Former boss interpretation of the dream book. What is the dream of the Former Boss

    I very often dream of my boss, and at the same time, in a dream, he seems to show signs of attention to me. BUT in real life this is impossible, because. Firstly, I am a man, and secondly, both the boss and I have been married for many years and we have children, and we are of a normal orientation. But in a dream, he tells me all the time how he loves me and wants to touch me and stroke me. Such a gesture! what could such a dream mean?

    Here I agree completely. If the boss is dreaming and we are doing one project together, then career growth is just around the corner. I had it. I dreamed of such a picture several times, but for some reason I thought that this was due to the fact that he was showing increased signs of attention to me, and this bothered me unpleasantly. Now I have read the article and compared it. And the truth is, after those dreams, I had a good promotion in my career. True, it coincides with what I read here.

    Some, probably, only dream of such a dream, but it’s sadly not me)) Today my boss had a dream, and I already can’t look at him at work, and I don’t know where to go, and then I also came to sleep ... Sleep wears a little erotic character, and the article says that this is due to the fact that I imagined myself too much and soon someone will bring me down from heaven to earth ... And I probably agree, since I actually think that he is like without hands)) But who wants to set me up, this is an interesting question ...

    I am the head of a construction company, my name is Maxim. I had a very strange dream today... I dreamed of a man from work, or rather my subordinate. plaintively asking for something ...
    Okay, a man will dream of a woman, or vice versa ... But so ... So far, I can’t find what this dream means, but it would be interesting to know))

What is the dream of the former Chief in a dream from a dream book?

If a former boss is dreaming, then it is likely that you have some unresolved problems in the past, and soon they may remind you of themselves.

A kiss in a dream with a former boss warns you of troubles at work that are associated with the former management.

What gender was the former boss?

What is the dream of the former boss

The dream book in which you dream of a former boss promises a meeting with an authoritarian powerful woman

As evidenced by the appearance of the former boss of a man

The fact that you dreamed of a former boss, a man, promises a quick arrangement of your personal life. Moreover, the chosen one will be a person who has been next to you for a long time and does not show his tender feelings in any way.


Freud's dream book

boss in a dream- most often symbolizes the father.

If you dream that you have become a boss- you are attracted to sex with elements of sadism.

If the boss called you, then for a man such a dream- symbolizes the presence of a sexual rival, which it is desirable to eliminate.

If the boss called you, then for a woman such a dream- symbolizes the possibility of sexual harassment.

Sharing a meal or drinking with your boss- symbolizes the presence of an oedipal complex in a man, and the woman- Antigone complex.

Dream interpretation of D. Loff

Relationship with the boss in a dream- can have two interpretations:

1. A dear person who is not related to your work, such as a spouse, sibling, parent, or close friend, becomes your boss. If someone from the "non-work" environment becomes the boss, most likely you believe that this person puts undue pressure on you and controls your life too much; with your tacit permission, relations with this person move into the plane of dominant control on his part. The scene of such a dream can be both a place of work and a completely ridiculous environment. And the place where you and your new boss work is associated with an area in which you experience excessive control on his part.

2. Consider the reverse transformation - your boss becomes your brother or sister, spouse or someone else who is completely far from the role of a ministerial mentor. If your boss breaks into your personal life in the form of a loved one, it may be time to evaluate your work: workaholism is the destroyer of many families. If your work has filled the space allotted in real life to other people, most likely it's time to evaluate the emotions invested in it. The positive aspect of such a dream may be the collegiality displayed in it, or a warning about the depletion of emotional resources caused by your work. In conclusion, if you dream of your boss in a familiar work environment, then for some reason at work you are in a state of stress.

Generally speaking, dreaming about your work- especially if this is an unremarkable dream in the present time period - this is a sign that you have earned money or are not coping with work on time.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Seeing your boss in a dream- to the fulfillment of desires. If he looks downcast and sick- there may soon be a chance to take his place.

To find yourself in the boss's office in the presence of a high commission asking questions that you cannot answer - such a dream suggests that you will find yourself in an unfamiliar team where you will feel like a black sheep. See the boss signing the document you need without looking- this is a harbinger of new activities that will please you more and significantly strengthen your financial situation. Angry bosses hurling thunder and lightning at your guilty head- this dream marks a turn for the worse both in your career and in love affairs.

General dream book

If you dreamed that you were talking with your boss or with a person on whom you are highly dependent on work, you are in big trouble.

Quarrel with the boss- to reprimand.

In a dream, you were drinking with your boss- in the near future you expect a profit.

If you dreamed that you yourself became the boss You will be demoted soon.

If you dreamed that one of your loved ones became the boss- get ready for a big scandal at home.

Beat, kill your boss- to a small profit.

Dream Interpretation Morozova

Dreaming boss- a sign of his departure in reality from his post due to promotion, relocation, retirement, illness or death. There will be many applicants for the vacant seat, but the dream predicts that you will be able to take this place if you take the initiative.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Boss- dissatisfaction with sleeping.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Boss- promotion, reward, change bosses.

Esoteric dream book

See your boss as if in reality- fear of this person lives in you, achieve his trust, and your fear will pass.

stranger to you- there is not enough chief "from above". Look for a subordinate position or role and you will feel more comfortable.

See yourself as the boss- your ambitions are quite justified, and if you make a little effort, they will be satisfied. The dream speaks of an unresolved problem of subordination.

Collection of dream books

Boss- to his dismissal.

Why is the boss dreaming

The boss is a symbol of excessive work. Seeing a loved one, relative or friend in a dream as a boss indicates that he exerts too much pressure and overly controls the life of the sleeper.

The dream symbolizes internal dissatisfaction with this state of affairs. Therefore, it is worth starting a conversation with this person and asking them to behave not like a leader.

