How to veneer and decorate the basement of the house - a description of possible materials and work technology for plaster. How to decorate the basement of a house: from exclusive to budget options with step-by-step instructions Finishing the basement of a private house budget option

, as a rule, protrudes above the ground. This part needs to be finished not only for aesthetic, but also for practical purposes. We will look at six of the most popular options with detailed installation instructions.

The strip foundation is a concrete mixture with metal or and aggregate from crushed stone and gravel. Firstly, such a surface looks unattractive, even if its edges are perfectly flat. And they are rarely even - depending on what formwork was used when pouring. Traces of shields and usually remain.

Based on this, we designate the tasks of finishing the basement:

  • it must protect the surface of the fill from and, the scorching rays of the sun and winds;
  • the cladding hides not only all the imperfections of the foundation, but also the layer;
  • and finally, decorative cladding should match the overall structure and beautify the building.

The basics of self-finishing the basement of a private house

Before we talk about how to sheathe the basement of the house from the outside, let's dwell on the basics. First, the installation of the cladding can be dry or wet. In the first case, the material is attached to or directly to the concrete surface using fasteners. The second option requires the installation of the lathing and the use of building mixtures.

The second important point is that you need to take into account the climate of your region.

It is important that the plinth plating does not absorb water and does not allow it to flow to the surface. Another nuance - the cladding should not lose its qualities under the influence of reagents that are used in winter.

Advice! Taking into account the operating conditions of the facing material, its choice must be approached with all responsibility, trusting trusted manufacturers who guarantee the quality and durability of the product.

Features of the choice and use of natural stone for facing the basement

Natural stone is considered the most respectable and expensive in decoration. Professionals in construction recommend not using loose rocks, such as shell rock and limestone, for decorating the basement. They will soon lose their presentable appearance.

A dense frost-resistant material, preferably dark in color, is suitable for this purpose.

Magmatic gabbro and granite are best suited in this regard.

Important! In finishing with natural stone, an important condition is reliable sealing of joints and seams. If faulty is allowed, moisture will seep through the cladding and destroy the base.

Features of the choice of natural stone for outdoor decoration

Natural stone must match in color and texture. But besides this, there are other requirements. If the stones themselves are very heavy, they need additional fasteners to secure them firmly. It is also important to know that silicate rocks (quartzite and sandstone) are incompatible with carbonate rocks (marble, limestone). Their chemical components react with each other. The result is gradual mutual destruction.

Master class on facing the basement with natural stone

Now let's see how the whole process looks like in practice.

Illustration Description of action

A metal mesh must be fixed on the surface of the base. It will firmly fix the solution.

Place the torn stones for the plinth on the ground in the order in which you will place them on a vertical surface. Natural stone does not have two identical parts, so you need to assemble the cladding, as a puzzle is assembled.

The details that will be below and above must be cut off so that there is a straight line. Use for this with a special stone cutting wheel.

For facing the basement with natural stone, prepare a mortar from sand and. The consistency should be firm enough. It is better to wet the stones a little before installation.

Insert wooden or stone chopiks to form gaps between stones. Start laying from the bottom up.

After the stones are firmly fixed on the plinth, remove the chops and fill the gaps with mortar.

The nuances of facing the basement with artificial stone

Artificial stone will cost you much cheaper than natural. This feature attracts many developers. In addition, the artificial material has regular geometric shapes, which greatly simplifies laying. All you need to do is trim the tiles a little in the corners with a grinder.

It is attractive with a variety of shades, shapes and textures:

This stone is lighter than natural stone, so less mortar is required. Modern artificial materials are not inferior to natural ones in moisture resistance and durability. Their only drawback is their slightly unnatural appearance. But now you can find collections that can only be distinguished on closer inspection.

How to choose an artificial stone for a basement

Don't try to buy the cheapest material. As a rule, its quality is poor. It is best to use stones cast in silicone molds, they most closely mimic the natural texture. Before paying for a batch, study the colors of the stones: the paint should not slick on other shades. The stones should not have holes or cracks, inclusions of foreign particles.

On the inside of the stones, there should be grooves for adhesion to the mortar, and the edges should have clear contours for quality joints on the wall.

Advice! Pick up cladding collections that have corner stones. This will greatly simplify installation.

Video instruction for finishing the basement with artificial stone

The technology for decorating the facade with artificial stone is not much different from working with natural stone. But there are nuances, and you can find out about them in this video - how to decorate the basement of a house with your own hands:

What is the finish of the basement with plastic panels for a stone

Plastic can now compete with natural materials. Modern components make it strong and durable. This material quite successfully imitates natural stone, and the ease of installation allows even a beginner to decorate the facade.

Advice! When choosing plastic panels for outdoor use, give preference to well-known brands. A cheap product quickly fades and crumbles from temperature extremes.

How to make a plinth cladding around the house with your own hands from plastic plinth panels - in detail in this video:

Finishing the basement with siding and its nuances

Siding can be made from vinyl, PVC or propylene. All three of these varieties are suitable for decorating a basement, as they are resistant to external influences and temperature changes. There is also metal siding on sale, but this is the least suitable, since it is not resistant to prolonged exposure to moisture.

How to decorate the basement of a house with siding is detailed in this video tutorial:

Using cladding tiles for the basement of the house

If you have not yet decided how to decorate the basement of the house inexpensively and beautifully, pay attention to the facing tiles. Not all tiles are suitable for outdoor use. It must have a non-porous structure that does not absorb moisture. You will be able to choose the color and shape of the material that best suits the design of the facade.

An interesting point: it is not at all necessary to decorate the base with thick tiles. A standard thickness is enough, and you do not have to additionally strengthen the base.

The only drawback of this design is that there is no way to additionally insulate the foundation with mineral wool. But there are other options, which we will discuss below.

For your information! For the exterior laying of tiles, the temperature during work is important, it should be at least minus five degrees. Do not be fooled by the advice to use winter masonry mortars - the tiles will fall off quickly.

In the photo, options for finishing the basement of a private house with tiles:

Decorating the basement of a private house with do-it-yourself tiles

If there is a need to additionally insulate the foundation, use this master class:

Illustration Description of action

Fasten a solid insulation, such as penoplex, to the outside of the foundation.

Install a metal mesh on the surface of the insulation. Fasten it firmly with special fasteners.

Start with the corner pieces. Place them with the desired clearance of at least 1 cm.

After the corner, start fixing the rest of the elements. Use a light vibrating motion while pressing the tiles down to allow the grout to penetrate the mesh cells.

