What did Arnold Schwarzenegger suffer from as a child? Schwarzenegger falls into childhood. Personal life of Arnold Schwarzenegger

The biography of Arnold Schwarzenegger is so rich in events, turns, meetings, titles and professions that it will not work to fit everything in one book, and even more so in an article. Iron Arnie continues to surprise his fans with something new in different areas: art, personal life, status. But at the same time, his past is constantly on everyone's lips. Interesting events originated in childhood. Walked through youthful achievements. Gone is an unforgettable youth. And smoothly settled down at a conscious age.

Arnie is a living legend of cinema, sports and America. How was the childhood of Arnold Schwarzenegger: photo, video. Gradual changes in the appearance of the famous bodybuilder. Which each time stimulated to move forward to new heights and titles.

Arnold Schwarzenegger in early childhood: a modest and kind boy

In an Austrian Catholic family in 1947, the future terminator, governor and bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger was born. It was the post-war period, the parents lived in the village, which means that poverty did not pass by the house of the future star. Children were introduced to all economic processes from an early age, up to caring for livestock. Such an experience cannot be called superfluous. What Arnold repeatedly repeated in his interviews.

The boy took his first steps, like all the children in the area. Until a certain age, he stood out for his modesty and inability to stand up for himself. He was weak both physically and emotionally. These features were observed both in the behavior, movements, and in the eyes of Arnold. Even in the kindergarten, the offenders of little Arnie were not only peers, but also his father. The military temper made itself felt, so he wanted to see in his son a strong character and the makings of a real man. In the family of the actor, assault was a frequent guest. At such moments, Schwarzenegger dreamed of becoming an adult sooner, earning a lot of money and proving to his father that he deserved a lot.

A photo. Arnold Schwarzenegger as a child

At school, starting from the 1st grade, Arnold did not shine with knowledge. There was no zeal for learning. But his kindness towards others and towards the world was appreciated. It is during the school period that a lot of energy begins to accumulate in it. It needs to be put somewhere, splashed out. Then in the life of Schwarzenegger a path to sports opens. The boy went through a school of different disciplines and sections. He even tried himself as a football player, which his father was so proud of.

Arnold Schwarzenegger at 14-15 years old

Arnold Schwarzenegger at the age of 14 learned what a gym is. It was love at first sight and touch. Iron easily absorbed bad energy, and in return gave strength, confidence, perspectives. Arnie devoured it all greedily. Schwarzenegger was thin in his youth. But gradually, step by step, regular training and the desire to grow in this direction, made adjustments to the athlete's body. Most importantly, he enjoyed the process. He rushed headlong to class. I spent more than one hour in the hall, I forgot about the time.

There was no trace of the frail, overly shy boy. Arnold matured and became stronger externally, in behavior, internally. Gradually, the number of workouts reached 7 times a week. The guy was not stopped even on weekends in the gym.

He managed to sneak in through the window. Dependence on classes predicted great prospects for Schwarzenegger in sports. At that time, the athlete makes a choice in favor of bodybuilding, leaving weightlifting as a base in the past. This decision was not spontaneous. Arnold saw no further growth just by lifting weights. He wanted big body changes and important wins in his career.

Arnold Schwarzenegger at 16-17 years old

In order not to be just addicted to training jocks, Arnold begins to be interested in the psychology of sports. The young man learns more and more about the thin line between occupation and reason. Now he approaches each exercise and the training process in general with all seriousness. Naturally, this affects its appearance and internal fullness.

A photo. Arnold Schwarzenegger at 16

BUT Rnold Schwarzenegger at 17first appeared as a bodybuilder in Graz. There he took second place. Despite the fact that Arnie had many bright victories throughout his life, that moment was remembered forever. The physical form of the athlete was very good, but the young man understood that a small success today is only a minor achievement on the way to something great. Therefore, you need to constantly and diligently work on yourself, your work and physical qualities.

Arnold Schwarzenegger at 18: army everyday life

To the delight of his father and with his own desire, Schwarzenegger is drafted into the tank troops of the Austrian army. Arnie draws parallels between huge machines and his own body. He doesn't stop training. Yes, the standard army discipline was a daily ritual, but the bodybuilder kept a separate job. Schwarzenegger could organize a gym anywhere, even in the barracks. The guy did not have any special achievements in military craft. On the contrary, misses were observed, in the form of a drowned tank, regular violations of discipline.