If you dreamed that the boss became a close person or relative, then this indicates that the sleeper spends too much time at work and tries to perform tasks that are beyond his power. Why does the boss dream in this dream - to the fact that relatives are dissatisfied with the frequent absence of home. Also, physical and moral fatigue can be reflected in such a dream.

To dream of a boss in a familiar atmosphere for a sleeping person, in a working environment, symbolizes the stress received due to excessive work or due to the fact that the sleeper cannot cope with a certain task on time. Be in a leadership role.

Seeing yourself in the role of a boss in a dream speaks of great self-confidence, which has no basis. Also, in such a dream, the boss dreamed of a person who would enter the life of a sleeping person and want to take one of the most important places.

Talking in a dream with the boss - to the anxieties and unrest that will appear due to the working atmosphere. It is possible that a major quarrel with a colleague awaits, which will have to be resolved with the help of management.

To receive a reprimand in a dream from the boss is a good deal that will bring a good income. For a young leader, a similar dream portends success in many matters. Especially if the dream shows real work, and not an unknown office.

A dream in which the boss plays the main role is almost always interpreted as problems related to work in reality. It can be conflicts and quarrels, too much workload or dissatisfaction with the leadership. Restless dreams that bring unpleasant sensations need to be disassembled, analyzed and understood as the cause of their occurrence.

Dream Interpretation Head, why dream of a Head in a dream to see

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why is the Leader dreaming?

See in a dream

Head - The CEO of your concern or company that you dreamed about portends you with a quick promotion or promotion. To be him yourself - you have a good income, do not miss your chance. Solve production issues with him - to participate in an important conference or on a business trip. Seeing your director in a dream is a good sign, you will achieve your goal. Why is the manager dreaming - Talking to him - you can be promoted or transferred to a higher paying job. The boss (immediate supervisor) that you dreamed about is a harbinger of a difficult situation at work, discussing production issues with him means you will have the opportunity to earn extra money. To dream of a major businessman - to the upcoming large expenses associated with the organization of some kind of event, possibly a family one. If in a dream you are the owner of a restaurant or hotel, then such a dream promises you big money, unexpected gains or windfall profits. To dream of being the owner of a second-hand store or a thrift store means that if you soon make a wrong or erroneous decision, it will turn into big problems or financial losses for you. Why is the leader dreaming - If in a dream you considered yourself a free person and suddenly you have an owner, then such a dream is a reflection of your incompetence at work. If in a dream you are the leader of a group of people or an informal organization, such a dream portends trouble for you because of your stubbornness, pride and pride. Being the leader of a criminal gang in a dream means that you need to be especially careful when communicating with people so as not to say anything superfluous. Heading a mafia structure in a dream is a harbinger of problems due to friends or relatives, and you will have to help them get out of a dirty business or big trouble. Being a manager in a large company in a dream is a harbinger of serious changes in your life for the better, communicating with a manager means that in order to achieve what you want, you will need to show wisdom and talent, and you may have to use unconventional methods to solve the problem. For a girl, a dream about a manager can mean an early successful marriage.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Head - Order at home and at work.

What does it mean when you dream of Leading - Himself - bringing closer, rushing things; dissatisfaction with the way things are going. They control you - to be a slave to your passions, a pawn in someone else's game. See add. Command (p. Military theme).

Former boss

Dream Interpretation Former Chief dreamed of why the former boss dreams in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see the Former Boss in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Former boyfriend, husband

A former young man or ex-husband who appeared in a dream symbolizes your excessive passion for the past.

This is what keeps you from moving forward, from developing as a person; former love does not want to give way to real love a place in your heart.

The dream in which you parted with this person suggests that the time has come for a change of priorities, the collapse of former ideals.

After this internal audit, things will go much better for you, and in all areas of life.

Dream Interpretation - Head

Dream Interpretation - Ex-girlfriend, wife

The dream in which your ex-lover appeared suggests that the past still lives in your heart, although you may carefully avoid remembering it.

You are waiting for something to change for the better in your life, secretly dreaming about the return of bygone bright, joyful days and doing nothing.

The dream tells you: stop waiting for the weather from the sea, be more active, and luck will certainly smile at you.

If you dreamed that your ex died, this means that a new period will begin in your life very soon.

While it is difficult to say how favorable it will be.

However, it is absolutely certain that you will not be bored; you will simply have no time to indulge in memories, whatever they may be - pleasant or vice versa.

Dream Interpretation - Head

Dream Interpretation - Head

Dream Interpretation - Head

Boss - To see your own, as if in reality - fear of this person lives in you, gain his trust, and your fear will pass. Stranger - you miss the boss "above". Look for a subordinate position or role and you will feel more comfortable. Seeing yourself as the boss - your ambitions are quite justified, and if you put in a little effort, you will be satisfied. The dream speaks of an unresolved problem of subordination.

Dream Interpretation - Head

Dream Interpretation - Chief, Amir

Dream Interpretation - Head

Dream Interpretation - Chief

Hug with the boss

Dream Interpretation Hugging with the boss dreamed of why in a dream Hugging with the boss? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Hugging your boss in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Hug

If in a dream you hug with your relatives, it means that soon you will have the opportunity to gather them all on the occasion of a big family celebration.

Warmly hugging those who came from afar after a long absence of friends portends a brilliant course of affairs and excellent prospects in the future. Hugging with strangers - to get acquainted with the future chosen one. Love hugs with women - suspicion of committing a dishonorable act will fall on you.

