Central Africa feature. Abstract Central Africa

Central Africa is called the subregion that occupies the central part of the continent, from the west coast to East African rifts in the east. This African region framed the equator, including not only the equatorial strip, but also a subequatorial.

This terrain is a truly "heart" of the mainland, as very rich, mineral raw materials from here is separated worldwide - copper, iron ores, uranium. Wood is particularly valued, and some countries produce oil.

In this regard, the countries of Central Africa have a striking potential, only he has not yet revealed, which is largely due to history. During the period of colonization, foreign invaders took little about the development of the local economy, so its modern level is most often low. Only locally there are organized and efficient production, which in times it was not.

The entire region takes a quarter of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe continent, however, the population in the countries of Central Africa is only the seventh of the total number of residents of the continent.

Within Central Africa, there are fully or partially following countries:

  • Nigeria;
  • Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire);
  • Cameroon;
  • Central African Republic;
  • Republic of the Congo;
  • Gabon;
  • Equatorial Guinea;
  • Sao Tome and Principe;
  • Angola.

Independent countries of Central Africa steel from 1950 to 1974 from such European colonizers:

  • Belgium;
  • Spain;
  • Portugal;
  • France.

Positive for further development is the location, since many territories have access to the Atlantic Ocean, through which transport routes leading in Africa.

All these states are included in the UN, Gabon is also a member of OPEC.

Nigeriahe is the largest in this, in addition, its population is the largest on the mainland. Residents belong to various tribes:

  • yoruba;
  • haws;
  • fulbe.

There are other ethnic groups, so the distribution between them periodically happens, which caused several military coups for an independent history.

Nevertheless, the development of the economy did not stop, despite the political situation, especially affected this presence of oil fields on the local lands.

Tourism also brings big profits, because in local tropical forests and savannas there are various cultural and historical interesting objects.

Democratic Republic of Congo Also is a major country in Central Africa, which survived many military clashes on political soil. Renew a quiet life here was managed with the help of Europeans who are interested in this state of affairs. But it is connected with the presence of various and numerous natural wealth in Zaire.

Art wound Cameroondiffers on the background of its neighbors stability in the internal order. The political system works clearly, coordinating and the overall development of the territory.

Cameroon, unlike many other African powers, was able to ensure its population of food. This became possible as a result of orientation to the market economy and support for private property. Still local residents are quite poor because of the weakly developed industry.

Chaduntil now is a little developed country, where the standard of living is low, as well as economic. Basically, this is due to permanent military coups due to collisions between tribes.

A great influence on the country has developed powers that provide assistance and protection. Especially favorable investment is the development of the oil found here ten years ago. There are other resources exported abroad.

IN CARthere are rare natural wealth that are valued in the world:

  • diamonds;
  • gold;
  • uranus;
  • oil;
  • the woods.

And yet the population in the country of Central Africa the CAR is quite poor, since the level of the economy remains one of the lowest in the world. Many products are imported, including food.

Republic of Congo It was able to seriously develop the economy, it became possible due to the presence of numerous natural resources, in particular, the export of oil made it possible to achieve a sufficiently high standard of living for local residents.

The modern political system is focused on democraticity, and the economy is actively and use the market model.

The remaining countries are small in size. Gabonit stands out among them, because it has a very high level of GDP, therefore, it is one of the richest states of Africa, besides, the situation in it is very stable.

Equatorial Guinea It is considered the richest on the continent, which happened after the start of the active exploitation of oil and gas fields.

Republic of Sao Tome and Principe He is an island state, the smallest in Africa after the Seychelles. Here they love to come those who are looking for unity with exotic nature, and here you can admire the old buildings of Portuguese colonialists.

Population in Central Africa

Residents of Central Africa are diverse, besides, their placement is heterogeneous in various countries. Main this:

  • yoruba;
  • bantu;
  • athara;
  • haws;
  • oromo.

Basically, a Negroid Race prevails, whose representatives have similar features of appearance (dark skin, eyes and hair, strongly curly, wide lips and nose, and so on).

However, some nations in the northern borders of the region have European features:

  • canoruri;
  • tuba.

There are in the forests near the equator and a special race - Negrilskaya, which includes pigments that have low growth and brighter skin with a yellowish-red tint.

Among the population in the countries of Central Africa southern regions is found and referring to the Koisan race.

As a result of the colonial period in the subregion, it is possible to meet Europeans, there are also a lot of metots formed after the merger of various races and peoples.

Africa is part of the light, which has the area with Islands 30.3 million km 2, is second place after Eurasia, 6% of the entire surface of our planet and 20% sushi.

Geographical position

Located Africa in the northern and eastern hemisphere (most), a small part in southern and western. Like all major fragments of the ancient mainland Gondwan, has massive outlines, large peninsula and deep bays are absent. The length of the continent from the north to the south is 8 thousand km, from the west to the east - 7.5 thousand km. In the north is washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, in the northeast of the Red Sea in the south-east of the Indian Ocean, in the West - the Atlantic Ocean. Africa from Asia separates the Suez Canal, from Europe - Gibraltar Strait.