During the army period, Arnold makes changes to his diet. Now meat is a daily component of meals. After some time, in conjunction with regular training, such changes have borne fruit: a significant increase in muscle mass.

At the age of 18, the contest "Mr. Europe" appeared on the horizon of Schwarzenegger. Since no one wanted to let him go from the barracks. Arnie organized his escape. Quickly taking part in the event, and winning. The guy returned to the service and received imprisonment in a punishment cell as punishment When the management found out about the achievement of the violator, Arnold was released and awarded time off.

Arnold Schwarzenegger at 19-20 years old: fitness trainer and title "Mr. Universe" twice

After the army, Schwarzenegger decides to leave for Munich, instead of his native village. The strict German city received him not very friendly. It was here that Arnold began working as a fitness trainer. Labor did not bring a lot of money, and there was no pleasure from it. The bodybuilder understood that it was impossible to give up. We need to move forward, not stand still. Therefore, he takes the last money on a plane ticket to London to participate in the Mr. Universe contest. Then he took second place, which he did not even count on.

There was a fateful meeting. One of the judges liked the stately athlete. He saw great potential in him. And now, young Arnie is already living with the family of his personal trainer Charles Bennett. Studying English. He trains in a new format for himself, with great breakthroughs and results. In the person of Bennett, he finds not only professional support, but also understanding and care. He knows those feelings that he did not experience in his own family.

A photo. Arnold Schwarzenegger at 19. Competition "Mr. Universe", second place

The second attempt to speak at "Mr. Universe" brought Arnie and his coach first place. Arnold Schwarzenegger at 20 became the youngest holder of this title. Little mission accomplished. The athlete returns to Munich. Work, training, training, new goals. Arnold moves forward. At the next contest "Mr. Universe" in 1968, Schwarzenegger wins again. And thus attracts the attention of professionals from the world of bodybuilding.

Arnold Schwarzenegger in his youth: California and Mr. Olympia

After his triumph at the age of 20, Arnold decided to tread the path to his old dream - life in the states. He moves to California. Joins the society of bodybuilders. Doesn't stop learning. Constantly seeks advice from experienced colleagues. He takes the instructions of the judges with attention. Draws conclusions for himself. Thanks to hard work and criticism of his own person, Schwarzenegger outlines new goals and goes to them. At bodybuilding competitions, each time he feels more and more confident.

A photo. Arnold Schwarzenegger at 25: gym workout

At the first attempt at Mr. Olympia, Arnold takes second place. Then, a year later, according to the knurled program, young Schwarzenegger wins and sets a record as the youngest "Mr." He was so carried away by his rise that for 6 years in a row he did not give the title to anyone else. Arnold did a tremendous amount of work on his body. Although he admitted to using anabolic steroids during that period. After the rapid rise in professional sports, Schwarzenegger decides to end his career as a bodybuilder.

Video. Arnold Schwarzenegger "Mr. Olympia" 1970

A photo. Arnold Schwarzenegger in his youth photo from the contest "Mr. Olympia" 1975

Young Schwarzenegger: the beginning and rapid leap in a film career

Until 1970, Schwarzenegger's career was associated with sports. However, after the first attempts at cinema, Arnold realized that with such external data as his, one could pave a good path to the film industry. Despite the fact that some directors were embarrassed by the excessive puffiness of Schwarzenegger's muscles, and critics did not take him seriously as an actor, Arnie increasingly began to appear on the set. The first significant film on the cast list was the tape "Hercules in New York". At that time, Schwarzenegger was introduced by the pseudonym Arnold Strong. He constantly worked on his accent. He attended acting classes. He even delved into meditation practices to become more focused and peaceful .

A photo. A look into the future: Schwarzenegger in anticipation of fame

The busy 80s of Arnold Schwarzenegger: new movie roles, again bodybuilding and a trip to the USSR

In the 80s, the films "Conan the Barbarian" and "Conan the Destroyer" were released, after which Arnold's popularity skyrocketed. Now he is recognizable, inviting and loved. In the same period, he temporarily returns to the world of bodybuilding. To once again win "Mr. Olympia" and release his book "Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding".