Hugging your husband - get a gift from him, if he hugs you - he will drink his salary. Hugging children in a dream is a sign of family joys and peace in the house, if they wrap their arms around you and kiss you, you will be courageous in misfortune with loved ones, not giving vent to tears. Desired, affectionate hugs mean success and prosperity. If in a dream you avoid the embrace of a hateful accustomer or tipsy don juans - in real life you will experience a painful feeling of loneliness - and orphanhood.

Dream Interpretation - Hug

It is believed that hugging a loved one in a dream with a feeling is a good sign and promises a trusting relationship with this person; hugging a stranger is a sign of deception. Sometimes such a dream suggests that an unexpected guest will come to you soon. Hugging a person of the opposite sex or a lover in a dream means that you will soon learn about betrayal and betrayal. After such a dream, be prepared to part with it forever. For spouses, such a dream predicts quarrels. Hugging your enemy in a dream means reconciliation. Perhaps reconciliation will not be obvious, but reconciliation in the soul. Hugging a dead person in a dream is a sign of death for the patient, unless it is your loved one. For healthy people, such a dream predicts obstacles in business.

Dream Interpretation - Hug

Hugging your husband - portends a happy event.

Hug your wife - portends a joyful situation.

You hug your son or daughter - portends a squabble.

Dream Interpretation - Head

If you dreamed that you were talking with your boss, then in real life you will experience a lot of anxiety and unrest.

We received a reprimand from the boss - in reality a profitable deal will take place. For a young leader, this dream portends great success in all matters.

I dreamed that you yourself became a director - soon you will be taken by surprise. Perhaps you have to fight for the implementation of plans that are not destined to come true.

If a young woman sees her boss naked in a dream, then her financial situation will not improve much.

I dreamed that you were with your director in an informal setting - in reality no one will help you in a difficult situation. You have a very strong opponent and the circumstances are not in your favor.

D. Loff wrote about such dreams as follows: “Relationships with the boss in a dream can have two interpretations.

1. A dear person who is not related to your work, such as a spouse, sibling, parent, or close friend, becomes your boss.

If someone from the “non-work” environment becomes the boss, most likely you think that this person puts undue pressure on you and controls your life too much; with your tacit permission, relations with this person move into the plane of dominant control on his part. The scene of such a dream can be both a place of work and a completely ridiculous environment. And the place where you and your new boss work is associated with an area in which you experience excessive control on his part.

2. Consider the reverse transformation - your boss becomes your brother or sister, spouse or someone else who is completely far from the role of a ministerial mentor.

If your boss breaks into your personal life in the form of a loved one, it may be time to evaluate your work: workaholism is the destroyer of many families.

If your work has filled the space reserved for other people in real life, most likely it's time to evaluate the emotions invested in it. The positive aspect of such a dream may be the collegiality displayed in it, or a warning about the depletion of emotional resources caused by your work.

In conclusion, if you dream of your boss in a familiar, working environment, then for some reason at work you are in a state of stress. Generally speaking, dreaming about your work—especially if it's an unremarkable dream in the present time frame—is a sign that you've overworked yourself or are missing a deadline."

Dream Interpretation - Hugging

Dream Interpretation - Hugging

Hugging - If you dreamed that you were hugging your chosen one and could not restrain your feelings, you were promised peace and many years of happiness. If feelings are muted, then you are not destined to be together.

Dream Interpretation - Head

Relations with the boss in a dream can have two interpretations:

1. A dear person who is not related to your work, such as a spouse, sibling, parent or close friend, becomes your boss. If someone from the "non-working" environment becomes the boss, most likely you think that this person puts undue pressure on you and controls your life too much; with your tacit permission, relations with this person move into the plane of dominant control on his part. The scene of such a dream can be both a place of work and a completely ridiculous environment. And the place where you and your new boss work is associated with an area in which you experience excessive control on his part.

2. Consider the reverse transformation - your boss becomes your brother or sister, spouse or someone else who is completely far from the role of a mentor in the office. If your boss breaks into your personal life in the form of a loved one, it may be time to evaluate your work: workaholism is the destroyer of many families. If your work has filled the space allotted in real life to other people, most likely it's time to evaluate the emotions invested in it. The positive aspect of such a dream may be the collegiality displayed in it, or a warning about the depletion of emotional resources caused by your work.

In conclusion, if you dream of your boss in a familiar work environment, then for some reason at work you are in a state of stress. Generally speaking, dreaming about your work - especially if it is an unremarkable dream in the present time period - is a sign that you are overworked or not doing your job on time.

Dream Interpretation - Head

Boss - To see your own, as if in reality - fear of this person lives in you, gain his trust, and your fear will pass. Stranger - you miss the boss "above". Look for a subordinate position or role and you will feel more comfortable. Seeing yourself as the boss - your ambitions are quite justified, and if you put in a little effort, you will be satisfied. The dream speaks of an unresolved problem of subordination.

Dream Interpretation - Head

Boss - To see your own, as if in reality - fear of this person lives in you, gain his trust, and your fear will pass. Stranger - you miss the boss "above". Look for a subordinate position or role and you will feel more comfortable. Seeing yourself as the boss - your ambitions are quite justified, and if you put in a little effort, you will be satisfied. The dream speaks of an unresolved problem of subordination.

Dream Interpretation - Head

Talking with the boss or being the boss yourself - a dream promises success in all matters under the patronage of an important person.

Imagine that you are on friendly terms with your boss. You are together at the same party and drinking wine for brotherhood.

Male boss

Dream Interpretation Man Chief dreamed of why the boss's man dreams in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Boss Man in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Head

If you dreamed that you were talking with your boss, then in real life you will experience a lot of anxiety and unrest.

We received a reprimand from the boss - in reality a profitable deal will take place. For a young leader, this dream portends great success in all matters.

