High pressure centrifugal water pump with hydroaccumulator. Nuances of pumps to increase water pressure. What specifications need to pay attention when choosing a high pressure water pump

The life of a modern person living in an apartment building is unthinkable without familiar amenities: electricity, sewage and, of course, water supply. However, it often happens that the quality of services for the provision of services by water is unsatisfactory, namely, tenants do not suit the pressure force in the water supply. A weak head leads to the fact that the household appliances refuse to work, and sometimes water simply does not reach the upper floors. Therefore, many are interested in the question, how to increase water pressure in the apartment with the helping pump? We will try to answer this question.

The water pressure in the water supply is measured by two values \u200b\u200b- bar, atmosphere and water column:

1 bar \u003d 1,0197 atmospheres \u003d 10.19 m water column.

According to regulatory documentation, the pressure in the water pipeline of the urban apartment should be no more than 6 atmospheres and atmospheres 2, ideally - 4, and for water supply in a private house there will be 3 atmospheric. However, the realities are such that the pressure in the water supply system of high-rise buildings strongly.

Pressure Over 6-7 atm. It has a negative impact on plumbing, pipeline, connection breaks occur. At the same time, low pressure also delivers many inconveniences. With a pressure of less than 2 atmospheres, neither a washing machine, no gas column, no dishwasher will work. For the normal operation of household appliances in the system there must be a minimum pressure in the range from 2 to 2.5 atmospheres.

Therefore, when the pressure indicators are below the norm, then special rice devices must be used:

  • pumps to increase water pressure;
  • pump self-priming station.

However, before choosing a water pump to increase the pressure, you must first install the problem:

  • water in the water supply is there, but its pressure is very weak;
  • until the upper floors, the water does not reach, and the lower - everything is fine.

The first problem can solve household water pumps that increase the pressure in the home system, and in the second case, only a self-priming pumping station will be able to solve the task. Therefore, you first need to find the cause of low pressure, and then pick up the boom pumps.

Very often the cause of weak pressure is the destruction of the water supply, corrosion or severe pipe pollution. Then the installation of high pressure pumps for water will not help, the pipeline replacement is necessary. Well, if the reason is still at low pressure, it can be enhanced by installing the appropriate equipment in the apartment.

The low pressure station of the water is also based on the use of the pump to increase the pressure, but in this device it is connected to the hydroaccumulator, and a special relay is used to punch a pressure in the water supply system. In this case, the self-priming centrifugal station pumps the liquid into the accumulative tank.

What are the assemblies that increase the head?

So, choosing pumps for water supply to strengthen the pressure or raise water to the upper floors, you need to know which types of units for high pressure exist. For example, to enhance a weak pressure, it is enough to choose compact in dimensions and a small-power structure, such as "in-line", which is simply installed in the system, and raises the pressure by 1-3 atmosphere.

Such a pump can operate in the following modes (classification by way of inclusion):

  • manual switching on - ensures the continuous operation of the unit when the equipment is enabled. If there is no need to increase the pressure, then the device is simply disconnected. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the pump does not overheat;
  • automatic switching on - in this case, the stream sensor reacts for the presence or absence of consumption. When water intake, the pump is turned on, and if there is no specific flow rate per second, the unit turns off. These models are more economical;
  • combined options - can work in one, then in another mode, if you translate a special switch.

Existing aggregates are also classified by cooling method:

  • with a dry rotor - cooling occurs due to the movement of the blades installed on the shaft. Different than high efficiency, but have large dimensions and are very noisy;
  • with a wet rotor - cooling occurs due to the pumped liquid. They have a low level of noise, compact dimensions, but less effective.

By type of design, such models can be distinguished:

  • in-line - small, but low-performance units that are mounted in the feed pipe;
  • vortex - with higher productivity, but noisy and require special strapping.

Also, the increase in the pump is different in the installation method: horizontally, vertically, in both positions, and by the number of speeds:

  • single-stage - with one speed of swap;
  • multistage - with multiple speeds that switch depending on the flow rate.

