Church service requiem. Memorial service for the dead (text) - how to order in church or during fasting

For believers, church services and rituals are important throughout their lives. At birth, a child is baptized, as if entrusting his fate into the hands of the Lord. This is followed by the first communion. Then, when a person becomes an adult and creates a family, there is a wedding. To be cleansed from sins, he confesses. To maintain health, he orders the appropriate prayer services. And the churched people also leave on their last journey with the parting words of the priest, who summoned them and served a requiem for them.

Meaning of the word

For those who do not know, a requiem - what it is, let us explain. for a deceased person. That is, a service that lasts during the night and turns into matins, or the funeral morning service. It should be noted, explaining what a memorial service is, that this is a rite that is characteristic of Orthodoxy. In Catholicism and Protestant denominations, it is not performed. True, as the priests explain, at home, privately (in private), you can pray for a Gentile, read psalms. In the temple, however, a memorial service is not held for those who have introduced themselves. What does this mean for the deceased? If he is not taken on his last journey according to his religion, then he will appear before his Creator without a funeral service. For believers, such a death is a great tragedy, for prayers for a sinful soul are extremely important. In addition to the church service, there is also a civil funeral service. What it is - we will explain below.

Types of church funerals

The first of the funeral services is performed on a newly deceased body - before it is buried in the ground. The next one is held on the third day after his departure to another world. Then on the 9th, 40th. Further, the first and subsequent anniversaries of death, birthdays and name days are celebrated - for them, a memorial service is also ordered in the church. What does this mean: for each deceased on the day of his saint, a service is necessarily reigned. In addition to individual ones, there are also general memorial services - they are called Ecumenical. These are traditional days when all the dead are remembered. For example, Parental Saturday. The requiem for the deceased has another, historical church name: the funeral rite. It is performed at home, when a priest comes specially on call, both in the church and at the cemetery.

Civil funeral service

This is an official ceremony, not related to the spiritual realms. Such a memorial service for the deceased is usually done for dignitaries, heads of state or famous, illustrious personalities. At the funeral of famous actors, writers, musicians and other representatives of the cultural elite, prominent politicians, military leaders, farewell speeches are said, long processions follow the coffin. A civil funeral service may include an honor guard, funeral meetings, the obligatory laying of wreaths and bouquets, and a solemn fireworks display. Sometimes such actions develop into manifestations, political actions, if the deceased was a member of any informal or dissident organization. In this regard, the civil funeral service is fundamentally different from the church service. True, in some cases, both rituals can be combined.

The structure of the Old Russian funeral service

The repose service has undergone a number of structural changes during its existence.

  1. Initially, in the era of Ancient Rus, the Byzantine canons and rules were the model for worship. At that time, it began approximately in the first half of the night and included:
  • Litany (words calling for prayer, containing a series of petitions and glorification of the Lord).
  • 3 antiphons (chants of the choir, symbolizing the voices of angels who also praise the Almighty).
  • 5 special prayers. Such an order has existed in Russian Christianity since about the 8th century. A song service for the repose was often held on the name day of the holy martyrs, especially in their places of rest. This determined which saints should be prayed for on a particular day. Subsequently, the ceremony was postponed in time to the second half of the night. Separate funeral services were reduced to the general others - to paraklises.

Dirge in Orthodoxy

Later, already in Russian Orthodoxy, their own rules for the administration of the panikhida were formed. In the beginning, the Charter prescribed to hold it on Trinity Saturday (before the holy holiday) and on another Saturday, called "meat-passing". Then such memorial services were named "Ecumenical". These include now, in addition to the dates already listed, the services of the requiem on Saturdays of the second, third and fourth Lenten weeks, on Radonitsa (Fomin Monday and Tuesday) and on Saturday before the Intercession.

At this time, it was customary to commemorate relatives and friends, all brothers and sisters in the faith and those Christians who were overtaken by a sudden death, who were not celebrated in time. At the same time, it was decided to hold memorial services for the deceased before his burial and then on certain days and anniversaries.

The order of the service was recorded in the specially designated Trebnik, Psalter, Octoikha and "Following the Dead". It also contains instructions on which saints to pray, which spiritual texts to read.