I dreamed that you yourself became a director - soon you will be taken by surprise. Perhaps you have to fight for the implementation of plans that are not destined to come true.

If a young woman sees her boss naked in a dream, then her financial situation will not improve much.

I dreamed that you were with your director in an informal setting - in reality no one will help you in a difficult situation. You have a very strong opponent and the circumstances are not in your favor.

D. Loff wrote about such dreams as follows: “Relationships with the boss in a dream can have two interpretations.

1. A dear person who is not related to your work, such as a spouse, sibling, parent, or close friend, becomes your boss.

If someone from the “non-work” environment becomes the boss, most likely you think that this person puts undue pressure on you and controls your life too much; with your tacit permission, relations with this person move into the plane of dominant control on his part. The scene of such a dream can be both a place of work and a completely ridiculous environment. And the place where you and your new boss work is associated with an area in which you experience excessive control on his part.

2. Consider the reverse transformation - your boss becomes your brother or sister, spouse or someone else who is completely far from the role of a ministerial mentor.

If your boss breaks into your personal life in the form of a loved one, it may be time to evaluate your work: workaholism is the destroyer of many families.

If your work has filled the space reserved for other people in real life, most likely it's time to evaluate the emotions invested in it. The positive aspect of such a dream may be the collegiality displayed in it, or a warning about the depletion of emotional resources caused by your work.

In conclusion, if you dream of your boss in a familiar, working environment, then for some reason at work you are in a state of stress. Generally speaking, dreaming about your work—especially if it's an unremarkable dream in the present time frame—is a sign that you've overworked yourself or are missing a deadline."

Dream Interpretation - Head

Relations with the boss in a dream can have two interpretations:

1. A dear person who is not related to your work, such as a spouse, sibling, parent or close friend, becomes your boss. If someone from the "non-working" environment becomes the boss, most likely you think that this person puts undue pressure on you and controls your life too much; with your tacit permission, relations with this person move into the plane of dominant control on his part. The scene of such a dream can be both a place of work and a completely ridiculous environment. And the place where you and your new boss work is associated with an area in which you experience excessive control on his part.

2. Consider the reverse transformation - your boss becomes your brother or sister, spouse or someone else who is completely far from the role of a mentor in the office. If your boss breaks into your personal life in the form of a loved one, it may be time to evaluate your work: workaholism is the destroyer of many families. If your work has filled the space allotted in real life to other people, most likely it's time to evaluate the emotions invested in it. The positive aspect of such a dream may be the collegiality displayed in it, or a warning about the depletion of emotional resources caused by your work.

In conclusion, if you dream of your boss in a familiar work environment, then for some reason at work you are in a state of stress. Generally speaking, dreaming about your work - especially if it is an unremarkable dream in the present time period - is a sign that you are overworked or not doing your job on time.

Dream Interpretation - Head

Boss - To see your own, as if in reality - fear of this person lives in you, gain his trust, and your fear will pass. Stranger - you miss the boss "above". Look for a subordinate position or role and you will feel more comfortable. Seeing yourself as the boss - your ambitions are quite justified, and if you put in a little effort, you will be satisfied. The dream speaks of an unresolved problem of subordination.

Dream Interpretation - Head

Boss - To see your own, as if in reality - fear of this person lives in you, gain his trust, and your fear will pass. Stranger - you miss the boss "above". Look for a subordinate position or role and you will feel more comfortable. Seeing yourself as the boss - your ambitions are quite justified, and if you put in a little effort, you will be satisfied. The dream speaks of an unresolved problem of subordination.

Dream Interpretation - Head

Talking with the boss or being the boss yourself - a dream promises success in all matters under the patronage of an important person.

Imagine that you are on friendly terms with your boss. You are together at the same party and drinking wine for brotherhood.

Dream Interpretation - Chief, Amir

indicates in a dream the boss of the one who saw him in a dream at his work or in another place. And he also points to the marriage of a bachelor, so that then he becomes an amir in his house, i.e. the head. Whoever sees what he commands in a dream, for that person there is a fear that he will be shackled and imprisoned, because according to the hadiths on the Day of Judgment, each ruler will appear before the Almighty with his hands tied to his neck and nothing will untie them except for the justice that he established in life.

Dream Interpretation - Head

The dreaming boss is a sign of his departure in reality from his post due to promotion, relocation, retirement, illness or death.

There will be many applicants for the vacant seat, but the dream predicts that you will be able to take this place if you take the initiative.

Dream Interpretation - Man

If you dreamed of a man, then you will have some kind of pleasure. If you see an unfamiliar man in a dream, this portends some kind of adventure. Seeing yourself as a man in a dream means getting into some kind of piquant situation with far-reaching consequences.

If a man seen in a dream is in prison, then this promises you the implementation of your plans for a long time.

Seeing a male actor in a dream means an upcoming quarrel with friends or the loss of someone close to you. Resentment, tears and grief are possible. Annoyance, hassle.

If the man you saw in a dream was an obstetrician, this means an imminent illness.

Seeing the man of your dreams in a dream and enjoying talking with him means that you will have to cry a lot and worry about trifles.

If in a dream a man of small stature is trying to start a quarrel or fight with a person who is superior in strength, this means that you are exchanging for nothing. Also, a dream promises an unexpected acquaintance, thanks to which many joys will appear in your life.

By the way, various historical sources give numerous examples of dreams that predicted events that actually happened later. Such facts are cited in his Comparative Biographies by the ancient Greek writer and historian Plutarch (c. 45 - c. 127), the Roman historian and writer Gaius Suetonius Tranquill (c. 70 - c. 140) and many other ancient authors narrate about prophetic dreams.