According to the principle of operation, the flow, injection, injection pump, as well as an aggregate that increases circulation is distinguished.

It should be noted that the pumps for increasing pressure are universal, that is, they can be used in systems and cold, and with hot water supply. And there are models that can only be used for hot or exclusively for cold water.

What parameters to pay attention to when choosing?

First of all, it must be remembered that the pump for high-pressure water pumping is running from electricity, and it needs to provide normal power supply. Also, in most cases, such equipment is very demanding for tension. Therefore, if the installed boost pump does not increase the pressure to the desired level, then check the voltage in the power grid. If it is low, then the desired power of the unit does not achieve.

It is also important to take into account the technical characteristics of the device that determine whether the pump can cope with the task:

  1. Maximum feed - This parameter shows how much water this device can pump per unit of time: liters per minute or cubic meters per hour.
  2. The maximum working pressure is the value that the exit can give the boom unit relative to the installation site.
  3. The minimum switching speed is a parameter showing when equipment turns on: at a speed of 0.12 l / min or 0.3 l / min. It depends on this indicator whether the unit will work when the toilet tank is recruited, or it will turn on only after opening the mixer in the bath.
  4. Maximum and Rated Power - This value shows the performance of the motor, is measured in watts (W). The higher the power, the greater the maximum pressure.
  5. The temperature of the working environment - indicates that the equipment (for hot or cold water) can work at what temperature. It is measured in degrees Celsius.
  6. The cross section of the connecting elements. The pump enhancing the pump is crashed into the pipeline, so it is important that the size of the connecting nuts and fittings correspond to the diameter of the pipes, otherwise the pressure will be less.
  7. Noise level - measured in decibels (dB), different models have its own noise indicator.
  8. The size of the equipment is an important parameter, which also needs to be taken into account, since this unit can be installed in very small rooms.
  9. The number of speeds of the unit.
  10. Reliability and fame of the manufacturer. It is best to have proven such companies like Sprut, Aquatica, Wilo, Katran, Grundfos, Euroaqua, Jemix. Goldfos is the best Danish brand.

In order not to choose a long time, usually buy a pump increases low water pressure "IN-LINE" (embedded) with a wet rotor. This is the most optimal model combining a low noise level and ease of installation.

Vertical or horizontal type of installation - depends on the place of water flow input. As for speeds,, of course, it is better to multistage equipment, however, these models are expensive, so not every consumer is ready to post for them round sum.

It is better to choose such pumps that work in manual, and automatically, since not all water intake points can create consumption required to turn on the device. Then, having a manual mode, the unit can be included forcibly.

On the material manufacturing material and impeller, it is also worth paying your attention. The housing can be made of their stainless steel or cast iron, while the stainless steel is preferable. In the cheapest models of this device, the impeller is made of plastic, and more expensive pumps from brass or bronze.

Features of the installation of the device for pressure in the plumbing

The installation site of the hardware increases depends on the specific situation. To ensure the normal operation of the mixer and shower watering can, it is enough to build it at the outlet of the accumulative tank. For more demanding pressure devices (washing and dishwasher, water heater), then the pump is better to install in front of them.

With sufficient consumption and power of one unit, as a rule, there is enough of two points of water intake, but it is necessary to thoroughly think about the scheme. One way or another, when designing the installation scheme, it is worth providing the possibility of bypassing or removing the pump. This can be done using a bypass with overlapping crane.

However, the installation of several passes of small power is not the best option. In this case, it is worth installing more powerful models that can stabilize the pressure at large consumption.