Main geographical characteristics

Africa lies on an ancient platform, which causes its flat surface, which cuts into the deep valleys of rivers. On the coast of the mainland, small lowlands are located, the North-West - the location of the Atlas Mountains, the northern part, almost completely occupied by the desert sugar, - Nagrai Ahaggar and Tibetse, East - Ethiopian Highlands, Southeast - East African Plateau, Last South - Caps and Draconia Mountains The highest point of Africa is Kilimanjaro volcano (5895 m, Masai's plateore), the lowest - 157 meters below the ocean level in Lake Assal. Along the Red Sea, on the territory of Ethiopian Highlands and to the mouth of the River Zambezi, the largest rode in the world of the earth's crust, which is characterized by frequent seismic activity.

Rivers flow around Africa: Congo (Central Africa), Niger (West Africa), Limpopo, Orange, Zambezi (South Africa), as well as one of the most free and extended rivers in the world - Nile (6852 km), current from the south North (its origins are on the East African Plateau, and she flows, forming a delta, in the Mediterranean Sea). The rivers are distinguished by multi-way in the equatorial belt, thanks to the falling out of a large amount of precipitation there, most of them differ in high flow rate, have many thresholds and waterfalls. In lithospheric faults filled with water, lakes were formed - Nyasa, Tanganyik, the largest freshwater lake of Africa and the second in the area after the Lake Upper (North America) - Victoria (its area 68.8 thousand km 2, length 337 km, Max depth - 83 m), the largest salted faceless lake - Chad (its area of \u200b\u200b1.35 thousand km 2, is located on the southern outskirts of the greatest desert peace of Sahara).

Due to the arrangement of Africa between two tropical belts, it is characterized by high total indicators of solar radiation, which gives the right to call Africa the hottest continent of the Earth (the highest temperature on our planet was registered in 1922 in El Azizia (Libya) - +58 C 0 in the shadow).

On the territory of Africa, such natural zones are distinguished as evergative equatorial forests (the coast of the Gulf of Guinean, Wpadina Congo), in the north and south passing into mixed leaf full-time-evergreen forests, then there is a natural zone of Savannan and a parel, spreading to Sudan, Eastern and South Africa, Sevra and South Africa Savannah are replaced by semi-deserts and deserts (sugar, Kalahari. Namib). In the southeastern part of Africa there is a small zone of mixed coniferous-deciduous forests, on the slopes of the Atlas Mountains - the zone of severe evergreen forests and shrubs. Natural zones of mountains and flatbed are susceptible to the laws of high resistance.

African countries

The territory of Africa is divided between 62 countries, 54 - independent, sovereign states, 10 dependent territories related to Spain, Portugal, Great Britain and France, the rest are unrecognized, self-proclaimed states - Galmudug, Puntland, Somaliland, Sahakkaya Arab Democratic Republic (SADR). For a long time, Asia countries were foreign colonies of various European states and only by the middle of the last century were independence. Depending on the geographical position, Africa is divided into such five regions as Northern, Central, Western, East and South Africa.

List of African countries


Mountains and Plains of Africa

Most of the African continent is a plain. There are mountain systems, highlands and a plateau. They are presented:

  • Atlas mountains in the north-western part of the continent;
  • highlands Tibest and Ahaggar in the Sahara desert;
  • Ethiopian highlands in the eastern part of the mainland;
  • Dragon Mountains in South.

The highest point of the country is the Kilimanjaro volcano, 5,895 m height, relating to East African plateau in the southeastern part of the mainland ...

Desert and savanna

The largest deserted zone of the African continent is in the northern part. This is a sugar desert. In the south-western side of the continent there is another desert of a smaller area, Namib, and the Kalahari desert is available on the East of the continent.

The Savannah territory occupies the bulk of Central Africa. On the area it is much more than the northern and southern part of the mainland. The territory is characterized by the presence of pastures characteristic of savannah, low shrubs and trees. The height of herbal vegetation varies, depending on the number of drop-down precipitation. It can be practically desert savannahs or high-colored, with herbal cover from 1 to 5 m in height ...


On the territory of the African continent there is the most extended river of the world - Nile. Direction of its current from the south to the north.

In the list of large water systems, the mainland, Limpopo, Zambezi and an orange river, as well as the Congo, flowing through the territory of Central Africa.

On the Zambezi River there is a famous Victoria Waterfall, 120 m high and 1,800 meters wide ...


In the list of large lakes of the African continent there is a lake Victoria, which is the second in the world in the area of \u200b\u200bfreshwater reservoir. Its depth reaches 80 m, and the area is 68,000 km square. Two more large lakes of the continent: Tanganyika and Nyasa. They are located in the faults of lithospheric plates.

There is a lake of Lake Chad on the territory of Africa, which is one of the world's largest interconnect relic lakes, not having connections with the world ocean ...

Seas and oceans

The African continent is washed by the waters of two oceans at once: Indian and Atlantic. Also, his shores are the Red and Mediterranean Sea. From the side of the Atlantic Ocean in the southwestern part of the water form a deep Guinea Bay.

Despite the location of the African continent, coastal waters are cool. Influence this cold flow of the Atlantic Ocean: Canary in the north and Bengal in the south-west. From the side of the Indian ocean the flow is warm. The largest is Mozambique, in the northern waters, and needle - in the southern ...

Forest Africa

Forest arrays from the entire territory of the African continent make up a little more than a quarter. Here are subtropical forests growing on the slopes of the Atlas Mountains and the Valley Valleys. Here you can meet a stone oak, pistachio, strawberry tree, etc. Highly in the mountains grow coniferous plants, represented by Alepopian pine, atlask cedar, juniper and other types of trees.

