
  • Low estrogen levels;
  • The alkaline environment of the vagina, as a result of which the coccal flora develops;
  • Insufficiently developed immune system.

90% of cases of referral to a gynecologist in childhood are due to the development of thrush. Untimely treatment of pathology can lead to irreversible consequences, including infertility.

Among two-year-old children, oral thrush is widespread, which occurs as a result of eating food from dirty dishes in preschool institutions, the girl's habit of pulling dirty objects into her mouth.

Urogenital candidiasis in acute form lasts for two months, then the pathology becomes chronic without proper treatment. Candida fungi in girls of twelve years old provoke the development of vulvovaginitis, most often this occurs due to lack of personal hygiene.

The reasons for the development of pathology

Candida fungi contribute to the development of infection only when the body is weakened or the normal microflora is disturbed. The reasons for violations can be:

  1. Congenital infection due to the presence of an infection in a pregnant woman, which was transmitted to the child during his passage through the birth canal. This problem occurs quite often;
  2. Insufficiently performed intimate hygiene, the occurrence of allergic reactions;
  3. Weak immunity, especially in adolescence due to hormonal changes in the body, stress, emotional stress;
  4. Disorders of the hormonal system, taking antibiotics and corticosteroids, as a result of which thrush develops in a teenage girl;
  5. Foreign bodies entering the vagina;
  6. Early sexual activity, unprotected intercourse;
  7. An endocrine system disorder;
  8. Wearing synthetic underwear.

Girls from the age of two, who often have decreased immunity, and also develop viral diseases, have a high risk of developing thrush.


Thrush can be in girls two years of age. But in some cases, a completely different disease can be disguised under it, so it is important to be examined by a doctor. Often, thrush at this age manifests itself in the form of diaper dermatitis. In this case, the disease will show the following symptoms:

  • The formation of a small size of papules that can merge with each other;
  • Dark red color of the affected areas of the skin;
  • Moisture in the affected areas of the body;
  • The appearance of watery blisters.

These manifestations are localized mainly in the groin, between the buttocks, in the lower abdomen, and in the folds of the thighs.

Thrush in adolescent girls manifests itself in the form of accumulation of secretions in large quantities between the labia, in the clitoris, and also in the form of a yellow plaque on the epithelium of the vagina. Often, characteristic rashes are observed on the pubis, the labia majora, the skin in this place turns red. The following signs may indicate the development of urogenital candidiasis:

  1. Discharge from the genitals is white or yellow, in some cases mixed with blood;
  2. Itching and burning in the genitals;
  3. Slight inflammation of the genital mucosa;
  4. Pain and burning when urinating;
  5. Pain in the back and abdomen;
  6. Weakness, fatigue;
  7. Dryness of the labia, the surface of which becomes whitish;
  8. Rashes that can appear, forming erosion;
  9. Swelling of the labia and hymen;
  10. Layers in the form of cheesy films on the vaginal epithelium.

In some cases, these symptoms may indicate the presence of other pathologies.

In the absence of therapy, itching may become permanent, it will intensify while walking. When scratching the vulva, injuries appear that can provoke the development of infectious processes in the pelvic organs. Also, candidiasis can spread to the organs of the genitourinary system, lead to disruption of the bladder and kidneys, and the development of vaginal stenosis.

In sexually active adolescent children, soreness and itching in the vagina often provoke the development of fear of intercourse, which can lead to neurotic disorders and the formation of a complex.

Forms of pathology

Candidiasis in girls is acute and chronic. In acute candidiasis, cheesy discharge, swelling and redness of the vaginal epithelium are observed. In chronic pathology, hyperemia and infiltration of the genital mucosa develops. The acute form of the disease lasts about two weeks. In a chronic disease, the degree of damage is much less, moderate hyperemia and swelling are observed, white plaque on the epithelium is present to a lesser extent than in acute pathology.

Girls who have already started their menstrual cycle experience a burning sensation and itching before the onset of menstruation, then the symptoms subside a little. Also, with this form of pathology, cracks are observed near the clitoris, labia of the perineum and the perianal region. Rough folds appear on the skin of the labia, they become flabby, wrinkled and atrophic, the skin becomes brown. In some cases, blue spots are observed near the vagina. Often, urogenital thrush is accompanied by candidiasis of the oral cavity and intestines.

If during the year there were more than four episodes of manifestation of symptoms of the disease, which alternated with periods of remission, they speak of a recurrent form of thrush. When the signs of the disease persist constantly, showing slightly less after carrying out hygiene procedures or treatment with antimycotic drugs, they speak of a persistent form of candidiasis.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of pathology begins with a study of the medical history and examination of the patient. The doctor then takes a swab from the front of the vagina. The material is applied to a medical glass using a tampon, then microscopy is performed, which makes it possible to identify fungi in a short time and establish the severity of the pathological process. Also, the doctor may prescribe PCR to identify the type of fungi and the subsequent selection of medications to which they will be sensitive. Additionally, a laboratory analysis of blood and urine is prescribed.

