How can you lubricate the door so that it does not creak: methods and means. The better to lubricate the door hinges How to lubricate the door with oil so that it does not creak

Every owner of his house should know the best way to lubricate the door so that it does not creak. If you properly care for door fittings, the design will be suitable for use for longer. If you use the wrong approach to eliminate squeaking, you risk accelerating the wear process of the hinges. Let's take a closer look at the features of this work.

Lubricating the hinges will help eliminate door squeaks

Why do doors creak

Usually the question how to lubricate the doors so that they do not creak occurs when the problem already exists. To better understand its essence, you should consider the main causes of squeaks.

It is important not only to identify the cause and eliminate it, but also to prevent the situation from recurring in the future.

So, why can doors creak:

  • Lubrication deficiency. Over time, the lubricant spreads, dries out and can thicken excessively. With an insufficient number of parts, they stop moving normally, gradually overwrite, which leads to their breakdown and blocking of the mechanism as a whole.
  • Corrosion. One of the most common problems in street door designs. At high humidity, metal elements may corrode. Rust not only leads to creaking and difficulty in moving the canvas, but also gradually destroys the iron.
  • Part wear. With prolonged use, any item wears out and can subsequently break. If it is impossible to correct the situation, the part will have to be replaced completely.
  • Garbage. Sometimes all kinds of debris and dust get clogged in the hinges. This debris soaks up grease, clogs joints, and acts as an abrasive, grinding away metal.
  • skew. If the door is heavy or the structure is not installed quite correctly, distortions may occur. This not only harms the fittings, but can also loosen the box itself even more and change the contours of the canvas.

Worn hinges are a common cause of door squeaks.

There is only one conclusion: if the door creaks, then something is clearly wrong. The sooner you solve the problem, the better for the design.

Materials used

In order to establish the normal operation of door hinges, you need to know how to lubricate them. Today, there are many special formulations on sale, the most popular are:

  • WD40- this is a popular and very effective tool that allows not only to improve sliding in parts, but also to cope with the main problem of metal - corrosion. The composition removes rust and creates a protective film on the surface, which prevents its further spread.
  • Litol– effective waterproof and frost-resistant lubricant. This is an excellent option for processing street structures, including gates and gates.
  • Solidol- viscous oily mass, the most popular material for processing moving mechanisms.
  • Tsiatim- thickened oil with an antioxidant additive, which is a universal remedy.

Varieties of special compounds used to lubricate the door

Also, in order to urgently resolve the issue - how to lubricate the creaking hinges of the doors of the house, you can use the means available in almost every household. The first of these is the so-called processing. This is the engine oil that remains after it has been replaced with a new one. Car owners often have a considerable supply of this substance.

In addition, needlewomen may have special oil for processing sewing machine parts. The advantage is that it is convenient to apply it on the hinges and it leaves practically no dirty marks. Dry substances are also used. The most accessible material is graphite shavings, prepared from the lead of a simple pencil.

If your door creaks, and there is no suitable tool at hand to lubricate it, vegetable oil, which is in every kitchen, can help out for a short time. Of course, it is better to avoid such emergency measures, because the effect of such a lubricant is negligible and only lasts for a few days.

Thick products are more preferable, as they are able to provide lubrication for parts for a longer period. Liquid oils spread, are easily absorbed and dry quickly.

The second question, which is also of considerable importance how to properly lubricate the hinges on an iron or wooden door? The quality of the final result also depends on the application technique.

How to apply lubricant

So, in addition to choosing a remedy, an important issue remains how to properly lubricate the door so that it no longer creaks. If you apply the composition to the desired area, you will solve the problem with minimal material costs and also prevent contamination of the door itself and the hatch.

There are several rules regarding how to lubricate any door hinges:

  • It is best to apply the product using a special oiler or nozzle with a thin tube. You can use a syringe for this purpose.
  • In the disassembled state, the loops can be processed with a brush or a cotton swab dipped in grease, a cloth, etc.
  • Any excess should be wiped off with a clean, dry cloth.
  • If the door creaks in a certain place, this area is easy to determine by the appearance of the part, that is, by the areas of abrasion. These areas require more careful treatment.
  • It is best to lubricate the inside of the hinges, since the main active part of the mechanism is located there.

Proper application of grease for door hardware

You can use a syringe to lubricate door hinges. Disgustingly creaking door hinges annoy everyone. They can creak for various reasons. This can be both the presence of rust on their surface, and the general wear of parts. Often, to get rid of the annoying squeak, it is enough just to lubricate the hinges, and for this it is not at all necessary to remove the door leaf. There are ways that allow you to do this without resorting to radical methods.