Closer to the coast there are forests from cork oak, in a tropical area evergreen equatorial plants are common, for example, a red tree, sandalwood, ebony, etc.

Nature, Plants and Animals Africa

The vegetation of equatorial forests is distinguished by variety, about 1000 species of various types of trees grow here: ficuses, saba, wine tree, oil palm tree, wine palm, banana palm trees, tree fern, sandalwood, red wood, rubberous trees, Liberian coffee tree, etc. . Many species of animals, rodents, birds and insects living right on the trees live here. On Earth lives: cystheuhi pigs, leopards, African deer - relatives Girafa Ogapi, major man-like monkeys - Gorillas ...

40% of the territory of Africa is occupied by savannahs, which are huge steppe spaces covered with disintegration, low, spiny shrubs, rustic, and separately standing trees (tree acacias, baobabs).

It has the most huge cluster of such large animals as: rhino, giraffe, elephant, hippopotamus, zebra, buffalo, hyena, lion, leopard, cheetah, jackal, crocodile, hyena dog. The most numerous animals are savannahs are such herbivores like: Bubal (Antelope family), Giraffe, Impala, or Corropean Antilope, various types of gazelles (Thomson, Grant), Blue GNU, Somewhere else there are rare jumpers - Springboki.

The vegetation of deserts and semi-desert is distinguished by poverty and unpretentiousness, these are small spiky shrubs, separately growing herbs beams. In oases, the unique palm palm trees Erg-Shebbi, as well as plants resistant to the conditions of drought and salting formation conditions. In the desert, Namib grows unique plants of Velvichia and Nara, the fruits of which dickelings, elephants and other wilderness animals feed.

From animals there are various types of antelope and gazelles adapted to hot climate and capable of searching for food to overcome huge distances, many types of rodents, snakes, turtles. Lizards. Among mammals: Spotted hyena, ordinary jacal, grivy ram, capsky hare, Ethiopian hedgehog, Gazelle-Dorcas, Saberloogaya antilope, Babian Anubis, Wild Nubian Donkey, Cheetah, Jackal, Fox, Mouflon, there are constantly living and migratory birds.

Climatic conditions

Seasons, weather and climate of Africa

The central part of Africa, through which the equator line passes, is located in the low pressure area and receives sufficient moisturizing, territory north and south of the equator are located in a sub-screen climatic belt, this is a zone of seasonal (monsoon) moisturizing and arid desert climate. The extreme north and south are in the subtropical climatic belt, the south receives precipitation, brought by the air masses from the Indian Ocean, is the desert of Calahari, the north is the minimum amount of precipitation, due to the formation of the field of high pressure and the peculiarities of the movement of the traffic cops, the largest desert of the world - sugar, where the number precipitation is minimal, in some areas it does not fall out at all ...


Natural resources of Africa

By the reserves of water resources, Africa is considered one of the least secured continents of the world. The average annual volume of water is enough only to meet the priority needs, but this concerns not all regions.

Land resources are represented by significant territories with fertile land. You are treated with only 20% of all possible land. The reason for this is the absence of due water, soil erosion, etc.

Africa forests are the source of wood, including the breeds of valuable varieties. Countries, in the territory of which they grow, the raw materials goes on export. Resources are used unwise and ecosystems gradually destroyed.

In the depths of Africa there are mineral deposits. Among the export departed: gold, diamonds, uranium, phosphorus, manganese ores. There are significant reserves of oil and natural gas.

Energy-intensive resources are widely represented on the continent, but they are not used, due to the lack of proper investments ...

Among the developed industrial areas of the countries of the African continent can be noted:

  • mining industry, departing mineral raw materials and fuel for export;
  • the oil refining industry, common in the territory of South Africa and North Africa;
  • chemical industry specializing in the production of mineral fertilizers;
  • as well as the metallurgical and engineering industry.

The main products of agriculture are cocoa beans, coffee, corn, rice and wheat. In the tropical regions of Africa is grown by oil palm tree.

Fisheries developed slightly and constitute only 1-2% of the total volume of agriculture. Livestocking indicators are also not high and the reason for the infection of livestock Tsetz ...


Peoples of Africa: Culture and Traditions

About 8,000 nations and ethnic groups live in 62 African countries, which is in general about 1.1 billion people. Africa is considered a cradle and pranodina of human civilization, it was here that the remains of ancient primates (hominids) were found, which according to scientists are considered to be ancestors of people.

Most of the peoples in Africa can have both several thousand people, and a few hundred living in one or two villages. 90% of the population are representatives of 120 peoples, their number of more than 1 million people, 2/3 of them - peoples with more than 5 million people, 1/3 - nations with more than 10 million people (this is 50% of the total population of Africa) - Arabs , House, Fulbe, Yoruba, Igbo, Amhara, Oromo, Rwanda, Malagasy, Zulusi ...