Installing the pump to increase the pressure in the water supply line of the apartment or private houses are performed in such a sequence:

  1. First, the pipe is placed on which equipment will be installed, given the length of the device and fittings.
  2. Then the water supply overlaps indoors.
  3. After that, in the marked places the pipe is cut off.
  4. At the ends of the pipeline cuts out an external thread.
  5. Then the adapters with internal thread are mounted on the pipe.
  6. Installed adapters screw fittings from the pump with the pump. For better sealing, wrap on the thread of Fuma Rent.
  7. The increased device is mounted, and it is necessary to follow the instructions of the arrow on the instrument housing showing the direction of water flow.
  8. After that, from the electrical panel, you need to stretch the three-core cable and, it is desirable to make a separate outlet, and the device is better connected through a separate RCD.
  9. Then the pump must be included and testing its work, paying attention to the absence of leaks in the connection places. If necessary, tighten the fittings attachments.

Competent installation of the device will provide water needs for many years. Store the following recommendations in the installation process:

  • so that the pump has worked longer, it is better to install a mechanical filter at the input. So you can protect the device from unwanted particles from entering it;
  • the unit is better to mount in a dry and heated room, since low temperatures can freeze the fluid in the device, which will cause it;
  • vibration from the work of the equipment, over time, can break fastenings, provoking flow, so sometimes you need to check compounds for tightness.

Now you know how to increase water pressure in the apartment. Remember that a competently selected and correctly installed device will be able to solve the problem of weak pressure in the water supply.

Low pressure in the plumbing can remove not only you, but also expensive equipment. Agree, and the other is simply necessary to take care. Such situations mainly oppress the owners of private houses, but also happen in apartments connected to centralized networks. How to deal with them?

Forever get rid of the indicated trouble pumps to increase water pressure. They will provide operating parameters required for the normal functional of household appliances. Compact, practically inconspicuous devices will protect your nerves and extend the working resource of the aggregates.

In the article presented to your attention, the principles of the equipment selection and the rules for its installation are detailed. Wishing to spend their work personally or to control the hired plumbers will help useful schemes. Complement photo selection and video information.

The low pressure problem in the plumbing is solved using two types of devices: circulating and self-priming pumps. The first is easier arranged and easier to be mounted in the system.

The usual circulation pump consists of a rotor attached to it the impeller and the engine, which all this rotates. Usually if the water in the system is, but the pressure is weak, enough one or two pumps.

The task of increasing the pressure in the plumbing system is solved in two ways: installation of circulating or centrifugal self-priming pump (click to enlarge)

But if the water does not arrive at all to the upper floors, you will have to put a high-power with a hydraulicist. Such a device is simply installed as part of the plumbing system at a suitable place. The impeller spins, giving the stream of water an additional acceleration.

As a result, the pipe is faster than filled with water, providing the necessary pressure level in the plumbing. These are compact low-power devices designed to solve local problems. Suction pumps are characterized by higher performance and more complex device.

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A pump to increase water pressure in the water supply is purchased to stabilize the pressure in the system. After all, for the simultaneous operation of several points of consumption, for example, two cranes, the pressure in the system must reach up to 1.5 atmospheres. The washing or dishwasher will only work at a pressure of 2 atmosphere (and no less). A jacuzzi and shower cabins with hydromassage function, "start" at a pressure of at least 4 atmospheres.

At the same time, in the household water supply, there is often no minimum pressure (1.5 atmospheres), not to mention the standard indicators (4-4.5 atmosphere). As a result, the installation of the pump pressure pumping pump is the only opportunity to ensure any reasonable accommodation conditions in the house. After all, without this pump there will be no shower, nor washing machine.

And in this article we will discuss the choice of devices used to stabilize the pressure in domestic water pipes at an acceptable level.

First, if the water is only on the lower floors of the house. Secondly, if opening one crane, it is no longer possible to use the second source of consumption. And, thirdly, if the system is frankly weak pressure, which is not enough to serve household or plumbing devices

In a word, and the usual pump, and a powerful self-priming pumping station is used if there is no stable pressure in your water supply. Moreover, problems with water supply will necessarily affect the overall level of comfort by reducing the "quality of life" itself.