If the door creaks in the room: what to do and why it happens

If the interior or front door in the apartment began to creak, then there are reasons for this. As a rule, this happens when the door structure is in motion, that is, it opens or closes.

To find out exactly what exactly creaks: the hinges or the canvas itself, you need to slowly move the door back and forth, holding tightly to the handle and listening to the sounds made.

You can buy door hinge lubricants at any hardware store.

Why does the door creak and how to eliminate these reasons:

  1. There are errors when hanging the door leaf - for example, the hinges are not installed correctly. To solve such a problem, you need to reinstall the door or call the masters who will quickly and efficiently perform this work.
  2. The door lining touches the hinges - to eliminate this reason, you just need to remove the lining and make it the right size.
  3. There are not enough balls in the door hinges - in this case they need to be put in the necessary places.
  4. The hinges are simply loosely fixed - it is worth twisting them well.
  5. The sagging of the canvas has begun - such a problem can affect, first of all, a plastic door. To remove it, you need to adjust the top or bottom loop, depending on the area of ​​sagging.
  6. The ends of the door leaf touch the platbands - in this case, the mounting grooves should be deepened.
  7. The fasteners of the door structure have not been lubricated for a long time - here it is enough just to perform this action;
  8. Rust has appeared - this problem mainly concerns the iron door. Here it is necessary to clean the hinges from plaque and only then lubricate them. If corrosion has managed to deeply eat into the material, then the loops will have to be replaced.
  9. The lubricating composition is incorrectly selected - in this case, you need to remove the old agent and apply a new one.
  10. The hinges have already become very loose and their service life has come to an end - here it remains just to replace them.

This is what the main causes of the terrible creaking of the door look like. But basically the whole thing is the lack of lubricant on the hinges. Therefore, you should figure out what is better to lubricate them.

If the door creaks due to unlubricated hinges, the right lubricant will help solve the problem.

An excellent inexpensive solution is to lubricate the hinges with WD-40.

The better to lubricate the hinges of interior door panels:

  • Oil for sewing machines;
  • Machine oil, which is used for a car engine;
  • diesel oil;
  • Ciatim - perfectly removes not only creaking, but also protects parts from corrosion and the effects of aggressive components;
  • Special tool WD-40 - in addition to the usual lubricant, this substance fights rust well, and you can buy it at any auto parts store.

Do not lubricate a creaky door with vegetable or olive oil. This gives, firstly, a short-term effect, and secondly, it causes the formation of excess plaque on the fittings, and as a result it will have to be changed.

An excellent home way to lubricate the door is to use the lead of a “soft” pencil. It is very simple to do this - just put the stylus on the hinges and move the door a little in different directions. The material will crumble and fall on all the loops.

If the front door of the house creaks, then it is better to lubricate it with substances such as:

  • Litol - this lubricant is not afraid of frost and can withstand a temperature range from -40 to +120 degrees;
  • Solidol is a fairly cheap remedy that can act in temperature conditions from -35 to +65 degrees.

If the front door leads to a vestibule or entrance, where the positive temperature is constantly maintained, then you can use ordinary engine oil or WD-40.

So that the hinges do not creak, they must be coated with a special lubricant. Moreover, sometimes it needs to be done without removing the door leaf from the hinges.

Before you start lubricating the hinges of plastic doors, you should watch the training video

In the case of a plastic door, it looks like this:

  • A syringe is taken, which is filled with oil for lubrication and the substance is applied to the fittings;
  • If a pencil lead is used instead of lubrication, then the door needs to be slightly raised so that the slots into which the agent is poured are visible.

If a plastic door leads to a balcony, then it is necessary to start lubrication from its side. The door must be open.

Instructions: how to lubricate the hinges of an iron door

A creaking iron or metal door must be lubricated. If the parts of the door structure are non-separable, then you will have to do this without removing the structure.

The metal door is lubricated like this:

  • The door leaf opens wide open;
  • Then it rises a little (for these purposes, you need to put something under the end of the door, for example, a thick file);
  • After that, old grease and accumulated dirt are removed from the fittings;
  • Then a lubricant can be applied with a cotton swab, brush, syringe or using an oiler with a nozzle;
  • After completing all the procedures, the door is removed from the "lever" and moves several times in different directions so that the product is evenly distributed over the hinges;
  • Excess material should be removed with a dry cloth.

Before lubricating iron door hinges, they must be thoroughly cleaned of debris and old grease.

During lubrication, more substance should be applied to the upper hinges, since the main load during the operation of the door falls on them.