Two historical and ethnographic provinces are distinguished: the North African (the predominance of the Indo-European race) and the tropical African (most population are a Negroid Race), it is divided into such areas as:

  • West Africa. Peoples speaking Mande languages \u200b\u200b(Susu, Maninka, Mende, Vai), Chadsky (Haus), Nilo-Sakhai (Songai, Canoruri, Tuba, Zagava, Mava, etc.), Nigero-Congolese languages \u200b\u200b(Yoruba, igboo, Bini, NUPU, GBARY, IHAL AND IDOMA, IBIBIO, EFIC, CAMBARI, BIR AND JUKUN, etc.);
  • Equatorial Africa. Inhabited by buano-tasked nations: Douala, Fong, Bubi (Fern Dernants), MPonongwe, Teca, Mboši, Ngala, Como, Mongo, Tetla, Cuba, Congo, Ambund, Ovimbundum, Chokwe, Luen, Tonga, Pigmey, etc.;
  • South Africa. Buntery peoples, and speakers in Koysansky languages: Bushmen and Gottentotes;
  • East Africa. Groups of nations bowls, nilots and sudanents;
  • Northeast Africa. Peoples speaking Ether (Amhara, Tiger, Tiger.), Kushytsky (Oromo, Somalis, Sidamo, Agau, Afar, Konso, etc.) and Omotian languages \u200b\u200b(Otter, Himirra et al.);
  • Madagascar. Malagasy and Creoles.

In the North African province, the main peoples are the Arabs and Berbers belonging to the South-European Small Rasse, which are mainly confessing the Islam of the Sunni sense. There is also an ethno-religious group of Copts, which are direct descendants of the ancient Egyptians, they are Christian monophysites.

The geographic area extending in the western part of Africa in the Equatorial and subequatorial strip includes a huge depression of the Congo, in the West adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean and the Guinean Bay, in the north includes the Azand's plateau, in the south - the Lund Plateau and the Lund's Plateau and the Angolan Plateau.

In almost all countries of Central Africa, the state language is French. Not surprising, because they were under French dominion for a long time. In addition, in the course and languages \u200b\u200bof the most common nations, such as: Bantu, Fang, Tek, Congo, House and Masa. The economy keeps not only on the rich depths of these lands and agriculture, but also on the export of wood.

Thousands and thousands of animal species live in Central Africa. Reptiles, mammals, birds. National Parks: Virung, Manza, Garamba, Procurement and Manza - are considered one of the best nature reserves in the wealth of Flora and Fauna.

It is characterized by a hot, wet climate, and this region is called the country's country. The largest river of the Region is Congo. The weather has its own characteristics, there are two main cycles: the so-called drought season and the rains season, which replace each other, once a few months. Moreover, if you follow from the north to south, climatic conditions change markedly.

Ethnic population

The ethnic composition of the modern population of Africa is of great complexity. Continent inhabited several hundred and small ethnic groups, 107 of which are more than 1 million people each, and 24 exceed 5 million people. The largest of them are: Egyptian, Algerian, Moroccan, Sudanese Arabs, Haus, Yoruba, Fulbe, igbo, Amhara.

Placing the population

The average population density of the continent is small - about 30 people / km / sq. Not only natural conditions are affected by the population, but also historical factors, primarily the consequences of slave trade and colonial domination.


Wpadina Congo has a flat, wetland at an altitude of 300-500 m. The highest mountains - Adamaua in Cameroon (up to 3008 m) and volcanic mums of Cameroon (up to 4070 m). However, mainly for Central Africa is characterized by a calm relief, without any special oscillations.

Enexvatorial Africa, justice Congo, is distinguished by the thick network of full-flow rivers in Africa, the largest of them - the Congo River (Zaire). In the Guinean bay, the rivers of the Oche, Kwanza, and others are huge spaces are engaged in swamps.

In the equatorial climate belt, thick multi-tiered wet tropical forests. In the subequatorial belt - gallery forests, savannahs of different types are planned on waterproof spaces. In the mouth of the rivers flowing into the Guinean bay, mangrove thickets.