The usual funeral service consists of a funeral matins (main part) and lithium (conclusion). On a table with a crucifix and candles, in front of which the ritual is performed, a kutia (also called a koliva) is placed. After the ceremony, this food is eaten for remembrance by all those gathered. The litiya is read when the deceased is taken out of the house or other room where he was, as well as when he is brought into the narthex of the temple, after the return of the funeral procession from the cemetery, etc. The last chant of the requiem is "Eternal Memory." The song is sung by everyone attending the service. If a person died during Great Lent, only lithium is served for him.

Rite cost

Suppose you need a memorial service for deceased loved ones. "How much does the ceremony cost?" - the question is quite relevant and not at all idle. Naturally, there is no single tariff, and each parish has its own prices. You should inquire about them in advance from the clergy, to whom you are going to apply with the demand. For example, just a memorial note, that is, a proskomedia, can cost from 10 rubles and more; the cost of magpies starts from one hundred rubles, only the requiem service costs the same, and the funeral service - about 500. In different churches, these figures can fluctuate within the range of 50-100 rubles.

What is the memorial service for

What role do the chants of the panikhida play, prayers during it, and in general, why does the deceased person need this whole rite? First, it facilitates the transition of the soul from one state to another, from being in the body to incorporeal. When people pray for the deceased, give alms and donations, this is a kind of intercession for his soul before the Almighty. And the more merciful deeds are performed and prayers are read, the more grounds there are for many sins of the deceased to be forgiven him.

The lives of the saints are told about this and it is said in the Scriptures. As the Church teaches, on the first and second days she is accompanied by an angel sent for her, with whom she travels to places that were dear to the deceased. She recalls her lost life and is touched by some events, repents for others. On the third day, the soul must appear before God to worship Him. This is a very important and crucial moment, because a memorial service is necessarily held for it. It is the first intercession for sinners that we all are. From the third to the ninth days, the soul is in contemplation of the heavenly abode, enjoying its beauty and the benefits that stay in it promises. And on the 9th, she again goes to God for worship. Therefore, it is to this date that the next memorial service is timed, at which they intensely pray for the forgiveness of the soul and that it be left in paradise with other holy souls.

The next dwelling place of the soul of the deceased is on the threshold of hell, where it contemplates with a shudder the torment of sinners. On the fortieth day, she appears for the third time before the throne of the Lord. And the funeral service for 40 days has a special power, because the fate of a departed soul is decided depending on its life affairs. And prayers, remembrance for the deceased, soften God's judgment and can even fully justify another person who has departed into the world.

Symbols of numbers

How to order a memorial service? You can find out about this from the priest in the temple. They will explain to you in detail what to do, who to contact, etc. We will again return to the symbolism of numbers. A three-day memorial service is also performed in honor of the Resurrection of Christ and the Holy Trinity. Nine-day - for the glorification of 9 who ask before the Heavenly King for mercy on the sinner. Panikhida on the 40th day is served in memory of the forty-day mourning of the Jews for Moses; about a fast of the same duration, after which Moses was honored to speak with God and received the tablets from Him; about 40 years of Jews walking in the desert; about the ascension of Jesus Christ to heaven after he died, rose again and was with his disciples on earth for another 40 days. That is why the Christian Orthodox Church advises to commemorate the dead on the 40th day, so that their souls can ascend to the Heavenly Sinai, contemplate our Father, achieve the blessedness promised by the Almighty and remain in the heavenly booths among the righteous. Therefore, it is so important that on each of these days the relatives of the deceased order the service, submit a memorial note. The requiem and liturgy are very useful for souls.

Regulations for the 1st part

Let us now consider in detail the meaningful side of the rite. His usual rules are as follows. With the exclamation "Blessed is our God always, both now and ever, and forever and ever" begins the requiem. Its text has remained unchanged for many centuries. Then the priest and all those present three times read the main prayer of the believers - "Our Father". This is followed by a twelve-fold repetition of the exclamation "Lord, have mercy!" Further, the most important for all Christians psalm No. 90 is read, better known from its first line: "Alive in help ...". It is comforting for everyone who lives with God in their hearts, as it paints a picture of the soul's happy transition from earthly ordeals to an eternal joyful and carefree life in heaven, next to the Creator.