About one prophetic dream that predicted misfortune, the story of Plutarch from his famous "Biographies" has been preserved. One night on the eve of the assassination of the Roman dictator and commander Gaius Julius Caesar, his wife Calpurnia woke up sobbing: she dreamed that she was holding her murdered husband in her arms. Her feelings were so convincing that Julius Caesar intended to cancel the Senate meeting scheduled for that day. If he had given importance to this warning from above, given to his wife, he would have remained alive (in the Senate he was stabbed twenty-three, in which all the senators took part) and the subsequent history of the Roman Empire would have been different.

Dream Interpretation - Man

If you dream of a young, handsome man - in real life, anxiety awaits you. An old, gray-haired man portends a long life. A very obese, full man with a big belly - to pleasant events and sensations.

A man with a beard means illness in the family. A man in a shirt - a sign of an unhappy marriage, in an expensive elegant suit - you will fully enjoy all the benefits of life. An ugly man with repulsive features - to disappointment in his lover.

A gloomy man in a bad mood means that you will encounter many obstacles in the way of realizing your plan. A cheerful and sociable man portends that you will gain fame due to the successes achieved.

An aggressive man rudely seeking intimacy with you means that you will have unpleasant experiences because of the person you considered your friend. Seeing a dead man in a dream is a big money.

Dream Interpretation - Man

If a woman sees in a dream a pleasant man with beautiful features, the dream promises her well-being, contentment with fate, and considerable joy. If a man sees such a dream, this is a sign of long business disagreements, quarrels with partners, intrigues of business opponents. A man in white clothes promises joy, gaining a fortune, in black - loss and sadness. A fat man in a dream portends prosperity in business, and a short man is a sign that you will overcome difficult circumstances. The hunchback does not bode well, because often this dream warns of deception or betrayal of those whom you trust.

feed the boss

Dream Interpretation Feed the boss dreamed of why in a dream to feed the boss? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Feeding the boss by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Feed

Feeding someone in a dream means that you will soon receive good news. If you feed a sick person, it means that in reality one of the relatives or friends will need money and turn to you for help. If in a dream you are so weak that you are being spoon-fed, this is a harbinger of serious adversity that people who love you will help you cope with.

Feeding your milk to a nursing baby is, fortunately for unmarried people, a short-lived fun.

Seeing in a dream a man sucking milk from a woman's breast - you will be condemned for immorality.

Seeing a nursing mother in a dream means that you are in favorable conditions for realizing your potential. If in a dream your milk is gone and you hire a nurse for your child, this can turn into humiliation, disappointment or resentment in reality.

To be a nurse for someone else's child in a dream - you will be repaid with ingratitude for a good deed. Feed the child with nutritious milk mixtures - you will be invited to other people's christenings.

If in a dream you feed some wild animals, in real life you will be disappointed with the results of your work.

Feeding livestock with beetroot means that business transactions will be successful. Feeding pigs with acorns - in reality, plan and fulfill a bad intention.

Feed geese for slaughter in a dream - a solid profit awaits you. Feed the hawk from the hand - wait for an invitation to a lot of fun. To feed the nightingale in freedom - you will have to fulfill all debt obligations without delay; if in a dream you feed a nightingale in a cage, you will become someone's kept woman, or vice versa: you yourself will take someone to dependency.

Feeding a monkey in a dream means that a rude, shameless and uncouth dork will treat you badly.

Feed dogs - beware of evil and envious people.

Feeding cats - you will have a nice time in the company of your loved one.

Feed other domestic animals - to contentment, prosperity and prosperity.

Dream Interpretation - Head

If you dreamed that you were talking with your boss, then in real life you will experience a lot of anxiety and unrest.

We received a reprimand from the boss - in reality a profitable deal will take place. For a young leader, this dream portends great success in all matters.

I dreamed that you yourself became a director - soon you will be taken by surprise. Perhaps you have to fight for the implementation of plans that are not destined to come true.

If a young woman sees her boss naked in a dream, then her financial situation will not improve much.

I dreamed that you were with your director in an informal setting - in reality no one will help you in a difficult situation. You have a very strong opponent and the circumstances are not in your favor.

D. Loff wrote about such dreams as follows: “Relationships with the boss in a dream can have two interpretations.

1. A dear person who is not related to your work, such as a spouse, sibling, parent, or close friend, becomes your boss.

If someone from the “non-work” environment becomes the boss, most likely you think that this person puts undue pressure on you and controls your life too much; with your tacit permission, relations with this person move into the plane of dominant control on his part. The scene of such a dream can be both a place of work and a completely ridiculous environment. And the place where you and your new boss work is associated with an area in which you experience excessive control on his part.

2. Consider the reverse transformation - your boss becomes your brother or sister, spouse or someone else who is completely far from the role of a ministerial mentor.

If your boss breaks into your personal life in the form of a loved one, it may be time to evaluate your work: workaholism is the destroyer of many families.

If your work has filled the space reserved for other people in real life, most likely it's time to evaluate the emotions invested in it. The positive aspect of such a dream may be the collegiality displayed in it, or a warning about the depletion of emotional resources caused by your work.

In conclusion, if you dream of your boss in a familiar, working environment, then for some reason at work you are in a state of stress. Generally speaking, dreaming about your work—especially if it's an unremarkable dream in the present time frame—is a sign that you've overworked yourself or are missing a deadline."

Dream Interpretation - Head

Relations with the boss in a dream can have two interpretations:

1. A dear person who is not related to your work, such as a spouse, sibling, parent or close friend, becomes your boss. If someone from the "non-working" environment becomes the boss, most likely you think that this person puts undue pressure on you and controls your life too much; with your tacit permission, relations with this person move into the plane of dominant control on his part. The scene of such a dream can be both a place of work and a completely ridiculous environment. And the place where you and your new boss work is associated with an area in which you experience excessive control on his part.