The composition of the region. Economy - geographical position.
By area, which covers almost 1/4 of the mainland territory, the region is inferior only to North Africa. However, only 1/7 of its population live here. The region includes 9 states. Central Africa, taking a central situation on the mainland, borders with all other African regions: North, Western, East and South Africa.
The countries of the region were freed from colonial dependence in 1950-1974. The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) was the ownership of Belgium, Equatorial Guinea - Spain, Sao Tome and Principe - Portugal, other countries - the colonies of France, almost everyone belonged to the former French Equatorial Africa.
Most Central African countries are located on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean or have access to it, which assists their economic development. The peculiarity of the region is to accommodate in its south-east of the industrial area " Copper belt", Which in its economic value much exceeds the seaside strip. The avgar and the Central African Republic (the CAR) of the Ocean have no, which is one of the most important reasons for their economic backwardness.
Transit transportation of intramatic countries through coastal states significantly affect the formation of the economic community of states of the region.
All countries of the region are included in the UN, and Gabon is a member of OPEC.
Natural conditions. Central Africa occupies the western part of the continent in equatorial and subequatorial latitudes, covers a large flat depression of the Congo, which in the West is adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean and the Guinean Bay (the length of the coastal strip is 3099 km), in the north -s of the Azant's plateau, in the West - to the North Community In the south - to the Luanda Plateau, in the east region is limited by the branch of the Western East African Plateau.
The relief is highlighted for the most part of the plain territory. Wpadina Congo has a flat, strongly wetched bottom at the heights of 300-500 m, the height of the elevations, which limit it, reaches 500-1000 m in the north and west, 1500-1700 m and more on the rest of the territory. Only a mountain range Cameroon reaches a height of 4070 m. The region's relief does not have sudden drops of heights. Flat acmulative and layered plains are available in the Congo Congo and in the seaside strip. Weathered intersections with island mountains prevail in places of release of crystalline rocks, cutlery and table-speed fees - in the rocks of the sedimentary cover.
The natural contrasts of the region briefly affect climate. On both sides of the equator, the equatorial climate with constant wet air and autumn and spring maxima, which falls to 2000 mm per year, the average temperatures reach +23 ... + 28 ° C. In the north and south of the equator, there is a sub-screen climate zone with Rainy summer and dry in winter, the amount of precipitation decreases to 1000 mm, in the rain period the temperature decreases to + 15 ° C. The least precipitation (200 mm) - on the Atlantic coast.
The environmental areas and especially Congo Congo have the largest network of full-flow rivers in Africa, the largest of which is Congo (Zaire). The rivers are spinning, have a significant hydropower potential. Considerable spaces are engaged in swamps. Large lakes - Ugar, May-Nomber and Tumba.
Natural resources. The depths of the region are not sufficiently studied. The most developed minerals of the southeast and east of the DRC are most developed, the intelligence and development of the subsoil of Gabon, Cameroon, Angola, Congo are actively carried out. In the late 70s of the XX century. Outdoor fields of oil and gas are open almost throughout the offplant area of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic coast.
In the region there is a well-known "copper belt" (DRC), in which cobalt, lead, zinc, also have industrial importance, in addition to copper. In Gabon, manganese reserves are unique on the mainland. Rich in oil subsoil Angola and Gabon. DRC has huge diamond reserves and is one of their main exporters in the world. Central Africa contains significant deposits of rare earth and precious metals (gold, platinum, paladia), ores, aluminum and iron.
Resources for agriculture. The southern part of the CAR, almost all Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, the large spaces of the DRC and part of Angola are occupied by the massives of wet equatorial and interchangeable-wet forests. Intensive agriculture, but very large forests and water resources are complicated. The remaining territories are predominated by Savan. The entire electronic part of the region is the area of \u200b\u200bdistribution of the Tsetse Fly, which causes great damage to animal husbandry.
Hydropower resources. Having the most density and multi-water river network on the continent, Central Africa owns colossal hydropoweroresurs, the total potential of which is up to 500 million kW (to complete the use of river flow). Only in the lower current r. Congo (the first among rivers in the reserves of hydroenenergoresurs) can be built with a cascade of power plants with a capacity of 25-30 million kW.
The use of the natural resource potential of the region is associated with some problems, especially in agriculture (the need for irrigation in arid areas and the implementation of reclamation activities in areas with excessive humidification that require significant funds). There is also a significant threat to the rapid degradation of natural landscapes due to the use of obsolete management methods, for example, the destruction of the Equatorial forest arrays due to the cutting-towing agriculture method.
In the equatorial belt, multi-tiered wet equatorial forests (hyilets) are growing with a variety of trees and tree fern, mostly secondary. The average forestry of the region is 47%, the maximum - in Gabon (71%), Equatorial Guinea (65%), San Tome and Principe (61%), minimal - in Chad (9%).
Population size. By the number of people of the country, Central Africa is very different. The most populated belongs to DRC, where the number of people is 10 times higher than in the CAR, 12 times - Congo.
Demographic features. In the region, as in all Africa, a high annual natural population increase - an average of 2.9%. The average lifespan is lower than a community indicator. High child mortality, especially in arid areas in the north, in the area of \u200b\u200bequatorial forests. Despite this, the countries of the region are experiencing a "demographic explosion". The number of children under 15 years of age (43%) and small persons of old age (4%) are quite large. The number of men and women in the region is approximately the same (respectively, 49.5 and 50.5%)
Racial composition. Most of the population of the region belongs to the Negroid race. Separate peoples (tub, canoruri) of the northern regions are noticeable to the features of the Europeanoids.
In the equatorial forests of many countries, representatives of the so-called Negril Little Race - Pygmy, whose growth is 141-142 cm. They have a bright skin with a yellowish or reddish tinge, narrow lips, in men - a thick beard. In the south of the region, representatives of the Koisan race - Bushmen (curly hair, a wide nose with low nose, yellowish skin, very thin lips, often missing ear, average height - up to 150 cm).