After the masonry has become, fill the joints with mortar and decorate with a jointing tool.

Cheap and cheerful: finishing the basement of a private house with a professional sheet

Is there an answer to the question of how to inexpensively decorate the basement of a house outside? For budget construction, a professional sheet is an irreplaceable material. It will reliably protect the foundation from moisture and temperature, and also hide

Do-it-yourself home decoration technology differs depending on the material chosen. In this article, we will talk about the types of foundations and their features. We will also consider in detail the most popular types of materials for finishing the basement of a private house, in particular: decorative plaster, under natural and artificial stone, PVC panels and, mosaic plaster and different types of tiles.

Therefore, when choosing materials for finishing the facade of a house, it is important to consider these nuances:

  • DIY home decoration materials:
  • plastering solution;
  • tile;
  • panels;
  • artificial and natural stone;
  • brick.

The presented materials have their own advantages, and also differ in the methods of their application and installation.

In no case should the foundation be left without finishing, since concrete is prone to absorbing moisture, which has a destructive force when the air temperature changes.

Before you start finishing the basement of a private house, you should thoroughly clean it from dirt, level the wall, repair chips and cracks. Next, the surface is covered with a primer for better adhesion of the finishing materials to the base.

Types of foundations:

Bulging. To finish the foundation of a house with your own hands, you first need to take care of the drain. If installed incorrectly, water will begin to collect at the division between the base and the wall. In order to prevent such a situation, the drainage should be planned taking into account the plinth lining.

The appearance of the foundation, finished with such tiles, is similar to the walls of clinker bricks. The advantage of tiles is that they are lighter and less thick (8 - 20 cm).

The length and width are similar to those of bricks. You can purchase additional corners to simplify work and a beautiful appearance of the base.

Step-by-step instructionbase / plinth finishes:

very attractive to look at, but also expensive. The most popular materials for such a finish are sandstone or limestone. Marble or granite are among the most expensive natural materials. Sandstone and limestone are pre-torn with a waterproofing compound. The laying pattern is the same as for tiling. Stone glue is used to fix the elements. Seams are left between small stones, large ones - 2 mm. With a foundation protruding forward, it is necessary to install a cornice to drain the water.

Artificial stone is very similar to natural stone. Thanks to special additives and aggregates, manufacturers receive a stone with excellent performance properties.

The technique of finishing the foundation with artificial stone resembles the laying of tiles:

Polymer sand tiles are an innovative material that imitates "torn" stone and brick. It is very light in weight, which makes it possible to lay it on weak-bearing structures. Manufacturers have minimized the risk of cracks and chips on the material, increased frost and moisture resistance. Therefore, treatment with waterproofing agents is not necessary.

Base / plinth trim with resin tiles

The appearance of this material resembles clinker brick or sandstone. Its thickness is small, only 3 mm. Resin tiles are flexible and can be used on rounded plinths. It can also be bent at plinth corners. The material is cut with scissors, easily attached to plaster, concrete and insulation. Has a smooth and rough surface and a wide range of colors.

Laying procedure:

It has a granular structure. The grain size is about 3 mm. After the solution is applied to the wall, a pattern resembles a colored mosaic. Resin acts as a fixing agent.

Thanks to its qualities, the finish acquires moisture resistance. Mosaic plaster is resistant to low temperatures and external damage.

It should not be applied to lime plaster and plastics. Best of all, it adheres to concrete and mineral substrates (cement, gypsum).

Application procedure:

Finishing the foundation of the house with plastic panels

Often used to decorate small country houses and cottages. The combination of panels with siding looks very attractive.

Plastic panels are lightweight and easy to use:

Decorating the foundation of a house with your own hands is a feasible task for anyone. The choice of materials in our time is so wide that any idea can be translated into reality. The main thing is to adhere to the instructions for working with a specific type of material.

As soon as the box of the new house is ready, you need to think about finishing the foundation. It is important here to choose a suitable finishing option, taking into account the type of base / plinth and the overall design of the facade. Otherwise, finishing outside the foundation of the house with your own hands or with the help of hired workers will look sloppy and will not be combined with the overall design. So what materials are the most popular for plinth cladding?

What is a plinth for? This is the lower part of the outer walls, located at the very foot of the house, and is designed to protect the underground space from the external environment. In a number of buildings, this is a separate element, erected directly above the foundation, in others it is a single whole with it.

Be that as it may, the plinths must be additionally protected by finishing from moisture, dust, wind and other environmental influences. Plinths also differ in the type of location in relation to the plane of the facade. The main types are:

  • Westerner- the easiest option to operate. Due to the design of the base, there is no need to additionally install drains, since it is protected from water and snow by a wall protruding above it. Such plinths are easier to protect from aggressive environmental influences, as well as from mechanical damage. If we consider this type from a design point of view, then sinking plinths look the most attractive.
  • Base / plinth protruding from under the wall- an option for buildings with fairly thin walls or if a warm room is provided in the basement. It requires the obligatory presence of a drain, otherwise water and snow, accumulating on the ledge, will gradually destroy the foundation of the house.
  • Plinth flush with the wall... This design is used very rarely, since it is difficult to provide the required degree of waterproofing of the building foundation.

From the point of view of practicality, plinths are best made of materials such as in-situ concrete, natural stone or fired brick due to their high strength. However, it cannot be said that the concrete basement looks beautiful enough, therefore, a front finish is necessary - it will add additional attractiveness to the house.

Whatever finishing material for the basement is chosen, the foundation must in any case be protected with a layer of waterproofing and only then proceed to the facing work. What materials are better to use for this?

Plastering the plinth

For facing the basement, any decorative plaster is used, it can be textured or smooth, marbled, colored, etc. In any case, pre-treatment of the walls is necessary - cleaning and priming. Some types of plasters require additional application of a special mineral-based reinforcing paint.

If, after examining the base before work, you notice quite impressive irregularities, potholes, protrusions or geometric errors, be sure to mount the reinforcing mesh before applying the plaster. This is necessary for better adhesion of the plaster mortar to the base.

The mesh will also be needed if the wall is perfectly flat, but the plaster layer is thicker than 1.2 cm. The reinforcing material can be anything - fabric, welded or wicker, the choice depends only on the thickness of the layer. If you plan to apply a thin layer of plaster, you can use fiberglass. Reinforcement is needed not only for adhesion, but also to protect the coating from cracking during operation.

By applying plaster, you can show your imagination - the surface can be with patterns, jointing, prints, or just rough or smooth. The appearance is also influenced by the grain size of the plaster. Facade paints of a suitable color are often used as a finishing layer.