If the hinges are a hidden mechanism, then you need to find all its rotary parts and lubricate. Sometimes there are special holes for pouring oil.

Tips: how to lubricate door hinges without removing the door (video)

The main cause of a door creaking in a room is the lack of lubrication on the door hinges. Naturally, to remove this problem, it is necessary to lubricate them. In order not to remove the canvas, you can use a simpler method and do all the necessary actions with the help of auxiliary devices. The main thing is not to forget about security measures.

When you hear creaking door hinges in your car, it should be eliminated as soon as possible: this is important not only for comfort, but also for creating favorable conditions for extending the service life of these parts. A special lubricant will help to cope with this task. But why do they start to creak at all, what lubricants are most suitable for this task? Let's look at everything in order.

You will learn in detail about:

Why do the hinges start to creak?

If we are talking about the products of the domestic automobile industry, then the poor assembly quality of cars and components is a good reason for door hinges to start creaking right from the assembly line. However, the operating conditions themselves are such that the parts become dirty and wear out. A high-pressure washer, by the way, is also able to wash off the oil film, and the car door hinges will begin to creak and jam. Therefore, even if the machine is of good quality, over time you will hear a characteristic sound, signaling that it is time to lubricate the hinges.

Lubricants for car door hinges

Manufacturers of lubricants for car door hinges offer us a wide range of products. Some of them have good penetrating properties, others are able to prevent corrosion for a long time, forming a water-repellent film, others perfectly lubricate parts, reducing the static and dynamic load on the working units. Consider the most popular and well-proven lubricants.

Lubricant LiquiMoly and Wurth for hinges

Liqui Moly Wartungs-Spray Weiss is a white micro-ceramic grease with excellent lubricity. Gives the surface moisture-repellent, anti-corrosion properties. It also protects against dirt for a long time and reduces the load on rubbing parts. Designed specifically for moving parts of mechanisms, hinges, rods, guide rails and locks. The base part of this lubricant consists of mineral oil. Can be used at temperatures from -30°C to +250 degrees. Liquid Moli lubricants are successfully used not only to lubricate the door hinges of the machine, but also its other parts.

Wurth HHS 2000- a product of a German company that has earned popularity among motorists due to such properties as high penetrating power, stickiness, adhesiveness and a short thickening time. It can lubricate the hinges, limiters and locks in the car. Resistant to water washout. The uniqueness of this composition is that after a couple of minutes the liquid aerosol turns into a layer of thick lubricant. Designed for lubrication of parts located in hard-to-reach places, increases their service life even under conditions of high pressure, significant static and dynamic overloads. Withstands temperatures from -35 to +180 C. Although it costs more than 500 rubles, there have not yet been people who are not satisfied with its effectiveness. Among the shortcomings, one can note the fact that dirt, sand and dust cling to it.

Permatex 80075- a tool that can effectively protect parts from wear and thereby extend their service life. It has no color, deep action is due not only to active substances, but also to the very method of delivery of this oily liquid - it is brought to a foamy state. It is mainly used to cover the chain, gears and for cleaning, lubricating parts in hard-to-reach places.

CRC-MULTILUBE- universal grease for car door hinges, has been widely used due to the fact that it easily penetrates into the most important areas of hinges and other parts and creates a protective film there, which remains for a long time and during active use of parts. For better control over the lubrication process, this product is produced with a blue tint, which completely discolors after a few days.

Klever Ballistol Silicone Spray- a universal lubricant spray, which not only provides a long-lasting effect of sliding metal parts, but is successfully used in mechanisms made of plastic, interacts well with parts made of rubber, soft rubber.

Each of the presented lubricants has its main advantages, so making a choice in favor of one or another lubricant for car door hinges is not so easy. But we will try to find the most effective tool for lubricating car door hinges for you.

WD-40 is perhaps the most well-known penetrating fluid that is used everywhere by motorists, including for lubricating door hinges. Although in this case the “liquid key”, which easily corrodes rust, is not recommended for use as a lubricant. "Vedeshka" will not only cope with corrosion, but also wash out the remaining grease.

The better to lubricate car door hinges

And yet, what is the best way to lubricate car door hinges? We select a suitable and high-quality hinge lubricant according to the following criteria:

  • good penetration;
  • lasting effect;
  • a wide range of withstand temperatures;
  • anti-corrosion properties;
  • ensuring the minimum coefficient of friction;
  • good value for money.