2. Consider the reverse transformation - your boss becomes your brother or sister, spouse or someone else who is completely far from the role of a mentor in the office. If your boss breaks into your personal life in the form of a loved one, it may be time to evaluate your work: workaholism is the destroyer of many families. If your work has filled the space allotted in real life to other people, most likely it's time to evaluate the emotions invested in it. The positive aspect of such a dream may be the collegiality displayed in it, or a warning about the depletion of emotional resources caused by your work.

In conclusion, if you dream of your boss in a familiar work environment, then for some reason at work you are in a state of stress. Generally speaking, dreaming about your work - especially if it is an unremarkable dream in the present time period - is a sign that you are overworked or not doing your job on time.

Dream Interpretation - Head

Boss - To see your own, as if in reality - fear of this person lives in you, gain his trust, and your fear will pass. Stranger - you miss the boss "above". Look for a subordinate position or role and you will feel more comfortable. Seeing yourself as the boss - your ambitions are quite justified, and if you put in a little effort, you will be satisfied. The dream speaks of an unresolved problem of subordination.

Dream Interpretation - Head

Boss - To see your own, as if in reality - fear of this person lives in you, gain his trust, and your fear will pass. Stranger - you miss the boss "above". Look for a subordinate position or role and you will feel more comfortable. Seeing yourself as the boss - your ambitions are quite justified, and if you put in a little effort, you will be satisfied. The dream speaks of an unresolved problem of subordination.

Dream Interpretation - Head

Talking with the boss or being the boss yourself - a dream promises success in all matters under the patronage of an important person.

Imagine that you are on friendly terms with your boss. You are together at the same party and drinking wine for brotherhood.

Dream Interpretation - Feed

If you dream that in a dream you are feeding someone, then wait for the news. Breastfeeding someone in a dream is a harbinger of an easy and fun pastime.

Dream Interpretation - Feed

"feed empty promises" postpone commitments, deceive.

"to overfeed" (to overdo it). "Feed" how to help, share, give, take care. "Feed" nourish, nourish hope, ideals, relationships.

Dream Interpretation - Chief, Amir

indicates in a dream the boss of the one who saw him in a dream at his work or in another place. And he also points to the marriage of a bachelor, so that then he becomes an amir in his house, i.e. the head. Whoever sees what he commands in a dream, for that person there is a fear that he will be shackled and imprisoned, because according to the hadiths on the Day of Judgment, each ruler will appear before the Almighty with his hands tied to his neck and nothing will untie them except for the justice that he established in life.

Seeing a former lover in a dream

Anchor points:

Work and former boss

See the former boss- you are too worried about changes in the work process or personal life. Rather, you miss your old boss in your new position - he was close to you, you could always ask him for advice and help in any situation, and at the moment you don’t have such a person whose help in the workflow could be count. You must learn to listen to yourself to act as your own knowledge dictates, become your own authority and don't look for that quality in other people. The office in which you worked - everything will turn out well in the new place.

Former employees and colleagues

Dreamed of former employees, colleagues- such a dream portends success in a new business. But in order to be able to defeat rivals and come out ahead, you will need to use the skills gained at the previous job. You have something that your opponents do not have and must use it to your advantage. If at this point in time you prove yourself to be an excellent employee, thereby establishing yourself in a new place, serious material benefits await you.

The woman had a dream

Woman - to increase. But in order to achieve it, you will have to show all your knowledge and skills. You will need to remember everything that you were taught, and if you successfully complete the task prepared for you, you will get the job that you have long dreamed of, respectively, and your salary level will increase significantly.

Sleep for a man

Man - this dream is a warning: don't waste your energy on useless activities. You want to get back something that is currently gone from you, it can be either your beloved or something that is of great importance to you, or your former job. All your attempts to act will be fruitless, you will not be able to turn back the clock. Live in the present and try to achieve something new that will be just as meaningful to you.

Why dream of a former job? Dream Interpretations call it a symbol of regret for time that cannot be returned. Expect change, but beware of fraud. There are also positive meanings of such a vision in a dream: personal growth, salary increase, success with colleagues - it all depends on the details.

Longing for the past, stress

Why dream of seeing your former boss? Perhaps now the dreamer lacks the opportunity to ask him for advice, help. He was close in spirit, and now there is no such person near the sleeping one.

Did you discuss work issues with your previous boss in a dream? The dream interpretation warns: a stressful situation will arise in reality, and possibly several.

Whom did you see?

Remember who dreamed:

  • employees - risky transactions should be avoided, as you can lose money;
  • boss - the sleeper is unnecessarily worried about changes in his personal life, at work;
  • director - personal growth, a surge of energy, but one should not forget about self-criticism;
  • a man - a dreamer portends an office romance, a man - problems;
  • a woman - a man promises interest in a girl, and a woman - complications.

Also, seeing employees in a dream means that professional skills acquired earlier will help you succeed in a new field. We need to actively use this, to prove ourselves as an excellent worker.

A dreaming woman portends difficulties with new colleagues or superiors.

Meaning according to Miller's dream book

To receive a reprimand in a dream from the director of a former job or to swear with him promises new discoveries, excellent successes, harmony, joy.

Regrets for the past

Why dream of returning to a former job? The dream interpretation claims: something does not suit a person in his current place, and he considers the old to be the best. Also, the dream of such a return indicates: you should not waste time and effort on the unrealizable, because you cannot enter the same river twice.

Did you dream about the place of the former work, the building where it was located? Ahead of change. Is the building destroyed? Business problems are possible.

