My ex-husband kissed me on the lips in my sleep. Dream Interpretation: Why does a woman dream of kissing her ex-husband in a dream? Conversation with your ex

Some people do not attach any importance to their dreams and forget them after waking up. Others, on the contrary, see them as signs, warnings, and predictions of events. How to interpret a dream for a girl who kissed her ex in a dream? Is this a good sign or, on the contrary, does not promise anything pleasant? Let’s look into the material in the article. Or maybe you are a man and you are interested in the question of why kissing your ex-girlfriend in a dream? After all, men are also characterized by a certain amount of mysticism, although this is a big secret for all women.

What does psychology say?

From a psychological point of view, if a girl kissed her ex-boyfriend in a dream, this means that she misses him, wants to return to her past, but for some reason it is impossible to do this. Most likely, the young man will be against it. You can use social networks to talk and remove the element of incompleteness that prevents you from living a full life.

How did your ex-lover behave in the dream?

If you wanted to kiss your ex-husband or friend in a dream, tried to somehow show your tenderness and warmth, but he pulled away from you, the answer here is clear: find the strength to survive the breakup on your own, stop looking for reasons to restore what is broken. Your lover doesn't need this.

Spontaneous kiss in a dream

If you managed to kiss your ex-boyfriend in a dream naturally, involuntarily, but the reality remained unchanged, the best recommendation in this case is to simply forget this dream and not beat yourself up. Even if you meet again, the result will end up being zero.

When he himself kissed you in a dream

If you started kissing your ex-husband in a dream on his initiative, then most likely your ex-love remembers you and is not against meeting you. In this case, you can try to resume the dialogue. This is what more than one dream book says: kissing your ex in a dream at his request can be a good sign for you.

Like a friend

If a girl dreamed that she was kissing her ex on the cheek in a dream, then she should just wake up and forget this dream. Most likely, the young man is neutral towards her and has no interest. Everything else is a game of imagination.

You are married, but you dream about him

In reality, this may entail conflicts on the family front, nagging spouses, or a scandal. The dream will somehow awaken not the best memories. Try not to compare nails and apples. This behavior will not add warmth to your relationship with your spouse.

What should you pay attention to?

When it comes to dream interpretation, details are very important. Remember how you felt in the first minutes of waking up after you kissed your ex-lover. The following options are possible here:

  • If you are depressed, then you still want, deep down, to bring back what has already passed.
  • Upset feelings promise a quarrel with a guy, which is unlikely to be avoided.
  • Regret is a sure sign that actions will lead to repentance.
  • A good mood is the best signal. You were able to survive the breakup and put an end to it.

There are a few more details that will be useful to remember:

  1. Kissing a stranger is a signal that you are not getting enough attention from the stronger sex.
  2. If you kissed a guy you like, this is a sign that a new relationship will soon begin.
  3. A kiss with your loved one foreshadows an imminent separation, which will take your relationship to a new stage of development.
  4. Kissing a stranger - you will plunge into a sea of ​​romance and passion, but it will not last too long.

If you are dating a guy and kiss another in a dream, this does not bring anything good. The trust between you will be destroyed for some reason.

A few more options for interpreting a kiss with a former lover

Dream Interpretations interpret kisses with an ex as follows:

  • If you kiss another girl, your luck on the love front will turn away for an indefinite period. The desire to get married is not yet possible.
  • For a young man, kissing an ex-girlfriend in a dream is a sign from the subconscious that you are yearning for the past and are simply waiting for the weather by the sea. While you need to pull yourself together and begin to actively organize your own life, leaving the past behind.
  • Several dream books interpret a kiss in a dream as treason.
  • If you kissed your ex-boyfriend in a dream, and he hugged you reverently, an unexpected meeting awaits you, which will give you a chance to renew your previous relationship.
  • Changes in life, unexpected events.
  • If in your dream after a kiss you parted with your former lover easily and calmly, you will have a rare chance not only to meet, but also to bring your relationship to a closer level.
  • If you dream of a kiss with your ex-husband or a guy who annoys you, this is a favorable sign for you. The young man will soon leave your everyday life, and you will be able to start a new relationship with a clean slate.

