What are leaving at home. What is the outside of the old wooden house outside cheap. Decoration with thermopanel

The question of how can you see the house outside of foam blocks, worries many who decided to use this material for the construction. Although the view is found that the decoration is not a mandatory event, but it is this process that helps to give the building a presentable species, as well as to significantly increase its durability. Now there are several of the most popular options that are actively used for outdoor use.

By deciding whether to separate the facade of the house of foam blocks, it is necessary to take into account a number of mandatory conditions that materials must be answered:

  1. Resistance to seasonal temperature fluctuations. Facing must withstand long cycles of frozen and thawing, and this cannot affect the appearance or protective characteristics.
  2. Parry permeability. Since foam blocks relate to breathable products, the outer decoration should not interfere with this process. It should be borne in mind that when used for cladding products, which greatly prevents steam exchange, a special technology is applied.
  3. Waterproof. Protection of carrying structures from moisture is a parameter that prevents premature destruction of the structure.

Naturally, if all of the listed factors are present in the material, it speaks of his durability. But we must not forget that the outer decoration of walls from foam blocks should have a significant margin of strength, because the likelihood of mechanical exposure is large.

On a note! A particular role is played by the peculiarity of the foam blocks themselves, which are a kind of foam concrete. This material is inherent in cellularness and porosity, which is necessarily taken into account when performing any work.

Types of products for finishing the house outside

The house of foam blocks outside looks not very presentable, so the selected material, in addition to high-quality characteristics, should create a good decorative appearance. Consequently, the final decision should be taken only after evaluating all the characteristics of the facing products.

Natural and artificial stone

The use of natural stone involves the presence of fortified surfaces and a reliable foundation. That is why, if the foundation for the house does not imply a significant increase in the weight of the structure, it is better to abandon this option or replace it with imitation.

In any case, natural and artificial stone has undoubted advantages:

  1. Excellent decorative look. The coating is fully individual.
  2. Durability. Even analogue of a natural material has a long service life.
  3. Resistance to various kinds of influences. Indeed, the surface does not lose its qualities even after time.

Example of finishing facade decorative stone

Unfortunately, the products have quite considerable shortcomings:

  • Mounting complexity. This is especially true of the natural version. In addition to the difficulty in processing, such products need special adhesive compositions. It should also be forgotten that due to the high weight, the design initially should be reliable.
  • Horregious. The most affordable variety is sandstone, which is quite widespread. Of course, much cheaper to use imitation, but it will require significant financial costs.

The finishing of the foam block outside with the help of a stone can be carried out by two methods: fixation to the base (which reduces the level of steam exchange) and installation on the frame. The last method is characteristic of modern artificial varieties. The stone is most often used in combination with other materials, it is perfectly suitable in order to separate part of the building.


In general, the tile is an analogue of the stone, its technology is fully repeated by the process of working with this option. To date, there are several main varieties for facing foam blocks:

  • clinker;
  • porcelain;
  • ceramic for facades.

All of them are combined by the following positive qualities:

  1. The ability to withstand aggressive environmental impact.
  2. Wide decorative row.
  3. Excellent protection against moisture penetration.

Disadvantages are practically identical to those inherent in natural stone. In addition, the cost of such products depends on its quality.

Facing facade of ceramics

On a note! Much attention should be paid to installation technologies, especially joints. It is because of their rapid destruction that the moisture penetration occurs, which gradually deforms the coating.


The exterior finish of the house of foam blocks with a brick is a time-consuming and expensive event, to fulfill its qualitatively without appropriate experience. During installation, it is necessary to provide many nuances. For example, if the dwelling is operated year-round, then a device for air layers and ventilation holes is required.

Brick has many advantages that depend on the chosen variety: clinker, silicate or ceramic, but work is better to entrust professionals.

Plaster and coloring

There is a cheap, but popular option when the facing of the house of foam blocks is carried out with plaster mixtures. Application technology is pretty simple. There are two main ways to finish with such a composition:

  1. Manual. Works are carried out by a manual tool, and for more accurate alignment is used by the installed beacons.
  2. Machine. This method allows you to bind the surface in a short time, but the leveling is also performed using the rule and spatula.

Regardless of which option it is decided to separate the house, a reinforcing grid is applied to strengthen the coating. And so that the surface is really reliable, it is additionally applied to the LKM layer. With facade paint should be extremely careful, the composition should not be very violating vapor permeability.

On a note! There is a so-called decorative plaster, which has the inclusion of different fractions. It is applied directly to foam blocks without an additional plastering layer or as a finish coating.

Facade ventilated device

Due to the fact that when finishing houses from foam blocks outside, much attention is necessary to pay steam exchange, the best solution can be considered products that is mounted on the frame. For this, there is a special group of materials.

Decorative facade block

An excellent alternative can be the facade foam block, which already has a decorative finish. When it is used, problems completely disappear on the choice of material for the poster of the erected home.

Currently there are three main varieties of such a product:

  • Standard. This option is a fragment, on one side of which coverage is. The erected structure acquires a very respectable appearance.
  • Angular. Such foam blocks with cladding have two decorative surfaces. They are great for laying in places of window and doorways, as well as on external corners.
  • With insulation. This material includes a layer of heat insulation, which is especially relevant for complex climatic zones.

Decorative facade foam block

Probably, the foam block with the facing side as the production of production will be able to completely eliminate the need for subsequent decoration.

When developing a project of a private house, determine the methods of its outdoor skin. Thanks to the correct trim, the facade can be achieved not only the presentation of the appearance of the structure, but also make the house warm, comfortable for living.

To do this, it is necessary to carefully select insulating materials. It is detailed to familiarize yourself with what to see the house outside is cheap and beautifully will help the photos presented in the article. It is important to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe qualitative methods of finishing, which will protect the house from destruction under the influence of moisture, active solar radiation, winds and thermal differences.

The modern building market is filled with a fairly large range of finishing products, which also presents insulating and decorative materials. Of the various types it is easy to choose the most suitable option, regardless of taste preferences and financial capabilities.

At the same time, each material has its advantages and disadvantages, differing indicators of quality and durability. In this regard, the most important consumer characteristic is the cost that affects the criteria for selecting one or another finishing material.

Lining, block house and other materials made of wood

Lining or wagon board is a thin trimming board for the manufacture that natural wood is used. This material is considered the most environmentally friendly option when wearing private and other types of buildings. For connoisseurs of naturalness and naturalness, it is necessary to take into account not only the advantages of this material, but also its disadvantages.

Pluses of wood materials:

  • the lightness of such facing coatings allows to save when designing and filling the foundation of buildings;
  • due to the naturalness of the wood, it does not contain an impurity of toxic substances;
  • the walls of the house can breathe and do not accumulate condensate, prevents the appearance of mold and fungal formations;
  • has excellent heat-shielding and noise-eyed properties;
  • it can be easy to stain that it is necessary to give the facade of the house any color shades and various design solutions.