Through the image of fantastic monsters, asps and dragons, the psalm allegorically reflects the obstacles standing in the way of the deceased for his rapprochement with the Heavenly Father. However, the Lord does not leave His children alone, supporting them in all trials, including these. This psalm, as it were, forms the basis of the service. Memorial services are not complete without him, because the essence of the ritual is deeply reflected in this work.

Then, the litany "Let us pray to the Lord in peace" is heard in succession. Batiushka reads petitions - ordinary and about the dead. The first of the petitions is for the forgiveness (forgiveness) of sins. After all, it is they who can not let the soul into paradise, but prepare her eternal torment. The petition ends with the exclamation: "Let us pray to the Lord!" The second petition is for the sick, the weak, the grieving, thirsting for consolation. It ends with the traditional appeal to pray to God so that He will deliver from all misfortunes and pains, send the light of hope and encouragement. The third petition is about the soul of the deceased, so that the Lord would send it to “evil places” where all the righteous dwell. It ends with the same “Let us pray to the Lord” and praise to the Holy Trinity. The litany ends with the performance of "Hallelujah". This part ends with such chants of the requiem as the troparion "Pigeon wisdom".

Regulations for the 2nd part

Next they sing the troparion "On the innocent", in the chorus of which there are the following words: "Blessed, Lord Thou ...". Then they say a new litany - the funeral one - and sing "Peace, Savior ...". After that, the priest reads the 50th psalm and sings the canon with his ministers. Between its parts (after songs 3, 6, 9) small litanies of the dead are read. The kontakion “Rest with the saints” and the ikos “He is One Himself…” should sound. Lithia is the final part of the memorial service. It begins with the reading of the Trisagion, and continues with the troparion of the 4th voice, “From the Spirits of the Righteous,” the litany “Have mercy on us” and the chant of “Eternal Memory”.


This is the name of the great memorial service. During the service, the choir sings "Immaculate" and the entire canon. The word "parastas" is translated from ancient Greek as "intercession". And it is great because prayers are held for all dead Christians. The service begins on Friday evening and continues at night (all-night vigil) on parental Saturdays. Such a requiem consists of the traditional beginning, the great litany, the troparia, the kathissa of the 17th and 50th psalm, the canon and the small service.

Cemetery memorial service

How is the funeral service held at the cemetery? The ritual has its own characteristics. First of all, the difference is that lithium is performed at the grave, that is, part of the memorial service. The reason for this lies in the nature of the service itself. The funeral matins should be held in the church, since there is a holy throne, a table with a crucifix and other necessary religious items. It begins with "Blessed be God", at the end of which all those present and the singers say: "Amen." Then "Our Father" is read three times and the troparia (funeral) "From the spirits of the righteous" are sung.

This is followed by the actual funeral litany, the exclamation "Glory to Thee, Christ ..." and release, when the clergy present three times exclaim "Eternal memory ...". At the very end of the ceremony, “May God please…” is quietly said. This is a very important prayer that unites all believers, living and departed, into one whole in the bosom of the Holy Church before the face of the Lord. Kutia is usually not brought for such a lithium. An exception may be Friday memorial services, which are more solemn and therefore stand out separately.

Remembrance notes

In churches, it is customary to submit memorial notes, but this applies only to those dead who were baptized, that is, they belong to Orthodoxy. It must be written cleanly and neatly, legibly so that the priest reads everything correctly. What exactly should the note look like? A requiem is served for those who have been departed, who are represented as follows:

  • The name must be written in the genitive case (who? - Anna).
  • The form of the name must be full, not abbreviated or diminutive. This applies not only to adults, but also to deceased children. Therefore, they point out: not Dima, but Dimitri.
  • It is imperative to find out the church version of secular, secular names. For example, Yegor has a spiritual analogue of George, Polina has Appolinarius.
  • If the note is about a child, then until the age of 7 he is recorded as a "baby", then, up to 15, - a boy (adolescent).
  • Surnames and patronymics, citizenship, rank, nationality or in memorial notes are not indicated.
  • It can be noted how long ago a person left this world. Write "newly departed" should be written if 40 days have not yet passed, "deceased" - at a later date. The term "ever-memorable" is used if the deceased has a memorable date on this day.
  • Those who are recognized as saints by the Church are not mentioned in the notes. In the notes "about the repose" anyone can write not only the names of blood relatives, but also their deceased friends, teachers, dear people in general.