A photo. Arnold Schwarzenegger - Conan the Barbarian. Actor's popularity

In 1984, the famous bodybuilder becomes a "terminator". After the release of the film of the same name, this image was fixed for Arnold forever. Then came action movie after action movie: Commando, Predator, Total Recall. Each new role made his name more famous around the world. But at the same time, the actor observed the uniformity of his characters. He wanted to play something special. To be able to open up. Show what he is capable of. Show off your acting talent and impress the audience already in love.

A photo. Arnold Schwarzenegger in "Terminator"

A photo. Schwarzenegger in "Predator"

In the late 80s, Schwarzenegger was in the USSR. The film crew of the film "Red Heat" flew to the Soviet Union to work out several episodes of the movie. During this time, Arnold managed to talk with fans. Answer journalists' questions at a closed press conference. Met with a champion in weightlifting. The actor was dressed in a suit with a tie, at that time such an appearance was unusual, neither for Schwarzenegger himself, nor for the viewer.

In 1988, iron Arnie made a very significant contribution to bodybuilding. He organized a tournament with his name "Arnold Classic". Today it is a large-scale competitive program that includes competitions in various sports, not only in bodybuilding.

New roles and roles of Arnold Schwarzenegger

After the release of the film "Twins" the viewer realized that Schwarzenegger can play not only tough guys who cover the world with a mountain of his muscles. It turns out that Arnold knows how to be funny. The actor was very happy with the opportunity to reincarnate as a previously uncharacteristic hero and was pleased with his game.

Further, Schwarzenegger was no longer to be stopped: “Kindergarten Cop”, “Junior”, “Gift for Christmas”. Arnie became interested in light comedy stories. But the most important thing is that in such films the viewer continued to admire his idol.

Schwarzenegger's acting has gotten better every year. In the 90s, he became one of the most sought-after celebrities. At the same time, everyone remembered that Arnold was an Australian immigrant who once did not know English.

A photo. In the 90s, Arnold Schwarzenegger becomes one of the most popular actors in the world.

In the early 2000s, there were new films. Although not as significant as the previous ones, the actor's filmography has been replenished. His reincarnation and realism was appreciated by many. At that time, it seemed that Schwarzenegger seemed to be hiding. Takes a breath and starts something interesting. Perhaps another return to sports or the development of a new profession.

And here are the cards revealed. In 2003, Arnold Schwarzenegger ran for governor of California. Yes, he has no experience, but there is popularity and recognition of millions. Two terms in political office died down quickly. Someone was satisfied with his rule, while someone did not see any changes. At the same time, the actor announced the end of his film career. A few films were an exception: the fourth part of the "Terminator" and "The Expendables" with Sylvester Stallone. As time will tell, Arnie cannot live without filming for a long time.

A photo. Political career of Schwarzenegger. Two terms as Governor of California

Schwarzenegger's return to the big screen

After political passions, in 2011 Arnold returns to his usual life and receives a lot of offers for filming and more. He agreed to voice the main character in the animated series The Governor. And starred in the sequel to The Expendables 2. In 2013-2014, Schwarzenegger fully plunged into the militant environment familiar to him. "Return of the Hero", "Escape Plan", "Sabotage" - each in its own way bright and emotional film impressed the viewer. Fans recognized their beloved Arnie. In return for recognition, the actor starred in the continuation of "Terminator: Genesis".

Achievements of Arnold Schwarzenegger in business. Schwarzenegger has achieved success in various fields: sports achievements, film career, political activities. But not everyone knows that Arnold got to the top even in business. Back in 1968, young Arnie, together with a friend, was engaged in the construction business. Then there were mailing lists, cassettes with instructions on fitness and bodybuilding. Then, noticing a new gold mine, he invested in real estate companies. In the 90s, Schwarzenegger was in the restaurant business. In addition, iron Arnie has a company associated with entertainment - video games, comics and the film industry. Sport is also a business. Festivals and competitions organized by Arnold brought and still bring a certain income. At the same time, the actor has always devoted a lot of time to training and self-development, he has a university degree in economics.