Minuses of lining at outdoor finish:

  • it has high flammability, like other lumber;
  • accumulates an excessive amount of moisture, quickly cheese and destroys;
  • has a high number of natural structural defects;
  • easily deteriorates under the influence of external factors and insects.

Yes, really, the lining is considered the cheapest solution for outdoor skin. However, serious disadvantages that are characteristic of wood do not allow it to use it for a long period. To give a better performance characteristics, various special compositions are used, which are applied to the surface of the material (antiseptics, impregnation, simulators and varnishes) to prevent rotting and destruction. Most often, the lining and block house (siding from the tree under the log) is used to finish wooden buildings.

The cost of this material is at a democratic level. On average, buy a block house from the Ukrainian or Russian manufacturer within 350-700 rubles per square meter. And the cost of lining for outdoor work ranges from 400 to 1000 rubles.

Having preferred imported materials, of course, you need to be prepared and at a higher price. Speaking about the cheaper to see the wooden house outside, it is worth considering other budget options. The following methods are suitable for buildings from various materials (brick, concrete and other building raw materials).

Facade thermopanels

Typically, the choice of tangent of something, the cheaply to see the house outside, the material is affected from which the building itself and the demands of the household owners are built to sound and thermal insulation. So, if the buildings from the tree have the characteristics of good heat savings, then the houses of brick or concrete are distinguished by cold walls and floors. Therefore, in such cases, it is better to give preference to outer materials with good thermal insulation.

One of the most optimal options will be thermopanels from polyurethane and ceramics. This is a very budget, but favorable option. To date, Russian manufacturers produce thermopanels at an absolutely available value. On average, this is about 900-1300 rubles per square meter. While the price of the trim from foreign manufacturers reaches a mark of 1600-2.5 thousand rubles per square.

It is worth noting that clinker thermopanels are a modern method of trimming, which in the field of construction appeared relatively recently. Among the positive qualities of this method can be allocated:

  • the material has excellent thermal insulation and perfectly serves as a decorative sheath;
  • excellent imitation of brick masonry, while there are options in different colors, which makes it possible to choose a panel for every taste;
  • aesthetic and neat appearance;
  • easy installation and ease of use;
  • the ability to cover any surface;
  • low weight, which allows not to strengthen the foundation of the building additionally;
  • low percentage of moisture equipment, which makes it possible to wash the facade of the building from the hose with high water pressure;
  • due to dense masonry, cold air does not penetrate the walls of the house.

This is one of the best options that makes it possible to simultaneously and insulate the building, and make it beautiful.

Fibro cement panels

Another excellent option, cheap outer casing of a brick house is fibrotent panels. This is a win-win option for stone buildings. To date, fibrotent panels are a relatively new material for the skin, which is already producing domestic manufacturers.

This material is distinguished by strength, simplicity of installation and external attractiveness. The average price of fibro-cement panels from imported manufacturers reaches 1600-2000 rubles per square. The domestic analogue can cost from 700 to 900 rubles, while the quality is at the same level with an imported goods.

Fibro-cement panels have such advantages:

  • high strength;
  • reliability;
  • weather resistance.

The coating of fibric cement plates consists of several layers. It is wood fiber, quartz, mica, cement and in some cases chlorine and asbestos can be included in the composition. All these materials form sheets for the trim, which are manufactured by a specific technology. After that, a protective and decorative coating is applied to the surface.

Depending on the coating, the quality of the plates may vary, and the price. So, one of the cheapest, but resistant to fading is an acrylic coating. In second place is a hydrophilic ceramics, which is characterized by high resistance to abrasion and fading, it may look like a new one for 30 years, while has a low increase in water absorption. In third place - a photo ceramic coating that retains its appearance for many years, it is easily cleaning, and the cost is at the average level.

Many variations of the coating are huge advantage. It can be both glossy and imitating brickwork, wooden coating or other materials. The connection between the tiles is very sealed, so moisture and cold does not penetrate the walls of the building.

Vinyl or metal siding

If you still think, the cheaper to see the house outside, then there will be a siding, which is suitable for both brick and concrete buildings. In addition, the small weight of this building material allows you to apply this type of trim for wooden buildings.

Both types of siding have a number of their advantages and disadvantages. For example, metal siding perfectly copes with a large temperature drop, it has greater durability and reliability. But at the same time, this type of sheath contributes to the warm assessment from the walls of the building.

The vinyl material does not particularly differ in thermal insulation, but does not wind up the building. Therefore, from options to choose how to cheap the house, solve you.

If we talk about value, then depending on the species, it is not particularly different. The price of metal siding ranges from 100 to 195 rubles, and on vinyl - from 190 to 250 rubles for the temporon meter. Nevertheless, sheathing a large-sized building, this seemingly a small difference in value can pour out a rather large amount.

There are also other types of siding for facades. For example, aluminum, thin steel, cement-cellulose mass, wood raw materials. Aluminum siding is most often used to cover industrial facilities, but can also be used for finishing private houses. Thanks to a variety of color gamma, you can decorate any facade of the house with it.

Wood fibers are perfect for facing facades of private houses. It is manufactured using high-pressure pressing technology, after which the protective paint layer is covered. The cement-cellulose mass as a facing material is suitable for the base areas of buildings.

Touching a straightener

This is another option than cheaper to strip the house outside. This is perhaps the most inexpensive and budget option for finishing the facade of the building. The cost may vary within 160-350 rubles per stranded meter, which depends on the brand of sheet, producer and region.

Usually the material with small ribs are selected. Among the disadvantages of this method of finishing, it is possible to distinguish poor heat transfer, which is compensated by an additional layer of thermal insulation.

Like siding, the proflists are attached to the framework, and the accumulation rate is the huge advantage of this type of trim. The process is much faster, thanks to a large area of \u200b\u200battached cloths. Installation of proflists does not require special skills and skills, so you can cope with the objects of the house by this material yourself, without the help of professionals. This makes it possible to save not only on the material, but also on the involvement of professional builders.

Both proflists and siding can be used to cover the facades of buildings from a bar or logs, and it will also be an excellent option for finishing shield houses.

Summing up

Choosing material for facing the building, should not be looped at cost and arithmetic calculations. And in addition to the material itself, do not forget about the cost of installation work, which will be performed when the framework of the framework. For example, the price of wood siding is absolutely budgetary, but at the same time it periodically needs to soak such a cladding with the help of special compositions, in order to conserve antiseptic properties.

Do not forget that the finish must be made not for one year and not even for 10 years. Therefore, choosing the material, pay attention to its strength, resistance to weather conditions, moisture and on the possibility of processing. If you independently make the right choice, contact your professionals for help. And be sure to consider the moisture and vapor permeability of the material so that then the whole life does not fight mold and dampness in the house.