Death anniversary

As already indicated, the deceased should be remembered not only on the 3rd, 9th, 40th days after death, but also on the anniversary, other important dates. All of them are an excellent occasion for the funeral prayer, which is so necessary for the soul of a person. This is the invaluable help that "from here" can provide living to another person who has departed into the world.

How is the memorial service performed on the anniversary of death? By the beginning of the service in the morning, you should come to church. Write a memorial note in advance, and give it to the candlestick in the temple. Usually, such notes are accepted at proskomedia, mass, litany. During the memorial service, they are read out to the public. The departed themselves are considered "memorable".

Having defended the service, you need to go to the cemetery, stay there, put flowers, pray. Be sure to give alms, food or clothing to the homeless. After all, good deeds performed in the name of a person are, as the church teaches, a good help to the soul. Then commemorate the deceased at the meal. Before eating, you need to read "Our Father" or Psalm 90.


A memorial service for 40 days is considered very important. It must be ordered (or magpie) and paid. According to some beliefs, the soul leaves the earth on this day, goes forever to another world to await the day of judgment. According to others, on the contrary, she returns to people for a short time to say goodbye and part forever with those who were once dear. Prayers, requiem and magpie are extremely important right now, as they can determine the place where the soul dwells for eternity. The Church considers it extremely useful to order the Unsleeping Psalter before this date. The ceremonies in the church are carried out according to the established order.

After the service, the main one, ask for a memorial service. You can order lithium at the cemetery. Memorial notes are served, graves are visited, and refreshments are organized. Or Christians do this: on the eve of an important day, they order a commemoration in the church during the Liturgy, at the fortieth day they perform a requiem, read the Psalter during the day, and make a commemoration in the evening. The day should be spent sedately, talking and remembering for whom everything is being done. Without observing these rituals, it is very difficult for the soul in its new abode. Therefore, it is impossible that the living refuse to support the dead through the Lord.

After the death of a person, the soul asks for prayers and memories of him. Therefore, the relatives of the deceased should pray for him and ask God to have mercy on the sinful slave. In addition to the kind words at the grave, relatives should know what they order from the church on the anniversary of their death. The anniversary of death is one of the important moments of the new life of the soul. Therefore, it is so important to properly conduct the ritual of remembrance.

Church rites associated with the funeral

Funeral is the most ancient ritual that must be carried out according to all the rules. It is customary to subdivide the funeral into 3 stages:

  • preparing the dying person for death;
  • funeral ceremony;
  • remembrance.

Preparation for death comes down to the fact that a person who knows that he will soon leave this world must confess to a priest. The father must forgive him all sins so that the soul can calmly go to another world.

After the death of the deceased, you need to wash. This ceremony is very important, because in addition to cleansing from sins, the body must also be cleansed. During the ablution, the prayers "Lord have mercy", "Blessed One" are recited. The deceased is dressed in new or clean clothes, sprinkled with holy water and placed in a coffin. Be sure to wear a pectoral cross on the deceased.

Until the moment of taking out, before, without interruption, we read prayers. Nowadays it is customary to invite a priest in order to recite the canon "Following the departure of the soul from the body."

Before the funeral service for the deceased, you need to order a magpie.

In order to start the funeral service, the coffin is placed near the altar. On the forehead of the deceased there should be a crown with the "Trisagion", in his hands a small icon with Jesus Christ. A cross is placed near the head, which relatives can kiss when parting.

The funeral service is accompanied by the singing of "Eternal Memory" and "Release". All those present should stand with lit candles. When the chanting ends, the coffin with the body is taken out of the temple.

To say goodbye to the deceased, relatives are allowed to kiss the crown on the forehead of the deceased and the icon in their hands. The church does not allow putting any objects in the coffin, considering it an echo of paganism.

After the coffin is lowered into the grave, everyone present should throw a handful of earth there. Having built a grave mound, wreaths and fresh flowers are placed on it. The last stage is coming - the commemoration.