More sophisticated finishes

Decorating the basement of a house with your own hands can be carried out using a variety of materials. The most popular ones are:

  • natural stone (marble, granite, sandstone, limestone);
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • ceramic tile;
  • siding panels and other materials.

When choosing the type of finish, it is worth focusing not only on the technical characteristics of the material and the complexity of installation, but also on the aesthetic aspect - the finish should be in harmony with both the main facade and the roof, door and window cladding, and even the stair railings, if any.

Siding cladding

Siding is one of the most versatile finishing materials, as it can be easily used for finishing any surface. Depending on the design tasks assigned to it, the panels can be an imitation of natural brick, ship timber, natural stone or slate. Installation of siding panels is so simple that even beginners will not have any difficulties with it - just stock up on the necessary tools and strictly follow the instructions.

Basement siding as a finish has a number of advantages:

  1. High strength, ability to withstand high loads.
  2. Color fastness to ultraviolet radiation - it will not fade over time.
  3. Easy to install.
  4. High waterproofing qualities - the material does not absorb and does not allow water to pass through.
  5. The service life is up to 50 years.
  6. Good resistance to any mechanical damage.

Important: these qualities are characteristic of basement siding; do not confuse it with the usual one used for the front walls of the house.

Despite the external similarity, siding panels for the basement are much stronger and more reliable, and the base material contains special substances. It is due to them that the panels acquire higher performance characteristics than conventional facade siding.

The most organic finish of the basement looks like a stone or brick. Siding panels, imitating real masonry, are no worse than their natural counterparts in terms of strength and resistance to external factors.

Such siding does not require additional processing after installation. Vinyl, on the basis of which the panels are made, does not require painting, or sealing the joints between the panels, or planned works to renovate the facade. For decades, vinyl will not crack and look like new, and its waterproofing properties will not deteriorate over time.

Siding is a lightweight material, which is why it is so easy to install. The panels practically do not put pressure on the foundation, so there is no need for additional reinforcement. This material is suitable for both new buildings and very old houses. Wood trim is no exception, but in this case, you need to take care of air permeability.

If we talk about the price, then the purchase of material and work will cost a little more than using polymer panels. Some, choosing between these two seemingly similar materials, acquire a more economical option. However, in pursuit of savings, it is worth considering that siding, albeit more expensive, is stronger and more reliable than PVC.

PVC basement facade finishing

Even the strongest foundation needs reliable protection against aggressive environmental influences - precipitation, sun, temperature extremes, mold, etc. In addition, it is the base that assumes almost all mechanical damage, it is easy to touch it with a tool when, for example, mowing a lawn Location on. Foundation protection needs to be taken more seriously than the rest of the home.

At the same time, it is important to choose not only high-quality and durable facing material, its appearance should be combined both with the decoration of the house and with the surrounding landscape. By choosing the wrong material, you can get a not too beautiful design.

The second most popular material after siding is PVC panels for exterior decoration. According to the experience of many designers and builders, these panels have several undeniable advantages:

  1. Due to the thicker layer, PVC base plates can withstand impressive loads on the facade.
  2. The appearance remains unchanged for decades.
  3. The panels are resistant to any chemical and biological substances.
  4. PVC is not afraid of severe frost and fire.

PVC panels are easy to assemble - the elements are assembled according to the principle of a puzzle. To securely fasten the plates to the wall, you must use self-tapping screws and a prudently installed wooden or metal frame.

With the help of PVC panels, you can kill two birds with one stone - to provide reliable protection to the foundation of the structure and to give the appearance of the house a complete and beautiful appearance. Due to a wide range of colors and an abundance of a wide variety of textures (imitations for natural materials such as stone, marble slabs, sea pebbles or red brick), you can decorate the facade in any style: from calm classical to artsy modern.

In addition, the panels are able to hide most of the deficiencies in the foundation that arose during its construction - irregularities, ruts, and others.

If you want to complete the repair as quickly as possible - PVC basement panels are exactly the option that you will like in terms of price, quality and ease of installation.

Stone decoration

Natural stone slabs for home cladding will never go out of style. It is the most reliable and durable material of all for finishing the base / plinth. Previously, due to the high cost of raw materials, stone houses were the privilege of only very rich and noble people, nowadays stone is just one of the options for facade decoration.

Due to the variety of prices, you can choose the option that suits you. It is not at all necessary to cover the facade with expensive marble or granite; it is quite possible to opt for lighter and more inexpensive sandstone.

Regardless of the cost of the material, the stone facade looks luxurious and presentable, and the protective characteristics of the stone surpass any other materials - it is not afraid of damage, chemical compounds, fire, water, precipitation, ultraviolet radiation and mold. Such a base will last for more than one generation. However, despite the obvious advantages over other materials, natural stone has no less impressive disadvantages. The main part comes down to:

  • heavy weight and, as a result, very complex installation - it is quite difficult to decorate the basement with a stone with your own hands;
  • strengthening the foundation, otherwise it simply will not support the weight of the stone;
  • very high price.

Nevertheless, despite the biting prices and the upcoming difficulties with installation, many choose this particular finish - the advantages of natural stone outweigh its disadvantages on all fronts. With a stone plinth, you do not have to worry about the reliability and safety of the foundation.

Porcelain stoneware as a finish

If natural stone is too expensive a finishing option, and you want to give the facade an impressive and rich look, you can use porcelain stoneware - an artificial look of stone. In terms of its qualities, it is in no way inferior to its natural and more expensive counterpart.

Porcelain stoneware is distinguished by a low degree of water absorption, which, on the one hand, makes it resistant to even the most severe frosts, and on the other hand, limits its installation methods. Such a stone is mounted either using special adhesive mixtures or using a frame.

Important: cement cannot be used as a binding element - in the very first winter the stone can peel off from the wall.

By its appearance, porcelain stoneware is quite diverse, its surface can be matte or glossy, satin, glazed or deliberately aged. Finishing with an imitation of the texture of fabric, natural leather or the so-called wild stone looks very beautiful and unusual.