Video "How to insulate the walls of foam with their own hands"

A tree is a unique material that has a sufficiently long service life (with proper processing) and allows you to create special products. Including buildings. That is why, today you can still find a lot of wooden houses. And so it turns out that sometimes they need to be updated. And here it is necessary to understand what the material is suitable in order to issue an external facade of the building.

Important moments

Choosing material for external design, you need to navigate not on its attractiveness and price. There are a number of nuances, on which such purchase depends. They determines the high cost of all work.

It should be understood that the tree should breathe. Therefore, the moment of vapor permeability is very important. Experts focus on the fact that this property should decrease as surfaces approaching the street. That is, the wall of the house should have a smaller indicator than the finish finish. This will avoid the appearance of humidity in the house. In the opposite case, the moisture will accumulate in internal layers, creating condensate. And the phenomenon is adversely not only for wood, but also for any other materials, as it guarantees the appearance of mold and fungi. In addition, upon the occurrence of frosts, the water will freeze, which also leads to the destruction of the walls.

The problem with vapor permeability can be solved in one of these ways:

  • the ventilated facade - when decorating a wooden wall, the finish finish is left to the gap of 6-1.5 cm, and the holes are made in the lower and the upper part (for every 20kv.m. walls of 75 sq. M. empty space);
  • the material can be mounted and directly to the wall itself, but from the side of the rooms, create a vapor-permeable layer.

Proper ventilation will provide not just a long service of the walls, but also allows you to maintain a healthy climate in the house.

Selecting the casing of the outer wall, it is worth understanding that such materials must meet certain requirements. So,:

  • moisture absorption and hygroscopicity - this indicator should be minimal, since the more moisture absorbed, the faster the rotting will begin, and hence the destruction of surfaces will begin;
  • paro- and breathability - walls must "breathe" so that the air can "weathered" an extra moisture;
  • thermal conductivity - if the house is in the cold region, then the material should have as much as possible in this criterion, because the cost of heating will depend on it;

  • refractory - this criterion should be high, since it depends on the destruction of the material destruction during fire;
  • chemical and biological resistance - as far as the contact with aggressive chemicals is harmful, as well as with bacteria, insects and fungi;
  • environmental friendly - It is worth understanding that the facade will have to heat up, and therefore it should not be distinguished by harmful substances without inside the house, not into the atmosphere;
  • soundproofing - finishing cladding becomes an additional barrier from street sounds.

All these requirements should be taken into account when selecting a wooden house. In the opposite case, the walls, although they will become beautiful, but after a year of the hosts will see the consequences of the wrong choice and not the right installation - mold, fungus, increased stuffing, etc.

Types and purpose of finishing

Clean the facade of a wooden house for various reasons. Each host of the walls are in different state, so the finish should be selected not just according to the material you like, but also according to the appropriate way of installation. It can be wet or dry. In the first case, glue formulations based on water are used, and in the second, various fasteners - self-tapping screws, nails, kleimers, etc. For wooden house, only a dry way is unequivocally suitable, as the wood does not tolerate moisture in any form.

As for the structures of the finishing, it has its own varieties:

  1. Ventilated facade. In this embodiment, there is a ventilation gap between the main wall and the future trim. In this space there is always an air layer that dries the slightest moisture, and therefore the rotation process does not occur. This version of the facade also serves as additional protection against mechanical damage, and also creates an additional air layer of heat.
  2. Not ventilated facade. The sheath is fixed directly on the most base wall. Then insulation and additional vaporizolation are carried out on the inside of the house.

If it is logical to argue, then for a wooden house, it is definitely better to create the first option of the facade. It will allow you to keep a tree and at the same time a comfortable atmosphere will always be in the dwelling.

Materials varieties

One of the most common mistakes of the township is to choose material for the price and quality, and forget about the financial cost of installation. As a result, it turns out that the purchase is cheap, but as soon as the time comes to mount the lining to the walls, many additional costs arise. It is worth understanding that the correct lifting of the walls implies the presence of fasteners and frames. On more acceptable options for the design of the facade and it is worth stopping.

Vinyl Siding

This material is one of the most sought-after in modern construction. It is a solid coating that is created from polyvinyl chloride.

Such plates have a lock-latch and edge for nails. Therefore, the installation of the sheath occurs quite quickly.

Its operational features are universal, so it can be used in any climatic zones. It is not afraid of high temperatures, due to which it is capable of withstanding sufficiently strong heating, and at the same time not to lose his forms. But here, if we talk about low temperatures, then there are limitations - up to - 15-20 degrees. For winters with 30-40 degree frosts, this option is not suitable. Because of this feature, there is a requirement for installation only in the warm period of the year.

The price of vinyl siding is quite acceptable - 300 rubles per sq.m. Modern manufacturers have a very wide color palette, ranging from strict and ending with brighter shades. But so that such a finish served not one year, you need to remember the following rules:

  • it is best to give preference to light tones, as dark siding will quickly burn out in the sun (literally 2-3 seasons);
  • the trim is carried out only at a temperature not lower than +5 degrees, in the opposite case, waste during trimming and fit panels will be too large;
  • to fix sheets, it is worth using self-tapping screws, but they are not in charge to the end - leave half a turn (solve the issue of expanding the material when heated).

The house can be seen and base siding. It has higher performance, as well as thicker. But all of the above recommendations for it also belong.

Fibro cement panels

Such material is made from cement and synthetic fiber. The appearance of the finished panel is very reminiscent of the tree. This option is very similar to siding, but its operational characteristics are somewhat higher, since more "serious" materials are used to create.

Among the advantages of fibro-cement panels are distinguished by the following:

  • durability and wear resistance;
  • withstands strength frost and heat;
  • it is well in contact with any moisture, while not absorbing it;
  • resistant to chemical aggressive environments and various microorganisms;

  • high heat and sound insulation properties;
  • environmental friendliness (even when heated);
  • deformation resistance, due to which, from this material it is easy to create any geometric forms;
  • aesthetic appeal, as they practically do not fade into the sun;
  • installation can be carried out independently at any time of the year, without the help of specialists.

Thanks to such strengths, fibro-cement models become popular. But you need to know two main disadvantages. First, weight. Since this material is harder, vinyl siding, then the frame on the wall of the house will be erected stronger. Secondly, the price. The cost of one panel on average is 700 rubles. Combining two such features, it is worth saying that the final price is 1 sq.m. Sheathing, including all consumables, is over 1500 rubles.


Such material is presented in the form of tiles. This design allows you to give the house not just attractiveness, but also respectableness. Such walls do such walls and expensive. In addition, this facade is not afraid of temperature fluctuations and has high refractoriness.