Several centuries live in Central Africa, representatives of the European Race (most of them in Angola), a lot here and "color", and a tall population.
Ethnic composition. The population of ethnic composition is diverse. Negroid peoples prevail who talk in the bands and belong to the Nigero Cordafan Language Family (DRC, Congo, Angola, Cameroon). The periphery increases the number of peoples of neighboring regions - House and Fulbe in the West (Cameroon), a tuba in the north (avgar). In Cameroon, Congo and DRC lives several tens of thousands of pygmen, some of whom talking in tongues of a bow, and some are the languages \u200b\u200bof the Nilo-Sahara family. In all countries of the region, the states are the languages \u200b\u200bof the former metropolis: French, Portuguese, Spanish.
Religious composition. Most of the nations retains local traditional beliefs; Vera spread in the spirit of nature, the cult of ancestors, fetishism, magic and witchcraft. Representatives of local traditional cults live in all countries, most of all - in the CAR (up to 50%).
Islam is confessed in the north, the extreme east, southeast. Only in Chad, Muslims are almost 60% of the population, Cameroon - over 35%. Christianity is common. In many countries, Catholics constitute the predominant majority of the population (in Equatorial Guinea - 90%, in Gabon and Congo - 80%, Cameroon and Angola - 55%).
Placing the population. The region is unevenly inhabited. Few northern and southern areas that border the deserts, and especially the center of the region covered by the Equatorial forest. In the depth of the arrays of equatorial forests, the average population density is 2-3 people / km2, in the industrial south-east of DRC - 160 people / km2.
The level of urbanization is low. On average, urban residents make up 38%, the least of them in Chad - 21%. In individual ranges there is a significant concentration of large and small cities, for example, in the "copper belt" in the DRC. Almost everywhere, except for the DRC, the urban population is concentrated in one-piece of cities, including in the capital. Most cities arose relatively recently. Millionaire cities are Kinshasa (4.2 million people), Luanda (2.1 million), Douala (1.3 million), Yaounde (1.1 million), Brazzaville (1 million).
Labor resources. The population is mainly occupied in agriculture - over 80% (more than on average in Africa). High is the migration of young men in the area of \u200b\u200bintensive development of the mining industry.
The socio-economic and cultural level of the population of Central Africa is very low. Most rural residents live in a patriarchal-communal device, are engaged in heavy manual work, do not have elementary living conditions.
Features of economic development and general characteristics of the chazyness
The countries of the region differ significantly in terms of economic development. The main source of existence for 80% of the population is agriculture and cattle breeding. The remoteness of large internal areas from the ocean, the main transport highways is the cause of their economic isolation, complicates trade relations and attracting the system of territorial division of labor.
The collapse of the colonial system was accompanied by the formation in most countries of the large-scale public sector of the economy. Numerous industrial enterprises, transport, communications, banking, land and its resources were nationalized in Angola. The state controls finance, credit system, insurance, external trade. In the DRC, the state owns mineral, forestry and land resources, the leading industrial enterprises, banks, insurance facilities are nationalized here. Cameroon, the state sector occupies the main position in the spheres of transport (in railway transport the state is 100% of companies' capital, in the air - 70, sea - 66, urban transport - 65%), communications, energy management and water supply; Increased his position in agriculture. River transport and production of electricity are nationalized in the CAR. The economic policy of Chad and other countries is aimed at encouraging private entrepreneurship, attracting foreign capital. Private foreign capital is concentrated mainly in the mining and manufacturing industry, the production of consumer goods.
One of the largest volumes of the general level of GNP in the region - in Gabon (over $ 7.7 billion in 2000), per capita accounts for almost $ 6,000 (the highest figure in the region). The basis of the country's economy is the producing industry (oil and mining). Up to 70% of gross domestic investments comes from abroad. Foreign capital of most companies - French, American, South African.
The countries of the region are represented by the areas of the extractive industry (oil, mining - copper, manganese, rare earth metals, diamond-producing). From agricultural areas oriented on export, are: the cultivation of oil palm, cotton, cocoa, bananas, sisal, coffee, rubber. The workpiece and export of the tropical tree are developed everywhere.
The natural resource potential and the features of the agriculture of the region led the prevailing development of the mining, food and forest processing regions. Many industrial enterprises in the region were created in the colonial period and need indigenous modernization.
Mining areas. The leading place in industry belongs to the mining areas and partial processing of different types of natural raw materials. Oil production in the region reaches 58 million tons (Gabon, Angola, Cameroon), all it is exported. Oil refinery operate in Gabon, DRC and Angola.
Gabon is one of the main suppliers of Ore Manganese, Uranus, Iron Ore. Congo delivers potash salt to the world market, the ore of colored and rarest metals, the CAR - Uranus, the DRC is one of the largest (3rd place) suppliers of technical diamonds (13.5 million carats) and cobalt (70% of world production), Gold, kianite, limestone, marble in Cameroon.
Energy. The basis of the region's electric power industry is hydropower. The largest of them were built in DRC, Angola, Cameroon, etc. In the DRC, the construction of one of the largest hydroelectric power plants "Inga" is carried out. The most significant TPPs work near large cities. In Africa, the only geothermal power plant is built in Shabi (DRC). Widely used (mainly on river and rail transport, some industrial enterprises) wood fuel. Every year, the countries of the region produce 17,661 million kW / h of electricity. Over 2/3 of it consumes the mining industry.
Metallurgy. The presence of a powerful mineral resource base led to the development of a full metallurgical cycle in the region, primarily in non-ferrous metallurgy. In Angola, DRC and Cameroon are not only mining enterprises, but also plants for the smelting of high-quality metals.
Mechanical engineering. Machine-building enterprises are represented by small plants for the assembly of bicycles, motorcycles and cars in DRC, radio equipment and electrical appliances, agricultural equipment in Cameroon. Small shipbuilding and ship repair shipyards are available in Angola and DRC.
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Africa TUR → Reference materials → Western and Central Africa → Central Africa. Nature