The installation of porcelain stoneware differs little from the cladding technology using basement siding panels, so that all the necessary work can be done independently. Main steps:

  1. Preliminary preparation of the base. Well clean the surface of the foundation from dirt, dust and small debris, prime the base. Calculate the required material in advance, but the dimensions of the porcelain stoneware panels can be adjusted right before installation, which is especially convenient when finishing corners.
  2. The fastening method largely depends on the climatic conditions. If you live in a rather cold climate, it is better to use a frame, which will act as additional thermal insulation. Such work is longer and more complicated, but does not require the services of professionals - with due diligence, you can do everything yourself.
  3. Instead of wood, it is better to use stronger and more reliable metal slats. When installing the frame grill, be sure to leave gaps between it and the wall for air circulation.
  4. The frame is installed within 15-20 cm from the ground - it is to this height that the soil rises, freezing in winter.
  5. In the left gap, it is imperative to put a heater of your choice - mineral wool, polystyrene or polystyrene foam.
  6. After installing the frame, the porcelain stoneware slabs themselves are installed, they are attached to the lattice using clamps.

If you decide to mount porcelain stoneware with glue, it will take much less time, effort and materials. A layer of glue is simply applied to the base, and a plate is laid on it. In this case, neither frames nor thermal insulation materials are needed.

Ceramic (clinker) tiles as finishing

This is a very popular material for cladding foundations, similar in characteristics to porcelain stoneware, but cheaper in cost. The clinker can reproduce the structure of a brick, be polished to a shine or deliberately rough, made to look like a stone. In terms of complexity in installation, tiles occupy intermediate positions between porcelain stoneware and siding.

What the main stages of finishing work look like:

  1. The first step, of course, is the preparation of the foundation - the base is thoroughly cleaned, leveled and primed.
  2. Special frost-resistant glue is required for the installation of tiles. Dilute it to the consistency indicated in the instructions, and use a spatula to apply a layer not thinner than 4 mm to the wall. Make sure that voids do not form in the process - if water gets into them, it will freeze in frost, and the tiles will move away from the wall.
  3. Installation starts from the outer corner with an offset - the vertical seams in the rows should not coincide with each other. For convenience, use special crosses so that the styling is even.
  4. Once the glue is dry, you can proceed to the last stage - grouting. Unlike interior decoration, when facing the basement, you need to use compounds that are resistant to subzero temperatures.

Since the soil level along the perimeter of the foundation is constantly changing, it is necessary to calculate the number of rows of tiles in advance - the final result depends on two factors:

  • the size of the tile itself;
  • the width of the seams.

To make it more convenient - measure the line of the second row from the soil and draw an even horizontal line. Instead of marking, you can use an auxiliary strip.

This finish looks very nice - the clinker perfectly imitates natural facing brick. Considering the high cost of the brick itself, the use of ceramic tiles in decoration is a reasonable option. Such a base will look elegant and expensive. An interesting decorative effect can be achieved using a color-contrasting grout.

The tile is mounted not only on the base, but also partially on the walls; you can additionally finish only the corners of the house and window and door openings. The natural tones of clinker work well with the shades of ceramic tiles and most other materials.

If desired, the tiles can be mounted not only on glue, but also on the frame, by analogy with porcelain stoneware, if you plan to equip a ventilated facade. In latitudes with cold winters, it is the second option that is recommended. It requires large financial and physical costs, but is much more reliable compared to the adhesive installation method. A layer of insulation can be laid between the frame and the foundation.

So, all of the above types of basement cladding are good - none of them is better or worse than the other. When choosing the material that will be used to decorate the foundation of the house, be guided only by your own taste, convenience and financial capabilities.

The basement gives the owner of a private house many advantages: it can accommodate a garage, sauna, workshop and even a living room. Structurally, the basement is a semi-basement, partially located above the ground level. Therefore, the finishing of the basement of the house is part of the exterior decoration of the entire building.

However, due to its architectural features, the materials for finishing the basement basement differ from the finishing materials for the walls of the house. Therefore, the cladding of the basement of the house has a number of technological features.

Features of the basement

Basement floors have been gaining popularity lately

Unlike the ground floors of private houses, the basement is partially buried in the ground. The base of the foundation in this case acts as a wall for the basement. According to building regulations, it can be considered an underground room, the top floor of which is at a height of less than two meters from the ground level.

The great popularity of this design in recent years is due to a significant increase in usable area to the total size of the internal premises: even for a relatively small building measuring 8 x 10 m, it will be 80 sq. m.

By and large, the cladding of a concrete basement can be made of the same materials that decorate the walls of the house. The basement of the house can be faced with ceramic tiles, plastic panels, siding, natural stone and porcelain stoneware.

Also, the cladding of the basement of buildings can be done by plastering the outer surface. However, the close location of the floor to the ground makes its own adjustments to the technology of work and the choice of finishing materials.

In this article, we will try to consider in more detail all the options for finishing the basement and which material is better for facing the basement of the house.

Preparatory work

Before finishing the basement of the house, a number of preparatory work should be done.

Drainage device

Drainage keeps the basement dry

Both the basement of a wooden house and the basement of a brick house need waterproofing protection. First of all, a drainage system should be created along the entire perimeter of the foundation.

Good and properly performed drainage allows you to remove excess moisture from the foundation, which is especially important when the site is low or when the groundwater level is high.

Excessive moisture, penetrating through the pores and the smallest cracks in the thickness of the concrete, leads to its gradual destruction.

Drainage scheme around the building

In addition, dampness creates a favorable environment for the growth of mold and mildew inside the basement. Around the foundation, a trench is arranged with a width of at least half a meter and a depth of about 20 - 30 cm. At the bottom of the trench, a drainage cushion of gravel, crushed stone or expanded clay is poured, with the help of which melt and rainwater will be drained from the foundation.

Preparing the foundation wall

The wall needs to be cleaned

It is cleaned of dirt, all seams and cracks are carefully sealed with a putty.

If there is such a need, then finishing the basement at the preliminary stage should include leveling the walls with plaster solutions.

For plastering external walls, cement-based plaster mortars intended for external decoration should be used. You can familiarize yourself with the technical conditions of use on the packaging.

Facing with a stone will require you to pre-plaster

However, the time-consuming option with plastering will be necessary only if you are going to use stone, porcelain stoneware, clinker for facing the basement of the house - that is, those materials that are attached with adhesives directly to the foundation wall.

If you are going to finish the outer surface with materials mounted on the inner frame (siding, PVC panels, etc.), then it will be much more expedient to align the elements directly with the frame elements.