But, unfortunately, this material has no negative features than advantages. Pottery stoneware is very heavy, so the installation requires the creation of a special frame of steel suspensions. The entire system is fixed directly on the wall. And then, not every facade will take porcelain stoneware. For example, as practice shows, wooden walls are long withstanding such a finish.

If it was still decided to stop at such a facade, then you should know that for new wooden houses it is used only a year after the construction. That is, when the building is completely strengthened and runs away. The tile itself must have a sufficiently dense texture that provides a reliable grip with a wooden wall. It is important that each element is tightly nurtured to each other and the surface itself. Otherwise, atmospheric precipitates will be at thenter, which will lead to rotting. In general, the process of laying cerarmagrant is quite scrupulous. And this is not to mention that the shell technology itself does not allow to make the entire wall at a time - it is required to lay a certain number of rows, and before starting further, it is necessary to wait for a complete drying of the previous stage of work.

The price of such a material is quite the road - from 1000 rubles per tile (600x600mm). To fully arrange the walls, we need significant financial investments, although it will cost cheaper than natural stone. In addition, the finishing result may look somewhat unexpected.

Despite the fact that the ceramics can be called almost eternal material, it has such a number of minuses that not everyone will decide to arrange the facade.

Siding under the tree and block house

For the fans of naturalness, a great solution is wooden sitting, be it clap or block house. This option creates a feeling of natural wood, so today it can be found everywhere. Externally, it is made to simulate a rounded log or a classic log. The inner surface remains smooth, which allows it to be conveniently fixed to the base wall. The ends of the panels have special grooves-grooves that allow you to bind separate items with each other.

Among the advantages of such a decoration, decorativeness and simple installation are isolated. The design of the house can be made on the crate or on the "naked" walls. Unlike vinyl siding, a block house is more resistant to mechanical effects. Therefore, it is easier to work with it.

But for the sake of justice it is worth saying that such material is still wood, and therefore requires protection against rotting and moist weather conditions. In addition, this version of the panels are very loved by various wood bugs. Typically, manufacturers sell processed material, but experts recommend to additionally soak it with protective means intended for facade works.

Installation can use a horizontal or vertical method of fixation. In the first case, it is best to acquire a thin block house (23x88mm), and in the second one more thick. Horizontal installation implies the seams at the top, and this is an additional protection of the basic walls and the layer of "pie" from moisture. The average cost of such a coverage of the facade will be out of 350 rubles per sq.m.


This option is also considered one of the budget. Here, in fact, the same professional flooring is used, only a more aesthetic species. If you compare it with a vinyl analogue, first, it is not afraid of direct sunlight, and secondly, it can be mounted at any time of the year. It does not become fragile in the cold, respectively, it is possible and in winter to carry out the trim. Metality rings are relatively easy to sleep, thanks to which the risk of a sheet breakdown is much lower. Installation can be used as a crate and metal suspensions.

If we talk about minuses, then perhaps one of the most time points on which it is often complaining quite often - the lack of sound insulation. Such a casing has a small thickness, so and is able to skip a lot of sounds from the street. Of course, any cladding is required for a frame, which is usually filled with additional sound and vapor barrier materials. Nevertheless, when it rains on the street, it can be heard in the house.

From materials such as tile, decorative brick or artificial stone is better to refuse to immediately, as it will be necessary to organize a more complex structure of vapor permeability. Not everyone by pocket throw a lot of money. But in pursuit of savings, the main thing is that the quality is not injured. Otherwise, the repair will be at times more expensive than the initial design of the facade. In addition, no one forbids combining materials with each other.

How to sew a wooden house outside best, everyone decides himself. Any option has strengths and weaknesses. But such a question you need to look globally, not only take into account the cost of the coating, but also related expenses - fasteners, creating a frame, additional surface treatment, as soon as possible repair, etc. Only by taking into account all these moments, you can make a good choice that does not hit the pocket very much.

A wooden house for many individual developers is the most priority: it is environmentally friendly, it creates the most favorable atmosphere for human health, it quickly heats up and retains warmth well. But wooden walls to protect against adverse effects, insulation and decoration, often required sheaving.
When choosing a wall material for external facing facade Your home needs to know the pros and cons of each of the options in the market today. It is important that the selected material was not only beautiful, but also practical and could protect your home from all adversity for a long time.
Options than to sheathe the wooden house outside the mass - from the lining to brickwork, and the possible result may be limited only by money and your fantasy.
The new house is an outdoor covering of a complete appearance, and the old structure will improve protection against the negative impact of the environment and will remove the visible flaws.
For outdoor wall sheaths A wide range of materials is used, including treated steel, aluminum, wood, stone, vinylopest and polychlorvinyl coating. Outdoor covering of windows, doors, roofs - any areas subject to the risk of penetration of moisture.

Lining - To date, the simplest, convenient, easily accessible and lowest view of the material for the outer decoration of the wooden house. To shelter outside the house with a clap will be able to everyone who at least once kept the hammer in the hands of, saw and unmistakably sighs the distance by the ruler.
The clapboard originally called wooden slats, which were covered by transport wagons. So behind it this name and fixed.
Today, the lining is called selected specially treated wood. Simply put, the lining is a trim board.

The lining is manufactured in "Spool" and in the "quarter", the length is divided into one and a half meter, six-meter and three-meter. On the opposite sides of the lining there are grooves and a comb equal.
Humidity such a board should not be more than 10-15%. If the humidity of the boards is more, then after decoration of the walls, in the process of further drying - the density of the board of the boards will change between themselves and the slots are formed, which will negatively affect the appearance of the house.

The house is triggered at the bottom up. The board of the crest up comes with small carnations to the wall, after which the next groove is put on the ridge on top of the groove. Small wooden wedges top board on the edges pressed to the bottom, if the board is long, - in the middle. Then he take the top board, and the wedges are cleaned. And so until the roof.
The decoration with wooden clap looks somewhat old-fashioned, but is an eco-friendly and vapor-permeable. Installation of wooden lining is not difficult. After installation requires impregnation or painting.
The tree is familiar to us all the material, environmentally friendly and relatively inexpensive for the facing of the house ($ 4-7 per sq.m.). However, initially neat appearance gradually ceases to be such.
The tree does not oppose the weather conditions and appetite insects and how any wooden coating is not able to withstand fire. Moreover, the wooden sheath requires annual care, costs of a certain time and means. Some types of finishing work cannot be carried out yearly, for example, at temperatures below zero.