Therefore, you will have to buy a discharge pump or pumping station:

  • Firstly, quite powerful, but without excesses: After all, the pressure increases to 6-7 atmospheres can destroy the internal elements (seals, valves, and so on) of the valve-regulating reinforcement.
  • Secondly, relatively cheap: because the money needs to be spent "with the mind."
  • And, thirdly, compact and low noise: after all, the immodest dimensions of the unit will spoil the entire interior of the housing, and the noise pollution to break the comfort of living.

But the usual pump, and the pumping station suitable for these criteria. What's better? Let's deal with.

Domestic water pressure pumps

Such devices are installed in the inner water supply line at home or apartments. Therefore, pumps should not be big and noisy.

And there are two schemes of exploitation of such equipment:

  • Permanent option, involving almost round-the-clock operation of the device.
  • Automatic option that includes an "on demand" aggregate.

In the first case, we only need a pump, and in the second it will also have to add the flow sensor, which, of course, will affect the equipment price.

But more expensive automatic option is still more profitable cheap - permanent. Explain why: during the work, the pump is heated and overheating fails. Consequently, constant operation of such equipment is categorically contraindicated.

And the operating time from time to time the automatic pump is included only when the flow of the flow that is conducted by water consumption (open crane, the washing machine is turned on and so on). Therefore, he will never be over. Yes, and electricity is consumed so much less.

As a result, any indigrant homemade will choose an automatic option, despite a slightly overestimated cost. And the constant pumps are good only in one case - if they are used in one-time operations. Suppose, if necessary, stabilize the pressure after activating the watering system. In this case, the pump is simply "inserted into the socket" and disconnect after the procedure is completed.

Pumping stations

In fact, it is the same vibratory or centrifugal water pump of high pressure with a hydroaccumulator or hydrobacket. However, unlike pumps, the stations are mounted between the water source and water supply. As a result, the pressure in the plumbing generates the pumping station.

Moreover, practically all autonomous water supply systems are equipped with such installations. And to stabilize the pressure in the system, it is necessary to either replace an existing station more powerful, or to replace only the pump or the storage storage device by a more productive analogue.

In addition, to increase the pressure in the pipeline, you can even change anything! It is enough just to adjust the operation of the pressure relay. The essence of this decision is that a special instrument of pressure relay, which tracks the operation of the pump and the drive.

Explained in more detail: the pump shakes the water in the drive, which gives it to the water supply. In this case, the pump does not work constantly, but only if the pressure in the drive is less than the minimum. Then it turns on, by pumping water until the pressure in the hydroaccumulator grows up to the maximum possible.

Maximum and minimum pressure in the drive determines the special relay. Increase the time of the lower pressure limit in the hydroaccumulator, and it will increase throughout the water supply.

How to choose a pump?

The choice of high pressure pump is carried out based on the following rules:

  • First, the pump should work as much as it is necessary, without pauses and long interruptions, without overheating and not disconnecting. Consequently, you need an aggregate from a proven company with a good reputation, not a clone of Chinese production.
  • Secondly, the pump should increase the pressure in the system to an acceptable level of 4-5 atmospheres, and no more. Therefore, the purchase of a heavy duty station for deep wells is justified. And if you cannot calculate the required productivity of the unit yourself - refer to the specialists. In specialized stores such a service is offered to all pumps of pumps absolutely free.
  • Thirdly, the pump must comply with the purchase budget. Good equipment is expensive. But pays for itself due to trouble-free operation. Cheap pumps suggest frequent maintenance and practically free repair. After all, the service centers at No-Name producers simply do not. Therefore, if you do not have plumbing and plumbing skills or there is no time for such work - buy a reliable unit from a proven brand, for example, the water pressure increase pump Wilo. This technique will pay for all 100 percent.

As you can see: the rules of choice are very simple. But if you have doubts about your decisions - refer to the specialists.

Most specialized companies propose a solution with insufficient pressure in turnkey format. That is, with a call to the master for diagnosis, calculation and selection of equipment and the subsequent installation of all aggregates in the water supply.