Further, before sheathe the plinth with decorative finishing materials, the surface of the wall will need to be treated with water-repellent compounds. Finishing the basement of a wooden house, if its aboveground part is made of timber or logs, should also include treatment with antiseptic and antifungal drugs. This helpful video will help you to avoid mistakes when facing:


Clinker bricks are strong and durable

This material for lining the basement has a number of positive qualities:

  1. High quality and durable. Clinker tiles are made from special types of clay, pressed into molds and fired at a high temperature.
  2. Excellent decorative qualities. The clinker is capable of imitating high quality facing bricks, stone tiles and other more expensive finishing materials.
  3. Low weight. Clinker tiles are much lighter than real brick or granite. Therefore, the plinth lined with it will not exert undue pressure on the base of the building.

Clinker cladding usually starts from the bottom of the foundation. Initially, this very lowest level should be determined, from which the work will begin. To do this, we measure the height of the base and divide it by the width of the tile (plus the width of the joint).

Using these calculations, we determine the bottom line along which the first row of tiles will go so that the top row is flush with the top edge of the foundation wall, or slightly above it.

After the lowest point is found, from it we draw a line along the entire perimeter of the basement wall. In this case, it is better to use a water or laser level.

Before gluing the tiles, the wall must be treated with primers. This will significantly increase the adhesion of the adhesive to the concrete or brick surface of the basement. For more information on the clinker plinth, see this video:

For gluing clinker tiles, you should use specialized building adhesives on a polymer or cement basis. When choosing an adhesive, you should pay attention to the area of ​​its application - it must withstand fluctuations in humidity, temperature and other natural influences well.

Dry adhesive mixtures are diluted with water in accordance with the recommendations on the package, ready-made mixtures can be used immediately in work. The clinker is glued row by row either along the entire perimeter, or only along one wall with the obligatory approach to adjacent walls with corner elements.

After the completion of the work, the joints between the tiles are sealed with special fillers on an acrylic or cement basis.


Plaster is easy to apply and repair

With the help of plaster, you can finish the basement of a brick or wooden house if the walls of the basement are made of concrete or brick. Plaster wall decoration has the following positive aspects:

  • resistance to weathering. Plaster solutions developed for outdoor use have excellent resistance to temperature extremes and changes in air humidity;
  • breathability. Due to the presence of the smallest pores, the plaster coating allows the interior to “breathe”;
  • high decorative qualities. A large assortment of colors and textures of plaster solutions opens up ample opportunities for decorating foundation walls in any style;
  • ease of application. Plastering solutions are quite easy to use - it is quite possible to plaster the wall surface with your own hands without involving a team of professional finishers.

The choice of plaster

The cheapest option is to use a traditional cement-based plaster. It is distinguished by its high strength and durability in operation. You can buy it in the form of a dry mixture in a hardware store or prepare it yourself. To do this, you need to mix 1 part of cement with 3 - 5 parts of fine sieved sand. Next, the mixture is diluted with lime water to a thick sour cream and applied to the wall.

Special shapes allow you to create a masonry effect on the plaster

A more expensive, but also more aesthetic option would be to finish the basement with decorative plaster mixes made on an acrylic or silicone base with the addition of synthetic resins and mineral additives. Such formulations can differ in a wide variety of colors and textures.

The high plasticity of the solution allows you to create all kinds of three-dimensional patterns on its surface, as well as imitate finishing with a marble or granite slab.

On the market, decorative plaster is presented both in the form of a dry mixture and in the form of ready-to-use formulations. The table shows the ratio of the components of various types of plaster solutions.

Surface plastering

For better adhesion to the surface, the solution is best applied to a metal mesh

Before starting work, the wall surface should be cleaned from old finishing materials, dirt and dust.

Then we cover the wall with primer solutions for better adhesion (adhesion) of the plaster to the wall.

When plastering the wooden wall of the basement, to improve the adhesion, it will be necessary to cover it with a metal or fiberglass mesh-netting.

A similar mesh is also used for plastering basement floors pasted over from the outside with heat-insulating materials: foam, foam, etc.

Plastering work should be carried out in the temperature range + 5 ... + 25, preferably in calm weather. The fact is that low / high temperatures prevent the natural "setting" of the solution. In the same way, the wind contributes to the rapid dehydration of the mixture and, as a result, its cracking and flaking from the wall surface.

After applying the decorative plaster, the surface is treated with a textured roller or grout. As a result, the plastered surface is covered with a three-dimensional decorative pattern. Surfaces plastered with a simple cement-based compound can be painted with exterior paints or whitewashed with lime mortars.

Stone cladding

Modern artificial stone is almost as good as natural

The stone is an excellent decorative material that can serve for tens, if not hundreds of years. On the modern construction market, there are options for facing slabs made of artificial stone.

Such material (porcelain stoneware) is practically in no way inferior to natural stone: neither in aesthetic qualities, nor in terms of durability. The foundation, lined with porcelain stoneware tiles, is almost indistinguishable from a wall lined with natural stone.

Stone laying begins at the bottom of the basement wall. As in the case of clinker tiles, we define the lower level, from which the cladding will be started. The stone is attached to a concrete or brick surface using cement mortar or special adhesive building mixtures.

In order to qualitatively overlay the base with a stone, a number of technological nuances should be observed.

In particular, after laying each row of stones or tiles, you will have to wait until the mortar has completely solidified before proceeding with the installation of the next row.

The joints between the individual stones are also filled with grout or acrylic sealant.

The stone for finishing the basement of the house must comply with building codes, be sufficiently hard, not flake or have cracks. The durability of its service, resistance to changes in temperature and humidity largely depends on its quality.


Recently, building siding is becoming more and more popular. This is due to the high decorative properties of this material, affordability, as well as the relative ease of work on its installation. Also, siding is a fairly durable material - its service life, according to the statements of manufacturing companies, is 50 years or more. As a material for the manufacture of siding, polyvinyl chloride, acrylic or galvanized sheet steel are used. For more information on installing siding, see this video:

Siding is mounted quite simply - to install it yourself is quite within the power of any owner. First of all, a frame made of wooden blocks or a metal profile should be mounted around the entire perimeter of the basement wall. The siding panels are located in the horizontal direction, so the crate should be installed vertically.

Siding is mounted on a metal or wooden profile

Its installation begins with the installation of frame bars in the corners of the building; twine or fishing line is pulled between them, along which the rest of the vertical bars of the frame are mounted in increments of 0.5 - 0.8 m.

After the crate is ready, we attach the siding sheets to it, starting from the very bottom.

The design of the panels provides for their docking into grooves and attachment to the frame using self-tapping screws.

The panel joints at the corners are covered with decorative corners, and slopes and platbands are installed around the basement windows.