When asked about kissing an ex-boyfriend in a dream, Miller answers with a forecast of an unexpected event that will later become a pleasant surprise.

The nature of the kiss

An important detail when interpreting a kiss with a former lover. There are several options:

  1. A passionate kiss is a sign that there are problems in your past that you have not been able to solve. As in the interpretation above, pay attention to who initiated it: if it is your ex-lover, he is waiting for the moment to explain with you and wants to return the relationship. If this is you, try to forget him as quickly as possible.
  2. A kiss of passion that turns into intimacy is a sign that the girl is too temperamental in this piquant matter and, perhaps, this is what caused the breakup. The dream book advises in future to be a little more restrained in your feelings.
  3. A kiss with an ex-boyfriend for a bride is a very bad prediction for a future marriage. It won't be simple. Immediately after the celebration, a major quarrel may occur. This should also be regarded as a warning: if you do not stop comparing the groom with your former loved ones, an inevitable breakup will occur.

To believe or not to believe?

This question is asked by everyone who has ever looked into a dream book, regardless of whether the prediction is good or bad. A kiss in a dream with an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend in reality may not mean anything bad. This is how your subconscious is trying to tell you that you lack attention from men or your loved one. You are too nervous and worried about relationships. Personal attitude plays an important role here. If you set yourself up for a positive interpretation of the dream, you will definitely find confirmation of this in reality. Don’t indulge too much in mysticism and create a problem out of the blue. The past, although good, often takes away the best present. Well, if the present does not make you happy at all, and you yearn for what was, then it’s time to make efforts so that your past has a chance to become a wonderful future.

Kisses in a dream can represent joyful pleasant events or future troubles. What does it mean to kiss a man if in a dream the dreamer felt his lips and remembered the plot of the dream, various dream books write a lot.

Interpretation of a kiss with a man in a dream according to Miller's dream book

Miller interprets kisses depending on whether the man was pleasant or not. If this person is handsome, but unknown to the dreamer, kissing him is a sign of success in business or a new acquaintance.

Kissing a boyfriend or husband means an unexpected meeting or reconciliation after a quarrel. Lovers dream of such dreams as a sign of compensation for emotions during separation. Kissing in a dream with a freak, old or ugly person, according to Miller, is a dream of future troubles, disgust and scandals.

Freud's Dream Book

Kissing a man on the lips in a dream means a new acquaintance and meeting. Teenagers dream of pleasant events (if the affection is pleasant) or of troubles and pressure if kissing an unpleasant person.

For a girl to kiss her parents or relatives of the opposite sex - to reconciliation with them and complete mutual understanding. A forced kiss predicts pressure and quarrels in the family, coercion. Kissing a stranger is a surprise. If you like the kiss, the dream symbolizes a new acquaintance or an erotic adventure.


Loff interprets kisses as follows:

  • without erotic overtones - to good news and joy, provided that the partner did not cause disgust;
  • kissing a child, teenager or relative - to surprise;
  • a farewell kiss predicts separation, and even the death of the person seen;
  • touching a celebrity with your lips or kissing her is a sign of surprise or success;
  • erotically kissing a pleasant person - to falling in love, success and reciprocity in love;
  • if the dreamer was forcibly kissed by a freak, an unpleasant person, this means a quarrel;
  • a forced kiss with relatives of the same or opposite sex is a dream of betrayal, pressure, or an extremely unpleasant matter.


Passionate kisses in a dream, like making love, dream of a deterioration in well-being and minor troubles. Sometimes a vision predicts separation for lovers and major troubles in their personal lives.


Kissing a man on the lips in a dream (according to Hasse) means betrayal of a lover and betrayal. If this happened with a partner, husband or lover with whom the girl has an intimate relationship, then the dream predicts her disappointment in this person or separation from him. Sometimes a dream can occur before the death of a loved one.

A forced kiss with an unpleasant person foreshadows quarrels, troubles and disappointments. If a girl expects a passionate kiss and receives a friendly one in return, the relationship with a man or boyfriend will quickly come to naught.