In contrast the lining can perform imitation Bruuswhich is a spruce or pine board laid out in a horizontal position without visible intermediate grooves.
When laying such a board, the surface is flat and beautiful. No wonder the imitation of the timber is used not only with the outer decoration of the wooden house, but also when the brick is trimmed, blocks, logs and other materials.
It is worth noting that the spruce board used during the lining of the house outside is perfectly combined with metal and stone. A similar combination comes home exquisite refinement and highlights it among the others.
Recently, it became often used wood-polymer liningwhich combines the best quality wooden lining and polymeric materials.
It is moisture resistant, not subject to rotting, does not require frequent care, can stand decades.

Block houseAs it is customary today to call it, it is a board made of coniferous trees, this material has a semicircular pattern on the front side.
The most block house is used when the outer part of the frame of the frame type. But today there are no rare cases when you can find the use of a rounded board when finishing the facade of a wooden house.

The combination of a wooden bar with a block house creates an elegant appearance that will delight not only its owners, but also guests, as well as all temporary visitors.
It must be emphasized that the block house is not afraid of sudden temperature drops, steadfastly withstands frost and summer hot days.
Therefore, no matter what region you live in, if you have a question, than to sew a wooden house outside, you can safely choose a block house as one of the ways to decorate the facade of your own home.

Siding - These are separate panels that are very comfortable to be bonded among themselves.
Externally, the decoration siding is similar to a female trim. Each panel has a lock-latch and perforated edge for nails. Siding stripes are of different sizes. Length, as a rule, varies from 2 to 6 meters, width 10-30 cm, thickness up to 10 mm.
Manufacturers offer different types of siding - base, ceramic, steel, wooden, cement, aluminum, copper.
Siding today got great popularity. It is used to cover private houses, office buildings, commercial premises, etc. Such recognition material conquered, thanks to its qualities - durability, strength, attractive and neat appearance.
Siding profile is performed in two versions: "Christmas tree" (single fracture) or "Shipboard" (double). It does not affect the quality of the material, and the profile is selected, only on the basis of personal preferences.
Siding texture most often imitates natural wood. For sewn from shock, scratches and corrosion use a special polymer coating or paint.

Siding retains its qualities and initial views for several decades. It perfectly protects the building from the effects of atmospheric phenomena.
This is a very light, convenient material that looks great in any landscape. In addition, siding is environmentally safe and easy to care. It is easily clean and does not require periodic painting, unlike wood materials.
All types of siding for the placeholding of the house are very easily mounted and can be facing the building with its own forces. Siding installation does not require special skills, including thorough preparation of the wall surface. On the contrary, it helps to hide many irregularities and other flaws.

Vinyl Siding Move from polyvinyl chloride. It is a solid strip, which is differently called panels. Each panel is a monolithic sheet that gives the desired shape.
Vinyl siding is not cracking, not dissipating, does not rot and does not represent any interest for insects, unlike wood materials. Plus Siding is also the fact that it does not support the combustion process, but simply mowers under the influence of high temperatures.
PVC panels are used both for the construction of new buildings and for finishing old houses. Often simultaneously with the installation of siding produce a building of the building, since the insulation is very convenient to lay in the crate space.
Vinyl siding is produced standard sizes:
- Length - 3000 mm, 3660 mm, 3730 mm, 3850 mm;
- width - 205 mm and 255 mm;
- Thickness - 1.1 mm and 1.2 mm.

Advantages of PVC panels:
- low flammability;
- environmental Safety;

- Resistance to the effects of atmospheric phenomena and chemicals. Well established itself in conditions of high humidity and moderate acid or alkaline medium. It does not crack, it does not breed in the sun and does not rot;
- Range of operating temperature 0T -50 to +50 degrees. Under such conditions, it does not blame and does not change the initial shade;
- Easy to operate: it is easy to clean with a hose and does not require additional painting throughout the service life; - a huge selection of colors and shades;
- does not interfere with the ventilation at home, since it does not seal the walls tightly;

- Holes in the lower edges of the panels prevent condensate accumulation. It protects the insulation material and wooden structural elements from rotting;
- due to the possibility of insulation, saves the means for heating at home;
- low price, compared with other types of facing materials;
- high reliability, which avoids expensive and energy-intensive repair work;
- The texture of the outer surface of the panels can be smooth or rough, imitating natural wood.

Today, about 15-20 options are represented on the market. siding coloring. All of them can be divided into three main groups:
- white;
- pastel;
- Colored.
Most often you can meet the siding pastel shades. This species is optimal in the ratio of price, visual and operational qualities.
Siding bright colors also has a very attractive look. But it costs two times more expensive.
Such an increase in the price is associated with the need to add expensive substances that prevent burnout in the sun.
In fact, the lining is also siding, but still, returning to the origins of the emergence of this particular direction in the finishing of houses of houses, siding is a plastic finishing material that imitating a board coating. Therefore, today the most popular view is the trimming of a wooden house siding "under the tree"

There are two ways to install PVC panels: horizontal and vertical.
Vertical Siding Applied relatively recently. In a different way, it is called Sofit.

Soffit Used for external finishes.
Sofits in the construction industry are called panels that are designed to cover a variety of horizontal surfaces of turning down (eaves, sinks, ceilings in open spaces, etc.).
One of the main functions, oddly enough, is not an external beauty and not to give the building of the completed species, but to ensure the ventilation of the subcoase, which makes it possible to significantly increase the service life of the roof.
If you need not only beautifully equip the surface of the roof, but at the same time ensure the excellent ventilation of the underpants space to prevent the appearance of dampness and mold, then you should be used the cornese and frontal skes siding - sofit.
This is the panel, it is attached to the roof along the edge of the roof, which gives it a complete aesthetic appearance. Panels are joined with a lock connection, it allows you to hide their fasteners.

In essence, it is the same siding or clapboard, but it is intended for decorating the ceiling and is called a beautiful Italian word, which means the ceiling in translating.
The essential difference in the sofaths used in the open air, from other types of decorative panels, is the presence of perforation. It provides a free passage of air through them, which protects materials from mold, dampness and fungus damage.
There are like without perforation - for finishing interior, and with perforation - for outdoor use.

Wooden siding.
A different wooden siding is called glued clapboard.

Panels are made of wood fibers compressable at a large pressure and high temperature. For a better connection, fibers are adding special resins with each other.
For reliable protection against external influences, wooden siding has to be covered by several layers of varnish or paint. Recently, wooden siding applies more and less. And with the advent of new materials and is moving into the background.
This is due to the following disadvantages of this material:
- high price;
- a short life;
- a tendency to ignition;
- high moisture absorption;
- The need for topping and impregnation throughout the service life in order to do as much as possible without overhaul.

Ground Siding - A variety of vinyl panels that are used specifically for trim blocks. Such siding has higher strength characteristics.

The base is exposed to destructive factors much more than the other parts of the house. In summer, it is strongly heated from sunlight and asphalt coating. And in the winter is in conditions of high humidity due to sticking snowdrifts.
A variety in the design of the base siding is much more than that of simple vinyl panels. From a variety of colors and textures, you can always choose the most optimal option. Most often, the socket siding models imitate alternative natural facing materials: wood, stone, brick, etc.

