The better to insulate the windows on the balcony inside. Do-it-yourself loggia insulation, step by step instructions. To repair damaged areas of concrete

There are three main types of work in the process of insulation: wall cladding around the perimeter of the room, thermal insulation of the ceiling and floor surface. In order to understand how to properly insulate a balcony from the inside with your own hands, you should study the recommendations of professionals. Useful video links will help you understand the whole range of activities before starting work.

  • self-insulation (personal experience)
  • On the example of Moscow

1. Basic concepts for arranging a loggia from the inside

The choice of double-glazed windows and installation tips ("Eco Balcony").

Creating a comfortable temperature on the loggia. Glazing tips: selection of double-glazed windows and profiles, proper installation of the window structure, preparation of the base for installing the frame, etc. Appointment and installation of a hydrovisor. Elimination of bridges of cold. Recommendations of a specialist on the insulation of surfaces of walls, floors and ceilings in a room.

2. Thermal insulation with styrofoam

Finishing and insulation of the loggia from the company "Empire Grand".

The video shows the layout of the foam. The sequence of work: installing a window sill, creating a frame of a wooden crate, filling the cells of the structure with foam, laying the base under the floor covering on the logs. A good example proves the ease of installation of insulation. Decorative wall decoration is carried out using PVC panels.

3. Self-insulation with penoplex and penofol

Modern methods of creating a warm balcony ("Maxi Windows").

Master class on the device of penoplex and penofol (polyethylene foam). Insulation (extruded polystyrene foam) is mounted on all surfaces of the room; plate-shaped dowels (“fungi”) are used for fastening. The joints in the structure are filled with mounting foam. Vapor barrier is provided by polyethylene foam film with foil.

4. The device of extruded polystyrene foam (foam)

An excerpt from the TV show "Housing Problem".

Combining a loggia with a living space. Consistent arrangement of the premises. Erection of external walls from foam blocks, dismantling of internal glazing and replacement of external frames. Recommendations for creating a comfortable microclimate using extruded polystyrene foam. Installation of the "warm floor" system.

5. Spraying polyurethane foam (PPU)

Insulation of the PPU loggia (Technopena company).

Spray method on a real example. Preliminary preparation of the premises for repair. Creation of a reliable seamless construction using polyurethane foam (50 mm). Trimming excess material. Video review of the application of polyurethane foam by a specialist.

6. Mineral wool as a heat insulator

Instructions for laying mineral wool in the TV show "Clean Job".

Works on the improvement of space with the help of a non-combustible, reliable and durable heat insulator. Proper installation of mineral wool, the technology of laying the battens in the frame.

7. Installation of electric floor heating

Guide to the installation of the underfloor heating system ("Housing issue").

Gym in the attached loggia. Video instruction for installing the "Warm floor" system to create a comfortable microclimate in the room. Laying penofol on a leveled base. Installation of system cables, organization of a screed with self-leveling action. Preparing the floor for flooring.


How to properly insulate a balcony from the inside with my own hands - I had to ask myself such a question when the idea came to my mind to turn our ownerless balcony into a home one. As it turned out, sewing in a room that is a nursery is not at all comfortable for me. I wanted solitude and silence in order to be completely focused on work, and I also interfered with children's study and recreation.

In this article I will talk about how we carried out repairs to turn our cold and ventilated loggia into a living room, or rather into my office, and at what price it cost us. And I will also give valuable advice that will help you avoid mistakes and save your nerves and money)

  • Balcony window replacement
  • Balcony (loggia) plastering
  • Costings. How much money did it take us to insulate the balcony (loggia)
  • A few tips for those who are going to insulate the balcony with their own hands

How to insulate a balcony from the inside with your own hands

What I had to face and what our loggia looked like before insulation

When I told my friends about my idea, at first everyone laughed at me. They began to talk about how little space there was, and they were frightened by the cold of the unheated room - after all, our loggia was essentially an outdoor space. In order for you to imagine what I had to face, I am attaching a plan of the balcony. I had to turn three and a half squares of usable area into a full-fledged study, where my two sewing machines with a table, a cutting table, and an ironing board could fit.

The first window with a balcony door and access to the kitchen. This wall is the main one - it is already warm, so you can not sheathe it. Subsequently, we refused to cover it with plaster, since the brick itself looks quite interesting in the interior. We only cleaned its surface with a sandpaper from dirt.

The second window is located on the wall of the loggia; it required a complete replacement and touched the stained-glass windows. The photo was taken after the installation of a new double-glazed window.

Balcony window replacement

The first thing my story with a balcony began with was the replacement of an existing double-glazed window. When we moved into our new building, we saw that on the loggia (unlike other rooms) the developer installed the windows in one layer of glass. Of course, it was a summer version, they let the cold through with might and main. There was no talk of replacing the double-glazed window, because I also wanted to change the shape of the frame, make an opening sash of other sizes. I don’t know how the project of our house was made, but the architect obviously did not try for the convenience of the residents. Therefore, first of all, I found a company that made a solid two-chamber window according to our sizes. As stated by the window makers, such a window provides 25% more heat retention in the room than the one that was from the developer.

When ordering a new window, there was one small fad that significantly increased the amount of our expenses - this is lamination. That is, from the street side, all the window frames of our house are dark burgundy, wood-like. Therefore, we also had to fit in with the overall picture and make a window in the overall color scheme. For lamination, companies involved in the manufacture of windows ask from 20% of the total cost.

The price for a window measuring 2580 * 1520 cm with a burgundy frame, with installation and delivery, amounted to 20,700 rubles. And we profitably sold the dismantled old window to the Avito website.