Kissing a stranger in front of your boyfriend is a sign of betrayal and suspicion. For lovers, this plot foreshadows a major quarrel. A kiss with a dead person foreshadows a secret romance or illness and loss of strength, sometimes parting with a lover.



Kissing your loved one- to quarrel and separation. Such a plot foreshadows jealousy and resentment, sometimes serious quarrels between lovers. Mutual kisses with a celebrity foreshadow success in business and happiness, sometimes a new and promising acquaintance.

Erotic kisses with relatives of the opposite sex indicate trust and complete mutual understanding. A man dreams of kissing a man to success and strengthening family relationships.

Erotic kiss with a stranger foreshadows a new event: if the touches were pleasant, then the events will please the dreamer. A forced kiss portends a quarrel or involvement in an unpleasant matter.

Kissing a dead person in a dream means disappointment and regret.


Kissing a man on the lips in a dream, according to the English interpretation, means deception, betrayal or disappointment in a man. A married woman dreams of a kiss with a pleasant stranger as a sign of a secret romance or temptation. Kissing in public with your spouse as lovers means family squabbles and quarrels.

Sometimes a dream predicts trouble. If you dreamed that a friend and the dreamer’s husband or lover kissed, the dream foreshadows joy and pleasant impressions, but for some people such a vision predicts treason and betrayal of a loved one.


Such a dream foreshadows illness, mild illness or disappointment in a loved one. Girls dream about a new acquaintance or an erotic adventure. Kissing a pleasant but unfamiliar person means a new acquaintance or surprise; kissing a guy you like predicts joy and reciprocity in love.

An unpleasant or forced kiss with an ex-boyfriend foreshadows worries and tears, and sometimes dreams of a scene of jealousy. If the unpleasant man was unfamiliar, then the dreamer will change her rules and be happy contrary to expectations. Kissing an enemy or ex-boyfriend to whom the dreamer dreams of returning means unexpected reconciliation.


The modern dream book interprets kisses in a dream, especially passionate ones, differently than everyone else. Here are the main examples of interpretations:


According to this book, a kiss with a man portends troubles and scandals. For unmarried girls, the dream foreshadows a new acquaintance, a love relationship; for married women, the dream foretells good news and mutual love. For a divorced woman, a passionate kiss portends an erotic acquaintance or deterioration in well-being.

Kissing for a long time in a dream with a familiar man or lover means changes in relationships. Some people dream of such a plot as a sign of separation and worries. A farewell kiss to a man foreshadows separation, suffering and tears.

New family

Modern family dream books interpret a kiss depending on the location and whether the partner was pleasant or not.

The most common interpretations of dreams about kissing a man:


Gypsy dream books interpret a passionate kiss with a man as a sign of discord in the relationship with him. If the person is unfamiliar, the vision foreshadows scandals and quarrels between relatives. For a girl to kiss a man, it means an imminent engagement or marriage; for a married woman, a similar dream foreshadows resentment and a quarrel with her husband’s relatives or with himself.

Kissing a foreigner dreams of a quarrel or scandal in the family. Sometimes a dream foreshadows resentment and disappointment. Kissing a dead person means illness or danger to life.

Eastern female

The dream foreshadows a quarrel, betrayal and separation from a loved one.

Dream book of health

Kissing a man on the lips in a dream means illness or a sharp deterioration in health. If the kiss was friendly, then the sick person will recover, but the healthy one will feel disappointed. Kissing an enemy in a dream means an unexpected meeting or an unpleasant conversation.

A passionate kiss with a mulatto, black man or dark-haired man dreams of danger to health or illness.

Girls often have this dream before rape or attack. Kissing a blond man in a dream, or a man with blond hair, means recovery from an illness or good news. For patients, such a dream portends good news and improved well-being.


A psychotherapist's dream book interprets a kiss as good news or frank communication.