The memorial meal combines the memories of the deceased, his worldly affairs. All words should be saturated with kindness and love for a person who is no longer among the living.

It is customary to hold such commemorations on the 9th and 40th days after death. The anniversary of death is also a special date.

On the anniversary of death, it is customary to order the following ordinances in the church:

  1. Remembrance during the morning liturgy. Each service for 40 days (forty days) the name of the deceased will be mentioned in prayers. During the service, crumbs are taken out of the consecrated bread for the dead.
  2. Memorial service. It is mainly held on Saturdays. But by agreement with the clergyman, it is possible to order a memorial service on the anniversary of a person's death.
  3. Lithium. In time, it lasts less than a memorial service. It can be recited in the cemetery at the grave of the deceased.

Of course, Father knows how to properly conduct all ceremonies and services, but the main thing is the prayers of loved ones for the deceased. After all, only a loved one can talk about the deceased. It will not be superfluous to have a special booklet where the names of deceased people are entered. You can take it with you to church so as not to miss anyone. In order for the transition of the soul from earthly life to the Kingdom of Heaven to be easy, you need to remember the deceased in your prayers every day.

Every Christian believer experiences a deep inner need to pray not only for himself personally, but also for his relatives and friends. And this prayer can be both for living people and for those who have already died. Orthodoxy teaches that the human soul is alive, and after the physical death of the body, it does not disappear, but goes to God to await the decision of its fate in Eternity. And in this expectation, the prayers of still living close people can greatly help the soul of a deceased person. In order to turn to the Lord about the departed, there are special funeral services - memorial services.

What is a memorial service

This is the name of a special funeral service at which the forgiveness of the sins of a deceased person and his repose in the Kingdom of God are asked in church prayer. Such services are served not only in the church, the priest can also serve in the cemetery during or after the funeral, and at the house of the relatives of the deceased. But most often, such a commemoration is ordered in the church, and the rite itself takes place after the Liturgy.

A memorial service is a special funeral service

The significance of such a commemoration for the soul of the deceased is very great. Since only the body dies, and the soul is eternally alive, it awaits the decision of its fate and goes through ordeals. According to the Tradition of our church, during ordeals, the soul is responsible for all sins committed in life, and each person has a lot of them. And it is the prayer of loving people that greatly facilitates this passage, up to the salvation of even practically hopeless souls.

Most often, memorial services are ordered before the funeral of the deceased, and then on the 3rd, 9th, 40th day. In addition, important dates of remembrance are the anniversary of death, as well as dates of birth, name day of the deceased.

Important! Throughout the church year, if there is an opportunity and spiritual need of relatives, you can order a memorial service in the church after the end of the Liturgy.

It is highly advisable not only to write a note with the names of the commemorated relatives, but also to be personally present at the service. Church prayer then has special power when it is combined with the personal petition of a loved one about the fate of the deceased. In addition, such prayerful remembrance will also bring great spiritual benefit and consolation to living relatives in their grief over the loss of a loved one.

Panikhida service rules

In order for a memorial service for your deceased loved one to be served, you need to go to the temple, to the candle shop. There you can write a list of the names of deceased relatives on a special form or an ordinary piece of paper. As a rule, up to 10 names can be indicated in one note, but one is also possible - if you want to purely pray for this particular person.

Food for the funeral is brought as a gift to the priest

When submitting memorial notes, it is customary to bring any food to a special funeral table (eve). The people believe that this is food for the dead, so that they supposedly do not starve in the next world. Of course, such superstitions have nothing to do with Orthodoxy - the dead do not need the usual food that their bodies ate during their lifetime. The best "food" for a person who has passed away is the prayer of neighbors and alms.

Food and food are sacrificed as a gift to the temple and the priest who performs the service. After reading all the prayers, all donations are consecrated and in many churches are distributed to the poor and the needy. Therefore, it is advisable to also follow this tradition and bring food to the funeral table as alms. It is advisable to bring lean products with a long shelf life - sunflower oil, Cahors, cereals, cookies, etc. Meat dishes are not brought to the funeral table.

Advice! In memorial notes, only the names of people baptized in Orthodoxy can be indicated. It is unacceptable to order this service about deceased heretics, outright persecutors of the Church, or suicides.