Important (!)- if you are going to insulate the balcony and increase the ceiling after installing the window, then tell the window makers about it. They will put extensions on the top of the window so that later your extended ceiling does not close the shutters and you can hang curtains.

Loggia heating, which method to choose

The loggia usually has walls in one layer of bricks, the worst option is a corrugated balcony. Therefore, in order to feel comfortable in this room during the cold season, a heater is needed.

There are two options for how to make the loggia warm. The first is to open the balcony door so that it heats up at the expense of the adjacent room. The second is to install electric "warm" floors or buy oil radiators.

I will say right away from our experience that one heater was not enough for us, and we decided to install a warm floor. Despite the fact that the walls of our loggia were insulated, it was cold from the neighbors above and below - after all, their balconies remained uninsulated.

The choice of material for warming the loggia (balcony)

At the very beginning, my husband was advised to do the insulation of the balcony with his own hands, in general, he is handy with me - he can put a laminate and glue the tiles. But in the case of the balcony, I did not have time to wait until he finds free time, here I needed the work of a professional, since correcting mistakes would cost more. So we found a master who is engaged in this business and watched his work from the side. I found him through Avito, which I first of all paid attention to - real photos and accommodation in our area (so that he has the opportunity to go for lunch, I don’t spend a lot of time).

I wanted not just to panel the balcony, but to make walls that could later be wallpapered, so we chose drywall for the interior cladding. Finding a good specialist who would work with drywall and mount the wiring (after all, I still needed sockets and lighting) turned out to be not an easy task. But I was lucky and found a good specialist who promised me to bring my idea to life! On his advice, after taking all the measurements, we purchased for the insulation of our loggia:

  • drywall - for walls and ceilings
  • plywood - for the floor
  • technonicol rocklite - for flooring
  • technonikol technoplex - for walls and ceilings
  • isolar - reflective metallized substrate
  • bars

The most important thing on this list is insulation. It is due to him that you get a full-fledged living room. We have chosen two types of insulation:

The first type, for floor insulation, is technonicol rocklite. It is a rectangular slab, pressed from basalt fibers, in the common people it is called mineral wool. Do not be afraid that it can have an adverse effect on the air in the room (many write about harmful fumes, etc.), on the contrary, due to the ability to pass moisture, and not retain it, it is widely used for warming damp rooms, where there is a possibility of mold and fungus . According to the TechnoNIKOL company, its plates do not burn and do not absorb moisture, therefore today they are recognized as the best heaters on the market. In order to cover the floors of the loggia with an area of ​​3.8 m2 in two layers, we needed 1 pack of technonicol rocklite, in which there were 12 slabs.

The second insulation we used is technoplex technoplex for interior wall cladding. As I mentioned above, the developer built our loggia in one layer of brick, due to this, it blew from every corner. In addition, uncomfortable stained-glass windows were installed in the loggia on the sides of the window, which gave the house a businesslike look from the outside, and served as a source of constant drafts and moisture for the residents inside. This type of insulation is made of nanographite, due to which it has an unsightly gray color. Although in terms of weight and appearance, it reminded me more of polystyrene, but despite its lightness, it has excellent thermal insulation characteristics. After our balcony ceased to resemble a bamboo hut, I began to think about how to use these magic tiles to make soundproofing from neighbors in the living room)

The third type of insulation- it rather goes as an addition to the first two, it metallized substrate isolon or isolar. We all know that a shiny surface reflects well. It is this ability of the metallized surface of the substrate that allows you to redirect heat into the room, as if reflecting it and preventing it from escaping outside.

As a result, I can say that all the heaters coped with their tasks with a bang, they really keep warm, like a thermos. But at the same time, they allow excess moisture to pass through, preventing the formation of mold.

How to insulate a balcony with your own hands step by step photo

1. We cleared the balcony of everything superfluous. Before the arrival of the master, we cleaned our balcony of rubbish and debris, a window had already been installed and heating radiators had been installed.

2. Patching the "holes" of stained-glass windows with the help of technonicol technoplex insulation boards. This did not affect the exterior of the house, but for us the problem of eternal drafts was solved. The slabs were laid in two layers, all the cracks were filled with mounting foam.

Cutting the plates after taking measurements is carried out using a jigsaw and a hacksaw for metal.

3. Bringing electrical wiring to the balcony. In my workshop, it was planned to install three outlets for sewing machines and a laptop, the wires were pulled from the nearest outlet from the kitchen.

4. Floor insulation with beams and technonicol rocklite insulation (mineral wool). According to the reviews of our master, he most of all likes to work with this type of insulation. Since when placed between the bars, it expands on its own and does not leave any gaps, which means it does not require the use of mounting foam.

Although basalt wool and glass wool are two different things, I still played it safe and diligently closed the door to the balcony while he laid the floors. And then for an hour I vacuumed all the walls. Of course, our master laughed for a long time when he saw me walking in a medical mask and gloves. For me, any mention of glass wool is a fear from childhood, when we ran around a construction site and accidentally touched glass wool, any of us got a burn, after which it itched and burned for a long time.

First, a frame or so-called formwork for the future floor and walls is assembled from wooden bars. Between themselves, the rails are fastened with metal corners using dowels and a screwdriver.

If the frame is laid on concrete, then first, holes are drilled on the concrete floor at the attachment points using an impact drill. Then, dowels are inserted into the wooden logs, applied to the attachment points and the screws are driven in with a hammer.

Mineral wool mats can be laid immediately on a concrete screed, in a wooden frame between the joists. It does not shrink at all, therefore it is used even on surfaces with high traffic.