And further. The consistency of the lubricant must be such that it can combine not only high penetrating properties, but also not be fluid, otherwise it will not be so easy to get rid of pollution of the body and interior. Of the above lubricants for the hinge mechanism, you can use any other than the "weed". Often the proposed alternative option -, in our opinion, is outdated, besides, it strongly attracts dust later. Also, lubrication with conventional engine oil is used only in extreme cases. If there is no special product from the list of products, designed exclusively for lubricating hinges, locks and limiters, then choose from the category " greases"! The principle of their action. Part of the product has a high penetrating ability, designed to effectively deliver the main part of the lubricant. After evaporation, a dense film remains, which not only eliminates the squeak of the hinges, but also extends their service life.

It is worth mentioning the funds based on molybdenum disulfide. Yes, they are good for transmissions, engines and bearings. But such lubricants are not suitable for solving our issue, since a layer of dirt quickly forms, and besides, this product is very easily soiled.

Silicone lubricants car door hinges are good, but they are weakly resistant to washing out and high temperatures. It is a completely different matter if silicone is part of a multicomponent agent - it has almost no drawbacks.

The most commonly used lubricants by motorists
LUBRICATION Application area
Liqui Moly Wartungs-Spray Weiss
Wurth HHS 2000
Permatex 80075
CRC Multilube

How to properly lubricate hinges

Do not think that the process of lubricating the hinges is extremely simple and consists only in applying an aerosol to the working units. Even if this helps to eliminate door squeaks, you will soon hear them again. To do everything right, it is almost always necessary to first clean the surface of contamination. You can do this with a regular wide brush.

How to lubricate car door hinges and limiter

But since the dirt mixes with the lubricating fluid, most likely you will need to apply at least gasoline. Only after the procedure it is necessary to remove its remains from the surface. And it is better to treat with a rust converter.

When you remove the dirt, you can lubricate the door hinges. Just don't fill them up! It will be more effective if you smear only the surface of the parts in contact. And all the excess that will flow out, wipe with a rag. When you do this, close the container with a cap and, to evenly distribute the lubricant, open and close the doors about 15-20 times.

Everything, now the creak should not be. If it is heard, there may be several reasons for this:

  1. Not all hinges are lubricated.
  2. Door sagging.
  3. Insufficient surface cleaning.

By the way, it is best to lubricate the hinges when the heat has passed (in the autumn), for the winter, before the onset of cold weather. This will protect them from rust, and therefore warn against creaking.


The most suitable product for your car door hinges is grease. To prevent the appearance of creaking and to reduce the load on the parts, it is recommended to lubricate the hinges during the hot period of the year, after high-pressure washing, before the onset of winter. Use high-quality, time-tested and many motorists polymer lubricants. For car door hinges, a good lubricant is one that quickly and effectively penetrates into the gaps between rubbing parts and forms a film.

Disgustingly creaking door hinges annoy everyone. They can creak for various reasons. This can be both the presence of rust on their surface, and the general wear of parts. Often, to get rid of the annoying squeak, it is enough just to lubricate the hinges, and for this it is not at all necessary to remove the door leaf. There are ways that allow you to do this without resorting to radical methods.

If the interior or front door in the apartment began to creak, then there are reasons for this. As a rule, this happens when the door structure is in motion, that is, it opens or closes.

To find out exactly what exactly creaks: the hinges or the canvas itself, you need to slowly move the door back and forth, holding tightly to the handle and listening to the sounds made.

Why does the door creak and how to eliminate these reasons:

  1. There are errors when hanging the door leaf - for example, the hinges are not installed correctly. To solve such a problem, you need to reinstall the door or call the masters who will quickly and efficiently perform this work.
  2. The door lining touches the hinges - to eliminate this reason, you just need to remove the lining and make it the right size.
  3. There are not enough balls in the door hinges - in this case they need to be put in the necessary places.
  4. The hinges are simply loosely fixed - it is worth twisting them well.
  5. The sagging of the canvas has begun - such a problem can affect, first of all, a plastic door. To remove it, you need to adjust the top or bottom loop, depending on the area of ​​sagging.
  6. The ends of the door leaf touch the platbands - in this case, the mounting grooves should be deepened.
  7. The fasteners of the door structure have not been lubricated for a long time - here it is enough just to perform this action;
  8. Rust has appeared - this problem mainly concerns the iron door. Here it is necessary to clean the hinges from plaque and only then lubricate them. If corrosion has managed to deeply eat into the material, then the loops will have to be replaced.
  9. The lubricating composition is incorrectly selected - in this case, you need to remove the old agent and apply a new one.
  10. The hinges have already become very loose and their service life has come to an end - here it remains just to replace them.

This is what the main causes of the terrible creaking of the door look like. But basically the whole thing is the lack of lubricant on the hinges. Therefore, you should figure out what is better to lubricate them.