The main disadvantages of the PCR method are the long duration of its implementation, the high cost of research and the need for a modern laboratory.


first of all, it should be aimed at eliminating the causative agent of the disease. The most effective method of therapy in children is endolymphatic treatment, which consists in the introduction of medications in the area that is associated with the lymphatic system. The drugs are administered by injection.

To eliminate thrush in the mouth, intestines and vagina, local treatment is used. In this case, the doctor prescribes oral antibacterial agents, as well as drugs of the imidazole series, for example, "Ketoconazole". Antifungal vaginal tablets, suppositories, ointments and solutions are also used.

According to the results of studies with a single dose of "Fluconazole", a complete cure was observed in 99% of cases.

Often, the treatment of thrush in adolescent girls is carried out with the help of local antiseptics and antimycotic drugs. They are safe and effective, the symptoms of pathology quickly disappear. In pediatrics and pediatric gynecology, antibiotic suppositories and azole drugs are also used. Their doctor is injected into the girl's vagina every day. Before the introduction of suppositories, it is recommended to douch with a solution of soda and boric acid or furacilin. In parallel, the doctor prescribes the reception of immunomodulators and other drugs to eliminate concomitant diseases.

Thrush therapy usually lasts about ten days; with modern drugs, a three-day treatment is possible.

When the skin is damaged, antibacterial gels and ointments are prescribed, which must be applied to the urethra and perineum. If the disease is accompanied by other pathologies, the doctor prescribes complex treatment. The same therapy is prescribed for chronic and recurrent disease. If thrush is uncomplicated and is sluggish, it is enough to take a single dose of the drug, which will be selected by the attending physician. With complicated candidiasis, the course of treatment can be up to two weeks.

The ineffectiveness of therapy is observed when the teenager does not comply with the doctor's prescription or self-medicates.

The effectiveness of treatment is checked every ten days, as well as three months after the end of therapy.

Forecast and prevention

Disease prognosis ambiguous. According to statistics, half of the girls undergo timely treatment and are completely cured of thrush. All others have relapses throughout their lives. If left untreated, the infection can lead to future infertility. With proper and timely treatment, the disease disappears after a few days, but it is important to prevent recurrence of pathology in the future, excluding all provoking factors.

For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to constantly observe personal hygiene, to prevent the weakening of immunity, periodically using vitamin complexes and immunomodulators. It is important to periodically carry out deworming, treatment of dysbiosis and other existing ailments. To prevent the development of oral thrush, you must brush your teeth and rinse your mouth daily. Adolescents are advised not to use antibacterial drugs for various diseases for a long period of time, to change their underwear daily.

Teenagers need the support and attention of their parents, so it is necessary to maintain friendly relations in the family. This will help to avoid many problems that relate not only to the health of children.

Can only be a mature woman who is sexually active or in an interesting position. But this unpleasant disease, which is caused by saprophytic fungi, often occurs in girls of different ages. Pathogens live on the skin and mucous membranes almost all the time, and can manifest themselves under the influence of certain adverse factors in adolescence.

This review will focus on thrush in adolescent girls, how to deal with it, who to contact, and much more.

Features of the occurrence of candidiasis in adolescence

Candidal fungi are classified as conditionally pathogenic microflora. They can be asymptomatic for a long time on any mucous membranes, skin.

In adolescent girls, the manifestation of the disease can be associated with two main factors:

  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • weakening of immunity for various reasons.

Fungi can be permanently "dormant" in the oral cavity or, on the vaginal mucosa. The weakening of the defenses of the adolescent body leads to activity and the appearance of mycotic inflammations.

Ways of infection with thrush

The greatest number of infections occurs even at the birth of a girl. When passing through the birth canal of a mother who has vaginal candidiasis, the baby can get fungal spores. They settle on a clean and unprotected vaginal surface, but appear with an increase in the level of sex hormones, the appearance of the first menstruation.

A common cause is the transmission of the fungus from an infected mother to the family if there is no clear separation of the towels. The use of general personal hygiene items will certainly lead to the ingress of fungus on the girl's vaginal mucous membranes. Therefore, from an early age, the child needs to allocate their own care products, monitor their cleanliness.

Sometimes the early sexual experience of a teenager can cause the transmission of the fungal pathogen to the vaginal mucosa. This is facilitated by a lack of knowledge about options for protection and an irresponsible attitude towards the intimate side of life.

Causes of candidiasis in a teenager

In addition to a sharp change in hormonal levels, a weakening of immunity becomes an important provoking factor. It can be caused by various reasons:

  • mental overload at school;
  • lack of diet;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (dysbiosis);
  • an epidemic of influenza and SARS in an educational institution;
  • antibiotic treatment;
  • problems associated with the endocrine system;
  • anemia.