Facade panels under stone do not need to be care, repair, etc.
Socular siding struts to the effects of any chemicals, mechanical damage, is easily clean. The covering with facade panels under the stone, as well as siding, is performed on the frame that is secured to the walls. Using the baseline siding under the stone or a gore, it is possible to create a full-fledged vendable facade - when using a layer of insulation, ventilated clearance.
The panels are used to finish both external and internal surfaces. Socular siding is used for:

- sheathing walls of the house and foundation;
- creating a facade of the building with a ventilation system and a layer of insulation;
- creating the original design of garages, baths, fences, arbors, etc.;
- decoration of walls indoors of various purposes.
Among the most advantages of the base siding can be allocated the most important:
- moisture resistance (makes it possible to use in saunas and pools);
- lightness (perfectly suitable for ceiling cladding);
- speed and ease of installation (it allows to apply for the assembly and reconstruction of temporary exhibition stands).

Metal Siding.
It is light long panels of various widths: 120, 300 and 550 mm. Each panel provides locks with which they are fastened with each other.
The most common material is galvanized steel. A coating is applied to the surface. One of the coating options is the polymer material - polyester, plastisol, poural. In this case, the choice of color is limited to six-eight shades.
Another type is painting by applying a special powder. With this method, the color gamma is much more diverse.
Metal siding has advantages over vinyl:
- increased characteristics of strength;

- durability;
- resistance to sharp temperature differences;
- durability of color;
- Non-angry.
In addition, metalyding has hidden fasteners, which significantly improves the appearance of the design. This is especially important when it comes to facing facades.
The undisputed pluses of metal siding are its fire resistance and durability.
The color scheme of metallic siding is diverse, although too bright colors focus on the "artificiality" of the material, but, as they say, taste and color.
Metality) has high strength (in the core galvanized steel, then passivated layer and a layer of primer), and for insects is absolutely not attractive. Does not fade into the sun, so it retains its color the entire service life (from 50 years). But with a strong blow, the surface can be deformed, and dents will remain on it.

Metal siding in addition to periodic washing requires additional care, for example, applying special protective coatings due to the threat of corrosion. Yes, it is much more expensive than wooden or vinyl facing ($ 12-25 per square meter).
A significant disadvantage of this type of cladding is that the metal is more than other types of facing materials skips heat, so when installing metal, the house needs an additional insulating material so as not to skip cold in winter or excessive heat in summer.
It is important to remember that metal-robes are quite heavy and require a certain stock of the building of the building, so it can not be suitable for any home.

Aluminum Siding. This material is suitable for decoration of residential premises, offices, industrial buildings. Due to the ease of panels (only 1.7 kg per square meter), it is possible to safely use in multi-storey buildings.
This type of siding is ideal in a situation where you need to quickly bring the building into a decent view. In a short time, you can upgrade the walls and ceilings of the building, avoiding the complex expensive repair.

Professor. Professional flooring made of galvanized or steel profiled sheet, which is covered by a protective layer. It is used as a wall finish, for roofing, making fences, overlap. In appearance, the professionalist resembles a slate sheet.

The advantages of the professional flooring is: strength, durability, efficiency, wide color scheme and simplicity of installation.
Professional flooring wall or intake does not endure excessive loads and is mainly used as a temporary fence.
Profile roofing has much higher strength. It is used to cover the premises, covering the roof and manufacture of fence.
Carrying professional flooring is the most durable of all kinds of professional flooring. This kind of professional flooring is capable of transfering quite high loads.
To prevent corrosion and for resistance to chemical impact, the professionalist is covered by polymer-based compositions. This significantly extends the service life of the professional flooring.

When using such a finish material, as a professional owl, it can be modified under certain functions. It is possible to add roundings, grooves and different specific devices.
The installation rate of installation differs from siding is much smaller, due to the fact that the professionalist has a much greater length in comparison with siding panels.
The advantage of siding is its longer life, which can be about 50 years. It is not subject to corrosion and exposure to pest insects. But with a bright juicy color, the panel will very quickly burn out in the sun.

Professional flooring keeps the color much longer, the disadvantage is the susceptibility of corrosion metal. Even if it is processed by an anti-corrosion coating, the service life is about 15 years.
In addition to lower costs, the benefits of the professional flooring include the preservation of properties inherent in it under any weather and climatic conditions.
Professional flooring almost non-flamm, and due to the low weight does not exert excessive pressure on overlappings and supports. The covering of the building by siding allows you to save much more heat, whereas when applying the professional sheet it is advisable to use an additional layer of insulation.
The metal professional owner has a smooth surface, low cost and durability, but does not let the air. In this regard, it is not suitable for the construction of buildings having a frame-shield design. Can only be applied as material for plating ventilated facades.

Ceramic siding - A fairly new invention for facing and decorating the facade side of the building. This is the best finish material in the middle price category.
Developments concerning ceramic siding belong to practical Japanese specialists. They try to use everything that gives nature with benefit and a rational approach.
Ceramics for siding is a glove mixture with inclusions from other natural materials. The panels are powered by environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic and fireproof.
In quality, ceramic facing can safely compare with ceramic tiles of increased strength.

Cement Siding
The cement siding includes cellulosic fiber and, actually cement. At the final stage of manufacturing such panels to the surface, the texture simulating wood is applied by a special method.
Among the many advantages of cement siding can be allocated as follows:
- good resistance to temperature drops, precipitation, wind, ultraviolet rays, mold, fungus;
- cement siding is not exposed to insects;
- allows you to quickly update the available building, give it a fresh look, decorate the facade, align the walls;

- the possibility of using in buildings with increased fire safety requirements due to high qualities of fire resistance;
- long service life;
- good color resistance;
- Convenience of mounting and ease of maintenance.

Compared to other species, the following flaws can be called:
- a lot of weight for which the lamp should be more durable;
- high price;
- Disadvantage and difficulty during cutting: it is necessary to use protective equipment (masks or respirators) to avoid hitting the face and light, silicon dust.

Facade thermopanels With clinker tile under the stone (outer side) based on polyurethane (inner side) allows simultaneous facing and insulation of the facade.

The use of panels with tile under the stone allows you to avoid the complications of the joint installation. Installation of thermopanels with tile under the stone seamless method on the guide ensures the absence of joints in the outer skin.
Natural ceramic finishing coating - clinker tiles - is distinguished by an excellent design, special impact strength.
Facing tile does not destroy the fungus, mold, etc., the tile is not susceptible to abrasion, weathelation. Finally, the outer sheat from the tile under the stone is simply beautiful and modern.
A variety of types of design of facing of thermopanels with tiles (stone, brick) allows you to create the facades of the most different decor.
Facing a facade tile on a cement-bearing basis is another possibility to change the design, appearance of the building, perform the trim and protect the walls. Tile design externally can imitate the finish with the most expensive materials - natural stone, marble.
When facing the facade tile is fastened with adhesive compositions. Using the crate in the event of the installation of the front tile on the wooden walls is the necessary condition for the facing. The tile is then withstanding after cladding large static and dynamic loads.