The benefits of any apartment buildings are efficiently working communication systems to which the plumbing belongs. The work of household appliances, such as boiler, washing or dishwasher depends on the quality of its functioning. In some situations, the installed pump helps to increase water pressure. It pumps the required level in the system, providing a continuous powerful stream.

The increasing pump will become the best solution for the local level. It is mounted within the apartment and is designed to maintain a single household. The installation of such equipment will be effective if the problem lies exclusively in pressure insufficiency, but all the pipes are not clogged and the rest of the supply system is fully proper.

The need for arrangement

Pumps to increase water pressure are embedded in the home hydraulic system often on the upper floors. There, often the established norm reaches the planned values. The optimal is the indicator reaching 5 bar. At the same time, in reality, the value in the pipeline sometimes drops to a level of 1 bar.

Such parameters are unacceptable, since automatic washing machines may not even start in this situation, which requires at least 2 atm. Take a shower in the shower will be possible only at 3 atm. Approximately 2-2.5 atm are needed for the start of the boiler. The jacuzzi will be at a working condition for 3-4 atm.

Operating parameters of connected equipment

Before connecting, it is necessary to figure out what boost water pumps have characteristics. The difference in them happens by the method of start:

  • Launch option by user. The hydraulic machine is stably enabled / off by the owner. The owners sufficiently control the presence of fluid in the system, since the functioning without water leads to a rapid failure of overheating. Often the feature of operation of such schemas is one-time operations followed by disconnection.

  • Models for water pumping with automation installed in the system, thanks to special sensors are connected independently as needed.

When choosing equipment, it is worth paying attention to the ability to transport the stream of a certain temperature. Construction features are manifested in the possibility of passing water in a limited temperature mode. In specialized outlets or on websites of online stores, it will be possible to detect such types of devices:

  • aggregates that can work exclusively with cold systems;
  • models intended for inclusion in the wiring of hot flux;
  • universal equipment designed for pairing with any fluid temperatures.

Maintain the stability of the pressure level helps a qualitatively working pump, which should not be significantly overheated during operation.

Cooling systems help to get rid of overheating.

According to this type, productive models are divided into such groups:

  • The decrease in temperature is carried out due to the flow passing through the body. This technique is called the "wet rotor" method. It has the minimum parameters for noise, but can overheat when working without water.

  • Rotating blades fixed on the shaft are used for cooling. The method is referred to as the "dry rotor". The disadvantage is increased noise when working. Cons are compensated by a fairly high degree of performance, which has a pump for water pressure.

Implementation of boosting stations

Owners of apartments, with upper levels, it is advisable to install a pumping station. Self-priming equipment includes such elements in the scheme:

  • hydraulic pump;
  • pressure gauge;
  • relay;
  • hydraulic battery.

The principle of operation of the node is to pre-fill the hydroaccumulator, install the independently desired output pressure using the relay and run the pump that provides a distribution of fluid to consumers.

In some schemes, it is proposed to exclude a hydroaccumulator, however, this approach will negatively affect the duration of operation of the entire pressure unit. It is advisable to choose a larger tank, which will fit into the interior of the apartment or at home, as this will allow you to raise the pumping system.

After downloading the volume into the cavity of the tank, it turns off. At the same time, the consumer receives a jet from the hydroaccumulator even in that situation when there is no water supply in the system at the moment. If the liquid completely comes out of the tank, the relay will automatically turn on the paging.

Before purchasing the station, it is recommended to clarify its maximum pressure. The popular Grundfos JP Booster 6-24L model is available, which will provide a pressure of 48 m and has a considerable tank with a capacity of 24 liters. Its value is about 24 thousand rubles.

How to choose the right pump to increase water pressure

Choosing a suitable pump that increases pressure, it is necessary to take into account important factors:

  • Power characteristics. The more productive will be the unit, the wider the number of points that can be able to efficiently serve. In calculations, it is necessary to monitor the number of consumers, washers and plumbing devices.
  • Noise. Of course, preferably less noisy devices, but they may have a higher cost.
  • Patency. It is important to pay attention to how the diameter of water pipes is capable of going through the pump. Work sections are specified in user manual. Failure to comply with this parameter can lead to operation with overloads, the appearance of breakdowns and a reduction in pressure below the calculated value.