According to the architectural canons, the plinth is a part of the building lying on the foundation and is considered as a transitional wall between the foundation and the outer walls of the house. The complex of works on the external finishing of the entire building includes measures for finishing the basement, while the finishing materials for the basement of the house are somewhat different from the materials selected for finishing the walls of the house. This is due to the close location of the basement to the ground, where it is more exposed to moisture and cold air than the walls of a residential building themselves. Thanks to the development of modern technologies for finishing the external surfaces of residential buildings and the creation of new finishing materials, builders of private houses have received ample opportunities for arranging original and practical plinths within the framework of affordable prices.

After finishing the basement, it even visually differs from the building Source

Purpose and function of the base

Builders and architects have different interpretations of the purpose of the basement. Builders consider the basement as part of the foundation, while architects consider it to be the lower part of the wall.

It is interesting! From the point of view of antique Italian architects, the basement is an independent structural element - the foot of a building, column or monument, lying on the foundation (the Italian word "zoccolo" literally translates as a shoe with a wooden sole).

In accordance with building codes, the walls of the foundation must be raised above the ground to a height of 15 to 250 cm. This visible part of the foundation, called the foundation wall, is called the plinth. The basement is an intermediate structure that combines the load-bearing walls of the building with the foundation. In fig. below is a concrete foundation with a brick base.

Erection of a brick plinth on the foundation Source

The main functions of the basement wall of the building are:

    perception of the load from the upper part of the residential building (load-bearing function);

    ensuring the stability of the building, creating a solid pedestal, the perception of linear deformations during house settlement (support function);

    protection of walls from the effects of atmospheric sedimentary moisture (waterproofing function);

    providing thermal protection for basements (heat-insulating function);

    fencing the space between the piles and the grillage in the case of a pile foundation (enclosing function);

    creation of the corresponding architectural appearance of the erected building (architectural and decorative function).

Video description

More about the advantages of the basement in the video:

Differences between basement and basement

The basement floor, also called the zero floor, should not be confused with the basement and imagine it as a kind of dark, damp room.

It is important! The basement floor is located inside the perimeter of the foundation walls and can be installed in buildings with any type of foundation. The basement can only be equipped inside the strip foundation. In some versions of foundations (such as pile), the basement is simply absent. In the case of a pile foundation, the pile heads are raised above the ground to a height of at least 20 cm, and a grillage is laid on them, which serves as a support for the walls of the house.

In fig. below is a house on a pile foundation, with the piles protruding at a considerable distance from the ground. To close the resulting free gap, a false base is formed by laying walls of facing bricks or sheathing piles with decorative panels such as siding. Finishing the foundation will be inexpensively provided using the materials used for the external cladding of the facade, taking into account the peculiarities of the location of the false plinth.

For such a house you need a false plinth Source

Using the example of false plinths, the main differences between the basement and the basement become clear:

    The walls of the basement of the house are always load-bearing; the load from the upper floors of the building is partially distributed on them. The walls of the basement are not always load-bearing, but can only perform enclosing and architectural and decorative functions without the perception of weight loads from the side of the building.

    The ground floor can be buried to a shallow depth or even be above ground. Basement - a room buried in the ground. A basement can be classified as a basement, while a basement is not always buried in the ground and cannot be considered a basement in such cases.

    Ground floor options are preferable in regions with deep soil freezing and during construction in areas with closely located groundwater. The arrangement of basements in such cases is very difficult and is associated with significant financial costs.

Despite such a significant difference in purpose and design, the ground floor and basement allow for identical practical applications in relation to each other - on their areas you can equip a workshop, a garage, plan a living room and even build a full-fledged sauna.

Types of basement structures

Practical options for finishing the basement of the house take into account its location relative to the plane of the outer wall (see figure below):

Types of location of the basement relative to the wall Source

    a - protruding type;

    b - in one plane (flush);

    в - sinking.

The following positions are indicated in the figure:

    pos. 1 - outer wall;

    pos. 2 - waterproofing;

    pos. 3 - foundation.

The protruding type of foot (pos. A) gives the building the appearance of a powerful structure with increased stability. From an architectural and aesthetic point of view, the protruding type is more advantageous than the foundation walls, made flush or of the sinking type.

Appearance of the protruding base Source

However, for them without fail, the construction of a protective cornice with drain functions is required to prevent water from flowing from the walls to the basement. The construction of a protruding foundation wall is advisable for houses with thin walls or when building a warm underground for its thermal protection, in order to compensate for the small thickness of the outer wall with its width.

A sinking type plinth (pos. C), when the outer wall (pos. 1) hangs over the foundation (pos. 3), is considered more effective and reliable in terms of protecting the waterproofing layer (pos. 2) from mechanical stress and atmospheric moisture. It is more economical in terms of material consumption, since the thickness is less, and there is no need for the construction of a drain cornice. But about its aesthetic qualities, the opinions of architects diverge diametrically. Some are convinced of the aesthetic loss due to the impression that the house has a reduced stability compared to the actual one. Other designers find the sinking plinth outlines more compact and modern.

It looks like a wall with a sinking plinth Source

Sometimes the plinth is built flush with the plane of the wall. It is believed that in such cases the waterproofing line is violated, and the very location of the waterproofing layer looks random.

When the basement is flush-mounted, it differs only in color Source

Purpose of basement finishing, requirements for finishing materials

The basement is experiencing a larger volume of loads than the underground part of the building foundation. Along with the weight load from the entire structure, it has to resist the pushing forces from the soil when the soil heaves, that is, the mechanical loads on the basement turn out to be multidirectional.

It is clear that for finishing the surface of the basement wall, it is necessary to use materials with improved quality indicators in comparison with traditional cladding. In addition to mechanical stress, they must withstand well the effects of the environment:

    temperature drops;

    negative impact of sedimentary moisture - rain, snow, melt water, condensing fog;

    exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation;

    wind loads.

As a result, the decoration of the basement of the house is carried out for the following purposes:

    minimizing the negative impact on the foundation and the lower layers of the outer walls of the weather conditions of the environment;

    preventing the penetration of dirt and chemical compounds into the materials of the walls of a residential building, provoking the processes of destruction of the foundation;

    protection of the foundation from possible formation of mold, fungus, insects.

Video description

The video shows an example of how to veneer the basement of a house inexpensively and beautifully on a pile foundation:

Base / plinth rough protection

In order for the basement to fully perform its functions for a long time, it itself must be protected from wind loads, temperature changes, atmospheric and all-pervading ground moisture. Before proceeding with the finishing of the basement wall, it is necessary to carry out a set of measures for the so-called rough protection of the basement. There are five main aspects of the rough protection of the basement from possible destruction and the prevention of distortion of the geometry of the building itself.