Central Africa. Nature

The countries of Central Africa occupy an extensive part of the African mainland about the northern tropical and 13 °. sh. Excluding deserts and semi-deserts in the Republic of Chad in the north and southern semi-desert districts of Angola, this territory approximately coincides with the natural area of \u200b\u200bcentral, or equatorial, Africa. Within the economic region of Central Africa, all the zonal differences of the African nature can be traced - from the tropical deserts of the northern hemisphere to the semi-desert south of Africa.

Although the entire territory under consideration refers to the ancient African platform, the geological structure and relief of its rather heterogeneous. Multi-age sediment deposits on the Precambrian basement or the outputs of this crystalline foundation on the surface are dominated. However, in many places, especially in the north, west and east of the region, Paleozoic and younger sediments of the platform repeatedly for the long geological history of Africa broke through the magmatic rocks. The tectonic motions of the mesocynezooma and deep faults, which manifested most brightly in East Africa, touched upon some parts of the platform and in Central Africa. According to her, there were, for example, large outpouring basalts. To date, there are several volcanoes: Tuuside (3265 m) in the north of the Republic of Chad in high Highland Tibsty, Cameroon (4070 m) off the coast of the Guinean Bay, in the United Republic of Cameroon, volcanoes at the Extreme East of Zaire, i.e. on the border of the Great Zone African fault (rift), where and today there are significant eruptions and even the formation of new volcanic cones.

The tectonic structure of this part of Africa mainly predetermines the main features of the relief. In the north of the region there is a wpadina (syncline) of Chad, in the south - Wpadina Congo. They are separated by a powerful protrusion of the crystal foundation - the Central African shield stretching from the Gulf of Guinea to the rift zone in the east. Huge ancient depressions are surrounded by hills, platea and plateau. In the north of the catch of Chad, this has already mentioned Highlands Tibesty, on the East plateau with the average heights of 600-1000 m (the highest point of 1310 m per plateau of Ennedi). The lowest part of this bleeding buzz (155 m), somewhat higher (281 m) lies in Vpadina Oz. Chad.

More elevated multi-stage framing of Congo's depressions. The central part of this syneclide is flat, strongly wetched plain with a height of 300-500 m above the UR. seas. The entire northern edge of the depression is the main watershed between the pool r. Congo and basins r. Neil and Oz. Chad. The average height of the watershed is 800-1000 m. The same average heights and the western edge of the Congo depression separating it from the narrow coastal lowland of the Atlantic coast. Only the Mountain of Adamava in Cameroon ride up to 2710 m, and the volcanic array of Cameroon is elevated near them. In the south of the Congo Congo, the boundary plateau is higher (average heights of 1500-1700 m). They form a watershed between the Congo and Zambezi rivers pools. The Eastern Border of the Congo and the entire region coincides with the western branch of the Great African Rift-Central African Graben, in which Lake Tanganyika, Kivu and others are located. Along this fault, there are chains of volcanic mountains and individual volcanoes.

Central African subsoil is rich in valuable and diverse minerals. However, the study of the regional depths of the region is uneven: the least studied the northern and western part of it, the most well-south (Zaire, Gabon, Cameroon), although there are still great opportunities for new reserves. The countries of the region occupy a leading place in the capitalist world for mining cobalt, technical diamonds, copper, tin, manganese. Here are large deposits of rare earth and precious metals (gold, platinum, palladium), uranium ores, etc. The reserves of aluminum and iron ores are practically not limited. Coastal and shelf oil fields are beginning to be mastered, promising searches for oil in continental districts are being mastered.

The natural contrasts of the region are most brightly manifested in the climate. The northern part of the region relates to deserts and before the deserts of a tropical belt (the climatic features of which mainly correspond to the characteristics given in the nature review of West Africa). The central part of the region, lying to the north and south of the equator, in climatic attitude, is most of the equator to the north and south of the equator. This is an equatorial climate zone. Throughout the year, wet and hot equatorial air prevails here. In the central part of the Congo, the south of the equator, the average temperatures of the hottest month (March or April) 25-28 °, the "cool" (August) 23-25 \u200b\u200b° itself. The rains fall out for a year quite evenly, and everywhere in the equatorial zone, average annual precipitation is about 2000 mm or more. The most moisturized area, however, is located north of the equator and is located on the slopes of the Cameroon massif addressed to the ocean, where up to 10 LLC MM precipitation falls.

To the north and south of the equatorial zone there are zones of a subeupvatorial climate or equatorial monsoons. All of them are characterized by two seasons - rainy and dry, which is caused by a periodic change of air masses penetrating here. The rainy season ("summer") is associated with the invasion of wet air of the Equatorial Monsoon. The dry season ("Winter") comes as a gradual displacement of monsoon air is hot and dry air of the Southeast Passat. The farther from the equator, the stronger and the effect of the trade wind appears longer, and the dry season increases from 2-3 to 5-7 months a year. The average annual precipitation in the same direction decreases, respectively, from 1500 to 600 mm.

Annual temperature contrasts are more noticeable in the sub-screen zones, especially in elevated areas; On a dry season, the average monthly temperatures reach 25 ° (March), and in the rainy season - a million 15-17 ° (July or August). In the lowlands and in the subequatorial zone of temperature contrasts during the year is almost no observed.

Establing atmospheric precipitates, the anti-authority part of Central Africa, and especially in the Congo "Heart of Africa", has a very thick network of full-flow rivers. The largest river, carrying water in the Atlantic Ocean, - Congo (Zair) has a length of 4320 km, and its area of \u200b\u200bits catchment pool is over 3.7 million square meters. km. The river drains most of the territory of Central Africa. The largest tributaries on the right - Ubanga, to the left - Kasia, and only thousands of large and small rivers appear in the Congo basin. Huge spaces are engaged in swamps.