To give the floor additional thermal insulation properties - on top of the first layer of basalt wool insulation, you can build a second frame of the crate and lay another layer of rocklite technonicol in the same way. In this case, wooden bars are fastened with a screwdriver to self-tapping screws.

Next, an isolar layer is used - this is a metallized substrate that reflects heat and protects against moisture, and is widely used to create a warm balcony (loggia). After laying all the layers of building materials, we reached the same floor level as the room without thresholds and steps.

Important (!)- the metallized substrate is laid with the reflecting surface upwards.

5. Ceiling insulation with technoplex insulation. In our ceiling, two wires for ceiling lights were installed. Therefore, before proceeding with the installation of the ceiling, electrical wiring was brought out under the wooden beams. I really like this method - it looks neat, without unnecessary wires. Electricians from have a lot to learn from the Bashkir masters)

6. Wall insulation with technoplex technoplex insulation.

The main difference between nanographite and basalt wool insulation is that it is not elastic. Therefore, when installing it into the crate, gaps remain, which then need to be filled with mounting foam.

After all the joints have been processed, a metallized isolar substrate is applied over the insulation. It is attached to the crate using a stapler and a special adhesive tape (connecting tape) - isospan.

After sheathing the entire surface with a metallized substrate, drywall sheets are attached to the wooden crate using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver from above.

Do-it-yourself plastering of a balcony (loggia)

After the balcony was completely sheathed with drywall sheets, including the ceiling, we had to plaster the walls. You can’t glue wallpaper on bare drywall, because its top layer consists of paper and can come off when wet. Additional surface treatment of sheets includes a primer and putty.

At this stage of work, our master left us, since he was only engaged in insulation, and the work of a plasterer as a painter was not part of his duties. We were faced with a choice - either to find a new employee, or to pick up a spatula ourselves. A significant role in the choice was played by the amount that the plasterers asked for - professionals for processing our small area.

Therefore, my friends, for the first time in my life I picked up a spatula and plastered my balcony myself (I posted a photo with the result a little lower). But I will say right away that I liked plastering, as it turned out, working with a gypsum mixture is not at all difficult, and if you are not particularly picky about your walls, feel free to pick up a trowel and master a new type of activity! Later (as experienced craftsmen scared me) after drying, nothing fell off, and the loggia became even warmer - after all, I responsibly covered all the cracks and joints.

So, to plaster a balcony lined with drywall sheets, I needed:

  • gypsum plaster "Volma layer"
  • deep penetration drywall primer
  • serpyanka tape for joints
  • putty knife
  • container for diluting plaster
  • drill with nozzle mixer for mixing the solution
  • oilcloth to protect the surface from dirt (floor and brick wall)

1. First, I went over the walls with a primer to improve the adhesion to the top coat. Waited 40 minutes for it to dry completely.

2. I sealed all the joints on the drywall with tape - sickle. It forms a strong bond with the binder mixture, which is especially important at seams and corners.

3. Prepare a solution. I first diluted everything according to the instructions, and then mixed the plaster with water by eye. For the second time, you already know exactly what consistency the solution should be. I applied two coats of plaster. It took me four hours to get to work. I concluded that you can cope and learn how to work with a spatula even if you are a beginner. What happened to me you can judge from the photo. The color of the Volma layer plaster after drying becomes not white, but gray, so the ceiling had to be whitewashed with water-based paint.

How much money did it take us to insulate the balcony with our own hands

  • Two-chamber window with lamination (assembly, installation) – 20.700
  • Nails, switches, sockets, cable, polyurethane foam, sealant - 4.800
  • Insulation, bars, drywall, plywood - 11.600
  • Window sills, braids, laminate, wallpaper, lamps – 4.000
  • Master's work - 10.000

Total for our loggia with an area of ​​3.43 sq.m. it took us 51.100 rubles. The amount of expenses depends on the size of the area to be insulated and what materials will be used for this. As you understand, insulating a balcony in Khrushchev will cost much less than insulating a large balcony with panoramic windows.

1. Mentally prepare for the fact that it will be necessary to allocate temporary space for building materials. All these heaters, drywall sheets and wooden blocks are impressive in size and occupied our entire entrance hall of 13 sq.m. It was especially hard for me with small children, who cannot be kept in place and I had to constantly make sure that they did not stumble and carry dirt around the apartment.

2. Separately, it is worth mentioning garbage and dust. Despite the fact that all the dirty work was carried out on the loggia, the builder still had to walk between the balcony and the hallway for materials and tools. Therefore, the entire floor was strewn with shavings and debris. Every time after his work, I had to carry out wet cleaning in the house with a rag and a vacuum cleaner. This is an important reason - why I quickly wanted to finish with the insulation of the loggia.

3. The amount that we were initially agreed on for the purchase of building materials was approximate. That is, in the process, you still had to buy something.

4. One person cannot do all the work for sure. There are two ways out: to find a company doing turnkey repairs, the prices of which start from 50 thousand rubles. Or, as we did, we separately looked for a master for each option. As a result, for the whole process of warming our loggia, we needed: specialists in the manufacture and installation of windows, a plumber, a master in warming and cladding balconies, a plasterer-painter. It turned out cheaper than ordering from the organization, but I also had to spend time searching.

5. Keep in mind, if you still decide to insulate the balcony with your own hands without the help of a specialist, then you should have the tool necessary for the job at hand. These are a jigsaw and files, a drill, a hammer, a screwdriver, a sealant gun, a puncher, a construction ruler with a level, a drywall assembly construction knife, a construction stapler.