The exact interpretation depends on who and how they kissed in the dream:

  • a passionate kiss with a pleasant-looking stranger is a dream of joy and pleasant surprise; for some people, the dream foretells success in business;
  • kissing a man you know, but not a boyfriend or lover - to an unexpected meeting or understanding with this person, great love;
  • girls dream of erotic kisses as a sign of new acquaintances and the formation of a psychological and external image of a future husband, lover and sexual partner;
  • Lovers dream of passionate kisses as a sign of a quarrel or the end of a romance. If they are separated, then erotic dreams compensate for the lack of emotions;
  • kissing in a friendly way with a guy you like or a lover - to separation or resentment, neglect;
  • Passionately kissing a bride with another man or a wife with her lover means discord in a marital or love relationship.

Summer dream book

Autumn dream book

  • kissing a stranger or not seeing your partner’s face in a dream is a surprise;
  • passionately show feelings for a stranger - to a partner’s jealousy or a quarrel in the family;
  • a kiss with a husband or boyfriend predicts major troubles or discord in family relationships;
  • kissing your lover in a dream means a quarrel or separation;
  • a kiss with a deceased person or a dead person is a sign of illness or worsening circumstances;
  • a September kiss predicts disappointments in love and great experiences;
  • kissing in a dream in October - to minor changes and events that will happen soon after such a dream;
  • a November kiss symbolizes changes in fate and a new love relationship or an unexpected continuation of a love affair.

Kisses with your husband in a dream

The interpretation of a dream about kissing your legal spouse depends on what kind of relationship the couple is in at the moment.

Here is how the dream book interprets different kisses with your husband:

  • a friendly kiss dreams of reconciliation after a quarrel or cooling of friendly relations with this person;
  • kissing passionately, as in youth and at the dawn of a relationship, means a breakdown in relationships;
  • a farewell kiss symbolizes separation or discord in relationships;
  • kissing your ex-husband means an unexpected meeting with him or news about this person;
  • passionate kisses with a husband who is far away means that he is thinking about his wife and misses her;
  • if another woman or girl starts kissing your spouse, this is a sign of jealousy. Sometimes such a dream literally comes true. In some cases, the dream suggests that suspicions and fears are unfounded;
  • catching a spouse in bed with an ex-girlfriend or wife - to jealousy or regret;
  • kiss your husband passionately and see that he turns away - to changes in life or discord;
  • if in response to a passionate kiss a friendly or farewell kiss is received, the relationship will change for the worse;
  • seeing your husband kissing another girl means a quarrel and scandal in the family;
  • seeing your husband dead and kissing him passionately is a danger to health;
  • kissing passionately in private in a dream means an improvement in relationships or complete disappointment in your husband;
  • exchanging passionate kisses at your own wedding - to your husband’s illness or a breakdown in your relationship with him. Sometimes a dream foreshadows a divorce.

Kissing a stranger

The interpretation of this dream depends on the nature of the kiss and whether you liked it or not. To understand the meaning of the dream, it is important to remember the man’s appearance, the place of the kiss, and the impression of what happened.

Basic interpretations of scenes with kisses in which the man is unfamiliar to the dreamer:

  • in teenage dreams, the plot means that the girl’s subconscious forms the image of her future husband or sexual partner. Sometimes such a dream indicates an acquaintance that can become fateful, foreshadowing marriage or fatal love and passion;
  • An adult girl dreams of a kiss with a pleasant man as a sign of a new acquaintance or an unexpected meeting;
  • flirting in a dream with a policeman, security guard, military man - an attempt to break some kind of prohibition or rule;
  • a mutual kiss with a doctor dreams of recovery from an illness or a quick resolution of an unpleasant situation, but if the touch was unpleasant, the dream foreshadows an illness;
  • kissing a teacher or teacher - to new knowledge or an unexpected meeting, success;
  • a kiss with a personal driver or public transport driver foreshadows an acquaintance that will change the dreamer’s life;
  • a kiss with an actor or musician predicts a surprise, an adventure or a meeting with an insincere person;
  • kissing a celebrity in a dream means success;
  • if the kiss was with a tramp, homeless person or an extremely unpleasant person, trouble or illness is possible;
  • kissing a boyfriend or friend’s husband who does not exist - to envy and quarrel;
  • flirting with a married person is a risky act;
  • a forced kiss symbolizes difficult circumstances or an unpleasant decision.