The general rule when installing all types of panels, tiles when finishing the wall are their installation on the crate. A dense adjustment of the tile and the entire design during the lining prevents penetration of precipitation through the tile on the wall, contributing to its safety.
The system of profiles, guides, special fasteners facilitates the installation of the tile, and the use of volunteer cladding elements with tiles gives a stylish completed design, the original view of the entire building.
Once again we emphasize that the installation of the insulation layer during installation of mounted facade materials gives an additional opportunity to improve the heat-saving characteristics of the building.
The presence of ventilation gaps is especially important with the outer insulation of wooden houses - moisture will not accumulate in the thickness of the log wall, and there will also be no insulation firing.

Facade brick

The outdoor facing of the facades of wooden houses bricks, layered masonry, leads to combining the advantages and design of the structure of wood and buildings from the brick - the main thing, the improvement of heat-saving qualities, besides, the external covering of facade brick reduces the fire hazard.
Outdoor covering facade brick has increased moisture resistance, frost resistance. The facade brick during the trim will increase the overall strength of the structure. Brick cover will protect the facade from any kind of destruction.

The facade lining brick is beneficial from the usual brick lack of heights on the material. Many forms of facade bricks for the trim make it possible to create a facade of individual design.
Facing the house with facade brick can only be made after a complete shrinkage, bravestock debris. The connected elements made of galvanized metal (curmmers) or flexible plastic communications provide a reliable fastening of the material of the facade of the facade with the surface of the bearing walls of the house.

Please note that the overall weight of the construction after facing the facade brick increases, as well as the load on the foundation of the house, soils, therefore, the foundation should be not too weak.
A ventilation gap is left between the facade of the facade of the brick and the carrier wall of the house - to provide natural ventilation, condensate removal, water vapor from thermal insulation material. Its value is at least 4-5 cm.
The outdoor finish of the facade of the house with facing brick allows you to qualitatively transform the design of your building, because brick among building materials is a symbol of respectability and strength.
Facing with artificial stone of any types of buildings significantly wins in a dispute with plaster, which constantly requires attention and care. Brick is a very durable building material that does not require any additional care.
When producing in the starting material - clay - add modifying additives, which provide bricks high strength, reliability, durability.
Being an excellent insulation, a facing brick is high strength, has low water absorption and high frost resistance.


The facade of the house is a foam house is an effective way of insulation of the structure. This material has a number of significant advantages:
- Sustain of frosts;
- does not deteriorate from moisture drops;
- confronts the effects of sunlight;
- on the surface of the foam can be applied various types of facade paint and plaster;
- Polyfoam is available at a price compared with other finishing materials;
- Mounting technology for walls is rather simple; Polyfoam can be insulated with walls and outside and inside the structure;
- Energy consumption for the heating of premises in the house will significantly decrease.

Question than to sheathe the wooden house Outside - the case is purely individual.

For example, a house built from a rounded log, as a rule, do not crate - there is enough for the impregnation of wood with protective reagents that impede the deterioration of the appearance, rotting, insect damage, as well as the operational quality of the material.
Another thing is a cottage from a bar, or more often - a frame-shield house.
Outdoor wall covering isolates the building from weather conditions; Install such a system can be installed on walls or roof of the building.
Materials for sheaturing are resistant to humidity, insects, fire. However, a regular examination is required for the outside wall sheathing for insects to protect the inner structure of the house.
Some plating systems are designed specifically to protect against fire.

The establishment of the trim system is possible on brick, wooden, cement surfaces.
As a rule, the outer lining of the walls after installation does not require additional care; The life lifetime is up to fifty years depending on the type of material used for the material.
Before you begin any work, you must first think about the visual design of the house, decide on the type of materials, calculate the volumes, install windows and doors.
In general, when facing the facade of a wooden house, you can win the advantages of the tree - the traditional building material for Russia.
The wooden elements used when finishing the facade will give a unique appearance of the structure, and the use of various design styles in the manufacture of their production will allow organically to combine wooden carved elements with any facade trim - plastic, brick, decorative plaster.
It is especially advantageous to the wooden finish of the platbands, the attic, sinks of the roof.

How to transform "face" of your own home and make it unforgettable? The topic of decorating the facade is inexhaustible ...

A variety of finishing options is dictated not only to need to reorganize wall structures, but also protect the material of the walls from the external environmental impact.

Private brick, slagoblock, aerated concrete, foam and hardware are either low decorative qualities, or poor resistance to the effects of any atmospheric precipitation, wind and temperature drops. Even such material as a silicate brick, which has an attractive and reliable appearance, is inferior to a facing fellow in most indicators.

This type of lining, the facial surface of which mimics the rounded log. Economical and environmentally friendly material.

The decoration by a block house or imitation of a bar is better to spend on a double wooden crate. The first serves to lay the insulation, the second - to create a ventilated gap and installation of facing. Ventilation is needed not only mineral wool, but also a tree. In addition, each panel must be processed from the inside (to protect against rotting and insects), as well as outside (to protect against precipitation).

It is used to decorate walls with low vapor permeability. The insulation plates (foam, extruded polystyrene foam) are fixed using an adhesive solution and fixes their dowels.

From above, the reinforcing mesh of fiberglass is mounted and throw it with a solution (this is necessary in order to avoid cracks on the site of the insulation slabs). The top layer is watched, and after it dries, the front plaster is placed on it, which is then ground and painted with paints for external work.


Literally from the English "Siding" - "Outdoor Cleaning". One of the leading materials used in housing house-building.

The installation of siding is extremely simple and installation usually passes at a high pace of work.

We need a carrier frame (case), which can be arranged, for example, from a metal profile or wooden bar. As a heater, a foam is used with a thickness of at least 20-40 mm.

The use of such a heater as a mineral wool due to its ability to absorb the atmospheric moisture requires the creation of an air gap.

Side types:


It gives the building a finished, aesthetic appearance. Inexpensive, durable and elastic material. Before applying, we advise weigh all the pros and cons. from environmental and fire considerations.

It is also desirable before purchasing a reference regarding the performance characteristics of the product of the selected manufacturer. Cases of swelling, warping, the appearance of cracks, increased fragility of winter and uneven burnout with spots in summer are noted.