6. Do not throw away checks, they may come in handy when repairs are completed and unused building materials remain. Within 14 days from the date of purchase, you can return them to the store and get your money back, provided that the package remains unopened.

7. It is better to make purchases in large chain stores. For example, Leroy Merlin gives buyers the opportunity to return an unused item for repair within 100 days after the purchase. I did not have any difficulty in returning the extra rolls of wallpaper, glue and cornices that did not fit in height.


I hope our experience helped you on how to properly insulate a balcony from the inside with your own hands with a step-by-step photo. Many complain that after warming the loggia still remains cold. We specifically measured the temperature on the balcony, with minus outside. She remained as warm and comfortable as in the apartment.

Work on the insulation of the balcony is of course difficult and dirty. But how much joy I now have in my own workshop. I have my own little corner where I can work quietly without disturbing my loved ones, create in my personal space. So if you have an idea to make yourself an office, but there is no place in the apartment, pay attention to the balcony or loggia. All the best, bye!

Most apartment owners use the balcony as a place to store rarely used things. If you want to get additional living space and turn it into a place to relax, a flower garden or an office, you can do it without involving specialists. We will describe in detail how to reliably insulate the balcony from the inside with your own hands.

What is the best thermal insulator to use?

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To finish the balcony, you can use both rolled and tiled materials that provide reliable thermal insulation:

  • Styrofoam: an inexpensive tiled material with sufficiently high thermal insulation properties has two significant drawbacks; the first - a large thickness of the sheets, when using it, the already small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe balcony will be significantly reduced; the second disadvantage is high fire hazard; to ignite it, a lit cigarette accidentally thrown from the top floor is sufficient; therefore, for cladding a balcony, purchase class G2 material that does not support self-combustion
  • penoplex(extruded polystyrene foam): in composition, this material is similar to polystyrene, but due to a special production method with equal thermal insulation properties, it has a smaller thickness, greater mechanical strength; however, the cost of penoplex is higher; since the material has a low water absorption coefficient, in order to avoid condensation, the balcony will need to be regularly ventilated; about how to insulate the balcony with penoplex from the inside, we will tell a little lower
  • "Penofol": foamed polyethylene, protected on both sides with aluminum foil, which serves as both wind and moisture protection; a significant plus is the minimum thickness, for insulation it is enough to use a material several millimeters thick; Izolon, Penolon, Teplofol, Energofol have similar composition and properties; disadvantage - high price
  • mineral wool(glass, slag or basalt wool): the undoubted advantage of all these materials is high heat-insulating properties; some experts believe that the increased moisture permeability of the material in the case of balcony insulation is only a plus - absorbing excess moisture well, the material will protect the room from condensation on windows and walls; however, over time, mold can form in mineral wool, so it must be reliably protected from moisture penetration from both sides with the help of hydro- and vapor barrier

It is undesirable to use heat-insulating materials having a significant mass (for example, brick) for insulating balconies. After all, the bearing capacity of the balcony slab is limited. With excessive load, such a design simply may not withstand the additional weight.

The use of expanded clay for floor screed is also not recommended. Its main disadvantage is the ability to absorb moisture. As a result, its mass increases significantly.

Required Materials

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The use of penoplex

To finish the balcony you will need the following materials:

  • gas silicate blocks 80-100 mm wide for erecting a parapet
  • glue based on cement for their laying
  • slab or roll insulation
  • wooden slats for the manufacture of lathing and installation of a rolled heat insulator; their thickness is selected so that it is equal to the width of the heat insulator
  • self-tapping screws for mounting lathing with a diameter of 3.5-4.8 mm
  • when using sheet material (foam or polystyrene) as a heater, special glue for their fastening
  • polyethylene film or membrane material to create hydro- and vapor barrier
  • polyurethane foam, mastic (for example, "Germabutil", "Germaflex" rubber-based) or silicone sealant for sealing joints, cracks

Where to begin? Inspection and repair of balcony slabs

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The condition of balcony slabs is not always satisfactory - over time, they can partially collapse. Therefore, before proceeding with the insulation of the balcony, you should check how strong and reliable its base is.

Minor and medium repairs are allowed to be carried out independently. If significant cracks appear, or even more so if reinforcement is exposed, fragments of the slab collapse or move away from the wall, specialists should be called.

Remember that major or emergency repairs should only be done by qualified installers from the management company. If the reinforcement is severely corroded, it may be necessary to reinforce it with steel beams. In case of severe destruction, the balcony slab can be completely cut off.

To repair damaged concrete sections:

  1. All unnecessary is removed from the balcony, and all debris is completely removed, as well as the remnants of loose concrete
  2. If the reinforcement is exposed, it is cleaned of rust. A reinforcing mesh is laid on top. So that it does not rust over time, it must be completely drowned in concrete. To do this, it is necessary to leave a gap between it and the plate.
  3. Formwork is placed along the perimeter of the balcony slab
  4. After pouring the concrete solution, the screed is ironed - sprinkled with dry cement, then rubbed into the dry mortar
  5. To protect against moisture from below, the balcony slab is primed and then plastered. On the sides, a galvanized steel outflow is mounted

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Filling the floor screed on the balcony

After the reconstruction of the slab, it is desirable to waterproof it.. For these purposes, roll materials or bitumen are used. Modern waterproofing materials include penetrating impregnation of the Penotron type. It is better to apply it in 2 layers.

Repair may also require a balcony railing. New structural elements in the form of shaped pipes are attached to the anchor or by welding.