Schwarzenegger's personal life: children, divorce and first love

The actor has a large family: two sons and two daughters. The youngest is 20 years old. Despite the scandals and sensational stories around the celebrity, mutual understanding between Arnold and his children remains at the same level. When they were still small, Arnie was a strict dad. Disciplined, instilled a love for physical activity, sometimes punished. With his wife Maria Shriver, the actor lived for decades. She has always been a support for the iron man. However, in 2011 it was revealed that Arnold had an affair and an illegitimate child. Maria filed for divorce.

Schwarzenegger's first love was teacher Barbara Oatland-Baker. Their paths diverged a long time ago. But the woman decided to perpetuate the memory of her feelings and the time spent with the famous actor on the pages of the book. The creation turned out to be quite frank, in addition, it turned out that Arnold's former lover continued to love the celebrity all these years

A photo. Young Arnold Schwarzenegger with his first love Barbara

What does Arnold Schwarzenegger look like now, and what does he do

In 2017, the new film "Consequence" with Schwarzenegger in the title role was released. The plot is based on real events, so for the actor it was an interesting experience and a new reincarnation. Arnold was imbued with the stories of his hero and conveyed emotions with full force. Last year, Schwarzenegger tried himself as a host on a reality show that is associated with charity.

Video. Arnold Schwarzenegger in childhood and now.

At 70, Arnold looks amazing. Naturally, wrinkles on the face cannot be avoided. But the body is physically prepared for such years. Schwarzenegger trains regularly. Keeps himself in shape. Monitors nutrition. Even in extreme old age, for his fans, he will still be the same iron Arnie. The star has many plans for 2018, so there is no time to relax. Comedies, sequels and another terminator. Arnold does not slow down, he just prioritizes.

  • Full name: Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Date of birth: July 30, 1947 (age 68).
  • Place of birth: Thal village, Graz, Austria.
  • Zodiac sign: Leo.
  • Height: 188 cm.
  • Weight: 95 kg.

Childhood of Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger as a child

Arnold Schwarzenegger was born on July 30, 1947 in a tiny Austrian village near the city of Graz. The boy's parents were demanding rules and treated the upbringing of Arnold and his brother with all seriousness. Children grew up in strict discipline, which was closely monitored by the father of the family, who worked as the chief of police.

The Schwarzeneggers lived very poorly: in the house where Arnold spent his childhood, there was no heating, no TV, or even basic amenities. The real holiday in the family was the purchase of a refrigerator.

As a child, young Schwarzenegger wanted to devote himself to the career of a football player, but at the age of 14, Arnold's plans change, and he begins to dream about bodybuilding.

Dreams, however, were not destined to come true so vividly - the young man was prevented from going to the intended goal by being drafted into the Austrian army, where Schwarzenegger went at the age of 18.

Filmography of Arnold Schwarzenegger

Returning from the army in 1966, Arnold travels to Munich, where he continues to rush towards his goal. In the same year, he takes second place in the competition "Mr. Universe". And already in 1967 he won this title.

In 1968, Schwarzenegger decides to continue his career as a bodybuilder in the United States. There he achieves incredible results, winning numerous competitions. The peak of his sports career was the victory in 1980 at the Mr. Olympia competition, after which Arnold decides to leave the world of sports.

At the age of 22, after success in bodybuilding, Arnold Schwarzenegger tries himself as an actor, trying to conquer the cinema. But things don't go as smoothly in movies as they do in sports. His first film, Hercules in New York, did not bring fame to the young actor. Popularity came to Arnold only after the release of the film "Conan the Barbarian", after which the role of a superhero was firmly entrenched in him.

Significant for Schwarzenegger was the year 1984, when the film "Terminator" was released, which became the hallmark of the actor in the world of cinema.

In the 90s, Arnold expanded his creative treasury and revealed himself as a talented comedian in such films as "Gemini", "Junior", "Kindergarten Cop", "True Lies", "The Last Action Hero".

As an actor, the former bodybuilder became the owner of many awards, including the Golden Globe for his role in the film Stay Hungry.

Do not forget that Arnold Schwarzenegger is not only a successful film actor and bodybuilder, but also a talented businessman and politician. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin with a degree in Business and Economics, opened a mail-order business, a construction company, a chain of restaurants, was engaged in real estate and the sale of comics and video games. By the age of 30, Schwarzenegger was already a millionaire.

Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected Governor of California in 2003, from which he left in January 2011. The actor could not combine his political career with filming a movie. Only in 2010 did he allow himself to be on the set again, when he was invited to appear in the film The Expendables. As soon as the governorship was over, Arnold returned to the cinema. With his participation, the film "The Expendables 2" was released in 2012. He continues to act further: the premiere of the film "The Last Battle" with Schwarzenegger in the title role is already scheduled for 2013.

Height and weight of Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger is 188 cm tall and weighs 95 kg.

Personal life of Arnold Schwarzenegger

The personal life of Arnold Schwarzenegger can be fearlessly called stormy. In 1969, his first serious romance began with an English teacher, Barbara Baker. Their relationship lasted for five whole years, and the gap occurred only in 1975.

And a year later, on the beach, actor Arnold Schwarzenegger falls in love with hairdresser Sue Moray, the affair with which ends in 1977, when Schwarzenegger meets his future wife, Maria Shriver.

On April 26, 1986, Arnold and Maria finally got married. Schwarzenegger made an offer while walking on a lake in Austria, and the romantic atmosphere left the girl no choice. She agreed. The couple had four children: Katherine, Christina, Patrick and Christopher.

In 2011, Arnold admitted to cheating on his wife with a maid who worked at the family's home for 20 years. After this statement, Arnold and Maria divorced.

The illegitimate son of Arnold Schwarzenegger from the maid grew up his copy

Arnold Schwarzenegger admitted five years ago that he had been cheating on his wife with Mexican maid Mildred Baena for ten years. The actor turned out to have an illegitimate son, Joseph.

Arnie's wife Maria Shriver filed for divorce as soon as she found out about the betrayal. Relations in the family have long been tense, and this was the last straw. Joseph is already 18 years old. Recently, the paparazzi photographed him on a walk: the guy is an exact copy of his father.

Joseph with Mildred Baen

Arnold did not abandon his second family. The actor bought a house for his mistress and son and regularly paid alimony. Joseph is currently studying business management at the University of Malibu.

By the way, the son of Arnold and Maria Shriver Christopher was born only five days earlier than Joseph. According to the maid, she did not know that the father of the child was Schwarzenegger. The woman was sure that she had given birth to a child from her former spouse.

Arnold Schwarzenegger and President John F. Kennedy's niece Maria Shriver married in 1986. The couple have four children: Katherine Eunice (1989), Christina Maria Aurelius (1991), Patrick Schwarzenegger (1993) and Christopher Sargent (1997).

Arnold Schwarzenegger's son Patrick graduated from college

The son of actor and politician Arnold Schwarzenegger, Patrick graduated from college. The 22-year-old young man received a diploma from the University of South Carolina, where he studied at the business department. Patrick spoke about the joyful event on his Instagram. Also, the young man touchingly confessed his love to his parents - Arnold and Maria Shriver.

Patrick and Maria Shriver

“If not for them, I would not have succeeded! Thank you for everything, love you both,” wrote Patrick in a photoblog.

In turn, the star father posted a picture on Instagram with a graduate and also wrote a touching wish to his son.

"Patrick, I'm very proud of you! You have grown into a real man - physically and mentally. I can't wait for your new successes. Congratulations and love,” wrote Arnie in the photoblog.

Subscribers of Arnold and Patrick were scattered in compliments on the pretext of the guy's appearance, and also congratulated him on graduating from business school.

"Patrick, my wishes", "You are smart and handsome", "You graduated from my dream school, may you succeed", "Cool, Patrick, my wishes", "Insanely happy for you", "Good luck, brother", - subscribers wrote.

Arnold Schwarzenegger reined in animal killers

Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger (Arnold Schwarzenegger) put in place all lovers of safari, but in fact - simple killers of animals - in the person of the American dentist Walter Palmer, who some time ago shot a living landmark of Zimbabwe - the lion Cecil. The 68-year-old "Terminator" posted a picture on his Instagram that was taken at the very beginning of his career. In the photo, Arnie, in a remarkable sports uniform, holds awards in his hand. With this publication, the actor was not at all going to remind about his past, but wanted to put the hunters in their place.