Kissing in a dream with a close friend

Dreams with passionate kisses may indicate a transition to an intimate relationship with this person or falling in love.

The exact interpretation depends on the nature of the kiss:

Why do you dream about kissing your ex?

Such a dream symbolizes an unexpected meeting and a change in friendships.

The exact interpretation depends on the time that has passed since breaking up with this person and the feelings that the girl had for the man.

  • passionately kissing a guy who dumped you - to hear news about him or from him, sometimes as an attempt to return the relationship. If you dreamed of an episode from the past, and the girl kissed him in familiar places, the dream foreshadows a final break; if the lover was dressed in new clothes and the pictures in the dream were not similar to past meeting places, a new and unexpected turn in the relationship is possible;
  • a forced kiss with an ex-boyfriend whom the girl left, dreams of quarrels and his attempt to return the relationship. Brushing off your ex-boyfriend and not letting him kiss you means defeating him. If a girl starts kissing her ex-boyfriend, whom she left voluntarily, without coercion, reconciliation and a new outburst of feelings is possible;
  • kissing a guy who has died or lives in another city - means meeting a person similar to him or a new outbreak of feelings;
  • kissing passionately with a man who is married is a surprise;
  • a forced kiss with an unpleasant person predicts quarrels and scandals.

Kisses with your loved one on the lips with tongue

This dream means nothing if the woman who had such a dream did not feel disgust.
Unpleasant feelings in a dream foreshadow major troubles in reality.

The meaning of sleeping with several men

Kissing one man on the lips in a dream means joyful or pleasant events. If you dream of group sex or a dance in which the dreamer kisses several partners, the dream predicts unexpected events or falling in love.

If the kisses were equally pleasant or unpleasant, then not a single acquaintance will change the dreamer’s life, but if she singled out a man from the crowd, it means that a new acquaintance or meeting will change her life completely. If all the partners were unpleasant, the dream represents tears and worries.

Kissing a dead man in a dream

The interpretation of the dream depends on what kind of relationship the woman had with this man, whether he was alive or not, and what her feelings were.

Here are the main interpretations of such a dream:

  • a passionate kiss with your partner, who is alive and who died in a dream, predicts a break in relationships and love affairs, an unpromising relationship;
  • kissing a man who is no longer alive, but in a dream he is alive - means meeting a person similar to him, meeting his relatives or a new business;
  • kissing passionately in a dream with a man who is dying and decaying - to illness and great experiences;
  • a kiss with a disfigured dead man foreshadows an illness or a new stage in the life of a woman who had such a dream;
  • a friendly kiss with a deceased person dreams of a secret or some secret;
  • a farewell kiss with him foreshadows a new stage in life or an unexpected meeting;
  • if the deceased rose from the coffin and began to kiss, the relationship, which the dreamer considered complete, will take an unexpected turn.

If the kiss with a man in a dream was short

This dream foretells a secret or unusual relationship. If the kiss was furtive and briefly passionate, the dream represents a secret romance or relationship that the woman will be forced to constantly hide.

In other cases, the dream symbolizes short-lived feelings and disappointment in a man. If he secretly kissed and looked back, it means his feelings are insincere.

Kissing a male relative in a dream

  • a passionate kiss symbolizes new plans and joint activities;
  • if the partner was unpleasant, the woman who had the dream will be drawn into a dubious story;
  • a friendly kiss symbolizes good news;
  • farewell predicts resentment or quarrel.

Interpretation of a kiss with a man depending on the place

The location of the kiss tells you whether the dream refers to the past or the future.

Here is how the dream book interprets different places and circumstances of kisses:

Interpretation of sleep by day of the week

  • Monday: the partner remembers the dreamer, the dream predicts a new meeting or surprise;
  • Tuesday: to separation and troubles;
  • Wednesday: to news or an unexpected change of circumstances;
  • Thursday: illness or loss of strength;
  • Friday: for a new novel or a gift from a loved one;
  • Saturday: empty dream;
  • resurrection: to good news or guests in the house.