Electrical appliance device

  • Lifting height. When buying a pumping station with a smaller load, it may not reach the required level.
  • Dimensions of equipment. The hydraulic node must be gently fit into the allotted space.
  • Reliability. Preferably choose proven well-known brands that have a long warranty period.

Video: What is the difference between the vortex pump from the centrifugal

The main selection criterion is an output pressure indicator, which should not be less than 4 barrels. Next, it is already determined directly with the characteristics of the electrical appliance - dimensions, noise level when turned on, wet or dry, etc. Since we are talking about a high pressure pump, for many it will be a matter of manual or automatic control.

The pumping equipment for hot water differs differs from the one that is installed in the system with cold water.

In most cases, when choosing, preference is preferred by well-known brands. Swinding, relatively speaking, precisely for the brand, the user receives high-quality working equipment and warranty obligations that the seller or the manufacturer will necessarily fulfill.

Among priority companies:

Wilo. - Leader of buying demand for reviews and statistics of stores. It is considered elementary in management, it works for more than 7 years in extreme conditions and very reliable in work.

Grundfos. - In some regions, even wicked. In obvious advantages - silent work and low weight. The warranty obligations of the plant are 12 months.

Oasis. - easy to control, high-quality equipment, which is only striving in the top 10, but not yet approached.

Leader of domestic production, although he does not enter the European market. All without exception are compact and low noise. Nozzles for installation are unified for Russian water utilities.

Connection diagram - properly and wrong

Water NWs on collectors work non-stop. In order for the pressure to increase gradually (admitted), a multicole system is used. When working, the device can create pressure in the system up to 10 bar.

The best models of pumps to increase water pressure

In order not to make a mistake with the desired result, choose the well-known brands: Wilo, Grundfos or JEMIX. They are widely represented both in online online stores and in traditional building supermarkets.

Wilo PB-088 EA

The model is small in size capable of working with different water temperatures. Heat removal is carried out by means of passing inside the jet. Equipped with a built-in flow sensor that helps start when fluid appears in the system. The hydraulic apparatus has the ability to work both in manual mode and the poprants on the machine.

Noise level is minimal. Outside the protection against corrosion exposure is applied. It is blocked from dry stroke. Power is 90 W. The price is about 4 thousand rubles.


Grundfos UPA 15-90.

Grundfos UPA 15-90.

Compact dimensions allow you to mount such a pump to increase the water pressure in almost any convenient location. Used for any temperature modes. It has protection against overheating and work on dry. Type of cooling - water.

The device has three modes at which it can be turned off, run from hand or start automatically when the supply is reduced less than 100 l / h. Power - 120 W. Price - 2634 rubles.

  • Installation and operation instructions GRUNDFOS UPA 15-90


The increasing pump provides the discharge support at the established level. Lowering the operating temperature is created at the expense of the fan or dry rotor. Advantages are in universality and affordable price tag, and cons - noise at work. Power - 120 W. Price 3 thousand rubles.

  • Installation and operation instructions JEMIX W15GR-15 A

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Bad water pressure in the water supply is frequent phenomenon, especially for residents of multi-storey houses. This causes not only the inconvenience of long-lasting waiting until a sufficient amount of water is raised, but also can cause a breakdown of household appliances, such as washing and dishwashers. A disadvantage of water flow in the gas column can lead to the corps. It is possible to improve the water pressure directly at home, for this, the rising pump is installed in the plumbing system, which pumps pressure.

Types of pumps

There are two types of rising aggregates, depending on the control mode:

  • automatic;
  • manual.

Automatic aggregates have sensors in their design, which determine the presence of a flow in the system. When you open the crane, the water starts and the sensor reacts to this change connects the system of forced paging. Such a pump will be able to independently provide the necessary pressure head washing and dishwasher, which themselves open the fence crane. Some automatic models have a switch from a flow sensor, into continuous pumping mode to maintain a constant pressure in independence from whether there is water consumption or not.