“These are trophies”, and on the right is a photograph of a lion with the caption: “But this is not,” Schwarzenegger signed the picture tersely, but intelligibly.

Recall that a hunter from the States committed a ruthless act on June 30. It is known that Walter Palmer not only shot the 13-year-old lion, but within 40 hours after the shot, with the support of the guards, finished off Cecil to death. This cruel act created a huge resonance in society. The world media expressed their outrage at the pretext of an outrageous act. It is known that the hunter got off lightly enough - he paid a fine to the South African state in the amount of 54 thousand dollars.

(as well as "Eraser trail", "Eraser")
"ERASER" - Warner, 1996
Directed by Charles Russell.
Cast: Arnold Schwarzenegger,
Vanessa Williams
James Coburn and others

E two if not the most interesting thing in this film is the history of its creation. A few years ago, somewhere in Europe, Schwarzenegger saw a huge poster, one to one repeating the Terminator poster with Arnold on a motorcycle, in a leather jacket and with a pump-action shotgun. That's just the name of the film was different - "Eraser" or "Eraser" ("Eraser"). Amazed Schwarzenegger went to the cinema, where he saw a comedy - a parody of James Cameron's dilogy (the word "terminator", if anyone forgot, is translated as "limiter" or "breaker"). The actor announced to the journalists who were waiting for Schwarzenegger at the exit from the cinema that the picture amused him so much that he would probably buy the rights to use its name and some fragments in his next action movie.

We don’t know whether Schwarzenegger bought these rights or not, but he released his “Eraser”: Schwarzenegger’s hero, who protects especially important witnesses, fakes their deaths, saying: “I erased you.” The Eraser's partner turned out to be a traitor and led the killers to Schwarzenegger's client. Arnold takes a secret machine gun in each hand and smashes the enemies to smithereens, leaving not a single "bad" alive.

And everything would be fine - in the end, it was precisely such tapes that brought world fame to the Austrian bodybuilder - if it were not for the fact that Schwarzenegger's "Eraser" is not a parody, although in recent years Schwarzenegger has repeatedly said (and most importantly, proved in practice) that The role of a hefty thug no longer suits him. And he discovered a remarkable sense of humor, laughing plenty at himself in "Kindergarten Cop", "Gemini", "The Last Action Hero" or "True Lies". Yes, and in the "Terminators", in addition to huge fees (), there were very cheerful moments: let's remember at least the famous "Hasta la vista, baby!". They believed him, they finally stopped comparing him with Stallone, who never grew out of the short pants of Rocky and Rambo. And suddenly - "Eraser". "Iron Arnie" seems to have returned to the days of the "Predator" or "Commandos", in the 80s. You can’t do that, in fact, at forty-nine years old.



- In your latest film "Profession: Eraser" you play another "terminator", albeit with a human face. Why are you re-choosing these roles?
Arnold Schwarzenegger:“It is clear that films of this genre historically suffer from a common disease - a sketchy plot and psychology, but it was all the more pleasant to get a good script, such as The Eraser, where an unknown world opens up. In fact, very few people know how the US government implements the witness protection program.”

- Nevertheless, you demanded that some scenes that did not suit you be removed from the Eraser script. Why?
“I have raised my personal bar very high. After Terminator 2 and True Lies, I just have to show something more. My good name is a guarantee that the picture should be large enough and spectacular.

- It is not surprising that the directors are already afraid of you ...
“Yes, many of them don’t have the strength to fight me anymore. But I can't be content with one little scene here, another scene there. I need scale. In my opinion, this is expected of me and the audience. So we have to pull other figures under the armpits. After all, I know how it's done.

- Will you show the "Eraser" to your children?
- "Eraser" is not for children. Although I always try to balance violence and cruelty with humor in these kinds of films. My kids only watched Kindergarten Cop and The Twins, and got really scared when they happened to see Junior on cable. I had to explain what I was doing there and why their dad, who was pregnant, was running around with female breasts and long hair.

- Do you forbid your children a lot?
“The way my parents raised me at one time would probably be called child abuse today. I received cuffs from both my father and my mother if I behaved inappropriately. If I chose to raise my children the way I was raised, they would become outcasts.