To see colleagues with whom you worked in the old place - you miss them, because you have not yet become close to the new ones. Also, a dream about colleagues, according to the dream book, warns of a dangerous situation when you can lose valuable things or reputation. It is necessary to be afraid of fraud, betrayal, theft.

Shift the focus to relationships

To see colleagues in an old job in a dream means: it is important for you to find out the opinion of a person who has known you for a long time on some issue, to get advice from him. You may meet an old friend.

Why dream of a friend, relative, acquaintance as an employer of a former job? The dream interpretation emphasizes: it is difficult for the sleeper to establish relations with him.

If the employer plays the role of a spouse, friend, relative in a dream, it means that professional, career interests take too much place, crowding out his friends and family from a person’s life.

Positive interpretations

Did you dream that you were being called to a former job? The interpretation of the dream is as follows: you will be well received if you decide to return, although the dream may not come true exactly.

Why dream of getting settled there and performing, as usual, your duties? The dream interpretation promises an increase in income, an unexpected bonus. The vision also promises well-deserved success in the team.

If the enterprise that you left flourishes in a dream, the fulfillment of desires is ahead.

Had a feast at a former job? Dream Interpretation portends a salary increase or management approval. When you and your colleagues rested in a restaurant, a difficult, but interesting task lies ahead.

Former job, the director came to the heating boiler store and there was a pool of blood near it, a girl with long blond hair was standing.

I dreamed that the former employer was showing a small puppy and a kitten.

Dream Interpretation former work, what is the dream of the former work in a dream

Why dream of a former job

Through this page you will learn why dream of a former job in a dream according to the dream book.

Often, the past place of work appears in a dream to those people who feel very tired or dissatisfied with their work. If you dream of a former job, this may symbolize that the time has come for a change and it is time for you to look for a new job or vice versa to return to your old one.

If you dreamed of former colleagues, this means that you need to be extremely careful and attentive, as scammers and traitors lie in wait for you.

Very often, work in a dream comes to those people who give it too much attention and time, forgetting about the main value of life - the family. Such a dream should push you to the idea that you should leave all work problems in the office and enjoy life at home.

If in a dream you returned to your previous job, then in real life you are clearly not satisfied with your current place of work. Also, this dream portends the appearance of all sorts of problems at work and possible reprimands from superiors for dishonest performance of their duties.

See also other interpretations of sleep about work:

What is the dream of the former work: interpretation from the dream book

Dreams in which a person sees a former job can have different interpretations. An accurate interpretation must be carried out taking into account all the details. A former job may be dreamed of when a person greatly regrets something. The dreaming boss is a sign that the dreamer needs to consult with someone about an important business moment. If a former boss has dreamed, it means that a person spends a lot of time at the workplace to the detriment of his interests. To see the building where the former office is located - to cardinal changes in life. Returning to a former job is a significant increase in wages.

For a correct interpretation of the dream about what the former work is dreaming of, it is necessary to remember who exactly happened to see in a dream:

  • If you had a chance to consult with the former boss about something, then in real life the possibility of a stressful situation is not excluded. If you dreamed about the management of the company, which underestimated the potential of the dreamer, this suggests that soon a person will have to make an important choice, on which the fate of many people depends.
  • To constantly see in a dream the director from his previous job - a new place will bring both moral and material satisfaction to the dreamer. For a woman, such a dream promises an acquaintance with a wealthy man. A quarrel with a former director or a reprimand from him predicts harmonious relations with others or receiving good news. If the director replaced the person with another employee - to big trouble.
  • For a woman, a dream in which a man had a dream portends an office romance, and for a male dreamer, such a vision promises unexpected troubles and problems.
  • If the dreamer dreamed of a woman, this is an unfavorable sign, portending problems in her personal life. For a man, such a dream portends a romantic acquaintance with a good girl. Another interpretation: some colleagues will be jealous of successful career advancement.
  • Employees from a previous job seen in a dream are a good symbol. He prophesies success and prosperity in a new place. This will help the professional skills that the dreamer received earlier.

Getting a job in a previous job is a sign that something does not suit the dreamer at the current place. He believes that the old work was much better. Dream Interpretation advises not to regret what is already impossible to return.

The modern dream book claims: if a building was seen where a person performed his official duties, then a time of cardinal changes awaits him. If the building is destroyed, this is an unfavorable sign. It portends big problems in business. Do not start your own business in the near future. There is a possibility of deception by unfamiliar business partners or betrayal of people whom the dreamer trusts.

Talking with former colleagues is a sign that a person is experiencing psychological discomfort, since he has not yet had time to get close enough to current employees

Another interpretation of such a dream is to beware of scams, deceit or betrayal of a loved one. If communication with employees irritates the dreamer, this is a sign of tension in relations with the second half. Being bored in the company of former colleagues is a new source of income.

Working under the guidance of a friend, acquaintance or relative is a symbol of the need to improve relations with a dreaming person. If there was a spouse or spouse as the boss, then this indicates that work takes too much place in a person’s life. Need to spend more time with family.

If a person was called to work again after he quit many years ago, and they are well received there, then this is a favorable sign. In the event that the dreamer in real life wants to return to his former place of work, great success and prosperity await him. Another interpretation of such a dream: a person is too critical of himself. You need to be able to relax and enjoy life.

Returning to the previous production with the usual performance of one's duties is a good symbol, portending a salary increase, receiving a big bonus, respect among colleagues. If such a dream was dreamed of by a person who has been looking for work for a long time, then soon he can count on a profitable business offer in reality.

If in a dream a person learned the news that his past enterprise is flourishing quite successfully, this is a sign of the imminent fulfillment of a cherished dream.

A feast with former colleagues - to the approval of management or an increase in salary, in a restaurant - to perform a responsible, but interesting task.