The choice of glazing methods

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If ordinary 1-chamber double-glazed windows are installed on your balcony, they should be replaced. Otherwise, you will waste a significant part of the energy resources spent on heating the room. A warm balcony requires 2- or 3-chamber double-glazed windows. In the conditions of the Far North, they can be 5-chamber.

Balcony glazing is more difficult than the usual installation of double-glazed windows in windows. In this case, the installation of additional components is required. Therefore, be sure to invite proven masters of high qualification.

It is undesirable to use wooden double-glazed windows for glazing. Due to the accumulated condensate, over time they will begin to rot. Plus, the weight of such structures saturated with water will be significant. If for some reason you decide to focus on wooden products, do not forget to regularly treat them with an antiseptic and paint them.

The use of the latest technologies - glazing using I- or K-glasses - will help reduce heat loss by 30%. The first option - I-glass with a multilayer coating, which includes a small percentage of silver - can reflect up to 90% of the outgoing heat. Since such surfaces can be easily scratched, they are installed with a coating inside the room.

Non-ferrous metal oxide is applied to K-glass, due to which heat is reflected from the batteries into the room. Such a coating is less afraid of damage. Although the prices for both glass options are the same, the degree of heat reflection in K-glasses is less and amounts to 30%.

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Poor quality profile may turn yellow over time, so pay special attention to certificates of its quality. Choose profile systems from trusted manufacturers. If you want double-glazed windows to last longer, do not save on fittings either.

A more economical way of sealing windows is conventional mounting foam. But it will be better if all the cracks are sealed with a sealant that has water-repellent properties. You should not refuse to install flashings - they not only look decorative, but also protect the room from drafts.

You can order blinds for balcony windows or cover with a special opaque film. It will protect the premises from prying eyes.

Balcony insulation step by step

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It is necessary to sheathe with a heat insulator not only the walls, but also the floor and ceiling, otherwise the insulation will simply lose its meaning. After all, reinforced concrete slabs freeze through during the cold season.

Preparatory work

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Before starting work, carefully inspect the balcony for cracks. If they are found, carefully fill them with sealant or mounting foam. Their excess must be cut off. After all, when installing the skin, they will interfere with its alignment.

So that at the end of the repair you do not have to wash dusty, dirty windows, attach a plastic film to them. If you plan to lay communications on the balcony (wiring, sockets, tubes for air conditioners), it is more convenient to do this in advance.

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Both foam and aerated concrete are able to reliably store heat, so they are often used to insulate balconies or loggias. However, since aerated concrete is able to absorb water, it is better to focus on foam blocks. Their air cells are completely closed from moisture penetration.

When using aerated concrete, additional finishing will be required to protect against rain and snow.

  1. If there are significant differences in height or potholes on the concrete slab, it is leveled with cement mortar
  2. Work on laying foam blocks is started a week after concrete has been set of sufficient strength.
  3. If the free area allows, it is better not to remove the metal fence. You can win 15-20 cm of usable area if you strengthen the masonry with reinforcement with thick metal bars
  4. With the help of fittings, the parapet must also be additionally attached to the walls of the house. She is walled up between rows of foam blocks
  5. It is better to lay the masonry not with an ordinary concrete solution, but with a special adhesive designed for cellular blocks. It will help reduce the thickness of the seam to 3 mm, protect against the loss of the solution and the appearance of cold bridges. Its cost is fully compensated by reducing the thickness of the seams
  6. To lay out the first row, the glue must be diluted a little thicker - so that the spatula installed in it does not fall on its side
  7. The place for masonry is marked in such a way that the center of the bricks falls on the attachment points of the window frame, that is, the distance from it to the edge of the balcony slab is 5 cm
  8. To save space at the docking points with the parapet, the blocks are sawn
  9. The wall must be strictly vertical. Therefore, the location of each row must be verified by the building level

When laying window frames on foam blocks, double-glazed windows must be additionally fixed to the walls of the building using a channel. Otherwise, with a strong wind load, the double-glazed windows may fall down.

Wall and ceiling insulation

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How to properly insulate a regular or brick balcony?

Installation of insulation is better to start from above, from the ceiling:

  1. First, a waterproofing film is laid in such a way that overlaps form. It is necessary to fasten the strips together with construction tape or a stapler. It is also necessary to make an overlap of 15 cm on the walls
  2. When laying rolled heat insulators, a preliminary installation of a wooden crate will be required. Sheet insulation can be mounted directly on the glue
  3. Since the main load will fall on the crate (it must withstand the weight of the insulation, as well as the facing material), wooden bars should be fixed to the ceiling with self-tapping screws of sufficient length
  4. So that the laths of the crate do not deform during temperature changes, leave a gap of 5-10 mm between them and the walls. It is mounted to the ceiling with self-tapping screws. For this, holes are pre-prepared in it.
  5. Plates or rolled material must be laid tightly, without gaps. The pitch of the crate should be slightly larger (10 millimeters) than the size of the insulation sheets. Otherwise, you will not be able to lay the material evenly.
  6. A more reliable option is to combine penoplex with penofol with an air gap between them of 2 cm in size.
  7. All gaps between the insulation boards are filled with foam
  8. The next layer is a vapor barrier made of polyethylene film or special membrane materials. It is not necessary to use it only if foil materials are used for insulation.
  9. Next, a second layer of 10 mm crate is laid, on which the finishing material will be attached. Such a gap will serve as additional protection against the accumulation of condensate.
  10. Even moisture-resistant drywall on the balcony can warp over time. Therefore, use gypsum boards for sheathing. Moreover, they cost no more than drywall. You can also sheathe a balcony from the inside with plywood or clapboard
  11. Laying insulation on the walls differs little from installing insulation on the ceiling

Floor insulation

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Since insulation under the screed significantly increases the weight of the structure, the most common way to insulate the floor is to insulate the joists.