Dreams with a kiss always have meaning. Therefore, if the dreamer had to kiss a handsome or unpleasant man on the lips in a dream, this is always a sign. Well, the exact interpretation depends on the circumstances of the dream and impressions.

Article format: Vladimir the Great

Video about kissing in a dream

Why do you dream of a kiss in a dream? Interpretation:

Why do you dream about kissing your ex-boyfriend? Perhaps your feelings have simply not cooled down, and in the kingdom of Morpheus you are reliving the romantic moments of your relationship. Perhaps the once forgotten chosen one remembers you, which is why his image is disturbing in dreams. But the interpretation of such a dream may be different - just turn to popular dream books.

Therefore, remember the plot of the dream in detail and read the interpretation options selected below. We have selected the most plausible and verified forecasts compiled by reputable authors. It is better to remember the dream in detail - then you will be able to create the most complete interpretation possible.

Why do you dream about kissing your ex?

Most often, kisses dream of upcoming troubles. Major conflicts are possible in the near future. But this is a general interpretation. Private ones are slightly different:

A girl dreams of a kiss with her ex-boyfriend. This means that the young lady has not completely gotten rid of her feelings for her chosen one. She is still going through a breakup, which was painful for her. Secretly he wants to renew the relationship, so he takes steps towards him. But this is wrong behavior - you won’t be able to bring the guy back with your actions and confessions. On the contrary, keep your distance, mind yourself and your business. Then sooner or later the lover will return. The main thing is not to impose

  • A passionate kiss locking lips with a former lover in a dream is evidence of unresolved problems in the past. It is important whose initiative to kiss was in a dream. If a guy wants this, he dreams of getting you back in real life. If the initiator of the kiss is a girl, she should forget about her ex-lover
  • A very passionate kiss turning into foreplay is a sign that the girl is sexually incontinent. Perhaps due to the difference in temperaments, a gap occurred. You should show your emotions more moderately, otherwise absolutely all men will run away like from fire
  • If A girl in the status of a bride dreams of a kiss with her ex, this is an unfavorable sign. Your marriage will not be simple - a major quarrel is likely immediately after the wedding. Try not to compare your husband with your ex-lover and not to remind him of past relationships, otherwise a breakup cannot be avoided

These are not the most favorable values. However, do not be upset if you see a not very pleasant forecast in the list of interpretations. In a dream, the subconscious sends a certain signal: you must receive it and understand how not to behave. Correct behavior is a way to avoid the problems predicted by dream books.

Good predictions from dream books

Let's talk about the favorable forecasts promised by the authors of other dream books:

  • The kiss in the dream happened spontaneously, extremely unexpected for you. This means that you will soon meet an attractive young man with whom you will begin a beautiful, extremely harmonious and calm relationship, and you will forget to even think about your ex. Feelings with the new chosen one will be extremely strong, perhaps this union will develop into marriage
  • If you parted with your ex-boyfriend easily, without quarrels and mutual claims, then your kiss in a dream does not bode well. Perhaps you will reunite again, and the relationship will move to a whole new level. Expect a surprise
  • Kissing an Ex Who's Stalking You and extremely annoying in real life, means that the obsessive behavior will soon stop. Your ex-lover will finally leave, and you can calmly build a new happy relationship

The more positive emotions you experience in a dream, the more favorable the meaning of the dream. Therefore, remember whether the kiss was pleasant, how long it lasted, what feelings you had for your ex-boyfriend:

  • Were depressed and upset- it means you subconsciously want to renew the relationship
  • Very upset- there is a big quarrel with the current young man
  • Regretted- soon your wrong behavior will lead to bad consequences for you, carefully think through your every action
  • Were happy- soon the memories of your ex-lover will leave you

A dream with a former lover is a reason to finally put all the dots in your own subconscious and close the gestalt of old relationships. If the memories don’t go away, write a letter - tell everything you feel, what you’re offended by, what haunts you. Write until you run out of words, and then burn the sheets of paper. Then the ex-boyfriend will stop dreaming and reminding you of himself.