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Dream Interpretation former work and bosses

Dream Interpretation former work

Few people can boast that they have worked in one workplace all their lives. Undoubtedly, there are lucky people who find their calling, a friendly team, decent pay and a sober boss. For them, returning to work is like a holiday. These people work all their lives in one place and get a lot of pleasure from their work. But most often, during our working career, we change the field of activity several times.

It is not uncommon in night visions to dream of returning to an old position. Why dream of a former job? Perhaps just inner experiences, or are we facing some kind of omen? The first step is to turn to the dream book.

Dream interpretation

If you dreamed of a former job

Seeing the previous work in a dream, dream books are interpreted differently. Of course, it is worth remembering the details inspired by the dream and choosing the interpretation to your liking.

Women's dream book

I dreamed about the old working atmosphere, which means that there is a chance to achieve success in a new place. It is necessary to direct the working energy in the right direction.

Miller's dream book

To receive a scolding from the management - employees look askance, a conflict is possible. To dream about how hard you work - in the current place you are facing the opportunity to succeed.

Numerological dream book

In the previous place, they diligently performed their duties, fate will bring positive changes in their personal lives. All changes will take place after the eighth.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

The source claims that a dream, with a return to its original place, portends trouble with a loved one. Colleagues obey you - they are waiting for real income.

Velesov dream book

A dream in which former colleagues, the director have a nice conversation is a disease.

I dreamed that the director gives you a scolding - profit.

If in a dream you visited your previous place of work, and there is no one there, you will soon meet influential people who will help you in your career advancement.

Sleep symbols

What was the building

In night dreams we see certain symbols and images. The veil of another world opens before us. Thanks to them, we can get important information. The main thing is to understand it correctly.

Building's facade

Did you have a chance to appear in front of the building of your previous work in a dream? Remember what it was. Half destroyed - you are in front of a black stripe in labor activity. A prosperous company is the fulfillment of desires.

The building in front of you is the same as in reality - changes will soon take place in life.

Working conditions

In fact, the date of dismissal is of great importance. Quit recently? Sleep is nothing but memories of a certain period of your life. Your brain processes lived situations in which your colleagues or director participated. If you have not worked there for several years before going to bed, then the message given to you in a dream will be completely different.

negative memories

What are the relationships with colleagues

Your relationship with former employees will have a great influence on the interpretation of sleep. If you quit because you were given exorbitant tasks, and the working group had more squabbles than work, then a priori a dream cannot bode well. Higher powers in a dream warn you of danger. Do not take any responsible steps related to your work now. Do not enter into transactions - they will be risky, and most likely will not benefit you. Financial losses are possible.

Dream interpretation former boss

What is the dream of the former boss? We must start with the fact that such a dream is a reflection of the dreamer's subconscious problems that cannot be solved for a long time. For this reason, they increasingly appear in a dream.

As the dream book describes, you should try to remember the leader you see, and then resort to decoding.

What do dream books say?

Seeing the former leadership in night dreams

Each dream book contains unique interpretations that are not always applicable to a specific situation, and therefore the dreamer is given a responsible task: to remember the captured images, and then analyze them in detail.

Universal Interpreter

If you dream of a former leader, then in reality you have excessive business activity, which in certain situations can be harmful. Reading a universal dream book, you can see simple recommendations:

  • spend more time on your own rest;
  • meet a lot of interesting people, etc.

The more effort put in, the faster the burnout will come, and therefore it must be constantly monitored.

Seeing a former boss is a turmoil in various aspects of life. If this imbalance is not eliminated, then the difficult situation will only get worse.

If in real life the dreamer needs support, then the image of the boss in a dream reflects the desire to find a spiritual mentor. The interpreter of dreams strongly recommends paying attention to your immediate environment, since there may be a person nearby who, at the first opportunity, will substitute his strong shoulder.

Modern dream book

Dreaming of a friendly exchange of experience

The image of the boss is of great importance for a sleeping person, and therefore it is so important to decide what was heard.

Valuable information

If the former boss shared valuable information and advice in a dream, then in reality the sleeping person is not an authority for himself. This state of affairs cannot be tolerated, since self-doubt will hinder further development. In addition, you cannot become the person that you constantly draw in your imagination. Your changes will have a beneficial effect not only on you, but also on the immediate environment.

Is of no value

If the director's speech seems meaningless, and in reality the sleeping person constantly confronts him, then most likely he will have to conclude a temporary truce with his enemies. A modern dream interpreter writes that enemies will take the initiative, fearing your power, but even then you can’t relax. You must be careful in your decisions.

Loff's work

In a leadership position, a real acquaintance

A dreaming boss can appear in different guises in a dream, and therefore it is so important to analyze each case.

You may dream of a friend in the role of a boss, and this sign will mean excessive pressure on you. Even if you internally agree with his authority, this cannot be shown, as the negative influence will begin to increase.

close relative

What is the dream of the former boss who turned into a sister? In fact, you devote too much time to your work, which ceases to bring money and pleasure. Of course, healthy workaholism has not bothered anyone yet, but it can lead to a deterioration in relations with your family and friends. Your task is to find free time in your busy schedule and spend it with your family.

What could you forget?

As the dream book describes, the former boss is a slightly different image, which is more difficult to interpret.

If you caught your boss at the height of the working day, then you have to seriously work on your mistakes.

According to the Esoteric Dream Book, the above scenario is associated with distrust of other people:

  • If you dreamed of such a picture, then you need to start getting rid of your fears, but in pursuit of the sympathy of some person, you must not forget about your pride.

If you dreamed about the former administrator whom you replaced, then most likely you will have to spend a lot of effort for the good of some business.