The author of this article has been able to work with the Polish brand of Royal and Tecos Sayding (BELGIUM-Russia). Over two years, the burnout of the panels from the south side is noted, which is generally noncritical. There are no complaints to mechanical characteristics.


The increased cost relative to the vinyl and necessity of additional costs for processing the anti-corrosion makeup somewhat make it difficult to use metal siding for finishing private buildings.

However, some owners still make a choice in favor of a more solid "metal" option. Steel siding complies with fire safety requirements and can be involved incl. For finishing fire hazardous objects.

Time-tested finishing material (first applied in Europe more than 100 years ago). It is durable, fireproof, no moisture and biological corrosion is afraid.

More recently was in the shadow of his vinyl fellow, but the domestic consumer could not pass by the material on a traditionally beloved cement basis.

On some Internet sites you can meet outdated information today. That fibro-cement siding is unborn in the field of private construction and is dangerous to health. The fact is that asbestos used earlier during production, which can really threaten health. Today, this component is excluded from the technological cycle and its function performs curly cellulose.

Cement siding looks flawlessly, moreover, it can be painted after installation, which allows the owner of a country house to use unlimited colors.

Some manufacturers provide a guarantee for this type of product to 50 years!

Wooden, in common "Canadian" siding

Not afraid of Russian frosts and looks amazing!

Eco-friendly, aesthetic and cute heart material is perhaps not needed. Unfortunately, this beautiful coating retains all flaws of wood and therefore the service life is not the strongest side. Regarding roads, less elastic and therefore requires increased accuracy when installing and leaving during operation.

Facade heat insulating panels (thermopanels)

Relatively young, but the confidence-winning method of insulation and decorative finishing of the facade is widely used as in the countries of the European Union so in Russia in accordance with new, more stringent standards SNiP No. 23.02.2003 "Thermal protection of buildings".

It is a light, but a solid panel made on the basis of foam plastic, extrusion polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam providing excellent heat capacity. The technology provides for the creation of a single monolithic layer having a thermos effect. (saves the coolness in summer and heat in winter).

Permissible krge on any surface: concrete, wood, gas and foam concrete blocks, brick, glass adhesive sheet, etc.

Ceramic tile (porcelain stoneware)

Artificial finishing material with excellent performance characteristics.

Due to the high operational characteristics of the tile, the floor intended for the device turned into a universal finishing material is widely used and for finishing the walls of architectural structures. This is the perfect option for facing the ventilated facades ( read more about technology at the end of this article) .

Facade plaster

To this day, this traditional decision enjoys well-deserved popularity.

The abundance of modern technologies makes a pleasant variety in the choice of the owner of a country house puzzled by a high-quality relief of the surfaces of the walls. The main limitation is the relative difficulty of applying plaster and the need for qualified labor.

Attempting to mechanization here was not crowned with success because the "Dedovskaya" technique of work did not undergo significant changes.

Durable and fiscal plaster. Over time, the coating hardness is only increasing.

Such plaster has a high pH reagent and is resistant to the appearance of biological corrosion. A small selection of colors from the manufacturer is not an obstacle to the use of a wide range of color gamut. The white plaster is applied with the subsequent painting silicate facade paint.

Disadvantages: Low elasticity, low adhesion to the base. Price: The most fiscal option. Durability: about 30 years. Frost resistance: 75 cycles.

Does not require a kneading and excludes errors in dosages. The choice of color is unlimited - the mixture is touched.

Acrylic plaster comes on sale as ready-to-use mixture on a water-dispersion basis. Elastic, durable, has high resistance to aggressive effects of the external environment. Disadvantages: Low vapor permeability.

It is undesirable to use on facades with a cotton insulation. Price: Comparatively inexpensive (compared to silicone and silicate plaster), but more than mineral. Durability: 50 years. Frost resistance: Fifty cycles.

Applied to all types of mineral bases. It has neutral electrostaticity - does not attract dust and dirt.

Durable and durable coating. It is made on the basis of liquid glass, which provides high vapor permeability (higher than mineral and acrylic) and resistance to biological corrosion.

Disadvantages: Small selection of colors. Price: Above the average price category. Durability: 60 years.

If the budget allows, then this is the most preferred option. Includes all previously specified advantages of materials.

It is manufactured on the basis of a modified silicone resin, with the addition of organic acrylate binder, mineral fillers and pigments.

Disadvantages: It is used in a complex with silicone primer, very expensive. Price: The most expensive plaster. Durability: 60 years. Frost resistance: 60 cycles. Among the facade paints, by analogy with plaster distinguishes acrylic, silicate and silicone paints.

Not the most popular, but worthy of attention option.

Ceramic facing brick has many advantages, including high mechanical strength, resistance to water, wind, ultraviolet and temperature drops. Unfortunately, it also has disadvantages, such as, for example, low thermal insulation, a rather big weight and a high price, it is because of them, he recently passed his position in the market for finishing facade materials.

In order for the brick wall thickness corresponds to the requirements of SNiP in terms of protection against heat loss, it should be thick from 80 to 90 cm. And this is expensive, and requires a more powerful foundation. Although such a wall has excessive strength for a low-rise structure.

You can apply a well-masonry, when the gap is created between the ordinary brick and facing, filled with heat insulator. This technique allows to reduce the total thickness of the wall 1.5 times. But the use of warm facade systems reduces this figure already twice

Looks like a real, but weighs 1.5 times less.

This type of finish has an amazing decorative surface, due to its similarity with a natural natural analogue. However, it weighs it one and a half times less and more adapted to finishing works, since in any collection there are already additional elements for facing window and doorways, angles and joints, which greatly simplifies installation.

Artificial stone is easy to process, is durable, environmentally friendly (which is important lately) is easily mounted on any basis.

The only thing that is afraid of such a finish - humidity. Therefore, in places where the natural moisture is high, the surface, lined with artificial stone, must be treated with hydrophobic solutions.

Suspended ventilated facade

The most common method for walls with high vapor permeability.

The idea is to form a carrier frame providing a gap for air circulation between insulation and facing. Mineral wool is used as insulation.

A system of brackets from a metal profile is installed on the wall, the height of which should ensure the placement of thermal insulation material, a protective vapor-permeable membrane and a gap device of the required width.

Mineral wool mats are strengthened with glue and (or) plastic umbrella dowels, the membrane is laid from above, which does not give the material to collapse, but at the same time it allows you to disperse water vapor.

Metal profiles are installed on the brackets that serve as the basis for mounting the facing. As a cladding can be any sheet or wrap material, ranging from corrugated floor and ending with composite panels or porcelain stoneware.

The use of each of them has its own characteristics by the method of fastening, step and material of the crate. For example, composite panels should be attached only to aluminum profiles. The facade finish will not only strengthen the external walls of the house and will extend his life, but also decorate the plot, creating a unique aura of attractiveness and fascinating the views of passersby.