Manual models are given in action only when you press the button, and continue your work until it is turned off. This type is much cheaper, but its domestic use is quite uncomfortable. After all, besides the opening and closing of the crane, you must additionally turn on and off the pump. The connected model with manual control will continue to work, even when there is no water in the system. As a result of dry stroke, she will quickly come out. Automatic aggregates in this case will stop the operation of the injection motor, thereby will be removed from breakage.

Depending on the type of cooling, there are models with dry and wet rotor. In aggregates with a dry rotor, the electric motor is separated from the corpus of the direct pump, where the fluid pumping occurs. Therefore, the impeller is used for cooling, which blows the engine housing by air flow. Such models are more noisy, and they cannot be installed in small technical niches, because there is a limited air exchange, which will lead to overheating.

Models with a wet rotor are used to cool the liquid that is pumped. This is a much more efficient cooling system, and less nois. The lack of such models is more complex requirements for the repair of the electric motor, as it is necessary to remove the entire unit from the pipeline.

Criteria when choosing

Buying a boom pump needs to pay attention to its ability to choose the optimal model for its needs. The main criteria are:

  • temperature mode of operation;
  • power;
  • method of connecting to water supply.
  • noise level;
  • maximum pressure;
  • bandwidth.

For maximum duration of work, it is necessary that the unit does not work at the limit of its temperature capabilities. So, in the characteristics of the model, the maximum temperature of 60 degrees is indicated, it will be better so that it worked as a maximum of 40, which will extend his life several times. If a pump for hot water pumping is required, you can choose a model with a range of up to 100 degrees, which has a high stock.

Engine power is a direct indicator of its power consumption. Of course, a powerful model will be easily maintained to maintain the necessary pressure, but at the same time consumeing quite a large amount of energy. Therefore, if necessary, a slight increase in pressure on a small distance, then there is no need for a too powerful unit.

The method of connecting to the water supply also plays not the last role when choosing, because the supercharger needs to be connected in most cases, so that it does not port the interior. The introductory and output tube must be located in such a way as to maximize the place of the highway, which you have prepared for installation. In addition, it is important to cross section of a pipe that can be connected to the supercharger, especially if there is no possibility of using adapters.

Noise level is especially important for use in a small apartment. If the pump is installed on a water supply in the basement, pantry or other technical room, then this criterion can be omitted, since noise when it does not play a special role.

The maximum pressure is one of the most important criteria when choosing. It should be noted that the power is not always an indicator of high pressure, as there are rather economical in terms of energy consumption of models that have high pressure generated.

Accessibility - a direct indicator at what speed pump is able to fill the capacitance you need. This value is measured in cubic meters / hour.

Installation rules

For efficient pump operation, you need to connect it correctly. If it is installed in the pipeline to the common highway, it will increase the pressure on all the branches of the water supply, which diverge through the house. As a result, the created pressure in the discharge from the supercharger decreases, since it is consumed on a large pipe area.

As a result, the pump works on the verge of its capabilities and at the same time the effect on the final output of the pipes is insignificant, especially if several consumers are open at once. The solution will be the installation of a more powerful unit, but it will be quite unprofitable in terms of noise and power consumption.

A more suitable and budget installation option is possible, namely installation on the pipeline immediately in front of the consumer, for which it is important to maintain the required level of pressure. Thus, putting a pump on a pipe that directly leads to household appliances or a heating device, you can provide them with the necessary working conditions, but at the same time the pressure will remain unchanged on other highways.

In terms of savings and reduce noise level, it is sometimes more profitable to install several low-power units on key consumers than one large on the overall highway. But to accurately approve the effectiveness of such a reception to each individual case, it is necessary to measure the length of the pipes, their cross section and the usual level of pressure, which is constantly present in them. This will allow you to determine the optimal parameters as accurately.