Tips: how to lubricate door hinges so that they do not creak

If the door creaks due to unlubricated hinges, the right lubricant will help solve the problem.

The better to lubricate the hinges of interior door panels:

  • Oil for sewing machines;
  • Machine oil, which is used for a car engine;
  • diesel oil;
  • Ciatim - perfectly removes not only creaking, but also protects parts from corrosion and the effects of aggressive components;
  • Special tool WD-40 - in addition to the usual lubricant, this substance fights rust well, and you can buy it at any auto parts store.

Do not lubricate a creaky door with vegetable or olive oil. This gives, firstly, a short-term effect, and secondly, it causes the formation of excess plaque on the fittings, and as a result it will have to be changed.

An excellent home way to lubricate the door is to use the lead of a “soft” pencil. It is very simple to do this - just put the stylus on the hinges and move the door a little in different directions. The material will crumble and fall on all the loops.

If the front door of the house creaks, then it is better to lubricate it with substances such as:

  • Litol - this lubricant is not afraid of frost and can withstand a temperature range from -40 to +120 degrees;
  • Solidol is a fairly cheap remedy that can act in temperature conditions from -35 to +65 degrees.

If the front door leads to a vestibule or entrance, where the positive temperature is constantly maintained, then you can use ordinary engine oil or WD-40.

So that the hinges do not creak, they must be coated with a special lubricant. Moreover, sometimes it needs to be done without removing the door leaf from the hinges.

In the case of a plastic door, it looks like this:

  • A syringe is taken, which is filled with oil for lubrication and the substance is applied to the fittings;
  • If a pencil lead is used instead of lubrication, then the door needs to be slightly raised so that the slots into which the agent is poured are visible.

If a plastic door leads to a balcony, then it is necessary to start lubrication from its side. The door must be open.

Instructions: how to lubricate the hinges of an iron door

A creaking iron or metal door must be lubricated. If the parts of the door structure are non-separable, then you will have to do this without removing the structure.

The metal door is lubricated like this:

  • The door leaf opens wide open;
  • Then it rises a little (for these purposes, you need to put something under the end of the door, for example, a thick file);
  • After that, old grease and accumulated dirt are removed from the fittings;
  • Then a lubricant can be applied with a cotton swab, brush, syringe or using an oiler with a nozzle;
  • After completing all the procedures, the door is removed from the "lever" and moves several times in different directions so that the product is evenly distributed over the hinges;
  • Excess material should be removed with a dry cloth.

During lubrication, more substance should be applied to the upper hinges, since the main load during the operation of the door falls on them.

If the hinges are a hidden mechanism, then you need to find all its rotary parts and lubricate. Sometimes there are special holes for pouring oil.

Tips: how to lubricate door hinges without removing the door (video)

The main cause of a door creaking in a room is the lack of lubrication on the door hinges. Naturally, to remove this problem, it is necessary to lubricate them. In order not to remove the canvas, you can use a simpler method and do all the necessary actions with the help of auxiliary devices. The main thing is not to forget about security measures.

The creaking of the door is terribly unpleasant. . But eliminating the creak is easy enough. You just need to grease the hinges. Today we will talk about 4 quick and effective ways to deal with squeaky door hinges.

1 way. Aerosol WD
This tool is in the car of any motorist. Universal grease based on white spirit with a convenient dispenser can save you from squeaking. However, the effect will not last long. The fact is that the tool is not intended for lubrication, it helps to clean and dehydrate the surface before applying a real lubricant. WD contains oil, but it is not more than 20% of the total composition of the aerosol.

2 way. Machine oil
Any oil that is used to lubricate car parts is suitable here. Choose with the highest viscosity. Engine oil is ideal, and if you find a lubricant called “Litol”, you will forget about the creak in the door hinges for a long time.

To apply the oil, you can use a regular syringe or pipette. Lubricate all moving parts of the hinge liberally, and wipe off excess with a dry cloth. Before oiling, clean the surface well with a WD spray.

3 way. Pencil
Our grandmothers did not have WD, Litol and other joys of civilization, so they used a simple pencil lead. It can be crushed and poured into the slots of the hinges, or you can lift the door and crush a piece inside the mechanism directly with a hinge. The lead contains oil and wax, so it can really get rid of the squeak.

4 way. Liquid soap, wax or sunflower oil
If none of the above is at hand, then use improvised means. Any liquid and viscous agent will do here. But remember that the use of sunflower oil can lead to dust and dirt sticking to the hinges, and this will subsequently lead to rapid wear of the mechanism. And the effect of such treatment will be short-lived.

Here they are - saviors from the creak in the hinges