The right choice of clothes for a girl plays an important role: the constant wearing of synthetic underwear, tight trousers or leggings creates a greenhouse effect. The rise in temperature creates ideal conditions for the reproduction of fungi, the development of candidiasis in adolescent girls. Therefore, parents should buy not so much fashionable as natural things.

The disease can make itself felt in adolescent girls who, due to health problems (allergies, bronchial asthma, diabetes), use:

  • cytostatic drugs;
  • corticosteroids;
  • hormonal contraceptives.

Medicines significantly change the level of hormones, reduce the production of secretory immunoglobulin. The latter is responsible for the ability of the child's body to resist any infections and diseases.

The problem can manifest itself against the background of poor hygiene and excessive use of aggressive detergents. The microflora of a girl in the transition period is easily changed under the influence of hormones. Therefore, washing out beneficial bacteria and non-observance of hygiene rules can lead to a change in acidity, the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms.

The mother needs to be explained the correctness of all procedures, how to thoroughly dry all the folds and choose special gentle means for washing.

Symptoms of the disease

Allocations with thrush in adolescence photo

Most often, thrush in adolescent girls affects all the mucous membranes of the vagina, resembling vulvovaginitis. The main symptoms of the disease completely coincide with the manifestation of candidiasis in adult women:

  • covering them with a white film;
  • cheesy discharge;
  • pronounced redness of the labia, their swelling;
  • that grows stronger in the evening;
  • burning sensation that interferes with normal urination.

If the disease was not detected and treated in time, it can develop into a chronic form. The infection spreads throughout the body, involving other internal organs and systems in the inflammatory process.

Diagnosis of candidiasis

When the first visual signs of candidiasis appear in adolescent girls, it is necessary to consult a specialist. The standard set of diagnostic measures includes:

  • visual examination of a pediatric gynecologist;
  • laboratory tests of smears;
  • ultrasound examination of the reproductive system.

Such a thorough diagnosis is necessary to identify the subspecies of candidal fungi, to determine the degree of involvement of other internal organs and to select high-quality drugs.

Thrush in adolescent girls treatment

The choice of a doctor's treatment method depends entirely on the stage of the disease. In most cases, the specialist tries to limit himself to local preparations in the form of ointments or creams. A good effect and minimal complications give:

  • Decamine;
  • Levorin;
  • Amphotericin.

In adolescence, the use of suppositories is not recommended. Instead, small vaginal balls, Klion D or Kanestin are included in therapy. Additionally, you can use anti-inflammatory herbs (chamomile, flax seed or string) washing with decoctions.

With severe or chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes, it is impossible to do without complex antimycotics:

  • Nizoral;
  • Amfogyukamine.

The dosage and duration of treatment with pills is selected by the doctor, who calculates them based on the age and weight of the patient. With particular attention, it is necessary to monitor the manifestation of side effects, which are not uncommon for such concentrated preparations.

In parallel with local treatment, experts recommend strengthening the immune system with the help of special formulations of echinacea.

Changing the diet towards saturation with vitamins and mineral compounds, excluding yeast baked goods and a large amount of sweets will help speed up the cure. Complex therapy is supported by special complexes with a high content of bifidobacteria, which will put in order the microflora in the body.

Preventive measures

In order not to encounter thrush in their child, parents should accustom the girl to proper hygiene, be attentive to the state of her immunity. A trusting relationship and constant clarification of issues that are important for a teenager will help to avoid many complications at any age.

Thrush in girls reviews

Valya, 20 years old

Hello. I recently turned 20 years old. It may sound like a lie, but until recently I did not suffer from thrush at all. Modet is normal ... Candidiasis did not manifest itself in my body in any way, not in the form of discharge, rashes or itching. But a few months ago, she had a cold several times, drank several courses of antibiotics, thereby planting the liver. After another couple of weeks, I discovered the symptoms of thrush - white discharge. Since there was no particular experience in dealing with thrush, I began to look for answers on the Internet. I doused with chamomile tincture, lit McMirror candles, drank horse doses of kefir, but this only exacerbated the situation. I had to run to the gynecologist. The doctor's wife quickly figured out the situation by prescribing Flucostat tablets 3-4 a day after meals. Now there is no problem yet, but I am ready. I advise you not to delay treatment, but immediately contact a specialist for help.

Polina, 21 years old

At the age of 16, I had a thrush for the first time. Then for five years I did not know what to do in order to cure this unpleasant disease. What my mother just didn’t give me drink, and what she didn’t stuff me with. And candles, and cheap ointments, and various tinctures that remained from the probabka ... nothing worked. The following drugs really helped: Ketoconazole suppositories, Candida Clear capsules, however, very expensive; antimicrobial Mitosept based on many medicinal herbs; and also dietary supplement NarineForte. The course of treatment lasted about three months. We spent about 4,000 rubles, but for two years now there have been no worries or symptoms of thrush. I hope it will carry))