So, a detailed step-by-step instruction:

  1. After the installation of the waterproofing layer, a wooden beam is attached to the concrete floor (its section size is 50x50 mm). The width of the bars is selected depending on the thickness of the insulation
  2. The tree is pre-treated with a primer with an antiseptic or coated with drying oil
  3. The logs are placed across the balcony in such a way that a distance of 50-70 mm remains from the walls. Such a technological gap will not allow the bars to warp during temperature changes and changes in linear dimensions.
  4. To ensure normal water flow, the balcony slab is always made at a slight slope. . Therefore, the lags must first be aligned. To do this, thin wooden bars or pieces of plywood are placed under them. To obtain a strictly horizontal surface, the floors are leveled with a building level.
  5. Leveling with a concrete screed having a significant mass is highly discouraged in the case of a balcony . After all, this will require a significant amount of solution
  6. A layer of heat insulator is tightly laid between the lags. When using foil materials, they are placed with the foil down.
  7. The next layer is vapor barrier. She is spread with an overlap on the walls
  8. When laying underfloor heating, a small layer of cement screed is poured over the film
  9. If underfloor heating is not provided, a layer of chipboard is laid on the floor in a checkerboard pattern (with offset seams), and then a floor covering, for example, ceramic tiles, laminate or linoleum. It is better not to lay plywood on the floor, as over time such a floor will begin to creak strongly

In conclusion of the article, I would like to give some important tips from professionals.

  1. Do not try to bring central heating radiators to the balcony. This is strictly prohibited. If such a violation is detected, you will be forced to dismantle them. For heating, use only electrical appliances: oil, infrared heaters or underfloor heating with electric heating
  2. It’s not always worth listening to the advice of programs like “Repair Schools”. When combining a balcony with a warm room, disagreements with regulatory organizations may arise. If they consider that in this way you have worsened the heat supply of your neighbors, you can be forced to bring the apartment back to its previous form, as well as pay a hefty fine.
  3. Legally, the demolition of a balcony door or a window block is considered a redevelopment, and therefore requires special permission. But, since the interpretation of the law in this case is ambiguous, in some cases it is still possible to obtain such permission with high-quality insulation of the balcony
  4. Fashionable in recent years, frameless glazing looks very decorative, but it is not suitable for warm balconies and loggias. Use thermally insulated double or triple glazing or lift-slide windows for insulation
  5. Close the joints carefully before insulating walls, ceilings, floors, as well as gaps with mounting foam or polyurethane sealant
  6. Be sure to treat any wooden cladding elements with antiseptics and materials that protect them from moisture
  7. Installation of insulation start from the ceiling, then proceed to the insulation of walls, floors
  8. The ideal option for thermal insulation is a two-layer cake with an air gap. Use materials of small thickness for this (foam or penofol)
  9. Polyurethane foam under the influence of ultraviolet light quickly darkens, becoming unusable. Therefore, protect its outer layer with sealant, putty or paint.
  10. Gypsum putty is afraid of moisture, therefore it is not used for sealing seams
  11. To protect the room from the formation of condensate, take care of reliable waterproofing. In its absence, fungus and mold will certainly appear in the skin.
  12. To demolish a balcony door, you will need a special permit.

And in the end, we invite you to watch a video about the complex insulation of the balcony


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Balcony insulation from the inside

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In this article, we will talk about how to protect the walls of the loggia from the penetration of cold, and also give advice on what tools and materials will be useful to you for this purpose. But first I would like to dwell on the problems that will have to be overcome in the process of work.

Common Mistakes

A serious problem is created by condensate, which forms from the inside on the cold surface of the walls and ceiling. As a result, damp areas appear, which very quickly become covered with a layer of mold. This happens due to poor ventilation, improper insulation and heating systems.

When the ventilation of the room does not work correctly, the air quickly moves from the warm part of the apartment to the cold, i.e. to the loggia. There, excess moisture settles on the coldest surfaces. Ordinary doors help to avoid such a negative effect, which separate rooms with different temperature conditions, and, consequently, with different humidity.

Insulation systems also cause a lot of trouble. If, for example, the insulation of the walls and floor was done incorrectly, then moisture will certainly leave its marks on the problem areas of the loggia.

If you decide to save on foam, and instead sealed the seams between the plates with a putty mixture, then condensation is very likely to settle in these places with all the ensuing consequences. It is better not to make such mistakes at all, since it will be very difficult to eliminate them. Therefore, it is very important to adhere to the technology of all insulation processes.

Often the problem is a poor-quality loggia heating system. If this process occurs only due to warm air from the next room, then mold will definitely form in the cold corners of the outdoor room. Therefore, it is advisable to start wall insulation with floor insulation on the loggia.

This is also important in order to comply with building codes, because the installation of water heating on balconies is prohibited. A well-equipped warm floor is sensitive to temperature changes in its various areas and automatically eliminates this imbalance.


Insulation of walls, in addition to its main purpose, has other positive effects. It becomes much quieter on the loggia, which means that the noise level is significantly reduced in the rest of the room.

After all, it is the loggia that is exposed to numerous noise influences from the outside.

Material selection

The modern market of thermal insulation materials provides customers with a huge choice, which is quite difficult for a beginner to understand, so it is better to seek advice from specialists. Many of them are advised to opt for extruded polystyrene foam or, as it is called in everyday life, penoplex.