Why do you dream about kissing your ex? The dream book gives several interpretations of the plot: it can promise both joyful events, the resumption of romantic relationships, and foreshadow quarrels and separation. Often a vision in a dream reflects dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs or longing for the past.

Be careful with comparisons: there may be conflict

Did you dream of a kiss with your ex-fiance? The dream book explains: the sleeping woman is dissatisfied with her current partner. Perhaps she yearns for the past without admitting it to herself.

Such a plot about a former fiancé in a dream often promises a quarrel, misunderstanding between a girl and her real boyfriend. When communicating, she can draw some parallels or contrast one with the other. It is unlikely that anyone will like memories of an opponent and comparisons, even in their favor.

Joy, unexpected news

To see yourself kissing a person who was just a friend - according to the dream book, there are joyful, happy events, pleasures, favorable changes ahead.

But for lovers, kissing an ex-friend in a dream promises separation from their lover.

Why do you dream that your ex-lover is kissing you? In reality, you will receive unexpected news from him. The dream also means: he is not offended by you.

You need care, love

Seeing yourself in a dream kissing your former lover on the lips means: you may succumb to frivolity, but it is better to avoid this. Momentary pleasure can bring big problems, which will be very difficult to solve.

Did you dream of kissing a former classmate with whom you had nothing in common, on the lips? The dream book indicates: in reality the dreamer lacks care and support from loved ones. Don't be upset - sometimes it's enough to ask for help. When a classmate is a loved one, the vision suggests: the girl experiences a lack of romance and love.

How did he turn out?

The interpretation of the dream depends on how the kiss was dreamed:

  • chaste, in the forehead - the resentment for the betrayal still remains;
  • friendly, on the cheek - he doesn’t hold a grudge;
  • on the lips - longing for a previous relationship;
  • passionate - this connection can be renewed.

Also, passionately kissing your loved one in a dream, when your relationship has already ended, promises problems of a sexual nature, possibly illness.

Miller's Dream Book: the pain has already passed

Why dream of a kiss with a former lover, as if you were together and never parted? The vision means: finally the pain of separation has passed.

Does your former lover kiss you in your sleep? He still finds it difficult to let go of this relationship, he wants it back.

A dream of a kiss with a former lover or husband can warn of a certain event that will soon occur and greatly surprise the dreamer. The dream book promises: the surprise will be pleasant.

Dreams are a completely mysterious and uncontrollable area of ​​life.

Sometimes dreams give us something that is difficult to forget about for the rest of the day.

This often concerns those people who were close and dear to us once upon a time. For example, a woman may often dream about her ex-husband.

Such dreams can be pleasant or not at all, happen often or extremely rarely, but in each case a woman is interested in finding out why her ex-husband is dreaming, because this is not a simple dream!

What does it mean?

A woman can dream about her ex-husband for various reasons. The first thing a woman thinks is that he’s thinking about me, he’s sad, he wants to come back...

This may be true, but we shouldn’t rush to conclusions.

The meaning of sleep is influenced by several factors, including three main ones:

  • The time when this dream occurred (day of the week and lunar day).
  • Content of the dream (what exactly happened to the husband in this dream?).
  • A woman's mood and thoughts before bed.

When trying to decipher a dream, it is worth considering each of these factors. After all, the same event that happened in a dream can mean different things, depending on the day of the week or on the mood of the sleeping woman.

By learning to understand these factors, you can easily decipher dreams and apply the knowledge gained to take the right step.

The day I dreamed about you...

It's no secret that dreams tend to be significant from Thursday to Friday. Our wise grandmothers knew about this, and always paid special attention to the dreams that they had on that night.

But! Be careful: a dream you had from Thursday to Friday is not guaranteed to come true in all its details. Prophetic means he is broadcasting something, that is, he wants to communicate. This means that such a dream clearly has meaning and needs to be understood.

  • Dreams from Monday to Tuesday, just so you know, indicate our own desires. So, if in your dreams you kissed your ex-spouse, most likely these are your subconscious desires, and nothing more.
  • Dreams from Sunday to Monday are usually empty and mean nothing.