The north of central Africa looks like a sharp contrast of this part of the region. Closed indoor pool Oz. Chad gets water from constant rivers only from the West and South (p. Shary with the logon). The northernmost areas are deprived of rivers with constant watercourses, therefore, rivers such as Shari and Ubanggi are extremely important as a transport path for the states of the region that do not have access to the sea. Veliko and the value of the rivers of the region as potential sources of electricity, the use of which only began.

The nature of the soil and vegetation cover in Central Africa is especially closely related to moisturizing conditions. In the equatorial climate zone, evergreen wet rainforests are common, stretched from the coast of the Guinean Bay in Cameroon and Gabon to borders with East African plateorem. These are multi-tiered forests with an exceptionally large species variety of trees, tree fern and other plants. Operation of forests for the workpiece of the most valuable dodes (ebony, or black, wood, rocks, called in red wood, ocum, sandalwood, etc.) leads to deep and often irreversible processes of the degradation of natural vegetation cover. Although today, equatorial forests are striking alien to their magnificence, most often they are secondary; Only in separate areas, for example, Gabon and especially Zaire, virgin wet forests are preserved with giant trees of the upper tier, pressing lianams, and palm trees in the lower tiers. Every year, the question of preservation for future generations is still becoming more across the limited arrays of such forests.

In the subequatorial zones, wet tropical forests are stored only in separate areas of river valleys - these are gallery forests. On waterproof spaces, the savannahs of different types are common on the interflural plateau, most often of secondary origin, i.e., developing as a result of degradation, sometimes just cutting forests. Typical savannahs are widely developed - thickets of high cereals reaching 1.5 m or more, with separate deciduous or evergreen trees - baobabs, tree-like milk, acacia, various palm trees, etc. Savannah Central Africa are diverse in their appearance. In some areas, this is rather savanna forests with buses of trees, losing foliage in a dry season, but resembling real forests in the humid time of the year. They are particularly characteristic of the Congo Water Separation - Zambezi and some areas of the northern framing of the Congo brand.

In the more arid parts of the region to the north and south of the zone of typical savannas, the vegetation cover is gradually occurring, the number of individual trees is reduced, the composition of cereals in the grassy shrubs changes, prickly photophytic shrubs appear. In the south, dry savannas move primarily in the semi-desert, and in the north, as noted, the region stretches to the zone of tropical deserts of the Sahara.

On lowland, flooded tides of the Atlantic Ocean in the Equatorial and subequatorial zones are developed by mangroves. Coastal areas in the southern part of Angola are occupied by semi-desert and deserted landscapes.

As diverse within the region and soil cover. In the north, south of the desert zone, typical red brown and reddish the soils of deserted and dry savannas are typical. South, on the main more moisturized part of the region, various types of red-color varicheets are developed. In the bottom of the lake Chad and in low-lying wetlands of the Congo brand are different variants of dark color tropical swamp soils.

The diverse animal world of the region can be briefly described by the types of habitat. The richest animals are richer, especially mammals, savanna. This is the habitat of various ungulates - antelope, gazelles, zebras, giraffe, etc. It is mostly inhabited by elephants and rhinos, major predators. In Central Africa, as in West Africa, most of the major exotic African animals have undergone a very strong extermination, and their security was, and remains still very weak. The fauna of semi-desert areas is close to the Fauna Savannn, but its poorer in the species and quantitative relationship and therefore was more suffered from hunting, poaching and other, even indirect, influences of human activity.

The fauna of forests is poorer with ground animals, but is distinguished by the variety of animals that adapted to life on the trees. Therefore, the cutting of forests strongly affects the composition of the animal world. In the forests of Central Africa, such hoofs are still numerous as okara, but especially many wild pigs (boars, related warts, etc.). The number of monkeys is exceptionally large - from small long-tailed monkeys to rarely found chimpanzees and especially small gorillas.

Rivers in the areas of forests and savannah - the habitat of hippos (hypopotamos) and crocodiles. In all natural zones that covers Central Africa, many reptiles. Among them are a lot of poisonous snakes, pythons in forests, etc. Extremely many birds, especially on lakes and rivers (flamingos, marabou, herons, storks, etc.). Now rarely ostrises in savannah, large birds (such as parrots, poultry terraces, etc.) in the forests; Many small birds in all habitats having vegetable food. As in other tropical regions of Africa, the world of insects is extremely diverse. Almost all of the territory of Central Africa enters the zeets zone zone and the widespread development of tropical malaria. There are many specific types of insects in the pests of agriculture, and the problem of combating dangerous people and animals in the insects is characteristic of almost all countries of Central Africa.

The inner waters of the region are very promising for the development of fisheries; The possibilities of marine fish have seaside countries of Central Africa, primarily Angola, Cameroon.

The natural conditions and the natural resources of the region as a whole are characterized by considerable difficulties for the integrated economic development of the countries located here. In the arid parts of the region, the obstacles to the intensification of agriculture. In the areas of excessive moistening, large reclamation activities are needed for these purposes. In addition, everywhere in the conditions of wet tropics, there is a serious threat to the rapid degradation of natural landscapes under the influence of economic activity that is not balanced with the natural possibilities of self-defense of the medium. Therefore, for example, issues of environmental protection, in particular from industrial pollution, in conditions of wet tropics of Central Africa, are particularly important compared with the conditions of most other spatial types of natural environment.