This is a very important point that is often overlooked. Many grief-stricken relatives think that if they hide from the priest the fact of the excommunication of their deceased from the Church and God and a panikhida is served, then they will be able to alleviate the fate of a sinful soul. In fact, if a person consciously persecuted the Lord during his life, then what value will posthumous prayers for him have? Such an act is not only meaningless, but also sinful.

During the funeral service, relatives and everyone present often stand with lit candles, which symbolize faith in a bright and pure future life. At the end of the prayer, the candles are extinguished as a sign that the earthly human life of each of us will also sooner or later go out.

Dirges are universal

In order for the funeral prayer to embrace all Christians who have died from time immemorial, that is, for all those who have ever died in the Orthodox faith, special days have been established for the universal commemoration of the departed. They are called "universal parental Sabbaths." The concept of "parental Saturday" does not at all mean that only dead parents can be remembered, but all relatives, the whole family that lived before us and professed Orthodoxy.

The funeral service can be performed not only in the temple, but also in the cemetery.

In the church year, such days are allocated for the service of universal memorial services:

  • Meat Saturday... It falls at the end of the meat week, followed by Maslenitsa, and then Great Lent. This is the first universal memorial Saturday, when the Church during the service remembers that the Last Judgment awaits each person before God. And in order to alleviate the fate of Christians who have already died before this day, this great funeral service is served.
  • Trinity Saturday... Before the fiftieth day after Resurrection, when the whole Church celebrates the descent of the Holy Spirit, it is customary to commemorate the dead as a sign that they are also waiting for the salvation of their souls. In the prayers of this day, we ask that the gifts of the Holy Spirit descend not only on the living, but also on the departed brothers and sisters in faith.
  • Parental Saturdays of Lent... They are celebrated on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th week of Holy Lent. The time of Great Lent is the most sorrowful and repentant period of the entire church year, when a person needs to put aside all worldly affairs and try to devote his thoughts to God and serving others as much as possible. Of course, these days we cannot forget about our deceased relatives, who are in great need of prayer support.
  • Radonitsa, or Antipaskha... This is the so-called Easter for the dead, when the good news of the Resurrection of Christ is spread to those who have already left this world. After his death on the Cross, Christ descended into hell, and granted salvation to the righteous who had already died before. Therefore, the message of Christ's Bright Resurrection brings the joy of eternal life not only for still living people, but also for dead Christians. Since there is no funeral service on Bright Week immediately after Easter, all faithful Christians rush to commemorate their dead relatives on Radonitsa.

What is a memorial service for the departed

When someone close to you leaves, you need to make a lot of important decisions, organize a farewell. But if the deceased was a baptized person, it is imperative to take care of his soul, order a funeral service and a requiem for the dead. These are very important farewell rites in Orthodoxy, in which all loved ones should participate.

What is a church farewell for

The Christian faith lies in the fact that after a bodily death, the soul of a person is transferred to another world, a spiritual one, which is invisible to us on this earth. In the early days, it is especially difficult for her, because she has to go through ordeals - evil spirits prevent her from going to heaven. Therefore, church prayer for dead Christians is mandatory. It is also necessary to invite a priest before death so that he read all the prayers for the departure of the soul from the body, confess and give the Holy Communion. This is the best end for a believer!

A requiem for the dead is served before the funeral; for this, the priest can be called home. Usually, a car is required to pick it up from the church and bring it back, the amount of donation must be negotiated individually (singers usually come only for payment, but the priest may not take money if the deceased often went to church). All those present should pray, according to tradition, lighted candles are held in their hands. In time, the ceremony takes about half an hour.

  • According to tradition, the body should spend the night in the temple, psalms should be read over it. Or, if possible, the memorial service itself for the deceased is served in the church, and not in the cemetery or at home. Of course, these are additional troubles, but everything possible must be done, because we are talking about eternal fate.

You cannot cry over the body so as not to hold the soul of the deceased. Better to spend more time in prayer. Some of the relatives can read the Psalter at home if it is not possible to spend the whole night near the body.

To order a requiem for the dead, you must come to the temple. It is much easier if the whole family is church-going, or you can turn to someone who often goes to church. If there are no such acquaintances, go to the church shop, as a rule, all requirements are ordered there. The priest will be given everything, or they will be given a number by which you can contact him.