It is also important to take into account the lunar day when you dreamed of your ex-husband. Open the lunar calendar and read how to relate to dreams on this day.

Contents of the dream: what was there?

You can find out what your ex-husband dreams about by analyzing the events of the dream. Of course, they are of decisive importance.

When you wake up in the morning, remember carefully all the events of the dream. And then you will be able to decipher it.

1. If you dreamed about your ex-husband, and nothing special happened in the dream - you just saw him, this is not a bad dream. Oddly enough, he is not related to your ex-spouse himself. Such a dream tells you that you will receive news from the past.

You probably have some unfinished business that is hanging on you like a dead weight. Finish all your work, break with the past if it does not bring you joy and benefit.

2. Another meaning is carried by dreams in which the husband takes active actions. For example, he kisses you, hugs you, caresses you. What does it mean to have a dream that makes a woman blush in the morning?

Such a dream is a good sign, again, not specifically related to him. This means that a pleasant acquaintance awaits you, perhaps flirtation, passion, romance.

3. If in your dreams you wanted to kiss your ex-betrothed, but something got in the way, for some reason this did not happen, this clearly indicates your desires, which are not being realized due to some internal barriers.

Such a dream gives clear advice: be more attentive to your desires, try to fulfill them. Of course, within reasonable limits.

4. If you dreamed at night that your ex-husband had returned, this can be understood in different ways. Perhaps this is your hidden desire - admit to yourself honestly whether you want this. And if yes, then why do you hide this desire deeper into the subconscious?

Perhaps, if your husband returned to you in a dream, he himself desires this. You can find out by simply observing him or talking to him.

If he wasn't alone

Often another woman appears in such dreams. Any lady takes separation from a man hard, even if she really wants to leave. All the same, this is a deep mental trauma, and it leaves its mark in the subconscious.

This is why I have such unpleasant dreams. And the third woman - be it a new wife or mother-in-law - is always an enemy. Even if you completely deny it, this is how our nature works.

Therefore, if you dream of not only your ex-husband, but also your ex-mother-in-law, this is a clear symbol that your mental balance is disturbed. You are afraid of some force that dominates you.

A mother-in-law can mean troubles at work, tense relationships with superiors, and conflicts. Pay attention to this and try to put your relationships with others in order.

If you dreamed about him with his new woman, this is hardly a pleasant dream. This means that you subconsciously still do not want to give it away, and cannot accept the fact that it belongs to someone else.

Also, a dream in which an ex-husband appears with another wife may mean your fears: fear of being alone, worries about this.

Such dreams are often dreamed by women who have problems in their personal lives. For example, you quarreled with your man, and now you dream about your ex - with another woman.

This is how your subconscious reveals your fears and worries. Such a dream is a call to calm down, put your thoughts in order, and try to adopt a positive attitude.

It’s very good to do a meditation: imagine your ex-husband and sincerely, with all your soul, wish him great happiness. And imagine how a ray of light from your heart goes to him.

It is advisable to dedicate the same meditation on “sending goodness” to another woman, if you know each other. Oh, this will not be very easy to do, but believe me, this ritual is incredibly effective, and you will be surprised at how light your soul will become.

What were you thinking?

A woman’s mood and thoughts before bed greatly influence the world she dreams of at night. If you fell asleep thinking about your past, about your former life... Why be surprised? There is no need for a dream book here, such a dream is just a continuation of your fantasies.

The advice is the same as above - mentally wish your ex-spouse well and happiness. This person has been a vital part of your life for some time, perhaps a long time, and even if you broke up on bad terms or he hurt you, there is still something to be grateful for.

Wishing well to a person whom you are unable to completely forget about will very effectively clear your thoughts of unnecessary things and your mind will calm down.

It will be helpful to mentally ask him for forgiveness for everything you have done in the past. You shouldn’t remember and list all your mistakes in your thoughts, just sincerely apologize. And then forgive him - if you succeed, you will be amazed at how not only your condition will change, but also the world around you.
Author: Vasilina Serova