This material has excellent heat-saving properties, high strength and low hygroscopicity. In addition, it is easy to process, featuring high environmental standards and chemical neutrality.

Other types of foam are widely used as a heater, however, unlike foam plastic, they have more modest thermal insulation characteristics. Often for and loggias use penofol and mineral wool.

Wall insulation

Insulation of the walls of the balcony consists of several stages. Let's consider each of them in detail.

It is possible to successfully insulate a wall only if the corresponding preparatory work was initially carried out on the loggia. Do not be too lazy to spend time preparing, this will provide an excellent result.

First of all, thoroughly clean the walls of the old coating. It is good if, before warming, you replace outdated window structures with double-glazed windows, and also remove the old mounting foam from the frames.

For this, it is best to use a clerical knife. If there are significant mold formations on the inside of the walls, they must be eliminated. In this case, a fungicide spray will do.
Then you should carefully mark the lines for fixing the foam sheets.

Laying the insulating layer

At first, warming a loggia may seem like a rather complicated and time-consuming process. However, if you decide to try, you will quickly realize that there are no particular difficulties here. All operations are quickly mastered and do not require special construction skills.

From the balcony it will also be possible to make a comfortable and useful room. For example, equip it with an office, a workshop, a small sports area or a comfortable rest room.

Today's balcony in many apartments turns into a full-fledged room, a functional space. This is especially true for small apartments, whose residents appreciate every centimeter. If the balcony is insulated, it becomes an office, pantry, resting place, mini greenhouse, dining room or extra bed. There are many options for its use. The main thing is to do quality work on its insulation. Only in this case it will be warm and cozy on the balcony.

Features and Benefits

In the warm season, the whole family can relax on the balcony, but when autumn comes, this room becomes useless. If it is warmed, the situation will change. The advantage is that all the planned work is easy to do on your own. An additionally warm room is a space in which it is easy to create a small work area or a relaxation area. In addition, the presence of a warm balcony will automatically make the apartment cozier and warmer. You can attach a living room or a kitchen to it, depending on its location. This will create extra space.

Before you engage in insulation or glazing, you need to get expert advice. He will definitely tell you what load a warm balcony can withstand, whether it is worth strengthening it. If the base is a powerful concrete slab, the question of reinforcement does not arise. But the metal parapet must be reinforced with foam blocks or light bricks made of ceramic material. The same should be done in the case of unstable fastening of the reinforced concrete base.

For insulation, double-glazed windows in wooden frames can be used. They are environmentally friendly, allow the windows to "breathe", but are expensive. Aluminum windows insulated with polyamide inserts increase the thermal insulation of the room. The most optimal would be the equipment of PVC windows with double-glazed windows, which will reliably retain heat.

Such windows are cheaper than wooden ones, but at the same time their thermal insulation is not inferior to aluminum ones.

What materials are better to choose

For finishing balconies or loggias today there are many varieties of finishing materials, with the help of which they give even the smallest room an original and attractive look. The main thing is to make the right choice of material for decoration. For insulation, experts recommend using cork, plastic panels, lining with a wooden or plastic base, drywall, plaster, MDF panels, decorative stone, aluminum profile, foam plastic, expanded polystyrene, penofol.

Mineral wool, foam plastic trim is an excellent solution for self-insulating a room.

In the case of an uninsulated balcony, it is better to give preference to artificial stone, plastic frost-resistant lining, cork panels or tiles. The most commonly used finishing materials are:


  • This material is distinguished by the fact that it is based on no toxic substances, it is easy to process and is combined with other finishing materials in design. Drywall can be plastered, painted, wallpapered, paneled and clapboarded. With the help of such a versatile material, it is enough to simply turn the balcony into a full-fledged living room.

PVC panels

  • A practical solution, but it is better not to use this material if the constant temperature on the balcony is below five degrees. This problem can be solved with the help of frost-resistant panels developed using new technologies. This material is not afraid of moisture, but is able to quickly lose color from direct sunlight. This point should be taken into account if the room is located on the south side. Advantages: low cost, quick and easy installation with glue.

Cork panels

  • They create a cosiness that cannot be organized using other finishing materials. Cork panels are pressed cork oak bark. Cork panels are easy to install and are suitable for any type of balcony, regardless of the temperature level in the room. The cork panel does not absorb foreign odors, including the smell of tobacco. Lack of material - high price. For insulation, they also use inexpensive foam plastic, and mineral wool is perfect.

How to properly insulate a balcony with your own hands: step by step instructions

A balcony in a city apartment is a special space. This piece of the house, taken out under the open sky, can become an office, a greenhouse or a recreation area, it is only necessary to glaze and isolate it.

Warming the balcony with your own hands will save a lot of money. Sheathing in a panel house, in "Khrushchev" is done taking into account the characteristics of the apartment and building.

  • Step 1. To begin with, the old frames are dismantled, the surface is prepared and things are taken out. Insulation from the inside is an important step in the whole process.

  • Step 2. At the second stage it is necessary to make a balcony glazing. The best option would be plastic PVC windows. Many people prefer to keep the old wood frames. However, remember that even if the wooden structures are in good condition, they will not be able to organize the same heat savings. There are gaps in the tree, so it is pointless to deal with insulation in this situation.

  • Step 3. After the plastic windows are installed, you can begin to insulate the floor. Be prepared for the floor to get higher. Consider this if the ceiling in the room is low.

  • Step 4. Wall cladding is carried out after the installation of windows and floor insulation. The walls on the balcony are considered side walls, except for the main one. At the final stage of insulation, finishing work is carried out. The choice of materials depends on the budget. In the process of finishing, window slopes facing the balcony are installed.