During Great Lent, requiems for the dead are served by prior arrangement. In general, there are special days for commemoration, but usually in such matters they always meet halfway.

Holy duty

Although a person ends his earthly journey, his soul dwells in eternity. Therefore, it is imperative to pray for the departed, preferably daily. It is very good to read the kathismas - these are several psalms, they are accompanied by special prayers, where the name of the deceased (deceased) is called. In the prayer books, you can also find a short version, it will also be beneficial.

The dirge for the dead contains the usual opening prayers, Psalm 90. Next are the troparia, and a special canon is sung. A special litany (petition) is read. There is an option for lay people, which can be read on their own in the cemetery or at home, if it was not possible to invite a priest.

It is customary to commemorate the dead:

  • Day 3 - Tradition is established to commemorate Jesus being resurrected on the third day. It is believed that the first 2 days the shower visits the places dear to the heart. It is on the 3rd day that the ascension to heaven begins.
  • Day 9 - according to the number of angelic ranks. Until this day, the deceased travels to the heavenly abodes. If he has sinned a lot, he will grieve that he spent little time in the service of God.
  • The 40th day - this number is often found in the Bible, the required time for proper cleansing of a person. It is believed that on this day the place of the soul is determined, where it will be until the Last Judgment.

It is also customary to celebrate the anniversary; this must be done with prayer, good deeds, avoiding alcohol (as at any Christian commemoration). It is good to give alms for the deceased. It is also customary to distribute part of the memorial meal to the poor, or bring it to the temple. It is left on a special table near the eve (a low square candlestick, near which memorial services are performed) - you cannot leave only meat products.

There are other forms of prayer that can be used all the time, not just on certain dates. It is best to order a commemoration at the Liturgy - for the deceased, particles are removed from the prosphora, which are then washed in a Chalice with sacramental wine, which is the Blood of Christ.

It is believed that the souls of sinners who repented, but did not have time to do good deeds, will endure torment, which can be relieved by the prayers of loved ones. Just don't think that just submitting a note is enough. You must definitely be at the service and pray. A worthy remembrance is essential for any Christian. Prayer - church and personal - is the best that the living can do for the soul of the deceased.

Memorial service for the departed Text

When, during the requiem in the church, a candle is put up for repose on the eve (a memorial marble table on which the cells for candles and the Cross are located), a prayer is lifted up to the Lord:

"Remember, Lord, the souls of your departed servants (names), and all my relatives, and forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary, grant them the Kingdom and the communion of your eternal blessings, and make them an eternal memory."

The text is repeated three times.

Listen to the memorial service for the dead online

Memorial service for the dead (text) - how to order in church or during fasting was last modified: July 8th, 2017 by Bogolub

Excellent article 0

The death of a loved one is a great grief, but at the same time many problems fall on the shoulders of relatives that need to be quickly resolved. To a large extent, this applies to church burial rites.

What is a requiem and when is it ordered?

Panikhida is a church service that is performed over the deceased, and even on the days of his birth, and for commemoration. After the soul leaves the body, it goes through many trials, so it just needs the help of the church. It is believed that the funeral service helps the soul to more easily pass into another life.

Understanding what a memorial service is in the church, it is worth saying when it is best to order it:

  1. On the third day after death, the soul goes to worship God, therefore it is recommended to order a memorial service on this day to support the soul. It is best to ask the priest to serve the service near the grave.
  2. On the ninth and fortieth day, the soul also comes to God and the requiem is worth repeating again.
  3. It will be much easier for the soul to go through all the ordeals with the help of the requiem.

How to order a memorial service in a church?

If you want to order a requiem, you must first go to church. There you need to agree with the priest about the funeral service, which can be read both in the church and at the grave. Even in the temple, it is necessary to write a note with the names of the people whom you want to mention during the service. You also need to know what to carry to the memorial service. Going to church to order a service, you need to take with you a certain set of products that are left on the funeral table. They are a kind of charity given in honor of the deceased. You can put in the basket for the funeral: various bakery products, cereals, fruits, vegetables, wine, eggs, butter, granulated sugar and sweets. Prohibited foods include various sausages, meat and spoiled foods.