Of course, they grow in privileged conditions. As a child, I never dreamed of such things: private jets, limousines... One way or another, they are already spoiled. But still we try to keep them in our hands.

- What do you say about the rumors that your health is now affected by the fact that you took steroids in your youth?
I don't know what those rumors are. Any serious news outlet would subject such a claim to rigorous scrutiny. There is medical documentation. In my entire life, I was in the hospital once: when I had a knee operation. And he never abused drugs or medicines.

- Do you still "pump iron" in the gym?
- One hour a day. Thanks to this, I can act in stunt films. The hero of an action movie must look authentic.

What are you most proud of in your life?
- With my family. It's damn hard to make a career and have a normal family life at the same time.

translated from german

This world-famous bodybuilder, actor, businessman and politician was born in the Austrian village of Thal in 1947. Arnold celebrates his birthday on July 30th. Let's take a closer look at the biography of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Arnold Schwarzenegger as a child

Arnold Schwarzenegger's parents lived very poorly. They had a small farm in the form of livestock. Since childhood, the actor had a chance to do housework and help his parents. Every day he woke up very early in order to have time to milk the cow before school, clean up and fetch water from the well. The father, being the chief of police, raised the boy in severity. Every evening he made his son write on paper a detailed account of the past day.

Most likely, thanks to the conditions in which the actor was brought up, Schwarzenegger grew up very stubborn and hardworking. From a young age, he understood that thanks to determination, perseverance and work, absolutely everything can be achieved.

Sports career

At the age of 15, the young man began to study. At first, he could not achieve any special results, but with the help of coach Kurt Marnul, who has the title of "Mr. Austria", Arnie began to succeed. He became so interested in bodybuilding that there was not a day when he did not train. Even in the absence of a gym, the bodybuilder independently made barbells and continued to work out.

Since 1965, Arnold began to take part in bodybuilding competitions, and in 1967 he was awarded the title "Mr. Universe". In 1968, having won the title of "Mr. Universe" again, Schwarzenegger received an invitation from Joe Weider, an authoritative person in the world of bodybuilding, to live for some time in the USA and take part in the next competition. And since 1970, Arnold had no equal, he won the title of "Mr. Olympia" for five years in a row.

Conquest of Hollywood

Having reached all the heights in sports, Arnold Schwarzenegger decided to conquer Hollywood. But here, too, it was not without perseverance. The first films were not successful, and without giving up, he went to acting school. This gave excellent results. Already in 1982, Arnold Schwarzenegger became a real movie star, thanks to the film "Conan the Barbarian". Despite the ruthless criticism of professionals, this film made a stunning impression on the fans. And, of course, the actor becomes a world-class star in 1984 with the release of the movie "Terminator".

Then Schwarzenegger went further. Deciding to prove to everyone that he was a versatile actor and could act in more than just action films, Arnold accepted offers to play a comedic role. And in this role, he also became successful. This is confirmed by such beloved comedies as "True Lies", "Gemini", "Kindergarten Cop" and others.

Political career

In one of his interviews, Schwarzenegger said that in his film career he reached the top, as it once happened with bodybuilding. He is no longer interested in this, which is why he decided to go into politics and run for governor of California. In the life of Arnold, a new stage has begun. In 2003, he was elected governor of California, in whose post he was until January 2011, since Schwarzenegger could not take part in the elections in 2010 by law. During his governorship, Arnold was recognized as America's most independent politician to come to power. He fulfilled his obligations regardless of the circumstances and expectations of other political forces.

Arnold Schwarzenegger and his family

Arnie had many novels. Arnold Schwarzenegger met his future wife at the age of 30. With journalist Maria Shriver, they legalized their relationship only in 1986. Up to this point, for 9 years of their relationship, there were breakups and short novels of the actor with other women.

The marriage of Arnold and Maria lasted a long 25 years, after which followed. The reason for this was the betrayal of the actor with the housekeeper. The wife could not forgive the betrayal and filed for divorce.

Arnold Schwarzenegger has five children, four of whom are from Maria and one illegitimate son from a housekeeper.

Despite the divorce, Arnold Schwarzenegger is now on excellent terms with his ex-wife and children. They support the actor and are proud of his success.