Necessary tools and materials

  • In order to insulate a balcony or loggia, you will need the following tools: a hacksaw or a clerical knife; roulette; level; pencil, marker or any other writing instrument; glue application tool - brush, spatula and so on; other tools. Of the materials you need glue and the insulation itself. In addition, you will need a vapor barrier film and a windproof membrane.

You will also need a frame device. In this case, you will need wooden beams, as well as nails to secure them. You may also need special fasteners - nails with very wide hats. They are used when polystyrene is not fixed with glue.

Warming inside

  • High-quality thermal insulation combined with double-glazed windows turns the balcony into a living space. It is necessary to insulate not only the walls, but also the floor with the ceiling. Materials for insulation should be durable, lightweight, safe for humans. Due to atmospheric precipitation and condensate, the walls of the balcony can become damp and moldy, which means that hydro and vapor barriers are needed.

Expanded polystyrenes meet these requirements as much as possible: traditional foam plastic and Penoplex thermal insulation boards. The first is very light, strong in compression, waterproof. Penoplex is an insulation made of extruded polystyrene foam. Its strength and durability exceeds conventional foam, and its shape simplifies installation in the clutch and provides perfect insulation. Sheathing the balcony with slabs can be done both inside and outside.

Insulation of a closed balcony begins with surface preparation. It is necessary to carefully cover the cracks and joints between the floor, walls and parapet with mounting foam without toluene in the composition. Metal structures must be cleaned of rust, coated with oil paint and treated with a building antiseptic.

Before laying the insulation put windows and doors. Window sills and slopes are mounted at the last stage of work. Balcony glazing depends on the parapet. If this is just a metal crate, it needs to be built up with ceramic (lightweight) bricks or foam blocks. The thickness should not exceed ten centimeters. To protect the foam blocks, at the finishing stage they are covered with corrugated board.


It is possible to install window structures on a reinforced concrete parapet immediately, using various mounting and sealing compounds. Metal-plastic windows have excellent characteristics, with skillful installation they reliably protect the balcony and look aesthetically pleasing. When choosing a model, it is worth stopping at hinged frames with double glazing.


  • In order to insulate the floor, you can resort to two different directions at once: make it warm or constantly heat it up. We are talking about installing a floor heating system, for example, an electric one. Installing a water system on a balcony is very inconvenient and almost impossible, but installing an electric or film system is easy.


It all starts with preparation. A waterproofing film is laid on the floor under the tiles, protecting the floor from moisture from the outside. Next, a crate is arranged. Instead of a log, a beam is used, five centimeters thick. If you do not want to raise the floor much relative to the old coating, it is better to use a beam of low height. A square bar 50 × 50 mm is perfect. The beams are laid every 40-60 cm.

To prevent moisture from entering the insulation from the inside, it is covered with a vapor barrier film. It is laid on top of the beams and attached to them with a construction stapler. For internal fastening, a fastening step of 50 cm is sufficient so as not to create unnecessary holes in the film. Polystyrene must be protected from moisture on all sides. Therefore, it is better to lay the film with an overlap on the walls. All gaps between the beams and the walls should be sealed with the same insulation material or mounting foam.


  • Many do not insulate the walls, believing that cold does not enter the balcony from the side of the house. In many ways it is, but the work needs to be done. The walls themselves are not sources of cold, but the joints between them and the side walls of the balcony can be. For this reason, all work can only consist in installing penofol, which is vapor-tight and thin. It will protect the walls from icing and the penetration of condensate into the balcony.

  • Ceiling. If we are talking about a private house, then it is best to make a special roof design. It is recommended to make a pitched roof, the slope of which is directed away from the house. The roof is made of rafters and lathing. A waterproofing film is attached on top of it. Roofing material is attached to the film, and waterproofing is applied over a double-sided vapor barrier film, with the absorbent side inward. From below, the rafters are hemmed with a vapor-permeable windproof membrane.

The floor slab, that is, the horizontal part, must have several layers at once: insulation; vapor barrier layer; load-bearing beams with interior trim. The device begins with the installation of the frame, namely the truss system. Next, a double-sided vapor barrier membrane is attached to it in the indicated way. Then arrange the crate and lay the waterproofing layer. You can use classic roofing material or special PVC films.

  • Warming outside. In order to insulate the balcony from the outside on your own, you will need skills. It is not easy to do quality work yourself, taking into account the characteristics of the building. Finishing the outside means saving up to thirty percent on heating. Remember that outdoor work is fraught with some difficulties: if the balcony is above the second floor, then industrial climbers will have to be involved in the work.

Before you start insulation, get the consent of officials from the Department of Architecture. The appearance of the balcony can spoil the overall picture, but if you complete the decoration in the same style as the entire building, then you can get permission. Insulation from the outside has several advantages:

  • the reinforced concrete slab remains warm, moist air from the room freely passes through it and is released into the atmosphere;
  • saving usable space;
  • you can mount a layer of thermal insulation of any thickness, this will not affect the interior of the balcony in any way.

Materials can be used the same as for interior work. Preference is given to sprayed thermal insulation, as the lightest and most effective. Experts recommend using foam or polystyrene foam. Mineral wool is sensitive to moisture, so its installation requires special care and accuracy.

The independent procedure for warming a balcony is complicated. All stages must be completed at a high level, otherwise the room will not be completely isolated. Glass, panoramic, stained glass balcony is a great solution for a small space. Designers advise to connect it with a room for expansion. A glazed balcony connected to the kitchen on the top floor is a luxurious solution.