On our website you can find contacts of companies specializing in finishing materials for finishing country houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

Laying of drainage communications along the perimeter of the basement wall

To create a basement drainage system, a trench is dug into which drainage pipes with perforations are laid over the entire surface. Through them, moisture that has got inside will be discharged to the drainage well. The trench with specially laid drainage pipes is sprinkled with sand and gravel, then filled with earth.

Video description

In the video, an example of drainage for the basement floor:

Waterproofing the outside of the basement wall

The basement is waterproofed after the initial waterproofing of the foundation base and armored belt. Sequence of work:

    the foundation superstructure is coated with hot bitumen or bitumen mastic;

    several layers of roofing material are applied on top;

    covered with a penetrating waterproofing compound.

Manufacturing of blind areas

Blind areas are called an inclined strip filled with concrete along the perimeter of the building, suitable close to the basement wall. A slight slope "from the wall" prevents water from accumulating near the foundation superstructure during rain or snowmelt. The width of the blind area should be at least 25 cm larger than the roof overhang. Sequence of work:

    remove the upper part of the soil;

    lay a drainage cushion of sand and gravel;

    a layer of concrete is poured over the pillow, ensuring a slope from the wall.

Blind area for the foundation Source

Plastering the plinth surface

It is carried out with the aim of leveling and strengthening the surface. This reduces the likelihood of cracking, provoking subsequent possible destruction. Usually, in preparation for plastering, a metal mesh is pre-filled and then plaster is applied. To make the solution water-repellent, a plasticizer is added to it.

Ebb installation

These structural elements act as a protective canopy for the foundation wall. Ebbs can be ceramic, steel or aluminum, plastic or brick.

Upon completion of the complex of protective measures, the main finishing of the basement is started.

Plinth finishing methods

Among the methods of finishing the basement wall, practiced in private housing construction, the following technologies are the most popular:

    applying decorative plaster, creating relief compositions imitating granite, marble or natural stones;

    the use of decorative siding panels;

    finishing with professional sheet and corrugated board;

    resin tiles;

    facing with natural or artificial stones, facing bricks, clinker tiles;

    sheathing with thermal panels;

    finishing with slate and cement-bonded particle boards.

Photo of finishing the basement of the house - imitation of stone when finishing the basement Source

Decorating with decorative plaster

Finishing the basement or facing the foundation cheaply without loss of performance and aesthetic qualities can be done by decorative plastering. The main advantages of this technique are:

    sufficiently high vapor permeability;

    resistance to temperature extremes;

    ease of application to the surface to be plastered;

    wide variety of color palette;

    good maintainability for repair and restoration work;

    affordable price.

Additional Information... Experts believe that when comparing the entire set of indicators in terms of cost, quality, durability, maintainability and practicality of the coating, plastering the basement is the most advantageous option.

Of the shortcomings, users note:

    small service life;

    the need for constant updating of the paint coating;

    difficulty in cleaning the surface from dirt.

Modern trends in the artistic and decorative design of the facades of residential buildings did not ignore the plastering of the plinths.

Decorative plaster can be used to give the surface any shape Source

In private houses, the most popular types of plaster are now used, creating exclusive compositions:

    textured compositions used to create paintings, drawings, color mosaics;

    glazing compounds that help in creating interesting effects;

    embossed decoration "like a stone".

Siding decoration

When finishing the basement of a private house in Moscow, with its climate and colder regions, siding panels are often used - the term "basement siding" has even entered into construction practice. At its core, siding is a universal way of finishing any surface of the house, however, the panels for plinth cladding are somewhat different from the classic wall counterparts.

If wall siding is represented by panels with a thickness of 0.7-1.2 mm and a length of almost 4 meters, then for the basement, reinforced panels with a thickness of 2.5 to 3.0 mm are produced (almost 3 times thicker than the wall cladding!) And a length of 1 , 0-1.13 m with a width of up to 47 cm. This provides increased resistance to mechanical damage, including accidental impacts, and rigidity in relation to temperature deformations.

Standard brick-like siding panel Source

In the Russian market of cladding materials, basement siding is represented by plastic and metal panels imitating natural stones, wood, brick in texture. Plastic base / plinth panels are made of PVC and polypropylene resins, modified with special components to improve strength, fire and moisture resistance. Metal - made of steel and aluminum.

The main advantages of basement siding include:

    increased strength and rigidity of each panel individually and of the assembled structure as a whole;

    resistance to the negative effects of biological factors - fungus, mold, insects;

    excellent moisture resistance;

    increased mechanical strength in relation to impacts and chipping;

    wear resistance to abrasion of dust and debris particles;

    small deformations during temperature changes, building settlement or soil swelling;

    wide temperature range of application - the panels do not lose their properties both in severe frost (up to minus 50 degrees Celsius) and in heat exceeding + 50 degrees. Ts);

    resistance to solar ultraviolet light - the material does not age quickly, and the color does not fade;

    excellent maintainability - if necessary, the panels are easily replaced;

    ease of care - panels can be easily cleaned from dirt.

A significant disadvantage of basement siding is the need to equip a special frame, which significantly increases the cost of finishing material and the complexity of finishing work.

Siding panels cannot be installed without crate Source

Installation of basement siding panels also has its pros and cons. The pluses of the panel installation process include the following aspects:

    panels are installed on any type of base;

    no preliminary leveling of the wall surface is required;

    high culture and cleanliness of installation and installation work;

    fastening the panels with the frame battens by means of self-tapping screws and with each other - with spikes and clamps provides a rigid fixation of the siding to the plinth.

Installation problems for plinth panels include:

    the need for the correct positioning of the frame under the panels;

    painstaking installation, the likelihood of marriage when connecting panels, which can subsequently affect the appearance of the basement and its performance;

    the need to use a special tool for cutting and fitting panels.

Finishing with corrugated board and corrugated board

The lining of the basement with profiled steel sheet is to some extent analogous to the siding technology, only the basement panels are replaced with profiled sheet or corrugated board with a corresponding refinement of the frame. In addition to the protective function, decoration can also be performed for decorative purposes.

Video description

The video shows an example of finishing the basement of an old house:

In the profiled sheet, the wave profile is made more rigid than that of the corrugated board. According to their intended purpose, profiled sheets are used as roofing material, however, C13 corrugated board, which has a wave height of 13 mm, is allowed for cladding plinths of private residential buildings. The thickness of the corrugated board is 0.6-0.7 mm, which is quite enough to create a solid sheathing of the foundation superstructure. The corrugated board is supplied with a galvanized or polymer coating.

The advantages of a profiled sheet include:

    high strength properties;

    external attractiveness, the possibility of implementing various types of design compositions;

    resistance to corrosion and discoloration from environmental influences;

    ease of installation, minimum labor intensity for installation on a plinth;


It is important! Facing the basement with corrugated board refers to the budget options for finishing the foundation and basement walls and clearly surpasses other technologies in terms of price / quality.

Of the shortcomings, two factors can be noted:

    the monotony of the corrugated pattern, which is perceived by some users as an indicator of an unpresentable interior;

    the need to take into account the geometry of the overall design of the building, since the wave bends of the sheets may not correspond at all to the artistic style of the building ("do not fit" into the design).

The issue of combining wall and basement drawings is one of the main issues when finishing the basement of a private house with a profiled sheet Source

Resin tiles

The base / plinth tiles produced with resin bonding components are only 3-5 mm thick. The tiles are easily bent at any angle, they can even be rolled into a roll, so this facing material is commonly called flexible stone. The length of the tiles varies from 24 to 36 cm with a width of 5 to 7 cm. Resin-based tiles are produced with a smooth and embossed surface that imitates in color and texture the entire range of natural facing materials - stone, wood, facing bricks.

Facing from "flexible stone" Source

Thanks to their high flexibility, tiles on resinous substrates can be easily installed on any base / plinth configuration, including arched geometry. The features of installing such tiles are as follows:

    when laying, the tiles are glued with a special glue to the pre-leveled and primed surface of the basement wall;

    it is allowed to lay tiles directly on concrete surfaces and on the top layer of thermal insulation;

    tiles are easily cut with a knife and large scissors;

    the time for the glue to dry completely is 2-3 days.

Finishing with stone, brick, clinker tiles

Finishing the basement "like a stone" or "like a brick" gives the residential building solidity and monumentality. It is not at all necessary for home owners to spend money on granite, marble, rubble stone or brick. The decorative functions of finishing from natural stone materials are successfully performed by various kinds of facing tiles with a texture that imitates natural stones or bricks.

Natural stone tiles

It is a full-fledged decorative alternative to classic stone foundations. On the back side, the tiles are smooth, and on the front side, the stone is not processed, retaining its natural originality.

Facing with natural stone is an excellent option for finishing the foundation of a wooden house Source

Facing tiles "like a stone" imitating natural stones are made on a cement-sand base with the addition of paint, plasticizers and protective compounds. Artificial stones have high strength characteristics, do not absorb water, and are easy to clean with a water jet. Artificial stone is more ductile than natural, therefore it withstands accidental impacts and sudden temperature changes better.

Facing "under the stone" Source


Clinker tiles are a variant of facing bricks made by firing special refractory clay. The sintered clay is very hard and its glossy surface is highly hydrophobic. After laying, the clinker tiles create an imitation of brickwork.

It is important! Clinker tiles are distinguished by high chemical inertness to negative environmental influences and surpass natural and artificial stones in terms of their durability.

Facing the basement with clinker - as an option how to finish the foundation of the house from the outside Source

Facing brick is a natural ceramic product that fully imitates brickwork. It has high thermal insulation and strength properties, which are so necessary to protect the basement and the entire facade.

Base, finished with facing bricks Source

Plinth thermal panels

Basement thermal panels are facing tiles equipped with insulation on the inside. Facing decorative material of thermal panels is clinker tiles imitating natural stones, bricks, shell rock, porcelain tiles or ordinary ceramic tiles with imitation "like a brick". Polyurethane foam or extruded polystyrene foam is used as a heater. The thickness of the insulation layer is 20-80 mm.

Note! Practice has shown that the use of thermal panels with expanded polystyrene for cladding a basement wall is unacceptable. This type of insulation is short-lived and has weak heat-shielding properties.

Thermal panels are exterior decoration and insulation Source

Finishing with slate and cement particle board

Finishing the basement with flat slate is a good budget option for outdoor decoration of the house. For the production of flat slate, asbestos fiber, Portland cement and water are used. The lining of the basement wall is recommended to be made of pressed slate, which is much denser and stronger than the unpressed analogue. The main advantages of slate materials include:

    resistance to aggression of sedimentary moisture;

    low coefficient of water absorption;

    resistance to low temperatures and sudden temperature changes;

    open flame resistance, slate sheets do not burn;

    slate can be painted using acrylic primer and acrylic or silicone paint;

    long service life within 25-30 years.

Of the shortcomings, the following factors are necessarily mentioned:

    increased fragility - slate is capable of collapsing from dynamic influences, for example, from being hit by a stone;

    asbestos dust generated when cutting sheets during installation is extremely harmful to humans. Processing of sheets is carried out only in respirators.

Budget options for finishing the basement Source

Cement particle boards (DSP) are made by pressing wood chips with cement. CBPB is based on coarse shavings, the top layer is formed from shavings of a finer fraction. On the building materials market, CBPB is offered with a sheet thickness of 8-36 mm. For finishing the basement wall, sheets with a thickness of 16 to 20 mm are used.

The advantages of DSP are as follows:

    good moisture resistance;

    resistance to low ambient temperatures;

    high degree of fire safety of CBPB cladding;

    resistance to decay;

    ease of machining.

Two factors are distinguished from the disadvantages:

    large weight of each cladding element;

    the service life does not exceed 15 years.

Finishing the basement in a wooden house

When finishing the foundation of a wooden house and lining the basement, special attention is paid to the careful implementation of waterproofing and thermal insulation of the entire basement belt around the building. The wood from which the walls of the dwelling are erected is susceptible to the processes of decay and mold growth, and is vulnerable to excess sedimentary and ground moisture. Only reliable protection of the basement will prevent the penetration of liquid into the wall part and will not allow it to freeze in the cold season. After taking measures for waterproofing and thermal protection of the basement, it can be finished using the technologies described above.

Finishing the basement of a wooden house Source


The resource of long-term trouble-free operation of a residential building depends on the strength and reliability of the basement belt around the building. When the basement is destroyed, a destructive reaction of the building begins, leading to a deterioration in the appearance of the building and a decrease in its strength qualities, up to local destruction of walls and foundations. Any method of finishing the basement protects and ennobles the facade of the building to a certain extent. Developers are only required to achieve the optimal match of price, quality and decorative properties of the finishing material so that the basement cladding does not get out of the general picture of the building's appearance.